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Discuss fightan games
Play fightan games
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y'all playing that Rivals 2 beta tomorrow? there's a new character this month.
wtf is that Billy?
Older wiser Billy
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Yeah. He's now the boss of the Howard Connection.
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Turning Billy into Jeff Jarrett is the funniest thing SNK has ever done. Bravo.
Billy looks like one of those douchebag surfbros now
He looks like the lost 4th member of Eiffel 65.
I surpsingly don't hate it.
looks closer to FF7 Cid than Old Billy Kane IMO
I've never seen mid life crisis 00s british man captured so perfectly
I just bought UNI2. Someone give me a QRD on it.
This design looks like it came straight from the early 2000s.
That's probably the coolest Billy as ever looked. One thing I'd change is I would give him a scarf or neckerchief of the British flag around his neck.

Now I'm curious to see how drastically different Joe & Andy will look since they're both in the game as well.
>This design looks like it came straight from the early 2000s.
Consider MOTW takes place 1999 and COTW canonically takes place not long after that, it probably is the early 00's.
Bro what is with that GARBAGE music at the end of these trailers? It sounds nothing like what you should hear from this game. It's modern slop and rape to the ears. It's the kind of shit I expect to hear in KOF XV.
>Everyone from the original FF games is getting an early 2000's redesign
Looking forward to Mai dressing like pic.
Saw some webms of COTW the other day showcasing the animations and attacks in the game which looked cool as hell. Does anyone have them?
girl on the left has some massive tits. Is there more of her?
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Here's Andy
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Next KOF game needs to finally add clothes/item customization. A change of color palette to the clothes isn't enough anymore. Also have alt costumes even if they're DLC costumes for each character. This is how SNK will make good money if they do that with characters like Mai/Angel/BlueMary etc.
>A change of color palette to the clothes isn't enough anymore
There's literally no reason for that. People who like alt colors in general are weirdos. People who play as yellow Kyo or blue Terry are psychotic and color autism in general is pointless. Just have costumes.
>Next KOF game needs to finally add clothes/item customization
Customisation just ends with abominations. Alts feel like they're adding to the character.
Yeah the retarded clusterfuck outfits that people give to Tekken characters look disgusting and unnatural. Customized outfits is a massive mistake.
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There's literally nothing wrong with Blue Terry.
You dun goofd up
Now beg people in this thread to play with
>no bandana
>virgin trailer trash jawline
How does one usually even give a QRD for an entire fighting game.
Have you at least played another fighter?
nobody is going to pay $50 to play a smash clone for 3 days every month. except for me but I am very stupid and not a role model.
What fighting games have gay barechested men wearing loose unbuttoned shirt
anything by capcom
anything by arcsys

Majority of fighting games.
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Shoutouts to gay men wearing unbuttoned shirts

Gotta be my favourite gender
It looks WRONG.
As much as I like outfit customization most people make freaks and the people who try to make fitting outfits like myself are rare.
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>add Mai to all their games
>give her a cow print bikini
>rake in more cash than ever before
It really is that simple.
I will never say that fucking word
>>add Mai to all their games
>>give her a cow print bikini
>>rake in more cash than ever before
You say that which is something they did do for SNK Heroines which is a game no one bought or plays. Coomer outfits are not important in fighting games outside of DoA.
I just watch Saltybet.
Maybe they didn't buy it because they knew it was not a proper, actual fighting game?
Just try to imagine how much Capcom made from Chun-li costumes alone in SFV.
SF6 literally has "Coomer" outfits and they are the most popular ones

SNK heroines was a shit game.
>SF6 is getting better and better
>Tekken will be saved by Heihachi
>latest MK1 patch is actually good
>strive still hype
>new fatal fury looks amazing
Yeah, I'm thinking fighting games are back
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Bikini / swimsuits outfits for every female, Male get thongs. There I solved SNK money problems forever.
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Voice in teaser
>Hokutomaru (Balls dropped)

Shown in teaser art

Mentioned in other character's bios
>Geese (dead)
used to want gato in but not so sure anymore seeing the new mechanics
What are the best FGs for single player content?
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That was a cheap cash in game. Funny enough, it only got any attention because of Mai's cow tit costume.
>Funny enough, it only got any attention because of Cutie Terry
>SNK Heroines which is a game no one bought or plays.
Actually I remember SNK talking about how that game sold surprisingly well and it's performance being a part of why they became profitable again. Helps that it was an asset flip shitpost game they made using almost no money.
Not saying it should go full Tekken retard outfit customization. Small things like changes of og costumes but slight variants of shoes, pants, glasses, and shirts.
not sure if I can handle 2000s tummycore Mai
>Funny enough, it only got any attention because of Sylvie bunny outfit.
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>MK Variants
Please no.
>big tiddy goth Mai Shiranui
The world isn't ready
>fake breast
Umm maibros what is this?
motw took place 2006 while cotw will be in 2008
Reread that anon's post. He's talking about CLOTHING variations, not moveset variations.
Real Bout 2 or Garou: Mark of the Wolves? Which one is worth investing more time into?
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how do you play this mother fucker I learned that most people allow boss characters so I just want to play the only one that looks interesting
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I'm talking about the clothing variations too.
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>Funny enough, it only got any attention because of Miss X
Real Bout 2 is the best game in the whole series
That looks like shit. These characters don't need all this extra shit just to look more retarded.
Real Bout 2 is the best FF game imo, but if you want to play something that'll get you used to how CotW will play, then go with MotW.
Both are great.
literally who
I only buy fighting games when they put the inevitable ultimate edition on sale, currently waiting for tk8,sf6 and maybe mk1
Every MK after X has been a mistake.
It's a mystery
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Kyo's real gf
Oh. Wasn't expecting another reveal so soon after kevin.
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>kaz and Jin survive through their demon gene bullshit
>Chadhachi survives through sheer willpower
Yeah, that too. It was made on the quick using KOFXIV asset. Wonder how a sequel would do using KOFXV asset but with better gameplay.
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>looks cooler
>voice no longer sounds like nails on a chalkboard
I might actually use Billy this time.
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What is your honest opinion about Sylvie Paula Paula?
Really? It looks pretty good to me.
Shut the fuck up twitternigger.
They aren't.
misers act like this only to end up maining a base roster character anyway.
Frankly I wish they brought Mian back instead
>he doesn't enjoy "REEEEE" and "FAYAH!"
Shes cool and I like her story.
Not that guy but Tekken 8 and SF6 absolutely do NOT deserve to be bought at full price. They can both fuck right off with their 30 dollar 4 character passes and expensive as fuck costumes.
Dix does not deserve to be bought at all but that's a different conversation.
Neither game are full price anymore so your argument, so your argument is quite outdated. SF6 for example is $30 right now.
He plays like Arukune from Blazblue
I'm gonna main Mai for half the price you pay piggy kek
Oh god. Fighting game DLC has just gotten worse. You can blame the retards who fell for the "seasonal gaming" meme for this shit. Remember when you just had people make a game and then sold it and it was done till the next one? Now we got retards who think this kind of gauging is actually what's keeping shit afloat and competitive instead of the game just being good.
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I hope to god that Ryo makes it with his classic KoF stance, I know it's not his original stance but it looks so much cooler.
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>Remember when you just had people make a game and then sold it and it was done till the next one?
It's so annoying watching the seals clap at the latest additional paid content
I love it when idiots try to use Super Street Fighter IV as an example of a bad upgrade.
Did you even play fighting games when it was new? SSFIV cost 40 dollars and it included 10 new characters, a rebalancing for the entire cast and new moves for all of them too. Pretty sure it included new stages as well.
40 dollars
Today 30 dollars get you 4 characters.
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For the love of GOD bring back Duck King, he would be hype.
Unironically cheaper than the characters passes of today
so weird how Billy has changed. He was just some thug before
Just buy the one or two characters you're actually going to use instead of buying the whole pass like you have to do it.
That's what I'm doing with SF6, just getting Terry for 7 bucks or however much and I'm good.
I still really like the overalls though.
Hey man if you enjoy playing whatever fighting game you dump your time into now, that's all that matters. Go in peace, brother.
I am not going to get SF6 at all.
I am also not going to stop pointing out that Capcom is a greedy shit company that keeps giving people less quality and less content every year.
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>SSFIV cost 40 dollars and it included 10 new characters, a rebalancing for the entire cast and new moves for all of them too. Pretty sure it included new stages as well.
But what if I use Ryu and don't care about any of the 10 new characters? I just have to stick with the more busted version of the game with almost no playerbase since everyone jumped to the new version?
>just pay another 40$
No Capcom, I don't want to.
Geese remains dead but appears at Nightmare Geese or something like that.
Then don't pay them.
The fact remains that in terms of price/content it is significantly better than what they are offering today, no matter what kind of mental gymnastics you want to use to make it seem worse.
Paying for patches is fucking gay and /v/ will never be able to convince me otherwise. The new monetization shit is still shit, but way better than before.
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Who should I pick up between Ed and Akuma in SF6 as someone who is historically shit at SF and mediocre at fightmans in general? I really like Ed's looks in terms of spacing with his punches, and his combo structure is really neat. On the flip side, Akuma seems to have better control over the air and can pressure more easily.
I tried playing Rashid when he dropped but couldn't wrap my brain around his offensive structure (yes I am retarded).
Doesn't matter how low IQ you are, you can do big damage with him.
Akuma is vastly easier to play but Ed has a more versatile gameplan.
They will probably bring most of FF cast considering they put FF in the title for this new game. Likely DLC characters.
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>Cute Paula Sexo
Always pick your main based on what you think looks cool. If a character's optimal combo game excites you, you're going to be more motivated to learn it.
The whole point of Marco is to be the shoto character for Fatal Fury so I doubt he'll make it in. Also it's dumb to give him his KOF stance. Save it for KOF games. Plus if he did make it in, he's be Mr. Karate II at this point in the timeline. He would canonically be in his 50's.
Hoping for Rick Strowd.
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Cheng Sinzan bros, we are so back...
I really don't like SF's aesthetics in general, this is what I usually do and it doesn't work here.
In terms of playstyle, I will say Ed's boxing and sways looks more fun than Akuma's standard play.
Right now I mostly play arcsys trash. Ky in GG, and Zeta in GBVS.
Yeah, he does seem to have really strong routes. I also love that he can do 2 supers in one combo.
I'm kind of leaning Ed due to that, but it seems wild that the shoto with a fireball would be less versatile.
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>Last time Ryo had that stance in KoF was 20 years ago.
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This is what i wanted the roster for the new FF to be (before it was announced to be a Garou sequel)

Still hoping for Krauser, Geese, Grant, and Raiden
Krauser absolutely needs to make a comeback, what the fuck
Actually, remind me: is he dead? He's dead isn't he.
yes he's dead
He is dead but I don't it would matter if it's a non-canon DLC character
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Enough talk! Play Ed!!!!
Ed in 6 is cool, but always pick Akuma
He goes to the same barber as Nero lmao.
Ed is just as hard as Rashid
>The whole point of Marco is to be the shoto character for Fatal Fury so I doubt he'll make it in
I don't doubt it, he was a special guest character (or boss, I don't quite remember) in FF2, while Geese was the boss in AoF2.
Are they actually moving forward with the timeline in the FF series? Terry still looks super young.
I Know that AoF is set 10 years ahead of FF but just freeze the timeline, or do whatever SF games do were Chun-Li is officially born in like 1968 or something.
>Also it's dumb to give him his KOF stance
As far as I know since KoF12 they gave him his original AoF stance, I say fuck it.
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>Guaranteed to be in
All 14 MotW characters except Grant
Some newcomers
The major FF characters (Andy, Joe, Billy, Mai, Mary)

>Guaranteed DLC
The rest of the popular but not that popular FF characters (Xiangfei, Duck King, Kim, Ryuji)
One or two literal who FF characters (Hon-Fu, Tsugumi, Jin Chonshu)
At least one AoF character, probably Mr. Karate II
A Street Fighter character

>Probably not, but maybe DLC
The rest of the unpopular FF characters
Nightmare Geese
This. Maybe next game she'll come back.
>I don't doubt it, he was a special guest character (or boss, I don't quite remember) in FF2
He was a hidden character in FF Special which is a non canon entry.
>Are they actually moving forward with the timeline in the FF series? Terry still looks super young.
It's a canonical sequel to the timeline. Terry is 37 in COTW.
>As far as I know since KoF12 they gave him his original AoF stance, I say fuck it.
He's had his original stance for a lot of games now. It's to honor his origins. I'm saying if he should get his KOF stance, it should be in a KOF game since that's an original creation for those games. It makes no sense to bring it to these games. I just don't want to see any KOF related shit at all.
I'm pretty sure they are just making Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting period pieces, which is cool to me. I look forward to the new Art of Fighting game set in the 70s.
he looks like skinny bob
I like SF6 and I'm tired of pretending it's bad
The game plays alright but it's ugly to look at.
They just need to shorten the damn combos
I hate SF6 and I'm tired of pretending it's good.
they need to not make me watch a level 3 every single fucking round thats like a total of 40 seconds wasted every single game
Well, he is now blind, so maybe he'll skip this one and become DLC
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Protag of a JP only port of Real Bout Special.
He's also a secret boss in RB2.
The easiest, ideal solution to that would be to only show the full cinematic when it's guaranteed to end the last round of the match. But that would prevent BUT WILL IT KILL!?!?! "hype" moments and SF6 is literally built around e-sport memes so tough shit I guess.
He looks like the hero of some sort of plane flying themed anime
My solution for both problems is to make all active use of Drive (that is OD moves, drive rush, drive reversal, but not blocking or eating a punish counter) also drain the super meter a little bit. Not that much, but a little.
they should nerf meter gain so you're not getting what feels like 7-8 bars of meter in a long match
huh... I vaguely remember him now that you posted his picture but I wouldn't have recalled on my own.

kek he does
>He was a hidden character in FF Special which is a non canon entry.
Ok, but they are still set in the same universe so your point is moot.
>He's had his original stance for a lot of games now. It's to honor his origins.
Yeah I understand but I don't see how that is an issue, when I first saw Ryo in KoF96 I didn't think he was any different than the KoF other than the stance, which to me it looks way better.
>I look forward to the new Art of Fighting game set in the 70s.
He looks like Joseph Joestar.
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Killed himself after Terry defeated him in FF2
Meter gain is fucking retarded in modern games; Strive has this problem, Granblue has this problem, SF6 has it.
I fucking hate it.
>different than the KoF
*different than the AoF is what I meant.
I can only think of one new upcoming game without any meter whatsoever, also no come back mechanics, and from the closed betas it works great. Idk why every game thinks they need meters at all.
>loses once
>an heroes
What a little bitch.
>Ok, but they are still set in the same universe so your point is moot.
Yes but my point is he's never officially been in any Fatal Fury game that wasn't just a cameo. I'm not saying that's a reason for why he can't be in the new one. I just don't think he will because Marco already shares his moveset.
>Yeah I understand but I don't see how that is an issue, when I first saw Ryo in KoF96 I didn't think he was any different than the KoF other than the stance, which to me it looks way better.
back to my original point. I just don't want ANY KOF shit in these games even if it's cool.
sylvie is built for mating press
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While no Kims would be weird, none of them being in the teaser when there's no reason to exclude them. I would've said for sure Freeman is not in until Kevin's bio, but that still may just be fluff. Mary also feels like on the edge for me, if they were tossing up which of the popular characters they could get away with not including she'd probably the one.

15 characters does seem low to me though, SamSho got 3 new characters and I imagine they'll do the same here. So I bet on 16 characters with a they really should've been based game S1 that's Mary, Kim, Yamazaki, Rick/Guest.
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>loses once
>an heroes
>What a little bitch.
I think it's more respectable than Geese who loses every single fight he gets in and embarrasses himself in front of his peers constantly. Imagine hosting this massive tournament just to lose and then do the same thing again decades later just to lose again.
I've always liked how normal the names of FF characters are compared to other fighters. Nowadays when I'm seeing characters named Fuckurmum, it's nice to see one coming out with dudes named Billy, Blue Mary, Kevin and Joe, although Vox does fuck things up a bit.
>Guaranteed to be in
>All 14 MotW characters except Grant
Yeah bullshit. Most of those nobodies are getting cut.
>Blue Mary
Is her name actually Blue?
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Why is Kyo so weak compared to the other characters?
He get blown out by his rival in popularity.
The pre-MotW characters are the nobodies at this point. Hell Freeman was namedropped in Kevin's bio and he's the most "obscure" of the bunch.
He enters and does damage to everyone in the other side. Or had the ability for it instead of normal attack.
>Most of those nobodies are getting cut.
The only MotW character that's in danger of getting cut imo is Jae Hoon, mostly because people would rather just play as Kim.
We already know that Hokutomaru and Kain are in too and if fucking Freeman can still get the green light to come back, then the rest of the MotW should be safe.
>The pre-MotW characters are the nobodies at this point
Lmao stop. Even C-list FF characters like Duck King, Sokaku, and Raiden are way more known than 99% of the Garou newcomers.
>Hell Freeman was namedropped in Kevin's bio and he's the most "obscure" of the bunch.
Gee it's almost like a character from the last game still serves some relevance to the in-game story. It doesn't change the fact he's still a literal who compared to everyone I mentioned and wont even appear in the new game because literally no one gives a shit about him ot if he comes back.
I love him he plays like a Smash character.
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Definitely Geese was more a jobber than Krauser but, in the end, he an hero'd too.
>There's life in the 'ol boy yet.
What really annoys me is how many fighting games will string out DLC for as long as they can, then announce a sequel so they can start the process over and in some cases make you rebuy the characters you just bought in the previous DLC. I swear gamers are brainwashed and as a result games are made to be disposable. You can go punch up KOF98 and it's every bit as good now as it was then but even fans of modern games will barely even look at a series most previous installment.
Both Kim deciples
Hokumatoru is getting cut
Freeman is getting cut
Grant is unfortunately getting cut
No. Her name is Marry Ryan. No relation to Kevin. Incidentally.
>Both Kim deciples
Yeah they're really in the air if they're staying or not.
>Hokumatoru is getting cut
Was his voice not heard in the first trailer for this game?
>Freeman is getting cut
I'm not too sure about that one.
>Grant is unfortunately getting cut
Vox has his moveset so yeah Grant ain't returning.
Mary Ryan, she's Kevin cousin.
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>Hokumatoru is getting cut
In a perfect world maybe, but this is not that world. You WILL deal with his bullshit once again.
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Why is she called Blur Mary then?
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>design the coolest looking character for a game
>don't even bring him back in the next one
Sick of this bullshit. I like big badass looking enemies. Stop taking that shit away from me.
She got blue eyes.
Fatal Fury is pretty damn grounded compared to every other fighting series outside of Virtua Fighter and even they have an out there boss.
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She's also a musician. Stage name.
also officially bigger boobas than Mai
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It's a nickname she picked up because on her off time she likes to go to bars and sing blues ballads.
She also gets off on snapping joints.
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One thing I've always found appreciable in the older south town games was how, for want of a term, HUMAN they generally felt. I mean yeah there's all kinds of anime bullshit with the POWAH WAVES and shit for the most part the setting felt very personal and real. You weren't just jet setting to vague locations in NEXT FIGHT: CHINA or RUSSIA. You were fighting in places like the Pao Pao cafe, beaches the characters might actually go on or by every day, back alley truck stops. It felt like South Town itself was as much a part of the story as the characters and you're not fighting psychic dictators or ancient demons, you're throwing down with crooks and drug lords. It's all very scaled back and I think that makes it feel like it has more weight.
>Customized outfits is a massive success
Tekken 7 gave me barefoot waifus for the entire cast, so no, they're great and stop being retard that want less because of
>muh online or meaningless tourneyshit
mary is kevin's cousin
I think both Jae and Dong have a chance of getting cut. Why have the bros when you can have Kim after all?
Garou's roster was so small to start with I don't think anyone's getting cut. We'll probably see the entire existing cast plus a few core FF mainstays like Andy Joe Mai and Mary.
What the FUCK
>Tekken 7 gave me barefoot waifus for the entire cast, so no, they're great and stop being retard that want less because of
Your argument is dumb when you only like it because of a shit fetish. If NOT getting it means you wont be able to coom to your degenerate garbage, then obviously It shouldn't be implemented because it attract retarded faggots like yourself. Luckily it wont happen so I don't have to worry about it.
I loved Duck, but man.
An aging b-boy in 2024? I don't think I want to see japan's idea of that.
Dong at least has the excuse of playing completely differently than Kim, but I wouldn't be shocked if both got the axe.
rip Dong vs. Butt matches
>n..no u
That's what I thought, bitch. Go suck on more man toes you fucking weirdo.
Is it free or do I need to do preorder bullshit to play the beta?
Like it just feels easier to imagine the FF and AOF cast doing stuff outside of fighting. For as much as people like to say Virtua Fighter lacks character can you really picture Ryu sitting down with a burger, listening to music or shooting hoops?
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Let's go shopping together at the mall in the East Side Park
with shopping i mean fighting obvs
I'm glad Heihachi is coming back, but I'm still hoping my boy Marduk is the last character for season 1, or at least I hope it's not fucking Fahkumram.
What game should he appear in next?
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I would totally go hang out in Pao Pao.
I want True Ogre. I'm sick of these boring human characters. I want something crazy
You know, with the mentor apprentice theme they have going, I wouldn't be surprised if Kim and Dong were in the game. The story would be that Kim decided to personally tard wrangle Dong because he is sick of his kid being lazy.
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>. For as much as people like to say Virtua Fighter lacks character can you really picture Ryu sitting down with a burger, listening to music or shooting hoops?
tbf SF6 was trying to fix that, but the world they built felt more like a cartoon than anything even close to reality. And that normally wouldn't be a bad thing, but you could also tell they were really trying to push a more real aesthetic with SF6.
damn terry had a really bad 2001
Sorry, Harada aka John Romero of Tekken is in charge of new characters

Only waifu shittery and edgelords allowed, no fun characters
>all of this shit going on with ken
>it's never going to be elaborated on again
Even the Udon book was trying to give him some personality but it always feels like they're doing it half as a joke and it never really feels... normal.
Preorder bullshit, $50 for a deluxe copy that includes beta access. Not worth it at this point for how infrequent he betas are. It's $30 for the base game. All future characters will be free btw.
>Meter let's me the dev and the characters I create do fun shit so I like and put in meter.
>Meter let's me the player do more fun shit so I love meter
That simple. It's not like most of these games didn't have meters from the early installments. Devs know the majority like it to use so devs have it and increased ways to fill the meter.
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The original concept art had kid Rock there but SNK said no
He was actually one of the better ones. 2001 was a bard art year for just about everyone.
>Is her name actually Blue?
She's called Blue Mary because she's a cop.
>The original concept art had kid Rock there
You know I think he could pass as an SNK character
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It's crazy he would grow up to become a massive faggot who does lame jojo poses
Anon... there is technically, literally nothing wrong with your post, but please don't call him Kid Rock.

kek beat me to it...
just commenting on the pose looking like sad keanu compared to the others
the name is based off an in universe alcoholic drink
I knew someone was going to make this meme as i was typing it but I let it happen anyway
>those bits with her late partner and Mary being sad
I always forget that she had a husband that died considering how much she flirts with Terry.
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Did you see him?
I think at this point, Capcom is just leaning into the fact that Ryu is just "fighting man". I mean dude has crossed over with more gaming companies than lord allow and he's dull.
Not even in Terry nightmares Rock is a kid.
"Do fun shit" and it's just a 8 second long cutscene that does 40% damage. (feel free to type out an angry reply before reading the next sentence). Okay but there are plenty of interesting supers out there that would lose their essence if they were nerfed to compensate for being accessible all the time, but these supers don't need to be funded by a universal meter mechanic. Give some variety to a character's game plan. I'm thinking from the perspective of indie games which can afford to design things like this, I know mainstream fighters need to rush to produce 50 characters and whatever, but I still think there should be more experimenting in regards to supers and super meter.
Mary is a cop and the Blue comes from the Boys in Blue which is a slang term for the police.
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Alt colors are great and I won't stand for this slander. If you don't think K' having Kula's colors as an alt and vice-versa isn't cute then get the hell out.
Why is she fraternizing with criminals...
>Get married to Average McNormalguy
>He dies after a couple years
>Be sad
>Tall, Blonde gigachad that's both the best fighter in the city and the nicest man you've ever met picks your spirits back up
>He's kinda stupid though, might have to rape him

I can't blame Mary for forgetting about her late husband.
Is that canonical from SNK or something made up from a wiki poster?
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I actually thought he was mostly pretty decent in the Alpha games. He was still "Fighting man" but he was younger so between all that shit with Akuma he came off as at least a bit more introspective.
>If you don't think K' having Kula's colors as an alt and vice-versa isn't cute then get the hell out.
I literally don't play as those faggot characters so who cares
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>Why is she fraternizing with criminals...
KOF97 had her team up with Billy and Yamazaki not by choice but through an agent as she's a private detective. In their ending she finds out it's Geese and flips her lid.
it's from the wiki but im already assuming you wont take that as proof
Who cares. It was never a good look anyway.
Actually she's a private detective not a cop.
>Sweater Mary
You'd be surprised that Mai isn't top 5 Boobas among all SNK characters
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>watch trailer again
>now I notice him
How the fuck is he still alive? He was like 70 or something during AoF.
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>Let's fight, Terry.
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Ancient Chinese Secret.
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they all got giant tits.
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>newfags not knowing that shermie and angel are tied for tit size
I hope she gets that design in COTW, if she is in the roster that is.
>Let's fight in the bed, Terry
I think she was one of the voices her in the reveal trailer. That may not man as much as we want it to mean but I wouldn't be shocked if she showed up. Hyped. But not shocked.
>anime fang
I hate this trope. It just makes me think they have fucked up teeth which is unattractive.
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>Actually she's a private detective not a cop.
She's from a family of cops and was one herself.
You are a gigantic, insufferable faggot.
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You want her to have a heavy coat and baggy pants? Are you insane?
because I think alt colors are retarded and because I don't play as your faggot characters? Not sure why you're so insecure but chill the fuck out, kiddo.
Rock, Terry, Kevin, Billy, B Jenet, Kain, probably Andy and Blue Mary

damn this game wants the Aryan audience
You're right... I had completely forgotten about that team up.
The coat she'd most likely toss off pre battle to be caught by her dog. WHO IS STILL ALIVE!
Not helping your case kek
>no rebuttal
as expected.
>Sinzan2988 coming to you live through the power of the Internet. . .
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It was pretty silly. Kind of like Kasumi teaming up with Eiji and Malin in 11 to get revenge on the man Kyokugen team.
But sweater puppers!

The fact that in this gameTerry got a win pose where Rock rush towards him and do the jojo pose with him is pure SOVL
COTW is a 2 year timeskip from MOTW which itself was a 10 year timeskip from realbout. If SNK is giving Billy a dramatic redesign, then its safe to assume the pre-MOTW characters are all getting a major redesign, and I personally don't expect Mary to have her classic outfit, or even anything like her KOF incarnations.
It would be great to having something more classic but if she's getting aged up then most likely her clothes are gonna go with that.
does Smash Bros count?
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RBS Mary is best Mary.
Canonically, Geese has lost at least 4 times:

>once to Krauser when they were young
>once to Ryo
>once to Terry (Wild Ambition)
>again to Terry where he falls off and dies (RBFF)

Still a better track record than M. Bison though.
>where Rock rush towards him and do the jojo pose with him is pure SOVL
You must be trolling.
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Remember in one of the Real Bouts if you knock Mary out of the ring and into the water she goes full frontal topless.
insecure nigga
I though real bout retconned him to be a less serious fightard?
>once to Terry (Wild Ambition)
That's not canon and is just a remake of the first game
It's crazy how he grew up a cool protagonist and Mel Masters is forever sidelined
Whats timeskip Mai gonna look like?
Bro thinks doing jojo poses is "soul", stfu and spare me with your projection horseshit lmao
The only RB game that's canon is the first one, and Krauser is still dead there.
Never ever.
imo it makes more sense for Terry to havr beaten Geese once and THEN he falls out the 2nd time than for Geese to fall out of the same building twice and only die the second time
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You will play with them, right anon?
Imagine getting mad for that
Isn't JoJo just gay Fist of the North Star?
COTW states that it is the 7th canon entry in the franchise:

I'm laughing at you. You're the one who got all butthurt and cried insecure because I made fun of it lmao
>There are seven slashes in the logo
>still replying

nta but you sound insecure af
vice is up there right?
That's not canon. It's just an all star game.
It would be funny if Andy tied his hair like Terry used to.
>You're insecure because you keep replying
>as I continue to reply as well
lmao nice goalpost
I liked playing Mature in 98. Usually roll'd Shingo/Mature/Lucky
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Yuppers. They're packed on both ends. It's the Hakkeshu privilege.
Vice is top 3
I call them as I see 'em. It's just funny to see you throw a tantrum.
I kind of hope the Kaphwan kids get cut and Kim goes full Mr TaeKwonDo
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Do British people really wear thigh high boots with the Union jack on them?
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Could somebody post 3rd strike webms/gifs? cause I'm ashamed to admit I don't have any except for this one
Knees are not thighs. Also yes.
Bro relax. I made fun of you for being a faggot who likes faggot things. No need to blatantly lie when literally anyone can go back and read this entire conversation lmao
Ew no. If you want Kaphwan, just play KoF. This is their game.
Anyone got COTW webms?
The only faggot here is you getting your ovaries in a twist over some anime. Maybe learn to grow up and get over yourself?
In the sense that they're both powerful contributers to memes in other series' to this day, and HnK came before jojo, I guess, sure.
I don't like jojo at all, but I've never really viewed those two series' as driving in the same lane. On the same highway, sure.
>n..no u
>grow up and get over yourself
Holy shit cry more you angry faggot lmao
RB & RB Special are like the last SamSho. A reboot if you're new...or into the storyline if you're used to the franchise.
Soul Calibur VI did something similar.
>alt colors are retarded
Thank god snk and almost every other 2d fg dev thinks otherwise.
He couldn't wait a second longer.
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Art of Fighting 4 please
That does not need to come back as a fighting game
Do you SNK are bold enough to have Hag Yuri?
well too bad because SNK has already officially announced a new game on the way.
>AoF 4
You mean 3.
Btw they are rebooting the franchise, they give us the news at the last evo a week ago.
>Yuri becomes a mom who tries to act like an older sis teen to her daughter
They didn't say anything about a reboot. Also they didn't just give us the news. We've already known about it for awhile. They simply just reassured us it's still happening during EVO.
Bob Wilson? You're not an AOF character.
>AoF might be another traditional fighter
that's retarded these guys are already juggling 3 of them (KOF, Samsho, and Fatal Fury) and Art of Fighting was generally the worst of their mainline fighters. Turn that shit into a Yakuza beat em up or something.
How old would she be anyways? Like early 40's?
No. I mean 4. Because there was a 3. And it was one of the best 2d fighting games ever made.
>Lilly Cane DLC?
>Yamakazaki will literally be in the game
This gme is gonna be so real bros.
They literally said "South Town in the '70" that was the news.
Only called AoF 3 in the west...Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden was the original title (AoF: an alternate story). Was never canon.
Depends on if you stick with the KOF or Classic line. AoF is set a few years before FF so by all accounts she'd be a bit older than Mai. If we're working with KOF she's probably around the same age.
>"South Town in the '70
Interesting. I wouldn't be against a showa era setting.
>that's retarded these guys are already juggling 3 of them (KOF, Samsho, and Fatal Fury)
Except they aren't when none of those games will be active once AoF comes out. Acting like all these games come out at the same time when they only do one at a time.
>and Art of Fighting was generally the worst of their mainline fighters.
I like AOF2. It also doesn't mean the new game can't be great. That's like saying FF1 wasn't good when it eventually lead to us getting the Real Bout games and Garou.
>Turn that shit into a Yakuza beat em up or something.
Literally why. I'm not saying it can't be good but bring back the fighting game series first.
I am very afraid that the "mentionned by bios" characters like Yamazaki and Freeman are DLCs. Would be a gut punch.
They said in the 70's. They didn't mention anything about a reboot. It could still take place in the same decade.
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Who's bio was he in?
Femme Geese radiates power
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Frankly I miss when fighting game developers had a large number of games out at any given instead of just focusing on ONE and ONLY one to support. When did we reach this? Why is having more games to play bad? SNK and Capcom used to have multiple series and experimental new games going all the time. Players liked that because it was fun.
Its sort of a conjecture, but its probably Yamazaki who got his sign.
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>Emma Watson Vice
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I'd prefer if it was pic who stole the sign, but Yamazaki is fine too.
It will probably be a reboot. CotW is a reboot sorta encapsulating MotW storylines.
This. I liked that SNK used them to try out different shit and see what worked.
AoF was an interesting series in that regard. I'd like to see what they'd build on the older entries with nowadays.
Every human endeavor ultimately reaches a point of consolidation, usually but not always followed by stagnation. Unless/until a new development brings about a new paradigm.
You probably saw these older games be "solved" as metas and game knowledge defined the best characters, matchups and whatever. The same phenomenon applies.
A new discovery leading to a minor shift to the meta may happen 20 years later, but it will never return to that initial phase of discovery and possibilities.
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Yuri was 16 in AoF and 18 in AoF 2. She will be 32 in CotW.
>Why is having more games to play bad?
Dude it's obvious. Fighting games are a niche genre. Barely anyone plays them. SNK fighting games are even MORE niche than that. Having multiple active fighting games at once in today's climate is an absolute death sentence for them. All the potential purchases that would have gone to COTW for example would be shared with AOF, KOF, and SamSho if they were all active at the same time. Instead of all of them making money, none of them would make money since they're all sharing the same small core audience, most of which wouldn't even be able to afford buying all of them at the same time.
built for small shota cock
>She will be 32 in CotW.
How can she be when she's not even in the game.
>built for small shota cock
No, KOF has too many of them already.
She exist in the timeline. Marco stage is her gym.
AoF happens in 1978 iirc and MotW is early/mid-2000s with CotW being two more years later. If she was 18 then, she's going to be at least 45-47 years old if she shows up.
>Marco stage is her gym.
You mean Ryo's gym
>All the potential purchases that would have gone to COTW for example would be shared with AOF, KOF, and SamSho
That's not how it works at all though. People who Would buy COTW aren't always going to be into everything else. People don't buy games just because it's the only one available. If there's not an option for something else they're just as likely to not get anything. Or get one of their competitors games.
>When did we reach this?
Capcom leaving fighting games after Jam.
SNK was I'm fucking dying -> KOF -> I'm fucking dying
Namco killed Soul Calibur every new game.
Arcsys alternated GG and the anime game, later BB and the anime game.
Sega only had Virtua Fighter.
And indies did one game and usually died.
Then Capcom just came with SF, NRS with Mortal Kombat and everyone just had one game.
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>Sega only had Virtua Fighter.
Fighting Vipers deserved more.
It literally does apply to SNK games though since most of them are connected or share the same characters with one another.
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Who is the best protag?
That doesn't change things though. Nobody who would have bought Samurai Showdown DIDN'T because they already bough KOF. Different games have different audiences. The fact that so many games are made entirely for one and only one audience is exactly the kind of problem that led to them becoming more and more niche or populated only by the esport crowd.
Probably K'.
K' sucks. He's an annoying try hard.
>Potag Jago
KI protag is Orchid.
A Todoh rival would be bonker.
I should have uploaded this.
The consumer market and sales are one part of te decision.
To make multiple games, you'd have to split your development team between projects. Dev cycles are longer, making games are more expensive.
Also Japan specifically has been dealing with a constant deflationary economy, meaning their average worker productivity is decreasing, only comparing it to their 90s salaryman.
He was 2000s as fuck.
My personal favorite will always be Heihachi anyway.
Siegfried isn't the protag of Soul Edge/Soul Calibur because there isn't one. The swords are the main characters in that series.
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K'? Lmao you mean the homo who gets ass kicked at every tournament since the mid 00's? Hell, didn't he also lose to the Ikari Warriors even when he was the main character?
Since when Ryo stage was in a gym?
>KI protag is Orchid.
lmao no she isn't, coomerfag. It's Jago and his antagonist is Fulgore.
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Shouldn't Fighter's History be Mizoguchi? Speaking of which, who owns that series these days anyway? I know Data East has been dead for a long time but he showed up in Maximum Impact and I think there was some mobile game crossover with Fighter's History and Fatal Fury. Wouldn't mind seeing him in KOF if possible.
I like the theory of Kasumi (or a new Todoh-ryu Aikijutsu practictionner) being the one who stole Marco's sign. It just make too much sense imo.
I'd hate to look and find out it's something like Konami. God I miss Bloody Roar.
She must have inherited from Ryo then because there's no way a female can run a dojo.
Chaos from Primal Rage: wizard fucks up, turns into dirty giant monkey, redeems back into humanity by beating the living shit of magical dinosaurs.
>Shouldn't Fighter's History be Mizoguchi?
No, it's Ray.
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Oh that would be great. Have her come back with a really bad disguise calling herself Mrs Aikijutsu or something.
>let's act with morals
you're not my father!
>Shouldn't Fighter's History be Mizoguchi?
He's the most popular character but he's not the lead.
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Kazuya from Kaiser Knuckle
A gym isnt a dojo you fucking retard
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Strongest and cutest
A reason could be that she want a showdown with Ryo, but she get Marco instead.
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It's crazy how old World Heroes is. That shit predates Mortal Kombat, Art Fighting, and Virtua Fighter. Literally the oldest true fighting game franchise outside of Street Fighter and Fatal Fury.
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>Phase 1: Steal sign
>Phase 2: ???
>Phase 3: Profit
She's gonna destroy him right in his handsome face.
Why would anyone know the difference you fucking weeb. You don't go to either you fat prick lmao
1992 was kind of a packed year
She quite literally the most generic looking design and has the most boring moveset of any character ever.

It's a gym that Marco turned into a dojo since he lost his
Have you even played KI? End boss is Eyedol and the corporation Ultratech is the main antagonist.
You're right, Yuri is 47 in CotW.
hehe tradwife. Only wear clothes and one-pieces.. Virgin for future husband..
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You're wrong. And you're dumb. And you have shit taste.
Kys you dumb fatso, go be a retard in another thread.
No I'm saying Fulgore is the main antagonist to Jago. They are rivals. Similar to how Demitri has Pyron even though technically Jedah is the big bad. Same with Ryu and Akuma.
>Only 2 women?
And the other is literally soft porn game
>get called fat
>no u
Nice one you tub of shit. Next time come at me with something you didn't steal
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Variable Geo is actually a pretty fun game. Even the ones that take out the porn.
I can't tell if your post is suppose to be ironic or not.
Get gassed subhuman.
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That would make for a funny reveal on both sides.
>Marco is shocked that the person who stole his sign isn't the evil Yamazaki, but some random girl he's never met before
>Kasumi is pissed, because she thought stealing the sign would bring her Ryo or at least Yuri, not some random guy she's never met before
she has never had sex
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Arcana Heart rollback when?
>Yamazaki spends the story getting annoyed by Marco who keeps accusing him of stealing some stupid sign
around the same time rollback is getting added to koihime
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Well we did establish you're stupid.

Yeah. The whole thing would be a pretty good set up. Stealing signs doesn't really seem like Yamazaki's bag too. He's more likely to just mess up the joint and leave.

Pure girls don't do that outside of marriage.
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So soon... r-right anon?
Are you playan' SNK vs Capcom?
>Same with Ryu and Akuma.
Holy shit at least get your facts right. Ken is Ryu's rival since SF1.
>She even left a signed letter of challenge
>But her English still sucks
fighting games are dead, too braindead nowadays
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Ken is not his enemy, why the fuck are you being this dense? Not talking about a friendly rivalry.
uh yeah sure
My only issue is that Kasumi would also be in her 40s. You're telling me this old hag has nothing better to do 20+ years later than try to settle an old grudge?
you're right, time to go into another thread.
>Ken is not his enemy,
A rival does not have to be an enemy. In fact most rivals are friends who compete to urge the other to grow. Christ you're dumb.
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AND for Chaos Code too!?
Soulcalibur 2
But really and uniornically, Mugen
It can be an off and on again losing streak. Most of these people are pretty friendly in their competitiveness anyways. Don't read so hard into a joke.
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>Ken is not his enemy

Rival =/= Antagonist

Just as the other anon pointed out you're dumb as fuck. See these two here in the image. They're rivals. You just learned something today.
How do you even "get into" Mugen?
I've watched SaltyBet before, do they just grab characters off of some repository?
I literally specified NOT a friendly rivalry and you're still trying to use the word as an argument. You can literally apply the term to Akuma as well and yet you still tried to correct me even though what I said is not only factual but you also knew that and still tried to correct me anyway just to be a bitch about it. I also said antagonist in the previous post and yet you still said Ken anyway you dumbfuck
go ahead, bye bye
>Friends bugging me to get back into Tekken after many years
>Tekken 8 is a fully priced game with season passes, battlepasses and a bullshit freemium economy where you buy fake money in awkward sized bundles
Legit, WHAT THE FUCK is this shit?!

This is beyond diagusting and paying even 1$ for this game would make me feel like a financial cuckold. The absolute state..
They do.
But there are several character packs you can simply download.
Alternatively, some people have made entire complete games in it that you can also download.
A rival is just someone you're competing with. It can apply to both Ken and Akuma for different reasons. You did say though you were talking about antagonist type characters specifically so I don't know why these guys are being disingenuous. Probably just trolling you.
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>Kasumi went on to enjoy a long and successful career in both Archery and Aikido competitions around the world, displaying dominance for 2 decades. After accomplishing everything that could be done in her sports, and nearing retirement from competition, she returns to South Town many years later to complete the one goal in her career that she was never able to fulfil. Revenge on Ryo Sakazaki.

Just made that up, and I'm pretty sure that would be a backstory everyone would be cool with.
>Mortal Kombat rightfully shit on for dogshit animations
>Everyone gives the 3D KoF and now Garou a pass
I wish I could play with Kasumi again, I really like her.
I always assumed I was the only one
The big 4 are in Smash Bros Ultimate, the biggest fighting game of all time. I would say that game is the best.
I would have liked Jin more than Kazua or Iori over Terry, but I'm fine with these otherwise.
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>The big 4 are in Smash Bros Ultimate, the biggest fighting game of all time.

If Smash is a fighting game then so is this SMB3 vs game.
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I'm not super good at counter based characters either but it's really fun when you manage to get it to click.
To be honest, she was pretty young at the time of AOF, so I give her no more than 36 year old.
>I always assumed I was the only one
Kasumi is a really popular character with SNKfags, if it weren't for Vice and Mature, Kasumi would probably be the one that got the last hurrah DLC spot since she's usually placing right below them in fan polls for who else they want in XV.
That's where I have to disagree. Jin is overused in a lot of shit and I think a poor representation for Tekken in Smash because for one he's not a real Mishima since he takes his mother's name. Also because he doesn't even show up until the 3rd game and if you're going to honor Tekken of all things, do it by having the two most important characters that started the whole franchise.

As for Iori. He's a secondary character and a edgelord faggot who where's literal women's clothes. Only spics like him.
That's not an official game though
How this bland bitch made it in SvC and Mr. Big didn't is beyond me.
Does KOFXV really have noticeably bad animations? I remember people said that about XIV, too, but I honestly never noticed other than like Tung Fu Rue's moves looking a bit weird.
Perhaps I'm just not looking closely enough.
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Traditional clothes are paradoxically not generic because it is so rare.
Fine, I'll just bring out the original.
Nah she's generic
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She's three years younger than Yuri. Going by their wikipedia pages.
Yeah it seems like she's generally well liked but one thing or another leads her to keep getting rotated out. I imagine a lot of SNK's characters are more popular than they seem but sadly it's becoming harder and harder to find places for them all in KOF. You have to keep the ultra mega popular characters and you have to keep bringing in at least SOME new characters every game, so you're second string characters kind of get the short end of the stick until you get something weird like 11. Honestly the roster is really getting bloated just from all the different ex hero teams alone.

Also KOF11 online edition when? I mean seriously you're gonna bring over VS Capcom CHaos and leave this hanging?
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which is not a fighting game... Unlike Smash Bros.
>Smash fags calling Terry "Hat Ken"
And you people wonder why nobody considered you a fighting game.
isn't that frog a skin from brawlhalla?
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>which is not a fighting game... Unlike Smash Bros.
I never took you for a comedian.
you just did
Okay and you fags called Ryu "Rye-u", a hadoken a "dragon punch", and a shoryuken a "uppercut" for fucking decades. Why is it only okay when Smashfags get things wrong?
No, he wrote it.
>SF6 literally has "Coomer" outfits and they are the most popular ones
For example?
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30 million copies sold and won fighting game of the year.
>Only 2 women?
That pic has four women. One in top three in bottom rows.
1. Melee
2. 3rd strike
3. Tekken 5 DR
4. Soul Calibur 2
5. SF2 turbo

These are the only fighting games you should be playing
Will it be possible to turn off the corny pop rock song that plays during desperation moves?
don't forget Grant
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Because, and this is quite simple so try and keep up, Smash fags spent years trying to sound like they're hard core fighting game fans. Then when a very non obscure fighting game character is added to their game they don't know who he is. That's the difference. They didn't know one of the most well known fighting game characters.
fair enough
To be fair, SF6fags through a similar fit when Terry and Mai got added to their game.
I would argue that they were even worse because they started inventing conspiracy theories about how the Saudi government forced their inclusion.
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He's dying bro.
Here's your new Grant.
>SF2 turbo over any Alpha game
Insane. That shit hasn't aged as well as you think.
>Soul Calibur 2
Only if it's the gamecube version
>Tekken 5 DR
wut. Literally Tekken 4 and 3 are way better. Hell, Tekken Tag 2 is better.
Ultimate exists.
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What makes a fighting game character's design appealing to you?
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if Geese can come back so can Grant
Debating adding T5DR to this chart
It would be kind of fun if some characters get shafted because of health issue.
>Gato is blind and didn't adjust yet.
>Grant is is in his deathbed
>Freeman still fight, but die at the end before Kevin can finish him because of his wound
Only if they pull a Verse in the FF universe too
>Smash fags spent years trying to sound like they're hard core fighting game fans
You just made that up. You don't even have evidence to support your tinfoil hat theory.
>Then when a very non obscure fighting game character is added to their game they don't know who he is.
>very non obscure
Are you trolling. He hasn't starred in his own game since the late 90's. All of them games he had ever been in up until that point have never even sold a million copies. Not a single one. He is by definition very obscure.
>They didn't know one of the most well known fighting game characters.
but they literally can though. They know Ryu, Chun Li, Scorpion, Shao Kahn, Raiden, Heihachi, Kazuya, Jin, Akira, Jackie, Fulgore, ect... Of course they don't know SNK characters because SNK games don't sell and are niche as shit.
noone says they played 5DR instead of plain simple 5 not even posers. If anything 4 has more pretenders than any tekken game and these people swear 4 was a hidden misunderstood masterpiece
Terry was added for the brown player base and I doubt any cholo from South America with access to a switch and smash didn’t know who fucking Terry Bogard was. SNK fighting games are their second religion. Saint Seiya/Dragon Ball Z is their third.
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>if Geese can come back
He's dead bro.
Here's your new Geese.
My favorite part of the Smash Terry saga was FGCfags suddenly pretending to like KOF when half of them shit on the series in any other context.
Eventhubs was out here making hitpiece articles about how bad KOFXIV was and whatever random Capcom and ArcSys players were routinely speaking poorly of SNK games, but then they got offended on the behalf of SNK players over people not recognizing Terry.
Fuck you, the song at the end of the trailers is the best part and it fits perfectly, you just have shit taste and you're a faggot
If you play these game then you literally do play fighting games lmao. That's every popular fighting game of the past 30 years with the exception MK games. Also why the fuck would you have VF4 but not VF2? Why the fuck would have SamSho V special and not SmSho 2? Those are the iconic ones.
You forget 3/4ths of /v/s identity is contrarianism nowadays.
Why does my new Geese taste like Terry?
Mahvel fags might be obnoxious but they do play mahvel.
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>snk guest character
>terry again
Why isnt kyo more popular, i just wanted a character with decent rekkas, kinda funny how jamie is supposed to be the rekka character but his optimal enders are DP/Bakkai/throw+drink and gets mogged by ken rekka anyway
I'm seeing more 5DR pretenders lately because no one fucking plays it
I don't think the point of the image is that those aren't real fighting games, it's that they're games that posers who don't play but will go online and claim to play always use as the games they claim they play. I think some of these are debatable, but games like +R, Xrd, Garou, 3rd Strike and CvS2 definitely have a lot of people like that.
Why is KI on there?
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Play +R.
yeah, and there's a brawhalla skin in rivals 1 for the raccoon. it's some red dragon thing, idk.
KI pretenders are cropping up
Third Strike is the most popular fighting game on Fightcade, bro.....
It had like 1k players right after evo
I don’t play FGs but I’ve put more hours in CvS2 than any other game I’ve played in my life, for some reason.
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>Terry was added for the brown player base
If that were true, they would have added Iori or Kyo.
Iori >> Kyo.
They only work if put together, anyway.
Now billy looks like a member of OASIS and he hates everyone around him
why are you lying? That shit sounds AWFUL.
Well it's a really good game with varying end bosses. We don't have this kind of thing anymore
because no one knows who that is. Fatal Fury is connected to Street Fighter. KOF is just a spinoff of Fatal Fury
Refer to
They’d have to add both Iori and Kyo. If only one character gets to be chosen, makes sense to be Terry. Someone like Ralf is popular in KoF terms but for smash-crossover purposes it’d hard to justify a fucking Ikari Warriors entry.
Yeah, people play games like Xrd and +R too, +R had a pretty good size playerbase when it first got rollback, but that doesn't mean they don't have a large following of people that suck them off but won't actually play them. EVO Moment 37 has over 8M views on YouTube, there are plenty of those 8M who will sing the game's praises but only a small number of them actually ever sunk their teeth into the game, or even played it at all.
Good contributions to the chart!
ngl I got pretty hyped to see Terry in SF6
>They’d have to add both Iori and Kyo. If only one character gets to be chosen, makes sense to be Terry.
Stop being fucking retarded. Kyo is the main character of KOF. Iori was a minor antagonist who didn't even show up until the second game and never served as the lead role in any game he's ever been in. Saying they would need to add both Kyo and Iori is the most retarded shit anyone can say when you can literally just have one.
Everyone was hyped for it, fucked up face and all.
And nobody cares for him that much. KoF has all sorts of popular characters, I’d wager Joe Higashi is preferred to Kyo depending on the year.
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The blonde power couple has a good time either way.
You're just retarded
Keep crying for you pet character that will never be added because he’s not relevant enough.
Even Geese made into Tekken.
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Looks like it's got to be a fun place for date night, doesn't it? At least, I'm sure Richard would be happy if it was.
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Unlimited access to bullshit folk remedies.
>Looks like it's got to be a fun place for date night, doesn't it?
Only if your date likes watching the bar turn into a brawl each night.
after bison and heihachi eh why the fuck not
Yo that nigga slimin
He is the King of the Iron Fist, MISHIMA HEIHACHI DE ARU
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That team being maximum silly is what makes them so great.
That's literally every fighting game, there are a million talking heads on twitter that talk about how good SF6 and T8 are and don't even have them installed
That's pretty much just human nature at this point, much like how /v/ hates on random games they have never played.
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I like Sinclair.
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I want more Lenny.
...Isn't Lenny a boy's name?
I don't give a fuck about Kyo. You're just retarded is all.
Gotta be honest. It's Jin Saotome.
built for small shota cock.
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Always liked her dad more than her.
i play Akuma since CvS
That's because he's cool as hell. She however is not interesting.
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I love seeing this woman knife dudes in Metal Slug XX.
Is far more easier for THUNDER DONG get in than his faggy brother who is literally Kim with a emo haircut
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Either way, it's live entertainment.
Terry's biggest nightmare is that Rock embraces vengeance and becomes just like Geese, Rock in KoF hates Geese for what he did to his mother
And Geese behaves like fucking Yujiro Hamma because Kong Kuwata could voice him too alongside Akio Otsuka
God, I'd love to cum all over those abs.
Didnt Kasumi teamed up with Mr.Big and another villain?
VG scenes are all around terrible, and i wouldn't mind a remake on the likes of the neo H-OVA since all the girls were raped or had sex with the manager.
Voiced by Takuma Nagare the crazy fuck son of THE RYOMA NAGARE
>Street Fighter 6 has Terry and Mai
>Akuma will be the best character of another game again.

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>mains have 1f link BnBs (why the fuck do Poison & Hakan need them)
>Can't confirm from chained Lights, needs to be linked or one-hit confirms
>I play on pad
Ultra 4 is among my favorite SFs but I am so woefully fucked in terms of execution. In A3 or 3S I might get a messy special motion but I can mostly do what my characters need to do on a base level. The only SFs with buffers that can coddle my shitty hands are V & 6 and I do NOT want to play V anymore. I actually like 6 as a game outside of the execution barrier but the roster is dull and the lighting is so bad on most stages.

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