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Now: Shadow Warrior 3 Any%
Next: Oni any% easy
Later: Pokémon Crystal Manipless

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
Stream 2: ...
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683461264
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Early morning mig
That was a close one.
We were almost free
bio female spotted
We nearly escaped this torment.
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good morning anons
Just woke up. Don't tell me what I missed. No valid captcha.
Wave on the stream
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I'm awake, I need my coffee and cum in plum
will do for the next run
rotate your FUCKING phone BEFORE you upload a photo
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>oh fug, have to imbress gorl with speedrun so we can fug lader (benis in bagina) :D:D:DD:D
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Dash spamming is the most degenerate speed tech known to man
The reboot Shadow Warrior games are all the fuck over the place, especially if they at that point still think the original was racist and a bunch of other crap like they said when they were hyping up the first reboot game.
is esa taking place in a jannitors closed in the middle of a mall?
Shouldn't he rotate the phone before taking the photo? I've tried uploading sideways before and it doesn't work
>his phone doesn't have an autorotate function for his photos when uploading
Do you have a Nokia phone or something
Everyone who is someone here in india has a nokia
I never played the reboot SW games precisely because they denounced the original, never trust woke faggots to handle your franchise.
Ahh, good morning friend.
this is one gay game
I'm surprised people cared enough to make 3 of these games.
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It was probably fine on the phone because of rotational metadata but anything that strips that shit out or ignores it fucks it back to sideways.
I did but only because I ended up with them for free, the first one was especially weird since they made a big thing about the original having totally racist jokes and they weren't going to be a part of that but they kept the reused fortune cookie lines that included the ones that take the piss out of gays.

Even for the time it was just weird to be up on a high horse for one but not the other. Also the game was pretty bland.
all me btw
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>4 fucking hours of Pokemon

Fuck of ESA I hope this shit dies.
Fucking hell why did I even get up early
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at least I can go to sleep now and know im not missing out on much.
How’s the stream been since bad guys at school?
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Intensive shilling will happen below, hover at your own risk
I've caught up with the threads last night and I know someone who's actually had an amazing idea for a speedrunning tournament format, one what would be long and encourage all the smaller communities to gather together and compete against each other in a unique and cohesive way. Maybe I can talk to some people and convince them to push this idea further, the problem is the person who originally had it does not have the best reputation around. I'm working on a different showcase with him so when the times comes you'll know who it is.
I've also considered making a very small, friends gathering marathon, but for me specifically this is quite difficult because I'm effectively broke, working 54h/week, and no longer living in Europe. Taking steps to change this and hoping for the best.
Second one tries really hard to be a Borderlands-alike but with more movement crap, pretty sure the third sticks to that too.

They're really not that good in normal play, has a lot of Painkiller-style either waiting or wandering around finding monsters to kill to proceed.
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Eh been okay, Street Boyz and Kong, both weren't anything special if you've seen them before.
>ancient cock
Pokemon Crystal is actually the last Pokemon game I played.
Tell Chibi thats a good idea.
Great place to stop 2bh
I heard it got an improved romhack called Crystal Clear or something based on the decomp.
> I'm working on a different showcase with him so when the times comes you'll know who it is.
Interesting, looking forward to it. Think it's good to have some event that brings everyone together. ESA was kinda that, but it fucked up. And I don't see the other marathon events being able to replace it soon
>I'm effectively broke, working 54h/week
That combi sounds like it shouldn't be possible, you should really try to change this
Get spike involved asap or don't bother
Is ESA really quiet this event, like no people? Or are they all having fun in the arcade?
This riverboat scene reminded me of pic related. I remember wanting to fuck the shit out of the flute girl, but the main ninja can get you through the game just fine so there was no reason to switch.
It's like 10am on a Tuesday, it's not gonna be massively busy.
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When's Quake?
What is Rachel Levine doing on ESA?
it shouldn't be possible, but in third world shitholes its the norm
only surviving because habibi makes clean 5k a month
I played the demo of this a dozen times as a kid. Just over and over. It was so cool.
Not for several hours.
Look at this jammy fucker, last pokemon game he played was the peak. I played them all until Sun and Moon then Ultra Sun and Moon. Those were the worst fucking shit games I've played all decade.
I'm talking whole event all week so far, it looks dead.
I guess I should consider myself lucky that I just never got around to playing the newer games as a kid/teen, never had to deal with disappointment.
they're all asleep currently, people get down around 16:00 usually
In like five hours, it's also not base quake or any of the official expansions, it's a custom set of levels and shit.
Man that is rough, it would really demotivate me to even get out of bed in the morning. Kinda glad I'm living in a first world country and have enough savings to be slow with finishing my PhD.
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>I played them all until Sun and Moon then Ultra Sun and Moon.
The movement camera in the game looks super aids how it keeps jumping in and out when sprinting.
Is the third game actually good? I loved the first SW reboot but then 2 looked like looter shooter slop so I just ignored the franchise after that, but 3 seems closer to 1 than 2 in presentation.
Sprinting and airdash and some other crap.
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I know, it's Arcane Dimensions, one of the most kino mods made for that game.
Third seemed like more of the same just with even more movement stuff.
I'm just a slut
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Why don't devs make kino like Quake anymore?
nobody here is talking about the game
great run
nothing really to talk about desu
I really hate trannycore colours this game has.
>nobody here is talking about the game
Neither are the runner or the commentator most of the time to be fair.
because it's fucking shit
I'm not watching this. It's not as kino as GDQ
A lot have tried to do retro-alike Quake knockoffs, most of them are immediately forgettable.

As for Quake itself, it's good for mapping but not so good for doing gameplay stuff, even John Carmack has said that he feels Doom 2 has persisted as a much better platform for modding and making games than Quake did.
Does this game have unskipable cutscenes?
This, also he's literally done this run before at ESA or something.
Wait, come back! There's still 4 hours of Pokemon!
um esa bros check the chat
>back checking how's the run
>he's choking
i dont feel very good
You people have chat open? Why?
I can't, I have chat hidden by default.
but this is the chat
qrd? i'm on stream 2
Mods are asleep, people are expressing opinions.
You know, I didn't really picture a Borderlands-like when I first heard of Shadow Warriors
Damn bad time to be banned for saying I was looking forward to a Harry Potter run last year
D for dull as fuck
sss (didn't watch)
F for Finnish.
Fucking I dunno. 4?
C very dry but ok
C, meh
Not interested in these remakes of og classics, but the run itself was fun-ish.

Is he autistic or just Finnish?
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D, dull in every aspect
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Oni up next!
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Yes :DD
One in the same some might say.
don't care
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>Bwos where are the constant puns, forced gimmick jokes, loud donation readers, crowd clapping after every trivial tech? ESA feels so dead and cold bwos it's boring there are more than 5 seconds with dead air this can't be happening aiiie-ACK
D boring
C it was whatever, I'm sure it was skilled but it was boring to watch.
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The way he said it I thought there was a meltdown but it's just people having a conversation about ESA, nothing big.
any anon wanna compare donation total now vs same time at other events? i feel like it went down the drain. I'm too lazy though.
Oni is the tits.
Not my problem.
>the only speedrun marathons I actually look forward to now are GDQs for the shear volume of people that show up and frame fatales for the absolute shitshow it brings

ESA was so good bros how could this happen
You finally realized you're just here for the drama and cringe, rather than speedrunning.
>where's the cringekino?
>they're not even shouting ORB
Trying too hard to ape GDQ
This has got to be the same discord group that spams troon rights donations on GDQ raiding
If you look forward to FF in any capacity, you don't actually like any of these events
don't blow my cover like that!
Damn, it might be ogre for reals after this event.
what game?
So what's the point of the second ESA channel being live?
just something dumb retardenal thought up. Stream 1 has constant buffers but they are still determined to keep stream 2 running and soaking up bandwidth
My cope is burning out. I'll take a look at BSG from the sound of things.
I'm a little pissed overall, to be honest. I despise doomsissies ever being right, as I genuinely try to be a hope-enjoyer.
The king is back, bitches.
Oi, lil Timmy's on screen. Be quiet and listen. Learn.
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this looks kino
yep, it's kino time
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Lord Tismal and his pint sized servant
Did Tiny Tim see someone without a couch and volunteer, kek this is so jarring.
To net the few views of people who are subbed to that channel.
That's why we call him the GOAT.
>ywn be a lonely, autistic runner who receives Tiny Tim's chosen grace
BSGfag here, it's a very cozy marathon. The community is great and the orgs are a lot better. Small compared to ESA though, so don't expect a stream 2 there either.
It's not hosted on /esamarathon/ anymore because of the shit esa orgs pulled. twitch.tv/bsg_marathon
Kind of but also not, the combat system in it's fucking awesome, which is a shame that Bungie have long since left it for dead.
next time watch ASM with us!
and look how happy he is, pure joy
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Big guy in the audience
Late 90s/early 2000s anime aesthetic reminds me of shows I watched as a kid, also the girl has a nice ass. Very cozy run.
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Oh no, not again
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>he didnt watch dogwater runs
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It's a sum of its parts, if you've been watching speedruns for over a decade it all blends together, there is a point where tricks and glitches stop being impressive. So you watch these events for the vibes, the memes, the drama, the occasional trainwreck and kino run.
So far this ESA has been pretty boring.
cursed german anime voice
Seconding what >>683491879 has said, it's not as big and often has games that are more obscure so don't go in expecting the most hype event ever but you see quite a few familiar faces running cool stuff.
I like how bemused Tim is, it's like this is the first time he's seen a game from this century.
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How do I get this kind of joy in my life?
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Okay, if you're not enjoying it then stop watching, no one gives a shit.
Don't invite the dramafags to Dogwater, it was funny that they tried and failed to get shit going in the threads but lets not make them think it's the next GDQ.
The ZX Spectrum is a hell of a drug.
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you give enough of a shit to reply, faggot
desu I like the obscure runs. I don't need to see Mario 64 and Pokemon Red every single marathon over and over again. I'm not sure, but I think the BSG schedulers prefer to put in games that are unique or don't get showed often.
He mostly runs 80s and very early 90s non-IBM PC games so it kind of is, especially since Oni is 99.
80% of his body mass is pure heart.
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He gives me YSG vibes when he's on screen. Like he's just having the time of his life with video games.
Tell me about the Tim, why is he so Tiny?
Be born deformed.
He's a Hobbit
The reason Tiny Tim is so happy is because he's laser-focused on those rock-hard anime cheeks.
Not being immensely jaded and just being open to the idea that things way outside your area of expertise might be cool or fun.
He's just a small dude.
I really like this aesthetic, honestly. Part of me wants a modern GitS style resurgence but I know it's not meant to be.

Done, now what?
>a gnome next to a tree
He's just a little guy
Is Oni a fun game to play? I like the Bungie Halo games, they are fun with good levels and a kino OST but I don't hear any music this run.
I think he's got some sort of handicap, not sure. Coupled with scoliosis.
>janky animations
>oob abuse
>ugly ass UI
Yup, it's PC gaming time.
Normal gameplay does have music, I guess he turned it off for some reason.
It's pretty dope but I'm sure it aged poorly.
It's neat that people find games through this stuff, like a fair few anons got into Star Control 2 because the run of that .

Also it's probably worth mentioning that Tim is on staff at BSG, not one of the big roles like Riekelt is but he's there all the same.
It's fun yeah, there's a mod to get the PC version working, which is the best option but a bit of a faff.
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Have you ever seen a Tim this Tiny before?
Why is she so cool?
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man, he must be like 5'10
Purple hair, cool outfits, impressively deep combat system.
A lot of Boomer runners are like that "Wow games these days sure are complicated and advanced these days huh?" and its from PS2 era. AVGN's the same.
I'm unironically surprised I haven't seen much of this in ESA given the vast amount of people that left, got "fired/banned/told to fuck off" or straight up left because of whatever went down behind closed doors.
uhm I dont think anyone here has dismissed any the criticism, it's been pretty bad and sadly doesn't seems like it will change before it ends
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500 hours in ms paint
Strong Rincewind and Twoflower vibes from this duo.
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oh for fuck's sake, it's the ginger. I'm closing this shit.
B it was comfy
B. Was fun but not amazing.
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S, Amazed Tim was really funny.
This marathon still isn't as nearly ad pozzed as GDQ so I'm still fine with-
Are they trying to phase Plum out
B short and sweet.
The host looks so done that Planks keeps doing this and the host cause question it because he knows what happened to the other staff and volunteers who questioned Planks.
Because honestly it's not as bad as these threads are painting it to be. It's milquetoast, there very few fewer partystarter redditors like Metako, but it's not *bad*.
Comfy, TinyTim's joy elevates things, and the game is fun to watch
>Planks talking about his day
>immediatly turn off stream
Why, just why? How could anybody think people eant to hear this shit?
S, that was pretty great. Nice runner and tinytim gets bonus points.
There's one guy that I see arguing against any criticism and then the person he's arguing with gets all their posts deleted

Everything went smootly.
C, tinytim is always great but the run itself was pretty boring. i wonder if the game might be cool to play through casually
Day one was a lot of people hoping they'd have the mother of all trainwrecks to clap to, instead they were bored so they faded into the background.
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>tfw we will never have another Discworld adventure game
Link it. Shouldn't be hard to walk backwards and prove.
We know it's you, dipshit. The reason your posts keep getting deleted is because you constantly ban evade.
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B, enjoyable but commentary was really lacking
>Because honestly it's not as bad as these threads are painting it to be. It's milquetoast
Which is actually worse than being bad, because it gives you nothing to talk about.
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>keep missing entire runs because i pause the stream when the terrible intermission segments happen
Bro you need to get your eyes checked.
As someone who saw this coming a mile off after how last ESA was, I feel pretty validated after being constantly dimissed in the thread as a doomposter, especially because I wasn't sharing schizo conspiracy theories like Metako takeover, but was lumped in with them and other schizos. White Knighting doesn't changed facts and the facts were it was clear ESA was headed in a speciifc direction, and the amount of staff that dropped off during last ESA since they had their staff page up at the time, was clearly weird and concerning.
Fuck off edenal you weird cunt
Just play some fucking music. That shit is pissing me off more than anything else.
>Nearly 4 hour pokemon run
Good time to get a workout in and build some gunpla I guess
Who knows maybe it'll be a cozy run to have in the background
what sort of trainwrecks would there even be? people wouldn't be allowed to go on camera and rant about the drama. hell, some people were declined their runs specifically because of that.
This, exactly. The intermission segments almost hurt me physically from cringe and boredom, I have to turn them off. I feel insulted, because someone believed I will like this.

Bring back the old overlay with next runs, music, and the occasional glitch video.
>3+ hours of pokeshit coming up
I miss the normal old intermissions. This appear on camera and talking shit isn't necessary. I have to check the fucking schedule a lot now instead of that info being kept up on intermission screen. The camera just attracts attention whores and the annoying types anyways.
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fucking same man. this is by far the worst decision theyve made, in my mind. it doesnt even show the upcoming fucking runs.
>not playing Pokemon while watching Pokemon
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Yet these threads are still way more alive than those for BSG or Dogwater.
Come watch ASM with us anon! Frame Fatales cant eb the most active small speedrun event, I wont allow it!
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A-, great run with loads of tricks but a bit too much clipping for my tastes
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Alright 501 hours, the tism couldn't let me get away without this tiny adjustment
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didn't they already show this ad?
Is ASM comfy?
Beats me, people into the hatewatching and drama shit aren't exactly rational.
desu they could just do both. Talk about the upcoming run for a minute, or maybe a short talk with the previous runners, then switch to the traditional layout of information+music.
You are right, but you can't blame people here for it. Everybody wanted to see ESA succeed, so they hated it when someone pointed out the flaws. Of course now everyone is bummed because you were right. You yourself probably hate being right and would have preferred to be proven wrong.
Good luck! We're rooting for you!
My fave bit on any non GDQ speedrun event is day one when the thread is most active and tourist anons come in going:
>Proceeds to shit stir for a bit
Yeah, or swap off. Remind everyone about charity n shiet after one run, play music after the next. A 50% cut would ease a lot of our frustrations.
That's because there's a dedicated group of people bitching about ESA for the 4th day in a row now
You need to leave, you don't talk about the runs you just gargle the ballgravy of ESA staff
plum you cant drink you're underage!
Depends, ASM had some comfy normal length runs and some very comfy 8-9 hour runs but those came with anons whining about RPG runs and long runs.
Those cropping up in the Dogwater Runs threads were hilarious.
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Where's 3planks?
It was alright.
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>Those cropping up in the Dogwater Runs threads were hilarious.
and absolutely no one took the bait. it was pure soul.
ESA continues to live rent-free in this schizo's head.
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>40000 hours of pokeymans
aight imma head out
I just want 24h and stream 2 back
>5AM and I'd rather work than watch it
Dire. Although I won't blame ESA specifically, every marathon loves long-ass Poke runs.
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Bad actors man, bad actors. They just can't handle all the Edenal big dick energy.
>no audio
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>can't beat pokemon crystal
Kek what a scrub
We'll be lucky if there even is another one without 24h and stream 2.
The runs themselves are average so not too shit but not S tier either. I don't mind this. It's everything else about the event is shit, you are right these intermissions feel way too long because of how shit they are. I wish they could just have the next run lined up immediately.
Yeah, even ASM fell victim to periodic pre-ESA drama crap but Dogwater was just people enjoying the runs way too much to give it any real attention.
shoutout to the tech crew
>two biological males without pronouns
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god what a mess
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what the fuck
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>French guy running Pokemon
fuck I was looking forward to this too. I guess you cant always get werster soul.
Did edenal make this himself lmao
The day/night cycle was the most soul Pokemon ever had.
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Sounds boring and predictable. Where's the randomizer? The race? The unknown?
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>pokemon speedrun
this might be cool
>bro ASM and Dogwater were so much better
>barely 1 thread a day
There's antiESAachizos ITT and I even agree that the quality has dipped a lot. It feels like people want Milestone Madness back or some dumb shit
Just can't jerk it to a girl with Dr Wily hair.
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Fatzke told us he would be leaving and why a few weeks before Winter started and I had a very bad feeling about it. I wanted to post about it but I had cold feet. I still don't know who ended up doing it.
Then UKSG came along and I remembered to give a holler to Nash because I hadn't talked to him in ages.
What he told me just cemented the fact that Edenal wasn't the person I thought it was and I just started saving everything else I heard from everyone and every little bit of information was worse than the last.
It was genuinely sad.
Some anon was so excited he made them, he started posting them in the threads for ASM or maybe Dogwater, nobody was impressed.
Noooo this is a totally neutral recap of the events, I swear!!!
This is my resistance point as well
I'm sure they were both good, but the threads were so slow I struggle to imagine they were as magnificent as people here will claim. Was just too busy to check them out myself, but I will next time.
AEtienne, eat some protein and do some barbell curls man. Arms looking way thin for a man.
>the Pokemon character is purple
Imagine if all the doomposters went away, you'd only need a thread for the whole event.
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I need to become this flexible
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>3h 45min JRPG speedrun
>subscribe button is purple
>soft resetting for good DVs instead of loading a backup save
holy fucking SOVL
Any information about why Fatzke did leave? As far as I know it was the first sign something could be wrong, but at that time it could have been personal reasons as well, because everything else still seemed in order by then.
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>still soft resetting
That takes some of the excitement out.
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>Check mascot legendary on title screen
>It's purple
Bungie used to be so based
>she was mad that she didn't get enough screentime
Wrong, she was mad her pimp didn't protect her. They were fine using her to net views but didn't want her to bitch or cause a fuss when the creeps flocked to her.
dead run
Why didn't he just keep the first tododile? This resetting is bullshit. Who cares about the stats just use this time he is wasting to grind a little more, boring run, fuck sake every time.
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for now all I'll say it was not for personal reasons.
It changes the breakpoints in the route.
>Who cares about the stats
Pretty sure that will have a major impact on the run, more than a 2-3 early levels
Holy fucking retard
>HM friends
lol, can't even call them HM whores
Thanks bro, you are a lifesaver. Only reason why I was looking forward to this run. I find it immensely funny for some reason that youtube remembers where I last stopped watching and continues from there. Feels like all the french runs blend together in one big french fever dream
i always called the hm slaves, but that's probably taboo now too
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you don't abuse your friends?
I still call them hm slaves.
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While we're at it, what mon would you poke?
>People actually think Lovare was in the right? Even in her "statement" she was mad that she didn't get enough screentime.
I think most people's opnion is that both parties look like losers here. Besides that one hair sniffing issue, Lovare complained about a lot of nothing, and she's a huge bigot for presenting herself as the tiddy girl and then complaining when people think she*'s exactly that. That doesn't make the ESA part as a whole look any better though. If it was only about the Lovare issue, I'd expect people to mainly side with ESA.

After everything that's happened until now, I don't thin you need to deliver any proof, it's very believable on it's own now. I also think that he's the biggest loss together with Metako. All the Argicks, Nikos, and a few more could be interpreted as GDQ/redditors fucking off, but Fatzke and Metako are ESA OGs, them leaving is a serious bloodletting.
Nobody tell that anon who was losing his mind last night about eggs that there are some in this game.
omg he said slave
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Uh oh
I forgot how slow these games were
I wonder how this ESA ending party will be like now they lost their DJ. I never really liked him on mic mid ESA but liked the after party he helped with
I think the threads were a mess last ESA just all around the board. Even though 2023 was peak GDQ tourism due to all the shilling ESA got in the GDQ threads, I think 2024 was the worst thread wise and I don't think anyone disagrees. It was just constant shit flinging. You had the doomposters but then you also had the white knights saying nothings wrong, you had conspiracy theorists and drama whores and shit stirrers and schizos like the usual thread schizo ranting about chartanon being a janny or whatever and the Metako schizo and the guy having a breakdown over Pizza Tower and the guy having a breakdown over Hi-FI Rush. The threads just weren't enjoyable to me.

I get why people were so defensive of ESA in the last threads but the extent people went to was overboard and just as bad as the doomposters.
Probably back to game ends, they stand at the desk, say some shit, roll the video, the end.
Oh god, my 15 year old VLC instance is finally dying, help m
He didn't say that though, he went on a multi-hour long rant about how Pizza Tower was virally advertised on /v/ in an unnatural way and that he was going to use all of the proxies to samefag rate it to decimate it in the ratings as revenge against it.

Fuck knows why it mattered so much to him.
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Holy shit I just noticed that you can now see the fumos. Little bit of SOUL has returned
Is there a hack for the Gen 2 remakes that let you catch every Pokemon in a single game?
Anon? ANON!

We lost another bros...
Spamming the thread with it instead of saying it once and moving on with your life is having a breakdown, yes.
>I get why people were so defensive of ESA in the last threads
It's just that it's the second loved event that's rotting away before our eyes. First GDQ became Disneyland, now ESA becomes some plain charity-first snoozefest.
The first sign something was up for me was when I noticed the staff page had been halfed, and that included Joshimuz no longer being staff but still attending. And when I asked about it in the thread I was met with an "Its fine Josh probably just moved to a different apartment/wanted to focus on running" then when I asked about Nash and Lovare I got yelled at for "doom posting" and conspiracy theories etc. Then someone responded they got kicked out of the discord and they don't know why. Then that post was suddenly deleted. So I just thought "Huh, damage control then"
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>blocking midroll ads
>blocking midroll ads
>blocking midroll ads
>but the extent people went to was overboard and just as bad as the doomposters.
Really not true, and never is. But yes, people understandably want things to remain good and believe the bad is overstated. Even after it comes to light that it isn't.
>babby saw his first necrobump
threads about non-AAA games not belogning to long running franchises are like that
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I use powerpoint almost every month at work
I ate 8 Kinder Bueno Ice in 2 hours and now my tummy grumbles angrily.
this is offset by the fact the camera is 50% of the screen, unfortunately
It almost seemed like them doing a Tommy Tallarico that the public team page disappeared mid-March this year, hiding how many people were going.

Also in a pretty fucked way, the volunteer page still directs people to contact Metako on Discord.
I wonder what shit that Eevee has seen.
Did you learn your lesson
You sound PLUMp
Bring back The Price is Right
German shit, French shit, Spanish shit,Polish shit, American shit and now Swedish shit
There's a difference between saying it once and saying it for three threads straight every ten minutes.
but why
And you bet that every shit move they pulled on their former staff was justified with
>b-but it's the best for the charity, so it was necessary, we're the good guys here, and everyone else is a hater.
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>Kinder Bueno Ice
i didn't even know that's a thing, doesn't look very good
6/10 would not pig out
I felt it was, I felt like nobody could be critical of ESA last time around because you'd just get leapt down your throat. I get that it was exhausting with all the conspiracy theory schizos constructing it all as "Its all Metako's fault its his grand master plan" and all that shit, and really being over the top at how bad it was, but I felt any other ESA thread I'd have been able to say stuff like the camera angles were shit, the table was luminscent, without one anon leaping down my throat going "WAHHH STOP DOOMPOSTING STOP DOOMPOSTING". It was just overboard and I felt genuine criticism was caught in the crossfire, it was almost GDQish in that mentality.And I get that people were probably exhausted and drained by all the doomposting and wanted anything negative to stop but the white knighting also made the threads equally unfun for those who dared to say something was bad.
There was and still is an element of the weird focus on it being the non-24 hour thing that's exclusively doing the damage to ESA and it's viewership, and that reversing that will fix everything.

Those charts one anon posted were showing the numbers were going down even before that.
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Fuck, gen 2 gets me so nostalgic. What's the best romhack for it?
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In reality this was the first sign things were changing, and people even said so in the threads back then, that it was the beginning of the end and they give it a year or two tops.
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Next time I go shops I will buy this. I didn't know it existed too.
I think they're just understandably pissed off that they can barely catch ESA live now and want them to reverse the 24 hour thing by going "look how bad it is, its killing the event" which is understandable, it must suck not being able to catch runs and only be available during some weird rerun downtime.
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Those anons were right.
Polished crystal is pretty good
But anons were shitting on the blinding white table, the skewed camera angle, and the couch when that happened. Do you have Alzheimers, anon?
I was away for a few minutes, why did he stop using rage that was supposed to be such an amazing move?
They are insanely delicious. Its the perfect ice. My favourite ice was always the king cone but the bueno has the ultra delicious top, ultra delicious core, great cone and super delicious choccy tip. Its the ultimate cone ice. Try it once. 3€ for 4 is fair aswell.
It was but not even for the content of the "runs" she did, or how shit they were, but because of the sponsorship deal that they went with that included her being there to do them.

It showed how far they were willing to go against the spirit of the event for some undisclosed but probably large sack of money from a talent agency that had TMR as a client.
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>We will never have a super detailed Gameboy era game using today's technology that can handle detailed map
>Not even a fangame based on that graphics style.
Super under rated graphics style IMO, they did so much with absolutely nothing.
Do they still serve ice cream and tables where you can sign your name on consoles or paper? I do remember that Alzheimers game over sign from last time I went.
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the memes were great
>36/43 hp
>my hp is bad
They were but other anons were leaping down their throats accusing THEM on doomposting as if thats on the same level of "ESA inside here! This is all Metako's doing!" I know I at least got my throat leapt down on when I said the hosts talking to the camera was stupid. One anon seemed on my ass.
>This livestreamer didn't say whore or slave!
>I'm literally being genocided!
I'm worried about the mental health of zoomers
i'm just not very keen on cones
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all esa needs is a couple of good men...
The thing with the table and some other stuff went into some weird magic thinking that because a tablecloth appeared some days in, anons being annoyed at it had directly influenced it to change.

Not that it was obviously bad to everybody, Anons got it done.
I find that funny, cause it feels like its saying "Do you have Alzheimers? Welp. GG. Game over."
Pretty sure that's not how it happened, and going by your failed attempt at revisionism I'm not inclined to believe you either.
They're talking about the IVs, not the actual HP value just then.
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She was setup to fail.
Favourite gen and favourite Pokemon? For me it's gen 2 and Tyranitar.
DVs, but yeah
3, Mega Scizor
Probably because you kept shitposting and ban evading and then trying to shapeshift into a concerned anon like you usually do. This is the part where you accuse me of being ESA or the janny btw.
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I fell in love with this one when hard carrying the battle frontier
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>ultra delicious top, ultra delicious core, great cone and super delicious choccy tip. Its the ultimate cone ice
you write like a faggot but you sure made me want to try them
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Yes, very clever dude. 'Woah, I asked an innocent question and got deleted, they'll NEVER guess haha'
4, Darkrai
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>W-Why does a charity event talk about charity? I'm literally being white genocided here!
Gen 3, Tropius
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The Farfetch'd puzzle always filtered me when I was a kid.
Im more of a Black Dragon / Great Dragon / True Dragonlord guy.
I had to rely on the guidebook for the sliding ice puzzles. I was a dumb child.
See it was shit like that which happened. Like that was my experience in the thread. Why is it such an issue for you to believe? Because you were asleep at some point and didn't personally see it? I'm not trying to "revise" anything, I'm just saying some anon was on my ass because I dared to have something they disagreed with. A bit like right now. It's not some fucking grand revisionist conspiracy theory here I'm just saying the white knighting was overboard because I got told off for criticising the angle by a random anon. Nothing more than that.
5, Umbreon.
Gen 2, Blaziken
No u
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Gen 4, Crobat
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Gen 3, Scizor. He's so cool.
goldenrod city, home...
Blue, meowscarada
3, Dragonite
Gen 4, Infernape
Was this an any% run? 1h 30min is quite slow even for a 100%
Remember kids, Sentret is a scout pokemon.
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i like myself a shuckle
So you're agreeing that direct shit you could see was criticized, while schizo rambling got shit on. Even if somehow your posts ended up being correct, I hope you can see that it could have sounded like schizo rambling to some back then. And people were kinda getting really tired from the schizos that blamed Metako for some reason, so they might have reacted more harshly. That doesn't have to be malicious, just you getting lumped in with the schizos.
>I know I at least got my throat leapt down on when I said the hosts talking to the camera was stupid.
Okay now that is just wrong. Everyone complained about it, just like they are doing now. Did you miss how often people mentioned they wanted to see Plum, how it was awkward, and asking where prizemommy is? Also, hope you don't take this the wrong way but you complaining about how you were right but attacked for it still makes you seem like a schizo. Instead of being satisfied that you saw the early signs, you now look like you want validation from other anons by making them admit they were wrong. Like >>683495335, why are you still bringing this up. Either just let it go or go full vengeful autist and dig through the archive to find your posts that got shit on. At least that will be funny instead of you just crying that people disagreed with you
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It wasn't even a speedrun.
haven't seen any of esa this week, should i even bother?
She's not a speedrunner, it's just any% as a fucking whatever option.
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Gen 5. It wasn't even the one that I grew up with (That would be 2 when I was very young but mostly 3). It was completely slept on because "Muh trash bag Pokemon"
>An actual story beyond "Oh lets defeat all the gym leaders and then defeat the bad guy group then become champion!" cycle in every game
>In depth characters with arcs that were more than just "I wanna be the champion!" or "I am the bad guy because I am mean to Pokemon"
>An actual sequel
>Amazing graphics, peak Pokemon graphics, the sprite art was amazing especially the detial on the Pokemon and the animations, going 3D killed the series
>The music didn't need to go as hard as it did, but it did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwyS0rRadXw
I remember peopel complaining about the Pokemon being overdesigned then, look at them NOW.
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>rollouts you
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Feels like they did Shuckle dirty by not giving it a form or evolution or something.

Even Corsola got an alt form with an evolution.
Gen 4, felt like the series peaked there. Physical and special move split was massive, biggest change to the battle system that affected both casuals and smogonfaggotry. DP sucked, but Plat fixed most of the issues. And the perfect remakes in HGSS. And favorite mon is Raichu
i tried black/white after a decade of not playing pokemon i remembered a city with skyscrapers in some ad that looked impresive for the nds
so i get there pretty early in the game and you just walk through it in 20 seconds to land in some wild grass/desert area with sandshrews and i dropped it there the pokemon gameplay is too boring for me now
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I just wish pokemon games could emulate this feeling....
>Even if somehow your posts ended up being correct, I hope you can see that it could have sounded like schizo rambling to some back then. And people were kinda getting really tired from the schizos that blamed Metako for some reason, so they might have reacted more harshly.
Thats why I was saying in my initial post though. >>683494619
>I get that it was exhausting with all the conspiracy theory schizos constructing it all as "Its all Metako's fault its his grand master plan" and all that shit
>And I get that people were probably exhausted and drained by all the doomposting and wanted anything negative to stop but the white knighting also made the threads equally unfun
I'm bringing it up because I was adding to the conversation? Why did you go for me and not anyone else in the conversation? I could say the same about you. Why are YOU still deflecting and defending? You could have just accepted that was my experience, and I was talking about it and moved on.
>Also, hope you don't take this the wrong way but you complaining about how you were right but attacked for it still makes you seem like a schizo. Instead of being satisfied that you saw the early signs, you now look like you want validation from other anons by making them admit they were wrong.
I'm not saying I want validation from it, again I was just sharing my experience of the threads last time and how I found them not fun, I was never gloating about "being right" or whatever.
>AEtienne likes the Colosseum run
Good taste.
Going to 3D was a mistake IMO. They really could have went full Pokemon: Breath of the Wild with Arceus but they didn't. They just churn out slop now as they know the Pokemon fans will eat it up.
Legends Arceus halfway got there and then SV kind of like a third got there from a different direction.

It's just a shame they keep fucking stuff up.
>Ad break right before he says it
But those are decent translations, considering that the English names and original Japanese names aren't direct translations either.
Sudowoodo was 'the tree is weird' and Bonsly is 'the basin is weird'.
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Gen 5 and Heracross
What do you think makes Pokemon runs so bad to watch?
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>Moon Eevee
Niggas talking about numbers and resets.
There's nothing fast about it?
It's a turn based JRPG
Too long, too safe, too boring. They get the right pokemon with the right stats and the rest of the run is guaranteed. No stakes, no skill, just press A.
the only good pokemon is agumon
Personally I've played through every game in the franchise many, many times. It's also just not very exciting in terms of tricks or movements.
usually the runners and the couch people in Pokemon runs are painfully unfunny
The tension is often dead after the first 25 minutes, but you're forced to watch a steamroll after that
Some gen 5 hard mode stuff is nice because they have to play carefully all the way to the end, but it's often just 'starter one-shots from full health every round'
Gen 3, Weezing
>too safe, no stakes
Fun fact : the French name for Bronzong is Archéodong
>I'm not saying I want validation from it, again I was just sharing my experience of the threads last time and how I found them not fun, I was never gloating about "being right" or whatever.
I'm not saying you are, that is why I said "seem like". Just wanted to share how starting with >>683492962 and then the long replies can create that impression. Just to add to the point how you might get lumped with the schizos due to other anons misinterpreting your posts.
>Why are YOU still deflecting and defending?
It's my first post, just saw the constant text and felt like replying why other anons might have shitted on you. The run is that boring. But yes, last ESA threads sucked and this year is even worse. Now that I have said my piece, so back to the french cafe music.
Snorlax and Golduck have foreign-language names so good that I will regularly use them: Relaxo and Awkwakwak.
2, Scyther
slow as fuck with no skill, only memory
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>when french people speak english
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5, Sandslash
Woke up to boring run, did anyone make a ratings chart?
Yeah I think we're both agreeing with the same thing at this point that sometimes people are lumped in with the schizos.
That's a pretty strong name right there.
No, chartanon was up and throbbing for too long so he had to go to the hospital
In other RPGs, you have multiple party members that each have unique abilities, so you can get interesting tech to deal with encounters. Yet despite pokemon having even more possibilities with hundereds of mons and a wider range of moves, speedruns often just become use the strongest mon and faceroll everything with the strongest move. You might get the exciting strat of using your boosting move before sweeping. So you then need a good couch to carry the run, but almost all pokemon speedrunners are the bad type of autists and can't do that.
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That so called Emerald randomizer being the worst rated run of 2022 will always make me kek.
He was off his face on viagra, I hope he'll be ok after his dick flattening.
Fave to least fave:
>Gen 2
>Gen 5
>Gen 3
>Gen 1
>Gen 4
>Gen 7
>Gen 8
>Gen 6
>Gen 9
that pokemon emerald may be the worst run i've ever seen
Never gets old
I never understood people like you. Its not cool, cute or strong. Whats the appeal?
German bros, they love us.
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2>3>1>4>5>power gap>6>utter dogshit>7
I didn't touch pokemon again after gen 7. I'm still mad.
The bullshit stuff they use to skip the story isn't really even used in randomizers, not to mention stuff like rigging themselves to get spore and a bunch of master balls.

They couldn't even come in under estimate when they cheated out of their arses.
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We gots Pokeeeemoonnnn
NTA but a poison gas monster with a funny face IS pretty cool
>Yeah I think we're both agreeing with the same thing at this point
Good to see we have reached agreement then. I'm not blaming you or the anons who lumped you with the schizos, just how the shitty threads went putting everyone in a bad mood and wanted to make that point. Now back to watching this "speedrun"
>Macbat 64
One day we'll find him.
Gen 6 was kinda cool with Megas and the jump to 3d but it was so fucking boring
Gen 7 was slightly more fun but like 80% of the game felt like a tutorial
Haven't played any of the switch ones
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Pokemon isn't a very fun game to watch as most of the fights are won just by hitting A. The exploration aspect is fun when you play the game for the first time but its lost when watching a speedrun of a game.
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It started the great Keizaron decline streak. He still as of SGDQ 2024 tries to submit the same Pokemon Emerald Randomizer. My fave one was AGDQ 2024 where his got declined, his friends got declined, including Chrism, then Chrism got accepted once Keizaron was no longer in it.
As stupid as it was, I do respect the dedication to improving his 'ick on 'eck pictures. He really went all out
He's cool to me

I like that Weezing has a face that's all happy and another where it looks like it longs for death, and it just spews toxic waste everywhere it goes - he's just like me
I'd have some shred of sympathy for that fucker if he didn't have countless pokemon runs that went over estimate, and wasn't an annoying cunt, and go over estimate for almost all of his runs, or have a massively inflated ego, or-
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What did I miss? I bought a Deck because of that poster.
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We may never do...
Why not like Gastly instead? I dont like Weezings deformities.
Im glad and hope they keep that up, Keizaron is actually unbearable. have to close the stream whenever he is on
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What about the posh version?
Stream 3 went live, in case you can't tolerate pokemans for this long: https://twitch.tv/Joshimuz
and the best rated one was the cheated run))))
Ok, i get it now.
My issue with Gen 6 was the Jump to 3D wasn't impressive, the graphics were pretty bad, they clearly didn't really know what they were doing graphics wise, it wasn/'t a big of a jump as they advertised for example the trainers weren't 3D when you battled they were visual novel style pictures. I also feel it focused solely on the 3D as their selling point that there was not much substance and uniqueness except Megas.
I prefer the original, but I liked the concept and was honestly just really happy to see Weezing get some love
you gunna cry?
Was the dlc top rated? Because base game was legit and it also got a purple color on the chart
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This gloating post over ESA makes me seethe.
No one knew it was cheated when we watched it live and rated it and it was only that 5 minute DLC that was cheated. The main run is still entertaining kino.
>gen 2 introduced so many new things such as a penis
f..frenchie I dont think you can say that on stream
asshole saying asshole things news at 11
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DLC is highest rated for 2022.
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did anyone draw Pokemon or Plums itt yet?
>Favourite gen
>favourite Pokemon
It was also the "godless nights ahead" speech
Alright then tell me what runs to watch to pass the time.
Funny thing is he came clean to the MGR community straight away and they just didn't care since it was prerecorded but still a perfectly legit run as far as they were concerned.

It was only GDQ and Karl Jobbie who made a big deal about it.
Not this thread but last year Mako did those pokemon animations that had Plum in there.
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I went to AGDQ this year. I didn't have any interactions with the staff. However, I was in a hall and Keizaron was walking in front of me. As he walked through the door he didn't hold the door for me and it almost slammed in my face. It definitely wasn't on purpose but it did make me think about his level of consideration. Small things like that make you think and are telling about other people. Later on I did get a door held open for me though. It was by Ruby
Yeah thats the thing, technically he didn't cheat. He ran the DLC and got that estimate, he just lied about it being live.
Dragonite using hyperbeam on a team rocket guy will always be based.
That shit got spammed by ESA WAY too hard on the final day. It was cool at first seeing all the animations together as one but then it happened again and again. Even Mako was like "Yeah this is awkward now I wish they'd stop" but Edenal was drunk as fuck and going to the front desk on stream with his wine in his hand insisting that they play it again.
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>go to bed
>4 hours speedrun
>wake up
>4 hours speedrun
And then they fucked
They were really impressive but ESA were also late to the party to showing them on stream since Mako was coming here and linking us to them himself throughout the week.
Just a quick 14-hour nap
Funny, I reckon about half the NPCs in that animation are gone from ESA now. Quick how things change.
It's the natural schedule. We just all got mindfucked by (((civilization))) to sleep less.
Even in just this one there's a bunch like Yato and Das.
>Gyaradis was supposed to be Dragonite
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not canon, runners are retarded. however blastoise was supposed to be it's own evolution line from beta leaks.
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>filling a non-24hour marathon with multiple hours long runs with no stream 2 to escape to
I am angry
I remember Das saying last ESA that they don't know if they were gonna stay or not and it "all depends on what happens in the coming months" and that was before Metako leaving and Lovare metooing them, lel.
So we would have had two turtle mons?
every fucking time
yeah. Blastoise was supposed to be part of a 2-evo line, but gen 1 already has a shitload of random 2 stage water types so it got merged.
I'm aware that its an autistic nit pick but it's always bugged me how Dragonair and Dragonite are in the same evolution line despite looking nothing alike at all. Dragonair looks completely fine for a final evolution. IMO it should have just been Dratini evolves into Dragonair and then Dragonite be its own no evolution line Pokemon, then we would have had two dragon lines in Gen 1 instead of just the one.
It's a shame that both of them ended up going, especially after Legends was a thing.

Get a cool smaller event once and the Chucklefuck Brothers decide to run ESA into the ground.
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It's a reference to the myth of the Kanogawa blue snake which turns into a dragon during the Hikaru moon cycle
Metako could just do a UKSG legends or some shit, UKSG already have overkill with four events a year which is a lot for a small event, they could turn one into an RPG one.
mario coin?
Oh damn didnt know that

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