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Now: Re-runs
Next: Re-runs
Later: Re-runs

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)
Stream 2: ...
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683454814

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I've noticed there's no dumb gameshow shit on the schedule or milestone madness kinda shit. Is that because they were the ideas of someone who left and they were pushing it not Edenal or whatever or is it because they just legit don't have the people anymore to do that? Or did they just get a clue? I never liked the gameshows, well they were fine it was just there was WAY too many of them, like two a day.
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That weeb fuck
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What is the champion race of the world?
have I seen this thread before
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>that smarmy little smirk
Gigachad weeaboo with a girl (fumo/fumey) under each arm.
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Onto the next.
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this is NTR
>Ratings have picked up now Evo's done
>Still not by much
He's just standing there....menacingly!
>It's over

It's only fucking half 12 lads.
they don’t have anyone to do them
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Reminder that he's back first thing tomorrow
Such great Plum OC this event
time is a flat circle anon
>sub to me on onlyfans
If you were a tranny why would you name yourself Laura?
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I hate wrestling fags so goddamn much. They have to inject their shitty hobby in everything they do.
He knows he's getting laid tonight.
No amount of diversity runners, pronoun displays, and trans rights spouting can surpass the sheer homosexuality of killing stream 2 and not being 24/7.
ESA deserves any and all failures from here on out, and I will give my attention to better events.
why do they make fumos the perfect onahole size
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Is this the most average ESA so far?
Truth. Feels like the most OC since maybe the first time her game was shilled. Kind of funny to see, considering this ESA has been nearly dead.
rent free lmao
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Yeah but they've been starting runs at 6am GMT for some fucking reason
Wait its over already? Fuck I just got home. Anything worth watching from today? I just looked at the schedule and only splinter cell looks interesting
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anyone remember when that wrestling fag btfo'd another anon during SGDQ? I forgot what the whole thing was about but those threads were great
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something something struggling artists make the best art
Rebel isn't looking too good...
>spyro 1 and 2 are run
>didn't finish the day with 3
Wasn't it from 1am to 7am last time?
Having trouble reading, son?
>watching the run
>it's purple
the color, daughter
Big lad
Its ESA summer 2024 anon, aka the grim ESA, that should answer your question.
It's weird how consumed by that shit some people's thoughts are, like it's still hilarious that numerous anons thought TinyTim was one too.
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Sweden is CET so +1 GMT*

*Gaylight Savings time may apply
what the fuck happened with darkest dungeon
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Look at the drop from 2024 onwards when they started doing that shit. They underestimated just how much of their audience was American. It will be remembered as the decision that killed them. All the doomsayers from last event were right.
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Overnight crew.
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That's gay as hell
Would prefer not to see these idiots forevermore
bro are trannies unironically too powerful?
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They were smugposting and gloating all over it when ESA got metoo'd.
What? Lumilaura is a woman
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The run of zfg's little brother was pretty good. Love me some slow descent into chaos
So ESA is confirmed dead. Was GDQ equally starved for viewers? Is this the end of speedrunning events?
I know Keiz is a smug fag, but damn, Imagine being THAT BIG of a smug fag
Aww shucky ducky quack quack
Viewers? Comparatively yes. Donations is another story. Future of charity speedrunning is twitch eceleb events and small friend get togethers like how it used to be.
Anyone have the chart for SGDQ 24?
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Not sure if you're reposting, but I bet that anon also made this edit. Love the high quality shitposts
That's terrible. When did people lose interest in video games?
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Here you go!
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Here's your Plum, bro.
Just reposting while I harvest Plums and other OC. In fact I always wish somebody would compile the OC made here at the end of the events and upload it somewhere but I'm a lazy bastard so not me.
someone paid for this
>Katamari rating has now completely vanished
Plum OF cosplay.........
GDQ has too much corporate interest to fail really, even if it lost like half of it's viewership it'd still about hit it's targets.
The GDQ higher ups have always had issues with other speedrun events, like in a very weird way. They look down on them all and definitely think of them as lesser and bad events. They're definitely kinda paranoid about some and have to shit talk them.
I could fix her bros..
in a country where you cant legally say he isnt?
Not Based
In terms of mainstream attention? Yes. They'll not get the ordinary Twitch viewer in anymore. Zoomers don't care about Speedrunning and any generation before that has already seen what Speedrunning has to offer and is over it. Speedrunning events being a big part of Twitch is no longer a thing, it was just a fad.

This is the first time I've seen the full chart. I remember chartanon was so bored and thought it was so grim he went to bed around Elden ring and dedided to finish it later lel.
Thanks. I was slowly going through the archive to try and find even one GDQ thread, since searching doesn't work.
Am I just a dumbass and there actually is an archive that actually allows searching?
The Plum OC is posted on the booru, at least: https://vidya.pics/post/list/plum/1
Don't know about the rest. You'd just have to ask everyone to post their favorite OC from the marathon on the last day.
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What do you mean? Katamari wasn't ran at SGDQ.
Its gonna make it funnier when GDQ gets his with it, this kinda stuff never stops at one thing, it seeps into the rest of the industry. Someone from UKSG got outed recently, someone from the Mario Speedrun community got outed. Its slowly making its way to GDQ. And as we all know, GDQ has a very shaky past, and a lot of skeletons in their closet.

Just bide time and be patient and wait for Keizaron's eventual "WE SO SORRY AT GDQ, WE DO BETTER WE PWOMISE :(((" tweet then people can respond with "shitshow org being a shitshow"
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It wouldn't have been on there anyways as chartanon was so turned off from GDQ's final day he went to bed around Elden Ring time and finished it later and posted it on his github. Here's the chart sorted by Median btw.
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>Thanks. I was slowly going through the archive to try and find even one GDQ thread, since searching doesn't work.
>Am I just a dumbass and there actually is an archive that actually allows searching?
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>posting the fake edit one
not a chance, fancypants.
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And Mean. Katamari is on there and in the end he just left the ZZZ and SSS spam in anyways as no matter what he did people sperged out.

It was basically
>Remove ZZZ spam, people sperged out into 3 threads worth of drama
>Remove SSS spam people sperged out into 3 threads worth of drama
>Remove both people sperged out into three threads worth of drama
>Only removed the ratings of people who were banned in that thread people sperged out
>Left it as it is people sperged out
Then he had fun with it for a bit by constantly chaing it since people were legit seething over the rating of this run, and he got schizo accusations of chart tamporing. So he took it out, that caused people to sperg out.
Then in the end he just decided to leave all results in, and that caused people to sperg out. In the end, spergs who take the chart too serious are gonna sperg.
Anon, have you been seeing purple links?
Pseudoregalia is missing the usual star symbol denoting that it was a paid ad run.
Thank you, anon, and sorry for having to be spoonfed. Much appreciated.
Is there a Golden Sun mod I'm missing out on?
not even at 10k
runner expenses to go to the event are 10 times that
what a waste of everyone's time and money.
Looks like just an animated gif
It's a rerun, anon
It was just funny that it happened because of the pronoun crap for the vtuber's character, like who the fuck gives that much of a shit?

It was like the dude who went on a three hour shitfest because of Pizza tower being ran.
I just got a PB on Minesweeper on expert (120 seconds (the 2 dollar wired mouse I bought on friday freaked out randomly and I lost 1 second))
Nah, an anon just drew some animated Plum pixel art for the Golden Sun run.
Fucking top kek, missed it at first
I'm thinkin ESA is gonna fucking crumble once everybody figures out what happened.
Not to mention allllll the fucking other issues that anons have rightly pointed out.
I seriously doubt they will be able to continue normally after this ends.

What's the next best comfy speedrun event?
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i dont even see the purple anymore
Around the time call of duty beat Battlefield and Halo. Which is also when the sportsball games became big.
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Say what you want about ESA but it's impressive that they're getting the stream to connect to the reality "below" ours to show the creatures that dwell there.
awww shit here we go again
>died less than an hour into the reruns
shout out
it's over
>stream 2 is still live
What? It's still up as a mirror while stream 1 has dropped off.
I'd cum in that if you know what I mean
Elaborate, I'm not quite sure I fully understand.
>Asian women
Fuck off
Them circling the ESA drama on Twittwr once they smelled blood in the water was eye opening. Keizaron said "shitshow event is a shitshow, surprise," the snake.
>golden sun getting a low ranking
What the FUCK
>just skipped 12 runs in the rerun???
I'd like to ejaculate inside her plum
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it wasn't a stream tech error, they had to nerf the video feed for the replay because they used the super dynamic range ULTRA 4K HD camera and made our boy RebelDragon TOO sexy
look at that those wet puffy kissable lips, lush eyelashes and glistening skin
hubba hubba
Still not getting it chief. In English!
Hmmm, no I still don't get it. How would you even know she owns a plum? Or if she even eats plums in the first place?
the incompetence of ESA is honestly incredible. This even is so fucking cooked
>Why yes this is a professionally ran speed running event
I'd hold hands with Plum, if you know what I mean.
What if they were dirty?
what about her is asian, the makeup?
It wasn't even his first time at the event too. Harutomo's done that run 4 times before at other events, but only this time it was an issue apparently.

>It was like the dude who went on a three hour shitfest because of Pizza tower being ran.
Its actually the same person most of the time. Pizza Tower, Bayonetta, Bomberman etc.
It does kind of prove their point, if their systems are such a bodge job they can't really just leave them to run by themselves and need a full team to watch them constantly.
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I'm watching his run right now and I'm enjoying it.
That's what you meant this whole time? Why didn't you just say so?
I have working eyes
Plum probably is pretty dirty.
He had he/him pronouns for all the previous ones and they/them ones this time, that's all it took for a few anons to lose their minds and engage in a pissing contest with other anons.

Shit's still hilarious.
Doctor, this anon's losing control! 50 CCs of Plum, stat!
What a fucking prick. I will never watch any run he's on from hereon
Welp time to head to bed and put an alarm since the only runs I want to watch are Street boyz and Rise of kong. Working during Flash gauntlet sadge
>Spiderdude again
Are you fucking kidding me? I want to watch the ones I missed from earlier in the day.
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didn't we just watch fucking spiderman? what the fuck
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i love these event threads, they're so cozy. feels like old 4chan before all the political shit. I'm trying to lose a bunch of weight and these threads distract me from the urge to eat
no i dont think you do
Go get a bite fat piggy
nice veins
Aight you definitely have all the beach SSR characters
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I hate him so much bros
The autoplay system's fucked up and skipped most of it.
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being 30 and still doing this online for basically nobody, grim.
Who are you??
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nothing wrong with wearing a cute skirt and posting it
i had no fucking clue esa was live
Are these are all new Plum OC?
You see, I would show pics and what not but you would be childish to search me up and really act like you're me. So for funziez, idk who I am. You tell me!
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Yeah about that
Not sure about the middle one, but the others were from the January event where a bunch of people drew her during the last run IIRC
You did before? You poor soul.
Yato, unless what you're saying needs to be confirmed via your identity (in which case use a tripcode, not a name), you should post anonymously. Otherwise you'll be seen as an attentionwhore, and no one wants that. This isn't reddit or a forum, take your name off.
>yeah about that
now what
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Anyone remember when some anon drew this for that Dora run?
Oh, okay. I guess I must've missed them or just didn't save them. No one uploaded them to the booru, either.
Maybe the real Yato was the friends we made along the way.

Also it's like 3 or 4am where he lives, he's probably asleep.
disregard that, i suck cocks
Check the schedule. These are reruns until 7AM local time, or another 4 hours 15 minutes
I 'member. I also remember the, uh, other Dora posts.
>They underestimated just how much of their audience was American.
The drops are too big for that alone. There's four distinct ways the change was a fuck-up.

American impact doesn't need explained.
The average night-shift employee is statistically likely to be three things: wealthier than average, single, and able to watch content while on the job. The rerun schedule is set up in a way that unintentionally guarantees that this prime donator demographic is presented with runs they've already seen for upwards of half of their primary viewing window.
Globally, it strongly disincentivizes speedrun superviewers taking a full week of vacation to catch every run they're interested in. They do not need to commit to the event to view everything if there's a mandatory catch-up period.
Fair weather viewers that leave it on in the background for the full duration now have to set it up 7 times as often, instead of setting it up once and leaving it running (think hobby stores, progressively minded offices, or high viewership homes).

That last one hints at the real view-killer: the most difficult part of building a stream audience is in getting the viewers to turn on the stream. Every time a viewer closes the stream, you have to go through that all over again. It can not be understated how many viewers are lost for the rest of the week simply because there is no single game that interests them on Day X so they don't turn the stream off after it starts rerunning on Day X-1. Repeated content is more anathematic than content the viewer doesn't care about. One is neutral, the other is completely offensive to the human mind.

Just a complete blunder on all fronts and anyone with the most basic understanding of content marketing could have pointed out how all of this would go.
so it goes live when i go to sleep and I'm busy during the day so i can't watch it then.
guess I'm not watching it live at all them
eh there should be some effort for booru art imo, otherwise it'll get flooded with shitty MS paint art.
You know what, you right.

My sleep schedule is all over the place so unfortunately I'm still awake
Yeah, it sucks. Sorry ameribro
That's true. There are a few "low effort" pictures on there already, though. Some of them are pixel art straight from the game, which is also funny.
That's true, but imagine if there were pages of it.
Gonna give you some /fit/ advice as someone who doesn't touch /fit/ because it sucks.
I went on OMAD and it works on my machine. The first week is rough. Ten-twelve days in, I adjusted. Depending on when I wake up and go to sleep I might get briefly hungry in "the morning" but it passes without much thought.

Just eat (including calorie dense drinks) once a day, stopping if you get full. That's it. Zero counting calories, zero caring about macros or overall nutrient mixes or carbs or ketolysis or anything like that.

It is the lowest effort diet, the problem is the same as any other diet just getting it to stick for long enough to become a habit. I've been on it ten weeks at this point and I no longer worry. I no longer keep snacks on hand. Plus dinner hits better now.

It might not be for you, but if you have the willpower to devote two weeks to only eating during a single opportunity a day, try it.
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I started running a game and going against my personal best is depressing at times
Should I go against the average instead?
Run something short. I'm doing Outrun 2006.
This is why runners use splits. You find joy in things you did better in each particular run, and it makes it easy to tell where you're fucking up in a general sense so you can practice it more.
Average or blind splits
I wish I liked Kingdom Hearts cause he was doing a good job yea, neat category as well
So what the fuck is this, they aren't doing the runs in order?
Motherfucker, Spider-Man was just on, the people you're doing these reruns for almost 100% watched it.
Fumo kino...
Try to remember that your PB is you at your very best and at your most lucky, while you've got moderate control of the former you've got fuck all you can do with the latter.

Also what >>683467397 said, pick up something else to do on the side to mess about with even if it's not super serious runs, something to get you back the feeling of learning and significantly improving.
I'm using splits already

What's blind splits? I only have options for splits from best run, best segments, or average splits
>That last one hints at the real view-killer: the most difficult part of building a stream audience is in getting the viewers to turn on the stream. Every time a viewer closes the stream, you have to go through that all over again. It can not be understated how many viewers are lost for the rest of the week simply because there is no single game that interests them on Day X so they don't turn the stream off after it starts rerunning on Day X-1. Repeated content is more anathematic than content the viewer doesn't care about. One is neutral, the other is completely offensive to the human mind.
Great point. They need to bring it back to 24h
What rating did the bayonetta run get that started the chart thing?
>What's blind splits?
I assume anon means that the split program doesn't tell you how good the segment is relative to your other attempts, so it won't turn green/red/whatever colors you set for each split, it's just there to log it while you're running.
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They barely even act supportive to other events. All the other events like prop each other up, shout each other out when they can. At GDQ they sperg out if you have another event's shirt on and legit tried to sabotage Fast 50.
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GDQ is so cooked that they were begging for feedback on Reddit but it was just a bunch of the usual people demanding they keep reading the free Palestine and trans rights donations. It's not just speedrunning. 2023 and 2024 have been an era of orbital decay where creators who take their audiences for granted are rapidly losing them. Everyone is too old and burnt out to beg for the privilege of their viewership to be met with any appreciation. It's why the MCU is dying. No more "blue ocean" strategy, either. Newer younger audiences aren't watching stale old shit. KaiCenat beats GDQ's all-time high once a week. It's do or die at this point when it comes to audience retention. Those who fuck around will be left behind and never recover from it.
>Fair weather viewers that leave it on in the background for the full duration now have to set it up 7 times as often, instead of setting it up once and leaving it running (think hobby stores, progressively minded offices, or high viewership homes).
The impact of this can be shown in analytics where there's a massive drop after the reruns start for obvious reasons, and when ESA starts again, it doesn't recover the viewership, in fact when it starts to recover, its time to end. And thats not a timezone thing, past ESA's at the same early times like 7am had higher viewership than this year. Its because the viewer has to be constantly reminded that its back on and to tune back in.
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I thought it was all about charity, why are the gloating that a charity now get less money?
these are the people that whinge about capitalism lmao
Based Stig
anyone here watch european speedrun assembly runs?
I discussed it last thread >>683459742 but yeah, casual Twitch viewers don't care about speedrunning anymore it was a passing fad, and speedrunning communities have moved beyond charity events, its all about the individual streamer now.
GDQ's running on corporate values, both in term of how much they get and how they have to treat "competition" as beneath them.
No, all I do is restock in Booktastic Books.
I think there's still room for both speedrunning events and charity events but the ones the size of GDQ or ESA that chase mainstream attention are probably pretty fucked in the long run.

The much smaller ones where it's a lot more runner centric, a lot cheaper and a lot more free from stuff like corporate sponsors and the priorities those force are probably going to stick around a lot longer.
How come events like ESA and GDQ refuse to convert into a regular gaming event?
Imagine how much easier it would be to fill time and how much fun it would be if it was just a gaming event that did all kind of stuff like tournaments, co-op streams, showcases, speedrunning, challenges and more.
It's also clear that the novelty has died for speedrunning, not only for the audience but runners as well as most runs are just people running some obscure game with no competition that barely counts as speedrunning just to get to the event.

Feels like they are so deep into the "speedrun community" end and invested too much that they are afraid to break from from the speedrun brand. Having everything centered around speedrun is not just sustainable anymore.
very nice, but I just got a 119s PB
They'd be kicking away the ladder they're standing at the top of in the hopes of being able to reach the next one along.

They're not stupid enough to do that, yes, so they're doing salami tactics.
>star wars kino
They have. GDQ gave a prime time slot to the finals of one of their on-site tournaments. Randomizer challenges and blindfolded runs have been mainstays for about 2 year now. ESA did a 5-game "it shuffles randomly whenever someone donates" challenge run earlier today. Tetris and DDR-like showcases are so overdone that they're played out. Plus ESA had all those fucking "personality game shows" at the last few events. They're both fully willing to do non-speedrun stuff that sounds even remotely interesting on paper.
The ones that did offer feedback to (mostly the "hey maybe don't yell at someone for wearing floppy rabbit ears") just got defensive remarks from him. He spent an entire night defending that floppy hat shit while GDQ was still running. Literal hours.
A lot of them think any speedrun event that isnt GDQ is a right wing chug event, see Fast50.
Both are in a way the rest of the event bleeding into the marathon stuff, the Evil Zone thing at GDQ was the equivalent of Street Boyz was for ESA, game room dicking around that turned into a friendly competition and snowballed from there.

ESA's Taskmaster thing was kind of the same sort of stuff, though also trying to go a lot bigger, obviously shooting themselves in the foot from having Metako go and Edenal's gone into hiding so while he's up his arse enough to want to be in charge of that, he can't.
I think that the best thing for events to do is to become competitive, something like Evo. Yeah they're not gonna die any time soon for sure but they'll never reach the heights they once were in terms of just capturing that casual Twitch viewer's attention. You'll have your hardcore fans who tune into all of it, and you'll have your fans of a specific game or are part of a specific speedrun community who tune in for a specific game and thats it.

The whole GDQ really pushing the dog thing hard and begging for mainstream journos to cover it like they once did from 2015 - 2017 was pathetic and will never happen again. They gotta accept that.
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Rerun's so boring I'm working on a camera hack now.
Proabably because of PR reasons, it'd be bad PR to drop the charity.
>a gaming event that did all kind of stuff like tournaments, co-op streams, showcases, speedrunning, challenges and more.
Thats just a gaming convention anon, there's plenty of those too. It should still be purely speedrun focused, but the best way to go about it is for someone to make a new, competitive speedrun event, then a casual "speedruncon" kinda thing.
A lot of these events are the same circles of people doing the same sort of thing so you'd probably not get that, certainly not in the European circles.

I'm more into stuff like Dogwater and what was ESA Legends, more relaxed, more people just having fun, they make what they make for the charity or whatever but don't chase that at the expense of everything else.
>Randomizer challenges and blindfolded runs have been mainstays for about 2 year now
Those are still speedruns tho, but I agree with the rest but it they often fall kind of flat because it's the same showcase every time like you said.
Tetris, DDR, rhythm game or a CAVE shmup.

>Thats just a gaming convention anon
I don't know any week long 24/7 gaming events like this, at most I can think of are some French charity stream that makes way more money than even GDQ
You get a few gamefest ones but they usually revolve around a single genre or something.
>wake up

ay caramba
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You've got about three more hours of reruns.
This battlefront ii run is pretty based
why? caleb is a cunt I know but is it because he's more associated with GDQ?
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He raperegnated Barbie.
Because he's anti retard, not even anti left. Aka the people that took over GDQ, so they police the chat for his emotes because politics.

t.was there when all these false accusations went down, and was aware of the whole situation. Its leftist faggots lying to damage his reputation because he dislikes idiots.
so he's transphobic? okay got it.
Go away tourist. Take your narratives and impregnate your dialated bussy with it. Stop shilling your aids event here too, it hasn't been good since 2014.
Fucking nice.
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These guys would do really well to hook up with the GDQ frog
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thanks, anon. I just saw your reply. I have never tried just eating one big thing as once, but that's the basis of fasting I suppose.

I've been doing the full macro counting thing since I started on about June 6 when I had a particularly disappointing date result. Now I'm counting macros and calories religiously with a scale, and trying to really drop my body fat.
I didn't know they were serving word salad this early at the hotel.
Doing that kind of thing sure worked out well for Mako.
a motherfucking baguette
>the rozzers
I want to eat an entire baguette while dipping it in soup
>purple baguette
did they lose like 3k since I last watched?
Legitimate question: Why do Americans struggle with so many accents? There were anons complaining about French and Finnish accents this morning and with Australian, Kiwi and Indonesian accents at ASM.
Yes, they were the victim of cybercrime.
this genuinely might be the worst ESA I have ever watched.
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Agreed, with all the drama, plummeting viewers, 24/7 not happening, I feel like this will probably be the last one
You say it's the last one every single event. Someday you'll be right!
But you ARE watching it
If you're a Euroanon you just pick up on the esl accents while playing vidya.
Wait a minute...this isn't Diddy Kong Racing.
which one is supposed to be she/her? I ain't seeing it/its
uhhh I don't know about that one chief.
wtf how has he shaved 11 seconds off that race, looked efficient af
You still took her to see them in Austin this year tho
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This run's cool so far.
No no, I agree with anon. Take your narratives and impregnate your dialated bussy with it.
I don't think even they know. It will change tomorrow anyway.
I'm not that anon, I just found the spouting /pol/ word salad to be hilarious.
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This doo looks like Roman Reigns if he never picked up a weight in his life
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>11 a.m
fuck it. gonna wreck my sleep to draw Plum
We have Diddy Kong Racing at home.
American English pronounces all the latin letters properly, whereas ESLs and Bong-adjacent countries all bastardize the language
Draw a race queen Plum >>683473585
The dude with a goatee?
nah he looks like Jay White and JD McWhatever's love child
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Tism makes it harder to understand accents and variations of speech
Do not order the Chenso Club happy meal at 3AM (evil plum attacked us)...
He looks like EgoRaptor if he wasn't a certified bitch ass nigger
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I'm not used to Egoraptor with facial hair still
The last one I ordered had like thirty nuggets and some passive-aggressive English dude with long hair kept giving me dirty looks.
Sorry, I mistook you for the discord tranny.
any run with pronouns will never be an S wtf are you all on about
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Have I got a lineup for you (donation reader doesn't count).
Sorry chud
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wow cool Splinter Cell run.
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you can set None as a comparison in Livesplit
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So this is next huh
Shit's been happening since the first game on day one, it's weird that it's just the video that gets fucked, there's no audio distortion to go with it.

Oh it's that bootleg shovelware Bully-alike.
I've seen reductions and there's literally no scale in my house except the kitchen one for cooking with. I straight up do not know my BMI or weight, I'm just eyeballing shit and it works... but I know that this is a "works for me, may not work for you" deal.

The closest I get to "counting" is looking at the numbers on foods before I buy them to see if something is shockingly full of empty calories (eg I could eat a bag of doritos in one sitting, but a 230g bag of salted doritos is over 1000 fucking cals. Half your food for the day in a bag of crunchy crisps? wtf.) I don't think "Oh but this meal is >2k" because diets are about long term shit, not whether you went one fart over your limit on tuesday and thus broke some magical streak. I also don't care about breaking my setup once in a while because friends or family or my loving, caring girlfriend of 13 years invites me to a meal out. I promised myself to not become a MUH DIET guy.

If you're having a fine time macro counting then carry on. The best habit is the one you can stick to.
>it's weird that it's just the video that gets fucked
it's a streaming bitrate thing, so hopefully ESA's local recordings are better. Maybe someone in the hotel was downloading terabytes of dolphin porn on all connections.
>hairier arms than me, a 30 year old zoomer
Audio still tends to take a hit in those cases, even if it goes robot mode for half a second.
>so hopefully ESA's local recordings are better
I guess we'll see when they come to do the Youtube uploads.
poopoo peepee
doodoo weewee
stinky stinky poopy tepee
Anon, I think the middle guy is the tranny
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ublock script stopped working for me so i'm back to ttv lol
What the fuck. Is she dead??
Feels good having whatever black magic adblock setup my Firefox has, I literally have never seen a single Twitch ad in at least 5 years.
I never finished the fire cal kestis game, it was very boring
lucky, i'm also on firefox
Where are you from? Some regions dont even get ads which is how the addons work
the mc in this game is so un-/fa/
I only played the first game but every outfit was just some ugly poncho
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She's been replaced by one of these.
Twitch wouldn't be so shit if they spent even a fraction of the money they spend on fighting ads on improving the fucking site.

Dogwater and ASM having Youtube streams was such a nice break from having to fight that shit.
Interesting. If you arent using a proxy or vpn then count yourself lucky.
Bits of America apparently get different shit with that, for most of the world it's handled country by country, shit's such a fucking mess and probably intentional to try and confuse the issue with what works and doesn't work for blocking ads.
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We really are Jedi Survivors
is this part of the series where you're forced to be that one ginger jedi?
I don't think so, if you mean the Dark Forces 2 expansion.
It was actually called Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
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Then I'm thinking of a different game with a different ginger jedi that you get forced to play.
Y'all it's back if y'all don't mind my sayin'
Loving the tears of NEET muricans who cry about european timezones and the fact that ESA doesn't pander to said demographic

t. An anon on his paid summer holiday and preparing to chill to some speedrunning
Yetee, is that you?
>work all day
>reruns all night
I seriously wish I would die in my sleep already
The marathon isn't that great, you're not missing much.
Probably better off waiting for vods so you can skip intermissions 2bh.
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>The precious hours we burgers can watch are taken up by ESL Yuropoor soigoblins talking about nothing and replays with zero twitch chat or /v/ thread activity
I've been playing The Operator since during the break, pretty cool game. You play as an office glownigger helping field agents investigate crimes.
bro your ad space?
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I pirated it dawg.
>wait why is our stream not getting donations?
oh look its edenal trying to pretend his shitty changes are a good thing again
>caring about timezones
based retard
What is it that makes yuro games done quick so much more soulful than GDQ
Alzheimer's? Never heard of it, let me look it up real quick.
I played the demo and it really hooked me. I'll probably buy it
If they're NEET why would they care what time it's on, they sleep all day anyway. Dipshit ESL pretending he's even employed in the first place kek.
It's been amusing to me, we've had that shit with stuff like GDQ putting the decent runs at annoying time and ending at ungodly o'clock since forever.

Also I work in comms and have worked on similar setups to this shit so it's been funny to see so many armchair experts come out of the woodwork, who know for sure how easy it is to run this shit with duplicate setups 24/7 on only a skeleton crew.
>wasting your day off on watching this garbage
You could be at the beach or banging hookers
It's been said but
>pick one
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Hope this block is decent, I'm going to bed as soon as Pokemon starts.
Damn, triggered cockroaches on welfare

>having any idea about how work works
Its Edenal and/or Planks. Same fag who calls everyone Metako when someone calls out some stupid shit ESA does.
It's clown hours again.
They accepted a run of this game again?
nta but i think that anon meant that american neets complain about there not being content during american neet hours
You are a third worlder projecting, learn to cope with your reality.
Somehow people think shovelware asset flip Bully is funny.
toaster strudels at 1am
Alright, the car-explosion boost was funny.
That's how it read to me too, some anons being mad that they want to stay up all hours of the day and have shit to watch, and the five or so hours of downtime ruin it.
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Is this from the Dead Rising remake?
Oh hay Heinki is on the couch, I barely even noticed.
>neet talks about reality

>We want Bully 2!
>Bully 2:
We have Bully at home.
Blahaj bros...
literally souless bully
It's ok, none of them are Swedes.
My phone can't handle this stream.
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>deadpan jokes and commentary
>silent and motionless audience
What powerful insight this anon has provided us.
Tranny shark is cringe and I'll never understand why they all gravitated to a stuffed animal at a fucking furniture store when there are people who make way better plushes.
It's because there's no fumo to liven up the party. BRING OUT THE FUMOSSSSS
It's because it's a mass-market produced item that's within driving range of any tranny, and probably a stealth marketing campaign by IKEA.
Tranny shark groomed baby shark :(
What is going on with ESA? I don't remember these threads being this slow
According to my flatmate who be trans, it's because it's blue, white and pink.
People seething about the 6 hour downtime because it's not 24/7 for some reason.
This is the first live run of the day so people are still sleeping.
What low hanging fruit.
Wait, it's not 24/7 anymore? Why? I saw the re-run in the OP but I thought it was just a daily catch up or something with a fancier name
Didnt have the manpower because planks and edenal drove them all away.
Internal organs aren't pink, blue and white
kek Heinki the roaming boss
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Good morning sirs
Their stated reasons are it gives a buffer to keep the schedule from drifting like a motherfucker GDQ style, lets everybody gets some sleep and makes it so you don't end up with runners and staff getting the short straw and not being able to enjoy the event since they're stuck on the night shifts.

It's been the way for the past three in-person events ESA has run.
>He's never seen blue veins, or bones
do NOT redeem the bully
good morning sir
GDQ schedule doesn't even drift that bad. They filled the entire marathon with couch sessions and interviews that are supposed to be """buffers"""" to keep the schedule aligned, but we are assaulted with their hamfisted bi hourly demand of attention at SGDQ while sitting under a fart blanket.
Remember that one time when it was 6 hours off schedule and it ended at 6am? Good times.
Last SGDQ was something like an hour or more out by the end of the first half day, and it only got worse.
I remember because they kept the fucking audience hostage for almost 2 hours yelling "LETS GO TWITCH CHAT" until they broke a donation record and let their final game of the marathon run.
That's what I remember, it wasn't drift, it was them being greedy pieces of shit.
Wasn't that the same year they convinced runners to pull out their runs mid fucking event and then re-added that Pokemon incentive run that failed the day before? or am I thinking of a completely different time they utterly fucked the schedule?
the runs have been very mediocre and theres no stream 2 or graveyard shift runs
"NEET hours" is whatever a NEET wants them to be, the reality is that people just miss the graveyard shift runs as those were usually the most comfy and/or fun
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this 'game' is reddit as fuck.
r*ddit game
how did he know
>esa has a 5-6 hour downtime with reruns every day
>gdq has 4 hours everyday of cringy couch interviews/activities no one cares about and trying to showcase "prizes"

I'll choose a rerun
omg there is a trans person inside of me right now
Broken clock, he's been embarrassing himself by calling way too early and getting wrong almost every game at ASM and a bunch at ESA too.
lol what a fag, be based like this guy crying about reddit. >>683483318
Goat Simulator and it's consequences have been a nightmare for the indie scene.
That was the first amusing run for me so far, leddit or not.
Rate Bad Guys at School
RebelDragon95 seems to be half the marathon, in more ways than one
it was ok
Any runs you guys are looking forward to today? I kinda wanna see the "Flash Game Gauntlet" and it neatly starts right when i get home from work.
It was kinda funny.
Game was typical low effort indie shit.
Runner was pretty cool.
didya miss the 20 minutes of autistic rambling in between every run at this esa?
F shitty over estimate asset flip Bully clone
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lolrandumb sim for small underbrained redditors
cute mustache
Oni, Pokemon, Quake, Flash Gaems, Neverhood, dunno about the OoT stuff.
the single anon looking forward to pokemon
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I'm doin' him a triple SSS!
>half way through
gonna be a C C for me me
I wanna look forward to ER but its a retarded meme category so I'm not expecting much, maybe the pokemon run will be comfy with the cafe music in the background
>evil guy
I thought we had YUG for that? oh no there's another
AEtienne's runs are pretty fun.
I'll take your word for it
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It's Joever
Solid B
The Neverhood's unlikely to meet that target, it's an obscure point and click adventure game that you've not even been able to buy for like twenty years.
more like EET BOYZ god damn
Has he gotten bigger?
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Return of delinquent Plum
how do you wipe when you're that fat?
I don't think they do, they get a bidet instead.
She looks like she beats adult salarymen for donations.
Street Boyz is one of those extremely japanese games where the name got changed and the box art has nothing to do with the game, isn't it?
I knew what you meant but I still looked at rebeldragon when I read that.
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oh noooo i hope she doesnt spank my bum
instant garbage
What even is that western box art? Makes it seem like some shitty rap game.
>Japan was CERO 12
>PEGI was 16
Always love how retarded western age rating committees are when the game doesn't even feature blood at all.
Then in return Japan is retarded when it comes to like Resident Evil where they censor gore away but west can have it as intended. Despite the fact Japan has insane gore doujin/manga/movie culture. Just bizarre things always.
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is he cosplaying lol
Wait he didn't mean Rebeldragon with that post?
kek based
The cheapest thing they could knock together.
>sexist glitches
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I bet this guy is currently in the thread. Hi anon!
im not a wizard
rebel has a phone under one of his moobs and is posting >>683484737
Oh noooo, a bunch of delinquent babes are coming to beat me up, ha ha
I thought that was a country
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Based, they should run Oneechanbara after this.
It's 3+ hour run where nothing happens for the first hour (by the runner's admission) and even then a lot of it is just skipping text boxes. I never want to see it in another marathon again.
Demolition Girl too, that's the real shit test for ESA.
goons huh
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please no! dont step on my balls or sit on my face please dont aaaaaaaaa help me
is this really what japanese schools are like
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How excited are you to see AEtienne's 'nipless?
Yeah I had to fend off chain smoking delinquent babes who tried to steal my allowance and made me go buy bread.
I hope they didn't take your virginity from you too :(
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If this was an American school they would all have guns
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I won't be posting anything at the chance of being off topic.
pokemon in general is shit anyway
Like A Dragon ain't got shit on this game.
>japanese game
>currency is zeny
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It's a Capcom meme which in turn is based on the old form of JP currency.
Fucking hell did he eat Skemmy for breakfast?
rebeldragon seems like that person that is either super nice and chill to hang out with or he's super obnoxious once you get to know him
he plays kingdom hearts...
We can only pray.
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Rate the run!
someone wake the ratings fag up
B for BIG lad
B, pretty enjoyable morning run
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>shitty /vg/ general spends years fucking up GDQ threads and speedrun marathons in general on /v/ while shilling ESA as the second coming of christ, while a mod watches the threads like a hawk and enables it
>now they cant even pretend to like ESA its so bad and speedrunning threads are ruined forever with clique faggotry and chart spam
was it worth it
B for Boyz having fun.
the later GDQ feedback threads i participated in on SDA just devolved into matt deflecting any and all constructive criticism. the worst one was where they opened a thread about adopting a charity other than PCF because of the criticisms about its overhead and misconceptions about "curing cancer" vs. cancer research. exercise in futility.
I am enjoying the autism indepth lore on this obscure jp series.
Doesn't help that the threads are dead because most people are banned
who cares, keep it on your retarded forum
seethe gdqtranny
A, I liked that one. Rebel is cool.
why did you ditch your gura avatar, it was cuter than whatever tranny anime that is
id take you seriously if you refrained from attaching literal tranime to your post(s)
>Adolf Goosebert

How does he keep getting screentime.
nice progress. keep counting calories and macros, that's literally all that matters. hell, calories is all that matters if you don't care about muscle mass.
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A, was nice
(((Gooseberg))) is based
wtf is that duck doing
B for Bancho
>15 minutes for popcorn
disgustingly suboptimal
I will now buy Glorious keyboards or popcorn or whatever the hell they sell.
It's Edenal with his arm shoved up a stuffed goose's arse, it shouldn't take much guessing as to why it's highly important to play it often.
I've been on 4chan longer than you've been alive. Not your retarded strawman.
oh boy
a meme run
answer my question
They're dead because they aren't fun anymore. These threads have aged worse than the runs themselves. Who would want to participate in this awful mess, compare this to the old /v/ threads lmao
definitely not to be confused with STREET BOYYYYYYYYZ
ESA Summer starts, they are still uploading videos from the winter stream. Why are they are like this?
Why are you here then?
Gura is the shark thing from the vtube fad right? I don't like vtubers and have never watched them, as I doubt they play games I like or would have commentary I would be interested in. Don't like ecelebs either and this just seems like a worse version of that. I get the impression a lot of people in these threads now really care about ecelebs.
They're dead for both reason, nobody dares to talk freely in the threads and most regulars here are probably banned.
Which is a shame because the threads used to be the most fun part about these events, now it's just chart spam and people accusing each other of being "X" person.
Ah it's the velociprator.png game.
Have you seen me post in other threads? No? Shut up then. I am merely stopping by and expressing my dissapointment in you, just as you have spent this entire thread griping about the event, and every other event. Not very entertaining, is it?
Probably staggering them to make maximum use out of their partner crap on Youtube.

Meanwhile Dogwater got them all up in three or four days aside from the one run that was irreparably corrupted.
>Kong is now awake
What makes a “fun thread”? Ah you’re one of the people who want to see a Troon train wreck every run just so you have something to complain about
Oh Elden Ring today nice
>2 Player 1 Controller Any% Randomizer
Never fucking mind
>What makes a “fun thread”?
Posting in a thread with people who genuinely like video games.
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S, bit late
then fuck off :)
Oh gosh, anonymous tranime postwr is disappointed in us. How will we ever recover. Thanks for stopping by (we both know you'll sit in the thread fishing for (you)s).
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>we both know you'll sit in the thread fishing for (you)s
The thread is at bump limit. I mercifully waited until it was over so you didnt have to spend hours schizo samefagging to convince all 3 people in this thread how evil I am.
Souls runs are boring anyway. Elden Ring doubly so because open world running around.
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It's somewhat impressive how badly this game does the sense of scale. Despite being Kong and all those other mobs and bosses, everything looks so small, nothing is 'out of place' really.
And it all has to do with how the camera is set up for the player and world.
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GDQ got advertised as the hatewatching experience of the year to join in on /v/, then ESA got brought up in those threads as being better than GDQ so those got included, most of these threads are stuck with drama, bitching and stupid /pol/ crap even before counting the shit with ESA's organizers lately.

Watching runs for the fun seems to be a very low priority these days.
Still here I see, fishing for (you)s like the desperate attention whore you are. I thought you were just stopping by, anon?
NTA but a thread where everyone can speak and talk freely without the risk of being banned.
It's starting to feel like Reddit where wrongthink is not allowed.

Reminds me of the picture of "Moderation on /v/ expectation vs reality" anyone got that picture saved?
Yeah where's the speedrun where they use taiko drum controllers underwater but they can only take a breath at a grace.
>do not make me *frumple* !
>do you want *dancing* ?
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>NTA but a thread where everyone can speak and talk freely without the risk of being banned.
Maybe fuck off to /b/ or /trash/ then.
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Where are they?
There's only been one good Kong game.
Donkey Kong Country 1
on your screen if you're watching ESA marathon like this thread implies you should be
Tropical Freeze is good too
so tired

so, so tired
>commentary is sparse because they don't actually now why the tech works and half the tech was found by accident
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Found it, this thread genuinely feels like the first option now
The runner is also very clearly hoping that the game being shit is funny enough to people to carry a 30 minute run.
I just find it impressive that this game has over 10 submitted runs and clearly some people have been discussing how to run it faster. Most games like this that get runs have zero community besides the runner.
It's one of those so shit it's funny to run games that gets something of a running community because of it.
page 9 bakie
im baking
Rate that shit.
you're going to burn that shit.

Shitty run and even shittier game.
C i guess
C I guess
>The screen is red!

The perfect ending

C, it was ok, shit game though
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C, run ok but game is awful
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How fucking audacious do you have to be as a studio to sell a deluxe edition and have exclusive eye-watering color filters as a selling point
Janny, he said "miggers," not the no-no word...
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Hurry up!!!!
>page 10

the thread...

where bake..
total migger death
You have 5 minutes before I add you to the list of archived threads.
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Welp, it's been fun
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esa's closed go do something else
you lying faggot
It's a bad game that overstayed its welcome.

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