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Heres my lobby,
How do I type into chat without spacebar sending the message?
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Daily reminder that any vtuber hater never played the EDF, oneechambara and dream c club series hence they're are:
A) a fucking tourist.
B) a salty Helldivers troon
C) Both.

They're just here just to low tier bait. Ignore, report and move on.
>Other Air Raiders running around with Spritefall already
>Still stuck with Bulge Laser A and B
Please, I just want my laser nuke back...
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to continue posting in this thread, please login to your EPIC GAMES ACCOUNT

>With your permission Epic Games will:
>Share your display name, language preferences, linked account display names,
online status, and list of friends with this application
>Allow this application to display your online status
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Ranger with the minion buster burst and ZER-Gun sentry has made soloing story mode on hard very comfy so far (mission 31)
Turns out you can do a ton of shit when you don't get nerfed by damage dropoff on your rifles
That shouldn't be happening. What actions did you bind to space?
Spritefall is not worth/meta with it's reload cost.

Embrace the drones, they're more powerful than you believe, combine them and they're very good
NTA but I have the same issue when I play on controller.
Do the fucking big androids have any actual weakness?
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If you didn't already have an Epic Games account sitting around from Unreal Tournament 4, you're a massive faggot and not a real PC gamer.
I have it at default
I am using a controller too though
post it
richanon pleasu gift me edf6, i played pirated copy and it was so much fun but can only play with other pirated copies
but they take too many bullets and they either have exploding bullets or more bullets
they can be staggered with enough damage and seem to randomly ragdoll
do you guys think the black person while be in storm team
Skill issue
>use burner email for throwaway epic games account
>played UT4 beta
>looked and played great
>they killed it to lurch further into fortnite
If you still allow that spyware launcher on your OS, you lost.
>b-but my free games!
They're all free in the first place.
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I like the new map expansions.

It's called having good taste, air raider.

If you have an air raider in your group, use stun copters. Throw one on each android/alien you want to remove from the fight. The cooldown period is non-existent so if your allies are killing the androids and aliens you stun, you can just stun a new one.
There are no black people.
Which gun should i use as ranger?
Rifle do shit damage while shotgun takes gazillion hrs to reload
>teleport anchor with shield screen
>all the dakka
i can see my hardest playthrough now
hopefully the devs kept up the spawning funny mutants in earlier missions thing again
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Fun times
I sure hope nobody falls for this low effort bait.
Which drones are good to use?
The voice acting is unbelievably monotone and poor before mission 12 or 13 where something happens and then since then (currently at mission 30) the voice acting has been roughly on the same level as 5, which i thought was fine except the song the song in 5 and 6 are absolutely trash compared to 4.1.

Please tell me the game is not going to banish me back to the garbage voice acting realm at some point. Being vague for spoiler reasons.
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>nobody joins my lobby
>get on last night
>start lobby
>wait for 30 minutes
>someone finally joined
>we play a mission, spamming voice lines, and having fun
>immediately leaves after the mission
>no one else joins
Oh, okay ._.
is there a way to rebind the voice line navigation menu on pc?

It defaults to the arrow keys but i don't see anywhere to actually change them.
G&M + shotgun
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hows ranger in this, i beat EDF5 ages ago but the drones on air raider sound cool
I've had a few people join my lobby in a few seconds whenever I open it. What level are you at right now? Additionally, if you sit around trying to get 2-3 other people to join, the first person who joined might think you're AFK and leave.
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>mission 3
>ant queen
Ok game god damn hold your horses.
Ranger and Air Raider are in the best spot they've ever been.

Wing Diver is exactly the same except it has a gadget slot for gimmick/utility/super weapons which doesn't drain energy. It is probably the 'worst' off in that a lot of new enemies/missions in general say "actually, fuck you" if you try to play to the wing divers strength which is zooming in and blasting with Rapier/Phalanx/Dragoon.

Fencer is more or less the same but with some quality of life stuff (miniguns fire slowly and then speed up rather than just not fire at all for 4 seconds while spooling up, for example) and starting out with 2 dashes and 2 jumps by default.
Ah, that's probably why then. Most people I'm seeing are still floating around the 13-18 range so you won't get many people jumping the shark. Probably just gonna have to solo it for a bit unless you get lucky.
Seems alright from when I played him. Think he got the least amount of changes from 5 but he got Air Raider's sentries so now he can do cheeky stuff with a motorcycle.
this is excellent news, thank you. i will buy the game right now
Watched my friend play a bit, looks like air raider has much better mobility than 5. How does wing diver play in this one? Is my weaponfu (stardust cannon) still good?
Ranger has his turrets back.
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how do i play air raider or ranger without getting mad at how long it takes to collect all the boxes
Great. The extra utility slot is a giant buff on its own, can larp as a grenadier with grenade launchers + grenade spam. Shotguns are even more busted now since the reload time is affected by the remaining ammo ie more remaining, shorter reload time.
As ranger:dash
As Air raider:suffer until you get vehicles
You play online with a fencer or wing diver on the team.
Armored Grape my beloved
God damn, the subtitles are full of stupid mistakes. They're not going to do any QA passes after the release though, huh. Is it possible to mod it myself? I'm literally willing to go through the entire script.
The instructor guy sounds like he came fifth in the 'who will become the new Rick and Morty voiceactor contest'
i have played up to mission 30 online in 6 and so far 60% of people i've seen have been Rangers, about 25% Fencers, 15% Air Raiders and Z E R O Wing Divers except for myself.

I thought Wing Diver was the most popular besides Ranger.
I would join by I'm 20 missions behind
And the song lyrics don't even match up, absolute disgrace
>Fencer is more or less the same
nah the boostjump slowdown nerfed his mobility hard
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This is an older image but I think WD isn't as popular as she was in 5.
I'm not very good at fencer but I just find them really fun to play
Throw grenades while reloading your shotgun.
To me it's bizarre because her sub weapons are ridiculously OP. I think people interpreted her main weapons being less OP as the class being killed when in reality it's so she's not ridiculously, stupidly OP when her sub weapons are accounted for. Her lightsaber in particular is just fucking ridiculous in swarms
Figures EDF drones would defend their slop vtumours lmao
Imagine paying 60+30 USD for this scam
>j-just r-report bro, jannies w-will help us
So far i saw literally no one using wing diver
Fencer and air raider are most common choice
keep seething tourist. go back to troondivers
Nobody's joining you in your lobbies because nobody wants to link Epic cancer to their Steam account. Simple as.
Ranger can now bring gimmicky utility stuff without gimping himself since it has it's own slot now.
I noticed the same, so I decided to gear up my Wing Diver a little for this weekend. I kinda suck with WD but I'm gonna do my best to Dragoon things in the face without dying too much.
I use the fencer auto missile arms. Carried the entire team due to staggering 10 at a time while we were kitting them. It also helped everyone focus fire.
i love both EDF and helldivers and i'm really disappointed in how they both turned out behind the scenes

Games that are meant to be fun are not allowed
There's a way to fix that but the trade off is no more long boosting. I think its reverse jump and more jumps for dashes and you get 5.0 speed in combat.
>fly up to one point blank as wing diver
>unload Rapier/Phalanx
>it dies
>or i die because something else shot me and i have no defense
>im going to keep doing it though
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Ok cunts, post what you like about the game so far.


Starting mission 6 as Fencerchad. I like the flashing crates on the ground, the little pop up over your head for what crate you got, and the damage indicators on the weapons.

Im also liking how its not fucking around with you, making you fight a queen on mission 4 and bees on 5.
I unironically spent minutes shooting turtoise missiles at them while they were unaggroed, fuck them
Whoops, starting 7 and bees are on 6. Forgive me for drinking, war is hell.
The new enemies and mechanics are fucking great, I love the KG6
30mm heavy galics can knock down buildings and I love it
I like that you can shoot away the claws on the new robot dudes
The air raider drones are pretty neat.
>literally no argument except for "muh divers" boogeymen
I'm literally laughing in your face ESL golem
Meanwhile, bend over and take it up your ass lolmao
Their introductory mission mentions their eyes as the weakpoint.
I kept firing the G&M into it and it stunned it out of firing it's lasers constantly.
really thankful that Fencer now starts with additional dashes
If you're having no issues with the voice acting past 16 then you won't have an issue, as the new voice acting kicks in immediately when the androids appear.
>Bunker thread
More like safe space.
I have never seen a game crash and burn like this piece of shit.
EDF has always been a low effort scam and for some reason you faggots keep buying it. The fuck is wrong with you morons?
it's one of the greatest series of all time even with this fuck up
What's with the guy constantly going on about civilian casualties in this empty and desolated city? Is he delusional, suffering from PTSD, or is it a japanese translation thing?
It's fun.
Blew me away the first time i saw it, gallic gun was my first weapon drop. The new gfx for em are pretty sweet too, but the lv0 ones seem like the got a fucky hitbox. I was nailing humans center of mass, dudes didnt even flinch.
It really is like this
i think it's just meant to be funny but everyone is so monotone for that section of the game that a lot of it comes across as just stupid. Even so i still laughed at
>kill all the aliens in a competely destroyed and wiped out city
>we did it, and not a single civilian casualty :)

After a certain mission in the 10's the voice acting and humour returns to 'normal'.
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>everyone and their mom are playing on HARD because it's early
>30 Gallic being viable again because enemies are still slow
Have they fixed the helicopters yet?
Some lines are very retarded in dubs but i like dub more
Have old movie vibe
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Chances they do something about EOS?
No standards whatsoever
Imagine buying this Vcancer infested dogshit that's also locked to 60 FPS while still having PS3 graphics
For fucking 60 dollarinios LMOA
These "people" are genuine redditor NPCs if I've ever seen one, it's fine to get scammed because they have le fun (for now)
is the game good? i heared alot of ppl are malding its on epic...
All of that is soul though?
Stop responding to yourself, samefaggot.
It's 5 but a little bit better

if you liked/didn't like 5 you will feel the same about 6.
i never played any of the series before
they have a partnership, possibly a contract
It's crazy how devs actually spat in your mouths and tried to paste epic requirements all over the store page and then act like nothing happened, but none of you seem to mind because... reasons?
Literally no self awareness at all
Embarrassing to even look at
He's utterly shellshocked. In about 10 missions, you learn that the aliens have turned Earth into a manufacturing center and they keep sending more autonomous weapons and ships back to the past through a warp device, which is making the war get more and more fucked up. Around that time, there are less than 10,000 people alive on the planet.
It's just funny ha ha dialog.
Nobody reply, do not engage with him, let him rot.
>PS3 scamerinio for 90 USD is le soul though???
Once again, redditor NPCs lmao
Cope + seethe + I'm right lole
Damn. Was looking forward to EDF6.
Since Air raiders call ins can be charged by teammates and some are very cheap can you just not run a gun on this class period?
I shot bugs and frogs and weird Mars Attacks androids for 9 hours today. I've already gotten my money's worth and I'm not even to mission 30 yet.
You shoot a bunch of ants
That's about it
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>It's another shoot androids for 25 minutes mission
Should I still be starting on hard? I'm only on mission 10 thus far
I like fencer :)

what are the best fencer weapons?
I love the Guided Grenade. It feels like it does way more damage than listed.
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Yes and i remember running guard pylon + healing pylon + vehicle in 4 or 5 on some mission we were really struggling with.
however if your teammates die...
You could switch it out for drones, the drones are fun.
You're a retard it's had a higher jump than the other games.
Doesn't the civilians bit come before the factories show up? At least the first time around they don't show up until after they go into the time machine and change the past.
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>lalalala I'm ignoring it, please go away :(
Everybody knows what happened
up to 32 purely from Hard missions, seems fine. Some missions you have to do quite a bit of kiting though unless you have a cracked team
Yeah the first ten really don't pull their punches even if they're mostly mono enemies
>ant queen
>mixed frogs and ants
>ant ambushes on top of you
>big swarm of red ants surrounding you
>two dozen frogs survival
>dozens of basic androids
You're gonna need some real fucking gear with inferno speed
No, the Captain does suffer from Shellshock and is delusional, he's still right in some ways.
The big androids are giving me hector flashback as the spaz around
I am playing Wing Diver
I bring the Rapier or Phalanx because they are fun and do a million damage
The mission has enemies i cannot hit with the Rapier or Phalanx
I scream
Maybe Normal just long enough to replace the absolute crap starter gear for your first class, but yes, Hard is the way to go.
I'm not a terminally online cretin and EDF 6 is one of the few games I will play this year. I don't know what the problem is with Vtubers or Epic, but even if they are somehow destroying the industry I wouldn't care. I just want to play EDF
and that is before we get dlc shit, EDF 6 DLC fencer is literal ultra instinct
The shitposting seemed to start when HD2 blew up
>muh $60
>muh PS3 graphics
>muh same game yearly when a mainline game releases every 5 years
That's what the Lightning Bows are for
But they're way worse than hectors since they clamber up buildings and you can't jiggle them into permamissing.
Though that one mission 4.1 where its just a bunch of hyperspeed hectors going down the lanes towards you single file will always live in my head rent free.
What are the good ones if you're running it as your only self-defense option?
I just started using air raider so I'm still using the starter two, that attack whatever you hit with a beacon, and do a strafing run.
Stop talking to yourself.
They made 30 mm gallic heavy cannon feel way meatier
Ugh, powerkek melty
I like the mortars but the galleon/gallic is a staple for Fencer.
Make sure to change your camera type to 1
Okay zoomer.
CAM ON, TWATS! Tell me what got you hooked on EDF in the first place, fer chrissakes!

For me, it was in 4.1... playing solo, I hit the song emote for funsies not knowing no better. Shit my britches when my ai squad sang the 2nd verse. I knew then that EDF was the most video gamey vidya id played in years.

My preferred loadout is:

>HAIL/Bloodstorm/Armhound/Mortars, mission dependent
>NC Handcannon

Good all around loadout, but i need to learn shields/melee because it looks fun as hell
seems to be happening to everyone using a controller, there is no fix
>I just want to eat this slop for 60+30 $, I DON'T CARE OK???
Yeah, we know. What a rabid stan, zamn.
>what got you hooked on EDF in the first place
I picked up a cheap used copy of EDF 2017 on a whim. One of the best video game purchases I've ever made.
Way back in 2008 or so I see a vid of a literal grandpa playing EDF 3 on niconico

Instantly bought 4.1 when it came to steam
I just tried Ranger in 6 after exclusively playing Wing Diver for 7 hours and while his guns are really good i actually cannot handle not being able to go fast
New room because the other one's full
starting from mission 14
Hard is the only difficulty worth playing. Easy and normal are too difficult, and hardest to inferno are for hardcore autists who enjoy farming for armor and such.
EDF 6 cost me about the same as a normal night out.
Sorry you live in a third world country, but the price isn't an issue for me.
based grandpa
Why not just not buy the dlc. And if you have a normal job and aren't worried about what you'll have for dinner tomorrow 60 USD is literally nothing.
>Easy and normal are too difficult
Fuck I meant to say too easy.
You sound like the marketer you wish you were paid to be, Shill-kun.
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>Wing Diver sword attack in the gadget slot is doing higher dps than my current point blank Rapier
at last i truly see
>spine driver + power blade
oh it and costs zero (0) (z e r o) energy so you can fly and boost around like an absolute fuckwit at the same time
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Obviously drones with amerimutt mentality are the first ones shouting "but 60 isn't much?!" completely missing the point lmao
When do you get the katana for Fencer?
No I understand the point but I just can't care that much man. I really don't find it productive to get up in arms about something like this. You do, and that's fine I suppose, but maybe consider what you're doing with your time, which is crusading anonymously based on principles or something against 60 USD something something man I truly cannot give a shit about this like you do, I promise.
There's a level 0 one, so basically whenever.
Just get the drop :^)
He acts like everyone here buys every single game that gets released lately when no one does that
Does ranger get mecha to?
I love ranger but tanks are boring and have shit range
I also unlocked a bullet tank which is is better but dmg is shit and ammo burnout really fast
Any chance of getting a huge sale?
Would love to gift my friend a copy
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halftime lets gooooo
I only got the weapons from 5 FUCK
Probably 2026 or something. EDF tends to get big sales
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Suck my big black dick faggot, dont you have some hormone enhancing crystal therapy to do? The fuck outta here.
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An air raider fella who joined for a was always in basically melee range of hordes of ants/grenadiers at all times and since i was using the Wing Divers big cannon thing with like 25 radius, i kept killing him with collateral and he was getting very upset. I'm pretty sure I killed more enemies than the other 3 people combined in those missions though because of how well suited the cannon was.

was I in the wrong here? I'm going to keep doing it anyway
>Weapon level 28
Long ass game holy shit
Do you guys usually find a use for the grenade slot? No matter what I do, the bugs are always on either me or an AI squad, and if the AI squads die, so do I. I've just started taking the health clouds, they let me sit around and slug-shot things.
Did you communicate.
If you're playing solo like a goblin can't you just use turrets
No, youre not the asshole. Raider shouldve buggered off and gave your room. Otoh, do check for friendlies and adjust your aim accordingly.
Stun drones are fucking fantastic.
>attach to a single alien
>drone hovers over it and shits on it for a minute, doing continual damage and keeping it mostly locked
>attach to a powerful or fast enemy like a red drone
>once it hits the red drone for the first time, it stays on it hitting it repeatedly for a full minute
>can fire all of them off on something with tons of hitpoints and they do a high amount of damage over time
The downside is, if it's your only self-defense, then you will have it on cooldown often.
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Since I'm in SE Asia I don't think I can play with the usual /v/ lobby
Forgot to say I'm a different anon
>Crossing streams
They eat shit if you can stagger them, thing is apparently stagger isn't tied to damage so you might need a high stagger weapon vs them.
Source: as fencer they didn't flinch at my 500dmg piercer but my shotgun consistently staggered them with just 2 shots.
No. but this happened like 8 times and he never changed his behaviour.

It's not like i was leaving him to rot, if he was in the middle of 40 ants i'd just blow him and all of them up and then already be flying over to revive him in only a couple of seconds.
Dude I gotta goblin, none of my friends bought it yet. I forgot about the turrets, though I've only got the flamethrowers. They don't seem great against drones and androids.
Then you're slightly an asshole, but only like 2%.
>i gotta goblin, none of my friends bought it
majority of people play with randoms though
supposedly this game doesn't have region locking for the server browser but i've yet to see proof either way.
What the hell do you do as a ranger against kruuls? Not quick enough to move around their shields.
True, but like 7 of the lads swore they'd buy it. I kinda sorta figured I'd wait for 'em, but I guess I'm the only one to shell out early. I'll probably fire online up tomorrow, see if I've got the dummy account thing already.
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I'm at mission 53.
So we're looking at about 150-ish missions, here.
Ran into a few Japs already
Multiplayer ED5 final mission cuts out the entire epilogue so going solo is worth it for at least that much.
I completly missed all the plot exposition in that mission due to being swarm from all sides as air raider and fighting for my life

I don't know how to feel about the enemy density in tutorial missions. Then again, I'm playing on hard
>shoot leg tentacles
>shotgun to face when immobilised
offline and online progression is shared in terms of mission completion/armour/weapons in 6, so if you prefer multiplayer there's no reason not to.
In 5 I used to play triple call ins (point based CD) in high density maps and 1 call in + double bombardment (time based CD) on low density.
But I've been told they nerfed point based call ins and their cost is a lot higher so we'll see
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the sound it makes when you shoot the hands is unreal
if you guys want people to join your lobbies fucking put /v/ in the room name ffs i can't tell who is cool or not
I guess that's true. It's kinda fun just to cruise through and enjoy the plot on my own though, without a Discord call full of people giggling at it.
Any pirate wanna play together?
>parrying the hands
i wish you could see which chat wheel lines were actually voiced
Are beacon drones any good?
Their cooldown is pretty long compared to the drone that strikes in a line and its damage seems lower.
Maybe they're better in multiplayer with other players helping kill shit so they recharge faster
I just realized this doesn't address your point about playing with randos at all. Forgive me, I'm posting while tired.
sniper drone absolutely fucks kruuls up the butt especially if you can tag them from across the map before they notice you
had one of them block the first shot and WAGGLE ITS TENTACLE AT ME right before the second shot obliterated him. get off my planet nigger
Are they not all voiced? 90% of them in EDF5 were voiced.
Any close range weapon other than dexter to pair with a piercer or hammer?
I was stuck with that shotgun in 5 for the full game
This mission was fucking intense
The new katanas have boost jump.
I am missing on a joke in mission 10? There something missing it seems between it and mission 9. What happened in-between? And mission description "same enemies as always" is not fucking true! It is the first time i'm seeing those androids, and there are so many of them too.
people say the first Mother Ant mission is a curve ball but the first Android mission is way harder
Suppressor gun or whatever its called for air raider does surprisingly good damage in melee and its reload is pretty good.
>Air Raider tazer drones
I'm never taking these off.
You really hang up on those 60 dollars, huh
There's so much other shit going on with this scam, but I guess that's the only thing you can kind of talk back to
Cute cope, whatever lmao
>actually plays on the ground short distances jumping every now and then
Still mad the best way to play this class is jumping on top of buildings to shoot stuff
It started with EDF drones shitting up HD2 threads, don't dish it if you can't take it.
that was before i discovered the short saber
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Dude like I said, I just can't care. Someone died a second ago somewhere in the world. Who fucking cares about whatever you're talking about.
eat shit you WAGGLIN CASUAL
>V tumours in a fully-priced game
>tumours sold separately btw
Certified slop.
Good to know, being a melee weapon I would probably take for granted they have boost if nobody told me
all the default ones are but at least some of the ones you can swap them out for aren't
Oof, shame.
Same, they're talking about the 3 years and 10 motherships wiping out humanity but we already learned that at the start of the game.
>buy edf6
>it's actually edf7
what a tweest
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One thing I can say about EDF6 is that they really fixed the pacing issue of 5 being slow to open up.
It throws that many enemy types within the first 30 missions, the remaster of the green ants level was surprisingly intense as you have to complete it with basic weapons instead of the late-game firearms in the previous game.

My issue with Epic is that it is known to have massive security breaches in addition to act like a spyware, the latter point may be different considering it's EOS not EGS but I can't say I trust either client in my desktop. Nevermind they dropped this kind of requirement without prior notice before launch. To my understanding, EDF6 used the Epic API on consoles in order to have crossplay between the PS4 and PS5.

I'm currently playing and enjoying EDF6 on my Steam Deck, exclusively solo, but I'm still livid that the sole PC game I've been waiting for a long time has been handled so poorly. At this point, I may as well remain a console pleb (Switch) to just play my Japanese games if I'm gonna get treated like a filthy gaijin on PC. Not that I expect EDF6 on Switch 2 before 2027 or 2028 though.
before mission 14 they like to repeat the exact same line/sentiment about 20 times per mission in a monotone voice

if anyone is disappointed in the dialog/voice acting compared to previous games, just tough it out until mission 14.
Glad I'm not alone in being baffled by this. Maybe some later development will explain it.
It's fun. Anything with a hurtbox can deflect the hands, including fire.
>shielded pylons
>spawn robots
>and also shoot at you
jesus christ
flying around close to the big aliens with a lance was pretty fun in 5
hopefully i'll get a good one soon in 6
>retards complaining about doing the same mission over and over
>they still haven't figured it out

for you newfags: EDF6's plot is kojimbo levels of brainfuck just let it burn
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Havent played enough to know much better, but that load carried me thru 4.1 and 5. You might switch the dexter for galleons or gatlings, but make sure you can still slide/jump for sanic speed.

The jackhammer is for melee, dexter midrange. NC cannon is your sniper and HAIL etc generally serves for long range bombardment.

Mostly comes from doing splitscreen with my bro, he mains wing diver. Ive got airstrikes on demand, and if he gets ko'd i can turn 360 degrees, clear a path and pick him up.
Room back up, had to eat really quick
starting from mission 14
It does make sense, just hasn't been explained to you yet
Air Raiders being on the receiving end of friendly fire is just karma. And I say that as a guy who only plays Air Raider.
>Blasthole Spear
>My boy Dexter
>Double Powerdyne
>All gotten in mission 2
Yep, it's carrying time
Is it viable to start on Hard with a group of 4 people or is the armor system gonna fuck us over unless we grind
Not that guy, but I'm assuming it's yet another timeline where the Primers' force was composed of the androids.
Thanks, i'll continue playing.
it's rough starting out but it smooths over once you start getting better weapons
Technically you could change your controller to use kbm inputs in order to work around it. I am currently in the process of doing that on a DS4 to get comfy gyro aim and it's working out pretty well. I still need to progress far enough to learn what the default PS4/5 button layout for each vehicle is though since there's no config for those on controller and I can't seem to find them documented anywhere.
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this was the hardest I've laughed in an edf game
First mission was a little rough but after that we were cruising
Whats the earliest mission to just farm for basic level 0-1 gear?
Some android missions get intense with how strong they are but you can make it
Spoilers for a couple missions down the line The giant ring spaceship is a time machine
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>hearing the chief commanders voice again
Big core tho
In a few missions, you learn that the big ring ship was a time portal, and the aliens are sending weapons back into the past. When the ring ship showed up and a ton of ships flew through it, they altered the past, deploying androids that were never there before. When you were told "it's the same enemies as always", that was because, to the people in the game, the androids were there from the beginning, since time was altered.
>flat screen monitor
I thought this manga was from the 80s.
Missions 1-14 dialogue and descriptions are so disjointed that you really don't know what's going on, on one mission you have the NPCs saying we won, and suddenly they're all saying we lost, and then the nerd out of nowhere knows about the ring ship's weakness and purpose for no reason with zero buildup. Unless that's done intentionally to show how the time fuckery is changing what really happened but with translations being as bad as they are I can't be sure of that.
enemies move so slowly on hard mode, as long as you have at least one person capable of kiting around you can never lose. on bees can keep up and they are much more manageable on ahrd as well.
Don't act like those weren't 95% shills shilling to shills. Same thing here, probably. Anyone with half a brain knows anything related to epic is cancer and the Helldivers shit was faggotry par excellence.
the fuck? is this satire or is the game pozzed?
He's already looped five times by the start of the game
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>air raider gameplay
>Epic Games
What do you think
She gets annihilated immediately anon
fucking watch the whole thing retard
one of the soliders quips back that the news anchor is going to die in a drone attack
Why is it still not available on key reseller websites
you haven't played 5 or 6, so either play, or fuck off
Did you never play 5? Her pretty words mean nothing and the attempt at dialogue fails instantly.
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holy fuck wingdivers have swords lets fucking go
Do they call the bugs illegal immigrants in 5 or is that only in 4?
I don't quite remember
Is there any graphic.ini file? It looks worse than 4.
It was in 5.
I just played through that bit too kek
Scientist guy is Johny Gat. I can't unsee it at all.
EDF 5 keeps calling them "illegal aliens" and saying they should be deported. They make fun of bleeding hearts who seek peace with the invaders, and the final boss involves you showing up and "arresting" their leader. Also, the aliens invaded China and China won - because the aliens all died in the smog.
EDF 6 does the exact same stuff, except now they go a step further with EDF commenting on more than one occasion that they've been made a minority on their own planet, and now it belongs to the aliens.

People have attempted to cancel EDF for being "problematic" for almost a decade, but they don't care and keep making these jokes and padding the game with Ass 'n' Thigh Divers.
Toggle between full screen and borderless window mode. You'll be able to tell the difference with the antialiasing.
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>mfw the plot is basically Serious Sam
>injecting real world political views in a nonsensical video game
god forbid we have some escapism in our games. This is getting pretty shameless rightoid screching at this point. Got no respect for the devs after this.
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>the end of mission 9
>walking outside in mission 10
>the UI/music changes

This game sure does a lot with a little. Spooky.
>mfw anytime red drones appear
I'm surprised how subtle the plot is for the first couple dozen missions
Shit gets said that makes sense in the moment but makes way more sense in hindsight
Anyone here use lossless scaling on this to emulate 120fps ? Looks like a game that would profit a lot from a high framerate
Yeah the music that plays when the new ships and androids show up is super oppressive and hopeless.
Starting on hard difficulty and constantly being nearly overwhelmed by the waves of 50 androids only sell that feeling further.
>Serious Sam also features an EDF
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4.1, the mission where it's just a full frontal assault from both sides.
>The sheer scale of chaos unfolding all around
i'm surprised they didn't make a variant that full on charges you instead of lumbering at you menacingly
>Slowly plods toward you
>Stands still for a long explosion countdown
It's just not the same.
They're only dangerous if you kill them yourself and some balls roll somewhere unexpected.
The Cannonball variant (Big Grenadier) is very dangerous especially when it slowly walks towards you while you have your hands full on other enemies.
Although it's pretty funny when it blows itself up and kill all the other enemies around.
The slug shot wrecks their shit. Even better if you manage to kill multiple in one round too
Serious Sam had a plot?
>Steam reviews still say you need an EGS account to play with is false
Can someone correct them already? It's a blatant lie.
they either paid money or accepted money to implement it so it is there to stay unless they make a 6.1 re-release or something (this is never going to happen)
3 ends up with Sam time travelling back to Ancient Egypt as the present day is fucked by mental literally crashing the moon into Earth iirc
Was there a way to skip the Epic login?
Any rooms up? I'll jump on in a sec and blast some buggernauts with you bros.
IIRC EDF5 also had a 60fps cap because the engine ties physics to framerate.
Same thing likely applies to EDF6
Truly retarded engine coding for a modern game
did they add fucking damage numbers to the game or what?
You do need the EOS client in order to play the game, regardless you exclusively play singleplayer. The EGS account is for multiplayer.
I wish people would stop acting like apologists on the Steam reviews though.
Yes and its great because now we can actually test and see what weapons really do.
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Yeah, just click the button next to this. It signs you in via Steam and goes on as normal.
Anyone else experiencing horrible desync issues online?
My host was always in the wrong place shooting directly into the sky, any enemy he was actually attacking, or anything agroing at him, was functionally immortal.
No one cares
No you dont, you dont need anything to play single player. Juat press cancel when it tries to install and the game will boot without it. You can also disable this entirely from the game files.
t. I literally avoided installing or signing up for anything epic related.
I could never get into gatlings, being rooted to the ground is a huge disadvantage and I never cared for shields either. Gatling + reflect shield was fun though.

I usually run a close range loadout + bombardment or long range loadout depending of the map. I hope lockon missiles are good this time around, so far the 4 missile launcher was fucking shit vs the weird jellyfish looking ships
They're technically correct even if it's a zero effort dummy account linked to the game.
yes, and you can set it to show damage on individual enemies, so when you fire into a huge cluster of enemies you can actually tell you're damaging all of them.
You can also disable it.
Enemies dying or not dying wasn't enough to find out?
Gatlings keep their spool up for a while after you interrupt firing, which means you can stop to reposition if necessary and then resume at full firerate.
Imagine things like
>Travel time reducing damage
>Magazine capacity doing damage
>Understanding how much damage an explosive actually does
>Knowing how many dudes my piercing shots can actually hit at once

>Knowing if my meme mortar strike actually hit anything
I brought Fire Crackers to fight Erginus with as a joke and god damn those things were doing more DPS than all my other weapons
That, and starting in 5 you can walk slow forward whilw firing
I can testify it does need the EOS client because I tried to uninstall it and boot the game afterwards. I was prompted with an error message saying it was missing a bunch of files, which I assume it's the Epic API
It's nice in itself, but it's one foot in the door for parsefaggotry. It happened to monster hunter, and the chance of it happening to EDF later down the line is small, but non-zero.
Gatlings come with a jump for a reason
You take two at once, shoot with one till its at 1/3rd mag, then start shooting with the other.
Keep both fire buttons held down while you stun/skill everything in front of you, occasionally using the jump to move backwards
It was hard to tell the effect of range on weapon damage.
Some weapons like the bolt shooter have a sweet spot
I'm already happy with my mortars showing a big red circle on where I'm aiming it. Way easier to aim.
If you never install it in the first place it works, I can confirm. I'm not lying I did this. Dunno about how to remove it.
Or you take the speed exoskeletons.
Those are hilarious, looking forward to seeing the endgame ones.
I do love it but
>Take a grenade launcher
>woah shit this thing shows where I'm actually aiming now
>Every single shot completely misses
It was a funny mission, but god damn
Still too slow for close range fights and at long ranges I rather use gallic for big targets or mortars for hordes.

I'll give it a try vs bees and small fry flyers, it might work vs them and substitute missiles and the light canon
>EOS overlay eats mouse input while displaying an achievement popup
Fucking piece of shit.
Alright I will try to reinstall the game on my desktop and see if your trick works as you said.
Otherwise I'll send ten teleportation anchors up your ass
Helldivers is because the devs are retarded, just look at how they keep fucking up everything with nerfs.
EDF6 is because it's a Japanese company. It's a 50/50 toss up whether they do things correctly or fuck up horribly.
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I can't join any lobbies, nobody joins my sessions.
It gets better once they start to do good damage. The stun is pretty handy to have.
>the sergeant is down
>Juat press cancel when it tries to install and the game will boot without it.
Except it won't, you lying retard
A dummy account that involves sharing your Steam account details and friends list and birthday with Epic.
>getting kicked from public lobbies cause people don't know how to set it to private
$60 wasn't enough, this game should've been $150 to filter these mouthbreathers.
>got an email a few years back about a suspicious login on my epic account I made for UT4
Didn't care then, don't care now.
>pls stop being mean :(
Imagine defending this slop FOR FREE kek
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>defend this slop FOR FREE
thank you i will
Okay what can they do with that intel
Holy copium
That's your average player right there, what are you crying about
Whether you want gatlings or dexters for flyers depends on which flyers. I like gatlings for massed bees and red drones but dexters for spread out bees and normal drones. If you have a decent nc cannon snipe em at range, then switch to the other for ciws.

Dexters and gatlings get better with levels, less delay and more spread for dexter and faster spool for gatlings.

For homing rockets against flyers its gonna be an armhound, everything else is too slow iirc. If youre doing hounds and ncs, open with the nc then fire off tbe hound and change em off as reload occours
>it's not a real account because you allow them to fetch data from your steam account to create it
>so you aren't actually making an account, it's not a real account
Nigger, the reviews on PC are fucked because of the whole Epic account fuckery. The actual game is fine if you look at console reviews since they don't have to deal with that shit. You faggots that dump on EDF because "scam" and "low-effort" yet won't take the game being fun as an excuse are the reason why games are so shit nowadays. You and >>683776698
think a game being fun isn't good enough, which is so fucking backwards and misses the entire point of what games should be. Fair enough if you're going to argue about price point, but this constant bitching about money makes me think you're either unemployed or a third-world shitbrain infesting this already shit board. No fucking wonder videogames declined so hard, faggots like you helped in turning this whole industry into a goddamned crab bucket.
Why the fuck is this tutorial so slow and long
I already know how to play this game
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>60 FPS lock
>looks like shit from ~2010
>Day 1 DLCs
>V-anime shit on top of it
>still priced like an AAA game
Devs doing the switcharoo right on the front page is enough for any sane person to drop this immediately.
You can just enter a fake one anyway
firecrackers were always lowkey busted, basically a pocket buster shot, you just had to waste one of your two weapon slots to bring them, now you have a dedicated slot for nades and now POCKET SAND finally gets to shine
>responding to bait
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>it only takes 5 minutes to install the spyware
>I bet you have some other spyware installed already
>it's current year you should just expect this by now
>your own government is probably spying on you already so you shouldn't care
>they don't do anything with it, I swear it's nothingburger
>ignore the discord doomposters guys, I'm having fun!
They aren't sending their best.
Confirm the bait posters with your eyes
threadly reminder to report discord raid doomposters and all other shitposting
>literally "it's t-totally discoord doomposters g-guys!" boogeyman
lol lmao
>le boogeyman
hi discordniggers
good fucking god
Anyone else crashing?
I had 3 crashes in 12 hours so far.
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One crash starting m10 so far
Storm One, you were the Earth Defense Force 6 all along...
Nice try Tim Horton, I'm still not making an epic account.
You can still tell wing diver has a fat ass even with the pants.
I played for 5 hours or so yesterday, no crashes at all.
Offline, I7 4970k + RX 6700 XT
CreamAPI lets you unlock all DLC including the JP/Global exclusive stuff fyi
Anybody had any crashes? I just got one after 2.7 hours, right near the end of a mission too I think
Lose it in another data breach
Does that include the unlocking the mission packs early or no?
Will Wing Diver ever get a weapon that is worth using over the Phalanx?
overwhelm the shield with AR shots, then use the MR98 fang sniper rifle on either the legs or head
You need a weapon that hits extremely hard, since the shield doesn't say down for long
had it once. i had a homing weapon in hands and just spamming it at longest possible range
Okay what can the hackers do with that intel
Mass loot mod or cheat engine code when?
Playing air raider solo is a bitch
Bro, your thunder bow?
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They're not available as DLC yet so no
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If I make a PlayStation room for mission on 12 on normal would anyone join?
Nice 2007 game bro
Oddly I don't see the Fencer OneeChanbara thing in-game.
Not sure if I'm just blind or not looking in the right spot for it, it should be under shields right?
go back to discord, alex, seethe more, slavnigger
It's so annoying, they're definitely already in the files. I hope some autist figures out how to get at them before they "release"
I had trouble with it too, what ultimately worked for me was uninstalling the CreamAPI stuff, shutting down Steam and then reinstalling it, then going back in.
rapier is better than phalanx in many situations
So wait, if people with the JP DLC play with you, you can see their decoys? With the same stripping function and songs and everything?
Then why the fuck is it regionally exclusive to begin with?
Definitely licensing issues, I don't think it's a censorship thing. They likely didn't float the stripping ideas with the English language ones because the western brand doesn't operate that way
Refunded! Enjoy, lads. Pour one out for me. I'll join your lobbies a few years from now.
That pic is for PS4/5 so I dunno if it applies to PC
>regionally exclusive
Japs are really autistic with copyright shit afaik.
The game installs EOS on game launch, then when you try playing offline, it asks for Epic login or allows you to make a dummy account for which you need to add a fake date of birth, then you never have to deal with it ever again
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That worked, thanks anon!
If you just use CreamAPI you can get all the Hololive stuff for yourself regardless of region lock
>willingly installing spyware
No thanks
And you don't need to install the ebin games store either.
>They likely didn't float the stripping ideas with the English language ones because the western brand doesn't operate that way
That's not how Hololive operates, the English brand is still managed by and from Japan. All of this would've been organised with the same people at the same time.
How does it run on Deck? Debating this or PS4.
No way, the English language tumours were only added with the "western" release, that's almost two years of separation
PS4 or Pro?
Is any of the dlc worth buying though?
Any lobbies up?
They're removing it
Only the upcoming mission packs are worth buying if you want more EDF
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We did it Reddit
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How many missions is there in the campaign?
I'm surprised they're bothering to do anything. Hopefully it turns the reviews around.
Please god do some QA on the translation while you're at it (they won't)
Around 150 I think
Earlier ones are a few minutes long though
Over 9000
It's now at mixed. A big step up from overwhelmingly negative.
It had already climbed up there before this announcement. I was actually worried that because of it slowly climbing they wouldn't bother, but thankfully it didn't play out that way.
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Now we're talking
You all need to learn to read. It will be a passiv links in the background like many other games have it.
I'll be real I don't understand why people complained about it so much. It's way more preferable to some of the other dog shit practices PC games have like everything Paradox or Ubisoft or 2K and the like and their horrendous, barely functioning launchers.
Does the air raider limitations from the early missions show up again later on?
I want to use air strikes not stupid drones
other than the drones machine gun that attack in a line, those are alright
A few vocal schizos complained then other people just wanted to fit in
If you're willing to be a psycho with the Saber gadget then you can replace the rapier/phalanx with a medium or long range option
yes, it's timeline based
It's entirely on them, EOS can be done silently as it's been done in hundreds of games, but they kept the prompt that makes it look like EGS and installs services on your PC
Maybe they thought people would find it convenient to link their epic games account
Who knows, nips are so out of touch
>login requirement
>EOS itself
no and you're a schizo if you care
power lance
>you're a schizo if you care about the thing that stops you from playing the game offline at all
Is there an auto-loot grabber cheat available yet like in EDF5?
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>hmm the closed laser is an ok long range weapon but not very fun
>monster zero sounds cool lets try it
>fire it once
is this a joke
>they are going to remove EOS sign in
this means nothing, do not stop attacking this piece of shit franchise.
You think people care about that? That's why they got away with it before in the first place.
How fucking stupid can a dev be to put that shit in their game. I know it's possible to do epic crossplay without the actual account link shit.
Plus the store page didn't say it required it until the last second. If they had put that info out there a month ago then they wouldn't have had nearly as many negative reviews.
t. Primer
fucking hell these fishman with their big ass pink poisen aoe are annoying as fuck once they group up
They're different forms of authentication using different identifiers. That's why one is acceptable and the other isn't.
I really hope karma strikes you faggots that organize off-site, what a way to out yourself
>monster zero
read the description
How's the ps5 version? I have a pc but I've been slowly moving away from there.
Why would you
I went all in on pc gaming and ended up just not enjoying gaming like I used to. I built a 3090 build and while I love high framerates and resolutions games just became slop and forgettable. I personally missed the physical collection aspect of it as well.
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>suddenly the thread gets flooded by anons who make it about epic,
>the EDF posting stops and all the memes posted are direct reposts of memes from the other brigaded EDF6 threads
Hmm, don't you just love the smell of a fresh batch of tortanic brigadetroons who don't even own EDF6, never played it online, or even use steam.
post lobby
Sooo because you enjoy gaming less than before you want to pay 70 bucks for plastic cases ?
Yeah. That's why I'm asking if edf 6 is any good on the ps5.
Ranger are boring after a while
Every one gets cool upgrades to kill million bugs but ranger still have basic ass rifle and shit shotgun with a tank that do 360 flip after a bump
>karma for shitting on drones who shilled for a $60 ps2 slop cashgrab
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why did they have to remove my beautiful armour
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oh look what I got
I don't get it
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why are steamies like this?
Mobs have weaknesses? huh?


>they don't know how much time it will take
its over
Dude these degenerate faggots make everything about mental illnesses. Kingdom hearts had just released on steam and there were a ton of fags trying to make the community tab have tranny crap. It's a children's game. Why post that crap there?
5's design actually looks like power armour, so that's good. You can see there's machinery involved with it. 4's version doesn't look powered, it's just a guy with plates.
Maybe you prefer that but I like it when the power armour class actually looks like he's wearing power armour.
dont cheat, cheater
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>they still be talking about edf6
I wish gaben would shit in my mouth.
But on a more serious note we're overprotective of steam because it's a service that provides a pretty great value. Watching epic try to muscle in with simple money and payments compared to a feature rich environment is disappointing. Compete by making things, and investing, not using vbucks to skip steps.
The japs just used it because they're incompetent and needed a quick online fix. It wasn't malice by timmy.
Epic is providing crossplay between steam and epic. How is that not a feature rich environment? It is literally a service Steam doesn't provide.
>steam points
>animated profile pictures
>profile backgrounds
>achievements sorted by rarity
the list goes on. epic doesn't compare. we will not use it until those features are in.
Do you have any idea how many games use EOS? Do you know what it is?
>It is literally a service Steam doesn't provide.
It does though.
can I just get my friend to download my game files via family sharing and then join my lobbies? no crack needed?
low effort bait
Try adding proper streaming/remote desktop on any smart TV (and with the old steamlink box, on literally anything). And workshop (but needs a revamp), and auction house, and being the gold standard for cloud content like saves, and endless friends list features, and a decent store format for interests and wishlist, and a decent switch ripoff, and keeping pc gaming thriving during a dark period, and more
How do i increase my armor number?
I saw my teammate have 700+ while i still have 250
>cheat engine
>playing at 3x speed
I just want to unlock cool shit faster
>that timeskip to EDF 5
>sarge is right there
>all the old voices
>schizo egg lady
>"they look just like us!!!"
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What the fuck is wrong with you? That guy looks just like my brother. You don't even know it was hostile, it was just walking there.
>steam's critical vital feature list now includes a hardware peripheral and abstract sentiments like "keeping pc gaming thriving"
steamies...... lmao
Go to your armor and hit it to max, you might have set it to a static value on accident.
OP here, what part of EDF 6 Bunker thread did you fucking misread? The next thread ill be baking I will straight up call EDF 6 ANTI TORTANICTROONRAID/ANTI REDDIT BRIGADING thread.
If you're a tortanicfag, please try to not stand out this much, it makes you look like a huge cock hole shitting up the thread.

Fuck you, and fuck the discord you fags came rolling in from, It's never about the subject with you, and it's obvious. The next EDF 6 thread ill be asking the jannies to ban anyone who starts about epic and doesn't provide footage of their online EDF 6 gameplay within the same comment.
That goes for you too.
2person can't play same game at same time
Just download pirated copy from online fix site man
Les gars, pourquoi il a fait ça...
Play the game a lot and pick up the red boxes.
It's a niche use case this time, cross play exists on quite a few games on steam. That the response is sperglike on a valid use case doesn't invalidate years of bad tactics from epic.
It can be effective to make two threads, one pro and one anti, then link every dumb nigger in the pro thread to the anti thread.
Pick up more crates. Also, different classes have different armor values even if you pick up the same amount of crates, with Fencer having the most and Wing Diver having the least. I'm only up to mission 20 and have 350 with Fencer already.
Fuck the bandwagoning newfags
While these faggots are here seething I'm enjoying the greatest EDF game of all time
Laugh all you want, a decade ago pc gaming was in a bad spot.
They've done far more to earn their 30% cut than the other services
early game? fencer solo mission 31 the suicide bombers, double shield go in, explode, clear, hence repeat, easy af, fast af
So how come you get weapons from other classes while playing a different one? Its kind of a bummer because it means I'll never get to experience going rookie to godtier with any other class other than the first one I play with.

y are they like this? It kind of makes me want to play a mission with one class, and then immediately play the same mission again with another class. This way I can continue to feel like I'm growing with each class. The problem with this is that its fucking slow and I just want to play the game.
I know I am just biased
but the helmet is just so much better in 4.1
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If you have that kind of autism then just make four profiles
>I'll never get to experience going rookie to godtier
there's still weapon level limits
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What am I supposed to be looking at here?
An MR98 round will literally take its head off
Too bad it's one shot before reloading
Why repetitively farm instead of just playing the game? Find a lobby and play, it won't be that much slower but it'll be 10x more fun and you can progress in completion for other classes too.

Multiplayer lobbies hard limit your weapon choice by level (so, at the start of Hard you can only have weapons from level 1-3 and so on). There's nothing stopping you from abiding by those limits in single player too, and you can also manually cap your armor value to make it level appropriate too. The early game experience is there for you if you want it, you just have to do a few seconds' setup first.
>Shuba pointer
What's the best mission to grind so far?
How strong are the financials for EDF company? Can they afford to bomb like this? They don't seem to have much going for them beyond this series
This is good advice. So you be saying I should play singleplayer with my fav class (ranger), and then play the other ones in multiplayer so I can experience the growth again.

thanks anon. Do people really play the earlier missions in multiplayer tho?
Hey buddy i think you got the wrong door the doomposting thread is two blocks down
the game didn't even come close to bombing though
it has more than double the peak player count compared to 5
Its just a simple, genuine question, out of pure curiosity. You don't need to be THIS defensive.
The shareholders are already in discussion of replacing the current EDF dev team with indian engineers like many other developers do, such as Capcom. Check the datalogs.

They're upset about this blunder and it would be a miracle if the team survives this without replacements.
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I like the stupid things wobbling around.
I'm saying you can play however you want. If you want to play other classes in singleplayer you can just... not equip higher level gear. You still keep all the old stuff, it's not like you can sell anything. Multiplayer enforces the limit (unless you have 75% overall completion which gives you a cheat to remove the limit) but all you need is the self control to equip the starter shotgun instead of the Cunt Destroyer 5000 and you can enjoy that limit in singleplayer too.
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Allow me to be offensive then dumbass why don't you check the numbers for yourself and see for a fact it didn't bomb and even if it did why would it matter in a 4 players coop game
grenadiers at inferno
Then the human abortions use the catalog and ruin both threads.
TORtanicshitters don't care about games, they will ruin any EDF thread, spam a dozen EDF spin-off threads and just as easily find any unrelated vidyagame thread to jump into to make it about offtopic shit like steamies, consoleniggers culturewar BS, or whatever.
500 comments in any given day one thread about a highly anticipated game released that day and never even mentioning the game or involving it in your complaints isn't natural, it's pisscordfaggotry purpetrated by offtopicshitters.
>get to mission 52
>it's hard
>instead of trying to come up with a strategy retards ask to lower the difficulty
>they just leave
Looks like EDF is casualized now
dats rite
I did? It bombed. Less sales than many indie games.
That's when you mock them with text commands
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Not buying it.
Fuck epic.
Play wing diver and spam dragoon lance then. Just a quick charge between shots and that's it.
I don't think they were ever really relying on PC sales. The game released on Playstation two years ago. If they really cared about PC they wouldn't have waited two years to port it.
I dont give a shit chinkbot.
Not making an Epicaccount ever.
I played this with some random and we laughed so much after this line
English dub are so retarded and i love it
That mission also tanks my fps to 20 with all those squids.
Finally we're getting the console experience
It's back in this game too
>I never killed anyone, I can't do this!
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It's not the dub, they make the same joke in JP.
its cuz she aint sexy anymore dont kid yourself
It's actually a way for them to subtly tell you how they work with line of sights and delimbing, but its so funny it goes over most peoples heads.
SS was atrocious.
It doesn't go over peoples heads because its funny. They explicitly tell you to hide behind walls and also explicitly tell you about delimbing if you take long enough.
The joke isn't a way to explain these things, its just a joke.
>Ah yes, he's human, so I can blow of all his limbs and he'll still attack me
>Back to 4.1
>the civilian DID WHAT, HE SHOOT DOWN A SAUSAGE? He is enlisted, we don't take no for an answer
>meanwhile soldiers hype you up
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Not a single crash for me or my 3 friends.
Table with pick up range is out
Damn are all 4 of you NEETs
Why is the preorder wingdiver core so shit?
I haven't actually tested it, but the numbers are garbage. Something like a 40 second emergency recharge, and crazy high energy costs for flight and boosting. What's the point of this thing?
Pretty sure you only get bikes.
Fencer is pure sexo wtf
It literally controls like like old gen armored core
No just me. Though it's been out for 30 hours, faggot.
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There's so much scenarios and dialogue in EDF5 that retroactively makes sense now with 6's plot
does this mean we were already in the loop during EDF5
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ranger gets bikes, helis and tanks/railguns/SPAA
Tanks and bike are bugged
One small bump made them flip gazillion time
>corpos actually bend the knee because of the justified backlash (nevermind the switcharoo they tried to pull off)
>reddit and /v/ drones would eat up that shit anyway because "le fun" and nothing else matters
Genuine NPCs, not even meme'ing
Yes. It's not a coincidence that the base containing Barga where you start off was the first place they hit during the preemptive strike at the start of 5
but what does it mean
Which cannon is the best for fencer?
I pick sword and spear for 2nd weapon
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That's a feature.
It has a faster emergency charge compared to normal cores so I think you read that wrong. It's still not great or anything but it's functional.
The preorder bonuses are nearly all bad so it's nothing unique there. Though the fencer exoskeleton is actually useful. Shame it's Japan only unless you want to pay extra.
like dude, the way the Professor talks during the fist 15 missions or so didn't tip you off, like, at all?
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Outed yourself, once again
Jeet Defense Force isn't sending their best lmao
Oh I must have missed that it's 'per second.'
I guess there is a slash in there that I didn't see. Thanks anon
Jackhammer+dexter is good since you can fire both at once and do very good close range dps.
Flame revolver is good for groups at close range.
Hand cannon is good offline but it drops off online since the extra enemy hp means you can't one shot them anymore.
I don't really like gallics but a lot of people do. If you can deal with the animation they're good.
Heavy mortar is good but you might feel like a bitch if there's a ranger around since the giant buff rocket launchers got makes mortars look pretty weak.
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Nice graphics bro, this morrowind mod looks sick!
>it didn't bomb
>even if it did
Military-grade COPIUM, coming THROUGH!
For clarity, most cores take 6.7 seconds to finish overheat. Reverse takes 4.2 seconds.
It is a good choice as a preorder bonus since it means new players will be drawn to it, and new players are the most likely to fuck up and run out of energy. Though even good players should be deliberately trying to bottom out if they use reverse cores since that's what they're for. Not that they're usable for long since there's no mid/high level versions.

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