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Now: Daily Reruns
Next: Daily Reruns
Later: Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel (what the fuck)

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/
grim day 1....
Fuck this shit, head to ASM to watch werster do a Pokemon game
What happened with PoP?
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>Now: Daily Reruns
>Next: Daily Reruns
what a joke
So reruns have just become a podcast now
The run was fine up until the very end where he spent like 20 minutes choking on one trick and went way over estimate. Anons here are harsh with ratings but it's kinda deserved here. Good up until the end at least.
>GDQ has competition this weekend for marathons
>decide to do an "oops all pokemon" themed weekend
lol lmao, it's like they don't even care anymore.
For the first day its actually pretty good
They are NOT going to do this for 4 hours lol. The reruns start now
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Alone in the silence...
I hope they rerun ratchet I was asleep and showed up right after
Enjoy it, this will probably be the last ESA.
And it's over..
Guess I'm back to the Dark And Darker dungeons.
Is ESA dying?
>800 bucks
RIP, they funneled the money backwards
don't you mean back to ASM?!
I wanna fuck the shit out of the girl lombax with the robot arm
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Undoubtably the worst day one of an ESA.
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Oh right, I guess I could pu- >Pokemon Stadium
>And it's over..
it's okay, stream will start again in 5 hours. wonder how they will manage with just 5 hours of sleep
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Well I'll just drop this Platinum Plum here.
Almost got it done during Pokemon, almost.
More Plums later.
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>Hitman on the schedule
Looks great, thanks.
cumming to this plum thanks
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blessed we are, a plum in these dark times
I have two speedrun events I could be watching right now but I'm just sitting here in silence with zero desire to watch a rerun and/or a guy yell at strangers to play Pokemon the right way.

Say what you will about SGDQ, but I actually WANTED to watch all of it. This just sucks right now.

Wake me up when Tony Hawk starts on ASM...
>no sand slut/Farah Plum
It's so over.
I'm watching the SA2 run I missed, it's pretty good.
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I didn't even know ESA was going on. Seems all the stream watchers are busy with EVO
Im still gonna do the sand slut Plum, with Pube peek as requested.
I was just trying to drop a Plum during the matching run. I failed the speed test.
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I like the comfy rerun night stream!
We're so back.
warframes tennocon also started today. was watching it instead
ESA's line up is pretty good this time. I can't believe they're going to play all 7 games in the End of day series!
Edenal, I...
RATE THAT RUN: Ratchet Rerun
do not actually do it
Felt faster this time
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what is EVO?
living under a rock type beat
Just had some swigs of refreshing lemonade.
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Super cute and slutty trainer Plum who can't win fights the conventional way!
they didn't even have any kind of passive content prepared?
fucking lazy cunts
Stream 2 died for this.
They literally did this in the winter you dumbass, why would you expect anything else?
How do you win fights in an unconventional way?
whore looks like she stepped right out of a robert crumb comic.
>Why were people sexualizing me at ESA?
>her at ESA:
Stream 2 died because the speedrunning social circle is so fucking toxic that everyone felt compelled to not participate in ESA when drama happened and they didn't have enough runners or volunteers to sustain a stream 2.
Can we come to terms with the fact that this chick was the reason ESA is as shitty as it is now? specifically her leaving?
ah yes the tranny frei some-fun-allowed event
gonna tune in tomorrow
Youre joking, right?
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and Maral
>gianna michaels but white
i see it
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>He doesn't know
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>completely missed day 1
I fucking hate the shitty schedule.
At least ASM is 24h.
Maral was based even if she was a corpo stooge
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Day 1 is playing right now, run 2
You are here to watch it with us!
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Not really, people in senior staff positions were already leaving before she did anything.

All it really did was accelerate things by getting more of the regulars pissed off at Edenal and Planks mishandling a lot of shit.
>miss day1
>can watch ti with the reruns
>instead just gets pissed about it
What the fuck is wrong with you people and your ability to think?
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tldr pls
yeah, I get it haha
big fish in small pond
Her looks wouldn't be anything special if she wasn't surrounded by nothing but smelly nerds
>uhhh why are people hitting on me??
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i actually tried doing a sketch first of the costume I have in mind before I model RTA plum
any suggestions?
(also should i just wait to deliver when RTA starts)
Cute! Going for an JRPG plum?
draw pokemon in >>683162848
we're watching stadium
Fuck off.
but we are watching prince of persia thougheverbeit???
i mainly just tried adapting rta-chan's costume and hair to plum, if i went for jarpig plum instead i would probably give her a getup like yuffie's
>these automatons who know about the porn whore
Kill yourselves. End your own life.
>they now cut to the dono reader
What the fuck.
They stopped that after two runs, don't worry. Everyone shat on it immediately.
Edenal thinks he's kubrick now
It's just ESA bringing in the nutters.
I think that was a bot that posted in the wrong thread.
>doing it for free
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>people who like fun and games setup an event
>popularity grows
>mentally ill troons take over
>>mentally ill troons take over
That's not a nice thing to call Planks.
trihex used to be so cool
Look how clean scent was
I can't believe you fucking faggots are STILL IN THE YEAR 2024 obsessing about 2013 agdq
when is this shit back up
To be fair, a lot of people feel melancholic and nostalgic for things they enjoyed before faggots came in and ruined a vibe.
Even I miss older GDQ because people weren't screeching for trans rights every other donation.

Remember, they took away some persons flippy hat because it was "distracting from the cause" but yet screaming trans rights is somehow okay and not distracted to the cause which is helping 3rd world countries get basic medical necessities.
After these runs
I know, man. I was there from the start watching it with /v/. It was definitely some of the best times on this god forsaken board, and before agdq went corporate as hell (which is the real reason this shit went to hell), but like, it was over a decade ago and there's no going back. I'm almost 40 fuckin years old now and I'm assuming a lot of you guys who were around back then are too.
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>chocking, but we want to see the trick
how many trans rights so far
Hey man, it's part of getting old. You sit there, and go "fuck... I wish I was that young again enjoying those times. We had a lot of fun."
And sometimes you hope the people who are that age now could have the same fun as you did, feeling disappointed no one else will get to experience that magic like you did. Almost a rite of passage when you get older to just sit there and talk about the cool shit you experienced when you were younger.
>everything is fucking SHIT in modern day of thing
>how the FUCK DARE YOU talk about when thing was good???
here we go
Unironically, who is Plum?
You better learn boy
A character from a dead game that ESA shilled in an advert that successfully failed to market the game.
thick, very nice
>>mentally ill troons take over
How many people in your pic became the mentally ill troons?
I haven't been able to open catbox links lately.
Zer0 won. Maybe you'll think twice before wiping his run.
Are you phonefagging? It never works for me there.
Nope, I'm on desktop. I'll try another browser
>Not 24/7
>800 viewers
>all that retarded drama
hope you guys enjoy the final esa
ESA was doing so well last year too. That's the most hurtful part about this.
>over stimate
owari da
Someone already posted it on the booru, either way: https://vidya.pics/post/view/109742#search=plum
Wait, its not 24/7 anymore? Fucking lame.
>800 viewers
Yeah? The event isn't even on right now, retard. Considering that, that's a lot of viewers actually just for shitty reruns.
>Staff gone
>No stream 2
>retard donator reader cam
>no metako
You tell me
aight I'm going to bed, (you) me any new Plums (or have "plum" in the post since I'll check the archive later).
im gonna spam plum all night
yeah i dont what happened
Real talk do you think ESA has a future?
the plum money ran dry
It may survive, but it's gonna change a lot. I think we're gonna see the twilight of the huge speedrunning marathon event soon. GDQ is probably also a house of cards.
It'll be fine, a shell of itself though. Twitter trannies and GDQ parasites tried to start shit on twitter but it didn't take off because no one gives a shit besides drama chasing runners who made a public statement about not coming back. They just have to get more volunteers.
plum no its dead
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I hope not, it just keep getting worse and worse
Probably, but I think the leadership has to step down and let new people come forth because I've heard a lot of people had issues with the current leadership and that's why no one wants to volunteer at this event.
That's every marathon. Or just everything.
>wake up

what the fuck were they thinking?

no one wants to stay up and they shut down the venue for everyone?
I just took melatonin, I am prepared for the melatonin nightmare demons this time, good night faggots
They go out and do fun shit because they aren't a bunch of shut in losers who base their entire life around attending the event.
Speedrun marathons in general have no future. There's so many of them now and they're all so sanitized and politically correct, viewers are losing interest as they should. There's basically no reason to watch them over a prerecorded run or a speedrunner's own stream.
Also I just looked at the schedule the down time is like 4 fucking hours lmao between days.
Are you guys legit seething over not having content for 4 hours a day?
You aren't slick Edenal.
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yeah we dont do that reddit ritualpost anymore mate, sorry
>they aren't a bunch of shut in losers who base their entire life around attending the event
The normalfags have taken over...
Sounds like cope for being angry at stupid bullshit because you assume shit before looking at a schedule.
I figured you fags had an actual valid complaint that wasn't >NOOOOOOOO 4 HOURS OF NO NEW CONTENT THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!
I thought this downtime was like 8+ hours or some shit. You guys will get pissed over the most minor and trivial shit.
Dogwater was fun.
Simmer down Edenal.
Whatever you say retard.
Stop getting pissed on assumptions because you want drama, go back to twitter tranny.
This isn't a good look Edenal, just focus on fixing your mistakes
>they're all so sanitized and politically correct

Now that lefties are also getting their share of cancel culture, things are hopefully going to change for the better. Let them suffer same way we did for couple years, so that they will beg for the freespeech.
Does /v/ just not like ratchet and clank or were they just meh runs?
You aren't that important anon. I'm just some random asshole from the states calling you an overdramatic faggot.
Simmer down that ego and take the L.
Yeah walk it back Edenal, you're so embarrassing
m8 anyone reading this post chain can tell you're the one shitting yourself over a complaint
it's pretty funny honestly
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>and they're all so sanitized and politically correct
You're bitching because you've been watching the wrong marathons.
>purple alzheimer's logo
It'll just flip and the right will be the SJWs like how it was in the 90s and early to mid 2000s.
>10 hour FF "speed"run
No I haven't
>thought I missed day 1
>the link to the VODs are all purple
don't bother with the plebs

they're not worth enlightening
I don't know man, it's kinda cringe watching you call me some ESA loser because you can't handle being called stupid.
lol this guy is still going, so embarrassing
>still coping
Yeah I see what you mean, lol.
Some Spike would go a long way for this shit. These other bozos are a charisma vacuum
kinda funny ESA killed themselves faster than tranny filled GDQ hahahahaha
Pretty good lineup this year
>diddy kong racing
>spider man
>pokemon crystal
>elden ring
>halo 3
>ducktales 2
>mm x2 & 2
>oot 100%
Just wish SMS and LoZ weren't randomizers. Idk wtf super mario 63 is either.
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That's the power of real bio woman.
Trannies will kamikaze whether or not they're "out" or not.
ESA simply had less population. It's like a zombie movie
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it's 6 hours all the other days, the hours of 6PM-12AM for me and similar for other burger timezones so not only do we suffer the drought during primetime, we then miss 8 hours while sleeping right when it starts back up. it's pretty much as poorly timed as could be for us.
We didn't gatekeep hard enough.
>EUROPEAN speedrun assembly
I don't know anon, it's like we aren't fucking Europeans and the event wasn't designed with us in mind. We get GDQ, enjoy your GDQ tranny slop, we get what we fucking deserve for allowing this shit social culture to proliferate and ruin the shit made for us.
how is that game even real
chinese slaves on a time limit
As much as it sucks, I can't fault stuff like this from doing it, it makes a lot of sense from a schedule perspective and from not making some people have to fuck their sleep schedules to do runs and have stuff like tech and fundraising staffed at all times of day, especially since this is a social event for most attendees.

Some “marathon”
>reruns start, go to sleep
>wake up, reruns ending soon

I am the master of circadian rhythm
>see game title
>assume its some toehoe or umineko fangame
>just some random weeb shit
well whatever the lack of 24 hour runs is gay thoever I had to actually play video games
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Don't forget to stay comfy!

i totally forgot ESA is on
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I will now turn the stream back on. Also, too big.
>anime megaman clone nobody's heard of
>low-energy commentators
>negative-energy runner
Ahhhh yep that's ESA kino
you'll get a pocket megumin in about 30~ minutes!
I own this game on steam, I should really play it
what are we playing? I'm going through chrono trigger right now!
Who the fuck makes these shitty rip-off games?
Why the fuck do people play them?
FF chad? how's the gang? I sent you a pic via the tuga who's there
>I like the genre, but want more. And also slightly different. Also I love Japan (PERIOD)
Something like that,
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RA3 Uprising, but this is a good run so I focus on it.
Vagrant Story.
This commentator.
Megaman Battle Network 3 Rando
saw a bit of day 1, then quit. day 2 off to a better start?
no lol
This fucking sucks
Day picks up again right when I'm sleeping
By the time I wake up there's only 4-5 runs left
What is the actual reason for this?
The exploration is pretty good but it has one of the worst skill trees I've ever seen.
jej, can't unhear
according to their discord, they are giving up on the US market
>What is the actual reason for this?
Filtering Americans.
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between Summer 2023 and June this year (when Lovare posted her pastebin), 4 high ranking people vanished from the marathon for different reasons. all of them were organizers or team leaders of some sort
>Nashlax, marketing team leader
>Lovare herself, prize master
>Fatzke, organizer and scheduling team leader
>Metako, organizer and fundraising team leader
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rate the run!
I guess so which sucks, enjoyed watching ESAs with anons much more than watching GDQs
i thought ESA wasn't happening this year after the rape stuff
What do we think of MoD?
I just noticed BigJon is still on the schedule, did he make it or is this an online run?
Also ESA changed their site early this year to remove the team section, seemingly to hide this fact.

Also if you want a good laugh, they've still not taken Metako's name out of pages for the site, I'm not sure contacting him for info about fundraising will help now, lol.
Cosby room is still going for this event, so I doubt they care.
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Anon you know we're not allowed to talk about the not a real room room anymore after the incident last year.
How do some falling glass shards kill you?
Getting sliced the fuck up, blood loss is a thing that causes death.
The game screen is so small, runner cam is WAAAY too big and they could make the lower notification part way smaller as well.
>discord community
fuck off
love this run
If the runner is clearly that hesitant, just wait. Fucking loser dono readers
stream 2 is straight fire
Way better than 1.
at this point, I'd rather be working than watch stream 1
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The true stream 2 of ASM is pretty comfy.
what pastebin? there was drama between her and ESA?
Is this an ad?
Tuned back in at the end there, what the fuck was this run?
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Rate Hitman showcase
what isn't these days?

A for fun, not S because it wasn't really a run
>On the M S D O S

What the FUCK.
B wait this is live now? I thought it was rerun.
Is this King's Quest or King's Qwest?
>start developing a video game
>write a catchy song
>give it a cute video
>pay for it to play during breaks at ESA to advertise your game
Such a simple plan! Except:
>the song is about an unlockable character in your game instead of being about either of the main characters
>the song doesn't mention the name of the game
>the name of the game sounds like a dev studio
>half the time, the boilerplate that mentions the name of the game gets cut off by the transition back to the marathon
>they started buying ad time for the song several years before the game was ready to release, so no one even knew it came out
Can I just buy an marketed up plum shirt to fund raise? I don't gamble.
So points of feedback:
-Suggest reworking the dono if they feel it needs to be in. Smaller, off to the side, something.
-Suggest that they mix in more casual intermissions like prior. It's ok for some of them to just be music, and that they don't need to speak the entire time, every time.
Genuine wizard on screen.
I have Alzheimer's
No donocam, anywhere, ever. It's shit, no fucking compromises.
>>683286854 (You)
Where am i
He forgor the button.
DOSBox bros...
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Both the dono cam and the intermission talking are horrid and have brought zero benefit.
Don't say "ooh maybe only jab me in the balls instead of a full kick", have some standards.
The donation cam is a fundamentally awful idea. Even if it were picture-in-picture, it would be an awful idea. It detracts from the run and adds nothing to it. No one wants to see hosts look slightly awkward while there's a speedrun going on.

You're in the emergency ASM thread
Wait, why is comfyanon now posting Yunyun? Are you a fake?
its pointless to give them feedback they already proved time and time again they don't listen
The extended Dogwater Runs afterparty thread.
They're both terrible and add nothing meaningful to the experience of watching a speedrun marathon. It's a marathon, not a telethon. I'm not here to watch milquetoast Europeans desperately try to fill dead air during intermissions. I'm here to watch speedruns and then turn off my brain for 5-10 minutes between speedruns with some ambient music, occasional donations, and nothing visually distracting. It doesn't help that the hosts come across as awkward and desperate.
Those threads had 10 people
Like these threads?
Did Point n Click adventures deserve to die?
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I woke up
These threads have like 5 people including me.
its both megu and yunyun!
>No donation cam
>Donation reader actually is quiet most of the time
>Non-retarded camera setup
>Most runs are just some AU-bros having fun
Man, with ESA completely derailing, I realized ASM is the best speedrun marathon now
King's Qwest is best Qwest.
Not really, and they sure didn't deserve to get the Telltale treatment.
big fighting game tournament presented by chipotle and redbull and playstation and crunchyroll and underarmour and hitbox and inzone and qiddiya and displate and zenless zone zero and herman miller and at&t and sony. they also show fighting games
The world changed
man I played this game during Covid after I got the idea to go back and try one of these "classic" Sierra point and click adventures and I straight up did NOT have a good time. cool sprites, music and animations but even with hints and no pixelhunting it was a very unintuitive slog
Wait, that's not dead?
dont forget pokimane
They didn't really die they just became way less popular when every game had cutscenes and voice acting.
these threads have 1 person, it's me, and i'm going to sleep

>I realized ASM is the best speedrun marathon now
Too many trannies and too many long RPG runs
So just Megumin is no longer good enough for you? You now need Yunyun's fat tits to stay comfy? I thought comfyanon loved Megumin, but guess I was wrong
Yeah there's your problem, they're almost universally the most unforgiving adventure games. You should have gone with some Lucasarts ones instead.
Disregard this, I suck cocks.
>incentive not met

>Too many trannies
Just avoid the obvious tranny games you should already have no interest in and you don't see them. They are pretty self-contained
>too many long RPG runs
Those are top comfy.
>They're playing it anyway.

megu is more than enough! its just a funny picture I like!
Rate King's Qwest VI
B-, qwick
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>Back when I got started, which sounds like ancient history, back then the demographics of people who were into computer games, was totally different, in my opinion, then they are today. ... I think in the last 5 or 6 years, the demographics have really changed, now this is my opinion, because computers are less expensive so more people can afford them. More "average" people now feel they should own one.
Was she right?
Funny how they set the goal of 100k for donations but i doubt it will even be half of that at this point.
same trash
That is good to hear, at least there is one thing not ruined by this ESA. Stay comfy anon!
Has the janny done his banning spree yet?
Holy fuck do they really only have 3k
It's beyond over
Yeah she was, though she was also an incredibly cruel game designer.
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>no information about upcoming runs at all
What the fuck? Just show a small list of the upcomming speedruns
Very wrong. The Lucasarts games don't have the dead man walking problem and the puzzles overall are much more intuitive.
Barely more than Dogwater made over a weekend, and they're just a bunch of dudes.
Damn. Too slow...
Oh hey, the next run is set in your mum's bedroom.
>Missing field 'slug' while writing result { "__typename": "Game", "name": "Rod-Land", "displayName": "Rod-Land", "id": "1285281128" }

Uhhh twitchbros??
How do these niggas find these games.
Cute game
Rod Land isn't THAT obscure
This, in quite a few of them you've really got to go out of your way to get killed and not because you accidently ate some porridge.
Why is the runner camera taking up half the screen again? Didn't they get pushed off of that 6 months ago?
Their famicom clones like Dendy probably had it on it.
Its funny because not even the biggest e-thots have cams that big. Why do they think we want to see the runner THIS badly?
edenal/planks are retarded faggots and don't listen to feedback
see: opening of the "marathon"
>no flashing lights wa
Because the game is 4:3 and the height of the bottom elements are fixed.
How hard would it be spending 5min making an alternate layout for 4:3 games?
No, it's definitely that other bitchy answer.
They should just move the runner/game info banner below the cam to get more space for the game if it's 4:3
They listen to unconditional praise, anything else is being a hater.
>nooo you can't criticize esa or you're the gurafag
yea lets pretend all of their retarded changes are a good thing and see how fast this shit turns into actual euro gdq
He's been doing it every event this year, just let him tire himself out (unless it really is Edenal)
Rate Rod Land
The german guy is a fakefan
D for didn't watch
C for cute
C, I guess.
>This guy has never heard of Mega Man 5

Fake gamer*
svenska tid
>He's a janitor who saved the world
My hero
Wodger is on his Space Qwest
Quiet janny, he does more than you ever will.
Now I know what MDK is inspired by.
>woke up from stream 2 being loud
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These games are making me feel old
Could be worse, I remember the Lord of the Rings text adventure game.
That made me think, have they ever ran a text adventure in these events?
the games not soft locking doesnt mean they arent trash or intuitive
hmm i want to grab a key from this guy how do i do it? ah right ill go to the forest jerk off a rat feed his wife the rat cum then she will be occupying the batroom when the guy gets back from the pub and wants to take a piss so he pisses his pants takes them off and falls asleep on the floor now you can take the key from the pissed pants
hilarious and intuitive
do they play iwbtg fangames
I think I saw one had the Hitchhikers Guide text adventure but it wasn't one of the well known events.
i wish
Rate Space Quest II
A, was fast
Nothing against the runners, it's just not a very good run to watch. It just blasts through the scenes, you have no idea about what's going on or any of the tech and then it just sort of ends.
A. I'm a fan of all the -Quest games though.
I miss having the schedule and just some music beetwen runs
let them run TAS
Damn even the threads feel slower even with the Americans sleeping
D, didn't watch
Mute the assholes, stick this on, pretend it's 2016 or something.
lol bad games?
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If only you knew how bad things really are
Ninja Gayden bros, we lost again...
Shoutouts to tech for occasionally enabling powerpoint mode over the last day when shit gets too exciting.
stream not feeling well
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>This bullshit I made up will prove my point!
This game seems pretty cool 2bh.
based clutch win
Rate or else I will kill Plum
I got up to make a protein shake and it was over
To rate would be to lie
A for the close fight at the end. You should still kill Plum btw
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This is the copium ESA-fags huff. And you have the audacity to say that ESA is more fun that GDQ. I have 10x more fun laughing at ugly trannies playing pokemon randomizers than I ever do watching this Euro-shit
>playing wordle to pass the intermission time
Good fucking god just put up a splash screen

cant just be normal and not use them
oh nononono
Man this went from haha funeral to actual funeral quicker than I thought.
too loud for be this early, if you dont know what to do please just put up a screen, shouldnt be that hard
Dont like dont watch
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Is this a male or a female? I don't care about their pronouns.
This soundtrack goes pretty hard
you bet, I'll mute and play something until run starts
Men can't pull off an expression as smug and cunt-y as that woman, anon.
Dam I missed entire Esa?
Yep, see you in winter
Yes, today is the last day. It was a good week,
Not too great a start but not too shit. Hope to see some kino today.
>weird biomechanical shit
Why was the late 80's/early 90's like this?
They knew a cool things when they saw one
We thought the 2000s would be cool
We were wrong. GPS is nice, though.
Everyone was essentially ripping off Alien.
This runner looks DISHEVELED
This is giving big friend wants to play game at sleepover nobody else gives a fuck about energy.
he must be jetlagged as fuck
kek, accurate
its based, this is what I watch late night GDQ for
>short run of an obscure NES game in the early morning
Peak comfy
What a bizarre looking last boss
Ummm no one said rate this post yet, so it doesn't count
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>Minister over older people
This is one of the most powerful people in Sweden
I was rating your mom.
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rate teh urn
Why are Swedes so red?
B for based american boomer saving ESA
It's a SCORCHING 23 degrees already
B, comfy
I could seriously cum on that plum shirt though. Maybe I will
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MoD366 is a fake gamer
I want that Plum shirt
These shilling segments suck ass
Why did they stop with the regular intermission? It takes way less manpower, it's a lot more interesting for the viewer, makes it easier to know when a run starts again and the videos were peak soul.

Just have a screen displaying upcoming runs while playing some random vidya music, play some videos now and then. Why is that so hard?
That's a nice looking Swedish milf. Wold plap in mating press.
Imagine a handjob from those meaty ham-grabbers...
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Should be good.
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Grubby looking dude
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Mike matei if he european
Looks like he escaped from an early 2000s teen comedy movie
Vegemite referenced
Mandatory Vegemite mention.
Mark "vegemite reference" on your bingo cards
this game has feet, S run
Nibbly-Pibbly sounds like an old-timey ethnic slur
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Rate this run
that hoverhug
G for Grubbin
HOTY (hug of the year)
A merican
A, would be B but that hug at the end was cringe kino.
KEKED%. Feels bad for the guy in the back.
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>the final boss is a foot, Quentin Tarantino's favorite
Quick run, calm comms, mirin that smile.
>that hug
wow, i actually didn't know that about alzheimers
I'm learning something new about alzheimers every day
he's back?
I told you about it yesterday. Anon.
>same guys running all the runs
B that hug made me feel physical pain. I hope theyre an actual couple otherwise ill feel too bad for the guy
That's the most swedish looking guy I've ever seen
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How old is he?
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>that sad music as he's explaining the lore in the most downbeat manner
They are, probably didn't want to go too far into it on stage and mics/cords in the way.
1200 years old
Just a fucking kid
>a lot of clowns panicking because everything's exploding
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Didnt TaintedTali and Lovare hate each other?
I call it SOCIETY
A, short and sweet.
D, Didn't watch
if you're balding you SHOULD keep your hair long

don't let anybody tell you what to do
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B, it was okay
MoD366 is a FAKE GAMER
these intermissions are so fucking dire
does he have a diary filled with nothing but "i hate video games"?
>same people again
did everyone else pull out or what
went for a smoke and missed it
Yes, say hello to your new runners.
Yes actually.
i wouldn't pull out of that, if you know what i mean
Lovely big boobs
You can't pull out of Contra you can only go forward
>Only game in the series that has this view

On G
>lotta joggers
Racist jokes on ESA?
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>he said joggers
The jungle is just filled with aggressive joggers
You have to wonder what sort of woman would attend ESA after Lovare did her #metoo shit. Would be down for anything provided they get attention.
many such cases
Concrete jungles.
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>died to bubbles
>Contra by a woman with beeg tats
ESA lives
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cheeky little shit
Well, that was a run
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already miss her
Rate Super C
Why does TaintedTali look worse every time she appears on camera?
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just woke up to this run, have they finally decided to get rid of donation read jumpscare cam?
Prize bog ogre go home
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B+, glad I woke up for it
europes safe btw
I swear everytime I open the stream they are doing the telethon shit for 20 minutes.
Double D
The relentless march of time
B for dem double Ds
they got rid of it after like the second run
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Breast run of this block
The ESA bonus is real
>10min run
>followed by 30min of 2 people talking in front of a camera
>rinse and repeat
The moderation will continue until donations improve
learning from gdq
Babe wake up bing bing wahoo is on
Drawing from one of the most socially awkward niche communities and making them talk to themselves for 15 minutes is a bold strategy Cotton.
>all mushrooms
Why? It's not like Lui isn't good enough to compete in the popular categories
>fucking coin sounds are back
stop this shit
Lets see if it pays off.
Hey guys, ASM ended so I migged here. How has ESA been? And any runs to look forward to today?
Yesterday has been a very mixed bag
Now there's an NES block which is pretty good
DOS/NES block, it's good
Man, Lui is just tearing through these levels
Love me some boomer blocks, so joined at the perfect time. And looks like I made the smart choice to continue watching ASM, since it appears ESA continued the tradition of a bad first day
>Nice dig
Thank you
its been mixed but you cant tell the event lost something, this block has been bland but we're in the denial stage of grieving the event so people will be toxic positivity in thread. Also Edenal is in here seething too.
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>nice DICK
thank you
Did you know? Super Mario Bros. 2 was
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Dude's casting some kinda curse here, be careful out there
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>constant stuttering on firefox
>constant "commercial break in progress" on streamlink
God damnit
Repost to seven friends to activate the counter-curse
this run seems ok
>I said we're gonna go UP YOU FUCKING SICILIAN
you will watch the ad
you will buy the product
runs are okay, managed of the event itself not so much, hoping for some improvement
baking new bread get your migs ready
Got it, I'll save my post cooldown
*management, i'm retarded and think faster than i write
I'm enjoying the combination of the commentator doing most of the talking and the runner just silently doing all these high-speed tricks
there will be no improvement
enjoy your last esa
I'm fine with this.
If it was just the smaller events only + RTA in Japan and none of the ESA/GDQ I would be happy.
RTA in japan is objectively bad though, let me guess, you don't speak japanese?
Lui is one of the best SMB2 runners

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