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Play and discuss fighting games
Is coffee good for you?
Wait, this isn't /vg/?
I use DL Pay now.
I could learn uni, but i'm sure this dlc player boost will die off in a couple days
Now is the best time as any to pick it up.
Yeah most sales newbros will quit after a week or so but at least you can learn the basics playing against them.
Lotsa noobs in the /v/ lobbies too
Hideous art.
UNIB anons have hosted several successful lobbies in the last few months. even before the sale
You will never be Japanese, weeb.
more pls
>play KOF15 for an hour, was fun
>play SvC chaos for an hour, was fun
Maybe I need to play more snk games
>Opponent wins
>I always accept the rematch
>I win
>Opponent declines the rematch
imagine a fighting game with no DPs
nope. I'm worth looking at
Tekken 8
Any Kaguya mains here?
Am I supposed to set up bombs with TK214C? I feel like Kaguya has to run after her opponent less after TKing it
Nice art.
>can only buy in certain amounts
ohhhh that is so annoying
i thought we moved past the xbox 360 days
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SCVII when?
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Defend this
UNI bros, is kaguya hard to learn? I just bought the game, and I'm deciding between her or enkidu to main cause I like using big muscle-y niggas or hot chicks in fighting games. Also considering tsurugi
good lord is this a mod?
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Nitroplus Blasterz
Arcana Heart 3
Chaos Code
Street Fighter V
Samurai Shodown
Soulcalibur VI
MVC2 (Fightcade)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (RPCS3)
Aquapazza (RPCS3)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
Vampire Savior (Fightcade)
Ultra Street Fighter 4

NA East

Would anyone like to play for about 30 minutes?
She's almost 60...
I'm this guy >>683753779 and so far she seems quite easy to learn. There's one combo (the wiki actually calls it "The Combo") which you can do after any or almost every button of hers. It's pretty funny.
Oki and general gameplay is still a mystery for me, but I think she's more setplay oriented than zoning oriented
I want to try Nitroplus Blasterz. I actually have that one.
Sure. I'll make a lobby shortly. Just need to connect my controller.
Coffee is great
Looks like I don't even have it downloaded. I'll join when it finishes.
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>playing SamSho V Special with friends
>I think Enja is neat, start trying to learn him
>he's bottom tier
>his rekka is fucking stupid
Do I keep at it, anons?
Built for shotas
Do it anon
Be sure to hit that just frame
Ah. Well I have the lobby ready whenever you get it installed.
Don't be that asshole in the friend group who actually cares about tiers.
None of you are good enough for top level tournament competition.
Get a life, man. Anytime I look anywhere related to fighting games you're posting this shit.
Dude just wants to play videogames anon. Leave him be.
Yeah I just look at them for the hell of it, almost all of my favorites in games end up bottom tier anyways
I could beat every single one of you in any game but I'm not making a lobby because reasons
I'll call it there. Wasn't expecting someone who actually knew what they were doing.
What if I make the lobby?
clayton was right, SF6 looks and feels heavier
He's shit tier mainly because his movement is way too limited and specialised for rushdown, especially in a game where hit and run is the optimal strategy, but he's still viable because he's a high damage gorilla. VSp is unironically a game where most of the trash tiers are viable, given the high damage overall makes it volatile.
A lot of VSp's bottom tiers still have many good things going for them, like Zankuro with his heavy slashes if you use them properly. They just don't shut down the game like e.g. Kusaregedo and Shizumaru do.
Which one has more chances of happening?Soulcalibur 7 or dead or alive 7?
doa 7
Nitroplus Blasterz is my favorite fighting game by a wide margin. I've been playing it on and off since 2016.
I didn't mean to overwhelm you like that. I just hadn't played with anyone since last year and everything suddenly began to click. I could see what you were going for with Mora there and I liked how you used your 5E to avoid the throw since it makes her airborne. Ruili is sort of difficult to deal with, especially online since she has a fairly fast overhead. But her main weakness is her poor range. Nitroplus can be sort of difficult to learn since there aren't many players now, so thank you for playing with me anyway.
Something came up sorry!
Fuck you.
I would have beaten your ass anyway
>I could see what you were going for
lmao I was just mashing. You don't need to patronize me like that.

How good are you at Soul Calibur 6? I'm decent at that I guess but it's been a long while.
rooibos tea is the devil. I feel so sick right now bros
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DoA7 probably but even still I miss Soulcalibur too. The EVO side tournament top 6 was awesome
I refuse to play fighting games.
fuck 6 so much
i would be ruined.
Is this uzuki you hilda anon?
I wish he was worse honestly. People get pissed when I pick him all the time. Is it so wrong for me to play a character who is LITERALLY me?
>had enough with Slime Fighter, Soive, and Tekken Jive
>play lower player count fighter instead
>opponent dumpsters me
>he backs out after the first match
>next guy backs out before the match starts because he sees me as a waste of time
There is no winning
I was being serious, I didn't mean it in a condescending way...
I thought the throw avoidance thing you did was intentional. You also got in a good counter hit against me when I was trying to mash. That was really smart, or at least I thought it was.

I'm not so good at SC6. Or at least, I know the basics of how to use Cassandra, but I don't know how to fight every character that well. I've played it online a bit and usually get beaten out by whatever thing I don't understand from characters like Groh, Azwel, et cetera.
Soul Calibur. Dead or Alive is 100% dead. Soul Calibur is mostly dead but may be given a chance some day.
>loosing streak
And that's enough fighan for the night
The only intentional thing I did there was pick the loli with a hammer.

Want to try a game of Soul Calibur? I'm pretty much the same way. If someone has an offensive gameplan then I'm totally screwed.
Pretty much every 3D fighter except Tekken is unplayable online.

Please, Harada, make Pokken 2 and drop field mode entirely.
Sure, I'll make a room.
Why you losing bro?
>unironically being a faggot
Cool! It has to download though sorry lol. About halfway there.
>Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
I've been trying to get someone to play this with me for ages. would you like to play tomorrow night for a few hours?
live long and prosper
imagine behaving this way when someone is actively trying to play something on /v/. This place is such a shithole
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Because I'm sleepy and started playing like a gorilla
I know :(. But it's dead anon not likely to return
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>get real friends to play fightanz with in the same room
>always a fun time
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Terry Bogard shall be my main in three separate games: KOFXV, City of the Wolves, and Street Fighter 6.
>sandbag to give buds a fighting chance
>beam with pride as they learn and grow
>years later they find out you were sandbagging all the while
>they ghost you for being a manipulative snake
No problem.
Apparently, I can't make a private lobby and send an invite in SC6, so I'll just make a public one to give the link once you get it installed.
But if that doesn't work, it will be called "Ogre Factory" like last time.
I don't know if I'll be here tomorrow, but I'll try to make it if I can. I've been busy with a lot of stuff as of late, so no guarantees.
I didn't know this was even a consistent thing on /v/ to begin with, as I haven't been here in quite some time.
If Kusaregedo is literally you then I think you have to wear it
At what rank can I be considered decent at tekken?
Well I have it up for whenever you get it ready.
>tfw the creator of guilty gear was a pro LGBT Satanist from the game Bridget first appeared in
how does this game have a fan base on /v/?
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>play arakune because silly blob guy
>wreck any noob
>but die to any semi-competent player who knows the matchup
Blob too hard. How do I win as blob
Almost there. Not sure how active this game is now but it's probably a good idea to make sure the lobby is 2 slots so other people don't join. My name starts with Blue.
Learn the recurse set up and pray you get it in a match.
Until recently, you could buy things on DLsite without points but the credit card jews had a problem with that so now you have to do this roundabout bullshit to buy things from there.
I saw a few lobbies when I made it, so there are still at least a few people. But for some reason, Steam disconnected me randomly and my internet appears to be working normally, so not sure what that was. I'll have to make another 2 person lobby as such, so that link is now defunct.
If he was then he was never open about it at the time. Also satanism is cool
A lot of anons on /v/ don't care about that shit.
Nice thanks
>Satanism is cool
what did you mean by that?
I am now finally ready.
Even if retains 10% of those players, that's like 200 people out of 2000 tourists.
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Well, yeah, that may be useful, but how would that help me in getting out of opponent's pressure? I just genuinely can't understand when is my turn to play. Like, with Azrael I can just DP when scared, or with Tager I can gamble with grabs and hard reads
but arakune? The fuck am I supposed to do other than blocking and praying for opponent's mistake being made?
Satanism is the opposite of hot
Kaguya main here. Set up bombs by ending your combo in 3C>B followup (1 hit) then 214A if you're in the corner or 214B if you're midscreen. If you think they're going to back tech do 214[B] instead.
If you have meter to spend and you're in/near the corner do 3C>B followup>623A>j214C or 3C>B followup (1 hit)>214A>j214C for better oki but slightly less damage.
Alright, here's the new lobby, assuming my steam cloud thing doesn't make me have to restart this again.
Been playing mostly fightcade and ps2 game.

I don’t fancy myself modern fighting games. KOF15 is the closest thing. The game is probably gonna die even if the Ikari warriors whip out their “abba” code to keep SNK alive.

16 ain’t ever happening, but if it did, it would likely start a new saga because what other Verse things could they spawn. Not to mention SNK Josuke and Splatoon bitch aren’t really that interesting.

It would probably do seasons like Killer Instinct. But not finish half way through.

1. Evil Wizard cult from the dark world might be hosting a Kof so two of their traitors join in to get their vengance. They also have Iori on their team because the wizards annoyed him once.

2. Evil Wizards are back and team traitors go on a killing spree on all their generals, even killing the boss.

3. The wizards are thought to have been dead, so the mysterious Anastasia returns to host another KOF. The Evil Wizards return under a new boss and try to trash the tournament. The Traitor team all kill the new boss.

It ends with the two traitors running off to kill the remaining generals and other guys. Iori and Kyo fight for the final time, and actually kill eachother.
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I have and will continue to main Reina
Believable but where's the source
>You were unable to join the room
What the heck
Uzuki is fun
Steam suddenly started glitching out for me out of nowhere.
I'm trying to find a solution, but I have never had this happen to me before.
Very sorry about that.
In the meantime, can you host?
Damn those are some useful tips. Especially the (1 hit) part. Thanks anon, I will try it out once I get a match
Yeah I threw a room up. Just search it.
Name is anon and Hardcore Battles to make it easier to find
When the FUCK are we getting Virtua Fighter 6?
Does SFV still have a healthy amount of players in ranked? I miss playing R.Mika
>movie-length 50 bajillion hit combos
These always look so dumb.
The recurse suggestion was a joke unless you really want to gamble resources on a 1/3 chance to reacquire your win condition. With Arakune on defense you need to remember that risk/reward is heavily skewed in your favor as a 5A mash is enough to get you your win condition so a competent opponent is going to play around that and run mainly ODR safe pressure that keeps you locked down. Making use of your reversal super and your CA in pressure also work to reset to neutral or in the case of the super get a full curse going, throw OS + fuzzy jumping is always good even if Arakune has longer than normal prejump, the teleport on the dash is a gimmicky way to get out of pressure but you shouldn't completely disregard gimmicks. The main thing is just to learn the opponent's pressure strings and react better as well as being able to confirm any stray hit into full curse.
if you think that's long you haven't seen a seth combo
Play +R.
I suddenly can't find it.
Did you use other region or same region in the region section?
other/same language?
It might just be on my end, though.
I hear that steam has a cloud save file limit, so I may need to delete some bloat before this works.
>A network error has occurred.
Lmao fuck this.
Let's just use parsec if you're ok with that.
>B Jenet
She's a naughty one.
Yeah, I can do that.
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Ah, so I gotta mash 5A or metered reversal when possible?
Also reacting is hard :c
I can barely react to Ragna's gauntlet hades
Maybe later. I'm too invested in blazblue
That's just girl Nero

Wait, fuck. It's girl Nero!
My controller is refusing to work as well for some reason. Which is weird since it's the only device I have plugged in
Nah the air game isn't as gay
>sandbag to help bros learn to play
>eventually they start beating you legit
>never talk to them again
Tell me why Heihachi coming back is a big deal, I only played tekken 3
He died like three times in the meantime
You can get into USFIV and SFV on steam and generally find players any time.

Mika will be DLC for SF6 because Capcom knows and loves the coomer audience.
Welcome to non-Strive anime fighters, bitch.
Everything sucks. I'll wait warmly here for your parsec link.
Sorry about taking all this time when you have no time I didn't expect this to take so long.
Don't just mash to mash, study the opponent's pressure and find opportune times to mash or reversal in order to get your gameplan started.
>I can barely react to Ragna's gauntlet hades
The start up on it is very ambiguous for a 24 frame overhead if you're just looking for the visual cue, the trick is to listen for the voice line that plays as that's frame 1 and gives you more time to react than the 20 or so frames you have to actually identify the move coming out visually.
>hey man i know that's already really awful but like dude it gets so much worse lol
Yeah, it's very strange. Not sure what is happening today.
She is a pirate, Imagine the smell
>Don't just mash to mash, study the opponent's pressure and find opportune times to mash or reversal in order to get your gameplan started.
By the time I get to learn it, I usually get grabbed or I mashed too late and got counterhitted
>The start up on it is very ambiguous for a 24 frame overhead if you're just looking for the visual cue, the trick is to listen for the voice line that plays as that's frame 1 and gives you more time to react than the 20 or so frames you have to actually identify the move coming out visually.
Well, yeah, I know the voice line plays frame 1. Doesn't help with the fact that I have shit reaction time
Give me 5 reasons why JoJo hftf isn’t the best anime fighter.
Because Hokuto no Ken exists
yea dude, that was the point of his comment, are you retarded or somethin?
it's pretty solid ngl
he's fun to use. also he's bad ass
I’ll give you that, but I prefer JoJo’s.
>I don't know if I'll be here tomorrow, but I'll try to make it if I can. I've been busy with a lot of stuff as of late, so no guarantees.
no worries, hopefully I can catch you next time, if not, it's cool
>t. Dan Hibiki
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KI is sick, easily the best of modern fighters desu, but it's a real shame its past its time.
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How about we agree that they're both great, my brother
>16 ain’t ever happening
Are you actually insane? SNK is doing tbe best they've ever been since the turn of the century.
Sometimes I want to but I don't lnw if i have it in me to deal with its top tiers. I just played May and enjoyed mashing buttons into dolphin.
>11 years old
When does a game stop being a "modern" fighter
I'd play it for the cute Sadako clone, hope she's in the next game
the results are in and the answer is it depends if your coffee is filtered or not, they did a decades long global study and found filtered coffee drinkers were able to complete the sit to stand test with scores expected of someone 15 years younger
and unfiltered coffee drinkers were found to do it with scores of someone 10 years older

so unfiltered coffee is literal poison and filtered coffee is a miraculous longevity elixir
Every attempt to fleece a soulcalibur fan has resulted in quick shutdown. People barely allowed SCVI to get away with it.
Soulcalibur as a franchise is completely incompatible with modern fg practices such as nickel and diming people.
Tldr: high standards from both sides killed it.
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1. Stand On characters are fundamentally stronger than the rest of the cast on a system level and they categorically prevent many of the other characters from functioning.
2. The only Passive Stand character strong enough to break free of the above is Petshop who just outright breaks all conventions in a bad way.
3. Weapon Stand characters just getting SFAlpha Custom Combo is kind of a lame way to differentiate them from Stand On characters
4. There's a bunch of moves that just do not work properly, from punishable throws to Young Joseph's rekka
5. Outside of Polnareff's theme and a couple others the OST is pretty middle of the road for both late 90s Capcom and anime fighters (and I only really remember Polnareff's theme because they reused it in the PS2 Part 5 game)
Bonus scrub reason: My execution sucks and I can't do Rubber Soul's BnBs because they all require instant dash links.

Game is great though. I think ASBR is great too but bad netcode combined with the original release having a bunch of issues that people still associate with it hurt its long-term viability a lot.
the cutoff date for modern fighters is 2016.
Tekken 7 made a big deal out of the story getting serious. We knew Heihachi or Kazuya would die for real, for good. The two fight inside a fucking volcano and Heihachi gets thrown into the lava. Then Tekken 8 was about the end of the Mishima story, Kazuya and Jin facing off, Devil vs Devil.

Now Heihachi is back because lol
Most UNI lobbies are scheduled, anon.
It's been that way since 2017. They've only technically been on hiatus since 2021 before picking back up this year.
SuperDougie on twitter
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that's how we like it
6 has garbage models, garbage lighting and dogshit animation.
there really is nothing left of capcom anymore.
When it stops getting updates and support. Current KIAE is from 2023.
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Any KOFXVers?
>next game
There ain't gonna be a next game anon.
What is so important that happened in 2016 or 2017? Id say at latest around Xbox 360 fighters and at earliest ps4 fighters.
SNK have a habit of fucking everything up when they get into a good position. Their pride knows no bounds.

Mostly because they are so out of touch with gamers.

Plus they can just keep updating 15 until the stars burn out.
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I knew I was in for a good night whenever I heard this
Yo, snake_eyez posts here?
I miss Chrono Phantasma an it's unlimited characters
>Can't sandbag because your homie will never look at you the same way again
>Still doesn't want to play because the skill gap is enormous
There's no winning
Fuck. I think this anon is right.
Didn't they just announce another DLC with 15 anyway? Seems like they still plan to support it. If anything, their gameplan should be to focus on Garou while supporting KOF on the backend. Having two main fighters will only dilute interest and make it harder for the company. This ain't the 90s anymore unfortunately...
Unless I'm mistaken, you can unlock some version of Unlimited characters in CF's abyss mode. Or I'm pretty sure you fight against them. One of those.
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defend this
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They're not doing that. They want to focus on more games with less post-launch support rather than less games with more post-launch support. They may have that Saudi money now, but they still don't have a lot of people(if you notice they periodically basically beg for applications). They actually didn't even want to do any more DLC for KOFXV after Hinako(last of S2), but so many people pestered them so often they gave in and are gonna do V&M as the last hurrah before shipping CotW. CotW will probably get two seasons, maybe three if they really wanna show how sick they are of working on KOF, and then it's off to the SamSho Action RPG.
GGs Cassandra anon. That was fun you got some really funny ringouts. That initial game you played against me scared me but I'll try to learn some simple combos and give it a better try.
Hopefully you're free tomorrow.
New Last Blade fucking when?
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Either never ever or in like 20 years. If you're lucky you'll get a few Last Blade characters in that Samsho RPG.
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GGs! I thought I knew what to do against Astaroth, but I kept getting hit with the lows and throws. Granted, I'm not really good with throw teching in general.
I used to have more actual combos with Cassandra, but I've forgotten a lot of my basics now and lost some of my notes. So I'll have to do some more research for next time.

Mora has some useful basic combos. Thankfully, most BnBs in Nitroplus aren't that difficult outside of a few characters. It only starts getting more difficult when you try to use the blast cancel state, but that's not really important when just starting out.

I think as far as airdashers go, Nitroplus is not so hard in general other than a few system quirks.

Alright, well I'll see what I can do. But I see that I definitely need to update Dolphin, which I haven't done in forever.
Hmmm... I guess they're really trying to cut the fat, right? But theoretically, wouldn't it be more profitable if they successfully get a tour going? I understand why they'd want to do less support, it'd save more money and time. But still.
I played SFV just earlier today and fought some Ryus in ranked within like 20 seconds.
PS4 crossplay probably helps with that.
I play KoF XV. US SW. I kind of know combos. I have no stamina though, FT2 or 3 is all I can muster
For me it's just about getting bored. Fighting games are definitely more suited for quick casual sessions IMO.
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It's more that they really want to get a big hit/get their name out there, and the best way to do that is keep releasing games till one gets big.
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This is how SNK always did business, they put out many games with different mechanics instead of iterating with title updates. This is why KOF was annualized, why they experimented with format, and why they have a metric fuckton of fighting game characters beyond even Capcom's catalog despite having two separate periods of slow production due to bankruptcies. But also yes, KOF is expected of them but they want to make something else hence why they did SamSho 7 after XIV and CotW after XV. I'm sure the eventual KOFXVI will have characters from CotW and AoF4 as well.

I just hope AoF4 commits to playing like AoF3. Damn that game is fun.
>FT2 or 3 is all I can muster
For me, it's anxiety
>Yamazaki is literally 100% natty
>SamSho Action RPG
What the fuck? I had no idea this was going to be a thing. I was just thinking earlier today that I wouldn't mind them taking another crack at an RPG. I'm guessing it's just a vague 'in the pipeline' idea at this point?
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I miss Gill but I'm really holding out for Capcom to remember that 6 is after 3S and put him in since Gill is the ONLY thing I miss about V outside of some of the music which I don't need to play it for. If he's not even teased in S3 then I'll give up and play some SFV on the side for the sick Retributions.

Meanwhile I have no qualms going back to 4 for my mains (4Poison is so much more fun than VPoison but if Poison was in 6 she'd be like in V again) since I actually like that game.
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I fucking LOVE Honka!
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they first mentioned it I think a little under a year ago, but they just put out the first piece of concept/key art at EVO, so expect another year and a half at least before a trailer
It was for a while but they showed off the first piece of official art for it at EVO. Seems to imply Yashamaru from 7 is important in it.
what, asking for people to play with? do you realise what board you're in right now?
And the last time a company kept doing that, they released a game called "Forsaken". Look where Square is now, relying on Final Fantasy again. They can't even fall back on KH since that's basically a disney product now, and I'm sure Disbey has been doing whatever they could to squeeze SE out legally and just have them be contractors. Point is, it's a dangerous game. How the hell would SNK even do that? Probably their biggest claim to fame is, unironically, Metal Slug, and that was during the arcade days. Even normies have seen it around maybe once or twice. If they want to "get big", they need to do something they haven't done for the last 20 years: make a new IP in a new genre. Capcom did that a long time ago and now they have a few IPs that are the pillars of their company. If SNK really thinks that rebranding past IPs into different genres with a similar style will help, they got another thing coming, because their IPs are still "too japanese" and chuuni, in a way.
If they're smart, they'll just reboot AOF. I don't think it even has a major place in KOF or Garou's timeline. So it should be fine. Unless I'm misremembering, there was an article saying a new one was in the works to be a brawler or something.
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Oh make no mistake, I do not at all believe this plan of theirs will work. I'm just stating what they've said/what people I know who know people attached to the company have said
what game is this?
Thank you sir.
whoah SNK didn't make Magical Drop? that game was fun. so much for that suggestion
Under Night in-Birth (part 2): Sys Celes (no unbirth involved)
ryu looks like a woman in this
They have plenty of old ips that they can modernize as "its new to me" titles for modern audiences. Like Crystalis, Athena, Ikari Warriors, Cool Cool Tunes, Dark Arms and Prehistoric Island. The problem with SNK starting with the NeoGeo, is fighting games became the main thing they were known for, so it was always hard to attract the attention of non arcade players or hardcore gaymers.
I don't care about that what i do care about is that it is obvious he is a shitty person and one of those collogues that will sacrifice his friends and coworkers to advanced his carrier, what Daisuke did to Mori is disgusting specially when you learn how much Mori did for the company and how much he helped almost every small fighting game dev team in japan to prosper like french bread.
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Same here pal
AoF 1 and 2 is set before FF1 and features young Geese. If anything, they should have aged up AoF guys in FF, but they would likely be real old by CotW.
oh cool, this one's been on my radar and I have a friend who plays it so I've been thinking about buying it, but money's a bit short rn, I'll keep it on my wishlist
More like hate them but enjoys exploiting them just like vtubers with their audience
is it autism?
It's an excellent game, but I can understand if it seems a bit too expensive for ya. In my country for example, it's getting sold at like a ninth of the country's minimum wage.
Looks cool, I'm stealing thi-
>cornered ground hit 3C starter
This isn't orthodox is it?
yeah I just spent 40 bucks buying tekken 8 so this will have to wait for a while
it's half off right now. $25 for base + $10 season pass that's good until 2026 lmao
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You goons ever play this?
Noooooooooooooo anon don't post it you're going to get bann-
Anybody interested in Blazing strike?
It's a real delight having to wait 3 fucking seasons with every new release just to be able to play your main who is the most popular character in the series.
I've been tempted to over the years. I seem to recall drama and corporate cocksuckery tho?
The only thing i heard of that beyond how it was made is them doing moral grandstanding over EVO
I would put her in the middle of beginner and intermediate. Learning the timing on some of her hits and re-jumps can be tricky but otherwise her inputs are pretty easy to do.
so basically the devs never finished the game and the devs were fired by the studio's new owners is all i know
Of course not
ooh what's the EVO story? don't think I've heard it yet
Please give me tips on improving my mental that I can ignore when I lose and sperg out
I bought tekken 8 and I'm still in green ranks, this game is hard
Then again my only experiences with fighting games was playing tekken 3, 5 and sf2 against the AI and sf4 vs a friend.
It seems to me that it's mostly a combo that's designed to use all three of her item tosses.
I had it installed for a while but never played it. Didn't some unfinished characters get released that had Infinites?
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Back when the guy who got insulted by LTG got banned for being a pedo they posted this in response to a bunch of games pulling out of EVO
adjust your priorities. choose something you want to work on that match and use that as your metric for success rather than winning or losing. works for me anyway. I feel like I learned something rather than wasting time
To be fair, every major company did that there. NRS started it and Skullgirls went in as well. I don't remember Microsoft doing it for KI, but not sure.
I backed it, played it for about a year on release. I don't re.ember what took my attention from it but I never got back to it, and then the next times I heard about it were in association with the MikeZ stuff a while back and then the studio getting shuttered and a bum update got pushed out
The problem really is that all they have ARE arcade games. God knows that every time they tried making one that wasn't, it went to shit. If I didn't know better, I'd say they're making more fighters all this time just to have a grip on using 3D models and environments, using the Samsho ARPG to walk and then using that experience to finally jump off to something new. If that is the case, it's a big brain maneuver that covers bases. Making money while branching out while gaining development experience. However... history has shown jap game companies to never be that smart. So I doubt that's the case.
Anyway, I have no expectations of the Samsho game. The characters look cool, but they'd have to be really creative to get people, including normies/casual anime fans/weebs to buy in. I think it could be possible. But chances aren't great.
Well if any AOF characters get into City as DLC, I guess that'll be our answer. Either that, or they do yet another timeline separation. KOF does it, so it won't be that big of a deal. It'll just be weird.
You know, she kind of reminds me of a knockoff version of Chaos fron Melty. I wonder if that was the goal.
I would if it wasn't exclusive to consoles. Surprised they're charging so high and restricting the audience so much for a sprite fighter that can probably run on anything.
True, it's still kind of uppity considering they are a very niche game and they are going full corpo on it.
MikeZ was used and abused. Ahad, too. what a pack of vultures and snakes they fell in with. oh for a reality where skullgirls remained true to its fanservicey roots
The combos were too long and it had no burst, so I didn't like it much. But it's okay I guess.
And now Mortal Kombat has come crawling back, and nobody remembers those other games. They only get talked about when they mess up in a new, embarrassing way.
yup seeing no pc option was wild with how niche this game is going to be
but blazing strike is still coming to PC?
Weirdly every american made fighting game has been horrendously cursed with terrible management.
I think MK only survives because of legacy popularity.
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Oh wow. I just checked. When it first got announced, they mentioned PS4, PS5, and Switch, but not PC. Nice to know it is in fact coming to PC now. I guess I'll have to check it out.
I checked their page and it is coming to Steam now apparently.
oh okay never mind then
it me
I honestly just prefer the old snk yearly release method. Its not like im saving that much money anyway with all the season passes and mtx they try and force on you. The constant balance fixes end up resulting in a different game from launch anyway. I rather just have completely new rosters and tweaks or experiments yearly instead of these long drawn out seasons/GaS shit that still wont offer a complete edition of the game after they move on to the next installment.
Skullgirls vibes
I want to KISS Angel.
Right in the tummy.
more cellulite!!!!!!
Aw shit. Are you the actual artist?
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I want to caressa Vanessa
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Did you buy her game?
Ahhhh these combos are way too complicated. I tried. I'll never understand how anime players enjoy memorizing an entire grocery list of button sequences.
do an obscure fighting character (Like black widow from slammasters 2)
Art of Fighting 3?
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play Koihime
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Buy all her games NOW!
Animations too jank.
Would rather play the source material and impregnate Zhou Yun
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I will buy her father's game when it comes out remastered
Wish I could play Hellish Quart with someone online but aside from a few slavs with Hamachi there's no way to play online
Be honest: do you jerk off to your own work? and do you make a self insert model to fuck them?
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That's understandable. In airdashers, the chains can get a bit complex. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of very long combos either (and I honestly have to mash to get some of them down correctly), but there's usually a trick to landing them.
The method I used was learning in chunks. Something like"Here's the ground part (break it into 4 moves), here's the air part (break it into 4 moves), and here's the ender with the super (break it into 4 moves)" Like how a credit card number is broken up into chunks.
But regardless, it's good that you tried.
SoulCalibur 7, because the SoulCalibur gacha had failed unlike DoA XVV. SoulCalibur might be dead, but DoA suffered a fate worse than death.
I find it like learning a song on an instrument.
does anyone here actually go to locals, im planning on going to one soon and wanna hear about your experiences
where's the sex animations
apt comparison
there are none where i live
when a new paragym get's created. We are still stuck in the SF4 era regardless what you zoomers want to believe
Is Unib2 on playstation healthily populated?
Where I live there ain't even locals.
uni is a discord fighter
all french bread games are
they're usually pretty chill. the culture varies wildly. you will have to be assertive if the culture isn't king of the machine but rather sit down with someone and play for 20-30 minutes straight
I used to go to a smash local and we played SFV once. It was okay. It's going to depend on where you live, of course, but where I was, people were generally cool.
I was at a house party once and a drunk guest found the SNES and turned it on. I thought I was going to be some hot autistic fighting game shit and smoke everyone in SF2 Turbo.

Turns out I suck at it and half the dudes there knew how to play and could beat me with ease. Who knew?
The loli axe girl has an earthquake move right?
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What went wrong?
>Would rather play the source material and impregnate Zhou Yun
can you actually
I work with one hand and yes
good idea
Oh jesus, I forgot about this. Is this shit still around?
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it was good and a really refreshing take on the genre in a lot of ways but a combination of developer incompetence and honestly godawful luck killed it. Still has the only story mode I actually like in any fighting game even if it's 1/7th finished. Still really impressive what they managed with a tiny team and no real budget, it had good rollback before Street Fighter or Guilty Gear, it has console ports and crossplay, and it has better gimmick lobbies than any mainstream fighter, but the dev team had no management or organization at all and couldn't prioritize a task to save their lives, the "community managers" were outright hostile to most of the playerbase and drove all the top players that weren't in their circlejerk away, the balance and mechanics got worse and ultimately they ran out of money, sold themselves to a publisher who fired most of the team a year later and shat out the last two DLC characters half finished.
There's maybe a timeline where that Evo didn't get cancelled and they released a new story mode chapter less than a year after the first one and it would have a couple hundred concurrent players right now, but they would have have to get a real manager that could enforce timelines.
this strive 3v3 mode is fucking hilarious
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Pretty sure it's dead
Gougi system was abit too complex for the average player.
Is the playtest out?
You've gotta post them. Sex clips are always the best.
man there's a lot of fighting games
it's complete and utter fucking chaos
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The source material for Koihime is an eroge.
You fuck ALL of the girls, and a good amount of them get pregnant.
Just looked up some gameplay. What the fuck is going on here?!
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A terrible decision to not have it be titled so it could be abbreviated as FLEX instead of FEXL
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Which of these are you going to be playing for the foreseeable future?
She was pretty fun to play around with. I'm looking forward to trying out Ryuubi whenever they decide to release the new version.
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UNI2 all the way
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I'll check out Fatal fury. Dropped Strive a long time ago. Grabble was actually pretty fun and better than Strive so maybe I'll check the new characters some time. Have no interest in the rest
I am somewhat interested in Tekken 8 but still not interested enough to actually buy it
Uni for now. If Strive Dizzy looks good I might dip back into it
UNI2 and SF6
I want to like Granblue, but something about the gameplay seems a bit too boring for me, dunno how to describe it. Love Sheep, though.
Does this mean we will get Last Blade 3?
Just UNI2 and Granblue. Probably gonna pick up CotW when it comes out too.
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God damn, i gotta check it out
>digital only
>ps4 only
they were absolute fucking retards, when it finally hit steam nobody cared.
tekken 8 and strive are my main games, but melty TL which you DID NOT INCLUDE NIGGER is also something i play but only when im drunk
UNI2, GBVS and maybe get mauled in MVC collection against Thrax, MSS, MSP, Matrix, Scrub, etc
kof xv, garou, and I probably have been talked into buying UNIB. again
CotW, but probably after a year it comes out.
do you play it while drunk so you can hallucinate a sparring partner?
holy kino main spotted
>but melty TL which you DID NOT INCLUDE NIGGER
Maybe because UNI is superior to Melty Blood or something. IDK.
SF6 maybe if Dan becomes playable. I actually wanted to try KoFXV but it wouldn't recognize my keyboard for the username input and I was too lazy to find a workaround during the demo.
Everything except strive and mk really. They're all fun and I like to fuck around with the games I don't play as much at least.
Does anyone else love blondes with massive fucking titties,.or is it just me?
keep coping melty blood won
pls gib VaM looks and scenes you're using
Awful new design
Dub sounds more Aussie than Bri'ish, doesn't suit him at all
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>nice joke ano-
>its real

What the fuck? Why didn't they show this at EVO?
Also I don't mind that Billy redesign, he looks cool as usual, I just hope that he doesn't suck this time.
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I love the old EX series characters because I played EX+alpha all the time on my babysitter's PSX as a kid, but it was never gonna be anything bigger than nostalgia bait for oldfags like me. It's a fun game with great music and a nice classic series kinda feel, but that shit was never gonna be EVO mainstage or anything.
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Yes.... hahaha YES!

One of the reasons I hate fighting Seth. I fall asleep mid combo
Won what? The toilet Olympics?
I would if someone actually played with me but that's never going to happen. Otherwise you would have posted a lobby in your post.
So now I stick to Twinkle Queen.
Blonde with big boobies are my favorite, too. Redheads being second.
None where I live.
I'd start my own if I weren't so socially inept.
>Twinkle Queen.
tell me about it
>we will never see his little sister fight again
so sad kane friends
I'm always shocked how ugly SF6 is. It just baffles me. SF5 was already uglier than 4, but with 6 it gotten even worse. How did Capcom degrade so hard? Is this RE Engines fault?
It's a decently old franchise now, had rereleases and remasters out the ass. Frankly, even I can't keep up with their releases.
You should play Dengeki Bunko. That's an anime fighter with simple and effective easy-to-learn combos. I like that one.
DNF is fun too because you can just do whatever and it works.
That game somehow looks even more low budget than Koihime.
MBTL has been dreadfully boring.
Combos so fucking basic, playing it puts me to sleep.
Only Kouma 214X gave me an ounch of joy playing it.
The person you're defending directly contributed to the general state of fighting games threads on this site being cesspool of gay ERP, gossip and off-topic fap sessions between men btw
3D models just always look ugly, simple as. No fighter or fighting like game with 3d models looks good. Except maybe smash
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Nah Cammy's ass is better than ever, can't wait to see Mai.
What are you talking about. Strive looks gorgeous
Cammy and Chun look fine
The problem is when they take designs like AKI and Kimberly who look like abominations
Bro I like MBTL and even I admit that game is a ghost town. Partially because Vlovchads like me filtered everyone out. RIP to the most entertaining zoner of all time.
I tried to watch the top 6 earlier today but I was IK'd like 4 seconds in
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I'm VERY interested in seeing how the rest of the original FF cast looks in this game if SNK is willing to switch up designs this much.
Soive looks like complete ass. Janky stuttery tranny game.
Cammy looks like a retarded neanderthal and Chun-li looks like a generic as fuck hag. They absolutely do not look "fine"

Ass is literally all she has going for her, and even that looks arguably better in V

>SF5 was already uglier than 4
In what fucking way is V uglier than IV?
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It's funny, I was half-joking when I said I wish Londrekia had Vlov's 22X in UNI2.
Then they gave him j236B+C
>In what fucking way is V uglier than IV?
In every single one
pretty sure they're gonna nerf Mai's tits
I think we're going to see more frequent reveals from here on out. Why they decided to show Kevin over Billy last week is beyond me.
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I used to play DFCI a bit. My favorite character was Shizuo because I generally like mobile grappler characters. But I haven't played that one in forever.

I gave DNF a shot, but didn't care much for it because of the general lack of overheads and the guard button also making crossups weaker.

But these days, I'm busy working on my own fighting game, so not really playing much in general unless it's just research on things I want to do in my system.
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>tell me about it
Well, it's a shovelware anime tag fighter exclusively for Wii with a completely unfitting cast of random VN characters you won't recognize. Some are from Koihime possibly before even the Koihime fighter.
There's a parry and you can dash cancel normals with meter and it's probably jank as hell but I don't really care because there's one really good song in it and you can play as a girl who uses a hammer. Hammers are cool.
It's also 4 players at the same time but when the fuck am I ever going to be able to do that?

It's fun and worth trying at least once.
That would be because it is. I'd start a lobby if it wasn't so late. Dolphin has netplay.
That's retarded.

They have done a decent job at giving some of the SF6 characters lewd, good looking bodies but her face will be ABSOLUTELY fucking botched, 100% guaranteed.
They wouldn't dare.
I gotta say the Type Lumina original newcomers did at least bring some pretty cool/funny moves to the table for that game even if the execution is on the simpler side overall.
Man, I 'd love to play a game as Shizuo, but the only other characters in that game I know are the two Drrr characters and Kino, and none of them are playable.
>because sf5 was a bastion of good animation and modelling
Even if manon face is wonky her tits and ass are fat, im more worried about what do they do with her face
UNI2 is very healthy, it's just region dependent
NA on PC and Asia on Playstation
If waiting several minutes in bad hours is indicative of a dead dicksword game then games like Dota 2 are ultradead outside of EU and SEA, and that needs 9 other players for 1 match.
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>Billy is the new leader of the Howard Connection
Fucking based, my boy has moved up.
SFV has the best looking 3D models of several important characters to date. And yes, it had some great animations too.
True. Noel is too good for this world, I hope they put her in UNI so she can break the 4th wall along with Sion.
I never got the simplicity complaint woth this game. I thought it was pretty great. It had optimizations you could make that were more challenging, they just didnt do massively more damage. I generally liked the games pacing better than most anime fighters in any case.
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They ceased being fun after 2010. Now they are completely indistinguishable.
>general lack of overheads
Hoo boy you'd like Monk.
But back when the game first released you had to get creative and actually use the system mechanics to get your bullshit instant-overheads that lead into full combos.
Although some characters like Dragon Knight, Hitman, and Kunoichi had setups for those. I guess you're one of those niggers who needs everything spoonfed to him. Acquire technical skill.
>skipped over Ralidex, SAO, OreImo, Part-Time Mao, etc, etc
Not a fan of Light Novel adaptations?
Nah let's keep that loser out.
Shame she's got such a cool weapon but the most unique thing about her is her keys.
SFV had banana ken. It was an embarassment. You only say this because of coomer chun li shit, dont try to deny it.
her breasts are too big.
How come no one seems to mourn the loss of Blazblue here? Rarely is it ever mentioned or asked for.
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>shovelware anime tag fighter exclusively for Wii
I'm curious how you even found it, that sounds like the most niche shit possible.
kinda interested in it now
well they're not too small
I'd call you a scared little baby, but even scared little babies pine for big breasts.
Yes, Ken looked like shit in V and so did Alex.
Meanwhile literally everyone in 6 looks retarded and uncanny as fuck.
Well normally you want to feel rewarded for taking the high road right? If it's not worth taking then the gameplay becomes abit stale when you see the same thing done over and over again because "it just werks".
One of the things that went wrong is that the FEXL guide is hosted on a broken Wix site. The information needs to be saved to one of the big wikis, and possibly expanded.
The netcode is good, too. Reminder Capcom consulted Arika for it. It's really just a matter of showing and teaching the game.
Other than that, they sort of boned themselves by making an entirely different 2.0 for Switch and teasing another different 3.0 with no news in ages. So getting into 1.0 now feels like buying Revelator in 2024.
Because we can still play CF? What exactly have we lost? A prospective modernized Blazblue? That just sounds awful.
Maybe because no one wants to see it getting revived by modern ASW.
Because people regularly play CF lobbies in these threads. Why mourn when you can enjoy what we have. Bless +R fan rollback for making it popular to add to games and bless Arcsys for getting the team to help them retroactively add rollback to their other games (including CF).
Fuck yeah, i really hoped they add Mary and Mai.
>so did Alex
Give him a break, the kid is like 16 years old.
Based Billy
the character select boobs were a bit out of control on launch. they nerfed them too much tho
Your standards are low. Strive looks generic now.
I can't be the only one who thinks this trailer is actually terrible, right? There's nothing in here that makes him look cool or unique. He's got a staff. What can he do with it? Nothing outstanding, apparently. I never played Billy so I'm practically an outsider, and I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. If they really hope to catch the eye of a more casual fightan fan or normie, this is NOT how you do it, because nothing in here is visually pleasing.
Speaking of which... what the fuck is his design? It looks nothing like him! The only way I'd know it was Billy is by him having his name revealed in the trailer. This is NOT him. City just keeps up the trend of having completely garbage designs, and apparently redesigns. This just makes me grateful the other characters like Rock, Haru and Terry and everyone else unchanged didn't get one. Why are they so fucking bad?
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SNK would have to be LITERALLY retarded to not add Mai. She already looked absolutely delicious in XV, her CotW could potentially be even better...
Gachiakuta fan spotted in the wild nice
For what it's worth, Celty actually is a good assist for Shizuo.

The thing that disappointed me most about the roster is that Haruyuki from Accel World was just an assist. I thought they could come up with a really unique playstyle for him, but maybe he would be too hard to implement well? Not sure what was going on there. I guess Kuroyukihime is just more popular than Silver Crow overall.

I also tried playing Akira because I like Virtua Fighter, but just found Shizuo way more enjoyable overall.
I tried playing Striker and using her double overheads, but that was about it. Didn't know they added an overhead character. A lot of times in games like that, I struggle to enjoy them until I find a character that clicks with me. For example, I disliked GBVS until I started playing Lowain and I saw he had unblockables into looping setplay okizeme. That being said, I don't really care for Rising.
Is it really lost if I can still play it? And with good netcode? That's more than something like, Soulcalibur VI for instance. Plus everyone's too afraid of it getting the strive treatment, so its kind of a bittersweet thing.
Fuck yeah this looks awesome
SNK has always been shit at making trailers.
>Maybe because no one wants to see it getting revived by modern ASW.
Why do you guys act like BB is dead now? Didn't it just get some new Korean game announced or something like that?
>I'm curious how you even found it
Man, I have no fucking clue. Either it appeared to me in a prophetic nightmare or I was held at gunpoint and forced to try it.
Regardless, I'm down to play tomorrow night. I'm East Coast. Pick a time any time.
At one point in my life I probably knew the controls but definitely not anymore so it should be fun.

Oh yeah and also the song I mentioned. Listen to this shit:
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What is there to mourn? It simply ended anon, it got to die with dignity, a pretty rare fate for current fighters.
CF and BBTAG are still around and i'm pretty sure people are still playing it more than your usual discord fighter, just make a server and i'm sure anons will join.
I love snk by they are the kings of weird ass decisions
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>He's got a staff. What can he do with it? Nothing outstanding, apparently.
Never insult Billy again.
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I don't get the complaints that much either because older Melty Bloods that everyone jacks off weren't the hardest anime fighters either, especially not at the level it was actually being played in the West. It has some fucked up shit but you don't see it that often even today.
If CoN is anything to go by, UNI is definitely the core FB franchise but Melty Blood just has more renown and appeal to other players, and I think a lot of that is because it is relatively simple to pick up and play. Then people tend to stay because it's still one of the fastest games out there, which is really addictive.
I was watching Evo Top 6 and I forgot, coming from UNI, just how fast TL is in comparison. I thought the video was sped up.
Granblue is garbage, yeah.
where's arcana heart rollback, huh?
Because Mori is a fucking idiot and made Blazblue deserve its fate, and nu-Arcsys would find some way to make it worse. Did you SEE what they did to GG?
This isn't KOF though. Like I said: I never played Billy. I'm basically watching the trailer as a new potential consumer. There was nothing in the trailer that showed off Billy properly. It's a bad trailer. And a bad redesign.
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That's a nice Mai

...they are.
The chinese rogue-lite isn't really substantial.
it really doesn't if it wasn't for the fact that it has guilty gear in its title i wouldn't be able to tell it apart from other generic 2.5 anime fighters.
Those charters just don't translate well to 3d and their redesigns are just trash.
BB got out before modern arcsys could rape it's corpse like it did with GG
bros..I can't stand fucking "green light, red light" stamina bar-esque gameplay with drive bar systems and shit...please tell me it will be a nonfactor in FF:CotW...please god....they repulse me..
It has easy characters to play for sure but the hard characters in the old Meltys were actually quite hard to play and the inputs weren't near as lenient as they are in the new one (having IAD macro built into the game is a huge plus for example in cutting down the execution). I'm not gonna bash MBTL too much since it was obviously made as a tie-in for the TsukiRe release to get VN people to play it rather than designed for fans of fighting games who also happen to enjoy Type Moon.
Please understand. Examu went bankrupt and Team Arcana is like 36 people.
Which is around 10 more people than FB
just but it just a mobile game
Ask FB fans to deliver on it like they did with Dengeki Bunko.
RE engine, capcom continually reinventing the art style to use more particle effects for the kickback from hardware manufacturers, general laziness about cleaning up mocap combined with deliberately slowing the game down mechanically making everything less snappy.
I'd joke that it's Ken's curse of looking like shit diluted across the whole game but he still looks ghoulish at the apex of his SA1
and yet they still made sure to shit all over Mori
>I am the scion of 500 years of Kyokugen!
>I flog people with a stick
>I never played Billy so I'm practically an outsider,
the shut the fuck up then retard
what's wrong with EE
I think the combination of movement and the actual difficulty of landing a clean hit is why doing basic combos in AACC just feels significantly more satisfying than MBTL.
MBTL maybe resembles UNI too much but I just didn't find its universal mechanics added much enjoyment to it. Plus the movement with less pronounced air backdash speed and no proper neutral superjump didn't help.
Nothing in MBTL can match the joy of landing TK cutto routes in AACC for me and mind you, those aren't even that hard.
Honest question but how do Mai and Billy control fire? is not like they have super powers
You're an idiot.
When people say they want a new Blazblue, they don't mean they want a Blazblue roguelite. They mean they want a new Blazblue fighting game (or if they inherited Mori's delusional tendencies a Blazblue RPG or something).
mai controls fire because she is hot
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He did that himself
>Makes BBTAG
>Makes Dark War
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What's a good fighting game for someone who's not really into fighting games? I need something to get autistically obsessed with, preferably on PC
sf5 is an ugly ass playdough game, only retarded 16ers like how that game looked
>Regardless, I'm down to play tomorrow night. I'm East Coast. Pick a time any time.
good excuse to make a thread for obscure fightan, i'll do one tomorrow to set it up.
it is a nice game but the BB aspect boils down to nothing but a skin
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>There was nothing in the trailer that showed off Billy properly.
What else exactly did you want the trailer to show? It showed off his moveset capabilities of a zoner that can start poke and start combos from much further range than other characters plus fire and super animations for more casual players to ooh and aah at.
nah faggot you are,you're complaining just for the sake of complaining someone's already showed you what he could possibly do and it's not going to deviate that much from previous games kill yourself
Mai has super powers. Don't know about Billy
>What's a good fighting game for someone who's not really into fighting games?
Mortal Kombat
bring two friends in that case i want to try 4 player
Granblue Rising has a free version.
niggas at kappa are a bunch of pussie white bois that unironically want fgs to be censored
All the modern ones look like shit
just pick whatever you think looks cool and get autistically obsessed with it
ArcSys wouldn't give the man any budget or support; let's not pretend there wasn't internal sabotage
Soul Calibur VI?
I haven't played VI specifically but Soul Calibur in general is very beginner friendly and allows you to do cool shit with simple inputs. Also I remember III had a lot of single player content, not sure if VI is the same.
Alright thanks
Billy likes to play long guitar solos. Long guitar solos that evidently go well with the punk rock his punk band, The Wankers, plays.
>Internal sabotage
Anon it was Mori's decision to push for his terrible FGO clone in 2020. Given his streak of questionable decisions, I wouldn't be surprised if the fault was entirely on him. You push for a gacha for four years and it turns out dead within 11 months then that's on him.
You posted a combo. That's so interesting and definitely shows me everything. Just do everyone a favor and stop posting, clearly you don't have the IQ for discussion.
It just wasn't that interesting. They showed about two, maybe 3 instances of him zoning. He has an air powercrush, which I guess is unique. There really just isn't much going for him here.
Also his big super in 15 is way cooler. It looks like shit here.
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For me it's gotta be UNI2 and VF6
GBVSR Top 6 put me to sleep, which I didn't expect. I was planning on picking it up eventually but I think I'd rather just teach someone from UNI instead. It helps UNI still has the best tutorial in modern games.
Strive Top 6 made it seem like a much better game than what I saw of it before, but I still don't see myself investing in it long term, and it would just be time away from practicing UNI.

On the contrary, I think the extra damage does add up. On paper it's a 4 touch game but because you can recover health, it can be the difference between one last throw for KO or not.
I should note I'm biased in my perspective of Type Lumina though because I play the de facto worse character in the game (because my main isn't in yet, thanks Nasu) so I need every advantage I can get.
it's probably just the model designers and capcoms unwillingness to stick to a artstyle and improve upon it
Mai comes from a ninja clan, not sure why you couldn't put two and two together there that she might know a thing or two about dealing with pyrotechnics. That being said, is that where you draw the line in a game where the protagonist gets so angry he surrounds himself in flames (RAGING STOOOOORM)?
nta but it was literally nothing but gameplay clips that mean nothing to anyone other than the handful of people who used Billy before.
No explanation of his character, whether he's new or not and why he's using a stick.
Maybe it's because I could find more games of MBTL regularly compared to AACC for obvious reasons but watching damn near every character being played do the EXACT SAME COMBO got old really fast. Yeah AACC's easy BnBs look similar too but every Shiki in MBTL did the exact same combo because of how easy it was. Double 214X into j[C] into 5BB autocombo into 236A in to 236C and then 3C after the wallbounce.
Then the new patch added a 623A you can throw in there but goddamn, it was just so tiring after a while.
Every Vlov, every Kohaku, every Shiki, Hisui, of all ranks doing the exact same thing.
>"i dont even know what he can do"
>"heres what he usually in the last game he was in
>"nuh uh that doesn't count"
kill yourself now
>Mindless button mashing
DBZ Fighters
DNF Duel
GBF versus
MK11 (Goes on deep discount way too often for the full thing with all DLC, and is more active than MK1 because that game is a shitshow)
>Really wacky shit
Any GG that isn't strive but especially overture
SNK heroines
Blade strangers (warning, nicalis is insanely jewish and barely discounts it even during big sales)
KLK IF (Arena fighter that actually tries being a real fighter instead of a button masher)
and you could always just play smash if you're a turbo casual
>capcoms unwillingness to stick to a artstyle and improve upon it
V always felt to me like a direct improvement over IV - As in, the style is different yes, but it feels like a revision, an improvement over what we had in IV. Then they made 6 and it looks like a completely different thing; if I looked at it for the first time today I would unironically think it was some Burger studio's take on Street Fighter.
Unironically this. Newfags get so stressed about the long term and don't realize they don't even think about how much fun they're currently having. No game is going to be pick up and play with you being able to utilize every mechanic but you need to remember that this shit should be fun. It took me like nine months into the genre before I found my game and autistically obsessed over it for several years. Play shit, figure put what you like and hate, and go from there.
>They showed about two, maybe 3 instances of him zoning.
They aren't going to make a trailer of nothing but Billy zoning for a minute.
>He has an air powercrush, which I guess is unique.
That's an air Rev Blow, a universal mechanic. At least take the time out to learn the game you're complaining about that releases a trailer about a character you know nothing about.
used to be DBFZ but I'm getting into UNI2 while I wait for any new content .
Is absolutely no one looking forward to Nen Impact? Sure, the visuals aren't that great, but it looks like it has solid mechanics/fundamentals and depth to it. It's exactly what people have been asking for from an Anime based game.
>direct improvement
SF4 looks nothing like ugly playdough action figures the game
"m-muh clay" is a tired, meaningless complaint.
It's clay
i've not consumed anything hunter hunter related so im not paying much attention to it, all my friends who like the series says the roster needs more than what it has though
II and III have better single player IMO and they're much more beginner friendly
I spent almost a whole day trying to beat an ancient from VI. Only to realize there must beat like 20 of them in order to beat single player.
I'm not into HxH enough to care for it.
He's clearly critiquing the trailer
I'll look into all of these, thanks. I just bought GG Overture on instinct since it's on sale for like 5 leafbucks right now, hopefully the PC version isn't total shit.
Kevin would appeal more to MotW players so it makes sense to me. He's THE top tier of the game and the embodiment of Brakes and breaking your hands.
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I most definitely am. I watched some gameplay from the EVO streams and it looks solid, just janky. They've got some good picks for the roster too, shame about no knuckle in the base roster, but that's fine.
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forgot pic
I see.
Like I said I haven't actually played it myself but I've considered getting it for the single player since I assume the online is dead. However, I also assumed the single player content was at least on par with the older games so that's unfortunate to hear.
>his critique is that the trailer didn't show what Billy could do
>anons point out that the trailer shows what Billy can do

His criticism is retarded.
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>decides to start playing sf4 because 6 looks like shit
>can't do 2 hit combos

Anons I....
Pick El Fuerte
play the 3ds version
>It's exactly what people have been asking for from an Anime based game
Anime fans are full of shit. The people who kept clamoring about wanting serious/competitive anime based fighters or going "OMG arcsys should totally make a fighting game based off of this anime" while shitting on arena fighters are mostly posers just trying to "fit in" with the FGC and pretend they play fighting games seriously.
Case in point, like you mentioned there's barely any hype around Nen Impact despite being what people have been asking for because they're turned off by the presentation. Which is admittedly mediocre, but if you were actually looking for a serious fighting game you would be able to look past that.
Meanwhile the new Bleach game that just got announced is getting a ton of hype despite being another arena fighter just because the presentation and visuals are good. That's all those people really want, they just won't admit it.
>1 button specials
no, fuck off
It was a hard game.
Just wait until you start learning how 1-frame links work
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My man
Because CF is near perfect and has rollback already
Plus nuArcsys is trash and BBTag was fucking dogshit so I don't trust them to make a new BB
Not that guy but presentation is not my problem with Nen Impact, I am not a graphics whore, the visuals get the job done just fine.
My problem with it is that it looks janky as fuck; like, better than Arena Fighter-tier but not by much.
Remember when everybody hated SFIV?
Seeing Nen Impact makes me realize how much of a difference money makes in development. Capcom and Nexon bankrolling is the difference between their games and this. You can clearly see all of Eighting's ideas and lessons from old games. The presentation is just from 1999.
you are mixing you 2 different audiences and fanbases, Bleach is getting hyped because that fandom has been starving for a new game for decades now and it is also feeding from the momentum the new anime season built up.
Kids game.
This, I fucking need it
And a proper 4:3 mode, taking away the cute sidebars is a crime
Yeah, 4 requires 1 frame inputs to combo, it's gonna be hard for a while
If I'm a noob, should I get SF6 or Tekken 8?
Don't like his new look but nice to see him around at least
Whichever you think looks cooler.
If you're a noob, you should get whatever game looks like it interests you enough to sink 100+ hours into it
Play whichever one you think looks cooler to you.
SF6 will teach you fundies
now watch schizos cry about muh drive rush
Apparently FB is 14 people.
>SF6 will teach you fundies

Look at the roster, see which one has more characters that look cool to you.
There's guaranteed to be a bunch of YouTube videos showing that literally every one of them in both games can do.
I like HxH, 8ing and fightan, but I am absolutely not looking forward to it. The game looks completely rushed and slapdashed together, way too loose and crude. I don't know what's going on there, but it can't be good. Maybe they're desperate for money.
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>The people who kept clamoring about wanting serious/competitive anime based fighters or going "OMG arcsys should totally make a fighting game based off of this anime" while shitting on arena fighters are mostly posers
Not even remotely the same fanbases, the guys clamoring for serious animu fighters and the people who buy arena fighters are completely separate.
> there's barely any hype around Nen Impact
HxH is no longer mainstream + 2d serious fighter + low budget because anime games get shit on= cautiously optimistic fanbase at best, people are still waiting for it but it won't break the internet because the aim is a lot more niche, this ain't like fighterz where you can slap gokek on the cover and you'll have spics and nogs tripping over each other to buy it.
> the new Bleach game that just got announced is getting a ton of hype despite being another arena fighter just because the presentation and visuals are good.
Bleach fans are happy because bleach is finally getting another game after several years of silence with the last thing they got being fucking jump force
>That's all those people really want, they just won't admit it.
They want GOOD looking arena fighters, not slop shat on a plate for pennies like most modern arena fighters, people are excited for ZERO and the bleach thing BECAUSE they are taking care of making it look like a proper game instead of a cashgrab.
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>cherishes his younger sister
Aww, sweet.
>but if you were actually looking for a serious fighting game you would be able to look past that.
This. I feel like not many people are willing to try fighting games out of love for the genre, but are always ready to dispense their low effort "critiques" on everything on the market. Its pretty frustrating to watch.
>Picks the game that requires plinking and its whole fanbase only plays that game and norhing else
Anon i...
Wasn't Joe trying to FUCK his sister?
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Did anyone else notice his trailer remixed his RB1 theme?

To be fair, most of what was shown was just combos (if you're not familiar with him already, you won't realize the trailer showed off how he can brake his pole vault), and the only things which indicated anything about his gameplan was his pole specials, how EX pole can pull you in and a couple of his anti-airs. Even his command normals are shown as is, rather than being put to application, i.e. f+A being two hits again should probably have this property demonstrated in pressure. I think the problem is how most things were shown as is, which was probably anon's complaint. I understood what was shown, but I can see how the trailer could underwhelm.
this is how the north american fgc has treated snk games since the arcade boom of the 90s is nothing new but it still frustrating
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yes and he got a date with her in xv
So does that mean he's fucking loaded? Like billionaire?
>They want GOOD looking arena fighters, not slop shat on a plate for pennies like most modern arena fighters
Most arena fighters do have good presentations though. The only one that came out recently that looked like shit was the JJK one which got rightfully mocked for it. People shat on Jump Force for looking weird too. But the presentation is usually the least complained about thing when it comes to arena fighters as a genre.
They're cash grabs, but they tend to be pretty cash grabs.
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SNK has always made it clear that Billy isn't a bad guy, he just hangs with the worst crowd possible in South Town. But he also hangs with that crowd because Geese was the only one to give Billy a chance to get himself and Lilly out of poverty.

>he got a date with her in xv
Then she had to skip out on the date and Billy beat his ass when he found about about it.
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KOFXV has been my go-to for the last two years, and will be for the foreseeable future. COTW looks too slow for me.
Also trying to level up in T8, and keep up in +R. Might try Nen Impact.
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probably because NDR was Sha-V(current sound director/main composer at SNK)'s first track he composed for SNK
>the presentation is usually the least complained about thing when it comes to arena fighters as a genre.
It's the most important though, games live or die on how nice they look, other 2 examples are the OPM game which also crashed and burned for looking like shit and playing even worse and the recent storm game that got insanely lazy to the point people shat on it for being DLC sold full price
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When you boot into training mode now it's supposed to use your Network mode settings per the patch notes. I still get Hyde vs Linne on mine. Is it on my end or is it a bug?
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Rising is the game that got me back into fighters this year so mostly that. I knew nothing about the characters before trying it out but now I like them a lot; looking forward to the big Oni woman and the Rat.
I just recently got KoF XV and that's been a lot of fun too, might get Strive when they add Dizzy and Tekken 8 when I have a computer that can run it.
it's ai
I got my usual Enkidu with delicious brown Yuzu bot.
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I wonder if Joe managed to actually get with Lilly in the FF timeline or if Billy has successfully cockblocked him for all these years.
6 is most likely going for more accurate wing chun technique or whatever its called. It doesn't look like typical karate.
Arena fighters can be fun. People are just burnt out that 9/10 anime games that come out are arena fighters. If that weren't as common they would get less hate.
For the Bleach game, like others have said, people are just hyped about it because there hasn't been a modern Bleach game in forever. People are happy to have something. It could have been a Musou (another genre that gets a lot of hate) and people would still be hyped.
Anon, Chun-li does Kung-fu, not Karate...
I remember when people would post these for SF4 to SF5.
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Post em
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Thread's ending so i can say one's justice 2 is actually really fun desu, worth the 5$
Loved playing the game with touka aka earphone jack
it's not
maybe the obscure fightan thread will be up for people playing arena games too.
new thread

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