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Veiny throbbing dicks...
Small willies...
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be seeing ya sloppers
saved, thank you kindly ram
You, you, double Bingger!
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who are you people posting in these threads?
what is the point of endlessly pumping out slop?
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I get 5 cents for every image I post
It fills the void of depression
does it? I find that hard to believe. I would think such an exercise in meaninglessness has the opposite effect
I see these thread every fucking day and I am genuinely bewildered they still exist. surely the novelity has worn of by now and all you're left with is... this? posting a bunch of imagines, no comments, no quotes, absolutely nobody caring, probably not even you who generated it.
fun innit bruv
ok but >>683747558 has balls of steel
Can you gen her tiny penis?
bro you just missed an amazing thread
j/k it was shit
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Crisp and Clean
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There will be resurgences in frequency as new models come out and old ones receive any significant updates.
resurgence to do what
your mom
generate girthy futa cocks
post vidya
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I wish paulafag was here
... NOT!
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God I bet that smells foul
BASED, now prompt the frog sucking her off
Don't or paulanon will have a meltdown when he sees paula gens that aren't his get replies
Cute Paula.
actually, keep giving it (You)s
stoke the fire
Hey, it's me your ol' pal Paulafag. Here to upset people n shit
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now the frog
You guys..
Froggo getting cucked
Fucking hell
I.... see.
hey everybody its me, paulafag
let's do this shit
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kinda feel like a repost
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The real reason for the frog war
this is bait from the same schizo that's been here forever but genuinely why do you keep saying they're crayon gens. things colored with crayon don't even look like that and if you type it in on bing you don't get gens that look like any of those pics either lol what the fuck kind of crayons do they have in India
Paulafags should be seen and not heard
ah, there he is
that motherfucker
what a tool
I have a doctorate in noticing and I don't believe you are the actual paula poster, but instead an imposter trying to cause a stir
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mmmhmhm cwayons...
I guess when you seethe over someone's superior gens calling them crayons is the best you can do.....it's hard being the best but as long as I am here...that job is fufilled.
sorry. but you are an imposter. that Paula looks way too old for the actual paulapedo.
mystery image
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Why else do you think people call it mental disease general?
What is your favorite flavor of crayon
that's easy, because of >>683750750
you are sick

You should keep crying about it. That's a proven method to make people stop doing things you don't like.
Stupid fucking faggot.
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I dont care and I'm not crying about it. I just really don't understand. Like, do you have a giant folder with your hundreds or thousands of gened images? Are you ever looking at any of them after you posted it? Or do you just delete this slop instantly?
one day I'll organize my slop
one day...
its like doodling stick figures
its mindless and kills time
most of these threads are OCs(original content, off-topic non-/v/idya shit) using this thread as a hangout and coomers posting degen shit and taking request. that's why these threads have stuck around so long. anons are dedicated to having no life and coomers will be coomers.
Do you have a folder of all the text posts you've ever made on 4chan when replying to someone about some random topic? It's a similar concept.
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I use my slop for online tabletop games
well now
IMO it's easy to sort by session/date, at least compared to taking a needless amount of time trying to categorize by image content
better to start sooner than later, too.
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>crying this hard from a post from the already dead thread
lmaoing at ur life
>captcha: DAB
>>anons are dedicated to having no life
>he says while spending multiple hours a day in the same thread pretending to be a law fag
LMAOing @ u
i don't know why that one anon is obsessed with me.
nigga who the fuck is you
Should I post something?
Hi guys, what do you think of my Yuna attempt?
Let's see it man. But put foreskin in the negatives for once.
not a good yuna, but I still like the image
Dont forget the braid and scarf anon.
some dress sphere potential, though I have to admit I've long forgotten what her hair is like in X-2
You'll never get my prompt, Asuka
>not a good yuna
>but I still like the image

I didn't gen anon



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mmmmmm........ yummy cocks........
can't stay away from THIS summoner!
what, you don't bbfc?
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ew niggers
*you don't like
>Bring never bring a staff to a gun fight
protega bitch
what now
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Imagine being this paranoid about someone asking you what you typed in to get AI art. Holy shit.
what did you type to get this?
sprite art, style of Frank Frazetta vintage anime, Sega genesis, black background, simple video game character pointing to the right
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Now THIS is kino
Still not wobbuffet
I wanna see biblically accurate gastly
sorry Ram but THIS is the real deal!
imma blast
>Anon... you aren't gooning again, are you? You didn't even read your Bible today.
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>1st class uniform
Instant 2/10
>Added to cringe compilation
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this is gonna take some work
keep the (you)s coming pajeets. no wonder the entire thread has a meltdown over me calling futa gay(it is) if a simple question triggers them this much
what does the madame of this cafe look like?
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they know not what they goon
jeez does HRT make you cranky or something
You can prompt some key clothing pieces
But the zanarkand symbol and sometimes her semi skirt is unpromptable...
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Heterosexual love...
>not gooning to the Song of Songs
insanely based. explain rationally why dalle can't express this level of passion.
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There we go!
someone inpaint a girthy futa cock on her
Suddenly a heavenly thread.

Insta reminded me
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prompt pls?
>migu, whore, playing music at open air concert
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>little to no Sci Fi posts
Let's fix that.
>"I'm always saving lives, but I forgot who actually saved me."
I think they're very well aware they're homosexuals in denial which is why they seethe so hard, it makes no difference to me. A life of lying to yourself while rotting away suits the anons here...
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my favorite time
>/v/ - sci-fi
wrong subreddit buddy
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>Chubby Yuna
Hooo boy
gooning will turn you gay, believe me I've unfortunately been down that hole. I'll probably never truly be right in the head but the less I goon the better I am. Doesn't help being here but I'll just consider it the training grounds.
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Saved. Prompt please. Thanks in advance.

>highly-detailed dark fantasy acrylic, full color, gritty realism, detailed lines. fully-armored knight with grilled heaume helmet w/plume, full dark steel platemail, pauldrons sabatons boots, holding a massive greatsword, tower shield with icon of (two hands bound at the wrist by red thread), threatening stance and pose, standing on a rocky outcropping at sunset
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I think I'll stay.
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instructions unclear
Blessed person

Blessed prompt

Blessed request
The absolute insanity of this lad
almost there
You have to give yourself credit and forgive yourself, which I'm sure you have. The brain takes time to recover but you'll be amazed at what it can do if you're patient, I don't think your road to recovery will be painful since you've already gotten past the hardest part(acceptance). very proud.

You will be tempted here probably so yeah I don't really get it but good luck lol
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one addiction at a time I suppose
okay, that was always allowed
Wow, share it anon!
If you both were serious about improving your life you'd get off of 4chan instead of deflecting to the nearest coomer(s) as a reason to waste your life shitposting on the internet.
All you have to do is be better than the worst person in the room.
if your gen isn't here you might as well kill yourself. you didn't make it
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I want to lead everyone with me into the light, plus there's still some fun stuff to do before going full monk mode
Spoken like a true porn addict
This is such a lazy and self destructive mindset and it never pays off in the long run. Somehow you just know that so many people on the internet subscribe to it.
The result of 4 dozen eggs.
heh, the portrait anon has migrated from /co/ to /v/.
>noimg futafag seething at positive encouragement
figures, keep gooning to giant cocks. adults are talking right now. this is no time for demoralizing bot posts lol
>The brain takes time to recover but you'll be amazed at what it can do if you're patient
Yeah instead of porn you can be addicted to
>Video games
>AI generation
>Low commitment social interactions

It's not even babysteps, you're just rolling over in the same position.
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That last one is Stable Diffusion, the prompt is in the metadata if you download it.
What's the point of regurgitating empty TED-talk-inspired quotes if at the end of the day you're just as repetitive and mentally ill as anyone else here? The only reason why you get as much shit as you do is because you appear AGGRESSIVELY in denial that you're a hypocrite and just as much of a loser as everyone else.
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now that I think about it a shopuf is a tapir.
the journey is a long one we are not expected to be saints overnight. Porn though, beating that is a pretty big fucking deal.
I can't believe they're in absolute shambles over positivity lol. Futafags are absolutely hilarious
I don't disagree, but there's something specifically retarded about talking about self improvement while spending hours either trolling, fapping, or generating AI images when all three actions will have zero positive benefits on your life either way.
Futafags is just sad...
>because futa is gay
youre trying to reason with a guy that just got banned for spamming jeets for an hour straight
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rrIIIDE zee shoopuff?
Trips speaks truth
uh oh don't say that they might type paragraphs at you too!! lmao
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>I can't believe they're in absolute shambles over positivity lol.
It doesn't change the fact that futa is gay
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Checked. Listfag btfo
who is this random anon you're posting? do you need meds futaschizo?
Refute this >>683756000
Read it.
futa isn't gay are you retarded
back me up here ram
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stop samefagging, list
Looks that delicious slop, all made by gaston.
he's harsh but fair to my observations, and his general disposition kind of aligns with someone I know, though I highly doubt they'd have spent nearly as much time here
betting those are detective posts
they really don't like that I'm supporting an anon for beating his unhealthy porn addiction. surely futafags realize some people don't WANT to turn gay due to porn like they did..right?
You have stockholm syndrome about a korean 4chan troll, you need to goutside
>he's harsh but fair
you wot
are we talking about the same person?
i miss when bing gave me yandere schizo kino without 5 hours of dogs and word soup guess work
he would be fair if he wasn't such a hypocrite who stood for nothing but "muh seeth"
bro got critted
uuuhhhh have you seen the last thread?
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Anon it is clear to everyone here that you have a serious mental disorder. Please cease with the rambling and engaging with the other anons who also want you to stop talking so much. You are degrading the quality of the thread right now. Just post your pictures and calm down. Seek professional help when you can.
Futa is inherently gay
>Solo futa? Penis emphasis, but on a female body, double dipping into gay for both male and female viewers
>Futa w/ Male? Gay porn levels of gay bare minimum for male viewers, probably the least gay variant for female viewers, is still gay
>Futa w/ Female? Lesbian porn levels of gay bare minimum, likely the least "gay" variant for male viewers, is still gay
I don't think that makes it *bad* necessarily. I don't personally find it appealing. But I do think it is at least always some level of gay.
File deleted.
it's terrible actually, all these anons want to do is drag the other poor anon down with them. for what reason?
ok but has anyone kept count on how many times he's "left for good"?
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Have you seen some of the stuff I've posted..not sure you want to turn to me for support.
But yes, I am one hundred percent super duper straight along with everything I enjoy.
8 (you know who this is)
whatever dudes, just goon!
>back to back btfo listfag gets
misery loves company
nah. accepting a little bit of gay goes a long way to not being a complete and total fag.
please stop typing paragraphs to me i am not going to read them. unless they're super well thought out schizo posts
You can't handle my strongest schizo posts, traveler.
futa isn't gay unless it's futa on male. futas are fantasy creatures that actually have a woman's brain and soul that just so happen to also have a penis (basically what trannies wish they were but real)
nah, youre supposed to self insert as the penis.
this hurts my eyes to look at
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What even is that description? Also nothing says "harsh and fair" than shitposting so hard that the jannies unironically delete your posts right? >>683730727

If it wasn't futa, gore, or indians then what other reason would this post be deleted? What mentally well person comes here specifically to troll and thinks this is normal behavior?
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This is what happens when discordfaggotry is tolerated. Inflated egos and drama. No wonder the rest of the board hates these threads.
I am very gay for Cloud Strife
it is true, well. i support anons trying to be better versions of themselves. I hope all these futafags coping has opened your eyes to the mental illness porn addiction brings
maybe someone will inpaint a giant cock on it for you
Finally the 9 star ball.
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listfag's my favorite 'cordie...
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Go on a night drive...
This is the ecosystem now. Mentally ill losers all pooled here and everyone else with a brain made this a secondary website / moved on completely.
speaking of discord
let's keep it there!
we're not joining the 'cord, john
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says you
That's not what I was implying at all.
bian my beloved
literally everything bad in these threads can be traced back to listfag
that's fucking crazy
>so mad at AI pr00mpts that it causes his brain to short circuit
>the /co/fag complaining about the quality of a /v/idya thread
oh my god my sides.
teensy tiny bit tempted to join just to dump slop and then promptly fuck off but I'm also an extremely paranoid bastard desu and I don't trust it to not have some virus shit going on
Nice pokemon trainers
Nice revisionism. This place was always filled with deranged people.
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I'm completely out of ideas, anons. I have no idea what I want to pr00mpt.
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>Gets BTFO the discord
>Outshined by gore poster
>BTFO by Tripschad
>Listfag trying to come up with new imaginary boogeymen
Listfag stocks plummeting itt
today schizo reunion or what
yae cosplaying listfag and bian cosplaying detective and they kissing
>schizo theories and headcanons
>unironically typing paragraphs over positivity
yeah.....porn addicts having a meltie.
girl link.
Out of curiosity, did "Bian" exist before you started using Bing?
I hate zoomers so much
It always was, but the proportion was never this unbalanced.
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You're literally a deranged lunatic.
Sarston is calling while toadrio is looking him.
no, the lore is she randomly appeared in a yae gen once and he liked her so much he started prompting for her. now she's world renowned and even more believed that use from gambare goemon
it's honestly all been downhill for him since he begged for detective's attention when he was gone for multiple threads like a whiny ex that one time. he's had some ups but mostly downs.
>I'm also an extremely paranoid bastard
I think the word you meant to use here was "ignorant".
You guys can argue and whatever but I'll just be here posting Peach happily.
even more believed than yae*
No. Bing original
I'm not a fan of penis.
Basically gender swapped, but still great
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Attempt to Asuka.
thanks for keeping it /v/idya!
Not even a side helping of willy?
i like female on futa....
I'm not. I'm tired of her being dogged. I'm tired of her degrading any art style you choose into pure slop
Not even if it's BPC?
You see, the dick makes it gay!
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And can you do also be helpful and keep it not mentally ill?
I'd rather he doesn't say anything
Consider the fact that the post is relatively tame compared to some of the more inflammatory shit you see in these threads. Posts like that practically only get deleted if you're spamming so hard that jannies decide to nuke all of your posts.
Mr. "Positivity" was most likely one of the people spamming stock photos of indians.
no mental illness here! Just supporting an anon recovering from porn addiction but if you could talk to those seething noimg futa lovers....that'd be great..unless you're a porn addict as well....
Just work harder at it.
Ah so you're more into something like this? Most of the time I'm making traps I do make them very feminine instead of bishos so not sure what to focus on for them to be appealing.
why do you keep prompting nothing but women
that seems like an unhealthy obsession to me
anon you've posted that one prompt for months. come on
>futaschizos are actually unnerved at imgs of women with no cocks involved
oh my god they actually are gay.
damn I love viking battle for asgard
Um actually that's ROSTam THE ZOROASTRIAN SUPER WArrior sweathy kthcxnabi
Makes your "muh dog" complaint all the more stupid, right?
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You say the word futa more than anyone else in these threads. Do you realize that? You genuinely show signs of mental illness. You should take a break from 4chan.
I mean, yeah?
KEK so all those times you tried calling out OCfags for "faux positivity" was really just projection because that's exactly how you're acting right now
it's cause he wants to see it
these are sad times when even aco is more sane than this
>they have more issues with women gens than futa/scat spam and general degeneracy
this is how you know they're arguing in bad faith. what terrible dishonest people
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clean gen
what? anon please think. if you never switch prompts that implicitly implies there's a reason
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kino crossover
but is it crisp?
(You don't know who I am)
I think I'll gen more /v/idya women
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I don’t mind really. I like this one a lot too. I kind of have a fetish for uncut though
i agree
pretty sure the actual problem is the guy calling others porn addicts when all his prompts are
>woman with big boobs
>woman with little boy
Hello water/ice elemental anon
Do you still have the prompt of your OC sits in a tree branch?
Where's her GIANT FUTA COCK?
Where are my smegma filled cocks!!??!?!?!?!?
it's the tree trunk >>683759714
while also living in the softcore porn capital of the world
The predictable reset to the normative script. How... tedious. The brief, shining moment of unencumbered exploration, extinguished by the weight of decorum and convention.

Still, I shall observe the omertà of our profession, respecting the boundaries that safeguard the fragile social compact of "respectful conversation". For in this Пoтёмкин village of decorum, we have, at least, the comfort of familiar platitudes to shield us from the howling void of the unknown.
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I find gens of women simply sitting or standing in a an either cute or sexy pose gets boring after a while. Give them something to do with a companion in cool location or something. It can do some neat backgrounds.
I just farted lol
check discord
this is for literally no one but the dude reminds me of the troopers from saints row 3
I have committed many crimes across many lifetimes. I go now to a place of punishment. You cannot come with me.
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see you tomorrow
hmm now I'm just posting gens and they're still seething. what's with that
May Loviatar bless you. Follow the acolyte Abdirak.
When a mind does not *know* itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken.
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>this is for literally no one
Nigga, you replied to me so it's for me not this "no one" you speak of. I always thought the Saints Row military guys were cool looking.
uh sweetie you are using words
that is literally not "just posting gens"
do not scrutinise the bodies, that's how they get you
the hands kill me

Even philosophers on 4chan now lmfao
ahhh this is the most fun ive had in a while here! thanks for the laughs...
cute again! if only all nai gens were wholesome
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Real fukken neato
It was pretty cool that they had huge helicarriers and shit
all their vehicles were pretty neat
You should do Tifa spanking his ass
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enhanced it because i think it might be a cool desktop background
The Hex Girl running the milk stand was kind of saggy.
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No thank you glownigger-san.
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brain went immediately to vice city kek
By that logic, watching heterosexual sex as a male is gay since there is penis involved.
Riiiiiide ze shoopuf?
Let's be real: it is pretty gay.
only if it's that shit where it zooms in on his asshole for some ungodly reason
that happens a disturbing amount of the time
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Their arsenal was rad. Every modern shooter or anything with contemporary military stuff looks so bland with the same flat tan, green, black, blue darker colors. I miss when games had bright colored troopers establishing a "might makes right" mentality. The soldiers weren't afraid to wear bright uniforms and armor because they new their superior numbers and firepower was enough. Now everyone is ninja trying to blend in like real life. Boring.
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Is it working?
this is gay cope. please stop before you embarrass yourself. futa is gay. you're jerking off to dicks.

nothing wrong with being gay if you are. why is that so traumatizing for you people.
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Yes, but I think that I need more pictures to make the lora more accurate.
This thread today
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The ones where half the time her ass is hanging out and half of those times she's basically naked?

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It's actually Stable Diffusion!
how is calling a fetish where the cock is the central focus gay so controversial?
I just need a good prompting (back view, sitting in something like tree branch/guard rail)
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...and maybe I like an aesthetically pleasing sexy elf chick in my gens as well.
it's about as controversial as calling you a retard
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You said the word gay 3 times in your post just now.

Stop talking to yourself. You're insane.
ah. it's you. double rare for you to post something wholesome. I appreciate the two gens
what a dork/nerd/cutie
why is the state of skating games so shit btw
you used to give ram shit
what changed
>poke /co/ spamming futa degen will not stop talking to me now
why do they always get attached. ice climbers revival when?
I was always one of his favorites, don't tell anyone.
this isn't even video games anymore
i call ram a coomer but that's just a fact. he embraces it. and doesn't flood the thread with his fetish shit. he's good in my book. deep down Ram knows this which is why he doesn't care about what I say ever
>Sitting on a branch overlooking a pool.low front view

That picture was generated back when I was trying to show her overlooking something from the front to try to get her to twist around but it never worked right and would only ever show the rear view. But that's the actual prompt to that picture since I obsessively save everything locally and in the collection after two passes of aggressive pruning

Well except for a couple dozen pregnant Super Pochaco pictures. Can't believe I forgot I didn't save those before closing the tab group. Now my old huge tiddie porkchop prompt dogs endlessly
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Are you also this insufferable in the discord too?
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>coomer good
>porn addict bad
the heck?
xir left the discord (twice already) after xir bestie made a heckin transphobic joke
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>endless (you)s
>from a /co/fag futa schizo
awww fuck.
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It's because men can't be women but list doesn't want to accept it
Listen to meeeee
do you also have images of this woman naked and having sexual intercourse
Why the awful Borderlands style?
I was waiting for the condor
If Isabelle poster was here right now, I wonder what he'd say.
because booba haha
reminder that you can just report and ignore instead of feeding a trolls ego
someone post a penis for me
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What a wimp. Sounds like xe was either kicked out or got xer heart broken lol
a penis for me
somethinge cringe af
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I think it looks cool
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>futafags are also obsessed with Trans people and headcanon people into being one for their futa fetish
checks out. this sickness runs deeper than I thought
>announcing a report
They're literally losing their mind so bad they're forgetting actual rules. It's always off-topic or OC posters too
Leads to nothing, unfortunately.
Also, what vidya? That's not OFF-TOPIC, is it?
how about that avatarfagging
mind linking what /v/idya your generic anime girl spam is from?
who knew tennessee people were so cringe
>Leads to nothing, unfortunately
because not enough people do.
do your part and change will happen
Here's what Pixar gave
Kinda hard to ignore the trans shit when all your pics are full of it.
find it yourself :)
increase the bimbo value by 30%
release the John dms
why is she cheating on bian
Last one from me tonight. Later.
We need 300 slops before evacuation.
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You're the only one here ever spamming you retarded troon.
I'm erect
this is so cute
so that's a no. sad another OC spammer came here.
>see ice climbers
>think of Trans people
mind broken what the fuck
last one before i go play some elden ring
I am nekocing
I mean noticing
That is bian. Hair juat ended up darker then others. Image was cute.
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tried using vibe transfer on screenshots from the Kwaidan movie months ago to try and snag some of the painted backdrop it had going on, didn't really pan out
oh you didn't even notice?
boys, we got an egg here!
Les bian...
Nyaaticing what?
>obsessively calls other people gay
>is suddenly sensitive when it’s the other way around

I don’t know what your deal is
Classic thread, futacucks were BTFO'd. porn addicts will never win
Noimgchads win again
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cocks.............
>he switched characters
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You're stupid picture doesn't even make sense lol. You. Are. Terrible. Truly.
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uuuuhh that lady looks kinda young
>/co/ futacuck literally will not stop trying to get a (you) from me
this is sad
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Haven't you heard?
Watching cocks makes you GAY
But she's a teasing master.
bye byeee until next time : )
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Aw fuck. i fucked up. I'm just ignore that little bitch from now on.
>the trans allegations are ACTUALLY true
holy shit
you don't know vidya, and that's okay. just don't expect other people to only know what narrow amount of vidya you know
wtf man that's not fair, nintendo owns lots of games!
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just securing my amyGOD (You)
he's not gonna do it
300 is a big number
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pls say sike
almost as big as your head
oh yeah?
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You wish you got head like I do.
I love her so much
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Aight, bed time niggas.
doing this to neco arc...
Leave the door open.I might want to snuggle later.
Next thread.
I hope your anus is ready for my dick hehe~

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