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>20% decrease in players from its peak player count
Bros... our game is dying in alpha...
>the OG got taken down
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Seven is my nigger
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>tfw I like soul denying because it can stop early snowballs but I hate soul denying because ping gaps means you can literally get fucked for free and all it does is guarantee the early snowball
How do we fix this?
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Sex with Abrams
good work abrams
Shame we had a good run.
All that is left is to post degenrate pictures like (You) as a faceless man laying on Lady Geists lap as she gently strokes your hair reafirming that times may be hard right now but you will pull through.
>Geist slowly and methodically draining your life force as you stay together making you feel weaker and spend more time on her lap
>How do we fix this?
With melee. The devs were kind enough to put in a failsafe technique that automatically secures souls and I suggest you use it.
say this again on saturday
New hero doko?
Pack it up /v/ hate deadlock now its time to leave and let this game flop.
Well if /v/ hates Deadcock then I also have to hate Deadcock. Thanks for the info.
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Deadlock is: TPS; hobby-grade visual novels; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Deadlock Heroes!
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Damn, and here I thought I was actually enjoying a multiplayer game for once. I couldn't form my own opinion fast enough...
wtf... I didn't get the memo early enough... I was having fun...
it's going to be funny watching you shills freak out all the way to release
If a game has multiple dedicated /v/ schizos you know it's that good shit.
fuckable bellybutton
holliday next week trust the plan
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>arbitrarily block off queues at certain points of the day
>can effortlessly change reason and queue anyways

whats the fucking point???
>playing with more than 100 ping
I'm sure you like playing getting denied simulator, but I don't.
I wasn't able to play Vindicta for 3 days now. Is she really that popular?
i just leave if my opponent is a sweaty faggot and denies me lol

enjoy your non-game
I love easy wins.
>first game
>pick warden
>win solo vs blue hellboy
>lose because my team goes 0-5 within 5 minutes
now I remember why I hate MOBAs
>Is she really that popular?
Yes, and is also the worst character in the game
Every match has one, I shudder when she's in my team
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>the number of hour- minut- seconds since /v/ last cried about TotK- I mean Elden Ri- I mean Deadlock
>anime fag is a sissy faggot that can't handle getting dominated
waaah mommy diaper poo poo lmao
>and is also the worst character in the game
It's Paradox
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What's the best character to make the other team want to throw their computer out the window?
I can't see them keeping the system for much longer, I guess it made some sense with a couple thousand people but not anymore
I'd also take that.
Since getting into the playtest I have only played Lash and everytime the game doesn't give me Lash I just quit.

I don't want to play any of these gay ass DEI and robot reddit characters.
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how long until /v/tards realize that "just playing better" won't magically fix Vindicta?
People can larp that they have good aim despite not knowing any of the other game mechanics. If they ever make a character which requires actual aim then she'll vanish
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Keep it up, tranny. Just makes things easier for the future
Bebop if you're skilled.
Literally one schizo that keeps calling her balanced, just laugh at him
Lash if you're any good
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>tier 5 ability
>does 500 damage
>litteraly any other hero
>snezes and does 600 damage with ease
Forehead bros why is it so hard?
>die once in lane
>game is literally over
Fix this.
bebop in a 1v1 lane is impossible to win against
>went 0/3/0 in lane as Pocket and team was down 20k
>won game 10/10/13
I've won many lanes where I died more than my opponent.
Bebop and get mystic reach hook with mystic reverb and play roofs. It's also safe to play ziplines because when they come up you can knock them back down.
>not hitscan
>automatic fire
She is one of the worst snipers I've played.
i just cant bring myself to get interested since i just dont care about mobas
It's the opposite of that. Even in games where I kill my opponent 3 times early, I don't have more than a few thousand souls than they do and I'm usually BEHIND on souls compared to anyone who spent that time last hitting and denying instead of harassing and ganking like I was. Early kills do not earn you jack shit in this game, it's only useful for demoralization.
Literally how. You die once and you have 1k networth and enemy 2k, that is double. Now any engagement you have you will just lose more hp than the enemy because numbers. And he will get more numbers while you get less numbers.
Enjoy your permanent ban you retarded faggot.
Vindicta needs to be removed from the game just like that leavertranny.
Would majestic leap be worth to build on Lash? I want to be ultimate spiderman
You do DOTA magic, focus on denying their souls and getting yours, playing carefully, people who fish for kills are usually retarded around their tower.
Vindicta is perfectly fine where she is. You do not want to play against a buffed version of her kit. It would be retarded annoying
Just rush boots and go roam
Stop ignoring the creep and learn to deny.
>I don't last hit
I was talking about peolpe with more than 2 matches played.
>die twice in lane
>still kill guardian first and end up with more souls than my opp
PSA: killing people is not how you win the game
>lane phase
>opponents is VERY agressive
>don't even have time to reach my guardian
>need to fight
>barely kill him
>die from Creep
>this is first 30 seconds
>You die once and you have 1k networth and enemy 2k
What the fuck? No you dont. The kill bounty is like 250 and you can get back to lane without missing any creeps. Now if you turbo fuck up and die under your own tower and miss a whole wave then its gonna be a bad time.
He is very annoying because of his M1, but if you brawl mid lane after his burst there is nothing else left. Also don't forget that double CTRL is dashing down. I'd say poke and dodge.
If you die you will miss at least one lane. Very likely two.
Farm under tower, deny enemy blobs, if your lane has them destroy the small jungle creep camps.
I do last hit. But obviously any time I'm spending harassing and chasing is time spent not last hitting. Even if you only miss out on 1 wave for the sake of getting 1 kill, you're now behind on souls. Also, when you prevent your lane opponent from last hitting that means you don't get to deny, which means less souls for you as well.
eh, I'd say it's definitely fun but it's kinda just putting a hat on a hat
That's why don't boost lane in the beginning. Only when you try to come back quickly
>valve die
someone invite me thanks
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>nooo you have to stay and let me grief you wahhh

cry about it faggots lol

trans rights btw
I straight up let my lane die off just so I can farm under the guardian. It's worth it
Prove to me you are worthy
Do you think that the guy being chased is getting any souls? lmao wtf. The one who gets ahead will get more and more ahead unless you're talking about some retard games where someone just tries to hero focus.
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>I'm braindead
Yeah we can tell.
You genuinely lose fewer souls by dying and respawning than going back to base to heal in the beginning of the game. Get in there and farm
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Prime bait.
Based and same
Guardians no longer give ability points so just outfarm the enemy and let them take it, deny the orbs
I've completely lost my lane and just went into farming mode and made a comeback and won. It does require your teams to also not be completely losing, but it's doable.
I'm not gonna do a humiliation ritual to get an invite, sorry.
Its a crutch on Lash. For the same money you just buy charges/stamina and never touch the ground in the first place
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>can't stop playing mo and krill
>"good job boss" "whack the wise guy" in vc
>shit sounds like an Italian speakeasy in vc
any other GOONERS who love GOONING in this thread?
now they get a flex slot for taking all the lane guardians tho, idiots holy shit you're so fucking stupid
>get btfo in lane
>my opponent thinks hes won and leaves
>I start power farming two lanes+jungle creeps
>we win
No, but the other enemies in other lanes are getting more souls than I am. So I'm tanking my souls for the sake of fucking over one of their members even harder. But unless I chose my target well, it might not be a good trade. If he was a bad player anyway or was playing somebody who doesn't scale well with souls, focusing on killing them instead of just focusing on last hitting and denying could very well be a bad move even if you successfully kill them 4-5 times because 4-5 kills doesn't reward you with shit compared to a handful of last hits and denies.
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>for taking all the lane guardians tho
Never said they'll take all of them? Just mine.
I'll get farm and go gank the other lane, it's their problem now.
Who gives a shit? The farm is 100% worth it
>play wraith
>get lane with mo and krill
Peak goon kino.
>somebody who doesn't scale well with souls
souls are your level, you gain more items, more abilities and even more dmg and hp with souls. Who doesn't scale early game with souls?????
>this game will be in playtest for like 3 years like dota 2
By the time this is gonna officially release my interest in the game will long be gone.
It's official.
>There will never be an mtg hero shooter set on Ravnica
>Even if there was, Teysa wouldn't use her classic, soulful design, even as an alt-outfit because WOTC is full of California prudes and hypocrites.
I weep
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What is this book animation I see others do while waiting for a game?
is this a joke?
that happens when you enter the buy menu
Browsing shop
It's the store animation. Plays when you're in the store tab.
yours could've been the only one standing if you give it up for free you're an idiot, this sounds like cope for losing your lane
>who gives a shit
flex slots start the snowball, you can't have more than 20 hours in this game talking like this
>actually I give up my walker before 10 minutes so that I can farm under the base guardians, it's so much safer that way. This is actually a win, not losing
I meant late game scaling. For example it's more worthwhile to stop a haze or wraith from getting last hits early than it is to stop somebody like kelvin or bebop. The left clickers are more item dependent, so it pays off more to stop them from getting items.
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low mmr babble
Furries can't deal with this reality.
>I'll get farm and go gank the other lane, it's their problem now.
Post last 10 games you did this.
>Farming on your side of the map
You are a sick coward and the weakest link. Dive into their lines and take everything from them.
Unless you're retreating, in which case you should pick up some farm along the way.
It sucks ass to not have access to a side shop early in the match. Especially if you are the furthest lane from your secret shop
>People browsing the shop while alive in spawn
The amount of times I said "you can item buy while dead" is ridiculous.
How is there no jetpack character
Vindicta, you nigger.
Ice man is basically jetpack but creates path where he flies.
I genuinely cant wrap my head around people thinking seven and vindicta are both balanced
>crash joining a game
>relaunch and rejoin
>crash again
guess I'm not playing today. GLHF
I’m gay.
post creampied bussy
you're majestic leap?
we know.
Whats your Ivy build order?
There are two flying snipers - Talon and Vindicta.

There's an extremely jump heavy boxer - Lash.

There's a guy who can vertically ice skate - Kelvin.

There's majestic leap and magic carpet.
Oh and also a flying gargoyle capable of ferrying teammates.
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Heroes for this feel?
Odd interaction.
Kelvin ult over the mid boss stopped the mid boss from taking any damage.
I thought it would be a cool deny for the enemy team but it just stopped us from being able to hurt it...
Is that even intentional?
Probably Viscous. I had some neat ideas for him but he just sprays goop and rolls around randomly so it feel like I can't actually do anything.
I like that everyone is replying to you with the aerial gameplay they think you want and are failing to see that you just think jetpacks are cool.
I agree that the game needs a Rocketeer-ish character.
build him melee build and spirit burst
its pretty hilarious
every character in this game is broken and I have no idea how they're going to fix that
is there a cheat sheet of items that counter certain heroes?
is there any tracking website that actually works?
will I ever find true love?
do they debuff you? debuff cleanser
immediate stuns/lockdowns? unstoppable
do they heal? healbane/toxic/decay
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gun geist might be the move
I'm starting to hate that mechanic about stealing souls by shooting at them. Once you reach a decent level the early game becomes an autism competition about who can last hit the souls the fastest
knockdown against seven, that's the only hero specific counter you need
Maybe someday.
they all stopped working yesterday cause valve changed something. your imaginary MMR is gone.
>I have about 50/50 victory and lost
Why just why does every fucking online competitive games is forcing this 50/50 garbage
>Nasty little toe slut blueberry begging for the BGC
It's a mystery
pressure the enemy more so they can't focus 100% on denying you if you can't melee a creep
>your imaginary MMR is gone.
My mmr is real. She just lives in Canada so you can't meet her.
there is no forced 50/50 in any game
you're just a low iq narcissist
damn, i had a screencap of a post almost exactly like yours from artifact, wish that old HD didn't fry, i love collecting valve cope
someone has to win and someone has to lose.
you realize even if they literally just pulled the next 12 random players from the queue you'd probably just land back at 50% winrate right?
have you ever taken a statistics course in your life?
>immediate stuns/lockdowns? unstoppable

Unstoppable is a radical and expensive solution, there's also reactive barrier which will work even without player input.
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>mfw reading this post
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i see south america still hasn't figured out how to play
He's the main character, he deserves to have a 100% win rate
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>every character in this game is broken and I have no idea how they're going to fix that
They won't. This is not like league of lesbians where everything is standardized.
Make guide with nice words an explanations please :3
barrier is a good stopgap if you think it'll give you enough lifespan to outlast the stun for brief moments
something long like a mo ult is something you'll probably want a full solution for
That's how it's going to be balanced. That's how they balanced DotA2 and that's why DotA2 is fun.
welcome to icefrog balance, nothing is OP is everything is, sorry you've had to play games where everything is boring as fuck
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This is why we need a simple cheatsheet for counters. I'm too stupid to make one, so you guys do it. HURRY UP
yea this is how I felt getting into dota 2 after playing league for a bit when the beta came out
once you realize everyone is strong you'll be enlightened
i'll be real: i buy a counter to something if I die to it
if my team is stomping and it hasn't come up yet I don't tend to waste souls on it until I feel like I need it
make it urself you fat fuck
buy the 500 headshot item
buy berserker
buy the blink
buy kinectic dash
buy slowing bullets
buy sharpshooter
buy fury in this order

and in between those buy boots, buy spirit/bullet armor, buy healing booster, buy that spirit item that reduces bullet armor
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I chose to not choose.
yamato isnt even that bad, she's just boring
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Vindicta (if you don't hit diamonds 10 minutes into the game the mine collapses and you suffocate)
I feel like this is prolly the way to go if you want to be useful with Geist besides playing artillery with your 1.
Although building spirit and shotgunning tanks with daggers is fun as fuck too, ended up two shotting a farmed up mole yesterday with it.
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Close enough
>Abrams Ults on me
>gets a free unparriable punch
>charges me into a wall
>another charge punch
>stun from his anvil kicks in
>kills me with the last punch
What is even the counter to this? A full zero to death where I have 0 input
the daggers can deal damage? i have 20 matches on her and i don't think i ever made a build that makes that ability any good beyond increased damage debuff
debuff cleanse anvil?
bro just buy every active item? hello? bro? bro its balanced just buy the items?
bro just a buy a 6300 souls item are you stupid
Unstoppable or the green 1250 debuff reducer item I don't remember the name of probably gives you a window to react
Definitely Yamato. She's fun though and I can't stop playing her.
I'm from SA too and it's a gamble.
Generally speaking you either get retards, toxic BRs that do nothing and think this is csgo, or players with good skills but bad gamesense and macro.
>Too much spirit/bullet damage
Buy armor, ironskin or w/e it's called for bullet in particular, also any source of disarm.
>Mobile character fucking your ass
Slowing hex or whatever it's called
>Caster fucking you in the ass
Silence item
>Channeling fucker fucking your ass
>Some fucker 1v5ing your team
>Dying to debuffs
Debuff reducer/remover
>Some fucker healing themselves all the time
>Sniper hero fucking you in the ass
Majestic leap/warp crystal and fuck the in the air, or lose, one or the other.
>I'm getting my ass stunned/CC'd
>Enemy team is using too many spells
I'm certain the daggers can shotgun, it feels extremely noticeable once you get them to lvl 3 and play in melee range.
Is it me or does mcnigs not keep up with damage the longer the game goes
Im struggling to judge just how close can I get to people to not lose too much damage but it often seems that anywhere outside of the step in here and die instantly area does dick for damage
>ivyposting was bad enough but now they’re fativyposting
if you jump away the ult stun is dogshit because you keep the momentum, jump again to dodge his charge
it's just that easy, press space bar, win
just grab the magazine and more dmg as you shoot shit and just minigun em from afar
active reload, constant fire and titty magazine yet it never feels significant
bullet leech helps a lot with the feeling of squishyness, but overall you end up feeling like you dont ramp up hard enough compared to the rest
Okay, they don't shotgun, the thing that actually did a stupid amount of damage in my game was improved burst which triggered most often from the daggers lol
charges is just better for the same price, leap goes on cd in combat and if you don't have extra charges lategame you might get stuck without grapples going for a pick combo
It's crazy how strong Seven and Wraith feel early in.
Only a real asshole would purple Lash.
idk ive usually gone spirit mcguinness who shits out player damage
have fought some mcgunness who do hurt like a bitch
Never give furfags an inch
people be like
>dude that is totally balanced just rush this 6300 soul item that you dont actually need for anything else to counter a lvl 3 hero
>posting reddit screencaps
Go back there lil buddy.
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>tfw you get shoved to the duo cuck lane because you jobbed a bit too much in 1v1
>no sex with abrams
Shitty queer rep
I'm convinced these people don't really play the game and just come up with conjecture from watching a twitch stream or something
idk hard to argue with 8 kajillion damage bomb geist
>PA is broken because she gets evasion at level 1 and you need 5k gold to buy mkb
this is how retarded you sound.
completely different game but for a long long time PA was fucking top tier ban/pick faggot
Add 3v3 casual please valve
No new hero tomorrow

Vindicta rework
can someone teach me how to play shiv? whats his playstyle like? push in like a retard or backline
>vindicta rework

thank god. Landing the crow is a nightmare. It rarely bounces to heroes so you can't even try to ricochet it
Tomorrow? There is no patch tomorrow
where do you see dev updatelogs? i dont see anything on steam
There's nothing coming tomorrow, updates are 2 weeks apart
there might be a small patch
Are you getting Intensifying Magazine? It's almost mandatory on her.
Changelogs are on the forums. Sneak peeks, dev comments a what not are on groomcord.
>Changelogs are on the forums
link please
Do teams just fuck around and lose games on purpose?

I went 2-17 on my first game and died to a Yamato again and again and they had us dead to rights but for some reason they just went into the middle to deathmatch and we pushed and managed to win.

Like I was getting destroyed in my lane. And I thought it was impossible to win. But somehow we won. Did they choke or just throw for fun?
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Your teammates for this evening, sir
this game is making me install dota 2. if i like how shiv looks aesthetically, who should i play?
>interest has dropped off a cliff
>hardly any posters except a few spammers who make up 90% of posts in any Deadlock thread
>even the shills have gone quiet
>vg thread silent
So this game is already going the same way as Concord...
You never played dota2? dont start now, that game went to shit almost a decade ago
of course I am, but still feels lacking, plus if you get any stun or any CC you lose all momentum
Intentionally drawing out the game into the choke true combo.

This is an example of why you don't play with your food, because sometimes the enemy is just smart enough to get their act together and make you pay for it.
Thanks I was also considering Dota 2
There's a lot of people still playing it. Are those people just scared of leaving after investing so much time?
There might be a small patch every day
I expect it to hover around 100,000 normally. Weekends/holidays and new updates are going to be when the playercount booms like it did all last week.
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What do I do if I'm losing my 1v1 in my lane? I'm new so there is a skill gap and so I always get bullied. Do I call for help? Is it bad manners if I run to another lane to help out a team?
Damn, bebop is so much fun. Last game I build him with hook range increase ad cd reduction, those squishy backliners lived in constant fear. Are there any other heroes that don't require good aim?
yeah that's fair
Yeah, it's over.
Its all russians and peruvians nowadays, anyone who gave a shit about dota left after rebirth.
thats why the game no real community left and no one cares about TI since TI4
Keep losing and learning. Gotta close that skill gap somehow.
>Do I call for help? Is it bad manners if I run to another lane to help out a team?
yes and yes but only if you've pushed past their guardian/walker and are confident the lane won't be instantly pushed back under your guardian the second you leave
Nothing tomorrow. Small patch at most. Actual updates are bi-weekly.
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hello? any shiv players?
I actually just got into it, it's pretty fun but really god damn frustrating.
Play Axe.
not like this... it had so much potential...
I usually just focus on farming my early items asap, then go gank/help/roam other lanes. Someone else is going to rat your lane afterwards anyway, or you can just go back to it. It's not a big deal. Just don't feed.
>But also Faggots
He's an assassin character with a tanking passive.
Do we know how wave management works yet? I haven't played much but creep movement patterns feel a bit odd. Farming under tower seems pretty bad too with how far away enemies can hit your guardian. Also is there a way to pick your lane?
thanks for the micro rundown. I was considering playing it as well.
I guess i'll just forget competitive games and go back to my ps2.
I have to finish SH4.
view your profile in game and check for forum info
>watch buddy play wraith.
>He lanes against Lash, does not die and ends up with 2k souls advantage at 10 mins.
>Buys Tesla bullets and some weird item that decreases spirit resistance on enemies.
>Proceeds to farm absurd amounts of souls and assrapes the enemy Team.
>Finishes game maxxed out and 20-1.

I always thought Wraith was garbage, but in capeable hands she's crazy.
The age of mythology remake just came out pirate it and have fun instead, thats what im gonna do
bebop with echo shard and cooldown reducer imbued on w
combo is 3 2 1 C 3 1 3 2
with cd the second bomb should come up just as they are pulled in for the 3rd time
Wraith (if played by someone who isn't a total retard) is extremely chill. Just turn your brain off and kill.
If this game is so good why is there no porn of it yet?
>watching a couple deadlock vids
>see someone put Paradox's wall down just before her ult so they phase through and take massive damage
Oh shit is this a legit tactic?
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>solo lane against wraith
>every single time a creep dies she automatically snaps to the soul the exact second it spawns
thats the intended use
anon the hero even says "I should swap them through this" when you level up your wall
half the time she puts down a wall she says "I should swap them through this"
Yeah. You're right. I completely forgot about it.
I want them to bully me.
Git gud.
Why even resort to shilly youtube videos when you can spectate every game at full resolution with no faggoty youtuber talking?
level his gun, focus damage, focus on headshot skills, get headhunter, get Slice and Dice to max ASAP, put one point into Killing Blow, then focus Bloodletting, level bullet resists and health leeching. Add points to Killing Blow, forget about shivs.
No one has ever cared about TI
People cared about the the Compendium because of the skins and events
They no longer do it so no one gives an actual fuck
It's literally me.
Hackers are par for the course in Valve games. Better get used to it.
>what is pre-aiming
You are a fucking retard anon
You imbue CD on walking forward, nice
Post funi text boxes
thoughts on tormented souls?
I cared about TI, TI3 was one of the greatest moments in gaming that will NEVER be replicated
>pre-aiming onto a random position
why do i get solo lane all the time? im not complaining, just finding it odd
my bad my monkey brain is still adjusting to 1234 from qwer of other mobas
I want them to consentually rape me
I'm an outsider to the genre, but doesn't that not exactly bode well for this game? I'm assuming the people who let dota2 go to shit are the people making this game.
People say solo laners are the highest MMRs in the game, or the other lanes are party queuers.
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>voice and chat: disabled
time to game
Valve fucked up the last 4 multiplayer games they made, I have no idea why anybody has any faith in them.
As faggoty as that artifact guy is he is right, valve killed artifact, dota underlords, dota 2 and CS2 in a row
>buy magic carpet
>win game
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What was the best TI and when should I stop watching them
>no French girls in the game
should i do this? i tend to flame my teammates for being retarded as fuck. like theyll push enemy base with the enemies respawning and ill say retreat. they dont so i flip the fuck out.
>when should I stop
this year, they've handed off production to PGL and have given up on raising any prizepool money for the forseeable future
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Was getting stunned part of your master plan?
>get called a nigger by a teammate with a thick russian accent
It's like I'm playing Dota.
ti5 because that's the year america won
>I did!
I dont give a fuck, anon
Same wavelength here. I don't get it.
Younger players just excited to be part of something, I guess?
Which characters make the best futas?
The valve concerntrolling begins again.
how many modern games are out there that are actually hard? everything is babified nowadays
This. You can literally watch people play the game from the main menu
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>Stop having fun and start to get frustrated
>Leave the game
I'm sorry I like the game but I'm not dealing with this MOBA bullshit about being forced to play a match for 40 minutes or more, and even less for a casual game. You can report me if you want, I don't care
sounds like that's when EVERYONE'S going to stop, I just want to watch the peak
>Futa Ivy
I think you just awoke something in me and I don't like it
wait is Kelvin ult supposed to be this game's Chronosphere? I was thinking about how fucking funny Chrono would be and I realized it's basically just Kelvin.
Lady Geist is the obvious futa pick but I think Vindicta and Wraith have great potential.
The third
Maybe watch 5 skipping 4
>rat victory
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>yfw when you enter game on an EU server
wait for an adjacent teammate to get in a fight and go gank. its so absurdly easy to get completely behind the enemy even if they are on their Guardian if they are fighting you teammate. win

that fight, kill the Guardian as a duo, or force the enemy alone in your lane to go help. Even if you are shit, a surprise 2v1 is basically a guaranteed win. Just ping the other lane so your team knows, and don't let the guy raping you see you leave.
I always do this because my team mates are Australians and I can't stand how they pronounce words.
sweet ass
It's much worse than chronosphere because it has 0 cast range and blocks off your teammates from helping
but it's also much better at utility, like if Time Zone wasn't irredeemable dogshit
honeymoon period is over i see....
that was ....
fockin' rippa, m8
Deadlock is hard?
it's a ping problem
>Spirit Wraith with Tesla+Escalating Exposure
Based spiritmaxxer. Escalating Exposure is busted on anyone who can apply constant spirit damage
You mean that new Facet?
I've seen some voids absolutely shit stomp with that facet. It's really underrated.
This unironically.
Literally one death is enough to get the opponent 2 FUCKING THOUSAND SOULS ahead of you.

With character like Haze, that just means they start steamrolling the game.
>play moba
>don't want to be forced to "deal with moba bullshit"

Anon you may be literally retarded.
Aimlock cheats are real and the "pro" players use them. They automatically snap to creeps/orbs/players through walls. Report any player you see doing this
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>minus 50k already
This drop is insane this shit is dying already kek
Last time someone tried to shove their gay shit in the subreddit they got downvoted to hell and shut down to the point mods had to lock the thread lmao.

It's not that bad yet but it WILL get worse once game gets more popular.
Dota 2 is a classic fantasy game due to its Warcraft 3 roots. You won't find an Elvis type character there.

But there is a hero who shares Shiv's core playstyle (a tanky guy who can kill enemies with low health) - Axe. He can execute heroes one by one without cooldown immediately if he kills the first target. He's not the easiest one to play though and requires game sense.

Dota is currently in a very good state. Both the depth of the game and average skill increase every year.
Based I do this too.

Lash main btw no joke I just dont want to deal with seething zoomers on voice
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What are some high IQ hero tips?

>As bebop, if they are not hookable in Lane, you can attach the bomb to a creep and then punch it towards them instead. Punch in the bomb share the similar cool down with one point in each
Do you guys tend to pull back the lane when you're getting close to their tower but don't have many resources to apply pressure to remove the enemy from the lane? I've found that I tend to be a bit too aggressive in getting last hits and it's causing the lane to be pushed forward where I can only deny from a weird spot (unless I go up top on the bridge).
your game is dying and its not even out yet
>adding 10k to the "drop"
>ignoring that it was lower than that last friday (with weekend bonus)
bro trolling on 4chan is against the rules
you are from south america
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Sorry you can't compete with real game
>You can't like a game despite it's issues
Whatever you say dude
need more fat ass ivy
Yeah. You can just let the creeps attack each other and get the last hit when the enemy creep is about to die. Plus, every 6 seconds the medic creep will heal you. More time with the medic means more heals
Didn't have the chance to play it, anon. Doesn't look very appealing (aside from the cute protagonist that doesn't fit the game at all).
But there's a demo for free. You can try it without regrets.
I might give it a chance since i don't think i'll play deadlock before any relevant update.
Mo&Krills scorn heals based on damage dealt. Mystic burst adds damage to the ability that procs the damage. If you can breach 125 damage per scorn you will heal 25% of your targets max health with heal booster.
just got beta access. is there a deadlock to dota hero comparison list or something? I'm too lazy to training mode everyone
One kill is equal to like 3 or 4 creeps. Just buckle down and CS/deny. I've had games where I died three times in lane and still came out ahead on farm.
Ivy rimming me
Oh nice, I didn't know the medic creep can heal you more than once. I'll keep it in mind, thanks anon.
>and no one cares about TI since TI4

That's ridiculous. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about at all.
>that huge tongue covering your entire taint and balls
Ivy does what Paradon't
Geist is death prophet with a nerfed terrorblade ult.
Everyone else seems to just have a mishmash of abilities that play well in a shooter.
Most everyone's 1 is a grenade.
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Melee is high risk high reward and requires good positioning to pull off. If your opponent isn't a retard they will punish you every single time you run in for a melee. Shooting orbs can be done at range out of LOS of the enemy and virtually instantly with a good gun.
flaming has the opposite effect and guaranteed people will do whatever they can to spite you if you act like an autistic fuckhead
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Bebop is Pudge but Rot is replaced with a sticky bomb, he has an uppercut, and his ult is a giant laser beam that does lots of damage but hampers your movement. Pudge's ult is on Mo and Krill instead and also provides a bonus if you kill during the animation.
>Abrams refers to Infernus as a demon
Cool it with the racism Abrams.
Do you guys like using the "Good Job" hotwheel command? I use it when we secure kills and what not, but I feel like I might end up looking toxic.
>Buy melee lifesteal in lane
>ignore harass while securing all your souls
>My opponent misses cs because hes too busy shooting at me
The actual high risk move is shooting the orbs. You leave 50% of your income at risk every single time you kill a creep
Heroes aren't very similar, but items are.

The most alike are:

Pocket = Puck with old Venomancer ult
Shiv = Axe
Geist = Death Prophet with Terrorblade's ult
Lash = Magnus reverse polarity + skewer combo
Viscous = Pango ult
Cool it with the antipatronic remarks
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how did they get away with it?
I see the detective
I feel good when my teammates compliment me and want to do better to make sure they're also having fun.
Keep it up.
anon there's clearly a limit. That's like 700 pounds :/
>Ping my ally after a kill
>Wivy says "good job"
How the fuck would this be interpreted as toxic?
someone said "thanks" to me and I thought they were being sarcastic
good job when you accomplish something isn't toxic
it'd be "toxic" if like you got into a team fight and everyone else died and killed no one
>Melee infernus as warden
>"stop resisting!"

Isn't Abrams a demon too?
Yeah but Abrams is also a cop remember?
>Isn't Abrams a demon too?
He's one of the good ones
>You're a coward Vindicta
Wtf is Ivy's problem with her?
>You leave 50% of your income at risk every single time you kill a creep
And you risk missing something while you run your fat ass all the way to a creep instead of seeing the entire lane in view. I'd agree with you that you should really only shoot a creep if you know the soul will be behind terrain or the other guy is somewhere else. Both have their place.

Either way shitty netcode is shitty. It's no excuse to just say to use a different mechanic losing souls to ping feels like dogshit.
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>game about the occult parts of Christian mythology being true
>No angels
>Just demons
>big titty angel wife
I need it
Yeah, I hate that I've grown up into a soccer mom but I literally can not play this game lol
Angels shouldn't join the fight between the patrons but there really should be some crazy southern preacher and a holy assassin from Vatican in there.
Vindicta rose from the grave to kill people who ultimately have nothing to do with her death (the descendants of her murderers). Which means she's basically just bullying a bunch of people over a one-sided blood fued thats been cold for a century by now. In a lot of ways her an Ivy are polar opposites.
Haven't thought about that. They're missing a lot of good ideas.
>No angels
Bro, your Ivy?
a ping good job at both good times and bad times so that people who fuck up and get a 'good job' ping think it might've been for something else across the map
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Something like this would be cool
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Nothing about this is the occult part of Christianity. In fact the occult is separated from Christianity. Allister Crowley Thelma has nothing to do with Christianity and that's what this is based on.
There isn't a single reference or piece of Christian iconography in the game. It's more about shit like the Spiritualist movement and popular mediums and the like popping up in the late 19th and early 20th century. Hence the art deco setting.

At this point demons are as generic fantasy as tolkein orcs, the connection to Christianity might as well not exist at this point anyway.
good sluts getting fucked
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Oh? It's about aleister Crowley? Let's give the players a full authentic experience then
an angel hero would really not make sense because of the reason they all fight
occult demonic stuff also doesn't necessarily means ties to christianity
>There isn't a single reference or piece of Christian iconography in the game.
The number of the beast is on an ad for talismans, and demons are very much a real part of Christian theology. Specifically the way they are portrayed in this game, as beings that tempt you and entice you into making bargains with them.
One of the characters in the main cast is possessed by demons, and demonic possession is also a real thing to Christians.
Shiv is so retarded i hate him
I just ping "help" and "thanks"
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Angels wouldn't participate in the ritual except Ivy
bebop is fucking useless past early game holy shit
Who is being posessed by a demon? Geist? She's controlling it and has it locked in her arm
Buy decay. Since it does a percentage of current health, the logarithmic curve gets bent by his passive to make it more effective against him.

It's a big Goofy for people to say the occult references in this game aren't part of the Christian mythology. It was mainly Christians who came up with these ideas as enemies. Most online Christians and online atheists don't know history
Only when retards go full damage and try to solo people instead of hooking enemies into your team.
Ivy is a cathedral gargoyle who shoots people with a gun modified to look like a cross and fights using thorns
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>Reverend character
>Buffs his team and debuffs the enemy
>can place a temporary invincibility on either himself or a teammate
Would be absolute cancer, please do it icefrog
>Allister Crowley Thelma has nothing to do with Christianity
The word thelema is used several times in the Greek bible. It means something along the lines of "will" and is used specifically in the context of the will of god. Crowley also cribs a lot of Christian imagery in his Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn up to and including the cross.
Hooking someone and using curse is an extremely good way to secure a kill. Also the laser zones out grey talon and vindicta. he's actually a bit of a support hero
how the fuck do i play vs warden
god i hate that faggot
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You're right, this game needs more overtly Christian characters.
Ability: flog

Whip yourself to increase damage and reduce debuff duration


-beast master ult from dota
Pocket, right?
>It was mainly Christians who came up with these ideas as enemies.
Not really. It was mostly ex-Christian intellectuals and spiritualists who came up with this stuff. They couldn't find what they were looking for in the church, and being people who were engaged in religious scholarship, they sought to find a common thread among world religions and to make their own: the western mystery tradition, occultism.
What the fuck am I supposed to do in duo lanes? I always get some seething adhd tard who overextends for no reason
Honestly Pocket's very existence is up in the air and it's almost cool in like a meta "not even the player knows" kind of way
Soldier from TF2 but as a cute ginger girl would be a fantastic addition
Should I start rushing curse as a 6300 item instead of the meme double bomb then?
lmao Pocket has a Senient Coat with him and a suitcase full of spirits but honestly I dont think his character is supposed to be controlled by either one
It just wouldn't make any sense for any of the characters participating in the events depicted in this game to be practicing Christians.
I'm a Christian myself, and the only kind of Christian rep I can think of that would make sense in this game is the classic evil priest character, like King Diamond's Father Picard or Disney's Frollo.

I mean, realistically, I should be able to hit one button and win the game immediately if I'm allowed to play as a Christian in this game.
you still gain mmr for the win if someone quits, mmr is all that matters, you just made it quicker
He hijacked words and meanings and nothing more. If you are gonna go that route of semantics than Christianity is a sect of Buddhism and Zoroaastrianism since the Abrahamic religions borrowed so much from them.
Cute gut! Cute love handles! Cute pants that don't fit!
How do I play this game? I just farm the mooks.
>Disney's Frollo.
Gypsy hands typed this post
you farm the mooks so you can farm the enemy players so you can farm the towers so you can farm the patron
>He thinks demons are exclusive to Christianity
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Where's the fucking vampires
I want Dracula in the game
and vampire hunters
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Amber Hand > Sapphire Flame
Crowley was raised in a Christian culture, and he integrated bits and pieces of it into his syncretic religion that was designed to get him laid. That's all I meant to say.
Christianity borrowed things from Buddhism? I learn something new every day on 4chan.
yeah but it is all from Zoroastrianism so now what
Dont forget shes the effect of her ults shield are angel harps and the stained glass effects on her wings. Shes very much supposed to be an angel.
I don't, but 666? Come the fuck on dude. Obvious anti-Christian digs in this game's art.
>I mean, realistically, I should be able to hit one button and win the game immediately if I'm allowed to play as a Christian in this game.
I can see Warden doing this
>swaps his flasks for holy water flasks from Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
>game starts, gets off his zip
>patron's puppet burns in holy fire and the game ends instantly
>Warden sneaks into the enemy base while everyone is doing the charleston
Well then Deadlock is le Zoroastrianism inspired game

See how retarded that sounds?
Depends on the game. Burst fire and pristine emblem are the same cost as curse, but you can mow squishies down after hooking. But if it's a game where your hooks won't lead to kills, curse is better. When you hook someone made to late game, you're forcing a team fight. Since it's hard to get outright kills on tanks, it just prevents them from contributing to the team fight for 6 seconds.

The problem with double bomb is it only procs improved burst once. The bomb also disarms people, so you can't double disarm someone. It is nice to see the funny number go up, but you're trading in a lot of value.

If you're hooking people like Abrams or Moen krill, get curse. If you're hooking someone like wraith, get gun damage. Improved burst will only carry your damage so far.

Also, by Veil Walker and some green items for sneaking around the map
Nigger team, nigger players, nigger game
I've won more games where I lost my lane than the reverse
then why did Sapphire Flame win 30,000 more games?
Christianities biggest fanboy, Constantine had a Buddhist wife, the synchronisation between Hellenist and Indian philosophy and art gave rise to Grecco-Buddhist art hundreds of years before Christianity existed. That's why when you imagine Jesus in terms of teachings and appearance he;s more like a Buddhist who is wearing a Greek Toga instead of a Jew who is wearing Jewish garments. You know it's true
>steam employess shill their ass game here
>its totally organic and good bro, just like my shit bro, i eat that shit all day
fuck off. game is ass.
He wouldn't even have to do all that, is what's funny! Just a laughing exorcism the moment the game starts, or even a single prayer.
I'll stop writing unfun posts and let you guys go back to licking blue feet and stony tummies now.
>Ivy says this when you use the Molman ult on her
>Dick throbbing from the thought of her being rapped by tunnel gangers
Nah it actually sounds pretty badass
I don't at all. Sounds like a load of horseshit, boss. Constantine didn't create Christianity. Nowhere in the Didache or the writings of the saints is Buddhism attributed as being the inspiration for some random carpenter named Jesus to start a cult.
uh, ok then?
Krill is too fucking ugly to deserve any pussy
what game do you like
preach nigga
>Krill is too fucking ugly to deserve any pussy
Krill just likes to watch. Mo does all the work
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Just had a pretty terrible Yamato game. Every time I think I'm getting better I get a string of games that just put me in the dirt. I'm not even sure what I'm doing anymore.
my nigga maurice
Simps horny for orbpussy
pig boy
Constantine didn't invent it. He just you know cemented it in the Western world and made it's home in Europe when Paganism was rampant.

So. The Buddhist entered Egypt way befoe Alexander and his wife was Bactrarian, Buddhist. The Bactrarians are known for creating Grecco-Buddhism. A synchronisation between the two of which few works are known. Too little to make a reference, but enough to know that this link existed. Like, Buddhist were not allowed to make images of the Buddha, the Buddha statues you know are there exactly because of the Greek influence on Bactrarian Buddism. Why else would the Buddha wear a fucking toga if you think about it? That's Socrates' shit. So most of the Apostles were not in foavor of influences outside of Israel, but not all. The Q document revolves around 3 apostles. My research shows that one of these apostles was influenced by a Buddhist document. BECAUSE of what these documents say. Now it's also a chicken vs egg moment. We cannot b sure that Buddhiosm influenced Christianity rather than christianity influenced later Buddhism as with the toga. But ALL if Jesus teachings are nothing in line with the war hungry Jewish teachings and far more in line with the Buddhist teachings. And forget about christian meditation (they called it Christian meditation not me). Emperor Ashoka has historically send Buddhist emissionaries to the four corners of the world and we have found Buddhist graves in Egypt/ So the synchronisation between Buddhism and Greek/Europe goes far deeper than just Constantine's wife. Ashoka made sure to spread Buddhism across the ancient world.
so what you're saying is you're on the team getting owned by simps?
>The bomb also disarms people, so you can't double disarm someone
Funny that you say that, I just had a really funny 1v1 with a warden trying to chase me after a lost teamfight where I kept chaining bombs on him so he was disarmed almost the entire time. He kept chasing me across the map until he was whittled down enough to get ulted to death
use Thanks to develop trust and teamwork. When you get a kill just do Thanks and your team will play 1% better.
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Does Hellboy have Christian characters? Cause this whole setting reminds me of Hellboy except that it's normalized in society instead of the occult being hidden by the CIA

Rasputin would be a cool character. No doubt the DOTA Russians would main him
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Remember to pummel your nearest Grey Talon, or Vindicta.
the Sanguine Laceration posters in the game hint at some vampire-like hero soon
Theres no evidence Fausta or Minerva were buddhist and its true hellenism is the primary source of christian thought especially early. But Jesus was also part of a more hellenistic segment of the jewish population that was compounded by the roman occupation. Its part of the reason the jews today say he was a roman rape baby sorcerer and why he butted heads with the more traditional jew moral codes.
Paradox is only as good as your team.

Who cares if you pull the enemy into your team if they are so retarded they cannot kill them or even die from them.
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kinda tired of having to solo the enemy team
we had the fucking mid boss and the adhd retards decide to run off before getting the magic gem or whatever it is
>But ALL if Jesus teachings are nothing in line with the war hungry Jewish teachings
Yes, that was the whole reason he bothered to come be a human being in the first place, to set the record straight. It's the entire reason Christianity was even able to take off at all, before it was ever called Christianity and was just called "the way"
You've obviously skimmed a lot of websites and pdfs about the sociology of these religions but don't seem to have bothered to read very much scripture. Did you at least read some sutras?
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Noah the gnome. Dual worlds 1911's.

1: joyful presence. Allies within radius of Noah regenerate health

2: majestic leap but as an ability. A small rainbow follows him

3: chortle. Removes enemy bullet and spirit resist (they are embarrassed)

Ult: summon frog. Ride frog. Frog has ability to hook and then spit caught hero in another direction. Can use abilities while on frog.
[Support character] is only as good as your team.

Who cares if you pull the enemy into your team if they are so retarded they cannot kill them or even die from them.
>enemy kill our shrines

I swear how can one be so fucking braindead retarded. The amount of dumbest fucking shitheads you encounter in MOBAs is staggering. It's like how did they even turn on the fucking computer.
actually fucking good
unlike this tranny dei SHIT
lazy, lazy falseflag
Greco-buddhism only reached as far west as Afghanistan what you are referring too is an aryan tradition that allows you to find parallels within every indo euorpean culture. Ironically buddhism is sometimes argued as a subversion subversion but theres no evidence that buddhism had such a cultural pull over europe and north africa.
>we have found Buddhist graves in Egypt
The only thing i can find is a buddhist statue in a small temple in a major trading city. I cant find anything that would indicated a anything substantial.
get new material
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Man the late game stutter is incredibly annoying. Like, half a second long pauses in fights can absolutely run the match.
Doesnt this nigga have a 70% winrate and 97% pickrate or something? Why should I play your poorly balanced game?
because you too can play 7 thinking he's broken and then go 0/11
You could have them pull a Warden. Warden's trying to play both sides and plans to eventually fuck over whichever Patron he's fighting under. The Patrons don't even know what sort of wish they're supposed to tempt him with because he hasn't given them anything to work with.
Valorant's whitest and many would argue most heroic male operative is a Russian (Sova), yet Valorant isn't popular here at all since it's a Riot game.

Russians will play Deadlock simply because Dota is very loved here.
Because you know something no one else does, you can stun him out of his ultimate with a 3000 soul item called knockdown. It drops a funny anvil on his head. Dazzle the shitter mmrs with your skills and knowledge.
>you can stun him out of his ultimate with a 3000 soul item called knockdown.
>3 secs later
I'm so confused about the hidden passive abilities in this game. I just learned that Seven moves faster as your spirit scales. I still don't even know if this means dealing spirit damage or buying spirit items or something else entirely. Where can I find a list of all the other heroes passives? Do they even have them, or is this unique to Seven?
grey talon gets movespeed and fire rate
haze gets mag size
those are the only other ones I know of
>not even the patrons can stop me now
I fucking hate playing against warden but I love Man vs God tropes. Is he allowed to wish for the Patrons to die?
Warden gets firerate
oh yeah warden also gets fire rate
OG miracle run was something else
The after it was peak kino and the last time Dota was entertaining
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Denied souls still give half the value. Shove your lane and get some jungle creeps but don't die. Buy 1 or 2 500~1250 defensive items fast to help with that. If your enemy is going to march down your walker for free ask for help.
Warden is the closest thing, but "eventually" fucking over the demon that you're in servitude to isn't really Christian by any stretch. We would just outright refuse to participate in something like this, which is why I think the evil priest character is the only one that would make sense.
Before thread archives who is the hottest character in this game unironically
If you look at the heroes tab, when you click on a hero a stat will have the purple spirit symbol next to it
That stat scales as spirit increases (which is it's own stat that items give labeled +spirit). Additionally all spirit items give a flat value of spirit depending on what tier the item is
Pauses ruin the game.

The fact you can just look around during it and for example notice a player you didn't before who was sneaking on you is actually a game changer.
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How bored are you people that you're playing this slop?
This is genuinely one of the worst multiplayer games I've ever seen or played.

Surely you have other things to play?
>heh, spiritual overflow goes brr
Why dont I see anyone playing spirit warden. His scalings are insane.

Vindicta is by far the prettiest one and seems to have some hips/good proportions.
Paradox is by far the hottest when it comes to body shape. Big hips and big ass.
Haze has some ass on her but thats about it. Her outfit is too baggy.
Geist portrait is ugly as shit but her in-game model is actually pretty neat and attractive if you are a hagfucker.
Vindicta for being pretty 16 yo with huge hips and fat ass
On heroes tab you can check stats of heroes and the star icon shows that they get additional scaling. Some have innate bullet and spirit resist or get them with souls milestones like Bebop who gets bullet resists and weapon range. Some abilities have spirit scaling which actaully doesn't scale the damage but something else like duration or range.
Nothing in the game claims Vindicta is 16.
pocket is in hiding cause he a bitch
So on the scale on Good/Evil, what alignment are the characters so far?
Like, Seven is obviously the most evil dude in the game.

Then you have chick like Paradox who is supposedly a thief but none of her lines imply she's malicious or bad.
Vindicta claims to be a child, therefore under 18
As an onlooker with no interest it is effectively a game where 100% of the gameplay is knowledge check meta autism. Even the movement system is autistic.
It's guaranteed to appeal to people who would rather learn discordant systems than lab combos for 10 hours a day and claim the occasional sidestep is a mindgame.
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why am I banned for 25 minutes? I just finished a round with a 21:1 kd as shiv, did I get reported by an angry member of the enemy team or something?
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Damn. Taking no prisoners, I see.
Except League, Dota, OW
Probably CS too
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Geist sacrifices hundreds of innocents to attain eternal youth just to be called a hag by anons.
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canon seven response
>let me tell you about the game I haven't played
What games do you like to play

people who say forced 50 doesn't exist are the same ones who said behavior score didn't exist before it was revealed to exist
>since the game went public the amount of shitposting increased by 10x
/v/ you are such a boring shit board. Please tell me more about how you hate everything but the most dogshit gacha chinks garbage mobile games out there because it make your chink pee pee hard.
He's really not wrong. This is Autism: The Video Game
>play great
>play awful
>get carried
I love 50/50 matchmaking
You're free to leave at any time.
that's sonic
>5s of mind numbingly retardation
>Oh here it comes again!
>5s of mind numbingly retardation
I would honestly change her entire kit except the one, or change only the one to be a spammable skill similar to the slash but with less damage
And thats a good thing. I don't care if /v/ doesn't like this game because it was made for ME.
That one's more like Retardation: the Video Game
i will proudly say that geist's laning phase is actually pretty bad, you damage yourself more with 1 than hit the enemy if they're good
yeah sure you might deny them a minion by throwing it when they're going for one but you just keep losing hp over and over, same with your 3
Okay shut the fuck up please
Yeah, the game is designed in a way that is clearly meant to be conducive to stimming and encourages endless theorycrafting.
Is there any point to playing this game if my aim is garbage? My opponents seem to have no problem perfectly following my movement from across the lane, meanwhile I often can't even hit them enough to trigger Infernus' burn.
>waaaah this video game is too much like a video game
Okay, what games do you play?
>What games do you like to play
Lots of games I have beaten close to a hundred games this year because I'm not a retard who sticks to one game because it's le complex or whatever
LH/deny is very comfy, probably my favourite thing in the game
okay so name a few of those games which you really enjoyed you fucking sperg

>what games do you play
play shotgun heroes
There's nothing broken about Seven, people is just retarded
When he ults, you have items to fuck him up
Other ults that fuck him up
Literally move from his LoS
There a heroes thatvdeketes him for free when he ults
People is just retarded
It's bullshit.
>t. dynamo player
I beat Time Crisis the other day it was fun
Yes, play melee abraham or melee ivy
No you need someone to remind you how gacha games are absolute dogshit garbage.

Die chink
Street Fighter 6, Tekken 8 and TF2 are my go-to multiplayer games. I played Dragon's Dogma 2 and the Persona 3 remake this year.
Aside from those, it's been a lot of shmups. Getting close to 1cc in Gradius III. Now you can tell me I have bad taste or call me a tf2fag if you'd like.
Melee is all about mind games and by picking Abrams you already lost by showing your hand. Viscous is the real melee hero
Lol, you're preaching to the choir. I just felt I should point that out.
Acquire aimlock software like the pros do.
>Yesterday I had an autistic discussion about the benefits of leveling up drain life twice before leveling bomb because you need the sustain.
>Today an anon is killing himself with his abilities like I said would happen
Put some early points into drain life and it becomes a 220 health heal every 40 seconds. Stand next to medic creep. Use restorative shot. Buy enduring spirit. Dont spam dagger so much early on.
>modern fighting games
Enjoying all the casualized trash? Inputs were too hard after all so they had to make it easy for retards like you who clearly hate when video games have too much stuff
The one from 95? What the fuck?
Name something released recently you played and enjoyed, one game from years ago out of over a hundred this year?
How do I Beeboop
You're a really boring and predictable guy, anon. They're alright; certainly not the peak of their respective series. I'm looking forward to that Garou sequel.
Infernus is rightful aimbotter clay, non-pros need not apply.
>fighter game fag
>movie game weeb fag
holy cancer
I am doing that, but if you throw your 2 on a minion then you're basically telling your opponent come rape me
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>play great
>carry my team
You're welcome bebop
>As an onlooker with no interest it is effectively a game where 100% of the gameplay is knowledge check meta autism
>I play Tekken btw
Anon what?
Shame there doesn't seem to be any chemo itt.
Dont listen to the other anon, he's on this kick that siphon, a 40 second cooldown that requires you to be in basically heavy melee range to start casting, is somehow better than the 8 second cooldown 200 damage bomb you can toss over and over from the other side of the map
My games today have been so shit, sure I went 6-1 but in all the games I was a side character
NTA but you are embarrassing yourself.
That's low level Tekken.
Rise of the Rotini was fun
>Acquire aimlock software like the pros do.

I'm not in any way familiar with the world of shooter games, but is the opinion that pros cheat and aren't actually THAT skilled still alive there or something? They perform lightning fast flicks and no scopes in big tournaments as a matter of routine.

Nobody thinks Dota pros cheat in the Dota community for example.
How do I beebboop
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I can lead them to victory.
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Yeah, no shit. If you know the meta and the knowledge checks it stops being low level. Do you think this is magically not the case for Deadlock?
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make Geist drain its life
just press f bro
I'm not the guy who said the first thing. I'm also not really a very hardcore fighting game player.
>top of the line pc
>game is based on aiming
>fps drops down to 15 when anything happens

ngl this is unplayable
are people playing in 720p with everything on low?

>pros never cheat, dude how would they cheat in a tournament
i play at 4k 144hz native with all the other eyecandy turned off cause the game looks the same anyways
am on proton using vulkan though
Its not really that bad. I only confirmed one of them cheating. But the fact that at least one of them does upsets me.
Don't forget:
>if you shoot within a couple (in-game) inches of the character, it will still hit
yes, 50-70 render all on low
No, everyone else just has hardware newer than 5 years
i guarantee my gpu alone costs more than your pc but alright lil nigga
i legit can't play paradox mid-late because my fps randomly drops and i can't hit my carbine
post specs, but I mean that in a genuine way and not a shit-eating way like that guy you're replying to
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It is a fucking alpha, anon.
You're going to have to stop being a stupid consolenigger.
>top of the line pc(circa 2013)
Works on my machine
>32gb ram
>1440p resolution(FSR at 75%, lol)
Paradox is actually fucking broken if you can harass and get kills early during laning.

She wants to end the game asap before rest of the enemy team catches up tho.
I've did a idea on the forums about a preacher who's in The Friends of Humanity that works like Silencer.
The guy who made puck and someone on the staff liked it, but it didn't get much headway past that.
She's a harder character but is broken at high MMR.
>Yoshi confirmed that there isn't a single character model in the game that is actually final
Is this good or bad? If they make my Vindicta uglier i will actually fucking riot and protest under Valve HQ
forgot to mention im a ultra casual on 60 fps and think the human eye can't see past it
must suck to suck then because my (cheap) hardware is years old and doesn't dip below 60 fps
we don't know but it seems like the patrons actually do grant the wishes they promise iirc
your tranny gaslight bullshit reply to that anon's post isn't fooling anyone, and it's honestly pathetic how you think this would accomplish anything
stop coping, the only paradox i've seen at high mmr do something is mikaels
everytime he's against one they're not even visible in the game
I hope they give paradox thicker thighs
>Streamer retard
I really wish deadlocktracker didn't kill the 70+ games stat to easily prove you wrong.
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Vindicta's model is missing ass
You mean your guy who looks like a KKK member? might've had something to do with his presentation...
So how long until game actually comes out? 2 years?
yeah i only have 40 hours i'm not the highest mmr so i'm quoting what i see on other people matches
i really dont care that you got steamrolled by a good one, try to remember the amount of times you got steamrolled by other chars and how easy they have it compared to paradox
like you probably don't even register in your mind that you went against 20 mo's that 1v9'd but you remember that one paradox
Mikaels uses aimbot to lock onto people's body before aiming manually, watching him is like a lesson in how to hide your aimbotting
shut up you fucking clown
I mean I always thought that shit looked cool no matter who wore it.
We already have other references to militarized actual death squads in CS.
But you know, I just think of Hellsing and Spain when I see those types of hoods.
Americans are weird.
lmao what is your problem
people just joke around here

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