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Her wearing high heels and hearing the clak clak clak of her walking is very erotic. Even though she's someone's grandma
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Deadlock is: TPS; hobby-grade visual novels; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Deadlock Heroes!
not interested in your christmas cake unless you can link r34 of her peeing
Recently Geist has started to click with me. She is also the hotters locker
idk im just a spastic I guess
How do you make her life drain work. The LoS requirement seems so unforgiving.
this game is cooked as long as the devs refuse to play it
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>wraith literally has geist locked in her 4's sights
>instead of just standing still and holding M1 on her head, she walks towards geist even more
he plays against retards, that's how
Can you destroy Talon's stun trap?
>presses 4
>wins every engagement
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>Lanes against literally any half decent laner
*loses game*
>Enemy moves slightly to the side
*loses game*
>Game reaches late game
*loses game*
>Game ends too fast
*loses game*
>Loses lane
*loses game*
>Enemy has cc
*loses game*
>Enemy buys cc
*loses game*
>Enemy picks weapon carries
*loses game*
*loses game*
>tries to 1v1 someone not 15k souls behind
*loses game*
>Bugs out
*loses game*
>Enemy uses their mobility
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any other of the melee heroes who have more damage, better mobility, scale better, have a better weapon, are ten times easier and tankier
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any top tier character
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't run into melee range
*loses game*
>Enemy turns around a corner
*loses game*
>Enemy plays together
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't stand around waiting for her to charge like a retard
*loses game*
>Enemy buys/skills any sort of silence
*loses game*
>Enemy picks viscous
*loses game*
>Enemy picks Mo
*loses game*
>Enemy picks wraith
*loses game*
>Enemy buys shields
*loses game*
>Enemy buys armor
*loses game*
>Enemy buys anti heal
*loses game*
>Enemy kites
*loses game*
>Enemy walks away
*loses game*
>Enemy hugs tower
*loses game*
>Enemy parries
*loses game*
>Enemy buys warp stone
*loses game*
>Enemy buys Ethereal Shift
*loses game*
>Enemy picks dynamo
*loses game*
>Enemy farms
*loses game*
No. It's just a free area lockdown even though it's clearly visible.
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Escalating exposure and leech can make it a late game sleeper. It's something that becomes more potent once maxed. People are wrong to play geist like some milfy artillery or like a sniper. The life drain can be a real useful dueling tool that, like you imply, can cause people to flee.

It's never really a huge thing but when you use it it doesn't restrict other attacks so in a fight you can just through it out on your aggressor and get some damage and healing out of it. It's silence can be want helps you keep enemies muzzled and leashed while you kill them.
I also play with retards. My talon and Vindicta (who left soon after the dynamo) had 20+ deaths. Also am I taking crazy pills but wouldn't any antiheal be a must against such a comp? Yet I was the ONLY one who bought any
man that's a lot of typos. I better go to sleep
Antiheal is a must in general because pretty much everyone buys some sort of sustain.
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I'm so tired of this game, balance just gets worse every fucking patch.
Instead of fixing the issues they double don and add more issues and make the game more of a chore to play.

do you build her like death prophet
> pick a shotgun character
> get matched against vindicta, talon or both
What the fuck is this matchmaking. I'd brush it off as RNG but it's been too fucking consistent.
>the plap plap plap of Vindicta's feet on the road
the hon beret is the neon prime model
>half the time my game just closes in the first 5 minutes of a match with no error
>Can't even play anything except bot matches without risking being put in a leaver queue over this
so are they really just going to do balance patches 5 times a day and 0 actual optimization?
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>lose lane
>win game
I get placed against shotgun users like briefcase nigger all the fucking time as Dynamo, so you deserve it.
memes and fetish aside, distinct footsteps are important and I'm glad they do it
>ARniggers beat out shotgunfags
>shotgunfags beat out projectile cunts
>projectile cunts just eat ass and get fucked by ARniggers anyway, breaking the RPS cycle
>Antiheal is a must in general
That's what I think. But game after game after game after game I beg and plead with my teammates to buy antiheals for the abrams, shiv, or infernus or any other healing enemies but they do nothing. Mainly because none of them speak any fucking English.

This game was so awful but moments like these made me ask "why are we losing to these guys" then I look at the talon with 22 deaths 1 kill and no one has any antiheal for the 22 kills Shiv I realise I'm in hell.
>learned the game on McGinnis
>have a lot of fun because she's strong as fuck
>games are now much harder and stalematey
>playing other characters just means the team loses
I play Bebop too but I fall off so bad after the early/mid game with him. McGinnis is fun to establish beachheads in the enemy base but I'd like to do better with Bebop or learn Wraith.
Okay, is there some McGennis guide that says you should try as hard as possible to kill your lane opponent?
The one in my last game kept ignoring farm and tried to kill my(vindicita) as much as possible. They got one or two on me, but it seemed like a bad move? Like, she's not Lash or Warden.
How do you see your MMR?
Also how do you know if someone is spectating?
I love rescue beam :)
She may not have a stun but walling your exit while you've got her high rate of fire gun and 1-2 turrets shooting at you can get dicey quick, especially if you're duo laning and she has someone to back her up.
Not enough people buy this.
its great on kelvin
It's literally never in any default builds or even most top guides. Like the only one it is in is the support Ivy build. 90% of people will never actually browse the shop not through a guide to see that it's an item.
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I hope you are ready for your next hero chuddie
Haze is my wife.
That design is peak DEI and doesn't even look like she belongs. She's more like a woke DC character.
>infernus buy infuser
>insta win the lane
Who does this
the exaggerated swagger of a black queen
>13 matches
>69% winrate
Sounds like a skill issue
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for me? its mcginnis
Mind broken.
after about 50 hours i all together stop using builds, there's no point in really using them after you know what all the items do
the dreamworks face is too funny
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the real one looks much better
lol crazy how valve is the only one that can make black characters she actually looks swaggy
Does the game really need another black woman with zero personality because they're afraid to stereotype or show her in a bad light? Valve has been doing this shit since Rochelle in L4D2 when they scrapped 50% of her voice lines and her entire personality along with it. Wraith is already such a boring non-character.
built for raping little white bois
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Post your hero concepts.
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Me too, it's way underrated. You don't have to pull someone out of a dynamo ult to get value out of it
>abrams is in melee range, his siphon and charge are down, about to take a ton of damage but probably not die
>just pull him back 10-odd metres to safety anyway and give him a nice little heal instead
>10 seconds later his skills are up and he's at full health ready to go back in again instead of ziplining home
These things add up big time you know
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>OCE servers not open
>play in NA
>Match quality significantly improves
They got rid of the bald niggress and replaced her with a 5head cat lady niggress.
That portrait is from neon prime.
For me it's cadence.
that forehead is unreal
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the fuck
Cadence uses Dynamo's old sumo model

I hope we get a more attractive opera singer
that wont be the real model if you look at the side that portrait is probably somewhat what she really going to look like
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For me, it's rutger
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>TF2 hat placeholders
Her abilities play the turret opera from portal.
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You can run toward me, I'll fly and gun you down.
You can run away, I'll fly, gun you down, and snipe you.
You can hide, I'll fly, I'll stake you, crow you, gun you down, and snipe you.
You come at me when my kit is down? I'll guess I'll die.
Really I think soloing Vindictia as anyone but bepop, haze(stun), seven(stun), or another poker is really hard because it's so easy for her to escape.
Also, Vindicita really can't take 1v2s. So I really pick my fights and try hard not to ever over extend. If I see the lash dive into three people, I'll stay at escape distance and dip the second I think he's dead.
>Vindicta with no warp stone or silence glyph
Asking for it
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Seven lights up bright,
Pressing four to seal the win,
Thunder’s spark ignites.
a genuine grotesque demon thing that just wants to eat flesh and scream about how it hasn't eaten flesh in the past 5 minutes
>try Mirage
>1 is invoker tornado
>2 is literally phoenix fire spirits
>3 is windrun
>4 is shackleshot + fatal bonds
>Teleport behind (you)
>Press one button
I would play this character as-is with no further changes
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That's Wrecker.
any summoner-type character datamined? i like those
Forgot image
Does the Heroic Aura passive affect anything but McGinnis' turrets?
based haiku enjoyer
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I am thankful of Deadlock for revegetating my creativity. Reposting this from /vg/. The drawing was commissioned.
A Fate's Tale.
Levi Belanger is a handsome young man. A Canadian hockey player from Saskatchewan with anger issues, due to this he has been known on the ice as an "extreme enforcer", but little did anyone know just how deep and dangerous his rage is. He secretly takes out his rage on fans who invoked his anger, luring them to his home and beats them to death.
Adoeete is a small, impish dryad coming from a lovely maple tree. Having to deal with humans messing with her tree, breaking its branches and pissing on its roots. She has grown to have a hatred for humans and, behind the backs of the other dryads, has been secretly killing off those who attempt to cut down her precious tree.
One day when Levi's crimes gets outed to the public he hides off into the snowy woods where he stays at an abandoned cabin, but eventually police find him due to his bad habits and he is shot.
Once the other dryads find out about the slaughters Adoeete has committed they have shunned her, and as punishment, weakened her power by tearing her tree and banishing her.
Having escaped the police but slowly dying from the shots Adoeete finds Levi. At first she indented to leave him to die, but after sensing the hatred he has for humans, she found a kindred spirit. With Levi dying, Adoeete weakened and the two's shared rage they agree to join forces to take on humanity together.
The two fuse together with Adoeete planting herself inside Levi, saving his life and giving her more power, turning then into, ironically enough, a freak of nature.
You might think turning into such a freak would be haunting for a person, but for Levi, he's fine with it, in fact he's appreciative of Adoeete for giving him such an opportunity and she appreciates having an ally in her crusade against humanity, as well as their shared appreciation of finally having someone who understands their wrath.
God I hate that little nigga. He's so fucking ugly

It's funny because it's true.
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A couple other things:
- Vindicita gets souls from assassinate kills. 300 by default, 500 upgraded. If she gets two or three picks it's like a bonus mid-game item for her.
Mo's combo is a really good counter as well, but for the love of god please always have a buddy to secure the kill(again, Vindicita cannot take 2v1s)
- Respect Vindictia's sightlines. People forget this game has cover in general and it's much harder to kill people who know to dive behind bill boards at range because I either have to dive( fearing a 2v1) or you live.
One thing I want to note, ulting Seven against Vindicita can get punished hard because she flies, escapes the radius, and then kills him with crow+extra damage. I can't do it all the time, but she has an escape and damage buff in one so keep it in mind.
How do I play the monke
>I am thankful of Deadlock for revegetating my creativity
I meant revigorating. .
throw knife
Wait a second, is that why that Talons has 23 deaths and no kills!?
What the hell guys? Can you old me learn not to die to Seven? You're making the rest of the pokers look bad?
Mole can easily solo kill after getting torment pulse
I'm genuinely intrigued to know more.
>destroy enemy walker
>suddenly hear multiple glass breaking sounds

How do you respond without sounding mad?
The other monke.
Oh word. I'll keep that in mind for mid-game. Do you rush it out?

>Wait a second, is that why that Talons has 23 deaths and no kills!?

I laned against him and he fed me 7 times and then I killed him maybe 5 times after that. The 11 other deaths are unrelated to me.
Jason (forma natura) looking slick
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how many games do I have to win before I find out this character is as bad as everyone in these threads say she is
light 'em up
>how many games do I have to win before I find out this character is as bad as everyone in these threads say she is
I'm 29 games and 15 wins, I guess we all gotta play 50 to really learn.
post aimbot cuck
if I was cheating why would I have any losses lmao
Thanks, I hate it.
Getting it asap is a good idea but you should also get those 500 cost for laning and Infuser too
You meant reinvigorating. :)
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
What do I build if I just want to obliterate guardians as McGinnis?
Nvm, both words are correct? This language is silly
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>Vindicta has the least object damage to souls ratio in the entire game
>Kelvin was literally smoking a blunt all game and still managed to hit the towers one more time than Vindicta
where's the second model from
pls don't tell me they are going to replace her with this
Some extra tidbits about them.
Ranged attack.
Levi doesn't use a gun, instead his left arm shoots out big shards of wood at his opponents. It has a small to medium range and takes a while to reload, but it deals quite good damage.
Melee attack.
Levi runs around swinging his axe around with fury slashing anyone who stands in his way.
All in all Levi is a close ranged tank who rewards good accuracy and clever timing.
Kinda like electric and fire affects, Levi has a chance of inflicting a splinter affect onto opponents giving them tiny amounts of recurring damage while slowing them down a bit.
When at full health only Levi's arm is covered in wood but the more he gets damaged the bark starts to grow further onto his body giving him increased resistance to bullet damage the more damage he receives.
Forest Enforcer also becomes more powerful depending on how low on health Levi is when activated.
Adoeete can communicate with Levi and others around them through his left arm. It even glows every time she talks.
When hit in the face with a strong attack there's a chance Levi's mask will break off.
He is susceptible to fire and burn damage.
Despite their fused state Levi is still a handsome man underneath his mask. He also still has a female following despite everything he's done, a satire of those who romanticize villainous characters in media.
The Jason comparisons was something i realized after coming up with the idea. But i think it's a nice comparison.
Thanks. The language is silly at times huh, haha.
The second model is for a different character called Calico (hence the cat). I don't like the design, but she's not replacing Haze.
These are two different heroes if you can believe it.
No but seriously WHY is yamato worse than all other melees at all these
>Scales worse
>Zero cc
>Basically immobile
>Zero reach
The only other immobile "melee" character is bebop and he has a fuck ton of reach, good laning and scales relatively well
go back
win game and say gg in allchat
Monster Rounds, Active Reload, Intensifying Magazine, Point Blank, Quicksilver Reload, Alchemical Fire.
>ult grants invincibility
That's why.
Gotcha, I plan on playing Ivy after I hit fifty matches with Vindictia and then Mo afterward so I'll keep this in mind.
Are you sure this is not some shit repurposed from Neon Prime?
She's not invincible tho, just can't die.
Any dot still kills her later.
And it has a massive cast time you can literally just run away.
Rubick hero when?
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an invincible annoying fly is still just an annoying fly
That's her redesign, but she's still pretty unfinished.
Cool, thanks. Is Titanic Magazine not worth is then?
We don't know what his final form will look like but at least for the moment we know that Wrecker is an eldritch monstrosity mercenary for hire that will do dumbest shit for cash.

Has a skill that outright consumes creeps and his voice is as "monstrous" as it can get without sounding like total gibberish or stock roars.
>Throw sand in her face
What now bitch
It's okay and you can replace a reload item like Quicksilver for it, but with the other reload items you have basically an infinite magazine already.
dont forget fleetfoot
>getting a hero kill increases ult duration by 4 seconds
I fixed your hero.
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update on me playing yamato: i won
diagnosis: people just play her wrong and i play her right
I waste my ult with Seven when I'm about to lose to someone
I don't care if it takes 2+ minutes to recharge, you aren't killing me fag
>She's not invincible tho, just can't die.
So, invincible?
>Any dot still kills her later.
When the ult is off?
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nah Calico had a different model in neon prime, and she had robots instead of cats iirc
>hits ult
>dies anyway
Calico should just be the literal cat and have the hitbox of a cat.
A zombie who lost his soul and a ghost who lost her body. Together they fill in what each other lost.
The zombie was a young man from the Netherlands named Ollie who grew up on the streets and died in modern times (Modern in the time period Deadlock takes place in) when his family got into the middle of a gang war.
The ghost was a young woman from Belgium named Dollie who grew up with a fancy life of luxury and wealth but died in the 1600s when her family was assassinated for their fortune.
They both were buried in the same graveyard and both awakened at the same time during a Maelstrom. The two wondered the graveyard alone for a few days, feeling empty, until finding each other. They were scared at first, but the two eventually found that they both are poor, lost and have the need to avenge their respective families.
At first the two agreed to go their separate ways once but then they realized they can fill each other's emptiness, and even more than that, fall in love. So the two joined together so they can never be apart.
For their abilities they can jump high and float in the air, temporary intangibility, self healing and a last stand ability.
And pocket should be a frog.
>queue times up to 2.5 minutes
>starting to have queue anxiety
This is fucking Dota all over again for me.
>small as a cat
>hard to hit but hard to do anything in general because the map is 3x larger just from your perspective
That'd be actually fun
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>tfw viscous goes goo ball and you leash him
>He doesn't know
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she cute (ugly)
Not with all that lifesteal shit lol
I already managed to outplay a Abrams punching me the entire ult. Seven gets scary late game if you build him right.
do low mmr shitters really
>So, invincible?
so low mmr tards can't read?
left is cool and hot
right is neither cool nor hot
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>forgetting BRS
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I don't get how you play yamato. It feels unnatural.
I keep winning and my KD is always high so yeah
i discovered the secrets of playing yamato: buy orange item
it's ALWAYS buy orange item
want to win, but can't? buy orange item
your ult gives you infinite ammo, so buy orange item that makes you shoot fast because you won't run out of ammo
ult makes orange item better so you buy things that make it last longer and have less cooldown
2 makes weapon and as an extension orange item do more damage so only upgrade 2 and ult
No! I won’t be able to help myself and will end up sharing stuff from my own wip video game.
>3 games in a row where I have a teammate abandon within 3 minutes
right looks like a Fortnite skin
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>ignore half her kit, minmax for weapon damage and YOU TOO can be as effective as your Wraith teammate with half your budget in items
I know it's basically undercutting everything you just said but hot damn dude Yamato players just get the shit end of the stick no matter what
I know that he's a tranny and valve are too retarded to make him a frog. No, they wont make him a coat either.

that's it you've cracked the code
Anon, Pocket is already a frog, in fact he's a group of frogs in a human suit. That's why they're called they/them, because he's literally more than one frog.
how do you secure unsecured souls?
>No matches are being tracked after 03/09 More info in Discord
unhealthy levels of denial
Stop being insecure
yeah thats rather cringe of them to do that
That's the official lore.
Just look at how they move in game, they literally move like a rag doll with frogs inside it.
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I heard anons say "at that point play a real gun carry"
So from what I understand the only really good part of Yamato is her ultimate refresher combo. You spend rest of your money for duration, cooldown become this hybrid weapon, melee, spirit dude but you are not exactly amazing at any of this at all.
She is also the best at spamming melee but that is not saying much considering how weak melee is late game even with unstoppable, cdr, duration, refresher for 30 seconds of invulnerability to parry.
spend them or wait a lot
All it takes is one non-retard with a silence glyph to deal with yamato
What's dumb is that they're the last souls you spend, so sometimes you're just stuck running with them
>gets Fallout New Vegas'd for his 18th birthday
>survives because he was shot in the part of the horse costume that didn't have a frog in it at that moment
4chan needs a /dei/ board for trash like DEIlock and Concord
skill issue
melee is a meme you just buy charge and lifesteal for lane/farming
>ywn grab Ivy's chest before she scolds you for forgetting that there's nothing there
Damn I guess all those SEAmokeys really fuck with the average skill level.
Where are the Lash god at? You guys never talk about him its my most fun and played character by far
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It's actually insane how every character becomes better and easier if you just build weapon unless the character is already broken dumb by default like lash.
20 years of game design.
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>you will never manhandle Ivy by rubbing your hands all over her always-bare chest and feel her squirming as you tickle her sides
20 years of game design and unlimited budget, even
Mind broken.
The game was in development since 2004?
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>dominate lane
>lose because team is retarded
it aint easy...
dont act like you had perfect macro after laning
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>i discovered the secrets of playing yamato: buy orange item
If I have to play in such a lame way I'd rather not play her at all.
it's fun i swear
more fun than hitting a 600 damage 1 every other century (all opps have 2.5k hp btw) at least
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>finally got an invite
>it's just mobashit
I'll stick to tf2
i want to smell your rancid breath after a wisdom tooth extractions. please just exhale your hot breath all over my face bro
stay there, cretin
Spirit Yamato is fun thoughbeit
and make sure to not kill the friendly hoovy, my fellow tf2er!
How do i git gud without watching replays?
It would be actually pretty silly if spirit builds were as effective as gun builds if you think about it considering how braindead easy to hit most abilities are in the game.
Bebop hook is probably the only real skill shot in the game. Paradox ult don't count cuz it's followed after a hitscan stun most of the time.
Download hacks. Every pro does it anyway.
Im genuinely surprised some nips actually went out of their way to do a fan tl of the entire game
map awareness
buying items to fit the situation
keep playing
i love playing the game but i job so hard at solo laning lord have mercy
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Idk the best way to do it yet but I realized this is possible.
>shiv has permanent kunkka ult buff on him
Who think this is a good idea
Are you talking about the disgusting blur?
>Even though she's someone's grandma
Grandma's can be erotic...
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What's so surprising about it?
I hope they submit that shit to the feedback forums so Yoshi can actually implement it into the game for all the IRL Yamatos out there
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You know, a more casual mode leaning more into the team based hero shooter aspect would do wonders.
As well as a PVE campaign mode, with even some boss battles.
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the random turkish tf2 soldier made me laugh my ass off why do i have to be so retarded
Yeah thought I'd just show the graphics option off and the rest of the webm was incidental.
It's current year, you can feed localization files into GPT and it'll probably shit out something better than shittier human-made official ones.
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>yamato uses neon prime concept art for portrait
>people want it changed
>update her portrait to use the neon prime 3d model instead of the current one
schizo company
>Hebrew localization request
>no flag
Me. I think it's a good idea.
This game has ugly characters
what was the neon prime concept art?
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>pick bebop
>always get assigned a solo lane
>its always vs a ranged poker like Vinshita and Prepping Bull
It be do.
>everyone shares their own work
>jews ask someone else to do the work
>queue with friends who just got the invite
>my elo brings them up to the sweaty league
>one in a solo lane, I explain last hits etc but he's getting smomed
>another is laning w me, but he's still new so doesnt get stuff yet
>we get ganked and tower dived
>game goes dow hill from there
I wish games didnt have this problem, smurf time it is...
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You know what's a good idea
What a bunch of rascals those guys are.
Not paying child support?
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Thoughts on current Yamato?
Thoughts on her redesign?
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Melee is dogshit, unlike abrams she doesn't have CC so no guaranteed melee hit burst for 2k damage.
And in gun she's also dogshit and boring because her weapon is just bad.
I misread the filename as Yamato_chud and now Yamato is forever tainted by that
Balding? Being a loser? Not even being able to play against mildly competent zoners?
So boring, can we stop shilling this shit here? Can someone track down the dev and marketing department of valve and make them stop? This game is shit, your thread is shit, your existence is boring. 100% have to stop shilling a boring game. Even zoomies stop playing your game.
Full of soul.
>Please stop talking about video game in /v/ :(
>current yamato
retard kino
all boring i don't like a single one of them
I know, right? we need more gacha slut AGP threads
>zoomies stop playing your game
You're saying this like it's a bad thing. Assfaggots is a boomer genre.
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>Thoughts on her redesign?
I wish I had more constructive criticism than ehhhh I’m not feeling it, dog. Looks a bit over designed. Weird clothing.
Any suggestions for a good gun focused build for McGinnis
getting bored of spamming turrets
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>get solo lane
>buy knockdown
>ruin sevens ultimate
heh, nothing personal retard
>seven buys unstoppable
>ruins your ruining of his ultimate
>Force seven to buy 6300 item
That's a good thing
>I can't deal with seven and that's good!
Weapon. #1 yamato player in NA here (not really), but I do play yamato at high elo with the tryhard streamers and such.
The key point is that spirit yamato is very bad. She does not scale off spirit. You can get a 9800 pure spirit item to make E heal like 80 more on cast... at which point you should ask yourself why you didnt buy the 500g item that gives 160hp instead. Her Q is as good as a single talon arrow, except it has much shorter range, no charges, and a mother fuckin 1.5 sec channel.
Is weapon Yamato good? Sorta. It's more that spirit yamato is absolute garbage. You can build a variety of good items and you'll deal decent damage. Your key strengths are a W which is the best way to chase in the game, E for a bit o heals and a good debuff especially early, but mainly the R.

Personally I go the 3 melee items early since Yamato is good at applying it with W and melee charge also gives infinite ammo against jungle, then build classic shooter items since melee falls off hard past 2250 for the 3 cheap ones. Yamato is not the best jungle either. Don't touch the big camps til you have like 10k souls or so, it's just so slow. Thus enduring speed is critical to move between lanes and farm them both and apply pressure, cause camps aint it for her.
This anon cracked the code. I have been waiting for soneone else to realize that Yamato can build all offensive items because she cannot die and has a free unstoppable. Basically shes Tryndamere from LoL and everyone is building AP for her spin slash.
youre not too bright, are you?
He's spending those 6300 souls better than you're spending those 3000
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Not him but
>Current Yamato
Actual atrocity.
>This design
Complete kino
Hair is a bit too much but if the design doesn't make it it's over for me
>try to play Lightning Gun Seven
>Get bodied and lose
>Concede and play Ult Seven
what the fuck did they do to lash's voice lines hold on
Just get magic carpet after filing out orange with cheap stuff and become the rat queen
>push lane
>one enemy shows up to stop you
Kill them or magic carpet away and connect with team or switch lanes
>multiple enemies show up
Magic carpet if threat is low, otherwise ult and magic carpet and get out guaranteed. You are now in a winning position by distracting multiple enemies
>no one shows up
Take both shrines and then transition to gun carry with a crazy good escape with all the souls you made.
I'm not the one who thinks an enemy seven with unstoppable is a good thing.
He definitely sounds deeper which fits more.
i played my first kelvin game and went 2/4/16/ and we won
what's the intended way to play that lad
Where's my cowboy girl wife
3 is crap if you focus on it because his gun is burst-fire dogshit, Wraith's 3 laps 7 hard
He buy unstoppable to not getting fucked over, he could have divine kevlar instead
Post name, all this shit is irrelevant if you're just some random tard
>warden 3 start
I must rape to death
She looks like a drag queen
>become urnnigger
>force enemy to chase me all around and guard the urn deposit
>teams farm in the meantime
>they eventually have to abandon guarding
>deposit 5 urns
>make a comeback
anon cant do math, uh oh
If you watch the 500-1000 viewer deadlock streams you've seen me.
>Lash is not really an asshole
zero proof, so you're just larping as someone else cool
Me, too, bro.
Idk how ppl play warden, he feel like shittier version of abram
Tell me more.
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Reminder that if you like these 2, go and tell them on the feedback forums.
>um actually him spending souls to secure kills with his ult is actually worse than my wasted anvil
Seven stacks spirit already you retard, there's no opportunity cost for taking unstoppable when diviners DOESN'T protect you against cheeky retards spamming anvils and has a whopping power boost of maybe 1-2 less damage ticks for TTK now that his 4's scaling is below 1x
I see NOTHING in the forums.
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>Have to avoid all spirit and go weapon goyslop just to make the hero playable
lol this game is garbage
what's wrong with it?
build spiritual overflow if you want to shoot fast while giving yourself a ton of spirit scaling
Yamato is hilariously unfinished I won't lie, but her W and R are fun.
Already people fighting to keep Yamato's alien design.
I while testing characters in sandbox, I noticed that she has a massive ass.
Thats how this game works. EVERYONE needs weapon items. No one can build pure spirit.
he's just a low-effort troll don't bother
It's not Japanese.
I like her weird look but I like the Yakuza too and it definitely needs some kind of touch-up
Literally just Rasputin
It's the early 20th century and it's a world covered in the occult.

Perfect opportunity
>actually unkillable mother fucker
Women want him
Men fear him
Shiv Mains want to be him
I think you can just use your right click while sliding and keep sliding, Ive seen videos of that before.
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>lash skill said it pull him toward target
>reality is he jump really high toward target and has nothing to do with the rope animation attach to target
There's a difference between building everything AND building and focusing only on weapon because weapon item is fucking broken
That cat must have an insane power level...
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Would make sense with the hellboy influence too
>what's wrong with a DEI fat pajeet
are you a concord dev?
i fucking love mo and krill so much bros
Who's the most honest hero??
Honorable Samurai Yamato from the East
pocket unironically
abrams or mo and krill
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>pick ivy
Being an Ivysister is suffering, unfortunately
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Shiv Chads wya?
>I like both designs
couldn't care less how yamato ends up as long as she changes from what she is now.
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Stop being a support slut like Kelvin and just straight shooting niggers, bliggers and smiggers like you were destined to Ms. Guardian Angel
How do I beeboop
Her pick rate would skyrocket, it happened in dota many times before.
And by would i mean i'm pretty sure that's fake and there's no redesign incoming
she's okay from the neck down
You have to rocksteady
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peck with M1, remember you can bomb other shit than just your hook victim, save your 4 for when you need to orbital laser some mother fucker from orbit or you're free pushing a walker and just want that shit gone A$AP ROCKY
>win my lane
>faggot weapon dmg ivy with anime avatar loses her lane
>i say why the fuck is she abandoning lanes instead of defending them and letting the fed vindicta run them down
>"the vindicta isn't even fed you faggot, she's 3/5"
>meanwhile she has more souls than anyone on our team
>totally not fed

god i hate retarded faggots who don't know how mobas work, kill yourself especially because i know you're from here you fucking loser
It might be Abrams. He's very straightforward on what he does.
>he thinks posting his rants on 4chan doesn't make him a loser
finally got access to this game
did they just open the store page? there are no reviews
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>can't just read the top of the screen to see who has more souls
Ivyniggers and Vindictrannies easily have the worst playerbases, coomers gravitated towards them without having any intentions of learning the actual fucking game they're playing
Emperor zombie from the amazing screw on head
I don't know what mental illness it takes to obsess over her so much but i knew you retards wouldn't last 3 fucking months without turning her into some generic attractive female through fanart, could've at least have spared the threads if you were just going to devolve into gigantic faggot like that.
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Damn bitch, you fuckin' mad, bitch!
You pretend as if everyone else doesn't do this, retard. Talking about the game on 4chan doesn't make you a loser, being unable to play the game does.
Calm down, homo
You are correct, Ivy players are a plague. I never win matches when I have an Ivy on my team.
>Japanese name
>Chinese qipao
Chink washing is too on the nose.
just tank and let your mates finish the job. Use gargoyle to stall and 4 to leave :)
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I dont know how its possible to have 0 Assists on Kelvan half an hour into the game but here we are
Don't care still gonna main Ivy
should help him miss a couple of those damned headshots
hmm, maybe i should publicly share my wish to fuck the gargoyle in the rieviews
I fucking suck with Lash but man is it a treat to spectate someone whose gregor tier with him.
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>No Sex with Abrams post
Sex with Abrams poster where have you gone? We need you. We need Sex with Abrams.
impressive even split on the item distribution Kelvin's got
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>pick ivy myself
>never have to deal with other ivy players
It's That Easyâ„¢
>call out ivy player for losing her lane
>screeches like a tranny on mic
>tries to grab me and pull me into enemy team to grief

ivy players are such faggots lmao
post match history
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Well at least he got 2 Assists eventually. Better than 0.
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THE LASHâ„¢ gets all the babes
>>tries to grab me and pull me into enemy team to grief
I'm surprised more people haven't tried to do this
This is Icefrog's fault. If Kevin still has his disarm, that guy'd be 6/2/1
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Do you think we won or lost this match.
You have one guess.
Where can I see hero stats?
Im gonna guess you won, otherwise you probably wouldnt be asking.
I can't believe you won, but there it is. Clear as a crisp spring morning. I am locking that in.
>solo laning against lash
>die once
>game is literally over
Yoshi needs to go back to nerfing this retarded faggot.
Sure here you go
Unironically current yamato is kino, unique and iconic.
I cbf with a generic katana weeb ass redesign
not surprised the Infernus ran away (heh) with the game
you did your best
An Arabic swordsman hero would be cool, just not as a replacement for yamato. Maybe a later addition.
Although her armor and attire 100% should be redesigned, her forehead should stay though
FPWP, what a disgusting sack of shit. You should genuinely be ashamed of yourself.
that's a fat pajeet
Lash takes skill
Damn bro, those are some fucking impressive assists.
thats not match history
post your last games retard
If you have skill though, there is no counterplay.
The tiniest momentary lead in lane will inevitably lead to a 20-2-5 snowball every single time. There's no back and forth the way there is with other characters.
you can literally see his past 9 games on the top of that image
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When are we getting more furry heroes?
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literally each game theyre my enemies
>bepop does the most insane plays
>wraith always gets 30 kills
>haze always pulls of insane stealth kills and disrupts enemy team into ult killing everyone
>abrams is a fucking unstoppable tank that everyone fails to parry

HOWEVER, when these fucking fags are on my team its always literal fucking dogshit bots. I fucking hate valve so much
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Shit, you're right. I'm stupid.
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>Lash takes skill
Thanks bro I work hard when I can
Look at those funny little markings up the top
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Gargoyles are not furries. Never have been; never will be. There are zero furry heroes in the game, and that's a good thing.
Her model is funny, but I love the Portal turret opera sounds for her abilities. They won't stay, but they should.
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Check again normalfag.
Krill might be furry. Can't tell, honestly. Maurice is likely hairless.
He's a mole, he's probably furry. He just has no textures.
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He does look fairly hairless, just a giant ass mole that's gained enough sentience to do Krill's bidding
Honestly I don't even know WHAT the fuck Krill is. Nigger looks like a rejected character from the Butt-Ugly Martians cast.
Post your stats with him
I think he's a monkey. Or some kind of imp
wait but /v/eddit told me this game wasn't Team Fortress 3?
when are they gonna add an autistic pusher hero
I see the Patron on the right side
You lost
McGinnis and Wraith are non-autistic pushers, that's the best you're gonna get.
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I want to deathball
Then ask your team to help.
i got mad at my shitter teammates and called them rtrded... sorry
you play vindicta dont you....
krill should be a rat
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why yes how could you tell

>have to push against a super farmed McGinnis

how is she allowed to have 50 turrets out
i sure am liking video games
>obj dmg
You didn't play the game.
>second least object damage in the entire game and it would be the least object damage if it wasn't for Viscous picking his own butt all game
maybe click the FUCKING BUILDINGS so you can WIN THE GAME
>cop spammer
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Because they're fucking genies who I assume can reshape the land in some way and its pretty useless otherwise. In real life the only things I know from Wyoming are bison and coal mines.
>I buy all the spell cooldown items
>I shove them all into my turrets
>I put one in each lane, turn 360 degrees and walk away laughing
couldnt cause team kept fail pushing shrines into abrahms and wiping themselves instead of going mid boss
echo shard + rapid recharge + cooldown reduction
is 4 turrets in ~4 seconds
don't forget constant violent winds

>tfw your ult actually becomes detrimental in mid/late game because you're not shitting out more turrets while you're doing it
>get mad at your teammates for something that's mostly your fault
only vindicta mains
dumb nigger
>good damage
>good gun
can't think of a good reason to not play him
is there some kind of shadowban for chat, I can't hardly get a word out of anybody in my games
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I want Jacob Lash to be an asshole to me
You've got a good win streak.
How do you deal with gray talon?
Lash doesn't date trannies
41% yourself
I instantly mute anyone who speaks.
shes also much more attractive ingame than in her portrait
click the buildings you stupid cow
no you're just playing with no-chat no-mic Andys that all think they're the main character of the match
corners, pretty much
not even speaking, I type in chat and no one says anything or gives any indication they can read
Yeah. Damn. yeah...
I will repeat once again that if you "main" a hero in this and any gane that you are robbing yourself of enjoying the rest of the game and limiting your knowledge of other styles of play. Enjoy the rest of what may be on offer.
there are no fucking buildings you dumb fucking nigger they're all fucking dead except for the shrines i was constantly rotating around the map getting kills and winning the early game then viscous and seven proceed to not show up to any important teamfights while infernus is just split pushing the whole fucking game and everyone proceeds to die the same way three times trying to take shrines as two players instead of doing mid boss kys dumb nigger
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*goes 1/16 in your game*
What's the remedy for a newbie vindicta feeding?
what does rejuv even do now

>dealing with weakened patron
>get it down to like 1/3rd of it's HP
>get locked down by enemy team and die
>ok if my team just focuses on the patron and nukes it we win
>they decide to teamfight and lose (and even tried to spawn camp)
>they end up making a comeback and win

I'm not saying completely ignore the other team, you can toss lockdowns on them to buy some time but we could have nuked it within 3 seconds holy shit
Kelvin really clicks for me. I'm 2,200 on ackcock.gg but I can't branch out. Viscous is a nightmare even if I do well early game. Ivy is a nightmare to play besides urn taxi and pulling seven. Dynamo is hit or miss. Most of the other heroes seem in high demand.

Why am I only good at krill, kelvin, warden?
It's beneficial because it's a big fuck off aoe slow and also your primary way to strike outside of your turret bubble where your team is actually fighting.
Yeah they are
They're farming and also pulling 3 of their heroes back to deal with them.
SplitpushGODS run this game.
>plug my shit into tracklock
>top 3%, in the 1600s
is that good bad average or what
This is only the case if you get the fuck out while the getting's good

I usually just get jumped because I stay 3-4 seconds too long
>top 3%
>is that average
Dying doesn't matter lmao
This shit ain't dota
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>Dying doesn't matter lmao
Average I'd say
Problem is people rising through MMR, you clearly start low on Valve's end
That includes everyone who just installed it and played like two games
I hate passive players more, impossible to play dota with passive shitters
What am I looking for? This is just a typical braindead footfag player.
Kelvins a fantastic hero as long as he doesn't cuck his team with ult

>I can split push lane
>Instantly hop over for a tank
>10 seconds later, go back to lane
>Someone chasing me? Fleetfoot ice walk lol bye
>Oh you showed up to my lane to counter push? Guess I'll hop over to the other lane
>Oh you followed me? Guess I'm back to the first lane
>Hope you enjoy infused mystic vulnerability improved duration ice beam bro
>MMR on my most played heroes are 1500-1630
>Kelvin at the highest of 1620 and I usually do meme builds with him
>TrackELO is 1399
This does mean I'm good or bad? Where on the bell curve am I? I know 99th highest ELO is 2427 and 1911 Top 0.09%.
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It means you need to stop using this dogshit site, it is complete garbage and extremely inaccurate.
realize that this is a game in alpha with no competitive ranking mode and then realize how unreasonable it is to be mad at someone who is bad at it
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>MMR's too low for me to contribute positively in matches with friend group 1, not good enough at the game to participate in team fights even though I'm keeping up with farm
>MMR's too high for me to relax in matches with friend group 2, none of them farm and I have to run around the map like a man possessed pushing lanes while they brawl with a 6K disadvantage
tracklock is kinds bullshit because of how it calculates mmr
You start at 1500 and then win lose mmr dependent on other teams elo, but intial mmr isn't publicly know and the hero /lane based matchmaking defiantly shakes things up.
>Play Wraith.
>Get Teslabullets st 9 Minute Mark on top of a lot of 500 items.
>Farm like a madman.
>Rape enemy Team.
>Still lose, because my team loses at midboss like retards.
>cope from a low ranked noob
Dying midgame doesn't matter lmao*
>because I stay 3-4 seconds too long
bro your hindsight judgement is off, it's never this small of an amount. The point of certain death overstaying a splitpush is way before the enemies are even on screen
>can't buy a beta key
i guess volvo just doesn't want my money
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>according to tracklock I'm top 3 in the world for my hero
>but I have like 1.5k elo
>but I'm perpetually on featured matches and playing with people that have over twice my supposed elo
and that's how I stopped giving a shit about tracklock
>yamato on my team
yep its time to lose
also i didnt realize it shows you who you're laning with and against at the start until today
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Nigger you're using a third party site valve's specifically trying to stop in an alpha build with forced random lanes and no ranked queue.
Don't put so much effort into figuring out what's good or not.
I watched feature match and the first thing I saw is lash dive kick into titan, get stunned and fucked to dead by Ivy
More like broke it.
So how do I start learning this game? Finished a bot match and felt good should I just go straight into fighting players?
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I fucking hate OCE in this game. I did shit too but Infernus was great at denying hits and even keeping me off tower, I lost laning but it was a fun lost, everything else was just a stomp.
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why did they just copy Midtown from overwatch 2
>Haze and Dynamo have ZERO objective damage
Look, I get that Grey Talon and McGinnis is possibly the worst possible lane, but dude. You can play the game eventually.
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She just needs to be more like shiv.
Change her 3 to do a slight cc or something and a bit more damage, and add an aghs or something that allows her to dash to her power slash final location during ult that deals a portion of the power slash damage.
How do you find out your MMR
Bit bland honestly
Retards like you who do not hit buildings and walk away to farm, clearing the entire map while we try to actually win the game are the most insufferable pieces of shit. You masturbate to your k/d and lose the games more often than not.
Teleporting with her power slash could be an aghanims scepter upgrade
That is literally what I just said anon.
But then again if she gets an aghs so will everyone else, likely broadening the gap even more.
how many cities have trains that go right through residential buildings, as you can see in both images
I don't even know, I just know that I'm the worst player in one group and the best in the other. I only care about MMR insomuch as it insulates me from people who think this is a hero shooter.
Guardians and walkers are free kills, pushing shrines is silly if the enemy Team can respond.
I usually push base if the enemy team has atleast 3 people somewhere else.
most of them
Are you serious, anon? Have you never been to New York? Have you never seen Spider-Man 2?
muted. all chat disabled. in my own lane. flourishing.
Even at 2k mmr people refuse to push walkers and guardians because one person might defend it, while your team is split pushing and removes every building from the map gaining a huge AP lead. It's the easiest way to lose the game.
>how many cities have trains that go right through residential buildings
Well New York, the city Dead Lock takes place in for one.

Also Tokyo and a bunch of other cities, but that exact style in Deadlock is quite literally from New York.
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>solo push shrine
>their team either over responds (3v1) or doesn't contest at all
>take the shrine or distract the team, both net positive if rest of the team can capitalize
I'm going to win the game and you're going to like it.
>Valve cracking down on tracking sites

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I like this one more, actually, if I can't have the funny forehead then I would rather have her be a creepy schoolgirl instead of regular ass waifu or too cool 4 school black lady
group 1, no question. If you're keeping up with souls then just focus on not dying. Apply
some bullet pressure during a fight and stay near but stay alive. If you can chunk 10% of an enemy healthbar, they are now 10% more scared to make the necessary play to win the teamfight.

Also, find a good team synergy/ability/combo that takes very little of your brainpower, like knockdown or heroic aura or something
So new york just happens to look exactly like Midtown from overwatch?
i want to play shiv but mainly farming doing sidelanes. whats better for this, knife or gun?
His dash and cold front.
>I fucking hate OCE in this game.
OCE is fun. People actually talk and communicate. You start to learn and see the few players at high MMR a bunch. And best of all we're free of the thirdie plague every other region gets.
Gun, but you'll be a liability if all you do is farm.
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>I like this one more
Of course the person liking the ugly alien would be a tasteless retard, why the fuck would we have a LE MODERN JAPANESE SCHOOLGIRL but LE SCARY on fucking 1920s new york?
Would have to
>Rewrite her lore which would suck since current lore is for sure tied to THE BOSS
>Rethink and completely change all animations
>Possibly skillset
>Would look like complete shit on 3d
On top of all the new model changes.

Maybe as a cosmetic or some shit.
>McGinnis gets free wards
I can see everything.
>when person who only saw Bee movie sees a second movie in his life
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This but only if her non-ult face is normal.
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I'm trying to find an image of the exact thing in new york that both of these are based off of, to prove this moron wrong.
It's been ages since I've been there and can't find the right keywords though, can someone help me out?
Don't entertain the tards
I was playing on NA earlier today and had more people talking and bunch better match quality.
This is pretty much what I do. I have a plan A and a plan B for every character. I actually really like playing characters where I just have to do one thing to help a teamfight, like stunning as Seven or heroic leaping in as Pocket to ult.
>They cannot rat if you clear all the waves
t. Sun Tzu
What do you do as Ivy when your opponent inevitably buys gun armor? Your spirit damage is trash and unreliable. Do you just have to pivot to a support role where you're just applying debuffs / DoT and throwing out active items?
safehorny character design specifically made for xwittertroons and redditors
you look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what went wrong along the way that made you into someone who picks ivy
>why the fuck would we have a LE MODERN JAPANESE SCHOOLGIRL but LE SCARY on fucking 1920s new york?
See the paranormal university badge on her? Exchange student, its that easy
>Rewrite her lore which would suck since current lore is for sure tied to THE BOSS
I wouldn't know anything about that, think she is just a yakuza that fled the country, but it would make more sense of she ran to San Francisco anyways
>Rethink and completely change all animations
They will have to do that no matter how redesign looks like
>Possibly skillset
>Would look like complete shit on 3d
Alright this one is probably true
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>tfw a new valve game is too much for your old ass computer to handle
Don't be the only one on your team so they can't build exclusively to counter you and nobody else.
improved spirit armor remains trash, still get killed by a single person doing 99% spirit damage within a second. the better you get at this game the more you realize it sucks.
I lied it was honestly just for my curiosity.
I thought there was a green rail bridge that looked exactly like the one on the deadlock menu (that was no longer rail). Maybe I'm going crazy or confusing it with something else.
I like to rat and Wraith is boring
>play paradox against someone who doesn't immediately build armor
>doesn't stop me from taking their banner creep first
it's actually nuts how hard she snowballs early if she is just allowed to get carbine shots off for free.
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Mcginnis must give great hugs.
There are no carries
what the hell is this slut saying
>Why don't I become literally immune to spirit damage with a 3000 soul item
You are not getting any better at this game
how come?
Warlock Crocodile that uses mojo magics and can bite enemies
OCE players dont play mobas thats why they're dogshit.. possibly the worst region to play desu
Shiv's strongest in the early midgame when he can roam around fast, gank, and confirm a lot of kills.
>buy item to prevent being insta killed by a single player
>it doesn't do it's job
are you retarded perhaps?
>Why don't I become literally immune to spirit damage with a 3000 soul item
fetal alcohol syndrome little boy, there is a world of difference between "immune" and avoiding instant death.
>Aleister Crowley
>Helena Blavatsky
>they are all spirits that possess one kid and that kid is the hero

Well /v/? Schizo child hero?
Don't play Shiv if that's what you want to do
need a taxi cab hero
There is but they are all over the place. It's not special. It's just one areas elevated train thing, like I posted in the picture.
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this isn't the one you're thinking of, probably
I'm not really sold on the redesign, I think my issue is that it just doesn't look that interesting. I think I'd prefer a design similar to what we have now, but with an attire more appropriate for the time, with some spirit related stuff tacked on.
8B goes fucking crazy. where do i go to bully yoshi about this
accidentally started 2 on warden time to lop my own fucking arms off
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works on my machine
if nobody is buying antihealing and you aren't, you are a part of the problem.
Valve will repeat Concord's mistake and just do ugly as shit characters no one will want to play.

All of the designs in this game are hit or very hard miss.
All of the designs in the game are good, actually.
Yo cool Dead by Daylight character
completely gets rid of everything that I like about Yamato's character in favor of le evil schoolgirl
That's clearly very early concept art or art for a different hero
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She's really not that fucking hard, man.
You just stall in lane securing as many souls as you can and pick up Heroic Aura as soon as you can then just start roaming and chasing people down. That item alone will let you push lanes, take camps and rush down enemies all on your own. Otherwise just build Tank and learn to counterbuild specific opponents that end up being a pain in the ass.
Deadlock is still a moba and therefore you require teammates. Ivy is the only motherfucker that can force other people to take a fight. Just get better self judgement and engage in smarter fights.
If you're too stupid for that then you're a lost cause.
>but how do I afford items
Minimize downtime. Stop hugging your T1 and go take jungle camps. You have built in lifesteal. You have the easiest gank tools too.
>but I want to be a support :(
a rising tide raises all ships. Be the carry you want your carries to be. Engage like a motherfucker.
>but I don't know macro and have overwtach tunnel brain
watch high mmr matches

I should make a build with some basic information at some point. But at the same time I'm afraid that anyone too dumb to win as Ivy is also too dumb to read. This gargoyle is so fucking easy it's a wonder how anyone struggles.

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