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Which game engine uses C? It's the only one I know ( and even then it's only basic shit because I've only been take youtube tutorials for a month)
You can use SDL or Raylib with C
If you want an actual engine, maybe one of the older id Tech engines?(id Tech 4 uses C++)
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I cannot say as I’ve only used C# for gamedev; I’ve used C before but it was always in a terminal with good ol’ VIM.
Anyways, you could make a text adventure game.
For me, it's the Godot Engine.
Raw C? Pretty sure none. Unreal use C++, but that's not really the same philosophy. Enginedev is probably your only solution if you *really* want C and only C.
Also grenade launchers are fun.
That's all I have to say.
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Project Nortubel: Did the background for Herrko level 1, which takes place in the tree Ghalbeen village. It has 3 images, 2 of them are large trees and then there's the sunlight.
Your own, if you're daring or stupid enough to not use at least C++.
C is the lingua franca of bindings. You can use it with anything.
Project Nortubel: Art that could lead to Lahiurn level 3's background. The country's main building, which was inspired by Albert Speer's Germania. And the cannons were kinda inspired by Cannon Fodder from Memories.
You ever seen the official Godot Discord icon. It’s turbo gay.
>has capacity and knowledge to make a good game
>makes tranime coomer shit
Genuinely kill yourself. I mean it. Hang yourself, today.
The world would benefit from one fewer (you) greatly. Kill yourself TODAY. Do it.
Do. It.
I will now begin a chant to hopefuly entrance you to, godwilling, take your own pathetic life you utter failure.
Kill yourself (kill yourself) kill yourself (kill yourself) kill yourself
Kill yourself (kill yourself) kill yourself (kill yourself) kill yourself
What about the actual software?
I know you referred to Total War a lot, but it seems like the gameplay is eventually going to be something like Mount & Blade.
Also did you manage to solve the issue with blendshapes/morphs for customization?
They donate to tranny charities.
Come and kill me yourself, lazy ass.
There is some vague hope for you tho: I'm not *particularly* attached to animu artstyle.
I just need something that work well under very simplified lighting, and has a good chunk of artists specialized in low-poly. So cartoony is a given, but if you can provide a (good and cheap) modelfag doing western style instead of eastern (or something else), feel free. Like, really: I'm getting kinda annoyed about finding something that both look good and isn't *too* generic, so links to modelfags' portfolio are welcome.

>but it seems like the gameplay is eventually going to be something like Mount & Blade.
That's just me having a bit too much fun with puppeteer mode. And also because it's much more convenient than the regular RTS view to show stuff that's happening at the unit level, like basic attacks, animations or parkour.
>blendshapes/morphs for customization?
Post-poned for now. I *could* do proper blendshapes, but only one per mesh - with some mask-based trickery to apply it selectively at best.
The mask+inflate-along-normal technique would be a lot faster to implement and modify, but the result are meh.
Ultimately that's a lot of work just to have different boob sizes (and maybe face shape), so the idea is back on the shelf with the hope I get a random genius idea about it at some point.
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The actual engine is the most popular to use in jam games, so most popular upcoming engine. it's only a matter of time.
users here(including me) complain sometimes but overall enjoy the experience more than unity(I speak for myself for this)
audit and a calendar, sounds fun.
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made button prompts for when you forget what button does what
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I got splitscreen functioning. It broke a lot of stuff, but it's all fixed except for the running-above-max-speed trail thing. That will take time. Next step is to draw out a head for player 2. It'll be a girl.
>Come and kill me yourself, lazy ass.
I’m glad my philosophy of Fygoonism is rubbing off on you guys.
OG Doom is made with C
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dunno OP. i'm a codelet that uses blueprint
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why are the only devs here the lowest dried residue from the bottom of the /agdg/ barrel?
How long have you been gamedeving for anon?
>lowest dried residue from the bottom of the /agdg/ barrel
Nigga, the /agdg/ barrel is nothing but its bottom. There is no such thing as a top-tier /agdg/ dev.
you are fucking making a game. NO one gives a shit if you use some high fucking IQ language.
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Greetings anons
Remember, using Blueprints us always morally correct
some popular porn games are from there.
Star knightess aura and Ero Dungeons
I am a top tier /agdg/ dev
What about that guy who published his space game?
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Make your own. Not necessarily an engine, but a game for sure.
C, OpenGL for graphics, glfw for windowing, cglm for maths, cgltf for model loading.
It's been going pretty well so far.

OOP is overrated. I vastly prefer the separation between data and logic.
suck enemy can now suck other enemies
Good stuff anon
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This guy. Wasn't he a regular poster on /agdg/? At least there were tons of crab posting when his game go released
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starting work on crafting system based off shop system. in contrast to animal crossing, you'll be able to craft as many as you want at once
what do you do for textures, materials, rendering and postprocessing?
I know you can make games like this in Unreal, they just don't seem that common and explanations on how to achieve these kinds of graphics are sparse
I feel like I've got a pretty good idea but I'd like to hear what your approach has been
>OOP is overrated.
OOP is good, even though I personally don't like it that much.The problem is that every retard learning C++ tries to use it, without understanding it or knowing how to properly design the system.
This causes C++ spaghetti to an even bigger shit show than plain C spaghetti.
That art style looks like SRB2 mixed with Mario 64
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Hey, suck 47 dicks. My game kicks ass, so far. Working on Co-op and net play right now.
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Well, I mean, it should. It's using 2D Sprite heads that work the same way SRB2 does it's 2D characters in a 3D environment, and the body is literally the Mario 64 body as a placeholder because I haven't modeled the body yet. It also uses Mario Odyssey animations because I haven't made animations yet.
He escaped the barrel. He is free now.
>Which game engine uses C
id tech 1, id tech 2, id tech 3 and some of the variants.
There are some hobby engines on github.
Some old c++ engines export C API.
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Obviously. All the top tier devs (like me) are here on /v/.
He left. Anyone who makes it leaves cause aggy suddenly start acting like jealous teenage girls towards anyone who escaped the bucket of crabs. Still comes here sometimes though
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i frankensteined together everything i needed from various sources 1,5 years ago so i barely remember how all this stuff works, but mainly everything i do is in this picture on top of all materials being unlit and all uv's being 64x64 or 128x128 (rendered nearest)
the successful ones have no reason to associate themselves and their game with this shithole, I don't know why I even come here
>i frankensteined together everything
hah, just goes to show the method of "doing what works even if you don't understand it" is a valid method of getting things done
Could you post isolated images of the left and right post process editor windows? I'd like to see what's going on there but the details are hard to make out.
>all materials being unlit
ok yeah, that makes sense. are you using texture filtering or the 2d unfiltered option?
>(rendered nearest)
oh, that's the filtering option I guess
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enemies interact with each other too
Why wouldn't I associate myself with this place? Cool games came out of these threads
At what point should you start shilling your game at other sites?
I'l post in a couple of hours i gotta do something first atm

yes. sorry for the retarted explanation. scripting is my weakest field (hence blueprint)
is that aushwitz?
coming along nicely anon! I like the inflate parry.
Six to eight months before release imo. Enough time to build up an audience, get plenty of wishlists and so on but short enough that people won't forget to buy your game
How do you find other people to make games with?
nice, whenever you can post it is cool. just started working with materials and post processing so I really appreciate being able to see what other people have put together
Realistically how long does it take to learn GameMaker Language? I have zero programming experience
I think godot has a plugin that lets it use C
Oldest files for that project are from September 2023, so 10 months. And that's while having a job and kids, so quite limited gamedev time per day.
If you mean in total, I started toying with code on my calculator when in high-school (... 20 years ago, fuck I'm old), but actually gamedeving has been a really on-and-off thing.
This by far the longest and serious-est I've ever been on a project.
find good resources and it shouldn't take too long to learn how to implement basic gameplay functions. if you forget how to do something, just return to where you learned it from and relearn it until it sticks.
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same as unity
>1,5 years ago
>still at this stage in development
shieeeet looks like I'm going to be in this for a long time
I like to look at these posts thinking they look like goofy shit but then I remember I have done absolutely nothing and feel bad
that all depends on you anon. you don't know what other people have going on outside of gamedev, how much time they put into it, how easily they're able to learn things, etc.
but I think focusing on what you can achieve in x timeframe is counter productive. it's better to just try to cultivate enjoying the process, that way it kind of takes over on its own. enjoy the results you get, but imo focusing on how long it's going to take you is only going to lead to frustration and burnout.
Hire an artist or use AI
This looks worse than flash games
You pretty much don't, unless you just happen to find someone with the same interests and a similar level of commitment.
>has capacity and knowledge to make a good game
>makes anime game
Genuinely praise yourself. I mean it. Hang a praising poster today.
The world would benefit from one more (you) greatly. Praise yourself TODAY. Do it.
Do. It.
I will now begin a chant to hopefuly entrance you to, godwilling, take your own pathetic endeavors to the next level.
praise yourself (praise yourself) praise yourself (praise yourself) praise yourself (praise yourself) praise yourself (praise yourself) praise yourself (praise yourself)
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>he drags one variable everywhere instead of making separate clear nodes
>he doesn't GET it
hangout in gamedev communities where people collaborate, join game jams
it certainly seems difficult, but other people manage to do it so it's not impossible
C as your first language is actually stupid and you shouldn't listen to the opinions of anyone from /g/. If your interests are gamedev C# is the obvious first choice. GDScript is also OK and similar to Python. With C my only recommendation for beginners is making a CLI text adventure. You can also try out Raylib but I actually don't recommend low level frameworks before getting experience with the more fully featured engines.
I thought about responding in a similar fashion but I'm pretty sure it was just a baitpost
People really like to play off the "blueprint is spaghetti" meme. there's definitely some truth to it, but there's also many ways to make things more readable and maintainable
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bro, Unreal is the worst engine on the planet.
Blueprints are a meme.
No unreal game is even close to AAA quality.
Bad engine.
All devs should use Godot.
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Worked on the cover system more. Need to work on cover-crouching today.
Just some regret that I did not start earlier, spending the last few years doing nothing besides waging... but the idea and most importantly serious intent came to me only this year so it's not that bad.

Won't it make performance """""slightly""""" worse?
On a related note, what BP practices can really adversely affect performance?
So many days spent working for such little art.
Don't even have animations yet.
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>29 reviews
>Won't it make performance """""slightly""""" worse?
You got me fucked up if you think your detective board salad has any correlation to the actual code being compiled
That is pretty neat! Keep up the good work anon.
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Give it to me straight anons, how much math will I need to learn to be decent at gamedev programming? I haven't seriously touched maths in over a decade so I'm going all the way back to Algebra I, but I want to self-study up to at least Calculus/Linear Algebra.
>Won't it make performance """""slightly""""" worse?
Not at all. It's a get. It's a reference with an address, you cannot be slower by referring to it.

>On a related note, what BP practices can really adversely affect performance?
Practically none.
Avoid casting to parent classes like "Actor" unless you need to and just cast specifically to what you want.
Less than you think. Any math you do need, you can look up online for what math formula you need to perform whatever task it is you need to do.
Generally all you need to know is a handful of tricks with vectors. Quaternions are used for rotations (especially important for if you want to combine rotations) but otherwise you don't need to know much about how they actually work, and almost nobody does. Transformation matrices are probably the most advanced mathematical concept that you might need to properly understand, but even then you don't really need to understand them well. Just start and learn the theory when you need it.
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>Quaternions are used
a lot of those corny motivational phrases hold a lot of wisdom. "the best time to start was 5 years ago, the second best time to start is now"
sometimes it's wasted time and potential that motivates us enough to become serious about what we want to do
Understood. Thanks anons
probably just very basic linear algebra if you want to play around with shaders
for most other things you can just look it up like the other anon said
there's so many tools and resources available now that unless you're making something complicated or niche the main obstacle is dedication
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>he thinks it's about clarity
>he doesn't allow his code to ascend into its true form
Depends on the game. If you're making some tank/mecha game with a lot of different types of physical ballistic trajectories, knowing math beforehand will definitely make your life easier. Making an RPG on the other hand, about the only math you need is for XP curves. (If even.) I imagine classic 2D fighting games, or platformers also don't take a lot of math beyond simple acceleration/jump gravity.
>ascend into its true form
if your code doesn't end up looking like a long forgotten elder god you're doing it wrong
this is why so many games fail, the code isn't a tribute to dark forces that will make your games successful in response to your appeasement
Like other anon said its game dependent. If you're just making some scrimblo platformer you need very little.
anybody got sakurai throwing in the towel
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Project Nortubel: Background for the Lahiurn city.
Recently decided to go to bed early and wake up at 4am.
Best decision ever made, now I can dedicate my morning energy to my game and then leave the rest for work, I wasn't able to do anything productive when back home before. Feels really nice to finally be able to have some time and energy for my own stuff.
Unless you really enjoy gimbal lock then yes, you're gonna need quaternions
i think it looks good :]
>such little art
stuff like this adds a ton of atmosphere to games for me personally
if the gameplay is engaging and the UI has been crafted like this, it really stands out from everything else
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this image showcases the first post-process effect which ps1-fies the graphics
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this post-process replicates a crt screen to the best of my abilities at this time. i'm not exactly satisfied with the result since it still misses the fuzzyness of a real crt. for more stuff like this i can reccomend ben cloward on youtube
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Added achievements system, there's plenty of secrets and endings in the game and I think it will motivate people to look for clues a little more.
you... you know you can use named reroute nodes in material editor, right... right????
Thanks, I will now buy your game (serious)
>for more stuff like this i can reccomend ben cloward on youtube
Cloward is amazing. I've found another guy that's pretty good for Unreal materials and VFX, Thomas Harle. He has a youtube channel, and courses on gumroad and udemy that cover materials and niagara in depth.
thank you

the scope of my project is larger than is visible atm and i couldn't script when i started this so learning that took a while too. but in general big_project=big_time
this week I've been looking for sound effects and creating some animations for the characters still.
i had to google that. thanks for the tip
I love the aesthetics of your game, yesdev. I hope you finish it.
how easy is it to create a steam account and a page to sell your game
>i couldn't script when i started this so learning that took a while too.
Oh okay, I'm in the same boat as when you first started then. Best of luck anon, you're gonna make it
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you're welcome
it's easy but man is it a pain in the fucking ass the first time you do it since nothing is documented properly.
But anyone can do it. Look at this loser: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2835720/SpHero/
>tfw i have a few ideas of things I want to work on and am intermediate enough of a programmer that I can make them happen but no longer have the time in my life to gamedev

if all you're doing is learning math for gamedev as a hobbyist then don't bother with classes, you'll learn pretty quickly as you go. main place the math can get complicated is shaders
these threads are filled with ganbare
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Started replacing Godot's physics engine with another one that is directly bound to my event system and isn't connected to Godot except for receiving the function call to step its simulation. So far I'm very pleased, raycasting takes ~1-3 microseconds (before: 20-50) and with one character controller (walking, running, crouching, jumping) and a few static colliders the simulation step takes 0.05ms (before: 150-300, same setup).
The drawback is that now I'll have to write something like a custom PhysicsAnimatedSkeleton if I want ragdoll behaviour or syncing animation with physics events. Oh well, the Godot Devs just implemented a SkeletonModifier class which I'll probably use for that.
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showed my project to a friend. he told me not to quit my day job (I only work night shifts so I have more time to work on my game)
Oh, should have been 0.15-0.3 instead of 150-300.
Kill yourself, Cris.
>in contrast to animal crossing, you'll be able to craft as many as you want at once
Was there a reason you chose to do that? This kind of design decision can have long term consequences on game feel.
noo you have to endlessly refactor and make things "clean" and "nice" because it's "industry standard" and we wouldn't want to be "that guy" who just "spaghetti codes" his way to success right? Right????????
you need at least a PhD in math before john tarmac allows you to pass into gamedevland. Otherwise he'd just slash your tires with pure friction force and send you flying
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Made a Kingsfield 3 inspired coin for my adult horror RPG.
why not give it 3D tits
just make your own engine from scratch bro
nah, my event system and now the physics engine will be enough. Godot's graphics pipeline, especially with the new acyclic render graph will be everything I need for visuals, and sound is quote good too. It'd take me years to match the features I want that Godot has.
working on a new trailer, got a recent youtuber to critique my game.
Very close to the point where I have to do a bunch of playtesting/balancing with recording footage before anything else
i respect that you have the talent to make a game, but please take that fucking pixelation camera filter off. it's such an eyesore and doesn't even make it look retro. you can see the real 3D underneath. it's a trend that needs to die.
Indie Game Clinic, he's starting but he is entertaining enough to grow faster than other channels.
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Sorry bro, I haven't gotten to modeling my heroines (victims) yet. I'll be sure to post their 3d bazoongas once I'm done but for now check out my cigarettes pack.
because it's annoying as fuck to craft a stackable item one at a time. i could make it so you have to click each time but with no cutscene
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that dither effect looks really nice
thanks! Might send him my own game
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sometimes I feel dumb for taking 5 hours to solve a problem that only needed like 3 lines of code and some set up but I guess that's how it is when you're self taught and figuring things out on your own
Wish I could say the same. The youtubers who reviewed my first game (and said they enjoyed it) haven't touched my newest game.
I spent a month on a certain AI system back in 2022
I just refactored it entirely in the past 4 days, except it actually works this time. It do be like that
/v/ros i dont understand anything about unity behavior trees am i stupid?
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boyos this is, what are you cooking today?
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gonna cook a level today
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i miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
Project Nortubel: City tile stuff.
>/agdg/ /v/ edition
whats this?
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You can write all your game logic in C and run it in Godot with GDExtensions.
this looks sick
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Anyone here use AI for pair programming purposes? I used to use phind when it had that gpt-4 and that gave amazing results, but now it's stuck behind a paywall and many models I found on huggingface are incredibly shit.
never understood how to implement C, all I've seen is that you got to modify the Godot Engine to actively be able to pull that off.
C# is more easily integrated so that will be it.
The default setting will be less prominent, I just make it more visible for when I make small webm's or else you wouldn't see it at all, but it'll still be there as I'm trying to emulate the Sega Saturn with the style. But I'll probably have an option to turn it off all together.

Thanks! I hope I finish it too, lel, I've already quit so many projects.
You're thinking of GDNative which required you to build the components into the engine itself. With GDExtensions you compile separate modules that get added into the project.
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I miss you bro. come back to us.
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Bro’s gonna take one look at my game and shut down his channel; he can’t surpass perfection.
ChatGPT can help expedite the process; I’m not saying to be a pajeet and using it instead of learning, but it could be a great learning tool.
Last thing i made, currently trying not to die of hypertension, of all the things i could have inherited i got this shit.
go to aicg on /g/ and they have public reverse proxies you can set up with sillytavern to use ai for free
what models depends upon the proxy but most have gpt-4o
hi notch i know you're here with your friends expectating for me to upload progress so you can copy my game, is not gonna happen. i still don't trust you
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Oh shid, i forgot.
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Good to see you still hustling. Keep up the good work.
Give the shopgirl bigger tits
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No matter how big the tiddies get, she’ll never top the greatest ShopKeeper of all time.
>Someone else is getting attention!
>I better steer the conversation back to me!
I think you should hang yourself
No matter how good your project is, you should not quit your job over it.
looks familiar, where do you post your work?
Visualizing animation & collision data in a game space is always satisfying, happy to get it working here for debugging.
I think these slashes should be straighter, but I wonder if it even matters when playing?
Are you doing anything to check the area between frames?
What engine? In unreal there is a piss cheap plugin that track between frames for 5 bucks. It was free for the month awhile ago.
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I’m just sayin’, I like the tiddies, but there just ain’t enough Scarabs.
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Yeah. This visualization is for registering clashes between melee weapons passing through each other at perpendicular angles, not sure if it'll be necessary because the normal between-frame checks have worked accurately so far.
The vertical, brighter sprites show where the animation actually "is" every frame, while the dots are calculated between each.

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Maybe i can give her an alt but we're already neck deep in feature creep, maybe later.

Here and on twitter.
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Does anyone have an idea or a tutorial of how to do a texture blend like this in blender? They use a gradient image and somehow make the plane become semi transparent at the end?
They use a transparent shader and super impose 3 different textures at different mips and panning speeds. You can always change the alpha using a lerp.
Thank you will google all those terms!
You technically don't need to use transparency as it costs gpu quite a bit. A simple alpha mask would suffice and just lerp between 3 things.
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drop your socks and grab your cocks boyos
we leveling tonight
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that's a weirdly shaped pp
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>someone drew porn of the mc already
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I finally designed every character, especially the cutscene exclusive ones such as Asher and Lazarus, the two Sapphire Dragoons who first learned of the Warlord’s plot at Port Wyvern, and the Messenger, who actually appears in the game’s manual but without a description. The Messenger’s design took some time to make, as I wanted to give him more aerodynamic proportions (at least in comparison to the other Dragons) like a falcon all while maintaining an Agamid appearance (luckily, Agamids have relatively smaller snouts). The color, since he’s a Quartz Slipstream, is obviously white, with gray wings and tail fin so he’s not just a white blob.
I’ll also show the updated Villains page.
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What’s a game without some good villains? Here’s all of the villains found in the game, including two cutscene-exclusive antagonists: Siansi Klez and Kan Qash Nood.
Let’s begin with Kan Qash Nood: he is the Kan, or Lord, of the nomadic Saberwolves; because the Saberwolves are not a part of Frydarian court, Kan Qash is not considered a Viceroy, with the position being taken by Viceroy Margus. Nevertheless, Kan Qash is highly territorial, ruthlessly cutting down anyone who trespasses on the land his people are currently trespassing themselves.
Klez, on the other hand, is a more interesting character. This upgraded Botnet serves as the chief minion of the Warlord, and, more importantly to the audience, serves as a vessel of knowledge as he reports to his master of what he and his Botnet slaves have found while covertly studying the history of Frydar Island. It is important to note that Siansi is not Klez’s first name, but rather his title as the commanding officer that answers directly to the Bot Master that is the Warlord; where the term Siansi originates from is up to you all to figure out.
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Here’s a high-definition render of Kan Qash Nood.
Appreciate him while you can.
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what if instead of a bikini she had shorts which were falling down, just high enough to censor her vag
Are you even planning on selling this game? There's no way in hell you'd be able to get away with this.
he said hes selling two versions, censored and uncensored
bix nood
At this point it's actually worse and less efficient in every way than reading and editing text file.
I can understand putting few small loops you fuck around with in blueprints for quick assessment, but that pic is perversion.
Doesn't matter if it's uncensored, most places have already started banning loli outright. Steam, Itch, GOG, DLSite, and Booth have all banned it.
Learning a new syntax is really easy, don't let the language determine your engine choice.
Wait how is an alpha mask any different than transparency?
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>Wake up
>Turn PC
>Open Unreal Engine
>Open Unreal Project
it's too hot to dev
New Steam demo stuff is very interesting. I converted one demo to have it's own page mainly to see how it does, might convert more if it goes well in the future in the new format.
you realize that's literally 20 degrees above boiling of water?
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Underage tourist gtfo.
turn on the AC, take the side panel off your computer and place a box fan next to it

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