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Now: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Next: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Later: Team Buddies

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NdnHCae_9U
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ausspeedruns
Schedule: https://ausspeedruns.com/ASM2024/schedule

Previous: >>683089539
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ESA without Metako is going to be so comfy bros
this run sucks, I hope the lttp randomizer is better.
how is this fun
What's this traveler's challenge thing?
Tony Hawk waiting room...Oh wait ESA will be on, so Stream 2 Tony Hawk waiting room...
you touch all the towers?
are you having fun?
Oh nevermind, Tony Hawk looks like it'll be during ESA's nightly break. We're so back.
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It's still funny as fuck that when we saw the Tony Hawk Underground logo on their desktop, some anon mistook it for a porn game they're familiar with and made a big thing of it being on there.
I don't know how they could even make that mistake, it's right under the remake Tony Hawk. Coomers.
Playing it like a Ubisoft game.
That reminds me, I should play THUGPRO again. I wonder if we can get a /v/ lobby going.
Time is going by too fucking fast, how was ESA Winter 5 months ago?
I don't remember.
You're getting older.
Impossible. Must be jewish trickery
I bet it could be done a lot faster if she used minecarts to fly directly from tower to tower.
is this the esa waiting room
this is stream 2
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No, this is Patrick.
>games come in under estimate
>get bonus runs without any donation begging bullshit holding them hostage first
I think the Australians are ok.
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it was a short and comfy run, cant complain
Kinda funny, we got all those complaints about long runs and the thread flatlines as soon as we get the short ones.
Final Fantasy was boring but the Skyward Sword run was fun as fuck.
They've got the runner names on the wrong side.
in san diego
why was one better than the other?
Both were good, comfy runs with good couch/runner banter and hosts that weren't interrupting constantly and often got in on the vibe too.
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I beat the ghost first try, these staff ghosts are babby tier. I wish there were some place you could download ghosts from the world record-holding Jap racers.
catching up on the event, what other runs are worth a watch?
Mario Kart 64
Pokemon ORAS
God of War 2
Crypt of the NecroDancer (trainwreck)
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
5 minute showcase
watch the mw2 run when its live tomorrow
thanks anons, I'll check them out.
God of War 2 was really good.
is the person on the left a troon
runner in the left + commentator on the right
Man, I was looking forward to this event but I think I got burned out by watching a shitty GDQ. I watched like 5 or 6 runs that I wanted to watch the first two days and nothing else. I'm not even hyped for ESA tomorrow one bit. It's weird because last year when we had 6 weeks straight of speedrun events I had them on nearly the entire time. This might be the end of speedrun watching for me :(
Should have watched Dogwater.
Idk, it's hard to get hyped for these events anyways, but I kind of look forward to them because they break up the monotony on my TV the rest of the year which is shitty tv streaming shows.
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dogwater was so much fun, even the runs that dnf. there was only a handful of dry runs, like the first yugioh and a few other runs by people that werent the main crew.
sten has been choking all run, jesus
That was impressively close, especially for a randomizer.
Is ESA today?
Why did he go for normal attacks instead of spins, it basically cost him the race
Depends on when "today" is for you, but it is within the next 24 hours
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>sten choking again already
why not?
9 hours
the countdown of shame
Another L for this anon.
Still doing som premature ejaculation there anon.
I spent the entire time trying to find good racing music to use in Outrun now that it supports loading any amount of custom music in the radio.
Eurobeat is always an option.
just put in the Initial D soundtrack
Cool vibrations....Hahahaha (I wanna dance)
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I was gonna say "Can I beat my shitty PB before they finally start?", but then they started.
>here I'm going to rob a bike
Fuck, that escalated quickly.
>dev beat it, so they kept the hard levels in
I must be well-rested for ESA so goodnight anons.
Players will always find a way. Companies just deliberately hire the most cranially impacted, vacuous, retarded people possible to """playtest""" their games
am i crazy for thinking this guy sounds dutch?
hire? i dont know what its like now but like 20 years ago i was part of microsofts invite only beta tester program. i remember for sure getting this gold cd in a dual case from them for Rise of Nations. none of us in that program were paid. i really doubt beta testers are paid these days
ESA (soon)
I can kinda hear it too
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Damn, Anon got paid almost as much as a 4chan janitor, you must be so close to retirement after receiving that immense monetary compensation!
hey i was literally 12 and being a beta tester was the tightest shit to brag about in the gamespy arcade chat rooms. imagine being 12 and getting mail from microsoft in the early 2000s, games with plain font labels with BETA COPY under the titles
what time does ESA start
8 hours
Yes, the fuck is wrong with your ears?
There's some grim irony for having an Irish person playing this game, blowing shit up and stuff.
At 11:45pm Kingdom Hearts run is scheduled to go for around 5:30hrs who the fuck is going to be awake to watch all of that?
I always fall asleep during Kingdom Hearts runs, no matter what time they're scheduled.
It's 1am for them, nobody will be awake, that's the point.
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I realize the player character is basically this magnificent bastard with arms and legs.
When will one of these non GDQ marathons get the balls to host barkley's shut up and jam gaiden?
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No marathon can contain Barkley
>no WR
Remember when it was ordinary dudes doing this? Good times.
It would be super funny though because I really want GDQ to come out of the woodwork, and start bitching and condemning another charity marathon for running this game.
I want to see them go full toxic trying to police what other marathons can and can't run just because it would be a bad look for them.
They don't care, they're barely aware other marathons even exist, it's all beneath them.
Did I miss time buddies, was it fun?
Lol lmao, do we need to talk about all the GDQ staff condeming and causing drama with ESA when the recent boogaloo started?
They 100% give a shit, and almost all of them participate in drama.
One of their main staffers, bbroseff was in the discord causing shit until he had a meltie and left when people kept giving them shit and critiques when all he wanted to do was drag ESA.
It was pretty cool, obscure game run by a dude who loves it and the run and wants to share it.
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>TAS into Celeste
I regret falling asleep during Zelda even though I was exhausted
45 minutes of it! FORTY-FIVE!
Celeste is the ultimate test. Is it going to go full pozz? So far it's been calm and the only freakshows are the runners but they didn't make it out to an entire personality.
I am tool-assisted
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>Crowd Control Celeste
>tranny just sounds like gollum
I am dreading when their games come up.
>literally a video file
I am now dead from the flashing, thanks ASM.
tool assisted flash game speed running
>costs 2 frames to be woman
>still chooses the slower option because it has to be about them
tip top kek, way to ruin the entire point of a TAS
Why the fuck showcase that?
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>ESA soon
>Forsen started to speedrun a few days ago
>celeste speedrun
time to take a fucking nap.
I don't know why I would ever expect something else.
Why did this game become a designated Tranny game?
Idk, you heard the introduction. All trannies feel like it's a personality trait to play this game and they have to if they are.
It's stupid.
>box says speedrunning event
>look inside
>let's play
Is this the most obnoxious tranny this event so far? The other ones haven't been too bad, but this is just too much.
This is a take away that cis women are garbage at video games.
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I've never heard one that was so loud.
Yes, and of course they play celeste. It shows you who the trendsgenders are and who are the ones who have a valid mental illness.
These guys are fucking awful and I'm almost ready to just tune out and wait for ESA
I'm done with this garbage.

>cis woman
Bro that's a tranny, can you not tell by the masculine screams every two seconds?
I legit can't tell what's more cringe this overacting tranny or the e-girl from ESA.
This is fucking unbearable.
This is the first run I just outright paused, do trannies really think women act so "aggressive" and burst in loud laughter ever 30sec?
I don't even know at this point. I don't really meet a MtF who understands what it means to femmenine, it's mostly just pornsick ideals.
This is the most masculine and annoying version of one I've met. I hate it. Ruined the run.
>that laugh

holy fuck
holy FUCK that laugh jesus christ
>I feel like a woman
>act nothing like a woman
At least TRY and act like one, I would respect trannies a lot more if they actually put some effort into trying to look/act like a woman.
I'm telling you guys, this is a real contender for the worst CC ever.
Like this is somehow more painful than fake bitch acting.
this is awful, can we mercy kill this run.
Most got in their rut from not putting much effort into what they actually are. Setting the difficulty level to Dante Must Die and expecting things to get better seems counterintuitive but I guess it makes sense if you play Celeste enough times.
it was one of the first to jump on the tranny bandwagon. the creator trooned out and retroactively made Madeleine a trans character and everyone clapped for how brave it all was
Which is why I respect lumilaura a lot more than many other MtF in the scene
>Rages like a lad down at the pub
>Has more chins than Jabba the Hutt
>Complains about how unfair life is while being handed everything for free
>Intensely obnoxious, unfunny and self inserting into every conversation
>Furry in denial

Yeah man, excellent example.
but anon, every tranny does that while not putting in an ounce of effort
Almost makes me want to track down that exact thread that getting was thirsty as fuck over them during that eyetoy run.
Alright but what's your point then? It's a troon like any other. I'm assuming you think they pass at the very least (I do not).
they pass better than that freak running Celeste right now and my opinion is that counts for something.
I guess man. I just miss when it stopped at traps and you genuinely couldn't tell sometimes, it made for a funny 50/50.
the death of both the tomboy and the femboi is a crime upon humanity, we can agree on that
Only trans streamer I can think of that passes is Umbra.
that laugh is so bad
Someone give me a (You) when the run is over
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why would you lie to me?
Cool, not really hyped for it though.
No stream 2 and no 24 hour format. Stream 2 was kino because of the shit we are seeing on ASM right now. I don't want to be subjected to tranny over acting screaming for 2 and a half hours. Stream 2 would save me right now.
What's the record for this category, I'm curious if 2:30 is a decent time.
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Seriously does Celeste need to be at every fucking event
There is no category.
They are doing crowd control cringe that's why the estimate is what it is.
WR for this category is fucking 44 mins.
>44 min
Goddamn. Are there even any crowd control shit going on right now, it feels like the troon is just shit at the game.
Don't know, I stopped watching because I got sick of masculine screeching like a little girl.
you will watch the lame designed-for-speedrunning tranny-revisionism game and you will like it
sometimes there is but the troon is also terrible at the game
Still funny to me how the game notorious for the tranny revisionism update still has the 'Matt Makes Games' logo in the opening from before the transition
and I thought the runners of this game would run fast and die late........
You missed the head GDQ guy ribbing on Fast50 for not having enough women/blacks and everyone counter-snapping at them
>Twitch chat trying to claim the overestimate is because of crowd control.
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Man this dude is huge, mirin' those gains.
nice let's play bro
Enthusia and Gran Turismo music. Atmospheric drum'n'bass would also go down well.
Time has been called, your majesty
Not even GDQ would give us 2 and a half hours of Celeste
Thank you sir
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Yep I'm out until Silent Hill
Tranny block
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Why did they mute the game?
Just seems to be very quiet.
Oh cool Hollow Knight is on
If you don't want to fight Absolute Radiance just run True Ending or Any% instead this is the poser category
grim hours
two more hours of this shit, god damn
So this is the godless night of which you speak
Not exactly, the godless nights thing was mostly about people chasing attention and numbers on leaderboards rather than running for the fun and to improve yourself.
i do enjoy ASM overall but my god they do have the lowest effort possible trannies, christ
No it was simply an extended streak of absolutely shit runs.
Oh you meant the original context it was said in, not the way we've been using it in marathon threads, never mind.
You could say it started to be used in context of terrible runs because both are not mutually exclusive
>still an hour left of this shit
Eh, the gameplay itself is alright.
>ESA isn't even up
>thread is lapping this one
Why wasn't it just one thread?
This one probably needed the ESA stuff in the OP so anons searching for a thread didn't find none there.
Over estimate!!!!!!!!!!!
Silent Hill runs are always boring to me
I'm here for Silent Hill
but ESA is so bad that i'm watching SH anyways
Me too anon, glad I'm not the only one. That intro kinda made me lose interest
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have you seen the donation cam?
he's all alone with no couch, like all of us here in this thread instead of at ESA
what ending is he going for?
Wait that is real? I checked the ESA thread and assumed it was just tech fucking up. How can you make the worst decision from previous ESA even worse. Kinda makes me glad with how amazing the ASM donation readers have been.
needs a few more pronouns
Makes it really feel like it's stream 2. I'm enjoying the comfy
Terminally low energy
I mean UFO.
He said his family and friends are in the audience
caLL 12345. entry rate 098 dice. brain interesting terribLe 666ave yes. PLant psyop -> vegetabLe garden -> industriaLized safety secure traiLbLazers -> sLider piLL bottLe hooker price -> pooLside wetness invitation count none. Directive: 12 pepes 8 fake history Lessons 20 reLigious debates. Diamond statues up, tempLe fire. You're dead. I have more. Bush fLash terribLe.
yea this is kino
Is this Mr. Bungle?
it makes me kind of proud that I figured out the limb number puzzle within minutes
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it's real, here's the one for the current run
Harry *hwapoosh* go.
I don't know why but watching this corpse play and commentate silent hill by himself while getting the bad ending with a dead-sounding cybil slapping Harry makes this run feel like a weird dream that I'm having
It looks so stupid that I'm still not fully convinced it's real. What the fuck is ESA doing. Glad I watched the silent hill run
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In awe of this lad
I wish it was d2 instead, but the last time we had that run in esa or something it was ass
how did we lose to the eurobros
ESA trainwreck is more interesting than an okay run. I'm learning a new game, hbu?
posting amongst frens
kingdom Hearts soon I hope the thread doesn't die
what's the janny ruling on multiple marathon threads?
they're separate events so they both stay. If this thread hits the bump limit then I'll make another one
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Dude in a silk dress
Looks like a school shooter
>KH (squaresoft)
I have a good feeling about this r-
>5 hours
I... still have a good feeling about this run
when did that FF movie come out? the one that cause them to lose money and make the merger
This intro cutscene fucks
I had a feeling it came out way before 2004
>pick sword drop shield
>you can't skip the cutscenes
>2 hours of cutscenes
>it's in japanese
give it to me straight KHfags, is this going to be unwatchable?
>this audio balance
can't hear shit, captain
I think by virtue of it not being another 9 hour run it'll be good, relatively
Why didn't they just play it in English if they can't skip the fucking cutscenes?
maybe version exclusive glitches/faster text/the usual
Because the JP release plays differently you nonce
They explain it
ah I see it was also a bid war. fucking weebs.
i'm retard
i guess we have to live with the commentators explaining everything
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Genuinely what the fuck was his problem
>hahaha sora we should go on the raft just the two of us and leave riku behind
>hahahaha jk
what was HER problem
JP Kairi a cute
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I don't think I'll watch ESA until they fix the audio. My left ear's fine now that I haven't had it on for awhile
where IS sora's mom?
I'm just enjoying the actual charisma on this couch instead of 1:30:00 of Finnish mumbling over a game no one has ever heard of
small dick energy.
>Squal- I mean Leon
I want to watch more ASM but I don't like KH and I'm not interested in watching any more of it. I'm pumped for the Tony Hawk games though.
>Kingdom Hearts speedrunning deep lore
>a dev secretly posting a ridiculous time years ahead of anyone else
This is actually interesting
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chronologically confused KH
i forgot there's actual murder in kingdom sharts
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don't some categories mod out these sectiond?
do you mean the gumi ship sections?
I don't have the stream open, but the mod might be English PC only, so if they are playing in JP and/or on a console, it wouldn't work
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Iirc there are categories that mod those out in KH2 and KH3, but I don't think it's a thing in KH1. That is also in the pc versions, while this is the console version.
ok that makes sense thanks
God Agrobah is the fucking worst
No, atlantica is the worst
Atantica is optional
Deep Jungle was my least favorite.
werster when?
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>halloween town theme starts playing
In like 5 hours lol
Wait, are ESA & ASM gonna be on Pokemon at the same time?
I just want you all to know that you're inside wasting your day watching speedruns while Chibi is out in a park selling unlicensed homemade takoyaki.
Unless ESA bro chokes massively and ASM go early again probably not
Damn so it's one after another? Whoever likes Pokemon runs will enjoy this afternoon
Going by the schedules, ESA's Pokemon run should end five mins before ASM's starts.
Captain Hook Eggman.
Fucking insanity of the Skyward Sword run with their lumpy pumpkin shitpost still manages to be infect a run 24 hours later.
petah pah
whats the lore explanation for hook being susceptible to stop?
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page 10
im the only one watching this, and he didnt T-pose btw
im also watching just not bumping
My friends are my power!
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Your a fool Sora
>steal your keyblade
now what bitch?
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>Jesse McCartney
I haven't heard than name in forever
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we're stream 2 yes
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simba summon is so kino, anyone got a webm
Pichy_Stockmann is a fat tranny btw, just a heads up for Bulk Slash.
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At least of the rest of the day is looking peak
>the vidya
>no /v/ sub-boards
tears in the rain
what even prompted the creation of /vg/, i don't remember
SC2 and LoL threads polluting everything
How was Team Buddies? I loved that game as a kid.
It looked really cool given the limitations. Might give it a play myself after watching.
I really enjoyed playing the multiplayer with the other neighborhood kids. There's a lot of fun balance between building your own army up and disrupting everyone else since the blocks are a shared resource.
comfy run
Pretty fun and comfy run, despite being KH. Actually stayed up to see the end
>5:30 of unskippable cutscenes
>dont even let you watch the ending
why do they do this
So you can play it and find out what happens.
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>Bulk Slash
>it's the shitty ass fan troonslation with the shitty dubbing
fucking kill me. I'm closing the stream and going to ESA.
is it the dub with Edobean? anons mentioned it in ESA threads
I wonder if werster will say it if I donate a thousand.
He knows the rules
At least this is short
dead thread.
sa2b waiting room
surf's up, mate
>rescue humans by touching them
hey the voices say the same thing to this robot
i did not ask for this run
I'm drawing Pokemon
Can you draw us a Cinccino?
tony hawk soon
sorry, doing roserade
Hope it's porn
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i saw a post that said they would donate a thousand dollars if werster scream disgusting black creatures on stream
Looks like we're getting at least 1 more generation of cancer deaths
how does she do that
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You're the fake hedgehog around here.
Fake? You're not even good enough to be my fa
>Disgusting nigger creatures, get out of my sight
Woah there werster, we didn't even donate for it
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That's a lot of words to tell me that the Knuckles stages are scientifically designed to be as unfun as possible, like I theorized.
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I imagine the point is to make you explore as much of the level as possible. I did always notice in Pumpkin Hill you'd always have a shard on each of the 3 mountains.
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Maybe I'll try Cinccino during Werster's run but I rather watch it instead
>first try crazy gadget skip skip
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why did he do it
Werst run of the marathon.
And the Final Rush skip, very good stuff.
billions must file claims
skip to pokemon i don't give a shit about this next run
Cartoons are so fucking gay.
>"speedruns" a cooking game
Do Australians really?
I didn't want to draw this but I think I'll make it my Plum for this ESAalso I have safe search disabled. Why is there so much readily available porn of this thing
>gleefully put themselves into camps
Cool, there's probably so much because it's a cute design and makes people horny. Looking forward to Plum if you go with it.
Because California fucking sucks and he wants to see the entire state go under.
Sonic sez: communists are okay with jews raping children!
hopefully I can out do my Plum from last year
>I lost my Plum
I probably have your plum, which one was it?
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>want to draw something
>tfw broken hand
Use your other hand, pussy.
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>missed SA2 so I'll have to rewind for it
>but Pokemon Stadium with werster is also about to be on
When will I get sleep tonight?
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I found it!
No sleep for you silly
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>Werster run turns into a rally
Hmm on second thought maybe I should just go watch the SA2 run now.
What did japan mean by this?
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Kill me.
the rest of the thread should draw a pokemon too!
They were cute, can we have them back?
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Sure, brb.
>...bring back ASM station 2
so they had 2 streams at one point?
Thank you! I'm pretty happy with how that run went.
If that's you, I'm only 5 minutes in and it's pretty tight so far. Great job.

In the Avcon days they were only daytime so had two streams to fit the runs in
I see
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>Tony Hawk block later
oh god I can't even get a nap in!
This is kino
I haven't played on N64 controller in over 20 years ;_; how difficult is it to understand the inputs for picking a Pokemon in this game?
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It was weird even for the time.
>skyward sword runner is back
>immediately starts yelling
okay that shouldn't be hard to understand, there's a huge C in the middle of the yellow button plus the buttons in the game are coloured according to their input. I guess they aren't paying too much attention to that and are just going with what Werster & JT are telling them to press
i got home just in time for this hell yeah
What's your favourite Pokemon?
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What's that Pokemon?
Sandaconda you fucking retard.

It's being run on a pair of joycons. You input C buttons by moving the right analog stick in that direction
oh this is on the Switch version. Makes sense why they're having so much trouble
>ESAfags were given the opportunity to mig and watch stadium 2 kino
>rejected it
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i love this little guy like you wouldnt believe
Yeah but it'll still take a moment of "wait what's that?" for people who haven't touched something with N64 controls for decades, if ever.
we couldn't save him...
You've got to remember that a lot are tourists who are here for the spectacular drama dumpster fire they've been promised, they're really not here for the speedruns.
>10% chance to freeze
This is the biggest crock of shit ever perpetuated.
I think I've seen single digit freezes over the course of 20 years.
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thats why these threads and dogwater were kino
Most people dont run ice because it sucks dick so it makes sense.
It amazes me how little they actually try
Never played Stadium, do you have to remember which button is for which attack?
>you already know :rat:
what do i know?
I need sleep dawg
Yeah it's been nice to just have comfy threads for the most part, only thing we've really had is the usual handful of people bitchy about long runs and RPG runs.
You can hold either L or R to show the moves list
It's this way for multiplayer so your opponent doesn't read your shit
theres a "show" button that reveals what attacks and Pokemon you have. You have to hold it down, that way you dont reveal to a p2 near you seeing your pokemon/moves
>werster just leaves
this is so much fun
werster is exploring the hotel, do not believe his lies
Is every woman in Australia Asian?
I'd play the lickitung minigame with her if you know what I mean
And Africa..Canada..
WW3 won without a shot being fired
>bat tats
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bat tats ended up winning the prize for their donation
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They apparently didn't have a way to contact him, anon must've forgotten to put his real email.
They did end up in contact with him in the end.
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i distinctly remember going to a store with mom when i was 5 and they had a n64 running turok, i spent like 5 to 10 minutes pressing "every button" and never figured out how to attack or move around, i never even knew the Z button was behind till over 10 years later when looking at pictures on google to map the layout to my generic pad on the emulator, fucking hell
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Greetings from the ESA thread
Just reruns rn sadly, time for some comfy stadium over here.
This is the last ESA, shit is NOT surviving after this.
Is it going poorly? I thought it started really well
>And Africa
wait what
Nah, it'll be fine.
Less than half of last year for day 1. Numbers are looking real rough. The whole drama did quite the damage.
it's a nothingburger, they aren't going to get rid of the event, it's just cucked due to the mommy drama
>The whole drama did quite the damage.
Mind explaining?
>im due for a crit
Why are there so many events happening at the same time this year? RTA and BSG too.
Are there more events than usual or am I tripping?
Day 1 was too depressing for me. Maybe it'll get better.
>half of the familiar faces are gone
>the remaining familiar faces are the ones I don't want to see
>hosts are extremely anxious and awkward
>the donation camera, quite possibly the worst idea I've ever seen any marathon implement
>that "we're here for the cause" intro speech
>constant audio balance issues
>the mysterious high frequency noise that is secretly giving everyone brain damage
I don't give a shit about the donation numbers, I care about seeing the speedrunning community get together live. If people don't want to get together at ESA, that kills the event for me.
No joke. I never heard of Dogwater or AusSpeedrun, but I'm having fun with the option to switch between whichever I'm vibing with. Plus the threads are comfy
Yeah, I dont care much for the "numbers" but they are a natural result of all the things missing.
>Questionable shit happens to Lovare (Prize Mommy)
>She reports it
>"Don't worry, we got it."
>Fast forward multiple years
>Metako moves to Sweden to work for ESA then immediately moves back to Ireland after only two events
>Lovare goes public with the questionable shit because they did absolutely jack and shit to rectify it
>Everybody from the top down starts to leave
>Edenal and Planks (event runners) turn out to be extremely dogshit at damage control and are basically digging the grave for the event every time they speak
They often end up crowded around times when people have off work, especially at the stuff that's more like BSG where people are functional human beings with normal jobs.
> I never heard of Dogwater
You have my sympathy for missing the first Dogwater.
plus they were both on youtube which is a better viewing experience than twitch
It really is way better, both for watching and for looking back on stuff to do webms and shit.

I sure don't enjoy having to cycle TTV LOL or other extensions to get around the spammy as fuck ads that some of these events run on Twitch.
>werster barely suppressing his seethe
how is everyone this fucking bad at pressing directions
>>the donation camera, quite possibly the worst idea I've ever seen any marathon implement
i thought they woulda got the hint last time when they had the announcer sitting with the couch, that shit was so gay
last time asm was the week before or so, as well
werster is gone and is possessing the body of whoever sits in his spot
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Switch N64 controls are dogshit
He really, really loves pokemon bless him
I forgot the animations on Stadium Jynx were the thing of nightmares.
Are the pokemon rentals?
yes, this is the only reason why pokemon stadium is interesting, because rentals have weird coverage and weird shit going on that makes it not a one move spam cringefest.
It's also why the Battle Factory is the best feature in the entire franchise. Man, that was super fun.
This is just press A the game
>press a the game
Well yes, you need to press buttons to navigate menus, and pressing A means you're attacking.
It would be a retarded run if you didn't actually choose to attack and KO your opponent pokemon.
many such cases
This switching out is cringe bitch ass NPC
You having a stroke?
is that ninja
what the hell
is this the esa thread
>werster hasn't actually done a thing
No refunds
no losses yet
No, this is Patrick.
Why did they assign c buttons to the face buttons when they are already assigned to the stick? I'm so confused.
>dedicated clap button
They know Americans need it.
I want to fuck LittleCrowShae
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is this a loss
Its over.
Kind of yeah, they had to resort to their safety saves because that fucker picked the wrong stuff.
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Gorgeous woman. Look at her fat fucking rack
Wait did tranny fuck up being spoonfed directions in stadium?
yeah lol. chose zapdos instead of articuno
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werster's looking different...
Can't believe they made him transition after saying the nword on stream
aus overruns 2024
Not much you can do when one in like thirty people can't listen to simple instructions.
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she got a dumpy
Holding hands with Lacey
It's not even a speedrun at this point. I don't know why anyone would care about estimate outside of time management purposes.
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ew it's the tony hawk remake
isn't this guy a pedophile
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>announcer doing live mic sighing
I don't want ASM to end
I don't want to be left with ESA
what the hell
... I regret staying up for this
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>that voice
What the fuck is that
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>Those piercings
>That voice
Yeah I can't be arsed with the drama shit that seems to be the big draw to a lot of anons this time.
lumpy pumpkin
>hawk blawk
>this is what people were hyping up
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What the fuck is that?
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cmon man you can see his 5 oclock shadow
oh I just unmuted
So this is the legendary australian bants...
Every time I check out one of these marathons it's a tranny. Every time. Every fucking time.
>lol why d oyou care though?
Because literally every fucking time I open one of these streams it's a fucking tranny reeeeeeeeeeee
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its tragic, you can literally watch this guy getting groomed over the years
I'm in bed can you (you) me his name so I can add him to the Troondex tomorrow thanks
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All good runs finished
Glad to share this event with you guys
Have a sex
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>shoutouts to boobs
Sucks, I've been so busy this is the first one I've been able to watch
I was watching on 360p for some reason and it only just realized that's a she/her on the right
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welp. an anti-climatic ending for me, I'm going to bed. thanks for sticking around all week and keeping the threads active. see you in the next ESA threads
shes cute
Word is the man's smile continues to this very day
ASM is still going on? Holy shit
It's got a couple more runs left.
One real run, one cringe crowd control. Watch it go an hour over time. Same guy from Borderlands
>one cringe crowd control.
So it's Australian Josh.
>499 posts
>went to bed and missed the Stadium run
how much did werster seethe?
He was actually pretty chill and happy throughout.
that also a good option
to the vods!
This crowd control has been fun too
It's not unlike that GTA Chaos rum from some years back.
>page 10

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