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Dynasty Warriors Origins more news


Fire emblem warriors three hopes available now

Pastebin for newcomers: https://pastebin.com/Gq3pxGqc
Dynasty Warriors 9 OST: https://pastebin.com/mw6GaUpC
Musou Stars OST: https://pastebin.com/eB09X6D4
Even More OSTs: https://pastebin.com/NBqgNmsb
Recommended Reading: https://pastebin.com/15wPQWNS
Chinese Movies and TV shows: https://pastebin.com/01FPNibY
>How to get rid of the black border in DW9 (So your screenshots don't look like shit):

PS4 Settings > Sound and Screen > Display Area Settings > Fit the area to your whole screen

- Team Ninja made Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
- Touken Ranbu Musou on Switch and Steam
-Samurai Warriors 5 is out now.
-Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires -Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is out now.
-Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate is out now.
-Persona 5 Strikers is out now.
-ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV Diplomacy and Strategy Expansion Pack is out now.
-One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 is out now.


Some good YouTube channels to learn about the 3 kingdoms real history and the Dynasty Warrior franchise.

A history of the warrant of Samura Japan of Samurai Warriors does note it does begin with the beginning of the period and not openaga's childhood.

Zhao yu my beloved
SW5 a shit.
420k copies sold.
Nah its the second best SW after 2
the power of fujoshi pedophiles
So it seems your dude might have the option to go around fighting for various factions.
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Who are all the people in this image?
>no character creation
what's the point
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zhang jiao bros how are we feeling about this?
Do we have any playable female characters confirmed yet?
you can't tell you're looking at the Xiahou brothers and Cao Cao?
>Starts a few years before the Yellow Turbans's rebellion
>Cast turned younger
>Dialogue choices in cutscenes
>Pre battle camp screen/scene
>Explorable overworld map like how FF used to do
>Peons are more active, you need to parry them their attacks sometimes
>You can take control of armies, similar to bladestorm, there is an absolute fuck huge number of characters on scream

Seems to be this is a new mainline game instead of a spin-off as declared by many

Since it's early timeline focused, and we already seen Yuan Shu, she's got good odds of returning.
I want to continue her story from dw9 when she wakes up.
I don't like it prima facie. But it would be cool if it showed him going crazy after the original good-intentioned uprising and then he gets his more iconic appearance. It seems like it might do that, given the game's themes ("Origins") and how other officers' appearances changed in DW9.
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Total War Three Kingdoms comic.
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I would have uploaded the cover image but apparently that wants too big for this board.
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I am going to see if my siblings dog needs a walk so I'll probably be gone for like 40 minutes if it does want to walk.
Everything about the game sounds so good

All I need is confirmation that there is some kind of free mode with the regular characters playable. So much of the fun of these games was building all those characters from being nothing to being Grade A Peonstompers
>MC is an amnesiac
Almost certainly just standard generic self insert protagonist but could be fun if he's actually someone of note and doesn't remember
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Some other info, from the Famitsu and 4gamer interviews
>bodyguards are back
>you will not have immediate access to a horse, there will be a horse progression system
>stages are back, morale is back and affects on-screen battles as well, checkpoints if you die instead of restarting the whole battle
>battles described as open-ended in the same style as the PS2 games, focus on sandbox instead of the "drama" of PS3 era games; say they want to evoke the satisfaction of overcoming a powerful general and his troops like in DW3 or DW5
>characters aging up is confirmed, some characters named include Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Guan Yu, and possibly Gan Ning
>no customization for the MC
>timespan not confirmed, but in the 4gamer interview they brought up a famous Japanese novelist's anecdote that they lost interest in RotK after Zhuge Liang died and left it at that
>battle system is described as neither Charge nor State flow but closer to Charge; square is a weak attack, triangle is strong, circle is "special"; musou is now R3+L3
>more than 10 times the amount of troops on-screen compared to DW9 with more complex tactics; an example given was soldiers with shields forming a shield wall and blocking your path while archers behind them attack you, emphasized again peons will be stronger than recent games so you feel satisfied beating them
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Also forgot
>interview brought up how scary archers were in DW3, devs laughed about it and said they want players to learn how scary crossbows are now
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Bros, I know they're just playing me
... but they're right
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Is /eagg/ actually back or is it ephemeral?
We died again earlier today. It's ephemeral until Origins is out.
The other General uploaded today was pretty Bare Bones it didn't even have the word warrior in the description.


Barebones is preferable to "openaga".
I'm glad there's not a create a character, I'm pretty excited now. Game looks good.
I hope that means I can join anyone, and not just Shu/Wu/Wei.
>could be fun if he's actually someone of note and doesn't remember
He's Han Dang after everyone, including him, forgot about himself.
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Yellow Turbans did nothing wrong, they even made Zhang Jiao hot to prove it
Fuck it, we die for another month
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I'm getting closer to finish SoS. the achievements are mostly pretty easy except that fucking 'collect every equipped items' because that shit hangs heavily on RNG.
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Why did the Basara equivalent, Yukimura-den fail so badly?
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man they fucking nailed this thing so much. SoS proven to be the best SW game ever. now about to grind so much for the exploration stage to get those last few trophies before moving to another Warriors game. My guess it'll be Berserk and the Band of Hawks.
still fucking hate it that Koei refuses to drop this game's price on Steam. Shit is rapidly approaching to be 10yo with single digit player at any given moment but sure just keep the fucking price.
Imagine DW6 but even less characters have a musou mode (only one, in fact) and there's no free mode at all, save for a stage where you stay in the same place and kill waves of mooks plus the occasional officer.
No new shit to do, no tag mechanic from 4, no new weapons or moves for the returning cast and the only DLC was a couple of ugly costumes for the new characters. Oh, and only two of the six new characters are actual characters, while the other four are variations of Yukimura/Masamune with their kid versions having barely a moveset.
I'm gonna die mad that you can't change the protag. Why
If you can join her faction that would already be a big plus.
Excessive character creation is cancerous anyway/ That thing harms the narrative a lot. Rise of the Ronin or Nioh 2 would have been better if the protagonist is a defined character.
Amazing that a single side-game can kill an entire established franchise like that, yet something like DMC2 was just a bump in the road when DMC was new
SB was already on life support before that Yukimura game. DMC lived on because Capcom felt bad for Itsuno for basically dumping him the shitshow that is DMC2 and allowed him to make DMC3 to clear his name.
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yeah, i can now move on from this game
like I could try getting the secret weapons but nah, the mission is very monotonous (just getting S rating when you play a certain character in a specific battle)
I don't want to create a character, I want to fucking play as Zhou Tai.
If there's a proper Free Mode that'll alleviate most of my concerns, everything else looks good and if this game does well enough I imagine that'll be the first thing they fix in a sequel
>Fujoshit OC
>Arslan Rush
>Cut characters
>Cut story
>Reused assets from DW9
>Turn established characters into fujoshit
Oh boy, I cant wait to play this game full of new things!
fuck off retard
>Arslan Rush
Oh yeah, that… was a thing. I totally forgot about that game.
Imagine being a fucking koeidefender. Here you go, this might be more your speed.

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