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>keyboard literally has a built-in cheating system
>gamers are just calling it a new mechanic

Should this really be allowed? Why are gamers like this?
it should literally not be allowed to dig old, shitty threads out of the >>>/trash/
Allowed in what? There's no expectation of fairness in PC gaming since people can have wildly better hardware than other people. There's no equal play here and there never has been.
>Should this really be allowed?
That sounds like something Wooting could add in a firmware update. But, would they want to?
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They just did.
Nice. No reason to get a Razer.
I'm not that technical when it comes to keyboards, what does it do that other keyboards don't and why is it a bad thing?
Holy shit, the "A" bar is white and "D" is green instead of both being yellow, bros!!!
Where can I consoom this????
Is that a fisher price keyboard? It’s Tiny
especially when this applies to pretty much every keyboard Wooting has made in the last 7 years, damn
Yes, we need more innovative hardware for MnK and have games be built around it. Consoles already got their gyro and haptic triggers-
>"b-but but those are useless and-"
Shut the fuck up I want my keyboards to feel different than the ones from 10 years ago
how many threads are you going to start about it? No one cares in your forced outrage
'cheating' my ass
This is how keyboards should function and anyone who disagrees is a mouth breathing moron. It's only a "problem" because of the dogshit aiming and movement in fps games.
Dogshit genre btw
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So what is the cheating?
Because unfunny youtube man only showed me examples of CS counter strafing and overwatch A D spamming as that new sexy flying girl. That's it?
the basic answer is that it prevents you from overlapping two directional keys at once. on a normal keyboard if you hold down A and D at the same time you will get a neutral input in most games, which is called SOCD. what this keyboard update does is prevent you from being able to overlap two opposite directional inputs at the same time, meaning if you hold down A and D it will register whichever key you've pressed down last. It's a bad thing for certain games, mainly movement based shooters like CS and overwatch because it trivialises an important skill that players spend a lot of time trying to develop
i dont get it, this is just contextual masking. any piece of shit that supports qmk can do this trivially. are you telling me proprietary gamerslop is so busted and terrible that they unironically think this is at all impressive or novel?
i play valorant on xbox so im safe anon
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won't be removed and that's a good thing, cs is cringe af

i have a wooting he and tried and it's insanely op even though i already had good counterstrafing, the only people who hate it are brokies
>This is how keyboards should function and anyone who disagrees is a mouth breathing moron.
If by being optional and per key, sure, but if it applied across the entire keyboard it would fuck everything up.
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I'm too retarded to understand the mechanics of this or how it's "cheating"
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i'd explain it but it's not even worth it because valve isn't going to ban it and every other keyboard maker is already making their own versions now

counter strafing is DEAD
oh no no no csbros.... the valorant trannies are laughing at us
So it makes it easier to strafe, which retards think is cheating? lol.
>turbo button le bad
no it isnt thoughbeit
Who the fuck cares. Ad strafing in overwatch is not about apamming as fast as you can ita about moving erraticly. Move left for half a sec, stop move left for a solit second the hard pivot right for like 2 seconds. This can be achieved by mouth breathera after 5 minutes of playing. Ad spamming does fuck all in overwatch because of the size of hitboxes.
Yeah, it really just raises the skill floor if you ask me. Pro players won't really benefit from this.
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>meaning if you hold down A and D it will register whichever key you've pressed down last.
>It's a bad thing because it trivialises an important skill that players spend a lot of time trying to develop
cry more
fighting games had this shit for over a decade.
It's not new.
This shows how behind the times FPS gamers are.
>fighting games had this shit for over a decade.
and then it became mainstream and they quickly phased out any explicit advantage it had so the same thing will happen for FPS games if they keep trying to bypass it with hardware
null scripts are banned in leagues in CS
keyboards now do it on the hardware level and it's not detectable online
it has clear advantages

ideal solutions would be to redesign all the games to get around this
Better hardware doesn't (in any decent game) let you do anything other players can't do.
faceit OK'd it if it's hardware level

you don't know shit
well i'm just behind on the news
all I know is that some pros have been outspoken about this so it's obviously some issue

not that I've got a horse in this race I haven't played comp CS in a decade
>keyboards now do it on the hardware level and it's not detectable online
it's easily detectable, if they made it add varying levels of simulated delay it wouldn't be
game devs are just going to add a delay when you change direction and make movement more sluggish. soidevs love doing shit like that and just making games feel like pure shit.
Technology will always end up replacing your shitty skills, retard
Yes it does. Why wouldn't it?
lol wat
How the fuck does that do anything
Taking your fat fucking finger off of A so you can strafe right is not a skill
Didn't they already do that in Overwatch? I remember the strafe spamming used to be annoying as fuck but then they nerfed it to the point that it wasn't worth.
I checked an example of a dude showing OW footage and the small character warping left and right extremely quickly because of those keyboards is really fucking dumb
ITT: a bunch of niggers still using the membrane keyboard that came with their prebuilt even though half the keys no longer respond on first press
It's about the timing. No pros can do it perfectly all the time, especially not in tense situations, but any scrub can do it perfectly 100% of the time with this kind of keyboard.

7 minute video that explains everything and shows it perfectly - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Feny5bs2JCg
here's your new meta bro LOL
mate, my cheap no named tesco keyboard already does that, and so do other cheap keyboards
What the fuck are you talking about?
What are you talking about? Explain your post.
Why would this be true?
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TLDR you can get free perfectly timed counterstrafes in CS now whenever you want (something that a pro player with 10,000 hours of practice wouldn't be able to do consistently), and in games like Overwatch that don't kill your momentum when swapping strafes you can twitch around like an insane spastic retard. Get used to seeing this shit all across the genre
Sniperfags BTFO
Are you fucking retarded?
>Get used to seeing this shit all across the genre
I am 99% sure that developers will just make changes that make these kinds of movements either completely impossible, or makes it so that it doesn't matter at all.

For example, the difference of impact this has on CS vs Valorant is like night and day. In CS it's EXTREMELY important, but for Valorant is pretty meh.
>No pros can strafe properly
Shut up retard
>Get used to seeing this shit all across the genre
I don't play shit games.
>No answer
Are you fucking retarded? Answer the question.
>Model looks like it's spazzing around
>Because of interp behavior the hitbox is actually just bigger
God damn you kids are so fucking stupid
Imagine playing competitive sloppa and caring about this inane shit lol
nothing would make me happier than esports dying and never coming back
if you have a widescreen monitor you can see almost double the playing field
if you have a 144hz+ refresh rate g-sync monitor+ you now react faster than someone with a 60hz refresh rate monitor

There are tons of things That better hardware can accomplish. SSD over HDD. You load into new zones faster than your competitor. This is more important for games that have limited timed events etc.
Do you have trouble reading and comprehending English? Try reading my post again, I never said that they can't do it properly, I said that they can't do it PERFECTLY ALL THE TIME.

Fucking retard.
lol are you implying better framerate doesn't give a you a better performance?
alright well a billion trillion people do so there's going to be plenty more discussion of this and threads for you to high and mighty post in
olympics just accepted esports bro you lost
>For example, the difference of impact this has on CS vs Valorant is like night and day. In CS it's EXTREMELY important, but for Valorant is pretty meh.
and it's one of the reasons why valorant is such a piss easy game compared to cs
It's not gonna kill esports, ya dingus. Developers will just slightly change movement to not allow these things to have a big impact.
>if you have a widescreen monitor you can see almost double the playing field
Not in any well made game.

>if you have a 144hz+ refresh rate g-sync monitor+ you now react faster than someone with a 60hz refresh rate monitor
Doesn't affect reaction speeds at all.
>itt zoomer console gamers who have no idea turbo buttons used to be a thing
Sounds great! See you there!
I'm not that other anon you cocksucker
Yeah no that reaction time thing is entirely just false.
No implying, stating. There's nothing you can do above 120 fps that you couldn't do at 120 fps.

Unless you're acting like we're talking about 10fps vs 60 which obviously no reasonable person would think.
>playing competitive games on PC
This has nothing to do with turbo buttons.
You have brain damage.
And you still haven't explained why you think >>683743397 is true (it isn't).
are you summerfagots so retarded you cant tell this is a marketing thread made by someone on the asian continent
zoomers grew up with people using modded controllers to turbo button their FALs in modern warfare actually
Don't forget games where having a higher framerate isn't just response time relevant but is also tied to the physics and can give you an advantage, something games STILL do.
Nice counter argument, faggot. I accept your concession.
A marketing thread for what exactly? It's a method that's on multiple keyboards and can be done with scripts.

Retarded animefag.
>Can't explain why he's right
>"C-c-c- concession a-accepted..."
keep making these threads op, they seem to bring all the retards out of the woodwork
And I called you a retard for thinking that strafing is some difficult technique
>B-but you can make your model jitter!
The model and the hitbox are two different things. Learn how interp works.
this only affects garbage games balanced around twitch movement under devs who are slower and more out of the loop than a boomer trying to handle a computer so by all means allow it, no, encourage it. Force fanboys to leave the cult or defend it at their own expense.
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What is better, the razer or a wooting? I bought a “pro x” Logitech when I built my PC a year ago, not really knowing much about keyboards, it’s pretty good and I actually learned to type correctly on it. Which wooting keyboard or razer compares, I have small hands so lower key caps are beneficial.
What's better is not being so bad at video games that you think your keyboard matters
>Buy a keyboard with cheats
>"It's not cheating guys, just don't be so bad that it matters!"
>Strafing is cheating
Git gud
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Well I’m not good at video games so this technology looks like something I might benefit from.
Where did I say that? Quote me.
This was my first post btw.
Overwatch 2 hitboxes are so huge that strafing does literally nothing, you'll get headset regardless.
On the contrary, any decent game should have ultrawide supporr, and it's an advantage.
Also inputlag is also a thing.
That was a big controversy and is now banned in all competitions
>The keyboard has cheats!
The keyboard makes switching strafe directions imperceptibly faster
If you think that is cheating you are bad at video games
>And I called you a retard for thinking that strafing is some difficult technique
The fact that you call it "strafing" instead of its actual name, counter-strafing, just shows how completely clueless you truly are.
>Ackshually it's a super secret technique to counter your inertia to-
Shut up faggot
It's strafing
Why do you think hardware advantages don't exist?
why are you so confidently retarded?
Wooting's implementation of this is apparently very slightly better. Not to mention that overall Wooting also has 10x more customization for both the hardware and the software.

Wooting is the actual endgame for keyboards. It doesn't matter which Wooting it is, because they all have the same capabilities and software.
It's not super secret at all, that was my point. The fact that you don't know about a super common term, and instead use a different term, shows that you are obviously clueless.
It's no more cheating than paddle shifters vesus a traditional stick shift. Better technology will always replace obsolete skill sets.
>Better technology will always replace obsolete skill sets.
Yes. It will. Thanks for admitting I was right.
Strafe spam is broken mechanic.
>Shut up faggot
you lost the argument
I don't play garbage games so I don't care. if a shooter doesn't have inertia then it's arcadey bullshit on the level of cawadooty. Maybe stop playing baby games.
AI is getting too good...
I'm still waiting for an answer. What's wrong?
my favorite thing about stuff like this is all the people arguing over it who are nowhere near good enough at the game for this to matter
This is the game's fault not the input device as it's basing spread off of input and not character motion.
I guess it's time for me to finally upgrade my keyboard. I feel like the keyboard market hasnt done shit since 10 years ago there's barely any innovation after I got my mechanical keyboard. I'm gonna miss the tactile feedback from my brown switches though.
>nowhere near good enough at the game for this to matter
For a game like CS you don't even need to be good for this to matter. It affect all levels, and you could even argue that it actually improves your game more the worse you are.
if you know anything about nrko you have been able to do this for years
Do spergs who care about this also complain about people putting crosshairs on their monitors too?
looks like a ball sack
This has absolutely nothing to do with n-key rollover.
Progress only looks like cheating to the people who resent it. A Formula 1 racer who refuses to use paddle shifters isn't noble, he's just stupid.
Yeah I would complain if someone stuck a crosshair to their monitor.
The game should come with one, you shouldn't need to attach one to your screen.
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>see thumbnails on my youtube fyp about this
>don't click it because who the fuck cares
>friend mentions that
>ask him what the fuck are people actually bitching about
>he explains
this is the nothingest of nothingburgers
it's only a "problem" because new niggas never played a game that has advanced movement tech in their lives
>oh shit his ADADADADADAD spam is CRISP help me n-wordman I'm losing my MIND
play an arena shooter for once in your fucking lives and you niggers will see
Anon "hardware advantage" is invariably one of two things:
1) marketing from a hardware manufacturer
2) cope from a shitty player that has to blame anything but himself
You'd do exactly as well on a 12k dpi supermouse and a mechanical keyboard with zero bind as you would on an intellimouse and a piece of chinese plastic.
So you literally don't think input lag exists?
Thanks for confirming.
Seriously? THAT is what people are upset about?
It's not just ADADAD spam. It's also about things like counter-strafing in CS to manipulate when your shots are accurate or not.
>CS players complaining about cheating
isn't CS the game where there's at least 12 cheaters in any lobby at any given time?
yeah but anyone who is serious about cs plays faceit not mm
There's 2 more cheaters than there are total players in every game? Interesting.
thanks for catching the joke anon, you're a bright one
it's the kind of game where pros are literally cheating in actual for real comp games anon
>which obviously no reasonable person would think.
funny because that's exactly what a reasonable person would think when talking about hardware and pc, dumb tranny

let's see you compete against people who play with 300fps on a 300hz screen with your calculator that can barely scratch 40fps, let's see :)

btw any reply you make to this poost is invalid and will be referred as "you are trans" because you have no arguments and are a faggot
Gaming keyboard and mice are a meme. I used to go 50/2 on COD4 lobbies using a generic chink membrane keyboard and mouse.
CS autists love to complain. Remember these are the people who flip their shit if valve moves a box an inch.
>it's the kind of game where pros are literally cheating in actual for real comp games anon
oh right you're one of those dan m retards, sorry
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>having a responsive keyboard is cheating
>thanks for catching the joke anon, you're a bright one
There was a joke there? Wow, you must get all the laughs from the ladies.
>"I bet you're fun at parties" tier comment
you gotta go back bubba
thats because others were also using generic chink membrane keyboard and mouse back then. everyone has better knowledge about FPS games and have better hardware now so games are harder
I have been here since 2005, sadly. Where do you want me to go back to?
That's sad
Anon, that was nearly 20 years ago. Things have changed drastically since then.
Yes, that's what I said. Once you are here, you are here forever, sadly.
Anyone tried one of these keyboards and is the performance worth the price difference from a cheap $120 mechanical keyboard?
Wooting keyboards were already the best that you can get before they implemented this. Whether it's worth it depends entirely on your financial situation and which games you play.
Trillions of flies eat shit.
>zoomers find out keyboard macros exist
>think its the end of the world and cheating
>when we had stuff like QMK being a full fledged programmable keyboard and some chips even allowing ESP cheats
kek lol lmao even
I don't play multiplayer shooters because I'm not 13 or brown.
I play a bunch of FPS games but not CS. I'm mainly just curious about rapid trigger and if it makes a big difference compared to other upgrades like high hz monitor or if it's just a overhyped trend.
strafing is when you move sideways. counter-strafing is when you quickly tap the key to the opposite direction to offset your momentum, but don't actually strafe. if you actually start strafing, you've overdone it. the objective is to end up perfectly still.
doing it with ZERO wasted frames perfectly each time is a huge advantage in CS as it resets your first shot accuracy.
If you only care about rapid trigger and not SOCD(which this thread is about) then you can find cheaper keyboards that just do rapid trigger.
I mean this is literally only an issue in CS because CS does have inertia. Countering inertia is what it's about.
fuck off retard
if you want to buy useless shitty gimmicks just for the sake of buying something new then get a console
>Valve waits a few months
>pushes an update where too much strafing per second lowers accuracy
yeah but can you imagine the PR nightmare if people started getting banned from games for playing them "on an illegal keyboard".
most gamers understand that installing cheat software is a no-no, but "your keyboard is not allowed, here watch this 7-minute youtube tutorial about the intricacies of source movement on why that is" would cause a normie meltdown.
why the fuck do you think that an input that causes the model to jitter would not also cause the hitbox to jitter? do you think hitboxes are somehow heavier or more expensive to move or something?
yeah it's a good thing that another company adopted it overnight, now it's a floodgate that can't be closed basically
With most games there's just a bottom floor you need to achieve. 100+ Hz low input lag monitor and a game that can steadily run it at 100FPS+. There. You have now achieved everything possible hardware can give you.
You can go all the way down and handicap yourself, but you can't really buy an advantage after a certain point.
yeah I'm gonna play a competitive game at 30fps on a big screen TV with 50ms of input lag, where I can't even access the graphics settings. sounds great!
at this point boomers are better at using computers than teenagers are
>but you can't really buy an advantage after a certain point.
144hz/240hz monitor + hardware for that FPS.
Better headphones that allow you to hear everything better and more clearly.
Keyboard with rapid trigger/fast actuations.
Mouse with better sensor that allows you to have better control, better flicks, better accuracy, etc.
Mousepad that provides better friction/control/stopping power.
You're not getting an advantage going from 144Hz to 240Hz.
With headphones it's the same. Sure, free airplane airbuds probably won't work, but someone rocking $2000 headphones won't hear anything the guy with $100 headphones can't.
Again, a decent mechanical keyboard is considered the bottom floor. After that it's memes and marketing.
Same as above.
Same as above.

Like I said, there certainly is a level of quality hardware you're expected to meet not to handicap yourself, but once you meet that minimum it's not possible to buy any more success. If you can't afford that bottom floor, then idk just get a job or something LMAO.
how is this shit any different from using a macro?
>You're not getting an advantage going from 144Hz to 240Hz.

t. 8k or gold nova 3
its not, scripts that do the exact same thing have existed in source games for years, theyre called null binds and theyre banned in cs.
software vs hardware
>You're not getting an advantage going from 144Hz to 240Hz.
If that was true, can you then explain why so many CS, Valorant, Apex, etc. pros play on 240hz?
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lol you don't think I actually play CSGO in god's year 2024?
either way, you're not getting an advantage going from 144Hz to 240Hz.
and if you really think you are, then 240Hz monitors are pretty cheap nowadays too. what, you think the guy with the 500Hz monitor is getting an advantage over you then? shitter cope.
Using scripts = you got banned.
Using hardware = you don't get banned.

Simple as.
guess we should let AI steals the jobs of artists and voiceactors then right?retard
Because they play on the monitors their sponsors supply and 240Hz is the big new marketing term now.
For a while they all played on 120Hz monitors, then 144Hz monitors. There wasn't anything magical about those numbers either. Sure, higher is better, but it gets into diminishing returns real soon after 100Hz.
pros play on 360hz now, because they play the game for a living and are given the hardware for free by their sponsors. the difference between 360hz and 240hz is negligible, slightly less negligible for 240hz to 144hz and a massive difference for 144hz to 60 hz. buying a 360hz monitor will not automatically make you better at the game, nor better than people with a 144hz monitor.
>flexing smfc
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>>but you can't really buy an advantage after a certain point.
>144hz/240hz monitor + hardware for that FPS.
>Better headphones that allow you to hear everything better and more clearly.
>Keyboard with rapid trigger/fast actuations.
>Mouse with better sensor that allows you to have better control, better flicks, better accuracy, etc.
>Mousepad that provides better friction/control/stopping power.
All of that will be bottlenecked by the human factor (You) won't see any real benefit at all (serious diminishing returns)
If you had spider reaction speed sure go ahead. Purchase 600 hz monitor.
Otherwise it doesn't really matter.
You are already past your peak reaction speed btw (teenage years) and it will only get worse.
Let go of bullshit team vs team competitive bullshit and play real competitive games like fighting games or RTS that take autism to git gud at.
Controllers and wheels let you do smoother turns than keyboard in any racing game
Mouse lets you aim more precise than a controller in shooters
Fighting sticks are more precise than controllers for fighting games
Hit box is better than a fight stick for fighting games on top of that
Better hardware lets you do things other players can't in EVERY game
>Because they play on the monitors their sponsors supply
Holy cope.

>Sure, higher is better
What the fuck. First you say that there's no advantage, and now you are admitting that there is one.

>but it gets into diminishing returns real soon after 100Hz.
The actual diminishing returns start to happen around 144-165hz, depending on the person.
>speculates on my rank
>I post rank
>claims I'm flexing
I hate competitive players so much. Making people install kernel level spyware because someone cheated in a video game. Or removing all the fun features because "muh balance".
>new mechanic
Its just SOCD, zoomer.
flexing smfc is a gold nova thing to do ngl
How is this keyboard different from the examples you give as "a level of quality hardware you're expected to meet not to handicap yourself"?
>You are already past your peak reaction speed btw (teenage years) and it will only get worse.
Not him but I'm better at any shooter now (29) than I was 10 years ago
Getting worse at vidya with age is a meme, we aren't playing a physically exhausting IRL sport. It's just what shitters tell themselves to have an excuse for being bad.
>buying a 360hz monitor will not automatically make you better at the game, nor better than people with a 144hz monitor.
I don't think anyone ever argued that. However, if you are a top 1% player already on 144hz, then there's a chance that it could potentially enable you to be better if you tried 240hz or 360hz.
null bind has been around for decades retard lol
it's also banned pretty much everywhere
you can't even go into a custom KZ/surf/bunnyhop server and use it
erm null is for kz
It's funny that you would bring up fighting games, where something like Hitbox exists, and RTS games where gooks with 300 APM can actually take advantage of higher refresh rates and keyboard/mouse inputs than FPS gamers could.
Cope? That's literally how the business operates, retard. What do you think sponsorships are? Why would hardware companies sponsor e-sports if not to get the word out on their latest product?

>First you say that there's no advantage, and now you are admitting that there is one.
I always said you can handicap yourself with shit hardware. A 2008 TN monitor with 60Hz is worse than 144Hz 1ms gaming monitor from 2024. No one has ever denied this.
Beyond 100Hz you get into real serious diminishing returns though. At 144 vs 240 something like your room A/C is being 1 degree higher or the shitty IKEA table you assembled being 1 degree skewed will have more of an impact on your performance than the 240Hz monitor.
I mean you can already do this with any keyboard using a simple script, so not in any way. This is just Razer taking a known (banned in competition) piece of code and including it in their driver software.
i dont disagree, the difference is negligible but at the end of the day more hz is more hz. probably more apparent aswell if you're playing on lan
See >>683753384
Its not cheating till the devs or whoever's in charge of competitive says it is and bans it. Also can't devs just force opposite direction inputs to be read as neutral?
Yeah although "using hardware" is a little misleading because I bet none of that functionality is actually inside the physical keyboard in any way. It's in their driver software that the keyboard needs to work.
>Also can't devs just force opposite direction inputs to be read as neutral?
That's what they do, but this keybaord (or null scripts) change the input so that the game never registers an two opposing inputs.
APM is a meme and it's mostly inflated by a metric ass ton of useless actions, all so the player is "ready" when they actually need to control their units and make more at the same time.
this. here I am thinking it's a big deal.
minutes of my life stolen
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You have to buy the keyboard to use the feature, so in that sense yes it's unfair, similar to the controller trigger mods of yesteryear. Outside of places where they'll throw a hissy fit about it (anything to do with the word "LAN"), it's a godsend. I hate having to configure or figure out how to make a null movement script for every game I play which most of the time isn't possible unless it's based on the Quake engine. Still not buying it though.
I don't know how the Razer one works, but for Wooting you can access everything in a browser, then set all your options, and then save it to your keyboard's memory. There's no software involved if you do it like that.
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>movement based shooters
What's your point? They are spamming everything constantly and moving their mouse, looking elsewhere on the map, looking at other units, selecting different units, etc. which will greatly benefit from being able to see things faster and interact with them faster.
I've only ever owned one Razor product and that fucking thing sure liked to push all sorts of "Razor Gaming Suites" etc. down my throat. Needed their special software just to get M4 and M5 to work.
There's nothing here that requires interaction with hardware (like has been said many times, it's just a built-in null script) so it would make little sense to put it on some physical chip inside the keyboard. But who knows, and does it matter anyway?
Because you can do the same with less APM. It's mostly wasted energy.
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You see, it's a movement shooter because you walk around.
Is this literally the null script every pro tf2 player uses?, the one that if ur holding D and press A it cancels D so you change direction istantly?

Yeah, i've been using this since 2009 in tf2, no one gives a fuck, not a huge advantage either.
It's not "wasted", because keeping you prepared is its intended purpose.
first shot accuracy is not really the difference maker in tf2 that it is in cs
When I heard of this new feature, I knew this was going to happen on overwatch. The game does everything possible to make this movement so obnoxious and powerful.
>Because you can do the same with less APM
That's obviously not true. The whole point of spamming is that you are always ready, so it's not the exact same.
Wait until you learn that CS players were scripting this shit since forever.
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i was never really aware of these so-called null scripts before as i've never played CS but how does this effect games like Quake/UT? there are a couple suspect people in a community i play in that are almost unhittable while strafing around and their movement is complained about by everyone. is there any chance they could be doing something like this and it's not as obvious because they engines are older?
In CS you want to shoot when your movement is literally 0 when counter strafing, having nullscript wont change anything, you still have to make your shot at 0 velocity for a higher hit chance.
If I ever make an FPS I'm making this standard behaviour
>Is this literally the null script every pro tf2 player uses?
In essence yeah, but these keyboards are a little better actually, because it also enables you to also hold A/D and then spam/tap the opposite one and it will go back and forth between them with perfect actuation.

And the big part is that it's all hardware based, so you won't get detected and banned.
if this becomes the norm, does this also mean most peoples movement in shooters is going to become very spastic and the average acc% is going to go down for everyone?
>is there any chance they could be doing something like this and it's not as obvious because they engines are older?
Possibly. Any game that either enables you to strafe without inherent movement inertia, or straight up blocks inputs like these on an engine level can be abused with this kind of thing.
>having nullscript wont change anything
what? it lets you stop on a dime every time with 0 wasted frames changing directions. sure, it doesn't stop you from pressing the button for too long, but it lets you execute the first and most important part of a counter-strafe with perfect sync every time regardless of how slow your fat greasy fingers are actually moving on the keyboard.
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it's not a meaningful difference imo
i labeled it snap tap but it is wooting's socd implementation
>it won't change anything
Meanwhile CS pros are attempting to get it banned because of the impact it will have on the game.
I mean you 100% can get detected. Nullscripts aren't usually discovered through any system-wide scan either, they're detected from the user repeatedly making frame-perfect inputs (and nothing else).
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no it means movement will be slowed down and made shittier for everybody
Developers can combat it in the game engine and/or by not tying accuracy to movement. This whole thing is very meh for Valorant, for example.
>if this becomes the norm, does this also mean most peoples movement in shooters is going to become actually be good and the average shitter's acc% is going to go down?
FTFY. Go MGE little kid, null movement scripts have been around for literally ever.
Now change your crosshair so you can actually physically see the accuracy.
>Any game that either enables you to strafe without inherent movement inertia
at least in UT, you can change direction very fast and with a new netcode that now requests player positions 250x a second. i almost wonder if they should change that to a far lower number?
In quake people 100% use it, its as easy as putting it on your autoexec.
in UT this is useless since UT isnt really strafe based, its more about walljumping and dashing.
>null movement scripts have been around for literally ever
don't care since both tf2 and cs are trash
>I mean you 100% can get detected
You'd have to have external tools or plugins on the server for it. I am not aware of any FPS game currently that inherently records and looks for keyboard inputs like that.
don't forget that you can also use this shit while w-keying to get perfect counter strafes. anyone who plays cs knows how broken this is.
>UT isnt really strafe based
should have clarified that i'm talking about 99 and it's very strafe based
Check the velocity, thats what matters.
What matters is the accuracy, which is tied to the velocity. So why not show that by physically having your crosshair expand and contract?
99 is still very much based about dashing+syncing it with mouse movement so you go further, ut has higher movement acceleration than quake as well, so AD strafing isnt a problem.
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All this does is add to what I already knew about how counterstrike is filled with dumb fucking mechanics that its braindead boomer 3rd world fanbase thinks enhance the skill level. You memorized recoil patterns and learned how to sit still for exactly the optimal 0.9 milliseconds required for the crosshair to aim at the shit you're looking at again. Wow. How talented. No wonder only south americans and slavs can compete at such a high level.
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door. Valorant is two blocks down.
well we're literally talking about game inputs. every game knows which inputs its registering. I don't know if this is currently tracked by anyone either but if it became an issue it would not be hard to detect. inclide it in the anti-cheat, if the user performs nothing but perfect counter-strafes and his A and D never overlap then boom.
Nice silenthill shooter
>99 is still very much based about dashing
maybe in 2001 when no one had a clue that dodging made you a sitting duck by the lack of air control and obvious trajectory
Aim "assist" has existed for decades anon
Let me get this straight, in modern PVP-slop like CS and Overwatch, you get perfect/better accuracy the instant you stop? Lmao what the hell is this retarded shit?
>Bro, just stop your momentum and movement instantly to nail that across-map headshot
>Not an exploit bro, totally intended gameplay!
In an actual game this would be called an exploit and patched out in a week, but E-sports niggers think this cheesy crap is an actual game mechanic? Embarrassing.
Even the first mario game had player momentum and that shit didn't even have competitive elements.
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fuck you
well, out of all the UTs 99 was the one i played less online, i did it from 2001 to 2005 ish when i switched to 2k4.
i still think strafing would be weird since UT has high movement accel in the floor, im assuming people mix strafing with dashes.
yeah I love video games that have nothing to learn and nothing to get better at over time, you're right!
Can someone explain to me why this is a big deal? I keep seeing autistic screeching about it but I don't really get why it's such a big deal?
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>new keyboard hardware makes a mechanic more accessible to everyone
>pro gamer retards whine about it being "cheating"
>but if it became an issue it would not be hard to detect
Oh yeah, if the developers actually decided that they wanted to track it, then it could be easily done. I don't think they will actually do that though. It would be very weird for a game to ban a physical piece of hardware like that, when it's not really cheating per se.

The fighting game community went through something super similar when Hitbox cam out, and at the beginning there were also talks about having the developers ban it, having tournaments ban it, etc. etc. but in the end it just became an accepted thing.
Competitive gayming is a joke.
What did you expect?
7 minute video that explains everything and shows examples - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Feny5bs2JCg
Here is a plot twist, they dont really give a fuck.
most pro players are cheating nowdays.
This isn't cheating you stupid faggots, it's an upgrade to an obvious input flaw with previous keyboards. You're just mad yours can't do it.
Thanks anon.
Yeah I don't think they will either, but they're not banning people for null scripts either. So I'm not really seeing any ban avoidance benefit from it being hardware-based.
Modern PVP games have super simple movement code so pressing A for a single frame cancels all of your movement you built up by holding D. In theory you can get hardware to make perfect movement staggers which means you can remain very mobile yet have perfect accuracy, as accuracy is dictated by player speed/inputs.
Basically normies play flawed retarded games and then bitch when someone makes a keyboard that exploits that fact, instead of demanding the game to be fixed.
>around since 1999
yeah ok zoomie
besides, like has already been said, this only provides an advantage in cs BECAUSE cs tracks momentum.
null scripts are banned
>CS2 is from 1999
Lol, lmao. ESL please actually play the fucking game you're talking about.
not by Valve, and not even on faceit anymore.
the same exact counter-strafing has been a part of every goldsrc and source game since 1998 shitter
it's not one single frame. it's just that the change in direction happens with zero frames in-between which would requice incredibly fast fingers. also, nice retard game analysis.
>Hah, our game hasn't actually advanced for two decades, isn't it great?
Nice self-own. How about the game gets fixed for a change?
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lmao i've been using null movement scripts in cs and tf2 for over a decade
go ahead and buy your rgblgbt razer monstrosity if you want to pretend like overwatch and other shitty games have good input processing i guess
it's a good mechanic that people like and find intuitive. you're just acting out trying to pick a fight on an online image board because your mom divorced and your oneitis isn't paying attention to you or whatever it is. it'll get better.
no i don't feel like re-recording but anything below like 75 velocity (crouch walking) is accurate
trivialize these nuts with your tongue
…so something only brown incels care about. doesnt sound like cheating to me
>be razer (large peripheral company)
>be 4 da gamers
>actually let's just make something that does the work for the retards
>make people more retarded and rely on bad inputs being corrected by their peripherals
>now no one can do anything because outright banning a huge brand would be a disaster
>everyone else will make the same shit and try to figure out what other types of cheats they can put in.
just like brands putting in the monitor crosshair feature for the people that have never been in front of a screen before.
granted none of this actually matters outside of pro play. there are people in third world shitholes playing with 30fps on 60hz monitors, and peripherals with another 100+ms input delay on top of it, with 30x more skill than the common player. giving them better hardware would turn them into demons. while giving better hardware to the average little Billy wouldn't do shit and then you get to laugh at them.
>doesnt sound like cheating to me
I mean it was universally decided to be cheating already in the pro/tournament scene. The only thing Razer has done is trademark and sell a script that anyone can download for free.
here's your free cheats bro now you too can be a pro gamer
Razer hasn't trademarked it. Wooting literally put it on all their keyboards within 24 hours too, and they actually did it slightly better too.
i mean not specifically nkro, but i know some guys who have hand wired keyboards for counterstrafe interrupts. Essentially manually breaking a boards default nkro
That's not what trademarking means. You trademark a name, not a technology.
doesnt matter what was “decided”, now everyone has it by default and you cant ban it. oh well, guess its not cheating.
My bad, I thought you meant copyrighted.
this is how it always ends up with CS
what a peace of shit it is
I already see this shit in most games, even shit like "realistic' shooters.
I mean, everyone already had access to it. And you can still ban it.
Neither of those are really the question. It's about corporate business and PR and whether they want to ban it.
it made an already slow game even slower and every other shooter that allows quick strafing now a nightmare
have fun banning something all keyboards are going to have now, im sure everyone will agree to buy old hardware
It's currently in two keyboards, one of which costs $350.
Imagine thinking these overpriced meme peripherals with faggot lights are going to make you a "pro gamer"
and it will only become available in more and more keyboards at cheaper and cheaper prices. better to get with the times and accept it than to try and fight it.
so instead of ADADADAD it's holding D and pressing A A A A A?
i guess people with console player tier motor skills might benefit
the rest of us have known how to do this since like 2000
Most of your "skill" comes from hardware. My gaming skills instantly improved by getting a better PC on top of a high end router/modem.
That's why none of this shit is impressive anymore once you experience it personally.
I don't play multiplayer games lmao.
Besides, these keyboards that support it have an option to switch it off. No one would be forced to "buy old hardware" if it was banned.

This is not a new invention in any way. The only new thing is packaging it in and calling it a "PRO FEATURE". If it actually did get banned, why on earth do you think every kb manufacturer would suddenly only start making keyboards with like 30-year-old pub rape .cfgs built into them just because you only learnt of them existing today?
lmao this guy thinks he's got "the good wifi"
I still play with a 970. Asking PC gamers to play on a parity level is extremely stupid. Hardware have always dictated the skill ceiling you can achieve.
My hitbox has had this for like 8 years.
You can go to Walmart right now and buy their cheapest "internet mouse and keyboard" set and download a SOCD script for it.
> I don't play multiplayer games lmao.
nice posturing to try and save face when its obvious the argument is lost. and if its not a big deal? why the controversy? because they know a ton of people are about to get their hands on it and theres absolutely nothing they can do to stop it.
It can be a fancier than just that, because of the analogue switches. You don't have to raise a key above its activation point to stop its input.
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If an eceleb or company cries about it being cheating it's cheating!!!!!!!
Everyone already has access to it, stupid.

This isn't some new technology that will slowly become available to more masses as the cost of manufacturing goes down. It's already here. It's already free. Has been for a long time. The "controversy" is taking something that has been banned in competitive play and selling it. You know, like some people sell cheats. But Razor is a big name company, so it's controversial when they sell cheats.
>one of which costs $350.
u wot m8. Razer Huntsman Mini V3 is $180. Wooting are similar in price to that as well.
sounds less like cheating and more like being the first to the punch.
if you think software being available online to download separately and it being packaged with the hardware itself is the same then your being disingenuous or youre retarded. most people always go for the path of least resistance. and now that its packaged with the keyboard what are they going to do? force you to turn off a default setting for this keyboard i just bought? not happening, or theyre going to suffer for it.
Marvel Rivals is looking nice now.
So many characters have big melee attacks that this jittering won't mean shit.
I'm not saying it's the same thing. I'm saying if anyone wanted access to this they could already have it. There are literal links posted in this very thread where you can download a script that does the exact same thing. This isn't some new innovation that will sweep the landscape of online gaming.

>force you to turn off a default setting for this keyboard i just bought? not happening
Why? Why would that be such a big deal? Don't enable your turbo controller for this game? Ok. Problem solved. Also, it's not a default setting, it's a special MODE.
I used to play video game tournaments in the pre Esports era and one of the most consistent rules was no controllers with turbo buttons. Even if the game didn't really give you an advantage for it.
I don't see how this is different.
> I'm saying if anyone wanted access to this they could already have it.
and now people who werent aware that it even exists suddenly have it. have you detected the intrinisic difference yet?
what kind of example is turbo controllers? what pc game even bans those? I am not aware of any, pretty much any online game accepts third party controllers. maybe for tournaments but thats irrelevant for what were talking about anyway.
It's anything but new.
if they allow it, null scripts should just be an option ingame as a setting
> Get used to seeing this shit all across the genre
If you had any sense you would have stopped playing three years ago when the genre was completely exhausted
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i had a keyboard that ghosted the A key with the D key, so D would take precedence over A always. if i held both, D would be pressed.
just tried the null script in a game of cs, felt weird as fuck for a fairly intangible benefit. definitely not worth buying a fucking 200 dollar keyboard over
so monitors started giving crosshairs, then they implemented AI that reviews your moba map and warns you when it thinks something is going to happen, and now this? so what's next on the agenda since no one seems to care about cheating anymore? idc anymore and just play single player games
>for a fairly intangible benefit. definitely not worth buying a fucking 200 dollar keyboard over
Meanwhile actual professionals who are playing for millions of dollars are saying that it's a huge game changer and basically cheating.
>just tried the null script in a game of cs
Enjoy your VAC ban
Can someone explain why this is so bad? Is it because you can stop and shoot instantly?
>Is it because you can stop and shoot instantly?
Yes. Something that even pros who have played 30k hours of CS still occasionally fuck up, is now available to any silver player.
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I can use all the "cheating" I can get my hands on. Still get ass blasted by some 3rd worlder with a setup from 2008
For the fucking keyboard you mongrel
Is this using hall effect keyboards? We already have hall effect game controllers like the King Kong Pro, which are based. Is this the keyboard version?
dunno maybe i need to play with it more and get used to it, i'm just sharing my anecdotal experiences. obviously they're not qualitative on whether this can be considered cheating or not and it's up to valve to decide at the end of the day
thanks, i will
Just play games with respect for inertia and aiming accuracy that is tied to the attempts to move rather than net velocity, lmao.
I used null cancelling binds in quake 3 in like 2005.
It's on multiple keyboards from multiple companies.
Yeah this is just a poor movement input implementation. I forsee devs of future games patching in what this keyboard does as a standard feature.
There's no difference because you're not actually using it for the first half of that webm. You're letting go of your forward button frames before pressing the counter.
Isn't wooting like double the price?
worth it just to not have razer synapse botnet
They are similar in price.
It’s only even relevant because gaymers became so autistic about competition that this shit can actually make a difference. Online multiplayer was a mistake.
That's because valorant doesn't have counter-strafing mechanic, you stop instantly when you release your strafing key. It's actually insane how low the skill ceiling is in this
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Does rapid trigger actually make keyboards much more responsive in terms of input latency? Some of the ad spam looks kinda crazy but I don't know how much it really helps in games.
yeah, theres vid examples showing off how good it is, i would argue it's cheating but is the most 'legal cheat' so far
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Wooting is actually slightly cheaper over here in euro land, not sure what the prices are like in dollar land.
Didn’t fighting games ban shit like this?
Having to stop to shoot is a retarded feature that was added into CS to appease to the millenials who were ass at real FPSs like Quake and UT.
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>Does rapid trigger actually make keyboards much more responsive in terms of input latency?
Yes. But rapid trigger and SOCD are different things.
They tried to at first, but now it's all legal.
>if you have a widescreen monitor you can see almost double the playing field
I have an ultra wide (48" 3840 x 1080; effectively two monitors), and that's not entirely accurate. Assuming you have a way to get ultrawide to work, it leads to this problem where a lot of companies don't want to make the UI nice in games. It leads to the minimap, for example, being way off to the side and unable to be used . Same ends up being true of ally health bars and the like that may be on the side. Games that work really well with it, however, will keep the Ui elements in the middle and merely expand the sides.
>200 hundred bucks for a fucking keyboard
bwhahaaha dumb gamer fucks will buy anything
waiting to see if corsair make a version or if i have to buy an new keyboard
Is now a good time to get a keyboard? It feels like there's so much new shit coming out recently. I don't want to get a new keyboard just to have to get another new one in a couple of months to keep up with the latest cheats.
To be fair, a Wooting will last you at least 10 years. That's 120 months, which would come out to 1,59 euros per month. That's insanely fucking cheap if you look at it that way.
>buying a 360hz monitor will not automatically make you better at the game
that one linus tech tips video begs to differ
debtmaxxer mentality
You're not going to use your new toy for 10 years. Your kind will replace within 2.
Never been in debt in my life. I'm just saying that if you care about having a nice keyboard, it's not even that expensive. It has everything you need, it lasts for ages, and the company pushes out software updates with new features it all the time.
its such a big advantage in some games the scripts to do it are banned and have been for a long time and to use them would potentially trigger the anticheat, now its at the hardware level, bypasses anti cheat and is allowed in tournament play, its also better than normal mechanical keyboard this way as it gains the benefit from the analog switches varying actuation point, meaning you can do it even faster than before
its a pretty big deal to gain perfect strafes and jiggle peaks everytime, which is something you do thousands of times across a match, any mistake could cost you and the ms saved adds up quickly
Wait for neuralink, keyboard + mouse is dinosaur tech even with cheat functions.
I'm pretty sure I have already had my Corsair K70 for 9 years by now. Also, with a Wooting there's probably never any reason to replace it with anything else. It's like the endgame for keyboards. There would have to be some entirely type of new and wild mechanics that gets invented from scratch.
We said that about the G15 when it first came out too
Retard, the way that frames are sent from a GPU is sample and hold. You can never have enough frames. More is always better and does make a difference.
nigger where is this misinformation coming from, null binds are not banned. they do not trigger any anticheat, they're easily creatable in a .cfg using ingame console commands, no autohotkey script required. they will not get you banned from matchmaking and they will not get you banned from faceit.
it doesn't "bypass anti cheat" and nulling has been detected by server side for years now in kz. all you have to do is check if a players movements have no overlap
the game never knows the input, as its the keyboard sending it, before the keyboard would send both and the game engine would decide how its handled, now its handled at the hardware level so the game only ever sees the output you programmed it to
once enabled its saved onboard and works without any software
pressing keyboard keys fast does not help you in any game
>all you have to do is check if a players movements have no overlap
Next step: SOCD, but with very slight added variance to simulate a real human input
your both looking at it from a CS perspective, this works in more than just those games, and to use null in other games you would need to use something like autohotkey, this opens a can of worms into a lot of games that people arent even considering right now
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if null bind is so OP and not bannable why havent people been using it in their configs until now? tournament legal doesnt matter to 99.99% of players
>professional players: this is so impactful that it's like cheating
>random loser on /v/: this does not help you in any game
Hmmm. I wonder which one is correct.
>make keyboards better
>its cheating

shut the fuck up
already doable on these keyboards with a little know how, added variance has been a thing on corsairs software for a long time
a lot of people didnt even know and just follow what good players do, which is generally following tournament rules or didnt even conceive it was possible
>so called " olympic esport athletes" when you require them not to cheat (impossible)
null binds have been around for years and there are people that use them but a lot have just forgotten. except for in the kz community where null binds are an actual problem and are pretty consistently discussed.
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>Being able to run the game at its intended framerate is cheating according to thirdies
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Unless they've played tf2 or a movement based gamemode like kz or surf, fps players just aren't going to know about it.
you arent a professional player

its meaningless. add max number of movement inputs per sec. fixed.
That doesn't even solve the issues being discussed lmfao bot
>you arent a professional player
So? Your statement about it not mattering is still objectively wrong.

>add max number of movement inputs per sec. fixed.
That would literally do nothing. You clearly don't even have any idea what this is about.
>n-no its not easy to f-fix

ive used computers since the 1980s, its easy to fix. you dont have any idea about computers. you are posting from a phone right now
1v1 situation, movement inputs limited to 30 per second
player 1 has the keyboard player 2 doesnt
player 1 gets 30 frame perfect inputs, perfect accuracy, 0 risk
player 2 gets 30 not frame perfect inputs, adds lots of lag to getting perfect accuracy, and potentially makes a mistake that could cost them the round
its just a massive advantage that in the past has been deemed cheating, but im all for the advancement of the tech, its cool
>maybe in 2001 when no one had a clue that dodging made you a sitting duck by the lack of air control and obvious trajectory

quake players understood that inherently the moment the game came out. wtf are you talking about no one had a clue
What is the topic at hand being discussed in this thread
how does having more inputs give him an advantage

what game?
logitech just announced a new AI powered mouse that can cursor lock onto screen elements with button press. its not cheating because its not an aimbot its just a logical advancement in hardware performance
>its easy to fix
You don't even know what this is about. You literally just said "just add max number of movement inputs per sec" but that would literally do nothing.

>you are posting from a phone right now
Posting from my $5000 setup.
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all this is gonna keep happening

turns out we're going to have to go back to socializing and playing games with friends

cool ill buy it
>Posting from my $5000 setup.

damn whens the last time that got you some pussy?
i used an example with the same amount of inputs, it changes nothing, more inputs just make the benefits add up even more
monitors already have the ability to add crosshairs to games that didnt allow them like Rust, which was deemed cheating
>> n-wordman
faggot. have the balls to use nigger, or don't. this is like saying "fudge" or "darn". you're a coward so whatever you're saying automatically doesn't matter
You should have used another company for your example. Logitech is currently relatively far behind other mouse companies in terms of technology.
>monitors already have the ability to add crosshairs to games that didnt allow them like Rust, which was deemed cheating

would you believe that you can also do this with a marker or tape :OO

if its a serious fps game (quake) this stuff means nothing
did /v/ get rid of (you)'s wtf I been robbed
Last month. What about you?
I shouldn't have started my morning off by saying "Boy, I bet CS:Go "Pro" players can't get any GAYER today!"
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Read the rest of the post retarded faggot nigger troon
yes i used to do it with bluetack back on the console days, thats not the point
i already made my point

gaming in any serious capacity will be about playing with friends and teams of people who seem trustworthy

society spends too much time on video games and im glad theyre gonna get all fucked up by cheats.
Are zoomers really so uncoordinated?
Record yourself doing 10 perfect counter-strafing in a row in CS.
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>> waste your time even further
no thanks lol
captcha: RGAY
I'll do it right here.
how many was that?
13, nice job anon!
You fucked up.
i wonder if this could fuck with fighting games again, the wording only says "controllers" must have left right = neutral, capcom also say up+down has to be neutral but the others dont, also their tournaments are sponsered by razer a lot

Maybe they should make movement in their game not dogshit instead of trying to ban things that make the movement not dogshit. Just a random thought.
doesnt really work the rules are there for games over 20years old
reminder that someone with even just 90hz for FPS they can reach has an advantage over a 60hz player. so someone at 240 hz or higher can effectively see and react to people faster than can be expected in some cases.
logitech hasnt done shit in a while. they dont even have an analog keyboard in the market. wooting and razer has my respect for being innovators in the market right now
>zoomers think bad rollover is a premium feature
The absolute state
60Hz 16.67ms
144Hz 6.94ms
240Hz 4.17ms
360Hz 2.78ms

The difference between 60Hz and 144Hz is massive.
>t. neverlose staff
Opposite actually
>aimbotting doesn't sound like cheating, it sounds like just being first to the headshot
>implying VAC bans actually happen
This reminds me of a hitbox leverless.
Maybe I buy one when my current keyboard gets dirty
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Evo got the razer sponser
apparantly the razer keyboards work on ps4/5 if they are wired, not wireless, no problem for stuff like CoD so should work for fighting games
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i dont understand. how is this not something that i can do right now with my shitty logitech keyboard? what makes it different? i can wobble between A and D. how would that keyboard make it function differently than mine?
Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Feny5bs2JCg
actual professionals also play 4:3 black bars
actual professionals also use wired mice
actual professionals also use 360Hz monitors
They're not immune to placebo.
Don't watch some gay youtube video
If you're holding A then also hold D on a normal keyboard, you stop moving in most modern games, because two buttons are pressed.
With this new keyboard, the latest key being held down takes priority. So if you hold A then also hold D, you move to the right.

If you spam ADADADADAD on a normal keyboard, unless you have inhuman precision (you don't), there will either be overlap or gaps where you stop moving.
With this keyboard, if you spam ADADADADAD, there will be zero overlap and zero gaps for continuous infinite frame-perfect inputs.
What in the actual fuck are you babbling about?
Not him but are you ESL?
He's giving examples of other modifications pros make to their games that ultimately don't give them an objective advantage (or even give them a disadvantage, like a tighter fov), it just gives them "better vibes".
Why is everything these days only advanced in terms of finding ways to exploit a game, makes me wish tech stagnated 14+ years ago
My point was that his examples are extremely fucking retarded.

4:3 is a preference thing. Wired mice are a preference thing. 360hz is not a preference thing and is objectively and measurably better. This SOCD thing is not a preference thing and is objectively and measurably better.

So he gives 2 examples that are preferences, and 2 that aren't preferences, and somehow lumps all of them together as if they were all the same thing. Do you understand why I am confused about his post?
So you acknowledge that pros are doing things simply because it's preference and not to garner advantage, but can't understand how that relates to >>683762539
4:3 stretched is the real advantage
thanks. well made video, but this just illustrates that cs is a shitty game for fags. in real/regular games, this has no meaningful difference or benefit. the keyboard itself is not "cheating". its the game's fault for relying on shitty, stupid systems than be mastered or even exploited.
>So you acknowledge that pros are doing things simply because it's preference
Yes. But this entire thread's topic is something that is objectively, measurably and demonstrably better. This is not preference. This is not placebo.
Nope. I play both games so I actually know what I'm talking about.

Shooting in CS is easier because you can control sprays reliably up to like 15 bullets (the whole mag if you practiced it). You also have bullshit like crouch strafe spraying, now called donk slide, like I didn't invent it 8 years ago. Every single CS counterpart shoots faster, more accurately, and hits harder.
In valo you actually have to aim because you only get 5 bullets of reliable spray, and both rifles are kinda weak with bodyshots. You come to a dead stop when you get shot. You can't dodge bullets by crab walking, you're just too slow and lose most of your running momentum.

Your average CStard is gonna get one-tapped over and over in valo until they learn to take more time with their shots, and actually use util to get through contested angles, because they can't peekers advantage through the game.
>in real/regular games, this has no meaningful difference or benefit
It depends on the game. Like the video showed, the biggest benefit is definitely in CS, and then there's a medium benefit in something like Overwatch, and minimum benefit in something like Valorant.

So yeah, it just depends on what game(s) you play.
>In valo you actually have to aim
you just outed yourself as a failed CS player who switched to Valo, just like Tenz
All three of your examples might as well be the exact same slop.
That just makes it sound like the existing control method is shit, and this is fixing something that should have never been an issue.
even then, despite being miniscule for most people, the analog mechanical switches with the adjustable actuation point is pretty huge over time(i know they are not new, but they arent as standard yet), when millions are potentially on the line every little thing counts
>people wanting a gold star because they stopped fat-fingering
I bet I'd be impressed by the size of the trophy they earned for learning how to press the power button to turn the computer on.
this only works if you boof adderall also
The funniest part is that this isn't anything new. I have a keyboard I've been using since 2008 that cost me $35 which already does this. I got it when looking for a keyboard that handles every key individually instead of in groups so I wouldn't have to worry about beeps and failed inputs because I pressed too many things at once.
>I have a keyboard I've been using since 2008 that cost me $35 which already does this
I doubt that.
>so I wouldn't have to worry about beeps and failed inputs because I pressed too many things at once
That's NKRO and has nothing to do with this thread.
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this is razers response to adding randomized delay in their macros, you can do this on corsair keyboards
Don't care, I still use a membrane keyboard from 2011
>Worth it just not to have (unproven schizophrenic theory)
Buy an ad.
wtf thats it?
40 years of input mapping and no one thought to no thought to remove socd?
Null scripts have been a thing for at least a decade or so, maybe even longer. I'm sure someone probably thought about making it hardware level but then dropped the idea again, and then it wasn't until when the fighting game community had their whole Hitbox thing that I'm guessing Razer got inspired.
Pretty sure you can just do this with a simple script, no $200 keyboard necessary
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I will continue to use my og membrane Steelseries Apex and Eclipse 2 and continue getting 2.5+ k/d fuck you zoomies, Counterstrike (and by extension the malware known as Valorant ) is simply shadow of what it used to be anyways.
God I wish they'd bring back the Logitech G5
valorant actually didn't mindlessly copy this from CS so this doesn't affect them lmao
>if you hold down A and D it will register whichever key you've pressed down last
There's nothing stopping that functionality from being a toggle in a settings menu. If it's better for the player for the inputs to be interpreted that way then there's no reason for the developer to not add it to the game code.
>There's nothing stopping that functionality from being a toggle in a settings menu.
If you hold A and then press and hold D together, then on most keyboards it will register both keys as being held down, thus the game input will be stalled. Even if you made it so that one would override the other in the game code, it would still see you as pressing 2 keys at once. So what would you do in that situation? Do you just forget that the A key still being physically pressed down? If so, that means that you can't do the ADADAD strafe spam that SOCD allows, for example.
It has nothing to do with hardware.
Most games simply choose to emulate Left/Right keypresses as a single analog axis to make implementing controller/keyboard input simpler.
Left: -1
Right: +1
Hold both and you get 0.
>playing competitive shooters in 2020+4
>It has nothing to do with hardware.
The hardware mimics different button presses even if you A and then press D afterwards is what I'm saying. You don't ever get the 0 like you're saying, for example.

So what I'm asking for your example with coding the game different, if I have a normal keyboard and I hold A, I will strafe left. If I then press D(while holding A) what happens in the game? Does the game forget that I was holding A? If so, then I won't be able to do the ADADAD spam that I can on a SOCD keyboard by continuing to hold A and just tapping DDD.
This only demonstrates how shit those games are
>There's nothing stopping that functionality from being a toggle in a settings menu
This seems like such an easy thing to solve. Just don't have snappy instantaneous strafing animations. Smooth them out. Done.
Why can you just not answer my question?
I bought my chinese plastic keyboard with extra GAMER buttons 14 years ago for $10 and still use it
there is no reason to buy overpriced shit
Because every game can handle input differently.
>I bought a pair of $10 shoes in Walmart 10 years ago and I still use them
>there is no reason to buy overpriced shit
I will copy/paste my question, since you still aren't answering.

>If I have a normal keyboard and I hold A, I will strafe left
>If I then press D(while holding A) what happens in the game?
>Does the game override my key press and forget that I was holding A?
>If so, then I won't be able to do the ADADAD spam that I can on a SOCD keyboard by continuing to hold A and just tapping DDD.
What keyboard and mouse /v/ recommend?
>I will strafe left
Not with a german keyboard, and not in a racing game.
>>If I then press D(while holding A) what happens in the game?
Depends on the game, whether it's a single movement axis or digital, and the treatment of keydown events.
>>Does the game override my key press and forget that I was holding A?
Once again, the keyboard does not decide what the game does with keydown & keyup events.
>>If so, bla bla bla
Instead of buying a $200 keyboard, the functionality can be patched or modded in to any game for $0.
Alright, you basically have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Now I see why you refused to answer my question so many times.
I'm a software engineer you fucking consooomer cattle
That's great, you still have completely evaded my question a handful of times by now. Thus the only logical conclusion is that you have no fucking clue, and that's why you aren't answering.
Do you need one of these overpriced keyboards, or could this potentially be patched into just about any mechanical keyboard?
As other's have said, in the source engine it's literally just a few console commands.
>or could this potentially be patched into just about any mechanical keyboard?
Wooting were able to release a quick update to their keyboards that enabled it, so it might be possible on other keyboards too.
macros are cheating
>proper controls is now cheating
this is as bad as when people accused headphone users of cheating
true but keyboards with SOCD arent macros
This barely qualifies as a macro imo
All it's doing is removing some input latency
>why won't you answer my loaded question???
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>All it's doing is removing some input latency
Nah, that's rapid trigger. This thing basically removes a "bad" input and makes sure that you only have one input at a time, on a perfect timing every time.
>gamers are just calling it a new mechanic
This pretty much depends on who finds out about it first, if it's the inner clique of trannies within the community is usually okay, on the other hand if it's some random fag stumbling into the community and BTFOing everyone out of nowhere then it's declared as "cheating" and banned.
It's equivalent to removing input latency of lifting your previous finger and fully releasing a key. It's exactly like bunnyhopping bindings.
CS is a cheater paradise.
I'm not sure why you're making a big deal about this.
and whats wrong with that?

i unironically like corsair's shit because they usually have little macro keys on the side which is nice
but if you don't give a shit about that then just get any half decent keyboard people recommend lmao
>snap tap
>null bind
Everyone using these terms are parroting some zoomie marketer.
>(in any decent game)
Useless weasel word qualifier that lets you claim any and all games "aren't decent'.
I've gone ahead and submitted your name to the relevant authorities for euthanasia.
Please make the relevant final preparations and dispose of all your worldly "possessions".
>It's equivalent to removing input latency of lifting your previous finger and fully releasing a key. It's exactly like bunnyhopping bindings.
No. It's perfectly "lifting" the previous button AND perfectly pressing the previous button. It's a two-in-one kind of thing. Not to mention that if you hold A and spam D, you can get perfect strafes with perfect 0 velocity in the middle, which enables you to shoot perfectly in between the strafing, with full accuracy.

games will just have to adapt their design. there is nothing wrong with strafing fast.
keyed fr no cap.
yeah that's usually what that is. "accessibility" just means having players not be required to play the same as everyone else. and to those that play by the rules, someone coming along and disregarding the rules is cheating.
or you simply ruin the game for everyone by changing the rules so it doesn't count as cheating anymore.
imagine letting soccer players grab the ball with their hands and carry it to the goal because some retard cripple can't dribble a ball across the field. that's simply cheating. and if you allow everyone to do that so that everyone plays under the same rules again, then you've just changed the game entirely
>No function keys
>No numpad
It's trash, don't care
>games will just have to adapt their design
they did
the only reason this is getting any attention is because CS is still stuck in 1999 and using shitty mechanics that can be exploited like this
>Everyone using these terms are parroting some zoomie marketer.
Null binds/scripts have been a thing in TF2 for a decade. You are the 2nd person in this thread to write the words "snap tap". SOCD is the mechanical term and it was used in the fighting game scene before all of this.
>games just start checking keyboards for frame-perfect transitions between WASD
Gee, that was easy.
I don't blame him, that shit is absolutely ingrained in my muscle memory as well. I'm not sure how much impact this will realistically have, it won't make pros better, but it might make scrubs a bit better.
Even better to ditch the instantaneous momentum canceling mechanic.
or we could just ignore it abd stop calling shit that is clearly not cheating cheating
>he doesn't know about all of the physical ailments you will ever experience hitting you the moment you turn 30
Do you have a point?

>hit 30 a few days ago
>noticing slight cracking sounds on my back and have to stretch more often to feel "normal"

what the FUCK man
Everything you need to replicate what OP is selling can be with that command in the console.
>it won't make pros better
Then why are pros requesting that these keyboards be banned in tournaments?
>hardware that lets you be a spaz more easily to get kills
I would build detection methods around it like any sane dev would.
Unlike the current devs who just make controller users basically aimbots, making KBM worthless
its not cheating though imagine getting banned cause you changed direction too fast
Okay, now tell me how I can do it in Overwatch or other games.
If Overwatch doesn't have a console, autohotkey or any configurable keyboard driver/emulator.
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socd is the title of the function and there are multiple kinds of socd, after razer added 5 socd modes to their hitbox they decided to put last input priority in to their keyboards
It ain't "cheating", but it's creating behavior no regular keyboard would report to the OS, and I'd want to ensure my game is handling itself correctly in these situations to not give an actual advantage to users abusing it.
>autohotkey or any configurable keyboard driver/emulator.
Yeah, that's a great way to get banned.
That's an entirely different problem.
that's what tits are
>game isn't designed around TAS level inputs
>keyboard makes TAS level inputs easy
It's literally just that, games like counter strike and overwatch don't have any ingame limitations to how fast you can counter strafe because they don't expect players to be able to make inputs that fast, but now they can.
are you gonna start knee capping players with lower pings too?

honestly unless you have way worse than average reaction times, a lot of games you'll still do fine in, especially if you have good amount experience with the game anyway
people meme about fighting games needing fast reactions but you really don't, the shit intended to be reactable tend to be obvious if you're looking for it and as you start to recognize game positions more often and develop plans on your next move without much issue
it wouldn't surprise me if you got all the pro CS:GO players or whatever and tested their reaction times and they only scored slightly better than the average
>my health is shit because of my personal laziness and stupidity leading to bad decisions, therefore it's about age and it affects all human beings regardless of fitness level
normalturd "logic"
>using CS as an example
you can accomplish the same thing with a script in your autoexec thoughever? can in every other source game at least, i don't play it so let me know if they changed that for cs.
when are the chinks going to steal this tech and sell it for $20?
>fix fundamental flaw in the input and make keyboards function as they always should have
>b-but think about the A D A D spam!
All this sounds like is that your choice of gamedev is incompetent. Try that shit in 99% of games and your character will barely go anywhere. Maybe if Overwatch added some inertia to their characters it wouldn't be a fucking issue.
The chink game does this. It's a solved problem.
Every id-tech engine, even.
>What happens when I ADAD spam!??
Yeah let's make the movement less responsive.
in valo you move like a slug, you can't counterstafe properly, the maps are garbage with 0 depth, all the weapons have 0 recoil for the first 5 bullets and the head hit boxes are fucking massive

they made it 10 times easier to headshot in valorant because it looks cool in highlights and destroyed the skill floor and ceiling
>No numpad
No buy. Simple as.
this shit is so useless, yea sure makes counter strafing easier but if u somehow cant counter strafe without this u shouldnt even play the game kek, literally one of the easiest skills

only usefull thing ive seen is rapid trigger and thats only good in rhythm games (specifaclly osu)
You mean the one where they couldn't tell the difference? LMAO
You can legit use anything for controls on pc I don't see anything wrong with it. You can make your own controller for gaming or just buy the keyboard yourself. Razor usually comes out with shity products so it will probably break on them 2 months in. Along as I got a mechanical keyboard with n key rollover and my gpro wireless. I could care less what the other dickheads have as hardware. People reacted like this when macros where new on pc and almost no one uses them. You got a problem with it just use joy2key and an arcade stick as a keyboard. Kinda dumb but you newfags cry about everything in gaming. Back in my day we did not have n key rollover we played with what we had and stayed quiet.
>but if u somehow cant counter strafe without this u shouldnt even play the game kek, literally one of the easiest skills
Meanwhile, actual CS pros are requesting to get these keyboards banned.
Wooting, it has better software also
You can actually build your own custom keyboard with their PCB as well
"Gaming keyboards" are a meme
A rapid trigger keyboard is not a meme
As the anon said, rapid trigger and socd is not the same thing thing. Rapid trigger keyboards are a good thing and perfectly legal, socd is literally cheating
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You can probably already do this with Steam Input and clever layering.
>in CS as it resets your first shot accuracy
Ah, now I see the benefit, thanks.
>Why are PC gamers like this?
Fixed that for ya.

Also, it's because they're pathetic cheaters, who are too stupid to play games by the rules set by the developers. Their intelligence level is far below that which is required to play games appropriately.
>retard strafe spams in front of me
>i aim down the middle
>90% accuracy

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