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Unbothered. Undenied. Happy. In my lane. Focused. Disarming.
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I swear it feels like Yamato gets worse every patch despite getting buffs.
It's a combination of weapon items being so much better + an insane mobility creep added every patch + people just getting better.
Before it was people getting better, then it was people buying stamina, then infernus/wraith/whatever and slowing hex being gutted, then movement speed items, now the patch meta is quirky forming into warp stone spam and she genuinely can't keep up.
No cc, slow as fuck, squishy as fuck, very low mobility beyond a shitty hook that bugs out 5/10 times.
They added the ropes too which makes her even more annoying to play because the hook shits itself on the ropes very often and she NEEDS to stand there like a tard charging for 2 seconds to do any fucking damage which sucks to aim on the ropes because of the instant verticality.
ai generated game.
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Sex with Abrams
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>all this fan art
>they're all going to be reworked

funny, that
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>*assassinates you from different lane*
i finally got to play it. its awful.
Playing mo seems so humilating. He's one of those heroes that don't really get any kills themselves. So if you're getting killed you k/d is gonna look like ass even if you're making an impact with your assists.
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Deadlock is: TPS; hobby-grade visual novels; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Deadlock Heroes!
i finally got to play it. its amazing.
>Acquire aimlock software like the pros do.

I'm not in any way familiar with the world of shooter games, but is the opinion that pros cheat and aren't actually THAT skilled still alive there or something? They perform lightning fast flicks and no scopes in big tournaments as a matter of routine. Nobody thinks Dota pros cheat in the Dota community for example.
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>global nuke with a 20 sec cooldown
How is this allowed
What's wrong with it?
What's right with it?
I played kevin and got 25 assists by just ice skating to team fights and ice beaming everybody.

Youre not dying constantly and only getting assists? Thats fine too.
his playerbase is retarded
>badge attached to his chest
>What's wrong with it?
every hero feels similar and every game feels similar. this is the same thing they did to dota when they ruined it. it used to feel very different every game and every hero. dota is still way better than this though.
People are building him as a funny fast arrow man instead of ICBM generator/1 spammer
Bummer, man.
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Recommending this build again for anyone wanting to try Talon
It's pure bullshit
do you like it? i even feel like overwatch is better than this. the only good thing about it are some of the moba team tactics stuff.
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>100 games played
>47 won
How do I cope?
literally why do you care
Building an entire loadout around his ult is a thing people do when power shot lets you shit out damage ever 1.6 seconds?
Well that's my point. My opinion is that if cheating exists in high level shooter tournaments, it's just extremely fringe cases.

I just noticed the "pro = aimbot" argument many times already and asked whether this opinion is really widespread in CS/Apex/Valorant/Overwatch communities.

replied to you last time retard
I don't really care for it either, no. I really don't know who this game is for.
I don't want to be a shitter, it hurts my self esteem
Building for his ult just means stacking spirit I assume
you're 4 games better than average Vindicta
i think theyre trying to come up with anything they can because dota is slowly losing its hype. they tried with the card game and failed and now this. i wonder if they lost some of their best devs in recent years.
there's already people gaslighting themselves with the yamato model and that they should keep the horrible fucking conehead.
it does, and usually you put cooldown items on it too (superior cooldown also helps spam charged shot) so I don't know what the fuck that anon is complaining about
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>They are going to get reworked
What do you mean they? Who is Krill?
What games do you faggots like and why are you even in this thread then

We get it, you don't want it to succeed, it's over 150k players in an invite only alpha that you can't play unless your account has bought something on steam, nobody really cares if you don't like it - you're out of touch and washed up
>Forsaken from Optic India was recently caught cheating at a lan tournament.
>Optic India

What's that supposed to prove. This is some unknown guy with 350$ total earnings.
>when power shot lets you shit out damage
But building for ult also builds power shot
This isn't a real MOBA until we get Wukong as a character
i already said i like dota. overwatch was ruined but its also ok. i like fighting games too. if we are talking multiplayer stuff. this game is going to need a lot of work if you want it to succeed. obviously i would love a fun new game to play but deadlock isnt good.
They saw Concord and Dustborn flop and want Deadlock to do the same to keep riding that high, they're like alcoholic party goers at 5AM trying to walk into other people's houses to vomit and drink some more
That's Shiv.
Mo should've been female and cute
wow some goalposts just flew over my head

how much money have you won 'pro' gaming?
>Kill a seven early in lane
>Focuses me for the entire game afterwards
>stare game
>seven dies instantly
>he dc/s
You will learn to fear Seven
>don't just keep killing him anyway
you suck ass, mang
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>highest pickrate
>highest winrate
>gets buffed anyways
how does he keep getting away with it
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>lost my lane for 5 games in a row
how do I get coaching?
>state game
>lash loses because he has no eyes
>bebop wins because he doesn't blink
So this is why Lash hates Bebop...
Onyo you can't be saying that people look up to you.
I have already posted my opinion above.

>My opinion is that if cheating exists in high level shooter tournaments, it's just extremely fringe cases.

A guy from India with ~0 fame and ~0 earnings getting exposed at some tournament bears almost no relation to multi millionaire pros competing in tier 1 events.
>lose lane
>win game
simple as
Because no one is actually mad at 7 outside of the people who tried to kill him the first time around
how do I get coaching?
You tell me what you doing and ill tell you why you suck.
>guy makes it all the way to that point while cheating but then gets caught
>anon thinks the guy is just an anomaly instead of being the one who was caught of the bunch

next you're gunna say pro sports doesn't have cheating
Post some match ID and beg someone to tell you why you're retarded
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no matter the matchup the enemy always seems to pull ammo out of their ass despite shooting creeps more often, I always get pushed to tower, harassed, and die 2-3 times minimum
I try to melee, stay in cover, shoot back, but always lose health faster while I barely scratch them
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This design is unironically so fucking bad. Most uninspired shit ever.
Just deny nigga
who is that? looks like haze
Stick to Fortnite
Denies/early farm is most important. Get quick items asap, start harassing more, healing with Rite if you are struggling and just chipping away at enemy health until you are confident you can combo them. After that you get advantage on the lane and just keep harassing.
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What are the active item buy rates like now that slowing hex and withering whip are not worth buying 99% of the time?

Everybody just buys knockdown now? Sometimes decay?
Okay then, /v/.

You HAVE to add a black woman to the game.
How do you do it so that the design is not retarded?
I am always forced to stay up the stairs minute 1 and they can do whatever they want in the middle, how do I contest under the bridge without dying?
I've had three different people send me an invite yet none of them went through. What gives?
Sorry we're full
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Finished, i slep now V_V
You guys are buying Titanic Magazine now, right?
Why did nobody tell me how good Abrams is? Literally just shiv but better
>spandex cat suit
>big springy afro which covers her eyes
>gap between her two front teeth
>talks like betty boop
>Friend invites me another friend
>Other friend gets access the next day, I'm still waiting almost 4 days later
>Have a different friend invite me yesterday
>Still waiting
>getting ultra damage resistance
>make abilities last even longer
>get item to teleport to enemy and grab them for a minute while their team scratches my back
Its a simple life
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
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>they're on the invite blacklist
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Slowing hex is still good against the majority of the cast with get out of jail free cards like Infernus
This might honestly just be a you problem. I see yamatos perform very well.
Not anymore they buffed infernus so flame dashing reduces effects of slowing effects
On the stairs is an advantage. You see more of the lane and can keep denying the dude. If they get close for a melee, just harass them hard.
Pull the trigger.
Any vac bans? How many games do you own? When was the last purchase?
Haze is not black.
bro their skulls aren't even shaped the same
last I checked it still resets his cooldown for flame dash on use
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Post 'ick on the 'eck
She sounds black.
>Any vac bans?
>How many games do you own?
about 80
>When was the last purchase?
this week, but the previous one was 4 months ago
I’m just a bitter valve fan, in all honesty. Not happy with how they’ve turned out. I’m not one of those guys you’re describing.
>Yamato redesign incoming
Are you still mad? Will changing Yamato be welcoming or will it upset you?
You might not be pushing hard enough. You need to be the one who clears the creeps first. If you play passively and allow your creeps to die then your opponents have free reign to attack you.
>Creep wave meets
Both sides have to focus on creeps instead of harassment at this moment. If you try to hurt your opponent, he shrugs off the damage and kills your creeps then you get fucked by him + his creep wave. If you focus creeps now you hold the advantage. You can now stand on the middle bridge and shoot with impunity while your opponent tries to collect souls before they die to guardian

You do not want to be pushed under your tower. The tower is the danger zone.
>press ethereal shift
simple as
They just get up the stairs and shoot me/the guardian while I'm trying to push the creeps back, if I try to melee the creeps I get magdumped, if I play safe and shoot I'm outdenied
Bing pushed back is horrible
its definitely a derived model but is it a new hero? if so, thats fucking awful.
Why anyone would want to delude themselves into thinking Yamato's current ayy design is any good, even for Neon Prime, is beyond the amount of shits I have to give to figure it out.
Two completely different heroes.
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big birbie
It would be fine if they just gave her actual hair instead of making her look bald.
>those talons who slow the bird down and fly in circles above your invulnerable head

well played you bastards
Current Yamato and overall Neon Prime designs were pure shit and i am so fucking glad they moved away from it.
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buff it again
I would be surprised if they scrapped it, you can play the champion in game in the sandbox and basically everything is finished
this lady giving yamato a run for her 5head
I haven't seen a mo steamroll in ages because I'm not playing at low MMR.
A good paradox though is has very little if any counterplay. I say this more from using her than getting killed by her too: the combination of her 1 and 3 makes her harass basically unavoidable in lane on top of being high damage and long range. Into lategame she has extremely useful support abilities between her wall and her 3 (which is basically the best poke there is). This is widely understood by actual high MMR players and was backed up by the stats on deadlocktracker with the highest jump in winrate after 70 games for any hero iirc (that winrate after x games stat was basically the standin for how they do at high MMR).
>VAC bans
>Games owned
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btw as shiv, is the weapon damage the same if you press m2 at 1 bullet left and 2 bullets left? has anyone tested this
Please I just want to use active reload stop nerfing it just because it was both better and cheaper
I feel pretty indifferent about all the concept art designs. I like the idea of her slowly growing a big creepy smile that's in a couple of them. The big forehead alien looks dumb, but they need to figure out a design that has something as distinct as her goofy head.
She's a new hero and was recently added into the heroes you can play in the sandbox, her abilites have voice lines, before everyone thought she was just a model that was reworked
I buy Titanic on everyone who mag dumps quickly. Are you are happy? Is this what you wanted you sick fuck?
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I like her design it reminds me of psychonauts, but a game with a soulful artstyle can never be mainstream
>play Shiv
>do spam knife build because funny
>just running around willynilly throwing knives around not even paying attention to the scoreboard
>end game with 17-3-15
Oh, lmao
>and basically everything is finished
why even lie so brazenly
whats your build?
It's the same.
>a little spirit lifesteal
I wasn't going for damage whatsoever. Just being an annoying cunt.
I always fall behind on souls as Haze
How do I balance going for kills/farming?
Should I buy tesla to hit jungle?
Rushing Ricochet sounds horrible
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is this correct so far.
Shiv belongs in Monster Hunters. He and Gay Talon are both part of the same fraternity.
Shiv is a monster hunter too
lol i loved all of valves games, but this game is pure trash, i dont understand who wants to play these moba/hero type shooters, very fucking original valve as if there isnt 500 other trash games like these.
the amount of visuals and submenus as well is just shit, less is more but apparently if you add 5000 options and flashy animations that makes games good.
>you're out of touch and washed up
lol do you guys really
Shiv is also a monster hunter, he is in the same organization as Grey Talon. Only Grey Talon is in a quest for revenge because someone burned his house and blamed it on his wife.

mcginnis is PMC, not a fed
fairfax industries plays both sides as long as profit is involved
Yeah bro I called Gaben and made him kill TF3 for this
>stop liking this thing right now, it's not fun
>clearly established as fun because tons of people are playing it
>am I out of touch? No....it's the kids who are out of touch
McGinnis works for Fairfax, not the government. The same Fairfax that Pocket is the heir to.
when you win a ton of games your mmr goes up
You're losing because you are too good to face beatable players like the people with high winrates.
/v/ is a political themed porn board and you need to stop posting in irrelevant threads.
I love seeing people with less than ~20 games played in this shit freaking out of something they dont understand
Buy debuff remover you dumb ape.
>i love all of valve's games
people say this but then you tell them to elaborate and they just have 1000 hours in TF2 but they played through half life 2 and the portal games.
I thought someone burned down his son's house, killing both the son and the wife. And the son's wife is Ixian (same as Infernus) so Grey Talon suspects that some major foul play bullshit is at play and is on a quest for vengeance.
>You're losing because you are too good to face beatable players
What's that supposed to be?
*hook-bombs this post*
Valve should release tf2, l4d, and hl every year like ea release sports games
Why even reply to such a braindead ape? He clearly doesn't care.
if you have a low MMR and win lots of games vs bottom 10% players, that is different from having a high mmr and losing half your games vs the best players.
Winrate is not a good indicator of skill at this point.
Buy Magic Carpet
>I thought someone burned down his son's house, killing both the son and the wife
Close but not quite.
The point was that they got lynched beforehand and the house fire was a coverup, because if it was a fire, his daughter in law would have extinguished it
make me
shiv is a monster hunter
paradox can't actually time travel, she can only slow down time
i'd put ivy, bepop and viscous together as family guardians or something like that since they fight to protect their fellas
>people say this but then you tell them to elaborate and they say they play valve games
they planned to do that with HL episodes and with L4D2 campaigns, they didn't do it, the best we got was a scrapped lost coast and L4D2 Hard Rain
McGinnis is cute
>get lynched for being a literal coalburner
Deadlock gets more based by the second.
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Sell me on the carpet.
I think I will be spending my six thousand souls on something actually useful instead!
>seethes as you win because you didn't pick the fucking meme item
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dota 2 has been valve's main focus as a video game for the past 10 years and it takes a high level of willful ignorance to pretend it isn't the case
Hope the writing team get more lore out, I'm a sucker for this kind of stuff. I mean...moba/hero shooters are not "strong" in the lore department with how messy they are, rare exception with Arcane, haven't watched the dota animation, but I really like the world building and heroes background so far.
What exactly is wrong with MOBA players?
I thought this was a grandma before hearing them speak.
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So fucking what.
Don't watch the Dota animation, the writer made his own shitty OC fantasy universe and just reused a few names.
I don't want to say I'm particularly good at the game but in my matches enemies consistently slide/parry/juke charged melees/buy tons of actives/group up and rat etc. and I haven't seen a leaver in two dozen matches.
So despite having <50% WR I doubt I'm put with new players
Won't know until ranked mode is out anyway, everyone is shadowboxing the matchmaker right now
You guys having fun in your mean girls phase?
>i love all of valves games but uhhh none of the ones they released in the last 15 years
Played TF2 for several years, CS and all the lot. mostly spam dota now. Gaming is so dead if this is what valve spent years making.

who doesnt love to shoot at hitbars and watch your bullets feel like sponges while numbers and animations flash through your screen.
so fucking bad. the whole game is so bad, i cant believe this is valve.
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>This might honestly just be a you
I have 300 games on her and like 58% wr, one of the top yamatos on tracklock.
But I play infernus, wraith, talon or vindicta and it's so much fucking easier.
With Yamato I have to do EVERYTHING near perfectly just to have a fucking chance, the moment one opponent buys silence or curse or focuses me and there goes my character, I have to farm or be extremely careful yet the character is not good with farm and is insanely easy to curse/silence/cc because she has to be in everyones faces.
It's not bad, but shit goes by super fast. It really could have benefited from 40-minute episodes, but I guess the Saudi Prince had a set budget.
>people say this but then you tell them to elaborate and they say they don't play the main games that defined valve and its platform for the past decade and a half
Most people playing him are stupid and don't build around bird spam. Might be the most helpful meme build in the game and I've only ever seen 1 guy do it.
>in a thread about an in-development valve game saying no one in this thread is a real valve fan because they aren't playing recent valve games
k good post
This design would be fixed if they gave her q cute fluffy fro instead of making her bald.
Jacob Lash is an asshole
How the fuck do you mute pings
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All Moba players are subhuman without exception. They get angry and sperg out when they are losing and they get angry and sperg when they are winning. They are passive aggressive. They always think they know better than you. They also spend 1000 hours playing a game and don't improve at all. Dont be a MOBA player.
They're very similar builds.
As a charge ability cooldown reduction makes more sense on his ult since it has a far bigger effect.
Thats literally every single competitive games out there, moron.
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*clak clak clak clak and life swaps you*
I keep dying early and dont really get how to farm
Like the game otherwise, watching better people play helps a bit.
Deadlock is made for people who don't want to become dotards. We won't have to worry about the spergery reaching critical mass so soon, especially with 4D chess moves like Yoshi updating the game so the tracklock sites can't track their made up MMR faggotry anymore
peak assfaggots retard response, proving him right
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>this design that valve has not put in the game looks bad
Wow no way
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>presses 2
>walks backwards while holding M1
>watches you scurry like a rat behind cover as you pray I don't kill you with my 1
>starve you of your faggy ult compilation material all match
Ugly tramp.
you're right but about holiday, they're going to make her uglier to fit in
If you actually played dota then

>who doesnt love to shoot at hitbars and watch your bullets feel like sponges while numbers and animations flash through your screen

sounds exactly like dota, down to the feeling of being weak at the start of the game
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don't forget that it's not even a finalized design on top of being made out of programmer graphics and happy thoughts
Please don't add this please don't add this please please
>hero gets kar98k
>bolt action, 1.1 seconds per shot, 5 rounds before reload
>killing creeps is equivalent to meleeing them and cannot be denied
I saved your game.
Name a single competitive games community out there that doesn't have angry sperg hating themselves

Just one.
take your faggot game to /vg/
>I keep dying early
Play defensively. You don't need to expose yourself to the enemy and eat harass for no reason in lane. Stay behind your creeps, fall back if the enemy pushes and fuck off to heal if you're under 150-200 health, and it's very hard to die.
If you're still having trouble, go into hero sandbox and learn a bit more movement. Dashjump can get you out of a lot of trouble and feels very natural once you're used to it. Dashjump-slide-jump or dashjump-jump even more so.
I like it
Wrong thread pal
As soon as you take your fire emblem thread back to /vg/ and your gacha general gacha shit too.
Why don't we have any white women in 1920s New York?
>>killing creeps is equivalent to meleeing them and cannot be denied
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pic related it's you trying your best
Anon, if you go to the New York Oracle News Stands during a match and you can listen to lore in-game

there's a radio broadcast that tells you about current events in the Deadlock universe
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>warp stones next to you and sucks your dick. I mean life.
As if I didnt already have a countermeasure to such an obvious tactic like walking backwards. Seventards stomp shitters and think themselves gods.
Sorry I meant this one
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I haven't really been paying any attention to this game but mixing a moba with a competitive team shooter sounds like a theoretical joke recipe to absolutely maximize the potential salt factor from a video game.
Does it feel like that kinda game?
McGinnis works at fairfax industries (magical Lockheed Martin), she's not a fed.
there's already a hero in the files that fires incredibly slowly and only has 10 shots, but has an ability that lets him eat creeps for HP and attack speed
>Lockheed Martin
>not a fed
For all intents and purposes.
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I hate fucking autists stealing every soul during early game
Fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff I'm tired of this minigame. The sound effect gets on my nerves too
are you sure you didn't mean these ones
Eh for me its kinda chill. Kinda had that HotS feeling I was missing.
But does he ac/s?
there's a funny webm of someone sperging the fuck out on EU server voice chat
in general I think it feels less salty than dota though
I see some salt but nothing like the flaming in Dota 2. I think the preselected lanes and massive amount of jungle camps help alot
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i tbag on every kill
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using ivy while also muting voice and chat
same company, same sloppa
>>warp stones
>impyling this means anything against a 7 with high movespeed and his own stam items and movement active item
The fuck? What the fuck kind of retards are you playing agai-
The salinity was alread 100% mixing in more salt doesnt do anything.
jungle to get the mere basics and gank/push a lane, anon.

everyone else is in lane you have free-roam of the jungle early on.
nah those people in dota had thousands of hours to get to that point, we're seeing it in deadlock with people under 50 hours who literally only know half the shit about the game it's gotta be one of the most tilting games of all time
Seeing it in full I actually like it more
Just keep losing till your mmr is low enough and you start to get matched with hopeless retards like yourself.
post tracklock

seven literally only dominates in low brackets, he's not even close to being one of the toughest heroes to counter
Who cares?
It's not like that for now.
It's comfy and fun, enjoy it while it lasts.
All my games go on for like 40-50 min now. What the fuck is happening
The shared souls before 10 minutes is a godsend. I would credit hots for this innovation of not having to fight your own teammates for resources.
It's pretty funny I dunno.
it's the somalian forehead that kills it for me
how do I tell valve to remove it without having my opinion filtered as a racist
You don't even need to counter him.
He falls off hard once people learn to position better and get the fuck out the way.
Did you sleep under a rock for the past week where the tracklocker showed 7 in every skill bracket?
People still thinking 7's 4 is an instant win button are retarded, same with like 90% of vindicta players who think they can hard carry games because they had a good match once in CSGO
>you can use shiv's alt fire as a FaN jump
What the fuck
That and objectives souls also share with the team. So far are the ones that I like the most.
>seven is played in high mmr therefor I am in high mmr and also he dominates
he has his uses but he's just a low mmr stomper and nothing more, like pocket
Shiv is genuinely overloaded, feels like a fucking league design.
>But also skirmisher and 1v1er
>Also executer
>Also a tank
>Also a gun character
>Also a spirit character
>Insanely mobile
I just don't like the mechanic when you're instantly at a disadvantage depending on the type of weapon the character uses
I'm glad shooting at the funny flying balls makes your retard sperg brain feel good but I don't feel the same way
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I kinda love how obvious it is the walker was a Strider back when this was a Half Life prototype/game.
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>airstrafe into wall
>FaN jump with his shotgun
All in one sequence.
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mmm I dunno
I don't mind a fivehead and things usually look better in motion
I'd like to see edits where it's even bigger like that girl from splatoon
>tracklocker showed 7 in every skill bracket?
70 games is not a skill bracket.
No one's talking about 7 dominating low mmr brackets except for (You) hagfucker, you're just mad that i don't get gimped by your shitty 4 and know when to break off an engagement lmfao
I don't remember seeing any striders in the original citadel builds but I believe it
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your response?
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>creeps were antlions
>guardians were antlion guards
>walkers were striders
>patrons were GLaDoS controlled by VR players
Anon, just last hit creeps with melee and your souls won't be denied
His alt fire is also cancelable by abilities, so you can do alt fire > slicendice > altfire > melee for GIGA burst damage
Most of the characters in this game can fit most roles, because there are no roles and they can be built however. Every character can skirmish and 1v1, can build for tankiness in team fights or burst for ambushes, etc etc.
That design philosophy is probably my favorite thing about deadlock; I'm kind of sick of roles.
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>Maurice the Mole
>Carl the Invoker
Who would win?
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bros I think I opened my third eye on vindicta, its all coming together
there's obviously a distinguished heavy and light
Tell us, anon.
Yeah but it's not like
like some other games that shall not be named
>he figured out how to queue with better characters
You've made it
you're saying you're dominating on seven and everyone's telling you that he literally only dominates noobs, to which you're in heavy denial
bro learned to aim
>posts a webm juking a literal retard that could have done fucking anything except hold W at you
Why am I supposed to care about this, but unironically
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Love haze so much, also perfect sound design
You don't even need to learn to aim.
Just stop flying all the time.
All it does is make your own shots harder to hit.
Her mixed spirit damage on flight is the best part of her kit, yet still fucked by damage falloff and makes her an easy target.
If you stay on the ground instead of permaflight why not pick Wraith?
>flinging shit and piss without posting his tracklock of him DOMINATING high mmr games
okay son sit down we know you're in your first 30 games but stop
Don't post your tracklock page. I'm gonna dox you and rape you
This game was fun, my teammates didn't know how to farm or something
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I just won a 4v6. This games comeback potential is amazing
Have you won a game with leavers yet?
>finding match is not instant anymore
oh no...I don't want to play against try hard ADHD mental zoomers
Christ dude was it your first game
Now that the hype has died, what did we think of Deadlock?
it's ya BOI

I somehow thought you'd have more games on bebop
>Most of the characters in this game can fit most roles
Fitting a role != excelling at a role.
When you break barriers like that you get completely retarded balancing like a lot of this game, shiv and dynamo being full retard characters for example.
Infernus being essentially a late game tank that shits out damage but also has a god tier lane phase and also pushes insanely hard AND also insanely mobile.
>Her mixed spirit damage on flight is
The extra damage, maybe, but almost every M1 character in the game has mixed spirit damage. That's not some unique part of her kit, it's mandatory to not be invalidated by metal skin.
>If you stay on the ground instead of permaflight why not pick Wraith?
They don't actually play that similarly in terms of broad strategy: wraith is pretty heavy on burst damage and has to fuck off and farm back up cards between every kill in the mid game, where Vindicta can stay with the team and secure kills with her ult for extra souls. Wraith is a split pushing machine with great escape ability, Vindicta has a big problem with being jumped on and killed. Wraith needing her cards for fights means she can't really harass with abilities, Vindicta can throw out crow.

That said Wraith is just a better character right now, yes.
no i have played other matches, but this was something else
sex with ivy
sex with haze
sex with vindicta
sex with paradox
sex with holliday
sex with miku
>both teams have 4 good players and 2 anchors
>their anchors leave, ours stay
>their good players get more souls
>they win
Back before the influx of players I had a really good 5v6 where the guy left at like 7 minutes that we won ~35 minutes later

Nowadways people literally leave winning games if someone on the other team disconnects, it's stupid
I did this in a duo lane with a friend so communication was possible but basically

>focus on harass/denial early
>rush ult asap, by the time you unlock it you will have bonus damage on it
>use the lead from lane to snowball with a glass cannon build
>play really far back, be conservative with your fly, and focus on not dying while keeping farm up

its simple but you just really need to improve your laning and aiming to capitalize on the snowballing playstyle
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Love those faggots that go "look at my K/D" because they took some good fights after hours of farming all game while their team was dying during teamfights and losing guardians
didn't their MMR system get broken recently? who cares anymore, I'm so fucking of people trying to compare e-penis size for a closed alpha
>spend all game dying in team fights and getting nothing done
>clearly it is the people not sitting around brawling while the enemy gets stronger who are the problem
*walks around the lane and ganks you from the side*
nothing personable
yeah so basically you're a newfag with either less than x games or you have a horrible tracklock, thanks for telling us how much you DOMINATE on seven
>Vindicta can stay with the team and secure kills with her ult for extra souls.
Most dogshit balancing decision in the game.
Icefrog will soon give Vindicta only 1 stamina bar due to having tuberculosis in the 17th century, and make throwing crow deduct her HP, and it'll all be "balanced" because she gets a single creepwave of souls by killstealing from an ally and denying him the souls so she can buy nothing that wil make her scale okayish lategame.
Just remove this, or change it for a passive tally of Assassinate kills that can scale without cap and buffs her slightly per stack, like Bebop and his bombs
I've noticed that only complete faggots play Haze and Seven
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I'm always the worst player in my team. I always have the lowest souls. I always have the highest death and I barely get any kills. I try playing healer and I get out-healed by Yamato.
By that logic I am a complete faggot.
>yeah so basically
Go back to preddit you fucking loser. The fact you can't just play and enjoy a game without constantly measure how good you are compared to everyone else is literally the reason people hate ASSFAGGOTS as a whole. No one wants to deal with your faggot shit all day.
As Haze you have a dogshit lane until you get knives and level up fixation, what are you supposed to do next?
Farm when your ult is down and go for ganks when it's up?
Do you buy Tesla bullets for farming or just Active Reload?
Is rushing Ricochet viable?
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>I try playing healer
>As Haze you
Should kill yourself
The only person trying to claim they're an EPIC GAMER here is you with your bullshit about wrecking on seven which we clearly told you is because you're new to the game, which you haven't denied or tried to prove wrong just stated huffing and puffing like a little bitch called out
I suck at Haze, don't worry, that's why I'm asking.
I can confirm that they are the characters that attract the most retards
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>some people get invites and it just works
>other people get invites and literally nothing happens for days
What the fuck. I thought Valve was a multi-billion dollar company?
just ult earlier lol!
just get unstoppable lol!
yes i'm a yamato player too
I appreciate that you used "them" so I still dont know the gender
They're running your account through an algorithm to determine if you're a real gamer or just some stupid fool unworthy of their bandwidth
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>I try playing healer
bait post
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Every time I see someone on Infernus, they have no impact on the game and are behind in farm.
He reminds me of Anti-Mage, since he can split-push and escape + being a farm vacuum.
you haven't played with me, then
I'm tired of being behind on souls every time
Fuck you all, I'm getting Tesla and Toxic Bullets and AFK ricing until Ricochet, if I get back in 20 minutes and a single walker is down I'm throwing.
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What the fuck are you talking about? I'm just sick of everyone going "me high mmr you low mmr" when multiple times now "high mmr games" have been posted where the people playing have less than 20 matches. Tracklock's MMR is literally meaningless and the fact anyone is taking it seriously is lame as fuck.
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I notice the Patron gives out compliments to certain characters.

How do you trigger that?
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he's just like antimage
When that happens the other team's Patron is seething and yelling at you to kill them
Kill streaks, the one at 3 kills is like 'well done name' but the others at like 7+ kills are usually unique like 'oathkeeper is rubbing off on you isn't he' etc
i still suck balls
What's the secret? Lane for a while, split push, jungle rotations and farm until you get your core items?
My friend abrams and i are stomping lane and from that the game is just finished lol, i hope this is low mmr or something
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I'm not baiting. Should I not? I don't know how to FUCKING play
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>i hope this is low mmr or something
It is.
Try some different heroes before you pubstomp your way out of low MMR and don't know how to do anything else.
>my teammates didn't know how to farm or something
I think this is the hump for most new players is realizing how to properly farm. I still don't think my method is perfect, but I:
- Always lane first couple of minutes since minions are plentiful farm and towers are more important
- at about 5-7 minutes break depending on lane status, if I lane switch farm the 2/7 minute creep spawns depending on availability
- while in mid-game, farm going to objectives if there isn't an enemy player pushing or urgent incoming team fight. Especially farm the opponent side whenever there's an opportunity.
- Farm HARD if were up late-game, vending machines/heavy creep cramps to solidify advantage. If not, still farm on way to objectives, but try hard to get enemy guardians out of the way so we can comeback and not get holed up in base.
- Don't share farm.
this game is less intelligent than dota2 and I'm glad of it because I'm stupid, and suffered 4k hours of dota

spent the entire day playing and having a fucking blast, 3d enigma black hole is so satisfying
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Sorry Lash, I'm afraid that taxi drivers in New York don't take people who URN.
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>Ice Walk over to a dying teammate
>Heal them to full over the next 5 seconds while beating the shit out of anyone unlucky enough to get caught inside with us
Take the Kelvin pill you healslut. You dont even build healing items, just more spirit.
Skill issue. Literally got the invite 6 hours ago out of nowhere, I don't know anyone who plays and I wasn't even interested in playing. Valve just wants you to personally suffer.
>just ult earlier lol!
Yeah so people can do my favorite, just dashing twice over a corner because for some unholy reason the ult takes 30 years of casting and now I can't keep up because zero mobility.
Meanwhile shiv is doing a power slash worth of damage while moving while having three times my hp very nice game very well balanced
damn grey talon just melts vindicta in an air 1v1
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Please dont make this more difficult than it needs to be
haven't played in two weeks and played yesterday
had two of the most miserable games since I started playing in may
first game, aimbotting vindicta on solo lane
second game, aimbotting chinese shiv on solo lane
playing on asia btw
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>second day in a row that it loses players
>threads getting slower
Kek, TF2 outlives another one.
As a general rule healing is always secondary to pressuring the enemy. You should be focusing on durability and damage first.
What hero are you playing?
They gonna have to open the game for everyone at this point KEK.

God it feel so good to see all these western games flopping.
for me, it's
>wraith teleports in melee range
>yolo ults me
>I correctly ult to avoid it and to not insta die
>>>>>>>she just runs away
>by the time the ult ends she can now 1v1 me and win or just kill me with an ult that has a lower cooldown
>team is taking retarded fights instead of farming
>wow dude why didnt you feed needlessly with us???
>threads getting slower
There are currently 4 Deadlock threads on /v/
>100k players in a closed play test is somehow a failure
yea they arent sending their brightest to these threads are they
What the fuck is it with this faggot babby cartoon style in every game these days? Splatoon looking shit christ valve
that isnt deadlock, and it isnt a valve game, i have no idea what game that is but it has a surrender button so it aint valve
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This is why you need to bully the fuck out of Ivyfags
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>No one recognized battleborn.
>2016 was 15 years ago
what the fuck do i do against a kelvin that has my number and focuses me with beam and dome every time
>Grey talon up in the air in the open
>Yamato hook to him
>He three shots me before I even arrive where he is
>Was barely 1k souls ahead

Debuff reducer/remover
uninstall, kelvin is auto win right now because devs make OW team look competent
Good question. I need to test if curse forces him to drop the dome. Enduring speed grants some slow resistance.
why the fuck would i recognize battleborn you retard, it was dead in the water SLOP that no one played
Formerly Chuck's
You cant debuff remove something thats constantly being applied. But it will help a little.
>Other team is absolutely rolling us except for shiv who is getting owned
>Shiv has a melty at the 30 minute mark and rage quits
>after one good fight Seven rage quits too
>stomp match immediately becomes an easy win
What goes through someones mind when they ragequit out of a win?
this game is unironically fizzle out if they keep doing these retarded balance patches
Don't "main" a role or hero. You'll only lock yourself dead out of the rest of what the game can offer. At most you should only every have 3 heroes disabled when queueing. Everyone else who says otherwise is pathetic.
A true flop enjoyer would be aware of one of the greatest flops of 2016. This just exposes the fact you are a newfag.
This isn't a game for faggots. You build damage and they also happen to boost your ability to support people.
Play Viscus or whatever his name is and cube teammates that are about to get fucked
shiv is actually fine, just don't fight him with his rage up and keep him a few arms lengths away like lady geist
Wait this game has a pause feature? I was spectating and the whole game paused.

How do you do that and who gets to pause it?
everyone gets one pause, you press p
I don't think anyone enjoys flops, that's why they're flops
You literally get souls when killing guardians and other stuff together. If you're that guy who's farming mobs or whatever at the other side of the map while your team is trying to push a lane and dies because one dude was missing you're a fucking idiot and deserve to get fucked
Yes. Same as dota.
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Cover her dome and remove the lines going across the lenses.
anyone elses game randomly decides to stutter and it's not even fps/ms lag?
whose this
i made fun of the game like anyone else in 2016 but i sure as fuck didnt save any gameplay clips to post facetiously for a few yous years down the line
Someone explain to a newfriend what farming is all about?
Is it when someone goes around killing neutrals,breaking relics, or spawn camping troopers for souls
Why is it so important?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shiv is actually fine
If a game flops but /v/ isnt around to post about it, did it really flop?
I think it's the servers. I had some really bad stutters late game one time and I noticed client FPS was above 120 while it was actively chugging. I think server CPU load was more than 100% when it happened. It said so in the bottom right
You did however seethe instantly at it being posted for literally no reason and made yourself look like a jackass while doing so.
farm = money = kill enemies better (with the right items). the "shooter" part of the game falls secondary to the main part (moba)
You can harass the enemy hero all you want in the lane but if he's still getting more souls than you, he's going to buy good items and beat you to death.
i can't stop playing
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>playing match
>frequently stuttering while trying to lane
>check bottom right
>144FPS ping 44ms
It has to be the servers like >>687809164 is saying how the fuck is this game failing to handle the 4-8 creeps and one single player in my immediate vicinity otherwise
if it was the server wouldn't everyone be lagging
They should, but maybe your teammates or whoever else you asked are self-conscious about admitting they have a toaster
Killing mean jackshit if you are behind in farm or don't have good map control, same principle as dota. when you don't farm then you should be taking objectives around map.

Don't try play it like any other shooter.
didnt ask, jaknigger
It seems to happen infrequently enough in my matches that I don't tend to care, but sometimes I'll get multiple stutters in a few seconds and it's the most unsatisfying shit
yeah i just pause the game and restart the game since it takes only 30 secs
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Need garg wife
I'm no longer asking
Pretty much, and let your teammates take the brunt of the damage. You can also use your 2 to slow down enemies trying to escape.
>This fucking gargbitch, I swear to Lucifer...
You are such a dumb fucking nigger shiv abuser, I take solace in that you will never reproduce.
I'm starting to hear the soul deny sound in my head randomly throughout the day
what is this game doing to me
who's been starving this poor creature
somehow even the stone spire on her tail has wilted
there's been matches where everyone just lags heavily and I get huge fps drops while the counters on the corner say it's all fine but it only lasts for like a second
I suspect it has to do with updates rolling out bc whenever that happens I have to close and update the game after the match ends
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You need to practice a lot more then, particularly with your farming
Healing IS viable despite what those other niggers (You)'ing you would have you believe, but even a healer is expected to actually shoot and do damage, especially early on. You CANNOT skate through by only healing, and trying to heal when you and your team are already behind is unlikely to achieve anything
Practice laning, practice shooting, practice fighting, practice farming. There's no substitute for these things
How will Valve keep this playtester playerbase for the foreseeable future? Are they seriously just going to let it run for the rest of the fucking year until they actually open the beta up?

I don't see upwards to a 100k concurrent players staying for months even if the game does get big patches every two weeks. Not even a knock on the game, that's just how playerbases work when Valve actively handicaps its growth.
No that would not fot the character. We do be needing a big girl tho. Her ult could be vore
ask yoshi
because i have no idea as well lmao
i think they might be fine if it hover around 50-80k players before the floodgates get opened
Im positive its a placeholder made with hazes model for testing her skills. For the real deal i think they should just go all in and make her a cat
>actively handicaps its growth by making it a closed alpha that's invite-only, can't be found on steam without a direct search and isn't playable for limited accounts or people with previous bans
>explodes to 180k anyway
"controlling the playerbase" or whatever is the last thing on Yoshi's mind right now
Only MOBA I've ever truly played an enjoyed was Awesomenauts, primarily because I hate the RTS presentation of most of the genre. HotS was okay. Will Deadlock suit me? Being able to ignore having to build items for yourself is pretty nice sounding.
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this is me
>pocket tries to dab on me
>goes into his briefcase
>do a fucking pic related and blow him up
>he actually tells me that was a good ult
only three per game per team now
so are we calling them heroes? champions? icons?
>Im positive its a placeholder made with hazes model
She uses an actual model from Neon Prime. Before it was a bald niggress now it's a funny cat lady niggress.
I don't get it
Well that's the point. He won't need to control it a month or two from now when the playercounts drop again.
How the FUCK do I play Ivy
It literally doesn't matter.
Build gun
You don't, so her pick rate stays low and I can keep spamming her.
>play a few games of viscous, have fun and do well
>go back to anyone else, play like an ape with double the sustain I actually have and end up the weakest link
he's so fun but ruins my gamesense.
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>Captcha: NGGAS
nevermind i guess we're calling them Niggas
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The game feels like it could be good maybe in a year or so with a LOT of polishing but right now most of the kits/characters are very boring to play. I don't get the appeal that has so many people enamored in its current state.

They really need to play into the verticality as much as possible because it's what makes it stand out from any other similar game.
Why the fuck does Callico have a weird invisibility ult. Doesn't fit her cat kit at all.
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i dont like shiv's design. something about the combination of monkey face with the red skin and sideburns and too-long pomp
before the playtest they were called fates, but they changed it because they thought it sounded stupid
Ivy can carry other heroes, he was trying to get the Ivy to help him carry the Urn but the Ivy was fucking stupid.
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build gun and bullet lifesteal, stick with your teammates and use your 2 whenever fighting happens so your bullets will heal you+your allies while also doing damage
use your 3 to interrupt enemies' ults or to create an opportunity for you to use your ult and fly the fuck away
if you see an ally about to die either heal them or fly them back to base
if you see an ally with the urn, fly them to the drop off point
use your 1 to weaken creeps then Heavy Punch to kill the whole group in one attack for easy farm
take monster rounds because you fucking melt bosses, especially when your 2 is active
never underestimate your heavy punch, it is really good for combos, especially with your 3
Its heroes for now. Yoshi said they're going to be called something else eventually.
meanwhile I ping urn+ult 400 times, type it out in chat, and people still don't get it.
stun and gun
I don't know if you still go siphon bullets, but it's probably fine
go farm and push and if you need to run or show up to a fight use your ult
>the early alpha game made out of 100% placeholders requires a lot of polish
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Buy Health Nova, Rescue Beam and Restorative Locket
Max tether and stone form
Stun, punch and HEAL HEAL HEAL
Game already has tons of batshit verticality plays.
ethereal shift, warp stone
cut line of sight you have plenty of movement options and item options to get around a corner quickly
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>that talon just afk'ing there until he realizes he's literally stuck
>7k mmr in dota
>was top 500 in overwatch
>can't get above 50% winrate in this game
my teammates can't win any lanes or 1v1s it's just like watching everything fail in slowmotion meanwhile in my lane I get so many denies im doubling my opponents souls and they play like 0/9/2 for 20 minutes
look at this fucking steal
>all these heroes
>just play McGinnis and build into gun -> turret spam with the occasional THE WALL

she's so fun
Well you fucked the timing up but it's OK because they fucked up even harder
Any fight you can walk away from with a secured rejuv is a good one though, good on you
have you thought that you only achieved those ranks by grinding thousands of hours with 50% wr?
she's the best..
was it a fuck up or was it clever bait? The world will never know...
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>Lanes against literally any half decent laner
*loses game*
>Enemy moves slightly to the side
*loses game*
>Game reaches late game
*loses game*
>Game ends too fast
*loses game*
>Loses lane
*loses game*
>Enemy has cc
*loses game*
>Enemy buys cc
*loses game*
>Enemy picks weapon carries
*loses game*
*loses game*
>tries to 1v1 someone not 15k souls behind
*loses game*
>Bugs out
*loses game*
>Enemy uses their mobility
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any other of the melee heroes who have more damage, better mobility, scale better, have a better weapon, are ten times easier and tankier
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any top tier character
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't run into melee range
*loses game*
>Enemy turns around a corner
*loses game*
>Enemy plays together
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't stand around waiting for her to charge like a retard
*loses game*
>Enemy buys/skills any sort of silence
*loses game*
>Enemy picks viscous
*loses game*
>Enemy picks Mo
*loses game*
>Enemy picks wraith
*loses game*
>Enemy buys shields
*loses game*
>Enemy buys armor
*loses game*
>Enemy buys anti heal
*loses game*
>Enemy kites
*loses game*
>Enemy walks away
*loses game*
>Enemy hugs tower
*loses game*
>Enemy parries
*loses game*
>Enemy buys warp stone
*loses game*
>Enemy buys Ethereal Shift
*loses game*
>Enemy picks dynamo
*loses game*
>Enemy farms
*loses game*
Stop complaining
>didnt reach the parry because you were so goddamn slowed
You got lucky briefcase nigger
How to win more? I overperform during laning phase and usually end up as either top or second highest networth but I still have a 50% winrate. I also have decent kill participation so it's not that I'm afk farming somewhere.
briefcase nigger broken hero abusing faggot
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put wards in the game NOW
No. This matchmaking is just straight up rigged in favor of people who got early in. Every time I check any "TOP MMR STREAM MUST WATCH" they're just cursing with lowest networth in their team playing wraith or something while their team just wins everything for them.
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Your life had value, I'm sorry
>t. literally can't just shoot the man standing still being held in the air
Why don't you just kill yourself instead? Oh wait, you'd fail the skill check on THAT too and become a vegetable.
Fuck paradox
A good player that abuses the wall is actually just fucking retarded

The only saving grace is that this stupid bitch has a shit gun but her kit is actually cancer if the player isnt a moutbbreather
I was never being held in the air, it's ethereal shift
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>>Game reaches late game
>*loses game*
What? Yamato has refresher by then and hit her peak, only really loses to characters that can fly
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Invicta is literally the best objective killer in the game.
Just melt everything and fly away.
I have the gargoyle on first pick, but the enemy team keeps getting her instead.
she does literally nothing
oh you got refresher? great, 5 more seconds of doing nothing before you die lmao
I cannot for the life of me understand what's going wrong, more than 80% of my games we're absolutely crushing the lanes and midgame, and then we just lose anyway. I'm not even exaggerating for effect.
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delicious Wivy
you must have had an exceptionally good game because earlier today people were saying Vindicta literally can't click buildings worth a damn, hard to believe what's actually true or not when Vindicta is #1 in having her game performance stats muddied by dozens of different playstyles from everyone who's tried her
you have to win while you're ahead, as early as possible
Yeah, but I can never get my team into their base alive enough to actually end. Maybe I need to start building bullet damage so I can finish the buildings faster.
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>it's another 40+ min stalemate because both teams are 1 teamfight away from losing or winning
you were probably to pussy to push the advantage
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I said it once I'll say it again.
>Warp Stone is Flash
>Majestic Leap is Blink

Uhhhhh deadtards????
How do you respond to Mo and Krill Phantom strike then press R
Reactive armor lol
Seven, Infernus, Haze, Wraith, Ginnis, Warden, Mo, and Kelvin are all simple as fuck and easy to play and that's why they're fun
Cool you buy refresher.
At that same price haze/infernus/wraith/vindicta bought lucky shot or some shit and do three times your hp in 2 seconds.
Reactive Armor/Debuff Reducer/Having a team
thought Abrams was a gargoyle
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Is this worth getting on Lash?
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feedback on this build pls thank you love you anons
I crushed two ayy weaboos in lane today only to have them show up 20 minutes later and solo my entire team with left clicks.
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I hate playing against third worlders so much. It actually puts me in a bad mood
>playing geist, something I rarely do
>against a bebop
>tough lane but we're going tit for tat, no one dies for like 8 minutes
>i decide to go for a stupid risky play into his guardian and die
>"sit dog"
>other lanes getting stomped so soon a kelvin and wraith show up to gank me and when I die in lane again the bebop makes edgy comment
>it's pretty much unwinnable 20k soul difference by 10 minutes
>bebop kills the infernus who came to my lane when I got ganked
>"weres ur pet?" obsessing over me
Do they not have the concept of sportsmanship in slavland? Does he not understand I'm just an enemy on the opposite team and didn't fuck his sister irl?
>worse item in the game was suggested by the community

Explain yourselves right now.
hows pisslow elo
holy based
>using that shitty site
I didn't ask what your made up wrongly calculated number is, I'm asking if you're high mmr, how many spectators, how often
looks great imo
I have had spectators a few times. How much of an e-celeb do I need to be to have an opinion on an anime forum?
The cat on her shoulder elevates it
Basically the cat is the entire character

Id like it more if Vakve fixes Haze's hair too
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This game is so fucking annoying and such a chore to play at peak mmr on featured matches
They really need to revise a lot of this shit, this is absolutely not fun at all
>someone picks Haze
>they think they can just 1v1 anyone on the map
>go like 3/10
Why is this so common with smiggers? 5% of Haze players are actual K/D beasts but the rest are brainless. I tried her myself but something about picking that smigger actually made my brain go numb like I was being MKULTRA'd mid-match.
I dunno much about Paradox but just for actually bothering to remind people that they should try and counter the enemy team's heroes/items I'd give it like a 9/10
Why is Lady Geist so fucking ugly?
her giant forehead is ridiculous but i like everything else about the design
>buy metal skin against Haze and Vindicta team
>Called sweatlord by them
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take it back
Post in the forums :)
Let them know about it. They need to hear this. Anything else you wanna share about it here?
because she's a fr*nch harlot that's literally resorted to making deals with the devil to keep herself alive because ????
Good but could be better.

Slap on Fortitude and Rapid Recharge in there.
>consistently 11 kills in the first 10 minutes
>start jobbing horribly after that
This is why LashGODS like me quit to menu every time I see a B*b*p on my team pre-game
>because ????
Yeah who'd want to live forever? Life is overrated.
I don't think a life of frequently murdering people just so you don't instantly age 80 years and crumple into a heap is a life worth living
>pop metal skin
>beat the everloving fuck out of haze while she's ulting
never gets old
Wait till you hear about that guy on his fifth heart
oh puhlease, that's an incredibly small price to pay for immortality
warden and ivy only decent ones.
>us abilities
>do it all again
>do it all again
>do it all again
you do like 20k damage through max resistances in 5 seconds in a huge ass aoe excluding the time you spend in your ult animation and you literally cant die
I heard abrams is a mutant not a true demon
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this is the best nee thing since elden ring and we get poe 2 soon. what a nice fall/winter season.
>you must have had an exceptionally good game because earlier today people were saying Vindicta literally can't click buildings worth a damn
I don't get it.
Flight lets you get vantage points on objectives, especially in bases, bonus spirit damage, a bigger clip, and with active reload you can get two clips off mid-flight. the rest of her kit is assassin based, but flight itself is just SO good.
I can't tell how I feel about our Demons just behind normal dudes so far
Abrams is a detective and Infernus is a bar tender (with magic powers, yes. but he's still just a guy)
I want more fucked up creatures and weirdos
and like other people pointed out, Shiv is a monster hunter, but his hunter society is run by posh bitches who look down on him
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>our Seven leaves at like 5 minutes in
>we play it out because our Shiv is keeping us in the game
>lose one teamfight and lose at around 30 mins
>our Infernus that did nothing but farm all game, didn't participate in fights and didn't exceed Shiv's net-worth tells the team "you all deserve to lose"
Why are mobatards so pissy
Vindicta and Talon are vericality-based heroes in this vertical ASSFAGGOTS and people still play her like it's fucking CS:GO
How long does Valve plan to not make money on this
until they feel like the game is actually worth paying money for
Until it's ready.
they're getting ~500mb of telemetry data for every ~30 minute match, what do you think they're going to do with that information?
Does anyone have a map that marks all the cosmic veils around the whole map?
Yeah I'm mad, I love her giant forehead. It makes her look like an Usagi character.
Don't forget that's 500mb per person, we're talking over 5-6 gb of data per match
Fuck gay talon lmao
the genre and most competitive games in general are mired in ego
if you lose then it means you're a bad person and you suck so you need to find someone to pin it on. it must be the others. they lost the game for you because they are bad and their morals are shit
nobody can say "ah, damn. they played better or we could have done something different. lesson learned. go next?"
like another year
valve has infinite money from steam they don't have to rush for your wallet
Just ult before that, yamato is an all-in character
When is Maurice going to lose his OP as fuck disarm? If Kevin's piddly disarm was removed, theirs definitely needs removed as well.
Infernus feels like shit since the patch for some reason, anyone got a build to recommend because everytime I play against one he is annoying as fuck, but lately when I play him I'm dropping the ball just went 1/8/6 and I couldn't claim I did good on OBJ either.
Rush ricochet and pray your team survives.
He kinda sucks now that dash can be slowed down.
He can actually start doing shit once you have ricochet, toxic bullets, 1 way of reloading quickly and spirit lifesteal, it sucks
why does your cursor shake back and forth like that
I think you're right because my one friend does the exact same thing when he solo queues Dota, he never has a good time. He never extends the same blame to people he's queuing with, but he *will* blame someone.
>they think they can just 1v1 anyone on the map
She kinda can, problem is others make it a 1v3 or 1v5, if the enemy never alone you have to farm for ult build and not feed
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50/50 will kick in next match, won't it
Never buy debuff remover or unstoppable if its a problem
Kevin lost his because it was a constant effect on a low cd that had a 100% movement slow while scaling stupid on spirit.
mokrill has literally no gameplan if you remove their disarm, the ult isn't strong enough to 1v1 with
>average ivy
I dont just mean aesthetically, it doesn't feel good to play. I don't see why I'd bother with it when I can play a hundred other games instead.
The go play another game and wait for the full release lmao

I legit take breaks from this since its so low commitment at the moment
Huffing the memesteam from Haze's smoky pussy after she's spent a day running a marathon around the map in her leather pants.
How should I build Pocket for turning an early game lead into a stomp? I won my lane in my last game and tried to do what I would usually do with that kind of character in Dota, roaming to get pickoffs and push lanes quick, but it felt like despite my significant cash lead for most of the game I felt like I wasn't that much stronger than any of my opponents and all my damage was loaded into the skills that I needed to hold to chase or escape.
>solo queues Dota
solo queue is poison for your soul too
it takes a special type to be a zen solo queue on any game
stacking isn't the cure either, people will bitch and blame even with close friends
>playing HotS with people
>not ranked, first few games
>lose and here a guy punch a wall over open mic
>all in character
>insanely squishy
>only has 1 damaging ability
>extremely immobile
what did anon mean by this
barrage first in any fight always
I think the V2 Haze that they're planning (hon hon beret) is really derivative and way less original than what we have in the game right now. I hope it's just an experiment/skin of pre-smokification Haze and not her future design.
even if she's supposed to be all-in that doesn't means she's good at it
Ivy bros...
Focus on taking down all the tier 1 guardians first. Then a walker.
How do I not just get melted by the m1 characters opening with the slow barrage?
Thats obviously not the final haze design

Like the smokey haze is literally a loadig screen of the game
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this game is fucking dogshit. what a terrible fucking matchmaking system
>run urn
>get midboss
>just push my lane
>double your networth
for me it's when the matchmaking creates 1v1 and 2v2 matches with a lot of bots (they can't be human)
It's also entirely dependent on the time of day. I played 3 matches before 8 PM CST and my lane may as well been bots, they ran STRAIGHT into the tower. Not that I'd say that's a 'good' game, but some serious noobs get on after school/work. After 9? Good luck having any fun.
jump dash and barrage while at the top speed of your jump, even better if you can use something to increase momentum without using stamina like a jump pad or the zipline
i'm gonna play yamato
wish me luck for i'll need it
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wrong webm, jump barrage like this, some people use majestic leap for it
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I also managed to steal it but I died.
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>they lost the game for you because they are bad
I don't get yamato, never played it, but shit is either built like a rock or a piece of paper.
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always a pleasure
>he thinks he's allowed to J in the deadlock thread
I did this once with Seven. I could almost see the salt.
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I know what you mean! Flight is such a good escape ability, way to close out kills and it combos with the snipe.
Honestly Vindictia is really fun once you take full advantage of Flight and becomes clown city fast.
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post more neighbors being neighborly and spreading the good word of nurgle
you laned with pocket, didn't you
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obviously the 16-2 talon did lmao
I lanned with McGinnis and they tried as hard as they could to kill me.

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