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I love how people went from
"this game looks so bad! Valve has fallen" when it first leaked and now everyone like it, love it even including me
Flopping tranny deadcock.
>trying to revise history
The world is a big place.
If 10 million people love something, we deem it a success, regardless if the other 8 billion people on the planet loathe it.
i liked it from what i saw
but then i played it and now i hate it
Ivy footjob
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I thought it looked cool for the moment it leaked. I was originally disappointed it was moba because I never liked mobas, unfortunately for my mental health I now like mobas because of Deadlock. Most important of all I'm genuinely so happy Valve are finishing projects again, they've been publishing games and release hardware yearly since 2018 now.
safe horny reddit faggot
its dota 3
but id rather spam primal beast and stomp people into the ground than spazz around with lots of visual clutter in a tps
I played dota 2 and found it too confusing and hard to my liking, thr only character I enjoyed playing was viper and people kept banning him and I rage quitted and never bothered trying to leave low priority lol
I bet you smell like shit irl faggot op
how does deadlock break away from the stagnant moba formula? or does it not?
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You stink
What is unsafe horny?
I will not play Hero Shooters
I will not play MOBAS
I will not play Gacha

I WILL fap to porn of the women without ever paying a dime for anything related to these games.
I know I do, I stink good. You Stink like a Tranny, Deadlock is a total stinker on arrival locked
>"As long as the Valve logo is there, I will play any game. Even the most tranny infested DEI slop around!"
Right the astroturfing on this game smells straight up like a Kamala Harris/Tim Walz Shitfart
In English please, I don't speak buzzwords
this is scary levels of delusion
just assuming the "everyone" = what I personally think/thought
you people deserve to have your game flop, you're so obnoxious
>winning game after game
>dropping 20, 30, even a 40 bomb
>finally get to an 'elo' where people aren't retarded and know how to deny
>I usually win lane but my other lanes almost always get stomped
>10 minute marker the enemy team is deathballing
>nobody is grouping to stop walkers from being farmed, I try to deny them if I can
>we have no flex slots and the soul difference is >5k-10k because tower diffs
>nobody contests urn
>they're busy dead or farming neutrals
>we grind to a frustrating loss
anyone else? I'm considering a smurf just because I'm so tired of this formula playing out, at least 4 hours of my gameplay tonight was from this backfoot and I don't want to sweat this hard unless there is an actual rank ladder to see the result, I just want to pub stomp
Concord dev getting uppity again
Was this generated with chatgpt I don't believe anyone actually cares enough to write about this game
I played Pure Support Gooman and had a damn great time. What are the other good Support-adjacent characters that aren't the Stinky Gargoyle?
I chatgpt generated my dick in your moms ass, owned
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I know that sounds crazy, but when people say "everyone" they don't really mean everyone everyone, but a huge amount of people. and you're the delusional one :3
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I have never liked a moba before. But this game, unlike any other I know of, has great mobility, vertically, and an actual visceral feeling to combat very common in some of valves other titles. Its good. Amazing for an ASSFAGGOT though.
Don't worry anon, that's all these DEI Trannies can do, is be delusional, and play dead on arrival locked, instead of a real High T game, such as L4D2
People who immediately drop the "tranny" line completely out of the blue in any conversation are just as mentally ill as the trannies themselves.
You're two sides of the same coin, you obsess over trannies while trannies obsess over themselves.
You're calling me deluded even though I haven't stated any observation, and you're wearing a :3 mask
Looks like you're on shaky ground
You will have to run back to your safespace general thread if you wish to maintain your integrity
I really fucking despise gooners.
Kill ivyniggers, return to your discord
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For me, a guy who found top down LoL/Dota not compelling, bringing it into 3rd person with movement tech and making the map a fun to navigate 3D environment was a revelation/gateway into engaging with the rest of the moba mechanics. Then there’s a lot of QOL stuff that I like personally such as you spawn into a lane rather than arguing with idiots, jungle is less of a dedicated role and more of a passive activity everyone takes part in, a lot more movement/escape options in fights. A big thing for me as a player is I enjoy a game much more if I enjoy how I move in it, I don’t like Dota move e.g click to go there, I like moving in Deadlock.
I hate deadlock but why is everyone bringing up L4D2 as a counter argument lately? What does L4D2 have to do with anything?
I wanna rip off that little gremlins head and shit down it's neck I think that'd be funny, continue deluding yourself and jacking off to whatever that THING is
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non argument
You're not ready to hear that DOTA 2 has a lot of the same feeling. Combat in that game gets brutal. Note that this isn't an endorsement to play DOTA 2, only that Deadlock's lineage is very, very obviously traced to DOTA 2.
discord was a mistake and i hate that forums no longer exist outside of fucking reddit.
we were arguing? another delusion perhaps...
Nothing. Discord trannies are trying to create some war between the Deadlock fans and the L4D2 fans and the TF2 fans and the CS fans.
Its deranged shit.
It's just that L4D2 was Valves GOTY multi-player game. The director has a huge ballsack and all the characters are cool and it has cool gore. No trannies because it was made in 2009. You see what I'm talking bout now
Sounds like a weird plan come up by a valve shill discord
redirect deadlock hate (of which there is a lot) to love for other valve games
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Have you played it? I played it once for 20 minutes, did the basic tutorial then fucked around in the lab for a bit and turned ot off. A week later I gave it another chance and played a pvp match and enjoyed it quite a bit.

Do be careful though, it's one of those games that can steal your whole day away.
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Why has everyone fallen in love with Ivy?
Well if it's a war against trannies they'll have it. Notice how most woke games are dying and people are getting tranny fatigue
there's that word again.... what a powerful delusion! this is what echo chambers do to you
Your discord circlejerk is not "everyone" though
You can't make this shit up, then they'll post a reply saying how you're delusional again or twist it around again watch.
>anyone who doesn't agree with me is delusion
I don't think you understand what visceral means. Being taken out of the experience by not being in full control of you character at all times makes that basically impossible for me. If Dota 2 controls like a point and click game that is.
That's basically how trannies react to things. It's weird how you can perpetually fuck with them if you really want to. It's like they never let shit go lmao
>ivy spam made me look up her tag on e6
>This made me look up her voice lines
>Ended up drawing ivy depsite never playing her game
Anyone else?
op posting again also probably the guy calling the anon delusional
You type like someone born after 2005
Focus on movement and verticality
Itemization can counter fed enemies
Interesting mechanics like sliding infinite ammo or denying enemy currency
its fun
What were you born in 2004 big boy
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For me, it's Chubvy
It does use RTS controls but unlike League I think characters have a greater sense of weight to their movement due to turning speeds. Instead of being able to snap them around you have to more deliberately guide them.
If it’s not your cup of tea though then that’s that.
it's artificial coomerism
happens a lot on /v/, because it's an echo chamber
people only "fall in love" with a character because of the bandwagon it enables them to ride

perhaps this is just human psychology
after all, many people fall in love with celebrities or vtubers when countless more attractive people exist out in the real world, it's just they don't have a bandwagon surrounding them
Not a single one of these characters has a gun that's actually fun to use.
use the one with finger gun
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As a nazifur, I find her very cute. I love her Latina accent too it's a huge plus.
Pretty funny that trannies think they can emulate her because she's traditionally ugly... lol
Damn I never put two and two together that's exactly why these people love that character. They can put off traditionally ugly features like it's cute.
warden headshots are satisfying
I will take these under advisement
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buzzwords and its consequences on online discussions
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Who would have thought that human food would be so nutritious for gargoyles?
idk but she should eat more
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Beloved creatura
She might noe be the prettiest, but she's got a lovely radiant personality
I can help...
game is given money to include ugly characters
game is a low-effort-made timewaster for the lowest common denominator
victim of propaganda and porn addiction who has chosen to dissociate from reality, but unlike furries and lolicons, they actually get funded by governments to do it
game that you don't own, you just buy the ID to access it, which can be rejected at any time if they don't like you
I don't give a shit about mobas, all they do is make people irrationally mad
What do you guys usually do when Deadlock's down for maintenance
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playing for honor please save me
Better get used to it, after feminists managed to destroy normal sexual interaction between men and women, the majority of men can now only goon.

It'd a goonworld.
You're just living in it.
Might be a skill issue but I fucking hate the stamina system. I just wish I had an "infinite" dash on a cooldown and not this stamina-block-bar bullshit that takes forever to recharge (at times)
Or play PoE, or ToME
I still think it looks bad, the aesthetics are horrible, the UI is trash and I hate the plastic looking characters, but the gameplay is addicting
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Holshit I thought I was banned for sec
I just got that too
>revoked by publisher
I reckon a big part of that is the lack of textures atm
Look at Seven's pants or Infernus' clothes (he also literally has an untextured hole in his chest), the game doesn't look real good atm but to be fair it is alpha
you furry faggots have ensured i will never even try this game, so congrats
nothing of value was lost
stupid faggot
Its mobaslop anyway so you're probably saved yourself from going insane.
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Tell me again tomorrow and I might care a little bit
I mean, it still LOOKS bad, cause everything's a placeholder or blender cubes with color.
It was semi enjoyable for a little while, but the mass influx of players has made it pretty clear that the game will now suffer the wrath of leagueniggers and dotards. Every other match has someone ragequitting, every match that I've played since two weeks ago has had one person absolutely losing their fucking mind because they can't comprehend how to play the game and then shit their pants when people who DO know beat them to death
it's shit
just imagine dota but with awful gunplay and you've played deadlock
Traditionally sexually attractive characters
A young blonde girl with massive tits for example
Have you had a look in the steam "discussion" and "guide" section?
Reads like a dying MMO spawn area.
Sorry sister, where can I get the new shill handbook?
Is it time to claim everybody love the game now?
Yeah it seems to be the case
It took me awhile to warm up ivy and then a extra amount of time to finally draw her
Artificial coomerism?
Have you tried talking to an AI chatbot? That's artificial coomerism. This is just waifufaggotry.
waifu used to imply an autist that was dedicated to and obsessed with a specific character to the point of it being a mental disorder
nowadays people pretend to be that because it's fashionable, but in reality they move from character to character
these autists who post ivy will be in another thread posting furry porn of another character
and in a month's time they will have forgotten ivy and moved on to the next meme character
it's not waifufaggotry, it's people who are so low that pretending to be a waifufag makes them seem better
>BTFO bebop double bombs with dynamo's 2nd skill
That was fun but I wish my team would come close to me when I explained this to them twice.
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The face of deadlock on /v/
>Half of my dota friends are already back to dota
>Most likely will all return to dota once act IV starts
I'm starting to fear most players are just having their honeymoon phase with this game and it won't stick like dota did.
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The face of deadlock on /ck/
>Vindicta arrives to the battlefield pre-raped for your convenience
Icefrog and valve neglect will eventually ruin the game somewhere down the line anyway, just enjoy it while you can
>It's another enemy team catches up because no one wants to urn game
I was very addicted to deadlock the first few days, but now Im getting bored of it already, it somehow feels alot more repetative than Dota does. The laning phase is also getting really tedious, playing the game of "who can click floaty orb the fastest"
The only person shilling Wokelock is a ban evading furry, really says a lot.
bebop is the biggest noob stomper in the game
you can ignore him completely with a single item
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Rework her kit.
i got that too and got scared for a split second.
Lick her feet
>visually looks like overwatch
>gameplay is leagueslop
They are so creatively bankrupt
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The face of my dick
How do I rat properly? I know it's about pushing objectives while the rest of the team is distracted but I somehow get caught anyways. Do you push with or without creeps? Do you approach via lane or jungle? How do I prevent getting seen on the map?
I need more seven.
Which item do you mean?
Only one babe so far,
Meanwhile dota is full of babes and you can dress them up even sexier
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la goblina (forma perfeccion)
I think that later or at least when ranked comes you decide which lane you're going into and with with partners. You also shouldn't see who you're going against. So many times me as a bebop see the enemy solo is a vindicta and I ask for a lane swap and they obobligei think the meta lanes will be 1221 as neither team wants their solo flanked by 2 duo lanes for ganks
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>bro wants me to play some Deadlock
>haha okay
>see-saw between leisure stomp bot matches and ball buster difficult 45 minute trudges through the sweat swamp
This is why I hate matchmaking /v/ros.
her being fat kinda fits and gives me a boner
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I want to FUCK that lava lamp
At this point at least half of the posts in any given Deadlock thread are that freak.
Why did they give her thighs twice as wide as her waist?
You're gonna get seen it's more about picking a time to rat when (You) can see where all the enemies are and they are preoccupied. You can get movement actives like majestic leap and magic carpet and you can pretty much escape anything if you're paying attention too.
No idea why I fucked oblige so bad there
please tell me grey talon's visual design is not finalised. he's very fun but goddamn is he hideous.
Rating is so much easier in this game because your escape rail travels right with you as you push.
Yoshi said they will redesign him like Yamato
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>1v1 lane
>it's something with low kill potential like M&K vs Lash unless one player is just bad
>zone out peacefully farming
>wake up 8-9 min later with some 10k souls and 0 items
Is there a worse feeling than having to whittle away all the cash on the necessities rather than buying the fun stuff?
I really can't get over how aggressively native American he is while sounding like fucking a generic growly white guy
debuff remover
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Personally I preffer the sequel slightly more.
Did you just not read the disclaimer when you launch the game about how all the art is temporary?
do we know when they'll remodel heros?
considering every model is a placeholder i wonder if they'll even bother remaking a placeholder for yamato/gay talon or just work on the finalized version.
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I wish that the game's speed and complexity peaked at the 20-minute mark. When games go to 35 minutes, everything spirals out of control and you don't know why you're doing anything or if it's effective.
>Am I even doing damage to this Abrams / Shiv / Infernus? I can't tell
>Is this 6,000 soul counter item I bought even working? I can't tell if it did anything through the clusterfuck of particle effects
>What the fuck was that? What killed me?
>Are we winning this team fight? What the fuck is going on?
>Does it even matter that I'm pushing lanes? Should I backdoor?
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Let them know on the forms so we can get our fat gargoyle skin
But the laning necessities cost you virtually nothing and increase your farming efficiency so you can earn more souls for fun stuff. If you're not at least buying monster rounds as someone who likes farming, you're a psychopath.
if people weren't such bitches about it he'd probably have a cool ass feather headdress and look like a chad.
he's not, they're gonna redesign him and honestly I wouldn't mind if they went out and out super stereotypically native american
Remover removes the bombs? The fuck?
they didn't give us a new hero last week so my guess is they've been working on more finalized assets for the entire game for now so the game looks more presentable while it still has the spotlight.
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She is lesbian with haze though, m*les btfo!
>complaining about the woke character designs
It's a woke game, you retard. Might as well play a japanese game and complain about the anime art style.
We need to have a serious discussion about exiling ivyfags to /trash/
I hate how retardedly tanky players can get, even if youre the highest soul count carry on your team with nothing but weapon items you will still just tickle them.
I did, but some designs are finalised while others are not. Vindicta for example is done visually.
They're a debuff, and also not being disarmed is good too
yeah most of the active items are completely busted and ignored by 90% of all players
what did yamato used to look like
Im gonna fucking kill myself I like playing Bebop
>There are popular build guides that dont tell you to buy Enduring Speed

Its like not buying boots in Dota, feels fucking awful
There's only so many creeps in the lane and jungle creeps around the lane that you can farm anon, you don't need anything for the first 10 min unless you're in a sweat-off or you for some reason wanna try the hard camp on the sides. If you're not ganking or autistically hunting every single container item there aren't that many places to hit up.
If you don't have a bullet hose with toxic bullets it can be rough
i lost my match because of woke
Don't worry people are allergic to actives in this game
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Only the fatfags
Valve wasn't given money and the ugly characters are just badly designed
Game is not low effort, just badly designed
Game has nothing to do with trannies this is just pathological
Game is free and valve has some of the least restrictive moderation of all game developers
You can always play gunbop
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Ivybros it wasn't supposed to be like this. The cancer took root and spread too far.
why do you keep posting some mentally ill yurifag's headcanon
all of the characters have voicelines for all of the other characters, it's less than nothing
>Farm lane
>Dont buy anything
>Save up for Ricochet

I do this every game
I'm not buying that shit
I need all my green slots too much as it is, I'm not surrendering one and you can't make me
>Ivy will never nudge you with her elbow
it hurts bros
your flex slots bro???
you DO have flex slots RIGHT???
so cringe it loops back around to based
>few anons and drawfags saw the cute side of the fugly gargoyle girl months ago
>she has now been swarmed and overtaken by furrynggers, fatfags, discord trannies, fart and scatfags etc.
A tragic tale
First one's going to Hunter's Aura and second one's going to Healing Booster
By the time I get 3rd and 4th slots a t2 item is the last thing on my shopping list (except maybe Debuff Reducer)
Enjoy being ridiculously slow all game, and not being able to secure kills nor get away from enemies
i <3 fat gargoyle
Just put him in western leathers and give him regular bow or a semi-sci-fi repeater from cowboy era.
too many good green items for enduring speed to be core on everyone
it's usually a good pick but it's not the best pick all of the time, I prefer superior stamina for a mobility item because it's more fun and works in combat
My brother in christ I am playing Ivy
you people are the reason enduring speed is not mandatory on every single character
but... that's a good thing
Thank you anon, how nice of you to say so
Should I buy any of the melee items besides spirit striker on my gunbop?
learning the items is hard.
I don't just wanna mindlessly copy a build.
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>Valve wasn't given money
But they were.
What's the hero that has the banter voicelines about Kevin's.... Kelvin's?? forgettable name?
would've played just because im a volvodrone but the character design just looks so unappealing, bland and boring
I could also fuck a cactus
People actually pay homo certification companies, it's a kind of blackmail
Dynamo and Ivy both forget his name to my knowledge
do you understand what a consultation company is
How I feel about fighting each hero
People that dont understand this is like not buying boots in League and dota are hilarious
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Cityfags don't know this but dandelions are completely edible and very good for you.
Both the flower, stem and root. All edible raw and can be used in salads, tastes exactly like rucola.
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>Valve pays a company that's only purpose is to make games woke
>that doesnt mean theyre making Valves games woke!
You dont understand how these work huh?
You pay THEM to make your game lame and gay, or the journalists do what they did with Wukong
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PoV: you're 25 minutes into the game and no one bought healbane
>valve was given money to make their games woke
you are moving goalposts again
sweet baby hasn't even been credited in any of valve's games as of yet
Miku if you deselect her she says
>Oh you don't want me to get shot at? Fine by me. Go pick Kevin... Kelvin... Whatever his name is
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I want to ride the pigman cock
Goofy Ivy is the best
>big fat guy with piglike characteristics who's dumb
>scrappy, sarcastic little fella who's the brains of the duo

I'm getting kind of tired of this.
Just make 3 categories, lane 500 items, mid cost items, and expensive. Then a fourth category of actives made to counter certain builds
You learn by mindlessly copying build.
Doing so lets you learn your timers, and why you're buying the items and what they do.
Then you can start experimenting and building your own way.
It's like cooking, when you're starting you follow the recipe to the letter until you understand what each ingredient does and how they need to be treated and then you can start swapping out ingredients and customizing.
Yeah I can tell you're laughing right now and not crying
>small scrappy guy who's dumb
>big sarcastic guy who's the brains of the duo
Would it be, dare I say it, kino?
I'm not playing any more hero shooters
No, it would be, dar I say it, retarded, because the small guy would do fucking nothing
There are certain heroes who work without boots.
Tinker, weaver are two off the top of my head, tinker just fagblinks everywhere and the other has basically constant max speed.
Wrong, it's cunny
lmao another big tiddy virgin
ew how can you play weaver without boots
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Who did you call "dumb"?
>Make dota
>Push it to the limits of complexity
>Take dota and turn it into a tps game
>Previous complexity triples now that there is aiming, dodging and a vastly more limited perspective
This is why this game is bad, there's nobody who stepped in and said "maybe dota shouldn't be a third person shooter." Just a total lack of vision on valves part
does mo ever say anything other than roar?
You are claiming that Valve is paying a company but not using their service. This is retarded. You cannot argue against this so you are, ironically, moving the goalposts.
>there's nobody who stepped in
i'm sure there's someone who stepped in, just like someone stepped in when artifact was an overly complicated piece of shit
and then gaben told him he can't hear them because he's busy playing dota and told them to fuck off
valve literally doesn't care if anyone else likes these games
just like they don't care if deadlock will be hugely successful, when they get bored of it they'll just let it rot and go to shit like tf2, or turn it into some gambling den like cs2
the only thing that they haven't ruined so far seems to be dota and only because gaben loves it and is actively interested in its development
i don't play it but my friends tell me dota gets better and better but cs2 and tf2 sure fucking arent (even though they kinda fixed tf2 now, i guess)
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She's NOT stinky
Having said that, Kelvin and Dynamo can both do good defensive support builds, and almost any hero can just load up on utility purples and call themselves an offensive support just like that (until the enemy buys Debuff Remover)
...sounds pretty safe to me to do something the vast majority of people like and take no risks and just go with the lowest common denominator.
>game is le too complex!
Go back to the discord.
What an atrociously bad design. Is he supposed to be a mole rat or something? What the fuck is going on with that mouth. And why is bargin bin Gorillaz there.
Don't call Maurice dumb you dumb nigger
weird how no one is allowed to do it then
>sperging out
Stop embarrassing yourself. Think about what you're replying, then think about what you'd like to say.
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>Ivy's winrate has fallen below 50%
There was a time I used to play ck without boots because of how fast by default he was and the fact that blink+reality rift replaced almost all of your movement at some point, but that was many patches ago
Same with NP because you just teleported everywhere and sprout meant you rarely had to chase
she is a very nice girl and also ugly cute
>is he supposed to be a mole rat or something?
Does anyone have the image with Vindicta's old model that still had the legs? I want to show it to a friend.
Be happy, she will be buffed for the sacrifice of the retards feeding with her
Stop replying to yourself you ban evading retard.
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she's cute and nice :)
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Mole rats aren't known for being big, tough or strong.
It's also a really bad attempt at a mole rat design.
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Who are you quoting
Everything he said was correct
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You'll never know my pain.
Gargoyles aren't renowned for being particularly agile either, yet here we are.
I have to admit I do feel bad for you legit Vindictoids, how bad you've been dragged down by the Vindictards
>enter deadlock thread
>no screenshots
>no game webms
>just degenerate faggots erping and stroking themselves to furry art
great thread, just like the rest of this board
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
your schizophrenia is acting up
lmao, right has concord vibes.
>how bad you've been dragged down by the Vindictards
We're dragged down by Vindicta being a weak character, even in "le high MMR" meme she's far below average
I'm tired of having to play worse Talon...
You're welcome
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he's just a regular mole
lasthitting/denying in this game is absolutely atrociously unfun once you start getting decent rank

youre constantly just competing for who can click a floaty orb the fastest. in dota half the heros are melee, and even the ranged heros have limited attack range. in deadlock everybody can constantly deny from any range possible. it might have seemed interesting at first but now that i go up against good players every game i fucking despise it.
We need to invite UT/Quake players to the game so they play vindicta and own the whole server.
He cute
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bro is a mole
She does good damage with perfect tracking (hence why she's aimbotted hard) but Quake players will just get in bad positions with her bad mobility and feed
looks like an ugly furry duck
it's fine, there's way more nuance to it than that
>securing orbs is way harder at longer range because projectile flight time and aiming
>killing creeps outside enemy line of sight is a great option particularly on side lanes
>punching from behind cover remains an option if they're pushing in
Her body is shaped like an hourglass. Because she's a time thief and carries an hourglass on her back. It's like poetry, it rhymes.
who could've seen that one coming when the OP post is all about ivy
So like shit?
how do you attain arena-like mobility in this game?
You couldn't be more obvious, ban evading furry. What's it like having no life? What's it like being so pathetic that you have to literally pretend to be your own friend on the internet? Don't answer, just stop replying to yourself and spamming furry porn. It's that simple.
Moles and voles supposedly have the softest fur you can find, I think because it repels dirt easier
Just hide and report him lol
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FACT: 80% if Ivyfags are secondaries who don't even have an invite
What happened in CS2?
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reminder that battleborn was what deadlock is except in first person (objectively better pov) and way too many particle effects
and in its current state, deadlock is a lot worse than battleborn was
Is this "Battleborn" in the room with us now?
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who the FUCK is THIS???
You mean Monday night combat right?
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Does Monster Rounds work on objectives ?
> t. Randy Bobandy
Play as Infernus, burn the uglo stonebitch
I don't think so, but I believe you take less damage
obviously haze
valve removed a bunch of maps and basic functionality when switching to it and still hasn't added everything back in
apart from that, there's almost no updates, the game is INFESTED with blatant cheaters (like people comfortably cheating without a ban off 10+ yo accounts, knowing they're safe), and the only reason it has such an inflated number of players is sue to the thirdies playing nonstop to get cases to sell on the market
they've taken the game and turned it into a casino and now they've pretty much abandoned it to rot with barely any updates and no interest in dealing with the cheaters
Lovely creature
Best subtle way to euthanize a game?
I think MR is only worth it in the first 5-10 minutes during laning. Those early creeps can really help.
yes they do, they work on all NPCS and even miku turrets
haze wouldn't kick her legs like that
Unironically I believe that should t be the case for towers and towers should not be able to be headshot like walkers
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liking a game made by randy makes me feel extra greasy
Concord may be up your alley, friend
I hate this sentient greaseball with every fiber of my being for what he's doing to risky.
it works against all pve targets, guardians, walkers, neutrals, the extra damage even works on ginnis turrets.
You understand that developers at Valve choose the project they're contributing to, right? Blame the tf2 and cs teams for phoning it in for the past decade.
The original leaks didn't show Vindicta's barefeet so I hated them.

Then a friend gave me an invite and I saw Vindicta's bare feet and I like Deadlock.
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I don't believe any of that has happened in this thread thoughbeit
Then if nothing else I will always be the 20%

Here's some gameplay like you wanted by the wayever, I can put my money where my mouth is more than any shitstirrer like yourself. I got a nice little rejuv steal earlier right in the nick of time to help keep my team in the game
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Many such cases.
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Risk of rain. Specifically risk of rain 2. The most recent DLC fucked the game, now a lot of the ingame physics are tied to fps and multiplayer doesn't work.
you understand valve has influential people and infinite money, right?
>Blame the tf2 and cs teams for phoning it in for the past decade.
what "teams" the tf2 team is literally one person lmao
and of course i won't blame them, they can do whatever the fuck they want, the people who own valve should be the ones ensuring the games are good
if i go to mcdonald's and some guy refuses to serve me, do you think that's his problem or mcdonald's problem?
I got it.
Make people pass an IQ test before they can play the game with other players.
I just met a fucking retard that have no idea how to play wraith.
Wraith. One of the easiest and OP character to use.
And instead of sticking with the team, he just push the same lane alone again and again feeding the enemies.
I blame hopoo for selling out.
Huffing the memesteam from Haze's smoky pussy after she's had a long sweaty day running a marathon around the map in her leather pants.
There's no reason she can't have a little bit of a more whimsical side when she's not on the job
If you're playing an assfaggot and get mad at your teammates you are the retard, maybe you should find some friends instead of playing russian roulette with the matchmaking
El rata alada...
randy is involved with risk of rain 2? no wonder i thought the game sucked
Why are you so mad?
Are you triggered because you're one of those retards that don't know how to play the game?
Hotpoo deserves a lot of the blame, but gearbox managed to fuck up a perfectly functional game.
At least now that hotpoo works for Gaben we might get a more interesting deadlock.
If you're American with a palate that can only handle high fructose corn syrup caramel sprinkle frappachinos with whipped cream and marshmallows sure.
She's secretly kawaii when she's not in super serious operator mode. It's a good personality contrast.
He is now. Hotpoo sold to gearbox.
repeating the same thing over and over again won't make it true
Damn. I haven't thought about Ice Age in years.
>food analogy
Valve has the privilege of being a private company, they can do whatever they want internally. Maybe the fact that the dev team for tf2 being reduced to a one person means other devs who actually want to make shit have lost interest and don't want to work on a dead game.
It really annoys me that shiv looks like ape Elvis
DEI sweetbaby design
>a pelvis?
They made him look like Axe as a joke
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>And instead of sticking with the team, he just push the same lane alone again and again feeding the enemies.

First time playing a moba last nights and this is what I did. My logic was " I'm shit and I need to farm souls without being bullied so I can become helpful." Took me a few games to realize how quickly they could stomp me, and how detrimental me simply not being at the teamfights were.
Plz be patient senpai.
whats the joke?
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Shiv is axe's dad, dota takes place in the future
your mom lole
Most of the designs are subject to change tho
i hope so, some of them are quite problematic. looks like valve needs more consulting
'sticking with the team' is retarded noob bait, you're supposed to split up and push until they group up and then the closest people collapse into the fights while the furthest away continue to push lanes
God Haze look so good
What did seven do? I only read lash's bio, almost cried from how emotional it was
wow, you're so mentally handicapped you didn't understand i already answered to what you're saying in my previous post. sorry, i didn't know i needed to write for someone with a room temp iq, let me explain it better
>Valve has the privilege of being a private company, they can do whatever they want internally.
here's the thing you brownoid nigger, i understand that in the favela you grew up in people don't have standards and don't understand what it's like to act like a human, but that isn't how things work in civilized society
if some guy lives in an apartment infested with roaches and full to the brim with junk, he may have the legal right to go on doing that, that doesn't mean he should
likewise with valve, of course they can let all their games rot and go to shit, that doesn't mean they should, and it reflects poorly on them that they do
tell me if you need me to break this down in easier terms, i'll ask chatgpt to write it in portuguese for someone with an iq sub 70
Replying to yourself over and over doesn't mean you have any friends, which you don't and never will. Because you're a furry.
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>3 sec bullet/melee immunity
>3k souls
>22 sec CD
This is broken...right?
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Why lie, th0?
9 out of 10 primary weapons feel the exact same, is that the point? never mind everybody already having the same basic movement options, but shooting is no different either
>'sticking with the team' is retarded noob bait
Not when you're a clueless little retard that can't hit last hit and don't even know what your abilities do.
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Level up your game with this simple tip:
Cooldown reduction and Extended duration also works on items (4.2s on Metal Skin).
>30-2 score
>lost game because enemies kept ratting/split pushing

This game has too many fucking lanes
Not him but what's wrong with food analogy? They're easy to understand and helpful
>Get reasonable advice to play with a full stack if you care about winning so much
Sasuga reddit-kun
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Keep seething, troon. Valve doesn't give a shit about your 16 year old abdl furry erp game and I'm gonna reiterate it for a 3rd time.
>if you care about winning so much
So you're just putting words into my mouth?
Have fun beating the strawman.
are you retarded? do you think some meaningless patch that adds nothing is what i'm talking about? dumb nigger
they've been posting screenshots of the new cache for almost a year lol and it's still not in the fucking game
What's DEIy about Elvis\Apes?
Looks about right.
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Oh shit, where's the guy who I was arguing with the other day about scripting in valve games
Does this counter Haze ult since it does bullet damage?
>1.75 seconds of free headshots
>Not OP
Looks like you're either too retarded for the game, or you can't aim even when enemy stayed still.
>>Valve doesn't give a shit
>brown thirdie monkey still doesn't understand that's the point of my posts
turns out i actually can't get into the mind of a retard enough to speak to a subhuman
have fun with being poor and monkey tier and shit tho
Should cdr/rng/dur apply to items yes or no? Wouldn't that make it a nightmare to balance?
Deadlock won
TrannyF2 homos lost.
Deal with it.
>game looks like moba slop
>play it
>it's moba slop
maybe the next valve game will be good
yes but haze ult duration scales to way longer than 3.5 seconds so you're going to have to stun, kill her, or gtfo
nah it's dogshit
Did you just choose not to reply to the webm post because it destroys your narrative or what
Just buzzwords.
NTA but I personally like shiv's design, its stylish and elegant, and his hair is funny but his face and sideburns makes him look like an ape which makes me kinda uncomfortable
What a stupid fucking argument. You're barely arguing for anything, who gives a shit if a game "doesn't have vision" if the game is fun? Can you even prove your claim that this is some cobbled together slop? Or are you just gonna keep parroting your little discord cabal's talking points?
It looks bad because it is bad. It's a fucking assfaggots hero shooter with SBI designs. You are gay.
how is it down there at low mmr?
Cache2 is created by the original author at his own pace, who does not work with Valve.
better to just always have your stamina and roll out, maybe eth shift because it disjoints more than just bullets
t. hazefag
The term is lane pusher
no its assfaggots
I don’t want Deadlock. I want Artifact.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
>Game is team oriented
>You can attack only 1 target at a time
You can still move and dodge during it, do it keeps you topped off to get out while she runs down her ult
>enemy team wins 5vs6 game
>they all say "gg ez"
made me chuckle but also reported them all
>Still can't accept the fact that devs would rather work on a new IP like Deadlock than tranny hat sim
Oh, so you haven't even play the game yet.
Why am I wasting my time with you?
You can easily run away from the projectile
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I accept your concession
I’m not sold on it, personally. I just don’t think MOBA game design is good. It’s weird how much Warcraft III is still in there.
>49% winrate on an 'op' hero
>press 1 button
>restore all hp if there is even a single enemy in range
What a shitty broken game.
The other side of the pond, bub. And I like my brassicas not tasting/smelling like grass and weeds, thank you very much. Spinach, iceberg lettuce, mache and Brussels sprouts go into my salads all the time, but rucola belongs in the compost bin.
name one thing from warcraft III in deadlock
i want to cum inside paradox's lava lamp head
when i use gun builds and people buy it to "counter" me i just start shooting something else for 3 seconds then go back to kill them once i passes
same thing happens the other way around
never seen the item actually do anything besides maybe save someone from haze's ult, but warp stone is way better for that too because it's actually useful outside that niche situation
Your cum will float inside her for everyone to see
Character design is terrible, repulsive.
But with your hands on the game, you can't ignore that it's fun.
>That ultimate spam to try and grab
>Haze realizing they fucked up and trying to roll away so hard
Fucking LUH MAO
>random nonsense about webms and narratives
Actually schizo, lmao.
>the cum floats up the lava lamp
I think he meant AoS from Starcraft but had a brainfart.
>random response 10 minutes later
bots can't watch webms
Wtf you talking about? I played it and it is shit, even if you want to play a hero shooter, why play deadlock when overwatch/apex is better? It doesn't even make any sense.
>hero shooter
how to get your shill post ignored in one easy step
>pick hero
>pick 2 heroes I don't want just to matchmake with this stupid requirement
>don't get hero
>leave game
it's that easy
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After 12 hours in I went back to dota, it's just more fun
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>Modern day OW better than anything
Now that's some good bait.
nice way to say you couldn't compete
no game will ever be better than doter no matter what these troons believe
hon tried to kill dota, league tried to kill dota, smite tried to kill dota, nothing will ever kill dota
it's the perfect game in every way
so where's the dota threads, troon? lol.
See you this friday playing Holiday
is she actually coming this week, she is 100% gonna be my main
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It is a hero shooter, a less polished turd than concord, and we all know how concord did, everything about deadlock is boring. Tell me what fun is there? Explain the concept to me of what you think is fun about deadlock? it has shit character design, shit gameplay, shit environment, shoots like team fortress, feels like overly complicated icefrog's bullshit. Why would anyone want this? Probably for the 10k core players who are poor 3rd world fucks or cheapskates who likes playing free games. And even then, after 2 weeks of deadlock, even the 3rd world fucks will get bored of it.
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No patch this week, but maybe next week.
sept. 12th, patch was just last week
>hero shooter
>hero shooter
Stopped reading right there son, you're embarassing
Nobody wants it except for redditroons that keep clapping when devs ban someone for calling them a retard.
If you really really dislike MOBAs like I do, it probably won’t have shaken up the formula for you. At the end of the day, it’s still a game that revolves around laning and farming.
>game doesn't have blatant jeet advertising full of degenerate furry art
>must be the game has no players
can you imagine how much happier your family be if you just killed yourself?
sorry about concord dying champ, you clearly loved that game a lot
What bait? It is not fun at all, there's shit character design, ugly ass DEI fuck faces, zero story telling, zero personality, it is like they just tick all the stupid bullshit boxes for zoomies, and even zoomies will get bored of this game quickly.
every time i use assassinate, my hand spaz out and i miss my shots.
I'm going to start building Geist like a melee hero, fuck the bombs, she's a close range terror.
name a bigger nigger hero than haze
protip: you can't
Yeah, that describes Overwatch perfectly, now what did you think about Deadlock?
There's literally only 2 to defend at the end.
the game is such a joke. if you want a hero shooter theres at least a half dozen better ones. if you want ASSFAGGOTS/Aeons of Strife/lane autism you already have them installed so go play them instead.
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When was the last time you had fun playing a game? Because you clearly have more fun shitting on games than actually enjoying them.
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Your post is a ticks all the bullshit boxes for zoomies:)
> even zoomies will get bored of this game quickly
they already did
shroud streamed it on twitch and they were crying about how boring it is and how he needs to play a real game, it was very amusing
now this trash is just propped up by russian monkeys on twitch
Not sure why plebbit like this shit, they just have bad taste desu, i honestly feel icefrog is doing this because of sunken cost, she should have just worked on the anime of doto instead of this absolute dogshit. Ugly ass hero shooter will never work, even apex legend can't rise above due to their DEI characters. I just don't understand why this desperation to pander to a group of zoomies that fails in life and fails in game. What can they do right? Nothing, that is why they are LGBTQ+, they are on suicide watch, and likely to kill themselves in the future, they are nothing people. Yet, sony, valve, epic games are all pandering to this group of assholes who are a waste of oxygen, and likely to do nothing of worth for society. I really don't understand, how many flops does it take for people to learn the lesson?
But then I can’t say I’m playing the new Valve game! D: V-valve is back!!
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>hero shooter
>last time I had fun
Today, ghost of tsushima, I have been holding back playing this game, now I am comfy travelling medieval japan cutting mongols(china) as a ninja-samurai with a vengeance, writing haiku and riding horse into the sunset.
Fuck off, LGBTQ zoomies are on suicide watch, stop making games for them, they kill themselves either way.
NOBODY wants a hero shooter anymore, concord failed for a good reason, nobody likes DEI ugly ass characters, nobody likes games with no story, personality, and nobody likes shooters because Cheaters from China ruins everything.
>ugly ass characters
Good thing Deadlock has some of the sexiest characters in gaming, that's why it has so many players.
Those dogshit bots and 3rd world scums only likes it because it is a free game, such cheapskates. I lowkey think Russians and China are playing it because they can make it into some kind of bot farm for steam market "drops". So purely retarded bots vs bots, hack vs hack. Nothing of worth, like 80% of CSGO matches.
Hero shooter doesnt mean overwatch clone like it did in 2016, it just means a shooter where you play as pre-defined loadout with abilities and with a character personality attached to it. Deadcock is a hero shooter.
Lock status?
SEXY? I know taste is subjective, but deadlocks have characters only a mother will love. They all try hard trying to unique, diverse and inclusive to the point even zoomies rolls their eyes.
Nah, the only reason people play video games is because they have sexy characters, so logically Deadlock characters are sexy. Keep coping though.
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>WC3 introduces heroes
>Dota1 uses heroes
>Lol/Dota2/Mobas in general continue it
>Overwatch takes heroes and puts them into a shooter
>Deadlock takes heroes and shooters and puts them into a moba
It counts anon
>jump in game
>throw giant ball of fuck you that takes up absurd amount of space down the lane
>run up on someone and slap them with point and click delayed stun
>discount tesla bullets that stacks with tesla bullets
>majestic leap into pressing "the enemy team has to stop fighting and kill me or run away and lose" button
yep, it's Seven time
People play games for fun, deadlock isn't fun, and their characters are UGLY AF. If a game is fun and the character is sexy, it is a positive outcome. It is not fun and it is ugly, it is double negative. I will bet your mother's life that deadlock will be dead on arrival.
russians play it, and probably brazilians and other poorfags, and they're already anticipating making money off of skins and shit, yes
i don't think they play it that much, they're loyal dotards and aren't fans of shooters in general
but yes the whole idea of
is pretty much kryptonite for rusniggers and favela monkeys who will think this is the most amazing thing ever rather than a cheap, ugly bastardization
i have 13h played in the game, and playing from finland i wasn't able to find a single match that wasn't all russniggers except for me
>nooooo I’m not playing and enjoying a hero shooter
>deadlock is a bold and daring synthesis of a real-time genre and the hero design from wc3!
>totally different!!
You're just coping and being a contrarian lmao, there's no other reason to play games than the game having sexy characters and Deadlock is currently the sixth most played game on Steam, keep giving me more sad copes so I can laugh at you though.
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So which Deadlock character is DEI woke zoomie slop exactly?
when i see haze/vindicta not playing like shit I just instantly assume they are cheating
and the fact that they are shit at macro 90% of the time but get ahead because they just run around and kill people by magdumping into them doesn't help
It really is amusing how shamelessly Valve is making what is effectively heroin for Russian players. Would be like if they sold a battle royale with romance-able NPCs to Americans
Well, I guess Russia, China, and all the 3rd world shit holes paid valve enough to create a shit game to collect all the braindead losers together. Anyone who play this game for more than an hour will know how boring it is.
>making money off skins
Why not just play banana? Those fuckers already created a banana game where you get banana drop. I did make like 5000% profit from one of the banana, but i digress, and I didnt even download the game, I just trade on market.
Abrams because he's blue, I hate blue people so much it's unreal TBD
You forgot nigfernus.
this lineup looks exactly what i imagine a group of millennial theater kids looks 'cool'
>For me, a guy who found top down LoL/Dota not compelling, bringing it into 3rd person with movement tech and making the map a fun to navigate 3D environment was a revelation/gateway into engaging with the rest of the moba mechanics.
Kill all valvesloppers...
I can't wait for all you whiny fags to get drafted honestly
it's le woke because there is a... le black woman...
That’s a pretty severe overreaction to video game bants, milord.
smite still is mostly a 2d game
0 verticality
Very much a Hot Topic video game
Please elaborate which characters and what their millennial theater kid features are.
People are just waiting for this game to be the next loot box farming game.
Without it, the game will die off within a month.
maybe Wraith but that's kinda it
Infernus looks based and 'dark skinned black guy with fire powers' works well, Mcginnis is just a boring "le mechanic tomboy" design but I wouldn't call that woke just played out. Pocket has some they/them shit going on but I think that's because it's literally multiple fuckers in there
I can't help it, I've reached terminal East Europid fatigue
Grey talon, lady geist, mcginnis, pocket, yamato.
all of them are DEI characters, all of them are UGLY, almost a distinctive type of ugly, the least DEI character is Mo & Krill, the pig is the least DEI. I wish everyone who create such ugly ass characters will just stop and go fuck themselves with a dragon dildo and stop wasting resources and time of others.
Pocket wears a scarf so he is teh gay and cringe
Infernus is gay and, but he looks like that guy from the gay nigger meme cartoon Axel in Harlem so it is funny and minstrelpilled

Ivy is latinx so she has go away heat
Vindicta is pale, has long hair, and bare feet making her a breedable little treat

Grey Talon is an indian, but not the street shitting kind

Deadlock is a mixed bag, but it managed to have a diverse roster without it feeling like shoehorned in DEI bullshit.
>borderline racist caricature of an asian woman
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>the pig is the least DEI
aliens are woke now?
yeah anon, I love climbing all those buildings and engaging with verticality in Smite
Smite is 2D you fucking nigger
You outed yourself as having played neither.
BOI HELL YEAH, Porco Rosso vibe.
All uninspired
I love this nigga like you wouldn't believe
I have literally no complaints on the art design of anyone really, I like the look of everyone. DEI, sweet baby shit whatever, even if that is included valve have better writers and artists than pretty much every other studio so it doesn't matter.
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i got 4k hours in tf2 and 3k hours in dota I will never want or need to play deadlock.
yeah. I hate that shit. i started hating lane phase because of that.
Cool but could you help me find the person who asked?
k keep me posted
Heroin is heroin for Russian players. They have a massive heroin epidemic that has lead to the highest AIDS rates in Europe, thoughbeit.
>Talentless fucks
They all disgust me, its like they lost the plot and the point and is creating a game for mentally ill zoomies who probably will kill themselves, why even pander to such people? At what cost, to what end?
it was your dad when we both talked about how much of a little shit you are for browsing 4chan during your schools lunch time
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>Grey Talon
I like the badass grandma trop but it's a weird choice for the archer character. Not really a fan either.
Not a fan of Mcginnis either. Lady Geist has an ugly face but cool getup and gimmick.
Pocket and Yamato's alien looking ass are cool.
-Millennial theater kid.
The characters are sexy which is why people are playing the game though.
underage twitter nigger tier comeback, do better
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NTA but I asked
will you kill yourself when trump loses in november?
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I can see this being annoying once the player base gets better, I'm more worried about the active ability item spam towards endgame.
Blanking on item names but cold front+item heals+ethereal shift alone give an insane amount of sustain in fights as a solo player, imaging more players stacking them is concerning.
t. played two games where I walked out of 3v1 ganks because I chained active abilties and character abilities
>y-you hecking can't say anything bad about deadlock
>even though its a beta and everything is subject to change
Wraith. Makes no sense to make mobster a negro woman.
>smite is 2d akshually!!!!!
pathetic rewriters and leftists
Nope, as the other anon said, 3rd world scums, russianbots, china dogs, they are all getting on it so they can know how to make hacks to farm skins and make money off steam market. That is what those numbers are, same goes for bots in CSGO and Doto. Pathetic scums doing trade wins and selling MMR in doto, CSGO bots vs bots, hack vs hack, for weekly skin drops.
DEIslop, pcbros are as retarded as blizzard fanboys.
Come on it wasn't that bad
What riled up the 'jeets this time?
I was actually thinking about that game while writing my post but I'm so over even talking about it at this point, it flopped because they made an ugly/bland/slop game in a crowded market. Most vidya writers are fucking awful, and anyone who spends too much time growing up on twitter is an awful writer too.
Riot check just arrived
Whoever spend more than a single cent on this game when it's out will forever lose their rights to complain about the game industry for being woke and DEI slop.
Nah, the other anon was correct, the only reason to play video games is sexy characters so Deadlock characters must be objectively sexy and actively anti-woke to be drawing so many people in. There's no way to refute this.
blizzard fanboy here, and I have to admit, blizzard have fallen long ago, diablo 4 was a beta game, and still feels like a beta game. And yes, i pre-ordered the most expensive version every single time, this upcoming vessel of hatred, I am not.
What if it's a sexy outfit for vindicta?
chuddies have lost the culture war. people dont care about BIPOC and LGBT folx being in vidya anymore, its the new normal. everyone thinks deadlock is cool because of its diversity
>zero storytelling
>for an invite beta
You know your bait is pretty good but there's a lot of cracks in it. Double check it next time.
I have seen better bait in junior fishing competitions.
That's because you're woke.
Not happening.
Keep dreaming.
they'll sell slutty swinsuit outfits for $100 each and then the troons will come out of the woodworks to say it was never DEIslop.
>Awful people
>have jobs
>DEI slops
I am raging because I feel the real talent aren't being used and these DEI hires are ruining the gaming industry as a whole, I feel these group of distinctive ugly ass motherfuckers are the same, concord, star wars, deadlock, it's like they are all drinking from the same retarded well. They just want to turn off gamers so much that they quit gaming as a whole.
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So given Valve is putting the marketing completely on word of mouth until sometime in the future, what do you guys think the first trailer will be? I really want a meet the team spiritual successor
>anti woke
No, don't be retarded, you just have to create good character with good story, not DEI dogshits slops that flops.
Alright Rajesh, you got it out of your system?
Most of the people who complain about CS dont play it just like Dota or tf2
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>it's all a le conspiracy!!!
>everyone is against us!!!!!
playing is believing, anon
you hate it because you know its the truth, what would be consider as a wild bait a few years back is now the new normal. you realize that the average right winger thinks deadlock is cool and that they love blacks, furries, trannies, gays in it as long as they are "one of the good ones". you lost the culture war and you are so senile and out of touch you havent even realized it's over yet.
The setting is so cool, I want to see cinematics from New York, I want to see the Imperial German expeditions to Agartha, Russian scientists opening gates to the Hollow Earth
The Dota 2 comics were neat but the anime was dogshit, PLEASE do not fuck up this setting.
I have high hopes for the animated trailers, the deadlockers have so much personality in their design and voices
Try to rephrase your post in comprehensible, grammatically correct English.
I wouldn’t count on it. They’ll make trailers, but I think all the effort that would go into a meet the team video is instead going to go to the visual novels.
you lost the culture war, make sure you dont blow your back out in impotent rage
Fuck you leftists scums.
I will continue making noise and let valve knows that their target audience is me, a straight male that want beautiful characters in game.
What visual novels?
You don't know how to create characters, you talentless dumb fuck, beta or not, playable characters must have storytelling is instant, it is visual, immediate at one glance. Fucking copium, iTs BeTa HaHA iT wiLL bE BeTtEr, I SwEaR, nigger you have mental illness if you think it is a good game.
Why are you fags like this? Lol
So catty.
Discord link sister?
>muh culture war
That's it? That's all your post amounted to?
At least use haze
Weeks ago the Deadlock posters were telling me I was a schizo for being worried that SBI might have a hand in this game. Now it just doesn’t matter?
both you and me know it's the only thing i need to say to btfo you and cause you to seethe to no ends. you. lost. the. culture. war. republicans and conservatives are weird. we all think you are weird. game over.
>you lost the culture war
Nigger you lost your mind, you think we lost? We use retards like you, the DEI hires to do corporate write off and tax avoidance. You think Sony don't know their audience and created Concord, 250m and 8 years of DEI retard's time. That is 250 m tax deductibles.
Most people think both you and the “republicans” are insufferable people. Bunch of lazy, opinionated fatasses who won’t even put their money where their mouth is.
grainy 1920s style film interviews interspersed with newspaper clippings or relevant pieces of lore.
Like a fighting add bewtween bebop and lash with pre fight interviews or a this just in All citizens are advised to stay indoors a maelstrom is highly suspected to form following tomorrows solar eclipse.
you are unemployed and a incel virgin lmao
everyone who is a "enlightened centrist" that's "apolitical" is just a closeted bigot. we all know what you are like. you are weird, just like your republican nazi loser friends

>badass grandma
>grey talon

Lmao, way to out yourself as a terminally online brainrotmaxxer
I think I can deal with a complete loser thinking I’m weird.
oh no no no
>valve have better writers and artists than pretty much every other studio so it doesn’t matter.
You are deep in the throes of fanboyism. Who are your favorite artists and writers at Valve?
there's not a single normal well adjusted person that thinks an anti-lgbt racist bigot incel on 4chan that is addiccted to porn is normal! sorry! your redneck family addicted to drugs and alcohol living in trailers is not representative of the real world..
True, I am raging because these retarded DEI hires gotten my job.
I don't find women of today interesting, fuckable, but not interesting. I rather pay a whore and get it done with, or fap, less stressful and less grief, bitches nowadays can't even cook, clean or seduce. its not hard to understand why incel prefer 2D anime over 3D wamen.
battleborn also had some shitty cyber future fantasy aesthetic that sucked ass
I don’t think those guys are normal, either. I also don’t see why I should be ashamed if I did grow up as a poor redneck. What are you, a classist?
in this game you can farm easily just by spamming abilities
deathballing the whole game and not farming gaurantees a loss because everyone on your team falls behind in farm if you're not actively catching the enemy constantly with the deathball
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>True, I am raging because these retarded DEI hires gotten my job.
holy shit lmao
i think it thinks it's actually serious
Of course it’s an ivyfag. Classist piece of shit.
read up on the paradox of tolerance, it's very important to make sure to shun and bully bigots out of social circles and work environments. people are finally waking up and learning the most efficient way of getting rid of bigots is just by social pressure and humiliation
nobody dislikes rednecks because they are poor, they are disliked because they are racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic ignorant bigots.
It is true, I am unemployed, had to find other means to work, I draw for a living and with AI slop wilding, I think soon I will have to flip burgers and live in my mom's basement.
>True, I am raging because these retarded DEI hires gotten my job.
>A-actually it's the heckin blacks and browns that are the reason I'm an unemployed worthless lazy piece of shit loser! Really!
Kek you subhuman-ass losers here are genuinely the most pathetic, psychotic motherfuckers there are. Your minds are just gone.
She's a sweetheart
>he replies to himself yet again
Sad life.
Thank god the LGBTQ+ people are all sedated like the dogs they are, I don't want them to kill themselves because the honest people will have to clean up their bodies after them. You are mentally ill and nobody likes you, everyone pretend to be nice to you, that is all you get out of this life, nobody really likes you or love you, they say they do, but they say it so you wont kill yourself. That is what is the only reason to keep LGBTQ+ mentally ill people in sedation. The only reason why overwatch and apex legends are used for.
>nobody dislikes rednecks because they are poor, they are disliked because they are racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic ignorant bigots.
What the fuck ever, anon. You’re a bigot yourself and proud of it.
The only subhumans are the ones being sedated by DEI characters
>Oh I feel so represented now
>WOW society accepts me
>it is a norm now to be a alphabet people
No it is not, we do it so you wont kill yourself and people wont have to find your dead bodies and clean up the mass you make. If you do want to kill yourself, learn from the japanese, their people are considerate enough to kill themselves in a suicide forest.
>pants rolled up into shorts
ridiculous looking creatura
I hate your guts more and more with each passing day that you stink up this board, anon. You asshole.

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