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What do you think?
The game looks way too dark but I'll assume that's just the quality of the original video/stream for now.
Outside of that it just looks like a regular musou but with the enemy density cranked up to an extreme level, which I'm not sure how to feel about. Regular mooks were already barely relevant in the newer-ish games, with having these many at once I've got to assume they'll be even more worthless, as hard as it is to believe.
This is what liberals want to turn Souls games into
This is what the Souls games should be like
How is this game what liberals what?
I think it looks good and fun :)
>The game looks way too dark
I don't remember Dynasty Warriors looking this muted. You can barely tell the difference between friendly and enemy forces. It's like it's going for realism while also throwing 200 enemies around with a single sword swing.
looks cool, cant wait.
TLDW, includes stuff from interview
>Confirmed next mainline game
>Starts a few years before the Yellow Turbans's rebellion
>You play as a nameless FIXED protag, no CAW, interview implies you will be able to join whatever kingdom you want
>Cast turned younger, aging is confirmed
>Dialogue choices in cutscenes
>Pre battle camp screen/scenes
>Explorable overworld map like the old Final Fantasy games, you travel to battlefields and camps with the map.
>You can "bond" with officers, while you can't control them in the main story, you will be able to bring allies to battle and play as them
>Peons are more active and aggressive, you need to parry them their attacks sometimes
>You can take control of armies, similar to bladestorm, there is an absolute fuck huge number of characters on scream
>It's implied that you will NOT go all the way to the fall of Shu
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It's dark because of the video footage. In the famitsu interview screenshots it looks far better.
Do not care for having a self insert tranny at all.

That, and the stages look way too scripted. Like too many cutscene interruptions and awkward triggers like Yuan Shao standing around with a big ass glowing halo around him, waiting for you to press the AWESOME BUTTON and make him charge into the enemy lines.

Character designs look a little better than the absolute shitshow we had in DW6, 7 and 8 but it's too early to judge. I also hope they completely ditch like half of the playable cast.
sirs ur not allowed to have a positive opinion here
I've heard the complaint about lack of mook significance a lot in the community, and as somebody who started with DW2 I get it. But I care more about their overall threat than their individual threat. In DW8 that was low, because they barely attacked on any difficulty except Chaos, so they were kind of a time-wasting morass you waded through. But in Origins it looks like they do attack often and make you consider them tactically as you move through the battlefield, which is what I want.
>self insert tranny
Lol what are you talking about? The MC isn't trans or LGBT in any way
Do the chinese like Dynasty Warriors?
>It's implied that you will NOT go all the way to the fall of Shu
I wonder how they're going to pad it out to extend the length if that's true as well as what point they'd end it at if they're not going to go until the kingdoms start to fall. I'm glad we'll get to pick which army we join but no CaC sucks. I don't get why these action adventure games are all trying to lock us as static protags these days instead of giving us a little freedom of design.
Wait, so we can't play as the other characters? I'm so confused, isn't that the point? I just want alternate history like in DW8 again.
They love it.
You can at the very least play as other characters on your side in the battle where you're participating. And it seems very likely it'll involve alternate history given all the choices the MC is making.
>You play as a nameless FIXED protag,
Cut my life into pieces
And we cannot customize the protag at all? A bit disappointing given past titles, especially if it's so pushed. This is some Fire Emblem shit.
I'm kind of glad they don't go that far, because the Three Kingdoms story gets depressing after Wuzhang Plains. Best summed up with Wen Yang's quote, "Are there no heroes left in this land?"
tranny is /v/ lingo for "i don't like it"
they could avoid the later half staleness by having more 'what if' scenarios like Cao Cao winning at Red Cliff, Lu Bu becoming loyal to a general, or Guan Yu deciding to stay with Wei when he was offered a spot. There's so many pivotal points in the story that they could easily alter it and have some fun instead of sticking to telling the exact same story for 10th time.
>You play as a nameless FIXED protag
So you're forced to play as the twink ladyboy? No thanks.
>FIXED protag, no CAW
wait, I thought the whole thing was that you'd make your own
why make a fixed character if it's some fake dude anyway instead of the regular historical characters
>no character creation
what's the point
I didn't know they were still making games for the PS3
dude this looks fucking awesome!!!
>bodyguards are back
>you will not have immediate access to a horse, there will be a horse progression system
>stages are back, morale is back and affects on-screen battles as well, checkpoints if you die instead of restarting the whole battle
>battles described as open-ended in the same style as the PS2 games, focus on sandbox instead of the "drama" of PS3 era games; say they want to evoke the satisfaction of overcoming a powerful general and his troops like in DW3 or DW5
>characters aging up is confirmed, some characters named include Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Guan Yu, and possibly Gan Ning
>no customization for the MC
>timespan not confirmed, but in the 4gamer interview they brought up a famous Japanese novelist's anecdote that they lost interest in RotK after Zhuge Liang died and left it at that
>battle system is described as neither Charge nor State flow but closer to Charge; square is a weak attack, triangle is strong, circle is "special"; musou is now R3+L3
>more than 10 times the amount of troops on-screen compared to DW9 with more complex tactics; an example given was soldiers with shields forming a shield wall and blocking your path while archers behind them attack you, emphasized again peons will be stronger than recent games so you feel satisfied beating them
I don't know man. Three times they tried to "reinvent" the franchise, and three times they fucked up something fierce. A lot of what I read sounds good on paper but hey, so did DW6 and DW9. I expect a bad game.

And we're stuck with this faggy looking boywhore? Nah.
>press one button
>kill 20000 Chinese
I don't know how this series has managed to survive for so long and who the hell plays it.
there's no character creation?
>You play as a nameless FIXED protag, no CAW, interview implies you will be able to join whatever kingdom you want
He is Liao Hua, trust the plan
kinda lame but at least we can play as other characters and the idea of siding with whoever sounds pretty cool. are they sticking to the story or can you team up with the yellow turbans and take over china?
i dropped this shit as soon as they revealed it was going to be your donut steel as the main protag
fuck that noise
>bloated ui
>cringe spoonfed story via excessive ingme dialogue and exposition
>7+ difficulty modes
>>Explorable overworld map
Finally took them years to finally just say fuck it with the open world and just rip off mount and blade overworld instead.
the combat mechanics look way better than what was in 10
Redpill me on Musou
brainless fun where you play as an overpowered character beating massive hordes of enemy soldiers effortlessly
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>explorable overworld map
IDC about anything else
you have to be extremely brainless to enjoy them
only reason I liked dw4 back in the day was because of the weapon collecting and I just moved onto pso/monhun for that shit instead
I'll humor you with the other stuff but but minimal UI is for actual faggot liberals. Tiny minimal UI that has no character that looks like it could be copy pasted and belong in any game is gay as shit.
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I recently-ish finished going through SW4 and now I've got the itch to give SW5 another shot, remember enjoying it for the most part but not much else.
I do not like it at all, but I don't explicitly care about the protagonist stuff in the main story. I just don't see why they couldn't also have Empires built in for once, makes me never actually want to buy the main games at all even though I'm sure I'd enjoy the storylines.
do you fags not remember how many women play these games?
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What am I in for?
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What's the best musou out there?
Samurai or dynasty, I have the itch to do a couch-coop run.
don't skip the main story stages, even if you do them in free mode 1st.
Anon, this is realism. Chinese people are extremely light-weight and bouncy.
>visit this shithole after months away
>two threads caught my eye
>exposed to /pol/ nigger shill shit instantly in both of them

This website is dead. Fuck you and the clowns who run it.
pure fucking slop

Dynasty and Samurai warriors are beautiful IPs trapped in the shithole that is the musou genre.
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Nice fucking bug juggler you sandbaggers
no can do = literal translation of 不能做, moonrune by moonrune
long time no see = literal translation of 好久不见, rune by rune again
>>Explorable overworld map like the old Final Fantasy games, you travel to battlefields and camps with the map.
>>You can "bond" with officers, while you can't control them in the main story, you will be able to bring allies to battle and play as them
>>Peons are more active and aggressive, you need to parry them their attacks sometimes
>>You can take control of armies, similar to bladestorm, there is an absolute fuck huge number of characters on scream
holy shit this all i wanted
>>bloated ui
>>cringe spoonfed story via excessive ingme dialogue and exposition
>>7+ difficulty modes
I don't know what that second thing is and I don't know how any of those things are connected to the American Liberal Party compared to the other one.,
shut up lib
>>7+ difficulty modes
It's a good thing. Games with difficulty modes always end up being more challenging than Souls.
I have a feeling this will be a single player only game so I'm not interested. DW is only fun when you're playing it split screen.
I really like samurai warriors spirit of sanada, kens rage is also really good.
Was very tepid about the game until I saw this. I'm gonna be disappointed for sure, but here we go again.
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>you will be able to join whatever kingdom you want
Time to side with the Big Dong
not sure if I like the art direction or if it's a pain on the eyes. it sort of looks so boring and lifeless
Mi hero
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characters look a little better than the usual garbage at least
This picture is so true, it hurts
He Man
I love how in SW5 the Mori went from the "mild mannered wise strategist" faction to a faction where everyone has that I'm-always-right "smarter than thou" smugness that you only see terminally on twitter leftists, It really helps sell Shikanosuke Yamanaka as a character.
I was asking a legitimate question. No need to tell people to shut up if you don't have an legitimate answer.
i like gracia though
How many anon? Do you got the numbers?
I think they just need to get groups of them to form a special "unit" formation that would require something besides button mashing to deal with. Like a shield unit you couldn't break with normal attacks, or a spear unit you can't attack from the front, or an archer unit that actually feels like a threat from range that you have to circle and wait for opportunity to go in.
most of japan, especially event attendants
A lot of fellow chinks LOVE dynasty warriors (musou in general). The fact we kill each other doesn't bother us because it's just a big part of history
t. chink
Numbers anon, numbers.
Who's the cute trap on the top right
That would be cool
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They do the same shit for sengoku japs and anime shit.
East asian genocide as a genre is really not in any way political.
>Like a shield unit you couldn't break with normal attacks, or a spear unit you can't attack from the front, or an archer unit that actually feels like a threat from range that you have to circle and wait for opportunity to go in.
That's what they said they're adding in Origins. Google Translate jank
>4Gamer: Will the soldiers behave collectively or cooperate with each other? In Samurai Warriors 5, there is a concept of "military units," and shield soldiers, archers, and spear soldiers act collectively.

Sho: Since the first "Dynasty Warriors," we have controlled them as legions and units, but we were not able to produce enough soldiers to act collectively or cooperate, and we could not do complex things. Group actions are a heavy burden to deal with various situations, and it was difficult to balance them with the simulation of the entire battlefield. This time, thanks to the power of the current machine, we have made them act collectively and move with their own will in a way that makes the game interesting. In Samurai Warriors 5, the control was on a small unit class, but in ORIGINS, I think it can be said that it is on a large unit or legion unit.

>4Gamer: What kind of movements will they make specifically?

>Sho:The shield soldiers will block the path firmly so that they cannot easily enter, and the archers will provide covering fire from behind them, making movements at the level of military tactics and tactics. In the "Samurai Warriors 5" game I mentioned earlier, the shield soldiers could be easily blown away with a charge attack or jumped over, but in "Origins" it's not so easy to defeat them. If you're not careful, you'll be defeated. Please take a look at the soldiers in earnest.
What is the boy protagonist's name? Do we have one for him?
>Boomers are so desperate for origins to flop they're pretending it's going to end after Hulao gate
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Does anyone have that image of Family Guy Joe as Zhuge Liang?
>They prettied up Zhang Jiao
>The demo starts with you fighting alongside him
bros... we are going to be able to join the YTs... so fucking kino...
I assumed it would end with the formation of Shu, the beginning of the "Three Kingdoms." That gives an entire game where Lu Bu can be the overarching antagonist.
I need to see more but if they can get as many of the popular English VA's then I'll get it day one. Some of them are getting up their in years and I want to hear one last hurrah even if I'm a sub guy nowadays.
like who?
I think it will end at WZ plains as usual.
Why the FUCK would they not let you edit the character? Literally just the appearance. He doesn't even have voice lines in the conversations in the demo! You wouldn't have to record anything! Fuck!
Looks decent
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>nameless FIXED protag
They sorta did this already in SW Chronicle. You couldn't create a CAW from scratch but you could buy and unlock clothing/armor/hair styles and so on to dress up the OC. Maybe it'll be like that in Origins
They're reusing DW9 designs?
depends on how they relevant they are
too expensive please understand
Musou is such a terrible genre. These games are dogshit
Why make the ultimate musou game that requires effort when you can sell 3 versions of it. Less work triple the money.
Why don't they make a Super Mario or Pokémon game. It would sell easily 5 million copies.
Monster Hunter/Soulslop eater
camera is too fucking close
>You play as a nameless FIXED protag, no CAW
This is so retarded lmao
It is because since Dynasty Warriors 2 they could have improved on so much. All of the maps should just be a puzzle layout with tower defence mechanics.
Strategy should have ways to beat Power fighters that push too deep into lanes. Units should have talents. Nemesis system should fucking exist for this genre. Followers should exist in this genre. Obstacles on straight lines / gambits are alot of fun. Environmental changes and map should affect gambits. Like ambush in forest area and setting it on fire.
Capturing the enemy and randsoming nobles should be a thing. Turning enemies should be a thing as well. Moral of the people should be more obvious that affevts troop numbers along with reputations of the small armies so they give that unit rock, paper, scissor strengths to survive the push into lanes.
>followers should exist
The bodyguard system from 4, I thought, was so cool. You could get certain kinds, make specific formations, level them up. Shit was cool.
It just Liao Hua
The interview also says that some characters won't appear in battles and will be limited to appearances in cutscenes, wonder if most of the women are gonna be gone?
I sort of agree but a system like this should be robust enough to include as many of the battlefield events from RotK and humble enough to make special exceptions for ones that don't fit into it directly.
Best place to start with Musous? Any general tips across the series? Are any of the spinoffs decent?
I started with either Pirate Warriors (One Piece) or Hyrule Warriors, I can't remember which one, but both are good. You don't need any tips or prep, just jump in, you'll figure out pretty quick if you like it or not, its very repetitive and not particularly hard.
Yet another shitty looking DW game I am very disappointed. Why can't they go back the the style of the PS2 era games? Once the video switched to Guan Yu and he starts to easily rack up dozens of kills in just a single combo string I completely lost interest. These games were never supposed to be this easy there was a balance to them that the PS2 games captured perfectly and I want that DW back. The designs and color also looks shitty. The game looks so dark.

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