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Woah what a fucking flop
Armored FLOP

>sells as many as all previous entries COMBINED

but enough about Elden Ring
Flopped Flop VI
shazam lost, cocksuckers
after sales.
FromSoft need to make a third person Shadow Tower Abyss sequel so fucking bad, the game has quite literally limitless possibilities in their already well established gameplay systems and ideas.
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>Stellar blade can't even hit 1 million sales despite being called the savior of videogames
>Shitty robot simulator makes 3 million
Fucking loved this games trailer.
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DLC fucking when?
I hope they bring back turning, actual FCS and arm weapons
>lel it sold more than games made 20 years ago when the market was way smaller
No shit, retard.
Also, when considering Bandai Namco?
Yeah, they're probably gonna consider this a flop when it didn't get close to Elden Ring numbers. Because shareholders are fucking retards.
>literally sold less than Elden Ring DLC has in its first week

So From were lying when they said AC was a success then, the loss in opportunity cost over making 2 good ER DLCs is something like losing 5 million extra sales
A third of the sales on a third of the platforms
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>Yeah, they're probably gonna consider this a flop when it didn't get close to Elden Ring numbers
It doesn't matter because Fromsoft self-publishes in Japan
Miyasaki has also stated that Armored Core is their child, and they will bever stop making them no matter how badly they sell
Also Fromsoft doesn't take the success of a game into account, they see the money only as opportunity to make more games that they like.

Also 3 fucking million is absolutely a success compared to shit like >>683700709
You niggers are fucking retarded if you think AC6 cost even a third of what Elden Ring did to make. Guaranteed this shit was a success by their metrics.
ER reused a ton of stuff from DS, what makes you think it's all that expensive? All that land is empty.
Meanwhile AC6 is pretty much brand new, reuses no assets as far as I can see. Even with a smaller scope that's expensive
They probably wont. The streamlined gameplay will probably be the new norm if they continue to make content.

What would you guys like to see in the DLC?

>return of arm weapons
>aux tools like missle flares
>more hud customization and the ability to change the AC's computer voice
>cost 1/3rd to make
>sold 1/10th
this thread reeks of shazamtranny desperation
yeah and none of the previous souls games sold half as much as elden ring did in a few years, are they flops too?
yeah it's always them

Where are they even going to go with the story if it gets a DLC
Shadow Tower has an absolutely dreadfully unfun durability mechanic.
There is a niche for an FPS dungeon crawler though. A new series taking a lot of things both from KF and ST
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so is this the shazamtroon thread? I thought it would be civil but apparently not.
All thanks to my wife.
I hundred percented the game and have never seen that before. It's like the Malenia/Radahn fight. Why the fuck don't they put this shit into the game? Put it in the main menu after 100% at least if you fear it is distracting. Just put it in the fucking files.
If every DS game was made from the ground up, yeah it would be a flop with those numbers. But they're all taking assets From the previous Software so it makes money
Obviously they would balance it proper, but even then it became a non-issue halfway through the game, at least for me. It was pretty brutal at the start though, particularly the second biome. I like the idea of moving through these hellscapes using up whatever weapons you can so none of them are some superior +10 atk weapon you can play with if you find one. It's good, felt very survival-horror esque.
Playing as the other Raven would be neat.
Your wife seemed pretty happy I made contact with her last night.
ALLMIND exists for ALL mercenaries
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>Fromsoft made a stealth Eureka Seven inspired game that sold literal millions while the Bones are too busy raping the remnants of franchise into dirt for some reason
Don't get too attached to 621
Add a series of side scenarios that takes place during the original campaign. Gets integrated into NG+. Provides more insight about the setting and characters.
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It's a prequel and 621 will become 9-ball
calling it now
Would have sold more if it hadn't just rode the coattails pf Fromsoftware and it was a legitimately good game
That, or a prequel like Artorias of the Abyss, where you play the events leading up to the first coral burn.
It's a mech action game, a niche in a niche, how much do you really expect it to sell?
The last Souls game was 7 years ago and sold more than Armored Core 6.
It's ubdeniably that issue like no turn-rate and shit PVP permanently stained the reception of the game.
Anything less than Elden Ring sale number is a victory for Shazamchads.
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Absolutely delusional takes
fromsoftware can literally make any game that will sell millions
AC6 saves a lot of money by reusing the maps for multiple missions. Also having a traditional non-open world map and mission design probably saved a lot of money too.
Would have made 5 million copies by now if it wasn't terribly shallow and 98% of the discourse surrounding it wasn't anime quotes.
They really fumbled the gameplay aspects by streamlining the fuck out of targeting and piloting.
Shazamtrannies consider ER a flop as well, so no one gives a fuck what those retards think.
>almost 200 million gross
hello retard
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Rumors indicate that they're working on it but I wouldn't put much weight behind it.
Would love to see an expansion pack sized DLC package inline with the older games though.
No PvP in any From game has ever affected sales performance in any fucking way at all.
How do you learn to dodge? Just started playing and feels like I run out of 'stamina' way too quickly if I try to dodge/attack.
I never understood this pic
why are those ACs congratulating the Guntank as if it's Shinji at the end of NGE?
no way
they put a fraction of resources into AC as ER
if anything this just shows them they can put more money into the next game and it will pay off
and that's absolutely right because FoR was honestly pretty mediocre and ugly even though I enjoyed it
This is the only game that legitimately feels like you're playing an interactive mecha anime. Some setpieces and action animations are straight from Gundam Unicorn tier anime.
would've should've could've. I don't think it could have gotten close to their regular souls games either way, Armored Core just doesn't have the mass appeal of dark fantasy shit.
>oh yah, I totally would've picked up AC6 by now, but I heard Anon sperge about minute balancing details and I decided to hold off
t. no one, ever
I hope that's good enough to get more. Loved AC6.
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Gaming disappointment of 2023 for me
The Sekiro guy clearly hates mecha so let him do samurai slop or whatever and give the IP to someone who cares
Unlike Square, this is considered a success even From was surprised that it sold this well. Bandai were ok with it also. Idk where this flop nonsense comes from.
Use boosters with lower qb cost or have a larger en pool, some of the generators are pure dogshit
Also there's rarely a reason to spam QB. It has no iframes so its only for positioning and breaking fcs lock or dodging missiles.
>Even with a smaller scope that's expensive
I doubt it, it's mostly low effort art with awful shaders
Many of the enemies are just made up of the same pieces you are. So you have a few bosses and enemies that aren't
How do you dodge then? Just anticipate the attack and speed away/jump?
I seem to have trouble even with the helicopter
I got the real ending yesterday. Amazing game. Very fun. They need to upgrade the engine. There is no other way around it. Specially when we think about a game of giant mechas.
Sekiro sold +10 mil in under five years lil bwo, that game doesn't have coop nor pvp, and i know a lot of autists who don't even play that one because MUH CUSTOMIZATION
If it goes beep beep and paints a red circle on the enemy, you dodge.
But in general, yeah quickly touching the ground to regenerate energy is something you need to get good at. But then again, if you are flying too much right now you'll likely have less issues than the people who struggle to leave the ground at all.
Also note that different thrusters and generators can vastly change how your dodge and energy recovery works exactly. Don't forget to open the extra details page when swapping out parts.
Move in a single direction so they lead the projectile and immediately QB the opposite direction when they shoot.
Keep in mind your core part has influences on your generator QB efficiency. If your AC is heavier than the chosen booster can handle your QB reload time will worsen.
It didn't need to get close. It needed to have good gameplay and positive word of mouth which it didn't get. You think that if they make AC6.5 now it will sell better than this? There's an old core audience that is disappointed by the casualization of the mecha building and handling and a fleeting new casual audience that may or may not return and that will instantly consider any game with a movement system more involved than locking on and boosting/assault boosting clunky to play.
You don't build a franchise by streamlining complexity out of it.
I won't play Sekiro because I didn't like the way damage worked
I just want to bonk shit not have to track some other enemy resource to know I can do damage, fuck that
You have three weapons. You are using the wrong two.
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I remember when you clowns defended this shit
>It didn't need to get close
Oh ok, so 3 million is still pretty good then?
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Planet is closed because of Coral
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>I just want to bonk shit not have to track some other enemy resource to know I can do damage, fuck that
you can still bonk with the axe prosthetic and mortal blade
No, because the gameplay sucked, so it will get the AC4A/ACVD effect that the sequel will actually flop because of the poor reception of the first game.
They did upgrade the engine. AC6 is actually technically competent as opposed to Elden Ring.
nice cant wait for next entry.
Speak for yourself and only yourself dumbass.
Comparing to Stellar blade is retarded since that one was PS5 only (Sony paid for this so they don't lose money being exclusive.
I'm le new raven :)
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>3 million sales is a flop now
never change /v/
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Is not enough.
How did they make Dark Souls 2 follow up 1?
This example is not intended to be optimistic.
Reaction dodging mostly isn't a thing except for charged attacks from an AC and moving in a way that makes you evasive, enemy FCS attempts to lead you so constantly changing directions avoids shots while QBing forces them to reacquire FCS lock.
Its a different situation for big bosses like the chopper, it's 100% about positioning (and abusing assault boost.) It absolutely will dominate you at range but can't deal with you in melee range besides backing away. If you linger below it, its bazookas will mess you up and its pincer missiles can hit you from behind cover if you're careless. So the fight is really about ABing in, melee, then hiding while you regain your energy and doing it again.
These companies really need to learn how to set their expectations.
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fromsoft self publishes in japan so it doesn't matter what the niggers at bandai think
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this doesn't make any sense like at all
someone is lying, no way they only sold 200k copies in 9 months
No, it's just far less seamless and ambitious
Elden Ring looks better and has generally better effect, noticeable when you run over water as opposed to boosting over water in AC6
I never got that far
maybe I'll give it another try someday but I'm pretty tired of soulslike games after Elden Ring. Sekiro is very different but still
>major breakthrough for the IP
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>that one was PS5 only
Stellar blade sold 49K on the 1st week on PS5
Armored core sold 115K on the 1st week on PS5
To be fair, if an animation or a game mechanic gets in the way of fun, it has to go.
Japanese fans hated AC6 gameplay and want turn rate back
They are not buying AC6.5 if it is not radically different.
You can't even change the aspect ratio or go over 60 FPS in Elden Ring, shut the fuck up. Elden Ring's a mess and everyone who defends it is a blind retard.
Zanzibot...forgive me...
Vast majority of game sales happen in the first month of release the majority of the time. Most games don't actually sell well over long periods of time, the games that do (GTA5, ER, etc) are the exceptions.
Source: Your ass
Still a better game than ER.
Mecha filters the tourists HARD.
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my wife Ranni
more stuff about the Rubicon Liberation Front, introduce more corporations, on Rubicon, flesh out Dafeng and Schneider
Who cares?
Whoa a multiplat game sells better than a single platform one during the weakest console gen in 30 years?
Niggers are delusional when they think they will get another game when Sekiro was far more successful, teased a sequel in its true ending and yet there is literally no sign of ever getting another Sekiro.
No it's very possible.
This is just the marketing that happens when a game reaches a milestone, but AC6 had generally a lukewarm at best reception and fell ouf of relevancy fast due to being worse mechanically than previous AC gens.
This is just the little amount of extra sales it got after the latest summer sale. It's no legs now
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>AC6 didn't sell enough because the autistic grognard population (that almost let AC die several times before) doesn't like how fast the ACs turn now
You guys are kind of embarrassing, you know that? You guys are a rounding error.
I don't believe it
seethe gooknigger
Stagger bar killed it
Can’t wait for DLC , but it should be huge if paid
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I know it's never gonna happen but how would they add Armored Core into Super Robot Wars?
>Ayre or some new character contacts you to do a series of jobs that go in-deep exploration of the Institute, Liberation Front's past and allow you to fight the most bullshit secret creations of the Institute and then salvage them and use them yourself
It's capitalism, retard. Everything after the previous thing should be bigger, according to them
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Not even. It's just the one guy in this thread.
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>only on ps5 which is a flopped system with no games vs ps4, ps5, xbox one, xbox series, and PC
>one of the most popular devs in gaming vs dev with only one gacha game
>old IP with existing fanbase vs new IP
it is a huge success that it did 1m, you mindbroken tranny
kill yourself
Why does the PCA build their warships out of cardboard
Armored Core is in Super Robot Wars
Its more true for consoles then it was for PC, but is still the case for PC as well.
Reality is most consumers are on the new release hype train non stop.
it's so strange
>if it hits our sales targets we'll continue, we just like the series
>hey it exceeded targets, cool
>hey it outsold the entire rest of the series combined, sweet
so silly
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Eat shit, turn speed is paramount to any vehicle game. It's what could have salvaged AC6
~infinite sustainable growth~
all the money went to the data centers that keep the Enforcement System running.
It took Armored Core nearly an entire year to sell 3 million. Stellar Blade passed 1 million in 2 months in a single console
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if it did Elden Ring numbers these same faggots would cry and piss and shid their skirts complaining about how the series is too popular and not niche enough.
>same shitpost word for word
that's terribly low effort for an organized discord group
disgraceful even
do you guy ever take a look in the mirror?
The true ending is similar to the true ending of evangelion.
Is it worth $40?
I loved Sekiro and Lies of P, but I fucking hated Elden Ring.
Never played an AC game either.
By adding the UCR-10/A Vengeance.
Excellent, now where's my Lost Kingdoms 3?
Armored Core was always about melee tho. Play something else.
my friend who is an ac fan dropped ac6 because he couldnt beat one of the early bosses
casualized lol
thank the soulfags for funding From's true passion project
tranny faggots are unable to self reflect otherwise they wouldnt be tranny fagotts to begin with
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>Incentivize aggression
This really is the red flag that the gameplay is completely braindead. I have never heard a director say this and witneas a game that is actually good
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>the sequel will actually flop because of the poor reception of the first game.
get a load of this guy
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*ABs into u and kicks u with chicken legs*
I had fun, cope
And you should play the older games too if you like mechas, they are all easily emulatable
Depends, do you like garages
Flat out lie.
Japanese fans loved AC6.
Melee has always been important in AC. If you don’t like stagger build for stability.
>Oct 14, 2023
OP is a fag as usual
You know where the game mechanics that souls copied from came from do you?
he's american if his tranny games doesn't make 100 billion the first day it's a flop and half of that money goes to israel
Doomposters destroyed
but why Guntank? are those kind of builds crutches for noobs in AC6 or something?
For Answer outsold 4 though that's not saying much since it was still one of the least successful games in the series
Melee was always good in AC, if all you wanted was ranged go play mechwarrior
Ayre is my wife
Regular AC pilots dont take on warships, only nuts like you or Rusty would
>he isn't aware of the wheelchair
Yes, wheelchair was a crutch legtype before it got nerfed 5 times in a row. Now it's still somewhat of a crutch, but not as much.
i know several soulsfags that couldnt finish AC6, you take away co-op and summons from them and they collapse
the biggest tell is whining about turning. at least the eternal lock-on complaint makes sense, whining about turning of all things is just funny
>Expansion cancelled forever
forgive me.....
Codename; Special Olympics
It only appears that way because it would be boring if the things just fell after you destroyed the Bridge. Just accept that it's an exaggeration to allow for rule of cool -- you're playing a mech game, after all.
who has once said stellar blade was the savior of videogames
/v/'s headcanon
Why do people complain about aiming in this game when there is a perk that restores manual aiming?
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That thing was so dumb on release, I actually kinda miss how it was.
How am I supposed to go 400+ now?
Mentally broken shazamfag
auto lock on is fine for PVE, but drastically dumbs down the PVP portion, makes juking people more or less impossible and reduces PVP to just running into each other
Bandai already stated over a YEAR AGO that they were pleased with the performance and are open to more similar projects.

You are a stupid retard and you look stupid and everyone in this thread will laugh at your ignorance.
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Seasonal retards and the Ace Combat audiences that basedfaces at
90% of Ace Combat 6 buyers never played an AC game before.
The way the core audience was treated is disgusting and shills here have been rampant constantly backpedaling and making up excuses.
>Don't worry guys, quickturn is a manual action - but it doesn't matter anyway
>Don't worry guys hard lock has a penalty - but it doesn't matter anyway
>Don't worry guys there's manual aim - but it doesn't matter anyway
>Don't worry guys there's no decoupled camera if you aim - but that makes mivement and strafing inconsistent
No matter how you cut it, when you have a new game after over 10 years and most of the old community considers it a meh entry at best with nearly no honeymoon period you fucked up hard.
It's clear that the direction doesn't care for Armored Core and wanted to hijack the revival we deserved to make some shitty pseudo fighting game with none of the inertia, weight and fweling of actually piloting a mecha.
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>turning speed
I distinctly remember when people on this board were bitching about the fucking tutorial boss being too hard.
you know high level PvP uses manual targeting right? for a while the meta was manual targeting with bazookas and their huge splash it was almost like playing quake 3 with rocket launchers
Now where is the DLC?
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I'm a soulsfag and I think AC6 (and Sekiro) are easier
I also summon npcs and use mimic tear
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Stellar Blade is saving video games. It started the fire.

Cope, faggots. You lost.
I didn't think there was a fanbase more loathsome than Monster Hunter, but then ACfags surfaced out of the gutters when this game released.
fair enough lol
I only played AC1 and really dislike tank legs, I find they make playing the game a snoozefest
It used to go 800+ with kickspam.
Basically infinite booster and faster than anything made to actually fly, same for the heavy tank legs, but slightly slower.
Tetras can still go 1200+ with QB.
The whole pvp scene was/is retarded.
This man thought V and VD was the peak
>is shown proof that it wasn’t
You faggots are pathetically one note.
quick-turn is a mechanic that would inevitably get ditched. complaints about hard lock are very valid.

I realize that, but the scene died quickly because 1v1 auto-lock is retarded and not particularly fun. 3v3 is a bit better because there's enough chaos to discourage auto-lock retardation, but there weren't enough decent maps
what does Ace Combat have to do with this?
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I've played every game from 3 on and I think 6 is great. What now?
>>>>>>complaining about melee in fucking Armored Core
Ask me how I know you’re a shotgun spammer.
shazam lost
Too late
Nobody did beyond release, when you learn the mechanics and weapon synergy around how stagger works every boss except 2 is easy as fuck with almost any loadout. It's Fromsoftware's easiest AAA release in the sense that after you gain meta knowledge about the hoops and nonsense the stagger system is centered about the game is trivial. Unlike say, Sekiro, where understanding the stagger system is half the battle and there's a tight executipn requirement, AC6 is fairly basic and lenient on that last part. In fact, a big issue is how easy most of the missions are
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>Stellar Blade passed 1 million in 2 months in a single console
>No source
Your gookshit hasn't even hit 1 million after 3 months
I sincerely want AC parts based on CEL-240. Seriously, it's already reverse-joint, just take the wings off.
diversity and lack of titties arent ruining games its greedy executives and live service slop retard
does ACV and VD still run badly on RPCS3 or? I want to play them
just keep in mind they're the worst games in the series
I want to play older AC games, but not the oldest ones. How do I most easily access AC4 and 5, and their side games? Are they available on PS+ or something simlar?
Some people seem to have gotten it running but I still get frequent crashes, not sure what the right settings are
Can't. The IBIS series outside HAL 826 were designed as custom machines.
If they make parts it will have to be, as you said, "based" on it. But that just means it'll be an imitation.
>starting with ACV

start with the PS2 games (Start with Nexus if you can't handle no joysticks) or start with 4 and 4 Answer
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emulation anon
ACVD servers got shut down recently on ps3 so there's no longer any reason to play them on a console
AC3 and its spin offs are perfectly playable, although I feel like the game locks you into light mechs because of the turn speed autism, it's not fun at all
Emulate. Or get original hardware and the games themselves.
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I loved ACVI so good to see its getting the recognition it deserves, that being said i am ashamed i pirated the game since i am a poorfag
>This man thought V and VD was the peak
Correct, cry about it
>quick-turn is a mechanic that would inevitably get ditched.
It wouldn't
Quick turn is a great mechanic, especially because it can't be executed while boosting in another durection, so there's a trade off/quick sldecision making involved, do I track the lightweight that strafed on my right, or go backward while turning slowly?
>complaints about hard lock are very valid.
You can actually have gameplay diversity with hard lock if you have turn speed. Hard lock is not new or an issue by itself, it's fucked up in conjunction to how weightless and inertia-less your piloting can be especially spinning around anything tracking your target
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If it was up to the schizoposter, AC would just be dead and buried forever
by quick-turn, I mean turn speed itself as a mechanic, I misspoke :)

>hard lock isn't new

I agree, but it's obviously there to compensate for PVE design (aka iblis fight, maybe ayre fight)
VD killed the series for 12 years
it's a miracle miyasaki actually cares and has tons of respect for culture (unline subhuman western devs) otherwise we wouldn't be now having weekly AC threads on /v/
>at least another year before Koto releases their Steel Haze kit
>article says shipped
Wew lad. Also lol at the buck broke schizos screeching about the shazamtrannie.
There's 3 AC threads going right now wtf
Honeymoon with Ayre that goes horribly wrong
on the plus side I got White Glint for a normal price instead of the scalper prices
a lot of the AC kits got reprints which is great for me
6 improved on the gameplay in every conceivable way, except for the stagger mechanic which kind of sucks.
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Thanks for making it just for me, From. I'm looking forward to the next game you make just to make me happy.
I'd like more Kate. She was pretty underutilized in the base game.
>the game failed the game failed IT DID IT JUST DID
>article: game did well, FROM is happy
/v is a fromsoft board
They just need to tweak the numbers, not the first time they introduced a new mechanic way overtuned
the discordtroons are in full force trying to force this series back into fromsoft game rotation when it's a complete flop compared to ER
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>mech game out of all things defeated and embarrassed TotK, Nintendo's flagship title
>this still causes immense seethe
kek its so fucking funny watching these cockroachers cry till this very day
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>not having already bought one before
Sounds like a skill issue
Because "mech flies up to starship bridge and blasts it, instakilling the ship" is a classic mecha trope going back to Mobile Suit Gundam.
Im happy to see good game succeed. AC6 deserves it
It is when you spend more money on developing and marketing. FoR was one of the most shilled Armored Core game and was on multiple platforms. 3m is pathetic.
>t. shazamtranny
So sexy.
AC6 was my favorite game last year.
I was happy it won Action game of the year, impressive for a niche game.
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Memezaki killed the series
>play with auto-lock on
>game is alright
>play without auto lock on
>game becomes a very fun and visceral experience
Would recommend.
Now I have to do a playthrough with mouse+kb and disable soft lock on completely.
Yes, and they are SOO much better than 6th gen it's not even funny.
6 is the quintessential "made for a modern audience" game but /v/ defends the fuck out of it because
>Most of /v/ doesn't care about Armored Core and only knew about From through Souls games
>Allows them to be contrarian towards better, but more popular Fromsoftware games (this will be even more common later, AC6 is the "S team" and whatever is next is le B team)
>Armored Core 6 is a casual approachable power fantasy. Most of /v/ is very casual low skilled players and none of them want to master a movement system, quickturns, couple movement with tracking targets,...
Basically, /v/ IS the modern audience. AC6 may be hated by /m/ but it certainly is /v/ core, meaning it checks all the boxes of the casual, not too popular but AAA japanese power fantasy game.
golem get ye gone
They're working on the next entry in the series instead of DLC, from what I hear.
It was better than Elden Ring
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OP weapons getting brought back when?
Prove me wrong. Show me this isn't the most shilled Armored Core game then.
I entered the series with 3, hated everything from 4 on, and I liked 6 and am actually playing through it again with armory mod now. Am I too much of a newfag for your purity spiraling ass to consider me part of the core audience?
>Game does well
>From happy
>Bamco happy
they hated him because he spoke the truth
who gives a fuck about /m/
about Ace Combat ? or Armored Core ?
>sells 3 million copies
>discord trannies think they can shitpost it to death

can someone explain the reasoning here?
true and we got an example here
lol lmao even
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GOTY 2023
You have no numbers and your argument relies entirely on anecdotal "evidence". Your feelings don't mean shit here.
Probably had a budget equal to every other installment combined
And the sky is blue. That shouldn't be surprising, honestly.
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They probably got filtered by the Helicopter and have been mad ever since.
And that's exactly why Fromsoft is leaving Bamco behind.
>AC6 may be hated by /m/
Where? Discussions on /m/ certainly don't revolve around screeching about muh souls boogeyman and sales comparisons
so this is the new discord tactic huh
That tweet turned out to be bullshit. Kadokawa's February 2024 financial report said it sold beyond expectations.
All souls games other than ds2 are better than that turd
What's with some people on /v/ having to start hating a series the moment it becomes popular?
But half of the people don't even like robots game even less one with no characters portraits.
The gameplay is objectively better than previous iterations though.
>it sold beyond expectations
Of course it did, previous titles barely made any money. This one reached dark souls level and has potential for growth.
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>Discussions on /m/ certainly don't revolve around screeching about muh souls boogeyman
ok tourist
holy flop
Exactly. My guess is the game was made with a fairly low budget and made a decent profit as well because of that too.
uhh isn't that huge thing that glowie special vehicle you fight in one of the paths you choose?
that was a kadokawa report
thanks for proving my point
I'd love a new style of legs. Maybe an airborne mech with jet legs or a pogo sticks that jumps even better than chicken legs.
The AI is worse at vertical tracking. You can dodge attacks better by going up or down fast.
>fall after breaking
shit idea, always was, i know you're a resident shitposter no need to reply
I liked the game, but I honestly expected more sales considering it released on all platforms, the current and last gen, and late into the console life cycle where there’s a lot of consoles (potential buyers).
You don't get it, it sold more than 20 years old games that means it's good
Nice try shitposters
3 million of retards with a nigger-tier taste.
>I'd like more Kate. She was pretty underutilized in the base game.
You're a funny guy.
so where's the /m/ hate for the game, seems like people are actually talking about it instead of going on and on about discord trannies
>Game sells 3 million
I bet you niggers are square enix shareholder tier 3 million is failed product because it couldn't reach COD/GTA levels
you literally proved that guys point

all I gathered from this is that fanart fags are getting out of hand and we need official portraits NOW
but enough about your sperm count
You joke, but Kate is really her own character even if she is just AM larping. It would be cool to see more of AM's machinations outside of her interactions with 621 using KM as her proxy.
they still can't explain how Elden Ring or TotK were flops
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If it'll be limited to new scenarios in the base game and not a separate title like previous expansions, I'd love to see more behind the scenes stuff with ALLMIND. Her hidden spy units littered around in the early levels are a great direction to explore in.
They were.
Tremendous game.
>T-They just WERE!
Balam path or you playing as Rusty after he propably ejected when Walter shot his AC
>AC6 is a flop with 3 million sales
>Stellar Blade sold 1 million
Hopefully the success makes them confident in doing more traditional AC themes next time, the ambiant focus really got stale in 6.
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Shame it runs like shit on the Deck. No idea what FromSoft did with the later updates but I can't even hit 20 fps when in the garage anymore.
It's easy (You)s. Same reason people still shitpost Fallout 3 to death as being Todd's gift to mankind.
>true ending
>Walter and Carla die off-screen
no fuck off
For DLC it would be Branch focused for sure. IE the original Raven’s faction. They’re set up in the way where DLC would make them the clear focus. For a direct sequel like old? Honestly anything really. Could be back to Earth and maybe the solar system with the emphasis stuff like Jupiter got.
>5 platforms vs 1 (with paid exclusivity)
AC6 sales are disappointing no matter how you put it. Sekiro, a new IP, pulled off nearly double that
Only bad thing about the game is that the coral weapons are unlocked in fucking NG+2. They are so fun, but when you finally get them you've grown tired of the game.
Hoping they let Hoshino and Miyazawa go off next time, because you can kind of tell they wanted to given Disc 3 of the OST, but likely has to rein themselves in to match the tone more consistently.
If anything happens to this hound I will burn all of Rubicon and then myself.
>In niche type of game that never sold anywhere close before or after
People die off-screen in all the endings, anon. At least with the true ending you get to see their destroyed ACs.
I would say it’s not disappointing because From themselves said the game surpassed expectations and are wanting to do more. I think they have more of the deciding vote than your musky asshole.
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they were cringe, no thanks
You can tell that they still managed to get a good chunk of what they liked in if you listen to the OST proper. The problem that people misattribute to the OST is the game's sound mixing. You can never hear the music over everything else going on.
Stellar Blade shills did NOT like this post kek
lmao this was debunked months ago
>Multiplat took 1 year to sell 3mil
That's pretty pathetic.
He probably thinks if it doesn't pull CoD tier numbers then it's a flop
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Branch was fine for what we saw of them. Which was not too much. The name is weird. I wonder if there is a japanese pun.
Make sure that Raytracing is turned off and that you are using the latest Proton version, I'm getting a pretty solid 40 fps with a mix of low-medium settings on 720p so I have no clue how you have managed to fuck up your install of the game.
why the fuck does emulating the older games have to be a pain in the ass
It is. There are 6 billion+ people on the planet.

Not even 1 percent of that population has played your shitty "game".
>One post
Sure showed me, retard
By that logic literally no other series beside fucking Pokemon or GTA is worth anything.
Those were the first things I checked for. Thing is the game runs fine in actual missions, it's just the garage where things go to absolute shit.
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Works on my machine
I beat the game at 40FPS on the Deck OLED. It has drops, yeah, but they were surprisingly rare for me and it was never anywhere near 20 FPS.
Moving the goalpost? I'll take that as a concession.
Literally yes.
At least you admit you're terminally retard, too bad for you the only cure is killing yourself.
>want to buy this game since it came out
>find out it was just on sale for 35 dollars two weeks ago
Damn, I want to play it but am financially stressed rn. Need a 29.99 sale somewhere and will probably have to wait until christmas now
Concession refused, dumbass
The coral jihad that you and your wife undertake after the true ending of course.
Poor guys never had chance
Nah, most of the tracks in the game just kind of whatever. There's a few standouts, like rough and decent, but most of the tracks are ambience without really much going on. You're not really supposed to notice the OST much in game, which makes it more noticeable how lack luster it is on its own outside of the game.
>AC6 isn't a REAL AC
Define Real AC.
It's neither shitty, nor about robots, nor is it a simulator.
ACs 1-5
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>diesel jihad
Jesus Christ.
I liked AC6 as a newcomer to the series but I think the over reliance on the stagger bar and the fact that all mech types turn on a dime unless they are "sprinting" makes the combat outside of the bosses/event stages feel very samey and kind of bland regardless of what build I'm using.

I'm downloading AC3 and Last Raven ATM since they seem to be the most popular (or at least most talked about) games in the series. I wanna see if the turn speed meme really makes all the difference and if stagger has always been so fucking oppressive in the series.
Unironically a massive flop when SotE sold twice as much in less than 1/20th of the time
>anon needs other people to validate his video game
>Real AC
AC4-5 isn't real AC
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We're never going to get a "real AC" ever again, and that's okay.
Don't start with Last Raven. Go with AC3 and then play Silent Line afterwards if you had fun with it.
You got what you wanted. Now shut up.
VD literally killed the franchise
No thanks. Now kill yourself retard
Shitkiro is literally the most easy braindead game Fromsoft made to this day
yeah but LoR is still the king baby
Isn't it true that japanese play VD multiplayer to this day?
Nah, Demon Souls and Dark Souls did.
I guarantee you that if the souls games didn't sell well we would've had like 2 more Armored Core games out by now and From software would still be a fairly niche developer. Instead they chased the obvious cash cow in the making and it paid off big time for them.
>i loved |pure dogshit| and |dogshit| but hated |kino| will i like |kino|
lmao no fuck off
anon... the ps3 servers shut down not long ago
VD servers are down bro it's over
don't look up which three games are the worst selling in the franchise and who directed two of them
Demon souls did not even sell well lmao
VD servers shut down at the end of march this year so no, unless they've got private servers up and running for it they ain't playing it anymore
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sekiro was good
it deserved a DLC more than ER "faggot-festival" DLC
Make new routes of the story that goes wildly different path
>Raven route
>Balam route
>RLF route (fucking pointless faction in main game)
10 mission each so around 35 unique missions. also, delete hard lock miyasucky
not so subtle samefaggotry bro
you should seriously kill yourself
>Also Fromsoft doesn't take the success of a game into account, they see the money only as opportunity to make more games that they like.
>churns out nothing but souls games and souls spinoffs for a decade then adds souls lock-on and camera controls to armored core
lmao, delusional
>Get hired to make more souls games
>This is somehow From's fault
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why didn't you buy and play Left Alive? It was made by the guy who dierected AC3 (which is considered the staple gen by AC fans)
Why did you let the game die? I thought he could do no wrong right?
that looks so fucking bad ass
why don't we get trailers like these anymore
What happened with that game is a disgrace. They even got Yoj Shinkawa on board for the project.
Concession accepted.
>Left Alive
More like left for dead
they should at least disable hardlock for multiplayer. Feels fucking bad how that single system destroys build variety
>Still trying to get the last word in
Lmao nigger.
Are all ACVfags like this or are you just special
Concession rejected
no one cares what FA:Gs think
kek, this reminds me. Was Front Mission Evolved any good?
>If you fall, you'll teleport to the nearest ledge
What did Strung mean by this?
>wow a shit weeb game with braindead casual combat attracts more people than tactical mecha action with niche audience
lmao think before you post
Square's direction is absolutely horrid and shit. Yoji just collected the bucks since he likes mecha.
>Still replying after getting BTFO
Insecurity issue.
or maybe, just maybe
Mechas are niche.
just pirate it?
>By a single shitpost strawman
Insecure retard
>when the market was way smaller
Not sure why people think this.
SNES games regularly got 5+ million sales, plenty breaking 10-20 million sales. That was thirty years ago.
Do you really like MechAssault and Chome Hounds but also want to be completely dissatisfied?
nah its poorly done simon says game with bland repetitive soundtrack and lame bosses
they should have just done that fantasy mecha Miyazaki keeps dreaming about
>No one said that.
>Actually they did
>That's just one guy.
>That's what you wanted
some of the games are made to be played with an imported save, start with the first of a gen and then import save to others
also if you're going to play anything before gen 3.5 might as well play everything since gen1, it work mostly the same
>Armored Core > Project Phantasma > Master of Arena
>Armored Core 2 > Another Age
>Armored Core 3 > Silent Line
>Nexus (Evolution disc) > Ninebreaker (skippable) > Last Raven
>No one
>Only one person
>This is my only proof
>C-Concession accepted
I'm just pointing out that the OST this time around was pretty weak for an AC game.
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Another Age has the coolest game cover
I liked it...

nah it was really fucking good. you niggers need to stop trying to pass your shit opinions as empirical facts.
No that sounds pretty in line with the common 5th Gen fag. Imagine if there was a wack souls game that sacrificed everything for its fucking multiplayer and that’s 5th Gen. You’re essentially would be talking to someone who takes Souls PVP extremely seriously as the game’s core defender.
Slowest kid in the race
Correct. Glad you agree with me, bot.
The cover AC is pretty peak and Balam should be ashamed they didn’t make anything as cool looking for AC6. Not even to Crest’s standards.
Now I accept your concession
Not him but while the OST was fine in a vacuum, it's a massive departure from every other entry's soundtrack.
Stargazer and maybe arguably Rusted Pride were the only two songs that matched expectations.
There's no way you can listen to 1-3's industrial techno, 4's drum n bass, or 5s rock, and then think that 6's muted ambience carries the same energy.
Again, 6's OST was perfectly fine, but it sure as fuck wasn't AC music.
ACV has the best mecha design ever.
If you made White Glint cosplay in AC6 you are gay.

What the fuck
>FROM were lying when they said it was a success
FROM probably thought it would sell 1 million in their most optimistic projections.
>someone who takes Souls PVP extremely seriously
So DS2 fags. Got it.
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This and the easy lock on killed the game for me, fucking From pandering to casuals
>fucking From pandering to casuals
I got bad news for you, they've been pandering to them since AC4
>open thread expecting that one autist to be crying about lock on and turning
>he is
More like an NPC with your constant "NO U"ing.
An overwhelming majority of VD's multiplayer was co-op, not PVP.
You could play the entire campaign in co-op.
You could play the entire arena in co-op.
There were multiple superbosses that could only be beaten in co-op.
Who are you quoting? Are you a schizo?
You just proved his point lmao, AC5/VD super focused on MP at the expense of literally everything else, you weren't getting the full experience unless you played MP
But it's not PvP.
And why not just beat the game in single player? That's what me and my friends did.
meant for >>683715409
didn't ACV have NPCs you could hire?
I always thought Branch was somehow related to Overseer considering how their emblem is a tree. Plus Walter seems to react to the name Raven when you get it like he knows what it is. But this is never expounded upon even as you fight and defeat all members of Branch in the various playthroughs.
nha, it's gen 3/3.5 with crest
Stagger as seen in AC6 was new to the series. Stagger in older gens meant a split second of being jostled when you get hit.
Neat. Hope the next one does even better since they've got a wider audience now.
Pretty good. Slightly more than Sekiro in the same span of time.
Technically Liberator of Rubicon is the RLF route even if you'll spend the majority of missions with them in it wrecking their shit.
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I don't understand why WALTUH did not side with the PCA considering they both share the same goal of preventing the red diesel from leaking into the universe. Even Branch, even the jihadists. They all have shared goals.
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No. AC 2 and 3 had some missions where you could hire an MT or AC to accompany you.

ACV had a system called UNAC where you programmed a partner that would take the place of player(s) in co-op or pvp modes.
It was actually an incredibly deep and complex system where you could bake in specific tactics for different conditions, literally programming.

Additionally, ACV/VD revolved around a clan system, where 30 people fought under the same banner. It also acted as a lobby.
If you needed help on a mission and no one in your clan wanted to help (or you had no friends), a clan-less player could be hired on as a freelance mercenary for a fee.
>Burning the coral and saving the galaxy from turning into a giant tinder box via easily ignitable, exponentially expanding space gasoline is considered the bad ending
I get that we have to glass an entire populated world to do it, but the alternative seems a lot worse when just the coral growing on one planet can incinerate the entire solar system.
the PCA makes no exceptions
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a guerrilla route would be amazing.
I miss my coral wife
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ACVfags have rabies, they need to be put down
I normally do, but I like giving the few good companies left their just due. Even if I pirated I would buy it on sale later both for my steam collection as well as because they one of the said few who deserve it. I dont live in a third world country, and I have a job so its a matter of principle for me.
he's correct THO
The potential offered by coral is unique, basically it is a parallel dimension where souls go to chill. AllMind wanted to privatize such natural resource.
uhhhhhh human plus????
The former is immediate execution of a massive population and all individuals associated. The latter is a potential problem that could theoretically be resolved with enough research and understanding. The biggest issues are that nobody knows what the fuck Coral is thinking (other than literally only Dolmayan and 621 at this point, even Iguazu was just getting ear-splitting feedback) and that its world-ending potential mostly comes from results of grievous mishandling with utterly devastating consequences. The old Fires of Ibis were caused by a scientist intentionally burning the Coral in a hope to wipe it all out. The Fires of Raven involves you intentionally crashing the Xylem into the Vascular Plant. The only reason why it's considered "bad" is because it's the panic button to a threat that's not even guaranteed. Subjecting Rubicon to eternal Corporate wars is far worse imho. I burn the Coral to spare them the hell of eternal warfare.
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it's 29.99 on CDKeys
So am I
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5th Gen GODS cannot be put down. We want it so bad though. Even emulation is hell on earth. Just end our misery.
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>anon was right and delivered
Bless you bro, im on it
You need to be heckin' accepting of other cultures chuddie
>it's the panic button to a threat that's not even guaranteed
Something that's known to spread absolutely everywhere, can be relatively easily ignited by a small amount of people with the drive to do it, and is immensely destructive is a guaranteed threat.
Why didn't the Coral blow up the solar system until after retards started gathering it all in one place?
PCA wanted explicitly to contain and prevent others from messing with the coral. They would have allowed coral collapse to happen and prevented anyone from taking intrusive measures to stop it. And they certainly wouldn't have supported the Burn Coral plan especially considering the PCA on Rubicon was taking orders from a supercomputer on Rubicon itself rather than their off world HQ. So they don't really have shared goals. PCA is like "there's a bomb here don't touch" and overseer is like "that bomb is building in power and will eventually go off destroying the universe so we have to blow it up now and destroy just the planet it's on instead" and PCA is like "what that's crazy! No way!"

It's not entirely clear what Branch's goal was, but they helped the corps get back on Rubicon. The Jihadists just wanted PCA and Corps out so they could huff coral and worship it. Most of them didn't even know the truth about coral and thought the Fires of Ibis was just the fault of Institute greed and mismanagement of coral rather than a last ditch attempt to stop coral collapse from destroying everything, everywhere. Only Dolmayan really understood and that's why he was disillusioned.

So no they don't really have the same goals.
>Boring simon says slop
Elden Ring clears it no diff
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its space magic i aint gotta explain shit
because overseer was wrong and retarded
fromsoft went an extra step trying to make people understand the fire ending was the bad one but people are retarded
PCA want to restrict the coral but also use and deploy it for their own purposes, hence having a cweapon like worm
Walter wants to destroy it and believes that just restricting it is futile as it will always break out of control
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>that's known to spread absolutely everywhere
Wrong. It gathers in specific locations, either because there's already a large mass of it or because it's in the middle of travel towards a larger mass of it. That's part of the reason the Vacsular Plant and the other refineries are so important.
>can be relatively easily ignited by a small amount of people
The literal only two times it's ever been detonated on a planet-destroying scale have come from individuals in charge of facilities with immense amounts of coral in one place and igniting it with extreme prejudice. The one Coral Burn we see in-mission comes from you specifically fighting through an armed force and destroying their facility.
>is immensely destructive
You're correct on this, but its destructive potential has only been seen to come from those who bring out its destructive potential. It's literally like blowing up an oil refinery with C4 and then going on a tirade about how oil is bad because it causes massive fires. The real issue more than anything is simply the scale with which these things operate, which is why I say the threat is not guaranteed.
4th gen is trash and 5th gen runs like dogshit on emulators, just play 1 or 3 like a man
so remember how Walter shows you the funny graph that explains how Coral will spread to space and contaminate everything causing another fire
he conveniently left out the part that it spread to space BECAUSE THE CORPS PUMPED IT UP THERE THROUGH THE TOWER
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Bought it last summer sale and it was pretty good
Fun gameplay and characters and a lot of unique voice acting depending on the situation
Nice that a From game finally supported ultrawide and 120 fps too
When the blown up oil refinery levels the entire country its located in, then yes, oil bad.
So how do you prevent corps from pumping it up through a tower
>tell them its dangerous
...but is it profitable? If yes, that doesn't matter.
AC4 and AC For Answer are the best games wtf
Again, the question is really only in scale. Mismanaging an oil refinery that powers an entire planet will result in some ridiculous fucking destruction if it blows up then. Some terrorist could drive an oil truck into a mall and blow up hundreds of innocent civilians. Wrongdoers aren't really a metric for how good or bad something is, because if you want to kill someone, a really sharp stick will do the job. It's all about potential, for better or worse. Hence why burning the coral is effectively the only bad ending, because it's one motivated by fear instead of reason.
maybe use an extraction method that DOESN'T involve having 10^21 kg of coral in one place at one time? The fires of raven were only possible because the tower was a fuse that led straight down to the gigantic coral mass in Institute City.
It's explicitly shown that coral is going to reach critical mass and expand out of control, completely disregarding people purposely gathering coral as if they weren't already doing this.
>The literal only two times it's ever been detonated on a planet-destroying scale have come from individuals in charge of facilities with immense amounts of coral in one place and igniting it with extreme prejudice
Yes, it's happened twice, and once the coral escapes the bounds of Rubicon, it only needs to happen once.
There's no evidence that PCA wanted to use coral for their own purposes outside of Rubicon. The C Spider and Ice Worm were both institute relics that were chilling on Rubicon that the PCA leveraged to try and keep coral contained. Using them was an opportunistic attempt to stop the activities of 621Raven who PCA wasn't able to contain by normal means. The main reason they were able to use the institute relics is because their local ops were controlled by a supercomputer that was itself an institute relic. You can interpret that the PCA and Overseer are both descended from the Institute with different takes on how coral should be dealt with. PCA wanted to sweep it under a rug and Overseer wanted to rip the rug off and light it all on fire.
>because it's one motivated by fear instead of reason
On the contrary, not burning the coral is driven by sentiment. Rationally there's no reason to take such a risk.
We could've had an Armored Core DLC instead of the abomination of the erdtree.
>if you don't want dogshit aiming you are le casual
And have hackazaki shit up the AC dlc with consort Dolmayan?. No way
Oh boy another thread where DS2 troons try to paint every fromsoftware game after 2014 as a flop
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We are confident in the integrity of the Vascular Plant
Previous games didnt have the advertizing that 6 did.

Most people didnt care about From when old ac titles came out

AC titles weren't hyped up like 6 was.

When you factor in how big From is now, the rabid fanbase and the success of DS3 and ER. AC6 selling only 3M copies IS a failure.
That's just speeding up a natural process though. Coral naturally seeks other coral. Unmolested it may have taken millennia for it to happen but the initial settling of Rubicon and harvesting of coral was already speeding up the process.
>If you use a feature that is widely considered cheating in many other, better games you're a hard gaymer
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I hope AC6.5 adds a mimic tear
Mech is niche as fuck compared to fantasy which every normie swallows. It will never sell as well as From's fantasy titles.
Some do, but most of us don't. Most of us went right back to 4A, SL, and LR. AC6 is okay, but its not as good as older titles. Our biggest complaint is the total lack of useful weapons and builds its one or two metas with very limited part selection.
>Our biggest complaint is the total lack of useful weapons and builds its one or two metas with very limited part selection.
Good, fuck pvp fags.
>Rationally there's no reason to take such a risk.
It's proven to be an information conduit, energy source, and semi-sapient conceptual organism. The creations from RRI managed to functionally operate half a century after they were abandoned entirely and wound up being threats to everything around them far after they should have been simply abandoned. There's plenty of potential in the sciences when using Coral as a conduit. That's the rationale behind keeping it.
it is food, it is a drug, a dead people storage. Is basically japanese melange.
>Our biggest complaint is the total lack of useful weapons and builds its one or two metas with very limited part selection.
>went right back to 4A
No Armored Core in history has had less useful weapons and builds than 4A. The singular two builds that you will ever see in PvP are the same max-thrust Rifle/MG bipeds or DUSKAROR leg skaters, or bladers. 6 has far more variety and viability. At least 4 had real energy management which permitted a good amount of build options, FA is filed down to a nub.
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>Previous games didnt have the advertizing that 6 did.
Fun fact, From Software had three (3) fucking LAUNCH titles for the PS2.
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Deal with it. Ameritard and Eurotrash opinions will be discarded.
Coral does a lot. That's why I can see its maintenance as a thing with conceptually infinite possibilities, and its destruction as a fear response with no value other than validating those fears.
Armored core 6.5 that has. anew story
None of that matters because it's also an existential threat that will kill everyone because someone had a really bad day.
Not only you aren't japanese, but you've never played an AC before 6 if you think this one doesn't have variety.
>Unmolested it may have taken millennia for it to happen but the initial settling of Rubicon and harvesting of coral was already speeding up the process.
Events like the fires are pretty clearly NOT regular occurrences on Rubicon. I don't recall anything from the game suggesting evidence of coral disasters prior to the fires of Ibis. If the planet wiped itself clean down to bedrock every few years that would have been noticed by the Institute. And given the time it would take for something like Coral to come about naturally, I think it's safe to say that undisturbed it is stable.
If that were the case, the true ending cutscene would have exploded halfway through. But it didn't.
Seems pretty stable to me.
>and wound up being threats to everything around them
coral at a bare minimum would be used to make warfare even more violent, anything else is just hope 'n cope.
Look at the nuclear optimism of the early 20th century, how much of that panned out? Where's our nuclear utopia?
Again, the only reason to spare the coral is emotional sentimentality.
Maybe I'm misremembering but wasn't coral in an inactive state before humans got there?
Has anyone tried to mod these games? I'd love to play rebalanced 4th gen.
I was surprised to see how many mods emulated DeS has.
>they didn't play the game
>had the director of AC3
>had metal gears artist
Legit how the fuck did Square fuck of having a literal power duo for a mecha game?
The fires were done specifically because the coral was on track to reach singularity point which would have done an uncontrolled version of the coral release ending and spread it all throughout the galaxy. I think the reason it never did it before was because it was contained under the crust of rubicon. Coral is expands and self replicates to fill whatever container it's in, which is why it goes haywire in a vaccum. The initial exploitation of coral let the genie out of the bottle, so from then on it was an inevitability, eventually coral would completely replace the vacuum of space and would be incompatible with non coral life.
i mean i get it i felt bad for pirating it because i enjoyed it very much but alas that is my fate as a poorfag
We must lull the coral back to sleep
So Rubicon might be mended
That's how
No amount of hype is going to fix the fact that the majority of the west just really hates mecha, doesn't matter who makes it. Activision could make mecha CoD and it would sell like shit.
>There's no evidence
that's not good enough for walter, who sees destroying it as his life's work
and frankly terminally naive, sure the next step of a political entity monopolising a powerful but dangerous weapon is totally to disuse it and its miracle power source, especially after they already tried to use it
I hope they do a Muv-Luv crossover
The only evidence for the singularity point is the word of:
>the loony institute guy that ignited the fires of Ibis
>Walter who wants to ignite the fires of Raven

And remember that it's OVERSEER that tells you directly about it, the group known to be paranoid and wrong and retarded on multiple occasions. The only evidence of it is projections. Now of course there is a big amount of "better safe than sorry" but still.
I'm fuckin' mc'lovin the game.
At first I thought it was just about spamming the attack buttons and strafing, which was fun on it's own until I realized that the auto-lock doesn't auto-magically mean things will hit when I kept running out of Ammo for the drone bossfight. Then I started timing my shots and tried maneuvering myself to effective ranges for missiles and the like.
Then I started tweaking with different frames. Quads are kind of fun, especially when you trick them out with a bazoka and realize that It can be used as a close-combat weapon, but I still prefer the faster frames because of the maneuverability.
I can't believe zoomers have been conditioned to think that having to aim in a shooter is bad.
God I hate how mainstream AC is now
you faggots are insufferable
Armored Core is a hack n slash though
What are you talking about? The singularity literally happens in the AllMind route, but it's done in a controlled fashion so as not to cause the expected catastrophe. It's also unknown what the ultimate ramifications of the coral release are, considering the zombie ACs and all.
Have it be a separate side story that takes place on Earth, they never had a Great Destruction so it'd be cool to see a futuristic earth in AC.
nigger alot of the older titles don't exactly have smooth controls compared to 6 and even there manual aiming is a joke because the enemies just auto dodge you
It's part of the lifecycle of commercial success and how deeply video games have permeated mainstream culture. Trust the process.
crabs please go
it always goes like this
>waah shame the current gaming industry doesn't allow our |insert niche series| to be profitable
>devs actually make a good entry in a series that haven't got a game in a long time without compromising its core design
it is absolutely not a hack and slash and never has been you're a retard if you think that
>implying Armored Core is where Kota let's loose
Call me when he makes another Evergrace-like soundtrack.
>without compromising its core design
they did compromise it
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normgroids still hate mechas so no.
they didn't
>its supposed to have janky controls
is core mechanic now
yes it is
We should get Makoto Kobayashi components. They seems perfect for the terrorists... I mean, natives.
grognards unironically believe that yes
Just say you hate the actual armored core games zoom zoom.
>is a flop
i don't hate them
in fact 6 made me go back and emulate the older games but if you genuinely believe they control better then you're legit retarded
>desperate sametranny
God, I love the Aaliyah core. Thing looks like a race car and handles like one too.
i accept your desperate concession that you flopped and got raped ;)
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What's it like being an AC "purist" knowing that the rest of your life is going to be filled with impotent raging at the franchise as it becomes successful in a way it never could before
Just curious
>remove hardlock (or make it more easily broken)
>go back to old AC stagger
>buff all effective ranges + projectile speeds by like 2x
>remove repair kits, buff AP
>remove mid mission ammo checkpoints
>add some fucking relevant non boss enemies
>add turn speed + quick turn
>make some enemy ACs that aren't complete pushovers
There AC6 is a pretty much 10/10. No need to thank me
Reddit Core 6: Flops of Redditcon
90% on Steam from like 55k reviews. Stay mad.
Anon, if a game doesn't sell more copies than some arbitrary number that I just came up with in my head, then it's to be considered a flop, okay???
>tendies still malding TotK lost and got raped by bear tranny game and then got further embarrassed by niche mecha genre game of all things
HAHAHAHA this will NEVER stop being funny
>flops to ff16
Wow that's the first i've seen that game mentioned for months
everything flops on this turd of console the piss5 is
Concession accepted.
>worse score than reddit fi rush
kek no wonder it flopped
>larrytranny trying to falseflag acfags against ffags
Who's "Larry"? Another made up scapegoat?
ffags don't really exist anymore
Whatever you say, Steve.
i hate the resident schizos on this shithole
Why would they? Their last 4 mainline entries were various levels of flop.
There's no saving the franchise anymore.
Discord trannies are a pittance compared to the fact the faggot jannies here will ban you if you talk shit about from slop
We have lived twenty years in a perpetual state of disruption.
I thought Larry was the anti-turnbased retard?

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