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Now: Setting up for Pokémon Platinum
Next: Pokémon Platinum
Later: End of Day 1

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
Stream 2: are you okay anon?
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683233498
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>3 hours of Pokemon and then the break
That's it for me. ASM schedule for the night for anyone interested. Don't watch Bulk Slash though, it's run by a fat troon.
fuck fag events.
Last mig of the day...?
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>skeleton taking 3 minutes to explain pokemon version difference names to someone who has no idea what he's talking about
very cool
Where my miggers at?
Later is the start of the event anon!
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God they're so cool..
You're only allowed in this thread if you have the stream fullscreened and MAX volume for the entire duration of Pokemon.
up and miggin, sir!
high oncrack elf and downs dwarf
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I'm gonna say it

GDQ presenters have more stage presence
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The metroid shirt could have been good without the RETARDED fucking massive "SPEEDRUN" at the top
I'm going to mute and it might get one quarter of my left screen if its lucky
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so long, gay migger
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3h of platnium kino
Plum shirt: Bikini edition when?
This is a stacked lineup. I feel like I'm going to end up enjoying ASM and Dogwater more than ESA, lol.
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Here is Dawn from the upcoming Pokemon Platinum!

What do you think?
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>Oblivion NPCs
Stop that
Take her off that
>the Plums are flowing
Good, good... cute pic.
That wouldn't be too surprising.
saturday night, first night of the event, and they decide to do 3h of fucking pokemon. eeeeewa
fuck off
I really don't like the people they put in front of the camera at ESA. The average European is already a charisma void, but ESA's hosts just feel extremely nervous and weird. There are charismatic people at the event, but they're not the ones hosting.
Chromli and Theygolas
She'd look better in a hat
>bulk slash ruined by fat troon
>first day of esa is mid
not the worst since esa's first day tends to be lame.
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Boy, I hope we get a lot of on-topic Pokemon girl pics!
Looks like a serial killer taunting their victim on a glitchy video tape
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Does a goose come out of the brick?
>Bulk Slash
Also if they run the fandub you end up hearing Edobean.
made for breeding in Ash's harem
no :)
I don't think it's that awful fandub, at least according to speedrun.com runs. That fandub is optional, right? Right?
Ugly female Heinki
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>Pokemon Platinum (03:00)
Anybody here played that new Capcom Tower Defense game for more then 2? Ive played until the 4th boss and the game is so disgustingly easy so far and I'm hesitating wether to keep it or refund it.
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Start of the event has been shit (as usual) but the threads have been great. SGDQ threads had a much slower start. I credit Plum
uooohh..... hag edobaba...
I've become so (plati)numb...
very nice, a fine addition to the collection
>Virginity (any%)
Yes and being on fire is warmer than having a blanket.
they still yappin'
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she's pretty
pretty unstable
Cute Plum.
fly for a white guy
aaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee save me sent sama
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Oh thank goodness, it's optional.
I joined /v/ right after Diamond and Pearl released. People would not stop posting Lopunny, Gardevoir and Lucario in every single thread, my god.
>stream 2 gets completely axed
>even made stream 1 shut off during the night
>still puts multi hour long boring RPGslop in the schedule
why do you keep posting this fucking eyesore
this marathon is shitty enough
Shoutout to the tech crew
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>No Frame Perfect
>No Plum
>No Ninja or DIE
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Now there's a vintage meme
Plum is the savior we need. All anons must pay tribute to Plum.
less set ups less chances for them (the last remaining tech staff member) to break it all
The charts only having 10-20 ratings proves that these threads are just a fucking circlejerk now. Who's the autistic faggot who had to force constant never ending speedrun threads on /v/ anyways?
The Plum fanart from anons is basically the only reason I'm even here.
I don't bother rating anymore unless its actually noteworthy
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>about to make a new post
>"Error: You must wait 3 minutes 59 seconds before posting a duplicate reply."
These threads have been here longer than you
Has the stream frozen again in the past 2 hours or is it fixed now?
ninja or DIE was based
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you can tell it's bad if not even guy's voting anymore
Think positively, there's almost zero shitposting about trannies unlike GDQ threads.
I was so fucking mega hyped for Pokemon D&P I was following a guy in a german pokemon fan forum who importet Diamond from Japan and made a quasi lets play through the forum. I begged my mom to let me import the game through Japan...later on european release I managed to convince my dad to take a day off and drive me 90 minutes to the next city so I could buy Diamond there. The night before I could not sleep at all I was so hyped and happy. When I finally arrived at the electronics store the clerk looked me with a really sad face and told me they are already sold out (only like 2h after opening) but told me to wait. He came from the warehouse with a copy of Pearl and I was so happy. My dad told me the game kinda looked gay because of the pink accents on the font.

Thanks for reading my blog.
They are still fucking talking what the fuck.
minor stutters it's mostly fixed now
Gurafag go to bed already
Stay away from your meds
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I will never talk shit about Kungfu and other female hosts again

Their absence is palpable
>Rosenkreuzstilette on after EVO
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Don't forget the part where /v/ Sonichu'd an OC called Dismay by combining Dawn, Misty and May.
>incredibly awkward stalling
Why are they so unprepared?
When Plum is not in the thread, Anons should ask, "Where's Plum?"
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what the FUCK is happening I wrote this
I've been posting in the GDQ threads since they moved away from /srg/ and i's only in the past year one fucking faggot has been trying to force discussion about every single shitty speedrun event.
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First day always has around 20 ratings, because anons don't realize it has started and only find out when they see the threads.
Gurafag is the one that hates Metako, hates Edenal, hates the rating posts, hates the chartfaggot, hates ESA and anyone that has an opinion you don't like?
That bitch is so fucking hot
Thank you for all of the alzheimer jokes all day, been loving them
Nobody asks how Plum is, she made a donation during Dogwater saying how she had to clean up some old man's piss in the store she works at.

She's fallen on hard times.
what jokes?
>only in the past year
thank you confirming you haven't actually been here long, your LARP needs work.
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>Listen to two autists ramble about nothing between every run
Fucking hell. Go back to the graphic and music.
What alzheimer jokes? I don't remember seeing any
>not a SINGLE fumo spotted day 1
It's looking bleak lads
where were you when ESA PEAKED?
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why are all these jokes purple
Robosparkle looked better with beard
Sleep snug, smug
Do fat people get that hat sent to their home on their 18th birthday
If I were there, you'd see my fumo...
That was a long and boring anecdote but I'm glad that you got to play Pearl on the release day
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>end of day soon
Ill save the new plump Plum drawings for tomorrow. I wont be able to finish them until later.
Maybe if theres still threads around.
whats a bug types favorite pizza joint
Watching the first $20% run.
I thought robosparkle wasn't showing up anymore?
I know nikoheart and Metako left and I figured he'd have went with them
They are on the run....
This will not stand.
Final run of the day, woo..
I am no longer donating until they play the video
Is there any reason to install 4chan XT over the outdated X that still just werks, I'm kinda lazy. Can I migrate my settings neatly?
Fuck you faggot. ESA threads were always glacial compared to GDQ, and outside of a few failed Frame Fatales threads nothing else took off because nobody cared. Just like nobody cared about Dogwater, or FinnRuns or ASM or any of these literal who events. Nobody gives a single fuck. These threads clog up the catalog along with every other stealth general.
>Its a fucking race

lol goddamn Im gonna start my goon sesh early I guess.
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finally, videogames
stay for the overnight reruns, bozo
They didn't show up for a few days the last time.
>you might be wondering why it's so long
yes, for every pokemon run
>3 hour pokemon race
what the FUCK
Right dude is better at buttonmashing, putting all of my plums on him
Save them for Monday or 3AM EST when you know who isn't stalking the threads for free.
Okay, You got a laugh
I'm sorry but what are the chances of a three hour race being anywhere in sync?
game being more loud than the runner feels weird
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They always say "Here comes Plum"
They never ask "How is Plum"
>Speedrun events refuse to play the good'ol classics because "it's overdone" even though this has not been the case for like 5 years now
>they still run multiple hours and hours long Pokemon runs EVERY single event
Explain this toi me.
Yet jannies babysit them
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>These threads clog up the catalog
Boohoo dumb faggot. Sorry your culture war thread got pushed off the catalog. Cry about it some more.
Does Dawn's carpet match the drapes?
>How is Plum
full of cum
enjoy your vacation
>everything is either speed run threads or culture war threads
how is your thinking this black and white?
>These threads clog up the catalog
What, not enough porn or bait bot threads for you?
1500 viewers, damn
pretty full it seems
pls increase commentator mics and decrease game music slightly
For fucks sake Ben, sort yourself out and pack this shit in.
Use catalog filters and hide the thread retard, no one cares that you're mad about people having threads for things they like.
>Unironic whataboutisms
She doesn't own a house, so I guess no? Also why would you match your carpet with your drapes? That would just clash and look really stupid, your carpet should be neutral while your drapes can be a highlight color to bring interest into the room.
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This will be a good thread regardless of the run quality, purely because we will have pokeposting
No, she really isn't.
did you respond to the wrong post?
>different routes
Ok i'm invested now
shut up
Someone gonna tell him...?
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>Eevee next to the couch

It's the little things that keeps soul intact.
No one in this thread is even talking about ESA anyways but you'll ignore that as well since you need your hugbox
Not anymore there aren't. All the people with any kind of stage presence ran away from this dumpster fire.
Is the dude in the audience on a fucking laptop
Which one of you is it
>chinese flag

His family is going to disappear in the mainland, isn't it?
Name a worse rival than Barry.
It's "me", I'm waving now.
if he loses, yes
>ESA Pokemon into ASM Pokemon ft. Werster
Pokebros eating good tonight
>(Long) March
I'm sick of China ripping us off in speedrunning
Only if he mentions Winnie the Pooh during the run
the guy on the right is browsing the thread on his phone say something to him
Anyone after. Pokemon just gets worse.
Someone make a cryptic Tiananmen Square donation
Tell.me what? Dawn is good too
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they should slap on a moemod for some variety
China is unironically more free than most western countries now, just look at Germany.
skirr isshu
Miror B
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>lose manip
China wins
Geeta as a champion is worse than Barry as a rival
Bidoof is on fire
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Classic GameFAQs meme.
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Why are they playing as the girl?
>they're doing the cringe go to bed shit
her hat is more aerodynamic
>Kings Quest sex
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>pokemon comes on
>drops hundreds of viewers
she is faster
She's hot
it helps me fap as I watch
Sex is 6 in Swedish.
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>King's Quest Sex final credits song
I'd prefer a Fumoffu.
When the FUCK are they going to back to Male/Female rival based on which you pick
I hate the fucking set characters regardless of who you pick, it's so soulless
He's speaking in english
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She's cute.
>expecting pokemon to ever have soul ever again

what is fucking wrong with you. When will you learn?
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She's Dawn.
May/Brendan weren't your rival.
when i cease to exist
Wait, the Chinese guy didn't exterminate the sparrow?
He starts with the rats
anyone here ever run into a full odds shiny by chance before they became piss easy to find?
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good one
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>im the only one who remembers all the anons in the thread who died to alzheimers
the load is too heavy..
Plenty of them, yeah, even on gen 2.
too high brow
Nope. That shit's more rare than coherent Gen5fag.
Justify why watching this run is worth your time (you can't).
Plenty of times, one being a Bidoof in that first route they just ran through.
>I almost died
Mess with bidoof
You get the tooth
He needs a metal type first.
At least the commentary is good.
Yeah, I found a Purugly in Pearl.

Jesus fucking CHRIST this gen had trashmons. Imagine using BURMY, quiver dancing and praying to god.
Yeah I randomly found a Geodude in Crystal version. Decided to use him and it was pretty fun.
This is actually fun, things going wrong make it way more interesting
I don't watch any runs these threads are the only time in the year people talk to me
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I get to be here with you, anon.
do french people really?
I used burmy suck my dick
Isn't Gen 4 a babygame? It's not like Gen 1 where if something goes wrong in the first 50 seconds you die in the last battle.
A bunch, but they were all cursed
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I like RNG when it makes the runner scramble for a good backup strat
Red Gyarados
>There's no japanese restream

ESAbros, they don't know we exist.
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One character tends to be faster than the other due to differences in dialogue box count, but I still imagine that's pretty minor for a marathon race
why dont they manip a crit on every turn?
i played all the games between red and heartgold and found like 3 of them
>buy Gold cartridge on eBay
>find shiny Spinarak, first shiny ever
>cartridge starts randomly resetting constantly, it's unusable
That's my story.
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Why would anyone bother with what the other anon said. Just net you time wasted. Plus those lewds were pretty lewd.
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>wonder what's on AusRuns
In Black2 I got a gold Marill very early in the game that I used for the entire game. What a fucking bro that guy was.
Every time I turn this game on I quit out of boredom after 30 seconds.
Nips are in on the drama

Metako leaving was a Chinese plot
I encountered a shiny swinub in G/S back in the day. I didn't know what a shiny was but it sparkled, so I tried to catch it. It died. I tried to find another one in the same cave but no luck.
first one was a zubat on that dark cave in gen2 at start, forgot the rest, found like 4 or 5 problably
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I do not wish to watch Pokemon run, which game should I play?
ASM's had its fun bits but unlike ESA I doubt I'll see it in-person
I've played every single pokemon game and the only shiny I've had was the red Gyarados
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>'ee entered ze mine?
>release ze zoobats
Sinnoh is so fucking boring until you get to the snowy areas.
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were they still salty about this?
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I haven't played any new games since gen3, but I've played some runs of randomizer in ruby recently. Happened to run into one or two shinies during those.
I suppose I shall, I went and downloaded all those outfit mods after all.
Oh yeah, didn't they just remake these games? Is it bad like actually bad or bad like contrarians try to say omega ruby was "bad"?
Why are anglos like this?!
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I miss the DS boot menu and related sfx. What a wonderful little console.
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esabros its so over
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Actually SYNCHED
It's bad bad
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I'm glad I get to watch and post about these events with you guys. One of the few things I've had to look forward to in life for the past half decade and its always fun, even when the events themselves are subpar or terrible
>look over
>it's literally 1 to 1 synch

How the literal fuck
Gamefreak heard someone mention the word "remake" and assumed it just meant to make something again.
If you've got the original games there is LITERALLY no reason to play the ugly chibi trash
It's the exact same game
Just play Platinum

I had ESA's Let's go game on in the background 6 months ago and enjoyed it a lot.
Have a nice cup of liber-tea
>didn't they just remake these games
anon, I...
I recently found a shiny Banette in Victory Road in White 2. I wish I felt anything for non-mega Banette.
multiple zubat in Emerald
Sponsor-san nigero
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>found 2 shinies in a single Safari Zone game in FRLG
>two of my favorite Pokemon
>both ran
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>Mega Evolutions are not present in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.


THE gen with Lopunny and Lucario and they're fucking useless.
Any game with a cave or sewer level within the first 30 minutes is trash.
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Yeah, during a good run or a memorable trainwreck these threads are something else. I'm glad you're here with us.
M, yes. And Paras.
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Now to remember what I was doing...
I miss my daughter Lunaaa
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You killed him
you should just start over at that point. looks like you might be early into the game anyway
>every pokemon game ever
>decide to do a balllocke in platinum
>basically only 1 mon per ball type
>sell my extra balls for money to buy potions
>going through some cave
>shiny fucking whismur
>have like 1 great ball I randomly found earlier
>it breaks free
>have to kill it

That's my worst story, but I had also found a shiny tentacool in a fr/lg romhack and a shiny purrloin in b/w
So this is the fabled Pokéfucker region, hmm?
I just got the wall jump, so presumably I use it somewhere.
>Goku the Infernape
>Godzilla the Tyranitar
Which is more braindead?
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>Perhaps the worst card in recent memory
>ESA is on and it's Pokeshit and they're not doing 24/7 stream anymore so can't switch over after
>No wrestling on today
Fuck me, lads
i think it's pretty straight forward until a bit later
Holy fuck. Only a Norwegian could be so lucky.
Meant to say UFC card btw
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The clutch
It's my own fault for not calling him a faggot
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+ they made lucario and lopuny this gen
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I was promised hotties

where are the hotties?
Genuinely, unironically, what the fuck was Gamefreak thinking with this? You don't just drop that in your official game.
Why is /v/ purple? I thought it was a blue board.
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that was some luck
Fuck off
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Galactic Grunt.
Can you give me a QRD on Norwegian stereotypes?
>Pokie men can be monkeys
>People were monkeys
I've been wanting to say this for a long, long time. I think I love you.
norway i'll do that
I think he's talking to (You), dude
A dabble battle.
post Mars
You don't want to fuck Purugly?
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Whatcha playing while Pokemon run is muted on second monitor? I'm playing Cyberslop. It's still kinda shitty but way more tolerable after all the updates.
>oh look gweilo. I getting so rucky haha what a surprise!
cheating chinaman
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>This is the hardest battle in Platinum

I was playing Kingdoms of Amalur after it collected dust for years but my shitty chinese controller just died so I might jerk off and have a nap.
my favorite was the lucario
>Garbage game that would never be remembered if it didn't bankrupt Rhode Island
Lifes funny
Wish they hadn't cut the Victini, that would've been the best.
God damnit Carlos
I picked up Darkest Dungeon 2 on the steam sale
It game fucking sucks
>find the puzzle piece
>save and feel like playing something else
I guess I'm just not in the mood for this kind of gameplay right now.
>It game fucking sucks
This game* please dont bully me I'm dyslexic
This Chinese guy's English is better than the French guy's.
I beat Pathfinder and need to find something new to play.

Too tired to vidya. I've been watching a mix of EVO and DSP getting shit on by Radahn.
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These dudes 100% have a Pokegirl folder that's at least 50gb.
If you look at the winking patterns of the hosts during the ugly zoom-in donation readings you can tell they're saying in morse code "Free Hong Kong"
Pokemon folder*
Every other nationality tries
French deliberately obfuscate and sound unintelligible
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I predict that in 10 years romhacks will have an AI autogenerate porn to replace sprites in realtime when playing the game.
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I honestly wouldn't enjoy these events half as much if it wasn't for these threads
Runescape 3 (I know) afk grinding
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The fuck
>tfw amdcuck
Rocm will be just as good soon right? Right?
>three hour Pokemon run
Guess I'm going to EVO for a while
A Scotsman trying to communicate with a Chinese man is not a good thing
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>This is the strongest sequencebreak-mon in Platinum
Should I spell it phonetically to make it easier, said the Scotsman
This sounds like the setup for a joke
Was it evr explained why Scots are getting their own flag at these events?
When's the Chinese speedrun marathon
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We're already an hour in, who are you cheering for?
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Those eyes...
I know nothing about Pokemon Platinum, who's in the lead right now?
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Chinaman march.
Only pokemon?
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All you need to know about Platinum is that the first half is shit and the second half is godly.

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wrong thread, my boy
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>Team Galactic wants to destroy these
correct thread, king
No, that's just my 2D porn folder in general, but there's definitely a lot of it.
I separate by character name or artist (if original), so it'd take a lot of work to actually count it. I've been meaning to categorize stuff by series, but that'd take such a long time at this point.
>go to make my first ever donation
>"Donation rejected. Reason: Duplicate donation"
I thought they were putting their energy into making stream 1 better now that stream 2 is dead, why does it just look like stream 2 with a few more people in the back.
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That's the universe telling you to donate to ASM instead.
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esabros were literally losing to GDQ reruns right now
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ALL of PLATINUM is GOLDY because it has ARCEUS
>146,424 files
Weavile best mon. Gen 4 had some real banging designs. They must've lost their fucking minds with Gen 5's abominations.
I like variety.
The people in the back are orgs and staff, too. There might be 3 or 4 normal people in that audience.
Funny how they always pull this shit
Mike thinks hes la cosa nostra
Why not?
Noones there and the people that went because they couldn't get a refund wish they weren't!
This was revealed to me in a dream, btw
It's half past fuckhour in Euroland.
thats a hotfix chuddy
but yeah viewership is only gna get worse with no 24/7 ESA, why couldn't they just put some long ass rpg for the graveyard shift
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>why couldn't they just put some long ass rpg for the graveyard shift
we're watching that shit now
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spoiler that shit wtf
this nigga zesty as hell
Funny how they stream every day?
SA2 Battle coming up on ASM.

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Who is winning the Chink or the Norwegian?
No pete thougheverbeit..
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>ESl commentary
Why am I kinda enjoying this Pokemon run despite the above mentioned?
Speaking of the pirate Matt, he's having a cope meltdown on twitter because people are shittalking GDQ and talking about how their viewership is tanking.
What's ASM?

Pokémon runs are great when they're not ruined by annoying announcers.
link? have no clue what asm is
the good marathon, anon
Anything good to watch on sunday ?
/ausspeedruns, not on yet though still going through this game (whatever it is lul).
>doesn't post screenshots
I'm not doing your homework for you.
>Qwacken vs The kraken
>mod's in overdrive
just don't forget about the other threads
Is this the gym that had a game-breaking glitch in Brilliant Diamond?
Lack of donation reading is making this run great for me.
Literally less fun allowed than GDQ. Pathetic.
Who's Moot?
>Only half way through
Time to migg to stream 2
isn't that the cow pokemon?
Any idea how much money they raised during winter at this point in the marathon?
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>Favorite Pokebuns
Around $7,500 end of day one
>donations less than half at the same point
Anonymous donators will save the run trust the plan guys
7-8k on day one. Feels sad.
This kills the thread
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>frame fatales threads have more traction at this point than ESA
Oh my fuck. See you for frame fates shitshow next month anons!!
Top kek, the lovare stuff really did drive away the simp donators.
SA2 with werster on commentary over on stream 2.
so left officially out or he can recover from that?
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Can finally draw some plump Plums.
How to make a pokemon swimsuit Plum?
Do I just draw her in Dawn's clothes (they're kinda small for her, thighs focus). Also Modern or Classic?
Thread so slow that someone can claim these
We watchan ESA Summer 2024 all week in our kinoplex, come join frens https://cytube.implyingrigged.info/channel/v4c
>3 hours of pokemon
>only people who bump the threads are pokeporn posters and they're getting banned by the gdq twitch chat janny itt
it's over

no thanks
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Platinum Dawn
give her a purple one piece
Blow your brains out.
>purple one piece
Already done that before.
Plat Dawn it is

suck mother AND father at once sir
implying it is the same opinion of the higher IQ individual, that ignorance to your existence is preferable?
>Already done that before
yeah, seems like a nobrainer
Swedish winter be like

>I got snow up to my eyebrows
$3k on day one, this event is cooked.

Let's look forward to other events
>ASM July 15th-21st
>RTA August 8th-15th
>BSG August 11th-17th
>Final Fantasy Relay IX August 16-19th
>Flame Fatales August 18th-25th
>NSG September 20-22
>UKSG October 12-13
>PACE Fall November 3rd-9th
what do you guys think of the run so far? the runners are friends of mine
minus 1 point for that alone
I think Dragon Quest Monsters is the superior monster rpg to what these FAGGOTS are running
dude's groovin
Johny test
It's moderately interesting for a pokemon run, the runners having different routes also makes it more palatable
Love how Greenalink slides on in
Such soul
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msg those faggots to ditch golduck and get a sneasel
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Draw a Pokemon
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s'alright, but this ESA is just depressing me
When you finish it, post it to the booru first in case it gets jannied.
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doing good for background noise, race with different strats are always a little more interesting
join us >>683162848
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from memory
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would main these cheeky cunts
You forgot the other three eggs.
i WHAT?!
Did they stop with the donation cams?
>draw the three remaining eggs
>end up with 9 eggs on the paper
Yes, they unironically lurk here
you forgot to attach the file
sick ghastly bro
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>BSG is a week now
Might be worth a check out if they're putting that much into it
They've managed to make a Pokemon run not suck
they post here
It pains me that RTA and BSG cross over for multiple days.
how close this is still?
Riekelt is doing tech. I hope he fucks with the audio balance, so that the music isn't just 5% of the total volume for PC runs. Interestingly the audio balance for this run is pretty good, probably because it's on console.
but left is on the 1st Elite 4 member, right is still on the rival fight so a couple minutes apart
No that is proper English
It’s almost impossible to have no overlap with other events. Look at just how much shit is posted to https://oengus.io/calendar
The speedrun market is reaching GLOBAL SATURATION
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Good morning I hate planks
Five hours after this run until Kingdom Sharts...
Cynthia time!
At least he doesn’t have a mop of curly pubes on his head this time.
Alright just gotta color PlatPlum, hopefully there's at least one more thread.
Are they gonna do reruns or what?
yes you're here forever
Is there any stream 2 at all? I don't see it on the schedule. There's a stream 2 running but it's the same shit, why?
Chinkman won
Please tell me they will do reruns of the earlier runs. I missed the first 2 runs of the day.

No. Holy shit how many times does it have to be said, they killed the stream 2 thing
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Alright rate Pokemon Platinum race
It's dead jim
China > Sweden or whatever country that is
B, it was pretty close, specially for different pokemon being used
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>3 hour race
You know they will, you disingenuous bitch
Not over dumb nigger
Nope, stream2 and 3 you will be missed
C omfy
C+, pretty okay for a pokemon run and a race
Last time they didn't do it, they choked a day 1 re-run and it froze for like 3 hours
Why is it still up just running the same shit?
Also it's obvious ESA is done for. We lose something every single event.
Because ESA tech team is a gaggle of retards
Upgrading to B for the funny end
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>wiped to Cynthia
based queen
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C, it was comfy. Critical fucking up runs since forever
Well that is it for now. See you anons in about 5 hours.
I can no longer stand ads that zoom in super close on people's mouths as they eat. Why is everything so god damn cocksucking obnoxious now?
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>game over
Classic pokemon run
Fuck off
To net the few people who are subscribed to the second channel, though it's beneficial if you're stuck in a region still getting mid-run ads to fight with since it has less of them than the main channel.
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No Taskmaster this year?
Shame, I kinda enjoyed it.
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why the fuck is ESA still playing commercials during the event when they stream reruns with commercials all year

and who the fuck are these people ive never seen a single person on screen before
Why are they all so fucking fat? I thought you retards called Americans fat, but look at you.
Metako didn't want to come back after being raped
Metako's gone for good so it'd probably end up being run by Edenal.
RERUN TIME BITCHES. They're replaying earlier runs until kingom hearts.

There WILL be overnight threads. Stick around
so make another thread? we've got 4 and a half hours until Day 2
she was only six, you sick fuck
Yep. ESA sucks shit right now.
F I fucking hate pokemon speedruns.
C hoke
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Aw shit, time to rewind.
Rate Day 1 of the new ESA!
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>ive never seen a single person on screen before
D+ for removing dono cam
Feels like a lot of soul is gone, hopefully it picks up quickly, really don't want this to be the last ever ESA
You fucking retard.
Not migging.
>Doesn't even wait until page 10
you fucking retard
F because i hate pokemon too
>Actually making a new thread before page 10 for a thread that will almost certainly be absolutely dead
Oh, I'm laughin'.
You will post in it and you will like it, you egomaniacal retard.
Why would I post in it at all when there are no fucking runs happening? I'm going to do other stuff now, instead of posting in a pointless and dead thread. If you enjoy that, then have fun, I guess.

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