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Which mods are you planning to use with Fallout London?
I haven't modded Fallout 4 since 2019, so I'm very much out of the loop.
What mods are core to the Fallout 4 experience?
I'm thinking of getting that mouse acceleration disabler, and maybe an ENB to make the game look nicer, but that's all I can think of.
Troonout: London
Bongs please die in another world war (Europe only)
I'm really hoping there won't be any faggotry, or they/them shit in this mod.
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Is this in Xbox or only PC?
Do you need the dlc to play this mod or is the standalone game enough?
PC Only. BGS games are only worth playing on PC for this reason.
You need all DLCs.
is this another frontier or is it somewhat better?
It came out ~2 hours ago. We don't know yet.
I ask because PS and Xbox version have nod support, but Xbox is much more lenient on the types of mods.
guess I have to finish my current run. fug
These fucks are trying to steal steam logins with their 'downgrader' malware.
Don't rush. This mod could be utter trash.
>please give us your login+password+steam guard access
lol, some shitty mod about "oi you got loicence to breathve sir" cuntry
is it really worth it
I can't believe the steamcmd client is stealing my steam info
Even if they weren't, you should never put your login details in a third party app.
if you're too retarded to figure out how to downgrade the game manually you deserve to have your login info stolen
Luckily, I'm an older zoomer, so I learned how to use a computer. Using the steam console is piss easy, I don't need to give these brits full access to my account.
100% agreed.
downgrading my f4 version right now, i guess the only mods i will use are lowered weapons, see through scopes, a flashlight mod and enhanced lights and fx.
i dont know what mods the mod comes with, but the modded lights plus the flashlight mod are a huge improvement in the base game.
What version of F4 is needed?
Oh yeah the flashlight mod was really good.
I wouldn't recommend using ELFX though, since the lighting is changed manually for each cell. So it won't do anything for Fallout London.
idk what the version is, but you can find the steam depots here:
github com/Fallout-London/FOLON-FO4Downgrader/blob/main/Manually.md
>So it won't do anything for Fallout London.
damn this sucks, it's one of those mods that very clearly shows how important proper lighting is.
You can still use an ENB to remedy this. I know it's not the same, but it helps.
latest version before Todd's dumb next gen update, if you own FO4 on steam, you just need to downgrade it.
The fucking thing wont start a new game. I've been on this loading icon for an hour. I have no other mods installed.
Looks like they forgot to cross their t's
What is the real reason for this?
To automate downloading the steam depots of the older version of Fallout 4.
It's useful for helplessly lazy, or tech illiterate people.
you need files from steam, cant download those without owning the game and therefor being logged in.
You need a script extender for full scale conversion mods and that's not supported on consoles
It keeps crashing after I saved that one idiot with the med pack.I run through the streets and I get a repeatable crash.Fuck this.
ok, thanks anons.
Wait so the mod requires an older build of the Game? So what the fuck was the point of delaying it with the new update If they weren't gonna use that version anyways??
get the crash logger, and send it on their discord. It could be a fixable issue.
Get an extra three months of patreon bucks
My question exactly.
Looks like the theory that they needed an excuse to delay it again is true after all.
is it possible to play the mod if you got the FO4 GOTY edition from https://gog-games.to/?
I'm not your beta tester,you had months to fix shit after the delay.
If this is really part of the installer then Valve needs to be suing GOG right now.
I'm not the dev you fucking retard. Kys, I couldn't care less what happens to you.
It's a separate .exe from nexus.
And there's nothing they could sue for. They're getting the depots from your account, which you presumably have bought FO4 on.
is there any hope this will work on ultrawide displays?
remember when gaben gave out his steam username and password, challenging people to break in.
Apparently they tried but the update fucked too much shit and people were getting antsy so they just said fuck it and finally went with their plan B
Was the GOG really necessary for a fucking mod?
Just made things more complicated for no real reason.
They put it on GOG because the filesize is to big for Nexus or something, not sure why torrents are always neglected for things like this.
You can just download the files and paste them into your fallout directory without installing gog galaxy, honestly this the best solution for pirates and legitimate owners.
Nexus is a horrible fucking place to house large files, because they not only fuck over free users with their 2006-era download speeds, downloading huge files from Nexus also comes with the huge risk of failing too. Nexus probably purposely sabotaged large file downloads as well, to force people to buy their shitty premium.
My guess is gog paid them since even mediafire or google would be a better option.
anyone tried to play it using fitgirl's repack
Rent free, baby!

I don't feel secure in giving my steam login info to a bunch of schmucks running a fallout mod.
why don't you all just play it on gog?
Nobody should. Never trust anyone, ever.
I don't want BGS to get another dime from me, after the Starfield scam.
>Just buy the game again
Nice try,Todd.
So just pirate it you fucking retards.

From what they said a lot of that was because the people knew how to program "became unavailable" after "international events" and the makers of mods they bundled into their mod have stopped making mods for so long that they are unreachable.

So the other side of that statement is that the people on the FOLON team are essentially just the chicklefuck idea guys.
>Buy it again
So it was actually a slavjank mod all along?
Can I play this on a pirated copy or are they doing that retarded moral grandstanding some modders do
you can use mo2 so I assume pirated will work fine
The slavjank fallout mods have actually very competent programming, usually. Sonora especially is beyond amazing on that (not the english version, that one uses a crappier sfall because of butthurt faggots).
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That's some glownigger-tier shit.
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>please downgrade your game to play our mod
how about you update your fucking mod
The Bethesda “current gen” upgrade put all their work to waste? Kek
Pretty sure GOG leaked my credit card info to scammers. The bank had to block the card and give me a new number.
>all the coders got drafted to die for Israel
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>Install downgrader mod
>Requires your Steam login to work
Yeah, nah. I'll wait it to be compatible with the current version.
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>they spent all this time claiming they needed to update the game to work with the updates
>p-pls downgrade your game
LMAO nice try pajeets. No wonder you nigs are shilling this mod so hard.
It's optional, but I bet 95%+ will trust the mod authors, and give away their info.
They're literally buying up adspace on youtube to shill this mod. Thats just not normal unless they have something to gain. Fucking NOVALUS from skyrim is a much larger project and they don't have ads lol
Is this trolling or are you really this stupid
This sounds suspiciously like Frontier. Where the actual coder left the team and the people left behind didn't know wtf to do and couldn't change much.
Do scrub clean install (that means deleting fucking everything even .ini files at my documents) then reinstall the game at some other directory.
You could use this tool the make things easier:
check this vid out also, might be useful.
Yes. It's actually preferred. Since Steam servers are being overloaded atm I just pirated it.
Haven't seen other big mod teams bitch about the update. What makes London so special?
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Pssst! Pass it on!
The justification that was getting trotted out was that it relies on F4SE, which had not been updated.
I don't know if that's a valid justification, or if F4SE has been updated yet.
Better luck next time.
Its fucking awful. Crashed twice already, second crash bugged me out of the intro so now I'm just wandering aimlessly around a hideous city with no sense of what I'm supposed to be doing or what my goals are (Get to the neighboring vault, find a geck, find my dad etc), running into invisible walls or impassable barricades filled with hostile enemies while I have a useless knife. Mod makers are not video game designers.
They don't even give you a basic goal? I'm not talking about quest markers and stuff but do you even have a vague objective?
You wake up in a tank in an underground lab, people attack the lab and you're left to find your way out. Mysterious woman opens the doors for you and you're out in london.
I'm all for an open ended start but at least give me a vague reason for doing anything.
>2024-05-20: Currently it doesn't appear that any updates to F4SE are needed. Still observing plugin stability.
f4se is up to date, as of a month after the next gen update released.
fallout is a looter shooter franchise now, and this mod is pandering to that. god forbid there be a wee bit of structure to give the game some actual pacing
True if big.
So is this mod not connected to F4 in anyway? Can I not go back and forth between Boston and London?
No its entirely its own thing
There's supposed to be three guys you meet right after the intro who start a forced conversation, they give you a choice to either join them, go to another location that might help you, or you can tell them to fuck off and explore by yourself.
It’s a freshly released mod. There will be bugs, that’s life. I’ll wait a while and see if this thing is worth playing.
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I'm just going to buy it again on GOG for ease of use. Todd got me again without lifting a finger.
Meh I’m sure someone can stitch the 2 together. I wanna be an American in London
They delayed it for months, fuck off.
it's called radiant purchases and it means your payments never have to end
Yeah I get it, but they’re just modders, they don’t have legions of bug testers… until they release it
Yes they do, finding bug testers is probably the easiest thing to find since you don’t have to pay them
I can see why they wanted it to work on the update this is the jankeist fucking game install I've ever done in my life and it's still not working
Somehow one of the parts is corrupted so I have to run the integrity check which is going slower than a damn fitgirl install. GOG pls.

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