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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>487753321

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Velocity, Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/07/23)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
post your character and MARS weapon of choice
all look like shit
i like wifle
doppel ollie senzo chry revy are cute
Shitrope is so salty he had to make another thread. I dont understand whata vandalized in this one?
My wife in the OP and my Other Wife!!
Nidhoggr and Garm are meta. The made the other two weapons shit.
Theres nothing vandalized about it. Shitrope is just upset about boxy
Fair enough
>the others
Vomit inducing
this one is fine it’s just shit rope trying to cope again because he doesn’t understand NGS gameplay enough to hold a conversation about it
>extend time by 1.80 seconds
>in reality it's shitrope who's vandalizing threads and trolling pso2g
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The white cat!
Plot twist
Name of your wives?
I hope it’s me!
That girl looks like Grizzermacht
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Oppai minheights?
I did that once and people got mad at me and I had to change back...
tHaNk yOU. ..
Post it.
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Post NGS shortstacks that don't look nasty/joke characters/Gpof proportions.
I am not posting my minheight again
>revy attempting to align himself with doppel
you fool!
shut the fuck up Doppel mad jealous youll never be as relevant as King Revy kill yourself Doppel i hate you i hate you i hate you nigger nigger nigger nigger
me (guess who)
don't be mean!
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I'm not here to play guess who. Post oppai minheights OR ELSE.
who is senzo, what do they look like?
What the fuck Revy? I thought you were chill not like this... I lost my respect for you boy...
I want to be cuddled and told everything will be okay!
Shitrope sees velocity in the OP and screams vandalized like a schizo because it reminds him of how mentally ill he is. Kek
Player ID nozoeru
since Velocity is a pso2g alliance I can join and parse yes?
no you guys will just get weird about me if you knew i was here posting for that kind of attention. i have flown under the radar for a while now, and would prefer to keep it that way.
dont be silly doppel and revy are good frens
If you were my crush I would do it...
Everyone in Velocity is just a modcord shitter
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Feel free to! We can run some purple triggers together.
Never reply to me again time waster.
I wish I was..
good, I look forward to your excellent performance
god i love oversized tits
No we aren’t. I hate that trannyfaggot skinwalker and only communicate through my handler. *hisses at your in catboi* can i has cheezberger now?
I was told by the others to avoid you so I don't think I will.
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I like the big guns, don't you?
jeez what did doppel do to u r?
Yes you are. You have a literal Bow user in your Alliance. You're all shitters.
>Fell for the thread schizophrenia
ngmi- Who am i kidding shitrope stop acting like you are some rando
can i run with a real alliance like Velocity mine is washed
Thanks for posting your ass in the other thread. Very hot.
That wasn't me...
>admitting to hanging out with grizzermacht
yikers boy
I wish there were popular caseals...
I was told in game actually. You aren't a good person.
Sure lets do some purples
Yes, Pelle.
nor am i boxy and I don't care what your 3 other personalities tell you, shitrope.
they just letting anybody in nowadays zamn
the 1st Veloctiy, not the shitter dumping grounds sister alliance, also known as Velocity correct? Why does the other Velocity keep copying you, Boxy?
Why would you want that, anon?
>Let others form your opinion
Literal npc tier
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The one that shoots that huge laser beam so I can make a Vector Cannon mode autochat for it.
Failed alicia clone reveals himself at last. Didnt take long for you to stop pretending
My son...
Because I want caseals to be more common. I hate when fleshies pretend to be them
I was the one telling new players to avoid Boxy in game and I don't regret doing it. I also tell them to avoid EMV, Wet dreams and Jet kick as well.
genuine tips on making a t2 face or sylphid face look good without excess overpriced makeup and accessories, and without looking like a copypaste eye infected retard?
your hair looks pretty so sure i’ll join up.

come up with a block to meet up on i don’t want to expose my real identity here because i am a well known speedrunner who has had their eye on you for a while now.
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You're not me.
>telling new players
>new players
I've been seeing a fair number more of them recently, anon. Not all hope is lost
Ask Maru about T2 with those criterias.
Ask one of the Holy Seven to help onboard you and give tips and tech not many know about in salon on those faces
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thx, don't think i've seen them b4
>other thread gets nuked
>seething increases
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Ask Cecile in JP
>listening to advice
Intelligent behavior
>shitrope resorting to posting boxy picture and pretend he's him
Mental illness truly knoes no bounds
I love her so much that it hurts...
This is the answer
normal healthy behavior to harass new players about the people you stalk.
Same, it’s killing me on the inside..
I haven't seen this dude ingame in close to a year now, you're yelling over ghosts anon.
You need to let go...
Happens when shitrope doesn't get his way
which one got you all lovesick?
min? mid?
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Good night pso2g!
>New players
sleep well my onahole AGP slutwife!
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Min, or well..maybe a smidge up from Min?
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qrd on Elpis?
Looks like she has aids in her face what do you mean this is the answer kek
he was in a4 for an hour yesterday hanging out with squishy
the grizzer logs were damning.
But you wouldn't tell her that to her face, pussyboi
How do you know this unless you are a tobletranny shitposting in the thread?
>emv trying to get doppels attention on a1 live
I will just ask maru
I myself haven't seen him in forever. He hasn't posted here in forever, nor interacted with any of us in forever so he may as well be a specter to me. I don't get why he's still shitposted here after all this time desu.
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>People asking for minheight with big booba
>Doppel suddenly changes
>Hey guys, doppel doesnt touch the thread anymore!!! leave him alone.
>Always stirs shit up, but he is an angel, right? lol
hes a vile backstabbing pariah that goes out of his way to hurt people of course hell be shitposted forever
that's cute!
midheights are rare, I hope it works out for you
Cecile uses default T2, no eye cancer and excessive eyelashes and makeup just like Maru. Maybe a discount Maru but he is still popular on twittershit.
Oh no no no...
Who cares?
My cute friend!!!
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Just one fucking thread.
Can we go one fucking thread without namedropping the same two people 200 times.
Just once.
kys shitfingers
You are literally doing the same thing but post them in discord servers shitrope
what face is that? super cute
hes had that look on for weeks
I'm none of those things!
Very cute.
the logs of him crying, saying how much he hates pso2g, how he hates wakaba and doppel, and admitting to having violent tendencies
it's hard to consider joining alliances that haven't shown an interest in me
i've been solo since before NGS
Why did grizzer leak those when boxy tried to help lol genuinely confused
You know that posting this only makes you look bad right, cracka lacka?
because grizzer is emotionally unstable
Sorry I'm flat and worthless..
Which logs did boxy leak?
>you fell off hard
>the cutest and best t2 look hes had to date
D is so cute
Cutie face
You’re worth it, anon..
speaking of players that don't post/read the thread, neither does Chry
Everyone loves t2s with fat tits, and I'm over here just flat and useless..
>Turns out grizzer leaks private logs
>Deletes it
Genuinely whats wrong with it? You wouldnt do the same? I feel like pso2g filled with bunch of retards
i want jiggu to bounce on me....
Why are you leaking these logs Grizz? No one cares
I’m more or less flat too..
Everyone has a use!
same anon...
flat and I'm just a joke to people
>gives you the greenlight to shitpost
>"noo! not like that!" *leaks logs*
I would do the same. Thats not an own. You broke his trust and he deleted it. What???
post your caseal
He would frequently bring up talking to "bad" people and I'd advise him to delete his messages and just go about his day. He seemed grateful for that advice and I did that again here thinking he would appreciate it and he for some reason freaked out instead of sorting things out in like 1-2 messages.
>grizz chose to be friends with boxy over wakaba and this is the result
minheights doko?
>Result is grizzer backstabbing boxy
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New drama drop
logs show grizz hated wakaba because grizz would yell and trauma dump on them to the point wakaba had enough.
minheight casl doko?
grizz won how? by being exposed as a spiteful schizo?
>i really dont hate jester
>i honestly dont
>im so fucking sick of that faggot
what a fucking snake lol
Shut up shitrope
lmao, he does this to cover his tracks and then claim innocence
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its over...
Shitrope going in on cooldown despite the fact that grizzer leaked logs
That’s me!
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lmao I didn't even log on yesterday baka
Stupid worthless minheight lively here
kill yourself you disgusting stalking backstabbing logleaking misinformation spreading niggerfaggot retard
We dont care about your opinion shitrope
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dont come to block 4 tommorow...
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Another Doppel w
What the fuck happened here? There was just supposed to be a cute pyc, what is this?
emv and grizz are having simultaneous mental breakdowns over doppel again
>tae (rope) online
nyo I don't want too, but maybe you should if I am so terrible and upset you so much Anon!
I want to be teased and bullied by minheights!
Doesn't even hide it that he's shitting up the thread again
The only thing you’re pumping into later is your hand, anon!
Disgusting freak.
normalfags lmao!! https://youtu.be/Vr4Y7fOqXXg
ugly avoid on sight cuck
rope has booted up his smart fridge.
That's me!
then block me and move on, I certainly don't think about you <3
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pst ur csl!
will you bully me and call me names while i do it?
Hes too poor for that if you look at the replies its always more than min apart
Of course I would, loser!
nice, someone wants to talk to me!
>slur slur slurs slur
>reply: slur slur slur slur
>reply reply: why did you do it!
stop posting and you will be forgotten but you wont because your more attention starved than emv
I love that animation so much. I want my mental stress to sky rocket while anon makes me exploit my body and my self worth for views and likes.
cry more nogxy
menhera minheight AND casl?
With me, you'll be the most popular twitter slut in NGS...
I want a minheight to call me the P word.....
I'm not a caseal, sorry. But I can be pretty unhinged sometimes.
Maybe one day I'll be popular.
I love bullying sick p*do anons...
>More than 1 min apart
Shitrope moment
Worthless P*do..
yeah we know you want to be called 'poop eater' nogxy
>Failed alicia clone sees boxy in every post
I'm all 3 of those!
Midheight here, I'm flat out calling the police on your disgusting faggot ass.
I’m a menhera Minheight!
How fucked in the head do you have to be to get off from being called a p*do?
peak lively face
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pst ur csl rn!
P-word posting is so funny.
Bro that's cutie face
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using an old prompt instead.
being stepped on by my minheight bullies..
>ship 1 has a dedicated grooming block
lmao, tough luck, should of rolled on the superior ship
same thing
what is EatMoreVitamins problem?
minheight steppies!
Damn Dopple is cute.
Anon you're truly pathetic if you want to be under a little girl not even half your weight!
Now you're one thing, my wife!
emv sis why do you play on the lowest possible graphic settings dont you have a 4070?
The mark of the retard.
amd hasnt been relevant since 2010 bro
Minheight blowjobs...
Way to out yourself Doppel, you're the only one who "misspells" your name. Fucking RETARD.
>Finally DM my Twitter crush
>She responds
>We have an actual conversation
>She sends me screenshots I requested
Didn't think I'd get this far bros...
please step on me!
Just be gentle, okay..?
kill yourself
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are there any minheights like this......
10/10 sliders
That's literally me!
They are all like that.
Who's your favorite minheight? Name her right NOW I want to be left out again.
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any pso2g for this feel?
They come in all different shapes and sizes! Demons? Cats? Vampires? Dogs? Regular?
Which ones do you want?
My favorite minheight casl hasn't played for a year now...
sorry anon..not her..
I didn't specify. Any.
he's in a better place. Leave him alone
this >>487841895
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who are the smuggest and brattiest minheights...?
Thankfully I still play with him daily in other games!
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minheight for this feel?
shut up already hamu
Not Hamu.
That's me, moments before I empty your wallet, and your...
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Are there any minheights that aren't brats who don't bully people until they cum?

they all have that attitude..
Sexiest pso2g
Funny thing is that the minheight larpers here look like gremlin trannies.
A handful of people here aren't pedophiles.
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what the hell
do this to me instead!
Agreed. Also it's always the same namedrops
This happened to me too!

Holy damage control shut up doppelgänger you’re a weirdo and hated unanimously you colossal samefaggot

i didn’t post this. i said what i said affix your sliders
I'm gonna do far worse things than that if I catch you ruining my day with your pathetic existence!
>doppel actually pretended to be emv to shitpost himself to get sympathy
Lmao yikkkkes!!!!
kill yourself already shitfingers your continued existence is a detriment to mankind
literally no one dislikes d lol
are you on? i want to talk on a4.
Getting stepped on by cute minheight feet....
didn’t post that colossal copium
anon, the brats aren't going to approach you. You have to approach them
he looks like he’s wearing a rubber fatsuit

don’t fucking encourage him that’s even more cruel. D go back
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Taking a minheight into a restroom stall and...
This makes it even more hilarious KEK
Wild how that nigga got groomed and went back to his abuser. That nigga never letting Sparrow have a life again and will be kept in a cage like a bird.
and what..anon? what are you going to do to me..?
I’ve seen her alone on a4 recently!
i did you ignored me. why are you in the associates now?
doppel would really do that? DAMN
Its the usual
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minheights who make me buy them expensive gifts for favors...?
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>go to random CS
>ship has quad turrets
It sucked IRL, it's gonna suck in fiction.
Based Ame enjoyer
Your name is shitrope
emv you are unhinged
Wait until you find out how long Boxy has been seething about the group chat on ship 2.
>turdrope can't stop mentioning his boyfriend
>there are anons that think that d has anything to do with this
>there are anons that think that d is even aware of anything going on here
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I'll press the MARS appropriate for the class or situation!
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a-are there any min heights who look like this?
Is there even a point to log in?
sacrifice for me, añon, go ahead slave away and spend so i can live a life of luxury in halpha~ like a good paypiggy oink oink *SNORT*
only to make fun of doppel for pretending to shitpost himself as emv
my tobleminheight crush. .
only for rich old men
that little spergout there directed at Doppel is actually a reportable offense according to Sega's TOS
just sayin
to grind ltq or dext under 200% if you're prem rn
to have sex with elves
God you're such a pervert, and you love it don't you?

You want me to call you that four letter word so bad, but you don't even deserve that.

You deserve NOTHING.
I'm still laughing at the fact that doppel pretended to be emv and shitpost himseld to garner sympathy
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helping my minheight friend with her homework!
I didn't know they had homework in sex ed
>to have sex with elves
>favorite elf doesn't login anymore
it's over
unbelievable how could he ever do such a thing
The game is dead...
I’ll make sure to pay you back later, under the desk preferably..
That's not your gal.
That's everyone's 'pal...'
Is this sarcasm?
same as you
why didn’t you tell me..
Damn, someone other than me funposts about minheights. It finally caught on with someone...
A lot of minheights around recently getting real bratty on A4.
What are you gunna do about it?
Cum in their mouth.
I only look at minheights with lots of twitter (You)'s.
The worst part they all look like shit
why is doppel like this??
Maybe I'll finally have a minheight daughter I can take around the countryside to enjoy nature with.
They're way to fucking slutty for that.
New? It's the usual.
pso2g can't make good characters, just 150 height gremlins.
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For me, its

I’m on this list!
I'm on this list and I'm pretty okay with it because now I feel relevant.
>namedropping the same people over and over again
>act lewd around one
>surprised they act lewd back
Not my ultimate goal. I want to tuck her away after a long day of hiking and read her a boring bedtime story so she falls asleep Then kiss her forehead goodnight...
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>Lists all the shitters who just jack off with no jobs, land ownership, or clout
I'm only a slut for the right person!
Your right person is too many people.
You'd have better luck catching me on The Secret World than this game, I'm just checking shops then splitting.
Why are you back?
not my fault you're not a minheight
>These people don't have twitters
Nah pass on these ugly gremlins.
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any minheights who are like this?
>minheights that aren't busy attentionwhoring on (((twitter) and will instead dedicate themselves to you
>this is bad, somehow?
They look like shit so yes its bad
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I love evil women.
Mentally ill fat boomers have nothing better to do on a Saturday morning?
Me on the left!
the funniest thing is that its doppel making the picture and shitposting himself
Who do (you) think I am?
Guys shitrope just got mass deleted scroll up. Every single post is about boxy lol
pso2g gremlins > twitter hags
simple as
Obviously not, lol
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i want to lick my minheight bully's feet...
shes cute
Ain't no fucking way lol
Let me guess, you use intel too right?
He fucked up when he mentioned gw*z
did rope shitpost doppel all this time?
>mass deleted
>Every post is "nogxy nogxy nogxy nogxy"
Shitrope truly is mentally ill
Ew gross! Why would I grace your ugly face with my pristine little feet?
>turdrope was the one shitposting doppel and grizzermacht
Fucking kek
Why was turdrope pretending to be boxy and replying to himself?
I just noticed, almost 400 replies in 2 hours what the hell. In other news, me on the right.
Actually believable. So what did Doppel and Grizzermacht do to piss off Rope?
>that mass delete
Tell me ur shitrope without telling me
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Me on the left!
>another thread where rope gets exposed
It's mostly samefagging with a lot of namedropping.
>emv-doppel post gets mass spammed for an hour
>suddenly someone brings up rope
>entire thread becomes about boxy out of nowhere
Literal mental illness. When people say shitrope is shitposting boxy for 3 years they are not lying
Minheight posting > Namedrop posting
>Boxy literally never did anything wrong it was just shitrope all this time pretending to be boxy or sabotaging the thread to pin it on him
>For 3 years
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i want to hug a minheight and then....
Shut up nogxy
No, minheight posting is nasty, namedrop posting is funny
Oh my god rope..... That mass delete it literally screams of you
There is nothing funny about minheight posting. It's the equal to watching fentanyl zombies shuffle about on the side walk.
>There is nothing funny about minheight posting
That's what I said
if you're not a minheight you don't matter
simple as
>Shitrope shitting on grizzer
No twitter = doesn't matter
We don't care about uglies here that aren't approved by the Holy Seven.
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Bros I thought it was the JPanons that are shitting up the thread. Turns out it was one of us.
Ugh! Maybe... if you make it worth my time
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>out of all the posts THIS was the one that triggered the janny
I love you too!
bitter hags
We already know it's b**** shitposting about minheights lol
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>Every single post is about boxy
Mental illness for this behaviour?
Shut up nogxy
What is a minheight going to do with those...
Put auxiliaries in NGS so I can make them gather materials for me. I'm tired of doing this myself.
>Pretended to be boxy
>Samefaged his falseflags
>Leaks logs and shitposts grizzer
>Shitposts doppel
>Continous random boxy posts

Shitrope working overtime
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>he's gonna keep talking to himself for the next 5 hours
Not even the fat cats were this bad. Why are jp niggers so schizo?
I only erp with people that I wouldn't feel ashamed about being publicly known to have plapped.
>Yomiki that failed pariah coming to the rescue to save his obese friend
Not even this fuck up by shitrope can be saved
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I like when my minheight friends bully me...
No? Jack clearly gives no shits.
Holy shit
Jack plapped moira. He doesn't care.
Name 10
Why is rope so obsessed with boxy to the point hes doing this?
You can't delete your shame...
Aiatar, one of the Holy Seven...
is it weird to want to jork it to my friend's character when they wear coomer shit? They never flirt or anything so I don't think they do fapslutting.
cute newfag

Agent Mitsumi
Not really, that's what coomerwear is for
>actual real pariah was not boxy but rope
This is some anime plot twist
>I don't think they do fapslutting.
Where do you think you are
What the fuck is fapslutting
Now you know the reason why Maru choose to be friends with boxy. Our queen always knows what's right.
Hottest pso2g
It's when your bro poses and dresses his character for you while you jerk off to it, teasing optional
>rope getting exposed means boxy is no longer a pariah
This nigga boxy was schizophrenic and unlikable even before rope became obsessed.
I read it wrong! I’m sorry!!
>Activated his 4th smart fridge since hes such a fat fuck just to seethe
Wanna find out?
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any minheights who act bratty but instantly fold when someone teases them back?
Me..and I hate how i’m flustered so easily.
>every post is my enemy
>so mad he replies twice

No one liked you before Rope became obsessed and started shitting up the thread. You will still be unlikable with no friends after this.
You are not innocent because Rope is more autistic than you.

Everyone knew you were to be avoided, now everyone knows to avoid that nigger too.
>shitrope still melting down over his boyfriend
I love cute minheight brats! ToT
Would suck if those 3 years of shitposting and hard labor would go up in flames heh?
Since maru is friends boxy i will give him a chance, too.
That's cool but nothing's gonna happen to Rope even if nogxy cries about it for the next 100 threads
Your name is shitrope
That doesn't sound bad actually
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I will give you 100m meseta if you could get a single pso2g anon to take a picture with you and post it boxy.
You are no longer a pariah since rope got exposed, right?
>100 threads
Still wouldnt be able to compete against the thousends of thread you have been crying about boxy.
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I'm about to do something immoral...
lmao he can probably try to get a creepshot since everyone has him blocked
That won't be able to buy anything with how fucked Global's economy is.
Why don't Globabs just unfuck their economy
>shitrope gets exposed in the most embarassing way
>Comes back just to continue
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any pso2gs who look like this?
What are you gunna do!
I look like this!
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>he's still going
Just how mentally ill is turdrope kek
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feeding my minheight friend my popsicle..
I hope it's me!
Good thing it’s such a hot day!
Jesus christ
>auxiliaries can still be extremely tiny
>mod their poses and clothes
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what is she laughing at...
>Not only did he post logs
>Shitrope samefagged his own leaks by shitting on boxy even further on this one
My god
This one is clearly directed at me!
Why did jiggu come back and make this list?
Most of the deleted posts has a reply calling him shitrope. Kek
Shows how easy it is to trigger nogxy lol
now that rope is exposed will we see a decrease in grizz dopp waka shitposts?
post the one with the demon at the urinal!
It shows how easy it is to spot you failed alicia clone
I think I'll install NGS again and I heard there's a salon event again. When does the event end?
Nah turdrope always double downs
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I need minheight steppies!
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Too easy.
This maint.
It actually shows it's mostly only you behind every boxy shitpost. Great point.
>mostly only
I accept your concession.
If rope stopped shitposting you yesterday, you would still be viewed negatively by everyone here except the cat boy.

This offer is not a joke.
over 90% is mostly yes. That's not a own
fuck i want rope to shitpost me like that, while secretly choking on my fat cock
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Are there any minheights for this feel?
>a own
ESLxy is shaking...
My friend does this to me too often >///<
its all coming together
There's not any proof that it's Rope at all, don't humor him. Unless you just wanna shit on Rope cause you don't like him which is cool too.
Your name is shitrope. Pathetic samefagger
why is emv like this?
>No please dont shitpost me
>I know every post is about boxy and im also obsessed about boxy and theres logs showing im in the thread everyday
>But its not me just trust me okay?
Shut up nogxy
>that sudden damage control
Holy shit
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minheight exclusive service...?
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We can't we have minheights like this in pso2g?
Theres no proof of boxy doing anything in the thread besides posting pictures at random. Your point?
Because Globalkeks haven't comprehended the power of JP gods yet
I have this...
So you agree that there's no proof that it's Rope? We're clear then!
You wish shitrope. You got caught red handed and you squirming like a pig to save face is the funniest shit
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Helping my min height friend with PE!
if boxy did nothing wrong, why doesnt he have any friends?
>caught up on the thread
Damn so rope would shitpost grizzer waka and stuff just to own boxy.
PSO2 players are racist
Looks like shit
>face parts too far down
>nose too long
>mouth too closr to chin
>fat face
did they ever leave? i thought they were always here..
When a obsessed schizo shitposts you and goes around to people and telling them not to interact with you for 3 years is pretty much the outcome
what kind of service is it...
Maru is friends with boxy
Doppel... come home, back to Toblerone... we understand that none of this was your fault you're innocent and a good boy... it was evil EMV and Rope all this time... come back to us...
how do i sex caseal?
Shitrope probably shitposted even more people just to own boxy on some way. We just got a taste of what he does daily in the thread.
input code!
Do you think rope has that much influence?
You are unlikeable, and are clinging to the idea that rope ruined your reputation.
Rope is just another idiot milking you for LOLs.

Have maru post a picture next to boxy.
I put it in but it doesn't work...
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Anyone on ship 2 who is like this?
I didn't get the message...
This but unironically
He has no influence as a person but repeating the shitposts over and over while also samefagging them to create a narrative for 3 years can influence people. For all we know half the time it was him posting boxy pictures or sabotaging the threads and then pin it on boxy. Also i'm not boxy ask him when you see him posting pictures
Install artificial womb module
Are you a newfag by chance? You will lose those 100m
the damage control in this post LOL
The kind of service that leaves you all sweaty and makes you want to take a nap afterward...
I'm going off by what rope has been exposed for. What is damage control in there?
I won't because he can't produce a picture from today, 7th July 2024.

No one believes the things posted in this thread. His reputation is ruined by his actions.
>wont give those 100m and remain anonymous
You are just all bark no bite
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anyone on ship 2 for this feel?
Nogxy is so buck broken the only thing he can do anymore is cry about Rope
Why does only today count?
Boxy has never posted a non-creepshot picture with an anon in 4 years despite seeing people post pictures together daily.
Is he unlikable?
is every single pso2g a thread lurker who jumped on the boxy hate train without knowing the full truth?
Your name is shitrope
>why do i need to show that I currently have friends in a discussion about me currently having friends
I can only lead you to the water.
>Everybody but maru jumped on the hate train
Maru is a true G.
What am asking does only today count or today and onward? Nigga explain yourself
That's a man.
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Why can't pso2g minheights look like this? Are they so bad at making cute characters that they can only make Jiggu clones that are total gremlins?
It's the latter
is Tok back?
>Turdrope still acting uppity after getting exposed by a janny
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JP slidergods I kneel... How can pso2g even compete?
>boxy sees maru as his only friend
>obsessed with the idea of people hating maru unjustly just like he believes they do to him
>goes on thread long episodes about how maru makes people seethe
it all is adding up.

Today onward is implied.
You cant produce pictures of the future today so it didn't need to be specified.

Occam's razor.
Just because you forget doesn't your schizo moments doesn't mean they never happened. You are unlikable.
what eyelashes?
Shitrope you are trying way too hard
No money cause third worlders + 24/7 scalpers sitting all day at the shops.
Can you shut up about your boyfriend for once in your lifetime for real? Appreciate it.
Based Jiggu making the weebs seethe.
Any pso2g minheights for this? I'm so horny...
Whooooooo the fuck cares turdrope. Post cute minheight instead
Have they ever tried just not being poor LMAO? Just go work a career
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Any pso2g with good minheight sliders like this?
yeah, me!
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Damn the fat cats were right. pso2g can't make any good minheights at all. The uggo samefagging gremlin clique suddenly went silent lmfao
>make a white girl
>don't be from pso2g
that's all it takes for you to repost their twitter image
How do I convince Agent M to be loyal to me and only me? Need tips bros
Looks like shitrope switched target to blow off some steam
Don't be an ugly shitphid or gremlin minheight
>turn cel shading on
>face is good
it's that easy
no, do yourself a favor and lurk /v/ for occasional NGS threads instead of lurking this place full of mentally ill people.
>knowing the full truth?
Everyone in the discord clique and in-game group chat already knows about the truth after _ leaked a bunch of boxy discord logs anyway. It's not really anything special aside from what we already knew. It's funny watching the remaining spergs, lurkers and non-pso2g shitpost here. Though, after seeing the private leaks its obviously just boxy nonstop posting. He is not and will never be pso2g after all.
I can never look at pso2g minheights again without bursting into laughter after witnessing the glorious JP minheight sliders.
Actually honest to god the best looking face I've seen in a long time. Who?
>shitrope still running damage control
Cecile... it's okay
>tfw gremlin
it was over before it even began :(
>Nogxy had no response to this
Is that why he always seethes about _?
Making the shift to JP is the best choice anyone can make
how come you shitposters can only ever come up with one thing to say for a week? you guys really lack creativity, apply yourselves.
>first it was sylphid baiting
>now it's gremlin baiting
we need something fresh for base face baiting. Maru posting isn't as effective as it was in the past. we need to find the current Base T2 twitter queen
>gets thousands of views and hundreds of likes on a new account despite throwing a melty and remaking his twitter for the third time
>followed by content creators and the holy seven global slidergods
He maybe a ghosting pariah but you sound jealous, anon. Fix your sliders, gremlin.
I absolutely guarantee that you have no idea who _ is, nice try though boxy
he replied to it 3 times within post limit
Maru is definitely a sore spot for him. How can his "friend" be so universally liked while he is disliked?
If his reality is correct and maru's existence makes people seethe unprompted, then who is to say his own hate isn't unprompted in the same way?
It's a major coping mechanism.
This feels nice..
It is greatly amusing to me that he thinks that Rope is behind anything and has dedicated so much time and effort to shitposting him.

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