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Now: Zelda Ocarina of Time
Next: Super Mario 64 Archipelago
Later: Sea of Thieves

Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683812280
Page 8....gomenasorry....
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trying to mig
Is the run almost done?
Skulltulas make oot too hard and annoying to 100%
Certainly the hardest Zelda to complete ignoring 1000+ collectibles from botw and totk
And peripheral stuff from ww
Only 2 more hours to go.
Yep, only 2 more hours to go
>Minions in the olympics
Fucking frogs
>no good runs left
doesnt matter
Unironically not even halfway through
>original headbanga anon is long gone
What happened to him?
Skulltula tokens are nothing compared to Wind Waker's photographs or Twilight Princess's stupid bugs
Not enjoying this new ritualpost
I'm so glad I didn't grow up to become a completionist. I have no willpower to do boring chores just for a 100% or an achievement or whatever.
I actually did 100% OoT for the first time recently. I thought I did as a kid, but there were some things I never remember doing this time, I think I just had every item as a kid because of Game Shark.
It wasn't too bad, I didn't need a guide for them. Particularly because it puts that skultulla icon on the map when you complete the area. The heart pieces were actually harder to find in my opinion, because there's no indication that you actually got every heart piece in the area.
Twilight bugs aren't really hard, skulltulas are way worse. I forgot about the photography quest though and yeah that's bad.
When did Anger Foot get added to the schedule and why are they running a game that only came out last month?
>VIC: ...
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At least the reward is irrelevant. 50 Skulltulas is completely doable for a normal person. The Koroks from Breath of the Wild are literally 9x worse.
I liked that they reduced them down to two specific areas in Majora's Mask. That was a good solution to having it in the game, but not having it be tedious. When I replayed the recent PC port, I was so fucking mad when I finished the Great Bay skullhouse and didn't know you had to complete it on the first day to get the wallet upgrade.
It was originally to be the first game ran but the dude got ill so it got shuffled to the back.
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>grow up being encouraged to complete shit in school and outside of school
>shit bleeds into gaming
>still do it despite being a 30+
I wish I could stop. I'm glad I don't force this shit on anyone else.
I remember that, the guy said like "I'm voting the for the right-wing political party" on twitter years ago.
Like not even some extreme "right-wing" party, just the usual right leaning option all countries have.

But he got banned because "someone felt unsafe" fucking unreal
>Guilt-tripping Dampe into not wasting time
Fool, that will only make him worse.
8 tries calling it now
>get a rupee
>mario coin sound
Pretty cool they didn't kick him out of the event for getting sick and still letting him do the run at a later date.
Fucking lol. I hadn't done 100% MM in 20 years, or maybe even never, I forget. I know I got all masks in the past, but doubt I did the skulltula houses as a kid. But I did the exact same fucking thing as you a month ago doing that skulltula house on the PC port. I cannot even fucking believe it still lets you do it for no reward on day 2 or 3 with no warning.
are they close to the end yet?
Almost halfway there
no-one fucking cares what way you're voting
stop airing every fucking throwaway thought you have on twitter you fucking retards
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Heh....heh....heh.....the evil grave king Dampe....threatened by this kid?
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>Your run's success is entirely dependent on Dampe's mercy
Not on your life, my Hindu friend.
We're on the final boss now.
who can stop him?
>Years of optimizing
>Tons of new glitches and tricks
>complete decompiled
>Still have to rely on an old man digging up graves for your WR
How'd you know?
this category is arbitrary
Holy shit you were actually right.
It's like those exploring Nutty Putty Cave videos. I love watching 100% Ocarina runs but would never want to do it myself. Dampe is like the part of the cave where it's so tight that the guy starts wiggling like a worm to get through because he can't move his arms.
all the categories are arbitrary
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except any%
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I actually hate Dampe way more in MM.
I'm not a completionist but if you put a functional missable in a game my autism is piqued.
I cannot, for example, play through a Souls Game without getting every single weapon or magic possible even though I barely vary my usage of those in a playthrough and rarely ever even use magic.
But you can call me Dampe the Run Killer. Got a nice ring to it, don'tcha think?
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>have stream muted
>think its an ugly girl the whole time
>unmute stream
>its a dude
Probably because it's more tedious to move him around, getting a heart from dampe is usually very fast
I remember watching my brother try to do the grave-digging thing on the third day when I was a kid and thought it must've been the most difficult thing in the game. When I replayed the game with the PC port recently, it really wasn't that bad. Might've been because of the reversed Song of Time being on, but I don't know. It was a little annoying, because he's fucking slow and requires you to hold his hand, but still.
You gay
>Make pronouns always visible on screen
>Anon still to retarded to read
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first time watching a speedrun event?
It says "he/him" right there, bro.
>miss dampe because I thought it wouldn't be for another hour
because as we all know people's preferred pronouns are indicative of their actual sex.
That means nothing here
That's might be my fault, if you're one of the anons that asked, sorry. I'm pretty sure it used to be 3 hours in, since Zelda runners are extreme masochists and love losing a run to RNG several hours into a runner.
Well, you can't do this to me....
I never pay attention to that
Oh I thought it said cute girl, not ugly girl. Okay, that's fair. Was going to say it's impossible for a cute girl to use he/him, but an ugly girl is definitely possible.
That's generally only for when it says "she/her". "He/him" is almost always completely obvious.
The inconsistency of hookshotable ladders is honestly some fuck. It definitely played a part in teaching me not to trust things as a kid.
I'll never forgive you.
"ESA shouldn't have pronouns" niggas go awful quiet when the Swedish men show up
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Stream 2 never messed up saying purple burglar alarm...
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Please forgive!
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Good... Now draw this.
why are irish people
N64 Zelda is insanely comfy
Headbanga'd too hard and died
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Interesting how he stopped the run to describe how he jerked off several guys at once
anyone else had a crush on the poe seller girl as a kid and yesh she's a girl thats why she's in a dress and showing off her feet
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fucking lel
He communicates so weirdly with his hands
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What did they mean by this?
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Migging from the baguette Olympics opening ceremony, I had to tap out when FUCKING MINIONS were a prominent segment of its inbetween cinematics
>Pause menu runs at 30 FPS
>And file select runs at 60
Huh, that makes a lot of sense. Interesting.
funny how it’s the opposite on twatter
>Was going to say it's impossible for a cute girl to use he/him
I wish this was the case but too many nerd girls drink the koolaid
myrmidon of loss shut up
You're just now discovering that France is cringe?
I've honestly wondered that for years. But if I were to guess, uhhhhh seggs
Those aren't cute.
A maid cafe
I just came back what did i miss
woman in the audience asked him to stop
Now they're having a tranny fashion show.
>So the first guy comes and slaps me across the face with his manhood... his balls descend into my vision one after another and all i can do is follow the tastefull curve of his deku stick with my eyes... he then gives me another tap on the cheek to wake me up from my stupor... That's when the Bombschu Dodongo skip came to me
mmm cringe
There is a cute girl in the audience. Will history repeat itself?
Another sip
i wonder if he intentionally dehydrated himself all day in preparation. at the rate he's drinking, he'll probably finish that jug.
So, what's the type of run this is? It's not glitchless since he's doing little glitches but it's not outright abusing glitches because he didnt just warp to ganon. I know it's at least 100% but is there a name for the type of run?
>ESA and the satanic Olympic opening ceremony on one monitor
>other monitor divided between this thread and the /sp/ sticky full of Frenchmen mourning the death of their nation
I'm comfy as can be
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no srm?
>I know it's at least 100% but is there a name for the type of run?
...it's a 100% run anon. get everything in the game by any means necessary and in the fastest way possible. i don't understand what you're confused about.
He's doing everything but doing it in an order that is faster than doing them the intended way.
Mirin' the size of this lad's bladder. I'm usually bending the knee as soon as I finish a big jar of water.
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How Kino is chrism run gonna be?
Big lad, big blad.
Say the line, Bart
All right, it's 4:30AM bros.. give this'n an S for me. It was entertaining.
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>Our bomb count is good, so it's okay
[2 minutes later]
>Our bomb count is bad, this isn't good...
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you got it ya fuckin cunt
who's the pancakeman of OoT?
wtf are those holy shit
Ever play SMT?
Is this supposed to be a parody of the last supper?
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dios mio
yeah the worst supper
>kill so brutal they had to censor the stream
bitrate just killed bongo bongo
Bongo Bongo was too strong for the stream bitrate of 64 kb/s.
Bongo bongo had to split to the olympics to be with his fellow demons.
we truly are on the last days of civilization
>RIM JOB in donation tracker
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We Love each other here
C'mon, couldn't even give more than $2 for the bit?
Is it ESA tech or is it Twitch when the stream does that weird pixely grey shit?
glorious swedish internet
>still in the first dungeon
How long did it take to route this?
100% ESA. Remember to give shoutouts to the tech crew.
>been in the deku tree so long that Link naturally aged 7 years

wow nice speedrun
Here Together
it's ESA. i have other streams up and they are fine.
How and why? Dodgy wiring?
whatever building they're using just has a shit upstream speed. or they're getting throttled. it's probably outside their control but hopefully they pick somewhere that has more stable internet next time oh that's right nvm THIS is the last one
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someone torrenting shit
I think they're in the same venue/hotel as usual for the past few events.
I don't them remembering ever having this shitty of a stream, yet the venue is still the same as previous years. So either the venue changed their internet for some reason, or it's ESA's fault
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I went out and bought plums.
I'm going to EAT Plum.
>TASbot slaving away for millennia on supercomputers all to save 17 seconds on an OOT run
The audio is unchanged, I'm more inclined to believe the issue is purely on their end. Video drops for just a tiny amount sometime before leaving the building, software hiccup or wonky wire or bad network.
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What do you think of her?
Sex with evil hags
I hate sand.
holy shit dude the ads on ESA have been insane. i have adblocker i don't see them but still
>midroll ads for ~2 minutes
>~2-5 minutes of no ads
>then IMMEDIATELY MORE midroll ads for ~2 minutes
like holy shit. never seen them so aggressive
Decided to go for a walk for an hour. Have I missed anything fun in the run?
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Did they birth Ganondorf in this form or what
Has the runner been having these tism spasms the whole run?
Does he have some sort of disability?
Nip coomers whacked off to this in 1995 btw.
>someone in the crowd cheered when children are mentioned
Based /v/ poster
>batskating backwards around the invisible triggers
Love it.
Happened to me too bro
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Their problem?
They REQUIRE whiteboys and their caucasian sperm.
not mounted on my face right now
Wait, the guy that is in the front row and keeps donating is called averagegreg? I vaguely recognize that name, wasn't he a decent OoT runner?
Femcel's final form. Beware.
Not enough BHC.
no boys allowed
They like Hylian boys.
Just tuned in. When did link become overweight?
Unironically that Ganondorf was supposed to be their one sexual relief but he unironically ran off in pursuit of Hylian women so now they are very frustrated.
He's ripped under the clothes.
links been juicin
He ran it, not sure what he looks like.
Please respond >>683826517
is it over yet
it is over
Welcome back!
Clip bro, snag that spooky mask get
it is just beginning
why was link sniffing that gerudo womans butt
Why did Link just pull that mask out of her ass?
>grabs a mask out her ass
oh okay
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what the hell was that
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What the hell is Super Mario 64 Archipelago run?
Hmm, yeah, I understood some of those words.
I'd assume a romhack
Yeah also not sure, just suddenly remembered the name from some oot speedrun history video but wasn't sure if I remembered correctly
This guy's button mashing is hardcore
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>mfw I never did learn how to do the triforce on here
that's how he got so JACKED
adult zelda...
He even has a cloth under the controler to dry his hands.
kek, he's right about the hairline
how has this guy not pissed?
glug glug glug
WOW, female pattern baldness sisters, we need to stay strong
Hairlineletts bullied
I fucking love Link's gormless face when he gets the light arrows
Looks more Link is a cop or TSA agent patting her down
same been here since 2011 and I refuse to look it up or ask because it's cheating. the knowledge has to manifest itself into my mind through osmosis or I am unworthy
>Back of the knee, maybe
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How do I not become bald?
wtf is the poacher's saw??????
for the poaching minigame
shave it off
embrace the bald
Think you need to give it back to the carpenter on the bridge to gerudo valley. And then he gives you the next item in the chain
you don't.
hair drugs but they break your pp
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Be born female.
thanks but wanted to know if I missed anything good or trainwrecky. Oh well. Run is comfy so far
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Trying to get a PhD in Physics and thus have less time to HEADBANGApost BANGA
imo, only young balding is the issue. I made it to 34 with no significant thinning thankfully, I don't care if I start balding in my 40s. Maybe I'll sing a different tune when I get there. But I know someone my age and he only has pieces left. Hell I saw a kid in high school starting to bald, shitty end of the stick for him.
I looked away and now he's in Gerudo Valley again, I thought he was in Ganon's Castle.
Ferrari's Wind bro
He was only in Ganon's castle for the gold gauntlets. Then clipped into the loading zone for the inner tower to use farore's wind, which he set at gerudo valley before entering the archery minigame
>headbangaposter is more than 20 years younger than me
I GREW UP WITH OOT AND WW AND TP AND SS and LA and ALttP and the Capcom games and I was an adult back then actually

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If I have never played a Zelda game am I a real gamer? The speedruns always look comfy at least.
What did you play as a kid?
Don't despair yet anon. I'm 33 and finishing up my PhD, so headbanger could still be a boomer
>Mike Hawk
You should try them, just start with Link to the Past and Ocarina and go from there.
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you owe it to yourself to play the SNES/N64/GCN games at least
They're good. Do not interact with average Zelda fans, though.
You can start with WW or TP.
Ocarina is too janky.
NTA but i also never play Zelda as i grew up with a ps2.
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>Ocarina is too janky.
I'm getting ads every 10 minutes.
use ttvlol
skill issue
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doomp eet
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KWAB (Kek What A Boomer)
How? Not that they are that bad, but they are also not considered to be good.
What age? Sonic The Hedghog/Streets of Rage/Golden Axe age 3. Pokemon age 7, GTA 1/2 age 9 and so on. Had a small library of games as a kid.
I'm not :)
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He looks noticably drunk now.
It only works on boards with unicode enabled anyway.
Physics PhDs are usually obtained in late 20s/early 30s
The towel hides a catheter, it's how he can keep chuggin along
I've tried a couple but didn't care for them 2bh
Don't worry about it, I've tried several Zeldas (LttP, OoT, WW, TP, SS) and only completed Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.
All I can say is that they held my interest more than the other games; nearly finished Skyward Sword but stopped close to the final dungeon. Zelda's never clicked for me the way it does with other people.
Tomohiro Ishii migging his way to curbstomp a tranny
>use script for ads
>video just pauses randomly every 2 seconds
>get ads
I used to know way to do it, but I think it stopped working.
Also don't really care enough to learn.
For some reason I don't get Twitch ads on my phone when I use the Twitch app, otherwise it's OVER for me. PC is fine because I use Firefox and setup an extension ages ago
He must be busting to piss.
I'm 46 now and the most I've done is do high school and work in a job that requires finishing middle school and gloating at uneducated retards for years now. I've never went for anything other than learning concertina (useless)
Alzheimer's sux :D
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fucking hell axel you bastard
it was so genuine
Play Minish Cap
If you really want to, it's never too late to go back into uni. I saw an old guy when I did my bachelor, and my uncle did an education during the evening. And people often switch jobs, just getting some certs that show that they can do it. Only thing really stopping you is motivation
Same. I've only completed spirit tracks, triforce heroes, and the link's awakening remake on switch in one go. It took me three years to finish OoT on 3ds after picking it back up because I had nothing else to play for a bus ride.

I've played phantom hourglass, link to the past, minish cap, skyward sword, link between worlds, twilight princess, and maybe a few more, but they never keep my attention to the end.
Bombchu Minigame girl was the first vidya girl to get little me going. Something about that sway.
>Zelda's never clicked for me the way it does with other people.
I can get that, it's a certain style of game. Some other games also just don't click for me. But still kinda funny that the ones not considered that good did click for you, but maybe it's because they are different that Zelda fans don't consider them that good?
dont feel bad anon, im 28 and have done absolutely nothing with my life
Forgot to mention link's awakening on the GB, which I played but got stuck not knowing I had to bring the chicken up the mountain and dropped it.
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I've got fond memories of minish cap. Friends and I would go into the caves with mole claws and we'd "dig through the cheese". We were very easy to entertain back then
Kek he ignored him
Just want to bring up exactly 10 minutes has passed and I got another batch of ads.
Literally fucking moans in MM too, they knew what they were doing and doubled down.
It such a classic, good to see even the newer runners still do it
Thanks anon keep keeping us posted.
>still falling for an 8+ year old joke
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>dont use adblocker
>get ads
Remove all twitch addons, install firefox + ublock origi + violentmonkey and this userscript:
You can do retraining courses if theres some program like that in your country. You'd never get me into uni again to waste another 3 years of my life on something i possibly wouldnt even complete.
I went to one that was sponsored by the government and now im working as a software dev
I've only ever finished OoT, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, BotW and the gameboy ones. I enjoyed them all thoroughly except Breath of the Wild which I liked in the beginning but got really really bored of it by the end. Every other one I never managed to finish was because I put it down for like 2 weeks and then forgot about it and can't be bothered restarting all over again.
Majora's Mask makes you realize how tedious the whole game it is and makes you like Ocarina of Time a little bit more. It is a speed runners game
MM is good but OoT is still king
You CAN do this section with your eyes closed,
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Who the fuck speedruns an online only game?
It's more about the fact they are willing to put 24 ad breaks into this run when they have the ability to run ads whenever they want, like for example, during the 45 minute long intermission sequences.
This is the most shit take I have ever seen on /v/ in my entire time on this cesspool. You deserve a ban for posting this, and you're also darker skinned than the king of thieves himself. Fucking nigger.
One last sleep.. See you all for the Josh GTA run.
I'll be asleep for at least half of Josh's run, maybe more. Sad.
He looks like he is really trying to let out a big loud burp.
Why do you care? You should be using a blocker like everyone else on the internet. Are you stupid?
MM is designed to waste your time because the game is like 2 hours long otherwise.
And don't hit me with the "it's thematically relevant" shit, it doesn't make it fun.
Yeah it's kinda funny given their reputation, although with Spirit Tracks I think it was also the train side of things. Years later and I've turned into a nutter that records the same station webcam day by day.
It's the piss welling up within him with a watery vengeance
Sleep tight pokaanon
Even as a kid, I preferred MM. The atmosphere is great, the reuse of the models was actually cool since it added to the weirdness, the time management even now is rare, and the mask transformations were great. But even still, the only reason I prefer MM is because the great foundation OoT laid. And it's still a great fucking game. So purely for impact, OoT wins
Fuck i meant not to*
Reminder that ESA has historically gaslit everyone into thinking they have zero control of the ads despite being sponsored by Twitch, just like GDQ who doesn't have an ad-in-the-middle-of-runs issue.

Historically, ESA is when adblockers break and not during GDQ.
Fuck I don't want it to end.
I'm not shitting my browser up with twitch specific horseshit that's going to change 6 times throughout the event when I use the site maybe 5 times a year.
How often do you use twitch?
>Historically, ESA is when adblockers break and not during GDQ.
Do you really think ESA is somehow breaking adblockers, retard? First 'meds' post I've had to make all day
>i refuse to fix the problem so I will just complain online about it
You have been given the tools and instead of doing anything to fix it you prefer to shit up the threads instead
We have officially passed the WR now.
Yeah I still love it. It's a way better way to rehash than TOTK, my god. Six years for that, unbelievable. MM came out so quick after OoT. After six years, I want a new Zelda from the ground up, but all TOTK did was reset the timer, are we waiting twelve years for a brand new Zelda now?
Llanfair is a shithole.
same, what a retarded spot they put him on
No wr? Man ESA really fell off.
You could've just said "yes I am too stupid to install a userscript"
what went so wrong?
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Will the SM64 'run' be worth it, or should I go to sleep at 5PM to wake up for GTA?
>ong bro don't know the specific way to block twitch ads this week pure cap bruh frfr
You're a child.
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>parents force me to study for good grade
>get certificates
>realise you can only get jobs through connections not qualification in my country
>have no connections because parents asian level strict so I could never make friends
>become unemployed adult as a result
>parents treat me like a slave blackmailing me with being homeless if I don't do as they say for being a failure
>save up gibs and move country
>find work immediately
>able to live at reasonably comfy live
>parents still seethe that I barely talk to them and don't understand why
I still feel like a failure but I did well leaving. I ain't going back to school and I ain't going back to my home country.
>I've turned into a nutter that records the same station webcam day by day.
Okay that now makes sense. Train otaku are one of the most autistic about their hobby, so that is why you were able to finish spirit tracks
Randomizer meme trash, comfortably ignore and make it up for some GTA kino. I wish I could do the same but it's way too early here to sleep yet.
anon...please fix your sleep schedule
I use twitch only for ESA and seeing one ad break was enough for me to just fix it instead of putting up with it for the entire week.
good job anon
Love to see the asschest.
nice, what country?
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I hope it's trainwreck like the Elden Ring run
I don't care when ESA decides to show their ads. I block all of them.
Connections being more important than qualification is true in any country. Getting that first job and working experience is brutal.
Yeah I'm still kinda mad about TotK. It's a good game, but it could have been so much more. Either make a new map or reuse the models like MM did. And I expected them to add full dungeons and items.. But instead, they made BotW again but now with lego. The system is cool, but to wait 6 years for that? Don't hate it, but also still haven't been motivated enough to play it either. MM actually felt like a completely different and unique game, TotK is just BotW 1.5.
I dont remember him getting song of storms
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I tried using them and it made it worse desu.
So why do the Fire Temple so late?
fun run
>make a single mistake
>get one shot
This is why I don't play soul slop
Garbage series of games
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>learn a song
>it's purple
A few GDQs back it was getting pretty bad with that too, but the peak of that was when Twitch broke their own fucking API midway through a GDQ because they wanted to stop people using stuff like Streamlink.
Is this really what From bosses are now?
Glad I dropped ER early.
This week has felt slow but maybe its cause I watched ASM too so its all blurring together
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I think they do a wrong warp after the Volvagia fight that puts them somewhere in Ganon's Tower. Might be horribly wrong.
Think because you don't really need anything from it? Hammer is not required, plus the game doesn't even need fire medallion. And I think there is a wrong warp here, but not sure about that.
How hard is Malenia?
>t. never played a fromsoft game
Those were the days
>one shot

They were at half health, under leveled, out of healing items, playing 2p1c, forced to use bad gear, made numerous mistakes prior to this moment and then they died. They were about as far from being unfairly one shot as you can get.
that was more REALLY bad rng than anything. for her to do waterfowl after scarlet aeonia is really rare. i think i've had it happen once in like 20 hours of helping others beat her.
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They broke up after this.
Is the run after this another randomizer?
Hardest boss in the game, mostly because of the attack shown in that webm which is four huge aoe attacks in a row all homing in on you with a big aoe at the end that deal massive damage and are extremely hard to dodge. And if she does it point blank, you're generally dead. She also heals off of any attacks that connect. The rest of her kit is relatively fine, but that one attack is kind of bullshit.
thanks but im still not playing your shitty games
cool, stay seething
this was half health VERY underleveled/poor gear because speedrun with zero flasks against the hardest move to deal with in the entire series. You cannot chalk this up to the average souls experience when its the peak of the series' difficulty that was made even harder by the runners' circumstances
Hard but fair. If you learn her patterns, have patience and have some decent gear she's not so bad. I mean, Elden Ring is quite possibly the easiest From game of all time if you're happy to use all the tools available to you. You could walk up to Malenia with two friends, a friendly summon, over leveled, over powered and just steamroll the bitch.
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False. They got back together after he defeated her.
oh shit are we actually going over estimate?
Dark Souls 1-3 are good. Bloodborne is OK. Elden Ring is slop.
Getting awfully close to estimate.
He cheated on the run, and he cheated on her with Malenia. The run, and the relationship, are invalid.
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Damn there goes the bit rate.
>deku nuts flashbanging the stream
>Killing Volvagia breaks the stream
Why does this keep happening. Same thing happened with Bongo Bongo.
As an aside, I think those things (disregarding 2p1c of course) are why ER doesn't work.
Yeah, in retrospect you can say those things but in the moment, playing the game how the fuck are you supposed to know you're doing it "wrong" when From has marketed their games are "LE SUPER DUPER HARD" since 2011? You get bodied by a boss over and over and over, you're going to think it's just hard because of the reputation and keep slamming your head against a wall.
Yeah probably, but pretty close. Think they do wrong warp to collapsing tower, so only needs to kill Ganon. But that takes more than what he has left
Was it tool assisted cheating?
>Particularly because it puts that skultulla icon on the map when you complete the area
Wait what?
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Does anyone have Chuck McGill meme as the flare dancer? I can't find it anywhere.
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No. He went in completely raw.
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how did they go over? drampa fucked him?
>over estimate in oot
thats gotta be the most embarrassing thing ever for a speedrunner
aside from whatever else the anons said, she heals on every hit so trying to turtle doesn't work nearly as well on her as on other bosses
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Next to the name of the area on the world map, it will have a skulltula next to it. For dungeons, you have to be in the dungeon to see it.
Oh lawd say it with me now!
phase 1 is honestly pretty easy, ungabunga meleebabs just can't into disengaging whenever she goes for waterfowl, shes also very respectful with her aggression while her hp is still high, but gets more and more desperate as her hp goes down
phase 2 is a bit more difficult but still not that bad
overall maybe like 7.5/10 difficulty
shes also just a really fucking fun boss to duel
I don't recall any major fuckups either, was the estimate just way too tight?
I want Plum juice right off her source
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it's over
8th try Dampe, so yes partly but not fully. And still 20 min over his PB, so kinda surprising
His PB is 3:45:00 so I don't think so.
A couple things, I think. First of all, I believe most Ocarina runs start after the first cutscene, he showed the first cutscene anyway. That's true for any%, not sure if 100% has that rule now. Then bad Dampe luck.
for a 4 hour run, 20 minutes isn't a huge leeway
Lots of a small fuckups can easily make up that time
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B for Beefcake
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A pretty good
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>zfg's last submitted runs are from 3 and 4 years ago
Highly technical run did pretty solid. It's amazing someone can remember how to do all that shit and consistently pull off all of these glitches.
People have been saying "it's over" for 8 years?
B for a bara lumberjack cosplaying Link
i stole the trifirce
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A even though overestimate
just a solid, good run
Very impressive to see how everything works with this run. It's insane how much needs to be memorized. Such a small overestimate is basically nothing.
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I'm doin' him an A
Really impressive and technical run with good commentary

Classic run.
A, this is the speedrun that /v/ always wants. You got an WR runner, only lost the WR 4 days ago. You got a second place runner of a different category as commentator. It was a classic game, not some last year released trash. The run was full of tricks and glitches, but not obnoxious ones like non-stop OOB. Only thing preventing an S is the overestimate. And some people are probably going to vote it low despite all this because it was long and it was 2 minutes over
his no logic randomizer runs where he breaks the game in half are more entertaining
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>zoomers just realising they didn't invent the english language
I just want him back, man. The randomizers are fun, but I want my boy going for records again.
Why are they talking about stream 2 when they don't use it anymore?
Because you have so many different tools available to you. A big part of the game is adapting to any boss that makes you eat shit. I fought a boss in the DLC that spanked me so I changed weapons, changed equipment, tried different magics and so on until something stuck. Shit if you want to win just summon someone. The game respects your capacity for adaptation, and they want you to know this; at the start of Elden Ring there's a twat of a boss in the first area that you're not supposed to beat. The game is telling you to go away, get stronger, come back and win. I don't care what the Namco Bandai marketing departments say when the devs are telling you directly what to do via game design.
>higher than a C
Stream 2 is making a comeback 2025 trust the plan
>And some people are probably going to vote it low despite all this because it was long
This is me
Any run over an hour cannot score higher than a C, sorry
Huh. NHatever noticed that. That does make it more doable. Guess i will try for an honest 100% attempt someday.
I missed the first hour, did Dampe screw him over? If so, A
He pulled off many technical and frame perfect tricks and was only over estimate a few minutes in a 4 hour run.
>zoomers didn't even touch the 3ds version
then he shouldve raised the estimate to compensate?
shut up retard. there's so much uncertainty especially in a 4 hour run
If the run is overestimate but enjoyable overall i will only knock off a single grade
then he should've compensated accordingly?
He was barely over estimate in a 4 hour, extremely technical speedrun. If you go try doing those bomb hovers, infinite sword glitches, slide glitches, etc yourself you'll realize how fucking annoying they are just do to once much less consistently. Not to mention how much other shit he had to memorize and execute.
It's what popped up on Google images. I swear Google goes out of its way to give you the image you want with one flaw.
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People who have been to ESA, how much is the "nobody is around to watch on a Friday night because they're all out getting drunk" stereotype true?



actually funny
For me it's around 2 hours
I love manlet tears

t. 6'3 GOD
S. Good shit.
I normally laugh at people getting mad at ratings, but it does bother me a little. You're disregarding all the knowledge and skill of performing all those tricks, plus keeping focus for multiple hours and knowing the entire route, just because it is longer than some arbitrary limit. Now that I have replied to you, I kinda got it off my chest so I can now go back to laughing at people getting mad at ratings.
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No one can understand the Scotsman
oh it finished? fucking boring shit
Note how the skinny Swede is also tall. Lmao why Scots are so short?
See you in 7 hours
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>the manlet FF runner
>the chad Zelda runner
Kek they never learn
going to pizza hut
mutebros ww@?
It's mostly due one shitty attack and healing on attack. I honestly think the ER bosses aren't too fun. It's a test of tedium of spinny flippy floppy bosses.
slap an S on this one
My pointless hand gesture autistic brother...
Interesting how axel had a wr here before but his wr got beaten just 4 days ago lmao.
Changing this to an S
Let me posit it this to you anon - this is a speedrun marathon, allowing runners to showcase their skills, talents and obscure games they run to thousands of people around the world
Then some fuccboi comes in and clogs up 4 hours with a Zelda game
Not only is it boring to watch for viewers since it it's just a lot of same shit for hours on end, anyone who didn't catch the start is going to be completely lost because they aren't going to explain the same tricks over and over again, and lots of people are probably going to miss the end since they actually have shit to do in their life.
I'd also make the argument that lots of other runners would love to get their runs in instead, but ESA is full of drama and lots of people pulled out so they're probably actually trying to pad the time with lots of long slow runs.
It's just a crappy experience all round for everyone who isn't autistically watching the full event.
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Mario 64 this will be good!
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It's time
I like zelda.
One of the best franchises in gaming. Don't care.
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obligatory zzz
ok this kind of handicap is actually kinda cool. i'm looking forward to it
ESA Pet Peeve #56: English interviewers using esoteric colloquialisms when speaking to people that you know struggle with English. Know who you're talking to, lads.
Honestly I just gave it a C because I didn't find it very interesting
Fuzzyness looks like he hit the wall.
I'm scared bros. Not even us men can escape it
imagine how hirexen felt all of yesterday
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this run needs some crowd control
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Mario's gay and he's racist too
>Mario's gay and he's racist too
Mario's gay and he's racist too
>Mario's gay and he's racist too
Mario's gay and he's racist too
>Mario's gay and he's racist too

I know that Mario is gay and racist too and
Killed a little kid

I know that Mario had sex with other men
And he killed a little kid

I know that he is racist
And he is even gay too
I heard him say the N word
And then he
Killed a kid

I know that Mario is gay and racist too and
He killed a kid

I know that Mario had sex with other men
And he killed a kid

He had sex with other men other men
He had sex with many other men
He had sex with them an

With his bare hands

I know that Mario is gay and racist too and
Killed a little kid

I know that Mario had sex with other men
And he killed a kid

I know that he is racist
And he is even gay too
I heard him say the N word
And then he killed a
Kid too

I know that Mario is gay and racist too and
He killed a kid

I know that Mario had sex with other men
And he killed a kid
Do you mean second wind? That one is pretty self explanatory, no? May have been that he didn't understand him acoustically
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>randomiZZZZZZZZZZZZer run
Well perhaps they could have cut out that 6 hour LotR RPG with no actual skill involved, or maybe that gay furry blues clues MLP shit a few hours ago where the audience would rather slap a balloon around than watch the cringe fucker play a children's game for an hour.
Chrism is such a qt
mario if he real
why is it called archipelago if it's just mario 64
Why the fuck is there no part 3 of time stop man? I refuse to believe that it didn't sell
This is the sort of mod that's cool for people who have run/seen Mario 64 thousands of times and really boring for anyone else
Luckily I've seen my friend run 16 star for years
Chrism loves his randomizers because if he fails he can blame it on the randomness rather than his skill.
surrounded on three sides by water
>that gay furry blues MLP shit
What did I miss lol

mario if he islands
First, thanks for explaining your stance. I do get now why you employ a time limit, not just because lmao long runs=boring. However, if it's a speedrun marathon, then it should be able to showcase every type of speedrun. And 100% runs are an important category, often just behind any% in popularity. So excluding a massive part of the speedrun community just to slightly improve watchability is something I feel you shouldn't do. And viewers do know the schedule beforehand, so they should be able to decide whether they have time to watch the run or not. Like how I'm now skipping the mario run, because I don't like randomizers. And not like you have to full understand the run to enjoy it, you can just casually watch it and see how it gets broken. And if you want to know the details, then watch the vod. I do agree that long runs are perfect on stream 2, but they killed that so what can you do.
im gonna be honest. i dont know how to pronounce archipelago
Or.. this is even better, a WILD idea.. have a SECOND STREAM for those longer games to go on!
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He was in BDS, sort of
Better than bingo shit to be honest where you don't even know what most of the squares even mean.
Just beat xenogears for the first time ever, shit's crazy
Should I go for Xenosaga games or Xenoblade games next?
Nah it just reminded me of all the other times I've heard them do it. I've heard them say 'wind your neck in, mate' to someone who couldn't form a sentence as if he's gonna get that.
Seeing someone jump up those stairs in Dark World is fucking weird
true... true...
Some moron played a literal children's game a couple of hours ago while a tard in a fursuit smacked a balloon around with the audience for an hour because nobody wanted to watch the dogshit "run". You'll notice it on the chart in red.
gpt4 ass nigga response
this nigga gets it
are key pell ago
Goodbye, homosexual Bowser.
I only learned what second wind is from the WoW warrior talent. It may sound self explanatory to an English speaker, but it may not really relate to anything for an ESL. What does wind have to do with gaining energy, and what happened to the first one?
the limited abilities make this the most casual looking speedrun
I'd rather see this than Bubzia do yet another blindfolded run. Oh wait, he's doing that next month at RTA in Japan!
So Super Mario 64 Archipelago is just a randomizer?
I'm not hating it compared to other randomizers so far, but am I missing something here?
I am such a faggot, it's gonna blow your freaking mind
Did you know that I like to suck dick?

Don't know the rest of the lyrics for this one unfortunately
So Long gay bowser
>ESL cannot understand idioms, and is baffled when encountering an idiom
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I am such a faggot it will blow
your goddamn

did you know that I like to suck dick
yes I really do like to suck dick
I'll suck on a dick
suck on a dick
suck on a dick
all kinds of dicks

did I mention I like to suck dicks
suck hundreds and hundreds of dicks
i'll suck on a dick
suck on a dick
all kinds of dicks

did you know that I like to suck dick
yes I really do like to suck dick
I'll suck on a dick
suck on a dick
suck on a dick
all kinds of dicks

did I mention I like to suck dicks
suck hundreds and hundreds of dicks
i'll suck on a dick
suck on a dick
all kinds of dicks

gimme all the dicks
I need
so many dicks
gimme all the dicks
i need
all kinds of dicks

big dicks
limp dicks
thick dicks
thin dicks
I don't care

white dicks
black dicks
slim dicks
slick dicks
still don't care

gimme dicks, gimme dicks
I need dicks, I need dicks
gimme dicks, gimme dicks
if you don't i'll die

I want dicks, I want dicks
I need dicks, I need dicks
I want dicks, I want dicks
shove them in my eyes

Sorry anon, you're right I should have just called him a faggot and inserted some post-irony comment about >enjoying speedruns. My fault for having a honest discussion on speedruns in marathons, I forgot you can't type posts longer that 3 sentences on 4chan anymore.
>EOP trying to pronounce literally any foreign word
This one's worse desu
I'd be happy seeing just a normal SM64 run but I understand some people are sick of it
bless you, comprehension anon
is the updated ranking pic available? wanna see if I missed something good while sleeping
>Super Mario
so sick of this shit
The problem is all the classic speedgames have pretty much hit their peak potential, it's pure execution now.
At lot of the fun of speedrunning for people who don't really give a shit about speedrunning is developing tech and WR back and forths, which we aren't really seeing much of anymore.
This is why they feel like they need to gimmick up all the classic runs.
Chartecker stopped doing it since no one gave him (You)s.
>I do agree that long runs are perfect on stream 2, but they killed that so what can you do.
Yeah, I would pretty much retract my entire post if that was the case since there would be an alternative, although even when it WAS alive ESA somehow often put long-ass runs on both, but they've never been able to schedule properly.
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So once he gets the long jump he can just BLJ to the end right? Or does he have to get everything before he can fight Bowser?
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I drew a plum and then deleted it.
They always had one day where two long runs would overlap because of the event dinner.
Why do you keep saying this?
Nobody knows what the rules are except for the runner. We're watching Calvinball.
someone else bake
falling asleep
I wouldn't even mind these gimmicks so much if they were even properly explained
A lot of them just put "AMOGKT% - No extra Falaffels + random gognoks", explain it at the beginning of the run then anyone who joins 5 minutes late has no idea what the fuck is happening. This one is fairly intuitive with the on-screen UI at least.
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this is the latest
They said a bit earlier that they have to get 70 stars. If it were as simple as getting long jump, the estimate would likely be a way lower.
no, time to die
Safe to say they don't have enough people for that
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Is it true what they say about Plum?
This whole ability lockout thing seems pointless, you can clearly speedrun the game without any of that shit, he's doing it right now.
>anyone who didn't catch the start is going to be completely lost because they aren't going to explain the same tricks over and over again
Joke's on you I watched the entire run and had no clue what was happening most of the time.
Truth is these things are enjoyable even if they only explain the surface level details or you miss some of it, you're still gonna feel the intensity of some tricks and the crowd going oooooooo
And honestly trying to figure out how shit might work for yourself is also kind of fun, many kinds of tricks work similarly across games.
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Imho longer speedruns should be on Stream 2 because if you don't care for a speedrun that takes 4+ hours then it sucks. Like the inevitable POKEYMAN run that will always appear and always be boring. The FFXIV "run" was fun (as someone who doesn't even care about MMO's or the series) but if that was ALL they had then it would've been a trainwreck. Most of the runs I've enjoyed this event have been around 45 to 90 minutes. There are plenty of bad runs that are short too but it's easy enough to sit them out in the thread.

But then again I actually enjoy RTS speedruns
Honestly, stream 2 solved so many issues. You would be happy if they put the long runs on stream 2, people who dislike some gimmicky run can leave stream 1 and still have something to watch. And people who love comfy JRPG runs are free to enjoy them without the how do you speedrun a jrpg complainers. But they killed it, fucking idiots. The alternative is to put those long runs during the night, like ASM did. But lmao they also killed the 24h. So I'm happy we at least still get the long run, but I do now understand why you wouldn't rate it that high. Honestly, considering your stance, I actually find having the highest be a C pretty generous. That is a passing grade, which I'm perfectly happy with considering your argument that they shouldn't even do long runs. So again, thanks for explaining why.
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Yeah, she killed a guy
A-press less run when?
I had no idea ben shapiro was a speedrunner
>stream 2 run staying up for 72 hours for the BitFS skip
pure kino
It's already begun. Just gotta build enough speed.
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Bake. I'm not asking.
Trans pride samus?
>a whole bunch of faggotry for the final day
They could still put interesting shorter runs on stream 2, because does it really matter if you watch stream 1 or escape to 2 when they do a long run? Think important that there is a balance of short and long runs, where you can switch if something currently doesn't interest you. Now if you get a long run, you're stuck with it for 4 hours. Or if you get a short run, you go do something else and may miss several runs.
>But then again I actually enjoy RTS speedruns
Holy shit you actual monster, how can you? I kinda lose track of RTS runs as a non-player, since they jump all over the place and cheese with specific strats that are hard to explain in the short time. But I do enjoy watching some korean Starcraft, so I do kinda get why you like them
That Metroid/Zelda run tomorrow not be any less watchable
I'm going to skip it. I still don't get why those games are even combined. It's neat seeing that they can do it, but it's two completely different genres and viewpoint. Once you get over this, it's just two games stapled together. At least the MM and OoT combi makes sense. And then the trans shit makes it even worse, going to be pure GDQ shit
>those skin incentives
>one is obviously going to win
>will probably end up with donations about it for the entire run
More like trans blights.
Also it's a co-op randomiser. So the runners have to spend the whole time making shorthand comms nobody else will understand.
>Buff Kirby slowly gaining momentum
I can only imagine the glorious tlou2 or bathroom memes if it beats the prideshit skin
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chuds lost
molto bene
Where's Notch when we need him?
I have never been to ESA but I can confirm it's true since I haven't paid attention at all today because I've been busy getting drunk
Uhhhhhh bakie bakie?
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It's in the oven
esa won
I hate normalfags
Yeah, I even forgot about the co-op. Which honestly sucks even more, because it is just a randomiser but made worse. The only reason to watch a randomiser is to watch someone use their game knowledge and trying to break the game to win, but that is not going
At home, by myself
>you're a normalfag if you drink
Quentin... you're back...
During the weekday.
>Link2 and baby metroid sounds like it would have been kino
I think Stream 2 should be the JRPG and such stream but it doesn't really matter honestly. The bigger issue is the lack of alternatives, which didn't use to be a problem. As for missing multiple shorter runs, I think that's just part of life. I've missed an assload of runs this year because it's not 24H and like most Euros I do stuff during the day. So I get the 6pm to midnight runs and that's about it. Then when I do get to catch some runs live it's 6 hours of LotR: Third Age + evil mode bonus run or 4 hours of OoT. Both perfectly competent runs but FUCK me.

And I guess RTS runs can be overwhelming but they tend to have a lot of cool AI manipulation tech. I play a lot of RTS games so they're fun for me, plus they tend to be like an hour long so if you haven't played Red Alert 2 then it's not a huge ordeal to sit through.
Didn't you know drinking until you blackout every weekend is totally normal behavior when you're with friends but alcoholism if you're alone?
Friday doesn't count
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This one has subject, so I'll use that one
Well we got ourselves a shootout.
>No subject
You lose, good DAY sir.
*kills stream viewership*
thats ok, i didnt even want to bake
This mario 64 run is pretty boring.
anonymous save us
It's ok I forgot to link previous in mine

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