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Blue woman of Valve sexuality
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Gargoyle woman of being fucking ugly
Why is deadlock allowed a general outside of /vg/?
Get ready for the 'jeet spam to continue. The riot check cleared.
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Valvebux, duh
why is Concord allowed 15 generals outside of /vg/?
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Grande sexo con la gargola
Death to DEI dev and the end of their career.
How old is Dark Willow?
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I fucked up my mmr on Vindicta, whenever I get her I'm faced with sweetiest top #1000 players that perfectly block, hit abilities on max range and deny creeps.
Now I can't fucking play her
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>Dr.Anon, I'm CIA
Great question. Why aren’t the mods or jannies doing their jobs?
Concord should have gotten a containment sticky, and these threads shouldn’t be here 24/7. Neither should the AI art threads.
you should ask the same thing to Blue Archive and ZZZ
how are they going to deal with i see X voice lines for new characters? they're gonna have to get the old voice actors back in to record new lines for every release.
That just means you need to get better
Stop forgiving your own weakness, you can do it brother
>we want the Ranni audience
Unironically this is where AI voice acting could shine, if it was allowed to. Actors wouldn't have to come back for small-ish updates like that.
Why are 3 gachaslop games allowed 3 separate generals despite being ostensibly the same thing from the same company?
How the fuck am i supposed to build warden or use his long ass wind up ult
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God I fucking love barefoot women
Almost any video game girl design can be saved by making them barefoot
Use majestic leap and cast the ult during the flight time
Unless the enemy has shit like Decay, his ult makes you immortal. I don't actively play him though so I can't tell you how to build him.
Because /v/ is a haven for advertisers.
It wouldn't be such a problem...IF VINDICTA WASN'T WEAKEST HERO IN GAME
I really don't understand why are we wasting time on Valve and their games. Send a letter to your local policy/law makers, tell them Valve/steam is a monopoly, break them up for good. Gaming industry will thrive. Cut the fat gaben where it hurts.
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They just need another female design as good as Vindicta. Yes I know Ivy is popular with a certain niche but she doesn't have broad appeal, and the other girls are all boring.
Maybe they'll rework Yamato into a cute girl since we already know that's one of the first changes they're making.
I look like this and say this
so people who just randomly deny souls in the middle of the fight are cheaters right?
I mean sure im not the best at the game myself but I can not imagine that when im fighting and some creep happens to die to my AOE any sensible person turns towards it to deny
>Microsoft buys yet another huge company
>it's the VALVe who is the enemy!
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Tim Epic? That you?
Threads are already dwelling into
>Waifu posting
>complains about players
>culture war
>meme reposting
>horny posting
And the game is not even out yet.

If you truly love the game, you wouldn't create such a hostile environment and actively trying to kill the game before it's out.
Get some integrity
Hope I get to slit your throat, riot troon
Viscous is such a dogshit hero holy fuck
That’s up to our bros who live in Washington. I don’t think I can talk over the oil and natural gas lobby in my state and convince my representatives and senator to care about video games.
Huffing the memesteam that has been brewing sealed inside Haze's leather pants for a whole day of her running a marathon around the map.
I'm gonna keep on inviting every russnigger, turkoid and chink I find on steam until the game is ruined
That's for Artifact
Bound to happen, Ashley Burch is in this and Vindicta is 16
>complaints about players
See above
>culture war
Riot marketers and mind-broken retards don't play the game and unfortunately we can't kick them out if they decide to spam.
>meme reposting
See category 2
>horny posting
See category 1
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I don't want to alarm you too terribly but that's literally all /v/ ever is.
That's genuinely honestly literally 100% the entire list.
What's your complaint exactly?
I can't believe Valve just shamelessly ripped off Ranni the Witch.
It’s possible to have two enemies. Steam really isn’t good for PC games in the long run. It’s a great service that’s very convenient to use, but it is cancerous to the business side of the industry. It’s no different than Apple’s App Store.
Vindicta is very high skill cap and conversely suffers from a braindead footfag playerbase. Same reason every big boobed samurai lady in fighting games ends up as the punching bag.
I don't think she's objectively terrible or anything but she'll always have a bad winrate.
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Will Deadlock be F2P?
Giant braid, you won't get laid
I wish it had like a $20 price tag to keep 95% of the Russians and BR's out
Yes, obviously. Yoshi is icefrog.
will I be able to use client-side coomer mods?
>Vindicta is 16
No wonder she's the only attractive girl.
How many times are you gonna try this schtick Timmy boy
Lol, is that really what his argument was? Funny that we reached the exact same conclusion.
Post Ivy
>Ashley Burch is in this
I thought it was debunked that she's Ivy's VA
>I don't think she's objectively terrible
but she is and the better enemy team, the more she suffers, if enemy has competent Lash it's over no matter how fed you are
She's missing the big hat, that's the best part.
Have we gotten any Ivy art with mastectomy scars yet? We need it.
>But.. but there's another monopoly
You think we didn't try to stop Microsoft? You think CrowdStrike is an accident?
fuck you.
The deadlock fanbase sure seems full of useful idiots, doesn’t it
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Nobody needs that troonboy
Stop pretending like Vindicta has a uniquely bad playerbase that simply can't win with their amazing character, when Seven has the highest pick and win rate.
Her kit is just discount Talon, is impossible to play for behind, only viable in stomps.
They probably have the new characters planned years in advance and have the lines recorded already.
Paradox looks good, she reminds me of Tali'Zorah, nice body but the face is a mystery.
Nah, we need it. Ivy is the trans rep! She’s also the autism rep.
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fuck off, I only support the gaming industry.
Nah bro, senators and representatives talks. With enough chatter, they will act. EU is acting on it already. Amerifats, do your job.
You have no idea what it’s like to live in my country.
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Back to your discord xirster
Full of it, actually a great idea if we want to mop up all the commies and socialists DEI scums.
>create DEI game
>collect their data
>send in right wing death squad
Nothing of value will be lost.
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>I'm starting to actually become attracted to Ivy
If you can’t see it then I’m afraid you’re turning a blind eye to it. Her VN path is about getting a job and being nervous about it lol.
People are literally just playing/building her wrong because of MOBA brain, people think she fits into the carry archetype but that's wrong. She needs to snowball early-midgame with her good gun and oppressive roaming, that's where flight really shines. She needs to leverage that lead into building tanky support items later for when flight stops being as relevant or she'll get bullied to death.
>"gaming industry"
>legit riot troon shill
You too nigger, I'm hard stuck in an island.
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Holy shit who called all the schizos in this evening
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It's not too late for you.
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Don't you dare co-opt good practices by the EU for your retarded little culture war game, Riot marketer.
Maybe you guys did with your constant baitposting? Dipshit ivyfag.
that's normal don't worry
as soon as i heard her nice voice it was over for me
I dont even have a RIOT game or bought a riot game my entire life you stupid psychotic fuck, your mental illness is leaking in this thread.
Holy fuck you're trying REAL hard
I don't play ANY GAMES from Riot, I at best a blizzard fanboy who still believed in Diablo 4 in 2024, and bought the most expensive pre-order there is. I learnt my lesson, Diablo 4 is still a beta game.
I don't get how to powerfarm a networth advantage. Even when I'm playing Seven and just focus on running between lanes catching waves and doing every neutral camp and slot machine I don't end up with a noticeable advantage compared to enemies and teammates who seemingly just brawl all game.
>Damn I lost my last game because I couldn't aim for shit, perhaps I'll play someone easier and less aim heavy
>Oh I rolled Vindicta I wonder what she does :)
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Is there a bigger rush in this game than clutching out a rejuv steal?
>Talon does more damage with his flying shotgun
>it doesn't even need aim
>3 more years for the riot troon to scream DEIlock until riot finished their bootleg
holy fucking lmao
>RIOT could be here, Ivyfag thought
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kek the timing
Because mods and jannies are all FAGS you stupid fucking dipshit
>ivyfag discordtroons vs deischizos
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How is this even possible
>She needs to snowball early-midgame with her good gun and oppressive roaming, that's where flight really shines
So she's much, much worse Haze?
>She needs to leverage that lead into building tanky support items later for when flight stops being as relevant
That's extremely retarded, she has no supporting abilities, that's the same as saying that she's worthless
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excuse me?
>i don't need to check the tutorial, i'll just jump in and learn as i go :)
Prioritize nearby creep waves over neutrals when farming. Besides that, if you want a bigger soul advantage, carry the urn. It gives you a buff for 25% more souls if you're the one who delivers.
Your fault for putting purple or yellow prio on her, or even having her selected
Was the Seven Russian?
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It should be 10 bucks just to deter cheaters and bots.
Look at rust, aren't accounts super cheap? Some degens spend hundreds in banned accounts and cheats yet still do it.
i'm actually just going to stop typing, everyone gets mad at the slightest thing you can't say anything without a faggot having the most sensitive skin on earth
Haze is overpowered, an assassin type character should not have abilities that win conventional gunfights topped off with a big teamfight ult.
She was fine before the recent buffs honestly.
You don't suddenly stop doing damage if you build a fucking green item. Vindicta can actually do much more damage if she's not worrying about instantly exploding, which lets her better use the execute on assassinate.
>no support abilities
I guess maxed Stake disarm suddenly doesn't count.
I sure as hell hope not. Probably not playing if it is
>make a very good popular service
>competitors can't compete because of incompetence
>muh monopoly
There is no monopoly. Nothing is forcing you to use steam. Kill yourself tim
This game is literally the purest example of
>Go woke, chud's broke.
You should write a complaint letter to Hiromoot.
This game is not your political pawn, retarded baitnigger.
>You don't suddenly stop doing damage if you build a fucking green item
you stop dealing damage when you stop buying items that increase your damage, for example spending all souls to buy tank items just not to die. You also stop dealing damage when you have poor scaling(which Vindicta has)
>I guess maxed Stake disarm suddenly doesn't count.
one very long CD CC. So on one hand enemy team has proper 6 player team and another has 5 players and stakebot
Way ahead of you. I’m not shy about submitting feedback.
Poor baby.
Speaking of Talon, what's the correct order of his skills after you get Quicksilver reload on Charged Shot? I would think you'd want to open with a Charged Shot before Rain of Arrows so that way you expend a charge and have it start to renew a new one as you fight, and then you also get the fire rate bonus for the magazine during your subsequent Rain of Arrows. But doing this means you won't get the benefit of refreshing your magazine if you save Charged Shot to use during Rain of Arrows for what would essentially be a double magazine Rain.
It said she was good for new players...
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I VILL pick Ivy
I VILL rush Health Nova and Rescue Beam
I VILL throw you into the enemy team and I VILL dive in after you
I VILL realize I've made a horrible fucking mistake and rescue you out just barely in time
Und you VILL be happy
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I think I understand the game a little better now.
Walls are so much fun that I would play Mcginnis even if she didn't have turrets
You see this MOBA brainrot is the issue, this isn't DotA or LoL where the carry has to build pure damage items or they stop contributing. Building Unstoppable makes you live literally 3x as long compared to building another damage item that's only additive and made you deal maybe 15% more damage.
I'm not saying build full fucking green but once you snowball midgame off flight + assassinate bonus souls you have the luxury of building big green shit
i think the babies are people who get mad and throw the game because i tell them that they should stop jungling and help the team
Maybe read the room and don’t talk down to people, anon.
>You see this MOBA brainrot is the issue, this isn't DotA or LoL where the carry has to build pure damage items or they stop contributing.
I always remember the golden rule as I was taught it twenty-odd years ago playing Everquest, when I asked a ranger why he was bothering to heal
He told me "Confucius say corpse on ground do zero DPS"
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>play Seven
This guy is so fucking stupid and easy.
I don't think she looks like that in game
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>Steam continues to not fuck over consumers to make short term profit in favor of long term sustainability
>oy vey we need to break up this company
Show us your nose
It will be F2S (free to sneed) for all players with an IQ under 90 (all of them).
fuck you
investing in green items negatively correlates with Vindicta winrates. 70% investment are 0% of matches so they don't count
>woke game
>woke game, valve
It already is f2p. Ive been playing since May and still havent paid Gaben.
This is true.
You’re a member of an unpaid focus group.
Do separate Healbanes stack on an enemy?
Where are her tits
The gargoyle
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>Harem Protagonists be like
thats why its deter and not prevent. Part of tf2's problem is any goober can run a bot at essentially zero upfront cost past their own computer and internet.
All debuffs stack except slows.
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She wasn't made with any
Not every gargoyle was sculpted lucky
im bored of this game already
The green line is flat statsnigger.
Oh well that's good news, I'd been labouring under the delusion that buying a Healbane when my teammate already had one was a waste
Oh... well I guess when you put it that way, it makes sense. I'm fucking stupid. She's a gargoyle. The gargoyle statue didn't have tits on it
she still has a mouth, pussy and ass though from having to come to life so she's still plappable
It does have SOME diminishing returns because once one or two are applied the Kelvin or whatever is generally fucked anyways.
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Yoshi if you're reading this i want you to promise in your heart of hearts Valve will NEVER listen to fucking Redditors and Discord gooners when it comes to fucking ANYTHING in this game, pretty please.
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>woke concord tier character """design""
>assfaggots """gameplay"""
>hat gacha mechanics
why are pc game enthusiasts like this?
get new material, and get new fap material it looks like you put a thong on a mound of shit
Okay the game has been in beta 3 months where is the SFM overwatch had sfm during the server tests
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new piece fresh out of the oven
Overwatch also had 99% finalized designs not subject to change the instant you upload your porn
The goblin is ugly as shit and I don't know why it's posted to often when this game has actual bad bitches
keep spamming for your riot masters, pajeet
>retarded post
>completely unrelated coomer image
You could've put a frog in the image field so I could've judged your idiocy at a glance.
Valve would rather browse 4chan than reddit unironically.
Yes we're trying to avoid a LOL situation.
This isn't even MOBA brainrot, this is just being retarded. I don't know about League, but do you know what the best item in Dota 2 is? Black King Bar. Goes on every character, stops 90% of the bullshit the opposing team is doing in every single exchange.
You can tell they have nothing but absolute disdain for the Deadlock discord, aside from fanart and lore channels
Even tried to control the LGBTQshit spam before giving up
I know that, but I have no faith in them not to do just what that post is describing
Good luck with that dude, you’re already halfway there
>You're already halfway there
Yeah I know, we already have interesting designs instead of the same character copypasted 50 times with slightly different body proportions.
God forgive me for tossing out a /v/ neologism but it’s because she’s “safe horny”
>I’m not like the other gamers with a basic ass male gaze
>I wanna fuck le dirty goblina
Great work if you drew these anon
Ehhh, I think it's her voice and personality. Paradox is suave, Haze is a hot glowie, Vindicta has her feet out, but Ivy is like a gargoyle next door.
How can you tell that? From the outside looking in this game is practically tailor-made for those people. I promise I’m not some retard who’s gonna screech at you about the game being woke, but this game really seems like it’s gunning for the Twitter-addicted, stream-watching, discord-chatting, somewhat gay youth
geist vs vindicta was the worst lane i've been in, 3 of your abilities don't work against her and the one that works deals 10 damage
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>half of all deadlock porn is ivy
There was one ONE yamato porn pick and they fucking removed it
I’m not really buying it.
Furries and transexuals work fast, anon
That's how I feel about it. I don't find her attractive or anything, but I can see her charm. She has a lot of soul as a character. People can feel that, you know.
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Oh great, another Assfaggots. Another game where you become """""good""" by studying wikipedias, metagoblin data and guides while never having to put forth any actual mechanical or strategic skill, essentially reducing yourself to an IRL npc playing paint by numbers.
I got the game removed from my account awhile back for afking in a few matches, people kept going "lol permabanned" and I was like "no, retards, they tell you when you're permabanned, they didn't tell me shit"

Just got the game added back to my account today, suck my cock nerds who think you know shit
You don't have to for it to be the truth
That's what did it for me
NTA but those are the reasons I found her to be easily likeable despite goblin looks
>I don't know why it's posted to often
A combination of
>some anons falling for her being "wholesome" and having a "sexy voice" Willow and Winter Wyvern run circles around her spic speak
>monsterfucker degens that intentionally want to fuck abominations
>official deadlock discord trannies self insert as her
>"goblin" fuckers falling for off model shit
>hardcore degenerates that draw fat, inflation, scat etc.
A merry company
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Why is Venge the only one who got to move to the new game?
please, i hate this vore tranny with all my heart
I don’t doubt that’s how you feel. I don’t guess I’m really talking about you so much as I am the flood of people waifu-ing and lusting after her. You seem to be in the minority from where I’m sitting.
>any actual mechanical or strategic skill
Bro this isn't LoL. Dota already has strong micro requirements (on certain heroes), and requires strategy. This game has built-in mechanical skill requirements taken from shooter games AND DOTA's strategic nature.
This one focuses more on the aiming and movement so you actually have *some* semblance of agency as opposed to none. The illusion that your choices matter in this adventure game is well-maintained.
She's Venge + arcana Drow
Not a bad combo
Well said. It’s a very engaging video game.
Quit lying, I played for one round and by the end of it my headshots weren't doing shit to the enemy team's lifebar. Needless to say I uninstalled that piece of shit right afterwards.
there are literally multiple items to boost headshot damage specifically
That's because you have to make a BUILD, you said you wanted strategy, it's ALL IN THERE. It's literally as complex as an RPG in the shop!
>green line is flat

doesnt matter, if you eat a bullet to the head you should die. Bad game design.
You ignored your build and items and thought your shooter skills could carry you, because you’re a drooling retard.
>I want complex strategy and micro!
>I want CS!
Pick one
bro that doesnt even necessarily happen in cs or tf2
Valve has created a monstrosity.
Don't get me wrong, it's a very competently made game, and it deserves success it is going to get, there is a problem. It takes a full mechanical complexity of moba and multiplies it on a proper movement shooter mechanics, and a resulting game's potential mechanical depth and complexity would likely make dota look like a match 3 phone game. Which would proportionally scale the amount of nolifing and general effort investment required to be actually good at it, something that people generally can't evaluate right now because of how fresh the game is. Then there's also you being 1/6 and not 1/5 of the team, and a chance for a game ruining retard as a teammate rolling 5 times and not 4, all for similar time investment.
Run while you still can.

t. observed people destroying their mental health by taking dota 2 seriously.
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Ehhh, the complex elements are just dota again, if someone is used to shootanz most of the skills will translate and work subconsciously.
I would be interested in this game if a few things changed:
>bigger team sizes, maybe eight or nine players
>at least one or two more maps that shake up the tried and true lanes
>being able to switch to a different hero upon death
As is, there is not enough there to keep me interested. It isn’t deep enough for me, apparently.
>those character designs
literally concord: valve edition
Even fucking UT2k4 doesn't have people die from one sniper bullet when they have enough health/armor, this argument is just dogshit
I'm just playing for fun.
How many hours a day? How many hours a week?
>This is your brain on culture war
Laugh at concord, I know I did, but turn off your /pol/ for a bit and enjoy a bit of good gayman.
is deadlock really more complex than dota 2 or lol? how much?
Maybe 10 a week, but it's the second week I'm playing it.
>players buy more Vitality items when they are losing
>therefore the green items caused them to lose
Statgroids actually believe this
scout hero when
deadwood hero when
It's less complex than Dota. More complex than LoL.
I can't enjoy a game where the characters look like wokegoblinas.
Not him, but I have to turn off the “cares a lot about video games” part of my brain to see this as good gayman. I think this game is very uninspired and is just chasing trends.
what if deadlock will get the same number of heroes?
I'm like 99% sure her head is an actual lightbulb. I don't see how it can be a mask or helmet when that middle pink think in her head can be seen from any angle.
>>being able to switch to a different hero upon death
I think the whole point is you can't do it.
There's not one "woke" character in this game. The only black one is a criminal
>chasing trends
It really isn't. It's iterating a stale genre and shaking up the field by translating an ARTS into a 3d space with shooting.
lil bro admitting he's low IQ lmao
This game already has you select a handful of different heroes you like to play when you queue up, right? I really think it would be cool if you could switch to maybe one of three or five heroes you pre-selected before the match whenever you respawn.
I guess if the whole point is just adhering to preexisting game design and not experimenting with the genre that this game is not for me. It’s just another MOBA.
It'll remain about as complex as Dota. Just a different kind of complexity.


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>get (You)
>it's from a fucking mass replier
What's wrong with you schizophrenics
>It really isn't. It's iterating a stale genre and shaking up the field by translating an ARTS into a 3d space with shooting.
It’s been tried several times already. While this seems to be the most well-received attempt to date, I seriously think that’s just because it’s completely free to play and comes from the company that published the Orange Box. A lot of people who were more than willing to clown on Epic and Gearbox are people who aren’t so willing to criticize Valve, myself included.
It’s a GaaS with ranked matchmaking and Heroes, and for that alone I see it as chasing trends.
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true, her head even floats in the air and she doesn't have a neck, they say it's a mask in the bio but it's probably just placeholder text or model or both
Mobas and competitive gaming have been dead for 10 years, just let it rest
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All that Steam money, and this is what it gets us.
they literally dont
>It's been tried several times
Once as a tech demo by fucking Epic lmao and another by Gigantic (not really, just a bit of a more complex hero shooter)
>It's a GaaS with ranked matchmaking and heroes
>ranked matchmaking
If they were called characters would you have less of a melty?
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seething ass nigga lmfao
outdated portrait
>off model
Vindicta and Dark Willow do look like and say this albeit
Tell that to the ivyfags
>If they were called characters would you have less of a melty?
No, the word hero isn’t what I take issue with. It’s just really stale game design.
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I like on-model and off-model Ivy equally. I even like some of the slop Ivys people have made
I hate the gross faggoty fatshit though, but at least it's ignorable I guess
I was playing with my friends and they told me she looks like me with blue skin, were they making fun of me and calling me ugly? :(
Playing a shooter where your bullets hit like a wet towel because you didnt grind enough money still isn't satisfying or fun, it just feels like shit.
Is there a reason every game HAS to have at least 1 useless fuck who clearly has never played the game before going 0 12?
Every single game
There's no ranked matchmaking. MMR is there to make sure you can't stomp unabated/get stomped to shit
>It's just really stale game design
Every game needs variance. Would you play a fighting game where all you can play is Ryu? A shooter where the gun loadout is always AR + Pistol? How would you differentiate between different characters without giving them distinct looks or abilities?
>told you that you look like a rapeable 16 year old teen
Is there some way to bypass the ban? One friend of mine got banned for being too based on chat and some retard reported him. I tried to invite another account I have and gave it to him, and he even tried in his secondary gaming laptop, and it didn't work.

Is it ip or hardware based?
I don't give a fuck about this game, though.
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I think for my next healer Ivy game I am going to buy Superior Cooldown, Soul Rebirth and Diviner's Kevlar
I wonder how low my Rescue Beam cooldown will get
Bro just shoot the fucking walking candles and stop whining.
>Oh I'm gonna summon the patrons
>And when I do, I know exactly what I'm wishing for
What did Lash mean by this?
He'll wish to give Bebop an enlarged mechanical prostate
>patron just screams "nigger" so loud the entire world hears it
I think you're right. admitting that would not be in line with the site you are being advertised for the game on, so you won't get a reply for that though. the whole community around this slop feels entirely artificial
Grinding money/resources to make yourself more powerful is the entire point of the RTS genre, shooting people is a means to an end and the souls are how you fund those means. The fact you can't even fathom this because you think Ratz Instagib is the final destination of shootan really paints a vivid picture of how you think in general.
>MMR is there to make sure you can't stomp unabated/get stomped to shit
How is that not effectively ranked matchmaking? I also don’t see why you’re pretending the game won’t have an explicitly ranked queue at launch.
>Every game needs variance.
Yes, I agree. I’m not suggesting the game should be like CS, I’m just saying that Warcraft III came out 22 years ago.
No thanks, I'd rather play a game where I'm not forced to grind out braindead NPCs ad infinitum.
You installed an ARTS, what did you expect?
>You can tell they have nothing but absolute disdain for the Deadlock discord
Because Valve doesn't like treadmill work and are generally lazy and terrible at interacting with their communities (due to "work on what you want" company structure).
Simple as.

But in fact most employees at Valve now are obviously SJW-leaning. Which is why there is not a single attractive female in this whole game.
Why is ranked matchmaking bad? And the game is at its best when both teams have similar skill levels anyways.
>Warcraft 3 came out 22 years ago
Which means we should stop giving characters abilities and distinct looks?
It does. I really have to wonder if that guy screeching endlessly about wokeness in this game and making bad faith comparisons between it and /v/‘s monster of the week are just people trying to talk over me and paint me as a chud for disliking this game.
nah he's correct, her jaw is smaller and her hair looks different ingame
the whole gargoyle waifu thing is forced as fuck, I agree
While we're using made up terms let's just call it ASSFAGGOTS like it is
this game just makes me want to play league where i can actually see what's going on
there's nothing worse than going forward in lane but not knowing your braindead teammate wants to play like a cuck 24/7
>just look at the minimap constantly then look at the creeprs then last hit deny
If I wanted to soullessly grind mobs for loot all day I could have played Maplestory or Metin 2. In CS you can buy Kevlar and Helmet, too, but it doesnt magically make you straight up overpowered to the point where you can laugh off headshot after headshot.
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>Hey enjoy our game!
>*bans you*
>ugh, this movie is too confusing and complex, where's my baby sensory videos?
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I think the fact that it's Valve is doing the heavy lifting for the game. Whatever half-finished prototype they shit out people are simply willing to try.
In my opinion it's because Valve is a private company. The games they make produce peanuts compared to Steam itself, so even if the underlying motivation is still to make money it isn't to make ALL of the money this quarter to then make more money the next quarter, if it fits into the category of trend chasing it feels more like something they were probably interested in doing something like that rather than simply a cynical money-printer mandate from shareholders.
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underage retards
>Why is ranked matchmaking bad?
It isn’t inherently bad. It’s just the lowest hanging fruit in video games right now, and I don’t really have a lot of respect for developers who are so willing to use the psychology of addiction to retain a playerbase.
>Which means we should stop giving characters abilities and distinct looks?
Not at all. I just wish they would think outside the box. This game isn’t showing me anything I haven’t already seen before, aesthetically or gameplay-wise. Stale and uninspired. Paint by numbers game design designed to be familiar to people who play other live service titles.
Are you unable to quickly glance at your minimap to see where people are and can extrapolate where they're going to move?

Can you visualize an apple turning in your mind?
k bye
>Doesn't like the word "Nigger"
This is the playerbase that Deadlock's SJW character design attracts.
It’s like a marketer got it in their heads that /v/ is one guy, and that guy is a waifuposter. Maybe it’s just a newfag desperate to be an epic 4chan degen.
Yup, this this this.
You can clearly see them aiming for extra DEI sweet baby money by including brownoids, faggots, and trannies in the roster. It's actually disturbing to me seeing shills and bots convince normal people that infernus is totally a cool character despite him being a nasty nigger. Any game featuring blacks and white replacement like this is a no from me. Valve has been corrupted and we're never going back to all white cats like half life and team fortress. This game is going to be a spectacular concord failure for Valve and might even put them into bankruptcy
Company shills always do the same
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Please, DO go on about your crusade against the internet to scream NIGGER as loud as you want
There's a female cowgirl bounty hunter like screen from overwatch commin out soon. She looks cute as fuck and will prob be my main when she drops
>ranked matchmaking = psychology of addiction
By that logic sports leagues are exploitative.
>stale and uninspired game design
It's a welcome shakeup to a stale and old genre, some elements remain. That doesn't mean it's unfun or bad.
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Still very ugly
was just watching some gameplay
I will never understand the appeal of games like this. Westerners (and especially americans) sure have low tier taste in vidya
Blatant falseflagging faggot. BEGONE! I cast you out. I’m spraying you with a squirt bottle. I’m throwing chancla after chancla at your head.
>this this this
You little buttblasted creature.
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Anon... that's the same outdated portrait...
oooooo i love dropping to 60 fps randomly in a shooter yaay i love valve i love source
was warden nerf to shit or something, I barely see him now
Nice try at a strawman. This game literally has made up SJW pronouns and all female characters are ugly. And we all know why.

Go ahead and deny that Valve are doing these things out of SJW motives. If you can't respond without a strawman, you instantly concede that I'm right.
>if it fits into the category of trend chasing it feels more like something they were probably interested in doing something like that
This is literally why Citadel got turned into Neon Prime in the first place, they really liked the aesthetic and had some decent budding ideas on how to make a game around it. It simply would have taken too long to cook properly given how saturated it was so they took the advice of the playtesters and pivoted the artstyle and setting to something completely different (and arguably completely fresh)
This is the most effeminate soi post I've read in days and it saddens me to see that you're the target audience for this kind of sweet baby slop
>SJW pronouns
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>Yup, this this this.
>By that logic sports leagues are exploitative.
How so? Do you consider people who play ranked multiplayer to be athletes? It’s very disingenuous of you to deny that these kinds of games exploit a certain kind of person.
>That doesn’t mean it’s unfun of bad.
I do not agree, personally. I’m just not impressed with this game. There’s probably no point in continuing this conversation.
I can't seem to find the right balance between pushing wave and not wasting bullets so i can actually secure cs
its all
>don't shoot at creeps a lot
>get pushed under tower and harassed all lane
>shoot at creeps
>get harassed or have my CS denied because my mag was empty at worst times
He's right, though.
You barely saw him to begin with because Warden is one of the most boring characters to play as. Warden barely has a defined personality so even if he has 4/4 good skills it just feels like the person going 0/20 as 7 is having more fun than you are going 15/1/13
I have posted proof, you haven't.
Do you think Chess ELO is exploitative? Chess has ranked matchmaking.
>I do not agree
That's because you lack genre expertise and have a rather myopic view of the current multiplayer landscape.
You push with abilities and melee creeps to secure souls. Bullets are for denies and harass.
I think you're met with insults when you criticize the game because you're talking with paid advetisers. nobody would be this excited or hopeful for a nuValve title that is merely some derivative dota+ov with tryhard designs and barebones ui. valve is long gone; whoever's animating its corpse either lacks competency or just doesn't care
Play cover, use melee, learn when to push or not depending on matchups, use skills
Play at bridge and melee creeps when they get low.
Proof of what?
Most of the original valve staff is still at the company BTW.
It’s plain as day, isn’t it?
Yeah, I’m a fake gamer. Disregard me.
Play 7, spam 1 at creeps and 2 at your enemy and focus on using your M1 for soul securing/denying and headshot harrassment
Again, I want to point out to everyone that this is the kind of community that Valve's SJW character design attracts to Deadlock. That's who you're choosing to associate with.
You're really stupid.
canon lesbian btw
>I'm a fake gamer
I didn't say that, but the way you jump at people to justify to yourself that the game has to be a shill op or inorganic reveals you have a gigantic list of preexisting biases that would make it a waste of time to discuss this with.
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Can anyone invite me to the game ? i'm not sure i drew her hair correct unless i look at the real 3D model V_V
Anon, I’m stupid and not worth listening to. I am a myopic gaming dilettante who couldn’t hope to even scratch the surface of the complexity lying beneath this lane-pushing game. Don’t mind me.
This anon is canonically retarded btw.
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fake ass gamer, probably doesn't even know what QxB1+ means
Notice how I coaxed you into confirming it was indeed saying NIGGER that got your retarded friend banned based on your responses. Very predictable and stupid behavior.
>putting words in my mouth
Y'know if you actually played the game instead of playing victim you might have a good time.
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bitch looks like lapis from steven jewniverse LMAO
what if you are not playing a hero that can reliably use abilities on creeps like shiv?
laning with him feels weird because first few levels it feels like I can't do anything
Hopefully it will have "prime" option like CS2 to filter out some cheaters.
We know that. I’ve also been following this company closely for something like twenty years now. There was a clear as day shift in the company’s priorities when DOTA 2 began development, further cemented by the release of CS:GO and their blatant attempt at getting a piece of Hearthstone’s pie. The canary died when Marc Laidlaw quit.
>a writer quitting means the company can't design good games anymore
how do I make vindicta not feel like utter dogshit
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i tried :(
You can’t seriously be all that surprised that I’m going to match a person’s energy when they’re talking down their nose to me.
you drew a blue woman
the only way to make her playable is to max her ult first and snowball from assassinate cash money, and even then she falls off, good luck
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>"Heh, sweet dreams asshole..."
>"I'm getting raped!"
I know you did, your image just made me realize that about Vindicta in general.
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>a writer
Yeah, he was just a writer. Company’s exactly the same without him. He quit for no reason whatsoever.
purple on talon
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Also she's supposed to have the biggest ass in the game, it's just temporarily removed from her playable model
they've long since checked out then, clearly
those skill icons need to be canon for momo & krillin
Audible Kek from me anon. Jacobs "Whippin them" Lash would definitely wish for that.
The fed fears the (((tunnel people)))
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What am I supposed to do with my life when the servers are closed?
Shiv? Just throw daggers at your opponent, click him a few times and you pretty much win unless you are fighting vindicta/talon.
Learning how to abuse cover, dashes and dashcancel, melee and peekshooting is how you start winning every lane unless it's a complete counter matchup and both players know what they are doing.
Like >>687765608 said, save all AP until you unlock ult, then kill everything with ult, snowball and lose cause she can't kill towers and gets countered by anyone buying silence and clicking you.
>match a person's energy
Sorry about that, I tend to get snarky. But seriously anon. I can comprehend that from an outsider's perspective the game may look rather iterative and uninspired, but it works. It's free, can't hurt to try, right?
No fucking joke. Steam money printer go brrr.
hop region and play with 150 ping
how the fuck do i play this game
i played my first match and was raped
>don't put any strategical thought
>surprised you lose because the opponent did and outresourced you
if you just want to click on heads go pkay counter strike, that games requires no thought
I remember people talking back in May about like 50 heroes being planned for release is this true?
>he was just a writer
Yes? He wasn't a gameplay director or anything. Lore in a multiplayer game is nice but hardly the priority.
You shoot creeps to lower their HP into heavy punch range. You can pick up double or triple melees this way if the creeps are bunched up.
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I'll post it here when it's done, ty bros
Is 150 ping playable or will I be suffering and griefing ?
Ive tried this before but it really felt terrible, Im wondering if this playstyle is bait because it seems like the most popular
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>how the fuck do i play this game
Open wide.
Go on /vg/, find the Deadlock general, and read the new player guide. All of it.
play bot matches and read the tutorial and resources sections instead of jumping in and dying horribly
just knowing what items do what already puts you in the upper echelon of the playerbase
>it's dota but with one more slot for feeder
There's no other way of playing Vindicta, you should be automatically winning lane just because you are Vindicta or at least being on equal terms until you get your ult and instantly win.
>It’s free, can’t hurt to try, right?
Couldn’t hurt, but also doesn’t entice me at all.
I honestly prefer playing games that cost a little bit of upfront investment because I’m more likely to be playing with people who are video game enthusiasts. Forgive me for going there, but I’m going to be hanging out with a lot of bandwagoners, fair weather fans and consumers with no impulse control in a free to play game, more often than not.
>oh I'm playing a moba but in third person hurr durr
FOTM also Valve games suck
>Most of the original valve staff is still at the company BTW
and i want to emphasise how wrong you are.
only a few remain.

gaben doesn't do anything except eat big pink cookies
mike harrington left very early
of the Half-Life devs, ted backman is gone as of 2015, kelley bailey left in 2011, ken birdwell in 2016, dario casali around 2018, chuck jones around 2006, brett johnson 04, marc laidlaw 2016, karen laur '03, steve theodore 02, etc...
all but 1 of the original Team Fortress devs are gone
all of the original Counter-Strike devs are gone

all of these people have been replaced by gen Y Seattle leftists/outright SJWs.
there's one extra lane solely dedicated to him so that feeder better put in some fucking work or I'm reporting him
thanks for the spoonfeeding

i completed all of the tutorials/resources
Totally playable, it feels like fucking shit though
There's nothing to "consoom" in deadlock. It's literally pure game right now. No cosmetics, no skins, no loot boxes, no ELO (you're free to laugh at those using third party clients). You're also not forced to "hang out" with anyone. You can try a couple of matches and just decide it isn't for you.
unless you play with a hero that relies on skill shots like vindicta and talon, it's fine
My point is that someone who had been with Valve since the beginning seems to have quit because he was unhappy with the culture in the workplace. Hence, nu-Valve.
There's your first mistake you dumb NIGGER tourist
Maybe you should return to identity-based sites like Reddit where you came from, so you don't get confused by anonposting next time

Really goes to show that Deadlockniggers sure are REDDIT NIGGERS
How do you fix Vindicta to not fall off harder than a lead ball in the ocean?
No, she isn't THAT oppressive in the midgame to warrant being a flying creep that can't capitalize on a 10k soul advantage because the timer ticked past 20 minutes
how do I play Lash?
>no ELO (you're free to laugh at those using third party clients).
Ranked and Casual have always been exactly the same in terms of mmr. The only difference is casual hides the truth from shitters.
You’re talking past me and not really listening to what I’m saying.
quality post
>all of these people have been replaced by gen Y Seattle leftists/outright SJWs
boy does it show in every new character design they've shat out since. just an absolute faggy disgrace
But there is no casual/comp split in Deadlock and nobody queues casual in Dota, it's ranked or turbo
call all your teams and enemy niggers.
you're lash. you're an asshole. you gotta stick to the script.
Just go full glass cannon and perma flying and pray the other team is retarded or your team knows how to peel, there's really no alternative.
Vindicta's biggest weaknesses are being squishy as fuck and not being able to click buildings. So if your team doesn't click buildings you just lose.
lmao funni post gamer
anyway your friend's staying banned

spam 1, use 2 to punch niggers in the sky or to just escape fights, use 3 for quick midfight healing and 4 to tear the enemy out of their pit so your team can win for free
you absolute dominate your early and mid game to just die like a bitch late game, enjoy
110 ping feels like dogshit so good luck with 150
Maybe try maxing one of vindictas abilities instead of going for money shots? An AoE root+disarm seems pretty strong. Why not play around that?
For further emphasis, exhibit A:
I hope as this game goes along they iron out the designs more, because as they are so many of them feel like random concepts strung together in a cast
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>it's another "one or two of your teammates wont stick with the rest of us" episode
>the enemy team fights as a 6 man
>automatically lose every fight

every. time.
I want scout back so badly
It closer to league depths wise
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Exhibit B: (only 2 people in this image are from the original HL devteam, 1 is from TF)
>Vindicta's biggest weaknesses are being squishy as fuck and not being able to click buildings. So if your team doesn't click buildings you just lose.
And that's why trooncord circlejerk fags that jerk off over their "elo" for stacking on pubs (negative solo WR btw) hate on Vindicta and call for more nerfs
She is literally unusable in pubs, she's a stomp hero for 6 man stacks, so for 99.9% of the playerbase she'll continue to be torture to play as
Bebop and Yamato are barely changed from their Neon Prime versions so yes
I don’t see how anyone could argue with anything you’ve said here.
>instant loss
People quit for plenty of reasons. If it was a company-wide problem more people would quit. Blizzard is an example of a company that changed their culture, and it's obvious because everybody who meant something who was still there was either sidelined, quit or went with Samwise to do HotS before leaving.
both still are waiting for their new art passes
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Uhm, what was the thought process going into these very...unique character designs?
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>tfw game is inclusive and DEI friendly
>Maybe try maxing one of vindictas abilities instead of going for money shots
In that case Vindicta falls off even faster because she has no money
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>the enemy team fights as a 6 man
>we have seven
>If it was a company-wide problem more people would quit
There clearly was a problem because Valve reorganized itself during the development of Half-Life: Alyx.
I see Valve and Blizzard very similarly these days, in all honesty. Deadlock looks like a game Blizzard would have made in the 2010s.
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>"This will be the story to tell granki- This will be the story worth telling."
jazz nigga
greasy monkey
salem witch
I want my penis to kiss the back of her vagina. If deadlock had this char design the game would be 7digit playernumbers.
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>If it was a company-wide problem more people would quit
NTA but:
Leaving aside the inability to make something as good as they used to, it's a fantastic sinecure working at Valve, due to the flat company structure and perks. It's practically free money to work on passion projects, maybe occasionally get them cancelled by the influential cliques, then move onto another passion project. It pays very well, it's prestigious.

That would encourage plenty of people to stay on with the company, even despite its major flaws at actually making something good.
sex with gargoyles
sex with blue women and their feet
sex with lava lamps
sex with occult glowies
sex with cowgirls (non-anthro) (unreleased)
sex with hoodwink... wrong game
I don't follow Valve much so I had no idea, I just thought most of the original team moved onto Steam and the hardware stuff.
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>the enemy team has an IQ above 90
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seven is by far the most based character
>sex with cowgirls (non-anthro) (unreleased)
This is why you need to specify that Holiday is a Cowboy(girl)
So why did people leave?
>jazz nigga
i like that term.
Well, I hope you can see now that I’m not just some idiot who is arguing in bad faith when I criticize Valve and their new game.
Why do people do anything? Life happens and circumstances change.
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I suspect it’s because game devs weren’t happy working at a studio whose main product was a digital distribution service.
Grey Talon is such a great character. I hope they'll make him fucking badass.
Valve is just a smaller Blizzard now.
Alyx was developed around the time that some of Valve's original devs were leaving. I think that's the last remotely unique, groundbreaking, thing we'll see from Valve.

Deadlock is just recycled slop. It doesn't advance the shootan genre in any way.

It's just Battleborn/Overwatch but with a Valve sticker slapped on it, and any traces of attractive women removed.
so now that they're adding new heroes, probable release soon?
Cowgirl with Holliday...
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>failed dash-jump timing
yeah you can't because you get banned
your point?
You're free to continue seething and NOT playing vidya.
Please don't tell me you do not know who Kaci is...
I could go for a cow woman right about now...
>It's just Battleborn/Overwatch
Let me guess, Dota is unoriginal clone of overwatch but rpg instead of fps
Of course not. The devs said there should be 35 heroes at release and there are only ~20 now.
Preaching to the choir. Makes me a bit sad to see.
Here’s hoping they’re just in a bit of a slump right now and that someone with a vision gets their hands on the Steam money at some point in the future. I think that could still happen.
I do not suspect Valve will continue to remain a private company after Gabe dies, though. I shudder to imagine what Microsoft-owned Valve is going to look like.
I will continue getting my endorphins by pointing out the truth that Deadlock is uninspired slop, and Valve is a shadow of its former self.
You're the one seething because you have absolutely no rebuttal.
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>It's just Battleborn/Overwatch
This dude has been seething nonstop for like 20 posts talking about how valve has fallen from grace or some shit just to end on a dogshit take like this
>would likely make dota look like a match 3 phone game

You don't seem to know what top 0,1% Dota gameplay entails.
good post
Imagine the soiface behind this post.
>I'm not discussing video games in the video game board and instead spend my time shitposting a game I haven't played, convincing no one
I'm enjoying the game anon.
>The devs said there should be 35 heroes at release
where did they say this? don't see anything from Yoshi on the discord about this
>It's just Battleborn/Overwatch
outing yourself a lot, I swear you niggers will be surprised when this game is more about macro than micro
is this dude voiced by the chap who does illidan and other similar edgyboys, he sounds vaguely similar but maybe it's just because he's angry
You were angry when you wrote that greentext.
Did I insult your wife? I dont have an intimate knowledge of Volvo's employees I just play vidya and use their store. I just thought the juxtaposition of their faces were funny anon.
"We are aiming for around 35 heroes at release" or something like that.
Why are you actually mad about his post?
>Deadlock dickriders are Valve secondaries and tertiaries
>>I'm not discussing video games in the video game board
I am, I'm discussing why this game is shitty, uninspired, recycled slop and why people shouldn't play it

And you clearly have no rebuttal
>you have to be angry if you laugh at me
No... no i don't.
Does Metal Skin work against Haze ult? Whan an annoying bitch. She was much further in farm than any other player in my last game
unless you can find where you got that info I'm pretty sure that's just wrong
It does
Are you a valve employee? Because if not, you're a valve secondary, unfortunately.
If only I bought it earlier...
yeah calling the game overwatch is totally not a sign of a secondary, not it's clearly enjoying the game they're developing that makes you a secondary
Come on, now. None of us want to admit it, but when we fire off those bitchy little two-line greentexts at each other, we are at least a little annoyed.
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>feeding schizo
Guys, post the screenshot I didn't save it. Anyway, this is around the same number of heroes available through data mining.
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Cool self-report bro.
>>feeding schizo
That's just Vindicta in general LOL
Just laned against Viscous/Kelvin, as Abrams, and they both were good at parrying.
It was hell, but none of it mattered because we got rolled by a Seven who had double anyone elses networth.
Thanks matchmaking.
I think this is the same guy who said he was going to shitpost every deadlock thread because... He wanted to, I guess.
>Seething tf2nigger sees himself as an original valve fan
>Calls other people dickriders
>literally tumblr nose
>Cool self-report bro.
All smiles, huh?
I genuinely didn't know they were from another game entirely lmao. They were two of the examples that were chiefly coming to mind so that honestly makes perfect sense.
she's a proto tumblr
Why is there already so many art on these characters? You people know none of the designs are final, right? For all we know at launch they can change her design to be a blue man instead.
Bebop will only get a slight rework, they'll probably remove his scouter and the samurai garb, maybe give him an apron. Yamato gets a full redesign.
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As Abrams if your enemy can parry all you can do is either use quick melee to throw them off or intentionally mislead your Q and hope you don't die in the two seconds it takes to charge another punch while their parry is offline
So how do we nerf Haze without making her absolute shit?
Mostly playable but your lanning will be pure suffering because of denies
Bruh its pre fucking alpha, once the game is done every female hero will be disney princess like any new female char in dota because they hired disney animators
>because of denies
I suffer with 70 ping...
Yeah, slurping shit off the floor just because a guy named Valve left it there is brainless secondary behavior.
she was overbuffed last patch, just needs some mild tweaking to get her to where it feels like she *should* be same way Ivy got overbuffed then slowly worked backwards
I dunno, I think this "aloof blue undead sniper woman" design is a bit too on the nose
Post more of these.
In my headcannon all the characters are saying what's in chat
I NEED those blue toes in my mouth NOW
what part of Shiv skill make him so tanky, this nigga can face tank you in lane
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This has me thinking, how long until custom huds?
Also why is my character never talked about in these threads, he's so funny!
>Brainless secondaries dont play valve games
>Therefore they must be playing Deadlock because Valve made it
Have you taken your meds today anon?
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There's only two ways you can make a sniper character
>make them a recluse
>make them absolutely insufferable
otherwise they're not a real sniper
I love this fandom so much
Rage, massive amounts of damage which means a lot of lifesteal
What are you supposed to do against an Infernus with 4 healthbars, enough damage to melt anyone all the while healing more per second than you can deal damage?
Honestly almost the whole cast feels like S and A tier.
Go into sandbox and read his 3 and all of the RAGE bonuses on his other skills
>fun and engaging ability
I don’t guess you understand what a secondary is. You want to be seen as a Valve fan, so you are playing a bad game just because their name is attached to it.
>easy breezy
I love Bebop, can't wait till his lines get dumped somewhere.
Healbane, debuff remover, don't get burnt and burst his shit down.
If he doesn't get to burn everyone he heals fuck all and most infernus don't even build armors or barriers anyway, or bkb lmao
>all these anti deadlock threads
uh-oh look like /v/ found its new target after Concord.

How are we gonna survive /v/ assault on the game?
>anti-deadlock threads
You mean assburnt concord devs?
Ivy would have been cooler if she wasn't a quirky latina whose larping as batman.
Deadlock is near guaranteed to have the same reception Dota did and for the exact same reasons.

Dota 2 received "universal acclaim" according to review aggregator Metacritic,[166] and has been cited as one of the greatest video games of all time.[176][177][178][179] In a preview of the game in 2012, Rich McCormick of PC Gamer thought that Dota 2 was "an unbelievably deep and complex game that offers the purest sequel to the original Defense of the Ancients. Rewarding like few others, but tough."[180] Adam Biessener, the editor who authored the announcement article for Dota 2 for Game Informer in 2010, praised Valve for maintaining the same mechanics and game balance that made Defense of the Ancients successful nearly a decade prior[17] and Quintin Smith of Eurogamer described Dota 2 as the "supreme form of the MOBA which everyone else working in the genre is trying to capture like lightning in a bottle".[169] The most frequently praised aspects of the game were its depth, delivery, and overall balance. Chris Thursten of PC Gamer described the gameplay as being "deep and rewarding".[173]

Martin Gaston of GameSpot complimented Valve for the artistic design and delivery of Dota 2, citing the execution of the user interface design, voice acting, and characterization as exceeding those of the game's competitors.[170] Phill Cameron of IGN and James Kozanitis of Hardcore Gamer both praised Dota 2 for its free-to-play business model including only cosmetic items in contrast to other games such as League of Legends, which charges to unlock better "heroes" to play as, with Kozanitis stating that Dota 2 was "the only game to do free-to-play right".[171][181]
Actually playing the video game
>uh-oh look like /v/ found its new target after Concord.
They have been doing this since May
>How are we gonna survive /v/ assault on the game?
The playerbase has grown by about 160,000 concurrent players since then. At this rate Deadlock will not survive.
by targeting in /v/'s Achilles heel (playing the game)
Why is Fire Emblem?
Why is FF14?
Why is yugioh?
Why is genshit?
Why is ZZZ?
Why is (insert gooners gacha trash here)?
Oh, of course. I don’t doubt that will happen at all. Most people have very low standards and are very easily entertained. A lot of people love games that are jobs, too.
Can modern games stop sucking already? At least concord got thrown down the shitter. These hero shooter moba shit games are so fucking tired and old.
Too bad. Hundreds of thousands of people are more than willing to reward Valve for mediocrity and praise it as the greatest thing since sliced bread.
It’s really best to just give up on expecting anything of substance from AAA developers anymore.
What's the counter to healbane? Healing booster? Does healbane stack?
alright sister what kind of games do you like
What low standarts are you talking about? Dota is supremely balanced, supremely deep and so extremely multifaceted. Its sound design is the best of the best and its client provides so many features that it would take a huge post just to list them.
Why did they make the gargoyle latina anyway? Shouldn't she be French?
She's a gargoyle from Spanish Harlem. She has no ethnicity, just grew up around Spanish speakers.
just about every 4 in the game is "fuck you I win" and Haze's 4 has a larger range than Mo&Krill's entire kit
By ignoring them and qing up with the other 100,000 people in an alpha test that doesn't cost $40
Healing booster and MORE healing. I dont think healbane stacks with itself but will stack multiplicatively with healing reduction from abilities as well as toxic bullets and decay.
When im playing Kelvin I max my ult 2nd so it has spirit scaling and I start spiritmaxxing.
Arcade games, action adventure games, CRPGs, real-time strategy games, fighting games, arena FPS, rhythm games, text adventures, visual novels and racing games. I like experimental games that are more akin to “experiences” than games as well.
Were there a lot of churches with gargoyles in Spanish Harlem?
spics are notoriously catholic and catholics are the ones that have gargoyles (note: the french also have a lot of catholics)
So what are you doing in a moba thread?
It's one of the devs fursona.
This is depressing. Never thought Valve of all companies would stoop to releasing a fucking hero shooter.
I do that occasionally on bebop but that's mostly because my gun is just for proccing soul shredder.
I like a lot of Valve’s games.
name them
Where were you in 2007?
I thought gargoyles were just common in early 19th century New York because Gothic Revival was in vogue at the time. Ivy is just one of many gargoyle statues, but she was the one that came alive.
dumb fuck
guess what pal: TF2 exists
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>Retired demon slaying man takes revenge for the death of his nuclear family
If this doesn't resonate with you then I'm not the soi around here. Dude was a big shot in the Baxter Society which is composed by total badasses like Shiv. Valve just fucked up with his current look. Give him a Punished Snake look and he'll be the coolest guy in NY.
I just never really associated gargoyles with Spanish churches, though I guess I don't know much about spanish churches at all. Good to know that motifs carry over I suppose
Me neither. Also didn’t think they’d attract the discord clique to do free advertising and thought policing for them as they advertise their new, shitty game to me.
I was just curious if there was some deeper historic roots or concept behind it. If thats just how it be than that's how it be I guess.
>random sperg out and insults
Calm down, it's just one of the devs' fursona.
You're a literal fucking moron who doesn't even know Ivy was in Neon prime no shit I'm going to lambast you and make fun of you
So how do you play Pocket, build into gun damage and then get lifesteal stuff for your short CD abilities?
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>Neon prime was said to be cassette futurism
>noooooo you cant just point out that the ugly character i obsess over is the fursona of one of the devs!!!!
>that makes me sad because i feel less ownership of said character!!!!
Cope and seethe. It's the devs fursona.
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>class-based fps
>is actually le "hero shooter"
Keep inventing new genres, you'll never re-box our hats.
gargoyles are just a general catholic thing, pretty sure the cathedral of barcelona in spain has some
but now that i think about it, i don't know if gargoyles made it to the new world
you got owned and fucked by my posts and I haven't even needed to do anything else besides tell you "no"
cope and sneed
It wasn't. All the leaked artwork and assets for neon prime made it look like overwatch but worse and even more bland. The art team was even slapping the overwatch logo on a bunch of assets, possibly as a way to signal how tired and contrived the art direction was to the developers
I thought they did occasionally on the east coast but I might be confusing New York with Gotham city lmao
>cant handle that an ugly character they're obsessed with is the fursona of a dev
>doesn't recognize how insane that is
Yep, it's a no life no friends furry with brain damage, lmao.
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...you know you don't HAVE to say stupid preddit phrases, right?
That guy is right. Ivy is somebody's fursona.
Since Viscous's 3 counts as a Light Melee, does that mean you can parry it?
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I'm actually impressed your retarded bait has swindled some retard (>>687773692) into believing you.
>My friend was completely convinced Ivy was a man
>"Dudes got no tits!"
Oh I have. The polish make the best games these days.
Yes, I believe him. Ivy is one of the dev's fursonas. How new r u?
You're having a total meltdown because you have an imaginary relationship with an intentionally ugly fictional character, entirely within your broken mind, and you can't handle that it's some dev's fursona, because that somehow breaks the imaginary bond in some way. You have no idea how absolutely batshit insane you are. You are genuinely deranged.
>Ivy is a fursona
No, tho.
>You're having a total meltdown
No, tho.
stay owned and fucked
>Ivy is a fursona
Yeah huh. She also has mastectomy scars.
>can't refute anything
>spergs out more
So you admit i'm right? Furries can't stop losing. This is why you have no friends, you know? Because you're a loser. An insane loser.
>you can't use le dead maymays because
Go back to 9gag nigger
uh but its obviously a fursona... just not your fursona... lol stay mad about it
Last word.
when did /v/ matter
Here's a song from me to you.
the game
Last word.
Did you click it? That song cracks me up.
>he's become so mindbroken over losing that the only way he can kinda feel like he didn't completely fail is to get the "last word"
Last word.
Not in this conversation and I got the last word
i'm trans btw idk if it matters
Nuh uh, I did. Ivy is a fursona. Whose fursona? We may never know.
It just isn't anon's fursona.
ivy isn't a fursona and I win
Ivy is a fursona. And you lose!

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