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Did they seriously just straight up use AI voices for the dub?
Just listen to this. What the fuck did they do?
I hate AI jeets``
What the fuck did they do to this game
Just sounds like a VA with bad direction
5 was dubbed entirely in-house and they've done great work
I really don't get how they ended up with this shit
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What the fuck? Did the localization studio changed?
damn that shit looking rough were is the campiness hope is only this npc
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first this and then the whole shit show with the epic accounts for MP. They fumbled hard on this one
Maybe Ill just buy 5 or go back to playing 4.1
The dub for 5 is trash, play the game in JP
any other voice
hows the in mission radio messages
how does orbital laser sounds like??
I had 2 crashes so far
I have over 5 hours until I get off work. I want to play now!
I hate how with the advent of AI, when something is shit peoples' first inclination is always "I bet it's AI slop" instead of simply "wow they did a shitty job."
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>and then the whole shit show with the epic accounts for MP
You best be joking.
>Go to Steam page
It's fucking true...
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Aliens invade, 90% of humanity dies, aliens are driven off
That's basically it, just missing the voice acting
are people really that surprised that this re-hash franchise is doing this? Did you fucks really expect quality from this franchise? It's literally the exact same as dynasty warriors. Just the same game with minimal effort into the next installment ad infinitum. Why are you fucking retards expecting anything of quality?
6 starts up from where 5 left off. If that matters to you.
It adds context if nothing else, but that doesn't stop the delivery from being awful nor how they keep saying to "watch out for civilians"...in a blown husk of a ruined city with nobody in it.
anyone post in game content, i wanna hear the air raider radio clutter
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It sounds less like AI and a lot more like poor sound editing.
From my experience the issue with AI voice acting is typically unnatural/improper inflection on the voice, like stressing certain words that aren't actually important. I don't get that impression from this dialogue.
This sounds less like that and more like someone was paid to reduce the amount of dead time in this person's voice acting to try and make the sound clip shorter.

My guess is that this person's voice acting recordings had a lot of pauses and someone thought the voice clips were too long, so they were shortened in post to make the dialogue go by faster + save on space. This is evidenced by how the dialogue gets cut off just a little too quickly at the end of some of his sentences, and the timing between some words is unnaturally quick. It definitely wasn't done very well, but it could also be because they didn't do many takes of this dialogue and therefore the editor didn't have much to work with in the first place.
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I’m about to buy EDF 5 and refund this one, it’s downloaded but I haven’t played it yet. If EDF 5 is exactly the same thing then I’ll get a key for $16..In addition to the Epic account the complaints about the quality of the game are a bummer.
Sounds fine stop nitpicking for (you)s
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That is bad
>EDF 6
>It plays just like EDF 5
>Also plays just like EDF 4.1
What the fuck is the point?
the point is fun things are fun
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you know the rules
What's the issue here? Doesn't really sound like AI, but rather a proper direction for an EDF game where NPCs react in the most bizarre ways to whatever is happening around them.
This is what sequels should be, more content for a fun base
I love it because AI is a bigger badge of shame (just look at capcom with ada by comparison) so they'll be forced to do something about it
U forgot
>Most EDF 6 missions are from 5 but with a small twist
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>He has a Timmy Tencent account
I mean if you don’t like the English voices you can always use the original/Japanese ones, no?
The only thing I really care about is if they fixed the wonky item system from 5 where most your weapons suck shit until you find another 50 copies of the same weapon
don't bother, you need an epic shit account
I don’t care about schizo shit
This is the sole reason I dropped it from my cart. I guess the early singapore sony enjoyers won a few months ago. No reason to play 6.
pirate it bro
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Are “people” (if you can even call them people) who unironically consume japanese media with English dubs genuinely retarded? If you are someone who actually prefers dubs, you are cancer. You are xenophobic. You are vile. You genuinely should be shot and killed. Those who make and consume dubs are garbage. They aren’t real fans. They are casuals. Tourists. They are the cancerous tumors of the japanese gaming industry. Fuck them. Kill yourselves, dubfags.

Dubs are always inferior because they aren't made by original creators in source country and culture. You can like inferior things that are literally made to appeal the lowest IQ people (that's the main objective of dubbing), but don't try to convince people that are at least a little respecting themselves and original creators that dub is a viable option that is providing at least comparable experience because it isn't and it will never be, no matter what you say. Dubbing is bad regardless of the country origin. This is just a terrible idea for anything besides content targeted to grade school kids and below.

Personally I'll never understand people that are choosing to consume popcultural media from other countries butchered by dubs and its localization. What's even the point of consuming foreign media adjusted to your culture and voiced by people that have no idea about source country which can't even pronounce characters names correctly, not to mention about properly portraying character personalities and thier individual quirks.

Sorry but this is beyond my comprehension and people who are purposely using the dubs instead original voices will always make me cringe hard.
>"watch out for civilians"
but... that's the joke. The other soldiers even call him out on it later in the missions.

The story is like a love letter to 5s story. If you haven't played 5 then all you are left with is the gameplay.
>Did they seriously just straight up use AI voices for the dub?
Holy fucking based
It logs you in with Steam anyways so idk what the difference is
I didn't have to make any separate account
Can you blame them? The game has no budget.
The graphics are cheap,
The gameplay is cheap
I wouldn't spend any money on voice actors either. Japanese voices are too expensive.
in-game EDF 6 start after mission 13
How about you pay for the voice actors then if it bothers you so much? They have no money. What the fuck do you expect??
is this just concern trolling? the english dub was always shitty in every EDF game, thats the charm
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The EDF 5 dub was produced directly by the game's publisher and directed by Japanese people.
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this is what it says on steam requirements
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Ingame when you go online the first time it pops up the Epic online menu and it asks you to log in or "create an account" but when you hit the 2nd option it just tells you it'll log you in with your Steam account and you hit okay and thats it
The game didn't have subtitles before, and it's the sort of game where it's kinda hard to read while playing anyway.

Stinko weeb in denial, and probably desperate need of a shower.
The song you sing is very bad now, not as epic as in 4.1
>Did they seriously just straight up use AI voices for the dub?
I hope so
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good to know. Ill get it on sale later
It's a technicality. You don't need to sign up with an email or user name. But your steam credentials ARE tied with a unique ID for negotiating networking on eos
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For piratefags with the online fix.
I'll be playing a bit in 5 minutes if no one comes, reply if you're interested

Online Fix:

Run LaunchGame.exe as admin first to let it install the Epic spyware
this has unfortunately been the case since 5
>We've lost 90% of our supplies, survivors will have to ration
>Who cares, they're all dead anyway!
Paraphrased but the juxtaposition of killing hordes of aliens when humanity is losing the fight on all other fronts really made EDF5 for me
Wait until Mission 13
The Captain has a sort of PTSD or delusion.
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i can't fucking believe jc denton is in edf6
As I understand it, it creates a dummy account using your Steam credentials. And Sandlot for some reason decided to utilize the full amount of features with EOS, so to install and run EDF6, EOS is a required install, as you'll see if you search the programs on your PC. The main issue people just have is that they don't trust this specific application with their data.

Different from the helldivers situation which required a full-fledged account with Sony whom had a lot of security breaches.
What exactly does the online fix do? Make it possible for piratefags to play with eachother?
Anything out there yet that circumvents the Epic shit?
Yes and no the game uses Epic for online
Good, fuck voice actors
yes goiyam, don't get paid for your talents
Does DMC count as English dubbing? IIRC all the games came with English voices first, and the JP voices came later.
yes goyim pay youtubers and overacting theatre kids as much as they demand!
>5 was dubbed entirely in-house and they've done great work
What? It was worse than 4 in every way, it showed pretty well the difference between D3 Publishers handling the localizations themselves after cutting the middle man Aksys, the dialogue was stiff and the chanties didn't rhyme well in English.
nice al dente fettuccine my fellow sombrero
I don't much about the series but it reminds me of old ass games with english dubs where they had no good voice directing. I remember reading a claim that the voice actors for Sonic Adventure 1 didn't even have a director just written out instructions.
>launch day thread
>page 10
man D3 really fucked this one up huh
are all those online fix files required or just one of them
There's 2 threads currently, and the other one is archiving soon >>683697314
I'll stop playing for now, maybe there will be more players later.
Download the game, install it, download the online fix and overwrite everything, and launch the game with LaunchGame.exe while having Steam up.

It might prompt you to login to EGS on your browser and if it still doesn't work try temporarily removing the C:/Program Files(x86)/Epic Games folder, launch the LaunchGame.exe, then restore the Epic Games folder.
You can also try using the TENOKE crack first and overwrite it with the online fix once you are able to launch the game.
Just one of them
The threads are mostly arguments over EOS. Hardly anyone is talking about the game.
Way to fucking go D3, poison all the discussion around the game on day 1.
Not reading all of that but the EDF dubs are shit in a charming and funny way
I'm not reading subtitles during my first play through. I've tried with other games and it's a miserable experience to read subs while also playingan action game. I'll hear the dub the second time through. Your gay unhinged rant isn't changing my mind
I am, but that has nothing to do with my take on dub vs sub
>why yes this is my very first exposure to edf, how could you tell?
most seethe I’ve seen this copypasta cause in a while
i know im getting into some low quality shit but don't ask 60 fucking dollars for it too
the online fix file asks for a password
I don't care. The dub is and has always been atrocious. Use JP like a real human.
>voice acting quality jumps dramatically after mission 12
what the fuck
why did they do this, i was extremely disappointed with how much of a downgrade the dialog and voice acting was from 5
online-fix.me is the password
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well I was planning to get this game because couple of my friends wanted to actually finish an EDF run in our lifetime but the EGS shit just kinda killed it since at least one of us wont bother no matter what
You know what's fun
I actually don't care THAT much about the whole EOS shit but the implementation is so dogshit that one of my friends cannot play the game because the account linking process had some sort of error and now he just can't get into online no matter what
It's fucking RETARDED
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What do you think the publisher is thinking right now?
>those gaijin sure are angry
>oh well
The publisher never cared about the PC ports.
>he hasn't seen the Japanese reviews
I find funny that it runs on W7.
Your friend must be really retarded to fuck up clicking one button.
Damn. World Brothers blows this shit out the water
Nani the fuck are the gaijin so pissed about?
Tell them we’re gomenasorry.
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that stupid mission crashed when i got close to the pepe
Literally who? Your new indie project or something?
The sort of frustrated resignation you feel when you think you're finally done with some tedious bullshit only for it immediately blow up in your face with the prospect of ruining your weekend as well.
dont care, playing EDF5
why can I only join some rooms?
>t. found EDF through le epic meme youtuber
legit or pirate copy?
So did they bring in a new voice cast for the returning EDF 5 characters? If so, how does it compare to the old one?
Not that 5's voicework was anything exceptional but I'd miss it all the same.
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Fake fan detected
No problem here. Intel?
room name is /v/df, as usual
what will the cope be when english dubs actually do start using AI voices in everything?
I'm pleasantly suprised by the new drones for Air Raider, the tiny airstrikes you can do with them are really fun
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>first it was hd2
>now it's the undisclosed epic login requirement
We will never have a comfy edf thread ever again
It'll be fine
based fuck voice actors
Considering it has a concurrent amount of players twice as big as EDF5's highest, and it's probably their highest selling title, they must be thinking about money.
pirate but online works (sometimes)
Everybody is ignoring the real controversy. Why the fuck do I have to sit through the Havok splash screen when I can click through all the rest of them?
>We got thousands of people to pay $60+ for a quick port that we don't care about because we only really care about our JP console players who got the game years ago
yeah everyone kept saying he took a fat nerf but I dont see it, having near instant reloads on these helicopters is nuts
They are trying to figure out why people are mad at them when hundreds of other games on Steam use EOS
played with two people on pirated copy and then my game crashed
yeah but old intel cpu so should be fine
first one was self-inflicted, second one sucks.
At least they have the balls to tell you that they use EOS unlike other shit.
Pretty much.
The PC version has always been irrelevant for the EDF franchise; I'm pretty sure the only reason it exists is due to some suit or stockholder forcing them to make it and that's it.
piratefags can only play with other piratefags
Having 4 dashes and 2 jumps by mission 5 on fencers is a real relief.
They only put it up after the immediate backlash. Now they have to figure out how to save their asses.
Sirs please understand na we are poor indie dev
Now do the needful and please redeem our $60+$20 game :)
These are almost all Chinese people. I would not be surprised if the game was machine translated from JP to Chinese to English.
>25% on steam
>4.5 stars on PS store
So which is it?
This, and hopefully they'll realize that it's because their implementation of EOS sucks dick
I'm sure they didn't put the Epic account requirement to begin with because they saw other games with EOS didnt have it (because it doesn't need it) and just went with it without considering that those games put in effort to make EOS as unintrusive as possible.
The backlash is because they didn't till 5-8 hours later when people found out.
Says who?
Already played 5mission with random people and i checked they all own game
Only issue is sometime you can't join any lobby and had to refresh or restart
I'm expecting a no but does it have crossplay?
Yeah, anyone attributing this to malice instead of sheer incompetence doesn’t understand Japanese developers
The steam reviewbombing is entirely because of the EOS fiasco, the PS store ratings should be the actual game quality rating
It's out on Steam or Epig?
the game is good, clicking two extra buttons to make a dummy EOS account is bad
Because other games are usually worth the $60 so extra shit on them doesn't bother people, EDF games are already sold at a premium so they should be giving the best untainted experience possible.
It's more that it's required to login just to play that is issue and hiding that until release is the real issue.
I doubt it's irrelevant at this point since they are releasing on PC day 1 instead of waiting another year like before.
Imagine the money they get without a mostly negative review score.
The people who buy a machine that just works so they dont get scared when they see command prompt open on launch.
Any of the weapon DLCs worth getting?
>it's inconceivable that the billion dollar corporation must have made a mistake or coding error somewhere when all a user did was press a button
kys EDF tranny
>We should probably release World Brothers 2 soon.
Steam yes.
Epic for some regions only for whatever reason.
Only between Steam and EGS because they are THAT retarded after having set it up between Playstation 4 and 5.
No, not in this EDF, not in any EDF
Unless you want to be funny, then buy whatever you want
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>releasing on PC day 1
Why do you lie so much?
The real question is, if i play with console players would less enemies spawn?
The Power Blade Zero
Any guide on pirating the DLC? I want the more fleshed out JP decoys while I'm still early.
the enemy values are set per mission, so exactly the same
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what does it mean if your weapon level number is colored yellow
Game is fantastic, definitely up there with 5. people are justifiably angry that the EOS shit is required for multiplayer, but I love EDF too much to not play it on principle. The game part of this game is great
It would be an act of genius to intentionally make bad dub-overs to enhance the general atmosphere of being a black & white japanese monster movie you're inside.
Thanks kings fortunately I'm a snoygger
For global release retard.
The paternal has been Japan first, 1 year later global release on console and 1 more year for PC.
They now skipped the last part and the PC version isn't delayed like before.
This sounds like PS2 era dub.
Pretty kino if you ask me
I pirated it loved it
Shilled to my friend but that NIGGER FAGGOT said graphic to bad, game is braindead horde shooter
Now I don't wanna buy this game since it's $60 and playing with random is no fun
it's easier that way since modern consoles are so similar to pc
>playing with random is no fun
You don't have any idea of how wrong you are
Can you join any online game with a pirated version or just games hosted by other pirates?
>playing with random is no fun
Ah yes just like Bioha-RESIDENT EVIL
You should just kill yourself honestly
Yea i also liked dub so much
I just spam edf and nice when character finish their dialogue, this shit is hilarious
Steamtards are too fucking seupid to understand that the exact same thing that does Elsen Ring's multi-player is on EDF 6, but shown to you instead of hidden in the anti-cheat
Who cares about English dubs?
So far i found 6match
But i can't join every match and i probably match with people who also pirating the game
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EDF6 has improved metallic shaders.
You can play online with anyone but I guess you have to >>683719706 frequently restart to play with legit players.
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Gura is dead :(
it's like being gay in your bedroom versus shoving it down everyones throat
maybe one day you will understand, EDF tranny
Well yeah but this is the first time they did it which is nice
By that i mean long term, game is 10x more fun with voice chat and synergy
Game is still fun with random though, i love spamming edf
only other pirates at least for me maybe my ports are all locked up since i have issues connecting to even on legit EDF 4.1 and 5 so i haven't really played a lot of online there
I love the new Spear auxiliary weapons on WD.
It's like having a dragoon lance at all times.
They only told that after release, until then there was absolutely no sign that it would use EOS.
>Mentally ill retard with trannies on the mind 24/7 thinks he can make any kind of point
Are there any more game with this much environmental destruction?
I choose this over graphic fidelity anyday
Game also run pretty well for a japanese game
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I usually agree but I'll watch dubs for shit like yugioh because they add a tone of unseriousness that I find to be needed for shows with an inherently unserious premise.
not sure if it's because the early game power cores are dogshit but Wing Diver feels like she gets a lot less air time now which I really don't like
Considering that guy is the scientist that time loops with you the whole game, no, it's not a fucking AI
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>Robots raped Gura to death
your shit game is already dead EDF tranny, cope & seethe
Which class is most fun?
I only played with default soldier so far
There was some dev blog on an Epic website but why should the customers scour blogs instead of just reading to store page to get info about the product?
It's her boost, I feel like it eats up more energy (and we've already known that goes less distance too)
Mercenaries 2: World In Flames had a very similar enviromental destruction
as for other games, Red Faction: Guerilla and Teardown are also really good
Sounds better than playing with your friend.
It also requires signing in when most other games leave it optional or don't have that.
Given it was releasing on Epic too I figured they would use EOS but they handled it like retards.
>Big androids start wobbling as I shoot them
I'm getting hector flashbacks
i like fencer since its fast as fuck with strong melee and ranged
It's not the same because the Elden Ring implementation doesn't have most people thinking that an EGS account is required to play when that's not the case. Also uninstalling EOS standalone is an absolute bitch since it refuses to uninstall through the usual means for some reason, literally mimicking malware for no reason since it doesn't even collect data
I'm loving the game itself but I'm not gonna defend this incompetency and I'll leave a negative review until it gets fixed.
Soldier is more fun than Fencer this game if you ask me. I dunno about other classes they buffed Soldier by a ton in every game and now it seems like he is too strong.
>First hard crash on Mission 35.
You're not supposed to hair air time on WD since EDF5. You're supposed to dash everywhere all the time.
It should not require the game to be always online nor require you to sign in yeah
True 99.999999% of the time but there have been occasions where the dub is simply better like Hellsing Ultimate.
>PS5 got it 1 day early on preorder and doesn't need any accounts to play online
Snoychads won this time.
>doesn't need any accounts to play online
First of all yes it does, your PSN account.
Second, it needs extra money to play online.
Keep paying for that online play subscription, goy.
fencer just sucks till mid-end game, cause shit aoe mortars, no snipe dmg, shit spread miniguns
I know they are a small company (like less then 30 people) but it's just such a lazy implementation.
Hopefully they patch it so it works like most other games that use EOS.
>Hellsing Ultimate
Fencer and Air Raider are the most fun lategame imo, fencer early game sucks balls but once you learn to play him and have good equipment he's crack
Early game I'd say Ranger is the most well rounded, you can't go wrong with him
Wing Diver is still way less fun than she was in 4.1 so I can't enjoy her knowing that but if you don't have that context she's fine I guess
>click button
>game gives you some sort of token error
>game then tells you you are not online
That's it. The game's just telling him he's not online every time he tries to enter multiplayer. It doesn't seem like there's a way to reset or unlink this shit either. Already tried uninstalling the game and EOS, same shit.
Absolutely based system. Simply Epic.
Air Raider
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To support my fencer statment
I bet you're one of those fags who claim FMA:B is better in dub as well, because the dub isn't a complete disaster.
Every single youtube reaction video is full of niggers commenting how amazing and great it is while shitting on anyone who says to watch with the original voices.
anyone else get stuck on a white screen when trying to start up multiplayer?
singleplayer works fine but what I assume is the ebin login just sits there on a white screen until I close it and then the game says I apparently can't connect to the internet
someone once shilled me the dub after claiming they’d watched it subbed first and said “only one of the really great Jap VAs could’ve played Alucard better than Freeman does, like George Nakata or Kenjiro Tsuda”
Probably windows firewall shenanigans. Make sure the game is in the exceptions.
No, Hellsing Ultimate is the only dub I have seen that is a complete upgrade.
It elevates a fantastic story to a masterpiece. The major’s monologues are simply less descriptive and are more repetitive in a bad way, for example, in the original.
>singleplayer works fine but what I assume is the ebin login just sits there on a white screen until I close it and then the game says I apparently can't connect to the internet
the Epic overlay should appear during loading (the floating spinning green rectangles at bottom right corner) on your first load into Online Lobby
What's the password for the online fix?
I'll die on the usual "Cowboy Bebop dub is great" hill. Also Kingdom Hearts (until 3 where HJO is way told to be doing this anymore). I don't watch/play anything new dubbed though, that's truly retarded. VA's for these things have only gotten worse in the West and they weren't very good to begin with.
A lot of other games use Epic Online Services and work silently in the background, not needing a popup/login like this.
I'm thinking Sandlot just doesn't know what they're doing and went full retard with their implementation.
Did you try linking your Ebin account to Steam? I've seen other anons complain about that, that the whole process is fucked and the game just tells you that you can't connect to the internet.
Never saw the sub for bebop but the dub (and the show itself) didn’t impress me even though it was competent (wanted to see sub but guy I was watching it first time with wanted dub). I don’t know anything about KH.
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Should be this
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>the dub is bad
like always
That seems to be the case. I'm not tech savvy enough to confirm the details, but another anon in a diff thread says the standalone EOS installation that EDF6 has implemented, albeit doesn't collect data, acts like malware in the sense it's annoyingly hard to get rid of all the files.
>let it install the Epic spyware
i'll wait and see if piratefags figure out how to cut that part entirely
Everyone else sounds normal for EDF. The same character sounds more normal once out in the field. He sounds almost depressed when he sees the salvaged mech torso welded onto the back of a truck
This particular character is supposed to be the nerdy type, he claims he was a scientist before enlisting, so him sounding kinda stilted doesn't seem unusual to me.
Anon it uses epic for the online. That's like asking for someone to make an online crack when you don't have an internet connection
guess I'll be waiting for a long time then
>Writing in English
Opinion disregarded
>implying dubfags aren’t constantly coping
I'm finding early game Fencer on hard to be just fine and I played the nigga in 4.1 and 5, too.
Bloodstorms at level 2, shields are pretty good early, on level 5 or so I already have 4 dashes and 2 boosts.
It's fine
Password for the online fix?
yeah it just opens up an overlay that's completely white and blank except for an X in the corner to close the overlay after a short loading bar at the top
Were the Wing diver leotards censored?
The fact EDF has a talking section this long while nothing is happening is bad in itself. At least the other games had the voices talking while I was shooting shit or collecting boxes
Puffy cloaca.
>game crashed when walking into things as fencer
dang yo
grenades are genuinely good now that they have their own slot
That's the tutorial first mission that's nothing but 10 minutes of exposition and teaching controls
I haven't seen any other talking section like it so far, the rest of the missions follow the classic edf storytelling
dubfags getting what they deserve
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So do you need to have EGS or an account to play it?
Or is it just using some EGS multiplayer framework/servers or something? I don't really mind the second one too much, though it is a little annoying.
Nah fuck that
Any lobbies up?
Same with WD special weapons, they were hard to justify when you only had 2 slots but give them a dedicated slot and they become crazy useful
... I had the game freeze on me twice when playing fencer, hasn't happened on any other class though. Is fencer cursed?
you need to install their spyware thing and make an account, though the account doesnt have to be tied to any kind of real world info besides like a date of birth or something
It makes a dummy account for you.
va aside why does this game look like its from the PS2 era?
Most people are saying it just auto-generates a junker account for you, so I don't think you even need to do that.
Also if I was that concerned about company spyware I wouldn't even have steam in the first place.
If I'm understanding it correctly from other anons, you only need it for online, and you either sign in with your pre-existing account or it auto making an account with your steam id.

Is this right? No name entering bullshit and the like? Just click buttons and no typing?
>Or is it just using some EGS multiplayer framework/servers or something
This one, you can log in with an EGS account but it also lets you create a dummy one with no info but the birth date instead, which is what you should be doing
Becaues its the same game since 4.1 engine wise which released in 2015.
They all do. These games have the budget of a grade-school pizza day.
Yeah, it asks for a date of birth just to make sure you're not underage.
So all this sperging out over literally nothing lmao?
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I guess I’ll just have to use the Japanese cast then
Most games have EOS autogenerate a dummy account the problem is that EDF doesn't, if you want the dummy account you have to specifically make it yourself
It still installs some sort of Epic thing or something I don't know I'm playing the game.
I think people don't want any of the EOS framework on their PC. I do wonder how many people reviewbombing it realize a lot of steam games already do that, including huge ones like Elden Ring and no one cared.
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>Have you heard the legend of Storm 1?
I understand your perspective, I just dont want to deal with more third party crap, I dont really care if its egs or whatever, Im not that bothered to play video games
Because there's a shit ton of enemies on screen.
then it makes sense
this doesnt thoughever
i actually feel like a shell of a human if a rapier/phalanx isn't suitable for the mission as wing diver
For me it's the dragoon lance.
from what I have read so far, unlike other games, EOS isn't baked into the game and will install a separate entity of itself on your pc. you can make a dummy account or a real epic account/login with your real account. the thing is, that if you delete edf6, EOS is still installed seperately
I can understand the sperging since most people didn't know EOS was a different piece of software from EGS until today (or even what EOS is) and thought the game was forcing you to install EGS and use an Epic account, the game doesn't make it clear at all what it's actually doing unless you stop to read the popup which most people don't do, and even then it doesn't clear all confusion if you don't go out of your way to inform yourself of what EOS is and what's actually doing
A problem that could have been completely avoided had the implementation of EOS been a proper one like that of literally the othe thousands of games that use it
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So what is your proposed solution? Optional message on the start that asks you if you want Epic Crossplay and the normal pure version?
Complete Epic removal?

>this doesnt thoughever
It does after there are 100 ants exploding in the background or the whole map gets painted like it was a splatoon match where everyone is on meth.
They really are. The micro grenades are practically like an underbarrel launcher. However, I hate how with the new laser targeting with grenade launchers, there's no crosshair. If you use camera 1, the Ranger holds the launcher at the hip, so you can barely see the laser if the launcher's range is low unless you use the new offset cameras.
>So what is your proposed solution? Optional message on the start that asks you if you want Epic Crossplay and the normal pure version?
yes, just like how Nioh does it.
>use steamworks for 4.1 and 5
>everything works just fine
>tack on epic online services for le crossplay with consoleniggers
>suddenly widespread issues with the game not launching or not being able to log into multiplayer properly
If you gotta use it for online, just do what everyone else does and auto-generate a dummy account. Other games that use it do it completely without asking and no one cares when they do it.
works on my machine on mission 40 right now, all multiplayer
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>all-time peak cannot even reached Helldiverrs current players
EDFsisters...not even VTumors can save us...
They got paid to add Epic shit to it.
it apparently wouldn't even be console nigs, just Epic saars. the reason they used EOS is, that Playstation Network is even shittier and EOS was easier to handle PS4 and PS5 crossplay
>So what is your proposed solution?
Proper implementation of EOS
Removing it would require them to basically rewrite a good chunk of the game since I assume a lot of features are built on top of EOS so it isn't as simple as just rolling the old netcode, so I heavily doubt that'll happen.
Ok let's get down to business. How are the Wing Divers this time around?
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>make account without your consent
>totally fine what I don't know can't hurt me
>ask for your consent
>WAAAAAAAAAAH shitty devs forcing me to make an account and install malware that steals my identity and fucks my wife
Storm 1 really said
>Run that Back
>Removing it would require them to basically rewrite a good chunk of the game since I assume a lot of features are built on top of EOS so it isn't as simple as just rolling the old netcode, so I heavily doubt that'll happen.
That is something that needs to be tested before release so its their fault, we already waited almost 2 years so we can wait a few weeks more.
Yeah pretty much. If it didn't have a window pop up mentioning it no one would have given a fuck. The steam discussions would have 1 guy pointing it out and no one would reply to it.
I don’t even know what a big deal this actually is. I requested a refund from humble bundle and had it granted in 7 minutes. The onus isn’t on me to figure out how bad you tried to fuck me in the ass. I’m too sketched out to pay for this
does the game actually run worse for anyone compared to 5 or were those system requirements just a bunch of bs?
>teehee if I do shit to people without them knowing about it then they can't get mad at me
Well aren't you a fucking bright one?
I don't remember the early game as a wing diver in 4.1/5 but I feel like it wasn't as miserable as this
git gud
You're allowed to not like it, but if its that much of a sticking point you should check out the rest of your library. A ton of things that use Easy Anticheat or Unreal Engine already use this same thing without asking or showing you at all. And plenty of games beyond that too.
If anything EDF is being the most honest about it.
There's nothing honest about not disclosing that you need to sign in to you Epic Games account before launch and then saying it's a requirement hours after launch.
The thing is that EOS isn't known to cause any problems, but EGS is, and the popup made a lot of people think that EGS was being installed, since they didn't know EOS even existed because it hadn't caused any controversy so far
EOS only fault is its standalone version being sketchy as fuck to uninstall despite not doing anything nefarious
Just proves ignorance is bliss.
does disconnected mean kicked?
Play other games instead of choking down Epic’s spyware like a good little drone. I’m starting another run of Elden Ring.
You don't need to sign in to an EGS account.
>problem is that EDF doesn't
but it does
it generates the name for you. You just need to input the fake DoB and be done with it.
t. gone through the Trials of Timmy in EDF6 to access Online Lobby
How do people use Fencer before you get to mid or late game? It's fucking terrible.
people really kicking start of mission 5?
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I used the exact wording on the current store page. Are these words wrong? If they're wrong, then it means they're lying.

Well which is it? Were they lying before about not needing an account or were they lying now about needing an account? It has to be at least one.
very carefully
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God I had forgotten how fucking awful early game Fencer is
Being stuck to 2 boosts, weapon selection limited to CC piercer (actually pretty good) + gatling (there just for low weight and jump)
Just got the dispersal mortar and it splits in 2 missiles

I can't wait for shotguns and whatever the double shot fast piercer is called
Blasthole right hand, Dexter left hand is good enough and gets you the ability to dash jump, boosters to get more dashes/jumps can drop at pretty low levels, too. Force Blade, I think it's called, is also a fucking fantastic weapon it's a god damn mechkatana
If you have to select the option and input anything, it no longer qualifies as autogenerating
Other games do it in the background without bothering the user with an Epic pop up that understandably no one trusts anymore
You retards don't realize steamworks has ZERO crossplay functionality.
EOS is literally needed because there wouldn't be crossplay without.
If you have an issue with it demand valve add integrated crossplay options in steamworks.
They’re not “lying” about anything
They’re just buffoons
How are japs reacting?
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What do the red names mean? Are they just that they're underleveled?
And why, pray tell, should I purchase a >$50 product from buffoons? Is there a reasonable cause to think they're trustworthy?
They started a petition.
Just be thankful you got 2 baseline boosts now, it doesn't suck as much as 5 and it's nowhere close in the suck scale as it was in 4.1 (pre cancel discovery)
Or third reason: they (the Japs) are incredibly retarded and probably don't understand English at all.
No ESG account required. Just input your fake DoB and click next next next until it takes you to the online lobby
Ah yes, ruining a game to be able to play with the 3 people that bought the game on EGS.
You're being obtuse for the sake of drama. It has been explained repeatedly at this point.
>wing diver gets super short hotpants on mission 14
Why the fuck would I want to crossplay with 5 fucking losers?
You should never spend money on video games.
Well they hid that fact until launch and didn't update the page until 4 hours after.
>post exact wording of the publisher running the store page
>it's my fault that the wording is all wrong
nah fuck yourself
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Basically that the people meant to bring you those vehicles/do those air raids are fucking dead on those missions
Ah, gotcha. That makes sense why the Nix Grenadier wasn't doing anything. Thanks anon, I'll keep blasting the aliens as usual.
nigger/third worlder behavior
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i blame vtrannies, one of the most annoying fanbases
ill take russians or brazilians anyday before a vtuber simp
>If you have to select the option and input anything, it no longer qualifies as autogenerating
You are a bozo. Take a reading comprehension class before making another post on 4chan. Fuck.
based behavior
Download a cheat for getting all boxes at the end of mission. Is the only thing this game needs.
Red means that the vehicle is not available in that specific timeline, to my understanding of the game.
>When you enjoy what you do, you don’t lose your hair.
>Gabe Newell 2022
Meh, EDF dubs are always dogshit, so I don't care.
Death to dubniggers, I hope this happens to more EN dubs.
You're being told correct information
and rejecting it
all so you can be indignant
Great. We understand you have reasons for saying what you did
And it's wrong
Get over it
The sky is not actually falling
I use dubs because im not a retarded weeb. Simple as
listening to picklerick's voice for the first 12 missions was something
Steamworks is closer to PSN and Xbox Live and was never built with it in mind without a third party service.
Besides EOS there aren't many crossplay APIs out there besides something like Playfab.

Really it's something I think would be smart to add to Steamworks especially since they allow you to use their servers for lobbies and multiplayer so that would be a logical step.
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>how they keep saying to "watch out for civilians"...in a blown husk of a ruined city with nobody in it.
Holy fucking shit, you're actually clueless. This dumb cunt didn't even finish the tutorial missions. You have absolute not a single idea what's going on. I'd point out that you probably got extra faggy over them spending 80 missions in EDF 5 saying the invaders "look just like us, they're basically human", but you've already exposed yourself as being such a fucking secondary.

So let me spoil a little something about the story since cunts like you are being so duplicitous, and I wouldn't recommend anyone who is still going to play the game to read this: your "commander" at the start is one of just a small handful of people who survived. It was ~10% when the war "ended", but a few missions later you come to understand that only a small handful of people live, as this takes place 3 years later and the bugs/frogs were left battling on Earth. He's shellshocked as absolute fuck and still thinks there is an EDF and people to save. Around mission 11, you learn how absolutely cooked he is in the head. The setting changes soon after and and the real EDF begins.
>crossplay for a shitty platform who has 7 players
where is the option to opt out for that?
>We understand you have reasons for saying what you did
>And it's wrong
Nope, D3 lied, or at the very least couldn't get their story right about their own product. The very factual, objective, physical proof is that they didn't have that requirement before launch and quickly added it in hours after launch.
I'm right, you're mad, but you should just deal with it.
They should add a crossplay option like Nioh does.
You should play 5 anyway because it's good
Cope and seethe tourist
so just retarded then? simple as, indeed
Sill better than being retarded and a weeb. Simple as that.
huh, that makes so much more sense holy shit
no wonder why he kept yapping about
>See? Such a perfect city to live in
and one of his soldiers actually has to mental check him by saying
>Sir, there's no one living here
But I feel like in all of that PTSD, there's still a bit of sense in his thinking. He truly believes that one day, humanity will rise again, that's what has kept him fighting.
you are a weeb though
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>generic copypasta posted hundreds of times
>still makes dubfags insecure because they need you to validate their tastes and choices for some reason
>tutorial mission in EDF 5 was fucking terrible
>tutorial mission in EDF 6 is even worse
I'm writing this shitpost right now while this shit drags on for an eternity.
Hopefully its like 5 where thats the only time shit like that happens.
isn't mission 1-59 all tutorial missions or am I missing something?
This is a common translation error. Calling someone bald in Japanese carries the same meaning as calling someone a douchebag in English.
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>It's the same as Elden Ring!
There has to be some difference. Why would Steam force EDF6 to put in a notification but not Elden Ring if both games require an EOS account?
Yeah I only had an hour before going to work and the first mission murdered my session.
>Air Raider
>Nothing ""new"", still boring same shit
>Oh but anoon now you have toy drones that do more of the same shit
Dead class, soon there will be nothing left to add without fundamentally changing the class
because elden right just installs the rootkit on you automatically without the need of an account to collect your data
edf requires more consent
I doubt steam forced them, I am assuming they added it because people were yelling at them about not warning them on the store page.
I've been playing these games since the ps2 days. You fags get what you deserve.
That's the gayest and dumbest thing I've read today. Just watch and enjoy american media if you're going to be so brain dead.
I wonder how the Japanese PC playerbase is taking it. Do they care about Epic as much?
Shills are using Elden Ring to defend EDF6's Epic implementation under the logic that /v/ will forgive them due to being the latest From Software game, or to guilttrip people into accepting EDF6's "because Elden Ring does it".

What the shills ignore is that Elden Ring is easily one of the most hated From games on /v/ and Shadow of the Erdtree is basically /v/'s runner up for worst game of 2024 (even above Dragon's Dogma 2) and therefore not only they're sabotaging themselves but they're reinforcing the hatred /v/ has towards that game.
Do my support, aircuck.
Good thing I already played edf5 on my ps4 a long time ago and am already caught up
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I usually buy them way later at a discount. I haven't even finished 5 yet so I will probably do that and its DLC first.
How solo-able is the 5 DLC? Mainly play Fencer.
>even above Dragon's Dogma 2
Oh god no, DD2 is probably my biggest disappointment of the decade.
I don’t even know what a big deal this actually is.
If i see any kind of goldstamp in your store page, i just wont buy your game, its as simple as that.
They don't really care. The (rightful) revulsion toward Epic is a western thing. That's why they used Epic Online Services in EDF6 without a single concern, because it's foreign to them to deal with a crowd that is sick of Epic.
>Shadow of the Erdtree is basically /v/'s runner up for worst game of 2024
Things that never happened
From what's been posted they are pretty unhappy too.
Like most people they don't care about the Store.
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this is a man.
>Elden Ring is easily one of the most hated From games on /v/ and Shadow of the Erdtree is basically /v/'s runner up for worst game of 2024
Good to know that people like you live in utter delusion.
>two feet
>no feathers
Checks out.
The resemblance is uncanny...
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>mission where NPC group is all wing divers
>immediately are cocky and think they'd win against some ants
>constant woman screaming
>get vored and killed by every little wave of bugs
Ranger is the most fun in all the games
It's the thinking man's soldier class. It takes proper weapon choices, aggro management, and tactical decisions to play through the levels.
WD and Fencer you just kite everything the same way all day and AR you just nuke everything before it gets to you.
That’s me.
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Read the popup. It explicitly says this for a reason. Click the button "create account" next to these words and it just uses your Steam ID.
The Epic account thing is 100% skippable when playing online. It's a fake controversy caused by Helldivers warring. The only thing we're missing is some faggot coming into the thread and yelling revenge.
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Because humans wouldn't make these mistakes
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The only "nerf" is that you cant rotate the aoe for the drones, unless you just havent found it yet.
Otherwise AR feels just as good, except for the vehicle and weapon cap on some levels.
Yea now that i unlocked some weapon i really loving ranger
I will try fencer next because i saw a guy using one and was zooming arround the map
Air raider looks overpowered
He's literally me
>spear instead of jackhammer
Get out of my sight
Let him spawn friendly AI squads like he does with vehicles. Yes, it's ok to transport military personnel via shipping container
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Elden Ring uses EAC (Easy AntiCheat) and EAC uses Epic Online Services to handle the multiplayer.
What Steam, Bamco and Fromsoft do is creating an Epic Online account for you for the game's online functions; it doesn't have your data and doesn't require you to manually install third party software; they do everything. And if you uninstall Elden Ring it will uninstall that Epic software because it's embedded into the game itself.
Earth Defense Force 6 uses Epic Online Services for its multiplayer but instead of integrating the third party Epic software into the game itself and creating that account for you they put that work into you, the end user. So you need to install EOS yourself and create that account yourself. If you uninstall EDF6 the Epic software still stays on your OS and you have to manually uninstall it too.

If one day EOS finishes its services Bamco and From will be forced to hire another company for online or simply will announce that they will shut down the online. Meanwhile D3 and the EDF devs will simply wash their hands: "EOS went OOS, not our trouble".

It's not the same as the people defending D3 claims it to be.
I like the twinspears and the spine driver for flying enemies myself.
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>Loops are signified with crosses on the mission list.
You clearly only browse this shithole when you need to promote one of the games you're hired to if you believe that Elden Ring and SOTE aren't utterly loathed here.
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>You clearly only browse this shithole when you need to promote one of the games you're hired to if you believe that Elden Ring and SOTE aren't utterly loathed here.
fuck off back to your discord you deranged newfag tranny faggotnigger
If you're new, you want to start with ranger or wing diver, though air raider works if you're cooping. Fencer is a fantastic class, but until you're ready to settle into specific weapons and boost hop, it's probably an advanced class to start as. Air raider is easily playable solo, but again, if you're new, you probably don't want to play it either until you unlock some stuff for it or unless you're in coop. If you really want to play air raider and fencer, go for it, they're both very fun and good classes when used well. I recommend taking the defensive drones for your air raider backpack slot at the start if you're solo, since it can peel bugs off of you.
Ranger gets dramatically buffed in every game and is currently a direct upgrade to EDF4's air raider, since if you took a tank and turrets in your loadout, those are things the ranger gets in his tool slots now while still carrying ranger weapons.
This is literally the same fucking game as 5 but with different HUD. How the fuck do they get away with this shit
>EAC doesn’t have your data
drones and shit are more different to his old kit than anything any other soldier classes got
He literally got the most out of everyone.
I pirated it and game is genuinely so much fun but still $60 is to much for this
hopefully they reduce the EDF 5 price soon. Aint no way I can convince friends to buy this series at full price, they have seen me play it before.
However, they could probably be coaxed to get it cheap.
The same way how id got away with DOOM 2
If you don't like air raider's kit and don't like that the update adds a lot more ways for the air raider to use that kit, then you just don't like the air raider playstyle and never will. There is no helping it for you.

Don't undersell drones.
>backpack drones act as either mobile turrets, Gradius-style options, or a shoulder-mounted gun that fires at your crosshair
>drone call-ins are weaker, instant-recharge airstrikes that are usable when underground
>backpack drones and robobombs are used at any time by pressing F meaning you can activate them while maintaining another tool or pointer or while reloading a limpet
Those are significant improvements to the class.
wow you get quad dash and jump so early as fencer
Yeah, I saw a post the other day that you get like, 10 of each by the end of the game.
WD's are always the jobbers of the EDF world.
Yes Wing Divers were censored and I think that's the most tragic part of this entire thing, I hope skimpy armor/clothing mods come out if for no ither reason than to say fuck you to whoever decided to cover them up
I saw someone say the other outfit is just unlockable.
I hope they keep the price 60 forever as we already got too many poor brown retards as it is
Enjoy playing solo forever retard whale
No. You get them later, just like how you got additional outfits after the tutorial in EDF5. Actually, you get to pick between multiple wing diver outfits, including the classic exposed-panty Wing Diver.
Diogenes would thoroughly agree
needs rape correction
I'll be real with you, I played the first few missions before I had to go to sleep and then go to my full time job so if that IS the case (And I genuinely hope I'm wrong) then I'm glad it's still in the game
Anyone know how to add the jap dlc?
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so will the complaints remove the epic login? i'm playing single player right now
Except for, you know..
Having around 30% more missions, 10 new enemy types not including variants, completely new kinds of weapons for most classes, new weapons of existing types, new mechanics for every class, general QoL improvements, twice as many maps, ramping up new enemy types much quicker
Idk though yeah it's the same game, how to do they get away with selling people more of what they enjoyed before?
wow imagine an EDF game having stilted voice acting
I like the dub.
Probably not. It might just have it auto-generate one without asking if they can figure that out. But I imagine they can't just rip EOS out of it entirely.
>not losing her clothing upon taking too much damage
No, Epic services are baked into the game including the playstation version.
It is the bootyshorts are literally I'm the game
Do you retards even remember she wears a jumpsuit in the civilian costume in 5?
>Pay $60 once for a video game for full access not including useless DLCs
Stupid fucking gacha game addict get your stupid lingo out of here and stay gone.
Captcha: KPOP
I'm hoping for an option in the settings to enable or disable crossplay like Nioh
Haven't checked this one out yet, the English dub was on an entirely different level over the Japanese audio on previous games.
Yes but there was a direct story reason why she was wearing a jumpsuit in 5, in 6 she just starts with standard military issue camo pants and if 6 is a continuation of 5 it doesn't make much sense to have her clothed.
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i took this same shot in EDF 5
The shitposting was so fierce when Elden Ring was released I literally abandoned the threads and decided to never discuss a From Software game again.
And now I look at any SOTE thread and it's always extremely negative or outright shitting on the game.

You're the delusional one if you believe that /v/ doesn't despise ER and its DLC.
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Why are you lying to people about EDF6? What do you gain for that?
all the weapons have really ESL'd text that it makes it hard to even figure out what they do and its a big block of it everytime
/v/ has fallen if ANY of you bowed to the EGS. I hope to GOD that you don't leave any reviews that could stop the momentum we have.
Can you unlock the construction worker fit for the fencer like in 5?
Humans are even worse than AI.



it really wasn’t though
>torpedoing the launch of a /v/core game to own tim sweeny
I just want one new release I was looking forward to not getting review bombed. Is that too much to ask?
WD has been balanced and it's hilarious to see shitters get downed every round. Fencer feels like god quite quickly and its strange to see Ranger without constant bazooka spam being very effective. Have yet to meet a skilful Air Raider yet.
the squid enemies are absolute cancer
>Unironically identifying yourself with this shithole
Jesus Christ
Maybe don’t fuck your game with anti-consumer bullshit
Elden ring uses this same system
Fuck off retard, they are in this mess because they tried to be pro consumer and actually ask for the account instead of just sneakily making it for you, like other games do.
>He said while posting on /v/
This site really has gone to shit.
It doesn't sound like AI at all.
If you play any of those games you're the problem
>Still with the "-but Elden Ring!"
There is no way you aren't a paid marketer.
kys retard
ER isn't even on Epic. What the fuck are you talking about? Are you even a human being?
If only you weren't retarded and actually knew what you were talking about instead of being a dumb reactionary sheep.
Elden ring absolutely uses the same system.
EDF6 also isn't on EGS btw.
You've been spamming this list non-stop, as if it will magically convince people to buy EDF6, install the EGS launcher and create an Epic account.
AI would be a fucking improvement over this
>install EGS launcher
You are absolutely fucking retarded. Just fyi
Let me see your library, because I better not find a single game from that list in there, you fucking hypocrite.
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I dont understand the kvetching over egs account. Dont you guys already have one for all the free games you claimed?
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>EDF6 also isn't on EGS btw.
Why do you lie so much? Are you being paid for that?
so i don't need an email, right? it's just a dummy account that gets made which i will never see?
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They needed to save money after hiring my wife to sing the theme.

I hope they play EDF6
i don't need handouts. i'm not a faggot so i never had epic's launcher in the first place
No I won't.
They better get Holos to start shilling this some more...
>huur if I just keep pretending to be retarded I'll win
Get fucked retard. until you post your library, I win by default.
>Did they seriously just straight up use AI voices for the dub?
very based. fuck voice actors
room name: /vg/df
passcode: rage
mission 1.
I wasn’t going to use the dub anyway
Quite the opposite: asking me to publish my library so you can insult my taste on games means that you're cornered and you have to attack me directly because you have no counterarguments.
You lost the moment you went "show me your games".
>Posting the private /vg/ lobby on /v/
You're a shithead
It's not EGS this has been explained to hell and back already so you're baiting, because the alternative is you being retarded and I want to believe you're better than that
It has nothing to do with taste. it's a list of games that uses the same system as EDF6. If you're truly against it, surely you don't have any of those games.
You can't even fucking read retard.
You lost so hard. utterly btfo.
Okay, one more time for my retarded ass:
What am I installing if I launch EDF6? I'm not afraid of the dummy accounts and stuff, pretty sure I played Rocket League once, but if I've gotta have some Fortnight launcher up all the time, I'm gonna puke.
Please put my mind at ease, I wanna shoot fr... giant people.
Sonychads won hard this time
its my lobby retard
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Ok, now click on the link
>Still no Minion Buster level upgrades
It's so joever.
I won't buy EDF6, I won't install the Epic Launcher and I won't create an Epic account. As simple as that.
There is nothing you can do about it. And I will keep warning people about your lies.
they lost helldivers 2. 400,000 concurrent numbers down the drain for them because they couldn't keep cool
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Yeah, that's what I thought, bitch

Not being available on some regions because D3 is retarded =/= "the game isn't even available on the EGS btw"
Why do you lie so much?
By all means please do.
Please gatekeep the game from normalfags for me. I appreciate it.
so do I need to open specific ports to be able to join all rooms or something? it's not a pirate thing since I can join people who bought the game
Still waiting for you to post a link to EGS with the game on it.
You're installing THIS
Which is something that gets installed by the following gaems

The launcher is not installed. Just the online service, like when microsoft forced you to installed directX and shit.


Don’t care
You will be installing the standalone version of Epic Online Services
When you first enter multiplayer it will ask you to log in to Epic, then you can use/create a proper Epic account or a dummy one that doesn't hold any personal data beyond date of birth, there's no difference between them gameplaywise so use the dummy
EOS starts when the game launches and closes when the game closes
When you uninstall EDF6 EOS won't be uninstalled with it, because Sandlot fucked up the implementation, and when you want to uninstall EOS standalone it will refuse to be uninstalled through normal means and you'll have to look up a tutorial to do so
That's basically the gist of it
It's not available outside of japan you retard
Just shows you that dictatorship is the way to go.
NEVER let people have an opinion, the majority are absolute retards.
Just keep them in the dark and lie to them, that's the only way they are going to be happy.
He already has EOS installed on his PC anyway.
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>get an achievement
>EGS pop-up bullshit TURNS OFF YOUR MOUSE
What a bizarre thing to post given how much you want people to take the Epic dick up the ass.
Aight this seems at least palatable. I've already had like, 2 Unreal 5 games on this computer already, I'm probably pozzed up with their toxic computer loads.
What the hell was Talos Principle 2 doing with online services though? It doesn't even have multiplayer.
Can anyone explain to me why people are more angry about needing to make an account than they are about the game automatically installing 3rd party software with only a popup for as long as it takes you to download 300mb to tell you what's going on?
This place is dead
Not worth caring any more at least in these cases there were actual fuckups but honestly even if nothing goes wrong they will make up some shit
The discord trannies are glad they didn't have to pretend to like Helldivers 2 now to shit on this game.
Forgot to explain what EOS is, it's basically netcode software like Steamworks but unlike Steamworks it supports crossplay, which is why a lot of devs opt for it
How is it bizarre? Thousands of games just make a dummy account for you, using the same system and literally nobody cares, because they don't know about it. The one time they actually ask for your consent, people lose their fucking mind because they just don't understand what they are being asked.
lol yeah but that only happens for 1 achievement which is the revive 5 ppl
then stop consuming japanese media
Because people got riled when they found the truth and you're mad they did, while at the same time insulting and mocking them for being stupid.
Complain more and they will.
It's different, he has EOS individually installed within the game directories of the games that use it, which is a way less intrusive implementation. The standalone version in theory wouldn't need separate installations since every game could just use that existing program but in reality no one uses the standalone version so it's just another extra installation of EOS that it's a bitch to remove later
Ok, where is the outcry for the other 2000 games that do that and don't even ask you, now that they know?
Oh please
/v/ has been dead for years, when it became blue /pol/
You can literally skip it you faggot cunt. Read the pop-up and click the button next to "no account or e-mail required". Yes, that skips it.
That better be the case because really convinces me that EGS/EOS bullshit is just a waste of time.
Both are retarded. Even worse, the third party software doesn't uninstall itself when you uninstall the game.
No one is going back and blasting other games for using EOS
The obvious follow up question to that is why would the separate netcode program be so heavily baked into the game that not having it causes the game to error on launch?
Because you're lying out of your own ass to defend EDF6 and it's not the same implementation.
I played 400 hours of ER and I didn't need to make an Epic account or install the Epic launcher.
There's a shortcut to open the Epic panel and there you can disable notifications, I don't remember the shrtcut but it shows up in a popup the first time you enter mp in a sesion
The game did it for you in the background without telling you
There's been like 5 threads today explaining this.
Ridiculous. I'm already use one platform now I have to use two at the same time for this specific game just for crossplay with EGS-using fucks that I'll probably never play with.
No it didn't; otherwise I would need to install the Epic launcher and create an Epic account.
They needed Epic Game's solution to implement crossplay between ps4 and ps5 platforms.
Because for some reason Sony doesn't just provide this infrastructure to their devs.
>The game did it for you in the background without telling you
Incorrect. What EDF6 does is significantly different. See:
It was kinda interesting seeing messages from people who have their machines set to block this kind of hidden installation just getting the error and not knowing why then starting to piece things together as others posted about EOS and then it turning out that not having EOS causes the launch error.
Dev incompetence, though it isn't an unusual problem a lot games just disable the net part of the netcode when you aren't connected to the internet but removing it still causes problems because they're looking for references to the netcode code, so if it isn't there it causes crashes even if it isn't being used
Okay if I put Spyware in my game's installation by default is that really any different than making someone install it themselves?
Tell your friends to stop being poor.
Lmao thanks for proving my point.
Better conceal everything from the retards. If they didn't see it, it didn't happen.
>So what is your proposed solution?
We remove China from the map.
That guy is full of shit. EAC goes through all your data.
It's different because the spyware is only active when the game is active because it's part of the game itself and will be gone when you uninstall the game; in fact you aren't even installing anything besides the game.

Meanwhile installing it as a third party adds it to your OS and will stay there running even when you don't play games.
Do you have a source for that claim?
Show me my credit card account info that China got through EAC.
I just closed EDF6 and EOS isn't running on my PC.
Weird. It's as if you have no idea what you're talking about.
EOS isn't spyware, if it was you would have heard of it before today considering it's Epic software and it's within literal thousands of games, a lot of which have had controversies before
Then it's a good thing that EDF6 was open about it because it allowed people to not fall for the spyware and avoid it.
I don't care about the English VA or Epic shit, how's the game?
It's EDF.
how does this work on Linux
can't I just delete the prefix and all of that is gone
There's a Steam forum that basically also says what you say. Those jap hacks implemented it poorly and it's really inconvenient short and long term.
Yes and look where it got it.
Would've been just better to keep quiet, like the rest of the games do.
>People are legitimately trying to argue that EAC sees less than EOS
So, if you agree that it is a bad thing and that's why it's hidden from the consumers, then why do you insist that people should just buy and install EDF6 on their systems?
6 is the laziest shit I've ever seen
I haven't tried it on linux but according to anons in past threads who have, it works very poorly if it works at all
If you mean the uninstalling part, it should be way easier in linux since as you said, you can just delete the shit instead of having to go through microsoft middle management
It's not a bad thing. But because retards perceive it is as bad, it's better not to show the uneducated retard anything to avoid pointless drama.
>It's not a bad thing.
But you keep talking about how Elden Ring, the most cancerous game of 2024, the textbook example of tryhard rollslop, uses it. Doesn't that inherently makes it a bad thing?
EAC is only active when you're running a game while EOS as implemented as a standalone is running on your system 24/7, games or not.
You visit the same board where Elden Ring is being discussed. That makes you inherently a retard
Cracked pirate lobbies are up already. Paypigs take another L. Be sure to send Timmy a nice webm through the EGS spyware you have to install to play online KEK.
Wanna hear something funny? Even the pirated copies with active online require the EOS
Fake fans getting filtered, get gatekeep
No it's not, where did you get that from? You can check it out right now if you have the game, EOS processes start when you boot the game and stop when you close it
The claim that EOS does things EAC doesn't is stupid considering EOS is included within EAC, meaning EAC can do everything EOS can
Yeah no, I want to actually have people to play with.
I know it's not but everyone is geeking out about it, just pointing out how dumb the logic is.
Its like 7 AM on Japan, did the publisher finally wake up to the disaster?
It's hilarious Honestly. They get review bombed for being honest instead of just hiding this fact.
i don't give a shit about le ebin store where are the lobbies

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