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Open source will never get up to Dall-E 3 levels of quality, will it?
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Wasn't it only a couple of years ago where people were saying AI was never going to get any better than the smudged shit DALL-E 2 was putting out?
There's no reason to think there won't be any additional open source advancements it just might take a little bit longer as more people with the knowledge attempt to monetize their models like what NAI did.
after the SD3 flop it is way and way less likely
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are !
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>no visible feet
not my sellen
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since people were talking last thread, for anyone wanting to save a buck or nai, here's the civitai copypasta, can be either used for free (multiple accounts I guess) or the currency for more gens acquired with one-time purchases instead of regular sub
it's less user friendly than nai, but nearly as powerful as local generation

1 go to civitai.com, make free account, using the search function find a picture you like, let's go with https://civitai.com/images/14545226 for example
2 click the "Remix" button (top left)
3 in the panel that opens on the left find the prompt, replace "ginger girl" with "princess peach", hit Generate
4 under the create buton on top click "generate images" so you get a nice view of batch in progress
5 result: https://files.catbox.moe/e6j0y8.jpg - congratulations, you are now an SD artist
6 keep changing more shit to see what happens
change seed to random in "advanced" so you don't keep getting the same images
don't increase number of steps too much, 30 should be enough and more steps=more points used
you can get more points for gens doing stuff, or you can just make more free accounts
try to figure out what all the shit on the panel on the left does, loras, sliders and so on (using other pictures as examples) so if one day you have a GPU that's from the last 8 years or so and decide to go local you already generally know what to do. When this time comes seek general on /g/ or /s/. They should be able to help with civitai/tensor gens as well.
Has anyone ever done a sprite sheet before? Like RPG Maker style?
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I don't get it
This but ironically
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he's right, you know
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I haven't, but cool idea.
>Pixel art, Noita, dark setting, chibi. Concept image from multiple angles, Paula from Earthbound, with blonde medium-length hair, wearing a pink dress, red bow, and red shoes. She is in various poses. The background is flat purple.
Using something like 'spritesheet' might work too but I just felt like going with this.
Demon sons cock in my womb...
that hairstyle would actually be perfect for Marika
thanks, saving this post rn
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WTF scrimbo bimblo?
Unironically yes. The surrounding discussion is so dogshit that you're actually better off discussing you're game in here than an actual thread dedicated to it. I have a handful of buzzwords, image hashes, and phrases filtered because of chin biter NPCs trying to make this site as unusable as possible. Outside of having slightly less ebonics this place's discussion is almost indistinguishable from twitter. There's less video game discussion inside of actual video game threads.
Pretty much. And as I've said before, if you don't get a reply here, it probably wasn't gonna happen out there anyway.
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not quite that but I did make some portrait sprites at one point
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That's cool too, I vaguely remember someone doing something like a overhead walking sprite but it was in December and I thought about doing something with that idea and procrastinated WAY too long
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Yes sweetie?
fuck you want?
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>Open source will never get up to Dall-E 3 levels of quality, will it?
Stable Diffusion 3 turned out to be a disappointing nothingburger, but there's plenty of alternatives(most of them Chinese kek) that have at least some potential.
The main thing hampering local right now is that training these models is really fucking expensive. Microsoft and OpenAI have access to billions of dollars worth of compute and datasets, local doesn't. Until local finds a way around that, it's always going to be behind.
Pretty much. I'm convinced that a bunch of "users" on this site might legitimately be bots along with people who come here to post whatever thoughts and opinions will confuse or piss eachother off even if they don't hold those opinions. AI generated content fits in perfectly with the theme of 4chan overall because where it stands most things posted here are recycled, soulless, devoid of emotion, and unoriginal. The fact people on this site hate AI in a post-wojak 4chan might be the most ironic shit ever.
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Remember when people used to make OC memes? How long has it been since we had shit like that, it feels like for the past decades it's been nothing but wojak edits
nibba this whole thread be oc memes
anthro women with big floofy tails...
Well obviously the OC memes should be vidya related too but I thought that was implied.
The obsession of Bing with corsets is making this undergarment popular again.
don't do that
oh you'd think so, wouldn't you?
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niggario the pajeets fucked up the world with a spyware update, save us
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Honey what's wrong?
Hey mister, you prompt anything cool today?
Very topical, nice work
let that cute finger creeper go, witch.
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Not really
no but I need some ice cream
I know youre a guy attacking my weakness
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I've been trying to prompt a decent Rebecca Chambers, does that count?
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Sorry, all I got is edge.
how gothic
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Yeah, gone are the days of comics, memes, or even reaction images. I was warned for a reaction image with the reason "off topic" on two occasions. It couldn't have been anything I said because both times it was directly discussing the meta of a game or the thread itself. The hardest pill to swallow is that anything in a format that isn't just
>me good vs you bad
never takes off, and most memes that circulate like wildfire come from literal twitter trends. Any creativity that spawns in here will typically get ignored, shut down, or called reddit, but hilariously if it was imported FROM twitter and reddit this place would except it with open arms.
this prompt is degrading in real time
No I'm just a beggar
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Been prompting sexy elemental and monster girls.
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ummm chocolate
good to see you again
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>Princess Peach
Congrats, you were forcibly enrolled into the OC club.
SIKE, we're back!
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now do bouba
came to a realization while dicking around yesterday
apparently the bulk of the reason I dislike furry junk is because of the artists
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WHAT happened to cause the after?!
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Anon you are going to make me blush
>tags: moral_degeneration
more like kinki am i right (sex with both of them at same time)
last one before i go do something else for a while
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>kiki with boobs
A lot of Western furry shit is pretty disgusting, they look like cereal mascots
Shut Up Oli
y-yes Mr. Drippy...
>one of my favorite animators around exclusively does furry
A cruel fate
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When are they going to release SORA for the public?
Really impressive

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I approve
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nice gens, reminds me to bimbo peach months ago.
cringe af.
Kill yourself. Low quality dogshit like this is what causes people to leave the threads.
Isabelle is cringe?!
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Based af.
Niggario is a saint compared to many others in these threads.
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LOL why is she making that silly face
Buck broken...
i love bugs
hey, 2d he makes for some solid vibe transfers
I can never fap to this because it's bowser
just gimme evil peach
name some names sister
>Being a deranged faggot that spams the same diet /pol/ humor for half a year is a saint
Terrible opinion, you should kill yourself as well.
stop replying yo yourself, your namefagging won't save you, also you can't win against the no-img gang.
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I always seem to want to participate in these threads exactly at the worst times.
if she adversites some chapter 3 character that will never release this year, sure.
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Fair enough.
Are you the guy who had a chatgpt+ sub?
I heard the picture quality went down the toilet
more Kiki
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the idea of someone really enjoying these threads then leaving because of niggario is hilarious
I want her to dom me and make me eat her out and pee on me
can't do that without inciting dramit's listfag

he wears a mario hat, that makes him more on-topic than anyone else!
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I left for a while and it was not because of niggario, let me tell you hwat
>finally get internet back
>STILL getting dogged
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>tfw too lazy to go for one
You in ukraine?
he said he's getting dogged, not shelled
that's 2 thousands calories
More like the threads are barely worth tolerating and then the remaining schizos like him, OC fags and occasional furry remind you that it's not worth it.
That cherry probably counts as one of your five a day, right?
Nope but I got BTFO by windows and xfinity
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yep, another reason to avoid it
you're a hero to all of us
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These look good! Icecream like that isn't my thing personally, but these always look nice!
This is a cool gen!
This is also cool!
Cheers Issy
>vivid sparse colors, rough scribbled lines, avant-garde anime illustration, anime styled girl, long blonde hair with pink streak, dimly glowing yellow swirly cartoonish eyes, wearing a long white straitjacket with black trim and chains to walls, silent hospital at night, intense motion blur, straining to reach viewer arms bent back, bacon inspiration casting light on the floor that contrasts hard against the dark, nightmare, red stain, minimalist art
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cherry gone, now you have no excuses
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After all those fat-faggot treats, it's time to burn it off with a workout and get some nutrients into your body
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"mostly" peacefully
Never gets old that some Korean fujo has lived in anons head rent free for an entire year. Even funnier when you realize people keep reposting listfag gens and I keep seeing them out in the wild. Definitely the best poster and it isn't even close
We used to come on the internet to express ourselves and experience other people's creativity. Now everything has been sterilized and reduced to soulless slop, even discussion on things is shit because zoomers have brainrot and every millennial is jaded and also has political+pornbrainrot. You will get more fulfillment touching grass unironically then going anywhere now, they removed IP count because people were noticing too much and bots can make ragebait politically charged posts forever.
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Sad state of affairs.
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Comes out way better without the video-game themes unfortunately.
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a little of sea food is always good
Sugar beet is a plant, it still counts.

You can't trick me that's one of those sculpture cakes

>harsh contrasting dark colors, rough hasty scuffed scribbled strokes, avant-garde anime, anime styled girl, long blonde hair with pink streak, dimly glowing yellow cartoonish eyes, wearing a long white straitjacket with black trim and chains to walls, purple gold chair, intense motion blur, straining writhing double exposure face, spooky, bacon pope inspiration casting light on the floor that contrasts hard against the dark, nightmare, red stain, minimalist art
is that a listfag gen? i don't know what game that is even from but kek
>Garlic butter
Oh this nigga tried to make shrimp scampi
Note: Dalle doesn't understand that crustaceans aren't eaten alive
Nah I'm the best poster because I've seen my gens posted in various threads about 9+ times now
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Please change as a person.
I feel like that's not the win people think it is
I've seen my random gens here and there, feels completely undeserved
that's just the mario style ruining everything as always.
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recycled listfag gen
I don't think you people know what the term rent free even means anymore.
what was the page to upscale pics?
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they're are just boiled shrimps, but yeah the garlic problem is real I had to change it to mayo
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I've seen my gens used here, and a couple used outside of here.
what do you call it when the tenant shits on your doorstep every day
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made this, my brain is currently out of ideas, 8bit cozy town at night
kek. pen and paper cucks could never
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No kidding, it makes some of these look so much shittier.
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Based Nami enjoyer!
I am now hungry...
Dick Stacy...
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this gen was brought to you by the Junta of Andalusia
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Here we go, a couple tweaks and it's better.
I like it
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I always wondered what an E tank would taste like...
because the term obsessed always exists.
Someone going out of there way to save and either repost or share your gen elsewhere is pretty much the highest compliment you can receive as a slopper. I've even seen ram and list-chan in /aco/ threads but never any other OCs there or really anywhere else.
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/v/ has the kind of dumbass that will do something every day for over a month and then as soon as someone merely acknowledges their existence will go
>ahaha rent free!

That's the kind of retarded and attention seeking though process you'd expect from a 14 year old
That's fine but they aren't exactly equal in meaning. Rent free would imply that the particular individual being discussed doesn't also post regularly in the thread and hasn't done so almost every day for the past year.
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what game though
Take a wild guess dumbass.
my first guess is one of the persona 3 remakes
It's supposed to be Door-kun and Yukari from Persona 3 I believe
The fact that you even know this and feel compelled to bring them up proves it's rent free, don't know what else to tell you bud. Get a Korean wife
I Wish I Was in High School But As One of the Cool Kids: The Video Game
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what fuckery is happening in this thread today?
More like FeMC
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nah it's the female route from portable probably
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didn't notice this one had a cool moon effect
it's for sure persona, how didn't you guess that
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same energy
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So you're somehow in these threads enough to know that they're always brought up but also not in these threads enough to be able to use that as a counter argument against that same point? Interesting tactic.
persona 3 portable
If this post was any more transparent it'd disappear.
why won't anyone think of the willyfags
this nigga wants to bring up tactics because he's obsessed with some schizo anon
We were having a good thread. No more talking about listfag
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a year
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How does one aquire such power?
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I wonder what mental illness each poster suffers from
My having absolutely no life and putting excessive amounts of energy into trying to be popular on 4chan. An accomplishment that well adjusted men and women would definitely care about.
Maybe someone could make a list?
I'd pay money to see some anons here real-time reaction to seeing the name because I'm almost positive they have PTSD level freak outs in real life
I have a cripping need to make cute waifus, does that count?
judging by the state of these threads it's a severe case of novidya
>Kermit deleted
>Not the furry posts

he deleted it himself, its skelefag trying to drum up chaos again what a silly billy
why don't you post /v/idya first and we'll go from there, mentally ill OC
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that's just brain damage
posting good gens and calling people gay apparently.
I blame niggario and the one poster who recycled the listfag gen.
pretty, nice gen
good fucking god man
Post your favorite listfag ge
Why did this post remind me the the candlejack m
How could he be so cruelhouse?
r u blind
calling out
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>Waaah muh hugbox
Complete your transition
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The fuck? Did we just enter the EU dimension at 3PM EDT or something?
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Autism if you count that. Otherwise, ptsd.
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This reminds me of Hollow Knight, Hollow Knight fucking sucks
If we're being fair, every OCfag does this and no one gets the response the listfag does. It really is some twisted form of love that's how I know it's a girl
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can that even be called a Skeever
it looks so
It's because only one poster is purposely an antagonistic faggot whilst doing the exact same things they criticize. Additionally they've been spotted posting all hours of the day.

What do you call it when someone asks the same retarded question every day and they're too retarded to remember the obvious answer?
I really can't get enough of 2B crossovers
I need 'em in every game
i can't believe white elf man is a discord user
holy fuck
I like this squid

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Did I miss something?
You really do love her
Scroll up, dipshit.
good lord...
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hmm yes I see... possible childhood abuse and anger management issues...
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He takes good care of his skeeverbro
I may or may not have mentioned this thread on another board.
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we now bleach bro, /g/ has been here for a while
twitch stream of Dalle thread
I'm sick of 2B, how come no one ever gens A2. Her ass is better
toobs you're getting kinda tubby
board as in 4chan or board as in website
if it's the latter we'll need a deep cleansing of your bullshit
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What happened to him?
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it's dalle, you either get 2B or 2B
alright where did you invite filth from
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I hope you guys are behaving:)
go fuck yourself, how about that
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go hug yourself, how about that
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I hate satans! I hate satans!
no, I am generating literally-white skinned elves and pretending they're skyrim Snow Elves out of an innate repulsion from actual Mer and a general dislike of the mere thought of figuring out just how to get their gaunt mer faces across more than maybe one or shots
If you still regularly post like 10 months in, you definitely have anti-social tendencies, autism or both.
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Yes! I do!
I admit it, but I have a good heart I swear
this is society's fault
don't you mean asocial
antisocial is like gorespammer, or whoever was doxxing discord users
was there ever any doubt
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Pony only knows 2b, 9s, and Kaine unfortunately. A knockoff a2 for you. Getting an accurate mole is hell without a lora though.
transition deez nuts, terf
If you weren't anti-social you wouldn't replace human interaction with a repetitive image dump rollercoaster
I am anti social this was never a secret
I think Gauchos and bolas SUCK
cum overdose
>hanging out with other people and sharing your cool and funny art on a regular basis
ok I lol'd
>definitely have anti-social tendencies
Yes, you don't?
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thanks for trying bro
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Never seen a more squeezable sack in my life
I've had sex before.
If you actually did you'd realize that both of those have nothing to do with eachother
scroll up to the anka gen
someone hasn't seen Mr robot
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I want to see 9S and Kaine
take that back
Isabelle is perfectly normal!
no, go chug your communal straw
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Ram do you have any tips for getting gens with at least two subjects?
the only success I've had was using two different character loras (picrel) and when I try prompting two people separately without loras it just fuses them
is this ai?
>Kermit and Moogle get deleted along with furry futas
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I am summon
You're actually fucking retarded >>683144956
Calm the fuck down, Kermog.
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Go back to what ever board or website you came from, mentally ill faggot.
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this ain't what I asked for but it looks cool...
4chan. /v/. What now?
>in an AI slop thread
>complaining about "low quality dogshit"
the jokes write themselves
prompt for moogle?
Uh oh
Catfag melty incoming
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accidentally made a rap album cover image?
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finally got it
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Poster below me is gay
still disappointed the majority of nai shitters stick to basic-bitch templates after dumping 25$
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damn it, wasn't quick enough
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>can make 30+ images in the same amount of time it takes fooocus to make 2
I didn't think the Pandora's box of AI porn could drag me any deeper in, how wrong I was.
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What if Peach was Samus?
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oh to be a kid again...
how heavy are those orbs
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nice gen
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That's a good one
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The only consistent way I've found is using something like Forge Couple. I think if you're on A1111 there should be a regional prompting equivalent. An example prompt from Forge Couple would be something like this.
You'll see the prompt is kind of segmented out line by line because each line is related to a region that you specify in the image. That way you can more easily say I want "X" to be here and "Y" to be here, etc.
How that looks in the Forge UI can be seen here
If you just wanted two characters you could probably get away with 3 total lines for the overall style line and location, character on the left, character on the right as an example.
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Need futas..
>Mom and dad yelling while drunk in the other room
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supple red flesh...
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some quick sloppa
>dolphin shorts
>throws weird dolphin plushies everywhere
beeps if she real
the best part really
nice and slimy
holy based
nigga this isn't 2020, grow up
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Hey, thanks! Isabelle thinks YOU are awesome too!
never seen shorts kid?
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space girls are so pretty
Thank you based Slime.
You weren't kidding about slimegirls being hard to get past the dog.
I've been enjoying these photo slimes.
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>AI can generate pics that look like MSPaint edits
Oh boy, sovl is coming back
Not him, catfag.
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>hop in bro
>Not him
most of my gens are of c.c.
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I prefer jeWario
Not him, fagfag.
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Hey anon. What's this emergency meeting about?
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thank ya
alright fine here you go amyfag
>photo taken with a cheap holga film camera, with red and blue and yellow light leaks, pixel art chibi anime purple tinted slime girl(dark purple skin, made of purple gelatin, translucent, yellow eyes, long gelatin hair, white sundress, summer hat, sunglasses, holding cocktail) relaxing on hammock in a real sunny garden
>photo taken with a cheap holga film camera, with red and blue and yellow light leaks, pixel art chibi anime purple tinted slime girl(dark purple skin, made of purple gelatin, translucent, yellow eyes, long gelatin hair, she is wearing white sundress, summer hat, sunglasses, holding blue cocktail) relaxing on hammock in a real sunny garden
>photo taken with a cheap holga film camera, with red and blue and yellow light leaks, pixel art chibi purple tinted slime girl(made of purple gelatin, translucent, yellow eyes, long gelatin hair, she is wearing gaucho outfit, black hat, white shirt, red poncho, big belt buckle, black gaucho pants, boots, holding mate gourd) relaxing against tree in a real argentine pampas, cutesy annoyed expression
>photo taken with a cheap holga film camera, with red and blue and yellow light leaks, pixel art chibi purple tinted slime girl(made of purple gelatin, translucent, yellow eyes, long gelatin hair, she is wearing gaucho outfit, black hat, red poncho, white shirt, big belt buckle, black gaucho pants, boots, drinking from leather mate gourd) relaxing against tree in a real argentine pampas
not him but thanks anyway slimefag
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I mean
I feel like most you autistic fucks are losing the plot you're on /v/
If you say fag, you're automatically assumed to be one.
but were on /ai/?
Nice try OP
whatever, fag
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HD-2D is pretty neat.
The board is /v/ idiot
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thanks for the inspiration, i finally got a decent gen
oh well lol
my sides
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Anons, what's up!
Thank God, it's friday... :D

Prompt desu-yo

Kids like you is exactly why you're so hated.
You just want to be obnoxious
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I see. I've actually been meaning to learn regional prompting since 1.5 but never got around to it.
so I guess as far as normal prompting goes, you can only do perspectives. then for compositions you have to use regional prompting
thanks Ram.
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Prompt please.
>snes cover art, worn and weathered, gouache and ink art for a mystery game about a long journey titled "Splatoon Girl", double exposure closeup of Splatoon girl (orange hair, wearing black hakama pants, wood straw sandals, white headband, simple blue kimono, motherly, wide hips, covered in faded scars) fading away into a idylic cliffside vista with cherry blossom tree, sunset, ghibli
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nice the incest sister
Keep eating bait dummy lol
The only real joke is so called men who want to act like children on a site meant for adults.
You're nothing but a manchild.
Incest sexo
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What can also help with composition is controlnet if you haven't messed with that yet. Anytest is insanely good from my experience but obviously it relies on either finding existing images or messing with modeling if you have experience with 3D model stuff. The pony model ones are the "pn" ones.
Here's one I did yesterday for one of those (and the source image I used). And then you can even combine it with things like Forge Couple if you wanted to be specific per region. Most of the yuri stuff I do I end up leaning on controlnet because hugging and close kissing can be kind of a pain to prompt reliably with just txt2img.
They all moved to other boards

>dark colors, harsher scribbled lines, avant-garde anime illustration, anime styled girl, long blonde hair with pink streak, dimly glowing yellow eyes, wearing a long white straitjacket with black trim, arms wrapped around herself, unsettling smile, looking up to viewer, in a room with cushioned walls, moonlight casting light on the floor that contrasts hard against the dark
it was something like
>pixelized,screenshot,manga, ryoma ito, impressionist brushstrokes, gouache and ink, side view, Tails the Fox(from Sonic, yellow and white fur, blue eyes, bomber jacket, goggles) flying in red plane, giving thumbs up to viewer, close up, large floating island in background
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Anon ;D
Sun will be forced to drink my cum for sustenance
holy fuck Ram how long did it take you to learn all of that shit?
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You're literally ass blasted that the mods, jannies, and posters don't agree with what content you think should be on a random insignificant chinese internet forum. If this is a big enough problem for you to get angry at, acquire some real responsibilities or jump off the tallest building you can find and die.
I dun ge'it
Hi there

She cute
Does not change what I said. We never had such a huge amount of obnoxious kids who think they're adults on this site decades ago.
You're trying to justifying being stupid. That's never going to work.
Jannies work for free and they're not always around. You're just obnoxious. That simple. Grow up little boy.
sephirot and cloud if elfs
Bump limit alert! Dump the slop and evacuate the thread immediately.
Anyone is already baking?
ah, that's another one I need to just bite the bullet and figure out already.
I'm fairly experienced in 3D. nothing professional yet, but definitely better than the average person.
how does controlnet relate to 3D and what's the difference betweed dim 8, 16, 32, etc.?
I've been messing on and off with SD since around early November of 2023. Definitely best to go into it expecting to make a whole bunch of slop before you're comfortable with what you're outputting.
Cute horror gf to watch canadian cartoons with
I'm a retard so I just downloaded the largest one as I'm not hurting for space. I'll be honest, I'm not really sure what the difference is but dim256 has worked well for me.
>Jannies work for free and they're not always around.
They will delete AROUND the shit that you're seething about. Take your own advice and realize that you aged out of needing to browse this site, self important faggot.
I was kind of surprised to see some of my prompts reposted here. I was making prompts out of curiosity more than anything.
How come you're always posting the "cringe af" post replying to yourself. Are you a bot or or mentally ill?

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