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wat went wong?
Combat? Ace.
Character creation? Ace.
Music? Synth retard.
Story? Retard.
Graphics? Daaaaamn this a PS4 game?
Gacha? Yes.
It removed everything that made vanilla PSO2 appealing.
It’s the same game. Tired of these Base Cucks.
It's the only way the were able to force you to use the shitty grafted on gacha and grind mechanics that weren't able to be fully integrated in pso2. So while you could ignore them in pso2, ng makes it so you can't possibly ignore grinding and gacha.
How often is this shill gonna keep reminding people this game is barely existing. Your games only redeeming quality is the character customization but even then that has drawn in the mentally ill in droves making sure the game never retains normal players
then how cum the combat the best in the all time
Please, PSO is a Diablo clone based on grinding everything out.
i dont know why but the keybinds and combat fluidity doesnt feel as snapy
>get the guy that almost killed pso2 to direct the sequel
>it kills pso2 and itself immediately
wow amazing who could have seen this coming.
It’s because there’s deceleration on the movement in NGS. I’m PSO2, try running around and you’ll stop immediately.
How can one man kill a game?
And just like Diablo, the first game is still the only good one.
Seems like the mentally ill tranny obsessed spammer getting banned multiple times yesterday made him go even more mentally ill because he already back to spam another trhead with the same retarded reddit copypastas with false info from 3 years ago.
>worse than base for literally 0 reason
kill yourself jesus christ
It’s the same 6 skills you can just jump higher in NGS.

If the argument is enemy design, then ok.
Sometime I wonder if these sort of posters are even human.
I’m starting to think the site just runs bots that spam stuff based on keywords for user retention via arguing.
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>no JA
>no mags
>no interesting techs that aren't just do damage (zanverse, megiverse ect)
>weapons have less PAs than base
>the PAs that exist look like shit compared to the ones from base
>pb is just a le epic cutscene attack instead of your mag doing shit
>no halfway decent repeatable content to even use said half assed combat in, do your fomo LQ and 1 EQ boss every 8 months and dont forget to tip (buy the 5 scratches pumped out every week)
Other than fashion, music is literally the only thing NGS did right.
You’re right bro, the MAG. You win.
>combat revolves around parry/iframe, positioning means nothing
>loot is 99% uninteresting, weapons are just stat sticks
>open world is meaningless even after 3 years
>Devs care more about releasing gacha scratches than the game itself
>slow as fuck updates with minimalistic rehashed shit
>a TON of quests that for some reason are mostly limited and go away

the only good thing about this game is the customization of your characters. A fucking shame that SEGA is plagued with incompetency
pb is the same shit as cpa from base sweety
>do your fomo LQ and 1 EQ boss
>she's so shit she can't get into falz bosses which are now 2 months apart
>nc lc and lq are not repeatable content because i said so
back to /vg/
Do you think we will ever get another PSO game ever again? Or is the future of this franchise trending towards forgotten gacha games
LQ is not repeatable because they fucking remove it forever after the month is over retard kill yourself
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>Main weapons are treated like weapon types, and are a package of normal attacks, photon arts (PA), and weapon actions. Each has a short press and a long press operation, so 12 types of actions can be used by combining just two main weapons.
>The difference from characters is that triple jumps are possible, and three types of evasive actions can be used by combining directional input and jumps while locked on. Also, if the sub-weapon is set to "SA-1HMP Fenrir", continuous steps can be used.
>beats the shit out of your gay ass legacy classes' movesets and even AIS memes
N-successors are here
they replace LQs with something else for you to repeat the next month actually, kill yourself disingenuous retard
>hurr durr i WANT to repeat [shitty truck defense lq] so much after it's gone!!
said nobody ever
>it's the same game
>plays nothing like vanilla pso2
even vanilla pso2 was two different games, pre-ep4 and post-ep4
everything after ep4 up to today is indeed the same though
i'd even say the balance is far less dogshit today
Hero class ruined everything
>combat revolves around parry/iframe, positioning means noth--- ACK
This will sound stupid, but PSO as a series has some of the best beginning enemies in gaming.

It’s on par with shit like Ocarina. Think of the Boomers, the wolves. They all teach and utilise different sorts of movement from the getgo.

Even PSO2NG has this too. It’s a shame the level design in both games is flat, even if by choice.
>the darkers with the platform you can jump onto and hit the back of its head
>rolling niggers you can bait into objects to topple them
>fat ass with the back weak spot and a second weak spot that you can expose by freezing its belly then shattering it
>giraffes with the weakspot way up in the air
>bosses with sealable attack patterns depending on what you break
yeah contrary to what people say both pso2 and ngs had interesting enemies. unfortunately these also tend to become cumbersome to deal with when you've played the game long enough and you just brute force them with sheer damage
dead on arrival content then, the combat and enemies clearly are not balanced around positioning at all
any encounter where a blaze shot nigger can swerve around without getting hit is positioning-friendly enough
I sure do love this fucking meme of hey you enjoy playing the phantasy star series grinding gear to play classes you enjoy like Hunter or Ranger? Too bad fuck you hop in the generic gimmick weapon system that has nothing to do with your base class. Very fun fucking die you stupid faggots jesus christ.
The weapons here are literally Hunter/Ranger weapons but bigger and the original Dark Blast design of putting you inside a fursona that has nothing to do with your class OR your character was even gayer
>The weapons here are literally Hunter/Ranger weapons but bigger
good thing Hunter and ranger are the only classes that exist in phantasy star online 2 new genesis huh
>Dark Blast
that was shit too
>nothing to do with your character
it did though but only if you give a shit about bases story. Point is neither should exist and are a waste of development resources just like fucking limited quests and the card game.
>no content
>tranny cm destoyed the global server
>bad story
>killed pso2
too much inventory clutter, constantly having to sort through inventory and remove stuff to make space so you can fill it up again after the next mission.
>it did though
Not it litterally didn't, Had the option to pick and of the forms you wanted no matter what class you were using. Dark Blast was completely detached from your class.
This just the reintroduction of SUV weapons, something PSU use to have and people wanted to come back for like the longest.
new content in New Genesis is like:
>Here's a new class/mechanic/feature!
>Now go use it in the same areas on the same enemies you have been fighting for 3+ years but with more HP!
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>globaltrannies in charge of spreading misinformation on the internet
but of course
Downloading this again right now.
I ment character, the dark blasts are story wise part of your character because of the schizo personalities sharing your brain. But yes its completely detached from class and shouldn't be a thing. The only thing I accept as an alternative gameplay style is AIS because nigga you cant breathe in space.

You mean shit that was tied to race like the beast transformations? If it was race specific I would have less of an issue with it but its just a shitty gameplay addition that takes away from the actual classes which is retarded and shouldn't happen.
>SEGA actually let the same retard responsible for Hero and EP5 direct NGS
Anon, the rule is one NGS thread per week
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Idk i was expecting casts to be more robotic
""classes"" and "mains" are gay faggot shit that should've been rightfully abolished a long time ago
>oh yeah i looooove playing one weapon over and over
kys. AIS broke up the absolute monotony that was playing pso2 classes
PSOBB is the best
Trannies killed NGS
I'm convinced that Sega is run by gambling business nepo babies. It's the only way to explain how they fumble literally every single videogame franchise they own, and even an entire fucking CONSOLE, but still remain in business. It would explain the absolutely retarded decisions they make because the people in charge don't care or are a dumb nepo baby no one can tell "no that's a retarded idea". And it's also Japan so there's already very little ability for a junior to tell a senior the senior's idea is stupid.
Why does it feel like these threads are filled with several tripfags
>garm and nignoggr's animations
god i'm fucking cumming
these threads are just /pso2g/ rejects recycling their doomer script they've been doing for 3 years and referencing some tranny drama no one knows about anymore
ok so give back pso2 before they shat it all up, the only way to get it back is for NGS to die and EOS so stop enabling the retards at sega
It’s not far from the truth. Lot of Japanese gaming companies have gambling investors don’t they? Konami is an example.
Released without enough content.
Simple as
PSO is good, PSU is good, PSO2 is good, PSO2NGS is mid
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you will get your private server when they pull base's life support next year because they're already taking steps to do it with the perma pso2 day shit
God I hope ngs global shuts down so this retard will actually kill himself
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same, hopefully these retards won't move on to shit up the other healthy community out of sheer butthurtery. the geoblock and hiragana boss (forma de ultra hard) should stay up forever
We need a progressive pserf that goes from beta to ep1 to ep2 to ep3 and then resets
>wat went wong?
You still making threads about this game
>people hyped up for blue protocol when it's literally worse in every way than NGS which is already fucking shit
There is no hope for japanese MMOs
if they ever get passed the great filter they'd get insta banned anyway for being turbo obnoxious retards and pissing off natives
Looks fun
Based NGS, FUCKING Kek at Blue Protocol
No one ever says what this list actually means.
It's how much money every game on the playstation store made in japan.
Which is why gachas like genshin and NGS are so high up due to whales.
The ranking column is sales and the rating column is user sentiment.
4.27 out of 5 is very good, it translates to a 8.5/10. It seems the game's reputation has recovered in Japan because HMZK, the guy who pissed off the entirety of JP's playerbase in Ep.5. started having public appearances, doing interviews, and even going to an offline meeting with PSO2 players next month.
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NGS is best game
Or you know the people who liked pso2 just stopped playing and only the ERPers are left, who obviously like the new direction of the game since it's just made for them.
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unlikely considering ngs was originally appended to pso2 to keep sunk cost fags playing
global would know about it better than anyone because fucking shit these people suck cocks at everything from arks record to solos and most feedback coming from that side are anti-gameplay slop like this
Pedophile Safe space Online 2
But episode 5 was 8 years ago wasn’t it? It took that long to restore relations?
Except the only benefit to having ngs parasite itself onto pso2 is so that ERPers can keep their cosmetics they whaled for.
>wipe out years of updates and content with a hard reset
>replace it with nothing
I'm still mad.
source on this?
Here's an exhaustive list of end game content, both current and within the past 6 months, where you can safely maintain blaze shot for 30 or more seconds within optimal range without a high chance of having to cancel out for the iframes:
>the final 30 seconds of Malignant Solus
That one is pushing it a bit, since sitting outside of his explosive bubble puts you at risk of the occasional falling shard, but the chance of getting hit by that "5% chance of fuck you for using fear eraser" move is low enough to consider it acceptable.
>it's not just you making these threads because you notice that the game will EoS soon on global with current numbers
>it's not you freaking out trying to lure new people into wasting time on that bare skinnerbox game
I thought the shard was a bug and even if i get hit it only happens once
Removing augments is a great idea but exclusively for ARKS Records. Everyone should have normalized stats there so the P2W shitters get put back into the position that life spent so much time preparing for them. I always shit on everyone by taking #1 for my class repeatedly when I'm missing 10%ish potency, so really it'd just make you fags stop looking so shit in comparison.

No, I don't care how bad you'd feel inside for spending $500 to build an identical second weapon but with Blastor 5 for the purpose of doing 9.8% extra damage on your photon blast. Fuck you.
>implying these threads weren't ragebait made by a /vg/ schizo with a hateboner for the game
if it's going to EoS soon just let it naturally happen, don't talk about it, don't bump these threads. seeking out and making these threads only to kvetch and remind everyone that it's really reeeeeaaally dying for real this time doesn't do anything but make astute people notice your gaslighting campaigns, especially when it went on for three whole years
basically pso2's barryfag kek
the game has serious balance issues between low fps players and high fps players due to everything being client side. playing on a console is a disadvantage.
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oh no no no
Vanilla PSO2 was appealing?
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you guys think new shit is gonna go under NGS pop wise?
Imagine fucking up harder than SEGA like how would it even be possible
People forget how players clamoured for more open areas given PSO2’s instances.
>ngs tranny has to deflect to other shit games to cover up for his joke of a game
How solid is the anticheat? I like the gameplay but I'm not running around to collect fruits and minerals
For a 2012 game, I think so.
Nevermind, what the fuck did they do? Deleted...
Its crazy the amount of trannies and pedos that play this game. They just keep coming in waves.
they waited way too long to bring pso2 to the west
Syberbolt won.
Why don't they just make PSO3?
Trannies will seethe that all their cash shop items are gone
But they'll just spend again anyway so who cares
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They didn't wait. Sega just doesn't care. Right when pso2 was going to release to the west, SEA got exclusive right to English and block the west release. Then sea proceed to fuck it up. Sega gave up and kept pso2 as a jap only game . It only when Microsoft gave Sega money and servers that it got release this late
I sort of feel like playing again
Convince me not to
It's shit.
If you play it for 5 minutes you'll want to uninstall again, so just save yourself the time.
Better that than adding new mechanics that blow ass (the Snowboards).
>doomer script they've been doing for 3 years
Buddy, NGS is hitting cap 100 March '25. It's never been more Joever than now.
SEGA's nepotism as always
>Shitty director almost kills the game once
>Lets give him the next project!!! What could possibly go wrong!?
If sega was a bit competetnt they would still have their console
is HE lurking?
it looks cool as fuck desu
i hope the next weapon is scythe
game sucks

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