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Now: Old School Runescape
Next: Re-runs
Later: Re-runs

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
Stream 2: You retard
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683334785
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This is so unbelievably BORING
We're reaching boring levels that shouldn't even be possible
i feel depressed
she's not there anymore...
The fuck did you expect?
can we stop with the racism? i see what you're doing and i'm getting tired of it.
It's gone after TinyTim, we may never see him again.
This isn't a rerun, this is live.
These guys suck at the runegame
Just joining in, have I missed any kino
The demo disc run was pretty good I guess
Slightly Magic was good if you like Tiny Tim's runs.
why even call it bingo when all it is is a checklist in grid form
Has anyone here ever played Plums game and is it good
whoa I just realized why are there so many chicks for a runescape run wtf, were people really buying GFs back then then
RS is a dress up your digital barbie sim with a chat room attached
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>were people really buying GFs back then then
Yes, and now they've all been bought.
Isn't Plums VA a cute girl?
That was pretty much every pre-WoW MMO to be fair.
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is there no hope for us
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Onto the next 80gb video.
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It was free for a bit
>is it good
Not really lol

Anyway missed all of the marathon so far, are thy still doing reruns or is it 24/7 again?
Is this worth watching after the fact?
I completely forgot about this. Did I miss anything good?
yeah and ironically she's also broke
I got banned last time I posted her, but she's pretty cute yes
we should do a marathon stream of these when you're done, might help if esa ends on a bad note
I don't think anyone will want multiple days worth of Metako alone, especially since most here have probably seen them. If I'm able to upload the 12+ hour ones to Youtube (dunno if you have to be a Premium Goy member for that) then you'll at least be able to add the missing runs playlist to https://myrtv.github.io/.
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Rate the Runescape run I guess. It KILLED the thread
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A+, comfy
(I like runegame)
D for didnt watch, didnt bother, didnt even considered the possibility
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ZZZ a mih 'niod m'I
D for Didn't watch
F for I fell asleep several times
Now the hard part...surviving the reruns.
Did you know that the US release of Team Buddies is censored? They curse more in the European version.
>just woke up
>time for reruns

Man ESA fucking hates australian neets huh?
I'm watching it right now since I missed it live. Enjoying it so far.
Better than anything at ESA so far
They don't think about you at all
Damn did you quote some tv show at me???
>take a peek
>plays red
>expect the super foul mouths scots
>different voices
Oh booo! I assume that's the faggy censored version, first time I've heard it.

What's this game rated lol
EU was "parental advisory", dunno if it had a rating.
threads have been dead since the event started. ESA is dead.

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D for didn't want to watch
It was objectively a good run.
No idea sadly.
Teams were all based on countries, they'd insult each other, speak in racist accents, and swear a bunch.

Runescape is shit.
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>rerun starts with Hitman
>all that good shit on at like 3AM
fuck man why don't they care about america throw us a bone or two
Finally bros... we get some video game content that isn't shitty polygons and dudes clicking around a screen with shitty flashing numbers.
Re-runs save us from the cringe
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no burger bucks no stream
>implying there's an esa bonus
What a mid day, Tim's run doing well really seems to cement that his runs are most appreciated when they're in the morning and Americans are still asleep.
just need to hold over until vinny has his garbage sunday stream...
That was a lie told by staff, Donations remained consistent during USA time
the fact that reruns are what's saving this event for you speaks volumes as to the quality of this garbage can event
i used to take the week off for this event and now i've probably watched 30 minutes of the event so far... and it was during a rerun...
It wasnt that good a stream, I was very puzzled by the ratings
F for Boring as Fuck
the least they could do is give us the Plum video
It was impressive to the people who know how much of a pain in the arse that kind of Dizzy-like platformer is, like with how the Worms runs only went down well because most people around here are familiar with at least Worms Armageddon.
It straight up wasn't S worthy mate, sorry
didn't see this run earlier, neat
I'm an American and I appreciate his runs
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>hitman already over
>You used to take the week off for the event
Bro you waste valuable vacation time to watch some autists play video games for a week and shitpost on /v/ instead of go on an actual vacation?
I don't care what your opinion is at this point, what a waste of a life.
nta but you should kill yourself wannabe normalfag
based TinyTim1488
why is it that this tim fuck only plays these old as fucking shit games that all look like dizzy-tier
Imagine thinking the highlight of the year for your life, is a fucking video game marathon.
No wonder your opinions are so shit and angry. You based your entire life around this shit, what the fuck is wrong with you. Not even speedrunning a game, just watching people speedrun games.
You could have spent that week to volunteer at the event or go in person to hang out with people.
>why does he play the games from the era he grew up in
gee anon, idk.

now zniggy, that's a roight proper fuckin game m8
What subject does Tim do lectures on?
because theyre better than anything released in the last 10 years
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Tim needs to be running Fat Worm Blows a Sparky.
and yet here you are, seething
He's a computer professor of some variety, which makes all the sense of why he runs mostly 80s PC games.
It's ok but Plum is awful, especially for speedrunning she's dead last.
I'm gonna play Plum's game and make the new speedrun strat to put our girl on top.
comfy rerun hours
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Me making fun of you guys and pointing out how you are failed humans who could have literally want to the event in person is not seething retard.
You guys sit here and seethe about how these events suck, and no wonder you're all so upset when you based your entire life around it and you're not even a runner. I thought that kind of cringe behavior was for normies who virtue signal about forcing their 2 year old to watch this shit. But it spreads to you guys as well.
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best part about reruns is how they just skip straight from run to run. No fucking annoying setup time in between
>another wall of seethecope
yea I don't care lol
Quintessential British man on the left
Doubtful, it's just that one anon pulling stuff out of his ass again in place of having anything to go on.
Can you save her?

Oh that sucks.

Do they still play the song?
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ASM won
also the fact that these autists are clearly not equipped to fill air for 10 minutes in between runs
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oh hey it's actually not canceled
what i miss so far?
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Do you think we could pay her to sing Eat. Sleep. Game. Repeat. or Frame Perfect?
Argick won.
Barely held together with sticks and glue and some good runs (I guess I don't watch speedruns).
Fuck, I remember there was this one pic where she was wearing a very cute skimpy pajamas I think.
I really wanted to draw Plum wearing that on the same pose, but I dont have the reference anymore.
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oh cool they're doing a mixtape of highlights not just a replay. that's fantastic
What's her name/handle?
sounds about the best case scenario that i expected
don't they have a severe staff shortage with everyone jumping ship
at the very least i gotta commend the ones who stayed to suffer through it, no pity from me though
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Holy based.
Probably not even going to make 40k at this rate. The entire thing is just fucked unless Edenal steps down desu, got rid of most of the scheduling team too if I remember right and its definitely suffered from that.
Planks too.
People sure do seem to overlook Planks and his acting like a miniature dictator.
It helps that he's usually off-camera and easy to confuse with Edenal since they're both blonde white dudes.
someone just got yeeted
Surprise, it's the dude trying to pin everything on Metako. >>683366793
How do we save it
yeah! this is nice and chill
a massacre
Rixer sounds exactly like an American. Is he actually Danish?
Better games and they need to make it 24 hours again. For example, dont put a 4 hour runescape run during EU early night and burger afternoon, this slot needs to be filled with games like cawadooty, Halo and souls games - these are stuff people who arent mega autists would watch.
And, kills me to say this, but they need more ecelebs.
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is she still begging for money for "medical bills"
Even without ecelebs, they had guys like Ela, Dist, Santzo, TMR, Fuzzyness, Joshimuz, Susan, etc. who have moderate followings
I volunteer to be the next eceleb
joshimuz is batting heavily for ESA again over on reddit
Just keep trucking. Listen to the people bitching who refuse to volunteer and figure out what is so unbearable to voulnteer and fix it.
And then you get people coming back, you get 24 hours runs, we get stream 2.
Everything goes back to normal. Everyone is leaving cause they don't want to deal with management bullshit. If they fix that, people come back and we get the manpower to fully run the event as intended.
more staff
better games
charismatic hosts
24 hour
stream 2 revival for ridiculously long runs only
Plums VA striptease in between runs.
not surprising at all it's a shit stirrer
They didn't.
They literally said the reason they aren't doing 24 hour marathons is because they lacked staff and didn't want the force the people who remained to overwork themselves to keep a 24 hour event going.
They already tried doing that and overworked everyone and they were getting ready to quit too because of the lack of manpower. So the orgs buckled and decided to not do 24 hours.
Now imagine if they actually got enough people to run the event for shifts?
This guy's English is clean
>"because im based like that"
weird hearing lingo like this being said so flat
If they're fucking off every day from 6 pm CST to 12 AM CST, I'm going to miss literally the entire week of ESA from work
I've got an email drafted up but I need a transcript of the lyrics. There's parts where I can't tell what he's singing like at 0:42

The "No 24 hour stream" thing was rolled out because of ESA Legends being a smaller event, not because a lack of staff
That fat bitch on the couch could get it
Thats when they shot themselves in the foot. It ending around 1am their time means it ends around 7pm jew york time, which is shocking for viewer retention, especially when the yanks are the biggest English speaking base.
>ESA legends
We are talking about the real ESA events, winter and summer.
What is that eevee thinking?
how soon it can headbutt the runner
Yes and ESA Legends was used as a testing ground for all these changes and then adopted by the big events. The problem is that what works for a small event does not work for a marathon. But pride and ego got in the way.
"every action, quick reaction, ____ fashion"
I suppose we can just make up a word that fills the same syllables
Anon's not completely wrong though, they trialed it with Legends.

Thing is they also said it's good for the schedule to have that three or four hour buffer a day and that they don't get a significant amount of donations at night to make it worth keeping an entire set of teams and the runners going at dead hours.
1. Complete admin overhaul
2. Announce, at least half a year in advance, that you're going back to 24/7 runs on stream 1 and having a stream 2.
3. Use the fact that you're doing 24/7 runs to court new sponsors to replace the ones that have fled in the time since the schedule cuts.
4. Use the sponsor bucks to bribe Prize Mommy and all of the core personalities that disavowed ESA, aiming at "oh ESA is great now" statements if you can't afford to get them to physically come back on site
5. Use the sponsor bucks to just hire some fucking temps.
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I already saw this run so I'm working on my times. Beat the ghost and then my own time multiple times in a row, feels good man.
I miss stream 2...
I miss stream 3 (battletoads with watermelon bongo controller)
They arent exactly getting many donations now. Its because they put absolute worst games on during the night shifts, so while the runs are good to us autists, its not exactly something you're going to want to turn on, watch and donate to if someone is sat there in silence playing a side scroller from 2003.

For example, Halo 3 is on at 11am Swedish time and Joshimuz is running GTA at fucking 6:45am.
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Missing marathons being on Youtube already, hate the shit out of having to re-update and just try my luck with the usual crap for getting around the mid-run ads on Twitch.
>They arent exactly getting many donations now.
They don't expect to be getting them during the sleep hours.
"I'm not getting caught
race against the clock
No matter what's in my way I seize to take a break until I reach the top"
Did a fucking A.I. write & perform this?
They're barely getting any at all. They're down almost half from Winter and they dont have the ANONYMOUS HOYYYYPPPPP donations.
>ESA went from having 2 24 hour streams to 1 stream with daily reruns
Is it because the runners got more boring over the years?
90s aneurysm video
It's classic. 90s is as classic now as 70s was in the 00s.
Man if only the live part had 0 downtime like the reruns.
Impossible I know.
>that 90's liquid DnB rave club soul of the PS1
god the Playstation brand is so fucking gay nowadays, take me back
Lack of volunteers + the staff didn't feel like doing late nights personally anymore + for some reason they stopped trusting guys on stream 2 to hit the fucking donation button and behave themselves
There'd be no time to pee or get snacks
I'm hearing "every action, quick reactions, I will dash and I'm not getting caught"
If only the live part had music intermissions like the old days.
this fits nicely
No matter what stands in my way, I'll seize the day.... something something.
Having like 70% of the regulars bail and even stuff like the scheduling and fundraising teams be decimated had a knock on effect in a bunch of ways.

Even the declined submissions are very low numbers compared to usual, nobody's really trying to get in.
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have I seen this run before
Anyone else hear a coin sound?
>turn on esa
>run is purple
Is the ESA interface looking purple to you?
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I don't think I have.
I mean theres still loads of good games they declined in favour of 4 hour runescape runs. Hell, Yato got 5 runs declined and even Argick got his runs declined.
In fact, when was this list finalised? Because even Metako submitted stuff. I guess they wanted them on janny duty.
Not any more or less purple than it always looks
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https://pastebin.com/mZb0f4Tg This is what I think are the lyrics
You anons are fucking deaf, jesus christ. Or ESL.
>I'll seize the day - I'll break away
AND break away.
It was finalized before the end of last GDQ so not even that long ago compared to the usual window it's done in.
I thought he was putting flare on the end of words like you hear music artists typically do
>get more volunteers and get rid of the activist ones
>get better sponsors
>first stream 24 hours again
>second stream with a text to speech donation reader
>get a real mascot
>more orginal songs
>no more one-runner-indie-games-nobody-plays
>ban trannies
>bigger game screen and different ui when run needs them
>more audience involvement during the run
>get rid of pronouns
>make better charity ads
>make a real studio for interviewing stuff

I fell asleep
Interesting, so most of them were declined even before the lovare shit came out. Kek, clearly the leadership has some sort of vendetta, they think they're Bane on the plane but they're actually CIA
>implying there isn't
Bad runs are rated accordingly, it's the mediocre ones that get a bonus for no reason
A shame I missed this choke live
I don't think it can be fully trusted, since Argick said he pulled his runs after the pastebin drama. Plenty of the declines might be retroactive.
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That's a fair point, the Chucklefuck Brothers are more than petty enough to decline over stuff like that and hide it.
https://pastebin.com/KWg21tHw there fixed the lyrics
>frame perfect
for me it was
I'd rather play Ninja or Die
Your game sucks ass and apparently I can't unlock you until halfway through. You aren't even the character that autist with the bad costume chose to speedrun your game with and you're the star of it.
The four hour runs hit a lot worse when the stream isn't 24/7. Like I wake up halfway through the runs for the day, and then there's Pokemon or Runescape and the day is basically over.
I miss falling asleep to the stupidly long runs.
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Plum was supposed to be huge.
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She also sucks, she's really slow compared to the others.

ESA briefly had a sort of focus group running event of the game when it came out and she was universally the worst times.
failed experiment. I genuinely feel bad for ESA essentially being chained to this thing because of how hard they shilled the song. Chenso is a fucking flop and I bet the staff sigh internally any time someone mentions Plum
you could always mod her to be faster right?
>Lovare never did a Plum cosplay

What a shame.
They could always just do a Plum Percent or something and use her anyways, if the game allows.
>unofficial mascot of speedrun event is slow as shit
How ironic.
Yeah people would pay for it regardless. You can even try to get her creator on the stream to answer Plum questions
vgh... we didn't know we were making memories...
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Whats her team?
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>failed experiment
But she succeeded here?
no one cares
I care. At least, I care when there's good fan art of her.
Machoke, Machamp, Hypno, Growlithe and Tentacool.
>I care
no one cares
clearly didn't matter cause her game is kill
sorry anon, a good design and well put together ad will not save a universally shit game
many such cases really
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I care about me caring! Hah, what now?
switch growlithe with houndoom
Pokemon disproves this
The entire gacha genre disproves this
Thighs... thighs... thighs...
No, Houndoom is for trashy whores like Hilda, Growlithe is for cuties like Plum.
so is hypno
Wasn't there a remix of the Plum song that played at ESA or did I hallucinate that
Hypno is Hypno, they fuck everyone out there.
It was a terrible ad for a new franchise from an unknown studio. I constantly saw people that thought Chenso Club was the dev team behind Here Comes Plum. All the catchiness in the world can't make up for a garbled message.
Where is this from? The song is surprisingly catchy
>tfw you will never play Here Comes Plum
One of the dancepad games had a remix showcase, but I've got no clue which at this point.

Pinnacle of fucking gameplay.
Just a minor thing
>I see that run ahead of me!
I think it's "I see that road ahead of me!"
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it's ff, what you expect
the appeal of dissidia was watching the characters interact
It's been the closing song for ESA for some time now. I couldn't tell you how long

dammit now I hear it. another thing to change
Tina put down the moogle
It fits with the crap these events promote, GDQ shilled the fuck out of Super Meat Boy Forever and that's basically unrunnable.

THERE this finally should be the final version
>Super Meat Boy Forever and that's basically unrunnable
Is that a meatboy sequel or a remake? Why is it unrunnable
are blindfolded runs taking a step too far into the autism territory for speedrunning
It's one of those games where you run through procedurally generated obstacles forever and then it says "wow, you ran 287 meters."
Started off as a sequel, turned into a phone game, it's an infinite runner.
Is the autism too austistic in an autism hobby?
riveting gameplay
This thing's finally done downloading and muxing.
I'd say they're some of the most interesting and impressive displays of memorization and skill, as long as the runner doesn't fuck up. If it's a relatively long run, then a fuck up here and there is fine, but too many and it can look pretty bad.
They can really show you how good a game's sound design is when taken to the extreme by completely removing sight. It's less relevant for blind 2D runs, since those rely more on memorization, but still slightly important.
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my favorite all time comfy run, especially the furchads.
>as long as the runner doesn't fuck up.
Anybody remember that Super Mario run where they fucked up, didn't know and were happily going for ages against a wall without knowing it?
Oh yeah I forgot about Sayvi. Didn't she start an Onlyfans
Imagine the smell after them having worn those to ESA all week.
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ESA tech staff was pretty based during that run
i don't think anything will top the FF III run for me
FFIX was a close second, only really bogged down by the attention whore who couldn't take a hint
ummm acshually suiters use anti sweat balaclavas and scented disinfected sprays to maintain the inside of the heads, it's honestly not much of an issue. Hell some even have built in fans on the inside.

Don't ask how I know these things
That was a completely idiotic idea for a blindfolded "run". Why would you ever rely on random levels from user levels off of Mario Maker? That the runner has never even seen.
Who would actually something that stupid?
Yeah that FF3 run was an absolute rollercoaster that nobody could have predicted where it would go or that it'd have a happy ending.
Meant to say "Who would actually okay something that stupid?"
I miss Leonis.. I know he won't attend ESA without Metako.. Thus I miss both now..
I genuinely do not understand what they were expecting.
I still do not understand it.
How do you blindfold run something you have never seen before. The stages are random.

This has 100% chance of failure
needs a Mismagius
ASM won so hard its not even funny
He's bound to show up at BSG or something.
it really comes down to getting rid of the two morons, everything else will fix itself
Educated opinion.
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Yeah, "itsjusterika" is her username.
I think she only sends uncensored stuff through DMs, though. So, no boobs unless you pay. And I guess you have to cumulatively pay more than $100 to get some stuff, which is funny, since it feels like she doesn't even try to take half-way decent photos with good lighting or even good angles.
>haha you're all losers
>but I still want you in person shilling my event ^-~
and people wonder why we keep saying staff is here all the time, you couldn't make it more obvious if you tried
>anti sweat balaclavas
How does wearing ANOTHER layer of fabric make you sweat less?
were threads this slow last event too
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>stop watching yesterday while theyre playing jak and daxter coop
>come back right now and they are still playing jak and daxter coop
during reruns? yes.
I'd something to actually go in person and socialize and make friends
It's another to block out an entire week of your life to just sit in your room and binge watch people playing video games, bitching on 4chan about it. At least if you took a week out of work and went on vacation to somewhere else to meet and talk to people it would be something worthwhile.
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ya like reruns?
Yeah not too interesting. Check'd it out
I think the problem is no one really knew what game Plum was supposed to be in. If ESA was smart they would have bought the rights to Plum and just made her the ESA mascot.
You still sweat, but it absorbs it. The reason it doesn't make you sweat more is the type of fabric it's made out of. It's very cool even in a head. Specifically you have to get balaclavas for suit use, not just "generic army balaclava" that's heavy and padded as fuck. These lighter ones aren't for protection against the cold or elements, they just keep the sweat on the inside of the fabric so it doesn't touch the foam of the suit. Also internal fans are a godsend to combat this entirely
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>organization with no money
>paying for a literally who character
I always hear 'route'
>If ESA was smart they would have bought the rights to Plum and just made her the ESA mascot.
It feels wild that 2 or is 3 years now later, some people are still so late and uninformed that they do not know ESA wanted to buy Plum character rights but the artist who holds the rights has refused to sell them completely off.
rerun bros....
the stream....
and now she's in the void doing nothing
i wonder if the artist refused because they thought Plum could be big
inb4 a tranny pulled the network as revenge for prize mommy
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shoutouts to the sleepy tech crew
genuinely catchy song
it's easy to take time off work and bitch on 4chan, but most people can't do that + pay for flight, hotel and food costs for an entire week.
>just volunteer!
You still only get hotel costs back, and under the current management? hard pass
less than 40 minutes for real runs bros
you ready?
>ESA starts in 30 minutes
bros...we are so back.
time warped to day 1
that's why you split the hotel with 3 others and room up. ez
>he keeps moving the goalposts
aright I'm done have more important things to do
who are you quoting
Going to ESA even with roommates is easily a $1000 expense when you consider food, travel and shops. More if you’re flying in from the states.

It’s hardly EZ
>They ended the reruns to show a 40 minute timer go to zero
have I seen this countdown before
I fucking love timers!!!
>They could have just restarted with the first run
>nah better put the timer up first
ESA has really hit hard times
Meds. Timer isn't even purple
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wtf was his problem?
why didn't these dipshits edit out the countdown
Now... button!
?? this is live anon, as in we are getting live runs in 20 mins.
The only dipshit move was cutting out the rerun almost an hour ahead of time knowing we are just in a waiting room.
who is actually up at 7am locally for this
I just woke up. Its 06:42
Quite a lot of people get up at or around 7am, when the fuck do you get up?
for ESA? never
That shit was depressing, you can train dogs to react to stuff like a button lighting up but he was doing the basic week one training thing of using treats as bait.

Fucker's gonna spend what life it gets doing that and being a sideshow attraction at events.
I had a stomach pain at 3am, been awake ever since (it's almost 8am now).
whos plums artist
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>No. :)
>miku at home
I feel like we need the clips of Pete going on about the size of goat ass for the Pseudoregalia run.
wait wasn't yesterday day purple???
I like girls
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>Kingdom Sharts
I feel like I watched 10 hours of this total recently, I'mma skip.
t. not ESA
prove it name 45 girls
But do girls like you?
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I should probably just immediately go to sleep and wake up in time for Pandora Tomorrow.
3 minutes until we get some autists trying to fill air for 10 minutes woooo
Indeed, but I want to be rested for the morning runs too...
>700 viewers
fucking yikes
Also 42 on stream 2.
hes big
Tranny furry game
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>have to stay up to midnight to even catch a glimpse of a run
>miss the entire live section due to wagecucking
man i dont know how younger me did those constant all night sessions
guess i won't feel bad for ducking out on kingdom snore
Wtf does final mix mean? is this a bootleg of a song?
typical rpg fan body
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Good morning EU early birds or wage cucks like me!
we're so back
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why doesn't he just eat alzheimer's?
reminds me of that guy that left the steam friend requests on and meltdown ensued
I'm only awake for the funny goat game
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we're home.
Yeah they really fucked us non neet burgers.
i suppose them having a replay of the day directly after helps
Take an hour nap.
As an oldfag that grew up with shit like JF1 and 2 I already heard it in my head before clicking it.
still based
Nah I don't need it
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me too
I mean, it's probably difficult to get a dog to press a button while you play an MP4 of a video game.
this guy looks like he has 358/2 hearts
You had a joke about blood pressure RIGHT THERE.
Nice but i hate kh so im out
wonder what he rebels against
A long lifespan.
in awe at the size of this lad
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KHfags explain yourselves
>taking it in the ass
Foreshadowing for the Kingdom Hearts gachas
See you anons in the morning.
post it
Funny thing is there's people who have taught dogs to actually play some basic games, they've just done it with breeds that are better to train to do stuff and they've been very thorough about it.

But that shit at GDQ wasn't about that, it was just about the heckin doggo spectacle and it worked because of course it would.
what compels someone to be a fan of Kingdom Hearts
Been watching EVO all weekend so missed ESA starting, how bad is it this year?
their blood pressure
there, full circle like the runner
Weeaboo Disney fans, it has shit from two of their favourite megacorps.
Just very, very dull and boring so far. Not a clusterfuck or anything like that.
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Damn, I wish Spy Hunter wasn't dead. I don't think the original even has an indie knockoff yet.
Came here after EVO finished. Have I missed anything? Any cool runs?
>no 2nd stream
What the FUCK
>not 24 hours
>no stream 2
>all the remaining staff are cringe
>a lot of good runners aren't attending
I'll let you decide. Evo was great, though.
friendly reminder that this guy constantly bullied the darkest dungeon runner yesterday, claiming he is so much better than him at the game and such. So don't feel bad making fun of him.
>autismo can't recognize couch banter
There's been a few but nothing really stand out or did anything worth giving a fuck about.
I don't know why you'd think anybody in these threads would feel sorry for him, this fat fuck is pretty much detested.
He's not detested, wtf are you on about. That GDQ webm doesn't mean he's hated here kek.
darkest dungeon is a shit game, so deserved
but this guy is still a faggot
That run was awful
>pretty much detested
By who?
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>fat fuck is pretty much detested
You're posting on an 'ick on 'eck worshipping board.
imagine the point blank smell
Yeah doing this sort of thing with a Shiba is just for the meme doge points and not even in a subtle way
>a weenie
not very inclusive
Look at that SLUT Maral noticing the wizard behind her hover handing and grabbing his arm without consent
Wasn't that the fat fuck who forgot to disable steam announcements and got ''friend requested'' a whole lot during his DD run?
>ventus goes and beats up a bunch of dwarves randomly
>aqua almost goes barging into cinderella's house guns blazing without a second thought

>terra is supposed the bad guy
that was rebeldragon94
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I hope his run fails then. I can abide, but I cannot abide FAT and stupid.
Fuck you RebelDragon, you know why you deserve this!
his pronouns are actually fee/fi/fo/fum
must...stay awake...for fat goat ass...
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Wonder how long the entire playlist will take.
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She responded! There's a bit of an issue considering she's not the person that does pitch correction/autotune/mixing. Do I ask her for a single straight take and hope some anon here does magic like in the /v/ the musical threads?
Funny how modern GDQ is so sterile and controlled and yet shit like this still slips through the cracks
Why have you done this
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The face of a man who lives and breathes NES games.
>he doesn't want to give Plum a job
If the Pseudoregalia run has pants on, it's an automatic drop in two letters from me.
that ain't tmr
more like an auto F
the dogwater run of it was great
>whats the first thing that stands out to you when i play this game
>big ass

What does he eat?
Never knew Russel Crowe was such a gamer. I guess that's why he personally commissioned Wayforward the Mummy Demake game.
Followed by several donation reads about said big goat ass. ESA would never.
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too bad for that one choce, but almost 1/6 faster than estimate is still nice
B desu
>Captcha: MJGAN
And I miss him every day.
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my wife :)
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>Just 2 dorks talking into the camera
Why is there no intermission setup? Where is the thicc presenter lady?
>while scanning your DNA, we learned that your ancestor was a kabuki, so we're turning you into a digital kabuki ninja warrior
NES excuse plots were insane back then, I miss them.
B+, I like Rebeldragon and now he kinda is one of the few runners left from a better time. Good commentary, KH didn't last for hours (like at ASM), felt like a decent run from a few years ago which makes it in current ESA pretty good
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Who's gonna tell him?
I love alzhiemer Noita man.
and followed by more ass comments from Pete.

Him and Joe are to be treasured.
tell me
Kinda funny hearing his vocabulary, using words that the typical scientist would. Like novel, most people would say new but scientific papers use novel treatment instead.
I don't have a Sybil folder, someone else dump pics during the run.
The money donated at ESA actually goes the research? That's neat.
I would but most of them will get me b&
There's a special place in hell for whoever forced this pointless talk during intermissions.
Eh uh umm uh uh eh uh yeah uh so uh uh uh
She also doesn't wear pants, so even official art might upset the powers that be. Damn.
D for Didn't watch
Do it anyways, it'll be funny and we'll be happy
It's win-win (for me)
>no pants
god her ass is so fat
This is a furry game brother
Dear diary, the ass was fat
It's also a really nice platformer.
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That's right brother.
Furry troon game so of course /esa/ loves it
If you insist because these N64 textures and this N64 animation rate is painful
>tranny game
>no trannies

Well, this is different.
too hot for ESA
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for me it's the featureless crotch
There it is again
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I miss the alpha stacy Maral. ESA was never the same without her to command the other girls around.
It's a must.
They fired her brcause she insisted on not using tampons or pads during menstruation
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I wish I could move this fast when I play the game.
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She's busy at my house.
There is no coin sound brother, get a grip.
>"I'll just go for the alternative strat"
>also fails
Now, I'm not a furry, but...
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Instabanned on GDQ
how the hell do you do that super slide jump
Now they'll never allow Gurumin at ESA...
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Nevermind these are hips
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How sad will it be when ESA actually dies before a Gurumin run happens at it?
There are zero butts in that picture.
Much better.
where's the pete motorboating webm when you need it?
Alright, I actually like the movement of this a fair bit
This actually looks pretty cool.
might as well
If this mf can do Sayaka's spats game, gurumin should be there!
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Holy shit is that Kungfu? She looks much happier here...
The march of time can be stopped by no one
What's the lore reason for the fat goat ass
Unironically, what would it take to revive it? Surely like 5 code monkey anons could take care of hosting it with some financial backing?
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She needs a big butt for big jumps
Strong jumping muscles
No, the big thighs are for big jumps. The big butt is to soften the impact on landing.
>uh that is strange
Just own up to it
Went to bed during Dissidia, any hehe hahas I missed?
No, it was a solar flare hitting his PC. He didn't mess up or anything haha
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Too distracted by goat ass
Are the random stripper poles important to the level design?
Of course
>doesn't even call time
who cares, he's not going for WR.
Windows Explorer into Time Trials is part of the run, bro
Yeah the dude who got that at Dogwater has it.
Bro pls
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I'm glad we have time trials, would've been too easy otherwise.
jesus this goatdonkeyrabbithuman thing is hot
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Runner's getting a little bit distracted
Yeah, he clearly needs someone to walk for him for this part
Are there any other gyattformers like this?
pseudoregalia if she real
Chalking that one up to selling her soul to GDQ, honestely
Atlyss lets you make your own gyatts
Haydee for more gyatt less game or speed.
This guy sucks, he keeps missing.
Nothing. Just the will to have it back up. Which the 2 morons do not have.
Goat ass too distracting pls understand
this game honestly looks very well put together for something that was made for a game jam
i hope this dev becomes very successful
Is this game any good or it's just fat goat ass meme?
I mean, not really over estimate if they didn't pause when he was loading them. But the chokes didn't help

You just watched it, what do you think?
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>a few last words before I end it
Shit, that got dark fast, he didn't do that badly.
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Rate, I guess
the schmovement feels incredible if you get it down. I play it in Archipelago randomizers and its always a blast.
>You just watched it, what do you think?
if i can infinite climb any vertical wallsì then it's bad platformer.
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A, he made some mistakes but it was still a nice fast run. Also goat booty. Looks like a fun game. Seems to have a custom level for advanced movement tech too, that's neat. Does it have a level editor or this an imported Unreal level? I kinda would've rather this be the incentive.
>Time trial
C, not a smooth run but it looks hard anyway.
>LTT theme
B, i guess
What is this Linus Tech Tips ass music.
Clearly choked a lot, but I was pleasantly surprised by the game and it didn't seem to be easy. I'll be nice.
And now to save all these goats
A for ass
B for big ass
A+, goat ass
B for butt (in all seriousness he choked a little bit too much for me to give it a higher score)
Hope you enjoyed my dump
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my brother just shave your head if you're balding that bad
in no universe does it look good
Shit that was fast.
A for Anus
>-too many chokes
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Thanks bro. Not a furry, but I'll save these because you went to the trouble of dumping.
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Oh good, they still haven't figured out nobody likes the talking heads segment
how original
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You're welcome.
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I'm doin' him a C
At this point I'm thinking they are still doing it just to spite us
seriously why not just play music instead of trying to have autists talk for 10 minutes between setups
It wouldn't surprise me if no one at the event knew how to play intermission music. Maybe it was all one man delivering to us shitty intermission music.
You will be subjected to German and Swedish autism, and you will like it!
-1 for choke
-1 for overest
1+ gor butt
So B
Mami's mamis.
I've been conditioned into hearing the accordion for any French runner now
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thank you goat booty your presence pleases me.
Crazy that the gdq janny is only here for pokemon runs.
It matches the official art and it's on topic, not like she's spreading her goat asshole for us.
Now I've actually seen the gameplay she's clearly a jackalope, right?
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She's a made up dream mishmash, think she has some cat in there too. She's imitating the local lifeforms which are goat butlers but she came out too dummy thicc so they tease her about her flimsy disguise.
>we don't have any donations at the moment
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>mfw spent my night watching Twitch vods of upcoming runners autistically practising their ESA commentary
I donated to them once but they censored my harmless joke and even my name, soured my intention of doing so again this event.
>practising their ESA commentary
Why don't they just do that in private man
What did you say
I'm sorry to hear that, Trannykiller9000
I tried making the Morshu joke on day one when that fat bastard had the donation cam and he kept putting himself on screen lol, guess he understood it.
They get the same number of viewers either way.
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ok that's funny
I even threw in a bit about other donation incentives, it was totally inoffensive unless someone immediately made the connection that he was to be Morshu or was stalking the thread.
I feel like because a lot of them are not native English speakers they're gonna delete long and seemingly unrelated donos to be safe and just keep the simple "Good luck on the run" donos.
Rate this run
Edged for sure.
It was a run of all time
F for French
Yeah, but Edenal had that discord declaration where they were going to loosen up on donation messages and just laugh it off if a bad one got through. I guess Morshu didn't get the message...
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Baker-sama... your bread?
seismic's sweet mami
1 more page, lad
B for Based frenchman telling the hosts to mute themselves so he could narrate his entire run
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Baking ~ ~ ~
>South Park Snow Day
You can tell this game is safe edgy if it's allowed at these events
they play goose
they play the same woman who's hubby is in a hospital
but never frame perfect
never plum
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I'm doin' him a C
Have they really not played Here Comes Plum yet?
He promised us our Plum...
They get very weird with that shit, if the game says something it's ok, if the runners or couch say something, it's bad.
>head of alzheimers foundation
>can't deliver more than two lines of her script without having to do a separate take and edit it together
it's over
Man, Joe was right about that shit all along.
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Remember all they took from you, anon
I just woke up and it already feels like getting up was a mistake.
Either the donation readers are severely retarded, there's animus against /v/ for shittalking people inside the event or most retardedly, they're saving the plum and frame perfect videos for some reason.
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They did that last time, got to three or four days till they started playing them.
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HRTscape / 10
We're on page 9 bros...
Nuh yet
Guarantee you the choice of playing them wasn't by Edenal/Planks, and if they do want to go full corporate you'll never see those videos again.
>think about staying up
>cuts to our hourly two awkward weirdos standing in front of a camera for 20 minutes segment
you know what
i'm good

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>12 steam reviews
Is advertising your game in ESA a death signal?
I can almost imagine wearing the goose shirt in public, but I'd be embarrassed to go outside wearing the Plum one.
The ads were being run in the first place because Edenal was friends with the developer.
It's a combination of anyone barely watching ESA to begin with + the games advertised always suck ass.
How many does Hoplegs have?
>Cartman blames Kyle because... Cartman hates Kyle

Hmmm, I wonder why.
paid advertisement run as usual with this goat shit.
>a South Park game came out this year
Wut. I had no idea.
Oh hay, they've actually fixed their fucking flags to have the Welsh flag, it only took them about eight years.
S to counter the schizo above me

Okay, but then why aren't they playing them anymore? Plum is on their VIP badge and shirts, its not like they wiped her off the face of the earth. Why would they deliberatly keep the videos from being played for 3 days or more when they could've just done that from the start?
>because they are retarded
Oh, that's true my bad
38, positive, released in 2021.
>Recognizing the W*lsh
More proof ESA has gone down the shitter.
Nyo. Perish.
They should have gone for /agdg/ vidya instead
They want released games.
>Getting ads

Owari da...
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nor more migs will
Wait till we get to page 15
I don't like being edged, where's my thread
I will NOT make a new thread.
Do it yourselves, you lazy pieces of shit.
But also don't make two or three.
I just woke up and I'm baking
There is no Allah. There is no Jesus.
no one wants to make threads because this ESA sucks
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the bakery's closed go find something else to do for the week
Imagine sinking into Sybil's big, warm, soft goat butt. Like this thread, if you will.

I was baker the first day and I don't feel like baking

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