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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>487697673

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/07/23)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
first for pso2gs making twitter
Choukai twitter when so we can all laugh at his pathetic view and like count.
Post your character and your favorite Michael Jackson song
I like how the threads are botted.
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Choukai more like choke on deeg nutz lmao gottem
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The black cat!
Horny posting where..
how many likes and retweets should he average in the first 30 days?
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Scream (With Janet Jackson) I remember the music class teacher showing it to us back in school
He should get at least 400 views and about 20-30 likes during his first few days otherwise he is mad ugly.
What a disgusting person
>Implying ngs will still exist by 2027
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this specific cover of Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’
Lifting minheights as a midheight... *mwaa~* goodnight cutie...
*Mwaaa!* Sleep well..
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Choukai more like too chicken to make a twitter lmao gottem
Even the fat cats have twitter.
Just fuck already both of you clearly know each other.
don't come to the bayou next month
I will accidentally hurt myself and then cry
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I will be there! No promises that I will hit anything though!
>Even the attention whores have twitters
>this is the person calling you ugly
>mogs marwho
*Whiffs you with the whole mag while levering*
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what are some good items to make an anthro character?
Grimmace lookin ass even has bits of purple
You would do that, wouldn't you?
Arkuma Nose
Animale Brazo
Fluffy Ball Fur
yes and then I'd bounce the dynamite on the window and die to a hive
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how do I look this up?
That NEVER happened!
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>He should get at least 400 views and about 20-30 likes during his first few days
This is wrong. I found a fresh JP account called mikage_hakuru01 started in February 21st. they didn't get their first 20-30 likes until nearly a month later March 15th. now they average about 40 - 50 likes 1k views
Why do you doubt my lack of skill?
I also get scared when I hear gunfire...
It's simple..run towards the gunfire, guns blazing! Show them who's boss!
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is it possible to make something like this from items from the player shop?
I never tried to make anything like this myself but I've seen Japan twitter characters with good anthro characters. Can't help you much tho.
Items names are all server side so it's a bit jank. Just hit the "search by price" button at the bottom if you have the exact name of what you're looking up. The search button up there just tries to give you matches from items you've seen before but it barely works properly cause the cache keeps getting wiped for no reason.
If you wanna see the full list of accessories, you can check here
That's Arkuma Nose, Simple Face Mask, Big Tail, and Brashes Anima Ears
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thank yoou!
sending good vibes and luck on your endeavors!
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Godspeed anon. This is something I saw in Twitter just now.
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That 2 N-sphere, heart earring, and bagged eye for mouth.
cute dog
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The uncensored version of They don't care about us, there's a part of that song that really relates to what's currently going on with the world right now.
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Thanks. I have a zoo of furry characters that I love to rotate around. Good luck buying those part. N sphere are incredibly expensive.
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got another one
thanks dalion
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where are the aco posts
holy cute
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Thanks. Burmecians are rather easy. Just get a rabbit snout white, some ears, and a tail.
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who wants to talk about the game?
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Beat It.
>listening to the music of a nigger
lmao even
hes more important than you.
THE BLACK CAT!!!!!!!!!
thank you...
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probably beat it as well but I never listened to much MJ, I just know the popular songs
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yea i listen to MJ when i touch little boys
Shut up jew
You niggas are pushing 30 and you still act like contrarians lmao
One day you will be 30 and still act the same way you do now
i wont
im 30 and love fapping to /pso2g/s!
I'm already there, and I don't, so clearly there's something preventing the pariahs from growing as people
I'm 30 and I love when pso2g faps to me!
im 30 and love fapping with /pso2g/s!!
lying bald ass nerds
its most likely your shit "friends" you hang around spewing nonsense daily
Now you're just coping lol
I'm in my early 20s!
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Beat It is pretty good.
>having friends makes you a worse person
Benchy and wet cuck are wild, man
post hairline and biceps or ur a baldo
it was clearly detrimental to shitrope
Shitrope can you not namedrop your thread enemy for once? We dont care
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I'm 19 and love older men...
nogxy melty
hey... I'm 30
Smooth Criminal
shut up nogxy
whats with all the gay twinks around here?
You can keep posting that, but I don't like rope either, so I'm gonna keep calling you benchy, wet cuck, nigxy, etc
Hey... I'm over 30 but have the body and face of a teenager!
He's so pathetic
Serious question why are there so many shitposters hating on rope?
I'm friends with her and she has been nothing but polite to me.
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Thriller but I didn't listen to many of his songs.
>im going to continue be mentally ill
more power to you.
He tried to make amends with a pariah and it went south
Your name is shitrope
>shitrope: im sorry for stalking you and your alliance
>shitrope: please forgive me
>boxy: no, leave me alone.
I'm a 30+ year old trans woman and hope to meet my pso2g lover!
*blasts u with cum*
You didn't say leave me alone benchy, you started spamming cropped images here my dude
It's just nogxy having a month-long melty
put the phones down shitrope
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What the heck why are you doing that!
Shut up shitrope
Lol he can't stop himself from replying to everyone
Hey, check this out
shitrope has autism.
Spanking bratty minheights?
shut up nogxy
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judging by how quickly I got replies I'm assuming there's at least 4-5 people who constantly shitpost here
We know for a fact WD and EMV do it constantly but I can't 100% pinpoint the others but I have a few suspicions based on my own experience

but I don't like drama so that's all I wanted to ask, it's just tiresome visiting this general and seeing so much hate thrown around constantly.
so why are a couple of schizos getting worked up over boxy existing?
I have no idea how any of these people have energy to do this
I don't even read it, I just scroll and look at pictures
If you're actually being serious, it's just nogxy on multiple devices/IPs
It's nothing new, same strat he used back when he used to samefag his threads
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The next creative space should be set in here.
Also they should stop doing PSE zones because they are really boring. Oh uh, they should also have quest in the weird starless dimension or whatever since that would be pretty cool.
I'm BPD schizo and actually friends with boxy even though he hates me but we are still friends

its a complicated friendship but we share a dead island bond that can never be broken
>source: my crusty asshole
shut up nogxy
Why are all of you pariahs obsessed with shit?
It might have started as a genuine fit but since half of the thread complains and half of the thread joins in it just never ends. You're still being a retard even if you're only pretending to be a retard.
Wet Back
Who will fill the final spot for the Four Horsedmen of the Pariahs?
idk bro I just tell nogxy to shut up and he responds with an emotionally charged post each time it's pretty entertaining
>the thought of boxy pisses him off
boxy won
I just want to tell her that I love her every single day, is that too much to ask?
speedrunning another thread i see
I hope this is about me!
>boxy: leave me alone please
>turdrope: *stalks boxy for 3 years*
healthy and normal behavior.
Only shitrope wants you to make you believe this normal healthy behaviour
Well she said no, so I doubt it!
Can WD and shitfingers please change the channel?
Let me be your rebound!
Meanwhile boxman tried taking over the general for 3 years...
What was the actual end goal behind doing that?
I wanna suck SM’s cube until my eyes roll back and I lose all function.
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but enough about nogshai
very beautiful queen
Just give me a grassy green plain, with or without the forest in the back ground. No more random cliff and NO MORE ISLANDS.
>pushing 30
these niggas pushing 40s lmao
you ever try chatting with them lmao
normal and healthy behavior is posting the same logs every hour for months on end.
Sorry, I bet you're really cute but no one can replace her
She's the reason I get up in the morning. She's the smile that keeps me going. She's the rhythm that keeps my heart beating.

I love her
nogxy could've gotten a job but instead he chooses to seethe about rope 8 hours a day every day
normal and healthy behavior is posting about boxy everyday for 3 years while he spams screenshots
Still can't compete with the 20 hours impotent rage from shitrope
shut up nogxy
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is there any skin mod that fixes the blocky texture?
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You could just ask me directly for them yourself.
Yeah please keep bullying rope, it'll make the continued nogxys even after he quits, to be way more funny.
I know why nogxy is mad and the fact that he's taking it out on rope is hilarious to me
boxy went to rope asking for netorase
rope refused and boxy instead asked if rope would make a blacked mod
rope again refused and now we're here
turdrope is 100% samefagging rn and seething from these logs
Aint no fucking way
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>this fucking general
What is the secret how to tolerate with any of this?
kek lol
It is normal to be obsessed with someone else to the point of spamming their name everyday for 3 years. You are winning if you are gossping to people that don't care and getting angry at a person for existing.
where the fuck are the jannies?
this is spamming and flooding
you know the jannies won't do anything if you don't report the posts right
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They only work for cm of segs
Oh my god this is so embarassing. How do you get found out like this. Literally talks like shitrope
oh no no no bro your autocorrect...
yeah i’d let SOPMOD throat fuck me to let out his frustrations.
So you're telling me this isn't rope posting his own messages to the thread? and you're telling me no one has informed rope right? and somehow he keeps saying dumb shit in the discord and a random anon is posting it to the thread and it is all not staged right?
what the hell
me first
but she said no... It's not healthy keeping yourself chained to that!
rope is mentally ill and does not care but gets angry when you point it out. does it make sense? no.
>SOPMOD samefag
Nogxy is losing it
your right
the whole point of blue boards is so advertisers"bots/shills" can safely post without having to deal with gore and nudity and racism while they work.
If kisa salary was 50k he wouldnt be living in a dirty dumpster, dont fool yourselves
Another one in the embarassing collage
I don't make the rules! My heart belongs to her. Now only eternal darkness awaits me
I will take all my passion and all my love and shout at the moon until my lungs burst
>shitrope so pissed he needed jannies
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None of the boxy pictures are deleted

Proof enough shitrope?
Sorry, she reads this thread!
>nogxy just got btfo by janny
lol retard
>was mad at boxy for no reason at all this time
Was everything from a single poster, Mod?
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>gets all his shit from one device deleted
LMAO nogxy still hasn't learned about subtlety
>shitrope gonna see this as victory when in fact it turned out it wasnt boxy
What if it's me...
It could be! But then what use is it if you already made your decision...
Shitrope actually went to the jannies crying kek
it was never the autist because all he does is post random screenshots from years ago.
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Billie Jean (is not my lover)

developing a crush on someone who has so many options is disastrous but I can’t help it
He was getting exposed too hard. It's hilarious.
These crush posts will never be about me because I'm shy and don't talk much...
can’t say..she will know it’s me..
Who knows! Shy and silent people are really cute and people tend to develop crushes for them, but they rarely dare confronting their feelings
Where do people even hang out in this dead game? Everywhere I go is empty
why so many melties
Ryuker device > block transfer, pick the most populated Aelio block to see the tourist attractions
Ship2 aelio 4
>Shitrope has to keep the narrative up that it is boxy or else he's gonna look like a retard
Crush posts are fine. However, if someone rejects you or stops talking to you, stop being a fucking creep and just leave them alone. Don't get petty and start talking shit about the person who you supposedly like behind their back either. You know who you are.
shut up nogxy
Same, but that's for the best... I already got my heart broken by someone from here before and would hate it if an anon felt similarly because of me not feeling the same way towards them...
It's hot outside
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But aren't you secretly hoping that she'll read this, think that it could be her, and slowly ease into the feeling of belonging to someone?
Can a mod make thread specific filters? We need she / her -> he / him

Captcha AGPXNK
I..I would love that..
Just a cute little hint... only to spice things up!
/ourgirl/ is live bros
>women are not real
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On one hand I think it's cute that someone could have a crush on me, on the other hand I don't want to catch feelings for anyone again...
Red and Black..
There’s a lot of red and black pso2g so surely this one is okay.
Post a letter from her name, doesn't have to be the first one...
Oh that's really cute! One of the classics
And see, you already got someone on your bait...
my face is burning..
Good luck with S anon!
I’m going to hurt you..
who is Samantha?
>get crushed on twice
>both times I fuck it up because I'm a manwhore
Kinda regret it...
This game is too dead. If ur new better jump ship to another game before you waste another week of your life and then quit. Theres a big reason why it's a dead game
For me its

I’m on this list!
pso2g aelio 4
normies most populated blocks
socialites most populated ael block
grinders various comms blocks
I am also on this list!
I hope someone approaches me and asks for steppies again
Im not on the list!
now you wont see me approaching you!
Not looking to regret it again...
Where did you get this image of me?
I'm on this list! I'm still waiting for my future lover to kudos me!
I can fix you..or break you..
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>made several lists
>removed from every list as of late
For me it's My wife! Who I love!
My wife is on here and next to me?!
>emv will never say this to me
Glad I'm not in the list...
You need therapy..
Did I guess right... It was a 1 in 3 chance...
I’m not emv anon..
I’m on the first half of the minheight list, you’ve disappointed me..
Wrong person, that was meant for >>487776893

You might of..
Thanks for the directions anon
shut the fuck up doppel
I should book a 1 on 1 session with emv
>paying to be cracky's therapist
The creator of this list is a pretender, for this list is missing a few of my favourite min-heights.
You mean it's missing you

You keep saying this but never name them

If they're not on ship 2 global they're irrelevant
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It's not me but I'm rooting for you! Good luck!
which of these are unfaithful..
3rd time's a charm?
All of them if you have high enough charisma!
all he really needs is to stop the drug abuse
First letter of your name..?
that won't fix the holes left in his brain, he's unsalvageable
name them and they'll be included next time
don't name me please
heres a hint
Why does Doppel send me a cute every day... I like it but why...
Whenever people flirt with me I brush it off and take it out on my wife later
Whenever people flirt with me, I wake up from the dream and then cry...
A literal toblerone circlejerk
I would plap Tobles desu
How's the view from across the walkway?
Literally winning by literally doing nothing
>Doing literally nothing because game has no content
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>A literal toblerone circlejerk
someone told me 90% of sylphid characters are played by actual real women is that true?
So why is shitrope seething about toblerone now?
Yeah anons tend to forget Toblerone used to be so active daicon had to exploit just to say they got faster clears for a while.
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>Not this cope again
Looks like toble shitters didnt get over it. You got btfo by daicon. Move on
place is boring.
Online doesnt mean active. You had a lot of erper shitters loitering in aelio
You can keep pretending if you'd like, but I get the feeling you aren't even one of either of our groups lol
Why is shitfingers talking like he knows anything about pso2g alliances?
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I get that feeling from you. Why bring that up in the first place? Shitstirring tranny
Sitting ingame together while samefagging in the thread all day
He thinks nobody can tell when he's shitposting for some reason
>JackGAWDS harem
Typical globalkeks
None of those are above 4/10
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the toble minheights are laughing at us again...
What can they do? They're all collectively too ugly for twitter so they will just stay here and samefag instead. I
>thread going 100 post an hour today
STOP crying shitfingers
Truly pathetic. They also keep spamming the namelist over and over again. You all look like shit
What set blint off today?
Nah, it's shitrope. He was set up really bad today after getting exposed multiple times again
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>tfw global will never be this soulful
where's the soul in this
just talk about the game?
Okay. Which Toble wud u fug?
>we don't coordinate posts schizo
>stop noticing things
Soul doko?
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Favorite rappy color?
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what's wrong
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Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
shut up shitfingers
>shitfingers begging for people to join his purple triggers
my hands are so clean rn I could literally perform surgery on ur lips with my own lips so shut up
Cracky so desperate that he drags his alliance to a4 and spams area chat trying to get attention. Dude, Pelle doesn't give a shit about you lmao.
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what content to farm in 2-3 hoyrs?
probably dead island content
dunno, took a nap and had some vivid dreams
haddred came back to murder us all in a stormy shipping port
the gay camera effects from mars seem annoying
Is it that bad?
Circlejerk having a melty
Why is Choukai always angry about the Global slidergods?
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This game sucks
You can leave at any time.
honestly its depressing seeing these clone screenshots
>plaps his clone again
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>4+ years
>still cant convince a single person to plap
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can you loan me 20 million plz?
>Fucking himself again
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Where is OllieGAWD to save this thread?
at least make some other slider to fuck the clone shit is sad
When's ollie gonna comm art of him and wet sharts having sex
>Never asks his gay husband for sex
i doubt anyone would willingly join again
If you don't have twitter you don't matter, simple as.
which pso2gs have twitters?
How many times can you plap your clone before it gets boring?
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It's really sad.
didn't he time out on r2 multiple times
stfu doppledipple
Wet cuck and crack v in the thread
who cucked WD anyway?
Aiatar did.
He only cloned aiatar and trolls with it for a big reason
Aiatar actually took his crush? Not as a meme?
Talk about mindbroken.
While Yuzu and Aiatar plapped wet cuck walked into the action when CS wasnt a thing
Why is everyone getting worked up over T2 Face and Sylphid Face?
Lively Face and Cutie Face are hundreds of times more attractive for any style and setup.
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This post came fresh out of the toble circlejerk
>skinwalks the person who cucked you
>still end up alone
>plaps the clone of the person you're skinwalking yourself
is wd even wd anymore
apparently biofems all use t2 and sylphid face
Context? Is dude glitching out?
The yuzu situation completely buckbroke wet cuck
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>only 2 uppity eyelashes at 22m
Bros I need shop pass NOW!

Did you beat the promised consort solo as SL1?

I have like 8 "clones" that I have edited from other peoples sliders that I use to shitpost with, how new are you?

T2 and lively are just the better faces
You are never clearing r3 purples, cracky. Serves you right for recruiting newfag shitters with welfare gear. Thanks for burdening yourself with all of the shitters on ship 2 because of that supplements is a shitter filled alliance lmao.
more like tweaking out
please don't say it like that
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Saying this proudly when it oozes with mental illness
>all of this money and he still can't buy himself some rizz
>Barely noticed by one of the Holy Seven
EMV is losing bros…
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say something nice about my 1st husbando
8 clones but 0 rizz so ends up fucking himself everytime
Post all of your clones. You only keep posting aiatar so i dont believe you
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>wake up from nap
>log in
Kys already blintrovert
Why did you block it out?
Satan told me to do so.
This nigga has inner monoloques with his 8 clones while sitting at the round table and starts to have delusions that his clones are real. A true schizo
talk about nihlim
Wet cuck gonna freak
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Where shall I idle today sirs?
Idle with the toblerone group
You make T2 face look terrible
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next to me in a4
He doesn't have the balls do to that
Where are they?
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So many threads but always full of nothing
be the change you want to see
>this is what wet cuck used to look like before he blackmailed his crush that ntr'd him daily to hand over her sliders
Nah. I rather go do something else instead of talking about this game here.
What does yuzu look like?
That greasy musclefag?
then go ahead and do that instead of being part of the issue you're complaining about?
I'm on this list but I am not lewd, so please don't think I am.
talk about doppel dippel dapple
kill yourself shitfingers
Tell Jiggu to post on aco I want to fap to him
damn revy looking cute finally
Exactly like that.
tell her yourself?
>Ugly, twitter-less gremlin
Nah I don't think I will tell him.
Only twitter goddesses matter
>find pretty good fapslut
>still feel sad
Guess that wasn't the answer
good luck anon
Find a fapslut that'll also be your friend
you need one that plays with you and makes your pp happy.
I hate when faggots are friendly in public chat
bitter nigga
Fuck you. I like when A4 is nice and quiet
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>only confirmed biofem was the operator
>way more soul
vulpina's improved fox form +1
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the one that Ran the operation
You're bitter
Wasn't about me anon but you're right i am
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>find pretty good fapslut
>they only like t3s
it's so nyover...
Better off chasing one of The Seven
i'm in this picture!!
What's that
Is it bad if I only know who the first one is?
No, that anon is trying real hard to force this
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Smooth Criminal.
I'm gomenasorry I'll try harder next time... I promise
You're fine, it's just a thread schizo trying to make the twitter posting the new thing the other schizos seethe about.
Post butt
>caught twitter sluts cheating in real time
This rebound is mine
Cope harder poorfags
Pass on the name of the cheater I need to seduce
Seconding this
You'll be angry and posting about this for weeks while I have fun with my friends, concession accepted.
Dumpster tier, I wouldn't even take that if he was free use
LMAO futa garbage
Post twitter couples
jeanne and guri were all over each other a few months back
now jeanne locked his account and deleted everything
guri deleted any mention of jeanne too
Is being in an MMO relationship what its cracked up to be, /pso2g/? I want to try it sometime...
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Is Toad cheating on Bisquit yet?
>I want to try it sometime...
The crack or the relationship?
I'm not cracky, I'm legitimate using the expression.
Start the timer on how long it takes until another name is in those bios
Did you set this convo up just to shill?
Cheating in an online environment is the norm. You have access to all kinds of sluts whenever you want, it'd be hard not to
>that one time akeno cheated on zenith with rezzii cuz he liked to fap with other men too much
>she still forgave him
can’t see any of them. didn’t even open thread all day until now.

weird. so pellegri just shitposts all day with revy while x farms yall for clout.

man it must be lame to be a pso2g. glad i am having an eventful weekend instead of wasting it here talking about and pretending to be myself
Well, if crack or a relationship is too expensive then emv is a 2-for-1 deal
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here's your /pso2g/ wife
chelkie still dead, day 50+
Both are ugly but at least Zenith wears a mask to hide it. Zenith can do better than an uggo that cheats desu
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>can’t see any of them.
I want to cheat on my wife but she follows my every step...
post akeno's cheating logs
fapping with other men is the whole reason we still play this game
maybe she wants to watch...
maybe she wants a threeway...
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whats your beef with pellegri emv?
I want my wife to cheat on me with choukai...
Pelle called him a dog, which honestly is a compliment. A princess calling me a good little piggy is so sexy...
Schizogri is anything but a princess
he hates all biofems who make fun of him
you didn't answer their question shitfingers
are you still running purples?
>grown ass man calling himself a princess
the funniest part is that shitfingers really thinks pelle would waste his time shitposting him here or all the random people he namedrops what a delusional retard
>alice makes their princess into their puppy every night
ngl i would be jealous too emv
>pelle would waste his time shitposting him here
You must be new here
he just projects whoever he's thinking of onto random posters and has an entire argument, it's really sad
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Not as funny as alright tyty but still hilarious
I really can't take shit like this seriously.
please tell me its two t1s
based, sounds just like me and my wife when we fap together
me and emv soon...
wish that were me desu
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>ofc....i even moan a bit hehe..
It's not as funny when literally 90% of the playerbase is doing the same thing
hey...i have a wife already they just dont like doing long erp
Hey that's me!
Post pic of Akeno
I won't tell her...
I wished someone liked long form erp... (at the very least type more than 3 capped out messages)
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It's funny because this dude cucked his "partner" for alr tyty
leak his lewds too so I can fap
she already suspects i do stuff behind her back...
I'm working on a mod that replaces T2 bodies with T1 bodies. I'm serious.
Who else are the /pso2g/ bulls?
thank god, can you make sure it disables their accessories/hair and puts a paper bag over their head?
well then there should be no issue...
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>Kiss trying to make himself relevant again
The only bull Choukai qualify as is bullshit lmao gottem
nta but hint..?
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If you weren't going to say it, I was.
you give a hint!
if it's who i think it is if they see me around you it will be too obvious...
Kisa doesn't even have a twitter. That makes him a literal who vs the literal gods of Global. We aren't forcing this but those seven are the standards of Global beauty. Even JP twitters acknowledge this.
This was about cheating, not sliders...
I don't think you understand this but we don't really care

my 1st fucking run shut up tobloser without frens and a dead alliance. im helping some new players out too doesn’t matter if it takes 5 more minutes and i get slightly less drops if they’re having fun. and getting better and i’m getting more clicks while you’re still seething.
>global beauty
Thanks for the chuckle
Nah it was always about Kisa trying to force himself to be relevant. But without the sliders to back it up, how would people acknowledge it? Plus his reputation has never really improved from the start, he never redeemed himself in any way. Kisa is a Bull? But his character looks like bull crap nobody would want to fuck that.
>kisa trying so hard to damage control again
You don't have what it takes to be part of the Seven.
are you running purples right now?
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troons and 3rd worlders won.
How dead that alliance chat is is always really funny. Guess that is what you get when you just randomly invite people for timmy task fodder
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So who do I ask to cheat with? I don't want to be ratted out.
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i talk to my friends i’ve never had problems finding people to play with in my life. it’s a little quiet but that’s fine with me and the more i keep recruiting fodder the more the machine keeps churning out loyal decent players with fresh perspectives. id rather spend my time handholding Belle Delphine who just updated her PN# than trying to win the acceptance of a bunch of mean jerks who i will never fit in with ! but i still try anyway~
me too!
>that floor
Any of the minheights will entertain you, just find one you trust!
>Japs too polite and community too tightknit to scalp, also bigger population and more whales so Sega has no reason to implement scalping restrictions
>subhumans (especially americans) gouging the shit out of prices in an already dead playerbase, sometimes solely for the purpose of larping as economic entrepreneurs (in a fucking video game)
God, just EoS already you piece of shit game
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>59% floor
Coincidence? I think not!
>i’ve never had problems finding people to play with
That's because you're oversocialized and burn bridges as fast as you build them. You'll eventually run out of lumber.
potency floor matters.
>JP undercuts: 1-3k
>NA undercuts: 100k-10m
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our fastest was just under 10min
post your clears if you want and dps. i already beat the game.

the vod was our first at like 4 or 5am my time when servers came up. i’m goin to bed nini pso2g~ big day tmrw.

go ahead *bump*
my first try was less than 8 minutes, you're just bad
Are you a minheight...?
quiet, tranny
That anon stole my reply! but yes, i am!
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Maybe you don’t believe so, anon, but according to _______ (global renowned speed runner on ship 2) this is the Best-in-Slot build (and highest possible potency available currently.) so maybe you don’t believe it is good but the numbers don’t lie and this is the highest dps build for Gunner, but requires Fixa Fatale. It relies on high crit damage exactly like slayer and outferforms wix. Last post
good for you if you’re in a gameplay clique that’s easy. i’m not trying to be exclusive like that faggot. piss off
uh oh shitfingers melty
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>Japs too polite and community too tightknit to scalp
I think It's just japs scratching more.
Even on ship 4 random hairs can get bogged, and immediately after the scratch is over they will skyrocket. There's just so much surplus of other shit with people scratching that the other items will end up being significantly cheaper.
I account binded falte face for 200k. Things are better, But I dont really believe its because they're polite, and more like the random basement dwelling neet has a significantly harder time bogging when he's immediately burned by the surplus stock that replenishes itself.
Although I kind of contradict myself by saying fuck ship 2, the gaijin ship is pretty much just global tiers of nonsense because of all the basement dwelling NEET autists there who don't have jobs.
Post proof then. Also let’s see your gear, big guy.
>cant forget to screenshot the timer so i can prove to shitfingers im faster than him in a week!
am I weird for finding those sylphids ugly as shit? namely homika/shuna/arisu. genuinely think they look bad
you should see kisa's new look, those would be queens compared to his sylphid
Kisa is called a Shitphid for a reason
Why bully kisa like that?
Ok Kisa/Nym
Kisa should just make a twitter and prove these haters wrong.
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this anon is really trying to kill kisa ego by making that twitter
Left is so cute.
Loooks like utter shite
I mean people from this general have gone out to twitter and became successful there because if their sliders. Kisa should just prove these haters wrong and show everyone that he is on equal footing to any of the likes of the so-called Global Slidergods.
shut up already shitfingers
>Kisa is too chicken to try
I guess he's all talk.
they're only successful because of coomershit
Fatale Gunner and Slayer don’t scale dps off floor as well as they do ceiling. Critical Hits scale off max potency so 4 Triyal is the BiS meta.
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I told Kisa to not make one since having a Twitter for your character is real girl shit.
coomer game???
you're playing gu/ra on the screenshot sis don't twist your own story
Isn't she a girl though?
every t2 player is a woman...
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It's too bad for you! There are shorts under this skirt.
Cope, Kisa doesn't have twitter because he's ugly.
It's true, look at the T1s. All of them fuccbois
If Kisaragi/Choukai has better sliders than the Global Coomerclique in Twitter, why can't he do better than them?
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Different anon but if you can't get this title with your alliance then everyone including you are shitters also I was in a party with >>487814158
you're just bad at the game cope some more faggot
>wake up next to my wife
>she's holding my hand
couldn't wish for a better sight than this
Why is this nigga forcing this, he's not going to make it shut up already.
>cope some more faggot
says the guy who replied to the same post 3 times crying
This is hot because cheatin is invovled does his partner even know about this??
Yes. The person that got cucked was a mod maker called Zenith. Expecting known cheaters to not cheat is crazy
yes he confessed and leaked everything
I actually saw him the other day, I should have said something
>shit stained and bloodied fingers wrote this post
keep coping, shitter
you're the one with shit under your nails buddy
Nice meltdown
sadly it's replies like this that make him keep going
>his headcanon is the urban dictionary shitpost
fuccbois meaning is literally the word(s), boys that fuck a lot (meaning they wouldn't be ugly)
Now that's a low IQ reply
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please stop talking about eachother. this is sub 80 iq behavior.
>Low test, 0 rizz, 0 twitter followers
lmao gottem
How did that quote go? Talking about people is low intelligence or something
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people"
it has held true all my life. never met anyone that was intelligent who spent weeks of their life discussing about what other people do.
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>still puts fishnets on
Cumming to this csl onahole
>angry great mighty poo
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what's the best source for eradi ivs?
>he needs more than "slaps yo butte"
green chests in city

r2 dark falz interception triggers if you have them
/ourcontentcreator/ we all know at the end of the day you just want to make the game better for us because we are all /pso2g/ here even you emv and who knows maybe you will become a official creator and actually give us a voice for some real change in the game

keep up the good work we are all proud of you even if we bantz alot
Oh sweetie no that is so embarrassing for you to type for yourself.
didn't you time out on r1/r2 intruders when they came out
>last post
cracky please, you are still posting
stop talking to yourself
>we are all proud of you even if we bantz alot
I personally would prefer if you killed yourself
based positivechad
there's nothing positive about crack v and his "content"
Lmao what a retard
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>if we bantz alot
>open video
>flag for terrorism
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>mfw telling jiggu to shut up when he gets horny
>8 second reply
I'm breaking all his delusions for being so annoying
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I think I should hurt you.
is that u in the picture?
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Mfw the minheight's brattiness increases from how long I've last rape corrected her.
alright thats enough of that. GUARDS apprehend this PERVERT at once!!!

throw him in the dungeon!
use to be, iz slightly bigger nao
*plays early 2000's nu-metal*
Non-con is one of my favorites to be subjected to but I can never tell anyone because of how they might look at me..
It's called rape
You can't do non-con online
Rape is one of my favorites to be subjected to but I can never tell anyone because of how they might look at me..

Does that make you happier, Mr?
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Yeah I'd get jiggy with Jiggu's jiggus
>nothing has changed
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Me on the bottom (pure crino)
Yeah I'd let Nyll or Jiggu see who can make me cum the fastest.
this post was written by an incel T1
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trannies aren't normal
I said something mean to my crush again and now I'm agonizing over what to say to make it better.
yeah i’d let people use me
wanna talk about it, anon?..
Just confess already. god damn.
my confession: i pray you trannies get cannibalized by spics
talk about supplement
would the post be ok if it was written by a femcel instead?
i hate men but i'm not a femcel!
I..I love you, anon..
According to this general, AGP means Annoying Gay Pedophile, correct? Ok.
My girlfriend wouldn't like you saying that..
What kind of thing did you say? Was it a direct insult, a reference to something bad or did you just brush them off in a way you feel bad over?
no kritt
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Anyone want to play with me?!
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I confessed to him several times but he keeps ignoring me
Mine wouldn’t approve either but who says they will find out..?
Only if you promise to revive Zanta this year
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Just for you I will.
I hope no one confesses to me!
I love you!!
It's going to be a good Christmas this year.
I play a T1 so I'm the one who is expected to confess which means I'm safe.
my crush brushed me off and now I'm really sad!
I'm a caseal so I don't have to worry.
t1 introvert, my feelings will always be safe..
unless i get rejected without ever confessing
I hope you confess to me.....
want to talk about it?..
no.. I just want her to come back and make it better
yeah I know that feeling too well..
You guys are all bots arent you?
I wish someone would crush on me!
you're the only real person in the entire world
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how did u know?
Beep Boop! *Cums on u*
every thread the same posts are reposted again and again the same images are posted again and again

but they arent bots theyre just mentally ill people
at least reporting worked this time
>post of people talking about raping eachother and how they love being a troon/pedophile are still up
it. did. not.
fair, was talking about the 200 or so boxy/rope posts earlier
what rules do those posts break reddit-kun
the sad thing, it'll start up again in a day or 2.
being off topic.
mods clearly don't agree with you
better luck next time!
its because no one reports it retard.
womp womp
this place is rarely on topic..
maybe during the headline but that’s about it
I would take horny and relationship posting over nogxy/shitrope spam for hours.
concession accepted
wanna have mouth sex..?
Nogxy is just butthurt cause his smart fridge got banned
>i would take vomit over diarrhea
we know, your iq is room temperature, you don't need to make it anymore obvious.
Namedrop all the mouthsex posters so I can silence them!
Don't like it? Leave
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Smooth Criminal
>Random ass boxy mention
>Tae (rope) online
shut up nogxy
Shut yo ass up shitrope
Any of the active minheights from the Minheight list!
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I don't really have a favorite, sure I know a bunch of his songs thanks to the radio but I can't say I ever listened to any by choice. I guess I did listen to the Weird Al parody versions of some MJ songs but that's about it.
>people socialize in a social game
>that's off topic!
at the top of OP is a list of social factions
stop decrying why water is wet
talking about your fetishes and namedropping is not on topic
I want to mating press a caseal until she bluescreens.
again, you're just saying that socializing is off topic
What the... but I'm on that list!
So am i! That’s the entire point!
>topic: ngs and gameplay
>you: uhhhh how many rocks can I fit into my asshole guys?! tee hee... just socializing!
talk about doppel
>complaining is on topic guys!
that's socializing
Don't like it? Leave.
I can fit seven!
you're replying to the wrong person
don't like it? leave.
Complain about offtopic posting all you want but /vg/ mods and jannies are fucking awful anyways.
cry more
Don't like it? Leave.
I wish I could socialize in game but i’m already so isolated and worried they won’t accept me back..
I can only fit 1 at most! I’m a virgin!
You're isolated for a good reason. Stay gone.
wanna meet up and practice...
concession accepted
don't like it? leave.
discussing rules doesn't seem to be related to gameplay or the game at all, that's off topic
thank you anon..
You know you can still talk about the game if you want right
concession accepted.
don't like it leave.
Maybe you should tell the whales on Ship 2 to spend more and save your server
Don’t tempt me..
but would you tell them that to their faces?
if they asked sure
nice person and stop name dropping them
Posture check
we're socializing
talk about nogxy
leave doppy alone
Glad to see you finally fixed the eyelid accessory. Everything looks way better now.
Are you sure? I could bend you over the edge of your bed, gently massage you, whisper sweet words in your ear as I caress and tease your backdoor...
How the fuck did you notice that???
Talk about Jiggu
That..sounds like just what I need.
Your words are so sweet..
I miss him..
he never goes to bed.
he namedrops himself 50 times a thread.
The pioneer of the minheight craze.
It was incredibly obvious before how out of place it was. The eyelid was way too high above the eye, so it looked off. A few threads back I'd made the suggestion to fix it.
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yeah i easily could do this.

if you can’t build an alliance from scratch and become popular among more than your immediate circle of asocial rejects then youre just bad at the game and everything you post here is cope. thanks little guy for sharing your 1 minute faster title. cool! got any other feathers in your NGS hat? once i got 50 different players to talk about crack instead of photons. but i didn’t get a title for it. i wish i was a common boring unremarkable dipshit like most of you wait no i don’t
Talk about Nyll
It looked good before. The eyelid accessory sitting further up gives the face a calmer or more tired look if that's what you're going for. If it sits too low it can't be seen if you don't zoom all the way in.
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glad my avatar is just a cat that happens to be a boy. piccel of Azrice not related
I love being a cat!
shut up and taxidermy your faggot cat
I think it's good as is now, thanks to that other anon whoever you are!
my days on discord in my youth was absuing the api and creating 200+ accounts to troll with.
You look cute either way hun.
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>recent giveaway gift code only hands out three rappy fritters
>the regular 50 star gems were not added this time
How over is it
That's sort of the point with most face accessories. They aren't supposed to be standing out since they act as subtle facial enhancements.
Just looking out for fellow Sylphid users.
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If it can't be seen at a short distance it's a wasted slot, and can also make your face look unintentionally different.

That's like saying eyes and eyelashes are wasted slots since at a distance no one is reasonably seeing details of those either.
Not him but would want to meet him some time.
New without vandalized OP

botted thread
Moira? Who else is a sylphid?
shut up nogxy
i won't rub it in.

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