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3rd strike is the best fighting game ever made
I like to watch
I like to see
You play my game
In front of me
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>Chun v. Yun GFs gets a 1k-reply thread but GBVS top 6 will probably just 404 without hitting post limit
Fugg man
thankeru you very mucheru anon san
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Some trivia for today's 3rd strike winner
Cry about it
Do you always have third strike threads?
Street fighter is the king
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but will SF6 have an evo moment? Did 5?
Why does Max have an entire fucking main stage tomorrow? is MvC4 actually happening? Teaser for that or a new VS game?
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>but will SF6 have an evo moment?
>Did 5?
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hayao culo
wtf you talking about?
he has a spot on the stage to broadcast the finals/announcements
He has a main stage because he's the biggest western fgc celeb
vidya butts
it's called clout
Fuck is wrong with this guy
The next kuroda
That's Justin after tonight.
>this and the tranny chun li cosplayer
you still question if you're not a faggot after watching this e-'sport'
No, /v/ doesn't play fighting gamesexcept for UNI.
It's crazy how a bunch of zoomers in threads were hating on 3S and then it has the hypest game of the whole tournament and the hypest moment in DECADES for Evo in general.

Max gets spoonfed insider info from devs and leakers alike. He already knows what's being shown tomorrow. It's not just clout. If you're going off clout, fucking LilyPichu is like 10x more famous than Max and she only got a exibition match.
is he locked up?
Now that the dust has settled I feel bad that what people will remember of the last appearance of 3S at Evo is Hayao doing clown dances when MOV is a real champion. He spent more time thinking about street 3 than devs themselves
We are on /v/, we are all faggots
Literally the shittiest shitter known to shit, him and his retarded friends are the most boring people I've attempted to watch play literally anything.
I fucking hate zoomers so much
It was mostly good. Still not a fan of Chun and Yun although I'll respect the Yun execution and Chun neutral outside of crouching medium kick.
ngl I'd probably let lilypichu ride on my dick if she asked.
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>such that shows her bosom not being covered
you mean like in >>683285059? Her "boobs" barely even protrude forward of her chest.
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>The next kuroda
Anon he was Kuroda's teammate, he's been playing high level 3S since forever.
We already have the new Mahvel
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I will. Thanks.
Game being fun and hype to watch, particularly when a low-tier hero is putting on a massive show, doesn't mean game is good and without fault.
MOV is legit, he is THE chun nigga
who isn't named nuki, but nuki is washed up and plays pachinko
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>had to suck a uriens blue cock
You guys hype for the announcements tomorrow?? I am a staff member at evo :)
Look man... I'm a HxH fan, and that game gets me nervous. I get the budget was shit, but they really gotta do something to improve the animations or that shit is gonna flop hard. Gameplay will be kino though
anything else get announced today besides svc and the tranime fighter?
Give me more third strike, i don't care for darkstalkers.
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bro you think I was shitposting
I love this fucking game
3s team tournament happening at Japanese arcade owned by the guy who runs coop cup happening right now
Yeah yeah...
Prove it!
Post something that's vague enough to not leak but shows your know what's up.
gime some fucking TIPS GOD DAMN IT
Kevin is in Garou 2
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>3rd strike is the best fighting game ever made
Fuck you. I hope this shit never comes back. Had a nip spreading his bussy to get eliminated by one of the two broken faggot tier characters in this joke of a "competitive" game.

Sadly we're living at the will of content creating queers, so when MvC2 takes the retro spot next year we'll all get to hear the endless dicksucking for a game with five usable characters.
ex fireball with ryu is amazing
stand medium is a surprisingly good poke
stand roundhouse can rape people trying to jump away
jump mp is an amazing air to air
play me again I play ryu I'll show you all the good shit
Leak your staff lanyard badge. That's enough to prove your credibility. And then leak the reveals for tomorrow
Do people still like GBVS?
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As long as it has rollback and Pitou gets announced as DLC, I'll cop it. The nice thing about budget titles it can sell atleast 100,00 copies and be considered a success which means Bushiroad will hire Eighting to make a sequel that hopefully won't look like a mobile game because they'll have more money to work with.
This 3S tournament just shows how far fightan has fallen over the years. These days we're stuck with
>30 second long combos as a regular bnb occurrence
>30 second long "cinematic" supers twice a game
>neutral skips galore
What happened? How did we let it? Its not just 3S either. We used to get many games just as good, like Last Blade 2
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From a technology point of view this tournament exposed how inept the Evo tournament staff really are.

>tiny CRT for the biggest 3S tourney ever
>horrible glare on screen
>arcade players having to sit their arcade sticks on a random chair taken from the venue
>stream video quality was abysmal with incorrect colors and brightness because production crew don't know how to connect a supergun to a capture card

The tournament finals should have been on a Versus City cabinet with an undamned USB converter installed in in the side to allow other controllers. This has been done in several other major tournaments, there's no actual reason why Evo couldn't do it. Any reason the organizers give otherwise is a lie and a cope.
The game is very good at its core but the devs are infamously stupid about their support and have been since the first version launched so no one wants to play it and watching it is miserable.
so what were the highlights today I couldn't watch shit
how many kids have you diddled?
I think he means next in line to get blacklisted from the community for committing a crime (for being too based for this world)
This game is fucking garbage. Any character that might be interesting is absolutely garbage with the game mechanics favoriting 10% of the fucking cast.
You can't appeal to a wider audience and make a good game. It would be incredibly easy to just grab 3S, update the graphics, balance it and launch it as 4S but they rather make something that sells.

This is not exclusive to fightans, all games are like that.
Address this post>>683288021
Why did it take so long for 3S to get set up?
How old is MOV? Is he the oldest Evo champion?
I'm 48 and am winning SF6 tomorrow so no
And one of those characters has "30 second long combos as a regular bnb occurrence
". More like ten seconds for Genei-Jin but those seconds feel like forever.
5's EVO moment was Tokido raping Punk live on stage in front of thousands of people inlcuding his mom and him trying not to bawl on stage like a complete bitch during the award ceremony in 2017.
Truly one of moments in FG history
Nier mirror is way worse to watch than ChunYun
The balancing in 3S is an embarrassment. It infuriates me to see everyone glazing over such a mess of a fucking product.
It was fun until the chun vs yun grand final as usual.
Damn bro, what crawled up your pussy and died?

the dude is an actual gymnast apparently
For featured main stage games I think he is the oldest at the time of winning.
Nakano Sagat and John Choi have won ST side tournaments in their 40s.
>Damn bro, what crawled up your pussy and died?
Good games
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Official Release for 4rd Strike? Let's go!
You never used the term "glazing" a year ago.
Hayao matches made me sad because it reminded me of how good the FGC used to be.
E-Sports truly are the bane of everything. Mike Ross was and continues to be right.
I think one of the biggest reasons why 3S can be more hype than modern games is because the game is actually a lot more simple to understand, and thus more of the viewers can follow the match and how the players are thinking and responding to each other instead of just having their eyes glaze over watching a 30-hit combo into a 24 hit combo to kill.
bad characters go way farther and do way better in games like 3S than they do in modern fighting games. the older the game the more a character specialist can grow their craft
>muh balance
Shut the fuck up esports tard.
No more epic combacks because comebacks mechanics make them the norm

No more daigo because execution is easier than ever

No more expression in combos so we will never get a Tominaga

What's the point of modern fighting games again? Just put 3S and mvc2 in all of the slots
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big naked dragon lady
No, they don't. If you had picked any retro fighter than 3S you might have had an argument.
3S is the most roster unbalanced of any fighting game that sees a significant level of competitive play.

You have a much better chance of winning a ST tournament with Cammy or T. Hawk than you have of winning a 3S tournament with *any* other character than CYK.
Are we going to see a Bea again or is she going to come out balanced?
Did anyone ever do a stage dive during these?
Any game the requires I buy and use a giant fucking arcade stick box to be able to reasonably play it is bullshit. Give me 4 button fighters with working d-pad inputs or I'm out.
Makoto bros...
She's a big body zoner so she's not just going to sit on your face like Bea
then get the fuck out of the genre you fucking nigger, we don't want you and you will stop playing the games regardless.
New fighting games feel like LARPs of older fighting games. It has a very "HEY KIDS WANNA PLAY JUST LIKE THE PROS" vibe.
I don't know if you have reading comprehension but its not about who wins the tournament overall its the fact someone like hugo can get top 6 through pure skill.
Give me a fucking break. Show me a single other Japanese player that acts like Hayao over the span of the last 25 years. You fucking can't. You miss the nigger spitting at each other after every match and calling it soul.
Why dont evo just do non modern games lineup

In any other sports you dont have soccer becoming soccer 6 or baseball 5. Its the same game and that legacy endures for all time
Hello cancer. Please chemo yourself.
They literally do, it's just not on stream. Anything on stream is big games sponsored by big companies. You think Capcom or Namco want to fork over sponsorship money so they can play a 22 year old game they don't make money off anymore?
How much money do you get for losing in semis with Hugo?
The CEO needs another Yacht
What's the comeback mechanic in SF6?
>Show me a single other Japanese player that acts like Hayao
Mao is even more of a showboat. Comes out with a pro wrestling style title belt and heels it up like Hollywood Hogan.
When are we getting Alpha 2 or 3 at EVO
people don't play fighting games for money
You pay $200 more
is this a baki reference
We're getting there. People are realizing it, anon.

What will eventually come, and it may take many years yet, is an open source and free fighting game with abstract character design. A game designed to be played for 100 years.
They have, it's called the Community Showcase
Here's BB Tag's Top 6
Melty Blood
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that's so dumb i actually believe it
Arcade sticks are cancer. Imagine designing a game you can't play on modern controllers. It's retarded.
People talk about shit like turn-based games or tank controls being "outdated". Arcade sticks are the most outdated bullshit in gaming today. Take that shit back to the 1980s.
Then why do they give money to the winners?
Arcade sticks aren't outdated, it's just that modern controllers or controllers in general aren't precise enough
frfr these arcade sticks aint bussin ong
Turd strike sucks
>You lose footsies cause universal parry
When's Alpha 3?
>a game you can't play on modern controllers
lots of EVO/Capcom Cup champions have won on pad
Watch any matches from today and see how many people are there using a regular 360 or PS1 pad. God, you people are literal retards
Neither of those have a strong enough community.
ST or Marvel 2 are exponentially more likely.
People keep bringing up CVS2 and that could happen purely for advertising reasons, but that game's community even smaller than A2 or A3.

I'm not too deep in the Tekken community but I think Tekken Tag Tournament might have a chance.

Vampire never ever btw.
The entirety of pro Tekken players hate TTT.
You can play 3S just fine on a standard PlayStation controller.
modern fighting games are casualised.
Every player in the 3S top 6 was on a stick.
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If pad is a viable choice then it's not a Fighting Game
it's almost as if they designed a game to be played on modern controllers or something
I don't tend to take pro players of the most current game opinions about this sort of thing very seriously. Pro players are pretty stupid and tend to exaggerate a lot in their statements about older games.
And yet Tokido won't be using Gouki after he finally got fucking released.
I might as well kill myself now honestly.
There are still legacy games being played. You just ignore them because they're not mainstream or on the main stage.Even if you only include Main Stage we had KOFXV and UNI2 both representing legacy titles strongly.
Because the EVO organizers are fucking morons. The Japanese EVO tournament had the option to use other input methods just like casual arcade machines on the floor:

They really aren't. Mechanically SF6 is harder to learn than SF2 or SF3.

Being able to do a DP might be easier in SF6 but the rest of the game systems are overly complicated. The game would be better without the drive system being there at all.
>buffer combos
>macros all over the place

Yeah but look how bad modern fighting games are (sf6,grand blue, tekken 8). You are no longer designing them to be good, you are designing them for so a majority can buy them with the hopes of not being shit.
Bitch i am drunk and I will not wake up in time to watch some granblue
>Street Fighter 2 is not a fighting game
>The game would be better without the drive system being there at all.
The entirety of SF6 depends on the drive gauge. Giving players the option to OD moves and have it not tied to meter adds another layer of decision making on general fighting resources or damage output.
I find the heavy attacks on the shoulder buttons really awkward. And I bet motion inputs are way easier on an arcade stick, since it was (stupidly) designed for that.
So, yeah, you can... but it's obviously not optimal.
>playing ST on a pad

you disgust me
Bro it's 2024 everyone that gives a shit about getting the tiniest bit of advantage now uses hitboxes or some variation of it. Even the Japanese pros are using them now.
This was available at Evo. The set-up accepted any kind of controller. It's just that all six finalists chose to use an arcade stick.
granblue fucking sucks man
That only works because Modern games have Macros to make them viable for pad players

Leverless are shit
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"Modern" fighters are to fighting games what Assassin's Creed is to ARPG's.
Why did it take 2 hours to set up a CCTV?
I haven't played it since launch, who should I even be cheering for?
That wasn't the original argument though. If you're crying that fighting games have changed then just play old ones? People do it all the time on fightcade and they literally just had a 3S tourney at EVO.
I do this only cause my boomer wrists have gone to shit. The caveat is it's really difficult to do certain things like Akuma's karas
Some of us didn't have a choice when we played the SNES version. When you're old enough to play the game with a stick you realize how shit ST is and play anything else
Another funny thing on Mago's stream was him going around disabling VRR on monitors for his friends.
The organisers didn't even think about the input lag.
Sticks this, pads that, I just wanna know, how do I get better at fighting games with a keyboard? My stick died two months ago and I don't feel like buying another one
Nobody. The last time an anime fighting game was fun to watch was Blazblue from like a decade ago.
I do. And you will never be able to use a pad to play a fighting game, go back to blazblue balding kidman
The niggas not playing Nier (read:nobody).
I posit that extra ayer of decision making was unnecessary and worsened the game.
I mean, why not add even more mechanics? How about we add a move that lets you switch sides with your opponent while blocking in the corner? But it costs three OD blocks. It does no damage but lets you escape corner pressure. Now you have to think about if you need to save meter for that. Or if your opponent has meter for it, and you might end up in the corner. Now the game is more complex because of this side-switch-reversal-counter mechanic.
But is the game better because of it?
Practice? Or spend $40 on a haute leverless from aliexpress
Just fucking play
Like a lot of us figured out simultaneous directions were really good on keyboards dickign around with ggpo back in the day. I don't mean like cheating option select blocks I mean like I can delta motion in about 1/3rd the time it takes me to do it on a stick.
I think some CPS3 boards actually take a long time to load the game into memory off of a CD.
Keyboard is okay but if your keyboard is shit and can't register multiple key presses then don't do it
I'd like to believe that the game will evolve over the next couple of years. It's not a perfect game, but compared to how SF4 and 5 were at launch it's in a much better place to leapfrog into something truly great. Having wakeup DI is a good start, but it still doesn't fix how strong throw loops and safe jumps in are in the game as is. Having a universal side swap option might be a bit jarring visually, but I like the idea.
Fix your stick, dumbass.
We could live in a world where MvC2 could be played with the point-buy format, or SF3 could ban Chun's and Jun's supers, but communities and TOs are fucking pussies that MUST PRESERVE THE ORIGINAL INTENTION OF THE GAME AT ALL COSTTTTTTS. Yeah, suck my dick. Your inactions have prevented godlike games from truly shining due to just a few bullshit mechanics and characters. You know who's not a pussy? People who run JoJo tournaments. As soon as most people agreed that Petshop was busted as fuck, they banned his ass and never looked back. If you like good games that are plagued by top-tier bullshit, why not be the change your game needs and force rules to change for the better.
>2XKO will launch “lean” and game modes will be developed/launched over time (ie. VALORANT)
yikes, as the youths say

>you will never be able to use a pad to play a fighting game
I hate both games because of how stupid they are to watch competitively, but this isn't fucking Smash Bros, you play the game as is.
>takes them over a year to make a new character
how are they worse than skullgirls?
It's free to play. You can't really be surprised by this can you?
Evo is founded in Street Fighter and for better or for worse Street Fighter's community take on banning things is extremely permissive. Wall dives and o.Sagat, no problemo blood.
>$10,000,00 spent on content creators
>$2 spent on characters
somehow sort them out
Hey i know who jinx is, i watched the series. VERY COOL
You hate watching them because there's no more room for improvement, hence the "same old". They are solved games due to a handful of characters being absurdely good
It's finally happening anon. Tonight's result be a large part of the discussion.
After seeing what happened with MVS they should've realised there needs to be an acceptable amount of content at launch and prepared to go. Its a different market than most F2P games.
Exactly. It's why I don't want to see them at EVO main stage ever again. People have these rose tinted glasses for games they've never played and it's fucking annoying.
>you play the game as is.
*picks Akuma in ST*
Someone please post schedule for tomorrow
Lol anon. Bless you for thinking any of them have actually played it.
>they banned his ass and never looked back
and even better when it turned out kakyoin was actually even better than petshop they banned his ass too.
noooooooooo u cant do thaaaaaaat
And the idea of EVER having a non CYK 3rd Strike tourney is simply anathema.
MVS is a kid's game with an endless grind to unlock "free" shit. 2xko is a completely free to play game with the backing of one of the biggest fucking gaming companies on earth. I think they'll be just fine.
Exactly my issue.


Letting that faggot Max get to this level of influence is what will always make me mad.
>MVS is a kid's game
So is LoL, there will be a wave of 13 year olds trying this and bummed all they can do is grind ranked with a tiny roster.
>endless grind to unlock "free" shit.
It takes like 12 hours to unlock all the characters the hard way around.

That is fucking nothing compared to how many hours people sink into fighting games these days. You're barely out of the tutorials 12 hours into SF6.
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The only thing that stops 3S from completely dominating the entire EVO lineup is the balance. If Capcom tweaked the game a tiny bit it would overshadow SF6 and you know it
Petshop is way more busted than Chun or Jun.
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yeah I sure enjoy never being able to see alex or ibuki on a top 8
go smoke a cock you disingenuous faggot
Nevermind I read MVC not MVS.
That's more of a SF6 thing doever.


retard trying to defend sf6, kinda cute ngl but your reasoning is not sound
You're incredibly delusional.
Ah yes, random meaningless chart.
You're a moron.
Bro, it doesn't fucking matter. My point is that if your GOOD game has a BAD problem, then the problem should be fucking ADDRESSED instead of "dealing with it" for 20 years. I swear, people who run this shit can be so retarded due to stuborness.
uh i thought we hate esport shit?
They say this for every fucking game people love.

Max doesn't have anything to do with SF6. If you don't think seeing Marvel panned hard has nothing to do with his legion of braindead fans then you might be lying to yourself. Hell, those faggot Final Fantasy developers say they watch his gay reactions to motivate the dev team to keep shitting on the corpse of one of the greatest games ever made.
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Not delusional enough to actually believe that 3S has streamers shilling it.

3S game play speaks for itself.
anon for someone stealing my name you're actually pretty fuckin good
you just aren't punishing me hard enough to make me respect you and stop doing so much shit
if you don't shut down urien he will mow you over
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thanks dude. next urien i see i'll RUSH that ass down.
wtf chat is this real?
rikimaru chun is a literal ape
kuni the wifebeater wearing buff ryu
>They hated him because he spoke the truth.
He missed the teleport input, it happens.
Before corps changed everything when they tried to get ESPN involved, EVO used to have streams for most of the side station for older games people wanted to stream. They also used to have afterhour streams of the players messing around in their hotel rooms where they would have grudge or money matches to settle disputes or trash talking.
sorry no one give a fuck about nier fantasy nier
It's because fighting games still don't really have anything like a rules commission made up of unbiased judges who are looking at for the health of he game. It's all just cobbled together community bullshit that originates from some real dumb and sleazy arcade OPs and a few teenagers in SoCal in the early 2000s.
>A guy playing Hugo managed to get 4th place in a tournament with over 1000 players
must not be that big of a deal
>GOOD game has a BAD problem
Then it's not a good game
It's a slippery slope. Start banning certain supers and suddenly anything that is deemed "cheap" is on the chopping block because the ecosystem gets fucked. Makoto's SA2, Aegis, Denjin, and down the list you go.
I don't know why anyone would listen to /v/'s opinions on anything competitive even if they had played it. This board is bad enough as it is when its massive skill issues aren't getting in the way.
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it's not necessarily rushing him down, it's just making sure to punish him hard if he's just throwing out moves because unless you're in the corner or close to him nothing he does is scary
you absolutely one gorillian percent do not want your back to the wall against urien, avoid it at all costs
although to be honest I doubt many online uriens play like I do, I'm really trying to tap into the Cruise/RB black magic partitions and I've realized headbutt is actually his best move and is really hard to deal with if you're not familiar with it
most online uriens don't have half the execution or technical knowledge to play like that, they just do random tackle aegis
You must understand. 25 years ago a few UCLA college students, two zesty rich black guys, and one fat pedo made up the rules of fighting games and decided we don't ban characters ever and that can't ever change for the rest of time.
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I miss 1.0
It's not that slippery. We have decades of evidence at this point that something should be done about the two most broken supers in the game. If you only banned those two things and nothing else you'd breath new life into the game that could last another 20 years.
you don't get it. The western fgc and cretins like maximillion just want to larp as evo competitors and banning things that are obviously broken goes against that
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it's easier to just tune yun and chun down to ken's level. now the entire cast is playable
mk is so ugly and boring to watch
Sorry we can't do that because it's a SLIPPERY SLOPE. OH SO SLIPPERY.
All NRS games are literal cancer. Look at the nigger furry that wins them
Stick to Smash Bros lil bro
>3rd strike is the best fighting game ever made
Nah that's SamSho
It would be trivial to issue a balance patch to 3rd Strike that nerfs Chun and Yun's broken supers.
But you'd have lots of 3S apologists cry foul because they worship the Japanese and (they claim) Japanese arcade operators wouldn't want to adopt this new fan patch.
You have no real argument so you resort to memes. Your concession is accepted.
I jerked off to a GUY????
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>Crying, bitching and moaning
Shut up FAGGOT, Hayao is SICK. Third Strike and Hugo are SICK.
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I do not care about balance. Newer games having rotating op characters depending on the patch is hardly better than the static op characters in old games
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Hayao my fwarking hero
If Hayao is so sick why didn't he win the tournament? Why weren't there any Makotos in the top 6?
I still think Brave Dance is better because she just kicks the shit out of you in mid air
Luffy won EVO with a ps1 controller. Quit being a pussy, zoomie.
Argument for what? The game is set the way it's made. This isn't smash bros where it launches with pokeballs and assist trophies. The most you get as a concession in a competitive environment is defaulting to a training stage to free up the busy backgrounds. Outside of that you don't pick and choose what you like from a game. Basketball doesn't limit how many three point attempts you can take, football doesn't force you to punt if the opponent is down 30 points. You play with what you're given.
When 3S was new it was the "newer game" with a rotating OP character list. Ibuki and Sean were top tier in NG and 2I.
The icefrog style of rotating meta is a cancer upon competitive videogames.
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All irrelevant(and faggoty) questions. Hayao is and will always be the savior of fighting games. Third Strike will always be the greatest.
Sean was legitimately broken though. It's why he's such a joke in 3S.
Ironic since smash has never actually managed to ban any character even when it was completely justified to.
>Newer games having rotating op characters
That's literally ANY new game, retard. You think there's a rotating new OP character in 3S or SFIV? They die and don't get updates.

GOD, you're stupid.
>The game is set the way it's made.
That's just a rule you made up. I say otherwise. Which is just a rule I made up. The players make the rules.

>Basketball doesn't
Basketball doesn't do anything. It doesn't exist. It's a game that is made up by the players and can be whatever they want it to be. And the rules *have* changed over the years. The same goes for football, which has seen even more significant changes. These changes were made for the benefit of the longevity of the game. If you want people to keep playing 3S eventually you're going to have address the most glaring flaws in the game's competitive environment. Basically no game has ever remained 100% set in stone for longer than about 30 years. And I'm including very old games like Chess here. Even that game has seen rules changes over time.
are you saying that because he made a clippable moment of your old insignificant game? The numbers don't even support your claim lmao
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>Third Strike will always be the greatest.
>posts 2I
Secondaries make me fucking sick. Pic related is you
Twitterebonics is bane on this board.
Chun-li and Yun are legitimately broken.
mmmm nah
There's no Chess 3rd strike. That's why there's adjustments made, but never anything significant. Same for any professional sport. New games require new education and techniques. You just adapt and work your way through. Professional players don't stick around for long because they don't have the time to do this, so they go on and do other things.
Holy shit that Chun cosplay
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No one cares about le views or le clips zoomie, the game is fun as fuck to play and fun to watch, that is all that matters.
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Yeah, but they didn't make another game so oh well.

>fun to watch, that is all that matters.
There's nothing fun about watching the same two characters in every fucking matchup.
you can say that for the other evo games above 3s which is most of them KEK
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Here, have some new generation artwork, my autistic retard friend.
>doubling down
not him but i implore you, please, play the fucking games, is not fucking hard is ok to suck at them, BUT PLAY THEM
I agree but I don't think the responsibility falls on the tourney organizers; TO's will put on games that people want to play, it's really that simple. The balance change needs to be first accepted by the player base first. This is why we don't play version B of 3s and why Capcom's subsequent releases are of version A and it has since ostensibly became the official version.

I'm not against the idea, just pointing out that the road to balancing the game doesn't work approaching it from top down. When the community embraces the idea of change then we may actually see them. Until then, people will continue to play this version and will put up with Chun mirrors on stage.
>There's no Chess 3rd strike.
Modern Chess is like the sixth or seventh "revision" of the game. The 3rd Strike version of Chess would be pre-Mad Queen chess from the 1400s. Which was pre-dated by Shatranj, which was pre-dated by Chaturanga. Which might have been pre-dated by Xianqi.

Or maybe Shogi is the 3S of Chess? I wouldn't be mad at the comparison...
>there's nothing fun
it was fun to watch though, if you dislike repetition you're playing the wrong genre
>You can say th-
All shit games
SHIT made for faggots like(you)
>the game that could last another 20 years.
The game is literally never going away. There will always be a scene for the game despite how shitty it's balanced.
Read the rest of the thread.

The balanceing of the SF3 series is discussed in the posts around your own. Im not him, by the way. This post and text just stuck out to me, too.
Word salad post. Try again with proper composition.
same but for 3s faggots lmaooo
Someone share a fighting game fact mindfuck
>Yeah, but they didn't make another game so oh well.
Which is why people push for a community ruling.
We don't need Capcom's permission to change the tournament rules. We are not beholden to them. We don't need to wait until they issue a Street Fighter 3: Fourth Strike. We can do it right now if we want. There is no one stopping the players but themselves.
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>zoomers whining about stale metas in old fighting games
>meanwhile smelee is seeing a massive uptick in people playing lower tiers and finding crazy shit with them
maybe you retards should find some crazy shit with mid tiers or git gud instead of complaining about chunvschun until the end of time
Fatal Fury was made by the original Street Fighter creator.
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I play it every weekend with my boys, retard-kun. During the week sometimes too whenever I get off work I go on Fightcade and play Third Strike or Garou.
My main? Alex
My super of choice? Hyper bomb
>the game is fun as fuck to play
Until you get bodied by a CYK player who you know has 10% of the mental and time investment in the game you do.
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Sakura is older than Cammy.
>Wake up
>EVO threads are still alive

Don't break the chain though. Here are the previous threads.
>snk pic
>word salad
turd strike is being kept alive by capcomsoys like maximillian so they can larp as daigo vs justin wong
I thought those people talking about the DK revolution 1 or 2 years ago were insane but damn look at them now.
Congratulations on figuring out some old games are less moribund cast wise than others.
There's literally been more development in Super Turbos tier list in the last 10 years than Third Strike in the last 20.
Then play the multiple fan hacks of the game? Again, you're pushing for some renaissance for a 25 year old game that only a handful of people legitimately care about. It's not going to happen and no one would really give a fuck if it did.

This is exactly like when people said that if Xrd had rollback it would overtake Strive in a heartbeat. And here we are in 2024 with Xrd having rollback and having a whopping 12 active players.
That is why you form a rules commission that the tourney organizers can reference.

Look up anything regarding the various Magic: The Gathering formats, especially the unofficial player-run formats for a good example.
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360 inputs are stored with countdown bar in 3rd strike like a few other things (charges, lightning legs) so you can actually input the first 360, wait, and then 360 again and still get a 720
it's actually exactly how hayao lands so many 720s, if you pay attention he's always buffering cr lk and that's when he's buffering the first 360 and how he does shit like gigas people on reaction to their dash or jumping over him
>Why dont *event* just do non *games that many people want to play and see* lineup
Fucking retard
Fuck profags
sean was fucking godlike and programmed before ryu and ken. turd strike deciding it was funny to shit on him was a cope mechanism from capcom for being so retarded in trying to make a SF game without SF characters.
Magic is a single fucking game. You want a rules commission to over look every competitive fighting game released over the course of 30 years? Are you fucking stupid?
you do realize that you are the only one that's mentioning max.
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ask me literally anything about 3rd strike
I have played this game for almost 10 years
Why do you waste your life playing a dead game?
The original official Japanese cabinet for CPS2 games used a flat screen CRT monitor. In 1993.
why 3rd strike and not a good game
oh no, what a gotcha. Him getting a space at evo and being a blatant capcom drone has nothing to do with it, no siree
Should I go to sleep I've been watching all day??
Sure, there's no good games tomorrow until SF6 starts
Tm schedule?
why are you a transsexual
>This is exactly like when people said that if Xrd had rollback it would overtake Strive in a heartbeat
Both games also notorious for being constantly brought up by people that don't play.
it's more alive than your favorite game
That's every anime fighter in existence
dont care
dont care
>tekken 8
don't care

EVO is over.
HUH??!?!!?!? Source. arcadeotaku doesnt list anything like that.
>Magic is a single fucking game
Not really. There are two dozen playing formats and the core rules have changed many times over the years. Then you have the new sets tacking on what ought to be whole other separate games of their own to the greater MTG genre of TCG gaming. Playing a draft of Ice Age with pre-sixth edition rules vs a Zendikar draft with modern rules is playing two very different games. More different than SF2 and 3S would be from each other. More different than SF2 and SF6 would be from each other tbqh.

>You want a rules commission to over look every competitive fighting game released over the course of 30 years?
Of course, there would be different commissions for the different games.
damn you're right those games do suck, sorry grub bro
youre a tranny because 3s is more alive than sf6?
>projecting this fucking hard already
Have you ever won a tournament?
Are you mentally ill?
Fighting games are a niche interest in a niche hobby. Literally never happening
>it's more alive than your favorite game
Not them but that's a really bold fucking claim from a 3S player. You can't be the guy that actually plays and also be that deluded about how popular 3S is.
i agree, don't care but what else is there to do tomorrow.
Evo has been reduced to background noise
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The cabinet in question is the Q Grand AM 25 which used a Nanao MS8-25F. The F stands for flat.
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Zoomies get so angry whenever they see people enjoying older games, kek.
Go on Fightcade and try some random shit with a friend, there's a lot of fun games in every era of the genre. I swear some of you retards spend more time debating your imaginary turf war than actually playing fighting games.
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you can go with either lowkey autist...
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or highkey autist
>2XKO is launching "lean"
>Katarina, one of the original reveals for the 1v1 version of the game won't be in at launch
This shit probably won't have more than 10 characters huh, so weird.
There are way more people playing 3S than playing Canadian Highlander magic, yet Canlander has a rules commission that oversees the health of the game.
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it's all projection, they don't care about SF6 or fighting games and they certainly don't play it, they just care about the clout and the streamers.
>Zoomies get so angry whenever they see people enjoying older games, kek
You say that like there aren't at least as many people seething when they see people enjoy new games.
>go for meaty every time because balls to the wall
>opponent leans into wakeup parry
>get an idea
>get the knockdown and this time do standing LK x super
>they parry the LK, press their button to counter then straight eat hammer frenzy
Felt godlike for that one. Not actually very good at 3S though but it's a fun game to be unga in. Remember playing a Urien here actually where I was reliably stuffing EX knee press with s. fierce elbow drop, leading him to try to bait me with a meterless knee drop then dash up like a madman trying to whiffpunish. Fun stuff.
> I swear some of you retards spend more time debating your imaginary turf war than actually playing fighting games.
says the person posting on 4chan instead of playing gaymes
Yep. It's a shame the "premiere" events are only the yearly nu-slop.
People need to care more about the games with skill expression more.
its an attention-seeking transvestite what do you expect
i remember when the yearly nu-slop was good. What the fuck happened to videogames
Can't help but laugh whenever one of these faggots brings up numbers or popularity, literally who gives a fuck? Just play some matches and have fun. I still jump on Actress Again every now and then because I think it's fun and that game is deader than dead.
Just got done playing a set with one of my buddies on Alpha 3, SODOM is rad.
>Fighting games are a niche interest
Have been some of the best selling video games in history
>in a niche hobby
Gaming makes more money than all other media combined.

You're a real idiot.
I think they'll managed at least 16, but that is still very much lean for a 2v2 game. Certainly going to be contention around it being a low content launch but F2P. People will insist the latter makes it okay but doesn't change others want more than online play in a fighter. Throw in expensive cosmetics to the mix and the conversation will get nasty fast.
Nah 16 isn't lean for a brand new fighting game with no past work to use. Power Rangers launched with 12.

I genuinely think its 10 and they try to get it out end of THIS year or Q1 2025 and just hope its received well
are you an A rank on fightcade?
i thought that was porn
And the fact that we're talking about a game at Evo, which is a three day long event with corporate sponsorship attended by thousands of people and watched hundreds of thousands.

That's more than big enough to support a community-driven rules council for tournament organizers to reference when issuing their announcements of events. All they have to say is "we are playing by (insert) ruleset, you can see them on the official website here ________"
Probably not if you count porn, but video games are a bigger industry in terms of money than music, television, and movies combined.
I mostly played offline before fightcade became actually worth using, I never was into ranked in the first place
I've taken games off really good players IRL before
don't care, i agree with the other guy stop seeking attention faggot. This is the EVO thread of course people will shitpost about top players and popularity of the games.
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So you're D rank at best.
I've taken a game off RX, in person
Have you?
>doesnt say rank
>excuses and bs stories
>OP has a stupid claim
>wonders why people in the thread refute it
if you don't care then fuck off lmao
Those cabinets are Capcom OOB-50 rear projection cabs. They use 50" rear projection screens manufactured by either Mitsubishi, Pioneer, or Hitachi (depending on region).
When they were new the screens were crisp and very clear, not washed out people may late have seen them. The scanlines would have been very well defined.
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鬼神 Karakusa em all 1989
I am C Makoto Man
410,757,864,530 Dropped Combos
Yeah, but BftG was made with like $25 and a pack of dental floss, and everyone knew that. This has been getting hyped for close to a decade now by thee same company who has made one of the most profitable games ever. You think there would be more to show, and even if this game plays well, it'll be a SF5 catastrophe all over again for the casual fan
>don't care
Then why'd you reply? You fragile faggot.
EVO is about fighting games, thus this is a fighting game thread, not the numbers and general streamer faggotry thread, I'll talk about whatever fighting game I want.
Lad, who gives a fuck about what OP said? That's no reason to cry and shit up the thread whenever you see any mention of Third Strike.
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I am much better than I was here
you may now cope and seethe
I've taken games off of equivalent players in my own game.
>who gives a fuck
if you don't care, fuck off. Also 3s is garbage
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Seeing /v/ flipflop on the SNK games was funny.
>"CotW looks pretty good from the exhibition tournament."
>"Who the fuck is Kevin? Where is Mai? Dead game."
>"KOFXV is such a good game."
>"GF was between two guys that were using 2/3 of the same team? Shit game."
>le fragile
>by the guy swinging his virtual cock around and upset when people call him out
My last response to you. Enjoy
>nothing on the line, not even imaginary fightcade points
I redact my previous statement about D rank, you're an unranked away lurker, the cowardly scum of fightcade.
Hey do you have a problem with D rankers? HUH HUH
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I wonder how they felt about playing on laggy, projection monitors. Supposedly Daigo his
Daigo in a room and he was watching the matches. Who knows if either player got to play on that setup before the match. Maybe he's watching Valle playing in picrel.
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>moving the goalposts
I will give you my full name and address and we can meet up and play offline on a versus city cabinet for a thousand dollars, first to ten
How about it, nigger?
This guy popping off is a past Evo winner btw
As much of a faggot as that faggot Hungrybox
>just lolcow urself for me k thx
is that Viscant?
Nah, I think I'll stay. Don't let that mind fuck you too much, zoomie.
You're the one that decided to make a reply where you cried over people talking about playing older games instead of shitposting about number faggotry. Coulda just ignored the post if it didn't bother you. Have a good rest of your day, anon.
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nice dodge
never reply to me again
>doesn't name player
>or game
How convenient you suddenly are not talking about STREET FIGHTER 3 THIRD STRIKE
The projection monitors were not laggy. They are CRT projection monitors. There are three very bright small CRTs inside that big box that merge together to create the image.
Your reaction images are plebeian.
Who is the cute lady?
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are you gay?
is god real?
why is turd strike so shitty
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little pussy boi
I don't see Jay "Viscant" Snyder anywhere in the image, but he would have very likely been in attendance.

The white guy nearest the camera I think is Jason Nelson. Further back is David Sirlin.
When are smash finals?
She is a Japanese game journalist who worked for Famitsu and was a host on a show called Game Catalogue II. There's an episode in which they go to the USA and cover this event. It's on youtube. Sorry, I don't have a link to the specific episode and there are many to sift through. But I'm 100% on this.
Cute Japanese game journalists owe me sex
TV announcer or something like that


Thats fucking cool. Have you ever seen this one?


Its a BnW CRT monitor that uses LCD overlay for color.
open challenge to all big thad niggas
in garou and 3s which seems to be favorite here
i am chaka1 in lobby
just write snu snu in blue text

like this `snu snu` i will understand and challenge
include backticks for blue text
This >>683294369 it isn't just a passion project but the next big thing, or so they say. This will be a big test of what really matters if the content really is sparse. Can name, shills and/or F2P make a game. Will the gameplay be so good out the gate to carry it, or is expecting the first edition of a new franchise to hit a homerun like that a bad move. Can Riot actually interface with the FGC successfully or will there be disappointed that Riot doesn't invest big at first with new games outside of backhands to the chosen few.

>they try to get it out end of THIS year or Q1 2025 and just hope its received well
Such a slow build up and now it feels like fuck lets ship it. Sure is weird.
anon it's 5am...
How many niers are in GF this time.
yet here you are. Curious
This. This is literally the only SFV competitive moment I remember in the entire lifespan of the game. Tokido buck breaking this guy with experience and style. The taunt combo in Grand Finals, the momentum swing, all of it being done with Akuma, Tokido's husbando. It was perfect.
why don't you play sf6 instead of pirated games on fightcade lmao
>in garou and 3s which seems to be favorite here
Nobody plays that game.
out of 10
Maybe he likes Third Strike/Garou more? What kind of question is that?
This had better be cropped porn or I will be very upset.
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Who's who?
>Had a nip spreading his bussy to get eliminated by one of the two broken faggot tier characters in this joke of a "competitive" game.
Even if he ran it back, he would have lost again to Elena.
if you exclude fags like kevin kain jenet the game has very fun and cool looking chars like gato marco, if you think 3s chun yun are overtuned crank that shit to 90 and you get kevin, i used to be bummed out about this thing for that game but then i realized i would be missing all the actual cool matches just because few black sheeps,
i have also made a good russian friend who play absolutely killer terry, we were playing for past weeks every weekend but he suddenly disappeared :(

i actually want to but my laptop couldn't even get 30 fps on sf6
and am reluctant on getting a new laptop or pc because of power issues here, this old laptop even if it burns i dont care since its like 10 year old.
Post SF6 top 6 bracket pls?
Me on the right
>[Kasou Seiseisho (Kasose)] Tettei Gohoushi Neko Musume [English] [xinsu]
>oppai loli
I am pleased.
me on the left \o/
Here's the Japanese coverage:
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>if you exclude fags like kevin
There's literally nothing with Kevin.
>but he's OP!
haha punches go boom
Unbalanced and parry's don't work like they should
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here you go
Come back and share any other videos you may find of her.
>Only one player using a female character in SF top 6
>It's fucking punk who I hate
I just want to see some sexy girls on finals day
>parry's don't work like they should
How should parries work?
Garou is overrated, there are 4 or 5 better Fatal Fury games, City pandering to Garou fags is making it DOA.
Hayao and a bunch of other ridiculous 3s players are going to be part of some exhibition matches on August 12th
all of you fags better watch it
Universally the same for all moves and with better timing all around
"Modern" controllers are just bad, and an old design not really fit for human use.
You control the sticks with your thumbs, right? Put your thumb in front of you and make a circle motion, now do the same with your hand, see how it's easier?
It's a controller for casual play.
Jaidlyn the caster is a lesbo
Usually you have to actually win tournaments for people to be interested in seeing you put on an exhibition.

3S players sure are funny i tell ya what
Any anons wanna play some KI later today?
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>Universally the same for all moves
What about cross-ups? Should you be able to tap either left or right and never get a block. How would the programmer design it so then it doesnt misinterpret the players intention.

>with better timing all around
Im gonna have to flat-out disagree on this. 10 frames for a single attack is enough. You want to have some risk, otherwise it just isnt fun.

>66L still not fixed
nice game, shithead
saw this from the front page
i dont care about fighting games or whatever the fuck this thread is but HOLY SMOKES this image activated something in my monkey brain
As is in Third Strike parrying doesn't work like it should. Which is pressing forward right as the attack is about to hit. Instead you have to time it differently depending on the move, and it's usually before the attack connects and it's inconsistent. This is excellent for tourney fags who practice parrying every move all day but not so much for everyone else.
Motion inputs are actually easier on Dpad for me. The range of motion required is much smaller, so I can finish my inputs faster.
Please let there be a moment where Chun kicks Hugo's ass to make it full circle.
>pressing forward right as the attack is about to hit.
>usually before the attack connects
You said the same thing twice.
Extremely fuckable.
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>it's usually before the attack connects
>and it's inconsistent
Thats a contradiction nigga. So is it inconsistant, or is the timing for a parry before your opponent attacks you?

It seems like to me that you don't understand the frame timings of parry. On the ground, the initial high or low parry will have 10 frames of lenience, then any following attacks will have some variance. That depends on the target combo, special or super. This is always, consistantly, before your opponent attacks, even accounting for super freeze.
I'm guessing the other anon wants red parries to be less strict, which is just silly.
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Bad timing to have an arguement about the design of the parry mechanic.

My stance is, sf3 1,2 and 3 are parry games the same way that vf, tk and sc are 3d games. its just that parry games never had the tekken 4 or virtua fighter 3, to explore the possibilities of such an engine.

gn niggers
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all of the players on that list are some of the best there is
sho actually won evo japan, which had a higher concentration of competition than regular evo since Japan is fucking insane at 3rd strike
you just saw what hayao did and he got like 17th at evo japan or something
you say that as if basketball and football haven't had rule changes over the years. retarded analogy.
Shit meant top 6, fuck I'm tired.
redpill me about crouch teching in this game.
also tell me how to beat anti air jab spam
thank you.
I mean it's usually way too early before the attack is going to hit, and pressing forward right as the attack is hitting works less often than that
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>3rd strike is the best fighting game ever made
It would be really cool if Capcom made a new and actually fun to play Street Fighter, i'm kinda tired of watching third strike after 2 decades. I have no idea what they were smoking when they made V and 6
>"we are playing by (insert) ruleset, you can see them on the official website here ________"
The only thing that has ever come close to this is CPT rules for leverless controllers. Expecting some sort of elder council to moderate hundreds of video games is retarded. Doesn't matter how many thousands of people are watching EVO, these are the biggest games around and have rules and regulations. If you want to go back and enable some arbitrary set of rules for a 30 year old game that absolutely no one is actively playing then good fucking luck.
SF6 is completely fine and in the upper half of the games in the series
let's be real, you fucking faggots will complain regardless of whatever kind of SF they put out nowadays because it wasn't release 2 decades ago and you don't have the fake nostalgia and the eceleb lore you've watched on youtube
6 is good. Nostalgiafaggots are the reason they keep letting Honda, Blanka and gief ruin rosters
Crouch tech is three inputs at once that make a defensive option select.

Three possible outcomes
>opponent throes you, LP+LK makes you tech it
>opponent shimmies you, your low short comes out and counterhits him
>opponent continues blockchaining you, nothing comes out cause youre in blockstun

In SF4 you mash this at all times while on defense. It's not as good in SF3 because the throw tech timing doesn't match the counterhits timing
What is wrong with gief?
Grapplers are shit
would you call 3s a street fighter game ? i can take 3s for what it is and it's somewhat fun if you do that and it's a great spectacle from a spectators point of view. but parry fundamentally breaks what street fighter is. at least as far as traditional A2/ST street fighter is concerned
it would be if people actually fucking played it.
>would you call street fighter 3 a street fighter game?
zoomers shit their pants when they get SPD by a bottom 3 character

i don't really give a shit anymore about who makes it in but last time i checked zoomers gravitated towards Ryu and Ken the giga boomer characters
The rank system is trash for fighting games, always was. It encourages cowardice from other players who constantly dodge you based on the letter to preserve their own shitty ranks. I'm A rank, btw.
i'm aware of the statement. if you don't understand the question then you suck at street fighter traditional or not
I don't think there's census for the age group of popular picks in this game. People gravitate to who they think looks "cool" and Ken has always had that since ST. Ryu is the safe bet because he's always been the training character, and coincidentally this is probably the best iteration of Ryu in any SF game ever made.
I don't think there has been a Street Fighter game since Street Fighter 2 and I don't count Turbo.
This is Edmond H. country round these parts FAGGOT
The koreans already figured this out with Brood War, still good and still played with major tournaments in Korea to this day.
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>simping for an obese sumo wrestler
>calls others a faggot
by turbo are you referring to hyper fighting on CPS1 or super turbo ? surely HF was just a better CE
Yep you're a faggot.
the meta for that game evolved for 18 years, towards the end people started using valks, a unit that was considered terrible and expensive.

Good games create good moments
>Why dont evo just do non modern games lineup
EVO is a corporate advertisement event anon. It's sponsored by the companies that make these games and they pay to have people only play the newest ones so they buy it.
They did fix that unit in remastered tho
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>cater towards the people that will only play the game for 1 week , maybe 1 month tops, before they drop it.
>cater towards lil zoom that's gonna waste his money traveling to evo
>instead of catering towards the players that can actually attract more normies with POG plays like Hayao just did
>Now you have this weird thing going on where commentators need to hype the shitty players shitty moments 24/7 to hide how bad everything truly is
>game is now basically e-celeb gossip 6

Street Fighter 6 is literally Starcraft 2 kek. Meanwhile you go into any pro stream and you can see how miserable they are whenever they are playing sf6
you can crouch tech, but it's not that good because of parry and also because you have to tech later for it to actually work as an OS
guard jump is the superior 3s defense OS
do jump normals to beat the jab or just deal with it happening, 3s is a really loose game
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>but parry fundamentally breaks what street fighter is
and shit like custom activation in alpha 2 doesn't? or claw wall dive loops? or random stun? give me a fucking break
every street fighter is a unique brand of kusoge
3rd strike demands you pay attention to your opponent and constantly outhink them with very few checkmate situations and overall really loose gameplay because of so much variation in everything and little restrictions on what actually works which is why it's the most fun
>Belial vs Nier GFs
Just as bad
Fuck balancefags and FUCK YOU
>and shit like custom activation in alpha 2 doesn't? or claw wall dive loops? or random stun?
not really, random stun doesn't take away from how the game is played. it just makes the damage more variable. it doesn't impact the neutral just the reward from said neutral becomes psuedo-random. claw wall dives loop again isn't a main stay in the games neutral. every character has options to deal with wall dive in neutral. it's no different from honda butt slam in neutral. there are consistent safe ways to stop it in neutral, i play dhalsim who has arguably less consistent options than the rest of the cast and i can stop it 95% of the time in neutral. the reason claw loops are fucked up is on oki. after claw has already won the neutral and converted into a knockdown. anyone that plays ST knows this and it's just soijam viewers that think otherwise. a2 cc's are for sure the most viable example you have given as it can change the neutral through it's use of i-frames. personally i do view that as a flaw of the game. if i had my way i would keep valle CC as it enforces safe play as even being -3 can lead to death due to it but remove the i frames so it couldn't be used to impact the neutral via going through fireballs. but even without this i'm never really worried about getting robbed in neutral by cc activation.

parry and specifically air parry change how neutral works and the risk reward structure of jumping over pokes and fireballs in neutral. alongside regular parry hurting the fireball game as a whole. still possible ofc as lucifer has shown but you can't lie and say that it's just as effective as 2x. does this lead to a more complex game ? sure. i'm not gonna deny that. it creates more complex situations compared to "did he jump over something or did he not and i can DP him" ofc that is more complex. but it fundamentally changes how street fighter is played. again i can take and respect 3s for what it is. but i don't view it as traditional street fighter
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dp fadc ultra is not traditional street fighter
mashing jab to lock your opponent in infinite range proximity guard is not traditional street fighter
drive rush eating your inputs and giving you a free option select to get in is not traditional street fighter
it's all a load of shit
traditional street fighter also fucking SUCKS so who gives a shit
>catering towards the players that can actually attract more normies with POG plays
You are a double retard to to think catering to top players completely is ever a good idea and to imply that "pog" plays actually attract more people to actually play and not just steamboar games like sf3 or any anime fighter in existence.
>X thing is not traditional street fighter, it's all arbitrary.
>traditional street fighter sucks regardless so who cares
every single time. it doesn't take long to get 3s players to admit they just don't like street fighter. every damn time. but yea thanks for answering. in summary you don't believe 3rd strike is a traditional street fighter (if you did you wouldn't be playing it cause traditional street fighter sucks right ?) but instead of just saying that you get really mad about it like most bad 3s players do. anyone i know that actually plays 3s happily admits 3s isn't a street fighter game and that they don't like actual street fighter. just 3rd strike. again i don't hate 3rd strike. but if i want to play 3s i'm not booting up 3s.
>You are a double retard to to think catering to top players completely is ever a good idea and to imply that "pog" plays actually attract more people to actually play and not just steamboar games like sf3 or any anime fighter in existence.

You are right, ignore american "pro" players like punk and just listen to European and Japanese pros. Problem fixed.

Pogmoment 37 here we go
>3Sfag at it again
It's like you're deadset on making people hate this game on /v/.
Anyway, Hayao's Hugo is always nice to watch.
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bring back melee.
>Unc Strike
>all those nier replies
>no complaining about sieg
I'm nooticing.
No since the new games don't allow for moments like Evo 37. The magic pixel comebacks don't generate as much hype in the new games. That being said 3S is rromanticized a lot by the FGC still to this day.
I suppose this was a good reminder to follow those channels. Now to see if I even remember by the time of the event as Japan does all their shit when I'm asleep anyway.
Any time I tuned into this its been offline
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What's the schedule for today?
Street Fighter III: 4rd Fiesta
he's got nothing on HBOX
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>the last 4 main stage games
>a bunch of side games doing top 6 before Tekken's
I'll probably watch some side games while Strive is going on. I haven't watched any of it this weekend anyway.
Same with melee.
The difference is melee autists refuse to play the newer slop.
It's 8am in America but 5am where this is being held rn
are you retarded?
How was killer instinct? Worth a watch?
They have multiple games at the same time on Sunday? What the fuck
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Probably because it's all on west coast time. Which makes it basically unwatchable for most thirdies, difficult for Europeans and annoying for east coast americans
Yeah this is what I meant
Also that should say (Monday in blue) for the additional time zones.
Should I buy Under Night
There was a giga faggot on commentary last time I tried watching.
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Orcane's cuter overall but I think I prefer the beady eyes he had before.
An old one to fuck around? Sure
The new, overly expensive, dead one, which barely adds any actual content compared to the old versions, which still has bad online, which you'll have to beg for fights v a guy with > 5000 hours exclusively as a top tier or not play at all?
Never buy anime fighters. They exist in a permanent poverty state they can only deal with by overcharging their small fanbase, most of which play for less than 1 week.
You can fire up GGST and Granblue and fight regular humans
So that's 1 fighting game
Strive is a minigame, like Smash. Literally round start 80% combos.
not anime games
they're like Fischer price toys
Granblue is not a real anime fighter
melee is better than tekken 8 and sf6.
How is Strive not an anime game? Let me consult the checklist:
A) Looks like an anime
B) Has an airdash
C) Isn't Marvel vs Capcom

yup, that's an anime game.
Who said anything about melee
Typical Nintenkiddy, stuck 20 years in the past
3rd strike best fighting game ever made.
Sf6 worst fighting game ever made.
Looks like SF took both spots.
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>Check steamcharts
>Wow Granblue has 3000 players it's more popular than I th-
>Oh that's the RPG, the fighting game only has 500 players
>round start 80% combos
sounds like an anime game to me bud
How is Strive doing this evo anyway? The only time I've seen anons discussing it was when Leffen got knocked out. Is that all this shit has?
>stuck 20 years in the past
seems you missed the point of this thread
That would be Samsho 2. When it comes to Street Fighter, you want to play Zero 3 Upper. And the best fighting game atm is actually Granblue Rising.
Its a retardedly imbalanced game even by fighting standards with absurdly short TTK so there's nothing much to discuss.
>Oh guy on left got the first hit
>So he's basically already won
It's popular and people actually play Strive. Therefore, it's not an anime game by definition.
Pools were great, probably the most enjoyable matches in EVO. But as the tournament progresses it started to boil down to the regular parade of Sol/Nago/HC etc. Though there's a few Asukas left at least and he's really fun to watch.
Asuka looks absolutely awful
I disagree
I did this but I clicked the fighting game first, assumed it was the older version because its dead as fuck, then clicked that thinking its the new version.
Looks like it is, in fact, a discord fighter, which is likely literally only playable for Americans
>I like it and im a weeb in denial
trannies aren't people
Is the new Samsho worth getting? It is £15 on Steam right now.
Injustice, my favorite anime game
>But as the tournament progresses it started to boil down to the regular parade of Sol/Nago/HC etc

This top 6 is looking pretty good. I don't recall ever seeing an Anji so far in EVO, Jack-O is back, Ram too, we have no mirror incoming, Leffen is out and none of the previous top 8 players made it back.
Leffen vs Zanto was a great match and i hope this top 6 will be just as good.

Granted the top 3 will most likely be Sol, HC and Asuka but i may be wrong.
Strive has 1 year left
ggst shit no one cares about leaked
No shits giga dead. Here is a list:

Tekken 8, Street Fighter 6, Guilty Gear Strive

Life support:
Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, Dragonball Fighterz, MK1 (but only on console)

borderline discord fighter:
Guilty Gear Xrd and +r, UNI2, Melty Blood: Type Lmao, KoF
i like how all the strive convo is just
>leffen this
>leffen that
as the smash kiddies pretend to care about another fighting game just because a smash player is involved
But I want to play a fun anime fighter...
>anime fighters
It really is.
It's a great fucking game. That's why it's dead as fuck. Unless you have some pals who play fightans, I wouldn't recommand it.
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>Guest character in Guilty Gear
>Fucking Cyberpunk Edgerunners
>A character that doesn't even fight through the entire series

I fucking hate every thing about this.
dizzy got burka'd
Dizzy even more censored than Xrd lmfaoooo

motherfucker i'm lucky if I can find one person to play with let alone 5
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Hey Evo bros I just woke up I had a really weird dream that I was the top 6/grands coordinator and I was rigging matches. I aalso feel like shid because I greened out last night.
That new girl Unika is from the upcoming Guilty Gear anime
So did Venom
>greened out last night.
wtf is greened out
It means he's a waste of air stoner and you can safely ignore his ramblings.
>we got a guest character before Zappa

it's over
>new exclusive color!
>can't see shit because filters
New: >>683308119
could at least been Rebeca
Unexpected but interesting guest character. Unfortunately stuck in a genuinely shit game.
Dizzy looks cute
>but but but she's covered up
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>strive isn't an anime game

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