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Now: Dissidia Final Fantasy
Next: Darkest Dungeon
Later: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
Stream 2: Your stream is over retard
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683307819
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Hello everyone I'm here
Metako is streaming on his channel.
Buy an ad baldie
>Darkest Dungeon for 2 hours
>Runescape for 4 hours
>no stream 2
This ESA sucks.
>everyone is just spamming A/S for milkytoast runs
I like Darkest Dungeon, but this will be crowd control.
QRD on Slightly Magic?
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>36 viewers
back to ESA
Hi Metako
>Metako still spamming the threads seething about Edenal
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>Darkest Dungeon
He is playing a better Final Fantasy game than this one.
>ending day with OSRS
what were they thinking? were they thinking?
>stealing esa views
How petty can one be
Thinking KINO
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Check out my cat, /v/
Boring run, gonna leave the floor and go plap lumilaura
Looks like it hates you
awww, what a cutie, what's their name?
>4 hours of OSRS to close out the day
Sounds good to me
It's like they are outwardly antagonizing the Americlap audience.
why's your pussy sideways, is it chinese?
looks like a wise old kitty that loves you
Is he chocking?
Is your cat also a piece of shit?
So you can kiss it better.
Big, fat, and gay.
Very handsome cat
I miss stream 2, and with the absolute state of current ESA it'll be at least two years before they even think of bringing it back. Where else can you get a shitfaced Cheese stumbling in on Star Fox Adventures to chill for a bit.
So i just read the lovare pastebin. Am I crazy to think that she is overreacting here? Only the first situation sounds scary if they really aren't attendees or staying at the hotel, but the rest I don't understand why ESA should make a big deal about. People keep throwing around the word sexual harassment when discussing this, but it barely even happens in any the incidents she described. I guess her pastebin was such a nothingburger for most people that today is the first time im even hearing about this thing.

sorry esabros but I'll be watching my boy quinn for the next five hours
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When are you going to cook it?
Anon, this is the last ESA.
she is an unimpregnated older woman, i dont think you should care too much about people like her
Yeah, Stream 2 with long, chill runs is good. ESA is really dead.
>have no idea who's first or second
I hate races.
fr. I wake up and all the good shit is over. same thing yesterday
women get to define what sexual harassment is chuddy
>Around in 2 years
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EVO for me
>unimpregnated older woman
how does this relate to the right part of your sentence
>this and then Darkest Dungeon crowd control
Finally, time to catch up on the NES block!
She looks at me like that when i dont give her some of what im eating


Nah, she has thick fur it just the collar that makes it looks tight

Sometimes, not often

Thank you
she looks angry
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The "interview" thing was the only notable thing there, like what the fuck?
Because ESA are fine with whoring her out which in turn brings the creeps into ESA that harasses her, sure what happened isn't too bad (yet) but come on at least look out for her if she''s willing to net you views and shit.
>ads sneaking through TTV LOL PRO
I'm out, even the runners are just doing a podcast.
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Oh yeah? Check out THIS pussy.
It's the ESA bonus

Nice cat
>Gay toy
Nice thick hairy pussy.
Jesus calm down you T gondi zombies
Nice fluffy kot, 10/10
>brings the creeps into ESA
Kek, they were already there
Your cat has a nice fluffy coat
the fart floor?
They're turning the freakin CATS gay!!
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Dump it
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again with these shitty randomizers at every fucking event this guy goes to
You keep using that word that almost no one else does
normal run would be too video gamey
I will now watch everything from Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel onward and commentate as if I were watching it live with /v/
I imagine running the same game for years gets boring. Though my problem with these runs is that its hard to keep up with them.
who is this ((You)) that you speak of? I am no one else, I am me
So not talking about the run at all?
Poor man's stream 2 FFXII run at esa here
what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
I agree Id probably get pissed if that creep wasn't banned after doing that. Volunteers should be held to a higher standard.
She is not going to have sex with you anon.
What was the last game you saw ran at a speedrun event that made you want to play the game?
(You) are someone I have nothing but contempt for
pseudoregalia and yes i bought and beat it right after the run
damn cat... getting in bed with an adult... need rub correction!!!
heh, don't worry.. it's a nothingburger
Who is winning i lost track of it,
I did this during Dogwater but haven't beaten it yet because I haven't played much of it.
Who cares?
(You) are! :)
a bugs life ps1
i dont know why
Oh it's just anime Megaman.
Never happened
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When is plum's game at?
Megaman is already anime
>still smiling 7 hours in, what was the last game that did this for you?
Plum doesn't have a game. It's just a song.
wake up babe, new mandela effect just dropped
Wheres plum's song?
I am now watching Hitman.
I genuinely don't understand Dissidia
This is like the fourth time he fought Garland
Based interupting the host
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It would be funny if he punched him on accident
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I couldn't give less of a shit about this run.
What are some obscure games I could go watch a speedrun of
the fuck is he doing
>Too slow, ha!
>Too slow, ha!
>Too slow, ha!
>Too slow, ha!
>Too slow, ha!
got a good laugh out of me
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>blindfolded trainwreck
Last I heard, she was doing time trials in Outrun 2006. Or maybe that was the driver trying to race to cum in Plum.
>muh blindfold
>all he had to do was press square and he didnt
wait, he thought he didn't break chaos yet?
too slow
what the fuck are they doing?
Does anyone know where I can watch esa legends final fantasy 14 run? I wanted to watch it and totally forgot about it and now it's been nuked :(
FF14 wasn't legends, that was normal ESA at stream 2. So maybe you're not finding it because you're searching in the wrong schedule?
>ttv lol pro failing to proxy ads
it's over
nice rhythm
nigga wtf are you doing?
>ttv lol pro
what does that even mean?
just slam ublock
he had lethal for 6 fucking minutes
i use ublock, doesn't work
Ublock doesn't work on twitch, it hasn't worked on twitch for like two years now.
>But I don't see any ads using it!
Because you live in some third world shithole that doesn't get served ads, we go over this every fucking event.
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Didn't Edenal delete about 5 years worth of videos from ESA's youtube channel if it contained Metako so that FFXIV 24 hour run is gone
This Hitman showcase is pretty amusing.
skill issue
Install Brave
What the fuck happened to commentary

These guys are just doing a lets play like they're on the sofa at their house
you need a custom script added to it, out-of-the-box it doesn't block twitch ads. search for twitchadsolutions on github. i used ttv-lol for the longest time but in the past month it was letting ads through so i switched to the ublock script and it's been flawless ever since.
based comfymaxxers
Run is so boring I didn't even realise it went over estimate.
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I'm sorry to burst your schizo theory bubble, but that's not true. Why lie?
It's amazing how some people just keep blabbering after the run even when they go over the estimate. How self-centered are they?
>about 5 years
>nothing earlier than that
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Now show the videos with Metako at ESA from last year, 2 years ago, 3 years ago. Go on.
Is Metako STILL shitposting here?
>darkest dungeon
What's this faggots problem? Why does he hate Metako so much?
kek he really does look hostile
f-fuck you...
uh, bros...
>ANOTHER crowd control run
He is streaming right now so no.
baldness is a terrible malady to befall a man
rate the run?
Is Edenal STILL damage controlling here?
thank you. i found it.

don't be mean!
D over estimate
D idn't watch
kek i love the scottish accent
C - could have used better commentaries
D for Dissidiyawn
Only time Dishittia runs are tolerable is if Leonis is running it.
E, too slow, huh
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Pic related is gone for example
C- I like the runners, but it was kinda boring except the blindfolded part
I think it was a metako run can't find it anymore or my memory is swiss cheese
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Brutal to exist like this
>open ESA
>no speedrun going on
3 colors is female
The absolute state of scotsmen
Guy on the right has had his hair curled like that to try fit in with the zoomers
holy cringe
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>Pic related is gone for example
I wonder why all those videos was deleted.
FFXIV did include Metako, and another anon gave you the link. FFXIV wasn't run at legends, see the schedule https://horaro.org/esa/2023-legends
>so mindbroken he thinks he's here despite him streaming right now
Unironically take your meds, or go visit the shrink to get some.
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Wait, they scrubbed the recent Metako vids? Anyone got a list of his runs to archive? What about other runners like Argick etc., are they being scrubbed?
ESA fucked up
You're supposed to slip them a couple $100 bills when you tell a whore to keep her mouth shut
My guess would be either a request to take them down, or some petty personal grievance. Maybe cutting ties included also wanting them to remove runs, but who knows
This feels like a humiliation ritual
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Not sure about recent, but maybe it would be worth to download >>683321821 and https://www.twitch.tv/videos/555460408
Fuck. I was tech on that run, and it was a massacre.
why even
Twitch jannies, simple as.
No talking about American sports.
Massacre in what context? Were you getting shit for having fun or the requests from the donations?
It sure was fun as a viewer, so good job for going along with most stuff up to a certain point.
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>open stream
>talking head segment (AGAIN)
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fuck this interview
request your plum here, be creative, also no lewds
Gonna need to go over every runner that has spoken out against ESA or boycotted it, Edenal is probably going to delete all their videos as retribution. Heinki, Argick, who else?
plum low angle pantyshot!
plum the mermaid
>no lewds
gtfo coward
Plum Ranni
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how hard is it to just get 4 chairs, one scattered light and get a nice relaxed intermission area for these interviews and general banter???
instead we get this terrible setup where they have to stand for an hour adlibbing in random position where half of them are completely out of focus
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But that already exists.
Since Dissidia just got over, Final Fantasy Plum riding a Chocobo onto adventure.
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she looks a solid 50
>Alzheimers at 50
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Plum as Gorge from UT2004 or just some form of doomguy / marine guy
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>31 years old
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Support the science, chuds.
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>i'm 31 years old
Comfy early morning Spectrum run by Tim while most of the Americans were still asleep.
Genuinely terrified of this
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this but plum
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Absolute state of 3DPD
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My run is coming up
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>open plums
>they're all purple
White women age like milk, this is common knowledge.
Lordmau5 got publicly insulted and banned.
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>2 hours of Darkest Dungeon crowd control
Oh no please don't start with this shit again Edenal
Cool, going to save it. Admittedly, I didn't put a lot of thought in my request
i ain't gonna make an acount for this shit
Dono cam is back!
That's what happens when someone in your family gets Alzheimers
>crowdcontrol darkest dungeon
will this be a trainwreck?
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When hasn't been CC been a trainwreck
lmao, i'm saving that, thanks anon
Did not care for darkest dungeon
It insists upon itself
Its been nuked from their Youtube channel, you can try and find in Metako's youtube
fat stinky bitch, SHUT UP
I remember there being a sonic run where it would show the names on screen.
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>shut up woman
The CC GTA Chaos run with Josh.
>Dear 4chan
>Ways to completely destroy Sybil? Just as a hypothetical ha ha
I bet 50% of her free time is spent "tanning" and drinking alcohol
Why does this cheapest form of procedural generation flash game got so much attention, anon?
god twitch's channel search is so fucking awful you have to use an external site just to search it. anyway I'm grabbing what seem to be all of metako's videos.
Oh hey, Argick is in chat. What's the point of boycotting ESA and not appearing if you're still sending in Donos?
I'll try to compile a list once a get home, today's not been a great day at work
>2 hours of this shit
To increase Argick the brand
CC effects for this game seem kinda tame
To kick alzheimer's butt :)
It was probably performative shit, plus it's hard to break the habit of going to an event twice a year with your buddies. Heinki seems like the only guy who really will stop going by his own volition, he had that look in his eye during the runs.
>Modern Warfare 3 Steam boycott group
Maybe they just delisted them meaning you can watch them if you have the link
Is he really that petty?
Never realized ESA as a whole was so shoddily held together, they did a good job of masking it for years
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Perfect time to watch run you missed before.
seems like you can do a lot of damage during harder fights and proper game knowledge of how to fuck the runner over
We don't know the specifics so we can only guess. Metako could have asked for them to be removed for all we know, but I doubt he would do that. It feels more likely that Edenal would remove them. There have been a handful of other removals from ESA's channel too.
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EVO is live, gonna go watch the final day
Hope CC is fun for those watching
Only the very recent ones, pretty much of the older ones than two years are still there.
>Crowd control
enough of this meme
I weep at the thought of this being an actual dungeon crawler (first person) oozing in atmosphere
reminder to give beneficial effects to quicken the pace of the run for the rest of us
This game is way too RNG based for how punishing it is.
The XCOM style character leveling and frailty blows in this because of how fucking long it takes to actually level the characters.
ESA doesn't delist, they private. I know because that's what I hit when I was backing up their old removed videos.
You know what? The time has come for me.
who is this shit for.
I'm not black
I'm not Mexican
Metako did not ask the vods to be removed. He was actually blindsided by it.
>source: trust me bro
Yeah yeah I know, I'm sorry
Rogueshit like this is precisely the kind of garbage that has no place in these kinds of events.
Let alone crowd controlled ones.
My one hope is that more of these garbage runs go dreadfully over estimate with runner failure so they start getting banned from these events. The recent Balatro run from GDQ being the prime example.
omg it's true
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Huh, not sure what happened to him and his runs, but I remember him being a regular
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Not going to happen, since crowd control runs are always a success, since they make money.
What is Crowdcontrol darkest dungeon?
You know it smells wild in there
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Dude was always a cunt, probably got soft banned
I still remember him yelling at someone during a run
>Need for Speed: Carbon Career Any% NG+ by fGeorjje #ESAMovember 2018 was taken down by request of the runner.

Anybody got any idea why? Was it too racism?
The runner doesn't like ESA, he didn't give specifics but going by the year it was probably because they weren't screaming TRANS RIGHTS!!!!! at the camera every minute like GDQ does.
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hey I'm doing a thing
what can be the "HOPELESS" message?
or something like it
it's not buffering as much for me as ttv lol pro
over estimate, looks good already
We could start a Plum character mod with this.
Overestimate seems fitting for the event
>price is right hosted by big jon removed from schedule

is bigjon even there?
nevermind overestimate is funnier and is more topical
I wonder if the European Speedrunning Assemply is focusing primarily on an European audience, hmmm...
it's tradition at this point
lol BigJon dodging yet another ESA
What was his excuse this time?
>add things that require more skill for the runner to overcome

>screen filter, instakill, complete halt
cc sucks
great run to fall asleep to
>if I can't sniff Lovares hair then what's the point?
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what the fuck
that was the best thing in the entire event
Why was it on schedule, a schedule that was released way late btw
This organization is a mess
>enter dungeon
>all doors are purple
>It feels more likely that Edenal would remove them.
It's more of a Planks thing really, Edenal's mostly about hot air and trying to stick his face up his own ass.

They can't even sort their own site out anyway, it's still directing people to ask about volunteering for fundraising by contacting Metako on Discord.
The same European audience that barely donates and doesn't even really watch at peak hours.
wasn't he at the winter one? could have sworn he was in the sonic relay thing
his dropout rate has to be near 50%
Oh I forgot about Planks, I don't actually know what he even does.
It's our culture
Wait till you learn about dutch tikkie
He shows up once every four or so ESAs and then is a midweek no now for the rest.
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He will be there
>Crowd Control run
>no one in the Crowd is Control'ing
I've been here during more of his dropouts than his actual runs.
If you imagine an administrate gremlin that enacts all of the back end stuff like banning dissenters, you'd not be far off.
4 dudes in a row is a terrible application of CC
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>half the playlist is going to be Metako's removed runs
He has a few reuploaded on his own channel at least.
This Metako debacle is more interesting than the runs so far.
I need to know what happened.
Can you feel it choking in the air tonight
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i love cc
Was it the Sonic CC at GDQ I think where they just kept killing him and you could see the runner growing slowly more annoyed, but he had to pretend to be amused by it because it was for charity and he was on cam?
Nobody really knows apart from him walking away from ESA after having moved to Sweden to be better involved in it, according to Das he's not going to talk about it until he's got his life settled back in the UK.
Cool speedrun
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looks godless to me
What did Lordmau5 do?
They have problems with CC every run anymore.
For the amount of money that shit brings in I'm shocked at how shoddy the program actually is.
He did some tweets or Discord messages that basically said Edenal/Planks need to get their shit together and Edenal got mega mad on Discord.
His videos still seem to be up on their channel, although it looks like The Italian Job isn't there for some reason. I'll grab em just in case.
>The Italian Job
Fuck, that was a cool one.
dog press button
I had no idea until now it was removed either, When I was checking through their schedules to backup missing videos, I think it was still up, so it must have been hidden recently. I'll reupload it later.
I came 30 minutes late, was CC supposed to be disabled until deep in the Darkest part of the Dungeon?
skenmy so funmy :)
>infinite overestimate works
what the fuck was that
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This was earlier, but OF COURSE skenmy would do this
I thought skeletons are immune to bleed.
Edenal single handedly pissed away all the goodwill ESA built up while making himself look like the biggest ass in Sweden.
The only thing now that can guarantee ESA's long term survival is him and Planks stepping down but their egos are way too bloated at this point.
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How are you STILL seething about Edenal? You've doing this for months now, holy fuck dude take some meds.
What an attention whoring cunt.
He's right though
It's metako, allegedly
Edenal just apologize and get back together with your workslaves who did it for free you dumb fucking retard monkey.
Amazing how everyone* is an expert of everything those two do now despite hardly a whimper before this
You'll switch boogeymen at the drop of a hat
>Edenal single handedly
No, it's him and Planks, you're doing them a favor by pinning it all on Edenal.
It's 100% metako doing this.
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>Huh, why do I have skenmy marked as "the annoying donation reader" again?
>Oh right
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Staggeringly appropriate
Any anon at the event? How is the mood over there? From what I can tell from the stream people seem happy as usual
>source: dude trust me
You also said it was metako when he was in the middle of streaming kek. Rent fucking free.
>Silently run the event successfully
>All of a sudden get hit with a miniscule amount of drama
>Completely implode as publicly as possible
Hmmm, must be overreacting bogeymen.
The "haters", if you will.
All right I have all of metako's videos on queue to download, they'll be safe on my warm loving hard drive and maybe Youtube later.
It's that one anon who has built him up to be some kind of megalomaniacal dictator who failed to gain control of ESA, all because he didn't get the joke of Metako acting like an egotistical dick on camera.
The mood is hypnotically european, you can't tell whether people are about to fight or fuck
I mean, I could've asked for reupload permissions buuuut... being banned kinda makes that redundant lmao

I do have a "watchalong" on my channel as well - but you gotta see a stupid furry on screen all the time kek
Oh shit no, I'm a fucking moron - I did a watchalong of the BSG run with Yatogami...

Yeah, okay, fuck - thank god I have it archived locally LMAO
>I think it's just because he's a die hard simp and tries to get into the #metoo girls pants.
He quit before all of that shit came out.
Yeah you mean before WE heard about it? You do know that it was internal and talked about long before it went public?
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>Shittalking Metako
>Reductionist stance on Lovare drama
Edenal, you're Edenal.
We are ESA dude
Nigga, Metako is gay lmao.

t. knower
If you have it archived locally why not just reupload to your channel, ESA doesn't seem to go after reuploads. GDQ is the only one that tried to copyright strike one of my reuploads kek.
>Reductionist stance on Lovare drama
So I was right? This is all because you're diehard simp for an attention seeker mad that she didn't get enough spotlight at ESA?
why would someone move across oceans for a volunteer event that happens twice/year and benefits you in no way monetarily?
Shh, that goes against the narrative the schizophrenic anon is trying to build, don't ruin it!
Aww sweet autistic euros talk about Darkest Dungeon in-depth
>le heckin' doggorino xD
Just like GDQ the staff gets paid a lot
Yeah it's pure suffering
Several vods were scrubbed from the ESA Youtube channel (both Stream 1 and Stream 2). You can still see them by using horaro.org/esa to click on the name of the run, which will link you to the Twitch Highlight of that run (the ones I tested were still up, be careful because that might change soon). I know I missed some like The Italian Job, apologies, (You) me with the missing runs and I'll add them to the list when I can:
>ESA Winter 2020 - Metako - Castlevania Symphony of the Night Randomiser Crowd Control
>ESA Winter 2020 - Metako - Final Fantasy IX Any% Garnet Only
>ESA Winter 2022 - PokerFacowaty - Gothic No OoB
>ESA Winter 2022 - PokerFacowaty - Sammy Suricate in Lion Land
>ESA Winter 2022 - Metako - Final Fantasy VI Any% Sketch
>ESA Summer 2023 - Nordic - A good time with... (Pineapple on Pizza, Good Time Garden, No More Papers Please)
>ESA Summer 2023 - PokerFacowaty - Sammy Suricate in Lion Land No GTL Clips
>ESA Summer 2023 - Metako, Leonis, Nashlax, Habkeinename - Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn $20%
>ESA Legends - Metako, CarcinogenSDA - Final Fantasy VIII Any%
>ESA Legends - Metako, Neviutz - Shin Megami Tensei How to… Any% (SFC)
>ESA Winter 2024 - Metako, Leonis - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - Famfrit
>ESA Winter 2024 - Metako - Final Fantasy VII Any%
I mean, I've got all the runs from about uh... 20 runners archived?
Which includes some banned folk (one of which I literally archived the runs of the *day* before they got a ban lmao)

I'm gonna wait and see what is gonna happen at the end / after the event. Cards don't look too good imo...
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Anything missing from this besides recent Metako and The Italian Job?
mizzow really meant calling skenmy a dog then
manlet seethe
ESA has a fraction of the social cachet that GDQ has tho
it must have been paid better than his teacher job that was going down the deep end lol
>Let her be sniffed by one of your friends
>Let her get followed by a pack of Somalians
>Use her as rapebait when trying to ban an autist that hugged someone
Here's my download queue. Do your part anons and back up a local copy! Some aren't removed yet but they seem like they might be.

yt-dlp -f "bv*[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4] / bv*+ba/b" -a list.txt
>spend money to cheat, the run
>also heckin doggo joke x1000
wow this sucks cock
The logical answer is that Metako
>submitted to ESA years ago, I assume
>enjoyed his experiences
>wanted to get involved in producing the event, gradually got more involved
>wanted to make changes that he felt were positive
>tried to assume a public-facing role because ESA doesn't have a lot of people who do that well
>butted heads with the more stubborn members of staff, who also happen to be the highest up
>got tired of the stubborn staff and decided to stop wasting his time
I don't really know anything about his situation specifically, I just know that both GDQ's and ESA's most senior staff (Matt, Edenal) have a track record of being stubborn bastards and it's impossible to change anything that they don't want to change
Ah fuck, yeah I sadly don't ahve all of those... don't have the 2020 Metako runs...

The ones mentioned by someone else above and Poker's runs I think... Off the top of my head at least
>move to Sweden and think he can make enough to live being a staff at a charity event
>"wtf I don't get enough money from ESA!"
>"wtf I can't communicate with anyone here in Sweden and can't properly organize the event!"
>Seethes and flees because Edenal refuses to pay him a full wage all year around for helping hosting an event twice a year
Something like this, I know because I volunteered at ESA and heard people talk.
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Fresh out of the oven
>every hero is still level 1
how is this crowd control run going to win?
First time hearing of this, what'd he do?
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transparent version
Wonderful Plum
why do fat people get so mean when they get some confidence?
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Oh hey, the high pitch audio problem seems to be gone today. Nice.
super based
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good stuff
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A light in the darkness that is this thread and run
Don't leave us.
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yo that's actually good
there's still hope left in this world
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I need a version of this with anonymous and plum pics
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This isn't a speedrun.
>>"wtf I can't communicate with anyone here in Sweden and can't properly organize the event!"
Why are you so fixated on this tidbit? The rest of the organization is Swedish, why the fuck weren't THEY communicating with other Swedes? You know, like they were doing for years before Metako joined?
Every fucking time Metako is brought up you decide to vomit that one up, please explain to me why literally all the organization was thrust onto Metako apparently.
Yeah how the fuck did he make money? The dude doesn't even speak Swedish.

Does ESA really pay their staff THAT much?
Is this the HAHAHAHA run?
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A ray of light pierces the veil of darkness
>twitch ad breaks every 5 minutes
yeah, this shit is unwatchable. at least GDQ has the courtesy to only schedule breaks during downtime
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So, how's the crowd control going? What's being changed/modified/added? Missed the beginning of the run.
Skill issue
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A solid run and good memes
read the thread idiot
Because no other staff member expects the charity to pay them a full years salary for doing jackshit.
Explain to me why Metako would deserve to get paid a full years salary working for 2 weeks a year, being the organizer when he can't properly do his job because of language barriers.
Spamming heals on party members to prevent game overs.
>seeing ads anywhere on the internet
are you 10 years old?
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Awesome. Will use it somewhere.
>no girl, foid, tranny, ad or trainwreck/cringekino runs
Either these are actually good runs or all it takes for /v/ to like something is be totally against trans people.
Planks is British, isn't he?
CrowdControl runs are 100% rigged, right?
CrowdControl itself could have minted some coins for some intern to make sure never to lose the run. Is this what's currently happening?
Absolute legend.
The Plum fanart is the sole reason I even read through these threads. Thank you for continuing to make it worth it.
Did he move to Sweden expecting ESA to fully pay him all year around?
Rigged to do what exactly?
Thanks for the list anon. At this point it feels like you might as well just archive the entirety of every single ESA, you never know what will get removed.
to never let runs end as catastrophic failures
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Good stuff!
same, the ad blockers only seem to work for some fags for some reason
That's funny, I also volunteered at ESA and heard something completely different
The upper management all speaks English, all of the runners speak English, most of the crowd speaks English. Who doesn't understand English there? Fucking Sven Claus, the AV tech? Literally just relay the information if it's such an issue. The """language barrier""" isn't a real issue in a major European metropolitan area, especially when the event is international.
But most CC runs are trainwrecks
please tell me skenmy fucks off soon...
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Don't make me say it
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well done
Twitch runs ads differently based on region, it's why TTV LOL is a thing because it proxies to random regions and you have to hope you land on one without ads.
Everyone in europe under 50 speaks english unless they are appalachian tier
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drawfag here
I don't want to create duplicates on the booru
can you delete the black background version?
(to whoever uploaded)
>try and talk to the municipality of Malmö to get a sponsor from them
>the only people working there are 50 year old ladies that barely speak English
>your job is to try and convince them to sponsor your event
Yeah that is going to go so well

see above, clearly you have never interacted people working for the state in Sweden.
Why is some third worlder commenting as if he's an authority on Europe lmao, nearly everyone understands English here.
Twitchadsolutions worked for me when an anon suggested it the other day
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Where's the prize girl? I haven't seen her yet
That's weird, I didn't add a black background.
there's a plumbooru? the hell
whoring herself out somewhere else with a higher pay probably
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>>the only people working there are 50 year old ladies that barely speak English
>Come up with a plan of action (ie. organizing it)
>Hand it off to someone who speaks Swedish
>he doesn't know
Oh I'm tired, I thought you meant the transparent version became black. I uploaded the first one, not the second. I don't see a delete button though so just report it as a dupe.
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Getting people to donate for a chance to win her socks at NSG instead.
Just a general booru for drawfag requests on /v/ and maybe related boards: https://vidya.pics/post/list/
Cute, keep moving the goalposts, I don't give (You)s to retards. Strongly recommend others in the thread to do the same
God I wish my life was this easy.
>why would Metako deserve to get paid a full years salary working 2 weeks each year?
Why would Edenal? Why would Planks? Why would Ida?
This is such a non-"GOTCHA".
She has that Swedish mong face. Like 10% mongolian rapebabbie with FAS mixed.
The fuck does Ida even do anyway? Her main qualification seems to be being married to Edenal.
I think she's the marketing director or something, at least according to the current volunteer page.
Can't you take them from the Twitch Highlight?
Yeah, why some Europeans look like that?
>donations were at $6976
>donate $24 to get the 7K get
>donation counter goes up to $7050
>crowd control
Back to doing whatever the fuck I was doing, I guess.
This Skenmy guy is alright, but he doesn't really hold a candle to Spike.
You could put each segment of this run in a random order and I wouldn't be able to tell.
I thought this run was over...what happened?
Ive only seen that mong face in Swedes. Dutchies have their own kind of mong face but theirs is not so bad.
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Almost done with FFX $20%
Funny, because she's Dutch.
she is so fucking hot. like literally the perfect definition of what thicc should be.
Shieet anyways the proto Dutch mong face is Jos Verstappen.
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>gimmick Jak and Daxter run
>4 hours of runescape

The stream is over for the day bro.
Did they mix with Finns?
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>party wipe
Official role is Marketing Director, fuck if I know what that means other than using ChatGPT to make low quality tweets
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Don't ruin Anon's fun, /pol/ has made him think he thinks he's an expert on this shit.
wait for the inevitable "I almost got raped at NSG and it's the organizers' fault" pastebin soon
That run was such a clusterfuck, it's like no one even vetted him.
it was fun :)
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When’s RuneScape?
I'm waiting for Tainted Tali to write one. ESA can't stop abusing women.
>Leper wants to die an honorable death protecting the people he sees as friends
>Miraculously survives every encounter as everyone dies around him
I'm not the biggest fan of DD but the Leper is such a supremely good character and with the right rolls of the dice can be the most kino part of the game.
Just a 30 more minutes, yall
oh fuck you still got this?
>this is basically for me the super bowl of programming this
i still cringe
Bro she's married to one of the organizers of NSG, do you fucks even learn anything short of the surface level shit you need to join in on the dramafest?
No, they just have surface level knowledge and come here trying to make everything into a GDQ dramafest and then make themselves look stupid.
Stop replying to them, they just want attention and to make you seethe
What's wrong with some drama on 4chan?
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>My Summer Car got hit
Bunch of cucked fuckers
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>the enemy waving with his hands up
and thats a good thing
There's a whole board dedicated to gossip.
Italian Job doesn't seem to be on the Twitch Highlights anymore (they are still slow as fuck when it comes to uploading the runs to YouTube, and at this point it won't be in the batch lmao)

But yeah, the ones I archived from others that weren't yet on YouTube (or got deleted) I downloaded from Twitch as a backup
It's just the same people over and over. Did all the others leave?
Most of the regulars are gone, yeah.
>the concernposters won
unexpected timeline
Argick is out as well? What happened?
YIIK run when? Can any event contain this masterpiece?
I thought it was strange, it was the only run I couldn't find on Horaro, I tried as soon as I saw it mentioned right before I posted the list... that one's been scrubbed good.
maybe check the rest of Viper's runs just to be sure
Already taken care of just in case
You two made zero effort.
Is yato there?
Nothing, really. He just said he's not returning to the event until they "make serious changes" because he was disappointed with how they've handled things.
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To my moronic credit - I forgot that the run was on stream 2 and not stream 1.
Granted, they are using it as a simple "restream" right now for 20 more viewers
What does GDQ do better than ESA exactly?
You're not supposed to ask that question. Delete this.
i'm baking rn if no one else is
Cookies or something?
In the future, use https://vodarchive.com and https://esavods.com/ to check. It does look like Viper's Italian Job isn't on Twitch for some reason (it's on Youtube), but remember Twitch did have a hardware failure that one time which wiped out a lot of vods.
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>Granted, they are using it as a simple "restream" right now for 20 more viewers
About the only upshot of that is because it's a smaller channel, stream 2 has much less of the ad shit enabled so it's less resistant to using shit to get around them.
holy fucking based
>posts it before the mig
Fair point actually, I didn't think of that
I could've sworn it was on Stream 1...
Very nice artwork anon. I barely saved any cool pics/OCs during SGDQ.

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