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You don't actually know what neutral and "honest footsies" are just admit it.
I bet 90% of the fighting game fags on /v/ have zero clue what neutral real is.
I know this for a fact because anons like to say Tekken 8 has "no neutral" cus heat or that SF6 has "no neutral" cus drive rush, or even morons saying Strive has no neutral.
/v/ is full of zoomers and larpers who liked to pretend they're "oldfags" and experts on any genre of vidya but for some reason it even worse with fighting games. I think its because 4chan attracts social rejects with an undeserved ego and the FGC doesn't tolerate that shit so they wind up here with a chip on their shoulder despite only being gold 4. m
>only being gold 4
You're giving /v/ too much credit here.
Why handicap yourself?
The point is that people who say "honest" footsies don't actually know what that is and are just mad because they don't know how to react to jump in's or drive rush or other neutral skip tools that have existed in the franchise from the beginning.
Basically the video is saying "if your opponent isn't playing "honest" footsies with you its because they don't respect you, and if their neutral skips keep working on you then you don't deserve respect".
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every game has it's level of bullshit. no game is this super honest fundamental game. where you only have neutral and footsies. it doesn't exist. BUT there are certain mechanics and enforced ideals that some people hate. this era of enforced get in on frame advantage mechanics are some of them. combine that with the removal of defensive OS's (crouch tech, KBD etc. ) and you have a game that is wayy more aggressive. there is still neutral but enforcing it is much harder than it would be in older game. the neutral is still there. you just gotta get good at the "stop the slime rush" mini game before you are able to play it. and for some people it's just not worth it. the end result of the game isn't worth grinding out this mini game. especially when older games are free and on fightcade which i enjoy way more and with way better networking capabilities. even if i do try a modern game. outside of not having a great time due to the mechanics not being what i would like in a fighting game. i often also think to myself "this would be alot more bearable if it was on fightcade" how the fuck can every single game outside of like +R have an inferior online experience compared to fightcade ? i tried to get into under night recently and the game is fairly fun. but like i can't fucking play it. no one is around. or if they are they are they are just sitting in training mode until they get a discord ping
>the online experience is worse
>the games are less to my liking.
>the mechanics get in the way of traditional neutral too much. having to grind out reaction tests before i can even play the game.
and for what ? to compete in a tournament with a bunch of cross dressers for fuck all money ? i'll pass. i have a career and a family life. i'd rather spend my free time playing a game i like where i can find games quickly than a newer one where i have to wait on a matchmaking queue or beg on discord just to play on top of playing a game i don't particularly enjoy
Sajam unironically said it best.
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i dont think anyone knew what footsies and neutral were until SFIV and SFV respectively.

I just think it's a shitty buzzword to cope with the fact that there is a lot of downtime in modern SF , the closest thing to those terms was gold fishing from Tekken.

Anyways SF5 and 6 are garbagio, watch Third trike instead.
>He's right but I don't like him so I don't like that he's right!
The concept of neutral and its name has existed forever. Its only the buzzwords "honest footsies" and "neutral skips" that are new.
Even Smash Meleefags knew was Neutral and Footsies are.
And "honest footsies" and "neutral skips" are almost always only used to be people who are new or just got their asses beat and are salty.
This is the better video
>that SFV clip
I hope Abigail never comes back. I'm already mad that Vega is probably gonna return.
>want to get better at fightan
>unable to play online or in person
So how do I get better? What are the best single player fightans?
Not nearly as bad as that Street Fighter Alpha 3 clip.
There are no footsies and Neutral on the game were a tin can the size of the screen flies around and stomps you with his boot... or any other game pre-SFIV. I swear these are modern terms for modern SF cause they have a lot of downtime, shit's boring yo
Get better internet or accept the fact that it's over
Well SF6 literally has single player campaign.
>How do I get better
Just learn neutral, frame data and the rest will come naturally with practice. Maybe learn a couple combos to understand basic ideas of what makes a combo
Every single fighting game to ever exist has neutral and footsies. Hell even all the smash games and multiversus has neutral and footsies.
I would argue even competitive FPS games have neutral and footsies.
what's even your point in this ? my point was that why bother grinding out the gimmicky shit before you get to play the game if you don't like the game. especially when fightcade exists that has the games i do like as well as having a BETTER netplay experience than said new games that cost full price. your response to this is posting a soijam video about how people want to complain instead of learning ? i'd rather play the games i like than do either lmao. sajams whole deal is "you don't like X and call it a neutral skip ? well X has always existed" a claim i already answered in my original post. yea it has but PERSONALLY the stuff in the old games is less obnoxious to me than dealing with the new mechanics. not to mention the layers of misinfo he posts about many old games like ST like how the whole game is just wall dive loops and TODs. a view that is very skewed at best and straight up wrong at worst. if the game is just TOD's then why do none of the top tiers have them ? if the game is just about looping okizeme then why does only claw have that ? a character who sure is contender for best in the game. but far from being alone in that position.
hmm nah , yo never hear those words being used in better games cause they never engage in moving back and forward for an absurd amount of time like they do in V and 6. Sure the thing exists as a *concept* but literally who cares, hayao is about to 720 some dude from a backwards parry

You don't really have to grind out any gimmicks. Drive Rush is easy to stop just him them. Drive Impact is easy to reverse if you're not just spamming high recovery moves.
Jump spammers are freelo if you just know how to anti-air. All these philosophies apply to like any fighting game really.
I don't get what you're saying there is quite literally neutral in this clip... Controlling space is a fundamental part of neutral.
If there was no neutral Ken wouldn't have jump back at 0:04. Also Hugo is normally a weak character because he has poor neutral because he's slow, his moves are slow and he needs to be right up in your face to do anything. Yeah Hugo charged at Ken there but it took a resources to do so.
If you're a crazy person you can abolish any idea of mindgames and player interaction and excluisvely think of the games as a theory, and when you eventually are able to play against others you'll know everything about every situation
as already said it won't work unless you're legitimately a freak
>I'm already mad that Vega is probably gonna return.
what a tourist view. claw outside of ST has never been fucked up. he's been good. even great in games like CVS2 and A3. but the reason he's good in those games is not because of shit like wall dive. wall dive was only good in ST. was a combo tool in 4. and trash in every other game. what made vega good after ST was the fact he was incredible in the footsies game. if street fighter never had footsies or a focus on it.... then why was claw considered good in A3 or CVS2 ? also if sajam thinks every game is scrubby.... why does he play fighting games lmao. notice that he's taking a conversation about a mechanic that impacts neutral (drive rush) and comparing it to specific overtuned characters (claw, makoto) or mechanics that are separate from the games neutral (v-ism) if he really wanted to make a comparison he would of done v-sim but showing a guard crush set up... but sajam is a tourist that doesn't know any better.
sure but you will never ever hear anyone talk about footsies or neutral, there is simply no time to waste, moving forward and backwards is not allowed if you don't want to get clapped.

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>jump spammers.
anyone complaining about jumping has no place in this conversation. but that aside drive impact sure. it's a reaction test. and a pointless one at that given once you can react to it it becomes trash. unlike say focus attack which had alot more utility than just (armor through shit for combo). drive rush is the main offender. to beat it you have to be pushing buttons. you can't react to it. you gotta preemptivly press. if you do that you open yourself up artificially to either counter pokes or jump ins. especially if you play dhalsim. the " Drive Rush is easy to stop just him them." doesn't take into account the risk you are taking by pressing buttons. unless you are playing at low master or below where everyone is fucking trash and not whiff punishing. again like the original post. the fundamentals are still there in 6. just there is a layer of questionable design bloated on top that. the same way i don't like 3s as i view parry dilutes the neutral in the same way. not exactly abolishes it. but dilutes it. so why deal with something i don't like....when ST is free. and has a better online experience.
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Unironically you shadowbox against yourself, this is what a lot of players used to do in my country to compete against one another.
neutral is game dependant
that being said
sf6 does not have good or fun neutral
Am I the only person on /v/ who likes Arcana Heart? Like not just for the slutty lolis I mean for the gameplay itself
Will we ever get fucking Omega or rollback??
Not him but that clip is sick
Alpha 3 is fucking cool even if it's """scrubby""" or broken
Fun >>>>>>> Balance
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This absolutely and balance really only applies to the top 10% of players anyway unless one character is so broken it defines the game, and you can gentleman's agreement just not to play them anyway
Focusing so much on balance is why we no longer have joke characters too. People would sperg if a character as intentionally bad as Neco Arc Chaos was added to their favorite fighting game today and beg for buffs
>open thread
>zommlenials argueing by posting "Watch this video of my eceleb" versus "No watch THIS video of MY eceleb"
It's all E-sports fault
Youtubers fault. The community now asks for stale and generic games like SF6, it's over.
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I played the shit out of AH3 at one point. The characters are really unique and homing battles can be so much fun, but probably power creep across the different versions has made some aspects way too oppressive. Lightning is OP, Sound is the Arcana to use if you have a HKD and Dark Heart's existence solves the game. Some of Xtend's changes were also dumb, like how Mei-Fang's buffs give her 70% Extend combos with the right Arcana, all while some characters like Lieselotte and Petra feel abandoned and useless.
I still love how it plays, especially given it feels more like a good SNK game than an airdasher. Just with its screaming fast pace, triangle homing and how high you can get when battles take to the skies, it's definitely some of the most fun I've had with the genre.
Ruggerall thread.
>muh neutral
>muh honest footsies
I seriously doubt anyone really wants good neutral or honest footsies considering nobody plays SamSho
Nobody plays SamSho because SNK made sure it never had more than 10 players in the first place. Has nothing to do with not wanting neutral.
>because SNK made sure it never had more than 10 players in the first place
It was Epic exclusive for a year, had terrible netcode, no crossplay, no good discounts forever, the Steam version is only available as bundle so you can't buy it for friends or even see the price after you bought it.
It's my favorite fighting game mechanically although I like the characters too. Wish people played it. The only time is was somewhat active was back when AH3 released on PS3 and even then it was immediately put on life support when PSN got hacked 2 days after it released.

>Will we ever get Omega
Yes but she'll be eX-arcadia exclusive.
>or rollback?
No. I'm almost at the point where I'm going to try to figure this shit out for myself. Arcana deserves much better than what it has right now.
I forgot, it's always online too.
Haruko is my wife
You forgot it was Stadia exclusive for a while too.
Who cares at this point? You don't even need footies to play SF6 on a high level
> I think its because 4chan attracts social rejects with an undeserved ego
You’re onto something here.
>No. I'm almost at the point where I'm going to try to figure this shit out for myself. Arcana deserves much better than what it has right now.
I'm kind of surprised it doesn't already have a fan made rollback patch when games like EFZ and DFCI have them.
>You forgot
More like I suppressed that memory. But yeah, they really did everything in their power to make it flop.
Greed and stupidity is a bad combination.
I couldn't get into it, but I will admit the meter system is very interesting.
I don't know if it's good, but I like unique spins on normally established pillars of fighting games.
well of course no one is just like smoking a pipe and debating with their opponent on the nature and theory of neutral in the middle of a match lmao. A lot of that is just instinctual at high levels.
gold 4 spotted
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SF2 Turbo Claw is obnoxious.
>drive rush is the main offender. to beat it you have to be pushing buttons. you can't react to it.
Sure you can. Just go into practice mode have Deejay drive rush at you and react. Its just a practice thing. Its literally just a faster sprint like a lot of fighting games have. I can consistently stop a deejay just brainlessly drive rushing me most of the time then punish him for a quarter of his health or so as a result.
>Bought a $100 stick
>Spend some time in the lab
>Still a scrub who loses to arcade mode
I'll never get good
>oldfags dont exist because uhhhh THEY JUST DONT OKAY
why do you tranny revisionists put your money where your mouth is and post a lobby
Calm down cutie no one said oldfags didn't exist. I said there there are people who will pretend to be oldfags.
if you want to get better, no ai is comparable to human players sadly
you could learn the game's systems i guess
Do like I did and get a leverless. The Haute42 g16 is pretty nice and cheap.
Also you're gonna suck at first its inevitable then before you know it you'll stop sucking.
I think learning from hard ai is viable as long as its not the absolute hardest because it does ridiculous things real people wont
People dont pretend to be oldfag either. they regurgitate what oldfags say while not understanding it but regardless what the oldfag believe isnt wrong while tourists like you try to rewrite fighting game history and say shit like footsies and neutral were never a thing
>wont post a melty lobby
keep seething tranny
rude ngl
>Haute42 g16
It looks so clean, thanks for sharing
>before you know it you'll stop sucking.
I think some people just can't get good on their own, they need guidance and extensive training
Not everyone just gets it
Learn to defend and then go online. Arcade is shit. Labbing is shit. Fighting other people is fun.
/fgg/ is overrun with namefag drama, so I'm staying here
>go online
Might be the best reason to buy a new game
Discord fighters are a hassle
Fightcade is good but the skill gap is massive for most old games
I got better by picking a character I thought was cool and fun (A.K.I then Chun-Li) then grinding out their basic brad and butter combos and watching some videos on neutral
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She's out on console
>brad and butter
learning frame data and the concept of taking turns helps.
Should I purchase/build a fight stick? If so which one? I did some research on this a while ago but I forgot
Just buy a haute42 g16 and save yourself the headache. Leverless is the future and its cheap. Its great as a starter.
if you think about it fighitng games are kind of like turn based games
Guys help me that SF6 music video from evo has been playing in my head constantly. I don't want to like it but something about it clicks too well
Lukes voice actor in SF6 rapped in that video. It was cool.
I sorta want a lever though. Otherwise I might as well just play on keyboard
he is. doesn't stop op for being such a tourist thinking that claw in any other game plays anything like ST claw
leverless is great because it is a keyboard just one thats built for fighitng games and portable. I only started enjoying fighting games when I abandoned my stick and controller and used my keyboard then graduated to leverless.
Leverless is just a keyboard so why do some fightan boomers like to whine about it when people have been playing fighting games on keyboard since the first PC release?
They're unironically just salty that they had to stick all these years when keyboardchads were ahead of the game.
leverless is more precise than a keyboard some keyboard directions don't work as well as a leverless one. Plus a keyboard is far more cramped and less ergonomic and a leverless
Keyboard and leverless are objectively better than stick
I thought that too but a leverless feels better in a number of ways from better buttons to not having dead keys surrounding your live ones to easily being able to be in your lap.
Nta but I've been interested in getting into the game more have both six stars and love max in my library
Which one would you reccomend overall? I messed around with six stars and that's 16:9, but is there a legit reason to possibly prefer love max since it's 4:3 and balanced different? The side panels are super cute too and I was baffled six stars doesn't have them
Man what a shame. I feel like the game has loads of potential but is horribly mismanaged AND normies will always be put off by it due to "eww lolis ick haha what a pervert game!"
Hold the fuck on Enkidu's VA is Jotaro?
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I complain while learning. I'm not a robot, or some slavic div in bootcamp where the sarge is ex-KGB and a gay rapist.
yea but does your punish beat early buttons. like if the deejay presses a button early to catch you ? and yea if they are just doing it over and over yea it's gonna be easy to react to like jumps. but on the mental stack it's different
maybe but I figured out that becoming better in fighting games is easier once you start to enjoy losing to an extent
>like if the deejay presses a button early to catch you ?
Yes. Its shown in this video.
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Since other anons were talking about obscure fightan like Arcana
I must mention Chaos Code is fucking awesome super underrated as well
>new version is also cucked by ex-arcadia though
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I played it with a friend once over remote play and Ray was really fun to fuck around with. His halfscreen hit grabs for whiff punishing and all his armored moves combined with his command grabs were fun for doing a bunch of hard call outs and getting big punishes.
I don't need some condescending british faggot to tell me what footsies is. I know more about neutral than he will ever know.
Sf4 mbipson is what comes to.my mind at least
Just walks fast and kicks you with the occasional scissor kick
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Can confirm damage nerfs in the newest UNI2 patch. Haven't figured out more specific changes though.
>damage nerfs
Oh fucking thank god. When is it out on PC and when the fuck are they dropping the patchnotes though
How significant are the damage changes? Enough to make it 3-4 touches to kill now?
He seems busted, but in a good and fun way
I was having fun with the twin characters and bravo (chad chef guy), all the characters seem to really lean into their archetypes and are over the top, it's a shame not many people seem to know about it
Probably at midnight or something.
I only tested it once with my corner Hyde combo. It used to do 3.9k now it does 3.7k.
Apparently the EVO people already tested out that IW does 20% less damage at the end of combos.
Does soulcalibur 6 have crossplay?
Six Stars Xtend is the latest one but if you're just playing arcade mode or something it doesn't really matter.
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I am huffing the good copium believing that we'll eventually somehow see a pc version either by emulation or some build.
The loketest was on pc
FGC players are such crybabies

The moment I got into SF6, on release, thinking "Well, maybe I could be part of the community now" and then dominating 95% of the people in the lobby by kicking them endlessly, they cried it wasn't fair and that I should learn how to play. Like what the fuck, I don't know combos but I know technical play, so of course I'm going to keep on kicking.

It was that way for a few days until I decided to quit because people would keep on complaining.
stadia for fighting games? what a good idea! JFC
I plan on doing local play with a buddy, but yeah mostly fuck about in singleplayer modes
How egregious is the netcode?
Man that looks sick, the fuck why would you keep it arcade exclusive god I hate ex-arcadia. Are there any existing webms of Bravo or Cait/Sith?
>How egregious is the netcode?
It's delay based but playable. You have to let the intros play out every time or else the connection will be weird at the start.
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Nah sadly I don't.
The VOD is over 3 years old and long gone as well.
Kagari has been redesigned and has completely new animations, voicework and supers.
Gou is one of the new characters.
These 2 webms are all I got.
Alright, that's good to note even if annoying
>3 years old and long gone as well
What kind of dev hell has this game been in? It looks mostly complete here
I feel like this and Arcana Heart are horribly cursed or something
If you complain about any of the following you are a fucking scrub

>"spamming moves"
> zoners
> you didnt really beat me because you didn't do combos
fightcade feels awful compared to any other platform. it randomly eats my inputs. I never have problems doing everything I want in 3S, ST, or KoF, when I want, EXCEPT when I use fightcade. It's not me. it's the fucking fightcade and how it handles input devices or input in general. granted last I checked it out was almost four years ago
Listen bong, I'm not gonna watch your fucking pseud video with a mic that captures all your fucking spit every time you open that slackjawed mouth because you have no standard. Buy a fucking ad or something you tea drinking limey.
Nigga if you're complaining about Vega, you just suck. I don't think that dude has ever been top tier, maybe even high tier.
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FLCL is trash
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Okay, you have convinced me to not play fighting games. Have fun with your niche genre and nobody to play with.
>What kind of dev hell has this game been in?
>Game announced
>Dev hell
>Game resurrected
>They're working on it for sure
>One of the founders (Team of brothers btw) fucking dies
>Indefinite delay
>Resurrected again
>Playable build that's surprisingly complete with new stages and everything
>Good reception
>Dev hell again
>1st game gets a tournament at CEOTaku
>Gets backlash because of the TO possibly killing interest
>They have to issue an apology
>Dev hell again btw
>Announced to launch for EXA
>You are here
I don't know how large the team is, but they were getting screwed on multiple fronts.
Just can't catch a break.
The game was announced over 4 years ago btw.
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I play Azrael and mash buttons, and there's nothing you can do about it
What are your honest thoughts and expectations for 2XKO?
Had potential but I think that it being a 2v2 tag game might be to its detriment if theyr'e trying to attract the league playerbase with it. It's a cool idea but I don't think humans can coordinate well enough to do tag combos like how the devs intend the game to be. Best I can think of happening is learning how to time assist skills and knowing when to tag out based on life bar scenarios and whatnot.

The way that people who played it were describing it sounds like it's abit on the more complex side which might be a hard sell even if the IP is popular despite the simple inputs being a thing.
i look forward to gate keeping league players for a week and then dropping the game forever
Was going to try it out for a week when it came out but needing to download Vanguard turned me off completely. I expect kusoge on the level of BBTAG.
Root level anti-cheat and monetization out the ass for a slower, more boring version of BBTAG/BFTG with less interesting characters.
lab never did much for me beyond combo consistency on my BnB and punishes.

i recommend going on youtube and watch a high level player play your character and copy their shit, but only if you understand the game mechanics.

if you don't know game mechanics look up those first
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I instantly assume that anyone who likes and posts FLCL has extremely severe mental health problems
Any air dashers on the horizon?
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I mean sure, go ahead
what's wrong with liking FLCL?
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>this kills the Azrael
That orb better be negative edge otherwise that's a free growler.
personally lost interest when they decided to make it an assist fighter. assist fighters are too much for me. my brain is fast, not big
Footsies is when two guys stand at ranges where neither can hit the other guy's hurtbox but will hit the extended hurtboxes of an attack and then whiff moves at each other until one gets the trade or punish he wanted
It literally doesn't happen in a lot of games for various reasons, but the people who complain about it in games that don't have it would lose in those games too
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You can TK growler it but then Makoto is right on top of you with far quicker buttons and the ability to meaty you. If you don't you're forced to approach from the air where she can anti air you or air to air, gustav and 5C pokes are basically completely off the table once orb is out.
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>Alright reception from fans and critics
>Big numbers at launch due to the IP and it being F2P
>Big dropoff like every F2P game after a couple weeks
>/v/ does it's usual OH NONONONONONO posting
>player count stabalizes somewhere near Tekken 8 numbers
>it becomes similar to Brawlhalla where it'll always have more players than multiple other games in the genre, but never really builds up some kind of popular comp scene because the playerbase is a revolving door of people giving the F2P fighter a look then playing something else

Not my kind of game, probably won't even give it an install, but I hope it does well. More popular fighting games are fine with me.
I also want to know
Oh it's the squirrel orb.
Yeah I hate it, need to line up the perfect TK Growler if I want to do it in neutral and it's ill advised.
I'd rather dashjump jA if the opportunity arises or make her come to me. Az' keepout tools can be pretty strong.
I've also had people fake the orb oki by shooting it to bait growler, fun one that. Give it a try if someone is being overzealous with the growlers when seeing orb.
Holy fuck it's worse than I could have imagined, grim
The Makoto Azrael MU is pretty funny because both are characters that usually want to get in but in this MU the best way to play for both of them is to play keep out. People typically recommend going for pure damage over orb oki against Az, but there's a bunch of funny RPS set ups you can do with it like fake orb oki against growler, orb oki frame kill into 2A meaty or just hard baiting the wake up growler or panzer.
I think it’ll do way better and attract more attention than any current fighting game and /v/ will seethe hard.
ecelebs killed fighting games
Oh it will. People expecting it to flop are retarded. It’s going to be the biggest fighting game at every tournament it’s at, and legacy FGC players are going to get surpassed by autistic league and valorant grinders who are unleashed by not having to deal with shitty coin flip matchmaking for teammates
>all that effort just to evade and kill GODRAEL
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Launch content is going to prevent it from usurping something like SF6. You can make the game as F2P and accessible as you want, the fightan audience isn't going to stick with a game that both requires 4 players and only has like 8 characters at launch. And I really doubt the influx of LoLfags that actually stick around are going to be enough to keep those numbers above the major franchises.
If it manages to not piss everyone off for like a year or two and consistently adds stuff, then you can talk about it becoming the most popular fighting game in the world.
Why do female fighting game characters always have the most obnoxious gimmicky gameplay? It's very rare that a female fighter is released that is as honest as their male counterparts.
2XKO will have at least 12 characters and you don't have to do 2v2
Why post when you have no idea what you’re talking about? 1v1 will be the primary way of playing this game with duos being a gimmick side mode to bring newer people in.
I'll give you two pieces of advice:
1. It's almost impossible to get better without real opponents, so you should honestly not bother
2. The most effective way to get good with real opponents is to pick a specific archetype of character that doesn't really on interaction. It needs to be a character that you can just flowchart to victory even at the highest level of play. In sf6 this character is Kimberly. You can just get 1 knockdown with her or a DRC and then proceed to do mix ups until you win. In theory, you can learn to do all this in training mode without ever having to play an opponent.
>with duos being a gimmick side mode to bring newer people in
And how are you supposed to convert those new duos players into the "main" 1v1 mode?
>get good with real opponents
get good WITHOUT real opponents
>requires 4 players
Nobody actually cares about the 2v2 mode.
they did a horrible job explaining that then.
the few videos i've seen talked about 2v2 as the main game mode.
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I thought the big selling point of the game and the main reason some think it's going to explode in popularity was because the main mode would give you a teammate that you could blame for losing?
If it's just another 1v1 fighter, you're entirely banking that potential popularity on the LoL IP and it being F2P, which is something that's already been tried and didn't do so good.
>social rejects with an undeserved ego
>the FGC doesn't tolerate that shit
lol that's literally all "the FGC" is
2v2 is the main mode but you can play by yourself if you want. There are mechanics that are only available if you play with a teammate.
I think this website is better when we use our own words in our posts instead of linking YouTube videos to other people and expecting them to give even half a shit about them.
you're retarded and you don't know what neutral is
>1v1 will be the primary way of playing this game
lol no
neutral is literally the last thing you have to learn in basically any fighting game. all you need at first are:
1. basic combos
2. understand mechanics
3. being able to react
4. stop mashing

don't even bother trying to play neutral until you have all 4 of those down completely.
>I can consistently stop a deejay just brainlessly drive rushing me most of the time
no you can't lol
literal pros have shown that this isn't possible, your scrub ass certainly isn't doing any better
none of that happened
a flash in the pan followed by death and obscurity
tag fighters are always niche, the league players won't stick around, the fg players won't stick around
you're both retarded
this shit will be hype for like two weeks then die lol
op has no neutral, lacks honest footsies, and is constantly getting wombo combod by the fgc community on /v/.
Are people so retarded that they actually think 2v2 will be the main mode for 2XKO? Like players are gonna enter tournaments as pairs and stuff? Solo players have a massive advantage in the game by not needing to coordinate timing with someone else.
>Like players are gonna enter tournaments as pairs and stuff?
Isn't that what happened with MVS?
>is full of zoomers and larpers
>computer posting
grim old man
You guys are both idiots. League fans won't stick because it's a fighting game, and soon enough it'll reveal an embarassing truth: they don't like the characters, just what they can do. People who play MOBAs exclusively lack the individuality that fighting games require and demand.
>lack the individuallity
>plays a genre that nurtures all execution to a point where a top level player and a scrub are doing the exact same routes and gameplan
yes how very individualistic.
that’s already happening right now lol. this game will be huge and future fighting games will be modeled after it’s success.
2XKO is vaporware and won’t even come out
See? This is what I mean. You can't even begin to understand why that's important.
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He's been having a WoodenMelty here and in /fgg/ and blaming his site nemeses Baron and nubi
Finally played DNF Duel for the first time after getting it free on Epic whenever they gave it away. After 10 or so matches, i think i might have to join the hater crew.

Too bad, too - i really like how the game looks; it just feels awful to play.
Can't have a fighting game thread without Metajini the insane tranny leaf ruining it
dnf duel is dogshit trash. there's a reason it died
>Insane tekken shill named Metajini
>Shits up every fighting game thread on /v/ for years
>Plays some random dude in Alpha 3
>Proceeds to get his shit stomped (literally)
>Becomes obsessed with the guy who beat him
>Spams every thread with his boogieman none stop even though his boogieman hasn't posted here in years
>Hates Virtua Fighter and Bloody Roar because they are considered deeper/more technical games than tekken by the FGC
>Also hates Street Fighter/Capcom because they are more popular than tekken
>Becomes obsessed with a poster named Baron because Baron beat him in a /fgg/ tournament
>Tries to create a fake persona to discredit baron
>Gets exposed
>Meltdown ensues
>Accidentally exposes himself as a tranny leaf
>Accidentality exposes himself as the anti-SF6 spammer because he's too much of a sperg to not seethe about his boogieman every 5 min even when shitposting about something else
Metajini is a schizo tekken shill who has been shitposting on /vg/ and /v/ for almost a decade, He recently got EXPOSED and outed as a transexual leaf with a scat fetish who is hard stuck in bronze/teal ranks and pretends to be multiple different people to further shitpost and force drama, he is obsessed with and stalks some literal who named "Nubi" to a borderline psychopathic level after he got BTFO in a FT10 by him, which apparently scarred him so badly he suffers from intense PTSD from the beatdown. Metajini is known to samefag profusely and perform damage control when outed and will frequently talk to himself with the same back and forward replies in every thread for hours on end.
you aren't playing sf4 zoomie. no one is gonna be able to tell the difference between your play and the next guy when you are all running the same mix and the same confirms. anyone that actually cares about creativity is gonna get HxH the only people who care about 2xko is the e-sport zoomie shills (which granted is about 80% of the FGC at this point)
Metajini got caught schizo posting none stop for over a week and all his posts got deleted proving he was samefagging all long, but then he ban evaded and came right back to the thread to complain that the mods were working together with his imaginary boogeyman as part of some shadowy cabal who was out to conspire against him.

Metajini has been doing this for almost EIGHT years, and all because he lost in some button mashing kusoge.

He has LITERALLY been seething about his boogieman for almost 8 years
It lines up exactly with the fightcade replay of him losing.
Nice drama faggot
>alpha 3
was it decided to play X-ism or do they both just not know better ?
Metajini the insane tranny leaf is the one shitting up /fgg/ and flooding /v/ with anti-SF boards
>Tranny in white = Metajini
>Jin = People exposing Metajini as a tranny leaf
>Guy in bottom left corner = Metajini having a mental breakdown
The problem isn't that people don't know what neutral is. Its their idea that neutral reset is a consistent factor and that their idea of a good fighting game is for the person to win neutral to somehow lose advantage when neutral is a very rare thing. No matter what you do, a reset to neutral is likely going to be impacted by health loss or resource gain. The cleanest neutral recent in a modern fighter is SoulCalibur with soul edge activation and even then, there's defense gauge to think about when that happens.

Not even Tekken, a game with a very heavy focus on whiff punishing, has complete neutral because once offense starts, then the stage comes into play and if you are on one with walls, then the loser is obviously the one with his back to them as he needs to escape and therefore you're defending against an opponent preventing you from escaping.

I think all this hate on "fighting games with no neutral" is secretly people hating on oki.
>The game they spent 3 days showcasing at EVO is vapoware
At least pretend like you know what the word means.
>hmm nah , yo never hear those words being used in better games cause they never engage in moving back and forward for an absurd amount of time like they do in V and 6.
Are...are you stupid? You know why they're doing that, right?
I don't care for it, but I will vouch for it anyway just to see Capbitches seethe, cope, and cry into oblivion.
>anyone that actually cares about creativity is gonna get HxH
nta but both 2xko and the HxH game look like fucking gutter trash
both look like shit for different reasons, one is safe normieslop garbo and the other looks like a janky mobile game
How do you deal with someone that is not interested in neutral, and just randomly approaches either from the ground or from the air? Is there a way to cover both approaches?
I don't give a shit
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Is this game better to play with keyboard or pad I don't have a stick
I don't know what it's better on but it's fine on pad. Maybe some characters like Zato might be a bit awkward, but generally it's fine.
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Nah man, fuck you AND your wife
I really want to use keyboard but I'm wondering how bad it would be I know this game has cancels so would it be harder or do I just >git gud
Does not matter, use what is more comfortable or what you have more experience with.
You can just switch to pad if you're finding keyboard too awkward.
Take your meds, nubi
How are /fgg/ faggots still seething about the same people for years now?
>play sf6
>can't counter DI spam if I use a low sweep or heavy, basically can only play the game by spamming jabs since it's the only way to cancel into DI or DR
>Lose motivation and quit
>Play Strive
>Everyone plays like a faggot and if I actually want to win I have to play a character I feel like an asshole when I pick like Sol over having fun playing someone like Pot
>Stop playing after basically full punching myself in the side of the head over how much time I've wasted in games only to still suck ass at them
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>Everyone plays like a faggot and if I actually want to win I have to play a character I feel like an asshole when I pick
Nothing disgusts me more than hoes who aren't loyal to their mains.
It's not fun to lose and be forced into empty fucking floors, anon.
>No replies
pretty please? Anyone play fighting games here?

Getting to floor 10 is trivial if you got the basics with any character
>Yeah it's easy if you're just already good and never fight anyone better than you ever
Fucking faggot.
Are you not able to play against floors higher than your placement anymore?
That just means I lose more since I'm playing against people better than me. What's the point of being a free win?
>immediately loses motivation at the slightest bit of attrition
>instead of even making an attempt to learn or adjust, just try and switch to whatever is deemed "high tier" or "optimal play"
>attrition continues
>gives up completely

I'm so happy fighting games filter people like you. This isn't even me telling you to git gud, with that attitude you need to get a reality check instead.
Keyboard, use a hitbox style button layout and it's near optimal but check you won't have rollover issues first
>>instead of even making an attempt to learn or adjust,
What the fuck am I learning? That I fucking suck? No shit, retard I've known that my whole life and It's why I smash the shit out of my head when I lose. I can fucking see what the issue is all I want and know when to block but when I can't fucking do anything about it what's the point aside from wasting my opponent's time?
It'll probably be one of the most popular, if not the most popular, fighting games just because of Riot despite being complete kusoge. With luck, it'll get more people into other games that appreciate them for what they are, the genre will get more popular, and have higher standards with even niche games having decent playerbases and solid MM. More likely, FG devs being the trend following retards they are will copy it to the detriment of the entire genre without actually taking away from it anything it does well.
I'm not good. I get filtered from celestial and every floor 9 or lower player I fought felt like a casual just having fun pressing buttons with no rhyme or reason.

You can't find out when to block if you don't end up in those situations where you need to block. In general, if you get hit, you could've blocked. Go get your ass kicked and learn from it, and don't worry about "wasting" your opponents time. Your opponent is also learning.
singleplayer is more fun anyway
Wish singleplayer AI wasn't completely lobotomized
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How do I get good as Baiken in Strive
I picked her because she's sexy and cool but now I'm actually having fun with her
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neutral is gay and youre going to have to force me to play it.
Why the fuck should I give a shit if they're learning if they're still better than me in every metric?
>oh did you think you could counter me with a jab and punish me during this spot where it looks like you can?
>nope, get fucked here's a whole combo I vomited out that does nearly half your life
>just put the controller down and let them take the match since I wouldn't have won anyways
>punch the shit out of myself for spending years on something I still fucking suck at until my head aches for the next week
at least they get an easy win on their way to master/celestial
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>not interested in neutral
That just tells me they really like to leave themselves open, so it's really just a matter of watching them and figuring out their preferences. They can only come from two directions unless they're playing as some kind of fucked up rushdown character with access to near instant cross ups.
Identify their preferred direction then beat them to the punch, if it's by air then usually a character's crouching heavy punch is enough to swat them out of the air, but utilization of that or anti-air specials swatting them out of the sky enough times is enough to ground them, then you can start using long pokes to hit the brakes on them if they keep trying to run up to you. At that point the opponent is either going to start turtling themselves, or get really desperate to get in which is when you can start looking to land a punish for big damage.
No one is fucking good at something from the start, retard
Fucking horseshit.
>what's the point aside from wasting my opponent's time?
I thought you didn't want to waste time of better players. Guess I misread your intention. Stop caring so much about winning, care about improving instead.

There is no preferred direction, it's a die roll. If I focus on intercepting ground approaches I get hit with a jump in, and if I focus on anti-airing I'm too slow to intercept the ground approach. Is it a 50-50 that I just have to live with? This specific opponent will not adapt. Showing that I can anti-air will not force any changes.
Fuck off. If I can't fucking win what's the fucking point? I learn nothing from losing aside from knowing I fucking suck and should just keep bashing my head in until I stop sucking.
Hi, Ellie!
Metajini lost to Baron and nubi years ago and still seethes about it
most well adjusted reaction to losing at a video game
She's one of the least played characters, but I'm sure you can find good guides on event hub and youtube
If you wanna experience full power Baiken check out older GG games
>Waste years of life trying to play something only to continue to fucking suck at it
>Anon can't fathom why someone would be mad
Kill yourself.
Do you get angry at a baby not being able to run when it can only crawl?
if you suck at something for years then just stop. faggot
Of course they don't. Because nobody does. Footsies aren't real and there is actually nothing to learn when playing fighting games.
It comes down to talent.
Either you have it.
Or you don't.
If you have it, you can play fighting games and do the motions with the controller.
If you don't, you'll never be able to combo consistently and always get nervous during matches.
The sooner you realize it, the better. I realized it when I put almost 300 hours into Street Fighter 6. Don't even have a winrate above 50%. Always go for the same combos. Never going to make it above 1500 MR. Giant waste of time.
You'd be the type of dad that screams at his kid for not instantly knowing how to do something he's told.
neutral is something you have to force people to play. There's no real solution to stopping both approaches other than just drilling anti-airs until they're second nature and not something you really have to focus on. However, even the best in the world miss them occasionally (see evo grand finals where punk just straight jumps at big bird)
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>There is no preferred direction
Everyone, even subconsciously has a preference or pattern that they fall into with their offense and your job is to neutralize that "dice roll", and turn it into something more manageable by making them adapt.
>Showing that I can anti-air will not force any changes.
If they won't adapt like you say, then just keep hitting them with the same shit until they die. Not all anti-airs or stop signs on ground approaches need to be big damage, if they want to keep jumping even after you've shown you're looking for their jump just keep blocking on the ground until they get into the air and smack them until the opponent either dies or finally figures out that things like grabs and overheads exist. Hitting 20 crouching heavy punches won't be replay worthy, but you'll still win.

Also, sometimes the answer for overly aggressive opponents is cranking up your own offense. I've played against a lot of people that had crazy good mix-up games, but when you corner them yourself you find out that they can't block to save their lives and keep trying to steal their turn back. Again, this is all less about trying to react and more about finding out what will break your opponent, a question that has a lot of possible answers.
I don't give a shit what other people do but you're fucking stupid if you think people aren't naturally good or at least better at things compared to others.

How about you fucking kill yourself, faggot? This shit is all I got.
>This shit is all I got.
you have to be trolling
No one denied that, you idiot. Doesn't mean we get angry at the baby. Though if you can't concede and admit your weaknesses and reflect on it and work on it, you're just worse than a baby. A baby falls, they cry and then they keep going and learn from it. Why can't you?
I gave up when I realized that high-level play in fighting games is memorizing correct responses to every move your opponent might make on top of having enough reflex to make those responses. I will never "git gud" at this because training for this is just not fun. I barely know the move set of my main and I gotta learn the move sets of every other character if I want to do well. Yeah, not gonna bother. Neither will 90% of people playing those games. Fighting games don't cultivate a fanbase as much as they burn through newcomers. Playing them only in singleplayer is legitimately not a bad idea.
I fucking suck at everything else I try. Aside from work the only thing that even slightly brings some fun in my life is vidya and apparently I fucking suck at that too. I barely have friends and I know my family hates my fucking guts so yeah this shit is all I got.

Because a baby doesn't have someone hitting it over the head with a 2x4 every time it stumbles, retard.
hit the oil rig nigga
I was interested, but the characters suck so far. I feel like COTW could be a better game.
>you're fucking stupid if you think people aren't naturally good or at least better at things
Nobody said that. There's a difference though between being actually good as soon as you pick something up and being talented. Everybody who got good at something ate shit early on and had to adapt unless they were there right from the beginning and got to set the standard.
Fuck off.
>I feel like COTW could be a better game.
Everyone that's played CotW is in near universal agreement that it's really fucking good and has a refreshing amount of depth to it. The only thing that can really fuck things up at this point is if SNK somehow jacks up the netcode again.
Asukafag the 2nd over here kek
They wouldn't mess up their launch a 3rd time would they?
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>They wouldn't mess up their launch a 3rd time would they?
As you improve, the side effect is winning more. You learn nothing from loss because you're not trying to think about why you lose. If you think you do know, then apply yourself. If that does not work, then what you though was wrong, think it over. If you're unable to solve problems, switch to a genre where you don't need to solve problems.

>Everyone, even subconsciously has a preference or pattern
I'll try looking again. So far it looked truly random.
>just keep hitting them with the same shit until they die
The issue I have with this is that doing that opens me up to the other approach, so I can't do that for free. And he does tick throw if I block too many ground approaches.
I did get an idea just now of how to deal with this which I am going to try, which is switch between two modes where I focus on anti-airing aerial approaches + fuzzy jumping ground approaches, and where I use moves that move me forward to cover ground approaches and dodge jump ins.
>cranking up your own offense
Yeah I've seen it work when I tried.
Kill yourself, cocksucker.
Nah, I'll kill you (in a fighting game)
flcl fucking sucks
I know my foot's going up your ass, lol
SNK better have like 5 open betas before release so they can properly unfuck their servers.
Just copy and paste that current XV netcode and run tests until that polish is blinding.
go advertise yourself on reddit tranny
I don't even play! I just buy them, dick around in trials for hours then stop!
I've nothing against it, as long as it doesn't have that intrusive anticheat. You'd think it wouldn't, but I know that was a big scare people had with SF6 and GGST, so who fukken knows.

As far as the actual gameplay goes, I like the idea of the tag in tag out system, and I'm looking for a new Comic Fighter after TFH's publisher screwed the game over, so it has some moderate appeal. Mostly comes down to how big the filesize is going to be and the roster; if it's sub-20GB and they add Jax, I'd keep it permanently installed.
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The Hori Octa D-Pad is actually good for FGs.
Sex with Haruko. That is all.
>Bought a $100 stick
Why are you spending money on something you don't understand how it works?
>Spend some time in the lab
Because you're doing everything wrong and not using training more for its intended purpose, aka refining what you already know.
>Still a scrub who loses to arcade mode
So? Gotta start somewhere. I got my ass mopped SF4's very easy for the longest time, but then playing against computers is basically glorified training mode. If you want to see improvement, play against someone for hours on end.
>but they'll smoke me so easily
And? When you're playing against somebody your focus shouldn't be solely on them, it should mostly be on you. What you're doing, what you're not doing, what you're being hesitant on. Shit you know what's so good about playing against other people? You can fucking copy them! Not 1:1 obviously, but what's stopping you from taking ideas from somebody else and making them your own? How do you think everybody else learned this shit? Dreams and good reads? Fucking no.
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I care more about character design and art direction than gameplay in fighting games
Bet that's also true for a lot of anons on here
Someone who earlier in the year bought his first lever and leverless a month apart from each other. For the former I use a Mayflash F500 Elite and the latter is a Haute 42 G16. The Mayflash is responsive and the buttons feel good to press, alright like any lever it's also bulky so it's something to keep in mind if you ever plan on traveling with it. Also the Mayflash only has the standard 8 buttons. Meanwhile the G16 is a lot smaller, lighter, and way more buttons that can be macro'd (you can in theory customize your mayflash and add more buttons if you wanted. Nothing's stopping you from doing that.)

End of the day I use the G16 a lot more because it feels better for using charge characters which is my main archetype in fighting games. If I used motion characters more I would've just stuck with the Mayflash.
guilty gear xrd does a pretty good job of giving single player sorts things to do and content to enjoy. can't say if strive is as developed in that regard because I haven't bought it yet
>guilty gear xrd
The story mode basically being a movie is a letdown
People do seem to love that movie tho
it's hard to make good singleplayer content for fighting games
her faux GCs seemed too laggy to be useful on reaction in Xrd. is it the same in strive?
Play +R.
Dream Factory did it as did Soul Calibur. It requires a level of effort more devs don't want to committ to a fighting game.
how do i get in to it?
Anyone tried the 8bitdo m30 or the neogeo repro? I know it's chinkshit, but can't be worse than the f310 i'm using for Blazblue and Melty
dude thats like free from temu just order it and china your ids
I only ever pick a character to main and never bother to try any other character because it's to much to memorize and stuff, is this normal?
yeah, it's part of the fun
nta but it's just a generic counter in Strive, no guard cancels at all
I'm not sure what you mean about Xrd though, she guard cancels into Azami which then has followups if it catches a hit and if they don't jump cancel to block or yrc you'll almost always punish
you play a bit of rps with which followup you do, one has real iframes but is slow and risky so you use it if you think they're going to cancel into another attack, one is fast and long range and side switches with a knockdown so you use it if you catch a long recovery attack but has no iframes so it loses if you overcommit and they cancel, etc.
It's not quite as retarded as +r's guard cancels but it's still really strong and completely warps how you have to interact with the character.
I have the 8bitDo Saturn 2 which has a similar layout. The XYZ buttons are convex and too small. They really hurt your thumb after a while.
The controller itself feels super flimsy with loose shoulder buttons. Would not recommend.
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You don't need to memorize the whole roster's moves, just keep the annoying shit in mind like overheads, deceptive lows, and weird looking shit in general like this. You'd never think it hit low seeing it in action but I always catch em off guard with it.
If FF:CotW does well do you think SNK will go back for another SamSho? The last one was so damn fun but the terrible connection made it a slog to play online. Roster was damn near perfect too. Just drop the guest shit and bring back some classics or some new characters. I want to see Andrew show up in a better game than the one he got
That's part of why I like SF so much as someone who put thousands of hours in other games first. Game is way more intuitive and it feels a lot more like you can get truly comfortable in a matchup just by playing it. You'll have to practice some autistic shit in anything to get great but it's way better than shit like Hwoarang or Zato.
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>Just drop the guest shit
Noo don't take my bunny away. She's pretty and I like her parasol.
yeah defense you can just eyeball it 95% of the time. SF is almost completely unique in that aspect
Yeah, I'm a little sad I didn't get into SF sooner. Listened too much to people on here telling me it was boring. Didn't really help that it's one of the less visually appealing games.
I stop reading anything you say if you praise third strike in any way. That game just sucks ass. Atleast PRAISE super turbo if you want to sound like you actually play the game.
Super Turbo, CvS2, Alpha 3. Vega being good in a game sucks dick
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How do i change my controller bros?
>literally hu
I played it, it's really fun with a friend. I really wouldn't like to play it alone, though I might have to if it becomes really popular (meaning easy to get good quality games).

Also the graphics and roster are dogshit.

>I don't think humans can coordinate well enough to do tag combos
It's easy if you have experience in the genre, we were coordinating OTG assist pickups and mid combo pressure assists quite easily.

>it sounds like it's abit on the more complex side
The tag system is very open ended since the window to tag from an assist is extremely long. But the game is much slower than Marvel and DBFZ to compensate.
...You anti air and you check or block?
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Bunny of dance and happiness!
They already said that they're making a new Samsho right now. But it's an Action RPG.
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I'd love to go back to it but it's been over a year since I've been stuck with garbage wi-fi so I've been on a general fightan soft retirement.
Doesn't help that most of the people where I live are trash and only play shit like Tekken so it's not like I even have locals to go to, shit sucks.
Watched it.
Already knew everything in it.
SF6 has no neutral.
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>tfw want to play SF6 again but don't like anyone in the dogshit roster
>tfw want to try Strive but get reminded how fucking cringe the community is
Every fighting game community is cringe.
That's 2 mainline games and one spinoff in which there are theoretically 500+ characters due to how gauges switches things. You'll be fine.
Strive is on a different level though.
That's par for the course when it comes to anime fighter communities.
Not when the game enables trannies. I'd rather have brain dead retards chimping out over their losses than a bunch of trannies.
You can't choose both options, or else you explode. Checking ground loses to jump in, and focusing on anti-air loses to ground approach.
>it randomly eats my inputs.
No it doesn't.
>Not when the game enables trannies.
Trannies love anime games m8, sure Strive did the Bridget thing which brought in more, but those fags (and actual fags) have been all over shit like GG and BB for a loooong time now.
>play Sol
>DP into RC into HS x2 into DP again
>can still do it
I thought they got rid of this?
I feel bad for Mai fans if BB ever gets the Strive treatment
thankfully BB is fully dead now so it won't get that bad.
still mad Ragna wasn't the guest character.
HS DP isn't invulnerable, so you can RC it.
ooooh, okay I'm retarded.
I wish I could play an updated version of Last Bronx… I miss Sega arcade fighters so much.
>If you want to see improvement, play against someone for hours on end
When Strive came out there was an incredibly patient I-No that did a FT50 with me, because we both kept offering and accepting rematches. I'm still dogshit at fightans but any I-No I went up against after that didn't stand a chance.
Wish I could have thanked him afterwards but I had no idea what the chat button was set to on KB.
It's up
I wish I had people to play KOF with
What teams do you usuall roll with?
Omega Rugal

But also like to play Benimaru a lot as well as Blue Mary, Clark, and Orochi Shermie. Really want to learn Duo Lon and K' as well
Bro, what? Think about what range you're doing it at and what options are available. Your opponent can't also go in and jump at the same time. If they're close enough then the check stops the jump, if they're far out you should be aware of a potential for a jump and be using buttons with fast recovery.

What are you even playing that this is a fucking problem
How do I get rid of the fucking yellow card in sf6
I've played like 30 battle hub matches and it's still there and it's impossible to get ranked games anymore
this shit is so fucking stupid why does it ban me for leaving the fucking game
GBVSR. I'll try checking ground with faster buttons.
First, you rethink your life choices.
Second, you stop acting like such a faggot that led to the yellow flag in the first place.
Yeah you definitely should not be having this problem in that game. Jumping is VERY hard in GB at a high level and it only becomes easier if your character can bait anti-airs, such as Zeta air super or 2B double jump.

Unless you're talking about Seox, I guess but that's not really a jump and it has an answer.
I'm not giving retards my points
Well I knew that, but still. Now they're out of the woodworks and it disgusts me.
Well apparently there's a new game, made by an outsourced korean company. My hopes are nonexistent.
Okay, say someone is running at you, what I would do is check space with 2M or 5H. But my opponent jumps just before that and lands a jump in. This is why I thought covering one area makes you vulnerable to the other. I'll try faster buttons and covering a shorter area in front of myself.
does anyone want to play some day 0 uzuki no combo stuff?
>You don't actually know what neutral and "honest footsies" are just admit it.
Its the feeling of actual positioning and pressing single buttons as the meat of the battle, reading each other, etc. Instead of jumping/dashing like a meth addict trying to connect a hit that will allow for a 50 hit combo, or spamming projectiles to cheese a zoning win
Watch the damn video.
Why? I just I answered your dumb question. You're welcome?
Wrong answer, nikkeri
>losing against retards

Am I the only one excited for City of the Wolves
Ok you fucking retard, I watched a bit, it literally defines footsies as
>the fine tuning of spacing between opponents, chipping away with normals while also trying to stay out your opponent's effective range, and covering your opponent's approach

So basically, what I said above....
Im excited as well, I had some fun with SF6 but honestly, I havent bothered with the first season, and Im only interested in playing with Terry. Garou seems more like my kind of jam
Buy an ad, bong.
I am. Weirdly enough, SNK games tend to have a good chunk of characters I am interested in trying and playing so it should be good. I hope to God they add a WIFI indicator and let us rank up individual characters like Street Fighter and not Tekken.
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They nerfed Yuzu's 2BC
fucking based
>they just made the hitbox slightly smaller on the ground
Fuck, you got me excited for a second.
I am. Can't wait to play Marco and Vox
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I lost some interest in fighting games after trying to get into SamSho, it made me feel that niche fighters are for friends.
Not that the game is bad, it's the only SNK fighter I've really gotten into, but often being unable to find matches plus a huge skill gap between players makes it really discouraging. The rookies never come back, and it's nice when the veterans humor you with a long set but they always know what you're going to do before you know.
I am. It's a shame that SF6 added drive rush so you can just fly at the opponent and start strike/throw/shimmy pressure. Drive rush and tap parry are anti-SF mechanics.

CotW seems like the most grounded game of this generation and there are multiple ways to deal with hops, so I think I'll like it.
>what I would do is check space with 2M or 5H
Tell me what character you're using, I guess. But no, 5H is not for the most part a "check for running button". You're close with 2M, the mediums are usually what you should be using. Your tools could also be used to deny space.

Now, I need to use reddit spacing for this to organize it but basically here's what you're trying to do and my recommendation for it. All characters depending on their archetypes have obviously a range they prefer to work at. Now, as much as I hate admitting it, Rising is a game where the characters who can stick close to an opponent are preferred, so usually the more rushdown and neutral characters stick to the top (Nier is an obvious an exception).

I'm a Zeta main. I do not have good buttons for the most part besides 5L if for example a Lancelot or Siegfriend gets close to me. I could deny space with laser but obviously they can evade it, block and walk, run and super jump, etc, it has a lot of answers.

Now, to CONTROL the random, if that is what's happening, you need to know at what range recovery plays here. It is not necessarily a bad thing to throw out a special and have it be evaded if you can block in time and it'll tell you about the opponent's mannerisms. No matter how random they get, they will do what works, and this is where you need to figure out where your character is strongest.

It sounds like potentially you give up space depending on your character choice if your opponent is running at you. So let's pretend you're a zoner, let's pretend you're Metera.

Metera excels in zoning, sure, but she can be jumped. So that's when you FEINT throwing out committal space control with low recovery buttons or you go in and use her assault to start your offense and scare your opponent from moving forward. ALWAYS assume if there's enough range for them to run that they can super jump and this is just a matter of labbing out your character and knowing how fast you recover.
Basically, it sounds like your problem is you do not know what your character does at a range that they do not operate naturally at. You should watch high level play and see how players with your character controls space. But it also sounds like you are giving up space which could be a variable of many things. You could be walking backwards because you're scared and you don't know how to move forward, which is NATURAL for players getting into the genre as they learn to get stronger. Moving forward and starting offense smartly is a bit more difficult than starting offense.

Watch your replays and see if you're putting yourself purposefully in the corner. If you're the one giving up space, then you need to learn what you're doing that's leading to that. This does not mean walking back is bad by the way, because obviously you want to always be just outside the range of your opponent's buttons.

I guess to conclude it, look at what you're doing and think, can I cut down the excess? Are you mashing a lot, leading you to whiff, and therefore committing to a decision? Are you running away too much? You need to learn when to play and earn the ground in front of your character, then. Are you blocking too much? Learn fuzzies. Etc. Etc.
>Moving forward and starting offense smartly is a bit more difficult than starting offense.
Sorry I'm learning Uzuki as I'm typing this.

Learning how to block is easier than learning how to move forward.
You just stated you hate fucking parries and then said you're looking forward to COTW. Do you even fucking know how much defense mechanics are in that game? Not that I disagree with you, I'm excited for COTW, but trust me if you think parry is anti-SF, then you are not going to be able to handle just guard.
Trying out Uzuki, I don't think I'll ever play her, but her buttons are good and she seems to have good mobility. She seems evil.
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The WIKI says "she" so this could just be a translator being a bitch
yeah it's obviously just some translator not bothering to look up the context and just guessing a random pronoun since japan doesn't use gendered ones but it's funny
>Tell me what character you're using
Using Percival.
Bro. Okay. Everything makes fucking sense now holy shit. Listen, Percy is INCREDIBLY committal. You're playing kind of a character that's kinda being fixed as patches go along but you're going to want to use your lighter buttons. Absolutely learn the range of your buttons, you are one of the easiest characters to whiff punish.
This has to be a mistake what the fuck
oh no no no no unisisters
>They buffed Hyde.

Main character privilege.
Ignore these fags. Buy a used hori rap stick. Can often get one from a Japanese seller on eBay for about $100 and their indestructible. Sticks are fun.
Yeah but I'm trying to understand why they would just let him have this https://twitter.com/Luusei_/status/1816301825164992642
Who are you?
>mash buttons
I whiff punish you into combo ggez
it has a 70% chance of being the biggest non-platform fighting game ever.
2XKO and Rivals 2 are the future of fighting games and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
I can not play Blazblue. Checkmate, Azigger.
>2XKO and Rivals 2 are the future of fighting games
They actually buffed all the top tiers in the game after giving them a slap on the wrist. Low tiers basically ate shit.
More like based.
>a smash ripoff and league trying to put their foot in the door
Fucking grim. You know, if Riot really wants to pump blood into the community, they can use some of that Moba money to organize their own tournaments and shit. Call it... "League of Legends".
Or at the least, I'm surprised none of these guys or the jap devs ever asked for a guest character in a fightan. Seems like it'd make sense, they're right up there as a top western IP next to Halo, GOW and GTA.
>League fans
You realize there are a lot of League players who are into fighting games right? A lot of prominant FGC members were Leaguefags.
Even Box Box is getting into fightan. Lily Pichu, and a lot of other League tubers are getting into fightan. Although Lily Pichu is unfortunately a kekkenfag
Sajam was a leaguefag if I recall correctly.
/v/ said the same EXACT thing about Valorant.
>Valorant is boring this will flop it won't even beat Overwatch lmao
>Valorant will never beat CSGO. CSGOfags are too autistic
Now Valorant has left overwatch in the dust and is outpacing Counter Strike.
>a smash ripoff
Rivals 2 is Smash except good. Stop seething and embrace furchads.
>league trying to put their foot in the door
League is already WELL IN the door. League is the one of the most popular games period, and Arcane put league in the eyes of the mainstream.
And with 2XKO being set the dominate the 2D fighter space its gonna be all league all the time.
Other characters got away with more nonsense after their overheads are blocked. Why couldn't he?
Its confirmed to have Vanguard. Also if you don't like Vanguard just play 2XKO on console when its out.
The /v/ whisperer...
>muh vanguard
Literally no one normal cares about this. Also 2XKO is gonna be on consoles too.
>So how do I get better?
Its easier than never in SF6
>If you are a total scrub, play the world tour to familiarize your self with the game's mechanics
>After you do that, pick your favourite character
>Do some training on training mode to get the hang of it. See the presentation as well.
>Play the arcade mode on medium difficulty, to learn how your character interacts with the others
>Now that you got the hang of it, start doing your character's trials. Do them more than once, so that your muscle memory absorbs some good combos
>Go back to the arcade ladder, and finish it again on the highest difficulty
>Once you do all these, then you are ready to tear some asses in online mode.
Its as shrimple as this
>Social reject
No. Having social skills is standard among FGC members. This isn't a moba or a FPS genre anon.
>*slaps your ass*
Don't lie to me again honey buns.
>deal with someone that is not interested in neutral
Its in the video in the OP. Basically counter their bullshit (their jump spam, and their drive rush, and spam DI's or whatever) it will scare them into respecting you and they'll be forced into playing neutral.
why didn't the JP just wakeup lv1 you?
>neutral is gay and youre going to have to force me to play it.
Isn't this just the whole general philosophy of all fighting games?
the fuck? nobody plays valorant lol
>Having social skills is standard among FGC members
nigger I've been to dozens of tournaments from locals to majors, no the fuck it is not lol
>Literally no one normal cares about this.
Not an argument.
>Also 2XKO is gonna be on consoles too.
>owning a modern console in the year of our lord 2020+4
Kill yourself Riotnigger.
It will be really funny to see the coping when the league fighter doesn't kick off.
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You really think fighting game players are more sociable than the normalfags playing games that literally demand communication?
You only defend fighting games you are good at.
Opinion discarded
I had been shimmying him relentlessly the entire set
Drop in
Yeah, I'm kinda scratching my head here. I kinda wanted more stability to Mika but oh well.
>SF6 has no neutral
Stop being a silly billy
You don't know what neutral is.
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What do you think of Rivals 2 anons?
>Londrekia gets to be the easiest fucking character of all fucking time but just SLIGHTLY less braindead than before
This motherfucker can't keep getting away with it
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So you were playing neutral.
It's weird that they're making a Rivals 2 when they haven't even released the first one yet.
I see videos on this game on my youtube feed all the time yet I never see anyone else talking about it. Not on 4chan not on twitter.
Anons 2XKO beta is coming out the same day I'm supposed to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed! What do I do!?
>You don't actually know what neutral and "honest footsies" are just admit it.
I know it's a psyop made up by shoto players as an excuse to spam fireballs and DP on wakeup
They hated him because he told the truth.
Lose wisdom, plae gaem
>want to play some under night 2
>netcode is still poopoo
kamone you fuck
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it's not neutral if he's cowering in the corner like a bitch
now THIS is neuch
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>watch out!
i like sf6
Not reading any of this leftist meme text, but my footsies involve holding down-back, and dealing out sonic boom and flash kick respectively
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Boy i sure do love SF2 Honest footsies

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so do I
>input eating
it's been fixed since then. i was about to say i remember the same thing about 4-5 years ago when they just moved to FC2 but it's been fine for the past 2 years or so. or at least i haven't noticed anything.
you are straight up wrong. all my normie mates that play like counter strike or dota are normal ass people. then i go to a fighting game local and it's filled with the most basement dwelling weirdo's i have ever seen. it's the reason i strictly play online and have done for the past 10 years.
looks like honest footsies to me. if choi didn't throw so many bad fireballs he wouldn't of got wall dived like he did. every character has options to beat wall dive in neutral. the only one i could really say was robbery was the ryu jump back roundhouse... but even then jump back strong probably would of won
SVC chaos looks like it has a mega shit roster on the capcom side. what the hell.
Speaking of which, has anyone been playing this shit? It's out. Been out. Haven't seen a damn thread or mention since.
anyone who thinks fighting games have "tech" knows nothing about math.

Here's the meta. Works on all games.
>Big Hitbox always beats Fast players (until devs fix it)
>Fast Players beats Autists who cannot resist whiffing buttons for zero benefit (muh safe, muh frametrap, muh whiff punish)
>Autists beat noobs who aren't mashing.
>noobs who aren't mashing beat Big hitbox
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in case anyone thinks i'm shitting

tekken 8

street fighter 6

guilty gear strive
sf6 had the the best balanced event at evo. Did not see much character spam.
Wakeup super is not enough for Tager
We should also give him a DP
I don't think you know let alone actually play fighting games to think some dumb shit like this
I kinda get what he's saying
What he's saying is complete nonplaying nonsense from the beginning with the no tech thing and the big hitbox beats fast players retardation. His examples aren't even examples and he's trying to make it seem like these games have some MMO wheel w beats x beats y beats x beats w stupidity.
fast players can always trigger autistic players
big boys can always trigger fast shitters
autistic players always lose
seems pretty true to me
> pick a characterI thought was cool and fun
350 hours of fighting and labbing later my win rate is still 38%
Uzuki is pretty cool, hope she ends up being good competetively
It's quite literally impossible. At best you can sit in training mode for 800 hours and have flawless execution, but none of that will matter when you have 0 neutral knowledge and can't land a hit against your opponent. Fighting a CPU and fighting a real human being are 2 completely different walls, and if you're completely unable to fight real people, then you're better off investing in something else.
At most I'd recommend fighting games with more robust and enjoyable single player content like Soul Calibur 2, MK Deception or the Blazblue games.
your neutral is probably the problem then not your combos.
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>still complaining about Edmond Honda in 2024
>how you gonna complain about honda, you can do the same thing you always did against honda
>try things that beat honda options in ST
>loses in SF6.
the only thing that historically put honda in check was how good fireballs were and how much honda got fucked with it due to lacking anti fireball options along with how easy he was to trip guard. these are all gone and combine these with the traditonal answers to stuff like butt slam straight up not working in SF6 and yea i'm not surprised everyone is finding him obnoxious. his entire existance hinges on if you can parry or not. if not get fucked, if you can free points.... ironically a worse way to balance the character than how 2 turbo did it lmao.
>I barely know the move set of my main
What the fuck
snkuck shits dont belong in sf game
>muh terry is og design for sf2
>muh og sf2 creator
the keyword is sf2
every sf games is different from the gameplay to character designs to theme
i dont want to acknowledge snkshit
>riot slop
The game looks fun I hope I get into Alpha Lab. The only characters that really appeal to me right now are Ahri, Ekko and maybe Illaoi. Wish Jinx or Vi was in the game already.
Nigga headbutt is -4 now he's shit
All he can do is walk at you with his +1 mp
Riot kino
Still waiting for some new character to win me over
Nah, my win rate skyrockets on other characters. Problem is I don't like playing other characters
They also said the exact same thing about Legends of Runeterra, Bandle Tales, Hextech Mayhem, Song of Nunu, Convergence, and Ruined King. /v/ was correct in all of these cases.
Riot's track record is spotty at best.
are those other characters mishimas ?
Every single game you listed is unironically great anon
>drive rush
>tools that have existed in the franchise from the beginning
SF6 has "neutral", it's just very dumbed down and not at all skill intensive.
kiss me you dumb dumb man
nobody complains about honda, we just like to call honda players (you) retarded (which you are)
Riot has never made an original game, they just copy and casualise other games. Kind of like Blizzard.
>implying I play honda
Meds. I'm an A.K.I main.
I don't care for the animal thing, but I'll give it a shot because it could be fun. The monk frog looks cool.
>/v/ can't beat radahn in a fair unpatched fight
>OP complains /v/ sucks at actual fighting games with frame perfect inputs and complicated combos
OP is a faggot, also has shittaste in anime
ngl they made 2XKO look really fun. Conversely Hunter x Hunter nen impact looks really mid..
How the fuck did french bread make a new character in a modern fighting game that's actually fun to lab? This never happens anymore
A.K.I and Ed are fun to lab
sex with reina. that's the post
I don't really find street fighter fun to lab in general, no matter the version.
>the twitch chat shitting on Hunter x Hunter nen impact on the big screen

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