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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>487608402

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/07/23)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
First for minheight love!
Reply if you like T1s.
Nogxy here, you're all Rope
Post your character in your favorite sci-fi ensemble
Only if they're old T1s
qrd on doppel
talk about doppel
tldr doppel
discuss doppel
unblock emv doppel
unblock grizzermacht doppel
unblock juntoku doppel
unblock gunpuku doppel
unblock scarlet doppel
unblock squishy doppel
unblock revy doppel
unblock pellegri doppel
unblock koishi doppel
unblock grimjak doppel
unblock maru doppel
unblock buttons doppel
unblock gpof doppel
unblock midnight wave doppel
hello doppel
how are you doppel
hello i am ok doppel
please doppel
help doppel
join the fashion show doppel
forgive me doppel
stop being a fucking bitch doppel
doppel doppel doppel doppel doppel doppel doppel doppel
Bratty minheights. When will they learn.
You heckin meaners need to leave me the heck alone right heckin nao
thouhts on doppel?
Yeah that's a report, aco is the other way around
Wet Back here, I'm so lonely...
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If you haven't been acknowledged by a member of The Holy Seven of Global Twitter then you're irrelevant and a sliderlet
Resets in 15 minutes
How will they learn, if you never educate them?
doppel looks better than all of them
Go back to twitter.
I got cutes from Shuna and DD, does that count
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lol no
It's where all the relevant people are anyway
It does
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The Seven Holy Global you say... never heard of em
damn baby girl nice nippers
the only sad thing about them for me is only two of them are gameplay chads and the most unapproachable due to their sheer aura
she’s covered kisaragi stop being jelly of other hot blonde characters!
Nah talking about twitter is redditor level shit.
which two?
Arisu and Homika are the only with gear and play the game. The other 5 are just shitters
there is nothing to talk about there usually anyway

except when something big happens and nothing ever happens
being geared is not very girly of you
Talk about the things you would do to your favorite Minheight.
i looked at jiggus LCs yesterday and it made me want to cum immediately. she’s too cute to sweat but smart enough to get off the welfare shits
Knowing your fapslut can stand next to you in battle not being useless and then you're plapping her during downtime is peak endgame. And they can buy you things
the holy what now? does that include doxing on fleet switch out your buttplug vance
anons want to plap me more when I perform well..
If I can't play the game with her I can't love her.
This is slander. There was never any doxxing
Twitter isn't relevant since 2018 grandpa. Anyone with any real value moved to Jw and TikToks.
jealous of doppel
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shut up paul revere
>Calling others to block EMV
Very based.
then explain ourprogamergirl Kat
Doesn't disprove the doxxing claim is fabricated
dude stop
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bonking hard is fun!
Witchhunting is literally tos, why none got vance banned, missed chance
List of Minheights with BiS Gear?
..still got acknowledged by the council am i wrong ? am i wrong??
Vance has protection from Beatrice who pays off the devs to look over his clique's behavior. Why do you think they were always featured on the boards in-game?
Hi. Please call me cute. Thank you.
I want to mating press a caseal until she bluescreens.
I wish The Holy Seven were caseals...
I hope it's my caseal!
doppel cutes are nothing.

get your n-meseta and get your trophy at the Angels and Demons Fashion Show on ship 2 at Supplement Hospital on Saturday at 8pm CST.
Thank you, anon. :)
Why do you make this sound like you're announcing at a wrestling match?
Anytime :D
but it's more fun when people bully me as I mess up and sandbag, and then they get frustrated and after the quest they take out their frustration on me...
It might be!
>never heard of em
>only competed against /r/tards using mod shots
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—ahahahha!! n-spheres! n-spheres!
I love being a punching bag! (Not literally)
your thoughts on doppel?
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Literally WHO?

瑪托伊 Kick Matoi 2020微軟市集抗議 The Windows Store Protests of 2020 固態硬盤大屠殺 The Solid-state Drive Massacre 免費玩家鬥爭 The F2P Struggle 重組廢裝備 Affix Your Shit 機器人大革命 The Great CAST Revolution 新人類人權 Dewman Rights 網路糞貼 Shitposting 新刮卡 New Scratch 泳衣 Swimsuits 更多機器人部件 More CAST Parts 終止角色扮演網交鬧劇 End ERP Drama 清潔工 Jannies 拉比 Rappies 我的兒子 MY SON 洗淨你的屁股 Wash Your Ass 咖啡店44 Cafe 44 社團鬧劇 Alliance Drama /廢墟板/論貼 /trash/ General Xbox黑手黨 Xbox Mafia 那尖下頦 That Chin 發布您無盡的分數 Post your Endless Score GC變性Purge The GC Tranny Purge 你像旁遮普語鍵入 You type like punjabi 三大聯盟的浪漫 Romance of three alliances 赞助流大屠杀 The Sponsored Stream Massacre 2美元的点 The 2$ dot 大浪淘沙 The Great Banwave
I don't mind if they get a little bit rough...
Doppel has only ever been okidok to me!
shut the fuck up doppy
Same..I’m just trying to conceal my identity so no one suspects me!
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I'm koi though
thats even worse
>doppel is koishis next grooming victim
oh no no no
GOD I want to MATING PRESS Koishi into submission.
someone help him... satiate my shikanokonokonoko first
Isn't the mating press already a position of absolute dominance/submission?!
the /aco/ content will be glorious
>He isn't followed and acknowledged by the Seven Holy Global Slidergods
Holy sliderlet
Beatrice is into piss
You are utterly pathetic.
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Lets say hypotethically, that i am a t1 that likes being lewd, would the green cat approach me first or do i have no chance
many of the twitter thots are into piss or something worse nothing new
>pso2g shitphids malding they butt ugly
If you aren't acknowledged by any of the holy global slidergods you are not relevant. We don't make the rules around here.
No, blint.
funny Shuna the Bull got outed as a fucking sexpest like gpof levels sexpest and everyone brushes that shit under the rug
Koishi hop on /aco/ we're going to goon to firegreen pictures.
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You're just an ugly jealous tranny
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Where's the pyc post? Whatever it doesn't matter, just take a look at this.

Ain't she cute?
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I guess.
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Only Beatrice is into piss. The only egregious things is some of the others liking ryona or raceplay
He's a sexpest but is otherwise a decent person
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koishi thoughts on doppel doppel doppel doppel?
Looks like a man in a wig
>being attractive means you can groom, rape, other anons
Ok let me go ahead and copy the jp same face real quick. yeah get them standard sliders so I get right to grooming all the pso2gs
Why are pso2gs malding at the best sliders in all of Global on twitter? Fix your sliders instead of seething.
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doppel is cuter than all the x sluts and all of pso2g
>decent person
nigga read what you just said
For a group of faggots that asking regularly for plapping, you all complaining about sexpests now? It smells like jealousy to me instead of other reasons. Who could this seething tranny be? Must be one of the ugly shitphids of the general.
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>Having sex makes you a bad person
Dumbass. You need to get laid
well it does. this is actual fact proven to be harmful to both parties
I'm a bad person and I have sex!
I would marry Shuna
I would give auntie Homika a baby
I would let my mommy Rosie milk me
I would keep Aiatar as my mistress
I would keep Arisu as my mistress
I would fuck DoubleD at after parties
I would piss on Beatrice
what about doppel? dont forget about doppel
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Typefucking isnt sex nigger, touch some grass. Nobody is getting harmed by online sexpests.
Can I watch...
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Imagine pandering to people like this, have some self-respect twitter users...
I'm the worst and I get plapped all the time!
I would walk by without noticing doppel after getting my penis milked dry by the holy seven
Sure anon, but no touching..
As long as I can touch myself...
but doppel is sexier than those you should focus on doppel talk about doppel
Doppel and Koishi are the ugliest niggers known in this general and not worthy to be even mentioned in the same paragraph as Global's Divine Seven Slidergods.
is cracky throwing a fit again
Actually based
We'll see about that..
without the mods none of those losers are attractive. have you see their lookbook pictures lmao
THIS even gyro or caelestis is hotter than them
The only thing getting thrown here are ugly pso2gs. Straight to the trash of course.
>d exists
>cracky goes on a multi thread meltdown
>d isnt even aware
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You're still not on the Holy Seven's level, uggo. Keep crying.
You're cute, i'll think about it!
Holy seven more like unholy seven lmao, 0 rizz, 0 energy, you have to shoulder the entire conversation, if you take them outside their modded bubble wrap they are average.
Cope pso2gnigger
T-Thank you!... I'll look forward to it even if you don't let me touch myself!
no i’m playing with my alliance lol

but sliders are stupid. win fashion competitions or shut up. y’all want me to make another pso2g tiet list or what
Nah too much of a back seater but Koishi x DoubleD seems like a placement. But Koishi is more likely to get Bulled and he would like it
None of them would touch that
Probably get exiled from the Holy Seven Order
>pso2g honestly believe they are even comparable to the Holy Seven
Your sliders are all garbage, affix your ugly faces first.
Keeping Shuna as my mistress to cuck me
Marrying and breeding Homika as she likes
Seeing Rosewise for when I want to plapjak
Aiatar to chill and listen to music with
Arisu I'd become best friends with
DoubleD I'd force into slavery
I would piss on Beatrice
>Not aids having eye makeup
>Uses default face items
>looks unique
>Sliders are a timeless masterpiece
>Still btfos all the twitter to this day
True queen of sliders
Aiatar ascended from the pso2g shitters and become a god.
Koishi is a top
Choukai and Nym could easily join the Holy Seven and become the Divine Nine
Any mention of maru is always met with "it's not fair that you mentioned her!!!"
And all of those combined still can't hold a candle to Maru's pure ascended god tier sliders.
LOL he would never even reach 200 views on twitter, let alone 100 likes with that vomit-inducing face.
Could be
not with Shuna around. that nigga is bottom breather lol
Maru is good. But Maru isn't meta like day 1 combos in a new fighting game.
Maru showed everybody that you don't need to be rich or always have the latest makeup to have the best looking character. Sometimes keeping it simple is best thing you can do.
Yeah getting spamed by bots is hard
See >>487710005
I’m gonna go in and report back bros. Which of the Holy Seven would I have the easiest chance making contact with?
Kisatroony should just take the L and copy Nym's sliders 1:1 because his own creations look like ASS.
>Maru is not fair talk... She's in a league on her own..
I understand your frustration but twitter whores truly cannot compete against maru and her sliders are like 2-3 years old.
Pso2g slider wuxia when, you can have the 7 divine sects with 2 hidden (evil) ones?
Shuna automatically loses cause bad piercings
>Create coomer twitter
>Hook people up in their first dopamine shot
>Keep posting even if it's garbage content
>Profit, there's your 100 likes
>when the entire thread tried to copy maru at one point
How many dicks do I gotta suck to afford Alexia's Hair
that was funny
are you cute?
only mine
As The Seven sugar mommies for a donation. They are all rich
who you
They scratch just to then use a mod or in some cases a paid mod, the ultimate paypiggy
Also 7days to day full realse LOG IN BRO
post block
They must have bullied and blocked you. Poor little cucky
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I simply don't want Beatrice to pee on me
Maru was day 1 meta. Like in fighting games new tech is found and the meta is adjusted to the new mechanics. You could say Maru is the Grandmother of NGS SliderGods. He paved the way.

Street Fighter 2 -> All fighting games today

Devil May Cry -> All action games today

Maru -> All SliderGods today
go drink your prune juice gramps
Didn’t some of them exist way before Maru
Maru "meta" not only works we need it more than ever. imagine thinking having pink eye and aids on your face is "meta". looks so shit.
This logic doesn't work because Maru still btfo's all the twitter tards
minheight posting was way better than another manufactured maru drama episode.
the minheights are recharging
give them time
Post the list, let's get it back on track!
but maru looks way better than them
Why are the only good Sylphids part of the Holy Seven? Is pso2g this filtered?
good question. Sylphid face came later. What did Arisu original face look like. Somebody pull that shit up or did he start his X after Sylphid release?
place is unusable without filters
Qrd on

Like shit, just like all of them before they skinwalked sliders and new EZ make-up realsed
this logic does work because you're not the target audience anymore.

see GuiltyGear XX/Xrd transition into Strive (baby game)
Maru is better than all of the Holy Seven but Choukai is not even close. Choukai is more like Holy Shit instead of Holy Seven LOL
I'm on this list!
Me on the left!
kek gottem
LOL globalkeks say the funniest shit sometimes
Can you post old Arisu face so we can compare it to Grandma Maru
My wife is on this list!
this place is now usable with filters on.
How do you approach a minheight about purchasing steppies from her?
fake minheight remove them from the list
Tell them you have a big problem you need help with
Be ready to get berated though
Why am I on this list, I'm not relevant...
Post your minheight butt
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prehistoric maru sliders still blow these twitter hoes out of the water with simplicity.
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His Slyphid face was an improvement
everybodys faces were an improvement after they started cloning JP sylphid faces but now they all look the same.
Kisaragi BTFO
Which minheights can I approach for steppies? Asking for a friend
Alright Yomiki calm down.
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Why is Arisu in the Holy Seven again looking like this?
Half of that list may entertain you..
You literally just got a whole list of them!
Better question is who paved the way for Sylphids. it wasn't Arisu or Shuna or Rosswise. it wasn't choukai ugly ass and it wasn't Nym either. Aiatar and even Maru got filtered by it. who is the Maru Sylphid? I think Beatrice was using it when it first came out so it could have been him
holy shit man. Okay maru won i won't argue anymore
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Aiatar before he skinwalked an actual JP twit
I like this one
Why would maru go sylphid when she already has reached godhood as T2?
>LMFAAAAAAAAAO HOLY SHIT UGGLO explains a lot of things
that still looks like Aiatar
Probably Homika but that's a JP troon
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The slidergods had years to perfect their sliders, meanwhile malding trannies like Choukai the Holy Shit never improved his slider game.
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Choukai sisters, your response?
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the Twitter sylphid I remember back then was was khy but it seems they stop playing. they did collabs with arisu aiatar and shuna
It's pretty yikes to see that the only way they boosted their acc was posting coom bait, but that explains their 0 personality, just coom for brains
looks like tomomi
looks so fucking bad. they all sit at the round table and decided which JP hoe to copy?
The only ones I've legitimately hated talking to are Shuna and Beatrice
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Kisa even with coom can't even boost himself out of ugliness lmao gottem
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Boxy fail all his fixa rolls and run out of augment protections or something?

what’s going on here?
everyone is a bratty minheight emv is the meta now
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>To use "MARS", you need a battery level. The battery will accumulate over time, and when it reaches 25% or more, you can summon it. The battery will gradually decrease while you are using "MARS", so the more battery you have, the longer you can use it. If the battery is at 100%, you can use it for 2 minutes.
This is going to be one of those things I won't use it at all because I MIGHT NEED IT LATER INSTEAD OF NOW bullshit, isnt it?
Souls games have prepared me for this very moment..
nogxy doesn't affix
Who will become the Eighth in the Holy Seven Order to create the Eighth Empire
What I'm more upset about is how NGS is slowly just becoming a rehash of PSO2.
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>"VA-2MRM Nizhogg" is a unique close-combat weapon with a large scythe-like weapon. It can give markers to enemies with successive attacks, and by detonating the marker, it greatly increases the damage dealt for a short period of time. It is similar to the Ranger's skill "Weak Bullet", but the effect lasts only a few seconds, so you need to be aware of the timing of the detonation.
I was wondering why there was two melee. The Chainsaw is just a debuffer
Eighth Empire is gonna be ruled by maru herself.
what it like to talk to the bull?
They could've updated base game, new engine and continue from there, another 3 episodes, we battle starless and PSO3 happens but no, let's redo PSO2 in NGS lol shame

ALSO they forcing MARS to be used in gameplay or you're gimping yourself LAMEEEE
That's just phantom mark.
All conversations unless it involves sex will end up being "I see, I see."
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> "VA-4XRM Skyla" is a medium-to-long range weapon that looks like a staff or broom and has a unique play feel. Rather than evading by stepping or guarding, the play style is to avoid damage by adjusting position, and if you do not step and do not receive damage, you can obtain a special resource called "Star Crest". While the main source of damage for other weapons is normal attacks, Skyla's main source is PA and weapon actions.
So absolutely useless anywhere in a UQ boss fight. Got it
It's Scylla. Learn the language retard.
>They could've updated base game
Nigga that is literally what is happening. We are even going back to oracle when it turns out we've been on a freaking planet encased in a mothership.
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>You can set up "MARS" from the "MARS Palette" in the equipment menu. You can choose two of the four main weapons and one of the three sub weapons, so you'll want to set the weapon that suits your fighting style.
>Although the main weapon's equipment locations are named "Main 1" and "Main 2," there is no difference in performance. The only difference is whether you use it in the main palette or the sub palette, so you can set the one you use more frequently to 1.
>In the settings, you can change the position of the various actions set in the action palette, as well as the COM voice that plays when you use "MARS."
Oh so we get to use two of these faggots items at the same time.
did she approach you or did you approach her?
You are literally retarded if you think NGS = BASE, you never touched scions at max capacity I can tell aswell
She does but never has anything to talk about.
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Oh I see. They are going for the Scion's subclass system, but not shit.
Read yourself, why the fuck did we need a new reset + new start again? you sound so stupid
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That can be use outside the system it seem
looks so fucking shit. you niggas really excited for this garbage?
Good luck being a Fo or Te and fitting that shit into your palette, what a retarded system
MARS is okay I'm just disappointed they're rehashing Dark blast instead of giving us something new.
>Instead of adding new healthy gameplay loops with actual rewards
>Nah fuck you, have some cards, it'll last you 1 week
>Instead of evolving classes, since clearly our gear is evolving
>Nah fuck you, take this garbage we worked on instead, now you'll even play less with your class
>Dalion like, dont you guys have cannons?
reminder that shitrope lost
*cums on u*
Are you retarded?
like 5% of pso2g plays the game and knows most of what's going on at a given moment
>fighting games
sure, people knew Street Fighter 2 existed, but Streets of Rage also came out in in 1991 and was much more popular
if we're going to talk about fighting games that brought people to the arcades it would be Mortal Kombat 3 (1995) & Soul Calibur (1998)
Marvel vs Capcom (1998) & Tekken Tag (1999) were the reasons fighting games became competitive
>action games
DMC 1 was barely known, DMC 2 put that series on the map
the PS2 era was bloated with titles
Streets of Rage was a beat em up and DMC2 was a flop you retarded zoomer, you're thinking of DMC3
Street Fighter 2 is the most popular fighting game of all time
Just use a subpalette retard.
Yeah bro, use 7 weapon palettes for element and 2 subpalettes, retard
That's the spirit
hate to break it to you, but the Arcades were full of story mode games that were played 10x more popular than any of the fighting ones
i bet more people played Gauntlet than Street Fighter 2
Things I like about MARS:
No gacha its a free update which is getting rarer in todays world
It's available to everyone, you won't need to worry about changing your class
Will evolve the current gameplay as new ways are found out to exploit the system
Cool mecha based which is sorely needed in this supposed anime sci fi game
No meseta sink involved so there is no way to pay to be stronger

Things I don't like about MARS:
Will make older content irrelevant as it isn't designed with it in mind
Meta faggotry will eventually force us all to us the same layout instead of allowing freedom of expression
Gimmick is very shallow not allowing much to really sink your teeth into.
I would really rather instead of this stuff they focus all development into creating new dark falz tier fights released much faster as I believe that would save this game.
That's how its always been. If you cant fit one more button then I don't know what to tell you.
It's based on your potency, so yeah, you can 100% P2 be stronger with it lmao
Things I like about MARS:
You're not a schizo with a bunch of genocidal retards living in your head at the expense of having power
all the updates in NGS are free
we don't have expansions & forced subscriptions here
>players expect more while paying nothing
you think scratching is free? you think scratch items appear randomly on the market?
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Your missing the point. Not even a playable Vergil in DMCV is free.
This is so delusional, 3day market acess or pay, you don't pay? throw in 1000 hours to have anything. At that point, get a job and pay a sub in an actual video game
are you a scratcher?
Sexy! thank you for posting
they have a finacial incentive to make your gameplay as miserable as possible.

get over it chud
>muh cosmetics
all the gameplay content is free
this dude gets it, good job
is this "gameplay content" with us in the room right now? LMAO
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The gameplay content being LTQ with the stationary bear from DPS practice of base
he was just at the item scientist shitting up the thread. so he was converting his capsules. why should that make him this uppity?
yeah 12 year old bear as LTQ in NGS, I saw it and thought this is so fucking ridiculous my sides hurts
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Just don't follow the meta.
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I see, continue carrying on complaining then
>faggots think gameplay is shit and content doesnt exist because devs are incompetent not because they want to make you miserable as possible just so you spend IRL money to stay ahead on the curve

Nogxy's true form
Thank you! I appreciate the link, I love watching the people that's burnt spit truths and then watch the retards trying to defend it <333
>tae (rope) online
nobody cares
dress-up game
shitrope not again
I want to tease an old man..
>nogxy wakes up
>seething about rope resumes
yup yup
the thing is nobody cares about how people play the game, until they actually get into a party or area with a player that makes them completely aware of just how much absolute shit that person is doing
Rope, you mean failed Alicia clone?
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ez yous lol dance little niggys
None of the twitter thots you worship even have good equipment
>good equipment
Literally nobody cares. You're playing a social game.
you're still malding, they're still twitter gods
post your sliders if you are so perfect
I and nearly everybody I play with cares at least on a making jokes about somebody being poor level
but it doesn't actually matter until it's clear you don't actually care at all and worse than a bot
>I and nearly everybody I play with cares at least on a making jokes about somebody being poor level
You're the minority here. Have you tried playing a real game instead of tryharding on a game made for casuals?
I thought Aiatar had Lux and GGM
Nogxy forma de espirito endentro de hijo
Yeah, my bad.
yes it's the exact same difference as long as any cooperation is involved
Every video game is casual
>he thinks tryhards don't tryhard in every game they play
looks like that one failed alicia clone but if it was done right.
uh oh Nogshitsters are we shitting up the thread too hard
all my homies laugh and make fun of sweat tryhards
imagine sweating on fucking ngs of all games holy low iq
I love sweating!
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Sounds like the words of a poor wagie. Go get my fries, faggot.
imagine making fun of people for playing a game how they enjoy it
conversely imagining bringing yourself to play a game you don't actively enjoy and being worse than a bot at it
didn't ask + you will never be pso2g
remember when we called Nogxy poor and his response was
>I don't spend money on video games
yeah you don't spend money on rent either lmfao
Based and very true
I've been pso2g before you tourists even got here wagie
uh oh failed alicia clone melty
holy kek
Ilma is so lucky
I just remember when everyone was playing ER and he was trying to shill that shitty f2p valve moba
>remember when boxy did this
no we dont shitrope. we dont keep a tab on our thread enemies for years
Nogxy and being too much of a poor nigger to be an Elden Lord name a better combo
shut up nogxy
>dont keep a tab on our thread enemies for years
Nogxy and being a lying nigger name a better combo
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since we are reminiscing the past. this one is a banger too
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>6 hours without a single mention of rope
>nogxy wakes up
>rope posts start again
>i-it's not me guys
LMAO mind broken lil nigga who you tryna fool with this
Nogxy's such a fag jesus christ >>487724169
>tae (rope) goes online 30 min ago on discord
>nogxy spam on maximum capacity again
Why do you guys rehash the same stuff every day?
shitrope went online couple minutes ago. Who am i kidding yomiki, you failed pariah. you gonna shill your obese gang anyway.
Hi, who'd like to grind something?
Funniest part is the nogxy posts didn't stop but there was no one to get mad at them lmao
asking the failed alicia clone on discord is couple seconds away from your answer. he's online right now.
>One key symptom of autism spectrum disorders is repetitive behaviors
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Mentally ill third world general and game.
are you a cute minheight?
>meanwhile over 100 boxy mention by shitrope on discord
Max t2
you don't matter
I like shitting on pso2g Sylphids because they will never be part of the Global slidergod pantheon
oh god no
do sharp steppies on shitrope he’s getting yappity for his steppies again
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no! anthropomorphic is sci-fi xd
>engaging in gameplay activities
Low IQ
>Asks to grind
>Giga t2 maxheight
>all the jealous "minheights" 150+ gremlins on overdrive
LMAO chad
Midgets pretending to be minheights
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ty anon
>Asks to grind
Stopped reading here. Get a job nigga lol
>blint agreeing that all minheights are ugly gremlins
Because they are, you can only sugarcoat a turd so much before it loses it's cover
that's clearly not what I meant.
blintnog going gloves off shheeeeesh
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The black cat!
>blintshit was the one seething about minheights
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uh oh blintnog meltdown
this one reminds me of shitrope. that nigga really should go back to hide his face behind hairs again
why are people trying to start war with the minheights again?
What are Blint's chances of joining The Holy Seven?
Nogxy when they spot a low level T3
just goes to show Nashai was right about him
Fuck them, shit personality, ugly midgets, most are pedos. Burn them
they are upset that the minheight hornyposting ignores the otherwise endless shit flinging here
>nogshai is still angry to this day
why do you have a picture of Jiggu there LOL
>shitrope failed to copy this
It's fun, everyone else is so angry so we can just horny post
these shitposts suddenly make a lot more sense
I love hornyposters...
Stay Mad Nogxy
that looks like Crack V or the failed alicia clone
That's me!
It's me too!
if minheights are gremlins i'm about to feed my mogwai after midnight desu
but enough about nogshai
Hello, does anyone want to spam some gryphon?
Nogxy here, you're all rope wait no you're all nashai wait no you're all
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I love you?!
Why him and not me??
Now I'm jealous!
Who is failed alicia clone call nogxy next? find out in the next episode of shitrope x boxy honeymoon special
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I love you both!
THE BLACK CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nogxy's ESL defense force are getting too embarrassing at this point
>shitrope so mad he went out his way to mspaint soem shitty reddit meme
fucking kek my sides
thank you...
you got my updooot reddit friend
lol looks like this one struck a nerve
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Three-way love!
Nogxy here, if I call them reddit enough they won't call me Nogxy anymore
We did it!
more like
>if i post reddit memes it will own boxy
you're not the target audience nogxy
almost correct your name is Nogxy
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pso remake 2025
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mental illness for this behaviour?
I'm sold!
Wild Nogxy stuck
nigger fatigue (that is to say nogxy fatigue)
Nogxy here, only one person is calling me Nogxy right guys?
Woah where did the whip come from?!
whipping out your mobile doesn't count shitrope
I don't know but I wanna kiss and nibble our wife's meaty and cute tongue!
I love mouth sex!
It's for making sure you don't dare run away from me!
Hey I love that too! Anything with mouth is great
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The transition from forums to social media really killed culture around here. 4chan used to be heavily against twitter, reddit, facebook, etc. now we embrace them all with open arms
I still don't have any social media
And no, I am not making a damn twitter for my minheight!
Wait until ya'll find out that it wasn't boxy posting here for a whole month. I'm suprised he hasn't said anything about it besides posting pictures alongside my posts. I'm sorry boxy <3
Mouth sex is really good! We should share lots of love through three-way mouth sex!
Shut the fuck up EMV you don't even belong here
you werent wrong about failed alicia clone anyway
Why would we ever dare such a thing?
Not my problem that my dear rope looks like a fool now. talking about rentfree
You will never be pso2g.
Jiggu looks more like a gremlin than Vita
Are you really so empty inside that you need to claim credit for everything that happens just to feel something?
>nooo it has to be my thread enemy. the dream i had last night said so!!
shut up nogxy
y'all bunch of tools i like to play with. It's nothing personal. Boxy come out and tell them it's not you. I wonder how you feel seeing that schizo call some random anonymous person your name
ok blint
thats shitrope
Why are you spamming Nogxy?
I NEED a lazy bj from g and c while k pats my head and calls me nice things.
Horny posters should be punished.
>Kisses jiggu
>they turn all blushy subbwo
ha you guys had me thinking jiggu was semen succubus
Globalkeks too chicken shit to even say names
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truthfully it was me yall

don’t fight
it's y'all who keep calling me or some random dudes nogxy all the time.

Maybe if you tried fixing your ugly character you wouldn't need to lash out at other ppl for once. I liked your character more when it's face was behind the hairs. I jerked off to it a couple times for pity but ever since i called you ugly once and said you never managed to fix your face on /aco/ you went ahead and copied alicia's sliders and now you look like shit. Don't need to thank me about the load. love y'all.
You could just say you wanna know the names instead of being a bitch about it
I love losing!
Lmao you jerked off to Boxy? Gross
punished how...
Why would I care about irrelevant globalkeks? All that matters is The Divine Nine
to shitrope learn to read silly
Me on the left PLEASE
nah we know you'd never shitpost your queen
You know Rope isn't even in the thread right? You have been shitposting the ghosts in your head.
t. rope
we need your expertise queen
will nogxy stop obsessing over rope in the foreseeable future?
No that's K
Least believable post
I don't really know, but I guess the mind of an expat is truly a mystery, because you definitely give too much of a shit about this desu
big doubt
Meanwhile shitrope having his 10th melty fit for the day in discord
not u less shitten comes back
we know you are here shitrope cut it
I have a big crush on my wife!
I have a big something for your wife too!
Who is it?
nogtten is here though
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wd you want anything from taco bell ?
this is actually true, mention shitten and he'll immediately switch gears to nogtten spam
imagine if he actually came back
the whole nogfamily is here ??

list them all and qrd
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I have a set of holes for you!
>i shouldnt spread rumors about you
>like a schizo
>has been doing it ever since that event
Show me
Keep being horny and you'll see the retribution!
Fingering the lust out of horny posters, but honestly that'll just agitate you more, you are gonna want the real thing eventually.,..
I'll be honest when people make me horny usually it ends up getting taken out on unsuspecting victims elsewhere!
Sorry anon, might get in trouble if i do it here!
Ooohhh noooo! So scary!!
shitrope squirms like a schizo anytime he is mentioned lol
You guys get horny?
it's obvious
Aco then?
Expected from a failed alicia clone
Never posted there, won't start now!
he can’t save his rep here anymore. he has nowhere to hide now.
nobody but that retard would keep being riled up and upset when he gets called out
Then drop a hint!
I have a HUGE crush on my wife...
You're sexually assaulting someone else, that's even worse! We need the "proper" authorities to handle a delinquent like you...
You too need to stop being so cocky! Getting punished is nothing to take lightly!
>Name dropping
>Crack posting
>Weird gay shit
Okay but where is the NGS talk? This is the NGS thread and not the gay /sco/ meet up thread?
>get called out
>attempt topic change panic button
I like talking about ngs but like its hard here honestly with like the same handful of schizos spamming non stop. Not even worth the time reporting.
Shut the fuck up shitfingers
it's pathetic
Buy my giga glan maste and I'll lick your glans clean~
I want to do this to my minheight wife so badly
I am me!
You're right, lightly is boring so let's go harder..
Can you pick a different item I'm selling that rn
can I lick your glans clean then?
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Na I'm good
Why is it so small?
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I'm not in the thread crying by the way
What server is this in
what's the point of censoring the date?
to avoid showing what timezone you are in
>grown ass men in here obsessing over a fat elephant nigga by the name of rope posting the elephant 3 year old logs
got damn no wonder you lil niggas dont get pussy LMAO
ya hate to see it kek
wakaba doesn't want to be caught
If she's you're wife, you don't have to worry about sexually assaulting her! Just go up and own her.
Becoming public enemy #1 is not an accomplishment or something to strive for... don't stress out the justice department further!
Lmao running around naked with the cock out, im sure some mod users would love to bleach their eyes, so I am all for it
Shitrope working overtime in the thread every single day for the past month
Finally some blue! I will do what I must to get what I want..
He always inserts his upsets with the general in about any discussion and the ones who aren't even related to pso. nobody asked rope shut up.
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This is how I looked like 3 weeks after sylphid was released but it wasn't sliders that paved the way for sylphid, it was due to a moderately successful gamergirl twitch streamer / youtubers popularity. She dragged hundreds of her followers into ngs, and the majority of them made sylphid / flawless faces. Everyone looked like >>487714297 or had those huge bimbo lips that are still a common sight nowadays. I won't name her because some obsessed weirdo doxxed her away from the game and that information is still present with a simple google search.
That one's pure.
looks like tomomi
you didnt need to show this log to know hes here crying daily
I think it's time for some more Holy Seven posting
I miss this birdie;_;
>It's been 2 years
>but it wasn't sliders that paved the way for sylphid
Then why did you bother even posting your ugly face with a timestamp?
^ THIS, so much this, actual mental illness
my fucking sides are in orbit
I read this and I have no idea who you are talking about. what is their Twitter
Hey shitrope i can't wait another round of nogxy spam to further decrease the thread quality.
premium should give me 10 million meseta a week
>tomomi will look like nym in 2 years
invest now
too shy to speak to her and I'm not a shota
I am so badly in love with my crush that it's going to kill me
He lacks critical information...
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that's right failed alicia clone. follow what you preach.
Who's your crush?
I hope it's me!
It could be!
What height are you?
damn nogxy's going ballistic
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I haven't played this game since ages and I only played a bit of NGS, still at like level 14. What were the things I had to buy with SG to play the game and not lose my fucking mind again? I have shitloads of SG stored up
hello shitrope
Grown ups are talking failed alicia. Hush
Material storage, that's about it
Almost every JP Sylphid back then was a serious Black Lagoon looking hotheaded cool chain smoker look and there are still a ton of those today. It was definitely Global who pushed for attractive adult hagtype looking Sylphid sliders.
Full points!
Hair color?
Esc > Shop > AC/SG Shop > SG Shop > Material Storage Use (90 Days S)
I do as I please, deal with it faggot.
t2 hairs are blonde
please stop mentioning
It's really sad to see. He's gonna be reposting that screencap in 2027.
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Holy crap, I guess no one felt like posting their character.
>looks at my old old sylphid screenshots
How did I live with having no shoulders goddamn...
it's not you! Sorry
>Shitrope still mentioning this thread in discord servers and being upset
A literal unironic thread goblin
thank you, I even had a 15 day ticket on my inventory, apparently so I used that
Who do you think deserves to be kissed right now?
I bet more than half of those nogxy spams are literally just him alone in those years
My anus!
that's what mental illness does to you
my minheight!!
Every Minheight online!
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Aw Dangit!
whose anus is this!?!?!?
Yeah, they give you a 15 day ticket for free every month now which is pretty handy but that also makes you miss it even more when it runs out
Fat ugly bastard altar!
I'm into that...
why was V throwing shade at you my guy?

you can put your banana hammock in my face anytime, king.
>nogxy spam stopped completely after this
i mean it was obvious but hell
"*burp* aww yeah get on over here and pucker up my cheeks *farts* aww yeah that's the diritos I had earlier make sure you clean the stain too aww yeah"
kek I might do this to someone I don't wanna fuck with anymore lmao
I didn't expect anything less...
This nigga out square dancing LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but I'm only into minheights with big asses.
I hate these type of images! Because I can never decide which side I want to be on
>This shit paved the way for Sylphid
Thoughts on rope being a shitstirring spammer that contributes to lowering the thread quality? Should i leak the logs of him shittalking you?
Me on the left!
Is your crush's hair white?
anon..many minheights have white hair..
ugh fine, but only if we take turns, and kiss while swapping position!
People were talking about having a gameplay wife earlier and yet no one mentioned MLG Esports Blender La Gaming 144hz aka best gaming wife
Sounds good to me!
holy rope melty what happened here

just shut up you fat retard how difficult is that
Let's just say both she and I have the same hair color!
can t1s be considered minheight?
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uh oh busted!!
you misunderstood the chat, don't worry about it, we are on good terms
jiggu i require more souls
>thread goblins
>shutting up
Rosewise is my gameplay wife
Rosewise gets carried by gamers
She's a mommy after all. Her little ones are supposed to help her. Auntie gets carried too
It's difficult I'd imagine, but you get to hear the groaning regardless!
Now you're talking!
shut up nogxy
uh oh shitrope melty
I wanna feel it jam right down my throat and turn me into a premium mouthsleeve!
Saber wife or fuck off. I don't need no lame ass damsel bitch nigga
What the heck! Me first
You sound like someone I know
No, pick me!
Sorry, you're not assertive enough for it!~ Loser! Enjoy those sloppy seconds diluted by all my saliva!
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This porn poster really activated their AGP
alright then nigga get be a saberwife
Not sorry! :D
>everyday i visit this thread theres a new embarassing rope log revealing what big of a shitposter he actually is
should have seen it coming
When you applying for The Seven? They need gorilla representation
I doubt it's him and I doubt you got anything.
>tae (rope)
>doubt its him
shut up nogxy
If you're gonna be like that then I'm just gonna pin you down and sit on your face while he uses my throat!
Enjoy that, you slut!
That log is real.

t. Bullies
it's real you retard
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when I stand in front of a minheight!
Then you better enjoy getting smacked your vulnerable little butt! Until it's red and everyone can see you walking around with handprints on your butt!
>doubting that a known shitposter has anything on you
that was your first mistake
I meant the shitposting spammer isn't him.
Post what she said about me. I'm curious
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you know what i doubt? that he's not responsible for half of the spam
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I ain't got no time for thots. Falz is preparing for an attack. We Bravers must be ready for battle. Close the outer world out of your lives. Embrace the sword and prevent darkness from taking those you love. This is why I fight. This is my resolve. Hoes mad. Hoes mad, mad.
It's clearly a framing
only because you and shitrope hate boxy equally doesn't mean he's your friend and won't shittalk you.
>minheights infighting over a dirty cock
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Oh no how terrible! What if they take it as an invitation to grope my reddened butt?
I'll have to cook up a really good punishment for you as payback
I love cleaning cock!
Where's the log?
This isn't shittalk, boring. Useless leaker
There are logs of you chimping out over boxy
how do mentally ill autists stir themselves up into a frenzy over a autists that post random screenshots of his character?
Quality thread.
ok choukai your punishment is to never know if your friend is backstabber. won't leak anymore of you. enjoy
Is this about Ny
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>Want to post my minheight
>Afraid I'll be accused of being one of these cock thirsty sluts if I show my face now
You guys are something else.
There is no shame in being a cock drunk minheight..
My schizophrenia has lost this time...
I'll win the next one, for sure...
we already know you're a cockthirsty minheight slut
Quickly, someone list all the white haired Minheights!
You got a method and technique I'm sure!
You can post, just don't be a slut about wanting cock!
where is the anon that said he was going to leak erp logs it's almost the start of the weekend we need entertainment
too busy being a schizo and spamming /v/ threads
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I still can't believe I'm crushing on one of the biggest sluts in here.
who is it?
Don't kill yourself over Jiggu, Koishi, Aiatar!
>thread returns to hornyposting
>instantly improves
sad display
all me!
after shitrope gets confirmed he's here seething and spamming. Would have been embarassing if he kept going
>My girlfriend is crushing on me who is crushing on a slut who is crushing on another person.
Minheight triangles are weird.
My minheight wife is melting as I speak!
shut the fuck up retard we're hornyposting now
Make sure to scoop her up!
Can Jiggu find another boyfriend already so he can stop spamming the thread
I'm just doing my part triggering their primal urges! to kiss, cock sucking is only after proposing to Mr. Dick
yes but no one cares about t1 minheights
thank the leaker that you are able to hornypost now instead of seeing a sea of "nogxy" retard
Another? Does he have one right now?
All minheights are cocksluts no exceptions.
i thought jiggu quit? was it just another thread shitpost?
Thread was slightly decent when it was lasting ~26 hours, a single mention of twitter players looking better than random anons and now we're speedrunning threads in less than 12 hours, don't you people have anything better to do, any fun games to play?
Jiggu is online in A4 right now...
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Turns out most of the malicious shitposting is made by people who don't talk to anyone who they're posting about, or aren't even in their respective alliances.
Who would have thought.
Gotta spam names for hours on end. Totally healthy behavior.
just shitfingers making shit up gotcha
Why does Koishi nigger keep namedropping himself? His character is ugly as hell and wouldn't even gain 150 views on twitter.
Freedom is better! Sometimes..
You should calm down Mr pariah
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i agree
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I want to give this hag a child
Is there a reason why you haven't confessed yet?
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where do I use this?
Koishi is very pretty and you sound jelly jelly tyty
Stop trying to bait people into making twitters
Mhm... being a slut is just a completely different experience than being someone's wife...
shut up nogxy
Both are so good..I can never decide which one is better..
imagine the hugs..
dicked pressed up
arms wrapped around gripping her ass
head pressed into her breast
just thinking about it makes me horny!
post her nudes again
failed alicia clone
>dicked pressed up
You niggas are gayer than the niggas in gacha threads and thats saying something.
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new sylphid just dropped. Is she joining the holy seven?
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You have no right to sadpost about your crush if you haven't confessed yet!
Page does not exist.
Same but in my case I'm always fucking something instead... maybe someday the perfect person will come and sweep you or me off our feet
>mad he can't get his dick pressed up
ya hate to see it lmao
bro... post the proper link
Where's the piss
>I'm always fucking something
What the fuck?
Maybe we will even end up fucking one another if we cross paths, who knows?
I found the perfect person but she doesn't want me...
Imagine crossing anon... knowing exactly who you're talking to and the next moment pressing up against the wall behind shop and filling Aelio with lewd moaning
You need a twitter account to view the post
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Oh that's redditor shit, no thank you
Jack, just ask
who is this
Who do you think you are talking to, anon..?
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>This entire thread
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DD won
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But anon, I'm the same nigga from the gacha threads
Why do the pariahs push for Twitter so hard lol
If you don't have twitter, you're irrelevant, simple as.
who is it?
because they've run out of other material to shitpost with, same reason for the jp larp
yup one of the 7 has spoken
Itrelevent to what, though? The pariahs? You're not selling it very well.
They're obsessed personalities
>anons starts simping for doubledcrity
>aiatar rushes to do a photo with DD
>makes doubledcrity wear a bikini in fucking aelio central city for a Pic
>post it here immediately afterwards
>meanwhile doubledcrity makes coomer content like this
aiatar is clearly the one Twitter posting. he even did another arisu picture
player id PwnageJuice
they've given me cutes before
Holy shit anon.... this pains me to read. *pat* *pat*
It's a toss up, weirder stuff has happened...
funs over, back to regularly scheduled angry schizoposting. it was fun while it lasted.
Now say that again, minus the tears, uggo.
whats the twitter though??
I just think it's really funny how the pariahs try to speedrun memes so that they don't mean anything anymore. What a sad life, to care this much about public appearances
The weirder the better..
No one cares.
post twitter minheights
you won't
Times have changed. If you don't have twitter, you don't matter.
It's was literally just the same twitter shitposter. Hell I thought the nigga was Roe2 at first and both are below average.
I hope every pso2g makes a twitter so I can fap to them
this is your endgame huh perv anon?
Oh no I won't have weirdos name dropping me in the thread 24/7 and adding shit like nog onto the front of it. Whatever will I do!?
koishi is the single most disgusting person in pso2g, both looks and personality
Don't care. Helps me cum.
Its sad that pso2g sliderlets will always seethe at twittergods but won't fix their own shitty sliders.
You can keep saying this, but nobody's going to join in and validate you besides your fellow pariahs desu
>everyone says koishi is nasty coomer
>not even one koishi Omega cringe nasty log leaked
koishi really out here hyping himself up
This really is all you've got left isn't it? It's just this, maru and spamming rope and nigxy for half the thread lol
t. uggo with shit sliders
>calls himself rope
>random maru namedrop???

shitrope come on
Really touched a nerve with shitfingers and the other pariahs...
Game isn't a beauty pageant, I really don't understand this mentality...
Google "pso2g koishi" and shit bricks
Can it failed alicia clone
shut up shitrope
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are normal cuties still in style?
wtf dont do this it bricked my computer
I am not making a twitter for my minheight!!
just stop
bro this game gets no fucking art
boxy here. I'm joining toble
Your name is shitrope
Aiatar = Holy seven twittergods
Choukai = Holy shit ugly
lmao gottem
ok this one was funny
it's funny how nigga used the hair extension with the hairstyle and then all niggas started doing it
Hunt: Showdown 1896 soon!
Maru is empress of the holy seven and queen of /pso2g/ one to rule them all.
Yeah it's fucking crazy that people are using the hair extension accessories on hair
Like who the fuck would think of that???
Watch it, Aia.
It's a good filter for the uncreative. No origami thought
if choukai makes a twitter and start winning I'm gonna laugh my ass off and enjoy the new pso2g anime arc
wait, what the fuck? you can use hair extensions on hair?
He has to make one and win first. But he won't because he maaaaaad ugly.
settle down okay

I'll only make a twitter to fuck sluts
you don't have to be attractive to win. you just have to be consistent. look at rope, why is that nigga winning? I can show you many uglies out there who winning lmao
I only make a twitter to send unsolicited cock pics to pso2 sluts
I made a twitter so I can slut around
Send me one ingame
Tell me who you are or send me a kudos in-game
>fuck A1 slut so good she won't leave my DMs alone
I dread making a twitter.
Stop the cap, I already sent that slut multiple cock pics
Is that the one with the 200 sg reward? You can't go wrong with that
Did you get blocked
Why would that happen? All the current Twitter sluts and /pso2g/ sluts are into it otherwise they'd be playing something else
Would you date a girl with n-spheres?
asking for a friend
Leave the poor girl alone she isnt bothering anyone
shut the fuck up doppel

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