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>EVO Arena Stage: Top 6 GBVSR, GGST, TK 8, SF6

Previous Thread: >>683286089
i dont like dizzy's pants
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Dekken 8 Dragunov 8 Dop 8

Timely made thread, you fucking morons.
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Main schedule
Strive Venom sounds like such a sad prospect.
fighting fans really be like
>i cant wait to spend even more money on a game i already own bros
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cyberpunk guest character
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Nigga this is basically a 24 hour EVO thread

Side schedule
didn't even get the meme loli breh, what is that
Kiryu in tekken 8 wen
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>like 8-10 FGC threads on /vg/
>We don't even get own board
>We don't even get sticky
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what a dogshit game kek
>Top 6
Did they make a typo I thought it was always top 8?
>dizzy in a burka
>gay nigga
>shill character for new anime
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>Katsuhiro Harada was talking about Venom and -Strive- a month back
So those bitches have like real behind the back meetups. Is Strive gonna get Reina Mishima next Season?
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I tried to play this game once, or a GG game. God it is so visually noise it made me feel sick.
Do you really need a number taking up 1.3 of the screen for a combo counter, or COUNTER splashed across the entire screen when you get a counter hit.
Are the anime trannies who play this shit so fucking retarded they need a splash screen power point for doing simple shit.
Fuck you if you play this trash
this trailer is visually a disaster. its just a clusterfuck of random shit and you can barely tell what the fuck you're looking at.
Do GG fags actually like this shit?
Guest character from the shitty cyberpunk anime that doesnt even have animation
>>We don't even get own board
Nope. Top 8 is now Top 6 because ads.
>Faggots are crying because a Queen isn't dressing like a street slut.
Get some taste faggots.
Davidbros... Why didn't we get the collab slot?
>wanting women to cover up
sure whatever you say totally not gay guy
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>Has sex with biological women
>Has a son
>Law enforcer
>Has had multiple times sex with biological women and drinks beer
>Broken probably
Yep i'm a Kevin main and i'm gonna make trannies seethe.
Also he's theme has an kickass harmonica.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzVnzMuMSDg
I had never heard he was OP until he was revealed for City of the Wolves and people started talking about it.

Personally I always found him kind of dull (maybe like a peg above Abel) and his moveset never made a lot of sense to me so I just passed him on by.
>gay nigga
He got white though
I have never even heard of this nigga
But she's not dressed like a queen either? Just seems like a mishmash of random clothes
holy shit that dizzy outfit lmao
but sure shes conveniently a queen now that they need to censor most of their old designs
I looked at his trailer and thought "He looks painfully generic, who even plays this kind of character?"
Now I know
mai ntr doujins
Too many to list.
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>he doesn't use a kyokugen character whenever possible
Go back to strive you “brisket” main
Because David's dead
at least they censored Venom too
This looks like a solid season, what's the problem?
I saw the Edgerunners image before and thought it was a prank
I mean, the chick is cute and all but what is she doing in a fighting game? She is only a hacker
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Let him explain to you. https://youtu.be/jEg_sGVSjNQ?si=izluGSgP2Zj6z6du&t=73 He has like 0 frame super that is invincible and can spam lock you on corner
i need more
>She is only a hacker
watch it chud you can't say women can't do things
I played Garou, zoomer. Nobody cared about this character in actual play.
>conveniently nobody talks about team of 3 mode
Why is there such a hateboner for Strive here?
She was good with a mono wire, so her move set will be based on that more than anything I’m guessing.
No, I'm going to play Hotaru
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Dizzy has worn other modest outfits before and they looked much better than this new one. Why not use her story mode design?
>Top 8 is now Top 6 because ads.
So, it is a tag team mode, or one player play one character?
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Yeah i have never played Garou what gave it away? I'm gonna be happy i can finally play it first time in my life after being life long Garou fan. :)
who cares about 3v3 mode nigga
Caught up on the CotW exhibition, was fun. Those matches are gonna be so fast when people know their combos. Also more sold on Vox now that divekick looks like a massive pain to deal with.

What else is worth catching up on?
>Implying Ky would want his wife flaunting her tits for the world to see
Begone cuck!
She's been a queen since Rev 2, Mr. Secondary.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWOYSJNNmJk countdown
I'm so sad SamSho is dead.
That game deserved better.
Giving a shit about tiers in a game that 3 people in the arcade played on different days gave it away
>Nobody cared about what was probably the single best character in a game full of broken characters
Censored Dizzy my beloved
Only 2 hours and 28 Niers till the start of the last day
>That game deserved better.
Like competent devs...
And yet nobody cared. Nobody played Kevin in that game. It didn't matter that he was broken.
COVID killed both Samsho and Soul Calibur 6

At least Samsho is getting a new action RPG game.
That was funny. For some reason he has a shirt on but it almost matches his skin tone.
Well its getting an RPG
I thought it was the absence of rollback and good online / lobby system.

>At least Samsho is getting a new action RPG game.
Ho, which one?
I just like Kevin's design and theme and stage. Wish you read that. I hope he makes it to KoF.
Literally nobody actually play the game ITT, hence why the only discussion is about how Dizzy is not naked in Strive.
wait what?
>COVID killed both Samsho and Soul Calibur 6
Wrong Project Soul was on it's way out before 6 was made. Blame Bamco.
>She's been a queen since Rev 2, Mr. Secondary.
retard, dont you see thats exactly my point? she wasnt "queen" dizzy in that game, just dizzy
but now they slap the queen in there to justify the censorship
nigger faggot
Kiyru doesn’t hit women, which is why they should use Maijima instead because he doesn’t give a shit
Jesus. I guess I'm not watching day 3 until 4 PM.
How were KOF, 3S and Uni top 6?
So Kevin players are tierfags and /pol/fags, got it
SamSho RPG and AoF
>internet down over evo weekend
Thanks frontier
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Fakefakefakefake nonononononono this can't be happonig
Went to my friends house for some horror movies last night about when MK1 finished. Did I miss anything exciting any game?
>a “SamSho” game with no fatalities or even blood
Never, ever, bro
And no Jam either
Great taste.
Its Harada's fault. He never wanted to share the budget with another fighting series and did everything in his hand to undermine every Soul Calibur since 4
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go back to your pozzed sweet baby inc company tranny
What happened now?
the brownest mexican you can imagine
Is this a leak or official?
No Zappa
No coming back.
>nerfed dizzy
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where are all these venom and dizzy leaks coming from? someone spoonfeed me please i just woke up
strive is adding lucy from cyberpunk edgerunners as a guest character.
nah, the trailer just has retarded fucked up filters
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>strive tranny tranny faggot strive trannoid
>snk? now they are the white man's choice
I don’t think you get to throw around the term “pozzed” in defence of the game where Guilty Gear bowed down to the world of western censorship
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I have never played Garou and I'm not a SNK fan but I'm looking forward to the game because it looks like a good traditional fighter and none of the other current games appeal to me.
>obvious ESL
Dude I hate trannies too but you sound fucking pathetic, never post here again, beaner.
dunno who actually found it but this video
That's pretty cool. Hopefully it's just a fun and deep action RPG like Nioh and they don't try to attach a bunch of microtransactions to it.
stfu nigger
Strive is not guilty gear
I hope it's good
You will play for a day and get frustrated by the lack of modern features that you think you don't want as a normie. I fully expect you to be crying actual tears about "finger puzzles" because you can't do a shoryuken motion.
Strive is the guiltiest gear
SNK is the property of South America and the Middle East. God's chosen people. Its why the white man can never play.
i hope you like hopping
was there any modern players at all in sf6 this year?
>The world you were born in no longer exists
that reminds me that Samurai Shodown neogeo rpg got a translation, still have to get on playing that
I love it that NA choose trannies over mexicans. Tbh most Mexicans are more white by now than NA themselves.
>Its Harada's fault.
He is but not fully responsible of SC demise this all on Bamco.
Hope you have fun. At least you don't need to learn 3 characters right off that bat like KoF
ok try writing that again but in english this time
>kushnood, kain and grant
Keep coping bro
>new AOF
>samsho ARPG
I have very little hopes but this is literally what I wanted SNK to do, turn their IPs into other befitting genres. But I doubt they'll look good.
>some fucking reddit anime character over zappa
fuck this game.
A few, with Chris G probably being the most notable
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>Top 6
Fuck No
Fuck no
>TK 8
Hell ye i love Dragunov
Fuck no

Where are the good games? The fuck is this garbage? and why top 6?
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>tfw europoor
>only interested in SF6 and Tekken
>Tekken starts at midnight
>SF6 starts at 3 AM
Curious, how so? Looks pretty similar to SF6 to me, as in both games are dominated heavily by system mechanics.
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Okubo is now CEO while Harada is a Vice President. Check mate.
>why top 6
top sponsor ads
Kevin was for sure better then Grant at least
same but I do like KoF 14
>why top 6?
unironically so they could fit more ads.
Yeah same, fuck me
You can watch it tomorrow with MainManSwe
How important is hopping in this game? I know in KoF you are fucked if you dont hop everywhere.
Which of the more played games has a good grappler that isn't slow?
>Det är Haradas fel.
Han är men inte fullt ansvarig för SCs död på Bamco.
I was excited to play 3v3 with friends but this look like a mess. I was expecting something like KoF.
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In the pic of the left she has like half the cup size than in the pic in the right.
Why don't they broadcast top 8s anymore? Just to have more ads?
Despite having no players KoF still sadly wins this. No other company wants grapplers to be fun.
tekken 8 if you consider king to be a grappler
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Really wonder how much more they can sloppify GG for zoomers anymore.....
Nothing wrong with hopping. No idea though why Capdrones hate hopping so hard.
Every fighting game should have hopping.
I hate guest characters and all crossover shit.
Din mamma
Jam bros thoughts on the 5 year wait?
Okubo left because Bamco are retarded. Apparently selling 2m copies of a game with no budget and no advertising isn't good enough for them.
They have yet to add Stylish Mode.
Strive is not gg.
if you showed anyone this design in a vacuum the only reason people were going to be able to tell this is dizzy is because of her parents
preeeeetty sure the people that actually give a shit about Guilty Gear don't play it anymore
People who aren't used to it find it awkward to input quickly during a match.
If they wanted to make it easier for beginners they should add a hop macro.
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>Refuse to look actual fighting game
>Prefer to watch a button masher top 6
>"Where are the good games?"

What did anon mean by this ?
it isnt good enough for them because they have to recover from the massive flop that blue protocol was. its why they're milking tekken so much with all the mtx
Speaking of Strive, do any asians still play it and bother to travel to main Evo for it?
They never did to begin with.
Many will not realize that this is bait.
>no zappa
>no order sol
>no raven
>no robo ky
>put in a reddit character and OC before anyone else
I think what really pisses me off is that they put a fucking character that's an ANIME OC before doing ANY OTHER GUEST CHARACTER
I literally HATE Daisuke and hope he dies soon or something.
Have you seen how Bandai-Namco handled Tekken 8?
>Release revenue (70$ game)
>Season pass revenue (40$)
>Skin shop revenues (4$)
>Battle pass revenues (5$)
>Chipotle campaign (fuck who knows how many millions deal)
>Nike brand collaboration (multi million dollar deal)
And after 6 months how does this reflect the game?
Top 24 having 12 Dragunovs and the game is still a balance shitfest.
Jan not getting into Strive is a fucking blessing at this rate
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Hopping is Drive Rush times ten with no limit.
Not as much. The hop is no where near as fast and there's other weird quirks like you can't just defend. Which is the actual thing that filters a lot of people.

>as in both games are dominated heavily by system mechanics
Weird thing to say as system mechanics can be very different. Only real similarities are a bar that fills up and goes into overheat and an armoured move. But when you look into both they work in very different ways.
I played only Call of Duty, Dota 2 and Smash Melee on my life and even i can hop and deep jump as i want. Maybe your brain is rotten after dicking so hard with Street Shitter series.
Get back to work Paco, your other illegal construction workers are waiting on you. >>683311864
>actual fighting games
Okay faggot lol
>nooooo you need to go in and mash!!!!
'nov got em seething
Its retarded and only suited for arcade sticks, Its difficult to consistently do on a pad.
It adds no depth to the game either and actually takes away from the core movement mechanics of the game, running, dash and rolling (in KoF) as hopping everywhere is more efficient than the latter so making the latter redundant and because of it at mid to higher skill levels it is mandatory.
Think of how fucking retarded having to do korean wave dashing is in tekken or block cancel dashing in MK is. Its retarded and should be removed from the game.
In those cases that is just engine exploits though.
I am glad nintendo BTFO of the smash fags and actually fixed their engine bugs.
daru showed up but asians mainly play street fighter now
>I don't have work tomorrow
You're gonna hop off a random poke in neutral?
>Is that.... neutral?
>You should DR immediately or i'm getting bored!
>I want stuff to happen on the screen!!!!!
As far as the Western World goes, Edgerunners was probably one of the most popular anime ever made. So yeah considering that it tracks really well that Strive uses a character from it.
Would be a good selection if guest character was replaced with literally any non guest character.
>they should add a hop macro
>i can hop
The issue is consistently retard. you have to hop everywhere not just once a match you sperg
Nigga, Blue Protocol wasn't even out yet when Okubo left.
It's retarded yeah, but doesn't SF6 have all this and more? Why are people especially mad about T8 doing this and didn't care when SF6 did it?
I figured Daru would be the only one. Did he even make top 6?
Lucy is such a odd choice I'm baffled like super confused. The person who thought that it was a good idea must have been super fucking high.
he got close but was eliminated by an asuka
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Bros he actually posted it. Fuck you Capcom dick suckers are dense as fuck.
>like you can't just defend
If you cant JD when hopping this is gonna be the main reason hop wont be used as much then.
>Top 24 having 12 Dragunovs
doesnt mean it wasnt siphoning resources
do you think they made that game in a month?
I can hop perfectly fine. I'm talking about what the common sentiment is.
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The people most passionate about Guilty Gear never played it, they just whined online incessantly.
>sonicfox won mk1
You had 1 fucking job while I was asleep
This is sick I might actually play soive now.
>Literally 3 seconds of a weird interraction
>3 FUCKING second

I'm sorry you have the attention span of a goldfish
top 24 having 12 dragunovs is still better than top 8 having 7 leroys
hopefully by the time we get to tekken 10 we can have a fully diverse top 8
I like the new Dizzy design
>edgerunners had a highly stylized anime art style like Strive
>anime players pay for waifus so Lucy instead of David
it's that simple
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>SF6 has content pushed in to and is actually balanced game
>Tekken 8 is STILL waiting for the Summer patch
>Tekken 8 is complete shitfest on balance level
>Between Eddy and Lidia in Tekken 8 SF6 managed to release 2 characters and are almost releasing third character
>SF6 has like 10 million prize pools while Tekken 8 has 500k prize pool
Guest characters are a plague. I don't want fucking Negan, I don't want 2B, I don't want Lucy, I don't want half of a season pass to be characters from different series, just make a new fucking character if you don't want to bring back another older one.
Actually now I'm wondering what the line between a grappler and a character with a good command grab is
Seems like a fitting choice to me. Bravo, Arcsys
>i dont want negan
he will still smash more pussy in his high school years than you will during your lifetime because he has good genes
She looks a lot more mature and regal. Ky is so lucky bros.
t. never played xrd history revisionist
school can't start up again soon enough I s2g
Go play Fortnite faggot
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>gen Z
>good genes

Chat is this real?
If you don't like Negan, you just can't appreciate cringekino. Maybe get your test checked
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bro, no one did
Yes that's what Guilty Gear fans did. They didn't play Xrd.
I don't play strive because it's ass but it's not a bad redesign although I can understand why people will hate it and call it censored.
This. Plus soul calibur had spawn, 2b, geralt, link, etc and you all pretend to love that series
The grab being the biggest threat they are trying to condition you into letting them land. If they try to make you block so they're free to get a command grab, that's a grappler. If the grabs to open up your defence making it easier to get a hit, they're not.
Holy shit looking at the top 6 brackets and leffen and the tranny didn't make it?
Oh right, I unironically forgot that Strive was explicitly made to pander to western faggots. I fucking hate America and how much influence it has. Even then. Edgerunners isn't that popular. Shit like DBZ and whatever takes the chart. They're just trendchasers late to the party. That's it. Fucking jews.
Like nu-elphelt it'd be fine in a vacuum as its own thing but as a redesign it practically feels like an entirely different character. I really dislike strive's character design philosophy.
I dont consider any character in tekken to be a grappler because you can break 99% of the grabs in that game
to me a grappler is someone who has unseeable grabs that cannot be tech'd, and their entire gameplan is to land those, or make people afraid of them. abigail isnt a grappler because he has far more threatening tools, while gief is, for example
Because they're addicted to being outraged?
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>Action RPG
That's going to be such a gachashit. But even if it wasn't I just wish we had more fighting games.
They aren't adding Bruce back in, alejandro.
Again, this makes no fucking sense. Bamco was still putting out a ton of filler shit games between Okubo leaving and BP coming out.
>T8 had content as well
>T8 just got a patch last month that greatly improved the game by all accounts. Meanwhile SF6 took an entire year to release one balance patch
>So is SF6, your point?
>And the gap between SF6's 2nd and 3rd character was 5 months. Not to mention that you can't even buy individual characters in from the store page, you MUST use their shitty mtx currency that overcharges you.
>Prize pools don't matter to you, me and 99% of the player base.
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looks like zoomer Demon Slayer shit
unfathomably cringe
That's probably the real reason.
Okay, and?
What does that have to do with you being a crossoverslopper?
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Bro you did not fucking play the latest patch Tekken 8 patch. Not only that the content they added was more skins to the shop.
Well not if you think about how they nerfed drag like 3 times already. If I was a /pol/ shizo I would think they are sending a pro Russian message here but i know they are just plain incompetent.
you have to send a tweet at bamco to deal with a plugger lmao. that alone is enough reason to shit on that garbage game
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Who is rooting for this bssed lil jappa
>doomcel calling anyone cringe
Almost every boring player that always wins every tournament didn't make it. No Tempest, no Tiger_Pop, no trannies, no Leffen. It made pools fun to watch.
You are upset they didn't put in your shitty character instead a crossover character. Nobody plays your shitty character. Nobody cares about your preferences. Your time on this earth is at it's end and things have moved on without you.
You don't understand how the current business works.
Because SF6 at least has content in it besides just being a fighting game. What exactly does Tekken have besides the story and main game? Fucking Tekken Ball?
That's it? Really?
Isn’t Dragunov broken in like, every game he was in? Dude is almost “Akuma” status
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*plays enter sandman*
*shitty MKultra circus guitar starts playing*
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Wait are you really bragging about 'jeet tour? Lmao
>Because SF6 at least has content
Wrong faggot.
not sure about the other games but s1 tekken was drag kazumi jack every finals
Not really. No.
So how much do you spend a month on MtG cards?
Tekken 5 and 6 Dragunov was nowhere and Dragunov only saw light in Season 1 in Tekken 7.
Sf6 ~150k view
Tekken 8~ 30k view
Hey chat is this real?
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I don't play Magic. That's what you're upset about? Your little card game?
I did, they nerfed the most annoying shit like tracking grabs, tracking heat engages, heat engagers can no longer kill, heavily reduced damage on stage hazard combos and fixed inconsistencies on characters that needed it the most. I guess you're a GoD, but things are fun down here in Fuujin.
Also SF6 got nothing but shitty crossover skins for the WT avatars that cost upwards of $100 for an entire year. Again, nobody seemed to care when they did it.
Pluggers are shit, hopefully they fix it soon.
I don't, he's still a broken faggot.
>Hey chat
Go back you fucking faggot
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*incoherent seething*
>I don't play magic
>pogs the fuck out about le heckin character from other thing showing up
You're not fooling anyone.
I can't tell if capcom is that desperate for workers or saving money, but this did make me frown. Good job.
Explain how.
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Hey chat is this real?
Capcom bots their view count.
>pogs the fuck out
Where? :)
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>Because SF6 at least has content in it besides just being a fighting game.
>meanwhile, SF6 content:
Tekken 8 has 2 pajeets in winner final btw
4 dragunovs in top 8
2 Jins
>the introduction is the content
Quit being a disingenuous nigger and make a real argument.
Your posts.
That has been the case for nearly 6 years anon, are you new?
I was about to ask, thanks
Now I'm disgusted
Be the change you want to see.
I have seen people seethe over this dude here for a year and I have never seen him in game.
You mean people that never player Guilty Gear period right?
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Thanks for putting your shitting pants on.
Pakis hate pajeets newfag
Isn't Tekken biggest fighting game is euro,why do they let dirt poor pajeet shit on them like this?
you faggots can't appreciate anything niche, can you?
Did you shit your pants when they announced the new crossover for strive?
EU sucks at fighting games
Most people can't appreciate something niche, which is why most GG "fans" couldn't appreciate actually playing the games and would just praise surface level things like art and music instead of actually playing the games they claimed to be such big fans of.
I don't watch anime or play card games, for the third time. Get your test checked.
So does NA.
I loved that sf3 finale.
Didn't quite shit my pants but it's pretty hype. Better than some GG scrimblo
They don't travel and they let their scene die
Pajeets didn't travel either but they just kept playing. They realized traveling was worth it because their hyperbolic sand chamber put them above everyone else and made for easy money.
>intimidated by white characters
noooo put my waifu from the mobile only side game in the franchise noooo how could you do this
At Tekken, yes, at fighting games in general, no.
EU is nothing but normalfags.
Says the one who shits "himself" over how le heckin hype it is character from thing shows up in other thing.
NA is good at slime fighter 6
Fairly sure EU has won a SF EVO unlike NA.
NA is shit at all legacy games. That's why the second GG was no longer a legacy game NA suddenly got good at it
theres exactly 1 NA player in sf6 top 6 and hes a notrious choker, who once again, wont win. how is NA good again?
luffy is an evo winner btw
>noooooo you le have to add le heckin characters from things I know so I can pogout!
lmao pathetic
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i was incredibly drunk all of yesterday, what announcements did I miss? I see something in the 'log about Capcom vs Snk, is that the first one getting a re-release?
MenLARD has won a bunch in slime fight
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>sf6 is ugly
I'm so tired of this meme
mena is a spic
It's not Capcom vs SNK, it's SNK vs Capcom, the shitty one.
no, hope you like SvC Chaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry your scrimblo didn't make the roster sis it will be ok
You're right it's not just ugly it's turbo ugly and also censored
NA has a lot of spics
Negan is better than whatever character you play
Ah yes, Luffy, the glorious representative of the EU. Remind me again, how many euros are in SF6 top 6 and T8 top 6?
So why does media having its own identity make you seethe so hard?
Is Mena living in the US now or are americans already trying to claim him before top 6 even starts?
Top 6 for Granblue:
You seem to be the one seething at a DLC announcement. Maybe your scrimblo will make it next season kek
Nope because he is a character from another series and doesn't belong. Just like how you don't belong in women bathrooms no matter how hard you try to force your way in.
You seem to be mistaking NA for US. Common mistake by newfags and retarded yuroniggers. Which are you
Problem X also won an EVO for SF. Surely NA has won one in the last decade right?
>trannies trannies trannies
literal fucking brainworms
>claims to not be seething
>is absolutely livid when people don't shit themselves over a character from another series being announced.
nah he's got a point your zoomer fgs are absolutely crawling with troons
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Who are you quoting
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>for some reason this is now a political argument and THE LEFT wants... fucking Negan in a Tekken game
I think he's mad anon told him to get his (low) test checked
Says the MtG player
smash has done irreparable damage to the scene as a whole
About to win one this year. :)
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only one i played is CvSNK Mark of the Millenium, and I ain't buyin this new one because I already see censorship. Was that the only announcment so far? I know most of the finals are today, but is that really it?
Post the Dizzy trailer. I missed it. And it better has some good fucking music.
Looks like guest characters mindbroke soive and slime 6 fanatics alike.
It's crazy that scrimblo has already lost its meaning.
EndingWalker is in Top 6.
You could even add BigBird for the EMEA region.
There is no Dizzy trailer. It was a season 4 trailer, no in-game models were shown, just concept art.
>lili that low
t, doesn't play the game
What's the current status on mirror matches in top 6's in general? I know MK had some, UNI didn't, GG won't and Tekken will but I don't know about SF6.
No, this is a classic case of scrimblo getting btfo by Popular McJRPGuy. That's why the soives are seething ITT
Based retard
>selective angle w/ lighting
>hair covering a portion of her face
.....You can't be serious
Scrimblo meant cartoony mascot character, you doof.
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>negan releases feb 2019 in t7
>still seething
imagine crying this hard over zappa not being announced yet
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Zoomer faggot please go back
Not a tier list you nincompoop, it's top 24 character representation.
>You could even add BigBird for the EMEA region
>saudis are now EU
holy fucking cope
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Aren't you the one crying because of your insecurity?
I just know that's what happens when the cheering starts, even at the event itself. Sounds like he's still living it up wherever he is anyway.
So every soive character. Got it.
lili BELOW leo too like holy shit dude did you just craft this shit based on vibes and streamers?
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I'm older than you, but whatever. I'm now also seeing the GG Strive announcements, why the fuck asked for a Cyberpunk anime guest star lmao
Imagine crying when people mock your crossoverslop.
Any good sets from the 3s top 6 I should watch?
I felt the same about Elphelt, looks nothing like the old character.
anyone got a reupload of the strive video it got privated
Is Magic the Gathering's awful sins against your media purity going to drive you to suicide? Would you tape it?
Strive's audience is mostly twitter addicted anime memesters, so an anime guest star is perfect for them
All the Hayao ones
Finally Arcsys did something good with soive. Cyberpunk crossover is much cooler than whatever shit IP they could pull out of the GG closet at this point
>I'm older than you
no you are not
Don't worry, she will save SF6 ugly allegations.
The people in this thread jerking off about Negan
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All of them
It is a well-known fact that the Birds train with EU players.
Also, it doesn't change the fact that EndingWalker is in Top 6 Winners.
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>has no argument
many such cases!
Does media having its own universe drive you to tears?
>Don't worry, she will save SF6 ugly allegations.
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>Third Strike and Hayao already gave us Evo moment 38
>SF6 still struggling to have 1 decent round

The RE Engine consumes all.
You can claim EW, claiming a Saudi just reeks of desperation
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Were there any good fights in the SF6 top 24. or is it all a bunch of Ken/Luke/JP players as usual?
I actually havent watched a single fight of anything this week, and it this point it doesnt seem like i will, I damn sure ain't watching a top 6 full of fucking chipotle ads
this dude has more ass than most jap women
Do the devs not taking your fantasy world as seriously as you do make you angry? Let it out about your shitty card game
usually I'm not gay
So how many miku cards did you buy?
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>good fights in SF6

There hasn't been a good sf6 tournament since gamers8 last year
What are the chances Tekken 8 reveals Tifa Lockheart tonight?
either they do or they don't
It's 'duk lil bro
You're going to get something worse than guest characters for Tekken, you'll get Michael Murray's OC.
you're getting solid snake
absolute zero you fucking coomer faggot
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didnt think so. I straight up deleted the game when I found out Bison was coming next, and the two characters i might have fun playing wouldn't be out til next year.
Games dead to me already, guess that's that
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Is that from one of the animes you are crying hot tears about? Has your childhood been ruined? Tell me more
noooo how can this tranime ruin my manly white card game this fantasy world used to be about something how can this be
They've said "no guest characters in season 1" before, so I guess not many.
So how much?
I'm not sure what that is or why it upsets you, so I bought 10
Please continue meltie
damn that guest announcement really got the soivetrannys malding i thought they liked anime
Only mildly interesting thing was Tokido getting filtered by Drive Impacts.
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no not like that!!!
i saw a stat sheet showing that some pro players have almost no ability to react to those, i guess it isn't just a low level thing
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in it's top 6, What are the chances that SF6 has more char variety? 0%
the seething mtg anon who didn't get zappa itt
For somebody who is projecting that others are upset you sure seem mad that people don't jerk themselves off about your reddit crossovers.
oh and Urien i guess
I only said I thought Negan was a funny inclusion, you made up the other schizo shit on your own
Nigger, who are you even TALKING about? Where did this fucking narrative of GG players in the past never playing the damn game?
>crossoverslopper seething
Punk hit Tokido with two Drive Impacts in a row, in the corner. Everyone who laughed at Chen owes him a hand-written apology.
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guilty gear "players"
Just saw the Soive S4 trailer, i'm assuming someone on the PR team fucked up big time, correct? Lucy from Edgerunners, huh? Feels like Arcsys got a dud on that pick, ER is well liked sure, but imagine the hype from casuals if they got a guest rep from some current popular shonenslop like JJK or Chainsaw Man. Hell, they worked on the KLK they could've just grapped Ryuko from that if they had an agreement with Trigger.
thats pretty funny. where can i find the brackets/standings? im curious what the top 6 looks like, and cant find it on the evo website
Yeah like this. Why are the soives so angry
>Where did this fucking narrative of GG players in the past never playing the damn game?
This narrative has been around for fucking ever, how have you ever even discussed GG before and not seen it brought up? It's like a decade old talking point.
>a bunch of Ken/Luke/JP

are you a time traveler from the past or something?
>guys 3s is totes mcgoats le heckin diverse!
>yun chun grands
DI is so fucking lame
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Nevermind, just found it. My money is on AngryBird, that guys a monster
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From the games not selling you fucking retard.
>GG players constantly shit on BB players and call it a baby game
>Becomes Arcsys' best selling game
>Xrd releases
>Sells like shit and no sales data is ever released
Even now BB still has more players than Xrd and +R combined. There's a reason Strive is the way it is anon.
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You will never ever see this amount of passion in SF6, SAD!

SF6 is for E-Celeb gossip only.
oh fuck, i misread that, its BigBird, his friend. Now I don't know who is gonna win it, but good GOD do i hope its not Punk
Why are you?
Yeah we got our yearly balance patch its now Ed's time
I've seen it before but I still don't know where it comes from. Everyone I've talked to GG about always played it or at least had before, even pre Strive and all its pandering. It was still a small number, but still.

i immediately lose interest if any of these characters are on screen
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>non-Eceleb Gossip actually soulfull shitty zoomer meme picture

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nah hes right, should've put in more .01% pickrate characters
i also dislike the magic changes but still consume, brother dont let these trannies tell you about a manly hetereo game like guilty gear: strive
>jerks off about ecelebs while crying about them
Why are turd strikers like this?
>arcsys best selling game
>only 4700+ copies
Grim. This is your "Guilty Gear killer"?
Yeah add JP, Deejay, and Luke as well
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>SF6 bab crying about a better game


Hey what are you thoughts about bird? Or Endingwalk? I think they are very skibi frfr chat
gojo or sukuna would've made the internet break
Because GG was always the same as 3s where you would post about how you play it online to jerk off how hardcore you are.
Now that we have working netcode you can't get away with it as much but you still see it.
it really wouldnt.
It comes from the series historically not having many players but it being fairly easy to find people online who'll praise it like it's the most amazing thing ever. GG has always reaped a lot of secondary popularity from its art and music, but few of those people actually play the game even casually, and fewer still really sink their teeth into it. The difference in size of playerbase and fans in general with the series has always been noticeable and its become a talking point because of it because it's never been that hard to get conversation about the series going, but the player count has always been low.
Retard. Blazblue sold 1.7m units back in 2012. Strive is obviously the first GG to ever hit 500k units sold.
You didn't answer my question.
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Hmm NAH, Xrd filtered A LOT of interest in the IP and Strive just fucking murdered it.

OG GG is pretty good, amazing even.

Seethe and piss and shit yourself about it tranny
I hate you fucking nu-anime zoomers so fucking much it's unreal

the games? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm video game? why are you so weird chat
Would need to have them actually play the game to be filtered.
>1.7m units
>only 4700+ players
hmm, you don't think so? it would definitely create more buzz than lucy and probably hook people who never played strive. i know a lot people that were disappointed that the arena fighter wasn't 2d
you zoomers really live in a parallel reality
>number tranny

Oh a CEO, hey dude how much money have you made with tranny strive?
I think it's pretty on point for the current strive audience that consumes their anime through paid streaming services
Aren't you the one not talking about the game at all?
It's over. Arcsys has forsaken us. Time to move on..

you ok anon
How many minutes have you got in Xrd?
i fucking love bird dude, NEMO IN SHAMBLERINOS so skibi toilet i love SF6
i don't even like jjk anymore (current arc is ass) but gojo is probably the best choice for a recent anime
there are "fighting games" with marvel stuff which imo is far bigger and people barely give a shit
no one cares about fighting games.
Retarded zoomer.
skidibi six
Well I understand what you're saying, and if the view count of me walking my memory back in time to when XX themes were the most populated GG videos, it wouldn't be unreasonably that all those people at least played the game once or twice. In terms of extreme casuals... sure. I can agree. But in my experience at least, I guess thankfully, I've never come across anyone who pretended it was their favorite thing and never played it, or played it once and did the same just for the aesthetic and/or sound. Maybe I got lucky, but I didn't get much of a chance to talk about it, looking back. And I was usually in circles or places similar to my interests, so it may have been even harder to come across those types. But I know GG was always niche, so I figured it was at least more obscure than SF or something.
You need to be 18 to post here
I'm rooting for Momochi. If Bigbird wins and Rashid ends up being nerfed I'm fine with that too, fuck that character.
Keep coping lil bro, but dykesuke will not sucky your peepee
On non arcade Guilty gear?
20 hours in XXAC+r
3 in xrd
9 in Strive

The game is OLD but back in the arcade days it was actually popular, really hard to ignore the midnight carnival intro. I also played Isuka on my psp but by then the game was already dead.
Illiterate and a zoomer, dangerous combination.
Is there a reason that people here can't go 5 minutes without thinking about trannies?
>4k seething
nice broken bots

daisuke comes up to you and asks for a representative from an anime, who do you pick? you need to go for recent, popular characters. it makes sense if they're trying to sell dlc passes. obscure anime character #54386 isn't going generate buzz
See >>683318256
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>Tranny Strive
>Anime character

I just brought SF6 instead of Tekken 8. Did I make a mistake?
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you're fucking retarded because fg creators almost always pick only characters that would be easy to adapt for the game in question. Not everything is meant to be a fucking fortnite advertisement you fucking brainless zoomer.
not him but I'd just tell him to pick a Demon Slayer character
that shit was a household name in Japan while still being well-received internationally and not just for battle shounen fags
>my brudda, who would sell well
>character from longer staying power and more renowned series
>anime girl from series from nearly 3 years ago
Very hard choice indeed.
You picked the more difficult game
You seem pretty casual so probably not. SF6 js a good casual party game
faggot thats exactly why dizzy's redesign looks the way it does
The duality of man
Why the fuck would you ask here?
Where did you bring it?
What are some of your favorite EVO moments?

I'll always enjoy when Alex Valle upset Bonchan.
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If your fighting game can be played on a pad then it's not a real fighting game.
1 character in tekken has more moves than the whole sf6 roster and tekken has 3x the roster plus an additional axis of movement so best to start out with SF.
What it would be played on then?
poonko tearing off his shirt
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We just had EVO moment 39, c'mon chat do better.
hey now, I hate Demon Slayer but I also know how broad of an appeal it had with that movie and me personally with all the normalfags that I know
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Which game am I supposed to buy?
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>commentators calling Valle an old man when this happened 10 years ago
make it stop...
Whichever one you think is fun. Tekken has a demo. Don't know about the others
Third Strike, it's free. Can't buy passion.
Any game except SF6. It's literally the worst fighting game ever made full of tranny characters, drag queen marketers, in game ads, etc.
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anyone got the leaked lucy trailer?
The only thing leaking here is soivetranny tear ducts after that cyberpunk announcement
Why is everyone so tribalistic?
fuck you talmbou lil bro
That's literally the way of the world right now. Have you seen politics, sports, wrestling, consoles etc?
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sf6 fags cant cope with their game being trash and it's taking down the entire FGC with it
soivefags cant cope with their game being trash
GBVSR are ok
tekken 8 fags know their game is trash and cope with it

Just wait until SF6 starts so you can see why everyone hates them, the chat is going to hyper focus on the commentators and the players, no one gives a shit about that game or how it plays, not even the "fans"
I personally tie my self worth to twitch/steam numbers for my game
It's really only SFfags. They can't even play any other FG games.
If you're not with me you're against me.
I'm stuck with sf6 for 8 more years and it probably only gets worse so I'm angry all the time
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>Poorfags who can't afford multiple games
>Frauds who barely play the ones they do
>Miserable faggot who lament about the good ole' days
Take your pick.
yeah idc for tranny strive but Lucy is hot and I want to see if she has a ingame model or it's just a teaser
top24 sf is like top 8 whatever game you come from though.
Nah, it's because of white boys. Your arrival to the FGC brought a tidal wave of fags and trannies. Not to mention the stupid amounts of sanitization to the scene.
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Because fighting games require you to put thousands of hours into them to get decent, and if people are playing something other than 'Your Game TM' that makes your time investment less meaningful.
>losing to a biofem on main stage
At least he has some new Nikes
When does this shit start
>all the cancer characters in gb top 6
the real balance patch, please
After evo
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My man Totalbiscuit shilled Xrd as hard as he could.
tournaments make the game look fun but online players are such assholes 90% of online is gimmicks and laggers.
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Its better than combobreaker, but fuck man. I wanna see a soriz or Ladiva or someone fucking else.
What's SF top 6 looking like for players?
Games used to be way way way way more fun.
punk, endingwalker and a bunch of asians
idk Tokido got lamed out by DI and i turned it off
Any Gouki or Gief players still running? My interest in SF6 is very character dependent.
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Any anons wanna play Killer Instinct later?
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>There's more people on /v/ bitching about Dizzy's design in Strive than people actually playing Xrd right now
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Who we rooting for?
It's Akuma.
how do i play it and which character do i pick
EndingWalker, Momochi, and Nemo are the good guys.
>no jam, ever
of course, no daily panties in censored gear strive
Nothing unusually about that.
i am only rooting against big bird, i dont care who wins, just not him
Fuck I want to see the Ed mirror. At the very least I wanna see Punk get his ass beat so he can cry on Twitter.
Turn the game on and pick the coolest looking character on the CSS.
None of those scrubs hmu UMA is playing
>covered up
strive HATE
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>bad internet coverage even with ethernet, had 16f of delay online playing with friends
>don't like being "married" to a game
is fightan just not for me?
Punk so USA finally gets one. Otherwise Nemo.
now we need the lesbo scene
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covering up these thighs should be a war crime.
Uma is busy trying to donate enough of his money to make his favourite Vtuber remember his name for longer than 2 hours.
New Thread: >>683323000
Walker or Zhen, would root for any USA dude if it wasn't Punk and his ego
She'll be ugly and censored
Punk's winning. This isn't an opinion or a wish of mine, just a fact. He's been shredding people in TNS and I haven't seen him sweat once this entire event.
It’s a support studio.

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