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/v/ - Video Games

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Anons, there is a specific term to prompt a seifuku?
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Organic thread BTW.
>sailor school uniform, red tie
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hahaha that's fair. I was actually gonna do the same thing anyways
Most of these aren't even /v/
Most of /v/ isnt /v/
>Sunlight refraction effect,bokeh effect,She holds newspaper above her head,Asuka from Evangelion (long ginger hair,blue eyes,sailor school uniform, red tie).Dynamic hair.Square Enix.Anime, Colorful sketch by Tetsuya Nomura,black contrast.Background:Day,warm colors,blurry light green forest background.

Thanks anon, have my prompt...
wdym? this is the /ai/ board
Stay ass damaged, nobody gives a fuck. Go back to spamming futa / gore / furry
/v/ is for video games
Most of the garbage on these threads are not even /v/
Why not go to /b/?
have a good one sloppers
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Never heard of it
thick mercy anyone?
can someone start posting futa so the nogens stop bitching?
Do you really think you're funny? This is humor?
Unfortunately she dies
A based danganronpa fan, nice to see you around here.

Slender/slim please...
i'm not a coomer why would I go to b?
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Didn't even read. Thanks for bumping the thread.
I like to smell my dirty sweaty balls
is that video games?
To post non vidya shit for starters. That was supposed to be the obvious thing.
>Not a coomer
>Posts anime shit
Nice larp, shut the fuck up and stop shitting up the board.
Thanks for admitting zoomers are retarded.
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vidya bros, we're losing...
my dude
Seethe nigger
guys what should I cook for dinner?
video games
Just admit that you guys desperately want to see dicks and fuck off to one of the other boards like /d/, /b/, or /trash/ where you can find them. We don't have to follow you there, you can fuck right off yourself.

>hurrrr but /v/ is for vid
Shut the fuck up
Leave it to the leftist mentality of a rock to think posting and doing things against the board's theme makes remotely any logical sense.
Your kind do think a man in a dress makes them a chick so I shouldn't be surprised.
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
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Good job admitting you're illiterate.
She got cute
why don't you go to the moderation IRC and pester them
I swear no one has bothered based on the occasional whiny dork popping in here to stroke his e-peen about how vidya-related his threads are[n't]
Same vibe
Sup carrot dude ;D
Good job admitting that you have no argument, closet homo. You'll never be a janny.
I should because leftist zoomers like you are hellbent on ruining anything and everything.
Now retype this without sounding ass blasted
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socks are vidya
when I bother posting images I am probably one of the more autistic people trying to remain at least somewhat vidya related, my man
now shoo, I'm not working the shaft for youu
I could be a jannie if they actually paid. I'd make sure ALL OF YOUR FAG UNRELATED SHIT would be obliterated from this board.
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never genned any Mercy. am i doing it right?
Dance my nigger monkey! Dance for us!
Good you agree. Now go and stop wasting time here.
/v/ is for _________
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It'd be hilarious to see a mod publicly ban one of these retards for once so that they can fuck off.

See image
No, I have no problem admitting I'm mad. I love being mad. I love thinking about violence to smashing kids heads in where their parents obviously failed them.
I want people like you to learn there's different boards for a reason.
I'd ban the absolute shit out of you morons.
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Noimg anon is just upset the good donuts were sold out, don't be too harsh.
There shouldn't be "somewhat"
We are on /v/
/v/ shit should be on /v/
That's the point of the fucking board.
Fucking christ
I am currently lolimaxxin
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Yeah it's awesome and really just kind of works as long as you fill the prompt to kind of lead it along. Especially when you end up making images you like and then can just use your own gens as controlnet references so you don't even have to save a bunch of other ones.
Here's an example with the GUI if you wanted settings but it's fairly straight forward.
stop responding to him, he's getting off to it
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You said it!
Hey. Read it.
Pretty right

kino and based
>one thread out of 200 is ruining anything and everything
take your own advice and grow up. all you can do is project
post pic
Time stamp
Let's see you mouthy punks pop off for real
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shut the fuck up list and go back to discord
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Cringe af.
how does posting non vidya on a vidya board make sense exactly?
do you even post vidya these days anymore?
feels like Amelia has been months ago
Joke all you want, posting non related shit on a different board makes absolutely no sense and mods need to get their fat fingers moving and ban the fuck out of you leftist autists.
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rebellion, the foundation of 4chan was to rebel against social norms
Is this ginny jinny or minny
So you zoomers think posting non related shit against the theme of the board makes sense?
Are you retarded?
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Hi, Asuka!
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I don't post at all. Yesterday/today has been the first time I've posted for weeks. I was just making Battle Sisters though. Honestly I was going to post Amelia last night but I was too tired to write up her prompt from scratch on my phone.
Why did it make my monster hold a baby?
No it wasn't faggot. Why are zoomers coming in suddenly tryng to tell oldfags the point of 4chan?
If 4chan believed in rebellion, there wouldn't be a need for seperate boards.
We have seperate boards for a reason and the new tranny mods ain't doing their jobs.
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Just an off-costume ginny buying donuts for the Hell office
keep raging like a baby that's not getting their way
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minny here:D
ZAMN it's #012???
>talks about leftists and trannies
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>Benefits of browsing /b/ but without having to see disturbing content
>Able to talk about video games (optionally)
>Jannies never do their job
>Extra traffic
and as an added bonus it keeps you ass ragnarok'd

All great reasons to post on /v/. By reading this final line you agree that you're gay. People don't come to /v/ to talk about vidya they come to shitpost.
Mistakes into miracles
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I am currently expressionmaxxin
And you keep being snarky because you're one trick pony.
Just like everyone else you've had in your life, no one is impressed with your "superior" comedy skills. You're unlikable for a reason and posting non vidya in a vidya board makes no fucking sense when you can go wild on /b/
is it an expression of pain?
You should not want to be making things worse on purpose because you're too fucking lazy to take literally seconds to make a thread.
You're just fucking lazy and you want to shit things up with nonrelated shit in boards that has nothing to do with them.
>waaaaaaah waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I dunno, is it??
Says the lazy nigger who won't fuck off to /b/ and make a thread
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You're calling other people "zoomers" while unironically not realizing that this place's board culture died over a decade ago.

>You should not want to be making things worse on purpose
Unless it's to also spite faggots like you that call people "new" and "underaged" despite using slang that didn't exist until the last couple of years.
goo goo ga ga nigga
So when is ai gonna be able to create 3d models using prompts?
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I know you don't care about any of this. one thread among dozens affects nothing, what is your real reason for being here?
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I think since 2 months ago?
So you're totally cool having everything not related and having complete chaos like the 90's slipknot faggot you are?
Do you guys think the complaining about how these threads shouldn't be on this board will just continue in perpetuity? Jannies have figured that over almost an entire year that these threads are fine on this board so do you think that matters at all?
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oh come on, could be better.
right now
You're just obnoxious lazy fucks, fuck the leftist regime. We have seperate boards for a reason.
they can stay here for all I care but then people have to post vidya
Yes because it shows a lack of control. They're not being paid and they refuse to forfeit and replace them with actual paid mods who would keep control to the leftist nonsense you pukes want to invoke.
Why are you talking about politics on a video game board
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I'm okay with whatever because I'm not a loser dipshit whose life revolves around this website. If you're over the age of 25 and are THIS emotionally invested in this site it's because you're too new to realize it's beyond saving or because you're such a worthless human being this place is all you have going for you. In both cases your opinion is worth jack shit and you only exist to be laughed at and give threads free bumps.
you typed this without any forethought. tell us the real reason your here.
You bitches started it when you wanted to be retarded and do as you please even though it makes no logical sense like leftists do.
You just want chaos.
We have different boards for a reason.
She was two weeks from retirement...
you seem like a schizo
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Steamy peaches
Alright good luck I guess
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Only oldfags remember this meme
>I'm okay with whatever
Right, that's why you're on /v/. I type sarcastically to you.

Says the motherfucking nig who doesn't know your from you're.
Which boards have a.i. art generals exactly?
Neat, now make her an Obliterator.
she joined xcom and became vidya
You seem like a tranny supporter.

Wave that white flag, you know damn well I'm making a point.
nigga wtf are you doing
Goddammit right. Chaos is the truth. You're an abomination in the eyes of God.
umm Honey there is some UI in your negative prompt
Mind share the prompt anon? I tried to gen a disco club once but got too schizoed

Hooooooo boy


That's lovely
We have different boards for a reason.
AI art of vidya makes sense on the vidya board.
AI art of non vidya makes no god damn sense.
You want /v/ to just be /b/
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*hacking intensifies*
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How about one of THESE
you should try a different tactic and call them pajeets or something, your routine is getting boring.
You know what else is boring?
Me telling lazy retarded leftists to just go to /b/ if they want to post non vidya shit.
I want you to die, vile thing, you living affront to truth.
Cringe af.
she can't even hack a fly, less for a chapter 3's release date.
then go play vidya???
These threads are moving so fast now that no one will notice that I really love f
We have different boards for a reason, you're either too stupid or retarded to just go to /b/
That simple.
Hooo boy xD
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Gross lol
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>Wednesday: Isabelle and Detective Hate
>Thursday: Paula Hate
>Friday: Thread Hate
>Saturday: ???
Kino gens, as always
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women should smoke more, like ALL the time
This is anime, not vidya
Liz Love!
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Isabelle is in!
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>it was husky Luigi all along
Wow what a surprise
/g/, /h/, /d/, /trash/, /co/, /aco/ and there may be more
/b/ does too
Could you please read this lovely wikipedia article?
Enjoy being nuked by the feds
anyways, Cringe af.
We always hate Detective and I'm glad he's been getting BTFO'd lately. Biggest schizo here and he gets a pass because he acts like a hugboxxing discord groomer
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agreed. they are always sexier
I think they are in some gacha
Thanks Obama!
>Wednesday: Isabelle and Detective Hate
anon, the isabelle hate is eternal.
Detective was praised by everyone back in july 4th
>Back shot,red light,few flower petals floats,Sunset refraction effect.Asuka from Evangelion holds a petal on hand(daisy crown,long ginger hair,blue eyes,yellow summer dress).Dynamic hair.Square Enix.Anime,Colorful sketch by Tetsuya Nomura,black contrast.Background:Sunset,matte colors,walks in a shallow lagoon.
By your own rebuttal, everything is video games then. See how retarded you sound?
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You are the one that is complaining anon
I'm sick of every OC poster at this point, all their pictures look the same and they're just taking up space for actual /v/idya gens
of course I am because the rest of you can't comprehend why we have different boards.
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Let me guess
It's a manga/anime series. This board would just be /b/ if we just connected everything to something a video game has.
Do we have an exact pinpoint on when Isabellefag's List obsession started? He's even starting to get the gen style close
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To be fair I think there needs to be a certain quota reached before its allowed to be posted here. Shit like Naruto or DBZ has a shitload of games so that's probably fine
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how does one define vidya? is it as simple as a visual medium that one has tactile control over through technologic means? or is it something more transient? such as a state of being?
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By your own logic 90% of the entire sire of chan and channel can be vidya related
That's ridiculous line of reasoning. There's not even a discussion about those games being had here.
They still look different enough to tell who's gen it is but it's getting harder
they're the same person
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Vidya is anything that make me smile :)
Non vidya is anything that make me angy >:^(
Aa much as isabellefag probably wants this to be true, it isn't
incredibly good and interesting question
some critics argue that games need a failstate, and more and more devs are trying to get rid of game overs etc, so...
doesn't the new Dragon Age actually do that?
By that logic there shouldn't be Baldur's Gate threads here because Dungeons and Dragons is /tg/.
>By your own logic 90% of the entire sire of chan and channel can be vidya related
That's quite literally how this place works. You'll have a thread at 300 points with a picture of a random eceleb that says
>What games do white women play?
and the thread will be about twitch and dog breeds. Meanwhile the janny is busy deleting a xenoblade thread. Once you realize this place is this way by design and not by accident you'll stop seething. Or who knows maybe you'll die mad.
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cool image you posted anon, you are adding some quality content here
If you can't grasp things STARTING OUT AS VIDYA vs something being adapted into a vidya then I don't know where your parents failed you exactly.

So you think everything a vidya has had should be /v/ acceptable? Why even have the board to begin with then?
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Damn it, that was nice...
>Prompt Vergil please?
Meanwhile, Peachfags just posting for the love of it.
My favorite visual novel has a failstate thus it counts as vidya(no I will NOT tell you its name)
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dang bro that's crazy
I have to fight it a lot for a simple ponytail, wtf
Tell me, is this thread off-topic >>683158870 because Star Wars is film series?
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sad truth is: no one prompts BG or SW, it's all just OC
I don't even know what they're talking about. I don't follow woke wars.
Hmmmm mostly porn shit. Thanks.
>If you can't grasp things STARTING OUT AS VIDYA vs something being adapted into a vidya then I don't know where your parents failed you exactly
>Halo: The Fall of Reach was released October 30, 2001
>Halo: Combat Evolved was released November 15, 2001

So by your definition, Halo belongs on /lit/ because it started as a book before a video game. Am I getting that right?
That's a fucking lovely knicker
10/10 anon

>holds a ladle
Unfortunately my prompt comes along with a pan
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hmm by that logic... wouldn't it be prudent to say "LIFE" is but another game? and "DEATH" as a failstate?
By your own rebuttal this site shouldn't be video games at all and it's just /b/
Did you read what I said? There should be a certain threshold passed before it's allowed; Naruto and DBZ have a lot of games for example but something like Tokyo Revengers or K-on don't. Why are you so pressed about this?
it sure doesn't belong on /tv/ anymore LMAOOOOOOOOO
>There's no reason why AI fags who post non vidya origin shit to be on /v/
Because the other non-vidya threads are full of schizos or porn. Your one dimensional black and white thinking is a clear sign of autism. You're expecting these threads to be more consistent with video game content than the catalog overall.
>There should be a certain threshold passed before it's allowed
There is. Jannies make that call. There's a threshold of what is and isn't allowed. Report this thread if you want to test those thresholds
permadeath is a shit mechanic
Because those franchises have their own boards and if you're claiming Goku is a video game character makes no logical sense. He's a character who has had video games based on him but I wouldn't say he's a video game character.

Anon the boards are seperated by a reason. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.

Jannies have done fuck all.
Shut up casual
I absolutely adore these meltdowns. Makes for good background reading while I gen slop.
Complaining about the quality of moderation is a bannable offense.
Yes(you can't trick me into revealing the title with you funny philosophy words)
>permadeath is a shit mechanic
As a POE player...It's pretty damn frustating leveling up a character and die in a tier 8 map
We had an entire thread where people posted anime gens and jannies didn't do shit
You can be snarky as you want, you're just proving you don't want to step up to the plate because you can't take a loss like a man.
Jannies don't do shit here and that's why we have reached this point it's free for all in the AI nonsense.
oh god please demean me more daddy
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some scholars believe that "DEATH" is not a permanent failstate but is infact a "REROLL" of your "CHARACTER" to be reborn into the game world.
Make all the jokes you want, it just makes me more right.
these threads are going to be so fucking over once your janny application goes through
it's definitely a trial & error tool that devs can use but repeated deaths will totally bum the player out
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Another day where i still can't get a good exdeath
People are already telling you that jannies don't give a fuck. This isn't a hard concept to grasp, dipshit. You can, again, talk to them on IRC and post the results, until then you're just another sperg publicly shitting his diaper.
hello no.
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Gives me an excuse to repost this though
I'm not trying to end the AI threads, I'm trying to make them vidya related.
Vidya boards for vidya.
Is that really that much of a wild concept to you?
It's such a bad exdeath that its stylized Amano/Dissidia Warrior of Light
what are you gonna do besides shit and cry and whine?
No, you're just another wigger with a black mentality thinking you should steal because someone else is looking the other way.
Jusy a weak leftist punk who has no respect for himself or anywhere he goes.
Yoo anon, but he is pretty damn detailed...
please follow up in a month to let us know how that went for ya. im super excited to hear how it goes
I support this notion.
Point out how useless you are

Is that when the new applications start?
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I'll chime in too
man imagine if every post complaining had a vidya gen attached there'd be so much vidya like wowza
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>Says the OC posting hypocrite
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turns out we have something in common after all
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wouldn't that be something
That's a good point kek

>Sojiro's catchphrase intensifies
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>try to make a Sister of Battle
>Something may have triggered Microsoft's Responsible AI guidelines
>try to rewrite anything related to guns or war
>still getting blocked
>remove "fleur de lis" from the prompt
>suddenly works
what the fuck?
>can't post vidya
>can't read
damn son
>it just keeps screeching buzzwords
robin williams likes evangelion
robin williams named his daughter zelda williams
zelda is a video game

refute this
Take this shit to /tg/ you heretic faggot.
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>i'm not a loser
I doubt it
>complains about people not posting vidya
>doesn't know vidya when he sees it
french revolution is a nono

he ded
why is the /g/ thread so consistently dead?
Robin Williams has never been in a video game. His daughter is not a video game.
Evangelion is shit.
people on /g/ are more likely to have jobs
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this is the closest thing I'm going to get at least today.
Lack of mental illness. Gaming is full of mental illness.
All this noimg arguing and I still have to throw you out.
jerking to csam is not even a job
What's the prompt, if you want I can tweak it and reply to your post with any edit I make to it. I'll use a codeword or something in case you want to find it in the catalog later but otherwise peace.
they have more AIs than Dall-E to talk about
People complain about the OC posting on /v/ but /g/ was an entirely different beast. With how slow it was you just had kind of a heat death of the thread over months of the same 3-4 posters literally posting the same exact shit every day.
>hurr durr thats what /v/ does
No. Go visit /aco/ or the archives of /g/ threads. It's literally the SAME thing. Not the same character...literally the same prompts over and over and over.
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here's the best i got. getting dogged to hell
Later anon
I don't give a fuck about other boards.
I don't sit here and compare.
I am focusing on /v/
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>another day
>another wannabe janny throwing a tantrum instead of filtering and moving on with his sad excuse for a life
same as it ever was
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Dawn of War Soulstorm
Rogue Trader
Eisenhorn: Xenos
Chaos Gate

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You didn't actually say anything but buzzword and that within itself is a buzzword if you want to take the meta route of thinking.
yellow dog
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Best gens
Best poster
Simple as
You will reply to this post seething
please save us from the autist that refuses to go to the moderation irc
Doesn't matter, you're not talking about those games you're posting /tg/ related content.
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Now imagine an entire thread full of ritual posts and that's closer to what /g/ became.
ListGOD here to save the thread from the pathetic jannie wannabe
Maah man ;D
not a dall-e filename. it's someone reposting
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free will is underrated
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There have been Sororitas in vidya since before you were born, pipsqueak. Now cry while I post some more.
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Cool story bro
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>Leave it to a leftist
Go straight back
we got pretty close when all the ocs were in here at the same time
help i'm dumb how do i get my tokens back the search history thing isn't working
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Your soul is poisoned and you have turned your face away from God. I'm not interested in anything you have to say.
shit's done
tokens are more or less useless anyway these days
You don't need tokens. It might take a bit longer to gen without them, but you don't need them.
Nice non rebuttal bitch tits.

No discussion has been made about vidya of said non vidya origin franchises until I pointed it out.

I'm fine where I am, just like you're fine with your chaos antics.

Soul and the concept of christian God is a fairytale, welcome to your first epiphany.
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>generals aren't allowed on /v/ except for AI ones for some reason
Which indian janny made an exception for you guys? This isn't video games
Anon, you genned this out of blue?
This frame reminds me a video clip (can't remember exactly which one...)
The lazy one. I say one because I'm convinced only one jannie watches this entire board.
Hahahahahahahahaha holy fucking shit, omg 20/10 you are too much, fucking TOP KEK
Maybe these aren't generals. Do you think jannies are wrong?
there's a few generals on /v/ at any given time. you just chose this one to have a problem with
take it to the irc
every voice is another bashing of waves on a cliff, that shit gets worn down over time
dick-waving in here accomplishes nothing
Give us a fucking /ai/ board and we'll fuck off
Thanks for admitting you forfeit. Makes this much easier.
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U mad?
He really is just cycling through the entire gambit huh
good thread people
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>2d in the style of Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,black spandex outfit,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes,gloves are long and start with pink fabric)in battle with violet jewelry around him,anime style,high resolution,high quality,high detail,anime background,anime visual,anime
>368 replies
>183 images

what happened
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Mega Ma'am is cute
the usual burger hour tantrums.
people didn't post vidya
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>a halftone illustration of the face and eyes of Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,black spandex outfit,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes,gloves are long and start with pink fabric) in profile, half tone dots, high contrast
Meltdown. I think he thinks we can't just make another thread.
Me calling out the BS of you leftist weak willed men.
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reposting someone else's slop
It's Friday night, and I feel alright
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I'm not neutral. I'm actively antagonizing you.
Says the third worlder mooch that's on the burger site.

Oh you can, but doesn't change what I said you leftist.
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the third one is the last version I used
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>Rouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,black spandex outfit,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes,gloves are long and start with pink fabric) in Luminous Void, portrayed as if emerging from a radiant emptiness, using violet and black micro detail
Be aware that you don't have much space for the character's description
>high detail digital impressionistic art drawing, gainax, chara from undertale young childish shortstack girl red eyes green yellow striped tshirt, pale skin, brown shorts dancing on the floor in a nightclub, neon stroboscopic lights, invisible fibonacci sequence watermark, not bottoms, nighttime, bold, confident body language, swayed hip thrust dancing move, back perspective, pavement
oh okay thanks anons
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There is an invisible sword of Damocles hanging over all your heads right now.
what in the reddit
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continuing to repost someone else's slop
you couldnt have just copy pasted those into your reply...?
That doesn't mean anything to someone who enjoys getting angry at waste of space leftist.
Please have my (try to prompt) Roll
>long and cuffed dark blue sleeves,showing subtitle " Kaze yo Tsutaete" in yellow,Background: Inside a voice cabin, floating musical notes.'90 anime,robot kid,no visible joints, Kōji Inada draw style,Toei Animation,super deformed lines ,white skin complexion,green eyes,long yellow hair with fringed bangs with tied back in a ponytail with a lime ribbon,red dress ,red shoes,buttoned white collar. Antropomorphic red microphone with happy face.
It's pretty old and meh prompt kek.

Thanks anon, I'll try to adapt it.
shhh stop fighting! You're making Isabelle cry!
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imagine being so mad on the Internet. This meltdown is hilarious
Thanks, aright lemme cook.

Skill issue
>Not Designer 20k image
We have a sus here...
that's the saddest thing I've ever read
You're still an autistic internet tough guy though
isabelle happy
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I don't think I've got secondhand slop that tops this one going as far back as October, honestly
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It's only hilarious because you're too chicken shit to try and argue with a real man you loon.
You're nothing but a pussy.

I don't need to be tough to state common sense.
We gonna hit that limit in record time
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the same tranny with janny complex lets pray his HRT pills are outlawed soon
Canine of Foul Omen
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are (You) creative enough to post vidya?
no i couldn't, that's why I posted a pic with the prompts
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Does this thread say "Dead Nigger Storage" ?
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Rate this meltdown.
>it actually worked
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we need a Highschool AU of these /v/ threads
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Let's make this worse.
Cringe af.
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why am i getting more results for Roll? not complaining though, just weird
You're just tough behind a screen
Started okay with a decent amount of effort with him giving individual replies to everyone but then he just went back to normal gore spamming so...4/10?
do Whitemane
come on, I know you want to!
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He who stands with me shall be my brother
No one has gore spammed you literal retard.
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yes no relations to any videos just wanted to gen some backyards
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Through the lightning and the tempest, Emperor deliver us.
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Anon, what a kino gen.

My guess would be because you are trying to prompt a female megaman.
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I'm still trying
these pretend janny meltdowns were never good but they've somehow gotten worse with time
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Do you even know what you're saying?
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Their cries grant us life!
its over
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Noimgs said last time, until OCs fuck off and vidya is posted we will save the threads. Simple as. Don't know why people can't just post their OC shit on /g/
every poster we lose is another scar upon heart...
another connection severed...
a great burden upon my soul...
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I know it knows her as I've done some before, any particular outfit you're looking for?
hell, I don't even remember its name now, what's that show called again? Never finished
uh yeah how about something that shows off her ASS
that looks more like Selvaria actually
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Good! Only happy Isabelle!
we need some Pragmata gens
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>he doesn't realize more OC will be posted solely to spite him
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>2dRouge the bat from the Sonic franchise(green eyes,anthro bat, blue eyelids,white short hair, dark violet tiny wings,peach colored skin(muzzle,ears,arms),small black tail,black spandex outfit,a pink heart print on the chest,long white boots,a silver heel,a heart print on the toes,gloves are long and start with pink fabric) dancing on the floor in a nightclub,neon stroboscopic lights,dance,comicallyoversizedbottoms!,nighttime,confident body language
Sup anon ;D
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It's mostly the style. Most of the women come out more mature looking with that one.
Yes hello can I get uhhh one female character fully clothed, holding a purse, walking down a shopping street, pleasant summer weather and maybe some dynamic lighting?
>prompt blocked this is against our guidelines
I fucking hate it so much
Why do you want to post OC garbage so bad here
this is it. working 6 shifts in a row
Take the rest of the day off, faggot.
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ancap is the way
that feathered hairstyle looks real good on her
damn, what a waste of a character FUCKING BLIZZARD

Try to put some visual noise anon.
The dog also complains the clothes you prompt.
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Skill issue?
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checking in really quick to see how the threads are going
you said sup and i responded
made some but no purses
no one finished that slop
because it makes rejected janitors like (You) shit their diapers in rage
how would I go about prompting SCP-173?
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>wasted opportunities
But that's been their entire business model for decades!
Slower than before. Occassional seething. Some regulars are gone or not posting as often. That's about it.
you, I like you, don't stop posting
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It's rough
Man, I've been playing a bit of the Soulstorm map campaign. I forgot some of these amazing Sister voice lines.
Gonna try to prompt an Immolator now, they sound so wonderfully unhinged.
Good lord I wanna bury my face in that
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>all those deleted posts
oh hey we may actually hit img limit before post limit if we
wait no
well it'll be easier to fill up image count before 404 anyway
that was shown to be false when they all got banned and we had the longest thread we've every had. the fact is that all the noimg complaining never even has kino vidya gens so it might as well be pissing in the wind.
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I think Soulstorm got shit on a little too hard desu.
Isn't that shit still going as well?
Imagine thinking someones gonna read that.
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Yet here you are replying not knowing that it said you suck all the shits out of bison.
Butthurt little bitch hopping on his VPN. >>683165347
Based jannies.
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so why not take these threads somewhere not vidya?
perfect solution
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>Thinks you need a VPN
Just admit you're stupid
Sincere question, is really that bad?
I'm asking because in mal the anime is super well rated
>Monogatari Series: Second Season, 8.8 rate

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because even the loser jannie is supporting this shit. You know what I think? I think jannie doesn't even know video games and can't tell what is or what is not vidya
Like the loser he fucking is.
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>yoshitaka amano final fantasy V concept art 1992, squiggly sketchy messy ink linesflat color, messy watercolor splotches, white paper negative space. Exdeath a tall robust evil mage with a blue alien-like armor, two golden shoulder horns, ornate bulky blue stag beetle Helm with horizontal visor slit, long white cape, colorful blue and orange arabian pattern skirt, orange dagger on the waist. using golden sword as a cane, ethereal orange&purple clouds, cyan arabian boots

I tried to cook something up but it's gonna be harder than I thought. Here's my result and maybe I'll come back to it tomorrow. I didn't realize I should have been in bed 2 hours ago.
>asks others to follow the rules
>ban evades when he gets banned for breaking the rules
I don't see your point? OC posters getting banned is a good thing and long threads aren't bad. The less NEETs posting off-topic the better
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today i will remind them
Goes to show the kind of retard that falls for /pol/-shit
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not doing it this instant but I think I'm going to just rename secondhand slop files to secondhandXYZ so I don't feel compelled to type that every time like an assburger
can someone share prompts for interesting actions?
how does random anon get bonked for instigating a flame war but listfag doesn't?
shit don't make sense
Rent free
Chaos could have been behind those posts
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He has gotten bonked a couple times though.
does that make thomas the tank engine vidya as well?
I actually quite like it, it just keeps going on forever.
I don't got your point, what do you mean interesting actions?
He's absolutely gotten slapped by the jannies before
he is
That's not fat Peach holding toast.
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>click the minus
>hide stub
it's that easy
He does but only when he devolves into a /pol/ tirade like this schizo is doing.
OCs will never be vidya and that shit doesn't take place in Paris, France or whereever the fuck he always gens her at
playful used to do it but bow that dogs. you can just say dynamic poses
>2 hour thread
Ohhhhhhh I see anon...
The anime is good but it never ends...
grasping at straws
>If you gen Mario in paris he stops being a video game character
Holy shit you're THIS assblasted my sides
Kek, even with his flamewarring, we finished the thread.
She's never done that
>simping this hard for a NEET man obsessed with an anime girl and fighting for his right to avatarblog
what the fuck is wrong with you people
Don't make me fish into the archive for that thread with all the Naruto and Sasuke AI art deleted along with the schizo ramblings
tfw you wanted the October Dall-E experience and got the arguing part of it
>toon threads exist
also by your logic you're off topic since created characters don't count, so unless I see a perfect on model chosen undead/bearer of the curse you need to leave
Haha yeah, it keeps "ending" and then they bring it back for more.
It's like a band who used to be really good back in the day reuniting in the current day and releasing a disappointing new album.
Did they patch the infinite token glitch?
Clearing search history doesn't give me more tokens anymore.
>he has to dig into the archives to find something
obsessed. you lost. she won
>pointing out your hilariously flawed logic is simping for the opposition
can you rotate 3D objects in your mind?
yeah but it don't matter. none of this matters
Lmao that's your favorite thing to say, you're a fucking loser.
tokens haven't mattered for like half a year now. wait 10 seconds or wait for the orange icon at the bottom and refresh the page
OCposter brats need a good spanking.
Listfag is an autistic bitch who can't handle what she dishes out.
Next thread.
Stop simping for men online, he's not an anime girl
You do realize minors post here right?
>detective in vidya
it was on topic all along...
Yeah, I haven't been on for a while. orange icon? Is that mobile? I'm on a desktop browser.
that's kino
Did you reply to the wrong person, dumbfuck?
fuck 'em

he means the "your gen might take a bit longer" message
you can just hit F5 after ~15-30 seconds and it should be done either way
They're breaking the law, it's not my problem.

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