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Fuck the police
>porn addict thread #34268239
she is ugly and so are most of the upcoming banners
guess i will be saving a shitton of tapes and polychromes until i finally drop the game when they start their wuxiaslop era in an urban themed game
>lost 50/50 on Ellen to furry
>lost 50/50 on cop to furry
Meh. That's it for me. Mihoyo games are way too stingy and nothing but the combat is appealing for me to continue after luck that shitty
This game was nerfed. Cleavage removed. Sex appeal removed. Purpose of game nullified.
trannitor application >>>/lgbt/, manchild turdie
So turns out there are trust events in Hollow Zero.
I got one with Soldier 11.
It was cool, voiced and everything.
China is like 50% of the revenue right now. Wuxiaslop is inevitable.
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That's it, anon.
I've finished like 99.9% of content available to me.
MAYBE there's a hidden quest out there somewhere that's actually available at my IK level (43) but so far I couldn't find it.
>finished ALL commissions.
>got ALL 1st-time rewards (replayed the two commissions with some stuff left)
>found ALL coins (the trashman says he needs 10 more but all regional missions from the Officer Mewsomething are done)
>finished ALL community missions except for one (1) in Lumina Square that's not revealed yet.
>done ALL battle-pass tasks for the week
>finished ALL Hollow Zero locations, completed the missions, and maxed out the XP for the week
>S-ranked ALL stable nodes in Shiyu (I keep unintentionally writing "Shityu" and then going back and correcting it)
>ran into a wALL in the form of 6th critical node of red Shiyu
>exhausted ALL relationship encounters
>completed ALL Hard versions of Story commissions
>done with ALL Agent Stories
>spent ALL my Energy and then hALLf of my Batteries

So, what do I do next?
Do I run Hollow Zero for Merits until that also runs out?
Or do the chievo runs? I can probably manage a couple of those.
Are there any missions jewhoyo overlooked and accidentally made offer meaningful rewards after the first completion (I believe Dennies will become a problem after I'll pull the Butt Copp and will have to level up the third team to 50)?
Do I spend the rest of my batteries? I can probably hit IK44 but 45 is unlikely. I would've probably spent them if I could get to 45.
What are (You) doing, anon?
i hate gacha fags
Congratulations you beat the game
wondering if i should splurge cash to get more 10 rolls, butt cop didnt come to me yet,managed to get 4 nicoles in one 10roll. the shops that have the gacha disks will reset next week though. after reaching lvl40, you dont have more quests that give good amount of polychromes.
Erictranny you lost and got raped
Must be the donuts
He did it for free..
hands should be darker desu
why would you assume i play nintendo, because you support chinkslop that preys on retards?
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Wanna be janny seething
What is this "everyone who shits on gacha is a tender" shitpost I see in mihoyo threads constantly. Is it just one butthurt shill or some shill tactic I'm unaware of or something, I don't get it
sorta the same minus the shiyu defense thing, Still only have one team fully built. Waiting to see if I pull buttcop or not to decide on who my 2nd team is
The only good part of this shit was the cute imouto, the game never got good even after 3 weeks.
This game is peak hoyoslop.
Then go back to whatever other Gacha you crawled out of.
Seething mihomo drone
I have similar thoughts.
I've spent some money because of the
>yeah, I want that girl
>yeah, I want to have an advantage
reasons but now I'm considering spending money to have more content.
If I get the Butt Copp, there'll be a clear goal - work on the third team that'll be handling Ethereal/Electric nodes in Shiyu.
However I'm less that 20 rolls away from pity, so it makes sense to wait at least a week or so before considering buying more stuff. I still need more resources to level her up, even if I get her anyway.
idk but whenever I see Belle I get horny
even her just walking around like that makes me horny
Rin's walking TECHNOLOGY is working
Mihoyo actually does have shills here don't they? I guess it's not so hard to believe considering the shit I've seen here before but still
isnt pity a 50/50 chance?or she 100% comes after hitting pity a second time?
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So, uh, fellow gacha degenerates with prior mihoyo experience, how is ZZZ compared to their prior-games content-wise?
My immediate thought is that Genshin would have orders of magnitude more content because it's open-world slop but is it actually true? Was there a lot of meaningful content in their prior games on release? Compared to ZZZ at least.
What can we expect in terms of new content being added to ZZZ?
Will we every get to drink some Teamilk outside of cutscenes?
Will they add new shops? Mechanics? It seems so far that all major ZZZ mechanics have their versions in Genshin/Star Rail so maybe not?
Will they expand current locations or add new ones?
What can we expect from mihoyo, given their prior records?
The first pity is 50/50, but it still makes sense to hit that pity first and only then consider my further options.
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If you don't like this game then why are you wasting your time in a thread about it?
To shit on it.
Holy based
Do dailies, hoard gibs and wait for content like every other gacha.
>sex appeal removed
I really don't understand this one. Still tits bouncing, still ass flying, still big hunky dudes and small hot girls. I have to wonder if it was something specific getting censored that set people off?
There is a comparison chart somewhere, but cleavage, poses, and suggestive outfits got hit with a nerf and covered more compared to the first closed beta.
So there used to be more.
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>game is too easy!!
post your clears
I don't have this much money to whale so I can already be at IK45
is it just me or does this game have worse rates than usual?
it's much more high quality than their other games in terms of visual presentation
the ui design, character design, storyboards, animations are quite different than genshin and star rail due to the slice-of-life urban theme
content is okay-ish for a corridor game
doubt they will add more shops because some of the existing ones already dont have any purpose besides being backdrops
i only hope they dont abandon the theme of the game because it performed significantly worse than both genshin and star rail at launch (nearly half the revenue)
manchildren never recovered from the assraping they received from hoyo 4 years ago
they even have a rogue trannitor who helps them shit up the board and hoyo threads
and then there's also fans of other shit gacha companies like kuro and hotta who are still waiting for their "genshin killer"
Still have to wait 6 levels to even try...
this is a completely unremarkable release for them. it includes some qol ported from star rail, but only time will tell if the team handling it will be allowed to adjust anything post release, like honk teams, or just be stuck with every mistake forever like genshin
there is nothing to understand, it's about censorship period. it doesn't matter what was changed, only thing that matters is that content that was work in progress was different
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Bros why is Lucy talking to this ugly bastard and negotiating rates???
Your complaints sound retarded to people who enjoy the game so you're basically coming here to look like a retard.
Genshin and Star Rail are insanely profitable. Making half as much is still great.
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Loot from the latest Cavern raid
it's just a butthurt manchild
they actually spend their entire day hounding for hoyo threads on the catalog
what happened? manchildren seem extra butthurt today
So what do I farm now?
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>IP counter removed
you lost ;)
>Your complaints sound retarded to people who have no standards and eat shit
Wow, what a revelation.
level breakpoints for characters>level breakpoints for weapons>character skill levels>minmax gear stats
main dps>sub dps/breakers>supports
2 full teams
if you run out of money or exp, close your eyes and pretend you didn't, you will get them by just playing the game
if you are done with all of this, go outside, live your life a little
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based and true
Sex with the police
>level breakpoints for characters>level breakpoints for weapons>character skill levels>minmax gear stats
>main dps>sub dps/breakers>supports
All of that requires energy.
I'm asking if there's anything I can do that doesn't.
Yeah bro and all the tens of millions of dollars a month their games make are also just one giant money laundering scheme since we obviously no it's impossible for people to like something you don't.

Maybe people like different things than you sociopath-kun?
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ZZZ is a family game
Maybe playing the game, for fun? :)
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not an untrue post
oh, just hollow zero for money and bangboo exp then I guess, if you really have to
you can go play other games, you aren't really meant to farm this like a korean mmo
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Enjoy your kot, lost bros.
she receives a piss enema every morning from me, it's cool
>if it was something specific
One day when a new beta of the game launched literally, and I mean literally every single female got (((design adjustments))).
It was not subtle.
And ofc non of the male characters were affected. But hey, definitely not censorship!
Don't care, still using Anton/Grace/Koleda/Ben exclusively
yeah, not clicking that.
banging boos
What's the best cope w-engine for Ellen?
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it's just sharktit's feet ;)
Starlight engine
Brimstone or Starlight, like every other attacker
Weapo- excuse me... W-engines in this game are too similar. They're just a ball in different colors. Reading their name to figure out which one is which is lame.
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This isn't unique enough for you?
game name?
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God damn that orb
Who would be that much of a slut to use a literal sex toy as a weapon?
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w engines being irrelevant orbs allow all the characters to use more varied weapons types so i'll take it
tell me you are a genshitter without telling me
How long until we get tf art of girls equiping this engine and becoming bimbos?
exceptions don't set the standard
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i'd rather have her buddy
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I'm thinking of Street Superstar for the chain attack bonus but I got it too late and out of mats and cash anyway.
What they >>683691897 >>683692167 >>683694416 said
If they undo the changes, and re-sexify their game. I will play it, and probably go down the gacha rabbit hole, and have my wallet molested. But alas.
>blue orbs
you will literally never use any of these
you will never be a janny
Best cope engine for Zhu?
I did get Nekomata's WEngine
fake loli, not even human
try taking a shower
What happens if you put a key in that keyhole?
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>same pasts for ~5 threads
R5 Starlight is 2% weaker than her banner engine, it's not cope. R0 starlight is like, 10% weaker
I'm already buying you dont need to advertise her good points to me
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t. Nintendo marketer
Help me I can't stop jacking off to Nicole and her delicious painted nails. I imagine her giving me a rainbow handjob and my dick just can't stop going berserk the moment I think about the rainbow footjob.
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Tendie board ;)
This is now my headcanon for that one slayed.coom video.
outdated calcs, starlight is 20% weaker
what? all characters only have 1 weapon they use in combat, it's part of their default skin
>Get to level 40
>No more polychromes to unlock
Classic mihoyo
zenless zero pulls after the honeymoon period
Wheres the non shit skin version?
Does this game have any selling points other than coom? I don't like sexual or romantic content and I'm looking for a fun "clean" gacha
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>forced to waste batteries on Dennies
In the gym where your insecurities are
>one slayed.coom video.
Literally 2
>not getting both asscops
didn't ass you
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>Sockpooper crying there's no infinite content to farm
many such cases... sad!
He made that japan mascot chiitan get fucked by a buff black dude in her suit
Which is better than ALL CHARACTERS using the same 6 WEAPON TYPES.
Look at Billy using two revolvers while Zhu uses a gun with a shit load of attachments and Grace uses a fucking nail gun. It's not just "these characters all use bows!" like GI. It allows for variety in character weapons.
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>confessing to your cringe
>lying about the number
Imagine not getting bis for the hair glow.

Also starlight is a lot worse than 2%. Real cope is brimstone. Get new math
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>no gameplay
>censored coom
Combat is pretty fun, obviously too limited by the forced gacha mechanics, but for few hours the mix of exploration combat missions with different scenarios for exploration, and occasional slice of life works really well.
If it was an actual game I wouldn't mind buying it, it's pretty good. Shame it's a fucking gacha, so all you can do is just play the current content, and come back in 2 months for another story chapter.
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It's a fun comfy bonsaige that doesn't take much effort daily to enjoy the atmosphere and characters
>so all you can do is just play the current content, and come back in 2 months for another story chapter.
Even non gacha are becoming that.
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Wuwa does it best, where you have weapon types but they all use them wildly different, wuwa's the best 3d gacha on the market admittedly tho.
Assfags are colseted gays
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>lying about the number
Are you retarded perhaps?
>confessing to your cringe
What's cringe there?
What am I supposed to "hide" if I'm apparently "confessing"?
Are you doubly retarded perhaps?

I didn't get a proper response the last time, so I posted it again.
This time around I got a response, so I'm done.

You, meanwhile, should probably take a break from the Internet.
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So how do you install the uncensored character mods?
>If it was an actual game I wouldn't mind buying it
If they made an actual game instead of the basic gacha stuff it would have been infinitely better, its not like they dont have the money to do it
Yeah, but I don't play those games. It's one thing when it's a f2p gacha that you can just pump and dump, but paying and then having the devs drip feed you the shit you've already paid for is just idiotic.
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this is a tendie board anon
Projecting hard
>where you have weapon types but they all use them wildly different,
It still restricts what they can do. You can't suddenly give a character a blackjack or a kunai with chain and it make sense while their weapon you equip is a sword.
is this game worth playing if you never buy anything with real pesetas?

i love the art but i'm not thrilled about starting to play a gatcha game
Most women have a decent ass, in comparison very few women have the tits you like unless they do surgery or wear push up bras and stuff.

So who's gay? The man who is attracted to most women or the man whose preferences are only found in fiction?

Titfags are so insecure.
Thanks, I just want something cute and fun that doesn't try to rely on softcore porn or waifu baiting to keep an audience
It does rely on those things just as every single gacha does. Bro only a handful of the characters are male, go play Western slop and you can find all the ugly women you like with zero fanservice.
hows your patience/impulse control? Gacha as a f2p is all about coming to terms that you won't own all the characters you want
ZZZ devs mentioned that they`d improve character designs of chars, which made me confused - since they area already top designs compared to Genshin and HSR

But then i watched HI3 trailer and it came clear, ZZZ/Genshin/HSR still not their main game, HI3 remains real love

Having a first-day Genshin and HSR account, I can say I don't have any drive to pull limiteds until 2.0 or Virtual Idols at the earliest because the powercreep hits 1.xx units like a truck. My current roster of 4* Agents should be enough to clear an average of 80% endgame rotation for patches to come, so there's no rush in blowing it all for 1.0 damage dealers.
How is part 2
I never said I had an issue with attractive characters, I just hate games like Nikke or Azur Lane
What is the point here, I legit couldn't differentiate these HI3 characters from HSR' Luofu ones.
>honky donky 3
no one has cared about that dead game for 5+ years lmao
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>'Til Next Rank
># Free Tries left
>super sale
>event shop
>monthly events
>weekly events
>daily rewards
>event rewards
>login streak
>Make a game with straight male fanservice
>It flops
Many such cases
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Then this game should be fine. It does have fanservice shots and zoom-ins on ass and stuff occasionally but it's far more subtle and the girls aren't slobbering over the MC or anything.
Nah, they took out all the otaku/weeb pandering that the game used to have when it was actually popular. That game is just for hagfags and dykes now, which is fine if it wants to do that, but I don't think it's going to be very successful like that.
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>they area already top designs
lol, lmao even
Why are miyabi's eyes so apart from everyone else? She looks alien af
You're not talking shit about rrat are you?
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the 'tism in this thread is great
Should I get Qingyi if I have Zhu Yuan? I notice in the story that Qingyi does follow up attacks when Zhu Yuan is on field. Or is Anby enough?
ofcourse I am her design is ugly, those great animations wasted on an ugly rat hag.
Miyabi's face is very disappointing.
Too basic, and bad proportions.
2 of the 3 are 10/10

Shame about Miyabi, but i`ll still pull her out of pity
literally not hooman
Miyabi catfuckers already in full damage control I see
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>HOYOshills crying and seething
you love to see it
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This rrat edit made me diamonds
miyabi is also gonna need a mod to fix her fucked eyes.
the best designs are cunning hares and sons of calydon, rest is garbo
What tactical advantage does her fat ass give her?
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this KOT will cuck yer rolls
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she uses it to crush criminals
I can't breathe
I need her for my Piper, instead I got shitty agents like grace and mutt.
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I only played it to whale for my wife and I haven't been back since. Should I revisit it?
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is there any point in using the A rank elemental bangboos if you've got the S rank one? i keep getting the penguinboo and i feel sorry for him never getting used since i got the shork
god i fucking wish
>honkai 3
>first thing is fighting NPC mook on an airplane platform like an embarrassing knockoff of Senran and Smash
>hideous cluster menu
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luring in westoids
it failed
anby/nicole/zhu are pretty good if you're not willing to pull for qingyi
all the boos have different affinities so some stages and parties will give better buffs
blast padding
didn't this faggot have a public sperg-out because someone tagged a middle finger emoji on one of his drawings with a black dick?
he made more interracial drawings because of it and it looks like hes still making clowns angry
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ZZZ is the best ching chong verse game so far
it's still not that great. the stroy, presentation and combat are shit. but at least the character and enviroment are nicely done
>westoid drawfag has gay drama
you are the faggot for even knowing about it
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>ZZZiggers are cucks
it looks like ops artist is still triggering some snow rat by the looks of it
ZZZ's designs peaked in 1.0 just like Genshin
and unlike Genshin the game got old FAST, not being able to enjoy your characters outside of instanced flat arenas against samey enemies is a deal breaker
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Speak for yourself, I'm patiently waiting for idols.
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>use trash west*od art
>anons expose Op as cuck
you get what you deserve
First post, based post
>snow rat getting angry over a drawing with reaction folder of memes

whoomp whoomp
yup exactly
cant wait to see how censored they are
>posting pre-censored designs
when will you learn?
There is a deeper controversy yet to unravel when the official artist is hellbent on drawing lolis getting pigged and blacked
>just like Genshin
t. thinks mona's ass is peak design even though it's just a leotard and pantyhose
Clothed sex is hotter than nude sex
They really should have gone the Honkai way and make different versions of the same character to keep waifufags hooked. Ellen is my favorite design but I already know she's done, she'll get powercrept and forgotten into oblivion.
Meanwhile Honkai allowed you to save for one girl, get all of her meta battlesuits while eagerly awaiting the next one
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What? There's nothing even sexual about their designs to censor. If Lucy/Piper can make it into the game as they are then these will too.
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when can we pull for robo loli cop?
lucy/piper aren't lolis, theyre 18 and 20+ respectively
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>cuck is suddenly ashamed of being called out
why are you so afraid?
be yourself, bruh
being a cuck is no crime
I fucking love nicole.
next banner
So what? Towako manga is legal now in most country?
loli has nothing to do with age especially when it comes to censorship requirements.
>im not mad guys im just gonna keep posting reaction images

snow rat go whoomp whoomp
armored maid's not exactly blowing anyone's socks off either
There are no loli in the game.
Okay, now repeat that to any random stranger on the street.
Stop samefagging my post you retard.
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>stealing my (YOU)s
that's real crime here, you KIKE cuck
It does, especially since she's like...one of the three characters in Genshin to wear an actual, real fucking dress? (and her incredibly plump ass only makes it more tasteful)
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I like the woowa girls
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So what do you call characters that cause twitter trannies to seethe about pedophilia and get discussion/fan art of them banned on places like reddit?
i should comission the op artist to do more interracial pics, i wanna see this clown crash out harder
What really grinds my gears right now is that it's not possible for me to make a mono element team with my current roster.
At least the characters appear in ZZZ's world once their arc is done. In Genshin, they just disappear from everywhere and you get to retain their static taxidermy statues on your private island
Bro your Grace? Bro your Soldier 11?
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please, stop stealing my (you)s, I promise not to make fun of your cuckold fetish
>aesthetic meme
thats actually a really good change now that you mention it, even ellen gets to have a lore outfit
Yeah that's the one thing I really like about ZZZ, but being unable to fuck around with my favorite characters in a somewhat seamless way is just a big downside.
Dunno why you mention Genshin when its literally an open world game, Star Rail is not an open world game and you don't see me complaining not seeing Bronya or Hook in Penacony.
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>>calls himself "aesthetic meme"
>no memes
>not aesthetic at all
>biggest tiddies not in image
i might do the same thing
isnt changli the tit queen?
You forgot you get to see Bronya in your ship, and her daily messages too.
The problem is they only have two models for girls. It's just loli and hag so when they try to do moe on a girl that isn't a loli(like zhezhi or Danjin) then it comes off as uncanny because their bodies are too tall and sexy.
>got butt cop and her engine in 20 pulls each
Zhezhi is just retarded looking because of her outfit and how much she reeks of fujo self inserting
Danjin is fine
Her outfit doesn't even looks bad it just doesn't match the face at all. The face screams cuteness and insecurity but her outfit is too elegant.
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>burger hours thread
>cuckshit and tendies
like clockwork
Yeah, but it seem that just a cope for no teapot.
Like the other anon said, characters in those two games rarely relevant in other area because its a game about traveling, not about staying in one place like in ZZZ.
What I hate the most about star Rail and currently ZZZ is there are no character story during their limited banner run, Ellen and Zhu exist in main quest but only for a while, while in genshin each new limited character banners got their own exclusive story.
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agreed they could do better on the hebe front, genshin still kinda peak there
i dont see anyone being cucked
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>even knowing about this pointless shit in the first place.
You tw*tter subhumans need to go back and stay there. Not even my grandmas are as obsessed with pointless gossip and drama as you faggots are.
in this case i bet that's just because both were relevant to story chapters, chapter 2 interlude basically IS zhu's story chapter for one
ellen's a little more nebulous since the other S rank victorias got story quests but i'm hoping it's just a case of 1.0 weirdness and we'll get some quests for the cops come 1.1
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Bros...they modeled the butthole
ZZZ already has dedicated character "tape" story missions for every standard 5*; it's only logical to think they will be releasing more for current and upcoming 5* when their main plot arc is finished
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I will never play WUWA, simply because there is no way I'm going to juggle one more gacha in my life.
I just started playing and my first limited 10-pull was three bears and an A-rank w-engine. Was this lucky?
I wouldn't call her outfit elegant, it's rather busy and try to mix together several elements that are so badly put together they look out of tune
it tries to be erotic but fails, and her painting facet isn't very well transmitted
if you are a gay furry, yes
objectively that's pretty lucky
subjectively it does NOT bode well for your account if it's feeding you this many bara bears straight away
Crown is the name of a character you mind broken trannoid.
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I am.
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why are his eyes red, is he albino?
Yeah, the interlude feels like her character story a lot but its feels weird because it works better as tape mission
While most of stable banners already got tape mission, Ellen story doesn't exist while we got both for Rina and Lycaon.
I just hope it doesn't follow SR route, SW literally got event that related to her but after that Fuxuan banner story is just her existing as guest character in March7 character quest.

It just feels weird, characters story is a good way to sell their banners and also a better way to knows them more personally outside of main quest, just like tape but for some reason these doesn't exist in SR or ZZZ.
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Then ZZZ is your game!
Was sorely disappointed by how little ass Zhu actually shows in-game, it's barely visible most of the time.
>not practicing her combos just to get ASS on Wipeout every time
skill issue
She doesn't even show up on the street yet, we're definitely not done with her ass shots
I keep putting it in the surveys but they need to allow us to run around the city/towns with characters we own. Even if it swaps out to the MC for story related stuff.
They literally said this week they're working on that
Taking a moment to say that people who call porn they don't like "cuck" when it has nothing to do with actual cuckoldry are retarded and don't realize it's only making way for the logical conclusion that ALL PORN is cuck because no amount of self inserting mentally into whatever or whoever is fucking the girl in the porn you are watching will ever make it you that is fucking them.
Instead of ending up in that dead end hellscape, shut the fuck up and just say you hate [insert dick holder here] instead of trying to use one genre to cover everything you hate.
I really get why you'd want that when it just takes what little time you actually spend as the MC away.
>I don't really
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Why are cucks so triggers by being called cucks?
I hope they'll do something with the W-Engine shop.
It has a great OST, nice flavor, and a cute NPC, yet it's absolutely fucking useless.
And the further we'll be into the game, the more useless it'll become.
Why are you a cuck? Stop watching women be fucked by anyone but you or else you will be a cuck.
gonna pay aesthic meme to do more porn next week
Thank you for sharing your over-enthusiasm of having black cocks in your mouth. This is a safe space after all.
They'll add more W-Engines there
And probably will give you some nice f2p option
>yet it's absolutely fucking useless.
For now, buying dupes of the basic engines is necessary.
Maybe if you dumb gacha faggots didn't distort the meaning of the fucking word over the past few years.
this kid is crashing out over a pic that was made last year, gotta love it
that's literally me on the right
>this week
Apparently it was just yesterday but cool
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Nobody cares what you fap to.
If you don;t want to be called a cuck, stop doing cuckshit.
I literally don't understand why you care and people like you have to go thorough hundreds of threads for years obsessing over it.
You're a cuck and that's fine, live your life.
you type like a faggot.
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>you type like a faggot
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>roll a bit on the shark banner, get her engine
>roll a bit on the public secks banner, get her
Could have been worse.
I mean most of your daily shit is just running around from spot to spot as the MC. I'd rather look at girls I own rather than the MC when I log in.

Especially as the game gets older and powercreep happens, I could always see Ellen even if I don't use her anymore.
bro opened his reaction folder. lmao.
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>no foreskin
>obsessed with blacks
China, please nuke them already.
It's not cuckshit. "Cuckshit" is literally and only actual cuckoldry. It isn't whatever you feel like at the moment, you retarded ass moron.
By your retarded ass logic you are also a cuck and so is every other person who watches porn or looks at art of girls being fucked. It doesn't matter who is in the image or the video, it will LITERALLY never be (You).
i should ask aesthicmeme to do some ZZZ interracial
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Make sure to kiss your imouto sweet dreams tonight
actual brainrot
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Please pay extra to make the ass larger ;)
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Once again, nobody cares.
Live your life.
I'd advise against, she wouldn't let you sleep.
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>China, please nuke them already.
You care.
Now actually listen to reason and stop being a fucking retard. Or don't and be an actual cuck every time you jack off.
>instanced flat arenas against samey enemies is a deal breaker
lmao, absolute zoomer
Chinese gachaslop should be banned. Not vidya
Good, ban all pornshit too. Hurts nobody but cuckshit spammers.
fuck off faggots
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she is the mona of zzz
The irony is the lead artist for this game is a Chinese man who draws BBC loli rape
>calling everything cuckshit
Just eat a bullet and your problems will be solved.
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you can only choose one
Glad you finally understand. Yes, watching other men fuck the girls you like does indeed make you a cuck.
The answer is to watch porn of solo females.
>who draws BBC loli rape
He does all colors of men and he doesn't do any of the "tropes" connected with what you're implying.
The problem is, on average, most squads will have one S and two As in them.
As will eventually get their own engine dropped, and 1 star OG engine is better than 5 star generic A one.
So it leaves us with S ranks coping with not having their own engines.
And then there's the problem where the difference between 1 star and 2 stars isn't even that great, yet it requires you to spend W-Engine rank-up currency to buy.
Spending energy to get W-Engine rank-up currency is justified when you're using it to rank-up as it's a comparatively good increase to your performance for the energy you spent on it but using it to buy a generic A W-Engine just to star-up your current one is a much worse deal than using your energy to farm disks, XP materials (especially for the disks), skill materials, passive materials, etc.
And even worse, if you get your 5 star generic A W-Engine and then pull it (which you will) - that's a roll completely and utterly wasted, as, unlike for the agents, you don't receive and sort of compensation for pulling a redundant engine as "theoretically" you might have a use for it (you don't).
Give link now.
Fine . . . Eous.
>The answer is to watch porn of solo females.
You are still a cuck even then by that same logic.
The only winning move is to never fap at all.
I wonder who's behind this...
nah she's not on standard so people can't bitch about mihoyo not giving her for free (so they can stare at her ass and never actually use her) for half a decade
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Unfortunately, she has an unhealthy dose of brocon
>gets challenged on the meaning of cuckshit
>n-no one cares
ok retard
The combat system isn't deep enough to carry what I'm describing though. No matter how you cope, this is detrimental to the game.
it's a nice ass
boorus exist anon
arr rook same
Why are the siblings sleeping on the sofa some nights? Are they sending a signal?
>.t level 20
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>stutter posting
I accept your concession.
Nintendo hire this man
I'm at IK38 and done with the main quest.
what the fuck do I do with all these garbage b tier w weapons? do I just throw them away?
Gameplay is pretty good >>683696435

Red Shiyu pisses me off because chasing damn popcorn enemies around is annoying and time-wasting (when the whole thing is a race against the clock), but it's challenging, I'll give them that.
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Live your life, cuck.
Dismantle into exp items.
Recycle them for upgrade materials. Consider them a roll stolen.
One roll closer to pity*
I got all of them to 5 star and used a couple of them for a bit.
Otherwise they're trash.
make a few 5/5 copies and then burn the rest, you never know when a zhongli black tassel situation might crop up
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I think the ZZZ depiction of police should be more accurate
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>cuck gets triggered by being called a cuck
>unable to face the reality of his true state
>starts calling everyone and everything a cuck too
many such cases... sad!
Here u go
It feels good but it gets old really fast as the challenging content only make up for like 1% of your playtime and in the rest of the content enemies are simultaneously slow and really predictable while only becoming more tedious to fight because of inflated hp
not to mention the switching system kind of kill the pacing as well (even if making parries and special dodge a consumable ressource isn't a bad idea)
You can't call others cuck when you're a cuck too.
Look at you posting images of men that aren't you. You can't even be your own reaction images, you stupid cuck.
You've been posting this shit for weeks.
It's a general. Get a general.
Nice greentext meme, cuck. You clearly shouldn't care about being called a cuck, but here you are.
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ZZZigger bros... were we the cucks all along???
A few of these are just tanned men.
None of that is cuckoldry.
trying to take the moral highground over a gacha artist is peak funny
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thanks frens. ~30 rolls in and I have only gotten 2 Nicoles and a bear. I hope I don't have to suffer much longer
Holy fucking based. To the collection they go.
this is you
>cuck can't stop posting reaction images when losing arguments
Many such cases... Sad!
You mean you. The one calling anything he hates something it isn't because it's the only insult he knows.
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No, it's the opposite. An artist like that will be unashamed and make the designs as appealing as possible within the confines that MHY allows him to.
It's over. Plenty of people itt literally won't play ZZZ anymore now that they know their lolis are coal-coded

looking at 1.2 and 1.3...yiiiiikes
To be fair everyone already does look down on you.
Do we have leaks for the characters in 1.2?
EOS before 2025
Take your meds.
ugly homo from hollow police and bland looking pink with big boobs and glasses (soulless nicole)
how come there aren't any Ninja women in the game?
im talking actual ninjas not whatever the fuck Nekomata is
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Nice thread Zig-cucks.
1.3 literally has miyabi and the hot biker chick
>open hoyo thread
>butthurt manchildren seethe until bump limit
based hoyo making grown ass faggot manchildren seethe
He's not a homo.
Really makes you wonder when the cuckshit brainrot started. It's pretty much rampant in every gacha general but when did it start?
Another cuck-cope post, LMAO.
hahahahaha please not with that face and that oufit
WUWA has no cuckshit, btw.
you start playing a new game
Miyabi will probably shatter non-release sales records, everyone loved her in beta
Jinhsi and Changli are NTR coded!
You're a retard. The entire reason we swarmed to this game is because of Waterkuma. No one gives a fuck about his fetishes, just the fact that he drew whatever the hell he wanted to unashamed.
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>enemies are simultaneously slow and really predictable
The game is fairly high to do a no-hit run in, actually.
Any given enemy on its own is fairly predictable but pretty much every one worth mentioning has ambiguous telegraphs, mixed up timings, etc.
The game also mixes and matches enemies in fairly obnoxious ways, creating very annoying situations from time to time.

The only problem is that the story content doesn't punish you for getting hit that much - that's where Shiyu comes in.
Also, while Chapter 1 is braindead easy by pretty much everyone's standard, Chapter 3 would be fairly challenging for casual players.

>becoming more tedious to fight because of inflated hp
Inflated HP is fine when the combat itself is fun and interactive - even DMC uses inflated HP on DMD to give you proper enemies to style on.
And the combat system in ZZZ is fun and interactive enough to benefit from inflated HP enemies (i.e. bosses and challenges).

>not to mention the switching system kind of kill the pacing as well
It literally doesn't - it's a part of the pace.
If it "kills the pacing" for you - you are not using it properly.

The game offers you a fairly high skill ceiling with a very simple and intuitive mechanics - get more characters on screen at more and better times, and you'll be dealing more damage.
Now it's up to you to optimize your swap times to your combos, enemy patterns, skill rotations, etc. Very simple and straightforward but keeping all of that in mind is a fun challenge of discovery of its own.
>gacha general
It started when 4chan in general started calling everything cuck as an insult when a few news articles popped up about cuckolds. It got even worse when NTR fags began pushing NTR on everyone by calling anything and everything NTR. Over time, other retards just started calling things "cuck" because it's what they saw happening and now you have people trying to say anything they don't like is "cuck" or "cuck adjacent" when it has nothing to do with actual cuckoldry.
So the usual monkey and ladder experiment, as has been the case for shit that happens here for the last decade and a half.
catgirls are always easy sales unless they're dehya
even nekomata is liked despite being a brick
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A filthy lie!!!
wuwa also has no gameplay
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this kid is losing it
Pixiv and Iwara beg to differ!
>despite being a brick
She's a great damage dealer. People calling her a brick are retarded.
not with that face, YIKES
I got zhu c1, how do I play her?
There's fucking annoying ass combos in Hollow Zero with the teleporting bullshit twins or a single teleport behind you sword boy/archer and the gorilla fucker Etheral who will block out the teleporters telegraphs with his massive body
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sorry bwo, it has males in it so it's cuckshit
i don't make the rules, these are just standard /v/ gacha guidelines
Mash buttons, fap to cuckshit ;)
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As long as black people continue to not exist in Mihoyo games I don’t really care if a game artist has shit taste otherwise, I’ll start caring when they allow them to put that garbage in the actual game
No one cares about your shitpost
ZZZ will change its logo to BBZ now that their main audience are cucks. Hoyo will do collabs with all the major graffiti thugs and pornstar actresses to advertise new characters in the hood. New female 5 stars will smoke and have tattoos all over their body. It's actually over to zenless cucks
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bwo, yer Nyagger??
>fap to cuckshit (all porn) ;)
Need to administer a bullet in the brains of a majority of these retards desu
That's just because wuwa gets no actual art so it's 50% AI and for some reason AI faggots literally spam blacked fetish stuff. There must be some correlation with faggots who praise/defend AI and being cucks
>first black character in Mihiyo games that's actually good
Racistbros, we lost....
>male = cuck
I can't believe every straight man here is a cuck. It's over...
You need to pay drawfags to draw cuckshit.
Ai is free ;)
okay, fine, I'll play it.
Boobs too small
Ass too small
Technically, you're a cuck paying an artist to draw your girl for you btw, I hope this doesn't mind break you any harder.
Pretty much.
I wouldn't even care about it as a generic insult ala "Faggot" here but too many people actually think the things being insulted when the word is used is actually "cuckoldry" because they can't be bothered to learn what it really is.
>Red Fang's leader was called Miguel
>Most of their members were brown
>They all came from a favela-esque place
Nekomata is actually a Japanese Brazilian girl with a Japanese mother and a black (Brazilian) father. Mihoyo and China are actively pushing interracial propaganda
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>AI faggots literally spam blacked fetish stuff.
There are 1.2 billion indians on the internet vs about 4-500 million euros/americans
Make with that information as you wish
Will there be any reason to pull Miyabi if i have Ellen already?
>japs fuck a nog
>blames china
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I mean just the sheer quantity of it with AI is staggering. If it was natural demand then you'd see a proportional amount of actual artists who like it but it's almost all AI.

I guess if your main fantasy is having someone else fucking and corrupting girls you supposedly like then you're not someone who has any kind of love/passion and that would explain why you defend AI and get upset when other people shit on it(they also tend to cry out like communists at artists for having the audacity to want money for their work).
>people use AI to fuck with (troll) other people
>those people think it's actually "cucks"

Anyway enough about wuwa
>cuck faggots gave up trying to shitpost on nikke threads because nobody cared
>tries on ZZZ and succeed
you guys are retarded replying
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>Will there be any reason to pull Miyabi-
No, she’s the most blatant weebbait I’ve seen so far
I want to fuck Nekomata

Feel the fold deep in her pussy nuzzle my head and feel her contractions squeeze my dick
It's easy to make and it makes people upset when it gets posted. This site has been people trying to make other people mad for decades.
I seethe over ai because faggots still post 7 fingered shit and boast about it taking seconds, and when you point out the obvious mistake they blow it off saying it can be fixed but never do.
They are true lazy fucks.
If the devs keep her true to Void Hunter lore, she might be a huge power creep spike.
>still talking about it
l m a o
>Any given enemy[...]
Even if the tower I've NEVER been in danger of dying at all, I take a stray hit here and there but ZZZ's combat has the main flaw of so many combat gacha : the content is so bad that the only l enemy is the timer
I found chapter 3 just as easy as chapter 1 but then again I have Ellen and her weapon so it's not fair to complain however I've already noticed that some enemies, especially in hollow zero, were really tanky even if they never posed a real threat to my agent's survival. It just feels tedious

>Inflated HP[...]

I really don't think so, Wuwa (who I've started playing pretty recently so I'm not really familiar with the game's intricacies yet) keep you on your toes a lot more with enemies of similar levels being far more agressive, sometimes even relentless, while hitting harder. In ZZZ you know that even if the enemy is agressive you'll end up getting your stun off pretty fast as it's impossible to mess up your defensive options with the generous dodge and parry window. Even the enemy that attack you by repeatedly stomping the ground still allow you to dodge AND counter every single one of his stomps.
In DMC you have many more ways to have fun against enemies with inflated HP pools, ZZZ really doesn't allow for much skill expression, I've played Ellen, Billy, Anton and Zhu Yuan and I'm just enjoying the quality of the feedback and the animations, not what I'm actually doing since the game is so lenient

>It literally doesn't [...]
Depending on your team it's a pace killer, in some situations when I trigger a stun with my dps I'll get the switch prompt and I'll have to wait the whole duration doing nothing because I just want to continue hitting with my dps and finish the enemy off as it'll be quicker

ZZZ is the best gacha as a whole package, the writing is okay which is a first for a mainstream gacha, but the combat isn't a huge pro. It's serviceable and the imminent powercreep makes me worried about future stat checks
he still comes to nikke threads if theres a male npc
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Your cardboard dam isn't going to to last long chink. Better try and spent the little time you have left eating your boiled cats rather than shilling for the CCP on /v/.
>even though it's just a leotard and pantyhose
Well, yes.
after you loose a 50/50 the next is guaranteed also Ellen is a furry as well
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>xe says while Ellen is anthropomorphic shark girl in a maid outfit
Anon this entire game is weeb bait it's literally the most weeb game MHY has made since before HI3
I like ZZZ but Wuwa's combat is definitely harder and more engaging.
>also Ellen is a furry as well
Wrong. She shaves.
For me it's the giant mecha dudes zipping away from me across the entire location but immediately hitting me off-screen if I turn my attention to anyone else.
The teleporting Etherial is a faggot.
Both gang bosses are faggots - the boxing one keeps dodging my EX attacks, and the shotgun one just spams his fucking shotgun all the time and I don't have a Dodge Assist agent in my squad.
The shieldy mech is a faggot - I don't have a source of Electric Anomaly in either of my squads, so if it shields up - I'm dealing absolutely no damage or anomaly buildup to it until I stun it. And my second squad doesn't even have a stunner.
The fat tech flamethrower-looking elites are faggots - they keep throwing grenades and jumping back but if you don't chase them, they'll be shooting their faggot fucking laser across the entire field
Tech grunts are faggots with their faggot slide that hits you faster than it gives you a telegraph
Flying Ethereals are faggots because they hit you off-screen 0.2 of a second after their sound que
Laser Ethereals are faggots - they insta-hit you across the entire field and there's effectively no time to react if they are off-screen.

Basically, the entire enemy roster is full of faggots.
I say, the core enemy design in the game is fairly challenging.
The only reason it often feels otherwise is because their numbers tend to be on the lower side. Fix the numbers - and suddenly all the enemies are good. And obnoxious faggots.
And that's a good thing!
It was so perfect it triggered hundreds of millions chink femoids enough to get it censored.
A lot of the higher level enemies attack more than you can dodge or parry. Do you just walk away from them?
Ben and Fag Butler isn't weeb bait.
This game isn't for people who want hard combat it's for people who just want to see whacky and zany characters they like.
get fucked, puritan
Literal skill issue
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Yer all now Zigcucks.
>Fag Butler
He's not a fag.
>not weeb bait
Are you fucking retarded or are you just a delusional gay furry?
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>anthropomorphic shark girl in a maid outfit
Yes and that’s a very unique, and she has a unique playstyle, vs 9000 times forded japanese steer iaido fox spirit for the 1000th time, with enough space between her eyes to park a car
where's all the furshit on /a/ then you dumb fucking cunt???
You mean in higher floors of Defense? I have no functional second team yet so I can't say but Hollow Zero just becomes more and more of a drag as I unlock higher rated levels
>Yes and that’s a very unique
Gwar Gura in a maid outfit...
I definitely wouldn't call generic maid outfits "unique". All of these characters are tropes. Combining two popular ones doesn't suddenly make you special.
>how is ZZZ compared to their prior-games content-wise?
>My immediate thought is that Genshin would have orders of magnitude more content because it's open-world slop but is it actually true? Was there a lot of meaningful content in their prior games on release? Compared to ZZZ at least.
Genshin does have significantly more content due to its open world and some major side quests with lots of content and locations gated behind it. HSR was as much of a hallway simulator as ZZZ is
>What can we expect in terms of new content being added to ZZZ?
It follows the same six week update cycle as earlier games and I would expect it to get about as much content as HSR
>Will we every get to drink some Teamilk outside of cutscenes?
>Will they add new shops?
Probably in some way or form. I could imagine them giving us a shop with some special currency like they do every new planet in HSR.
Even genshin still gets new major shit like the new endgame mode and previous region the dendro element
>Will they expand current locations or add new ones?
We will get new ones, definitely. They already mentioned the area the biker faction resides
>Combining two popular ones doesn't suddenly make you special.
that's literally how new thing are created, retard
Anon pokemon threads were so popular they had to make their own board and it's full of furshit
DAGASI is Japanese. There is tons of art on Pixiv by the Japanese.
wuwa feels even more button mashy and
no way, not without a dedicated parry button, they fucked up by copying pgr's shit parry mechanic.
Gura is a loli, I'd have rolled for her if she was.
Its no secret that ZZZ will have to release content much faster than genshin or HSR and also do more events to keep the playerbase up it has no where near enough crap and we will have to see. I cant see myself spending money on a game i play once every 3 months for a few shitty tv commissions that feel empty.
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>80 rolls burned on butt cop
Someone fucking kill me.
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I wish the bear was a female
it's /vp/, not /ap/
one faggot does not a board make
where are his anime???
He is MCsexual, so mine is gae.
She’s very different from that Vtumor gremlin and you know it
>generic maid outfits
Show me another lethargic JK shark maid girl right now
just win the 50/50 king then its all worth it
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it was 105 for me
>1.x DPS
she'll be crept by next year
The fuck are you on about? Japanese people make tons of art of "furry". It's just how it is.
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Actually ZZZ had way more shit to do on launch than HSR. This game's main focus is going to be on story/character content anyways.

I really don't want it to turn into minigame simulator like HSR. I'd rather get events like BA or NIKKE where it's focused on story and new characters.
>She’s very different from that Vtumor gremlin and you know it
Personality? Sure.
Being a shark girl? No.

Honestly Ellen's outfit is very original. It is filled with tons of detail to remind you she's a shark to the point of being, on paper, far too much. However the color scheme of her outfit is still that of a regular maid so you don't notice at first how shark-ey she is. I especially love how her collar and head piece take the shape of a shark's jaw
It's your own fault for playing a gacha, retard.
Have you been to the average Made in Abyss thread?
They call it kemono, its their own thing, neither is is furry nor representative of anime as a whole.
>>Honestly Ellen's outfit is very original
That's more so a side effect of the faction she is part of being based on classic horror monsters.
eh ill bet against that, HSR is way les powercreep'ish and the team mechanic seems to carry most units already in ZZZ id expect new elements that will be op rather than just better units
fuck dude isn't that around ~$130. If this is the norm I'm out
It's basically the same thing and "anime" has nothing to do with it.
>one thread
>out ~~60
wow, very convincing
anime sure is furry
180 for me
lost the 50/50 for s11 and hit soft pity both times
Anon there is quite literally no difference between the average female designs of gacha and vtubers. It's the exact same target audience.
absolutely retarded take of person who didn tplay zzz beyound low level tutorials

99% of WuWa "combat" is zero challeng open world where you mash buttons, and 1% is just learning boss attacks and doing stanadrt rotations.

ZZZ feels way more engaging and dynamic than it, pretty much like a fighting game or beatemup, especially on characters like Zhu Yuan. The later combat is actually difficult and poses challenge and demands active reaction and thinking. Hollow Zero`s Withering Garden especially has intense, focused combat like WuWa would never demand from you.

Playing WuWa is like playing LoL, while ZZZ is Ninja Gaiden
Are just the same as "anime" girls. It's not like they have super unique styles, they rip off parts of characters from anime and manga
>It's basically the same thing
Wrong, japshit is actually cute and attractive.
Furry shit is disgusting.
That's quite the difference.
That's like calling comics and manga the same because they are both cartoon drawings.
Yeh true but it just needs to keep it up. there is no reason to be in ZZZ's world without quests and the random interactions, also the time mechanic is shit since you can only go forward in time once a day for free without energy or entering the rogue like. if it has the same downtime like the others its probably gonna slowely die. could possibly be the reason they are doing more loli's and sexy characters is to keep a degen market until the good looking future gacha's kill it
Post Holograms.
I'm playing both, none of them feel like Ninja Gaiden, they're both mashy games that are more about presentation than actual mechanical depth.
>Wrong, japshit is actually cute and attractive.
>Furry shit is disgusting.
>That's quite the difference.
That's a personal opinion. I can find you "Japshit" that you would call "disgusting" on par with "Furry".
They are already anime shit, made by the same artists, how can they "ripoff" anime, you dumb fucking numskull, use your brain, fucking retard.
You're a retard who definitely never goes there because every single thread there is spamming coom of them no different than your average gacha thread.
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I hate
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Too bad!
Why do I keep making audible extremely loud fart noises everytime I see a pic of zhu yuan?
>That's a personal opinion.
Also wrong.
Categories exist for a reason.
You are plainly lying.
>They are already anime shit, made by the same artists,
Do you think all drawings from Japan are anime? Because I'm referring to actual shows.
>Even if the tower I've NEVER been in danger of dying at all
The boss I was fighting in the webms was level 50. The first time I killed it, I was running a level 40 (before unlocking the level 50 for agents) team with about 60% gear requirement for the fight.
It would deal 70% damage to a character on a bad swap and generally three-tap a character.

I'm not buying that you
>NEVER been in danger of dying
if you've at least done Shiyu, unless you're a massive whale but then it's kinda on you.

But even if you are - the red Shiyu offers higher level of challenge, and I'm not sure how much of a whale do you have to be to reach IK50 to get level 60 agents.
Currently, I'm at red Shiyu node 6 with level 50 agents, and so far the challenge is not just to get a B but not to die in process first.

>I really don't think so, Wuwa
When WuWa was just released, I went ahead and looked at a few streams.
The "better combat" against some sort of high-end content consisted of an insane HP sponge receiving non-stop damage rotation in its face and occasionally throwing out attacks with literally no interaction between the player and the enemy.
The challenge was in the fact that getting tagged by that attack would oneshot the player, so it was a battle of attrition - will the enemy HP bar deplete first, or will the focus of the player mind-numbingly repeating the same damn thing over and over again run out sooner.

Needless to say, I wasn't impressed.

>Depending on your team it's a pace killer
No, it isn't.
What you are describing is you having a bad team composition.
Characters should have a purpose and if you feel like switching to another character, especially during the chain attack, is a waste of time - you're doing something wrong.
There is a bit of difference between your average anime designs and vtuber/gacha designs. Gacha/vtuber designs have to be as appealing/sexy/fantastical as possible to stand out since the design itself is the biggest draw for making money.

In contrast an actual anime can afford to make designs more "normal" or "generic".
>HSR is way les powercreep'ish
Bro your Raiden>>>>>Jingliu
Bro your Aventurine>>>>>Fu Xuan
Bro your your Firefly>>>>>>Boothill
Can we get a cosplay faction so we could get the green hair video game character that has a statue in front of the weapon shop?
you first
post your Shiyu and WG clears
its the exact same system as genshin or HSR with possibly less currency at launch but still figuring that out. chances are if you didnt get shark you will get cop but the engine really should be 100% All wuwa did for me is show how fucking dumb having weapons be 50/50 is.
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I ain't reading all that.
>>mini game simulator
So hsr was your first hoyo game?
I want a bunny suit faction
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Anon every single gacha does lolis and sexy characters. That is the main appeal of every single gacha in the end. Of course good setting is nice but your critique is one that is standard in gacha games.

Now on the other hand if you focus on the characters, setting, world and story then you will foster a large community of people who will MAKE the content for you between that downtime.
>this vtumor had the idea so that means shark girls are now generic
I'm still leveling up as I only have a single working team and am only level 39
I'm not shitting on ZZZ's combat, I'm saying it's worth just about the same as wuwa.
However anyone shitting on wuwa would have had the time to build their teams.
Post Holograms and tower.
I don't know how to explain it, but you know when a character design is "vtuberesque", like that new Fire Emblem game that was constantly shitposted with "vtuber-like designs".

I feel like a vtuberesque design, as you said, tries extremely hard to be unique so it ends up being absurdly overdesigned or things like that.
What HSR has power crept the everloving shit out of any character released prior to peonini or w/e
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Her shop.
It's on Lumina Square.
It's featured in various stories but is otherwise non-interactable.

Thanks for answering, btw.
>tries extremely hard to be unique so it ends up being absurdly overdesigned or things like that.
like gacha, lel
Just a few things that show up as recommended when looking at DAGASI's works. Tagged "furry" and made by Japanese people.
>but Hollow Zero just becomes more and more of a drag as I unlock higher rated levels
so you are low level fag without idea what you talk about

particulally at HZ Highrise levels, mobs became way more aggressive and get more attacks. You fags are like retards in Genshin at lvl 30 telling endgame is easy (well, it is, but you are still retarded)
Only one ill accept is boothill he was done fucking dirty I have never seen a company make a single unit as op as firefly just cuz the fans liked her. Jingliu is still used a ton and they both need different team comps Aventurine sucks without follow up attack units and raiden needs nihility units even firefly is dogshit without the 3 units to support her. I know me saying HSR and ZZZ together is not a good comparison arguably a turn based game would be better but still they could been cunty
Not really, Mihoyo maybe but other gachas have generic designs, look at BA
You could have been having actual fun playing WUWA right now.
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>Gacha/vtuber designs have to be as appealing/sexy/fantastical as possible to stand out since the design itself is the biggest draw for making money.
So like anime shows.
>Blue B-rank/3* items
These are merely used as fodder to level the S/A-ranks you will actually use. In these games they always are useless with some very rare exceptions (Thrilling Tales in genshin and Cogs in HSR)
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>like that new Fire Emblem game that was constantly shitposted with "vtuber-like designs"
There's a very simple explanation for that, the designs are done by a popular artist that designed vtubers, it's just how stuff is nowadays.
Characters are not designed to look like vtubers, they are just designed by the same people.
Nta but how far are you on rotation shiyu? I really am scrambling to get by in B ranks, I had to give up on levelling def and hp to use the mats for unsorted ATK% discs and I'm still far from getting at least half of the rewards before time runs out
They also sometimes call manga "comics" too.
Doesn't mean the distinction between manga and comic book doesn't exist you disgusting furshit filth.
I'm not a furry. I'm just telling you that your "distinction" isn't a very good one.
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You could have been having actual actual fun fapping to cuckshit (interracial) right now ;)
Boothill literally had no reason to exist, the devs forced his way into penacony arc just to give him a bricked brick kit and be turned irrelevant for all the foreseeable upcoming content by the very next limited. His sole existence was to make Raiden even more of a mary sue in plot
based power creep prepper
so many star rail units have been invalidated since the release of penacony
so shut the fuck up then

you`ll beg for easy mode soon, especially as they promised to add even harder ones in 1.1
Even the design ideas aren't really new. People would call Stocking a "vtuber design" these days.
No they don't retard, the only time they use "comics" is referring to Western ones with words like アメコミ(amekomi aka american comics) or コミックス.
Manga is literally their word for comic. They make no distinction further than japanese manga and overseas manga (comics)

Just like anime is just their word for cartoon. Even western children's cartoons like spongebob are called anime in Japan
I really believe ZZZ is going a bit more sexy than most bar gacha's like nikke. They even have kinda famous loli artists designing units and make lots of their units. maybe its that safe horny everyone keeps talking about but
Iyo has spoken

It's a very good and useful one, and ultimately like all arbitrary definitions, there are edge cases that blur the distinctions, but that is what they are edge cases.
>safe horny
Don't use twitter born meme words.
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Exactly, and there's thousands of vtubers too, some of the early popular ones had fairly simple designs as well.
>lost the 50/50 with first 10 pull (S11)
>tfw hearing Srank music play with 20 more pulls
I think this is the first time one of these games didn't hold back giving anything to until they had to.
Try going down to the recommended on those images that were posted and you'll see it's not an "edge case".
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V-tubers are based on early Waterkuma loli characters. But whats fun about them - Hoyoverse plans them not just be game characters, but actual v-tubers on Youtube with focus on performign and will release their album
Wrong, it's a stylistic choice that means nothing.
Only amikomi refers to western shit, they can call it manga or komikksu
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It's going "sexy" like any average otaku gacha. You must only have experience with something like Genshin or HSR because ZZZ is closer to your average gacha experience than Genshin is.
See you're basically hightlighted my point from before, that only 1% of the content offer actual challenge and everything else is just a drag. I can tolerate that kind of weakness in a game like Genshin when it has other things going for it than pure combat, controller in hands. But in ZZZ I'm already burned out of Hollow Zero and several quests since the main quest ended and I'm only stuck with filler stuff now, at IK38.

>When WuWa was just released, I went ahead and looked at a few streams.

Wuwa is actually very popular with gooks because it's mechanically intensive, a good player playing wuwa will play NOTHING like even an average player due how the switching mechanic work. In all mihoyo games, this has never been true and it was always pretty easy and effortless to just emulate good runs.
This is how I reached Nirvana several times in Honkai 3rd despite being a low spender (monthly). However, in current content, Wuwa bosses don't "occasionally" throw out attacks, they attack far more often than they're idle. But what you're describing are most likely early players getting into Hazard tower severely underlelved, just like with any gacha that just released where engaging in late game content with mid-game teams at best just feels like shit.

>No, it isn't.
>What you are describing is you having a bad team composition.
This has nothing to do with what I described. WHY would I switch to my support or my stunner if my damage dealer triggered the stun and only need a few more hits or an ultimate to kill the enemy? Should I have literally looked up the enemy's hp values beforehand and planned my rotation completely unorganically?

>so you are low level fag without idea what you talk about

>trust me bro it gets good once your start chapter 3
>trust me bro it gets good once...

please give me your UID so I can come laugh at you when I'm still shitting on HZ Highrise when I get to it. Please. Don't be a coward.
>People would call Stocking a "vtuber design" these days.
She's always been Twilight ;)
Anon no, the tropes you see popular today were already established 15-20 years ago.
>Her shop.
>It's on Lumina Square.
That explains it, haven't been there much. They really outdid themselves on these random NPC designs, that is one thing that is very different from all earlier mihoyo games.
It is difficult to say whether or not she will ever be of any use. Maybe for an event or future quest
>Thanks for answering, btw.
You're welcome anon
nowadays its important to differintiate manga by country of origin:
Manga - japan
Webtoons - Korea
Manhua/donghua - China

Important, because japanese manga is becoming crap, so that you could filter it out and enjoy better quality content.
>and I'm only stuck with filler stuff now, at IK38.
Not him but I didn't run out of things to do until 40.
>no holograms and no tower
so you're talking about a game you haven't played, yikes!
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Miyabi will be SSR DPS.
You will regret your words and deeds.
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Compare Klee to Hu Tao, or Jingliu to Raiden. Even waiting to pull for a couple of patches can make a million or more of difference in DPS potential.
Nikke is the bestest, and sexiest. ZZZ is for eunuchs.
wtf you are speaking about when i post you a litteral pic of pre ZZZ char of which one of Idols is based on by same designer?
Klee is good though, just janky to use.
Yeah that's what I mean by filler stuff. I have a few bland commisions to do, I finished Soldier 11's quest which wasn't bad but not good either and Nekomata's character quest actually made me skip dialogue for the first time.
I'm only leveling up by spending energy at the moment.
they having been hosting comics from everyone for a decade or more
webtoons refer more to the phone reading format than gook manga
>>trust me bro
why should anyone trust YOUR ignorant opition though? Dont like it? Fuck off, Dont talk like if you actually know anything, imbecile
I still haven't done three of the agent stories and I'm now at 43, what are you doing?
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>japanese manga is becoming crap
chink bugmen sure do get uppity, lmao
>Wuwa is actually very popular with gooks because it's mechanically intensive, a good player playing wuwa will play NOTHING like even an average player due how the switching mechanic work. In all mihoyo games, this has never been true and it was always pretty easy and effortless to just emulate good runs.

holy shit mother of retarded wuwa cope. Wuwa combat is HI3 combat topied to PGR, copied to WuWa. Actually dumbed down HI3 combat too if counting APHO and new stuff.
Just as I thought.

Maybe you refilled energy? I have yet to use a battery once.
>Hu Tao, but even worse
there is only one reason to use her, and it's purely sexual
>muh isekai novel written by 12yo author who never read a book in his life
I thought you were talking about vtubers in general and not the idols from this game.
>I have yet to use a battery once.
Use them then, it's pointless to save them as you'll get some every level up from 40 onward.
this from the country that brought you 9789 chapters of cultivation flying faggot manhua, LMAO
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I've beaten the stable 10 with a level 40 team - pic related.
It was something like
>4 S, 2 A, 4 B
roughly, though.

Red Shiyu I'm currently dying at the stage 6 with level 50 agents (the same exact ones).
It's something like
I think.
Node 6 feels like I could possibly barely make it.

I'm trying to steadily invest into my current team while preparing for the third one for when I pull the Butt Cop - I feel that getting answers to the Electric/Etherial nodes would help.

From what I currently have, I have all passives @ level 3, except for S11 - upgraded her to 4 today.
My disks are actually pretty good, for what it's worth. disks 1 and 3 (so HP and DEF) are level 0 garbage on literally everyone but everything else is mostly S and maxed.
Lucy runs 4 anomaly (4/5/6 are all Attack %) disks and S11 runs 2 (but otherwise has Attack/Crit Damage/Fire Damage)
Lycaon only has one maxed disk - the Impact one.
Piper runs Anomaly Matery/Attack/A. Proficiency, but the Proficiency is on an A disk, so it'll be upgraded in a while.
Soukaku also has 4/5/6 S Attack I think.
Ellen has an S 2 but her 4/5/6 are As (and 5 isn't even leveled up) so those are to be changed.

The ice team is fairly straightforward - stack up Soukaku, stack up Ellen, stun shit with Lycaon, get the buff up, unload Ellen, unload Soukaku if it still lives.
The fire team is essentially a Discord team. Lucy + Soldier 11 build up fire, Piper can rapidly proc it with Assault. Gameplay-wise I find the team pretty cool dunno how optimal it is, though.
I don’t care if she could solo all content in the game, she looks like her mother fucked hobos for beer money
Isekai is pure indulgent media anyways, much like gacha. You aren't reading it for good literature. It's basically just the equivalent of old ecchi harem but put into a fantasy setting.
And that hobo?

I played quite a few but i just dont think i have seen this many loli belly's or huge asses in quite a long time. maybe its just the modern design
butt cop c1 or c2?
Mechanically intensive doesn't mean deep.
In the current state of things it's more a somewhat dumbed down PGR but with more potential due to how they want to make aerial movement matter.

Yeah I just feel like they're a waste of ressources since I could just level up through quest and use my batteries to farm with better drop rates. But with the way things are going, I'm touching the quests anytime soon, so you're right I may end up using some
It's mediocre. C1 is the only interesting early cons
>You will see she will be super OP!
She is the only void hunter we saw in-game till now, of course she is gonna be strong. It's like saying the new fire archon from genshin is gonna be op.
Now if she is a good character story wise, then that makes her pullable, simple as.
Since she seems autistic it's probably 100% pull chance
just watch out most people dont even have 3 S rank units most have only 2 before butt cop hell even i only had 2 before cop i think
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The second team is obviously meta BiS, although I can see your S11 team being cumbersome since Piper competes with her for field time. Maybe try rolling Ben's W engine to have him as both a sub dps stunner and massive anomaly boost
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Azur Lane? Nikke? BA? BD2? Snowbreak? Azur Promilia coming up?
my thumbs hurt just looking at that pic
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so the "people" claiming to clear Shiyu aren't actually three starring the higher levels?
Clear ≠ three star
I said the same thing about Azur lane back when it came out they had nuts loli's way more than most games at the time. Azur promilia i have not seen much and I did specify none of the nikke like gacha's BD2 fits in that. Snowbreak and Nikke also only do big tits and ass's maybe feet like twice I have yet to see much thats any different. Snowbreak does get a pass since the devs are based
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clear is a clear
>although I can see your S11 team being cumbersome since Piper competes with her for field time
It kinda works alright, actually.
Piper is pretty good at just jumping in and doing the spin for almost two full Assaults.
And S11 is very good at just staying on top of the enemy and dealing damage. Together with Lucy - not too terrible at proccing Burn as well.
I'm currently looking if my Piper has enough energy sustain to occasionally tag in and do a tap EX just to keep Power stacks.
>Maybe try rolling Ben's W engine to have him as both a sub dps stunner and massive anomaly boost
I have C6 Ben but I don't feel like playing him, 2bh.
I really like S11's gameplay.
some gacha you can clear with no 5 stars or maybe only 1 but ngl I think ZZZ relies WAY to much on team's and buffed elements so you are fucked also a pretty small roster of 4 star units
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i'm sitting on 8 S 1 A 1 B right now, once i've got my lucy fully built i'll be fixing that shit real quick though
I run a team with piper and lucy and yeah i agree piper is good to come in spin then back out I got Koleda as my 5 star asso i was using ben and he is good but way to slow and time is to much of a nuisance
>ngl I think ZZZ relies WAY to much on team's and buffed elements
Honestly the one thing that's great about Genshin is that it feels like Mihoyo has no absolute control of the meta, they often let broken shit slip through the cracks which is a godsend for the players.
ZZZ appears to be much more locked and at the mercy of the chinks, if they want to suck the players dry, they will.
do you have butt? yes=engine no=rolls
I stopped playing genshin pretty early but I think genshins endgame is probably the worst thing to come out of it. Tower fucking sucks and Wuwa having it makes me wanna die. But i do agree elements seem really hard to control and they dont seem to fully handle it for every unit. ZZZ's teams were made a lot better through the beta's and design but the element shields ruin everything with boss enemies having +50% more hp unless you use the right element is a total cock in the mouth. since even with a good team its still hard for time. and its setting up for units who will be able to negate it and youw ill be forced to buy.
How new players belive ZZZ combat is like


What its actually like

You can negate the shields already if you just proc the elements anomaly on them.
>doesn't even have actual gameplay just some shitty gook animation

Can't wait until summer ends and the kids go back to school
Its more an issue this early in the game give it a few months it wont be an issue but most people wont do weekly's cuz they only have 3-4 units built and no combinations its just not something i'd expect this early similar to how wuwa had a full tower week 1 and players could barely get to world level 30 before it reset apart from whales
It actually holds close to the gameplay of the game.
>dodge attacks
>ellen's ultimate
It's about the music itself you moron. If you can't visualise music properly then I can see why it'd be confusing to a brainlet like you.
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All you need is one person of the element that the shield is to proc their anomaly and it makes it a non issue. Once we get more anomaly characters of either S or A rank, people won't have to worry about it as long as they build those characters enough so they can build the anomaly fast.
i have to use almost all my battery to get through the 40/40 limit to 50 on 1(ONE) character today its so over bros

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