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>Gore poster claims he only occasionally lurks or checks out thread
>Proceeds to INSTANTLY spam gore the second you bring him up with a specific regular poster
Lol he couldn't make it more obvious
Fill the last thread
Aren't you supposed to not be here until december?
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Animal Crossing: Set Sail
delicious meltie
dalle4 had better fucking have digimon
Waluigi-List messed up his schizo personas
It's all one person.
I told you.
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>making the rope to ack xerself
>he said something I don't like
he's dual wielding now, impressive!
People are just catching up to your bullshit Listy baby
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Shitposting on motorcycles?
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Isabelle here! Cope & Sneed, I can't breathe!
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>tfw too autistic to not click the filtered posts
it is curious that all this shitposting spam only happened directly after anti-isabelle images were dropped last thread
Here he comes again
Waluigi melty happening
Isabelle here /v/ros...
Holy shit why is this so relatable
it could ANYTHING this time
It's all one person
Always has been
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>Maybe its a false positive
>It can't be that bad
>jesus christ I regret it
Throughout all of heaven and earth,
I alone am the best poster.
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So the new theory is that everyone named (x)fag is the same guy?
I feel offended by this image.
hats off to this guy
LIST poster
Waluigi Poster
Luigi Poster
Wario Poster
Proof? asker
Archive poster
Skele Cum joke poster
Isabelle hater

Are. all. one. person.
>hats off to myself
that post alone had them seething all day yesterday kek
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You just can't handle its slop
He is also the gore spammer.
>shitposter keeps linking to thread where he got attention
I was responsible for all the other nongore cancer in that thread, but that guy wasn't me.
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Ever since I dug up the old crayola prompt the threads have been in an almost constant meltdown state. Like when you're close to the end of a game and enemies start appearing in safe zones.
You are autistic as fuck List and your schizo parade will end soon
eng - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOxDW8RqFvc
jpn - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2gudVuQc_w
which one is better
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>~t. (pic)
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Oh yeah?
cool xenomorphs

Silent Hill 4 was a good game.
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>Isabelle accuser / Waluigi poster / Listfag INSTANTLY replys
I'll be honest, I'm just trying to cause another meltdown.
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The catalyst that gave us gems like this
You are autistic and mentally ill as fuck
This is the first pic I saved in months

I'm not the real isabelle poster, save that for him
thinking about this post in my head rn
No, you are Waluigi and you are a mentally ill subhuman schizo
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Let >>687529210 him cook
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Out of context this is the funniest thing I have read all year, thanks for that
Don't bear anger toward me, just because I bring cheeky gifts.
Waluigi Melty
threads got even more unhinged somehow.
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Snake in the back right looking cute as hell
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Isabelle back in ACK-tion
Not monstrous enough.
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I've awaken from my burger tomb and whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the pounds of hell
Makes me want more Bayonetta
>6 Heads
>Showing that list pretends to be 6 different people
ah. pretty and creepy
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honestly they're both equally great
How come there's never gorespam after you arrive?
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otra vez
these threads did Kai'sa better than Rito
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I stopped with the gore to post some kingdom kino, give me a moment
>instanly falseflagging all allegations against List
lol I literally do not recognize this poster
i agree, i think i prefer eng though.
amazing gen and taste.
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The funniest outcome would be if the gorespammer is just some anti-AI moralfag or a completely unrelated sadist schizo and the bonus round of "amongus" that ensues afterwards is just a DoT that gets placed on the thread.
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They keep giving her utterly garbage skins.
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That pic incites fear for some reason
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I will ask you once. Are you accustomed to it?
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I appreciate your work a lot btw.
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I've unironically gotten used to it
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Would be the case if this behaviour didn't fit almost too perfect you our resident schizos in our thread
It's List/Waluigi
Same person who spams all the Isabelles rn
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its not shocking anymore. try something else.
I don't get you. Why would someone have a meltdown over people using their prompts, especially someone who usually always shares the styles they use?
Beautiful. Prompt?
Reading this almost gave me a stroke
old one, probably looks different now
Art style: painted glass poured acrylic cel shaded anime, delineated wavy thin lines,half the picture is inky black shadows,shadow contrast,very reflective surfaces,volumetric lighting,cinematic angle, fish lens effect;content: cinematic scenic view of Sora kingdom heart sitting on top of kingdom heart castle tower,contemplating sunrise with form of giant heart, dodging gigantic iridescent lasers grazing causing sparks,swirly clouds,stars
i think that's an old prompt of mine. i wouldn't have posted it if i didn't want other people to use it so idk either.
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Because for the longest time people would ask lisabelle for prompts or even the artstyle and never get a reply. Then suddenly after someone starts shitposting with it, the archive diving and melting down suspiciously starts? I found the shittiest dalle image I've ever saved from these threads to give you as a prize.
Omi is LAME and CRINGE also Omi humour is RETARDED smooth brain school ground tier
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Not him but you're welcome
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go to /tg/ if you want fantasy slop so bad. every post is like that
Gorespamming and Isascat posting has been going on for a long time before that, so I don't personally see a connection there. My schizo theory is that the gorespammer is also the pajeet spammer, possibly even Luigihusky.
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Here's a cute one for ya.
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Brand new never before seen prompt:

Sketch Manga Drawn, Drawn By Masashi Kishimoto, Grainy Effect, Limited Pastel, Impressonist Anime Painted, isabelle from animal crossing, hanging from the ceiling by a rope, pained expression, open mouth, stylized text below says "-ACK" bulging eyes
All the schizo stuff is one person
>fish hook
I like the variety that this adds to the ACK-ablle summer and fall collection
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VGHHHH… The lore…
Ram is LAME and CRINGE also Ram loves dicks in ALL shapes and SIZES
stop name dropping
/tg/ is a fascist general where you get global banned for almost anything though.
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love it ty
Noimg is LAME and CRINGE also Noimg likes to ERP and has MELTIES
Which OC would Ram most want to have sex with? Which OC is the one Ram would not want to have sex with?
>Noimg like to ERP
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For example?
*Smacks your ass*
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Whoever made this? A god.
Go back go >>>/trash/
kino, i liked the ariel levels
oWo daddddyyy... pwweasee punish me
*Inserts cock in your throat*
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Naw keep him here
(Signed, /trash/)
Most: Demon Mom, Detective (fat and old)
Least: ???? i dunno. John probably.
Pikaposter is from TRASH?! are you the plapachu poster too?
I should say yes just to fuck with you but I have no idea who or what the fuck you mean
You WILL respect John's Thug
List doesn't post here anymore. She has a life and friends. Something that (You) friendless fags lack
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>but I have no idea who or what the fuck you mean
I wish Purple Tiefling was here...
what the fuck is this thread
Anthing about WW2, anything satyrical i.e not plain shitpost about Jews, lbgtq. Anything female if it is scantly.
My brother in christ, click the arrow in the upper right, go to delete, then delete your post. I mean that in the most respectful way possible
Astro Man
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I wish the /trash/ thread was this fun
you are forgetting any realistic image a bunch of those get deleted even when they are on topic
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Nein you vill accept plapachu.
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>purple tiefling immediately swaps from goreposting to KH posting when list shows up
Yeah, there's a lot more too.
I wish Birdemic was here
What the fuck is that metadata?
I wish I was alone here
Who the fuck is birdemic?
I miss Clem
I mean thats fair
>nobody replies to either of my 8 OCs
>DALL-E 3 /v/ experience
Maybe if you didn't bully Clem and call Clem a cuck...
clemcucks wife left him for the bull
>Hyperrealistic pikachu with long eyelashes and swollen plump lips, wearing a shirt that says "plapachu" reaching forward to touch viewers hand, comically large glutes, realistic fur texture

>pikachu from pokemon. eyelashes, lipstick, leaning over table towards the viewer, wearing a t-shirt that says "plapachu". pikachu was a comically large butt

Prepare to battle the dog
>purposefully shittalking to my own posts
>nobody recognizes my worth
Whats missing
Hi :3
Omi's gens are too kitsch to be kino.
Almost there!
isnt kitsch that egg breakfast pie thing, what do you mean
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People posting, mostly. It’s kinda dead.
why is bara hated
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>why is bara hated
Ugly to look at for normal humans
125 health.
they killed bing
Most gay men hate bara. Most gays like femboys
Now it makes sense..../tg/, /g/, /co/, /trash/....they all come to /v/ and shit up our thread....
>Goreposter gave up quicker than ever before
He is growing weak
nothing wrong with bara
people always wanted a containment board for all the AI generals, now they have it
whats bad about /g/?
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>Waluigi/List was a /trash/ resident all along
At last I see
They're /g/ay
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come shit up trash, I’d love to see something other than lardanon for once
>lowercase sage
>the caucasus retard who spams imperial koreans or 1800s men
>the earmuffs spammer
>the amount of fags who post bearded man making out
>they accuse anyone they dont like: "REEE YOURE FROM /AICG/"
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I want to prompt vidya and funpost with the posters here. Not wade through the shit that is /trash/
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They hate anime
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>proceeds to post literal /trash/ faggot gens
Why don't you stick to /g/?
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ive seen random vidya posters pop up in /g/ every so often
i do wonder what these threads would even look like if there was an ai board because i already see a lot of people cross posting in multiple threads with the same shit because theres hardly any enforced rules outside of /tg/
Just because it arouses you doesn't make it gay it means you're fighting your own feelings and lashing out.
>peeks in there
They're worse than us holy shit
Lying little faggot
Whoa there is a lot of unresolved anger in your post. Let's unpack this
The least surprising thing of all, would be if Waluigi-List poster was from jewish descend
which posters are jewish?
And of course Gore
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I don't go to /g/ anymore
is that retarded mongoloid still posting the same shit there?

best boys
bed time bye
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
stupid error. ok now for real
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>List leaves
>Isabelle enters
Not even trying to hide it, huh.
that fag must have at LEAST 50000 images of the same gaunt redhead bimbo in earmuffs
he puts the OC fags to shame with his dedication to repetition
You should run
Schizos(waluigi who is actually list) are hunting you for some reason. They are more autistic than ever before
pretty cool gens
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Oh no!
i'm glad the threads are finally turning against goatfag
i need to fuck goat so bad.........
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>t. muslim
the exosuit envelops
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Seriously I would wait until you get backup from bigger OC posters
no one can ever be me, i'm the best.
Then the transformation begins
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We got accustomed to it
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talks to xerself
Who are the biggest OCs?
Who are the smallest OCs?
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Nah gore poster is all talk but no bite. He gets banned in less than 10 minutes nowadays and it makes him mad
Not tonight.
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>they all come to /v/ and shit up our thread....
/v/ has been crossing over into other threads and shitting them up, it's been an SSB style crossover for months now.
Height or dick sizes?
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I think dick size list has already been done.
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The other AI threads always up once other people start posting, this thread is realistically just as dead without the ragebait imageless filler and reposts. Like this, here's a repost but how many people would have noticed?
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I think the quality of your image speaks more to the memorableness of it than anything else
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It's not even mine, I just scrolled to the bottom of my unorganized ai slop folder, dragged a random pic into the browser window then hit submit.
Which posters here work for Wario?
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the mask is slipping at speeds not seen before
>Autistic Pokemon spammer forms his gens based on the gore image
Gore spammer

Are. all. the. same. person.
your misdirection doesn't work on me Isa... it's over
I'm none of those besides spamming xeno shit.
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This is so schizo that I can't even understand what it's trying to gaslight me into believing.
>Isabelle doesn't call List bestie anymore
>Constant List falseflags and allegations
Are we witnessing.....a new beef?
head to shelters
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It was probably just isacuck samefagging the entire time and being turned into a disco ball has him tilted and distracted
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What does thIS mean? What are you plotting?
Yeah probably
Fail Witch
Coco Wolf
Demon mommy

The Doubious Dr Comic
Mr poo poo pee pee
Skull knight
Elf priest
Impressionist knight
Purple tiefling

Coffee chan
Demon son
Dragon girl
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You're witnessing Tummy-chan
That's great. Here's some other capeshit characters easily recognized by Bing
>Green Lantern
>Iron Man
>The Flash
>Doctor Doom
Imagine being part of the womanlet crew
i member when ginnyposter was insistent that ginny was supposed to be at least 6ft tall and got bullied into making her a midget because nobody liked that idea
>Didn't couple this with jecht image
list fell off
Imagine Plapper plapping coffee chan...
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Very cute
Is Ram average or short?
Maybe Clem was the real thread pillar all along
Magpie, Omi, Demon Son, Goblins (not gastonblin), Ginny, Sun, chibi wife, slime

Gastonblin, Skeleknight, Oscar, Tief, ww2 girl, dubious Dr comic, chocowolf, Gore Elf, enforcer
balls deep
Skelefag is a shortie, the pictures by scar elf confirm this
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>me destroying the OC thread pillars
Oh nyo, stop REMEMBERING
Shit, beat me to it. Good list!
Maybe scar elf is tall
oh my, no
all women should be short
men should be tall
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Cute boys should be short too.
well yeah, cute boys count as women
Which OC are on the discord?
Which OC aren't?
member when these threads were ban happy towards sloppers? kinda makes you think mass report was a thing innit
I love my wives!
anyone that ever posted during the shadowfag era understood what was and wasnt allowed
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We're still besties! Isabelle has just been busy when bestie has been posting!
Ginny RELEASE the Ginny loli lewds. I know you have them. Stop pretending you don't lewd Ginny.
Just join it dork
I'm from /tg/
Gib Link
I don't, but if you insist you can see this abberant loli-Ginny I got from Sun's birthday pics.
Not for a fucking second
he is honestly worse than john
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Yes. Surprisingly he's the nicest faggot out of the ones I listed
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Here you go
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racgoon taking waifus left and right
Can't stand the faggot even John isn't as bad as him. And that's fucking John.
Ram's non slut cousin (she only has sex with her horse husband)
the only thing he is taking is a trans-girl footlong
Sexy Doggie
He only took Ginny(male)
Demon son gonna FREAK
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I love racgoon (you dont know who i am and will never guess it)
you replied to this abomination
>>687529396 (You)

but not the actual IsaCAKE!
Which OC should I ship with her?
I'm thinking John, Skull Knight or Raccgoon
>fucks up his post twice
Could you please add a name or a tripcode name to your post?
anon your coffee...
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another for raccgoons harem
dont listen to this loser lol
>1800s men and imperial koreans
He's a rude shithead, always has been.
The most hilarious thing is 90% of them are ex /aicg/ posters. That's why they hate /aicg/ that much
The son of John and Purple tiefling...
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Jill and large Ginny. maybe.
>luma gen in queue for 20 hours
what the actual fuck
nice futa
Some NAIgod please prompt her getting gang raped by bandits.
she looks soft and warm
This but the bandits are John, Skull Knight and Raccgoon
Some NAIgod please prompt her having wholesome loving sex with her husband
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lowercase sage is cool
This but her husband is John, Skull Knight or Raccgoon
we need one more member for the 4 Whoresmen of the Slop'o'calypse
Which OC poster do you hate but secretly like or respect?
I'm so glad all the NAI posters have abandoned these threads so you degenerates will be forever blueballed with your bullshit fantasies.
the life of one geraltfag is worth the lives of a 1000 "which oc" posters

t. ocfag
This tubby fuck is the biggest
the life of one "which oc" is worth the lives of 1000 geraltfag posters
i opened up too many peach slop images and now I'm temporally ip banned from the archive, how long does this shit last
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2 weeks
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>forever blueballed with your bullshit fantasies
oh no not the paypiggies dumping generic anime porn noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo how will my fetish survive
So Goat loves Geralt.
Plapper works alone so Gooner, Niggario or The Doubious Dr Comic.
needs more geraltposting
>Tracer exploring raccgoon's colon
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Looks like this thread is shaping up to be another noimg victory.
NOIMG GANG can't stop winning
I am not goat
>Ginny leasing me to the Ginny lewds stash
geralt changed when ciri died........
Never. Know that I'm the anon who created the Angry Marines.
I won't. My presence is good enough.
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>My presence is good enough.
i know it's you demon mom
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damn, these alien bastards are gonna pay for messing up my gun
(character) wearing bandana, thuggish baggy clothing, gold tooth, in an alleyway in the hood, pouring out a 40oz or malt liquor for all da homies that didn't make it
this isn't vidya
fuck off Ralphie
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Do you ever gen anything different?
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Tick tock imgposters. Total noimg victory
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She have a name?
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you get dutchess nukem with
character (female, warrior, delicate, feminine face, short blond hair, wearing gold framed sunglasses, opaque lenses, red tank top, black suspenders, blue jeans, fingerless gloves, belt, gold belt buckle, nuclear symbol, boots, tall and curvy, robust and heavyweight muscular build, wide hips and thighs, strong legs, holding large heavy pistol) underground facility background, florescent lights, metal corridors, pipes, colour rough pencil sketch style, dynamic pose
C'mon imgposters, you can do it! I believe in you!

>t. noimg uncle tom
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imagechads... I believe in you
noimg gan stands no chance
t. faggot
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I hate to disappoint you, Anon. That isn't me.
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Which OC should I ship with demon Mom?
I'm thinking John, Skull Knight or Raccgoon
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Thanks for giving everyone easy access to seeing my posts
Umm don't post my picture on the internet pls
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You could at least put a little more thought into the ship.
Okay WHO do you want shipped with Demon mom?
bakepiggy sleeping...
Cringe af.
demon son
Based incest shota lover
Make sure to do it in front of demon dad who is locked up in the cuck cage
Usual Peach spamming

Maybe we should just take a break for a few hours?

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