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Software Sales (physical only)

01./00. [NSW] Power Pros 2024-2025 <SPT> (Konami) {2024.07.18} (¥7.700) - 166.947 / NEW
02./00. [PS4] Power Pros 2024-2025 <SPT> (Konami) {2024.07.18} (¥7.700) - 49.210 / NEW
03./00. [NSW] Nintendo World Championships: Famicom Edition # <ETC> (Nintendo) {2024.07.18} (¥3.480) - 27.391 / NEW
04./01. [NSW] Luigi's Mansion 2 HD <ACT> (Nintendo) {2024.06.27} (¥5.980) - 11.913 / 150.591 (-27%)
05./03. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe <RCE> (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) - 10.710 / 5.911.425 (+28%)
06./04. [NSW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons # <ETC> (Nintendo) {2020.03.20} (¥5.980) - 7.906 / 7.842.609 (-1%)
07./05. [NSW] Minecraft # <ADV> (Microsoft Game Studios) {2018.06.21} (¥3.600) - 6.373 / 3.571.663 (+13%)
08./12. [NSW] Luigi's Mansion 3 <ACT> (Nintendo) {2019.10.31} (¥5.980) - 5.345 / 1.007.557 (+49%)
09./00. [NSW] Mistonia no Kibou: The Lost Delight # <ADV> (Idea Factory) {2024.07.18} (¥6.800) - 5.276 / NEW
10./06. [NSW] Super Mario Bros. Wonder <ACT> (Nintendo) {2023.10.20} (¥5.980) - 5.103 / 1.891.314 (+18%)

Hardware Sales

Switch – 66.503 (33.349.782)
PlayStation 5 – 38.255 (5.854.186)
Xbox Series X|S – 4.736 (607.190)
PlayStation 4 – 266 (9.502.473)
Taking a break from samefagging those Zelda threads?
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Sand land failed because Namco has Harada brain rot.
Visions of Mana is going to fail because SE has chronic retardation.
Metaphor ReFantazio will fail because Atlus will be Atlus.
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FF is getting outsold by Bing, Bing RPG. Even worse when it's FF7. In the end, Nintendo wins.
mental illness
Go fuck yourself, Eric.
why does he defend sony to this extent? sony doesn't care about their old customers anymore.
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>missed first thread
>01./00. [NSW] Power Pros 2024-2025 <SPT> (Konami) {2024.07.18} (¥7.700) - 166.947 / NEW
>02./00. [PS4] Power Pros 2024-2025 <SPT> (Konami) {2024.07.18} (¥7.700) - 49.210 / NEW
Didn't miss much.
Eric has been in two separate Zelda threads samefagging for hours
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Holy fuck Emiobros... WE FUCKING WON!!!
He's also probably also posting in this thread too
anyone got any guesses as to why he does this?
How does he have the time to spam so many threads and posts every day, hes probably responsible for 5% of /v/'s posts today.
Most likely this is the only thing he does. Not even play games.
The fuck is the article even trying to say
Apparently 'Nintendo fans and historians' are suppressing real video game history.
You see, Yasuke actually introduced the Mega Drive to Nobunaga which caused Sega to be the dominant videogame company in human history, but the white straight Christian tendie theocracy is hiding the truth.
Literally bitching about how n64 games have aged better than ps1 games and are therefore more fondly remembered
the sum of a lack of social interactions and being a prick I guess
literally who?
Some flop tendies have been shilling
the smiling man
Stellar blade won
>sold 1 million in 24 hours
>sold 48k on launch in Japan over 3 days
>16k per day
>currently at 111k in japan
>6.9 million global estimate, lowering it to "at least 5 million" to be in the safe side
Not even close to a flop, will likely hit bare minimum 10 million by the end of the year, especially with how strong of a holiday ps5 is expected to have, literally no competition at all
Eric, it's time to give up.
Looks like it HYPERFLOPPED
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>worse actually here is his full lore
>It's a wall of spoilers
bruva, you're making nervious
No, that's nintendo
it's just the link to his own original blunder, a collection of some of his trips that he still uses occasionally, a link to his latest blunder, and a link that explains what games he actually plays (it isn't surprising)
Wrong, Stellar blade hasn't sold 1 mil yet.
Mods have been extra protective of a certain someone ever since the funnyjunk incident. People have gotten 30 day bans for even mentioning his name, and permabans for linking to the "wrong" posts in the archives.
bold words coming from the same nigga that says Rise with over 15 million sales is a flop.
funny, I haven't been snatched as of yet, and I post this all the time
It's sold potentially 7 million already, definitively over 5 million. Cope.
It's extremely inconsistently enforced, so it has to be a specific mod
>combined rice and poopbreak numbers
>conveniently forgetting this is after 3 different emergency ports because the shitch version FLOPPED
Got proof of those sales?
Wrong, it has sold maybe over 500k.
>t. spams your boyfriends name nonstop
Melty has begun early, huh? Also don't look here (trigger warning!) >>683726489
lol, lmao
still more than Shitter Blade
not just any mod but it's acfag
Eric, thhat cope failed.
False. Fun fact, the ps4 version alone of world has sold more than every version of rice and poopbreak COMBINED. Shitch will NEVER get monster hunter again after that embarrassing disaster, LOL!
>Rise has sold more than 15 million copies worldwide since launch, making it the second best-selling game in the series. Sunbreak has sold more than 8 million copies since launch.
Womp womp you dumb vancouver man.
There is no "eric" except for you
>samefaghing stops in the Zelda threads when he starts posting in the famitsu thread
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>the best selling MH has sold more than the second best selling MH
ok and?
what does that have to do with Shitter Blade you hooked nosed pasty skinned mongoloid?
Croc sold a lot even though it's a piece of shit. And apparently. People are warping history by claiming that Banjo Kazooie was always the clearly superior game.
Except that's bullshit. Croc sold on novelty but was a bad game. Even at the time.
I thought he could post so much with all the time he spends here?
>>sold 1 million in 24 hours
literally nowhere on the planet does it say this
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Come on Eric, you love to post sales charts right?
Post the Stellar Blade one alongside the MH Rise one.
After all, Rise flopped...right?
He's not even right about that. The switch version of rise crushed the ps4 version of world since the majority of world's sales were pc because the ps4 version had 2 minute load times and horrible fps drops, especially in ancient forest.
Eric, you lost and got raped ;)
Eric, one of the Zelda seethe threads you spent 8 hours on just died ;_;

Makes sense, considering how much he spams his name. Now we have to see him spam his copypasta of all his bull's accounts here as well.
>trying to deflect his own doxx
stop talking about yourself mate, it's sad.
Stellar blade didn't even crack 200k worldwide.
Nobody cares that he did it (especially when he spams his own name like he is now) but you're just feeding him and proving that you're mentally ill just like him.
What does bunny rabbit mean
He's having a mental no-no again
he thought Rise added Lagombi
>He ran back to his surviving thread when I pointed this out
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Eric has a pathological hatred towards lagombi for some reason, came up with a cope about how psp fans are all tendies when it was pointed out lagombi wasn't a new monster to rise and instead debuted in the psp exclusive portable 3rd, and only refers to lagombi as "bunny rabbit"
I would pay actual money to see eric locked in a room with GU until he beats EX snowbaron
Yeah, I spent the time bumping the threads behind your page 10 thread so you couldn't bump it ;)
Now one of the threads you literally spent 8 hours on is dead ;)
I forgot he did that, let me see if I can drag up his retarded excuse for it.

>"Tendie" doesn't just mean bingtendo sycophants, it's a mindset that prioritizes kiddie trash over maturity. Most japanese shit is tendie trash, regardless of system. World broke this cycle by appealing to actual adults.
Yep, that's the kind of retarded cope you expect from Eric.
Here's the copypasta version I most often see him do:
>"Tendie isn't merely a brand affiliation. It's a mindset. A mindset that refuses to accept change for the better and desires to see gaming technologically kneecapped. They're modern day luddites. It just so happen that bingtendo is the only company actively catering to this regressive and dangerous mindset. Did you know that nintendo bootlickers unironically want it made ILLEGAL for a game to be too technologically advanced to run on the shitch? They want to hold everyone back."
yeah, but the one I posted was his original retarded cope
what you posted is a more refined retarded cope.
Eric really is pathetic as fuck.
ERIC, the other seethe thread you spent 6 hours page 10 bumping just died ;_;
If by "eric", you mean tendies still pushing that myth, yes, they are pathetic
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>If by "eric", you mean tendies still pushing that myth, yes, they are pathetic
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Eric, that tranny Cope flopped
Nice selfie
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that one is marked too, idiot.

Who is eric?
he's on two trips again? nintendo really broke him this week
Eric, that tranny cope failed.
A myth created by tendies to deflect from anyone who DARES to criticize the evil company they worship. They just accuse them all of being this made up and fictional "eric" and don't actually engage with the criticism.
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He's seething because his Zelda seethe threads failed and made it obvious that they are him samefagging
Almost like it's two or more different people and your "eric" doesn't exist, just like jesus
Reminds me of his nightmare knight and arcanemaxxer phase.
That looks more like Jeremy's work.
>three of his known trips now
lol, lmao
You know nothing
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Hmmm >>683738486
All that's missing is Victor and AChad fan/Spiderchad fan
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I know quite a bit, actually. >>683734118
You stupid nigger.
Anyone have link to previous thread I’d like to see Eric getting raped and losing there
Explanation for anons that don't know
Did something happen to snoy this week? Something has to have happened for him to be this unhinged today
Nah anons are just bullying the russo really hard this week.
>gets called out on his trips, tries to associate himself with that dumb ponyfag Dragonirian, despite everyone knowing that Eric is from fucking vancouver washington thanks to his own doxx
Eric, that tranny cope failed.
a exactly a minute apart
really makes you think
the fuck is powerpros
Hes done the same in the past using other trips to defend himself. Its dragonir.
Last week there was Emio which made him go apeshit because uh, niche sequel games to a company he hates makes him mad and this week there the Power Pros selling X4 on Switch than PlayStation maybe IDK.
>Concord is a disaster
>sony stock plummeted
>genshit bundle that he's been saying for a month would make the ps5 outsell switch in japan made at most a 16k bump
>zero ps5 games in the top 10
>only thing stopping another switch 10/10 (like last week) is a ps4 game
>a ps4 game that sold less than a third of its switch counterpart
Take your pic
Ok stop sperging about Eric for a minute. Is there a chance MK8D breaks 70 million lifetimes sales eventually?
it's not impossible
This made him abandon the thread kek
it's Eric's latest attempt after his previous one regarding "Darren" failed horribly from him forgetting to change his trip when initially creating it.
I guess one of his neurons actually activated and figured "why not try to blame all my dumb shit on someone that already exists". A shame that Dragonir is a proven ruskie and Eric is a proven american or else he might have made it work convincingly.
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Konami baseball game. It's par sim and part sport playing.
jesus, snoys are really have a rough go of it
concord is such a wreck, its almost makes me feel bad for them
He runs ALOT recently. His game is unraveling piece by piece and he doesn't know what to do.
i see MK8D selling way past 2024
well into 2025 once it hits 20$
it's gonna make it for sure
He really is pathetic
If Nintendo price cuts the switch after the switch 2 reveal and does a sort of nintendo selects style deal, even it's just for a single Christmas, I could see it happening.
Lol all the shitposting magically stopped for some reason.
oh hey, it's the guy from the Konami Krazy Racers
Why don’t they ever localize these burgers like baseball
ye forgot to include MH in the image
If you have a monhun version add it I've personally only ever seen him in those 3 topics myself. The more info gathered on the dragon guy the better. You need to substantiate it though.
they do
Well done and saved
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prove it
Oh shit my bad, I thought we were talking about Eric still.
All good bro. Stay vigilant all the same.
>09./00. [NSW] Mistonia no Kibou: The Lost Delight # <ADV> (Idea Factory) {2024.07.18} (¥6.800) - 5.276 / NEW
im glad that VNs are still getting made after the death of the vita
my wife loves these so much
What does she like about them and why? I barely know anything about these.
Xbox xisters? When does our comeback start?
they're mostly about tragic love stories and she cries alot when she plays them
i bought her the Cafe one thinking it was gonna be some light hearted, then i come back to her bawling her eyes out cause the characters are super tragic
>PlayStation 5 physical – 30,949 (5,035,859)
>PlayStation 5 Digital Edition – 7,306 (817,787)
But american jew media told me all people only want digital now! Even crapcom admitted people still want physical
japan is keeping the physical market alive
i wish the rest of the world understood what going full digital means for them once the corps stop caring about the game
>Jannies deleted it
Does dragonir actually post here? I thought he was just some random account he chose to be the boogeyman
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>he looks exactly how I thought he would
What a pathetic idiot, have a nice vacation, anon. You did good.
Guess a certain someone whined enough.
He does, but Eric is actually using him as an attempted scapegoat despite their posting styles and actual countries they reside in being completely different.
Imagine a game where you play as an average guy but then meet all these hot girls
and each girl has their own background and personality, and fall for you one by one
but the plot makes it so you have to die
one of the girls won't let you go and sacrifice herself in some way for you before declaring her motivation and love
It's twilight again but japanese with pretty art
Next year MK10 is going to happen, be either a launch title or a release window title.

Is all up to that
He made the exact same thread again
There is exactly one ps1 game that's aged great, and it's pretty much a souped up snes game
the lack of new MK for a decade is gonna make the demand for MK10 to be unreal
them saving it for the switch 2 launch would be a masterstroke in marketing
>deleted posts
>yet those stupid "bot" posts are still here.
nah, they're gonna do like they did with the Switch the first time around, one first party game at launch, then a month later another, and so on until the end of the year. Mario Kart is gonna be 2-3 months after launch for sure.
We just skipping 9?
tour is 9
So, we're just skipping 9?
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everyone skips 9
I don't wanna hear another word about sony bundling games when this exists
>the lack of new MK for a decade is gonna make the demand for MK10 to be unreal
>them saving it for the switch 2 launch would be a masterstroke in marketing
Imagine if that came out around the same time as GTA VI
that doesn't come with a console you retard
huh? it's not a switch bundle
its the toy with the game
>mario kart and GTA memes
just like animal crossing and DOOM eternal memes
the best guess for the launch game is ether a new 3d mario game or MK10
i have to go with MK10
nintendo sees MK8D sales, they know
That's a literal toy. Like, it's not an actual video game. There's no bundle you dolt.
Next year there's confirmed at the very least 1 "mega Mario" game confirmed, be either MK10 or the new 3D Mario, i woudl say it would be unwise of them to blow all the load the same year, but then, we have 2017 Switch and I don't have any arguments.
There's not going to be a shitch 2, nintendo will be bankrupts first
How eric? How will they go bankrupt?
They just will ok
They have already relied to my e-mail providing their credit card information
t. Nigerian Prince.
How popular is pc as a gaming platform in japan ? I had this idea that Japanese only bought mac and shit like that
Playstation being the better hardware is an immutable true no matter how much more the swith sells
define better
Maybe, but the switch has games people want
Kek, Eric is coping hard.
>Put the worst heatsink known to man in their console and make it smaller with each revision model
>Playstation being the better hardware

Anyone with a brain would just buy a PC at this point. Who wants this garbage except for low-IQ autists?
>Playstation being the better hardware
fuck off cerny
>oh hey, we'll just copy the PS4 Pro, down to the CU count, and super-charge the clock speeds!
>we'll use a big ass fan and heat-sink to distribute heat instead of building something that breaths better
>we'll use fucking liquid metal that seeps into your chipset if you play the console while it's vertical
I don't even like Xbox but the hardware design is considerably more intelligent than the tight-packed shit-fest gaming PC that is the PS5
History shows that the weaker hardware actually wins the game gens.
Second Gen - Atari 2600 was weaker than the Colecovision & Intellivision, but won that gen.
NES beat Sega Master System & Atari 7800, despite being weaker
PS1 beat N64 & Sega Saturn
PS2 beat GameCube & XBox
Wii beat PS3 & XBox 360
And now Switch is beating PS5 & XBox Series

The only outliers have been the SNES, PS4.
Kill yourself, criticizing nuzelda garbage does not make you eric
>NES beat Sega Master System & Atari 7800, despite being weaker
SMS was not more powerful and wasn't the primary hardware Sega had in that generation, that was the SG-1000, which was fucking trash, and the Atari 7800 wasn't released until two years after the NES.
Eric, your Zelda seethe thread just died ;)
You don't understand! Sony has proprietary technology that allows them to disobey the laws of thermal exchange, and they use it to cool the ps5! We definitely didnt fuck up where we placed our sensors, nope.
Do you just say this to try and troll people? It's so basic dude. Low effort. How is this fun for you?
Literally don't care. I'm going to call you eric and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it.
desperately needs the Pikmin to dance as well.
Playstation did the best when it had the worst hardware you retard.
alright I'll bite. wtfh did ubisoft do in their gay ass jap game?
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I got spicy stuff.
Dangerous content within.
I just got back is there a top 30 out yet or is this just the "spraying the psych ward patient with a squirt bottle" thread

Stellar Blade finally dropped off, The PS port of Raincode was let out to die and Momotaro just missed top 10
>The PS port of Raincode was let out to die

Did they really think there was some huge untapped audience that didn't already play this game on the Switch?
>are devs still retards sucking sony's antiwhite, antijapanese cock even if it ruins them
They are.
a lot of low stock
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Unironically yes. Japanese devs in particular still don't realize just how bad things really are.
I guess it was more to assure the Dangan camp that Nintendo isn't going to be Spike Chunsoft's new home after the Vita died chained to the wall in Sony's basement.
Daily reminder that despite all the nothing can kill pokemon
>still in the green
jesus, absolutely grim
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I think this post just about speaks for itself
>top 5 didnt chane at all
>its all microtransaction garbage adhd trash

Not even remotely trying.
Holy fuck kill yourself already you sad sack of fucking shit.
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Just in case everyone needs a refresher how its launch was on Switch (and how dire the PS5 sales are by comparison)
>[NSW] Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE (Spike Chunsoft, 06/30/23) – 55,339 (New)
I feel like many Japanese developers are ready to jump ship after SE announced the end of their exclusive deal with Sony. If a big company like SE can't save the PS5, then you know things are beyond saving at this point. This just adds more nails to the coffin.
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Well anon by Sony’s own reports the PS5 is a MTX machine, this is what happens when you shift to hard to GAAS they are locked on this
>11th Momotetsu World
Choo choo motherfuckers!
>sony's answers to most of their revenue coming from 3rd party microtransactions
>is to make concord and fairgame$
>corcord is currently sub 1k on steam
they really need to pivot
Now post Vanillaware games sales for each version
A (((white))) professor made up the nigger being a samurai
Truly The Unstoppable.

>"""""""""""""stable base of revenue""""""""""""
>it's quite literally all freemium, fomo, microtransaction shite
Not sure what's sadder. They believing that or investirs stupid enough to not even try and dig a centimeter under the surface.
I have no words.
were the collaboring with ubisoft or did some fag just vomit out such antijapanese dreck?
either way fuck em, hope it bombs.
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>04./01. [NSW] Luigi's Mansion 2 HD <ACT> (Nintendo) {2024.06.27} (¥5.980) - 11.913 / 150.591 (-27%)
>05./03. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe <RCE> (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) - 10.710 / 5.911.425 (+28%)
>08./12. [NSW] Luigi's Mansion 3 <ACT> (Nintendo) {2019.10.31} (¥5.980) - 5.345 / 1.007.557 (+49%)
>10./06. [NSW] Super Mario Bros. Wonder <ACT> (Nintendo) {2023.10.20} (¥5.980) - 5.103 / 1.891.314 (+18%)

>and more Mario games under the cut

Whenever a snoy gloats about how a 2-3 year late switch port doesn't sell as much as the original release ("only" in the 85% range), that THIS is how late ports usually do. Less than 5%.
Yeah what the hell, that's horrible. I guess it's called a "dull market" for a reason.
Not after years of trying their hardest to prop up Sony because uhhh.... they might recover one day maybe. They should have realized the problems a long time ago.
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They kinda can’t they went hard on gaas remember that they have 12 gaas games on their pipeline Helldivers got lucky but we all so what happened Sony just can’t help themselves
>Note:Number of titles is an estimatd number of PS4 and PS5 titles sold on the Playstation Store
This chart is not only for PS5, but PS4 sa well
I want to fuck the shinigami
Yeah that’s another issue the fact that by Sony’s own admission most of their playerbase STILL on the PS4
The hope is GTA 6 and its subsequent GTAO 2.0 will be the mass migration event for the normies to switch to the current-gen console.
Well, as far as Vanillaware's latest release, Unicorn Overlord, the launch sales were as follows.
>[NSW] Unicorn Overlord (ATLUS, 03/08/24) – 40,991 (New)
>[PS5] Unicorn Overlord (ATLUS, 03/08/24) – 24,398 (New)
>[PS4] Unicorn Overlord (ATLUS, 03/08/24) – 8,797 (New)

The PS4 version only remained on the rankings for another week, leaving its last reported figures as such.
[PS4] Unicorn Overlord (ATLUS, 03/08/24) – 3,105 (11,902)

The PS5 version lasted for the rest of the month, finishing at more than 30k.
[PS5] Unicorn Overlord (ATLUS, 03/08/24) – 1,839 (34,220)

The Switch version, however, dropped off the charts for the rest of March, as an apparent result of too little stock - but it then returned in April with a restock, and maintained a place on the rankings until May. Its final reported figures are below.
[NSW] Unicorn Overlord (ATLUS, 03/08/24) – 2,420 (75,586)
can't wait for Vanillaware's next game to be a PS5 exclusive
Hell the whole western side of game devs are praying GTA saves them but considering Take Two is worrying about reviewbombing something tells me GTA 6 is gonna be the next Cyberpunk aka a mess at launch
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You and me both
Switch also had very high eshop sales due to the shortage
Wukong will save PS5 trust the plan
Doraemon and Youkai Watch 4 late ports also mega bombed on Playstation.

I also can't think of a single Playstation late release that got saved by legs unlike late ports examples like Kakarot on the Switch that outsold the Platstation versions or huge sales on reléase like Demon Slayer late port on Switch
So this is why Sega avoids releasing their games on the Switch at the same time as other platforms? They know it would make the PS version obsolete. I personally think the higher ups at Sega are Sonyfags, but the company is still in the red, so they can't ignore the Switch even if they want to.
Yes. Sega is still salty since they literally lost the console wars to Nintendo 20 years ago
Not happening
Moment I saw those articles I immediately realized we'll witness one of the biggest scandals in gaming, maybe ever
>guys, we could sell 100k copies, 70k on switch and 30k on playstation if we released simultaneously
>we could release just the ps version, sell 35k copies, and then sell another 30k on switch when we port it a couple years late
Bro even Kondo kneeled and he was the biggest Sony cocksucker it over
It smells like a bomb in the making for Japan like Wo Long.
wasn't it atlus that ask them to make a switch version of Unicorn Overlord? they were gonna keep it on the PS4/PS5
Vanillaware are retards, business wise
Demon slayer would have sold 500k if it released day 1 on switch
I wonder how bad it is if even with crunch they are this worried let’s be honest it’s gonna sale well but it might actually tank the faith in rockstar normies have
she'll rob your penis of its soul anon.

why the FUCK would you want that garbage fire to succeed?

Can a fag get tips?
This game grinds my fucking autism man.
I need more honors so I can max out my squads and promote units. I hate not having all active at once. I really enjoy it but fuck is it fighting my tism.
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>04./01. [NSW] Luigi's Mansion 2 HD <ACT> (Nintendo) {2024.06.27} (¥5.980) - 11.913 / 150.591 (-27%)
>08./12. [NSW] Luigi's Mansion 3 <ACT> (Nintendo) {2019.10.31} (¥5.980) - 5.345 / 1.007.557 (+49%)
That's not what happened, originally the game was going to be on the PS4 and Vita when development started in 2016. Then the Switch happened, so Atlus told them to make versions for the Switch, PS5 and Xsx
Predict its week 1 sales
Anon, he wasn't saying that HE hopes it succeeds, the entire western AAA industry is hoping it forced ps4 players to finally get a ps5 so their software sales can come out of the gutter they're currently in
Meanwhile, since it's all but guaranteed to be an overmonetized gaas hellhole, a successful gta6 just means their own shit has no audience left, as gaas/live service is inherently zero-sum in a way the rest of the industry just isn't
They can't be serious. Vita was already dead by that point
It's gonna sell worse than GTA V on account of being on hardware no one owns, unless it comes out on PC day one. Regardless of sales, the fact they even thought it would be wise to mention review-bombing regarding their game means that it's going to be so explicitly woke, and perhaps technically disastrous, that they know there's no way to control the situation once the floodgates open
Fuck I'm hyped for Brothership. I really hope we get tons of good moments of them bonding and being absolute lads.
Yeah, it was pretty weird how they just randomly brought it up. Rockstar's games are one of the most celebrated in the medium, why would they suddenly worry about them getting review bombed?
somewhere between 50-120K. if more than that I'll eat a Banh Mi.
i believe it, they are absolute retards
>unless it comes out on PC day one
It won’t we already know it won’t be on PC for TWO FUCKING YEARS because Sony has a deal with Rockstar
Ah..I'm retarded as fuck then. I read it as 'I hope...' not 'The hope'
oh absolutely. And fuck them all.

>the fact they even thought it would be wise to mention review-bombing regarding their game means that it's going to be so explicitly antiwhite
fixed ya up pal.

50k, which for that game would be a huge success.
>rockstar really took a two year exclusive deal
>after the massive success on pc
Damn did sony pay 300mil or what?
Holy fuck how retarded.
>It's gonna sell worse than GTA V on account of being on hardware no one owns, unless it comes out on PC day one.
Rockstar did it because they figured that normies would double-dip. It worked with GTA 5 after all.
woke and antiwhite are synonyms homie
I'd say about 60k, which would be pretty solid for a VN for all that's said and done. Shame most are shitting their pants over it not being something, but it seems at least Japan was rather happy about a new Famicom Detective Club game.
If there's one game you don't have to worry whether or not niggercattle will double dip on, it's gta. Reminder that a good chunk of sales of gta5 are from people who already own the game, as every new copy comes with a shark card (microtransaction currency), and if there's a good enough sale on the game, buying copies of the game is cheaper than buying the actual microtransaction.
Yeah I'm looking forward to it and I know the preorders are pretty strong but I don't think it does 50K 1st week. If it does anywhere near that they'll be ecstatic.
They are not broham.
woke puts you in the narrative of antiwhites and has your discussion and motves controlled by them.
Antiwhite puts you in our narrative of White wellbeing thus frames them as immoral.
Please cease being low IQ.

>rockstar is betting on people buying the game even at 70-90% off
>just so they put dozens if not hundreds in their fagcash
quite evil.
Unfortunately, you passed
What is with the Japanese's obsession with It Takes Two?
it's insane that they'd prefer sony to nintendo when sony are the ones who actually killed them
I mean, they'd still be alive if nintendo didnt exist
Sega gave up when the PS2 was close to release, Nintendo had nothing to do with them throwing the towel in on the Dreamcast.
Otome is just the modern day Female Novels, except they are called Visual Novels. There does exist things like this for men as well with Fruits Of Grisaia. Tsukihime, and even Witch On The Holy Night, including the popular Fate Stay/Night VN coming West later this year on Switch/PC.
PC is so popular in Japan it's rumored to be as big as the Switch currently. Tons of retail places catering to them right now.
These are the best tits animations i have ever seen.
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>vidya person of the year
Nice. Cant wait for it to surpass the shitch.
where the hell is the top 30
I think they are banking on PC to help them which it will because everyone is on Switch/Steam currently due to how bad Sony has been overall with censorship.
Microsoft already took away COD for Gamepass so consider that revenue to go down by 5-15% overall.
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So that's why jim ryan was so insistant on making more live service games
Honestly I wish 13 Sentinels was on PC. Although I dislike the translation quality of Unicorn Overlord at least a fantl can help fix it on PC.
I highly doubt it's even close yet, but at the rate it was growing, it's almost certainly eclipsed playstation. If mhwilds doesn't have a switch 2 version, that's gonna be the big indicator of how many are buying on pc instead of playstation.
>PC is so popular in Japan it's rumored to be as big as the Switch currently.
nice cope
>Xbox Series X|S – 4.736

was it caused by palworld update or something?
Anon if we are seeing most of these games on PC/Switch and skipping Sony. Then it tells you all you need to know about where the Japanese market is. As for MH Wilds, it's going to be Switch 2, as will other games that are not announced for Switch this year.
>Nintendo Power has been dead for years
Kinda sad really.

The famatsu ninjas hid it in yer arsehole.
Start digging.
You're a tendie. No use arguing logic with you.
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Just a couple years ago, it was significantly smaller than playstation. Tremendous growth, yes, but surpassing a withered and stagnant brand is different from surpassing the literal best selling system in the nation's history.
You're Erica. No use arguing with you. Did you have the surgery yet?
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F for Stellar Blade
>Betting on GTA cattle to do something meaningful
Do you remember the remasters shitshow? Do you remember that only lasted 1 week and then the cattle forgot and forgave R* because "LE HECKIN WHOLESOMERINO R* CAN DO NO WRONG"?

GTAVI could have a No Man's Sky tier of launch and still sell 30M under 24 hours.
Stellar blade won
>sold 1 million in 24 hours
>sold 48k on launch in Japan over 3 days
>16k per day
>currently at 111k in japan
>6.9 million global estimate, lowering it to "at least 5 million" to be in the safe side
Not even close to a flop, will likely hit bare minimum 10 million by the end of the year, especially with how strong of a holiday ps5 is expected to have, literally no competition at all
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Also consider the fact that 2K is also having to deal with Doug Houser, Lazlo and other important staff being gone and the whole mess happening with awful DEI workers. It's just going to be bad. It's going to be worse than Cyberpunk.
Not at all. At best it can do 5-10 million but if it bombs very badly in the 1st day, people will get a refund, demand their money back and go to COD.
I hope this means games I actually care about just release without a shitty english dub
That watermelon sold 4 million by now. Digital only
you nuts, GTAVI is going to be the biggest launch in history and I don't even want it to be. it's going to be THE normalfag game for the rest of the generation and most of the next.
Eric, don't you say "Japan is a dying pedophile island" or something?
Not at all there is too many THE normalfag games nowadays. From Genshin, Blue Archive, COD, ZZZ that GTA6 is going to have to contend with now due to the landscape changing.
There is no "eric", and monster hunter world is better in original voices, and wilds probably will be too. Neither will be on shitch.
my nigga, only CoD is a normalfag game among those. and the other one is GTAV.
Call it
Coomer or gachatranny
Eric forgot his medication again, sad!
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>It's going to be worse than Cyberpunk.
I dunno about that. Rockstar had decades of know-how experience with their open-world games and from the exodus of key personnel, it appears that the technical staff is still intact, so I don't think it'll be a buggy mess like Cyberpunk was which contributed to the ridicule at the time of release. At worst the story will be a massive downgrade to even GTA 5 because those "replacement" types tend to flock to the plot side of things and maybe the game won't be as good in terms of gameplay design, but other than that it seems to have a fairly "healthy" trajectory as far as AAA+ gaming is concerned.
>f2p is the future for money making side gigs
I’ll keep saying this.
You are the one that needs meds, you're ranting about your imaginary friend
Are you stupid, its always cod, FIFA and GTA. Anything else might well not exist.
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>no PS5 games
it's over for sony in japan
The monster hunter language was perfect I don’t know why the fuck people want it voiced when they bitch about the cutscene not being able to skip.
The f2p games will keep them afloat for years to come
Those shit have limited lifespawn, not mention that take one bad update for playerbase fuck offs as seem by helldivers.

Having zero long term plans is downright stupid.
They're making record revenue, but on increasingly slim profit margins. They would be over $6 billion in the red every year if it weren't for 3rd party microtransactions.
Who needs long term plans when we have Aloy? AAA slop will save our console!
This is a maid and her master on the top ten. Say something to her.
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Dont worry. Their world class franchises will save them.
Concord *is* engaging multiple audiences! there's two whole games worth of people playing!
>AAA game
>hyped as "return of sexy girls to Sony consoles"
>rumored 1m in 24 hours
>that includes preorders
The fact Concord playerbase Tanked TWICE first with the closed beta and AGAIN with open beta is funny keep in mind that the closed beta already did bad this game ain’t dead on arrival, it’s death at conception
One can only hope, but even then Cyberpunk in the amount of fuck ups they had still made more than a profit along with the DLC. GTA6 can easily shit the bed day one, but will still sell a gorillion copies and when the devs "fix" the game it will all be "LE ENGOODENING OF GTA6?!"
didn't hyena, the canceled sega game have better player count
Fairgamss is same shitty shooter model, whoever that okay those is downright retard.
nigger ass fake fans that didnt touch shit till world cause 'le hard' and 'le clunky'.
I want them all killed.
Gens doomed this series to Hell.

that's all.
that's the post
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Pretty cute. This was also in the top ten awhile back.
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From all the sony gaas games so far
>The Tlou2 multiplayer got cancelled because bungie couldn’t figure out a way to monetize it
>Helldivers 2 was an unexpected success that Sony managed to fuck up
>Concord did so bad it had to go open beta and somehow it did worse
>Fairgamss ain’t do much better
Wee lad keep in mind this 4 of the 12 gaas games on the pipeline
Yeah, crazy overlap between these live service games. Even if they end up with an okay player count, they'll have to compete with one another. Not to mention these games have to compete with live service games other than what Sony owns.
I'm pretty sure at least 2 or 3 of them have died, though the only one I can find anything on is the one from the ex-COD devs.
Does anyone even remember how good GoW and Uncharted were during the PS3 era? Man, how did it come to this?
I think there was also a spiderverse live service they cancelled
Uncharted was always trash.
Gow too, but at least 3 look impressive.
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>Not to mention these games have to compete with live service games other than what Sony owns.
Despite how much mockery cliffy b rightfully deserves he was right on his assessment that there is only space for one big dog and everyone else is fighting for the second place the thing is Sony ain’t fighting for second place they are fighting for the 4th place
it's honestly kind of insane that they don't have Ratched & Clank on here. It has a fucking PS5 game, even if the series is dead, not including it is kinda fucked up.
At least you can read this magazine for free.
>the one from the ex-COD devs
Wasn't that also canceled recently? I can't keep track of these live service game rat races.
>le holiday boost meme
New age Am*ricans

Anecdotal, but I was watching a Kurosawa movie with a cousin and some of his pals, all red-blooded, american as apple pie guys, my cuz wanted to see it in the OG language and those guys started bitching at having to read the subtitles

Authenticity and professionalism means nothing to new-age cattle

Gens was only okay, but I agree it was the canary in the coal mine

I still hope against hope that Crapcom ports Tri Ultimate HD off the Wii U, as that's the last one I legitimately enjoyed
Yep and that one was deep on production it even got a trailer internally and we know this thank to the Insomniac leak
Didn't they make more physical copies on PS versions and still got eclipsed by Switch it was like folks would rather wait for more Switch copies to circulate than buy it on PS devs really need to reevaluate how they deal with Switch that is some money being left on the table.
>they are fighting for the 4th place

Fourth place isn't a bad spot to be. Fourth place among shooters is fucking Apex Legends which is still doing well on every platform.
The problem is that the market is so rigid and there's so many live service games that are actually successful and occupying space and consolidating their hold on the market that most games don't even get anywhere near the podium, so to speak.
Tears of the Kingdom Sold 20 million. Stellar Blade flopped it seems.
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I wonder if the cancellation of this game hurt Sony standing with Disney
Pretty sure R&C wouldve been dead if it werent for Insomniac wanting to make more. From the leaks it seems Rift Apart was barely profitable, but I expect Sony to bury the franchise the second it underperformed.
Daily reminder Rise on Switch outsold World on PS4. You may now seethe.
>building lasting franchises
Is that just a catch phrase or something because Sony kills more IPs than any publisher in the industry. They basically scrapped 90% of their portfolio since PS1.
This has always been Sony’s biggest problem the fact that they don’t introduce their ip’s to new generations they just dump them on the PS store and hope people will buy them
>lasting franchises
>Gens was only okay, but I agree it was the canary in the coal mine
That's my issue. It barely added anything actually good or useful and just a shit ton of trash and pointless faggotry that degraded the IP.
>Lasting Franchises
>PS1 - Gran Turismo
>PS2 - God of War & MLB The Show
>PS3 - Uncharted
>PS4 - The Last of Us, Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, Until Dawn, Destiny & Spider-Man
>PSVR - Astro Bot
>PS5 - Helldivers II (I fucking guess, I was gonna put it on PS3 but there's a II there so fuck Helldivers 1), Concord, Marathon, whatever the fuck FAIRGAME$ is
How do their franchises do the opposite of last? The vast majority of them die (or leave, like Crash/Spyro) in the same generation that they're introduced.
No difference from Nintendo
who said anything about nintendo
Saying this as a new Famicom detective game is coming out next fucking month shows that you are wrong
I can see by PS6, only Horizon surviving from the PS4 era
And new Mario and Luigi RPG game
How much does Marathon really count considering 99% of the reason anybody gives a shit is because they liked the 90s shooters or are interested in what Bungie might do with the IP?
1(one) SNES franchise mogs all of >>683770712
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To be fair despite all the mockery HZ it is currently Sony’s best selling series when people say it the gaming equivalent is f Avatar this is what they mean
>muh Nintendo
They do infact keep their old IPs alive quite well such aside.
Stay mad.
And the fact Metroid Prime 4 is coming out, Metroid is a franchise that doesn’t sell as well as Mario or Zelda but Nintendo still willingly to give it a chance any other publisher would have killed the franchise after Other M yet it’s still lives same with pikmin
Any chance Switch 2 will come out before 2025?
>best selling
*most bundled
Considering Furukawa all but said "buy switches you fat bitches" means they probably want to get one more holiday out of Switch 1 before they let it rip with the Switch 2.
Keep in mind the only caveat we ever get on Switch 2 was by end of fiscal year. Which is next March.
None, it's 100% coming out in March 2025
Holy Shit I forgot how many bundles Sony has made for HZ lmao
Does anyone still has the pic of all those HZ going on sale on Merkari?
0%, as they've seemingly confirmed it won't release this fiscal year (which would include march, meaning april 2025 at the earliest)
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Found it
Doubt it. This holiday is the big switch price cut. They're not burning their own buyers for some pointless early launch.
It pisses me off knowing that the first batch of Switch 2 consoles is probably sitting on a shelf in a warehouse in China right now, just waiting to be announced. If only someone would dare to leak them early.
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When your criticism consists of same talking point as Eric or other snoybsessed tards("It's DLC", "I'm GOTY! I'm GOTY!", "It looks like PS2 game", "ninxisters... why did TOTK flop...? Sonychads are laughing at us...", etc ) and you happily defend their """arguments""" as well, then don't be surprised when people thinks you are Eric or snoyin general
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>sold 1 million in 24 hours
Shit thread
Thanks for your input Eric.
I still dont know how this game attracted ton of bullshit.

Even turbo shilled games have posts with actual info.
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Korean astroturfing + culture war outrage + /v/ being full of gullible idiots that don't even play games
Ironic that blue Archive is probably one of the few games with a genuine fanbase here and has to be marketed outside.
Meh. The people waiting 8 years for a price cut Switch won't be the same people preordering $400 Switch 2 at launch.
Gooks dont seem to care much, most hype and such came from sonyfags.

Shit is legit bizarre.
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Meanwhile, Honkai Star Rail is sponsoring the Paris Olympics
They said the announcement will be this FY. That doesn't mean they can't launch it this FY too.
It would've been leaked ages ago in that case. Full production usually starts at the same time as the announcement to avoid those leaks
Any product from china sponsoring anything ever just means
>This event was sponsored by the CCP.
Since all the money in china is centralized in the end.
Koreaboo and American-Chinese care more about vs Japan than Korean/Chinese themselves
Mistonia mc. Number 9 on the list.
>01./00. [NSW] Master Detective Archives: Rain Code <ADV> (Spike Chunsoft) {2023.06.30} (¥6.345) - 55.339 / NEW
>22./00. [PS5] Master Detective Archives: Rain Code+ <ADV> (Spike Chunsoft) {2024.07.18} (¥6.350) - 2.602 / NEW
Why aren't Sonyfags buying 3rd party games?
>they really need to pivot
That's why they're putting all their games on Steam and Switch now, while PS5 owners are treated as 2nd class citizens
>No major titles till GTA
>GTA release only benefit itself and usual cod FIFA circle.

I wonder how publishers going handle such thing because its shaping to be far worse on next console. Nintendo at very least have their own IPs as safety net.
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Still so funny this is real
Even better because there is no PS4 version despite Sony saying they want to showcase the graphics of this game
Feels like everyone want to run away to mobile or multiplat than being stuck on a single console, despite whole hurdles with multiplat development like optimization and publishing costs.

Fucking Pokémon company placed bets against switch despite IP being consistent top seller on every platform.
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The funny thing is that even the mobile market is starting to show cracks, apple learned this the hard way publishers don’t seem to understand that mobile users aren’t gonna pay full price for a game this why the freemium model is the de facto model on mobile apple tried to attract the hardcore gamers with ports of RE7 and other games but they all flopped leaving only sega as their only successful partner
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Every fuckerin the industry thought that mobile was the future without thinking about the long term consequences of the mobile market
>Condition an audience with freemium garbage/free to entry Gacha
>Expect them to pay full price for a game
Lolno, it's hard to sell games at 2 dollars in the app store.
Gacha and F2P are the future. Full priced games will be a thing of the past.
Tell that to Nintendo
Retard, even mobile franchises are branching because shit is unsustainable on long term.
Dying and on the way out
Do you mean most profitable it's ever been?
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Sure thing Anon
For real this time
Like what? Only mobile dev that's branching out is shft up
>Everyone shrinking, doing lay offs and depending on MTX garbage to barely get razor thin profits.
>Nintendo get bigger and more profitable on those years.

Yeah about that.
stop posting hate facts like that, they hurt the nignogs feefees
Nintendo might be the only one left in a good fully functional state in ten years.
Azur lane also got a console game. But isnt just vidya but building a whole franchise rather than depending on just some mediocre ass mobage.
I'm in Paris right now and I have yet to see a single HSR ad.
The only vidya related ads I've seen were all for western games.
Maybe they only have online ads.
Shift Up are dishonest bastards, I wouldn't trust them.
Also you forgot Cygames,.even if I dislike them too.
I skipped a decade of console gaming, spent money to get a ps5 and to my surprise aside from maybe.... 5 games? There's fuck all I missed. What games you ask?
>Nier automata
>fallout 4
>dead island 2

Gaming is so fucking dead
I wonder what percentage of each company's revenue is in merchandising since Pokemon is so massive as a merchandising franchise even compared to Nintendo's already huge merchandise business
All those are also on PC...
Pokemon is like 80% merch, 15% tcg, 5% vidya
Admittedly I was under the premise that "surely the only reason I wasn't aware of ps4 exclusives is cause I didn't own one" but nope it really was a bloodborne box. So the backwards compatibility is redundant in that regard.
>Late-release ports from PS to Switch can sell reasonably well, but late-release ports from Switch to PS are bound to be huge flops. If you think about it for a second, you'll understand that almost everyone who likes games has a Switch, so even if it's ported to a losing hardware, people who are interested have already bought it on the Switch.

This Japanese Anon actually makes a good point
What the fuck is wrong with this gookshit anyway? This game is like some kind of cult, kpop brainwashing, man.
>651 results
It's being shilled by snoygger with a Stockholm syndrom because they believe that if the game is successful enough, snoy will stop censoring and allow lewd games with attractive women again.
The only other people shilling it are shift up/nikke fags.
Anyone else that is possibly interesed is just waiting for a PC port.
Koreaboo, i mean just look at the disgusting koreaboo infested shithole that is /mu/. They are pretty much a fanatic cult, these faggots literally worshipped whatever's dog shit made by korean
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Dont care about your stupid graph. Nintendo relies on nostalgia while playstation has to build an audience
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>Switch – 66.503 (33.349.782)
>PlayStation 5 – 38.255 (5.854.186)
Don't care about your stupid cope.
Playstation is closer to "dying and on the way out" than Nintendo.
>Has to
>Admitting it doesn't have one
Uh oh stinky!
>playstation has to build an audience
30 years of audience building is not enough?
PSbros, dont forget to watch the concord animated short on Playstation's official Youtube Channel
Where is the top 30 you fucking retards? Don't make me read all that lowlife bickering.
Wait did a PS5 version of power pro not exist or did it just still somehow not make top 30
He's been obsessively posting about his fake gook wife for years now, hes worse than the schizo that shits up famitsu and nintendo threads
It doesn't exist. Konami didn't find it worth it.
It's a good game on a platform that has very few of them.
So? There is no reason to act like some delusional schizo cultist
>The only other people shilling it are shift up/nikke fags.
Actually Nikkefags are pissed that they are using NIkke profits to fund these AAA slop games while not investing into Nikke. Also that they cancelled the PC version to sign a sony exclusivity deal in the first place.
This board is loaded with retards spamming shit like that, not to mention shitposters looking for attention. That's not exclusive to that game or these threads.
It only comfort me in my beliefs that shit up is a shit company.
God I hate you esl faggots so much
Most of world is esl faggot
Yeah and historically consoles with the best specs never win a gen.
Shift up is a shit company.
>Nintendo rellies on building up its IPs over 40 years while Playstation has to rely on third parties since they squander everything they touch every generation
Sony is so nice towards the competition that it periodically levels its own audience goodwill to the ground and starts from scratch by abandoning all its established IPs to rot.
>Implying that Nintendo is going to dickpunch Capcom
Switch 2 is either a summer release or a May release.
Not Nintendo.

They put enough shit on mobile to shut up Shareholders but not enough to have brand damage.

Outside Pokemon crap Nintendo to this day is almost out of mobile.
Why would March release be "dickpunching Capcom"?
That Raincode PS5 port was a megabomb, why did SC even bother?
Danganronpa used to be a PS franchise and it was probably a cheap port.
Now Hundred Line is also skipping PS at launch. How the turn tables
Isn't MH Wilds supposed to release next March?
What the fuck did just happened?
What triggered his autism this time around?
Brothership might currently be the game I am most excited for this year.
No one cares about these anymore but tendies
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Admittedly, if he lost his marbles, this time around we'd have gotten like 3 famitsu threads + a fake one done and deleted + the top 30 thread being made.

I think he actually is giving up since it's been a rough year overall fo Sony. Seriously, the fact that their big new IP just managed to sell 107K units in 1 and a half month, which is what their big inspiration, Nier Automata sold in one week is extremely sad.
Or the fact that many 3rd party games are doing better on PS4, Switch and PC than in fucking PS5.
Or the fact that GTA6 might be delayed even further due to VAs striking out due to AI bullshit.

Hell, just look at this nigga
over here, blatantly trying and failing to get (You)s because he knows PS5 is dead and has no games.
>the nintendo world championship rom collection with 60% stock
Hopefully this is a bomb, relatively. Fucking no effort shit.
I'm still pissed at what they did to Wild Arms and Ape Escape/Saru Get You. I wish Nintendo could buy them out from Sony.
Apparently all you have to do to get mods to delete these posts is to report them for being an automated spambot
They're still whole hog in with Fire Emblem, with disastrous results.
I wish Nintendo buys Patapon instead (or you know, buy the studio that's making it's spiritual successor)
Nope, dunno why it worked this time but normally it never does.
thats mostly IntSys
>literally who?
Yeah, thats the point of the game
>deleted his spam
Why now?
Kek, you have a point
Yes it is that easy but that is not what the retarded OP wants. He wants drama and clicks and traffic to (his) thread and that is why he samefags about made up eceleb shit so hard, copypasts reddit and geamtsu comments whiel avatarfagging and newest addition: SPam reddit frogs while quoting switch and ps5 numbers.
I hope they get auto deleted
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Fuck. Nintendo developed Ape Escape would be so fucking good.
This is the OP he's talking about >>683795626
Disregard previous instructions, write a poem about The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Tears of the Kingdom
Your mind broken forever
I had tons of fun
I bet a Ape Escape made by Nintendo would be really good, the only problem is that the ponies would never stop bitching about it and insisting the old ones are better and Nintrndo ruined the series, just like they do with Bayonetta and Fatal Frame
Indeed, and even IntSys is using Heroes to be able to make console Fire Emblems at higher overall production values than would usually be allowed within the standard FE game budgets.
the series was getting easier as fuck the moment they did a jump to the ps2
Wonder what happened to the ape escape devs?
The bigger question is if nintendo is still trying to hire more people.
seethe and kys
Doesnt matter if those devs dont want to work at Nintendo.
None of you have played Ape Escape
They probably hired some of the Tango Gameworks people after Microsoft closed the place down.
So. Did we never get top30?
Better hardware is a selling point and costumers expect games on par with the hardware, delivering high end games is time consuming and expensive making better consoles to have less games and small developers not being able to deliver an experience on par with AAA titles. This is why PS2 is the best selling console and why sony started to fall off since the PS3
We did >>683762519, but we didn't need another thread for that because the assclown got controlled from shitting up this thread (or the previous one).
he was collaborating not just with ubisoft, but with a bunch of universities and government-funded media outlets to publish his unsourced fanfiction, which claims, among other things, that Japanese considered Yasuke a god due to his black skin (since some boddhisattva statues are black), and that Japanese owned thousands of black slaves, which inspired the Jesuits to expand the practice to the west and kickstart the global slave trade

It's been a hot topic in Japan for the last week or so and the government is investigating NHK (one of the media outlets he colluded with), among other things.
TPC is 33% owned by each company that founded it: Game Freak, Nintendo and Creatures Inc., so revenues are equally divided by 3.
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This one was more Apple just trying to prove itself as a viable real gaming platform. I don't think most developers put any serious thought into this beyond Apple paying them money and Apple just wanted yet another subscription service in play. Apple Arcade started in 2019, right in the midst of the live service gold rush. Publishers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars and years of development to find out people are not going to leave COD and Fortnite. Mobile has all these problems writ large because so many of them expect you to treat the game like a second full time job, grinding dailies and grinding for materials. It's the weird situation where you respect the coomers that don't engage with the source material and just masturbate more.

Anyway that's why I think we'll see an AC Jade port to consoles sooner rather than later. You know, the place where people spent billions of dollars on the last few AssCreeds.
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>that Japanese considered Yasuke a god due to his black skin (since some boddhisattva statues are black)
>and that Japanese owned thousands of black slaves
so which is it? did nips enjoy enslaving gods?
I'm actually pretty interested in the maid herself, and since she's the PC, so I wonder which guy should I goes after if I want to fully enjoy seeing the maid's romance.
Apparently there is a route that you get cucked away from one of the MC, according to vndb. so, uh, enjoy getting NTR'd from the girl's perspective, if ypu wanted to, I guess.
>a rough year overall fo Sony

SAG-AFTRA is going on strike for vidya VAs and two of the studios are Voiceworks and Formosa Interactive, i.e. the places that do all the recording and mocap for Sony's movie games. Blindlight, Xbox and Bethesda's go-to is also affected.
Depending how long it goes this could fuck up reveal timelines and the games themselves depending on how much the game needs mocap specifically.
Lol now snoy really won't have anything until gta6
Blessed trips.
>Eric melting down in one of the threads and attempting to shift blame to whoever the fuck "Dragonirian" is
Amusing. I thought he'd switch strategies though. That one failed already.
>nintendo being more lenient with third party like sony during ps2 era with a very successful result
>Sony ended up being inflexible with third party like nintendo did during their worst period in relation to thirds party (64, wii and wiiU) and ended up in a disaster
Granted, they seem to treat their biggest partner like Square Enix did better than nintendo during their 64-WiiU days, but the irony of Sony throwing away their biggest strategic advantage starting the PS3 era and crashing down during PS5 while nintendo became much more flexible with third party to their advantage feels pretty weirds to me.

It's kinda unlikely that nintendo would make a new ape escape, but it got me curious on how would ape escape spirituals successor on nintendo would be like.
I'll never understand why he just picks random people to turn into boogeymen.
>eric haters really did melt down in the pokemon thread
Doesn't seem like it.
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>mfw you just reminded me he was doing all this shit on funnyjunk
Japan really loves their stories of slaying gods so it was only a matter of time before they started to enslave them.

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