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would you?
Nobody cares about your toddler trash, marketer
alisaie is trash. i would push her in and writer her off for 3 expansions.
Speak with Wuk Lamat.
But enough about WoW
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DT's plot was good but the execution is severely bad.
kys shill
Tranny game
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I hate how this is portrayed as us being on an adventure when we were literally just paraded around the entire continent by tour guides.
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Know that I will put Alisaie on her rear if I must. Maybe even if I don't.
Is Wuk Lamat gone now? Can't imagine they'd have any further relevancy to the story.
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The only one having a vacation adventure is Estinien who shows up for a minute just to rub it in your face and then fucks off.
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push... or no push...
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She's effectively the queen of Section 9 and decides whatevers gonna happen with their material and technology.
But she's 100% getting Lyse'd, possibly even worse because not even Lyse was this hated and there wasn't a fucking strike involved.
"not even lyse was this hated" = "i was not around for stormblood and i'm about to tell you how i totally was"
Playing DT is like watching someone else stream the MSQ.
Post 5 examples of Lyse being this hated.
>DNC level 100 ability wasn't Bathing Dance
i would put my penis inside of that ass, yes
I was around for it and he's right. Lyse was shit on but not nearly to this level.
I just wanted Aztec Heavensward..
Imagine how cool that'd been lol

if you'll excuse me i'm off to use the other thread that isn't full of mongoloids and rent-free wuk posters, it's slow but it's home
hes right, Lyse was hated (still is) but not on the level of Wuk.
Wuk hatred comes from many reasons thats outside of the game even, but Lyse was just hated because she was really retarded in the MSQ and stomblood was fucking boring most of the time.
Concession accepted. And don't worry, wuktroon. I'm in that thread too.
>Estinien playing Monster Hunter
>Y'shtola playing Indiana Jones (minus the nazis)

Much like how Alisaie and Alphinaud are the politics duo, and Thancred and Urianger are the tragedy duo, they've clearly made Estinien and Y'shtola into the adventure duo, and I am extremely saddened I didn't get to go with them instead.
I love Wuk Lamat!
You were definitely not fucking around for stormblood you newfag.
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>DT's plot was good
what does japan think of her? do they hate her too?
Partially but they didn't go through the horrible western voice "acting" so it's not as pronounced.
Yep, which is blowing up the wuktroon cope that people only hate her because of the tranny voice actor.
>would you?
Eat that ass? Absolutely.
The overall plot is good, yes
the execution is not.
>porting to S9 doesn't put you within clicking distance of the aetheryte
fucking why
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>DT's plot was good
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>The overall plot is good, yes
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No, the overall plot was not good. That's some midwit attempt "middle ground" criticism. It was bad, it's ok that you want to keep playing in spite of that, nobody cares.
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I was and "lyse wasn't hated anywhere near as much" is an outright lie at worst, extreme recency bias at best. People that post about Wuk Lamat a lot do not pay rent on the space she takes up in their heads. She isn't even offensively stupid like Lyse is, she's just omnipresent. Also this thread fucking reeks of crossposters from other boards.
yjk this the kinda nigga who says media literacy unironically
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Almost universally wish the plot was more about Koana and Zoraal Ja.
nta but the framework, premise, cast and major plot beats are all objectively solid.
It's just strung together like shit and every other moment of character development feels either unearned or disorientingly abrupt.
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DT's story is not worth telling that's how bad that shit is
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>DT's plot was good
no argument?
just greentext!
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I would only push her over
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>mfw every youtuber/streamer who doesn't like Wuk Lamut constantly makes the disclaimer that "it has nothing to do with the voice acting though!"
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>the narrative was good but it was written poorly
then it wasn't good was it you dumb fucking nigger????
Hi Kate!
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>DT's plot was good
Execution being bad means the plot is not good. At best it has concepts that could have been interesting, if they were portrayed in a completely different way and context than parts of them were in game.
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Would you?
You're thinking of SB and Garlemald in EW
A light tap on the bum to see her angry yet blushing happy face
>nta but the framework, premise, cast and major plot beats are all objectively solid.
Literal SE employee post. It was framed, cast, and had a plot of a Saturday morning cartoon. You're a fucking retarded zoomer.
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>nta but the framework, premise, cast and major plot beats are all objectively solid.
>It's just strung together like shit and every other moment of character development feels either unearned or disorientingly abrupt.
>She wasn't offensive stupid as Lyse

Ah, I see the cope now. Lyse and Wuk were both naive, but Lyse had consequences for her naivite, while Wuk is rewarded for thinking every problem can be solved by trying to be friends. Wuk is the same character she was from the beginning of the story. Her only defining "flaw" was not realising just how amazing she was and just needed a few pep talks to snap out of it.
Wuk Lamat is way, way dumber than Lyse ever was and the plot doesn't go out of it's way to tell her "Wuk Lamat, you being dumb in this instance is not endearing. Bad things are happening, and you aren't fucking helping" like it did Lyse.
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Holy hell the cope
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Lyse gets and got hated a lot, and these days at least, nobody really bothers defending her (aside from me, sometimes). People have just internalised the narrative that she was bad and Stormblood was bad and it's accepted.

You'll find a LOT of people defending Wuk. Most seem to be doing so for purely ideological reasons, but some people seem to have outright enjoyed her. I think the only content creator that's openly shat on her is Zepla, even Preach has been half-hearted and iffy about it.

>Also this thread fucking reeks of crossposters from other boards.
No it doesn't. /v/'s one of the least invaded boards on this site, unless you're going to split hairs way too finely with complaining about /vr/ or /vg/.

Nobody else cares about XIV or even know who Wuk Lamat is to give a shit.
me when i'm not coordinating posts with my faggot friends through discord
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There were only 3 times I enjoyed Dawntrail.

Running Skydeep Cenote for the first time as it changes to Electrope/Scifi.

The campfire scene with Otis, Gulool Ja and Alisaie talking about family.

When WoL smirks at Thancred as he attacks Bakool Ja Ja.

That's it. Dogshit expansion.
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With overwhelming force.
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Will they do it?
I think it's more likely that a scion is severely injured and has to retire like Arenvald
and here comes the schizophrenia. truly only the most unhinged lunatic could possibly defend wuk lamat
>When WoL smirks at Thancred as he attacks Bakool Ja Ja.
What a fucking badass scene, goddamn. I loved that.
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>duuude we gotta kill main characters like game of thrones
Thancred has gotta go. We need room for Wuk to join.
i could call you a samefag instead if you don't want the benefit of the doubt on being multiple people
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>the framework, premise, cast and major plot beats are all objectively solid.
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Literally the last fucking thing is for one of the characters I actually like and appreciate to get wasted on this fucking trainwreck of an expansion. I'm not gonna say I'm completely, fundamentally opposed to a Scion dying ever, but for the love of god, don't fucking do it as just a cheap way to gain attention and definitely don't do it now that the game story is at it's lowest since 1.0.
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stupid lizzer
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I've said it before and I'll say it again: Thancred should have been killed off in ShB.

I LIKE Thancred, I'm happy to have him around, but the insane cop out with his death fakeout was worse than all of Y'shtola and Alphinaud's death fakeouts combined and he hasn't done anything since then that justifies him still being in the plot, nothing that couldn't have been handled better by someone else. It would have given EW more gravitas to work with too.
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Would you?
>bending over backwards to try to find some "redeeming quality" about this expansion's MSQ
face-melting cringe.
And you are a fucking idiot. Ranjit is the one who should have died in that scene.
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What a fucking hot image sequence.
But it does make me slightly madder there was no similar sequence about the previous Y'shtola/Minfilia/Lyse pic.
>Ah, I see the cope now. Lyse and Wuk were both naive, but Lyse had consequences for her naivite
No she didn't, you're stupid. Getting told off in the moment isn't a consequence.
>Wuk Lamat is way, way dumber than Lyse ever was
No she isn't, your posts have no bite when you're clearly making the same ones over and over.
>Thancred should have been killed off in ShB.
This would serve literally no thematic or narrative purpose, a character falling unconscious after running himself ragged is not a death fakeout.
Nah. Even Arenvald was an extremely minor character and in exchange for being in a wheelchair (which honestly they could just fix with magitek or some bullshit anytime they felt like), he gets a redeemed villain girlfriend.

If Thancred wasn't going to die in ShB where he clearly sacrifices himself taking out Rhajit, then G'raha doesn't die coming back to the Source and joins the Scions, then none of them die despite killing themselves in EW, it's just not gonna happen again. Not after 6 expansions.

They don't even leave these characters out of the plot when they have nothing to do and don't utilize them, given how they're all treated in DT.
its the new cope
It's too late. We're at the Batman and Joker level of shit where none of the Scions are allowed to ever die because of their market status.
He's just posting bait after getting replies to other bait.
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Well I just made 2m as a mercenary on this party. Mount dropped. Leader paid everyone 2m to pass on it. Literally just doubled my money cuz I'm poor.
>m12s phase 2 transition.webm
It made me laugh
Only way to have good coom is to use SB girls because shb-dt were all fucking gay
No it wasn't. It had elements that could have been good if properly explored and executed, but the plot itself, which is the combination of these elements, and their assembly which is the execution, both were awful.
I wipe my ass with 2m gil
Anon 2 million is like 4 treasure maps come on
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Have this one for next time
Do you me to start posting archived threads again to btfo you?
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I would have been fine with that too, Ranjit added absolutely nothing after that.

But the whole fucking fight builds up to Thancred literally sacrificing his life to stop Ranjit. The duty has you using more and more desperate moves that're clearly putting him on borrowed time, it's a self sacrificial play.

Responding with "You're a fucking idiot for thinking that a character who is openly doing a heroic sacrifice shouldn't have gotten a cheap save with 'Luckily Y'shtola got there in time :^)'" is ridiculous. It's easily the worst death-fakeout in the entire game, without comparison. When you think of death fakeouts in XIV, you think of that one.

>This would serve literally no thematic or narrative purpose, a character falling unconscious after running himself ragged is not a death fakeout.
You've got to be kidding me if you actually think that's what the scene was about. Go watch it again, it's extremely clearly Thancred sacrificing his life to stop Ranjit, he's not "Just running himself ragged", he's literally using up his life to empower his abilities, Y'shtola even says he was on the brink of death.
Nah, they had their chance at pathos multiple times and they got gun shy at the last moment every single time. Yshtola has had enough fakeouts where the impact wouldn't even hit if she truly was killed off. Thancred didn't die in ShB, and then didn't die when he was fully prepared to sacrifice himself to stop Meteion in EW, so his death would feel cheap as well. Graha is technically a statue in the First so he's mostly dead already, it's just he's using this current life on loan. They've written the story to a point where none of the remaining Scions will die. Sucks to be Paplymo and Yda I guess. Better to let them retire aside from helping every so often and have new people filter in, and maybe one or two of them die.
Lyse was hated but Lyse also wasn’t over half the script. She could never be as hated as Wuk is now.
>wuk lamat is smarter than lyse
Being a merc is much more engaging and satisfying than running shitty loot pinatas that 99% of the time fill your inventory with trash you have to delete.
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>DT's plot was good
How ya doin, Bachi Sierra?
You can definitely get a good coom out of ShB by using Ryne/Gaia/Lyna/Feo Ul. And you can in EW by using Venat or the Twelve.

But in DT it really is definitely just an empty, sterile field. Nobody wants to use Sphene because everyone could immediately tell she was gonna die, and then they didn't even let us get to really meet her ourselves, only Wuk Lamat did. Mablu is too illegal for most artists. And almost nobody wants to even touch Wuk Lamat herself. No wonder there's been a sudden influx of Y'shtola porn, everyone's just going to the ol' good reliable.
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Dawntrail went above and beyond to become the worst Final Fantasy story of all time. That's a fact.
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How can you get to max level and still find 2mill to be a lot of money?
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>But the whole fucking fight builds up to Thancred literally sacrificing his life to stop Ranjit.
No, it builds up to Good Dadcred vs Bad Dacred and Thancred letting go of Minfillia for good.

I repeat, you are a fucking idiot.
Avatarnigger die
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I was gonna be running it anyway. I don't see why not get free gil out of it. I only ran it 2 extra times. What are you, the poor police?
Why do you have repeated arguments over and over and get pissed if anybody goes against you, that's lolcow behavior. I'm gonna start a Kiwi Farms thread about you
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>Um ACKSHUALLY the plot for DT was GOOD if you were to theoretically deconstruct it, take some distinct elements of it, put it in a different plot that was done better, it would be good, THEREFORE ffxiv is a good game checkmate CHUDS!
>these replies
damn was it that bad?
t. former player that skipped 99% of the cutscenes
Avatarcracker live
I want one of Erenville yelling at his mom before saying endless trance
It'd be fine if he was killed by Emet, nobody was going to be happy if a 1.0 og got done in by some random hobo.
At least the scene serves a purpose since you immediately find out it was actually Minfillia's death scene instead so the players at least get some blood.
Not everyone sits on Crystal whoring themselves out for RMT gil, anon.
>What are you, the poor police
Delete this.
Lyse is non-4chan mentally retarded.
It's horseshit. I'd rather replay Dragon Age 2 than play Dawntrail MSQ again.
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>The idea of the burger was good but the execution is severly bad.
it's the only cope they have
being poor in this game is admitting you're a retard
it's so easy to make gil
it was the shittiest video game story i have ever played through in my entire life
I refuse to believe he's serious, he has to be farming our (You)s
I like shitting on faggots that are wrong on the internet.
>get pissed
I don't get pissed, youngun, I get motivated.
>if anybody goes against you
It's not about going against me, but against the truth and all men have a duty to it, from the least to the greatest.
>I'm gonna start a Kiwi Farms thread about you
Go ahead, maybe I'll become a named bogeyman like one of my friends had for WoWfaggots. What name are you gonna assign to me? Tommy? Jimmy?
90% of these posts are paid shills
janny needs to autosage this shit already
People that need characters to die to feel something are stupid and cringe.
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Should have let him fuck (not)Sadu.
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>damn was it that bad?
No it's even worse + 1
What are you even embarassed of
Who cares
Since when were shills paid to shit on the product?
Would he turn insufferably smug? Or would he suddenly mature x20 and become a wise and venerable leader?

And would the real Sadu murder him if he suddenly did something like go for a kiss out of nowhere?
>I don't get pissed, youngun
Oh you are fucking boiling actually, unfortunately I'm not interested in "taking it" or "getting shat on" so bye
Shut up Mohamed
I only run roulettes, raid, and fool around with some friends. And I haven't raided for real since WILD FREAKS. You need to go do stuff to get gil and I don't do anything. I have crafters but I don't bother crafting stuff to sell. I just do my own food and pots. Leave me alone.
DT just makes me appreciate 15 even more
No. It's a bit better than Shadowbringers.
you wont trick me into playing a bad game just because of AGP
What is it with zoomers thinking that everyone disagreeing with them is upset?

Shit, right for the jugular, not even a Spanish or Italian name. Why you gotta do me like that, anon?
You can get rich from e-whoring? How much a pop?
excellent bait shitposter-kun
you really had people thinking you were this fucking retarded
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>her OST has more views than honey bee's
Horse futa won
I played XIV 4-12 hours a day, every day, for nine years. DT was so bad I deleted my XIV account when I beat the MSQ.
It is genuinely the worst story I've ever had to go through in a videogame, that's no exaggeration, the other anon is completely right.
ESL moment
XV is unironically better.
>DT's plot was good but the execution is severely bad.
Yeah, in the sense that a tomboyish princess kinda sounds like a good character concept but then you actually get to meet Wuk Lamat and you feel like breaking your own fingers so you won't have to keep playing.
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How we holding up FFIX bros?
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They always win.
Between 50 million to 200 million if you find the right people. But since you're on 4chan, I doubt you have half the charisma to pull off such a thing.
There's definitely worse stories out there, it's just they aren't sequels to Shadowbringers and Endwalker.
Replying to yourself?
Now answer the fucking question.
Mention them. I genuinely struggle to think of any. I feel like even Monster Hunter World was better, and that was my previous "fuck this story" go-to.
We love Honey B here, not muscle reddit cringe
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>Mexicans don't have primals
>Peru's closest thing isn't a primal but it was locked in ice
>Alexandrians don't have primals
>no one in Tural tries to get primals
>no one in Garlemald tries to get primals
>no one in the First tries to get primals
>no one in the 13th tries to get primals
>no one in World Unsundered tries to get primals
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>Entire setup is Thancred doing a heroic sacrifice "I'll stop them, you keep going"
>Thancred literally uses his own life to power his abilities to stay equal to Ran'jit
>We're told repeatedly he's going deeper and deeper, getting more desperate
>We literally get a fucking heartbeat pulse effect as he's drawing himself right to the point of death
>Finally stops him, collapses to the ground
>Gives a fucking monologue about his life with Minfilia^2, interspersed with flashback scenes of her
>"One last time, with a little help. I'm so proud to have been a part of your life..." One last time.
>Body stops moving
>Camera pans out
>Literally tilts upwards towards the heavens
>Anon on 4chan tells me we're not meant to think he's dead
>It's somehow not a death fakeout that all of that was undone with "Luckily Y'shtola saved him :^)"
I repeat yet again, you're a fucking idiot and you have zero idea how to read.

It is, without comparison, THE worst death fakeout in a game with a lot of death fakeouts and you're absolutely pathetic for defending it this much.
^ This. I played from day one 1.0, didn't have as much gametime and didn't delete account, but DT actually ruined past expansions for me it was so bad. I wish I could wipe my memory because it killed the game for me. I hope the game flops so they realize what a disgrace this was.
Yeah I haven't played that.
Sorry, I didn't commission that one.
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This anon is right. Wuk main issue is that she has too much screen time, even more than Lyse had.
The problem with Lyse is that not only she was dumb as a brick, she was even more lost in her own home land than the WoL was. At least Wuk lamat had morivations and a reason to be in the story, while Lyse was completely usesles in SB.
If the devs had cute Wuk Lamat screen time in half and gave it to other characthers like Kryle and Erenvile, she would not be hated half as much.
No one is paying 50m for a virtual fuck.
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Literally just do roulettes and sell stuff your retainers bring you, you make millions without issue.

I've got a house and 150+ Million, and stopped putting any effort into getting money. My friend actually tries to make money with crafting and rare mats, and has hundreds of million.
wow whee
are you canadian
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Well, you're wrong.
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Maybe but I literally don't sit through them. ff14 has its good content gated by the fucking story .
So this is quite literally both the worst RPG experience I've had, and worst story I've ever had to actually sit through.
I got given 2 mil just by allowing some dude to look at my character's sync. It's not outside of the realm of possibility.
No one that you know, apparently. Like I said, you're on 4chan, so the chance of even getting 5mil for a fuck is pretty slim.
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The problem isn't that Dawntrails story is complete and utter garbage it's that it comes entirely out of left field after the previous expansions it's a shocking experience like drinking sour milk from the jug you thought was fresh
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In the acceptance stage.
Retainer brings like 15 units that sell for 1.5k a piece. You have to seriously no life that shit to try to make money out of it.
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>hero fights to the breaking point, so he should have died
lol fucking idiot.

What makes the scene so dramatic is Thancred is fighting THIS hard even though he knows it will kill Minfillia.
He probably bought additional retainers.
Primals don't show up out of nowhere, they are the Ascians doing. A trick they use to destabilize Eorzea and other spread chaos around the Source.
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i'd burn 2 million gil right now for a 1 in 8 chance at the mount. that's like a week of roulettes and casual selling what retainers bring back
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DT is a giant middle finger to the fans, it's like they went out of their way to create the most insultingly juvenile and time wasting affront to the fantasy genre they could think of for the sole purpose of shitting on anyone dumb enough to still be playing after EW
Based. I did the same thing. Wish we could inspect her ass like Y'shtola's
I'm coping to myself saying that the references we got before DT are good enough
The dumbest shit about DT is how they recycle the same scenario/themes that were in ShB/EW. It really does look like they wrote a shit story, then panicked and just went with what people liked in those two thinking it would work.

It may have worked if there was a break between EW and this.
No, I mained RDM
>be a sagefag
>convert to whmfag

I just want to not have my shields get overwritten by the eternal second sage
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>Wish we could inspect her ass like Y'shtola's
Good times. Good times.
Do more squats Alisaie.
I love her. She should be my wife.
Ok you fucking got me with that one.
qrd on starfield story. I didn't play that obvious shit game.
At that point even the most desperate of fuck would RMT the gil for cash and buy a real whore.
If people are willing to pass on the mount for 14 mil I should really get in on that. I'd be willing to pay 70 mil just to get it and not have to waste the time farming it.
Burn in agony Spherelala
>super hot scenario where the slut attacks
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Return to adventurekino
What necklace glamour do you all use
Wuk Lamat is objectively worse than Lyse because she does every writing sin Lyse does except worse and more often. She's especially worse because she has the same flaws but the story pretends that they are not flaws.

Saying Wuk Lamat is worse than Lyse is not defending Lyse, by the way. That doesn't mean Lyse is good or fantastic, it just means Wuk Lamat is worse. So you inventing a strawman that it's recency bias or people lying about how much Lyse is hated is just you coping.
>>no one in World Unsundered tries to get primals
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I'll say it. Base DT had better moments than Base STB. I still remember when Hien kept talking for hours while Gosetsu was literally power lifting an entire house and then "died", that shit was so dumb.
Retarded plothole filled nonsense. It's bad in every way and that is even before getting into the game itself.
Instead of Scions I say Trusts should use other players Retainers.
You could assign them to dungeon duty at the summon bell and get rewards if they get used. Maybe also assign them certain behavioral quirks.
Basically I just want the Pawn system from Dragon's Dogma and another reason to care about my retainers glams.
ai generated multiverse story where the main characters all have the exact same personality (like DT Scions), and unlike DT the story consists of running the same dungeon over and over and everyone is ugly and the music sucks
Can't wait for the FFXI Alliance Raid
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>no female roegadyns
I don't understand why Trusts need to be Scions specifically. We can see how well that went for them as characters in DT.
All 4 of the main characters/companions are godawful, the entire story basically exists to explain the NG+ mechanic, no choices you make for anything matters in the short or long term and the game world reacts to almost none of it. And then the game itself is endless radiant quests.
>Your vitals... oh no nononono-

Anyway, the story is that after you gather enough space thu'ums from space dragon altars (I'm not making it up) you eventually discover that Starfield actually takes place in a multiverse, and you get a unique spaceship that can travel dimensions, and every time you go to another dimension it's like you "reset" the universe and all the story beats are actually the same but with small variations. It might sound like an interesting concept at first, but then you remember that the entirety of the game sucks too much to want to repeat plots over and over, and it's terribly handled.
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>DT plot was good but the execution is severely bad.
That's generaous of you but I would argue the plot is fundamentally and for what is meant to be a "FRESH START" there is a Shadowbringers call back with the trolley, Zenos call back with Zuraal Ja "I will prove the miracle" hes all about combat and wanting to fight, only this time we don't get to instance fight him and have to watch like a cuck on the sidelines as he killed Gulaal ja ja.
Living Memory and the Endless were another flavour of Amaurot and Ancient. It's all been done before and it's getting really stale.
>no male miqo'te
No no no, Zoraal Ja activating devil trigger to dunk on Gulool Ja Ja was much more outrageous.
Lyse was way more useless and meaningless to the plot than Wuk was. At least Wuk had a reason to be there and do the things she did. Even tough I don't think she should have got as much screen time as she did, she wasn't half as useless as Lyse was in SB.
>only 2 million for a mount that’s 5% chance to drop
Damn you’re a cheap whore you know that?
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i coud write all the bad about dawntrail but it'd be over the word limit
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Same energy
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Well, there is ONE.
DT's plot is only good if you pull out so extremely far away from it that it can only be summarized as "Tomboy princess proves her worth over warmonger brother, who then usurps foreign country and wages war". The more you start to look into it beyond that description, the more stupid it turns.
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Are you waiting on the mod tools to finalize on Tuesday before you start memeing again?
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>no male miqos in 1.0
truly a nightmarish time. thank god for the umbral calamity
>>683848185thr placement of the artifact on the map is odd. It looks like it's sitting on top of the area where you go to at the end of the end Walker 24 man raids
People will cry if we had to take 'Mamool Ja Viper' and 'Mamool Ja Mystic' as our DPS and healer instead of Alisaie and Alphinaud
Nah. I don't think that was the best spot to kill him. His arc's completed and he underwent a moment of development and acceptance. To kill him the second that happens is a waste because we don't get to see how he's actually changed. Besides, it was the time to say goodbye to Minfilia, not to him.

I do think that Endwalker should have had the death of a named character or several. Not necessarily a Scion, though. My frontrunners were to kill Raubahn or Master Matoya in a heroic moment where they're fighting the Final Days and defending Ala Mhigo/Idyllshire. It would have given a face and name to the loss of the Final Days, made the consequences of it more alarming, and shown that it had an impact on more of the world than just Garlemald and Thavnair. They're also complete characters that don't really have anywhere else to go or much more place in the story, so it would be a good use of them.

Going through the Aitiascope makes it clear that EW really didn't have many massive consequences on the actual people we know. It also makes it clear that HOLY FUCK some people get shafted by the story. My guy Meffrid has been done eternally dirty forever and always.
Good taste nigga.
Just started. Thinking of playing as a Hume Red Mage.
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>naruto cat spent 10 minutes telling me to rest up and she will too because we are tired and fought Valigarmanda
>go to my cabana
Aw shit it’s time for shadowbringer choose-my-bro chat, shit was cash and I am gonna do all of them
>Its the Naruto Cat
>The Naruto Cat we left to go rest after we talked about everything needed to be talked about
>only Naruto Cat is here now
>She won’t go
That image ignore the fact that interfering in the duel between the two would be a massive stain in Gulool Ja Ja's honor. To not mention how no one tought he was going to lose until Zoraal Ja cheated with the soul dopping.
There's already precedent for taking regular NPCs to dungeons.
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>Living Memory and the Endless were another flavour of Amaurot and Ancient
The Endless is reminiscent of the Ea and not Ancient, If you want to complain about the shitty story at least be accurate
And Living Memory is not fucking Amaurot you brainlets.
>Wuk Lamat becomes the ruler of her country
>immediately fucks off to that other place instead of tending to her responsibilitied
Lmao it just keeps getting worse
It is nowhere near as bad as the hyperbolic retardation in these threads makes it out to be. There are plenty of decent tools and plenty of high notes, it's just bogged down by a disinteresting lead character and the plot being split in two directions without the focus to neatly handle both. By FFXIV standards, it's pretty weak, especially when we've had the highs of HW and SHB to cruise on, but people (totally organic actual players of the game) act like this story is Borderlands levels of bad.
Lyse also has the benefit of being our friend and ally. Lyse knows when to fuck off. Lyse might suck, but Yda was cool and she didn't jump in to "save the day". She also wasn't voiced by a thing that gives me the ick.
>interfering in the duel between the two would be a massive stain in Gulool Ja Ja's hono
>until Zoraal Ja cheated with the soul dopping.
You realize the contradiction on what you said now?
sorry kiddo, ur daddy had to die, his honorabu depended on it
The Warrior of Light, his pals, Gulool Ja Ja's fucking children and his best friend not leaping in to gank Zoraal Ja when he revived was dumb as hell yeah.
>but the honorabu duel
Dude sicced a robot army on innocents, fucker had no honor to begin with.
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I cannot wait.
the top only happens because they're rquired by law to have a scene emulating amano's logo.
They don't interrupt even after he does the soul revival thing, which they obviously know he lost and is cheating now.

And they then don't stop him from leaving. The guy who killed the king and led robots to slaughter random civilians in the streets. Like it isn't a case of he teleports away or anything, he just walks and Alisaie actively stops Wuk from attacking (while everyone else ignores him too).
She goes to deal with a dude who's threatening her country while the other ruler stays to run it.
Naming Koana to rule alongside her and then doing that was probably the least stupid thing she did in the entire latter half of the story.
just took a big fat Wuk Lamatt. had to light a match afterwards, it stunk so bad
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Thank fucking Christ.

It's over.
fuck you figured me out, everyone who dislikes the story is just me and my alts
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>plenty of high notes
Name fucking 3.
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you can really tell when discord is raiding again

it always happens at the same time at night too
don't be rational or else they will dogpile on you too
Now that you've posted this pic, you've reminded me of something I was thinking of earlier.
>The premise is that we interfere in a foreign election to place a candidate convenient to us
>Turns out their entire culture is shallow and based on stereotypes and specially food
>Any possible allusions to colonialism were removed from the lore, not addressed to make a lesson about it but instead made to pretend it's just not a thing
>Wuk Lamat keeps insisting she's here to spread peace and understanding but is also so temperamental her very introduction has her punching tables just talking about her own brother
>Wuk Lamat talks about killing a civilian population to bait the leader out of hiding
The entirety of Living Memory (and the accompanying dungeon) are 100% a blatant rip-off of the climax of Amaurot without understanding what made the Tempest and Amaurot good. Right down to not even being able to fully commit to using the map itself as part of the narrative in the dungeon.
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How do you feel about fisher mains?
The "other place" was literally invading her country and the only reason she was able to do that is because Bakool Ja Ja promised to stay back and lead the defense if they attacked.
Borderlands is unironically better than Dawntrail
I think the game would be better if we only had the 1.0 races and genders.
They lacked critical information at the time.
How do I get an invite to the Wukcord?
taking your meds might help
whose they?
Wuk Lamat has zero character growth and abandoning her country immediately after it getting invaded just proves that she never grows up
At first it was just a good way to double dip. The scions are already there plus you get some story beats like Alisaie recognizing her sin eater friend. Then the all scion trust against Hydaelyn was just good writing, she started their journey and they got to be there at her end.

In DT though the mandate to always have these characters present for dungeons and most trials has become a narrative eyesore and I can't take another scene where characters who were just 2 zones away suddenly step off the elevator right before a trial.
>They lacked critical information at the time.
What else do you need beyond "Zoraal Ja just fucking died in front of us seconds ago but now he's up again after a wierd machine revived him and he looks brand new"?
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>DT's plot was good
as a fisher main myself, I uninstalled the game after finishing msq and did not even look at the new abilities
I think anon thinks the image was from Xenoblade, hence toddler.
4chan refuses to let me post this image, so have a link to it. https://files.catbox.moe/9dfahy.png
>ctrl+f "wuk"
>43 hits

I wouldn't and I'm a fan of the twins.
I wish they weren't in this shitstain of an expansion. It only made them look dumb.
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wuk is bad

obvious discord raid is obvious


damage control post
>The entirety of Living Memory (and the accompanying dungeon) are 100% a blatant rip-off of the climax of Amaurot without understanding what made the Tempest and Amaurot good
retard. What did think Living Memory was about? Why do you suppose they showed that everything is free in LM and everyone is free to revisit past areas there and to meet their past longings? Goddamn.
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anyone think its fucked up they finally gave us a mercenary expansion (where we are doing someones dirty work for them) and they didn't even let us pick a few branching options? if they had let us pick between the four options I could excuse a lot more of the shit ass story. there are so many quest lines that warn us about letting people take advantage of the WoL's world-changing strength most notably the DRK quests. why the fuck would I abide letting WUK FUCKING LAMAT use me? fuck kate, fuck yoshi, fuck the dude who voiced wuk, and fuck koana
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>DT's plot was good
>Koana using foreign tech to fix a local problem, showing the strengths of his pledge naturally where the rest of the cast had to come up with some nonsense magical answer
>Koana shooting his tablet to resign his pledge to help with the fight
>Dueling Gulool Ja Ja
>Bakool Ja Ja initial motives, turnaround, resultant character development, backstory, etc.
There's four for you.

I'm starting to see that.
This post is correct and will receive a large number of short one line responses by people upset at it. They could have phased out Wuk going into the Alexandria portion of the story better, done more with zone 4, and maybe left the scions out of it but it's alright. Technically speaking EW had lower lows and longer stretches of bullshit.

I also think that as we move into the patches we'll see a lot more Alexandria and things will even out.
The story would absolutely benefit from decoupling the Scions from the WoL's hip every now and then. Give both them (and us) a change to fucking breathe and do something in the plot, for christ sake.
im convinced that the back and forth between wuk "lovers" and wuk haters is a single anon batting himself on the head, changing hats with each bonk
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Hiroi did nothing wrong. Dawntrail is shit because the pink haired dyke was breathing down his neck telling him what to do the entire time he was writing.
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Player agency in MY story?
No one could guess that he had really died and came back, at least not until we visited Alexandria and learned that was the norm there.
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>5 seconds apart
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Wuk MC
Wuk game
Wuk board
Killing off characters to pump drama is really fucking boring and stupid. It would have been perfectly fine if the Scions just fucked off like they were supposed to after EW.

Easy plot hooks for other areas if you talk about the Scions being preoccupied with something.
People will actually be happy when they come back when you do shit like the dumb Thancred reveal two patches after he left.
Gives new characters room to breathe and grow without them being stifled by "why don't we just have X do it?"
True and real.
There are people on this board that actually believe this copium.
This is a linear story so letting us choose between the 4 claimants would have complicated shit a lot when it comes to Tural. I wish we went to Tural for the same reason as Estinien.
He was dead on the ground and then a big glowing piece of technology started glowing and his entire body healed with healing magic, with the healing magic sound effects happening.

At the absolute worst they can tell it's healing him and that he'd clearly lost until then.
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>Endless Otis has ptsd flashback to Sphene's death
>Wuk Lamat says don't worry about it

lol this fucking game
Chances of wuk lamat surviving patch 7.1?
The only actual high there is the Gulool solo duty, Bakool's redemption was obvious from the beginning.
>Until Zoraal Ja cheated
It's not all present saw him revive and it's not like the Wol has the Echo which allows him to preternaturally see momentarily into the future, it's written into the lore the Echo is the reason you can see battle mechanics remember Stormblood? Fordola could see your mechanics until Urianger gave you that shit to neutralise her Echo sight.
Wol would have been able to see the kill shot before it happened and we still stood by like retards
If there is a god, none
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All me.
7.1 would already be done.
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God bless Alisaie so happy her 1 doujin got translated.
Very high, since 7.1 was clearly written in advance before the expansion released.
I believe that, AND hiroi is a fucking hack writer to make a true one two pinch from hell.
Not subtle at all.
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>Yoshida: I want to make this the best summer vacation the wol can have!
>we spend the whole thing being strung around as a bodyguard to some loser
thanks for the "vacation"
Our cabins felt super underutilized this expansion compared to EW and ShB. At least show me WoL cannonballing into the water while the trailer theme plays or something.
It better not be rape
I think it would've made sense to at least let you pick between Wuk/Koana, because ultimately they still end up with both ruling and then it's only 2 options.

But also the entire succession competition should've had a different structure, none of it felt like a competition and it especially was weird that the only time the scions "competed" against each other in this was Thancred using double down on a stone pillar of the first dungeon. It doesn't do much, but beyond that they didn't even have the teeth to let the Scions compete in a cooking contest against each other despite interviews advertising the competition between them.
Zoraal Ja was actively killing civillians. I don't see any circumstance where a strict 1v1 duel should be honored and the game did not put any cultural importance to it to explain why.
Can't even fish despite the water being right there.
We can fish in toe height mud puddles but not the beach in front of us?
There is no rule against using healing items or magic in duels. The only reason why Gulool Ja Ja lost is that he let his guard down, he would have won if he knew what he was fighting.
>Dad beating the shit out of his kid
>Societal norms demand that we ignore it and mind our own business
Based Jap culture.
>At least show me WoL cannonballing into the water while the trailer theme plays or something.
wuk lamat would ruin it by saying "that looks fun! can i join?"
if alphinaud ever dies im killing everyone in the vicinity and them myself.

t. wol
Rape, Mind Break, NTR
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He is here.
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>WoL.... I want you to stay here with me in Tuliyollal
True. It isn't really cheating, since there is no rules against it.
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>if something is obvious it's bad
The cooking contest was so stupid
The whole thing was so stupid
Why the fuck would you release an expansion with this boring of a story it's worthless slop

now do the same thing for the DT script
We must strive the story to be more subversive and less satisfying.
DT writers don't understand how important it is to have distance and room to breathe from certain characters.
Wuk is a thermonuclear example of this.
ruh-roh, wukcord melty
>BRD quest writer
>BLM quest writer
>Bozja assistant writer
yeah no
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Wuk is only more meaningful to the story because the entire story is about her. No one needs to even be there as we do nothing. That is what makes her worse.
they copied WoW (again)
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wish people like this would improve the drama of the real world by killing themselves
Were the BLM quests that bad? I remember the BRD quests being kind of dumb and fairly dull but nothing held a candle to the stupidity of the PLD job quests
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The scions are the better example of this, Wuk is more of an attempt at a FFXI style story where you and 1 npc go on a buddy adventure. Unfortunately we have two main issues

1. The main NPC isn't an attractive girl
2. The scions show up and smother you the entire time
I wonder how Yoshi-P is reacting to all of this. He was most likely busy with FF16 at the time and left someone else in charge of the expansion.
Bakool killed a lot of people but we forgive him for no real reason, he also betrays his own character and has a 180 turn for no believable reason. It's nonsensical which seems to be the main theme of the expansion.
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>it's the scions fault DT is bad
You fuckers ruined this game and still whinge.
>my precious yoship WOULD never let this happen!
come on
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>2. The scions show up and smother you the entire time
Don't make me pull out the words spoken or quest objectives chart
the scions barely have lines, the only times they do get to speak they can only affirm wuk lamat or point out obvious things like "look! its a waterfall!
The cut ARR filler quests got sent forward in time and ended up in Dawntrail.
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>The scions show up and smother you the entire time
yeah man it's the SCIONS that are smothering you the entire time
>No one needs to even be there as we do nothing
That is just wrong. She can't do anything alone by the first half of the story, and by the second half she is only tagging along until it's time to kill her brother.
A lot of people's complaints about her is that she doesn't do enough to justify the amount of focus she gets, the WoL does most of the heavy lifiting.
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>where you and 1 npc go on a buddy adventure
You mean where you do the 1 NPC work for her for 30 hours straight while she takes credit?
I think that's the kicker to stupid the entire contest was, she had everybody do everything for her aside from catching the alpaca and even then we had to essentially cheat the contest by having somebody else do her bargaining to get the saddle. She didn't even go into the kitchen for the taco contest (granted the two lizard contests had the lackey make their tacos too).
The final contest being "oh you need to have strong allies to triumph over this shade" doesn't fucking mean much when everybody but Koana are from a different continent and essentially had ringers on her team. It's all so stupid, she didn't learn a thing and showed absolutely no leadership skills other than having an essentially "you gotta believe us bro" magnetic personality.
I'm going to say it and you faggots know I am right.

We should have had a Garlemald expansion.

We should be playing Endwalker right now.

The story ending at level 100 would be kino.
BRD 50 - 60 is great.
Bozja is great it just got shafted.
idk about BLM
>Suddenly shows up with a high tech out of this world army
>murders a whole bunch of civilians including random women and children
>kills some palace guards to go face to face with the dawnservant
>but no no no, don't interfere..it would be a dishonorabu
The populares getting offscreened and forgotten about was a crock of shit.
>2. The scions show up and smother you the entire time
the Scions are less relevant to the story than Erenville was. Even Kryle, a scion that deserved way more screen time then what she got, isn't the focus of the story.
everything about 90-95 was stupid. Wuk literally solves generational cultural issues in an afternoon repeatedly by talking. (which apparently gulool ja ja was happy to let fester for reasons). Then its made even sadder when her "lets talk it out strategy" doesnt immediately work with Sphene her very next action is "welp lets just genocide them all"
They could literally just move the Zenos kills glavus scene to the end of a big war campaign breaking into Garlemald and then have Endwalker happen exactly the same and I'd be happy with it.
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doesn't matter how good the story was. people will still bitch.
It should've maxed at 99 and been stat squished back to 50 for the next expansion
they enjoy the game far more than me or any penta legend
Complain with the japanse.
>Catch an alpaca
>trade stuff for other stuff
>Build a float
>Cooking contest
When you look at the main story beats it's painfully obvious how little creativity actually went into writing this
Am I wrong though? EW was released on Dec 2021 and FF16 was released on June 2023, then DT released 1 year later.
The timeline fits perfectly, he was working on FF16 and left someone else in charge of the new expansion.
I'm also going to assume that he is working on the new Tactics game and is going to keep the new person in charge.
Ugly avatartranny
You will never be a woman, you will never find validation, you will never be called cute by any anon
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>european posting hours
>thread quality jumps off a cliff

i never disagreed with this. pandering to fans just to rush the story ahead is always a disaster. it's not a mistake that the garlemald segments in EW had some of the most impactful dialog and solo duties
>Patch 7.1
>A crack in time and space
>It’s fucking Zenos
>with a mustache
>‘You’ve just Dawned your last trail pandejo’
it would be interesting to see Ishikawa's take on a full garlemald war expansion. i know she wrote doma but i think it would be different that that, idk
It's amazing how slow the first half of the MSQ is when you compare it with the second half. It makes me believe the theory that the first half went trough a bunch of rewriting.
they're gonna regret making half the game free to play with zero time limt
its so true. every singular post in this thread with an exception yours is you guessed it by the way, me
let me guess, i will never silence your song of oblivion. where have i heard that before
at this point zenos busting back in would be kino in comparison for what we have had for 6 patches now. We never actually saw him die (again) so it would be even less of an asspull than his last return
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Mi amigo juan fantasia
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Community explained their shit season with a gas leak that made everyone forget it happened

Gas leak in 7.1 ?
this is the portrait i use for my main role
Que te jodan
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its terrifying to think that we we got is the "improved" version
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>Heavensward has two amazing cutscenes of Dragons fighting and Shinryu vs Omega
>we never got a cutscene of Hydaelyn vs Zodiark and the sundering
I think about this sometimes. Level 100 seems like it's a good endpoint for the main story and there's no way a Garlemald expansion would have be worse than DT.
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>maxed at 99
>fighting endsinger and reviving the scions/emet takes a huge chunk of our power + no more hydaelyn
>canonically and gameplay wise back to level 50

Too kino
didst thou have any irrefutable proof to back that information up?
i liked 6.0 but i do think the fall of the empire and the telophoroi felt too rushed
imagine if we had seen more of varis before he gets ack'd at around level 85, and the second half of the msq was about the towers and the lunar primals culminating with anima as the final trial
could've also taken us to dalmasca, corvos, the other (former) garlean territories
Imagine if Varis wasn't wasted so early. With both Elidibus and Emet out of the picture and Fandaniel still lurking in the shadows and not showing himself yet he'll finally have reign act fully on his own volition.
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posts like this only appear during seamonkey aussie hours

thread quality is terrible now
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Why did Gulool Ja Ja raise his children to know nothing of their country's people, leaving it to the ascension challenge to be a school lesson and test just before they took over for him?
Koana didn't give a fuck about traditions or his heritage, and went to study in Sharlayan, ok.
Zoraal Ja was a fight autist that went around the country slaying threats and listening to people's pleas, but had no personal care for them.
How did Wuk Lamat end up so sheltered as to only know anything about city life? It's fucked up that she didn't know ANYTHING about her home village, Mamook, or their signature food that GJJ united them with.
maybe if you truly keep saying the magic phrase it will suddenly become true, a real cultural revisionist as it were! lol!
Honestly I hope the FFXI raid is shit so you FFXIfags fuck off forever
More like, "we run out of time, so we just adding more screen time to Wuk Lamat".
you crashed my pc
Euros are asleep you dumb faggot.
Kill yourself Wuktroon
>you're a bad actor if you don't follow my false dichotomy
you can do it! i believe!
>only seamonkey aussies like ishikawa's writing
He's baiting out Australians and Canadians.
they had to have something different planned for varis originally. he was built up so much when he arrives and schools the scions into silence with logic in 4.5. Then he gets fucking murdered in a "meanwhile" during an expansion our character isnt even on the planet. serious fucking blueballing of a great villain
what kind of mental illness is this?
looks like a meatbun with two beans
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evil fucking company
>schools the scions into silence with logic in 4.5
He was the dumbest person in that room.
Doesn't make sense because you wouldn't be able to do the lv99 dungeon anymore. Do it like this

>maxed at 99
>during endsinger fight when the scions are praying you level up to 100 mid fight and kill her.
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You are asking all the right questions
>a large number of short one line responses by people upset at it

It's like clockwork, made even more hilarious by the fact that these post are accompanied by the same reaction images that have been posted hundreds of times in the last few weeks, in all likelihood by the same individuals.

As another anon pointed out the scions had no reason to be there, any time something bad happened it was oh just let the scions handle it. At no point were you in any danger, actual physical danger or in danger of having to come up with a solution because you had your whole support team in tow. This is where the fun lies, either your character getting involved or new characters having room to step in and take meaningful action in the main story. Yes my eyes rolled out of my fucking cranium when yshtola and graha showed up, they could not help themselves.
my favorite soken track
Man bozja story went to shit near the end and was unfinished it need just one more zone
There he is, the anon that gets mad any time XI is referenced. Little does he know he's playing FFXIV which already borrows a mountain of content from XI.
I'm so sorry the scions stole 30 minutes more Wuk Time from you.
Literal daddy's girl, he was probably counting on his sons to actually get things done but Zoraal Ja turned out to be a complete lizard brain
The Harvey Weinstien of MMORPGs
inadequate ability to express personal interpretation means your argument is invalid
I kinda agree, the entire thing to me felt like a first draft that never got a do-over
How does that paint everybody else in the room if Varis had stupid ideas and wrong information yet most of the other people there still had no rebuttals for most of his speech?
How do you unlock this for her?
there is a world where we got a version of the new world that is full of political intrigue with aztecs and incas and shit at each others throats and barely restrained from violence by gulool ja ja who is a warlord keeping it all together with personal charisma and strength of arms. Everyone knows once he dies its a fucking free for all and is jockeying for advantage and a naive wuk lamat has to discover this and figure out a way to forge a real nation in a way her father the warlord never could. Instead we got a world where the biggest problem is someones macy's day parade float ran out of aether and winning tribes loyalty consists of cooking their tacos correctly. What a fucking wasted opportunity.
>It's like clockwork, made even more hilarious by the fact that these post are accompanied by the same reaction images that have been posted hundreds of times in the last few weeks, in all likelihood by the same individuals.
you really wanna bring back md5 posting? this stupid everyone one person cope is ridiculous
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wukcord getting uppity

cope seamonkey aussie wuktroons
>How did Wuk Lamat end up so sheltered as to only know anything about city life?
no reason to leave the city before the contest? she left for the hanu village to play in the festival when she was small and that's it. i dunno why a board full of sheltered basement dwellers think it's impossible she'd just be a homebody or not venture past her city until given a very real and tangible reason to
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All me, schizokun. All me.
you guys should really talking about dawntrail and how great wuk is
Max trust level
my dad made me go outside a bunch and play sports and mingle. is galool ja ja just a horrible dad?
She was notably scared of large animals and struggled to figure out the world around her. I'd argue she probably just lived in the palace and periodically ran around Tuliyollal and everybody gave her whatever she wanted because she was a Promise, but she didn't quite understand what that meant until she left for Old Sharlayan.
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I only recognize 1 Wuk as canon
Do you grace every insane homeless man you see ranting to himself at a crosswalk with a deep and thought-out debate, anon?
To be Wuk Lamat is to be under constant attack.
You don't?
That makes no sense in any way shape or form.
This is a good thread with good people I like you all
So many bigots in these discussions lately
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then you're trying on purpose to not understand a simple post and i'm not interested in you
Kek I remember this, turns out it was basically an extremely lazy attempt to make a quick buck and those guys are essentially just scandinavian abos. Also their entire 'argument' was them trying to rely on an agreement they made with Disney against a completely unrelated company.
if the insane homeless man is the dictator of my neighboring country, i kinda have to, anon
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where's my femhroth wife?
lol no you don't, especially not when that dictator is ranting about how his master race is the only one that will rightfully rule the planet
In WoW, you should go there and stay there.
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Why do Australians like Wuk Lamat and lion trannies so much?
They always run defense for her. No one defends her during American hours.
garlenigger cope always a laff.
>>683854356 what the fuck does this even mean?
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but i want her here
in xiv
Is this the birth of an epic new meme?
My parents regularly took me on daytrips all over the place as a kid. Her formative years being her locked in the palace is a parental issue.
>but GJJ is Dawnservant, he can't just travel around all the time to take his daughter to get spiced pork tacos and learn of her heritage!
She had a nursemaid, retainers, and guards.
Thanks for the laugh anon.
It means he hit too close to home and you are having an existential crisis.
i'm not racist or anything, but i see a lot of cute men with animal or round eared whores and i can't help but feel they could do better
tranny zenos.
100% agree. SHB was GOAT and perfectly set up the plot to have another full expansion on Garlemald, which would have done a much better job of leaning into Endwalker, which could have been a proper ending to the game at level 99/100.
They missed their chance to effectively kill off any scions in EW, especially since it threatened actual permanent death from becoming a dynamis monstrosity. Anything after this point would ring hollow, and Thancred especially has already been crippled, nearly died, and "actually" died first in Ultima Thule. If anything he's the only character who should survive any escalation at this point unless he was going to be eliminated solely for not being able to harness aether, which is also something they could save killing off Gaius for
That's a man
>just don't ever talk to any leader that slightly upsets me ever, im sure things will work out just fine!
the wuk lamat school of politics
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nuh uh
that's my wife
Garlemald had it's chance and they passed on it, frankly they should have been written out of the story earlier. I'm glad they skipped the Garlean expansion.
They hated him for he spoke the truth. You could keep every story beat the same with only minor adjustments like Bakool and Wuk team up for the conchita pibil and have a competent writer add more depth and nuance to scenes and everyone would love it.
no i don't and i'm quite content
>no bro no I HAVE to talk to him bro i HAVE to debate him i just
They're surrounded by horrors beyond mortal comprehension so Wuk is normal to them.
>anon learns what diplomacy is
Didn't ask!
Anons that "run offense" on her are equally weird and neurotic
Stop making shit up, go in these and Ctrl-F lyse
XIV threads before ShB were about the gameplay, evidently (not that jobs changed much at all in DT though, admittedly)
These are also about the same time after SB launch as we are from DT launch
I don't fucking understand how people enjoy it
>intended for his kids to succeed him as dawnservant
>didn't even try teaching them about the people of the country they would grow up to lead
honestly doesn't surprise me given that GJJ let the mamool ja rot in their shitty swamp eating bananas and killing their babies. what a leader
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Lmfao I will never stop loving when people back themselves into corners of logic trying to defend this dogshit story
>if the plot was better people would like it more
what an insightful post
nice try wukcord
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Okay so changes to make the game healthier and more balanced.

1. Nerf PCT. It should be around where DRG is right now.
2. Buff BLM. Should be slightly stronger than SAM is right now. Should be the top dps of the game.
3. Slightly buff VPR just so it sits at the top of melee, it has 0 defensives it's a glass cannon melee, as such it should be at the top of melees.
4. Slight buff to DRG and NIN to bring it closer to RPR.
5. Buff RDM and SMN so they're just above phys ranged. RDM should be above SMN.
6. Fuck physical ranged.

You're welcome I just fixed your balance.
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>No Right of Succession
>We (Wol, twins, Erenville) go there on Krile's behest
>The other Scions have there own reasons for being there (Y'shtola thinking of Tural having a connection with Ronka, Estinien monster hunting)
>We temporary party with them in each zone while still on Krile's quest
>All there roads leads to the Golden City
There, a better first half.
>didn't even try teaching them about the people of the country
>honestly doesn't surprise me given that GJJ let the mamool ja rot in their shitty swamp
waiter, there's a fly in my bait
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Are you guys preparing for Taco Tuesday?
about half of most of the posts in this thread are from last thread

we're dealing with a sigma level autistimo here folks
so does tural not have schools? because it sure seems like wuk lamat knows nothing about anything despite being at least like 16
>logging normals

don't worry, lalabro will protect you from the cat menace
FSH mains are the non-standard BLM of non-combat jobs, in that they are cringe and take themselves too seriously for what is just a 50/50 gacha. Either you crit or you don't, either you get the fish or you don't. They probably wear fishing apparel irl, which is even more embarrassing to think about.
At least he isn't spamming artbook pages or rotating through official forum posts.
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hang it up
>couldve had the dark primals as dungeon bosses, magus sisters, anima and Zodiark as trials
>give Zenos actual screentime rather than just resolving his character with a single line of dialogue from Alisiae
>make curing tempering the end goal and not something handwaved in thirty minutes after the scions make it back to the source
>couldve made radz actually relevant, made dalmasca a fucking zone already, given us any other Garlean territories

you need a place to stay dude? i know an anon who lets me live in his head all rent free
they don't seem to have schools, courts, a police force, any discernable functional state whatsoever. but at least they have diversity
what part of my post was bait?
i guess i forgot to mention that he invited the lizards to abandon their ancestral homeland and live in his new le diverse city, and did literally nothing else to try and improve the situation of those who remained in mamook
>DT's plot was good
objectively false

go back to your wukcord sis
sorry ma'am, what should we talk about instead? i wouldn't want to upset you
They refused to leave, you'd know this if you didn't skip cutscenes.
zenos had too much screen time
lol just malding that alisaie was right and zenos left seething to cry in ala mhigo
The point is DTs story beats are fine as they're placed, but they're shallow. You don't need it rewritten completely or characters even removed or added, the characters need more depth.
Me when I'm not flooding my own thread.
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Funni thread
I'd pull her shorts down then jam my dick in tight snatch, yes.
>dalmasca liberated in tweets

lmao matsuno is a fucking hack.
You're absolutely right. Let us see the savage lo- oh wait you fucking Neanderthal we are talking about balancing FOR the savage that's not out yet. Holy shit. Braindead clown.
Don't even need the twins there Make your team WoL, Krile, Estinien and Erenville and you pick up Tural natives as party members along the way.
It's actually kind of stupid how you go through this new storyline and make no new traveling companion friends as it must be The Wuk Show 24/7.
Did the first have a zenos shard?
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>running Euphrosyne on repeat for a glam item
>literally 6 runs so far with like 30 min queues
>finally drops on the seventh run
>roll a 3 and a random sprout gets it

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Having Krile plastered all over marketing was such a bait and switch. I hope some autist decides to sue them for this false advertising shit.
It took them until today to advertise the Expansion with the main character and that's only on the twitter accounts, Wuk Lamat is still no where to be seen on the poster and advertising campaign in the real world.
honestly they could've written you working with any of the promises and made it an actual choice that makes players want to utilize ng+ to see the other ones. Keep Wuk Lakat's "route" as the baby mode one and give us neutral (Koana) and chaos (Zoraal) options where you get to at least silently shit on them with your 280 hours of MSQ experience
can you answer my question? i want the best thread experience possible, so I wish to know which topics you are comfortable having an adult discussion about
>have a drawn-out plot about finding a way to cure tempering
>it's a major story beat one singular time
>tempering doesn't exist anymore because all of the beast tribes, in unison, figured out (offscreen) how to make primals without tempering
Haha that was me I discarded it too
i can't possibly fathom why people wouldn't want to leave the place they've lived their entire lives, as shitty as it is, for somewhere completely unknown to them
you'd think the wise dawnservant would at least try to help those who remained given that they're his people and wuk and koana managed to come up with a solution in the space of about 2 cutscenes, but i guess he was too busy dueling random niggers in his palace
>honestly they could've written you working with any of the promises and made it an actual choice that makes players want to utilize ng+ to see the other ones.
no they couldn't that's fucking insane wish-fulfillment to write 3-4 separate MSQs
>if the characters were better people would like it more
150 IQ post
>the characters need more depth.
this would require major rewrites
>Level cap in EW is 99
>We only hit 100 while fighting Zenos
Holy fuck you guys are at WAR over this game
anyone got an invite to the wukcord? been looking for a place to discuss lamaty'i in (papa's) peace
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The absolute state of this nigga lmfao
It was Tesleen. It came to me in a dream.
I'm not going to sit here and repeat what the game itself explained to you, load it up and read it for yourself. I don't care if you like or dislike the reasoning given but everything you seem confused about was explained.
They wrote something 3x as long as hw MSQ with no impact instead
I would've preferred 3-4 separate smaller MSQs over the obscenely padded-out monstrosity that DT is.
It's the longest x.0 MSQ by a country mile and the vast, vast majority of it is time-wasting busywork and meaningless worldbuilding while characters stand around in the background praising Wuk for doing nothing.
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they stayed because they were autistic and were angry the new dawnservant won mainly through his charms and through heroism and not brute conquering
>duhhh why didn't da dawnservant try to help da lizers dat completely spurned him after 90% of deir village moved out when he offered help to dem da first time
mamook trance
You really want us to believe that the king that supposedly unified the continent based on his deep relationships and understanding of his subjects kept his daughter in a Fritzlbox the entire time she was alive? Honestly the only explanation for her saying she wasn't there is the same reason she said she'd never been to Sharlayan late in the expac, her head's so far up her own ass that she's not paying attention to the world around her.
you should use numbers from the current skill ceiling content aka EX1/2
>I don't care if you like or dislike the reasoning given
you clearly do though
are you australian?

need proof of citizenship
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I'm not, I'm trying to improve myself.
No but there's an alternate-timeline Source where G'raha (forma de Exarch) came from, and timeline-zero Zenos almost certainly hitched a ride somehow.
you gonna get groomed
Don't ask questions just consoom the tranny slop
Him and Sadu are so obviously paired but all people see is the Cirina yuribait, this fanbase deserves the dogshit DT MSQ.
I called you retarded for story skipping, my only stake in this discussion is making sure you know you are in fact a retard.

Got it? You are complaining about something the game explained, you skipped, and now you are confused. Make sure you understand this, dumbass.
No you're witnessing the fallout of one autistic spic whose entire blood grudge against the game and people that talk about it comes from being told he was an autistic spic in a game song lyrics thread after something by Soken was posted.
timeline zero zenos would have been defeated at the ghimlyt dark after we kicked elidibus out of his corpse
Only TWO promises had clear and true motivations Koana and 2-heads but the latter was execured incredibly poorly, went from a saturday morning villain to a "le tragic baby killing" in a heartbeat, he had NO regrets about unfreezing Valigarmanda AND he's fucking forgiven for it? Let alone continue the damn contest after it.
>ban every account with a max level on Faerie
>community improves by 450% overnight
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It wouldn't go anywhere but the publicity alone would cause YoshiP and CS3 to lose face, something that's deeply shameful to Asian and Jap culture.
Almost all of the pre expansion release advertising for Dawntrail featured the Wol or Krile heavily, front and center with Wuk Lamat nowhere.
It's the same shit. The state of the balance does not change.
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>mamook trance
ok i laughed
but seeing as we spend approximately 95% of the msq trying to find a way for everyone to live in harmony, reasoning with the red giant niggers and trying to convince speen to stop her genocidal crusade, i don't think it's too much of an ask for the vaunted dawnservant to try reasoning with the lizards instead of just leaving them to their bananas and planned parenthood
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Well, we could work with that...
I accept your concession. Another L for your collection.
whats ur point exactly? that everyone with a problem with DT's story is just this one guy?
>reasoning with the red giant niggers
these guys leave off saying they're not abandoning their train of thought just because the new dawnservant saved them, but they're not going to be ungrateful
>for the vaunted dawnservant to try reasoning with the lizards
he did
that's why tuliyollal has a fuckton of lizards in it
the ones that are still there having fifty abortions every trimester and eating nothing but bananas in a nearly empty village are the ones that stayed 80 years ago
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>el rotador was the throwaway trial
How disappointing that was.
That's what it always is.
With reading clearly being difficult for you I'm surprised you managed to read my post, it took you 6 minutes to reply so good work anon, you powered through it.
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>he did
seems like he needs to try harder
'fraid 'o
>the thinking pose now the wol does for dialogue choices.

i hate this.
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he did try harder and they started having more abortions and complained about bananas even harder
How do you mentally prepare yourself for EX trials? I suffer from paralysis by analysis and fear of failing the team.
I mean you're terrible at writing and what you wrote is so stupid that I had to read it one more time to see if you're actually that mentally deficient, turns out you are.
crazy how this one spic bought the game 1400 times on Steam and left negative reviews on all those accounts, but it just goes to show how unhinged you need to be to possibly dislike Our God Queen of Peace Wuk Lamat
>come live in tuliyollal
>how about the rest of you guys
>well i did all i could, enjoy your bananas. holy fuck i'm bored i haven't dueled anyone in like 6 hours
what ass
You go into the normal trials and do them 10000 times.
It's ok to skip cutscenes but please, don't shit up the thread with questions that were explained to you clear as day in the MSQ. We've been having this problem for years, ever since you know what happened, the story isn't that deep and the game does a good job of telling you how it is.
unironically yes if they want to use a cenote for a toilet-cum-abortion clinic and cry about how they're "forced" to eat bananas 24/7/365 and they very specifically declined an offer to leave their barren homeland for something better then that's on them. eventually they'll get an anon that thinks they never received any offer of help
if you even have the brainpower to be conscientious of your own performance, you are already ahead of 90% of the playerbase
Exactly, which is why he'd have our body instead, after our soul was purged by the black rose.
There's only so much you can do for people who don't want to be helped and/or hold a grudge against you. All you have to do is turn on your local news station to see that in real time.
Watch a guide and specifically look for a practice/fresh prog party.
You'll quickly come to understand that everyone in PF is a fuck-up and there's no reason to feel bad about making mistakes as long as you're learning.
That would be peak, unironically
Go ahead keep clinging on for dear life to the same badly formulated strawman you've been doing this entire time, I'm assuming it's not out of necessity but because you really are that stupid and have nothing else to say.
>Why didn't he help them?!?!?!?!?!?
>Uh anon he did, most of them said cool lets go while the salty ones stayed
>?!??!?!?! but why didn't he help ALL of them HUH why didn't he spend 80 years fixing all their problems HUH?!?!

Our situation mirrors theirs, I'm trying to help you and you are too ignorant to let me help you, any time someone extends a hand to you all they receive is another smarmy post in reply. At a certain point good will runs out and you realize enough is enough, you can't fix everyone.

Weird huh.
>bird village contest to was save their crops
>crops were going bad because the float was damaged
>the float was damaged from the big storm
>the big storm didn't happen until we were already on the way to the continent so it was probably a few days ago if even that

Awfully convenient that the float was so important as otherwise Wuk would have been able to do nothing while Koana won with his fertilizer.
It's okay to be stupid, the rest of us need the laugh.
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are you seriously trying this at the absolute ass end of a dying thread?
>story skippers

Enjoy living in Mamook the rest of your life.
funni thread
I guess you're supposed to infer that Wuk was sheltered because if she left the palace racist lizards would keep shoving her into pits.
Cope wuklets, the universe bends over backwards for her to win.
it can't have been that hard considering when we arrived in mamook nobody even wanted to acknowledge our existence, and we managed to earn their trust by making some kindergarten-level observations about the meteorites and local fauna. it should've been even easier for gulool being a two-head himself and carrying a certain level of respect even among those who held a grudge against him
also you'd hope he would be interested in finding a way to stop the mass baby genocide, even if this means helping those who scorned him
migrate boys we've got a live one
they shifted to a backup thread
the trancers will not escape
I've probably seen bird village boat posted by him over 354 times now

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