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I want thai
alright, here is my Saints Row character
and now we wait
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Ay ay captain
Angry comment.
Lol you mad nigga
Fuck you i won't do what you tell me
Dante isn't a woman, that's a heckin off topic. And no I won't post my totally kino vidya gens until you and the rest off the ocfags fuck off for good. I am very smart!
https://catbox moe/c/uwadpp
https://catbox moe/c/ab7wv7
https://catbox moe/c/tjmd4m
https://catbox moe/c/8zl3ai
https://catbox moe/c/9uzopr
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https://catbox moe/c/x4j2lk
https://catbox moe/c/dult0j
https://catbox moe/c/6dd4cm
https://catbox moe/c/8ehca7
games like this?
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no, thank YOU
... is vidya
very technical
is there a hairstyles doc?
kek you really made 'em mad with that
I see what you did there anon... kek
Some of those that work forces
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Are the same that burn crosses
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I get why flyers were reviled, and I would have preferred a more narrative campaign, but when I played it as a kid I didn't give a fuck about any of that. Battle Sisters are awesome.
>hairstyles doctor
you mean a barber..?
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What artstyle is this called? Artist?
Not to my knowledge, I use Google. Check also this for some hair adjectives: https://rentry.org/vssn3esp
fuck you I laughed
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persona artist
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jacket + panties N64 Misato is definitely my favorite thing to gen at the moment
popular videogame character Dante from Devil May Cry
Look everyone, Meowrio is back.
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There is a way to prompt her eating a pizza slice?
(melted cheese)
now pregnant
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Heh, had to be done.
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and here we go

>Kazuma Kaneko style

got the persona and the mainline smt artist mixed up
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Why would the AI generate a move he doesn't have?
Thank you!
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kek xD

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well aren't you a cocky little devil?
This was a good show
Deranged OCfags taking over threads is the worst thing to happen to these threads. Go avatar and ERP somewhere else
OC chads taking over these threads have been the best thing to happen. Stay here and ERP
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That's not the character he posts and you dishonest fucks know that. OC shit isn't /v/idya and all of them just want to ruin the threads and attention whore
what do (You) post?
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Thankyou. I love that silly little guy beside her
Motoko is NOT videogames
Why is Detective the only one he targets? He's arguably one of the nicest and most beloved posters in these threads, I can't imagine he has any enemies.
>Not even showing colours
Da fuck?
I played Ghost in the Shell on PS1 though.
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
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What's the prompt?
>Isabelle wears a Geyoga Rasta Hat,afro braids and smokes a joint.
Just prompt it

Hoo boy...
>Zelda is Link doesn't stop the moon from crashing
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I'm flattered, cute gin
results vary a lot
screenshot of Sega Dreamcast,Dreamcast psx specs,1999 3D,tribal gir(dark skin,long black hair,blue eyes,menacing eyes,annoyed face,dark skin,leaf skirt,tribal markings,light blue gem collar,scolding hands on hips pose),low angle view,side view,in island shore with crystal clear water and white sand,next to palm tree,blue sky,sparkly,grainy,pixelated
It doesn't matter if someone is nice if they only ever post off-topic bullshit, his gens are always garbage and look near identical to each other. Anyone else would rightfully get shit on but the discord troons give him a pass because ?????
Angry Marines, fucker!
Just skip all this foreplay and dump the gore already, I'm about to burst
It's an axolotl!
Strange little fellas but bing does them well.
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They've sided with the orks, it's fucking over
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>sided with the orks
>are literally trampling them under their mighty boots
Take off your stupid goggles, bitch! We don't need tanks like you little shits!
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Axolotls are very cute
wouldn't hurt him to leave his shell, that's for sure
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This gen made me think: Can bing recognize Madonna's blond corset?
you know this is false because you're woefully unaware of all the gens he's done that weren't of detective

Ah I see you're already axolotlpilled.
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It's worth a try anon. I doubt it would work just by name alone.
That is a very nice color scheme on him.
all his other characters are just detective in cosplay tho
afaik the only vidya he does are Disco and Mario, and even that only if people give him shit
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Love this little guy!
Thanks. Her expression looked perfect for a certain witch
my wife Rheatena...
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See >>683169887
It's always either disco or mario. He is here to exclusively avatarfag and post gens of his OC that look exactly the same. It's been nearly a year of this and he's done the exact same thing everytime. Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, has switched it up except him. You know this is true and I have no idea you're defending a deranged schizo stuck in a permanent groundhogs day just because he acts like a nice groomer
Prompt was:
>dark 1980s blank vhs colors, chalk lines, avant-garde anime illustration, anime styled smug girl, long blonde hair with pink streak, yellow eyes, black typographic sweater dress, fangs, in a strange dreamscape place with a giant axolotl with a galaxy inside it, wading exploring through a pool of black obsidian reflecting neon light, 1980s airbrush, underexposed, in profile, adventure, in a glowing cave
The colours vary a bit between gens.
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is he in the thread with us right now anon
I have a perfect prompt for you anon:
>Sumi-E painting, glitch effect static, ultradetailed anime, surrealist, Pixie glitching effect, poses on reflecting dark colored paint,waves giant brush, shapes with neon light náuatle axolotl with glitch effect trailing.Background simple japanese art clouds and patterns in various cyber colors, cyber neon punk effect, cybernetic elements mixed into the background. mood intense and jazzy, Dark hues, enigmatic glows colors and dynamic. hyperdetailed art
Result is on catbox

It's a little old prompt so you'll need to adjust in order to gen the Pixie.

Yeap, I might try it
For science.

Mah man!
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>a deranged schizo stuck in a permanent groundhogs day
this is called projection. you do this because you cannot fathom an existence other than your own so you examine reality through the lens of your own emotions, completely unaware of the fact that you're the one with his wires crossed that alters your perception and understanding of the world and the people in it
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This is quite nice thankyou anon.
I had no idea we had so many axolotl enjoyers in these threads
Thankyou isabro
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why ain't we pumping
nigga googled projection definition and still fucked up the meaning. im sick a schizo shitting up a thread with non-/v/idya OC garbage, what the fuck are you talking about?
We can both be pumping.
>how's it hanging?
Pump up the jam
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Isn't it? ;D
With proper adjustments I was able to pull it out this one

Yw, you are a good lad anon ;D

>A feral jumpsuit
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>reading comprehension
Neat! Just did a quick prompt mash and already getting some good results. Will have to experiment some more tomorrow. Kinda remind me of the neon lizards in Rain World

I dunno, they're just so distinctive, with enough scope for fantasy elements.
They also look like dorks which I appreciate
Now, give her monster muscles.
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>dumb OCsimp can't understand English
howdy, hang yourself
Glad you like it, have fun
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what have i done
Hello detec-
Based, I was hoping it'd be this scenario
That's a lot of stuff
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you can gen a lot over 20 days
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Why does nobody ever prompt Shovel Knight?! His game is very good and his design is pretty cool!
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white suit Asuka, my beloved...
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cant you just album them nigga, I don't wanna add a dot for each of those
Prompt please.

>Detailed anime background painting, muted colors. A serene winter night scene in a mountainous region, where traditional thatched-roof houses are blanketed in snow. The warm glow of lights from the windows suggests a cozy atmosphere inside, contrasting with the cold blue tones of the snow-covered landscape. The darkness of the night sky and the surrounding environment accentuates the illumination of the houses.
they're all albums
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What's in the booooox?
I'm just doing a little "experiments" anon
>Cold ins't it?

Anon, it was pretty simple
>Red jumpsuit from evangelion,back view, long ginger hair.Dark fantasy manga art.oil.murata range,bubblegum crisis,persona in the style of studio gainax.sharp black contrast.Background:Night city.
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Airbrush Inkling:
>gradient 1980s airbrush brushstrokes, avant-garde anime illustration, anime styled athletic girl, long blonde hair with pink streak, yellow eyes, black sports and shorts, in silhouette, smile, eye shadow, arms raised stretched overhead, 1980s japanese fashion magazine pose, abs, splatoon, black background

As for the fishing Inkling I'm phoneposting so ask again tomorrow, sorry.
I still prefer this style for traps I think

Gross. Fuck off
Prompt Ganondorf fucking Link is easy.Now prompt Link fucking Ganon, that would be new innovative
>Ram is a blacked cuck
I wish people could appreciate twinks without shoving in the ugly bastard trash every god damn time.
the town turned him gay
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It's typical for tranny freaks
ganon is green
>image limit
Anons, literally last prompt for today
Keep prompting and stay safe out there.Peace!
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Hmmm trap Ganon..
they cannot resist, everything has to be about huge burly men and small weak men, just an insane male obsession with the male while loathing the female, it's truly exhausting having to wait for the death of society so they can all fuck and kill each other and go extinct
Why do blackedfags have to ruin everything?
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I hate them so fucking much. But the truth is usually they're trannies who hate themselves
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See ya!
What would you prefer? trap x trap?
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Trap Ganondorf just looks like he has jaundice
A lot of times I like baras or bishonen, but not the outright trannypedo sissification type shit with ugly bastards
you're falling into the trap anon, trannies are a huge minority, it's always ALWAYS men roleplaying because they cannot stand when it's not about them and their obsessions
>short brown hair
>white shirt
>red tie
>smoking a cigarette
looks like it to me
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Fair enough. Baras and bishis don't do much for me but my enjoyment of traps does mostly stem from sissification but that's only because I prefer futa x trap.
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Ah of course
Cringe af.
Women? Huge
Men? Also huge
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It's too bad fem/twink stuff cannot exist without ugly bastard and degradation.
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>1955 Mercedes 300 SL Gullwing
>enforcer and chocobara sandwiching 'tective between their massive pecs
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ginny that’s gay
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>tfw Trap X Girl enjoyer
Especially when it's a larger girl submitting to the petite trap. Like some sort of amazon warrior girl.
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ginny poster's bi
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Same. But this is more my speed. I'm really, really tired of vanilla freaks insisting the dynamic MUST be dom female trash. Tiresome beyond belief.
>draw a girl
>call it a booooyyyy
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>lust provoking Isabelle
Cool gen!
Everytime I see these I wanna play Bloodborne again! pc port never
Freedom Rei!
Not enough Claire gens around here!
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Hold you over while I work on a better gen.
Yeah the femdom cultists are so damn tiresome, feels like they're multiplying too. At the very least filtering out anal gets rid of all the pegging and all the worst of the male on male stuff.
yes lust
I like femdom and pegging. At least the girl is attractive
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i'm watching you
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Here we go.
Yes. Claires are nice.
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nobody wants to explore themselves and ideas anymore, it's an immediate hard shove to force you into the deep end of insane power dynamics and extremely boring BDSM garbage, just the same exact mentally broken shit over and over and OVER, and they can't even make it interesting femdom it's always just the exact same "my mom/grandma/whatever molested me as a kid and now I project it forever as mean women who all have the same dialogue across a million iterations" pattern
Nice one!
In general BDSMshit is tiring
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Isabelle is pure!
More Claire!
>Like some sort of amazon warrior girl
I tried...but unless I'm doing shota, it's always hard to get size difference stuff with larger females to actually take correctly on pony in my experience.
pure sexo
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agreed, but I think a lot of that is how homogeneous and generic BDSM has become, there's zero creativity in it anymore and it's become so focused on people's unresolved trauma that the sex feels less important than the "please just kill me and make me a nonhuman already" aspect of it, which is zero fucking fun
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Of course, the rare 300SL with a roof rack.
More Claire for you.
I was with you but following the chain up to the guy that said femboy x female made me cringe. That might be the gayest thing someone can ask for involving a male and female besides pegging.
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Thanks for the Claire's!
>straight sex is gay now
U wot m8
I wonder how Lucario-anon is doing on his video game he was making
Projecting into a trap / needing one in your porn is gay as fuck. Cope.
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Been trying to gen Bob-omb and this is how it's going
Like I said. The life-ending OBSESSION of male for the male, with loathing for the female. The idea of a male who is feminine being with a female who is feminine, without it being some femdom sissy puke, offends and angers them beyond belief. They've been conditioned to an extreme that makes them the same, over and over and over. They can't bear any heresy that threatens their pornographic dogma.
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No I know traps are gay and I accept that fact if it means I don't have to have a hairy dude involved.
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Like I never wanna be one of those people who tries to dictate what others fap to, but damn I wish people would try a little variety. It's like they get in their tribes and want to execute anyone of different tastes.
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These are barely featured in hentai as it is. What a weird excuse to want to self insert as a literal emasculated fag.
Nice anon, I tried a few myself after seeing this but I can't quite get it. Soon as I throw femboy or trap into the mix it turns into clone stuff. Seems you've got a better handle on it than I do.
>Why don't people want males with traits of a female?
Because not everyone in life lacked a father figure / got molested.
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Ada cheeks.
I like dicks, I like guys. I'm not attracted to ugly guys.
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Now you're just making it sound like you want to be fucked by your dad
The other issue is the "muscle" tag is way more heavily weighted on males so it's really a pain in the ass to get a muscular female and a non muscular male which is why I use shota to try and cheat that. But even then it loves to just throw muscles on the boy. Depending on what you're using if it's NAI or SD you could try the "otoko no ko" tag but I've always had better luck with trap.
pretty cute
Prompt mate?
Embarrassingly fruity and retarded reply. This probably sounded way more clever in your own head.
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It's exactly tribalism, but worse. Because people today struggle to have an identity of their own about anything, they become cultists about it, and feel that any deviation from their own obsessions is an attack on them, an INVALIDATION of their identity, and that feels as threatening as a knife in the face. Exploration of anything outside the norms, even extremely degenerate norms, has them screaming slogans that reassures them of the rightness of their personal dogma. It's not enough to just let it be, they have to attack it and make sure everyone knows they're threatened by it.

It's deeply exhausting.
It gets the general sense across, I just used that as a basic example.
>Self insert
I don't do that shit, that's what's ruining porn.
Cute who she
>feel that any deviation from their own obsessions is an attack on them
I think it's more that most people do regularly attack other people's fetishes like how this whole conversation in this thread started in the first place. So it's an understandable mindset.
illumination animated 3D cgi, actually drawn fur instead of skin. pokemon zacian dark type female furry anthro with armor on top, holding one dark spiked sword with both hands, smiling
They regularly attack those fetishes because their identity feels threatened, is my point. They have to attack, pavlovian conditioning, in order to establish that it's a threat and they can't stand the idea of it, even if they can't do anything about it but chant their slogans.
I don't know, there's the obvious fact that differing tastes simply do not coexist
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I call her Sleuth. she's a detective for the CCCP:)
Dang that one's pretty good. Most of the Lumas I gen are perfect for a moment then go off the rails horribly
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My fetish is woman shaped beings
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>Being straight
Clearly that faggot is not
Degenerates like you belong on a post more muscle girls
Prompt please.
Your fetish is pretending to be a woman sucking dog dicks
dangerous thing to be spouting on /v/
Rate my straightness by estimated faps
>anthro female
>futa (not ever futa on male)
>bara / gay
tried a few times back in the day and got soft
I don't really feel attracted to most things these days.
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Tormented Souls is a great game
those are some skin tight leggins.
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Generate her deepthroating a thick log of shit
Jesus in Smash
>not a pun
Soviet sleuth...
this nigga knows all my tags
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Backboob really is a terrific tag
gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes, volumetric lighting. firing range, booth, paper targets. dynamic view of My hero academia Ochako Uraraka(woman, ginger bobcut, bulky headphones, white sweater, grey leggings, ugg boots). ochako standing

Haven't attempted any size modifers yet, right now it is very rng based and dogging somewhat frequently.
Whoa there's a hidden spade
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Cammy is a black owned business
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Ram's axewound is
>I woke up at 83 o'clock today

Holy shit why did it feel like CICI was better at putting words on images? took like 10 tries to get good enough "thank you"
Cammy is for producing the next generation of pure YT Pipo.
Praise Yakub
No Worse Enemy
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Cute. Prompt?
I miss easy access to casual nudity
What video game is Ochaco from
My Hero One's Justice
That shitty mha arena fighter
Made for getting raped by Birdie
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NP. I didn't use cici too much so I can't talk on it, Bic can be very fussy with text depending on Art style and setting.
Imagine if you had scissors and snipped it off.
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it is okay brother, I already skipped 5 bans today
>HH is harder to gen now more than ever
>we lost all the hoganfags as he comes and drop this memetic bomb on us
Think of all the images we Mcfucking lost
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what do you see?
she's thread culture.
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Gangraped by Moblins
Laying next to demon son while holding him close and hearing his soft breathing...
*wife's demon son
this is why I lift
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Uh oh, Zelda made a stinky!
Demon son will be my wife soon
requesting dragon's crown sorceress
why isn't he darker?
Too much tanning can cause skin cancer.
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thankfully she doesn't need a lora
Being brwon don't
Oh and if you hadn't seen this before,it's a lot of characters pony supposedly knows. It's not entirely accurate but pretty close. As an example I think I remember trying alexstraza and it not working
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my boyfriend!!
Mai Shiranui
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oh cool, thanks
Seeing dead niggers brings me joy
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Mario getting raped and crying while Luigi watches
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She needs a BBC in her
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someone prompt an image for this feel

Ram has you covered
plot twist: you accidentaly drank a mind reading potion and you're reading her mind (you're an average human male in an isekai scenario)
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that's a big shotgun
seek help
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Fuck this website is weaksauce
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Thank you!
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if you'll be sasukette I'll be naruto
join VC
gross. no.
I'll be sasuke and you'll be naruho
naruko is hotter than sasuko thoughever. im a genkifag though so biased
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its ok
No penis?
Naruto would have been so much better if he was a girl
Stone Ocean was terrible.
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>only good post in the ai thread is the fake ai one
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>carefully, he's a hero...
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is she evil?
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think i might plump to this later
good shit
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Dear God...
Ram this is straight up gay not even *buuuut futa*
mamma mia

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