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Bloons TD 6 update 44 soon (tm) New Mermonkey (magic category amphibious) on the way
Update preview: https://youtu.be/cb22AG0JIVw?si=VRxCHfoLw7MLeqlB
It actually looks really cool, hopefully it doesn't end up like Beast Handler
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I was about to make a thread too glad I refreshed to check just in case
Mermonkey looks cool, want to try it out
Ay, I hope if they ever make another tower, it’s a clown tower
I hope Rosalia gets fixed
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Psi a cute
she looks op
Giantess porn of Mermonkey when?
Hopefully never
i can’t wait to draw them. i might try to replicate the bloons style this time
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It's almost certainly coming out next tuesday or wednesday, they've delayed CT for it already.
I'm so fucking excited bros
I've been taking a bit of a break sorry, B bros so I'll probably jump back in for the update
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Mermonkey-only Flooded Valley co-op CHIMPS when?
this skin is great
Get fucking hyped bros it’s been too long since the last new tower
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An anon suggested I post my Gwen request here, here goes nothing. >>>/trash/67693782
>mfw It's been over a year since beast handler got added
For how much longer do you think they'll keep updating the game?
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Do NOT get hype, everyone fucking hated beastie boys when he came out.
so fucking cute, that's awesome
I still hate him now
this skin in game looks worse than I thought it would, looks like she has a moustache
I'm so fucking happy I'm not the only one that sees the moustache
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B team this is absolutely pathetic only two people played for the entire first day
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interesting colors for the other tiers, one on the right might be a placeholder
i NEED to see the one on the left from the front, i picture much tentacle porn in our future
i feel sorry for you two, i don't see it at all
It's fine dude, people either weren't in it for the long haul or they're burnt out, wait for the update
A-team also hasn't been all that active this event, I think everyone's just tired of Boss rush.
Doesn't seem like it's getting any updates on v44 either...
I think most people just don't really like Boss Rush very much, can't blame them
i mean, it's pretty fun but there isn't a huge amount of variety to it. and not having two of the 5 bosses kind of sucks
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>not having two of the 5 bosses kind of sucks
That might be for the best, imagine having to deal with Vortex stunning your towers on every kill or Lych healing everytime you sell something
i can in fact imagine it, and i truly believe it sounds like fun mechanics to play around
it's not like you have to kill the boss, just get as many tiers as possible out of it, i literally don't see the issue
Most of the major boss mechanics (big ceramic wave, zooming+portal, immunity swap) only happen every ten rounds so I imagine vortex's stun would happen then as well. That's probably also when Lych would do its immunity trigger until you kill the ghost.
I mean, if the mechanics make the boss too hard or annoying then the less experience members of the team might not even play it, and being unable to get a high individual score just means it takes longer for the team to reach the next island
BTD5 is still getting updates, so I expect BTD6 to still get updates for at least a few more years. Plus we don't even have all the paragons yet.
The real question is if we'll still be having threads at that point
i don't see why not, we don't need one every day. hell, we used to have them kind of bi-weekly for like a year
Chutes Impop: UVAWLO
we going for the chad limited monkey selection?
So 6 Master Crossbows I imagine? I'm down is everyone else is.
If you guys want to try it then I don't mind, the problem is gonna be surviving until we can afford the first crossbow
Glues don't mix you retard
One pops what it hits though. And the blender is going to be in the middle where the slow/stun glue would be.
Bros what do we do, we don't have the BAD damage
Maybe we sell everything and get a bunch of plasma monkey fanclubs?
Sell glue for 4th crossbow maybe?
p2 here, i got nothing to sell or even do really, it's up to you now, save the world
Maybe we sell the relentless cause it can't affec the BAD and once it pops the ZOMGs are out of reach anyway
we're fucked
i kind of wish we still had a glue strike, it's all that can help us now really
You can pay for the next continue :^)
If this doesn't work we try PMFC next
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f-for the team...
P1 sell your crossbows dude
glue strike, helps alot here
what the fuck was that timing
Oh man that way way early.
Wow, we managed to find one use for the Plasma fanclub.
im down 1k monkey money
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It was so worth it
I thought I still had my rejuv potions but the game didn't give them back with the continue, it didn't restock any of my fucking items actually
High Finance Impop: UVCRVA
Beat like 2 expert maps on medium and you'll have made it back lol
Should I sell the figure now that it's on 80k?
sorry, literally forgot all this time
huh, pretty easy when we're allowed to farm and don't restrict ourselves to like, 2 towers
Farming op
We could try doing CHIMPS on an easier map next game
Monkey Meadow CHIMPS: UVDUCM
sure, i'm missing basically all beginner chimps personally and the rest too but baby steps
Going to grab a snack really quick.

I haven't done the co-op CHIMPS maps either. Been doing all the Impops first.
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It's the little collar thing on her dress, here's my artistic representation to hopefully make it easier to see
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uh, game mode easy?
Game will start in 5 minutes. Just want to get something out of the microwave so I dont have to get up in the middle of a game.
Don't worry I got all the beginner medals, this should be even easier than solo play because of multiple heroes
Probably just forgot to change it
I like the idea that someone managed to stick a gag mustache on her and she can't remove it because of how her arms work
5/0/2 Heli?
I like Commanche better Tbh
>Alch buffing heli
yeah i just barely had etienne level 3 off cooldown, when you saw it appear was a soon as i could hit it
It was my fault, I was looking at the thread and didn't give a camo potion to Adora or the heli, sorry about it
alch buffing the heli was fine i have no idea why geraldo's camo pot went on adora instead of my heli
i dont want this hoe to take 10 years stalling
Alch buff runs out almost immediatly on heli, you're better off getting an overclock for it
Also Commanche is goated dude, way better save up and midgame than Razor Rotors and if you buff the tier 5 with Geraldo it absolutely shreds
who wants money next?
Is it cool if I go for a wizard?
do eet
Apache costs a fortune, we need to save up for it first
i guess razor rotors does eat up the buffs even when it isnt popping which is gay
gg :)
Anyone down to do another?
Of course
We're still playing though
I like it when they do non conventionally colored monkeys, like the druid or the ice monkey
look at the little webbed fingers, incredible
I feel like its weird that the Mermonkey sits on a rock when in the water instead of being waist-deep in it.
you need a platform to stand on in order to jackhammer her fish pussy properly, hard to thrust in water
what did you buy P3?
Does she have a fish asshole though?
oh sbrit i see
Super Brittle
Should I have gone for something else?
It probably just makes the design easier. having half of mermonky's body submerged means it's harder to make unique designs and have them all be visible. You can see in the trailer that upgrades also change the design of the rock too so they've probably thought about it and decided to make the rock an important part of the design
but also dart monkey gets a fucking different colored wristband for his upgrades, so who knows
i just thought you were going for glue storm
i didnt see the s brit
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ah, we finally ask the important questions.
what are we working with down there? pussy as the waist where the body meets to tail? pussy on the tail? asshole on the tail? i'm truly not sure what the best option should be
Apache Prime when DDTs
gg though, CHIMPS freeplay is so much fun

Co-op with 4 players makes the game so much more fun because you get 4 heroes which mix up the gameplay a bit.
I can already predict the mermaid anatomy is gonna make drawing porn of it so much harder, they don't even have a cute monkey butt
I'm thinking Inferno Ring + Primary Mentor/Expertise could be fun this game.
sure, put it near gwen
Is Goatboy around? Sounds up his alley.
P2 you should get heart of vengeance on your Druid of the Storm it’s free attack speed
I thought it only applied if you lost lives, good to know, thanks!
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Look at this dude
the buff does but heart comes with a 10% bonus for free, it's like an extra jungle drums for $200
Its still a 10% bonus up front anyways.
i am enraptured, infatuated, and utterly in love
looks gay
bloons is gay
you are all gay
P1 not that it matter at this point but it would have been a lot better to do 502 tack since with p-mentoring the range would have covered the whole track anyway and bottom path buffs ROF significantly
Haven't seen him around in a while. Hope he's doing well.
What do we do for the BAD? Glue strike and hope the poplusts can do it?
inferno handles it easy with embrittle and gwen buffs
I thought inferno did like fucking nothing for BAD damage though
I would have placed it even further back, but I didn't want to undershoot it.
yes, but with a few buffs from support and a dedicated hero that all changes
Middle path buffs pierce on meteor as well as range although bottom path gives it like +200 damage or something
If any drawfrens are here I'd like to request this but with a Ball Lighting druid instead
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really? i wish middle path description mentioned that, i didn't know. why must i comb the patch notes each update for arcane and obscure tower knowledge
He's still around, he mentioned he was taking a break from drawing monke 'cause of burnout
That’s a LOT of unstable cocks
Place your bets, does this beat 140?
Thanks for letting me know, wasn't aware. Might have to put the request on hold until he swings back around, see if he's interested or not.
I didn’t wanna be right :(
You were right...
We could've beaten that if we had glue storm btw
welp gg, atleast we TECHNICALLY popped the f.bad
Another game?
Sure why not
I'm going to be like 10 minutes because I'm making some food.
Any good resolution images of mermonkey released?
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Afaik the best we have are >>683750196 and >>683769175
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Yeeeeeah I can't work with this
Sorry gentlemen, the horny sketches will have to wait
Welp, that's a shame. Usually youtubers and the wiki get early access for updates so keep an eye on those and you might be able to get a good look on the mermonke
Bro died
Bro ressucitated
Who wants what?
Who wants to buy what?
I mean it seems like we're doing Tackzone + Glaive Lord
Guess so lol
Which of the two embrittlements should I make into super brittle?
I think the boomerangs might be a little too good at stalling
I actually thought we'd pop the f.bad, ah well
Good night thread. Don't be like my asshole neighbor mowing their lawn close to 2 am in the fucking morning.
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Nighty night anon
Wait 'till you see the tier 5s :)
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Crackhead neighborhood?
optimal performance?!?!
Damn, GG
Middle Of The Road CHIMPS: UWMBCH
>Beast Handler pops: 1,286,665
>Beast Handler cost: 50k
>Geraldo bnuuy pops: 943,051
>Bnuuy cost: 6k
Another massive win for the Fraud Handler agenda
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What are your hopes for her in the patch notes?
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>Beast Handler at back of the track
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>Lategame where most of the pops happen
>Dozens of ZOMGs constantly reaching handler
>Bunny still outperforms it for cheaper
So are we ever going to get BTD7 or are we stuck with BTD6 like Valve fans are stuck with L4D2/TF2?
>Move T-Rex away from the bloons
>Dart Monkey outperforms it for cheaper
please buff tack in the next patch
I don't get what you're complaining about, BTD6 is still getting constantly updated with new content unlike those two, there's nothing they can't do in BTD6 that they could in BTD7 so what's even the point in making it?
Faster leveling speed
Reworked level 20
Better buffs for heli and ace
I sometimes just click on Sauda because the cheerful "Hey" she says makes me happy
So Im assuming you are one of the kiwi devs, so what was the point of BTD6 when you can just update BTD5? What is the point of sequels? Why just name it BTD instead of BTD6? Whats the purpose of the name? Most devs make Game, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4: Final, and then "Game". You should have just named it Bloons Tower defense since you never intend on making a new game ever again and putting low effort hero towers in sparse updates.
>nerfed tack zone's top path crosspathing some more
>please crosspath tack zone with the middle please!!!
fully expecting this
Make her move faster and preferably be able to attack while in transit. She's fundamentally flawed without that
>We’ve heard the desire for tack shooter buffs so we’ve increased middle path’s tier 4&5 ability pierce by 50 and returned it’s damage type to “sharp”
BTD7 will definitely remove the ice monkey water platforms because they've gone on record to state how much they regret it so I hope they keep updating 6 forever
>Round 80
>Churchill still hasn't unlocked MOAB barrage
>So Im assuming you are one of the kiwi devs
I am not. What point are you even trying to make? Your post makes no fucking sense
Did they remove that mechanic in Battles 2? It feels too important to the tower to just remove it like that
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>they regret water platforms
Huh I never heard anything about that, it's also a mechanic I haven't seen much but at the same time they kind of support it with the temple staying on water even after removing the ice monkey. Interesting they think it's a mistake.
This is my last game for tonight I'm afraid, if the thread is still up tomorrow we'll play some more for sure
>Get fucking hyped bros it’s been too long since the last new tower
>>mfw It's been over a year since beast handler got added
>For how much longer do you think they'll keep updating the game?
do you guys know how long it was between dartling gunner and beast handler? 3 fuckin years
it's been the cause to a lot of glitches so presumably they don't like how much work it's caused them
>military only off the coast vortex
interesting boss
All good, I've been playing very lazily for the last few games anyways.
Oh man, please they atleast have no hero restrictions
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Boy I can predicted the ranked strat for this will fucking suck
Can Special Poperations even make enough money to afford sub paragon, which is what I assume will be used here?
I don't know if you'll be able to afford the paragon in time, I think at the very least you might want to energizer ben asap for his boosted lategame cash.
I don't know if subs + spop can beat tier 3, I think you may be able to afford subgon by tier 4, because there's no shot you veat that without a paragon.
Imagine if the strat was all T5 dartlings
Might have to get a MAD or RoD for tier 3, then you sell it to afford the sub on tier 4. Benjamin is definitely necessary here I think. All the subs + Ben + Dartling + Heli would be 31 tiers which feels like a LOT for a non-elite boss
>Imagine if the strat was all T5 dartlings
No fucking shot, MAD struggles with tier 3 depending on the map, I'm not sure if all 3 could even beat tier 4
32* tiers sorry, the paragon counts as an extra tier right?
Yes, paragon counts as one, minimum amount for a paragon is 19.
I don't know, mad and ray of doom are strong but you usually have ultraboost so without that I don't know if they can handle T5. I think they could beat T4 though.
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i think a machine/non monkey hero that messes with your tackshooters and spike factorys and shit would be cool it would be like a big mining vehicle that gives them more resources for greater stats and eventually maybe could change the shape of the track by placing dirt piles the bloons would go around and you coulld put towerds on them
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as if i wouldn't be here for this historic day, please. this one is just a wip for now, ill do it as a color version but i didn't want to just post a lineart for the thread

oh and also if you have any requests feel free to post them here, i can do them tomorrow if the thread is up
You never miss, this is great stuff
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I'm so happy you're back, you wouldn't believe it
Requesting sexo with the little special poperations marine

>if you have any requests feel free to post them here
anything involving benjamin with his dick out,, theres so little of him porn wise
Something with the new Psi skin
If you're alright with drawing that, I mean
They might help with saving up for the subgon but since they can't do much for the tier 5 itd just be wasted tiers. I think the 32 tier strat I proposed might be the way to go but we'll see.
I'd love to talk more but have it's really fucking late and I have to go to sleep, do me a huge favor and keep the thread bumped, post some cute monkey images or whatever once it reaches page 10
Also just realized you will need something to give intel for the sub, I don't think just Benjamin is enough
To follow up on these
Jiang Shi Sauda angrily hopping after whoever stuck a fake mustache on her
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I still recommend that manga with Tomoe bruv
Also maybe Rosalia getting the sweatiest rimjob known to monkekind, damp pantsu
Or Brickell golden shower in her pool she seems the type, even if she'd deny it Yuri optional i'm not picky
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Cake Baker being welcomed by the team like Cozy Monke was
Would also love to see a finished version of that Monkey King WIP you made
what a horrible fucking island for this boss
Is every tower really getting a paragon? Because the last one we got was over half a year ago.
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Patch being oblivious to the fact that she's the only female monkey that doesn't wear clothes.
Guys, I'm new to a game, just got Sauda as the obvious newfag's first choice, but what about Psi? I like everything about him, but I don't know if he is worth it.
From a distance it looked like as though she was wearing a bikini
I'd say he works as a next step up in hero complexity. He takes longer to ramp up but can surpass Sauda before being at max level, needs more planning to get the nest use of his skills, and his higher cost will help teach a new player to budget and save early on
He's good and fun. Think of him as a sniper that shoots through walls. He doesn't do damage to bloons, he outright deletes them out of existence.
Like a sniper that does infinite damage, but just shoots slower the stronger a bloon is. Place him, set him to strong, and then forget about him unless you need to hit his abilities as a panic button.
Which profile banner should I buy?
okay i found a pretty consistent 100 setup for it actually. island 4
>start: 002 spactory on close. in the top left area, put it in the top right corner of the track and move it left a bit so the close is on the top part of the track
>sauda to the left on strong, spam ability
>put tack in middle of map
>up spactory to 032
>tack to 302
>104 ninja top left
>203 super on strong top left
>set spactory to smart once close is out of range
>place 000 dartling all the way right, center, down a bit
>104 ninja to the left of that
>as soon as you have 30k, sell ninja and spactory on left and upgrade ninja on right to 105
>320 ice left of ninja
>up dartling to 240
>230 spactory above the ninja, leave room for a village
>sell super at 48k
>up dartling to 250
>up spactory to 240
>buy 220 village
>up ice to 420
>420 tack left of ice
>up spactory to 250, spam ability
>502 and 025 dart above village
>050 dart top right, far as it will go
>wait until skull ~73 ish
>sell everything and buy dart paragon on the 050 dart
>buy 520 ice, 250 dart, 105 ninja, 240 village, 052 glue, etc to close it out
nabbed a 108 with this. the paragon ends up being only degree 1. you might be able to wait longer to get a higher degree, but boss will get a lot further. it's a tradeoff
okay I waited until about skull 76ish and got a degree 10 instead and that pushed me up to 112. not too shabby
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Wanted to replicate to make a video out of this and I'm having a hard time following the midgame part. The 420 ice I placed was outside what you mentioned so ignore that.
What's the point of the 320 ice left of the 105 ninja if it's supposed to be on the right side of the map when phayze is still at the start? Same with the spactory for the ninja. I think I'm misunderstanding where you want to place those.
Anybody still up for coop?
Bazaar strat? https://youtu.be/n771Xa_wjPc
the which chipmunk is getting the best head meme but it's Quincy, Etienne, and Benjamin receiving head from Gwendolin, Rosalia, and Adora respectively
Perhaps too late to request but one Anon promised me and never delivered.

Twink Striker Jones.
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you couldn't pay me enough to dress up like that for monke poppy balloon game
Not being limited by flash.
Psi getting a good dicking while levitating and with psi hands pinching her nips would be baller
imagine the Beast Handler and Mermonkey getting along
it's funny

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