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fucking WHY
how do you go from the masterpiece that is KH2 combat to this garbage? Who thought this boss was well designed? Who approved anything about this?
also Kingdom Hearts thread
love this game but god damn this combat system has some retarded jank, how the fuck did this get a seal of approval? i agree with OP given how this was off the boat of KH2.
>and this is supposed to be a fucking single analog stick handheld game
Never seen this faggot before in my whole life.
> Nigga thinks it was the combat that was the problem after KH2
>Retard thinks there is something wrong with KH
>Retards still don't hear me say pleeeasee oh baybeee don't go
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The song of my people.
Are your people Rocco Botte in his stained underwear?
you needed to press triangle there
t. knower
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I have no idea who that is.
Mysterious figure? More like Mysterious FAGGOT
I don't care. he was badass, he was mysterious, and most of all, he was figure. I felt like I was alive when I beat him, just like beating that faggot chaos in duodecim
My favorite fight, get gut is all I can say.
I need pics of Aqua to cheer me up!
Once More is a retarded ability but it was added in KH2. The whole "get hit 10 trillion times but still survive" thing was a staple of KH2FM boss fights.
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I know this is bait but but i will still call you a shiteating retard
>git gud
>one of the most skillless fights in action game history
He isn't hard, or challenging, or even interesting, he just goes into the extreme to hammer home what the game taught you from day 1, that thinking is bad and pressing triangle is good
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kh thread finally
i didn't get to post it since that thread was long past the bump limit, but i drew a rough concept for a lexaeus nobody. i'm still wondering what i'd do with vexen and zexion's, though.
BBS was such a mistake, in a perfect world we would've gotten 358/2 Days in full 3D and BBS on the DS instead.
She's too attractive.
I still dont understand how osaka team got their hands on KH3
About on par with kh1 sephiroth in final mix.
By which I mean, they're both horrific slugfest curespam festivals with horrific design.
Very pretty...
sex with aqua's pits
I have to lie down and think about her to relieve my stress a bit.
That's right!

Take your time.
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Ebin :---D
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Massage from Aqua in a bikini...
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Nice legs
I feel like they were failing forward all the way through with BBS's battle mechanics. They didn't intend for it to be the clusterfuck it became but they took mechanics that were already in KH1 and KH2 and made them really good. Like Second Chance is in the game. And One More. And Leaf Bracer. And rolling has huge iframes like KH2.

And then at some point they were like shit bro it's pretty hard to die with all this shit. No attack kills you. No combo kills you. You can always free heal. And if you spam roll you can't even get hit to begin with. Just fucking spam the player with bullets I don't fucking know. Also make him have an attack that gets rid of curaga so you can't leaf bracer. There's no other way to kill a player who's spamming rolls with all these abilities.

Also while I'm complaining, shotlocks are fucked and unbalanced. The raganarok style ones are objectively the best. Command styles are literally broken and you're worse off entering them, except for the finishers. Gravity trivializes every ordinary wave and thunder surge trivializes every boss. The entire game is fundamentally fucked.
the worst part of liking Aqua is that there were only ever like 2 good artists covering her
>Also while I'm complaining, shotlocks are fucked and unbalanced.
This. I remember pirating the Japanese copy with a half-English patch on my PSP before it got localized here and I remember mostly just spamming shotlocks my way through the game.
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Is it weird that I'd want her to keep that on for sex?
The only kingdom hearts I played was dream drop distance and I stopped like halfway in. It was alright but there wasn’t much going on, I was playing the 3DS version too I bet it’s better in the collection.
One day I’ll at least play 2 because the game looks like it captures shonen anime fighting really well going off some clips.
The hat?
Reminds me of how i did Sephiroth on my 100% run on steam
>equip Sonic Raid
>watch video instead
her bikini I mean
Oh. No not at all.
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She's so lovely in them!
No, pulled aside is always better than naked
FFXIII and XIV 1.0 totally fucked Square Enix's development pipeline. Most of the people who made KH1 and 2 are either busy with something else now or where part of the many people that left the company in the early 2010s because they were burnt out from the shitshow that was trying to get XIII and XIV out the door.
I'd rather talk about Drive Forms
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I love thinking about bikini sex with her...
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Could be worse
>what do we do for our superboss?
>how about that boss that makes shockwaves that you have to jump over from every game ever?
>mmm, sounds good, but this is meant to be a superboss, we need to spice it up
>give it 9510134594138 HP and make it kill you in 2 hits!
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This is a yaoisister franchise, f*male characters get out.
I fucking hate the command deck
i completely forgot that you're obligated to take hits in KH, action games like souls and dmc spoiled me. revenge value is a trip
link me the mod to this image
>gay dick sucking without an older girl pushing the catcher's head to go deeper
what's the point?
The funny thing is I can't tell if this is sped up or is how fast he actually hits.
I tried the Vanitas superboss before him and just didn't bother either one due to how long it'd take to beat them.
I 100%'d the game as long as I just ignore beating this guy
I just did the trick where you get him stuck on the other side of the station entrance and then spam Thundaga for 2 minutes. Yes it's dumb as fuck but so is this entire game. And I was stupid enough to play it on hard mode too where everything is a fucking damage sponge
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Alright I've been convinced to replay 2FM, god fucking damn it here we go again for the 10th time
Should I bust out the broken slim and find some way to convert PS2 output to HDMI or just emulate it or play the PC release?
I've been going through the series for the first time on the pc release and it's been working well
Unless you have an AMD card, then it crashes a bunch
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just play the hd release just for the updated soundtrack, it's leagues better than the original
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go for pc release if you want shit like this to happen to you all the time at random because squeenix can't make a good port to save their life
If you don't have any compunctions about using cheese exploits then the Vanitas superboss is actually really quick and easy since you can just get him stuck on the other side of a large rock and throw Strike Raids (which clip through the rock) at him until he's dead.
>Thread shitting on BBS
>Aquasimps show up
Oh dear I am remembering now how badly some of the songs sound in the remaster like the other promise or sinister sundown
I think there is a mod to restore the original OST though?
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works on my machine
Kh2 fucking sucked
>how do you go from the masterpiece that is KH2 combat to this garbage?
we've already been over this countless times
kh1+2 were made by tokyo team which is why the combat is different to bbs, ddd, recom, and kh3 which were all made by osaka team
osaka team has a fundamentally different idea on how kh combat works which is why the games feel and play so different from 1+2
Looks real neat, anon. I appreciate it.
>i'm still wondering what i'd do with vexen and zexion's
For Zexion I was thinking of something less centralized and something more scattered. Think 4-5 weird Books being thrown out at once from a centralized figure that all do small attacks to whittle you down but you could Dispel them if you get close and interrupt them or something. You could focus attacks on the figure while dodging/dealing with the attacks or Dispel them all to stun him and leave him vulnerable for a bit.
Or maybe, just freewheeling here, the enemy itself IS the book and the mobs it throws out are "pages" that it pulls from itself and all morph into odd shapes. All of it either way is just an idea to incorporate "Dispel" into their general combat plan.
Good luck. Something annoying that rarely appears on its own and wriggles around to play Defense for other enemies in the encounter. Doesn't really fit Vexen's personality but it would be something he'd create to defend himself.
Fuck off fag.
I had this happen only once ever. Restarted my PC, never happened again.
Never seen this.
maybe use a better computer amd retard
Great concept, looks like a more aggressive berserker which is fitting for Lexaeus. I like you kept with the FF job naming with calling it Warrior too
>vexen and zexion
Since the nobodies have abilities based off the leader, this thought come to mind

Vexen has a Puppetmaster type nobody that's really two enemies in one kind of like the shaman + living bones heartless
The puppetmaster keeps to the back and will shoot ice magic and periodically buff his puppet which can make it enter a frenzy state where it's attacks do more damage and are faster
The puppet could be a shadowed replica that's randomly based off one of the other nobody types or it could have a crazed monster/experiment look that has a more erratic look (maybe design based off a snake, not sure though) to be more unique and have a unique moveset

If not that, then Vexen could have a big defender-type nobody that focuses heavily on defense since Vexen is cowardly and doesn't like fighting directly, maybe call it Knight or Paladin

Zexion could have an Illusionist or Mime nobody and be a magic user for the nobodies. They could be living books and use the basic elemental magic (fire, ice, lightning) and they can also copy one of Sora's magics as a reference to how Zexion fights in ReCoM
Maybe go all in on the mime idea and have Zexion have an oddball Mime Nobody that can copy Sora's magic as a complete reference to ReCoM
Cool, didn't think I would catch your work.
Don't know how it was in PSP but on PS3, he was very mid. Sure lost a number of times while I deciphered the best strategy to beat him and ultimately did without much problem. Lingering Will was ten times harder.
Kingdom Hearts combat is fun but is built on a completely retarded foundation. Revenge values are retarded. Once More and Second Chance are retarded. I-frame abuse is retarded. It's a wonder the series has gone on so long.
Because the games are funny.
>Once More and Second Chance are retarded
It's no big deal tbqh because they're toggleable.
This is b8.
>Once More and Second Chance are retarded.
I don't mind Second Chance at all, I think it works fine as a "Oh shit, I got hit THAT hard?" but I do think it should have more than a 1HP threshold since it stops being a safety net and winds up being "Oh cool, I have 2HP, I'm safe."
Once More has absolutely lost the plot. As it was meant to be, protecting you from a swarm of enemies all comboing you if you weren't careful, I think it works fine. But even in KH2, where it was introduced, you could see attacks like Xemnas' 20 hit combo or the Centaur's pole spin that were either designed either with Once More in mind (more Xemnas than the other, but it's an example) or specifically to fuck with Second Chance, which either way is fucking retarded and cheapens both.
I believe there's a world where you can balance them properly so they aren't just "THE defensive abilities" and are instead the panic buttons they were meant to be, I just don't think KH is ever going to get there since the muscle memory is essentially ingrained and changing it now without giving it enough though would be tantamount to heresy. And while I don't want to harp on them too much. this IS Osaka Team we're talking about, they'd likely fuck it up somehow.
skill issue
just don't get hit
>press x to win and parry
Do disneyfags really
>kh fags
Yes we do. Deal with it.
Yeah bro I dunno what the deal is, I beat this guy 1st try with every character
>its bad because i cant win
git gud
Bro as fucking if KH2 isn't a bunch of Second Chance Once More Try again bullshit where you sit watching your character get mandatory juggled for a minute straight before mashing cure hitting the boss twice and then getting juggled again.
Fuck off
Too many clones.
Mhm still you sound salty.
Of course I'm mad you fucking retard, KH1 is fun as fuck and the entire rest of the series apes 2 despite 2 being dogshit.
The literal 1 SINGULAR downside to Kingdom Hearts 1 being a KH2 boss imported into KH1 with the Enigmatic Man.
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So for how many decades have these threads been just shitposting? I just want to be up to date on the absolute state of these threads.
Less than 4
>how do you go from the masterpiece that is KH2 combat to this garbage?
osaka team
>Who thought this boss was well designed?
osaka team
>Who approved anything about this?
osaka team
Uh that is to say, fewer than 4
Okay but they put the tanuki in DDD so all is forgiven.
kek we will get there.
Works on my machine
I will never get enough of Beast's castle.
KH1 has it's own share of problems, don't act like it's perfect either.
>bad camera for an action rpg
>only 3 magic shortcuts
>can only change out party members at save points
>sora is basically invincible with cure due to how mp works
>lots of enemies have periods where they turn invincible, meaning you end up waiting in several fights just to hit them
>over half of the chests are filled with gummi blocks, therefore they are worthless
>final mix synthesis grind
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h.a.n.d needs to make the next KH spinoff once 4 releases and we're waiting for 5.
PSP didn't let you Air Dash out of the rope and he always used a second one if you were caught in it meaning if you got caught in its football stadium-sized hitbox you lost that run. Otherwise the fight's identical.
>lots of enemies have periods where they turn invincible, meaning you end up waiting in several fights just to hit them
Oh my sweet child, KH3 has that in spades. There are quite a few bosses that will just stomp around for half a minute while you can do almost nothing but fire slow spells at it. It gets even worse in Re-Mind (the DLC), where the Data fights have fucking Desperation Moves, a "state" where they usually can't be hit back, and you just have to dodge their attacks for a minute. Some are really lengthy, like Xion's (1 minute and a half) and Luxord's (more than 2 minutes!).

KH2 basically perfected the combat system.

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