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Welcome to the Planet of the A- ... Bloons thread!

I'm relatively new but this is the most fun I've had with tower defense since, unironically, td flash games on Newgrounds as a kid.
>tower defence
it isnt elementary school computer class anymore, how can those be good
don't let tower defense purists hear you way that, there are autists who swear by their hardcore td series like defense grid
why don't you tell me how are they not good?
Mermonkey is coming.
Rosalia will be getting some changes.
Adora, Geraldo, and bottom beast are getting nerfed.
Why don't you faggot shills fall and hit your heads while you're home alone.
Bloons pushed the TD genre to its limit, it's still really fun even if tower defense isn't your thing
>Geraldo and Adora nerfed
Sad, probably my favorite heroes
>Beast Handler nerfed
Get fucked
what nerfs could there be for geraldo? more expensive items? longer cooldown on his items? yet another duration decrease?
beast handler was a mistake
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Just in case goatboy missed it last thread.
Gwendolin nude bed invitation (though a jammie variant would be appreciated). https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=bed+bed_invitation
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>Still not even halfway through island 4
Bros I don't think we're gonna make it
>fish pussy + monkey
a daring synthesis
I'm not going to lie, mermonkey is cute but I don't think it's sexo, the fish anatomy fucks it up
I have bought BTD6 but I have some questions about it
Does the game have like monthly updates, where new content gets added to the game or does it have limited time events? I still wonder what is the best time to play the game, and I've heard the game has currencies that you can use to buy stuff, kind of a redflag because it's usually pay 2 win games has them
Also is it worth getting BTD5 on Steam? heard the game still gets updates
I wish boss challenges got updated, not being able to change modifiers or gamemode sucks
Smells fishy.
gay pussy shit
Always filter tripfags.
Not monthly, but it does get updates with maps, heroes, and towers. The newest one shown off coming in about a few days time has a new tower.
It has two currencies, monkey money which you gain from just beating maps and playing events (I don't know a single person that's ever used the in store purchases for it since even after a week of playing you end up with thousands of the stuff), and trophies which you ONLY get from playing the leaderboard events.
BTD5 is also a good option. It recently got its 100th map and I doubt they don't have more in the works since they haven't announced an official end of support to my knowledge
It gets updated around every 2 months, the next update is coming out in a few days actually
Just play the game man, there is no "optimal time" to play it, just play whenever you want and have fun, every week there are boss and race events that last until the next so you don't need to worry too much about missing out
>Does the game have like monthly updates
Updates are usually every 2-3 months
>does it have limited time events?
Yes, weekly odyssey/race/boss event/team event. There's also a few collection events spread throughout the year.
>I still wonder what is the best time to play the game
Whenever you want to play it. The limited time stuff is basically just to gain currencies for cosmetics. Collection events give you insta monkeys, but those are mainly just for standard single player stuff and casual co-op since they're banned in all the competitive modes.
>I've heard the game has currencies that you can use to buy stuff
All currencies are earned from playing the game normally. One of the currencies (trophies) can ONLY be earned from doing the events. The other one (monkey money) can be bought, but you get such a large amount of it just from playing normally that there's no point in ever buying it. Reference: I have 670K monkey money right now and I have every hero/skin in the game and never paid real money for any of it.
>Also is it worth getting BTD5 on Steam? heard the game still gets updates
The updates are basically just a few new maps every year. If that interests you, feel free to get it.
Does this game need online features to be fun or can you play it offline?
It has singleplayer, but if it will launch when disconnected from the internet, I'm not sure.
You can play the game offline but you can't access any of the events or co-op, I don't think challenges or custom maps work either
When is middle ice going to get buffed, even with MIB buffs it barely freezes anything. Glue Gunner is a better ice tower.
Are events, co-op, challenges and custom maps the majority reason to play this game?
You can have a lot of fun playing through the regular maps solo but imo the real fun of the game does in-fact lie within co-op and events
I was going to make this, but since you only care for goatboy I dont blame you
I´m not gonna
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NK is insane for using X Factor for the last island. The map is hard enough as is and now we have to suffer through multiple days of it.
Next boss rush will feature Bloonarius on Dark Dungeons
Honestly wasn't aware there were more artists lurking here, hope I didn't offend. I shared my request last thread because an anon on /trash/ told me I'd have more luck here, and then goatboy asked for requests but I missed the opportunity to tag my request because I wasn't around, and when I was the thread was archived. So I did it in this thread instead.
I play btd6 via netflix
No offense taken, worry not.
Yeah there's a shitton of artists here, almost as many as there's regular users
Just don't forget that these threads aren't just a place to ask for free commissions
Of course. Was hestitant to crosspost the request because this isn't a drawthread, but ultimately figured there would no harm in it, and then when goatboy asked for requests, I figured it would be fine to tag, even though it's in a new thread.
Is it any different?
to this anon
the 320 ice is purely to stall bloons that reach the side so you don't leak, same for the 230 spactory. the saveup for the MAD will kill you otherwise
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gonna play some BTDB2 to cure my boredom
Kill yourself
which skin do you think deserves more fanart, I'll go first
You get an exp boost and you can maybe bypass username filters
middle ice is an abilitycore tower that also freezes water
viking sauda needs MORE
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Joan of Arc Adora has literally no porn of it, tragic
Because it's summer, lifeguard Brickell.
Joan is NOT for sexy, she is (one of the very few women) for respecting
just like nightingale and yo momma
convince me to play this game over btd5 i bought it but dropped it when i realised i had to unlock every single fucking upgrade for the towers again
Nonsense, each and every monke is built for sexo
>she is (one of the very few women) for respecting
Just makes lewding her even better
Peke shill.
Stinky monki
I am going to commit a great crime
keep living
Kill yourself
Dude B team is still on island fucking 2
It's bazaar and knowing the next map is x factor makes me not want to touch this
The bazaar island has been surprisingly easy, because of Phayze's portal shenanigans the map gets turned into a single lane. I've been able to consistently get 130+ scores with a guide of course
Since CT and Boss Rush share so many features I wonder if this means they'll start introducing harder maps to CT, maybe even expert maps at that.
What's the crime that's about to be committed chief?
What's your deal? Just leave the thread.
>He doesn't know
Uh oh, don't know what? What minefield did I stroll into?
There's an underage attention whore that posts here, it's tradition to tell them to kill themselves whenever they post
Noted for future reference, thanks.
relationship stuff
so long, jerkwad, goodbye
The people who made and/or posted these images
should commit suicide.
Kinda surprised the thread's this slow on a Friday
any date when Blastapopulous will come to BTD6
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Gwen a QT
the artstyle looks nice, wish my artstyle was like that
I kinda plan on drawing the new Psi skin, maybe with Etienne's Book Wyrm skin
Never compare your art with others. But if you still do, learn what you like about them and incorporate it to your artstyle.
I like to learn how they sketch, shade, and give anatomy to their pics
so fucking based, i will kiss her
anyone have a decent chimps tier list? i have no idea what's good anymore
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This is for v43
Does goatboy still come on here
What are some of your favorite strategy in the game?

I enjoy the Super Brittle/Perma Charge/Monkey Village a lot for my more advanced Chimps runs.
hopefully bottom path dart monkey buffs with 44
The tower itself is good, it just doesn't perform well in CHIMPS
You shouldn't balance the game around one of the gamemodes only
Last night's co-op games proved to me how weak it was, people like to shit on PMFC but it's unironically really fucking strong if you can get a few debuffs going
She's adorable, thank you so much! Never had a pencil on paper delivery before, so that's rather neat. Do you plan on inking and coloring her digitally at all?
im getting mixed signals
Well I said CHIMPS which isn't incorrect, but the problem for the crossbow master is superceramics and that it doesn't have crazy damage. Which is normal for a 20k upgrade. Elite Defender has a similar price and it also falls off hard late game.
It falls off hard after round 80, it's got awful pierce and it can't handle superceramics at all
People only really discuss CHIMPS because in every other game you can just farm and it's gg
Elite Defender fucking sucks though
>it's got awful pierce
I always forget you can technically make it a 205, I don't think I've ever used the crossbow that way. It's probably worse like that though.
He was here last night check the archive the thread might still be in there, I don’t remember if he posted anything new
You'd be sacrifing so much DPS that the pierce probably wouldn't even get used much honestly.
I've seen some people suggest that the top crosspath should also increase crit chance to make it more viable, more crosspath interactions like that in the game would be pretty cool imo.
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monkeys, rip this man's testicles directly off his body
Imagine spending AT LEAST 22k on a tower that can't do anything, when you could just get a Spectre for like 3k more

He posted the Mermonkey.
spectre fails just as hard in the 80s, easily
Sniper comes online way faster and doesn't need alch to back it up while you wait for 23k to roll in.
Sure, but Elite Defender falls off in like, the 60s
And it's much easier to buff spectre with overclock and alch buff and whatnot than it is sniper
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This might be kind of weird to say but I find angry monkes and their sharp fangs really really cute.
I’m having a lot of fun with this game, but with almost all the heroes bought, and havig all the skills I want, I feel less and less need to play it every day. Not complaining though, I paid $1.50 for it and maybe put 90 hours in
>inb4 someone posts that one goatboy picture
I won't let you die, thread.
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how did we get here
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You should worry about that in the morning hours really, that's when all the past few threads have died
that's when they used to always die, them actually making to morning often is very recent
I hate half cash
I hate half cash
I hate half cash
I hate half cash
I hate half cash
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Love this little shit like you wouldn't believe.

The popping sounds when the bloons go through his fire are just so satisfying
ah, you aren't like us 650+ hour maniacs i see
>I paid 2,75 bucks...

Feeling ripped off
It hasn't even been a year since I bought the game and I've got almost 1300 hours, there's a shitton of stuff to do still. Try black bordering some maps or try out some of the events, it's like infinite content
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Black border all the maps.
I want to buy this on Xbox, but the reviews says it's not up to date with the version on PC.
What does this mean exactly?
Less units or chapters on the campaign or something like that?
Which map should I black boarder next
frozen over is ezpz
i’ve never seen anyone have so many medals yet no chimps medals, i personally do them in order straight to black border, regardless, carved was the easiest for me there
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Boss Rush gives so much xp it's fucking crazy
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Goth glussy
Monke sexooo
I've black bordered all but one on the first page, one has gold even though I beat CHIMPS it's because I used a retry on CHIMPS isn't it?...the shame
I don't think I have enough audio books for this lol
do NOT lewd the Maid of Orleans
>fish beast handler top tier
okay I've used that thing for maybe 5 mins what actually makes it good?
I'm not sure honestly, they don't say a lot of good things about it. I don't use Beast Handler so I can't say either
Basically every other version aside from console has cross progression with other platforms and they all receive updates at the same time, as far as know BTD6 Xbox has not been updated since release (it’s been at least 6 months)
This video was a good look into it https://youtu.be/ClouHMXPXi0
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I fucking hate this dogshit map so God damned much I'm getting filtered by alternate bloons rounds
Oh and there’s also the fact that it’s 40 leafbucks (on sale for 20) I bought the game on PC and phone for around $5 each and it regularly goes on sale.
The Xbox version hasn’t been updated since release (September of last year) and it is version 32 of BTD6. We’re about to get update 44 so this puts the console version significantly behind the other versions, probably around 2 years behind the other versions. So you’re missing (about to be) 2 towers, however many heroes and a bunch of maps and bosses
Did you place a sniper on the bench? Makes early game a lot easier
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Thank you very much for the explanation and the video, anon!
No problem bro
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Ninjalch solos
Sugarcoating check
>this anon DID NOT sugarcoat it
bloons threads are like an oasis in the catalog I swear
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>3 people including me with more than 700 points in boss rush and we’re on map 3
Fuck this after this one I’m jumping teams again I’m sick of these parasitical faggots getting rewarded for no effort
Unlike most other threads here we actually like the game we talk about, also helps that team events and co-op lets us connect with eachother
Is that Team B or a random one?
Random, I only lurk /v/
Imagine the smell after being stuck in that stuffy suit.
Huh, well if you're willing I'm sure they'd be happy to have more active players on their team, hopefully one of them can add you in
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Thanks lad
Stuck? Seems like they are the suit
Is there a team code for it? Can jump now honestly
I'm not from the team, hopefully there's someone here that can add you in
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>mermonkey is male

i knew it wouldn't happen but i got my hopes up

drawfag requesting fem heroes as mermaids plox
I thought the towers are genderless
Base towers don't have genders retard, they can be whatever you want
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Ok thanks
Hhahahaha good point.
Good job anon!!!!
I refuse to play a game where cartoony monkeys shoot balloons

I am not a fucking child
You have to be at least 18 to post here.
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here you go, why does this man not wear pants, he just completely refuses to. this is what every monkey on the field sees every time you hit the ability
You vill pop ze bloons und you vill be happy
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god damn goatboy you are a gift
Happy 13th birthday anon!
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i fuckin do drugs too, alch drugs and the forever brew
Who needs pants?
Oh thank you so much man! It's perfect
I refuse to clear the landing zone
Worth a download? Haven't really played any tower defenses since broodwar / warcraft 3
Yes. Its pretty much *the* tower defense game.
You'll understand when you go past round 100, you can't see shit and it takes 20 minutes to finish a round
Is this from btd battles?
Yeah the “Fateweaver Adora” is only in Battles 2
How do you deal with early MOABs
Dayum! That's a big butt
2-3-0 Moab mauler can deal solid chunk of damage for cheaply enough
If paired with something else hard enough hitting like a Juggernaut you've got it
pretty sure Razor rotor pursuit heli can solo
Love your stuff, man. Hope your take requests again soon.
I feel like you have to purposely make a defense that cant deal with MOABs to not be able to deal with them.
Literally almost anything
024 snipers a good choice for early moabs and it’s acceptable dps for ceramic rushes as well
Alch buff it and now we’re cooking with gas
Spillway Impop: UAHPDO
There's a lot of earlygame towers that can deal with regular bloons very well but absolutely suck with MOABs, like 130 druid for example. I could see someone forgetting to get a MOAB defense on a hard map where you have to defend multiple lanes at once
Top path heli or destroyer if there’s water
He's gonna get rope burn on his balls, ouch
x-3-x wizard is pretty strong against it, I also use moab shove (4th tier bottom path boomerang) a lot
That poor heli pilot...
wish to join the next am fearly new
He's trying his best.
I can get you in no problem. We have 3 players right now.
No pressure of course, I'm doing these games for fun.
why not, testing the dragon breath wizard and it fucks
Mesa Slowed & Reverb: UAVMVX
Could you do Mesa nightcore next game?
You mean Mesa Chipmunk?
>Double cash
Be a MAN
really annoying there isn't a ingame chat
Bros I'd like to apologize I queueeuued up like 50 warning sirens
why in the fuck is there a flying dragon
i only like unbalanced TD games where I can build one tower and just upgrade it over and over until its broken and melts everything.

any recommendations?
Bloons TD6
You’ll get used to it and eventually you’ll be able to communicate using only the emotes in game
There was one in BTD5 too lol
Oh shit is the double cash schizo anon back?
spike factory is kind of trash no N?
P4 could you sell your heli? It's in a really bad spot, I could fit another farm there if you moved it lower
This is brutal. I'm not even sure what to build.
You guys think we can afford flying fortress if we sell absolutely everything?
Seriously now, I'll sell some farms and you get spirit of the forest p1
We'll need to make sure we get middle path village for the fortress too.
never saw that fortress but ok I sell everything and give it to P1. That spike factory was a mistake
Don't think we can get it unfortunately, just the spectre alone is like 25k and fortress costs like 91k on impoppable, I'm thinking maybe Carpet of Spikes or Top path ace. What do you think?
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is it the right moment to say I haven't got carpet unlocked
Bah, sell the spactory and I'll get it myself, don't worry
I booted the player that dipped earlier, so we can sell his stuff maybe?
btw I see you go middle path for your secondary path for alch, is it trully better than faster pot ?
Cute stuff
>No response
Oof, pushed your luck perhaps
Not into the boys but man, you lucked out anon >>683861297
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also why is there two alch back to back at the left
Its better for supporting single towers iirc
ok, do I sell my heli for more farm spot ?
Those were for the neva-miss planes during the midgame, I forgor to sell them
Keep it. Its too late in the game for more farms.
Also get middle path on your glue so make sure the MOABs all get hit.
ok, glue ain't mine it's P1's
I'm P1 lol. You had a glue on the bottom track apparently.
weird I thought I sold it out.
Castle Revenge Hard: UAWDWA
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give me a strat sensei
I got nothing, I hate this map.
mortar I guess, goes over walls
That mortar is fucking useless dawg
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whoever suggested twink striker, im sorry i couldnt fulfill it until now
alas, i tried my best
that's based as shit
Buh gawd
have some god damn faith monkey
As a mortar enjoyer and burnt stuff enthusiast I’m just glad he didn’t go for top path crosspathed with middle
No fucking way bro bought bottom crosspathed middle path

>Signal flare when we have Etienne and Geraldo
he's gone completely mad
the mortar spam shall continue until morale or begging improves
One artillery battery would’ve been fine anon
>Buying a ton of low tier towers instead of buying one tier 5
Rookie mistake......................................
it's not chimp who cares

fak I upgraded the wrong mortar first
I don’t think we’re gonna beat R95
Believe in the Robo Monkey + Bnuuy combo Anon
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These 2 are the cheapest and also global solution to moabs
Dead to 106 for sure
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thank you for putting up with my mortar spam, won't happen again
I got one more in me, requests?
How are you level 73 but have so few medals? What would you say you do here? Lol
I tend to spam the same maps I guess
Gonna start at half past
Ok lol
what's the plan for the volcano ? Planes ?
Anything really this isn’t that hard a map
im plannin on using top path dart, hes great for this map
Build whatever you want, anon. I just want to win without blowing monkey money at the end of the day.
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k, how worth benji is to buy btw ? I don't want to buy Sauda she bores me.

God's most fragile and cutest creature
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based request, it's a good skin
by the way when I want to boost helicopters or planes, do I put the alch near the base of the towers or where they fly ?
Yeah. Sauda and Ben are the two best heroes to get at first. Sauda can carry through a lot of the early stages, Ben simply makes it easier to play the game since you can focus on leveling up/using all the actual towers.
ok thanks, already bought the late game hero with blood sacrifice and Brickel because I love boats
The helipad is the part of it that's actually target-able.
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Thank you so much king, both alternate versions are great.
I'm happy we're getting more Psi content now
Are you not gonna place down Adora bro?
nah I don't wanna leech off xp
that one is in C tier
top tier is the bird beast. I think the reason it's good is because it can move moabs so on multi lane maps it can kind of turn them into single lane maps
Were late enough that it’s ok and once you get her to 7 you can sacrifice shit for quick levels
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lol what a mess, true endgame
who is prime sacrifice mat
Expensive towers, the xp give they give is 4x their price iirc. BRFs are pretty good from what I've heard
Also Adora gets boosted XP from sacrifices if they're done while she's in range of an energizer sub, you can actually sacrifice the sub itself to her to get her to level 20 almost immediatly
Just spent 15 hours to master corvus AMA
what color underwear does he wear, if any
is he submissive and breedable?
He doesn't need it, he is a magican
I think Corvus is a conceptually fun hero that sucks the fun out of the game itself in practice if you play him the way you're supposed to.
BTD 6 free play is when you can no longer find your cursor on the screen to overclock your farms
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gtg, was fun and helped level up a few of my monkeys. My brain and ears are liquid now
Gg boys
Oh boy Vortex military only
At least I have you Ben
He would be more "fun" if most of his spells didn't suck; nourishemnet didn't exist and he if wouldn't have to get into melee range to even get any mana.
Its like NK thought "Lets give him a bunch of spells" and that's it. The concept of the hero being that he has a ton of abilities.
The hero is completely over-designed and goes against the nature of a tower defense game.
He looks like an OC.
This list is so random
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absolutely based
I might draw a monkey this evening
If you take requests then kill yourself discord faggot
It’s for expert chimps and it takes into account all upgrades in x tower’s path
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Look at my Bloon Waifu
i have contamination and mutants, in my brain from fucking her every night.
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Glad to see glussychads are still out here fighting the good fight.
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one more for me tonight, i hope this fulfills your request, i have a habit of taking suggestions and adding stuff on to them

incredibly based alert
I woke up today to glory. I was the original requester. Thank you so much for delivering Anon!
YES THANK YOU hes so cute thank you thank y
>wiz on flame
>druid on thorn wall
>dont see a balloon for the next 12 rounds
morning chat
what's the best way and maps to level up a monkey, trying to get laser of doom and flying fortress.
good morning vietkong
Play on beginner maps, anything with long straight lines like resort will be great for the dartling. And for the plane it won't matter.
The way they level up, you want the majority of the money spent on the towers to be of the type you want to level up.
i don't care if i die on this hill, this is hot
Team Bfag here, i participated in most of the days and used all my tickets on the last CT, but without everyone playing we always end up on third or 4th, and i feeling bad because i keep thinking to myself i coulda done more :(

Is there any way to not get that shitty feeling?
Stopping being a faggot is a great way to start
I always wonder how this gacha-looking gookclick game could actually have a thread here so I bought it on sales and it's actually ok. The monster being balloon was a little autistic for my taste but the tower itself actually has depths in it, but it looks grindy af when even beginner stage has 60 fucking wave.
anyone gonna beat the boss
Also what's the fucking point of freeze monkey? You already got another goo monkey and freezing also make shit immune to pierce. Looks very trashy.
embrittlement is fucking great
How are (You) supposed to beat chimps on public coop?
It nets you around 40k-50k at best
anyone hate when you're doing co-op on off the coast with Brickell, you get the land part
>try to co op with a few friends
>it's the most boring shit ever because they make you split money 4 ways instead of having 4 times the mobs
you're supposed to share money so in public, if there's no cooperation it becomes half cash chimps
good luck with that
do you think Etienne and Psi are good friends
Realize that contributing is all that matters.

You don't have to pick one or the other, you can use both.

Yeah, but why wouldn't you be playing with the map set so you can place anywhere?
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gonna make craploads of drawings of the new stuff in the 44.0 update
P1 gets land, P2 gets water in 2p
P2 gets water, P1 and P3 get land in 3p, and bottom right is free for all
P2 and P4 get water in 4p
For this boss at least
thank you so much for educating me
All of them. Beginner maps are piss easy that all play the same, by the time you finished writing that post you could have been in chimps round 70 in candy falls
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please draw some adora
Your habit of adding onto requests is my favorite thing about your art Tbh, can't think of a single time where you didn't make it better
Kill yourself

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