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Now: Sonic Superstars
Next: Crash Bandicoot
Later: Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NdnHCae_9U
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ausspeedruns
Schedule: https://ausspeedruns.com/ASM2024/schedule

Previous: >>682999608
I mig'd
You are not tails, tails does not act this way.
Lets go, lets get that sprash block.
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I'm a migger
did Amy die crushed or it was CC shit?
This game doesn't seem as awful as people say it is. I'd take this over the 3d sonic cringe that took place in a computer.

cc shit, took damage but didn't have rings so died.
Platforming sections are actually well done. Most complaints are almost always about the bosses and some of the music
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>the 3d sonic cringe that took place in a computer
what happened
Fuckin uhhh sonic frontiers was the name.
It was in so many speedrun marathons.
he choked
It's ogre
I was reading a text so I missed it. He choked so hard the game crashed?
Choked and enemy appeared in the star post, killing Tails twice
enemy spawned on top of him when he reloaded at a checkpoint and crashed the game
oh, lmao
Are you really laughing your ass off?
mostly guffawing
He has no ass and he must laugh.
>crowd control is apparently not working
>get a speedrun instead
I was hoping someone would screw him over while he was doing that skip in the desert level
>that crush death
This dude knowing no back ups or like... alternatives to these levels is why I like randomizers sometimes.
Randomizers force you to actually learn the game and how to deal with shit unconventionally. Too bad a good number of random games, people still shit the bed with and them blame RNG instead of being shit.
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this sucks
we eating good tonight senpai
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What do you think?
Guys, I think
How we feelin' ESAchads?
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amy 2.0 but still sexo
Oh that's a cute reference
>Design of the Eggmobile depends on the character and they use the same designs as the ones in Sonic 1, 2, and 3K
Why do awssies talk like retards?
aus overtime runs 2024
I don't know. I kinda want Edenal to fuck off from ESA at this point because if he sticks around after ESA summer 2024, it's going to get worse.

The jabroni said he would step away from front facing roles and he's directly addressing people in public on the discord still. So I'm not confident this dude has any intention to fuck off and as a consequence no one will go to ESA anymore as a virtue signal boycott so they aren't blacklisted from GDQ.

All I really want is for ESA to go back to normal. I actually liked their two stream set up.
He's acting like he's just going to tank the negative PR and everyone will forgive him after ESA this year. We'll see.
Aint no way, if he didn't realize all of them coming crawling out of the woodwork to rejoin the discord to start drama.
They never let shit go, and they will never let things die. They will hold unto this until their dying breath.
It's not just him mishandling shit though, it's Planks being a shit too, and third in charge is Edenal's wife.

I think there's room for it to bounce back but I suspect their egos will get in the way of that so BSG or something else will end up picking up the slack instead.
He didn't do anything wrong, calm down Metako
I love so much of the cast that aren't involved in Sonic's clique it's unfunny
The dude fumbled his job role to the point where it turned into an all out troon meltdown and as a consequense we lost a shitload of runners and stream 2.
Not only that the lack of staff who are willing to work with the lead organizers, meant they have to shut down at night or risk overworking the volunteers.

He clearly did some shit wrong for this event to go sideways this bad where they had to not only cut night shift of a marathon, but also stream 2 at this point.
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here we go
>we got Mario at home game
carlos el topo que gira
Damn, Crash sounds like THAT?
what the hell is this voice over
don't post Coco
In the japans, yes.
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Yeah a woman happened and #metoo and he's doing the best option he can and not playing into the hands of the cancel culture pitch fork people as much.
Clearly Metako is one of them.
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Or what?
I'll cry
There's a difference between cancel culture and just being so shit at your job people don't want you to do it anymore.
It's like saying the people who harass boeing about cutting corners and hiring people who suck at their job is part of the cancel culture.
NEVER give cancel culture people an inch
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as if any anon would fall for reverse psycholo->>683093337
It's not that complicated, it's just basic ass swollen egos at the top of the food chain thinking they're personally responsible for people below them doing crunch shit to get it to work.

Probably also compounded by them trying to go harder with the corporate-friendly stuff and failing to even hold onto their sponsors even before the shit happening this year.
>implying you are giving them an inch by doing your fucking job well and not putting a woman in the same room as an accused sexual assaulter
Come on man, have some fucking standards. Just because he sucks at his job doesn't mean he's being cancelled. It's called having basic standards, just like how I expect to not fucking find shards of glass in my peanut butter I buy.
Calm down Metako
Load bearing word there
Did Crash just give us the "you just know" look?
>everyone will forgive him
everyone will forget about it. that's always been their strategy
also I will seethe eternally and I'll make sure he remembers it
As that pig's lawyer, I'm afraid I cannot comment on Mr. Bandicoot's intentions at this time, but I assure you the matter will be made clear before the court
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>ESA mentioned
>Thread goes to shit
Now I see why no one want a /srg/ revival
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threadly reminder that Edenal and his entourage are obsessed with marathon threads and if you see anyone invoking #metoo as a defense for their fuck ups or shitting on Metako it's guaranteed to be one of them
>its going to get worse during ESA itself
ESA won't survive the year
>women are the problem
why are you married to one dipshit?
You seem to have a personal vendetta against Edenal, it's nearly like you're directly involved with this drama hm....
>"you can spin in this game"
>everyone laughs
shit banter
>week long work-related trip
>manage to watch as much asm as I could
so far it's been pretty good, I got to watch futurama, mario kart 64 and the werster run, were there any other kino runs I missed?
It was pretty funny when he asked if he could put the donation towards everything though
trainwreck kino
Gala's God of War 2 run was pretty comfy too
What makes you think that's okay?
In what world do you think anyone thinks this is a good idea outside of your retarded contrarian take and your desire to play devil's advocate.
No one, literally no one would think it's a good idea to put a protentional victim in the same room as a criminal offender.
If he is or isn't in question, it's the logic that you would put someone at risk for seemingly no reason when you could have easily just put another dude in there and know they had a 0% chance of being sexually assaulted. It's not like men are hard to find at these events. It just makes no sense and is a stupid ass decision.

And it's that decision that we are suffering now as a consequence because we get less shit to watch and shitpost about.
fuck I wanted to watch that live but it was after I had to leave my hotel for the day. I'll watch it during a lull since this crash bandicoot run is fun. thanks anon.
/srg/ was a dumpster fire, all drama, no running, it needs to never come back.

As far as this shit goes, some anons are giddily hyped for what they hope will be a spectacular trainwreck, when it's probably just going to be mediocre as fuck. They keep trying to start shit early, they even tried to start it up in the Dogwater threads but got mostly ignored.
is this the game where they like to commit suicide?
I love speedrunning as much as the next guy, but /srg/ was impossible to stomach, the only thing I remember from it was the extensive circlejerk around cosmo and other trannies, it was insane
I mean yeah, we watch these marathons here, a large majority aren't runners.
Getting a general on speedrunning is brutal because everyone hyper fixates on a handful of games and there's no general overlap for discussion outside of the community and drama.
I don't know what you would expect otherwise.
no idea what you're talking about to be h
no, that's next
maybe I caught it at a particularly bad time, but imagine the GDQ threads obsession about trannies and crank it up to 11. that was my impression of /srg/
np. I didn't get to watch it since I stayed up for Werser's run the previous and was pretty tired
In the American version, yes
I'm a runner and I'd like to communicate with others from here outside of marathon threads I don't mesh well with faggots from twitch either & stopped using discord but seeing all the drama talk that happens here it's understandable that you wouldn't want something like that
Did you manage to sleep with her, Metako?
I mostly just gave up with it after /srg/, if I really, really want to discuss the games I run I bring it up in the appropriate threads on /vr/ instead.
>I don't mesh well with faggots from twitch either & stopped using discord
Same, I never wanted to be a streamer or anything, even less so for being tied to Twitch or Discord shite, I just like running vidyas.
Is it just me or are the guys at the couch obnoxious?
Guys what does the N stand for on dr Cortex?
You're watching ASM.
welcome to australia
Ooga booga!
I'll never understand you people.
You say you want to socialize, but then bitch about the two major avenues to socialize that aren't 4chan aren't good enough.
I really think half of you are just fucked in the head with brainrot caused by a few schtizos who genuinely hate discord.
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I guess I shot myself in the foot by entertaining those sites in the first place but i wasn't really posting frequently on 4chan yet, mostly lurking
It's cause they know nothing about the game and are just there to haha giggle XD which can work sometimes but even then, they have nothing to say but insist on speaking
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sorry to hear that you don't have any friends lad
imo Discord is fine depending on the servers you are on and what people you talk to. I've seen my share of headaches there, so I try hard to only engage on the channels that still focus on what I'm interested in and like-minded people. Twitch depends entirely on the streamer and its mods so its much harder to navigate and find a community that is actually chill and not just a facade.
I've dealt with enough crap on Discord to just assume everything on there will eventually become a cliquey circlejerk if it isn't already one.

I don't think the walled garden nature of that shit is terribly good for stuff like running either, some of them get weirdly fucking obsessive with trying to keep skips and stuff to their inner circle.
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I'm no stranger to any of that, I've just surrendered to the fact that it's not going to get better and scrounge up what good I can find there while ignoring the bad
I don't see why that bothers you. That's any social dynamic. There will be cliques.
People walling off tech they discover is cringe though. I understand if they think they found shit and unsure if it's worth trying/sharing, but people who act obtuse with game info is stupid.

Maybe I just had it lucky with kh2 rando, everyone I met was super willing to explain shit when I ask and like give a good explanations as to why things worked the way they did, and they weren't trying to hide shit.
Damn can you whisper quietter faggot
Rando runners and WR runners have two completely different ecossystems, even if they are the same people. In rando people are just genuinely looking for a good time and having fun. The second you turn competitive things can get very chilling very fast if you're not part of the clique.
idk about the KH community because I've never played those games, though
Crash really likes his apples doesn't he?
I mean KH2 rando can be competitive... We occasionally have seasonal tournaments and shit. It's not like you can take a WR title, but you def get more respect the higher you land in the brackets and shit.
no self harm strats this time huh
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I don't think so, have you ever actually seen him eat one?
>he hoards all the apples for himself, never eats them, and lets them all rot while everyone else starves
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The original runner self-harmed so that the Crash 1 runner could do 2 instead
Poor wording on my part but I think you know what I mean
>no 100%
shame, at least spyro 3 run is the best category
>tranny colors in the background
it's over
Why is the couch and host talking over each other?
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Uh, you guys awake still?
What was that Still Alive remix?
some orchestra from maryland university
that's brutal
sleeping is overrated
holy shit look at the sidemouth on this thing
Doesn't match the one on Youtube by searching that, dang it.
It's 10am
no, i fell asleep
>Jump and interact on the same button
That's a good design choice.
>indie game i've never heard of
it's time to do something other than this
Schedule today looks woeful
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"Girl" on the couch got a crazy ass jaw I don't blame them
Officially ESA waiting room thread now
>3 hour sf6 world tour run
what the fuck
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>there's only 1 person there
>dialogue volume is on
Think I'll sit this one out.
God I flat out DETEST this commentary shit in Viewfinder. Muted until the run is over.
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God I hate all you, what's wrong with you cunts. No better than the GDQ crowd at this point
Jesus is always with us anon.
How is he fucking up these extremely easy tricks
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>3h of a fighting game
Good night
>Prime time Aussie hours on a Friday
>thread is dead
I didn't realize SF6 looked like a PS2 game.
>PC game released in 2023 looks worse than a ps2 game
I'm sure they just turned the texture quality and other settings all the way down for stable framerate, because holy shit it looks awful.
>They Them
Fuck this bedtime
It's probably faster to run at lower settings.
>Modern controls
This is so boring it's actually driven me to play a video game instead of watching it
I love Tails.
right here bro
>unzips dick
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My god, there is nothing I want to watch until Bulk Slash. Then SA2, then Tony Hawk. This year SUCKS.

>look up the runner of Bulk Slash out of curiosity
Holy shit dude, guess I'm skipping Bulk Slash. I don't want to see what he's become. I don't even see this guy on the speedrun.com board.
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>got you now
>dont be shy
this guy has 4 pronouns?
hoarding them like some sort of goblin
The pronoun dragon
Bros it's almost over
>had a few nice, slow, comfy days
>about to finish casual game
>updated my shit on time
>job going slow for once
Still nervous for this ESA, I hope the threads don't go too bad
Hard to believe is it's here bros... Can you feel it too??? Pure adrenaline... Tell me what you're feeling too bros...
Wholesome run
>Pokémon Stadium is only on Sunday
FUCK, it's going to be impossible to talk about it...
Comfy dad and son gaming
>game is almost vomit-inducing in its sheer ugliness
>check platform
Of. Fucking. Course.
imagine forcing your old man to have pronouns
Run is kinda neat for a puzzle game, but I'm getting some "are ya winning, son" energy.
I'm sure he was held at gunpoint
how was SF6? I slept through most of it
ESA will have started by that point and its going to be way louder, especially with all the drama. Have we ever had 2 different marathon threads before? I legit don't remember anymore
>Skyward Sword
Alright, might be good
This marathon is seriously giving RRLAT a run for its money
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title still says day 2
>Have we ever had 2 different marathon threads before?
RPGLB & ESA(?) during the trauma dump
ESA isn't 24 hours, so I guess anons will switch over to ASM during dead air.
>syo and chokocchi are back
Oh ye
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>9 hours of zelda
>then zelda again
>then zelda again, again
>muh capitalism
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>12 hours of Zelda
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That mouth is literally on his cheek.
Everyday i have tried to watch this they have had a 9 hour "speedrun" going. This shit sucks.
Because of the timezones it's winter in Australia right now.
It also depends on the game, I mostly run the Doom engine games where it's vastly demo-based running scene so you don't get as much of this streaming focused personality junk going on.
That joke would not fly at GDQ
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Anyone have a link to this run? I want to see it
>egregiously long 100% Zelda speedrun, which are usually technical
>it's a Zelda game I've never seen
>runner has a functioning personality
>couch has energy
>genuine laughter happening
>giant manuscript of notes
I'm locking it in, this is going to be a good run even though I don't know what the tune looks like
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This is an impressively retarded sentence that I almost didn't catch at first. Well done.
>9 hours of one of the worst zeldas
Best dungeons in any 3D Zelda.
Is this... fun I'm feeling?
>foot jokes
GDQ would never
Lots of things that GDQ would never in this run
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Are those cubes?
Top bantz
>joking about drinking
>joking about the Irwins
>joking about those cunt scooters
>crawled into bed expecting to fall asleep to a boring 9 hour Zelda run
>it's the most entertaining run of the marathon so far
Spike would be furious right now if it were on GDQ, people can't be laughing and having fun with in-jokes and shit, it's not speedrunning unless he's in on it.
You wouldn't go to sleep with this yelling anyway.
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>audience is a single 3 seater
Jesus, I figured there would be at least a few rows of chairs.
There are, they're off-camera
>referencing greentexts
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The audience is off-camera.
>99% neckbeards
>1% landwhale roastie
yep, it's a speedrunning event.
What beards?
Drinking Zelda's bathwater...
Gently cumming inside Zelda while you look into her eyes during leglocked sex.
>australians exist
Now this is what I want out of an Aussie marathon
didnt expect this to be one of my favorite runs this event but here we are
I've seen so many GDQ runs with a group of friends goofing around that annoyed me I sometimes worry I'm just very, very cynical, but then I see a very enjoyable run like this and remember it's just the forced, artificial, event-mandated idea of fun that I hate. These Bruces and Sheilas are alright.
>nostalgiafagging over shadow of israphael
This run is speaking to me on a primal level
That Mario maker kaizo levels gdq run was fucking awful. I'll have flashbacks of the laughing from that one for months
>a blindfolded speedrunner beats mike tyson in whatbeatsrock
That's actually pretty clever on the game's part
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reminder that ESA won't be screening donations this summer
All that means is that the reader will be using their judgment on what to read. They won't indiscriminately read whatever shitposts are provided.
Is ASM hosted on fucking skid row or something?
Shots fired. ESA in shambles. ASM new ESA.
Probably means they didn't have the people to run fundraising.
>an hour straight of genuine humor without the event itself actively trying to suck the soul out of the room
I don't understand?... Where are the orb donations for the rolling ball? Why didn't the crowd shout orb? I'm scared...
shoutouts to the marble with the screaming man inside
Incorrect. This was a very deliberate change. It was challenged by the former Fundrasing Leader, but he was told to get lost.
I can't believe Link's footy career was tragically cut short
hell yeah brain damage
>runner is brain damaged
holy shit
>get hurled into a wall as a child
>become speedrunner
Oh fuck, I was dropped as well. It all makes sense.
>shoutout to children
Pool's closed.
things shouted out so far
- the skyward sword community
- the tech crew
- the tech crew fucking up the audio
- the Irwins, Australia's national treasure
- the street urchins outside the hotel
- the hotel
- Adelaide water
- the Yogscast
- bottomless hole greentext
- the reviews
- brain damage
- the children
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>come home from work yesterday and a 9-hour final fantasy run has just started
>come home from work today and a 9-hour LoZ run has just started
at least the bantz is kinda fun
no idea if they'll be able to keep it up for 7 and a half more hours though
it's the night shift, get used to it
Managing Link's lime slices seems miserable
It's just a round stamina bar.
Stamina systems are fucking retarded; people like to pretend it's slightly more realistic, but if I wanted to see someone running out of breath after exercising for 10 seconds I'd just watch one of those morbidly obese fat bootcamp shows.
Too loud.
...But yes, you are correct.
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>shoutouts to having an existential crisis
You know what, the couch energy is pretty good and don't think I've ever seen a Skyward Sword run, so this might be interesting after all.
Maybe this will be the chance to catch those "comfy late night run"-vibes.
>Yogscast referenced
>RvB referenced
I'm going to need a 3rd early-mid Internet reference to decide whether these guys are alright. Homestar and they clear it free.
They talked about Habbo Hotel a while ago.
A discord reference should be a -1 penalty then
I'd watch the GDQ Ring Fit run
Anon has the power of foresight.
One of you guys at the event tell the host his mic is way louder than everyone else's
why does every single one of these events have pronouns now
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Because it makes chuds turn red in the face while steam shoots out of their ears and they piss and shit themselves.
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Opinions on Fi?
pandering to try and get more viewership / participants. too bad they dont realize it just furthers the delusion of gender identity and guarantees a troon infestation.
kek, warming up for the coming week?
3D zelda was a mistake
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ASM 23 is when i started making these, I had to drop a couple this week to honor the anniversary and prep for esa, although idk if i will be able to post much during esa because burger hours. Heres an edit from last ASM featuring a dude from the current couch, also this is the first edit i ever made of a speedrunner with guitar
>letting the casual take over your speedrun while you piss
It's over, he's terrified
>the ToT
because it's more practical than the alternative of having to hear runners introduce themselves and explain theirs each time they start a run.
Parasite Eve is definitely a game, so is the sequel.
whats this rock papers scissors thing theyre talking about
Where is the guy? Can't find him
whatbeatsrock.com i assume
Ooh, getting the lore drop.
I kinda get how you feel, since ASM has the graveyard shift during EU prime time, but it's in my opinion a good compromise to have super long runs during the night, as long as the runner is okay with it. Local late night/early morning runs at gdq are usually pretty comfy.
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he didnt show up until esa summer 23, all my edits before then are sadly lacking, like this one featuring the other 2 couch members from the current run. I guess i could go back and add him but thats a lot of work and i dont care that much lol
What the fuck is happening
>Because it makes chuds turn red in the face while steam shoots out of their ears and they piss and shit themselves.
Makes me a little bit sad, but that's it.
>pandering to try and get more viewership / participants. too bad they dont realize it just furthers the delusion of gender identity and guarantees a troon infestation.
Yeah, it's just inviting more demands.
>have this run while I try to sleep, against my better judgment
>yelling intensifies
Jesus Christ
At least I'm glad to know I'm not going crazy then. You revealing that you have put that guy in every edit now makes me autistically search for him every time
>because it's more practical than the alternative of having to hear runners introduce themselves and explain theirs each time they start a run.
Actually, this is a good explanation. If they're going to do it anyway, might as well display it visually in the hope they'll shut up about it.
I still don't like it but you made it less cringe inducing. Good job, anon.
Get pumpkined idiot
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ASM is my favorite marathon, the threads are comfy and slow enough that i can actually enjoy the runs between making edits
The pumpkin was too lumpy it seems.
should have used LumpyPumpkin instead of CloudStrike
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for me it's the mogmas
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I held off on the reveal to see if anyone noticed, and some anons did but idk if they realized he was in every one since pic related.
hes sitting next to himself lol
I honestly never noticed, because the guitar draws all the focus. But now I keep seeing it and feel stupid for having missed it previously. Kek it actually took some time for me to see that they are the same person, funny how a different pose can fool you initially
The gaming will continue until gaming continues
I wish it was CloudStrike, it's my laptop's RAM giving out. Running msched stops it getting uppity for a while, but if it ever BSODs it's an endless cycle.
Perhaps the real gaming was the friends we made along the way
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I just noticed the Louis (?) plush on the couch disappearing halfway through the run
>mention CloudStrike on stream also
It's CrowdStrike, not CloudStrike.
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cant believe that dude on the couch nutted live on stream during asm 23
its crowdstrike noobs
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I can believe it with how he pops off.
Strange. Interesting. Tantalizing.
i cant believe CloudStrife is causing so many issues
>go to press share
>share button is purple
you should have seen when he completed the blindfold boss, threw off his beanie then quickly had to pick it back up cause he revealed his bald head
The couch looks comfy
I did, it was well worth staying up for, like this run will be too.
why did argick not go to asm?
he's not australian nor are his friends
Australia's further to go than America.
he's not american either but...
>i missed ff9
its fucking over
youre watching one of the best runs of the event now anyway
scotland is diametrically opposed to straya
How do I watch ESA, ASM, EVO and play a game at the same time tomorrow?
Try very hard.
They're actually quite friendly, they operate on the same language of ever other word is cunt.
4 monitors
alternatively one monitor and all streams overlayed above the game with varying levels of transparency
Have you heard of this interesting process known as Mitosis?
As a fellow European who used to live in more or less the same longitude
>going to America is around 8-16 hours depending on coast and you can get direct flights to all the big cities
>going to Adelaide is 3 days because there are no direct flights whatsoever
>will treat ASM as a stream 2 for the little of what's left
>no interest in EVO
I love Scotland and I love Australia God save the q- King.
>ESA and whichever EVO game I'm most interested in on 2nd monitor
>vidya on primary monitor
>check in on ASM occasionally to see whether it's worth watching over ESA at any given moment
You don't. You skip EVO because its shit and you pick between ESA or ASM depending on the run with whatever game you wish to play.
This just makes me miss when Zelda had worthwhile bosses and dungeons...
It's ok Anon, in a little over a day you'll have bing bing wahoo to clap along to.
Mr. Meaty
Was that the one where they deep-fried and ate their own fingers?
They gassed themselves yelling about the fucking pumpkin bar, I don't feel so bad going to sleep now
>Monster House
Why would you watch Monster House more than once?
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>Basil Brush
Boom boom.
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Idk I haven't watched in like 20 years also it showed on on Nickelodeon but they thought it was on Adult Swim
What's the deal with that little critter?
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holy kek
So are they apologizing for or to Angela Anaconda?
Shopped, pixels, my time.
Can they turn down the volume on the game, I can't hear their 90s nostalgia discussion
What happened?
I'm not watching right now
please someone clip the train wagon ride
The couch discussion just veered off into whatever cartoons they found weird or unsettling back in the day
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Okay, that was a fun train rail session.
>new time skip discovered during the run
kinda based ngl
>donation reader is quiet 90% of the time and when he does pipe up he just goes with the flow
It's almost depressing to see how different things can be
Where's the abo representation cunts
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>we can never go back
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Last time GDQ had that was Wild Guns.
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I'm more amazed they showed up again for SGDQ2024 considering GDQ is all about banning fun-havers.
Yeah, that was one of the only runs I actually had fun watching this time round.
should I watch EVO?
Unless you want to do something else
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East coast baby Philly where you at? Oh he got the Mango Sentinel. Oh scoops. Scoops Haagen-Dasz. Uh, make it rain! Oh he's so Pringles. CURLY MOUSTACHE. Mag-fuckin'-neto. FUCK THE KNICKS. FUCK THE KNICKS. FUCK THE KNICKS.

That was all from memory. Yes you should watch EVO.
No MvC this year after last year's disaster
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Aw yeh?
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ok. I have an aids setup
Make sure to have all four running at full volume
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nicely done
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>interrupting the run to look at ugly canadian cartoons
oh this needs sound
post minecart stage music
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>even bounces the camera when he bounces in game
>can I choose the gun
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Don't forget to play a game as well. look at the state of my inputs
ok this run's pretty cool
and they have another minecart section again later
bo'll o wadah
long runs are either the absolute best or dullest part of a marathon, no in between
I haven't thought about it, but are the runners are all running with a no swear word handicap. Must be tough for them
they're at their best when they cover the graveyard shift
No they've been swearing.
It truly would be inhumane otherwise
just gaming with extra gaming
werster dropped a fuck, but ironically not about Pokemon or the run itself, he was on a rant about real estate prices in aus
>that's an urn I picked up, that's grandma gone
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It's real delirium hours. Question is if they going to crash in an hour or two
Toilet paper...
>EVO, ASM and ESA will all be at the same time AHHHHHH
Can't believe stream 2 returns in the form of ASM
If its Angela Anaconda then they are correct
Yeah deranged tired graveyard shift runs are the best part of these events which is why it sucks ESA is no longer 24 hours
Australians stay quiet for 60 seconds (impossible challenge)
These people have a lot of energy for 6am having started at midnight
Case in point
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>Question is if they going to crash in an hour or two
That's going to be fun
someone made a joke about some airline(?) during a gdq run and gdq tweeted "we are so sorry for this @faglines" and they replied back with concern
Christ that is weak
The four stages of a long ass graveyard hours run:
>Initial excitement and high energy
>Boredom and tiredness sets in and it gets quiet (around hour one)
>Boredom and Tiredness Delirium sets in and they go insane (around hour 3)
>The crash (final hour)
Why do I keep hearing them scream every so often during this run? Is it a trick or just hype nonsense?
Me at 5am
theres spiders all over the venue, they keep seeing them skitter across the floor
Long run delirium has set in
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They will never reach his joy
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esa plum shirt
You know, I actually do remember some strayan youtuber who had to stop his stream because a big-ass huntsman was hiding behind his PC
Anon that's Blum.
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>plum and garfield are the official ESA mascots
I don't know how I feel about this
Can I get a qrd on ESA drama and why we won't have a stream 2?
Oh is that the same artist as usual? Kinda looks the same but slightly difficult. Also is Plum officially their mascot yet? Did they just say fuck it and get the rights?
At least its not that goose shit they tried to force meme last event.
Thats just casual australian life anon. Its not a place they're meant to live at, its too wild.
Based ASM for putting on the really long runs and the runs I am less looking forward to at the end when EVO starts so I am not forced to choose between the two.
>Interesting how the ban got lifted around the time ESA was gonna start.
3 day ban is the standard. I've had many.
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best girl
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Good taste, anon.
>qrd on ESA drama
woman felt unsafe around dude who sniffed her hair so she "canceled" them on twitter

>why we won't have a stream 2?
lack of sponsors and staff
lol the thumbnail still says by Rab
>Oh is that the same artist as usual? Kinda looks the same but slightly difficult.
Sure looks like Mako's artwork.
Why does the run end on a crash?
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>not going to survive for the rest of this run
had a blast, will look at the vod while the thread inevitably implodes tomorrow
Plum is still very much not their mascot but at this point the original artist either doesn't know she is being used this much or doesn't care.
Both of these are false.
>ESA drama
Organizers have proven time and again they are incompetent and people are getting fed up with it.
>Why no Stream 2
The no-staff reason does not fly if you think about it for two seconds. You need 1 (one) person to sit on Stream 2 and press TTS every 10 minutes. There real reason why it's not there this event is everyone who cared for it is either gone or forced into other roles, so there was no one left to contest the decision.
The level doesn't have an animation for Crash's normal electrocution death (seen in eel deal) since you're not supposed to be there without the jetpack so it crashes while trying to load that animation
It's called Crash.
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ESA without Metako, this is going to be so comfy
>but at this point the original artist either doesn't know she is being used this much or doesn't care.
The studio shut down so fuck knows who owns her, or where the money for what little sales the game gets are going to.
I think we're hitting the crash early
The veering off into other marathon's drama often accompanies the crash prior to a resurgence towards the end when that burns itself out.
>The no-staff reason does not fly if you think about it for two seconds. You need 1 (one) person to sit on Stream 2 and press TTS every 10 minutes.
It's having two separate setups and the people to keep that shit running, churning out vods, uploading them to their youtube and so on, and that's during the rare moments where everything is going perfectly fine and there are no issues with shit like feeds.
syo...the last man standing.
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that boss looked like a mix between Mike Wazowski and the snake chick he went on a date with
Damn, you're right. I was wondering why it looked familiar.
Werster 20 hour Pokemon Stadium run at ASM when
on ASM Stream 2
I miss Challenge Cup... but not enough to watch Stadium 2 Complete The Game
She's their daughter.
Why was he a fox anyway?
Isn't he a kitsune though
No the government calls him a Fox in SA2 on the wanted sign, important distinction to make
Yeah this is it for me, see you in the ESA threads tomorrow.
Why do you let Metako live rent free in your head while also thinking Edenal is completely innocent in this despite completely mismanaging the event (with plenty of staff perspective on dealing with him) and having a meltdown on discord (that you can look at right now if you want), you are a complete contrarian. You seethe about Metako unprompted every time ESA is brought up, bordering on mental illness kek.
A couple of anons got sore that his runs got real popular despite being like 20 hour long RPG runs, and him dicking around because he doesn't consider marathons to be the place to do serious speedrunning.
The hambeast won't sleep with you just because you defend her here, Metako.
It used to be that you just accused anyone who disagreed with you of being the janny or ESA staff, now it's Metako. Your descent into mental illness is fascinating, it's a complete mindbreak.
It's probably Edenal. I personally enjoy Metako's runs, some of the skit stuff can good but sometimes it's complete crap.
Nah, it's probably that /vt/ranny who always gets mad about ESA for some reason, he's always around to have a big meltie and then freaks out when anons immediately identify him because he's too stupid to understand why.
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Are they anywhere near the end of this run?
Yeah, this is the last dungeon.
>anons immediately identify him because he's too stupid to understand why.
kek. shit like this and dogwater usually have low double digit posters here at max. you kinda get to recognize some of the regulars, especially if they schizopost and start shit.
this run is so much soul. thanks for the webms.
I prefer the runs where it's him with somebody else, either running or being on the couch, like that one FF3 run with Leonis or the FF8 run from Legends.
Holy fuck Link turned into Rambo for a second there
His PB is around 8:22, but this is no ordinary run.
He posts like he has a script or a chat bot, you don't even need a trip to immediately clock him because he just can't help himself. However he's an attention whore and talking about him like this probably gives him a hard-on so I'll just go back to ignoring.
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I agree. There were attempts in the dogwater thread to start ESA shit but thankfully no one really took the bait, but that's tough to do now with ESA starting in less than 24 hours.
More than anything else those attempts were just comical, at most it got a half hour session once before falling flat on it's face because the thread was way more into the runs.
>The metako hater is just one person, it's the gurafag
>No it's actually Edenal!! he's the one doing the posting
>no no it's an easy identifiable anon that posts here all the time, that's the one that hates metako
No wonder Metako left considering how schizo he you are
I saw him get banned in an EVO thread earlier. How does he manage to make this board seethe for having the most lukewarm opinions?
I'm Spartacus.
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>missing heart containers
He gets nailed because he constantly ban evades, he also shits up /g/ posting blacked Gura shit.
Do you realize just how schizo you are?
Put your avatar back on
the estimate...
this is fucking embarrassing
Which one? Considering I'm like 10 different people
Anon you did it again.
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>Is it okay to hug the girl on camera? I won't get #MeToo'd will I?
kek you could see his hesitation.
While we're on the subject, Metako has two runs for BSG next month, and then he plans to attend UKSG (not this one but the next) and NSG.
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That was kino.
God bless overnight 100% runs
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In awe of this lad
You keep jinxing yourself, premature ejaculator.
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We're free. While I didn't watch every minute, all of the super long night shift runs were good in their own way.
It's over....he made it. And under estimate
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>pouring rain
>Outrun 2006 time trial while I wait for next run
Comfy intermission.
One day he'll get a marathon to accept his Raid Shadow Legends any%
I hope you're listening to this on that level.
I still don't even know what that game is like. I don't want to look it up because the Jewgle algorithm will start shilling me videos on it.
watching the trainwreck during this intermission
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A very good run.
Cute R-chan on the speedometer.
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We missed it!
It's pretty much just forgettable, janky shovelware, it's only really known about because of how much they threw into advertising.
Fuck, at least the dude's still going to things.
ackshually, it's a tachometer. It's not an accurate one though because the 288 GTO uses a 1-10 x1000 meter, but I think the game reuses the same gauge for multiple cars so they might not have the same meter. I plan on redoing it with an accurate one later.

I also started putting RTA-chan and ESA etc. on the billboards. Am I off my meds or was Outrun 2006 at an event recently? I can't remember which one though.
were you the anon that had the dogwater plates during that event?
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oh... it's her...
That's me. I was gonna say that I want to play online with /v/, but it doesn't look like the game works even when trying to do Radmin/Hamachi for some reason. I suspect it's because of the Demonware online middleware.
>it's a challenge, not even a full run
I don't recognize this absolute big bitch, is she annoying or just bad?
i appreciate the tism, anon.
oh I didnt even notice. thats retarded.
fat fujo time
You mean this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zZooU2avyk
lol they're still using the same ESA layout
If it works, why change it.
Why is this just over an hour and this says 6?>>683161258
This reminds me of that time they changed it.
What were they THINKING?
There was a bonus run after
>clicked on it
Someday, we'll get Outrun 2006 at an event, and they'll have silly themed texture replacements... Right after Gurumin.
AeonFrodo is one of the female speedrunners I remember being pretty good in categories that aren't completely devoid of competition. Feels like I haven't seen her at GDQ in a while though
motorcycles in zelda....thanks nintendo
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But they did change it.
We don't talk about that one...
Looks fine for a 4:3 game.
last years esa layout was the dumbest shit, even they went back on it after two days

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