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Now that the dust has settled, what went so wrong?
>balancing around scooby fragments
>new weapon kinds only found on dlc area
>nonsensical final boss
if i had to pick 3
I still laugh at people thinking the DLC was going to be something that impoves the base game when its all just the same schizo babble, involving NPCs who go randomly insane after delivering semi-cryptic riddles about their personality or goals, fighting literal whos and bosses with no memorable ethos or moments to their name. Somehow Gael, Artorias, Friede, OOK, even the shitty Fume Knight have better memorability to them than Not Radagon or Not Midir or Not Pontiff Suylvahn.
As a lorefag
>throwaway characters aren't interesting
>flashy bossfights with no substance
>lore doesn't tie to main characters in base that needed it which was a major red flag in any souls dlc. See Dark Souls 3 for how shitty that decision was.
>butchered Radahn
>butchered Miquella and Malenia
Only good thing was making Marika look good but that wasn't enough to justify anything. Gameplay is another nonsensical story to how shitty the weapons balance always is.
Tranny game
They made a big open world but forgot to put interesting stuff in it.
Hubris. They're not nearly big and smart enough to pull off what they're envisioning. There's a whole cut ending where you can side with Miquella as an example.
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It's an incredible DLC, and you need to kill yourself Ubishill samefag
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these games started being about TRYING to be anal-blastingly hard instead of actual well-crafted experiences that just so happened to be hard to normalfags that expect to blast through everything without issue like it's Skyrim, meaning all discourse and actual criticism falls into "le git gud" because of how hard things are when that was originally taking the piss out of everyone legitimately fucking playing the games in such a way that they'd get their asses beat
Why didn't they make the stat buffing system work like Sekiro? You got powered up for taking down tough enemies instead of looking over every nook and cranny of the empty ass map
B-Team made this game, its basically "What if DaS2 but we had the time/resources to actually put our bad ideas into fruition." Their next game probably won't be Souls related, all of it will be sent to the B-Team who will make worse games as time goes on.
Open world is a meme for lazy devs who get to copy paste the same shitty mats and mobs in open fields instead of having to think about level design.

"Legacy" dungeons don't hold up to it, they are so short all the "shortcuts" you open are pointless. Bonfires are still back to back like in the frenzy mansion lol.

Most NPCs suck ass and the cool ones are 2-3 inane conversations from death anyway so why care, also summoning is gay and you looked up Tholiers quest progression.

Tons of spells n shit are just bugged and don't work.

Balance is getting dumb in the way that the devs are too familiar with how most shitters play the game and want to ream them for it but don't really bother covering anything else remotely outside the box no matter how obvious. Rot and blood are still stupid btw.
I warned you fags that it was going to be as bad as ashes dlc for DaS3 since the same people who worked on that and DaS2 were working on SotE but none of your listened.
it was good
How the fuck does Tanimura still have a job
Fromsoft never lets go of people or have a union or something. Most companies would fire incompetent blokes on the spot.
Isn't the B team thing kind of a myth?
Sekiro, Elden Ring and AC6 were developed by different teams alongside each other and they all turned out really well
I wouldn't even have as much of an issue with it if it weren't so painfully clear it wasn't that thought out, limited number that barely hits you to cap despite there being an overflow of golden seeds, only enemies that drop them are random pot holders and hippos instead of at least one per boss, it's like they designed it to be as obnoxious as possible for the sake of it, that or they literally didn't think about what happens after the spectacle of first discovery wears off
there is no argument defending this when it was literally done perfectly well not only in Sekiro but in the fucking base game too
The fact that their dlc costs just about as much as BG3
This is a great impersonation of someone that never played the game and parroted random shit discord told them to say on 4chan. Good job.
This shit was awesome I’m glad it sold like a billion copies and that the retard complainers on this site will have no sway on the next fromsoft masterpiece
>want went wrong
Not enough dev time, shifting visions during development, Miyazaki given too much leeway
You name it.
Despite everything it's still one of the best DLCs ever made so,
>couldn't argue a single point
Genuinely pathetic tranny cope.
I bet you thought Rellana and the hippo were hard bosses.
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>Get a boss down to half health
>"you fool, I have character development!"
>2nd phase triggers
>kills me
>return for a rematch
>all back to normal
Why? This narrative retread became the norm after the devs jumped on the 2nd phase meme, but it feels fucking weird from a meta perspective. Did they just have a girl episode?
He made his company 25+ million in sales along with another 10 million in DLC sales, priced at nearly the same amount as the base game with less money. ER is bad, but he makes them money. Hes also in likelihood not very argumentative so he gets his say on big projects. You also say this like Japs have standards. Bloodborne was the last time gameplay, story and aesthetic had good synergy amongst itself, Elden Ring is a mixmash of things from all their previous games along with things that dont make any sense in the first place.
>nerfs the bosses
>nerfs the weapons
>nerfs the ashes of war
But anon, I have sway, and I didn't even play the damn game. I just signal boosted the side that pisses you off.
>one of the best dlcs ever made
Can you actually describe why? Or is it just because it costs as much as a full price AAA game and we all know Cost = Quality

>fromtard is driven into a corner
>incomes some sort of git gud derivative
>"you didn't play the game and are just parroting criticism I can't argue against"
>"you're a fromtard backed into a corner"
ESL retard it's time to take a break from posting
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Nothing, it's Fromsoftware's best game
Nah, he's right. Every fanbase calls their DLCs the best of all time. It's annoying but routine at this point.
>>new weapon kinds only found on dlc area
Where else would you find them?
You know you can look up the lore on Youtube if piecing it together is beyond your mental ability, right?
Except he is right and that retard didn't play the game. If he did he would know graces are even further away between each other than in the base game and the dungeons are fantastic, with Shadow Keep being the pinnacle of From game design.
The rest is low hanging fruit bullshut
>spells are bugged
Yeah no shit, every From release needs a fix/rebalance patch. Nobody cares because the balance swings wildly but Elden Ring patching history has been excellent with great long term support and rebalancing
Basically he is pretending and trying to dogpile on a game he hates
ER never had balance problems. Spells did exactly what it said in descriptions. It's the playerbase flagrantly misusing them that's to blame.

There are still way too many graces, though.

I understand From don't want every level to be full of locked doors and elevators but there are way too many even in Shadow Keep, many are visible from eachother.
>y-you know you can watch VaatiVidya r-right.
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Nothing, it's their best game
SOTE > ER > RC > TOH > BB > AOA > DS3 > SEK > DES > DS1 >>>> DS2 AND DLCS
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Nothing went wrong. I had a blast. Maybe you should stop playing these games if you don't enjoy them because clearly you're not the target audience anymore. I'll keep having fun and you'll keep being mad
im bored
>go into threads shortly after DLC launch when I beat it
>full of discussion, shared criticism from people who also finished it early
Can't believe thread quality deteriorated so fast feels like the DLC just game out.

Faggots trying to insist the DLC is flawless or accuse shazamposting/discord campaigns, DS2 brought up unprompted and blamed, ESL schizos that can't follow a reply chain 1 post deep. Just a pack of sub-80 IQ idiots trying to narrative set.
>shadow keep being the pinnacle of From game design
case in point look at this fucking retard, who does he think he's fooling?
>ER never had balance problems. Spells did exactly what it said in descriptions.
And you instantly gave yourself away, that was easy.
>There are still way too many graces
No there aren't, even the base game doesn't have such issue but SOTE doubled the engagements and difficulty of mobs between checkpoints.
Anyone who actually played would notice it
in the roundtable hold shop, there's already weapons of almost all kinds
So that you can p2w the base game that wasn't designed for it?
trying too hard, tranny
>ER never had balance problems. Spells did exactly what it said in descriptions.
Shitposting lying faggot, kys already
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lol retarded shazamfag
For me it's
>more fetching
>new everything that you won't get to fully enjoy because there's still no way to replay bosses without having to replay the entire game
I enjoy this but the more I play elden ring the more I realize this game needs bonfire ascetic and I have no fucking clue why they didn't introduce it on the DLC
Just let me finish the game, and then replay from scratch the areas I enjoy without having to replay the entire fucking thing again.
no, so you can get a taste of how they work, because none of the weapons in the round table shop, not the rememberance shop, the other one with the twins, none of those weapons are p2w because most if not all of them are weapons that spawn with you when you create a character and have standard ashes of war
Adding a slim greatsword or a backhand knife isn't going to break the game more than the 2 fingers seal will
Nah they definitely went overboard with the graces with Midra's manse and the front entrance of Shadowkeep being the most blatant examples of that. What's dumb is that they already had a solution to the runback problem that didn't involve putting graces everywhere but then they ignored it and spammed graces anyway.
Its a glorified boss rush dlc. And I hate modern souls games for that. Its nothing but boss rushing.
>kill hippo
>walk up stairs, kill a couple soldiers and black knights
>walk down stairs, kill some midget enemies copy pasted from base game
>open side door shortcut to hippo boss room
Bravo, pinnacle of fromsoft design, nothing they ever did surpasses that experience.

Can't wait to get into the storage room and fight a fire knight, and then some fire knight, and maybe a fire knight, then overworld mob bat in the rafters.
My only complaint is the new weapon types being a total meme.
>a bunch of weapons with throwing attacks instead of heavy attacks which are situationally only really useful in PvP except for Hammer knocking things over at the cost of your entire stamina bar vanishing
>1 (one) throwing blade with an ash of war made specifically for it
>1 (one) Light greatsword with an ash of war made specifically for it and 2 somber LGS' of which one needs the most shitter build possible to actually get full use out of Who the fuck greenlit Rallena blades C/C/C/C scaling? Just separate them like DS3 Pontif
But then again the swordlance is so strangely good because it's an infusable boss weapon and takes infusements better than any other weapon in it's class.
>Its a glorified boss rush dlc.
But it focuses a fuckton around exploration.
Just ask yourself how many scadutree fragments / revere dashes you find from beating bosses and how many you find from exploring.
Stale formula
This is spot-on.
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people adopting the retarded "must be always postive" mindset as though From can do no wrong while constantly and conveniently ignoring the multiple patches addressing legitimately broken shit in-game, iteration between titles, and the fact that NOT criticizing them leads to stagnation and them taking steps backwards, that and the fact that legitimate criticism has become conflated with "you just think it's too hard" which is fucking retarded and how you get shit like DS2 in the first place

when you're almost required to post a webm of you no-hitting the boss with a broken shortsword and in a loincloth to be able to post a short few sentences explaining why an area feels underutilized or how a boss is underwhelming without instantly seeing the same mindless "lol filtered" "git gud" posts that have become more and more prevalent over the past 12 years there is a problem
>Who the fuck greenlit Rallena blades C/C/C/C scaling? Just separate them like DS3 Pontif
It's the Dancer blades dumbass, you only use the blade with the scaling for you
You don't get time to enjoy the cool bosses because they roll up and gank you seconds into the fight so you have to resort to cheap tactics or min max building that break their AI or kill the boss in seconds.The best bosses in the game are the death knights at the bottom of the catacombs because they're not giant monstrosities and you can see what they're doing. Fromsoft peaked at Bloodborne and Sekiro in that regard because you can read the bosses and train your reflexes when in Elden Ring you're getting by on luck rather than skill.

Open worlds also suck generally.
skill issue
Not enough content. Like yeah, the environments are beautiful and the fun is a world to enjoy your first time around, but there's really very little to find.

Not enough weapons, not enough armors, not enough spells, not enough AoW. Also the game keeps being allergic to giving the player cool shit like the bosses do which hurts me, biggest offender being the Star-Lined Sword.
B team
>shortcut to avoid a dozen enemies and 5 minutes of runback
>is bad design somehow
eat shit and die
Dark Souls 2 had very different ideas.
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How about you git gud?
skill issue detected
git gud
DS2 issue was that bosses were too retarded and easy and the game considered "bosses" a bunch of NPCs in a room
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I disagree, the weapons, spells and ashes we got are really interesting and varied mechanically. I just hope they fix/rebalance spells soon
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I devoured ER base game and DLC in 2 weeks as my first souls game and decided I just won’t kill the end boss. Just cba it’s not a fun fight. Rest of the game was great.
I'm 5 to 7 hours in, and I already feel that way. I can tell the interaction with the game world is very shallow and there isn't enough kind of content to keep me satisfied. It's just look at new shiny environment and fight so far. I'm still early on, but after New Vegas, I'm spoiled. I like lots of different ingame characters and quests to discover, I like content and interacting with the narrative, shaping it by my actions, and don't get me wrong, I like the game so far, but it's already a little too shallow for me .
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Anon if you are an INT/FTH build use both, if you are an INT build only 1 hand it, if you are a FTH build put it on the left hand and 1 hand it
Still not nearly enough. Fucks sake all of the new weapon types only have one infusable rep.
one of the best bosses in the game is Midra and he's easy as fuck
I noticed this, it's like they threw in bare minimum "1 infusable 1-2 legendaries" for all of them when they could've at least gone with like 4 or 5 each
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>Also the game keeps being allergic to giving the player cool shit like the bosses do which hurts me
Still haven't forgiven them for this sword.
the dungeons are too short, the dlc hypes enir llim constantly but it takes like an hour to complete
I'd prefer if they were going to keep doing the Ash of War/Skill shit going forward that they'd both have less of them would need to make them all somewhat similar to BB Trick Weapons in that holding the left trigger either puts you into a different weapon mode or activates a stance that you can do different moves from so you don't get locked into "le one big boss move" and also having the properties of these moves altered by infusions
not trying to shit on your argument or anything, but it's not like you can't beat raya lucaria in one hour with way worse equipment
The same retard that thought people would want these shitty ass smithscript throwing weapons must be the same retard who thought people would want to play as Trickster in Dragon's Dogma 2. All that wasted dev time and effort coming up with weapons nobody will ever fucking use.
smithscript weapons are great you retard
Smithscript weapons just suffer from dogshit numbers and costing so much to fucking do anything because they're deathly afraid of the player having ranged options with zero cost, they are so insanely gimped in so many different ways
Being too good for normalfaggots that found it hard.
It's not that hard at all.
I bet Rellana like 4th try.
So many Ashes being good but locking you in an animation that leaves you vulnerable is what kills it for me. I've found it much simpler for cancerous bosses to just pop Royal Knights resolve and get a good hit in. Some do allow for more stronger or flashier ashes, but its rare. Like I can't do something with long combos or that lifts me in the air with Rellana because its an endless barrage of anime combos with no stamina bar and endless poise.
Why is Miquella a man and not a child here?
Miquella's controversy alone made this 9/10 for me. Minor niggles with late DLC and emptiness.
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>Are you hard because you're Souls? Or are you Souls because you're hard?
I wish you had to choose a side between Messmer and Miquella, instead of none.
And I kinda wish the DLC was accessible only after beating the main game. It's a good conclusion. The actual game conclusion doesn't satisfy as much as a the DLC's.
Nah, the lore is good.
The revelation at the end shows that Malenia release the scarlet rot not because of pride (so that she can remain undefeated) but because of duty, to finish the important mission given to her by her brother. Mind you she never once succumbed to the Rot even as it ate away her arm, her leg and her eyes.
For Radahn and Miquella, i blame the english translation using consort instead of king for making people confused. Because consort carries the connotation of marrigae, people think Miquella was being yandere for Radahn and ordered Malenia to nuke Caelid so he can have Radahn all to himself. But all Miquella asked is for Radahn to be the king of his new order, to be the symbol and ruler of the new age. Thus the battle of Caelid is a battle of principles, between old and new. Radahn is known for having a hard time accepting changes so he probably demands the twin to prove themselves to him before he submits
The final boss is a perfect end to Elden Ring. It provides what is missing from the base game, a battle between two lords for a new age. Unlike Dark Soul and Bloodborne, Elden Ring is supposed to be more positive, you are to herald a new age after all. Yet you can see how depressing the ending of the base game was, you fight Godfrey while the world is covering in flame and ash. You fight a broken Radagon who is missing limb. In phase 2, Godfrey abandons his lordship while Radagon is unceremoniously turned into a sword. The first lord of the golden order no longer fight for them and the second is nothing but a tool. In constrast phase 2 of promised king Radahn has him stand tall and proud with his god by his side.
The game begins with your maiden wishing you good luck for your journey: “Though the path be broken and uncertain, claim your place as Elden Lord" and ending with sir ansbach reminding you of why you are here "Righteous Tarnished. Become our new lord. A lord not for gods, but for men."
>For Radahn and Miquella, i blame the english translation using consort instead of king for making people confused. Because consort carries the connotation of marrigae, people think Miquella was being yandere for Radahn and ordered Malenia to nuke Caelid so he can have Radahn all to himself. But all Miquella asked is for Radahn to be the king of his new order, to be the symbol and ruler of the new age.
Nah this is nonsense. There are many many other things insinuating a perverted aspect to their relationship.
There were many NPCs questioning his actions.

Just look at Mohg. The fuck was that blood libel about?
Miquella clearly let it happen.
I wish the opposite actually, I wanted the DLC to actually have some kind of impact on the base game so they were more interconnected
It's so disappointing knowing you can go and kick Miquella's ass early on then go to the Haligtree like normal with nothing changing, or Gideon and Ranni having fuckall to say about you actually finding him
The perversion makes it more sick and twisted for me. Miquella becomes more like a literal child and less like a logical adult in a child's body. He becomes more like MM's skull kid/Majora.
nothing it’s GOATED the first decent expansion in a decade
>>throwaway characters aren't interesting
But Leda my tragic wife is lovely.
>I wish the opposite actually, I wanted the DLC to actually have some kind of impact on the base game so they were more interconnected
>It's so disappointing knowing you can go and kick Miquella's ass early on then go to the Haligtree like normal with nothing changing, or Gideon and Ranni having fuckall to say about you actually finding him
Not that anon. And I really like the DLC. But this is hands down my biggest disappointment with the DLC.
Fromsofts DLCs have always been like this. They are very shallow when it comes to organic interaction on their own games or amongst their story.
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Well that could have been good too. But I feel like Messmer and Miquella were more satisfying end game bosses than Marika/Radagon. It's unexpected and twisted.
Like I barely cared about the lore until the DLC implied some horrific things about the state of the lands between and the shadows.
And the shadows felt more alive than the main word for me. There was active war. NPCs were marching forth. They had a dramatic change in their ways of thinking because Miquella's charm. That sort of felt like the shadows was building towards a strong climax and it was super satisfying, except it kinda happened too early into things. It should have broken after you explored the depths and the dragon areas and completed questlines.
Instead it just breaks and so it's building to this descent to hell... but then you get sidetracked by irrelevant shit.

Ansbach tailing Freya, Leda and Moore while Leda and Moore were Tailing Hornsent was really good. It felt like things were marching towards the shadow keep.
I don't know why they made the charm break before Metyr or after some loose ends weren't finished.
I played an 80/80 INT/FTH build and Rellana's blades only felt worth it when dual-wielding. If you were to use just 1 of them you just get worse damage than a magic infused Milady for instance. They only had more damage / higher DPS when dual-wielding. Having fire on-hand immediately was nice though, I liked using them for trash clearing and such but they're not amazing and don't have particularly good damage.

The C/C/C/C scaling does stink of """balancing""" a bit too strongly, it's like they made them such that they don't scale well with any sort of sane build you might have, gotta make sure to keep 'em "viable" but with an ever-present stink of shit whenever you whip them around to ensure they couldn't possibly be actually good. A great many things are designed like this.
Really, because I swear it looks like Miqella goes in for a kiss as he fades out after you defeat him.
I think the problem is that it stops being DLC and becomes more a true ending to the main game and a real requirement for the base game.
That might be simply a legal problem. Kinda sucks.
bait used to mean something
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Messmer is a great boss but he deserved to be a bit more involved in things aside from you just finding his boss room at the top of Shadow Keep then burning another tree. Definitely a top 3 boss though.

Miquella/Radahn was massively disappointing on the other hand, disregarding whether he was actually hard or not it felt like such an anti-climax compared to the buildup of the NPCs themselves and you getting this huge battle royale that could change depending on who died and who you managed to help/save, excellent buildup and payoff. Miquella/Radahn in comparison came across as extremely pandering in a way that didn't feel very earned because of, among other things, the DLC having to do a LOT of heavy lifting for it to make sense without seeming like an asspull (which it still kinda does), Radahn being fanservice for the exact same game as... Radahn, having souls references that don't particularly fit as well as they should've (twin princes and also sulyvahn for some reason), Mohg not playing nearly as big a role as he should in the whole thing, it goes on and on.
that's his mom
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That would make more sense. kek
>i blame the english translation using consort instead of king for making people confused
People struggle a lot with poetic language.
Consort is fine here, because a consort is someone who gains their status through association with another. A king consort is the ruling queen's husband. A god's consort then is the Lord who rules by that god's grace.
It's a good translation, people are just retarded.
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It really should have been:
>march on Messmer
>betray Miquella

Because neither choice are fair really and it should really teach that sometimes there isn't a correct decision. Sort of fits. All of the characters are making hard decisions the moment Miquella let's go. And they don't really make good decisions because there really isn't any for them to choose. They're in limbo.

Then on top of this, you could have some help maybe in the ER final boss by one of them as a
>but, there are some benefits from choosing either

It kinda was a missed opportunity. A sort of spin on decisions in limbo and how they could net you a strategic win in the end if you choose well.
But the problem is that Miquella's plan was compassion, and compassion is just a lie if you're using force or subversive persuasion.
Messmer, on the other hand, would potentially have an issue with fighting his mother. There's that issue.
So why not use Miquella's persuasion on Messmer to convince him to end his tyranny and stop the tyranny in ER overall.

That's where I thought it was going initially.
I'd rather have this than TOTK.
I'm enjoying it a lot. The new bosses are great. The major legacy dungeons are all too short and small though, compared to the main game dungeons. But there are a lot more of them and I will say the minor dungeons like the tombs and the foundaries are way way higher quality and they're as good as legacy dungeons if shorter in the DLC.
I unironically. Struggled more with Messmer than I did with Malenia or ConsortRadahn.

And I did Malenia(pre-dlc) -> Messmer(12scadu) -> ConsortRadahn(19scadu).
Maybe I suck or I play weird. But I genuinely don't find Malenia or ConsortRadahn all too scary.
And Messmer might have huge openings while being relatively squishy. But Messmer has so many more knockback hitting moves than even Radahn. And while Radahn goes hard with the Holy damage in phase 2, Messmer throws fire element attacks immediately and never stops.
But Messmer also has far more moves where he retreats. Be it far away or up in the air. Which allows him to recover his stance in ways not even Radahn does.
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They added more content in a game that needs to be 30 hours shorter.
Reminder that Messmer did nothing wrong.
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>All of the characters are making hard decisions the moment Miquella let's go.
Bruh, she just indulges in her murder boner.
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>Miquella becomes more like a literal child and less like a logical adult in a child's body
That is consistent because that is Miquella's curse. Though gifted with intelligence, he was eternally a child in both mind and body. Did you not notice how every single one of his previous endeavors went unfinished and failed he had demigod ADD and could never see anything through.

This ultimate grand plan of his is described as "pure folly" by an NPC who's helmet is called the Wise Man Mask.
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what went right:
-lot of the set pieces are really fucking cool
-a bunch of the environmental tracks
-lot of cool new weapons/item/skills/spells/whatever
-shits a fuck load of upgrade resources and runes at you to try all the new shit
-most of the lore not related to miquella
what went wrong:
-scadu fragments
-super radahn and maybe one or two other bosses
-... couple of the new things are either shit, feel like they exist just to powercreep base game stuff, or are flatout recycled assets with different stats
-more crafting shit
-despite it throwing all the upgrade shit at you, you're still limited on how many +25/+10 weapons you can make per playthrough
-even with max scadu blessings, a lot of enemy stats feel fucking out of control
-most of the lore related to miquella
There should be an option to NG+ the Shadow Realm specifically.
If you NG+ normally it takes far too long before you can return to the DLC even if you rush towards it.
Why do scadutree fragments see so much hate here?
They're great. One of the best things the DLC did. And even better, they only benefit you within the DLC. So that you don't completely screw over the base game afterwards.
I'd rather have good games, zoomer.
But you can hear the torment.
She's literally criticising herself as a bloodthirsty villain herself.

She doesn't go in oblivious. She becomes aware of her situation and what she had become and what miquella was preventing her from doing to others. Without his charm, she is helpless to her desire. That's her punishment. That realisation of her being a tyrant herself antithesis to what Miquella wanted. That realisation that these things likely convinced Miquella to leave his flesh.

In fact, I'm convinced Miquella may have realised that his charm was anti-thesis to his goals. He seems to have deliberately lead followers to the realisation. And I think he was merely in a state of acceptance of his hypocrisy. Hence Ansbach really having an issue with this change in his behaviour to the point of attempting to kill him in the past. He seems to have foreseen the darkness Miquella was travelling down, his self indulgent side. Compassion was his vice as much as his latter indulgence. Compassion lead to the exploitation of it.
because if you are gonna rip off the piece of heart system from zelda you have zero excuses to not do it correctly.
What are you implying?
From a pvp perspective this DLC was pretty awful. There are no new multiplayer features, no pvp boss fights, no new modes. All that was added were some weapons and ashes of war that are absolute cancer in pvp. Game was actually better before the DLC came along which is a first for Fromsoft.
My nigger, for $40 I expected at least a new fucking ending. Never again. Miyazaki owes me a video game.
why is he facepalming?
I'm not gonna lie, I think he indulged in blood in his despair and realisation of his folly. I don't think Mohg did that for necessary reason. Miquella is, potentially, an evil man pretending to still adhere to compassion while in reality brainwashing followers to obedience while he sought a grander indulgence.
In fact, I'm not convinced he was ever kind. He's potentially far more vile, in a subversive sense, than Messmer. He'll slaughter under false pretenses and then indulge in it either as a coping mechanism to his despair about his failed goals, or simply because it was his goal the entire time. Like a child, he just wanted to play.
OR, potentially, the Mohg situation was the final straw and part of a grander scheme. He clearly grew the erdtree with "his own blood" but I'm no longer convinced it was his alone. Maybe that was the goal of the Mohg situation. Maybe that was his plot the entire time, to feed that tree or something? Part of the haligtree thing was potentially due to the situation with this brother, Godwyn, right? I don't think we have much more on the mechanics there though.

Maybe he sought an "alternative solution to self sacrifice"?
I need to read more into this.

But it could be that he was merely required to sacrifice to save his own brother and he merely convinced Mohg he was doing it to resurrect Miquella. Yeah that makes much more sense. The whole thing could be a plot to save Godwyn from his torment.
He is there for compassion after all.

But then... what about the Radahn situation? Did he just break? Or was he to use Radahn for... holy shit I see.
Yeah... Miquella had to die. Anbach was right.
> avatarfagging
at least don't post shitty fan art, cuck
Elden ring is probably the greatest video game ever released.
Do you know how many suicides the troons have done because everyone loves this amazing game?
I think it was $20 in SMT5 for 3 new monsters, which were just tamas for EXP, Money, etc.
Anon failed to kill him again.
Another soulless corporate focus tested product made by pajeets
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None because Miquella is ambiguous and complex and it's not entirely his fault. The situation was fucked the moment Godwyn was assassinated.

The real villain is fucking Ranni. It was Ranni the entire time. She turned them into these monsters. Even Rykard. Ranni was the root cause.
Lol shes trying again.
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She murdered Godwyn because she didn't want to be a mere consort of Marika.
Everything she did was unjustified and set every horrible thing that came forth.
She indulged in power and the others, without such wants before, came to indulging themselves like her. She was a black hole in the scheme of things. The true first domino.
Though that said, she may have had issues with Marika's rule and the overall will.
But I don't think they were justifiable enough to do what she did to Godwyn. She basically raped the lands between.

Or am I missing something?
Also best girl. Burn it all.
>bumrush Stormveil as fast as possible to grab Godrick's rune
>do the runaround for Varre's questline to get to Mohg palace quickly
>run for Ranni's, do all the shit requiring you to meet up with Blaidd then double back to Seluvis in order to trigger the festival
>beat Radahn's ass then fast travel to Mohgwyn and beat Mohg's ass
that seems like the fastest way to me and it's still a pain in the ass to have to do all that
Shes still trying lol
because they literally already did this exact system in Sekiro and even a piece of this system in the base game and both times it's done better yet they somehow forgot what made it work for both of those

No overflow of fragments means if you want maxed out level (no "BUT YOU DON'T NEED IT" bullshit) you have to scour the map for all of them which is something pointedly avoided in the base game with golden seeds and even when done with sacred tears they're literally always in churches so you know exactly where they'll be and there's only 12, being tied to "muh get out there and explore" only works exactly once on the first playthrough for the sake of selling you on spectacle and setpieces then immediately falls apart and becomes a chore once you realize you would need to do all this AGAIN for a different character, not having at least a minimum drop as a reward for beating bosses is very pigeonholing for an open world game and them not being guaranteed unless you're scouring a guide for them means you can go through whole areas and get nothing but mushrooms for your trouble, and all this on top of being a system designed almost specifically to make sure it's still "hard" via inflating stats when it was totally unnecessary since the DLC already requires beating both Radahn and Mohg and the worst complaint would be people calling it 'easy' which apparently From can't stomach the idea of, it's just not very well implemented
Why would blue bitch become a consort? She was a replacement for marika. Which begs the question why they need a consort if marika was one person the entire time
Scadutree system sucked, it was over when they announced this piece of shit, worst feature since ADP in DS2.
Empty map, zero integration into the main game, shit main story, shit final boss.
>"you see that blonde haired slut?"
>"beat him to a pulp and I'll tie him to a "horse" for you later"
>Thus began Miquella's descent into pig bitchdom and he was never seen or heard from in the lands between again other than in the form of the heinous whinnying of horses dying in battle.

Wow she is so hot.
Same with Miquella.

This works for me. God bdsm torture works for me.
I hope Messmer joins in. But he should be switch.
you can beat dlc without them, scrub
>>beat Radahn's ass
What happens if you skip this step?
> every fanart sharting faggot draws tarnished in this shitty set
lol fuck off
legacy dungeons were shit and those were the only redeemable part of the vanilla game
it goes without saying the open world alongside its abhorrent filler content
>which is something pointedly avoided in the base game with golden seeds
And it sucks. It was immensely dissatisfying when I had gathered 5 seeds only to realize they wouldn't do anything.
the hippo sucked
using flashbangs to obfuscate boss movements is a bad design choice
we're probably about at the upper limit where boss aggression can be taken
that's all I can think of
then they should've either gone the Sekiro route and tied a decent number of fragments to bosses or boss memories (which would've also added refights) or added a secondary use for recycling them so they don't just fill up inventory space once you hit the cap
it's a good looking set
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Is it my turn to attack yet?
Extra seeds and Marikas Tears should have been traded into the Bell Maidens or the Turtle pope or Rennala for something beneficial to all builds, maybe Rune Arcs or a consumable that negates damage or boosts AR. Hell if they wanted to incentivize repeated playthroughs they could have made it so loot changes.
>Why would blue bitch become a consort?
To keep peace obviously. But she didn't desire peach right?
And the God's didn't want that otherwise they would never have fucked things at all to begin with.
The whole goal was manifesting human free will, but we all know that's horseshit too. They just poked the hive to torment the creation.

Miquella was trying to save his family.
Messmer was "mad" and Miquella probably "couldn't save him" and it's not merely because he was hungry for power. (OR why he wanted to brainwash Radahn likely from the start.)
So yeah, Miquella definitely did not seek power with a child's face smiling.

Messmer... once again, just a fucking victim from these things, first by Marika, then by Ranni, then by Miquella.
And for that I hate everyone, including the humans and dragons, but Messmer. He deserves vengeance and is frankly more fun and less BLUE. The most important part.

The moral is: ignore thots, ignore traps, seek femboy brother-commander instead, the others are fucking insane anyway, so go all in?
Plus he's good with snakes, you know what that means.
They should have filtered the shitters back in the base game rather than giving them false hope and dashing it after taking their DLC money.
That doesn't make this dlc better.
Just read nigga, it's not that complex. I know they use a lot of antiquated language but think of it as a chance ot learn new words.
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Well, to me it feels like i am playing a new Elden Ring game. Granted, smaller map but it feels more compact and intricate. And i am loving it so far. Exploring Shadow Keep at the moment and it's amazing how big that place is despite being only a castle. But every zone i've been to so far has been great, i loved Abyssal Woods. The boss was annoying but i summoned so it was doable eventually. I think the worst part for me so far has been the golden hippo, the hit/bite boxes on that boss are terrible and the Leda-Ansbach quests. I don't like how easy it is to fuck up or miss stuff when doing those quests, plus no matter what i tried, i can't get the letter to Freyja. I found Ansbach first, gave him the scroll, then i found Freyja and when i went back to Ansbach to get the letter he was gone, and no matter what, the letter wouldn't appear where he was. Even after i helped him in the Leda fight. So idk i wish they'd make questing in their games better. The need to reload an area or even reload the game to progress them is terrible. But other than that i love it. I love Milady, the backhand blades and the perfume weapons. Plus visually it's stunning
>Miquella was trying to save his family.
pretty sure miquella was just a griffith ripoff trying to become a god for the lulz
I beat him twice, second time with reflection tear and 2handed great sword. He's fine but his damage is overtuned.
>My only complaint is the new weapon types being a total meme.
personally i love fire perfume weapon it's great for clearing general trash in the open world and dungeons. And Milady is top tier
It's the fluted set of a new generation.
So he's basically the same boat as Gwyndolin, only his snakes are red, he's hungry and he's not a pussy?
>he's still trying to fight for his kingdom for the sake of his parent (this time his mommy)
>the "facade" is less of a facade and merely a show of brute force to maintain power and convince the land of shadow to be obedient
>secretly desires the MC's cock but is probably embarrassed

Best boy.
Only he's not a trap.
He's just a man. An effeminate pretty boy, but still a man.

>Isn't the B team thing kind of a myth?
No. Elden Ring has always been a B team game which is why it shares a lot in common with Dark Souls 2, it just turned out better because they had more money, more time, and Miyazaki was more hands-on.
But Gwyndolin was more of a ripoff in DS.
So Messmer just... doesn't give a fuck.

Damn Ranni really had to get rid of him. He's too perfect competition wise. Too much like her.
Debuffing level 300 characters to feel like they're level -20 is not fun.
Questlines are so fucked up in elden ring, it was hilariously bad on launch for the base game when basic ones like Nephali's were broken.
It is for me when you get shown how much of a hack and newb you are.
There's zero reason why ranni did anything she did, and I don't think there's a single point the game link ranni to miquella
that one still is, i started from scratch for the DLC and towards the end i had to rest at the grace before Godrick's for her to appear in the throne room
The game is balanced around you using spirit ashes but you've been convinced by the retarded community not to so that's why you think the game is too hard. Felt perfectly balanced to me because I actually used the tools the game gives me.
>that's why you think the game is too hard
Only Fromdrones think these games are hard.
You don't need max fragments, not even close. The difference between 1-10 is massive while the difference between 10-20 is almost nothing
Also note that unlike Rykard, the serpent became part of Messmer, not the other way round. Messmer had basically controlled the serpent to his will and was active with it's use. I can see why that bitch Marika, that other bitch Ranni and that other other Miquella, all lying cows, saw his power as a threat.

Instead of fucking everyone in the shadows he lead from the front.
A Gwyndolin cowardly type that was not cowardly, was forthright and was based. Nice.

I'm liking him more and more, the other whores are just shitty bitches.
Doesn't Miyazaki use summons?
it's a lose lose situation
debuff everyone, people bitch
don't debuff everyone, and people with overleveled characters will just say that the dlc was ezpz
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This is the biggest problem with nu-FromSoft
It's criminal that his little sis doesn't even acknowledge his existence, and vice versa.
You know people tell you to git gud specifically because it makes you seethe this much, right?
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it seems fine to me
nah, some people legitimately fool themselves into thinking fromsoft games are good because they're good at them
>literally just a worse monster hunter now
>There are many many other things insinuating a perverted aspect to their relationship.
Such as?
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but if you're good at the game, and you like the game you're good at...doesn't that mean the game is good ? i don't understand
they created the perfect superboss in the base game and then had to figure out how to go even further beyond
80 IQ people fall for the marketing that the game is good if they can beat it, it's pretty simple psychological manipulation but the actual subhumans that play fromsoft games wouldn't be able to recognize it if you told them
>people with overleveled characters will just say that the dlc was ezpz
why is that a downside and who cares
common sense dictates "okay if I go through at the level they said was recommended then it'll still be somewhat challenging," it's not From's job to make sure the game is "le prepare to die" ass-rapingly hard and it never was yet somehow they lost the plot a while ago
absolutely untrue and both missing and proving the point
He probably also turtles behind a greatshield and pokes with bleed spears
so the people who love the game and think it's good are actually wrong, because you don't like it and think they were mind-tricked ?
I am a fromdrone you retard, it's not hard if you actually play the game how it's intended to be played.
You would genuinely have to be stupid to think it's a good game, so yes, the explanation is that retards are psychologically manipulated into thinking it's a good game, which is why they're all stupid people
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>kill Messmer
>alright cool it had been a while since I last played I think I'll just keep going where the game's pointing me but let me take a look at what people say why not
>apparently this is like one of the last 3 places to go to and my skibidi level is just at 8/20 when without looking more into it I would be pretty much just been walking into Radahn very soon and still will because that's likely where I would have gone naturally
Huh. I hope Rauh will give me plenty of Scooby snacks. Feels like this will be rough.
lmao git gud seething shitters, instead of spending this time whining you could be learning to play
I think the thing that cracked me up the most was how some people thought there was going to be hours of cutscenes or some shit. Like when the fuck has from ever done that kind of thing?
Did you fight Gaius? The area right after him gives you a bunch of fragments.
if you have to ask, then no
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Damn that means there are tens of millions of stupid people playing and enjoying this game. And you're one of the few smart ones who figured out the game is actually bad. I wonder how this will affect everything.
There’s only one or two in that zone. You have to the back of shadow keep and kill the shittiest boss in the DLC to get a whole bunch
>I am a fromdrone
yeah it shows
Apart from the shock and disgust of his ex-followers and the blood libel he was apparently behind the entire time, likely for Godwyn's sake?
He's open to all sorts of indulgences because his ethos is a lie and his obsession with Radahn "odd considering his power of charms the remaining existence of Messmer".
Why not convinced messmer to do his bidding?

Then again, I think his charm broke because Messmer had a barrier built around his keep. You can see it in game a purple waterfall around the tree. It's right there.
It likely activated the moment the Tarnished touched it.
what spear is that?
still missing the point but you'll get there
>if there are tens of millions of stupid people playing and enjoying this game, you're one of the few smart ones
>I wonder how this will affect everything.
Well seeing as that the entire industry is catering to lower and lower IQ people games will just keep getting worse and worse and I guess you will still be here defending them
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She is basically equal with Messmer for me ay.
>imagine the threesome
>foursome with melina
There is behind the keep actually.
Also apparently the worst boss, I haven't tried him yet.
it's not a spear though
Queeligns greatsword. It's in the heavy thrusting sword category, not spear
Campaign is good for the first time but too much on other characters. But that's ok overall.
New weapons beside backhand blades and great kats sucks.

My main problem is PVP being utterly shit since Ds3. In PC it's getting worse and worse thanks to seamless coop stealing all players. Seamless coop is great for playing with friends but it kills regular coop, which kills regular invasions (already bad) and kill duels (which are also bad here) just like ds3 awful invasions and duels. The only fun weapons on ds3 are farron meme sword and the paired ringed ultra greatswords.

I miss DS2 pvp so much. I miss bone fist.
Two dlcs haphazarrdly fused into one, creating a messy story and setting and causing a lot of planned content to be dropped. At times it almost comes off like a fanfiction (looking at you in particular consort Radahn).
Miquella's role is not good. He is pitifully underutilized as a character and ultimately just a boss to kill despite how important he is in the main game's lore and even to the player's own journey. For god's sake you've been riding HIS HORSE the whole time and this doesn't come up even once.
No attempt at all to integrate it with the main game. If she's still alive and with you Melina doesn't have anything to say in Marika's homeland inhabited by her own brother, you can't tell Gideon about the shadow lands and killing Miquella, etc.
mad cuz bad
I killed Malenia on my 6th try by having me and mimic tear spam hoarfrost stomp. Some superboss.
>From artist comes up with cool symbol
>symbol gets reused in a bunch of places because it's cool
Ansbach is the only one who seems to care about Miquella making Radahn his consort and that's only because he's using Mohg's body.
so older games were for smart people ?
>i've been using heavy thrusting swords all the time
>i missed this one because i gave a golden iris thingy to queelign
10/10 goty
I accept your concession.
Seamless coop has invasion now and it is enabled by default unlike the game itself.
uhhh you were the one who conceded that you were a fromdrone
Why reuse that symbol specifically and not a different one?
>A cheater
>Invasions are still shitty 3v1
>It can even be 5v1
>Most people disable invasions
>pvp is still utter shit regardless since it's based on ds3 shitty systems
No one really uses that mod though.
You're the one who thinks that's a pejorative and didn't refute anything I said
I'm starting to think Messmer is the reason why the Greater Will/Fingers were kicked into action and beckoned the Tarnished. He tamed the snake and became too powerful. The fingers are about order. Messmer, with the snake, is power through oppressive chaos and torment. Like boa strangling it's victim.

Damn, Messmer really was just too powerful to allow him to remain while the fingers ruled.
So... does that mean Ranni has ironically freed him?
Hang on a second...


>Fire(Chaos, Awake/day)
>Moon(Calm, Sleep)

Maybe Ranni had a sneaky plan to satisfy her lust for power why establishing a "useful" challenging scapegoat.
I.e. for strategic sex, so to speak.
Ranni wanted Messmer's cock.
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Bayle was super cool tho
Older games were MADE by smarter people, yes. When your credits are filled with pajeets you know the gameplay is going to suffer
The disconnect with the main game bothers me the most.
Was hoping that one of the dlc characters turns out to be one of Gideon's spies and this lets him get access to new moves and tries to claim Miquella's rune for himself.
Ranni, I would think, would be extremely interested in the land of shadow and what Miquella is doing. They had a common goal in killing Radahn but after that they are clearly rival empyreans. How is the age of stars supposed to coexist with the age of compassion if they aren't in conflict?
concession accepted
Considering your deaths are canon you'd think they'd do the opposite and acknowledge your return more often.
Sorry, you already lost.
Malenia was cool because she was a random extremely difficult boss in a game where bosses were usually pretty lukewarm besides the standard "walls of gitgud" like Margit
DLC decided to just add like 10 Malenias and call it a day, cheapening the idea of having her as a superboss in the first place
only the final boss is harder than malenia though...?
idk you sound extremely full of shit
Just imagine if already doing an ending before the dlc affected the Miquella/Radahn battle so it actually feels like a big climax and clash of aspiring orders.
The disgust in Freya and Ledas voices is incredibly unsettling. Something tells me they knew what was up. Miquella is an adult with a child's mind at the end of the day. He might easily have childish adult wants. Ridiculous indulgences.

Regardless, if he truly was using others blood to build a Haligtree, mere indulgence on any level sexually is rather "missing the point"... he's committing blood libel. That's a little bit worse than a niggling sexual reason. I think Radahn is most likely a device to commit to the libel really. He's probably just a big bro to Miq, but who gives a shit? He's a vampire by proxy.
Plus the heart stolen shit is misleading towards his intentions. A brotherly love is not one where your "heart is stolen". A non-platonic love or desire is generally the sort to inspire such phrases.
But given the libel, I think there's bigger concerns than "did they want to fuck". Like "how many people were they going to slaughter for their objectives?"

Plus there's the St Trina issue. St Trina is more the gentle passive (asexual) persuasive side of Miq. Miq's other side is more active (sexual) and seeks active engagement with Radahn. Sorta infers things ay?
St Trina is a nice trick. She looks like she personifies sexual nature or something, but I'm not so sure because she's stagnant and doesn't move and merely wisps people into death (cessation of sex).
Sex is more about life and the remaining miq is about gaining life, an erdree.

An especially hard erdtree Radahn. :^)
0 sexuality involved troonster.
The problem is that the boss design when you play with spirit ashes is so bad and easy that it makes DS2 look like Sekiro.
Malenia's retarded difficulty got Elden Ring a lot of publicity so From Software is never going to back down.
I'm sorry but the symbolism is there and speaks for itself.
Sex is life and Miq purged merely his body, not life.
Trina, on the other hand is the cessation of life and sex. Miq purged that side of him. So that implies he's super duper horny. Just not merely with flesh. His idea of sex is more ethereal and more like the combination of souls. That goes beyond mere sex. That's a complete singularity formed with Radahn.
What a perverted old man.

At least Messmer would be honest about what he wants and wouldn't purge the body.
In fact he'd even put a blindfold on for kinks.
Sounds like a (you) problem.
>Melina:"So who has the prettier face out of us siblings, Tarnished?"
>Melina:"Choose wisely or there may be consequences."
No sexuality involved though troondawg
A lot of sexual things in these games are symbolic. Fia is definitely a prostitute for example but they don't depict that.
I don't know, coming together as one being is textbook sex.
I think you should have sex, you clearly don't understand.
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Scadu fragments were a dumb idea, but they would have at least been tolerable if there were more fragments than you needed to hit max, like with Golden Seeds. But there being exactly 50 is just pure silliness. Also unlike Sekiro, where the system actually worked, most of them are just found on the ground instead of rewards from bosses.
Excuse me?
Nup. Unless she has a degree in hardcore prostitution it's invalid evidence in this often surrealist story here. We only take literal. No metaphors. No personification. No inferences. Just bureaucratic story telling in this brave new world of brainlets.
No sexuality involved though troonerati
Shut the fuck up, before we had actual reasons why his shit failed (got kidnapped so his tree lost its food source, was missing the final ingredient for the needles but the needles do work in what they're meant to do, stars being held in place, couldn't help his followers and sister since he was trapped in the cocoon), saying that "none of the shit he did in the base game matters at all because uhh he's cursed or something" is not only an ad hoc justification for From's failure to do anything meaningful with his existing storylines (the Haligtree doesn't get mentioned once), it completely ignores the fact that he was hyper obsessed with the Land of Shadows/date rape Radahn plot which is extremely convoluted, was longer running than any other plot he had, and actually worked. Sick of this stupid tiktok theory that falls apart under basic scrutiny being passed as actual lore
You got enough fragments to hit the soft cap level just by following the remembrance bosses. The scaling is front load post patch. The game simply reward the ones who love to explore.
>but i need all of them to beat the game!
no you don't
>claims gay troon fantasies about mike are real
>starts talking about fia
Nothing, it's goated.
Sounds like you didnt understand the story.
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Don't care, beat Radahn at 15 because I couldn't be assed to look up a guide but I still think it'd be better to make getting 20 more reasonable.
Getting 20 is reasonable if you play the game.
she's not even that hard she just has the heal on hit gimmick that drags the fight out if you try and just block everything she's doing, walk in with a greatshield and a weapon that can damage her faster than she can get hp back and it's not even a contest
>snake clearly inserting inside Messmer
>all the fanart show him fucking women or topping

Some people are just clueless about the obvious shit in front of him.
Miquella's not the only one indulging and Messmer reminds me more of Lilith.
It's not like Rykard becoming the snake.
The snake coils around him, like it's consuming prey.

It's pretty obvious what that implies. He clearly has fucked up indulgences himself. He let's the snake consume him to merely use and control it's power.
It's like fucking old barons for allegiances really.
No white hands made this post, pajeet-y.
I'll bet that anon denies Edward II fucked his favourites too. That man was a complete bottom.
> The revelation at the end shows that Malenia release the scarlet rot not because of pride (so that she can remain undefeated) but because of duty, to finish the important mission given to her by her brother.

I didn’t feel like that was a revelation at all. For what possible reason could the blade of Miquella be challenging Radahn to a fight other than that Miquella commanded her to? That’s what I thought before the DLC, it’s just now it’s confirmed and with the added context that he wanted radahn for a lord.

Also thematically Radahn is just a lame pick. He’s got good qualifications on paper but memetically, in his vibes, and story placement, he’s just a meathead. Gravity sorcery is lame, he’s closely associated with the mid game, and his whole visual motif is intentionally aping a different, superior warrior. Absolutely nothing about him says “final boss.”
>getting upset
Not really. Maybe it'd be better if Fromsoft rewarded exploration more so there was an incentive to do it other than maybe finding a scadu fragment.
Didn't read the thread but looking back now after playing through twice the only fun I had was being under leveled and killing the blackgaol knight using a level 15 short spear. Scadoo collecting is antifun and you need those unlike seeds and flasks which you don't really need to collect to have fun. But I didn't like most of DS3 DLC either so I should have expected disappointment and where the fuck was Melina and Ranni in the DLC?
You are literally astroturfing now.
Buy an ad.
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The ultimate kino would be for Ranni to retort to Miquella's entrance in phase 2 with a line about squashing compassion for the sake of fear, doubt and loneliness.
a good news is that they also give you cool weapons and new armor sets!
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>The revelation at the end shows that Malenia release the scarlet rot not because of pride (so that she can remain undefeated) but because of duty

Nah, it doesn't. I'll trust the words of Malenia's actual discarded pride, thank you. It also makes Malenia's failure even worse. And it also reveals that Miquella was there but let Finlay drag Malenia home alone instead of helping his own sister LOL
Miquella was too busy conditioning new pupils to care about malenia. She failed to kill radahn so he didnt care about her anymore.
Hahaha, good one anon. But this is Elden Ring, where even in the DLC there's a bunch of armor and weapons that need to be farmed at sub-5% drop rates because they NEEDED to put a mushroom or piece of string in that hidden nook instead of a weapon or piece of armor.
The DLC fucking drowns you in new equipment, your complaint is poorly conceived.
but the epic meme i stole from reddit couldn't be wrong...You are lying!
Huh? You know Malenia discarding her pride proves the fight wasn't over pride right?
malenia not being my wife that's what
Why do people keep portraying Miquella as some super evil mastermind? All demi gods in the game (yes even Godrick) though flawed have heroic elements to them. Kindly Miquella is indeed kind, tried to cure his sister, made the haligtree for the abandoned,... Every action he took is to build a kinder world. Miquella doesn't even seem to want to be a god. When you listen to his memory, he sounded almost like he was about to cry when he said he is going to become a god. Miquella knows godhood is a cage, yet he embraces it. Of course the tragic element of his character is that all of his plans failed.
On another note, Miquella chose Radahn to be his consort instead of his sister or Godwyn is because
1. The lord is the symbol for the god and for the new age. Miquella consider his and his sister's afflicted bodies to be part of the cruelty of the world. So he probably wants a healthy lord to be the champion of his new age
2. Miquella seeks to distant himself from the old order of Marika. And Godwyn is the poster child of her age, she shattered the elden ring after his death after all. So no way Miquella would choose Godwyn.
>paint me like one of your french demi-gods
Because it’s a meme (in the academic sense of the word) on /v/ to boil any theme, opinion or character down to good or shit, because further discussion implies that you care, and caring is gay.
Skibidi fragments. If you don't have a lot, the bosses are brutal and frustrating. If you've found lots, the bosses are fun and/or too weak for your god tarnished.
Making it endgame content was a mistake.
Because he's a fucking homo retard who abandoned his followers to rot in a dead tree for the lols (in addition they're blowing themselves up because he didn't bother to tell them where he's going or what his plan is btw), left his sister for dead after she failed to kill his crush, and seemingly didn't care about anything besides getting Radahn to be his consort
>Consort of rotten whore
>Consort of gold cuck
>Consort of literal shit eating
>Lord of Frenzy Flame
>Consort of the stars
Because he was.
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Why do we need to farm Ascetics Set, Black Knight Set, Common Soldier Set, Divine Beast Set, Divine Bird Set, Fire Knight Set, Horned Warrior Set, Messmer Soldier Set, Shadow Militiaman Set, Fire Knight's Shortsword, Fire Knight's Greatsword, Lizard Greatsword, Horned Warrior's Sword, Horned Warrior's Greatsword, Curseblade's Cirque, Forked-Tongue Hatchet, Messmer Soldier's Axe, Messmer Soldier's Spear, Bloodfiend's Fork, Messmer Soldier Shield, and Sun Realm Shield? Why couldn't they have done the same thing they did with the Gravebird Set and sprinkle them around the world? Why did they NEED to put some flowers or mushrooms in that tiny nook instead of one of these?
You don’t NEED any of that. It’s a fun treat if you get lucky after killing an enemy.
>If 80 IQ people make the games I play and market them towards other 80 IQ people games won't decrease in quality
Yeah well, explain elden ring
my question is why are some alterable cosmetics drop only instead of, i dunno, actually being alterable? or why do some armor pieces have looks that can't be altered with specific pieces of gear?
Because for all the credit I give the game the clothing altering system is fucking indefensibly half baked. My theory is it was gonna be way more robust with dying and capes and everything but they split a whole bunch of them up into unalterable regional variants to pad the main games overworld.
Some gear is too complex to alter yourself, it's why there are 2 different sewing needles explaining the design.
I know you dont actually think when playing so it probably flew over your head.
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That's what I thought.
nothing you guys are just babies
Very based answer
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>Still can't remove Godfrey's scalp from his crown despite the option being there for messmer's helm
It looks like you dont actually think at all kottposter
Why would you samefag such a stupid comment
Nothing, it's great.
Abyssal woods not being fleshed out enough
The fire golems
The recycled dragons
Other than that it's a perfect follow up to a perfect game.
And I want the crown not the fucking mullet
4chan isnt 1 person schizo
Too bad, so sad.

Ok but why do I have to play summoner? Why can't I THE PLAYER have a cool moveset similar to enemies for once? The only From game that allows players to actually have cool moves that makes them feel cook is Sekiro.
People are finally getting tired of Memezaki's terrible world building and story telling.
I wish I could be as blissfully simple as you, room temperature IQ anon.
You being upset over this shows you have a lower IQ than him. Vidya shouldn't be causing you emotional distress like this.
I think the final battle and Radahn's characterization would have seemed mnore favorable to most people if only they gave Radahn a voice and have him yalk, it would it some sauce, some more reason to care, I dfon't like that he's stoically silent and poker faced.

Imagine Messmer with no spoken lines or Godrick, or Godrfrey, they add so much.
I liked it.
Factually dark souls had a better story. The ds1 cinematic has had more lore in it than any game released after it. Elden ring was one of the largest cases of marketing fraud yet, with fromsoft claiming one of the most popular fiction writers in the world was writing the game for them, which is a complete lie. They put virtually no effort into this game. The opening cinematic is a fucking slideshow
Too hard for zoomers
Content bloat. New toys given to the player are useless in PvE because of From's current boss design philosophy.
I beat the dlc with a dlc sword using a dlc ash wearing mostly dlc armor. You must suck at this game.
You can enter shadow keep from the back, but the game won't let you through the back fog gate into the hippo fight if you die the first time

Lazy devs didn't follow through. AI generated ass item descriptions. I think two (messmer and midra) bosses literally ask a zanzibart for forgiveness

No integrity to these games. Best bet for enjoyment is that sometimes the bosses are neat. They mostly fucked that up here too. Still, there's a lot of good to be found

7/10, best game I've ever played
>Mohgwyn Dynasty
Rember that everyone included here has had their character, ambitions, goals, purpose, etc completely assassinated and all turned into absolute jokes impossible to take seriously anymore in any way shape or form.
Lol she's still trying.
Does ng+ have a large impact on the dlc?
It's unironically the best DLC for a game ever. Yes, I played Old Hunters, Undead Nightmare, Dark Arisen, Ringed City and Shivering Iles. All top tier. This is better. Just a fact. More work and effort were put into this.
Not really. It's like base game where you dont feel a real impact until ng4.
git gud seething nigger
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> Abyssal Woods shits on its own gimmick by having it be spoonfed to you as clearly as possible before every single lantern encounter
> forges have a "eyy hit them in their weak spot" message before a golem with a giant red stone on their back
> the charmed bum crew and the whole Mexican standoff at the end are great but quest design is still ass
> random ghostflame dragons for no reason, one has more HP than fucking Bayle because he also has 30 AOE guys to "fight" him
> the whole final boss thing is told in the clearest possible way halfway through the DLC
> the whole final boss thing is dogshit and reeks of two dlcs slapped in one, miquella's soul placed in messmer's body or something
> they still don't get how to do areas with enemies which don't end up in you blasting two ulcerated tree spirits through the doorway while they're trying to hit you through the walls
> the entire gimmick is burning the tree again but the tree is black (i liked the snake nazis but it feels bland)
> hornsents are simply completely irredeemable shits with maybe one thing being good is sealing off the entry to Abyssal Woods
> the DLC randomly runs out of budget in several places
> there's no fucking ending lmao
The legacy dungeons are the biggest offender: you start with a grace, there's a door right before you but it's opened from the other side, you walk and walk, you push a lever, go back to the door and open it, go from there, ascend the building, kill the boss with obligatory two phases. I legit had more fun in fucking catacombs, which actually have unique gimmicks for once. It's like they're making the combat hardcore while casualizing the adventure part, while they're great and bad in exactly the opposite things.
Though I must say I loved the ascent to Bayle, the ruins of Rauh, Rellana, the sunflower, Cerulean Coast, the Shaman Village and even Abyssal Woods. But it really feels like they're getting complacent sometimes.
Reddit game
>The revelation at the end shows that Malenia release the scarlet rot not because of pride (so that she can remain undefeated) but because of duty, to finish the important mission given to her by her brother.
aka that Malenia threw away her pride just to get cock for her incel simping incestuous brother.
Sorry, but that's a very pathetic reasoning and it makes me impossible to take Malenia at all anymore. You're genuinely insane if you truly think this makes Malenia look "good".
oh I am laffin
the gloam eye was the hornsents goddess. the spirals were reaching the gods that she wanted to skin. the hornsent learned from her and melded the shamans
>just to get cock for her incel simping incestuous brother.
Why you do you low Iq brain rot faggots make shit sexual? Just admit you have bias outside of the game affecting your judgemen of the game.
they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is
they will NEVER explain how the Elden Ring works
they will NEVER explain what the Crucible is
they will NEVER explain how the Crucible works
they will NEVER explain what an Empyrean is
they will NEVER explain how an Empyrean works
they will NEVER explain what God or Outer God is
they will NEVER explain how a God or Outer God works
they will NEVER explain what the Gate of Divinity is
they will NEVER explain how the Gate of Divinity works

so the lore is utterly pointless
you can never understand what or how or why anything actually important is happening
Aliens and fungi are the answers dip shit.
All of this is explained in game. If you arent a native english speaker it can be hard to grasp but it's all explained.
Catacombs were probably my favorite parts of the DLC as well. I feel like the exploration in Elden Ring kind of falls flat because you're never in any real danger in the open world, save for getting killed by gravity, and even if you die there's gonna be like five graces in spitting distance of each other anyway. It's not as bad in the DLC but still not great.
youre full of shit
Where is the Gate of Divinity explained?
What do you want me to explain to you eslkun?
Nothing. It's a great game. Stop crying about it already. Whiny bitch.
In elden ring. You can understand how it works by how marika, the hornsent, and mike use it.
Oh, so nowhere then (hint: an explanation is more concrete than an inference, for ESL retards like you).
So giant tombstones/coffins in the area you find St. Trina are space ships and the Horsent came from space?
It's cool if you dont understand. Some things are too complex for some people.
No they are mass graves.
I think Miyazaki really lost sight of having a story with gaps to fill, and instead started giving people small scraps of a map while telling them to imagine what the thing depicts.
It wasn't even remotely this bad in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls.
You know what, good on you for taking the L gracefully when you failed to point out an explanation and instead backpedaled to it being inferred.
Nah you just didnt understand it due to a lack of knowledge. It's a you problem since others can explain it all.
It's fine if you are upset and need to lash out. Venting might prevent a school shooting.
Not the hornsent, it's the Numen that came from space. Then the dead still entombed within, over countless years, congealed into putrescence because they weren't burned in ghostflame.
lol, you're a silly one
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I like to defuse situations when I see seething over vidya. It saves lives in the long run, i dont want femanon shooting at biden or something similar over a vidya juego.
Sure. What questions do you have?
>what went so wrong?
Everything related to Miquella.
I wish the DLC had been nothing but Messmer and Marika stuff instead.
I wonder what they'll do for Elden Ring 2
What is the gate of divinity? Did Marika make it or did the Hornsent make it? How does it work? Is the Greater Will involved at all or is it completely divorced from it?
play the game noob
It's a threshold into the divine realm. Marika didnt make it. It works by opening after you've sacrificed something personal to you and you step thru it. The greater will left before the game started and doesnt do anything, the ascent to godhood stems from metyr trying to reestablish a connection to the greater will but metyr didnt make the gate itself.
Alexo Godwyin's soul is dead and not an option, not so for Radahn, his soul is fine, we merely slayed his body.
>Miquella is cursed to have a child's brain!
Literally never stated in the game. This game is just make up your own story at this point.
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The Radahn 2.0 fight is more boring than the Radahn 1.0 fight.
Elden ring.
>Completely wreck the highly anticipated Miquella story to shove Radahn into it purely to pander to Redditors.
>DLC's ending is completely forgettable as a result.
Meanwhile people still remember Gael.
item descriptions? dialogue?

I can get behind the "show 80% and keep a 20% of it mysterious" type of storytelling. I can't get behind the "show 20% of it and keep the 80% mysterious" type though...

People WANT to care, people WANT to know more about this world and it's characters but we're given scraps, NOTHING.
Melina is the biggest example of this, when you start the game you expect so much more from her, maybe a companion who will advise you and tell you stuff about the world since you're a tarnished from far away and that was the role of maidens, NOPE, not the case, she just talks twice about Marika and dies.

It's very sad how refreshing the NPC gank batle in the DLC was if you summon Thiollier and Ansbach, you see the NPCs talk and have actual dynamics and show motivations, it feels like there's actual stuff happening in the world instead of being this vague bakcground that doesn't matter.

It's ok to keep mysteries in your game, but not at the expense of the lore being nonsensical and the world feeling dead and soulless and static.
Cut scenes, item descriptions, and context. You'll understand when you get to the dlc.
The DLC Miquella story is so nonsensical, and so detached from everything we previously knew about the character, that people are coping with it by inventing a million stupid headcanons, all so they can avoid accepting that From Soft writing isn't that good.
Shes still trying lol
>game is balanced about spirit ashes
>the sprit ash system sucks and is boring and makes bossfights into jokes and less satisfying for most people

It's not even a good defense, believe it por not, people usually find it more satisfying to actually fight and "dance" with a bos rather than spamming spells fro the distance while mimic tear draws agro.
how does it not make sense? Miquella was teased in the game, DLC shows up what he's up to, he tries to make the world better but through flawed and naive means, so we stop him.

You can criticie how it's executed, maybe it seemed unsatisfying to you how they conveyed it or whatever but the lore does make sense, it does make sense that Miquella would do what he did.
You can't even spell well so no one should listen to you.
The accessibility lead to people like Pedosauce to play it when they were otherwise filtered by Dark Souls.
pureese undahstando
The DLC story made people finally realize that From Software doesn't actually have some secret, complete version of the story that they hide from us so we can discover it on our own. They just make shit up as they go, even if they need to come up with stupid retcons for it.
Shes still trying
>if it's not as autustically cataloged as something like Star Wars, it's incomprehensible
They just do stuff because it can look or sound cool, there isn't any actual plot or consistency to the events, it's all just "cool" stuff happening.
How are people just now realizing this? Did they not play Dark Souls 3?
No it's a good format.
The atmospheric storytelling and all that is fucking incredible when it works.

It really feels like youre in a different world.

They just rarely have the resources and time to make sure it actually works.
They're always crunched.
They're always pushing out unfinished games.
They're ripping up bosses and quests and sidequests months before release and radically changing and rewriting the story to suit these changes.

It works in Dark Souls 1 with Artorias coherently expanding the setting.
It works best in Bloodborne where Old Hunters radically expands and recontextualizes the events of the main game.
It works a bit in Demon's Souls because you don't really know how much they've committed to it.

It's shit in DS2, DS3, and Elden Ring, because theyre afraid to anchor any actual narrative concepts, so they just keep duct-taping on more and more accessory lore til it seems incredulous that none of these story elements ever coherently align.
No one believes that anon lol, that's why they keep spamming it thinking it will become normalized.
It wont.
What are you babbling about now?
Is Sekiro still their most cohesive plot? I know there was maybe Tomoe stuff that wasn't expanded on but I can't recall if there was anything that felt like it was shuffled around or suffered from last minute rewrites.
People paid more attention to Elden Ring lore because a famous writer worked on it, and because Elden Ring lore has some actual characterization that Souls games lacked.
I think the badness of DS3 lore was ignored because people could excuse it with "oh they're tired of making these games but they're contractually obligated to". Elden Ring is brand new and has the same problems and people took notice this time.
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>and so detached from everything we previously knew about the character
At this point the Haligtree almost feels like vestigial content that shouldn't even be in the game anymore.
From's commitment to the DLC not having any effect on the main game and vice versa was a mistake and meant Miquella's role could not be done right.
Are you not fluent in english?
>she's still trying
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Same shit thats wrong with every open world game
This. Fromsoft can't make a dlc that makes sense because the base game is random nonsense that not even they understand
You didn't understand the dlc?
I actually agree with you. When I say "it isn't that good" I mean that, for one reason or another, it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of execution in some of their games, meaning that the overall output is uneven in quality. You're right that when it works it's very appealing, but I think some people struggle with accepting that not all From games have the writing quality and coherence of Dark Souls 1.
>Is Sekiro still their most cohesive plot?
Sekiro is the most straight forward.
You're an actual character with a name and history actually interacting with other characters.

It's definitely "most coherent" but I wouldn't say its entirely comparable.
Sekiro has an actual defined plot that they stuck to, and its not really trying to obfuscate anything with ambiguity as i can remember.
What's there to understand?
Because we KNOW they CAN do it.
Bloodborne does it.
Dark Souls 1 does it.
>and its not really trying to obfuscate anything with ambiguity as i can remember.
Father owl is lying to you all game and you need to figure it out.
But you didn't understand the dlc?
It's just a schizophrenic who has been parking in Elden Ring threads for two years to accuse anybody with criticisms of being from a specific tranny discord. You'll spot him because he always repeats the same phrases robotically, such as "humiliation ritual", "the sisters", "I feel so bad for ___". Just ignore him, his goal is to make it difficult to talk about Elden Ring.
What's to understand about the dlc?
>Father owl is lying to you all game and you need to figure it out.
That's a character within the setting lying to you.
That's just drama.

It's not the actual game lying or obfuscating information from you.
I don't really think that's on the same level of ambiguity as like, Gwyn's firstborn or the shit of that nature you usually think of when talking about Fromsoft keeping things vague.
Not much, it was a great DLC.

Filtering all the tourists and normies was just added bonus. Based Michael Zaki.
Bad habit of typing fast on mobile, shut your ass
Oh fuck that guy, I thought maybe he'd have been run out of these threads with people actually discussing the game on release, but I guess now that most people have beaten it already these threads are slowing down enough for him to shit things up again.
>>new weapon kinds only found on dlc area
What? Of course you find the DLC weapons in the DLC? Where else would you want to find them lol
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>its inherently bad to have space between things
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This is the only Throwing Blade in the game. Say something about it.
That space should be fun or interesting.
It's fun but too weak.
I think this critism applies to the base game but not really the DLC except Charo's grave
I'm just thankful there wasn't any ambient music quite as mind-numbingly awful as this.

There are 3 or 4 areas of the DLC with zero content, that are just corridors for you to ride through.
One of them refuses to let you use a horse, presumably so youre forced to encounter an enemy that is not really a threat in any capacity.
Limgrave's OST genuinely makes me hate the first few levels of any new character.
It's loud enough that you can't ignore it, but it's mind-numbingly boring.
I turned off the music in my first hour of play.
And it has not ever been turned back on in the two years since.
Potatonigger Matthew was right. Normalfags are finally waking up. I hope he feels this victory and whenever he's banging his sister.
Elden Ring genuinely has the worst OST of any Souls game. They've always been heavy on generic epic orchestra, but Elden Ring's boss music is new levels of forgettable, and most of the ambient tracks suck ass.
People are waking up to the lore sucking.

Matosis's point is that the combat is incredibly shallow and that this totally ignored by people because of the pretense of difficulty, and this overemphasis on combats has ruined the adventure/puzzle elements.
Normies are still 100% on the "meme difficult game so cool git gud" train.
Those are subjective. The world is pretty to look at and that should be enough. I agree that TOO much openness with nothing at all to it is bad, but I feel like ER does a good job of keeping that to a minimum. The map is fucking huge and even open fields have crafting items and some nice scenery. I prefer Dark Souls 1, for example, but as a WHOLE, ER is just fucking incredible. Miyazaki said this wasnt his magnum opus, so maybe in the future we can get a Dark Souls 1 level of connectedness in the size and scope of ER and all its weapons and systems. Thats the goal in my mind.
actual smoothbrain
I don't think it's inherently wrong to ride through a foresty area with torrent I'm fine with that I don't need to be bombareded with shit to do.

However I do agree the abyssal woods was fucking weird and retarded, in the reveal trailer it shows torrent riding to the manse too, seems like they knew Midra's manse was underwhelmingly small so they tried to make the area outside interesting too.

For the record I did have fun with the prelude of it, thinking the aging untouchables would be as scary as winter lanterns or the brain of mensis but nah they are dissapointing and there aren't any other frenzy related enemies, they really should have added more stuff like that and the abyssall woods should have been a linear legacy area like road of sacrifices.

Know what's my issue? I don't have a problem with the open field areas in Elden Ring, I like riding torrent and moving around land of shadow and lands between, what pains me is when it comes at the detriment of legacy dungeons, which should be the star of the show. The DLC had more legacy dungeon to open world ration as compared to the base game and I like tha tbut it's still not perfect I agree.

Ideally we'd have open areas like the DLC but the legacy dungeons would be slightly bigger and better, problem with this is that it's kind of an unreasoble request because developing games is so much work, so it all comes down to how efficient fromsoft is and them being able to know what to sacrifice and what not to.
I'd be curious to know what you fuckers listen to on a normal day because this shit is so comfy and now iconic to me. I think your brains are a little soupy from whatever you listen to /v/ros. I say this as someone with over 1000 hours on pc and like 100 on ps5
The only reason the flaws of fromsoft's game design is being looked at now is because their boss and level design is shit now

This isn't just some random change in people's perceptions. Elden ring is genuinely terrible
>Tower was split into two areas that barely connect with each other with the result being that you experience them as two separate, underwhelming dungeons rather than a single big one.
>Shadow Keep looks cool but is ultimately painfully average by base game standards.
They really dropped the ball on the two main legacy dungeons.
It's not "terrible".
It is already aging better than Dark Souls 3.
It's still a better game than Dark Souls 2, even if Dark Souls 2 is a more interesting fuckup.
Well the base game has no good dungeons either
The path to Euporia is so ugly and bare it feels like you've glitched outside the play area.
now I want a mod that changes scadutree fragments to scooby snacks
It's worse than ds2. It's arguably their worst souls game
>This isn't just some random change in people's perceptions.
Then posts SUBJECTIVE opinions and a blanket statement that has no bite to it at all.
Your opinions are relegated to 4chan for a reason, big guy
The Dark Souls 3 boss roster is genuinely fondly remembered despite DS3 having dogshit lore and bad world design. The only thing anybody remembers about most Elden Ring bosses is that they're hard in an extremely sameish manner.
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The game should be 50% dungeon and 50% open areas.

The DLC has like 40% dungeon and 60% open area in my experience.
Base hame had 30% dungeon area (at least worthwhile ones) and 70% open area.
Overall DLC does things better but still needs to be refined.
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>worst souls game
>elden ring
I think you meant Dark Souls 2 and I say that while loving that game
>People are waking up to the lore sucking.
>Normies are still 100% on the "meme difficult game so cool git gud" train.
Everyone's been crying about this FLC being too hard and seeing the cracks in the game design. Retard.
the ds2 fags are still so fucking desperate

yeah dude, nobody remembers ANY elden ring bosses....suuuuure
Malenia is definitely not 10x more popular than any DS3 boss
Radahn, Morgott, Mohg....totally forgettable compared to.......Sulyvan?
the final boss really separated the men from the children this time around
There is so many ER bosses, you couldnt name "most" of them. "Most" players probably have not even fought a full 3/4 of the bosses in the base game alone.
Literally the only reason anybody talks about Malenia is that she has a single unreasonably hard move.
shittass copy paste minibosses don't count desu.

I'm not defending shitty minibosses btw, Sekiro did them better but yeah.

And that she was plastered all over marketing even though she just has two lines in the game and then tries to kill you for no reason.
>Boomer ellipses
Get out, nigger....you aren't welcomed here.
>the bosses are forgettable
>the only reason you remember is because she is memorable
Silly man.
I'm not a ds2 fan, I could only play half of it. That said the level design is much better than elden ring
>But this untextured box
Elden ring doesn't have a single memorable area aesthetically and the level design is kusoge tier at best
>That said the level design is much better than elden ring
>only played half of it

Nigger what. Get the fuck out.
Bo honest, /v/ - how many tries did Consort Radahn take you?

(summoning and/or magefags do not reply)
10-12 with a pure casting INT/FAI build
only did 3 or 4 tries a day before putting it down
Correct, technically I only played half of elden ring too because the boss design was so bad I killed the last boss gauntlet with cheat engine
Elden Ring world design is so funny.
>Finally reach the Altus Plateau, the sacred land of the Erdtree, where demigods once walked among men.
>It's literally all the same shit and same assets as Limgrave but all vegetation was recolored yellow.
probably 20 with mimic tear, eventually I learned the first phase quite well and I started summoning in the second phase and in a handful of tries it was down.
Without spirit ashes I estimate that it would have easily taken me 5 hours to defeat him
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Calm down Messmer you little freak
80-100 with level 10 scadutree blessing
around 20 after i used my remaining fragments to get to level 17game harder
used two holy katanas although for some reason he didn't bleed in any of my attempts
I like literally every other overworld track, it's just Limgrave specifically with it's droning noise that aggravates me.
I used summons for the first time on a boss and I’m filled with regret and shame. It’s not my fault the boss was just too hard. Now I’m considering restarting my game.
well the game's not balanced at all so
>Limgrave is your standard starter zone, fine as it is.
>Caelid has an actually unique aesthetic.
>Liurna is too large but the mists and wizard bullshit make it feel somewhat distinct.
>Altus Plateau is literally just yellow Limgrave.
>Mountaintops and Snowfield are sameish empty snow shitholes with zero new enemies.
Elden Ring's world design just gets worse and worse as you progress through the game. I hate open world.
>your opinion
there is like 100 bosses in the game and 30 are unique, main bosses. Sekiro has less than 20 in grand total. Again, most players arent seeing ALL bosses and make statements like yours you'd have to come at it factually.
>shittass copy paste minibosses don't count
Even taking that out, Sekiro bosses were basically deflect at the right time and run away only to get a few hits in. I loved that game as seen by my playtime earlier, but to be so biased for and antibias of ER is disingenuous. I fucking love Dark Souls 1 so much for so many reasons, and I can critique ER for its flaws, but the package is incredible. To cherrypick the way you are is deceitful and full of bias.
>fun treat if you get lucky after killing an enemy
get lucky 4 times?
fuck off, I cant stand having such a low fuckign droprate for armour. it isnt the best armor in the game and does nothing but waste the players time. you dont even know if the enemy drops the armour because it is 100% possible to not get a single piece of their armour just from killing the ones youc come across
instead of putting all those useless ingredients in the world, they put down armour sets or weapons
Nobody likes the "Shadow Keep", they like the Specimen Storehouse specifically, which is just a less visually interesting Bloodborne Research Hall. The main entrance area is pretty bland and the Church district might have been alright if it had a bit more going on and if there was actually anything dangerous or interesting in it after you drain the water (have two more ulcerated tree spirits lol).
This nigga only plays half his games! And then claims his opinions are fact! And cheats!
It was good. Only thing I would have changed is making last boss less weak to parries and shield pokes. Shields truly are op.
>1% drop rates in a single player game
fromsoft are actual niggers
>Mountaintops and Snowfield don't have THRIVING plants, animals, and enemies
So its a realistic game then?
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Around 70 attempts, then I switched from my Red Bear Claws build to a bleed antspur shield poke build and beat him in the next attempt. Why did they make him so pathetically weak to one playstyle in particular?
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I do not like the type A type B body type shit and the fact the final boss is 2 butt hugging faggots is lame as well. From needs to go back to giant tit women, the fact that every NPC is a mumbling nigger that ends up dying is old and lazy design
every enemy in the game is weak to bleed shield poke builds, you retards didn't notice because you were busy doing your queer anime flips and pretending you were goku
Maybe 50 tries. Did it with heavy misericorde and buckler.
Caelid deserved a Stormveil-tier legacy dungeon, preferably a rot-focused one because Radahn's castle was boring as shit.
you posted this in every elden ring thread
Fucking casuals around here these days. Go back
Redditors love heckin great shields and big flashy anime sword move enemy
the divine tower climb is fun
This is my first time posting in a /v/ Elden Ring thread since the DLC was released. Maybe I posted something similar in a /vg/ thread, I dunno.
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>No game is ever good
>Everything is wrong
>Everything sucks
>Everything flops
>Can't have fun ever again

What a miserable existence.
this game has the worst side quests
>meet a cool designed character
>he spouts off schizo nonsense providing no real information on what he wants you todo
>the quest only begins if you talk to him 3 times rest then come back to talk to him again
>he disappears for the next 30 hours of gameplay and returns in a previous location
>no indicator of where the hell he is or where on the map he wants you to go
>hmph youre a casual if you dont spend an hour and seventen minutes running back and forth from the bonfire to kill the same 4 enemies the exact same way, averaging 2 runs per three minutes
You know what, I did enjoy that. And it was my first fight against a Godskin Apostle so it was still unique to me and hadn't been ruined by getting repeated three more times.
true but it ain't a legacy dungeon, you'd think castle redmane would be a lil more than what it is.
Sorry insect, there's no excuse to hide the horrible items in elden ring behind 1% droprates
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fuck off faggot
it's always been this way
and its how we like it
and its why your faggoty ass comes here whether you realize it or not
A few attempts with endure twinblade, 13 scadu. Mostly due to shooting for a start of phase 2 stagger and getting murdered when he'd decide not to open with the flashbang.
ng+ with 2h milady probably added 60-80
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>Help NPC achieve their dream.
>They die, for reasons.

At least my man Kenneth Haight got a good end.
It genuinely feels like half of you faggots are doomposting as bait and the other half are sucking off the DLC to an insane degree and you're getting caught in each other's wires trying to shit on each other while there's like 5 people in here trying to actually discuss and criticize and see what they could work on in the next game/DLC
Too much. The exploration and map design is much better than base game, This shit was so bad though I’m never buying another generic “knight rolls around the floor” game made by fromsoft.
elden ring is genuinely a horrible game and if you like it you're not a real gamer

All those posts are different. I'm not surprised I'm not the only one making the comparison though, because I think that's what Fromsoft wanted to convey.
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I love Elden Ring and that's why I'm so critical of it. If I genuinely hated or didn't care for it, I wouldn't even post about it at all. I do think the people saying it's "horrible" are trolling though, and it works because people bite the bait.
I've seen the light anon. I'll kill myself immediately. Truly, everything should suck and be terrible.
Spirit ashes are a doodoo mechanic and there are less than a dozen of usable ones. Not to mention that usage of them completely mind breaks the boss in the most unsatisfying way turning the whole fight into a joke. If they indeed balanced the game around spirit ashes than I hope they will never do that again.
You can change how loud the music plays, and even just turn it off.
still a great DLC and still a lot of great new bosses & weapons, messmer, bayle, and rellanna alone make it worth the price
biggest issue is that while it's billed as the miquella DLC, miquella isn't even present until halfway through the last boss fight, and the last boss's identity is a stupid retcon to bring back a reddit fan favorite
if miquella and the player were together in the DLC like ranni on her questline and the final boss let you either betray or side with miquella for a new ending of his it'd be a 10/10
So? Are you proposing that things should change? That we should abandon the endless now?
Elden Ring is inherently polarizing because they double down on their virtues that make the game kino but they also double down on their mitakes that are annoying and frustrating as fuck.

You want to praise the improvements but you become enraged by the retarded decisions they make or the things theyr refuse to adress.

Elden Ring is like the most gorgeous BPD girl that lets you fuck her and her friend at the same time one week but the next week she'll be passive agressive annoying ass bitch that is arguing with you all day.

You want to love it, it's so close to being perfect, it could be, but there's all the shit that doesn't let you, all that shit that's engraved and inherent to the game design (or girl) so you can't ingore it.
I'm not trolling, I could debate any person easily about how elden ring is horrible, because 99% of you have never played another souls game
I've still yet to hear why a proper easy mode shouldn't replace ashes. The mechanic is so horrible and is clearly only there so casuals (90+% of the audiance) can beat the game
No instead they have the exact same wildlife and enemies as early game zones but they're all inexplicably insanely strong.
>there's like 5 people in here trying to actually discuss and criticize and see what they could work on in the next game/DLC
I'm sorry, but even as someone who put over 2000 hours into Elden Ring before the DLC released because I liked it enough to overlook its flaws, SoTE killed my interest in playing any future Fromsoft games.
>there are less than a dozen of usable ones
there is 1 usable, and 1 meme one that is not even in the same league
>an hour and seventen minutes running back and forth
Also a lucklet. The point is that if you are completionist then you already know you have to grind, so to the layman, normalfag, it is a treat to get the drop. This sounds like a (YOU) problem.
>b-but I need to have EVERY weapon
Then use CE and turn it off after getting your drop. Another reason to play on PC.
The literal game developer uses spirit ashes. Not using them is literally participating in a marathon without legs.
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I'd like an easy mode if it separated people that play it into their own online group and adjusted enemy AI/removed certain moves from enemies/bosses instead of just being a flat health/damage/poise reduction.
the game is not designed well either way
I'm glad they got rid of some of the more annoying shit from older souls games and have genuinely made leaps forward with QoL stuff but then I remember how half-assed armor alteration is or how many caves and catacombs have copy-pasted base enemies as bosses as filler for the open world and I just get that much more fucking irritated knowing they damn well could actually fix some of these things but won't
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>Thought the rot turned Caelid's native wildlife into monstrously oversized versions of themselves.
>Later find out the world actually just has giant crows and t-rex dogs naturally.
In order to live on a mountain in high altitude, or in a land filled 100% with snow; again I say that is realistic then. Why can mountain goats jump around on the tiniest of ledges but the dipshit one at the zoo eats shoes?
I had fun with it for a while but it left me feeling unfulfilled at the end. Just this feeling of "that's it?". The DLC had it's good moments, but it doesn't reach the levels of quality necessary to satisfyingly cap off a game this enormous. The final legacy dungeon is half of a dungeon, the final boss is a guy you already fought with no dialogue, the lore answers for the Miquella story are baffling, there's whole zones that are nearly empty.
It doesn't feel like the grand finale we waited two years for, it feels like the first DLC of a season pass.
Using spirit ashes is like designing a game with a compelling and cool combat system but the only viable way to play is to equip the sniper weapon and just shoot shit from a mile away, just cause it's easier sand more bearable doesn't mean it's more fun.

Having a blue nigger drawing aggro from the boss while you backshot his ass with an OP katana or shoot spells from a safe distance isn't fun, what makes combat fun is being right there and confronting your enemies, and if you're gonna use clever tactics with magic or consumables then they better be actually clever and fun insteas of just summonning a mimic tear to solor Morgott.

When I pull out my jar canon to throw enemies off of the rafters in specimen storehourse it's fun and I feel clever, when I summon my level 10 tyche wife to fight dancing lion and I kill it wihout even seeing the entire moveset by shooting my magic beam I feel like a nigger who's using exploits, even though it ain't even an exploit, that's how dogshit the balance in ER is.
Dark souls never needed an easy mode. Just usual NPC summons did job well and allowed to beat the game to even the most braindead players. I enjoy adjustable difficulty which is tied to your inherit knowledge of the game but detest the spastic, incoherent nightmare which some of the bosses in ER are. To me clarity of the fight is incredibly valuable and with abundance of special effects, animesque moves and crappy camera work every semblance of it was lost.

They're feeding on the corpses of giants, which is why.
He also worked on Ringed City and you niggers gobbled it up, stop being hypocrites.
people generally shit on ringed city lore wise
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I know it's not really fair because it was concluding a trilogy's worth of worldbuilding, but damn we didn't know how good we had it with Ringed City, and that shit was basically just a straight line. Maybe linearity is alright though if it means maintaining a very focused vision. Getting to take the pigment from Gael to the painter girl in the previous DLC and give a vision of hope beyond the fading of the fire was a very sweet conclusion. The end of SotE being a cutscene revealing something we already knew hours ago and having no further content or dialogue back in the base game was a real letdown.
>No. Elden ring has always [HEADCANON]
Good to know that Tanimura is capable of producing GOTY games which even avid dark souls 2 haters praise to be as the best experience of their lifetime.
That's why I would like an easy mode in Elden Ring. Summons ruin the game for me but there are so many turbo AIDS bosses that they got away with because there's always an easy way out. Draconic Tree Sentinel is a good boss that makes sense and it feels like it obeys the rules of the world, those horrid car statues that levitate don't but because they thought everyone would use summons it doesn't matter and they look "cool"
Miyazak is lore guy, Tanimura is gameplay\systems guy.
Limgravs background music is pure comfy.
I don't really know what consistutes as "easy mode" for games like Elden Ring without breaking the game's fundamentals. I blame sheer scale of the game that some balance issues went completeny unnoticed or were written off. You just cannot produce satisfying experience for everybody with colossal like Elden Ring.
What work did George r r Martin even do on this game?
>that's it?
Yeah, pretty much. Like there's just no game there. Big empty areas that are just environmental flavor, major dungeons almost feel shorter than minor dungeons and they're all incredibly easy, NPCs who do nothing except participate in... bossfights. Whether you like the DLC or not literally comes down to how much you like the bossfights. I didn't like most of them because they are not a substitute for the adventure that's missing. They're just all of From's bad design habits to the power of ten. I swear From doesn't even know what they did right in DeS and DS1 to earn all that goodwill and get carried into becoming a major dev studio.
Bossfights in Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne were still action packed but not as obnoxious as this, they should have stayed there.

I don't know why they made them so fucking retarded in Elden Ring.
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>Scadu fragments FORCE exploration instead of ENCOURAGING it
>Same shit as the base game where a lot of the open world is fucking empty as shit with no good loot nor interesting bosses
>Adding to the point above the open world could stand to be a lot tinier so they don't have to reuse so much shit
>Another problem carried from the base game where you find shit you can't use for your build after going through a long ass catacomb
>PvP is literally unplayable cancer invasions are far worse than they were at launch now and the arena is fucking horrible (no new area maps btw lol)
>Some janky as fuck bosses that feel unfinished or that came straight out of mod slop
Easy mode is already in elden ring, that's what summoning is, fromsoft announced this a few months before elden ring released but it was memory-holed by journalists
The background worldbuilding/pre-game history.
He says he wrote shit that happened 5000 years before the game ever happens.

So probably just a page with some notes and names
- There's an ascendant deity named Marika
- Here's her family and their dynamics
- These are some ideas for their internal motivations
- They had a war with these people because of this

I suspect he wasn't actually involved with the cosmology but that's just purely vibes.
The alchemy/astronomy stuff just "feels" like miyazaki, too interconnected to their overarching narrative motifs, to be Grrm.
Prepare to Die did irreversible damage to the brand. Fromsoft's games went from being known as difficult because they didn't hold your hand, to being a constantly escalating struggle to remain difficult to a fanbase that has been playing the same game with a different coat of paint for over a decade. It's why delayed attacks became such a meme, they're deliberately trying to fuck with people that played their previous titles.
the problem is I keep wanting to respecc/make new characters and slowly progress all of them at the same pace rather than just beat the game with a single build at a time
How it should have worked:
>Two dlcs
>DLC 1 has Miquella as a companion who departs to continue his journey alone once you beat the final boss, maybe Messmer
>DLC 2 has you following his trail of discarded aspects, except instead of just getting scadu fragments at each cross you can actually collect each thing Miquella discarded
>Multiple endings
>>1. Side with ascended Miquella as his lord
>>2. Kill him
>>3. If you found all the crosses and didn't betray Millicent, you can stop him before he goes through the gates and convince him to trust in whatever your desired end is
There's nothing more annoying finding out that the only reward for clearing an area is finding a spirit ashes when you straight up don't like using them
Down that path lies madness. Just having to go around getting Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears and scadushits for all of them will drive your enthusiasm into the ground.
>(YOU) problem
Ok, and?
I'm agreeing with him
>the demigods' names all starting with G, R or M
>detailed descriptions of poop
yeah but after prepared to die came ganks in DS2 which were stupid, however, in Bloodborne and DS3 they went back to being slightly more reasonable I feel?
And Sekiro has frantic and very spectcle focused bossfights but as wolf we have the tools to handle it, not only is the balance in that game great, but also we can jump high, do parkour, we got mikiri counter, infinite stamina, a great parry system that turns defense into agression.

In Elden Ringf it feels like they are designing enemies for Sekiro but also they have infinite poise and throw a bunch of AOEs to fuck with you even more so, and as a souls player character we don't have the tools to deal with it so the gameplay becomes "run away any time the boss seems to glow a little cause he may explode, also only press r1 once after rolling 5 times through this combo with two delayed attacks sprinkled in"
>detailed descriptions of poop
nope that's been a long time souls thing
All dungeons like that should have offered both a spirit ash reward and something else, a spell or weapon or ash or piece of armor or something. Once I realized Catacombs mostly just gave ashes I just started rushing through them to get the loot and then leaving without fighting the bosses. I think there's like five in the base game with something worth fighting.
after a certain point I just started duplicating save files to avoid that
I hope their next game focuses more on the combat. I'd like to be cool all the time instead of just when I press the dedicated "use anime move" button, especially if that move has no hyper armor and does less damage than spamming light attacks.
It is astronomically more likely that I ever play DS2 again compared to this boring piece of shit yeah
All the lore with the Erdtree is basically the Weirwoods/Old Gods on steroids, but to be fair gurm made a career as a scifi author writing about alien hiveminds over and over again. You should check out the vids where people compare asoiaf lore to elden ring lore

what the fuck is the point of an open world if 99% of the time spent in it is killing reused bosses and enemies over and over and over. with combat that is utterly shallow.
This is what happens when you have a dev that can't improve on their linear formula try to change genres
for me using my weapon art is what really soured me on the bosses, my L2 attack does twice as much as charged R2 attack and has more reach, as well as dealing more "posture damage" so I can stun them. Basically the only viable tactics I had for combat was to wait for the boss combo to end, then press L2, then roll away and wait for another opportunity to do that again.

I'm seeing messmer fly all over the place with his fire particle effects while I just roll and roll and roll until I can do my only viable attack that I repeat over and over.
great way to disprove your zoomer claim by posting a boring dungeon with the same copy-paste enemies except 2
DS3 had a Bloodborne tard wrangler as Co-Director, that's why it's not like liquid aids like DS2 or ER
>I put effort into a build
>it works
>this is seen as a bad thing for some reason
This is such a non issue it is fucking insane. Trying to reinvent the wheel was idiotic and superfluous.
damn, dude, you are really reaching there
of course, something I cannot control makes me the problem and not the game. And getting the boots of an armour set isnt a treat. Its only one piece, the piece you are not likely to ever see with a lot of the chest pieces in the game
>durr put points into it
I did, and it doesnt magically turn a 1% into a 50% chance, and you know it
>are completionist
>have EVERY weapon
Yes, because wanting another armour set or two, maybe a different weapon automatically means I need to have every single item in the game
It's not a (You) problem, sweetie. it's the games problem. Tell me what disaster would happen if they decide to increase the drop chance for the armour pieces from 5% to a 15% chance?
>Y-you dont have to get it!!!
Ah, yes, they just put the items in the game for no reason whatsoever. So glad. Oh, but of course if I play the game for a few thousand hours, then maybe i will get the whole Mausoleum set in a single playthrough!
you're talking as if the horned warriors and hornsent priests are super common all over the game or something when that's not the case.

Elden Ring base game sins much more by having the Leyndell enemies just be normal soldiers and knights from the open world with two extra thunder related attacks

It's not hard to throw in something actually useful.

Like the Tears could all be dungeon rewards, not ALL contained in the retarded fire golems.
just realized I never played any of the DS3 DLC, I didn't realize there were multiple releases
it's not that bad as the main game, yeah, but unique (or first-time seen) enemies is one of 2 reasons why Stormveil is by far the best legacy dungeon in ER
I also really like Farum Azula desu
Soulless gameplay, no pun intended. How was your time fighting him. That is the one that solidifies ones view of the bosses.
next thread
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most retarded dlc complaint I've ever read kek
KYS tranny.
I too liked it but mostly because it's one of the most unique levels in From's games.

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