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>Run around feudal Japan as a 6’4” Tyrone slaughtering manlet incels to a hip hop asian fusion soundtrack
Actually sounds like fun, I don’t know why everyone is so upset
His name is Jesskay
Da fuck Takeshi gon do?
If it was made with the intention of being a playable shitpost it would be kino, but Ubisoft hnironically believes "Gay Black Samurai" will save their company.
I too kneel to lord savior of Japan, George Floyd
Why is AC shadows not ok but nioh/the last samurai are?

>black guy killing a bunch of asians is bad
>white guy killing a bunch of asians is ok
>Ubisoft hnironically believes "Gay Black Samurai" will save their company.
not realy, it's made by ubisoft montreal, fully financed by canadian govt, they're taking no risk at all and could push 3 of these per year if they had the manpower with no impact on their viability
Imagine how based a Yusake GTA would be. Make it like Will Smith's Black Knight where it's a black guy being like "Da fuck dis weird place!"
Pretty sad fact. Canadians should be ashamed of their tax dollars being spent this way.
>Canadians should be ashamed
He's a Muslim in the game, idiot, there's like 50 scenes referencing it, stop spreading lies.
Because no one likes niggers

I know you have mouths to feed, but check the goddam catalog you fucking spammers.
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Next Assassins creed game I want to stomp around ancient Judea/Israel/Palestine as Tyresius Africanus, the face of ancient Rome, and players get to uppercut ancient jewish soldiers into the sky among other compelling historically accurate gameplay. I think there should also be a gay subplot between him and King David.
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Why is this ok but resident evil 5 was bad?
Anon, this board is 80% semi-extremist Muslim weebs, the game takes place in Japan, the MC is a Muslim, you'll have to deal with it.
I like the Asian girl. But gotta be honest here, I just don't like black people in my media.

Do big corporations write down our opinions here? It an universal one right here.

Anyway, Ubisoft is on borrowed time. Their contract on getting french tax money is running out. I hope whoever buys them chokes on it to death.
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Nobody would care if Tyrone was just some 40 year old out of shape Englishman.
People are just racist they don't care about historical accuracy.
Hip hop is fucking trash, I don’t want to hear it.
>People are just racist
hot take

I too hoped we would get our very own Disney wonderland.
They made a 6"4 George Floyd clone who is Muslim graphically killing Japanese people.

I'm pretty sure this is the most racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic game ever made.
>AC shadows director's interview with xbox magazine said that this was real depictions of the characters and that yasuke was a actually samurai of the period and the game is historically accurate.


I find it funny when these companies backpedal and act like they never said anything when everything that is said on the internet stays on the internet.
>lame excuse
Except europeans were actually in japan, bucko.
Yasuke was an enslaved sissy that only held his master's "sword" ;)
RE5 accurately depicted blacks whereas Shadows doesn't
Unironically sounds kino

Blacksploitation could be a good genre
>I don’t know why everyone is so upset
its manufactured outrage for the sake of outrage
I'm convinced their upset that it's a black man, and no other reason.
Ubisoft always made low-tier historical fiction slop. Why was there never nay explosive controversy over the last ones?
Idk, reeks to me of them trying to push free publicity and useful idiots picking up the bait as usual.
fuck yo watermelon ass
So are any of you niggers gonna play this faggot slop or is it just bitching and seething about it shit you don’t actually care about?
>j-j-just ignore it
Yes. Play weeb shit or get bent.
>I'm convinced their upset that it's a black man, and no other reason.
Of course, no niggers in my vidya!
>fluent in japanese
>expert in warfare
Wow, is there anything he CAN'T do?
I tried to play Valhalla but my brain shut down after 3 hours.

Plowing through little Japanese people as a 6"4 George Floyd clone with shitloads of gore sounds pretty crazy, though.
I don't think anybody here was going to play it, and I think that the controversy is just going to help it sell well to people who don't care about those issues.
The white Englishman in question:

>Gets pissed on and enslaved immediately upon entering Japan
>Is berated for being an uncivilized animal and called a monkey constantly
>Is useless as a swordsman and only valued for his foreign knowledge

Are these also true for Yasuke in Assassin's Creed?
Would you be okay with it being the case with Yasuke?
I'm guessing not.
>be a black guy from Africa
>be fed a regular diet of meat and bread while living in Portugal
>go to Japan in the service of Portuguese missionaries
>to the average malnourished Japanese peasant, you are a demigod "with the strength of 10 men"
>get pulled into the service of Japanese daimyo because of this
>life a cushy ass life as a vassal

If only it were that easy today.
I used to have ______ fatigue. Now I have ______ exhaustion!
I actually think it would be great if Ubisoft would show this character being humiliated as a slave and then later gaining respect for being strong or whatever. They won't do that though because the have no balls.
And I also think that if this would happen in the game, people would still be crying about a game with a black samurai because of "muh historical accuracy", while everybody knows that the majority are just racist and wouldn't care if he was white.
What are your predictions on the modern time setting and scenario? What ancient alien maguffin will they use in this one? What completely new concept will they introduce on this one? Will yaskue/asian bitch be related to any mythological deiety or famous person from history
Fleshlight of Eden
If they show a Muslim humiliated there would be gunmen in their offices in days, anon.
Not Hadrian?
I know next to nothing about history, it was never an interest of mine
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>I know next to nothing about history, it was never an interest of mine

What if I told you that we're in history right now?
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It... no... it can't be
Other way around. The ancient israelites depicted as accurate as possible. Black people
there wont be anyone keeping records in the future so there wont be any history
niggers never invented written language
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I want the mobs to look like modern day Israelis and as I play as Tyresius I free my people from subjugation and erasure. Imagine the bossfights with esoteric mage Sanhedrins
Didn't the Japanese execute christians in their country? Wouldn't they have done the same to muslims? There was no real sense of tolerance in these sorts of things the further you go back into history. And I would only thing they would only treat him as a subhuman for being black.
Shinobido was and always will be the best ninja game, and it the same vein, the Way Of The Samurai will always be the best samurai games. Acquire simply "got it" in a way no other company had. Plus Suda 51's Samurai Champloo PS2 game already exists so we already have a hip hop asian fusion samurai game.
Wonder what prompted the kikes to go full schizo with their attacks against japan.
They are not even trying to hide it anymore.
What has them in such a hurry?
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This message is directed to all people reading this in the future trying to understand what the world was back then:
Eat a dick.
>Will Smith's Black Knight
I'm pretty sure you're thinking of martin lawrence, anon.
What‘s with the guy in this thread being so assblasted about muslims
Because our dicks are only bigger, not twice the size. Thats all that matters
Yes, diversity is wonderful and should be shared, am I right fellow (((white))) man
Because people hate White people, it will always be ok if were the ones getting killed
>People are just racist
Thank you for admitting it, and yes >>683831434 you did care, we haven't forgotten slimy kike
I wish I were mushi
Yeah but it isn't wonderful, and it should be parodied.

Baited nobody
Japan is breaking their entertainment monopoly by not being cringe
You need to etch it into stone so it will be found like the ancient Roman grafitti.
Fantasy where a white man pursues another white man while in Japan and fights yokai.

>The Last Samurai
A story about a white man narrating about what he saw in Japan (that being the last samurai, who is Japaneae)
with so many kikes bringing up TLS i think they unironically think tom cruise was the last samurai
Pretty sure Canadians are aware that Ubisoft is ripping them off.
buy an ad, ubishit nigger faggot
While Japan does have its own problems, its existence as a clean homogeneous state is a thorn in the side of the Jewish agenda since it's harder for them to infiltrate and as something to compare to can make westerners realize that their own countries being or becoming multicultural dumps burdered by foreigners isn't right.
Japanese media existing for westerners to escape to is also a problem for their cultural indoctrination attempts.
So is this just Afro Samurai 2?
Japs didn't mind christianity but when they figured the jesuit missionaries in their country were trying to put japan under the thumb of the supreme ruler the pope they banned christianity for political reasons
>AC Shadows
>Created by Ubisoft Quebec, a studio located in Quebec City, Canada
>Created by Team Ninja, a studio located in Kudankita Japan
Almost like the Japanese can do what they want with their own history?
Well there were white samurai, they are recorded as such and recognized as such by the japanese historians. They were european sailors who got accepted into japan. Yasuke was the equivalent of a court jester. He was an attraction. There aren't any solid records about him aside that he did in fact once visit Japan on an european ship and Oda found him amusing. He was not a samurai, so he has no place being one in a game that aims for historical accuracy.
>b-b-but alien eden tech in AC
90% of the AC games are historically accurate, the alien tech is a plot device to connect the seemingly unconnected locations and eras the different entries to the series take place in, since it was originally about an arabian order of assassins fighting against the templar order of the crusaders but you can't really connect that historically to that order being active in renaissance italy and the main character being a catholic assassin who kills templars because of religion, so they had to think of the mythical artifacts the templars are after and a conspiracy to drive the plot and enable things like a pirate assassin, an indrustrial england assassin etc. All those games are historically accurate for 90% of the time except the typically final missions where you find the mythic artifacts and have a bit of fantasy magic sprikled in to set up the next game.
>Why is this ok but resident evil 5 was bad?
Were you living under a rock? Did you not actually play RE5? There was a massive shitstorm about being a white dude going to africa and just gunning down africans. They literally added white and asian enemies to the game so they couldn't be called racist.
>Yasuke was the equivalent of a court jester.
even that's an overstatement, he got treated as a funny oversized chimp
Didn't this guy hold umbrellas?
>be black guy from africa
>be fed feces and piss while being a slave
>go to japan as a slave to Portugese masters
>get taken as a pet animal by the local ruler
>after he lost his power the other ruler sells you off as a slave to europeans again
Yasuke could easily have worked as a side character and Lockley's bullshit wouldn't be exposed, but Ubisoft had too much chutzpah and a desire to shit on Japan for that.
>He's a Muslim in the game
Why? He's not even from the Islamic parts of Africa?
He was also brought along on a Jesuit mission, there's no reason to think he was Muslim nor was he probably from an Islamic part of Africa.
Yeah that's what i've been saying, why is he the main character. He's not stealthy and not an assassin. And he is a real historical figure.
AC games always have a fictional protagonist and helpful historical figure NPCs, like Da Vinci and Ben Franklin. I'd be okay if Yasuke was working with the assassins giving them inside info on the daimyo or whatever they're after in this one. Also they could've at least made him an assassin, they made him a towering hulk who slashes people publically with his huge ass katana, like how is that an assassin? For fuck sake how does he blend with the crowd when he's the only black person in Japan in the time period? Or does he plan on parkouring around the peasant houses in full armor and being like 6'3"? Surely that's stealthy.

It's so incredibly forced, it's revolting.
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Just a reminder that christcucks brought the first nigger to japan

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