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Jacob Lash is an asshole.
Reddit's game of the year
Jacob Lash was an asshole. Valve is making his lines more lame.
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God I love killing Ivy over and over and over
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Sex with Abrams


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Jacob Lash is an asshole.
i laned against an abrams player as yamato today and he was crying at how overpowered my character was compared to his.
what a sad sight.
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If you haven't made yet formus post asking to give Vindicta damage falloff range or rework kit, you're part of a problem
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Who's a good character to play other than Paradox?
I do well as Paradox, especially with assists, often averaging 10-19 assists per game. But the moment I play any other hero, I'm the weakest link and feed hard.

It just feels like nobody else has a kit as fun and dynamic as hers.
game looks gay as fuck
last good valve game was portal 2
how do you lane against kelvin when he can press 3 and walk at you and you can't do anything about it
>played 10 games
>won my lane everytime
Finally, those 8 years of playing dota is paying off
> see kelvin
> leave match
it's that simple
everyone hides behind cover when I 3 :(
>nobody else has a kit as fun and dynamic as hers
3 has a pretty short range. Play around it.
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>game gets to 5 minutes in
>ping suddenly spikes to 300
>stays there except for when it decides to spike to 550
>for the entire rest of the match
Saddest fucking loss of my life
Hm. I'll give it a shot.
una vela...
if he does that you can just roll towards him and start punching him if you want to be the aggressor and know you can win. he can parry straight out of the beam but you can mindgame him with a few punches to see if he'll parry and if you bait him successfully you'll get him to parry for no reason AND cancel his beam.
or just roll-jump out of range and then fight him afterwards because he has nothing left to fight you with for like 20 seconds and his gun stinks.
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I don't understand why some people prefer this one over the other looking too "waifu".
Besides geist there's not a single normal woman on the roster.

And how the fuck is a female yakuza tattoed boss generic?
How many female yakuza bosses exist on vidya?
A "japanese high school girl but spoopy" sounds like a league skin.

Yamato current lore is that their father, the head honcho of the yakuza, passed away, she and her brother both took the lead when very young.
The older brother wanted to travel to america to extend their business, at that moment there was a coup because some underlings in japan did not want to be ruled by a woman.
Kaori, the female boss, fled to the US and there was greeted by the american people expecting her brother, named Yamato.
She took his name and swore revenge, now plotting to take down the yakuza that were stolen from them and avenge her brother.
That's why she's all about revenge and talks all japanese, she has no fucking clue of how america works.
It's a fun and cool little bit of lore in a game that desperately needs some, and why the "young japanese yakuza woman" design is a perfect match.
I just don't like the shoes/thights she's wearing, not very traditionally japanese.
>watch Arch play Deadlock
>he's always the worst player on his team who has no brain to use ziplines, much less upgrade his skills or God forbid, learn how to jump
>calls is extremely casualized moba
> 25m without items
> pretty short
Most of the heroes start suffering falloff at that range.
Wraith is completely normal.
>Most of the heroes
I haven't seen ONE hero have more than 22 base range falloff
>only speaks in japanese
>calls out heroes in english
literally no one but some retarded faggot redditor who thinks anything that is subversive in any way is automatically good wants to play as some fucking black cat lady, come on

your designs MUST be appealing, this is the cornerstone of every single successful and big online/competitive game
I hope Ivy's design remain intact when the game is finally finished
Who the fuck is Arch?
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We must go smaller
I'm not attached to any of the designs
It'll hurt less when they change them
I like her full tattooed arm a lot. I hope this redesign wins.
Wh40k youtuber who larps as artist because he knows how to prompt AI
I'm already all in on the current game as is and am going to be bothered when things change.
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I liked the black cat lady from desperados 3
>currently 0-8-0 on Warden
>can't farm, get immediately jumped on and raped whenever i show on map
>can't play the game at all
>everyone on both teams far higher than me
what the fuck man
i haven't felt this worthless in a while i just can't do a thing
she needs tits and more feminine features
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The black cat lady looks fine and I wouldn't mind player her. Also I think designs should be appealing, but people want to fuck the gargoyle, so I also understand people will never agree on what is appealing. I think we can all agree though that Concord isn't.
I don't think gargoyle statues have tits
how the fuck some characters just CONSTANTLY have more gold than others, it makes no sense

you could push lanes, have 10 kills, deliver the urn 2 times, be ahead of everyone and stomp the enemies and you STILL will be 10k behind Haze with 2/3/0 stats
The ugly goblina should remain the same. Increase bust of Haze, Vindicta and Paradox
Wraith already claimed the color purple.
Gargoyle statues also don't move and don't speak last time i checked
The Archcast
Haze can run really fast and clear lanes the second fastest in the game. The first fastest in Seven, but he's shit. Haze also needs more money than a lot of characters to actually be good though, so it balances out.
Push wave, kill neutral camp, return to catch wave is the rinse repeat formula for farming in any moba. Bonus points if you can sneak a kill in while the neutrals are cleared and the wave has yet to bounce back.

The faster you kill neutrals, the more camps you can do and the more waves you can bounce.
gm sir
Valve shills removed ''general thread outside of /vg/'' report button
what the fuck are you smoking
some characters are just naturally better at farming neutral camps than others.
all that time saved by being good at farming them adds up.
Since it’s suddenly summer on here again you guys are bringing up random no name YouTubers I’ll mention that top mmr streamers are already losing their minds in solo queue and the nonASSFAGGOTS ones are going on teary eyed match up meltdowns
mo and krill
you have insane roam potential
i played a game as mo and walked around with a paradox and we just ganked people all game
She used to be a regular statue before magic thingy happened so no tits for her
how do you even play this hero
gun seems weak, nade absolutely sucks, kc sucks as it has super long cd for such a low damage and hard to hit skillshot, wall and ult are ok for utility
seriously whats the point of this character? shes squishy yet needs to be up close, putting herself in danger with her ult which means you have to go for a lot of defensive items to straight up not die
her kit makes no sense
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This is the future of Deadcock
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What i hate about the "attractive characters" discussion is that the moment you bring it up, every retarded tranny and redditor will make up strawmen that you want some Nikke tier bimbos with tits and asses jiggling all over the place.

What the fuck happened to simply appealing/pleasing/slight fanservice designs in western video games? It's like they are fucking braindead from watching too much sissy hypno videos and cannot comprehend that it's not either shit like TLOU or almost a porn game. You can have toned down but still attractive, even sexy design in a game.

Western games used to be peak with that too. I enjoy tits and asses as every dude, but those are poor imitations. Actually well thought out, not pure-coomer, western designs were always peak and no jap/eastern game ever compared.
terrible NA teams that can't win anything?
I really hope Deadlock has LoL skin system instead. At least Dota 2 is pulled back and has a top-down view, but i definitely DO NOT want to see this visual puke up close.
(dead)Locked in Designs but need better quality models:
Probably locked in but needs just a bit more sauce:
>Warden (maybe???)
>Mo and Krill (specifically Krill)
General design sensibilities are locked but needs to be de-scified:
Complete Reworks:
>Grey Talon
Literally just green Kelvin lmao:

These are the vibes that I get from the designs.
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I really just do not know what I was supposed to do in lane against that Kelvin at all
It just snowballed from there
I feel awful
>thought dynamo was all about his 4
>1 is actually pretty good and 2 gives you a lot of DPS
Its just his heal that's not really good, huh?
I don't play dota, could you you explain?
>plays slop
>gets slop
oh no
I generally max it out first because the 5 points is just too good to not have.

bro Wraith needs a TON more fucking sauce
Shiv and Ivy already mog her
What were you expecting? Some crazy cat lady?
Yeah but you're missing out on the kill potential from his 1 and 2. Everyone builds anti heal vs you either way.
Scrap her being black and make her Italian
There's nothing you could do. He is currently too strong and his slow is too obnoxious. They need to revert the buff.
overdesigned skins with shiny laser beams shooting out of every orifice
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this is ivy without her hat

this is what you're all jacking off to
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You guys are overreacting, Deadlock will be fine, just like call of duty warzone
>character doesn't have symmetrical, sexualized features
>character does have symmetrical, sexualized features
>overton window is shoved so far right that whenever we get appealing characters that aren't too far one way or the other, retards start crawling out of the walls to complain about the fall of western civilization
i hate all of it
CUTE widows peak
I do get 2 points into 1 first, but after that it's just straight 3.
pattable head
lady geist is attractive ingame
dota has lots of attractive women
valve does alright with their designs mostly, the only things i dont like is the pocket bio (they/them, yikes), wraith (boring), mcginnis (overwatch junker queen ripoff) while grey talons geriatric appearance is just not appealing to me
Gun Ivy is too fun, I can't away from playing it anymore. Also love bursting down a Viscous thinking they are slick in their ball form.
You know how people look at babies and go "cute, I'll let it live for another day"
>her kit makes no sense
She's a space denial and gank character. Stay with your team and she shines.
Luckily Grey Talon will be reworked, Wraith is clearly unfinished (doesn't have eyes or any detailed features) and McGinnis is supposedly also getting a rework.

Pocket who knows what is the issue with him really. They call him a he all the time.
....Why is Kunka Slardar?
These are pol eceleb watching tourists baiting for yous, they play gachashit and preach for less dei in games but still pay monthly for a wow sub. Just ignore or filter if you can
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But that thing looks nothing like a baby, more like hideous monster
Christ every base design looks more appealing. It's like they looked at TF2's unusuals and decided people love that so lets just throw them on our character skins.
>get absolutely murdered earlygame
>be okay midgame
>get absolutely murdered lategame for ulting
yeah thanks
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Why would I play Paradox when I can play bebop?
Here's an unrelated almost pornographic image to guarantee (you)s, because you're all cunts
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Looking good Ivy
>Yamato hiding from a 1v4
>Infernus ostensibly pushing lane while his team's walker is about to go

Great team.
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>Liking a character means you jackoff to it
Porn addiction rotted your brain
>when i can play bebop
id say bebop is the most contested character by far just like pudge is in dota, at least in pubs
Me thinks that whoever wrote Pocket's lore just decided to use a singular "they" because sometimes people do speak like that (I know in very casual conversation I drop "they" even though who I am talking about is a known male/female) even though the character is established male.
Either that or the frog theory is true and the references to pocket being male is the disguise doing work.
If you're getting murdered early game as Paradox, I don't know what to tell you. I win my lane 4/5 times.
bebop hook is slightly slower, but in return it doesn't fucking put you where the enemy was for a potential ass raping
I'll take bebop over paradox any day
My theory is either him being possessed and being multiple beings OR character not being finalized yet so they just chose neutral pronouns as a future-proof measure.
my dude, you know I can see the images of her you all are posting right?
pocket just looks like michael jackson
>combining some of the worst playerbases together
its incredible anyone plays it at all
just like babies
>potential ass raping
All part of the Time Thief's Gambit. You will never understand.
She looks like my mom, but black.
Nah pocket is a HAPA rep to make Singsing happy.
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Anon, I must confess that he was right.
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I only save the sfw pics
I have done both and they got views
Uglycoal made this model so you can be assured it's FULLY MODELED
Magdumping as Dynamo or Ivy feels so satisfying.
I'm just glad everyone in this game at least has an "ok" gun.
There are no good playerbases. All are niggers. If its multiplayer then the community sucks. Its a rule of nature.
What's the best time to buy from the shop? Can't easily leave the lane because I might miss last hits or get harassed.
Backshots from Kelvin
Anytime, but preferably after a wave clear. Every item you buy is unironically a power spike so get there and get back.
What are the patrons? And I remember than one of the characters is said to want to prevent their summoning, but still works his team's patron? I don't appreciate this kind of ludonarrative dissonance.
>tfw Yoshi liked my old forum post about an arcade mode like Dota months ago

Still waiting...
every image of ivy is lewd since she's always topless
If you're winning, wait for 1000 souls.
If you're losing, grab that 500 as soon as possible.
Just stay in lane until you die or are forced to retreat. Dont concede your farm willingly.
>tfw my well-written and thought out feedback doesn't get likes let alone views
it's so over
I'm trying to play Haze but I'm always behind on souls.
Should I be farming way more?
She looks like a guy so it loops back to sfw
how? the only usable skill you have is kc and that can be kited easily, has bad damage and long cd
the nade is just absolute trash
Rush tesla
Her chest is flater than most guys
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How long until Deadlock adds a floating orb hero?
the autistic ivy fan art posting almost turned me away from the game. i like this gif
The grenade is extremely, extremely good. I always take it as my 1st ability.
You can kill 3 creeps easily in one shot, then secure your souls. Or you can throw them on the enemy's stairs and come around the other side with your carbine.

Or, put grenades at your feet then swap your opponent in. Nice damage.
i was lagging like craazy so i stepped away
Paradox is a shit hero but one of the best laners, especially solo lane. You have harass that if hit leads into huge damage, a grenade that forces people out of hiding spots and into your gun, and a combo that does pretty much everyone in the games health bar in damage.
amelia earhart hero when
moonshiner hero when
teddy roosevelt hero when
polio iron lung hero when
plantation owner butthurt over the civil war when
>put grenades at your feet then swap your opponent in
that only works if you have a drooling retard as opponent, its really really obvious
>oh yeah that guy just threw a nade on the ground, a wall in front of him and now tries to get near me, seems like a good idea to come close to him
>set a shield
>swap Haze through it
>she's now silence for 3 seconds while my team ganks the shit out of her

i need to stop dying so much on warden
he's much squishier than he seems
I've been told Tesla sucks on Haze
the same almost happened to me too.
it made me feel a lot better about playing the game after realizing none of the ivyfags were any good at the game.
>set a shield
>swa- damn he saw me setting up a shield and dodged my swap
>cheech and chong skin
lmao holy shit when did this happen. can i still buy it
This will absolutely work 9/10 times if you're covert about it. Stop staring your enemy down, Paradox should be hiding and jumping around from place to place.
Also, don't bother setting down a shield for a combo during laning, it doesn't even get the silence until later.
I think its because a lot of the builds encourage you to buy damage items to emphasize his pick nature. I'm really tempted to build him more like Ambrams and see how that goes.
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>It's the soul of Aleister Crowley
anyone that can rush your ass is just wiping the floor with you, especially if you miss the carbine
nade can easily be dodged, with carbine you can just get to cover until its over and on a long cd again
i feel like against anyone that can get near you and has at least two damagin abilities you just get destroyed
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>iron lung hero
But we already have one?
I think 4 months ago, apparently its still in the shop according to https://codmwstore.com/operators-identity/tracer-pack-cheech-chong/
call of duty skins from current version will not transfer over to the new boxed game, but WILL transfer into the new version of the f2p game that launches next month with said game
>Aleister Crowley
>Helena Blavatsky
>Grigori Rasputin
>all their souls got mixed inside a little girl and turned her into a esoteric occult schizo
>this is the Invoker of the game

Imagine Deadtards.
What's the context for that image? And is that supposed to be The Boiled One in the background?
>hook haze instead with bebop
>I don't get misplaced like paradox does as a result + haze gets 2 bombs
>plus it's not an ult so I can just do that every 6 seconds

>lash haze instead with lash
>I can send her even deeper into my team + do damage and not get displaced
She's black
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Yeah this is the one I'm currently using and I like it but I feel like it could be better
aka a normal american
Do most people just run the turret spam build on McGinnis or can you build her to use her mini gun a lot? kinda bored of my turret builds which is effective, gets kinda boring after a while
I mostly focus on her gun. Turrets are just to help with farm, push and long teamfights.
dont you dare throw me into their team you filthy gargoyle or your ass is so reported
Not to mention she had literally nothing about her, as a character, that makes her want to be near enemies.

This is 100% a skill issue. Also your skills being dodged is part of the point. If a person has to dodge your skill, they are not farming and also are exposing themselves. This is what can lead paradox into such good harass. Not to mention it's not viable to deal with a lane by hiding behind a wall for the duration of it. That would still lead you to winning the lane if an idiot dealt with you this way.
>No quicksilver reload

I highly suggest you fit that in somewhere. Reloading takes fucking ages and Wardens magazine runs dry so fast that playing without it sounds like fucking suffering. Your farming is going to speed up drastically with that single change.
Yeah, gun build works.
Active reload, Fleetfoot and Intensifying magazine are your friends.
I recommend slowing bullets as well.
>play Geist
>feel most powerful when I can toss my 1 yay! :D
>feel like shit I can't toss my 1
Although the lifeswap is really funny and I've won so many duels I would've lost otherwise because opponents didn't respect it.
Why the fuck do you watch this algoslop??
This is why one gun item, like berzerk, along with utility like souls shredder bullets, is good to have so you can do damage while your 1 is on cooldown.
Will do. Anything else?
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Every time this artist lost to grey talon he drew him suffering
holy based

Cool thanks
Might give it a try next time I play her
Turret spam is fun but does kinda suck when you're fighting in awkward places or the other team is highly mobile
So that's what's she finds common with lash
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>he was so btfo by a moleman he made a category just for them
>teammates have matching names
>they all fucking suck
every time
>locked in
>more sauce
KYS zoomzoom
Not really, I'm still trying stuff out with warden yet but cheating your reload is such a big deal in this game that I felt confident in mentioning it. Every single time you stop to reload while in the lane or farming neutrals is like three seconds you could have saved by having quicksilver and that time adds up really quick, putting you minutes ahead of where you otherwise would be in the game. Just gotta compel your autism with the grenade and hold it for the reload instead of dumping it immediately.

Only other things I would say is that if you wanted to go for a more durable warden then you should definitely cap it off with leech and/or the siphon bullets. I also think that warden is also probably the best character to pick up headshot items on because he's the only character with a disable that has good duration to guarantee those headshots, which can let you shred through even tanks in the duration of your snare.
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>jumps across to your lane, one-shots your opponent, hangs around to get the last hit on their guardian then moves along to the next lane
Heh, nothing personnel...team
gun build is better than turret build tbhdesu
more like does 30% of someone's health with carbine then swaps and feeds because she has no followup
For me it's Support Viscous while my bro in lane plays Gun Ivy
We're fucking unstoppable together
Nobody is swapping near the enemy's guardian.
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Post your hero ideas
When the lane is pushed out and youre not missing out on any xp/money by shopping briefly.
nah dog,

your goal as haze is to farm the map because you need multiple t4 items to become a threat
tesla helps a lot with that, grab it fairly early and start taking neutrals and catching waves around the map
once you farm ricochet you can take the ancient camps solo in one clip
combine all of this with being able to rush around the map with smoke and escaping poor fights with sleep dagger and you'll end up way further ahead
sure you can, just swap and parry the guardian
No it's isn't. You can already flex heros in various ways, have a wide assortment of active items and can deny creeps, towers and heroes.

The simplified Dota-like is LoL.
Oh, I missed the part where this was someone's quote.
Does anyone get midgame/late game pauses? Like I can be in a big team fight and the game will literally freeze for like half a second, but enough to ruin a fight.
what's she saying bros
What's your CPU and GPU and settings?
5800x3d, rtx 3070, 32gb ram, win11. Running on default settings, dx11 and FSR2 enabled ingame.
Game runs like hot ass and most patches make it worse somehow
>Oh shit you're live on Twitch?
>pretend to want to fuck the goblina as a meme
>play her once to see if she's fun
The more I play her the more impressed I get. I really like this little gargoyle, she's strong as fuck. I feel like I have to learn her teamplay a bit better, but I can also just stand there and delete towers so my team doesn't complain.
I gotta say, after finally playing this game, this shit is ass
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Jack The Ripper
Jack slashes in an arc in front of him, dealing extra health % damage if the enemy is isolated
>Shadow Step
Jack becomes invisible for 0.5 seconds and gains movement speed, the ability functions as a short teleport. A shadow of Jack follows his path shortly afterwards, slowing and damaging enemies
Jack the Reaper brings out his dual-sickles, abandoning his gun and becoming melee for a period. Hitting enemies generates shields. Cancelling the ability early fires a projectile that deals % missing health damage when upgraded
>Nature's mockery
Jack tethers his masterpiece bomb to all enemies in range. If a single enemy moves beyond the range of the rope, it explodes, dealing area damage and creating secondary explosions for each enemy hit
>game time getting progressively longer the higher the mmr
>instant kills abundant
>aim skill irrelevant
>patches remove useful commands
>patches reduce performance instead of improving it
>balancing decisions that clearly indicate the devs do not play the game
it's over, this game is a flash in the pan if something doesn't turn around before release
She is, no joke, some dev's fursona
I just want a vampire hunter dude and think something like Wraith King's mortal strike would be a good passive on him. Deal a shit load of damage on a single shot and heal quite significantly. Maybe throwable could be a holy grenade that blesses an area, giving allies in it lifesteal and slowing enemies in the radius.
Works on my machine. I used to get huge FPS drops in some situations, especially near walkers, but it seems to have been fixed.
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He just killed Vindicta I see
Okay BUT, her gun is fucking awesome. It alone makes me want to spam her instead of Seven.

>balancing decisions that clearly indicate the devs do not play the game
No, they just listen to the trooncord circlejerk that exclusively play 6 man stacks and think dunking on pubs is hot shit
>uhm saar we all focus on Seven because we HAVE to so he's weak, buff
>Vindicta is too strong if she has a blue hellboy on her tail 24/7 so she doesn't evaporate instantly, I don't like playing against snipers, nerf
>it's definitely Shiv's knives that need to be nerfed to the ground (the part that fits his personality, weakening enemies without taking risk) and not the passive that gives him 10k effective HP
Hilarity all around
I used to, discovered it was because it was using my CPU instead of dedicated GPU for some god forsaken reason. I enabled it and now I get pretty consistent performance. I'm running Linux as well on top of it so the fact I am getting good performance at all in this alpha is good, considering Valve more than likely is targeting windows first for optimization.
is Ivy a support hero?
>>patches reduce performance instead of improving it
My performance got better thoughbeit
She can be, her kit is pretty good for that... but Gun Ivy is also very viable due to magdumping.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing a discord nigger brag about "muh elo" and how popular suggestions are "low MMR shitter opinions" then check their profile and their solo winrate is 43% lmfao
>Valve rate limited scraping and tracklock stopped working
Xhey are going to kill xemselves...
>paradox deals 30% of your opponent's health
>CC's them for like 3 seconds, doing another 20% of their life
>can't step in and get the kill
You have nobody to blame but yourself
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>Q Launches a crochet ball with a flamingo club that does more damage the longer its charged
>W pops her up on a lily pad letting her float down slowly / shoot from above
>E summons Tweedledee and Tweedledum who annoy any enemy heroes nearby doing minor damage but also slow/bodyblock if they don't kill them
>R Ultimate lets her + allies drink shrinking potion which makes them almost impossible to hit but still able to use their guns and powers for several seconds

I just can't decide on her gun is all
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guess what happens to mcginnins next
fuck me, I got raped by a gargoyle yesterday
>openly complaining about fucking seven
Literally just outing yourself as a shitter, nothing more
Needs a twist.

It has to be a girl who is LARPing as Alice.
I dunno, a seven that knows his best skills aren't his ultimate is scary.
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Damn, she really acclimated to the American lifestyle fast
Calling 7 bad is a psyop, he isn't as game raping as a Haze or Shiv when fed, but he's good.
>SIMPLE kit with good synergy
>farms fast, clears waves fast, disjoint stun, is fast and is one of the best chasers
>ult forces the enemy team to fuck off or focus on him exclusively, letting his team do their work
Calling Seven bad is a shibboleth for thinking you're le heckin high MMR because shitters don't buy Knockdown (they do, everyone on their 4th+ game does)
He's above average
so have you built for his 3 yet and how did it go. I feel like that would just melt people.
the wight brothers, the inventors of the ghost-powered airplane
they just ride around in their airplane and drop stick grenades on the enemy, there's no cooldown on the flight they just go but have to make sure to not crash into something

It's fun watching this game's meta develop. It's quite curious how the game has multiple, coinciding noob filters.

First it's Seven and his squad-wipe ultimate
Second it's a confident Abrams with melee build who is just unkillable in lane
Third it's Kevlin + Shiv who are inescapable when chasing you
Fourth it's Lady Geist who just wins any 1v1 and is a nightmare to lane against with her bombs too

What level are you guys at I'm a bit of a scrub so still stuck on McGennias ngl.
Airplanes failed in this timeline because airships tapped into air spirits to be more effective

Though I could see an airplane hero seehing that airships mogged his airplane idea
Did they nerf Abrams? He wasn't a problem at all after the patch.
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>Though I could see an airplane hero seehing that airships mogged his airplane idea
Lash is already an aeronaut
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Some super secret advanced info for min maxers.

bullet/spirit resist reducing items directly subtract from enemy resistance
let's say you have crippling headshot (24% resist reduction) and mystic vulnerability (12% resist reduction)
enemy has 45% resistance
these should multiply with enemy resistance to find the final value right?
first crippling headshot and mystic vulneribality is multiplied between themselves (33%)
then this value is directly subtracted from enemy resist (45% becomes a tiny 12%)
thought you were going to become invincible by stacking armor for 80% resistance? too bad.
conclusion: do not stack too much resistance or anti resistance. some is enough to cancel each other out)

second info
escalating exposure first stack seems to increase damage slightly more than it should.

third info
anything that says damage amp multiply the entire damage completely.
+weapon/spirit damage improvements are added (25% becomes 50%) while damage amps multiply the entire thing over and over (two 10% damage amp increase the entire damage by 21% instead of 20% for example.) there are exceptions like how Paradox time bomb goes 5% > 10% > 15% etc. but generally what happens such as like in the case of escalating exposure is every 6% damage amp you get from it multiplies the entire thing. So if you have 5 stacks of escalating exposure you will amp entire damage by 33% not 30%.

So buy escalating exposure it's fucking broken and why Infernus auto wins late game.

fourth info
not everyone takes headshot damage equally. someone like seven take less for example.
People learned to parry and but antiheal items
Genie hero with a big turban. He is sick and tired of his master never wishing for his freedom like in Aladdin, so he has decided to take matters into his own hands and gain his freedom with the patron.
1 is that he drops a random heavy object on an area.
2 he enters “wish mode” where he looses his ability to shoot and his legs but can glide across the ground at higher speed. An ally can get close to him and make their choice of a “wish” that gives a temp buff. 3 wishes and he exits the mode with a cooldown.
His 3 is to enter his lamp to heal. He can only hop around in the lamp and is still vulnerable to damage, but has a small hitbox.
His ult is to cause a sandstorm that slows enemies and builds up a debuff that causes disarm.
>Fourth it's Lady Geist who just wins any 1v1 and is a nightmare to lane against with her bombs too
I have no idea how to win against Geist
>hit her, she just swaps health
>don't hit her, she just kills you
My friends wanted me to play this game with them and I've never played an ASSFAGGOTS before and I just copy whatever build was highest ranked under popular. I don't really understand anything that's going on. I don't ever feel like I'm being out shot or out shooting anyone. People just seem to either randomly take no damage or massive damage. It feels like we're losing for 99% of a match then suddenly we win somehow after 45 minutes. Everything just feels like it turns into a giant blurry mush. I'm not having fun but I'm not like repulsed by playing it. It just sort of feels like I'm pressing buttons and matches end sometimes.

How do people play these kinds of games every day for hours for years?
>playing viscous
>solo laning a bebop
>he's fuckin good
>dodge hooks
>cube when hooked
>trade damage with slime and shootan
>its just a really good, fun fight
Anyways while I was having a ball the rest of my team got steam rolled and we lost.
You should have been the ball, not be having a ball
>Anyways while I was having a ball
They probably have average IQ
I fucking despise laning against McGinnis. She's a monster.

Don't jump her, don't 1v1 her, jump her as 5 and stun the ever living shit out of her. Then tea bag her to stomp on her pride.
t. Geist spammer
>If a person has to dodge your skill, they are not farming and also are exposing themselves
no you idiot, you only have to line of sight the paradox player
this doesnt mean hiding, or stopping farm, just line of sighting for like 5 fucking seconds after you hear the sound of her charging up the incredibly easy to dodge, 20s cd skillshot during which she also CANT FARM
I haven't played ASSFAGGOTS before either, took me like 3 games to figure everything out
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>solo laning against Pocket
>DCs before he even makes it into lane, like he straight up does not enter lane for a full minute, i don't even know how this is possible
>no one pauses so i assume it's a leaver
>finally arrives in lane
>fights for precisely 2 seconds before standing still
>assume it's a bot
>kill him
>push guardian
>push walker
>he reconnects and starts talking shit
>he actually manages to come back into the game and outpace multiple teammates despite doing literally nothing for 3 minutes of lane phase
>continues to talk shit to me throughout the game
+respect even though i definitely took advantage of him DCing

i'll probably remember this every time i feel like i'm losing my lane
>positioning filter
>item buy filter
>resource managment/counterplay filter
>build filter
Every scrubstomper filters a different skill that's more advance than the previous one. Genius game design.
You have that impression due to not perceiving the strategic, tactical and economic aspects of this game. It's only a shooter on the very surface.

If you decide to delve deeper, you'll discover how much replayability potential Deadlock has and might become interested.
>the incredibly easy to dodge
It's hitscan
They are going to nerf Toxic Bullets, aren't they?
Abilities like Tyra from Paladins, but she looks like Jinx from LoL and is a junkie crazy skinny bitch (but hot)
do you even know what hitscan means you retard? its a single projectile with a very slightly bigger hitbox than her normal bullets
go test it yourself
>first crippling headshot and mystic vulneribality is multiplied between themselves (33%)
>24 and 12
Excuse me, what?
>no ass.
She's a rancher she has at least a few asses. Though I'm not sure you can domesticate tits.
Has anyone run into hackers? I saw my first one tonight, it was amusing.
He was aim hacking on Infernus, headshots 100%, firing through walls at enemies on accident, cursor going nuts when it was picking different heads of minions, the whole shebang. The most cut and dry unrepentant not giving a fuck hacking you've ever seen.
He went like 2-8 because the fucking retard just tried pushing up a lane the whole time solo, and it turned out he had an auto-parry macro hack so you could actually shut off his autoaim by having someone melee him while another shoots him to death.
Redpill me on burst fire Vindicta
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Nah, have fun playing Mirage.
I feel like I could play competitive spreadsheet speed running and it'd be the same "potential".
Yeah. I immediately reported the retard since it was so obvious.
>Has anyone ran into hackers
Yep, one hacking seven (Russian), one hacking Haze (Russian), a Pocket with an automated parry script (Maybe Russian)
Might be an unpopular opinion here, but I'm not very excited for her even though I really like Deadlock. Her kit didn't impress me, but that might just be because I'm used to seeing Batrider kidnapping's for years in Dota.

It will probably feel very fresh for newcomers though.
They're still fucking around with Mirage while Holliday has been untouched for weeks now.
I feel like the character balance is wild. The lady with the turrets is insanely easy to play and also ridiculously powerful. Other characters you need to do mental gymnastics just to get 1 basic ass kill. Others just fly in the sky as far away as possible and 2 tap you with a sniper. Who balanced this shit? I'm having fun regardless though
yeah i think i met some aim hacking infernus too
hit me with every single bullet when i wasnt LoSing him in lane but a shit player and we won in the end
There is no redpill, people just buy every +move speed items
>might just be because I'm used to seeing Batrider kidnapping's for years in Dota

Dude the lasso is the most boring part of her kit.
The entire fun of Holliday are all the barrel and jump pad shenanigans you can do.
>aim hacking on Infernus
Every fucking time
I think you'll understand the nuances of the game better if you just continue to focus on playing one or two heroes and learn how itemization works. It's a flawed experience, but it's fun. Right now it's very messy because there's too much information to pay attention to at any given moment.
>what's the map look like
>where's the enemy team
>where's my team in jungle, farming, while our creep wave is dying to the enemy walker 30 feet away
>what did the enemy team buy
>are they dealing bullet damage or spirit damage, mostly
>are there are any high impact active items in play
>are there are any high impact passive items in play
These last two questions are often what contributes to the feeling of people taking no damage or massive damage. I had a recent game as Ivy where I kept focusing a Bebop because he was the weakest player on their team, and I was dealing NO damage. What I didn't know is that Bebop actually has innate bullet resistance and he bought superior bullet armor, so of course I was useless against him. I usually use respawn timers to check the enemy team's items for this reason.
40% winrate
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You shouldn't stack too many resistance shredder items. They don't scale well at all.
Same thing with resistance increasing stuff.
what do you buy on bebop if you dont go for the double bomb strat? his gun seems ass
>are they dealing bullet damage or spirit damage, mostly
just die to learn out ;)
Counterpoint. Resistance shredding increases damage of your whole team
His gun is one of the best in the game.
Basic mag, active reload, titanig mag
Rapid shots
His gun is literally one of the best bro
Uhm sir do not discuss Vindicta's winrate ok? It's only shitters understand saar? Vindicta nerf next patch bitch bastard.
Is deciding what items to buy really the meat and potatoes of these games?
His gun is in fact not ass at all, his gun is insanely high dps.
ADS spools it up for you if that helps.
Fire rate, ammo cap, raw damage and life steal, usual gun build suspects.
I feel like it's taken longer to find a match as time has went on, despite the exponential increase in players. Why is this?
Will Valve make Hopoo make a PvE coop roguelike mode for Deadcock?
you are either getting too good or too bad
Her kit says yes.
Her gun says brrr.
you know
i hate this shit too
but at least these look like they have some effort put into them
valve cosmetics are guild wars 2 glow tranny bad
Is there anything more satisfying than landing a last hit charge punch against a melee based hero (Yamato, etc)?
better matchmaking algorithm probably
girl with big booba
Yes. Buying a 6,000 soul item that gives you 70% more weapon damage is probably less useful than buying two items for 1,250 and 3,000 that give you stacking healing reduction and a DoT against a healing tank like Abrams or fully built Infernus.
>tickle by kelvin beam for half a second
>slowed to crawl speed
>fed Yamato with Frenzy buys Refresher
>my team continues to fight her, causing her to get so fed that I can no longer do anything to stop her
Actually fucked up
They actually try to match same skill level instead of picking first 12 players that clicked play
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They just hired them to make Vindicta FAT
bro you buy that shit after you rush the 70% weapon damage one
>not paradox
>get to lane at start of game
>first kill gets denied
My eyes roll into the back of my fucking sockets. And now I focus on denial and securing
>enter lane at start of game
>enemy doesn't deny a single kill
And I don't deny any of theirs and I just enjoy fighting them and kill creeps as normal.
The 'denial is a good and important part of the games skill curve' camp isn't wrong that it adds a lot of height to the skill ceiling of what a good player can juggle but fuuuuck I haaaate it.
>it just means giving up on farming for 5 seconds
Wow great plan!
Also shows you're still against new paradox players.
The whole point is that she can force you out of cover with her 1 so she can land her shot.
Why not both? Their assessment and hip:shoulder ratio are almost identical
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>queue into game
>theres a russian
>im westcoast NA
>entire team stops doing lanes like 15 minutes in to roam
>they all chase down one fucking enemy while everyone else does lanes
>when it comes to team fights they all just run away getting picked off
holy fucking shit this entire game pissed me off. absolutely braindead fucking niggers in my team.
You can't even jungle until minute 4
juggle, mate
So why has no one tried to make an fps moba? I mean with lanes, creeps and everything. Not like OW and Palababs.
>not everyone takes headshot damage equally. someone like seven take less for example.
fucking what
wasn't battleborn an assfaggots
>get to lane at start of game
>other guy ignores candle dudes entirely and just goes after me
>freeze ray his ass to make him go away
>he continues to ignore candle dudes in favor of unga
I can't tell if this is genius or severe mental retardation
They aren't doing a very good job, every game has at least a couple people that go 1-10 with fuck all game presence.
I think it was first person when it was the half life game
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Once... they did.
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nothing was scaled in this image, why the fuck is paradox massive
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I miss him, bros...
She's a big gal
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she won her lane
There was quite a lot of tps MOBAS but no fps mobas that im aware of and for obvious reasons.
Smite, paragon, gigantic of the top of my head and there's definitely atleast a couple more out there.

It's not a good idea, Deadlock will go the way of Battleborn, Gigantic, Paragon.
>gun dynamo enemy
>free win
>gun bebop enemy
>free win
>lash that doesn't play like a tank enemy
>free win
>paradox enemy
>free win

Bros why do people keep doing this stuff? I don't know how they win but somehow I check their stats and they have high winrates doing it. I can't lose to it so who is?
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Reposting from last thread.
A Fate's Tale.
Levi Belanger is a handsome young man. A Canadian hockey player from Saskatchewan with anger issues, due to this he has been known on the ice as an "extreme enforcer", but little did anyone know just how deep and dangerous his rage is. He secretly takes out his rage on fans who invoked his anger, luring them to his home and beats them to death.
Adoeete is a small, impish dryad coming from a lovely maple tree. Having to deal with humans messing with her tree, breaking its branches and pissing on its roots. She has grown to have a hatred for humans and, behind the backs of the other dryads, has been secretly killing off those who attempt to cut down her precious tree.
One day when Levi's crimes gets outed to the public he hides off into the snowy woods where he stays at an abandoned cabin, but eventually police find him due to his bad habits and he is shot.
Once the other dryads find out about the slaughters Adoeete has committed they have shunned her, and as punishment, weakened her power by tearing her tree and banishing her.
Having escaped the police but slowly dying from the shots Adoeete finds Levi. At first she indented to leave him to die, but after sensing the hatred he has for humans, she found a kindred spirit. With Levi dying, Adoeete weakened and the two's shared rage they agree to join forces to take on humanity together.
The two fuse together with Adoeete planting herself inside Levi, saving his life and giving her more power, turning then into, ironically enough, a freak of nature.
You might think turning into such a freak would be haunting for a person, but for Levi, he's fine with it, in fact he's appreciative of Adoeete for giving him such an opportunity and she appreciates having an ally in her crusade against humanity, as well as their shared appreciation of finally having someone who understands their wrath.
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>not vindicta
They want to impress her thighs on you
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deadlock is not fps you stupid idiot
Some extra tidbits about them.
Ranged attack.
Levi doesn't use a gun, instead his left arm shoots out big shards of wood at his opponents. It has a small to medium range and takes a while to reload, but it deals quite good damage.
Melee attack.
Levi runs around swinging his axe around with fury slashing anyone who stands in his way.
All in all Levi is a close ranged tank who rewards good accuracy and clever timing.
Kinda like electric and fire affects, Levi has a chance of inflicting a splinter affect onto opponents giving them tiny amounts of recurring damage while slowing them down a bit.
When at full health only Levi's arm is covered in wood but the more he gets damaged the bark starts to grow further onto his body giving him increased resistance to bullet damage the more damage he receives.
Forest Enforcer also becomes more powerful depending on how low on health Levi is when activated.
Adoeete can communicate with Levi and others around them through his left arm. It even glows every time she talks.
When hit in the face with a strong attack there's a chance Levi's mask will break off.
He is susceptible to fire and burn damage.
Despite their fused state Levi is still a handsome man underneath his mask. He also still has a female following despite everything he's done, a satire of those who romanticize villainous characters in media.
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This is kino, good job anon. Though I can't endorse a C*nadian being in the game.
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>pick up Haze running the urn with perfect timing
>thanks me in voice
>it probably would have been faster if I had just let her run it using the smoke bomb, drop, smoke bomb trick
I need hero that can walk up the wall
need an edit of this with Lash screaming for an ult
not fps
>not everyone takes headshot damage equally. someone like seven take less for example.
Are you sure you're not forgetting about Seven's base bullet resist being higher than others?
>stomp Dynamo as Paradox until he's 0/6 on the lane
>he leaves
>other people in his team start leaving
>I am now robbed of my legitimate victory

Oh, fuck you. Stick around and fight me like a man.
DEI slop made for adhd zoomers/gen alpha
dynamo is so bad at solo laning it's ridiculous

the amount of time i punished him as lash is ridiculous

where ya running to fatboy ?
why does number get bullet resist but big fat blue fuck who's whole deal is taking lots of damage doesn't have any
Kek. Every time I saw him use his teleport I'd throw a bomb where it was going to land and smacked him with a windup melee.
>our team has a Haze who doesn't interact with anyone for 30 minutes and then becomes an absolute monstrosity off of nothing but farming creeps in empty lanes and jungle
>enemy team has a Haze who doesn't interact with anyone for 30 minutes and then becomes an absolute monstrosity off of nothing but farming creeps in empty lanes and jungle
I'm honestly just fucking around with experimental meme builds until the next patch
Thank you.
>see I have to lane against Dynamo
>call him Professor Reddito in allchat
>focuses me the whole game
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Deadlock already peaks at 175k with picrelated, bare bones matchmaking, bare bones visuals and no release date.
all the sweaters play haze and seven, it's so annoying. every game has haze and seven, it's the same shit every time.
Nothing funnier than buying return fire and watching Haze KYS with her ult
Not only does Seven get base bullet resist, he also gets bullet resist on level up.

Deal with it, you big blue faggot.
>team is pocket, lash, dynamo, mo and krill and shiv
I feel sorry for the enemy team, our team was really just the bully team
I hate that bastard *nfernus
>somehow enjoyed loosing a 50 min game because i had fun with my char and did decently well

7 is shit, just anvil his ass and play around the fact that he has no mobility like a cuck

otherwise haze nerfs WHEN
A zombie who lost his soul and a ghost who lost her body. Together they fill in what each other lost.
The zombie was a young man from the Netherlands named Ollie who grew up on the streets and died in modern times (Modern in the time period Deadlock takes place in) when his family got into the middle of a gang war.
The ghost was a young woman from Belgium named Dollie who grew up with a fancy life of luxury and wealth but died in the 1600s when her family was assassinated for their fortune.
They both were buried in the same graveyard and both awakened at the same time during a Maelstrom. The two wondered the graveyard alone for a few days, feeling empty, until finding each other. They were scared at first, but the two eventually found that they both are poor, lost and have the need to avenge their respective families.
At first the two agreed to go their separate ways once but then they realized they can fill each other's emptiness, and even more than that, fall in love. So the two joined together so they can never be apart.
For their abilities they can jump high and float in the air, temporary intangibility, self healing and a last stand ability.
I don't care about 50 minute games as long as the enemy team aren't faggots. In other words, I don't care as long as Grey Talon isn't in the game.
late game seven with a ton of ability power has the movespeed of a warden with fleet foot, it's actually really annoying to catch him because he can kite with his stun
>you play as two people
>bio uses they/them pronouns

just poke him honnestly, his stun has shit range
Chief Prepping Bull say:
>Chief Prepping Bull
Funniest meme out of Deadlock so far.
Weird how it isn't even specific to Talon, it would work for any Native American
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I hate the upgrade shop, full of nebulous +10% to X. It's shit in an RPG that takes place over a dozen hours, in a 30 minute game it's even shittier. I want upgrades that make meaningful mechanical changes.
It truly baffles me that there are people this mind numbingly retarded here.
What the fuck is there to laning outside of denying?
Standing around and killing the creeps that wait for you to kill them while your opponent has no way to contest? Broooling endlessly like a retard?
>what are actives VS passives
Weirdly enough there are very few items that just add flat damage like Dota 2
I was going to meme on the people talking about Seven but this is way fucking funnier.
Nobody tell him.
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My hero idea is better then yours.

Except this one I like this one.
she could impress her thighs into my head whilst giving me a leg locked facesitting
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I'd say this was exquisitely crafted bait, but something tells me you're really this fucking stupid.
do you know what i mean with line of sight?
you move out of the paradox' line of sight
this does not mean stop farming, this does not mean hiding
her nade is so bad its basically not worth casting besides for killing creeps
How can you tell if your match had spectators?
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Deadlock needs at least one
>Eldritch horror themed character.
>A character that can climb up walls
yamato is in the same vein. ive been doing only farming and she gets fucking insane
>this does not mean stop farming, this does not mean hiding
So you mean get hit by the paradox then.
She has several seconds to roll out and delete a third of your health.
>her nade is so bad its basically not worth casting besides for killing creeps
You can just admit have no idea what you're talking about.
cosmetic surgeon that runs an organ trafficking ring for the rich and powerful that specializes in taking all types of magical creatures, dissecting them, and grafting the pieces onto the highest bidder as they want things like power and abilities from the parts.
Gameplay wise and the main reason I came up with this is just give me the medic from tf2 in deadlock but with the ability to steal other people's ults as his ult.
I feel like some characters should by default do more melee damage than others. There is no way Vindicta and Bebop punch equally as hard.
>third of your health
this shit barely tickles and has a whopping 0,3s ministun/slow, what am i gonna do?!?!?
>he doesnt know

Dropped to 130k...
How do you lane against beepoop constantly putting a threat of hooking you for big damage and he WILL out deny you with his laser (I will try him out today).
Yamato does. Enjoy your samurai gameplay!
The hook has a long cooldown in the laning phase.
Pocket is just a suitcase full of frogs, hence they are plural.
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>every game tonight was just one lane feeding vindicta, warden, or haze until a shutout occurs 10 minutes in
Top left while you’re playing
>reddit: 325762 likes
>/v/: /vg/ on /v/
>resetera: official deadlock discord moderation
meanwhile in the press
>its a good product unfortunately its too complicated for its own good therefore probably will not be able to capture the masses like some of of its precursors
>if you like this game you really should give concord a try
>”no one asked for this” why valves new hero-shooter has a allegedly dark future
>your one stop slop guide to the best champions to pick during your menopause in valves new take on league of legends
The single teabagger I've encountered was a Gay Talon. What is it about him that draws the most obnoxious, woodchipper-worthy players to him?
he doesnt actually do much damage early on, just get away with a movement skill if he actually manages to hook you
i was yelling in my vc, then i was laughing
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>i'm my team's carry
>Yamato and I are dead even at 45k souls at the beginning of late game
>tell them to not engage Yamato unless I'm around to CC / kill her
>oh no, the Yamato is here
>guys, I think we can kill Yamato
>let's kill Yamato
>watch as Yamato reaches fucking 75k while I fall behind to 56k even though I'm sweating my ass off putting out fires in all of our lanes and rushing to fights
Hanzo main refugees
this, it won’t be ready until you're back from respawn
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He's a "skill shot" character that requires no skill. You can probably play him while high off your ass and carry.
>getting harassed all lane
>chilling under tower
>enemy thinks they can dive me
still long enough to get bombed and heavy meleed or uppercut
I play Pocket because I have no skill and I can't aim
Huntsman experience
>expanded server hours
i mean yeah, but youre not gonna die from one hook
Kelvin spirit build going all in on 3 is both hilarious but frightening.
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this, bebop and the guardian never follow up you know
What's your webm supposed to prove? Hitting someone's head while they're moving and jumping around does require a lot of skill to pull off.
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If you're playing against me, you are. buckbreaking.exe engaged
>tfw managed to kill so far an ulting yamato, an ulting seven and an ulting Haze this way with no stun
>enemy team gets seven, haze, wraith, warden
>the strongest carry on our team is me on pocket, lash next best
>lash has some sick ults, I get some 4-5 man afflictions and am a beast
>another teamfight, lash ults and doesnt put them next to me, I was already expecting him to so I cast affliction
>I get cursed and die fast cuz no leech
>I went 25-8
some games are winnable but this one was almost doomed from the start. game needs a role queue or pick and ban so badly
They should just delete him. The only fun to be had fighting him is when he's weak enough to be instagibbed.
every gun is like that dude
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>die once in duo lane
>random declares lane dead
>leaves lane without telling me, leading to me getting dove under guardian for free
>farming my way back into relevancy
>end up pushing our lane's guardian
>random asks whether I'm enjoying fucking pushing our fucking lane after it's fucking lost
I also really agree the match making needs to be reworked, but I don't know how to do it without compromising what they seem to be going for.
I'd kill for the way DotA does it. Even if I'm just told, "You start in this lane" just give me a chance to set up before the start of the game instead of feeling like I'm playing a gamble.
>soul vs soulless
better than hanzo
Ricochet arrows took skill bro you don't understand.
attractive woman with fat ass
Vindicta and Paradox are already in.

Wouldn't surprise me if they plan to add lane picking later. Having to solo lane against a McGinnis sucks dick if you're playing a hero that's easily bullied
>both worst heroes in the game
you dont have to push the lane you know, kinda your fault if you let him hook you to the tower
you'd have a better point with his 2, retard-worthy skill early on
>McGinnis vs Geist
I spam Geist a lot. I can win a lot of really weird fucking lanes. Fuck I can come back from those times when I'm laning against fucking Icefrog himself. Fuck McGinnis. Shit is god damn impossible. You cannot push McGinnis and if you need to escape you must face THE WALL.
A true waifufag plays his waifu irregardless of her viability.
desu can't even tell that paradox is a woman or even human
Shadow Fiend from DOTA, including the swagger walking animation
Literally just a woman with a Watchmen Rorschach mask.
Why is he called Chief Prepping Bull anyways?
I am addicted to playing Viscous
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That's not a high bar.
Them nerfing talon's hitboxes three major patches in a row says something, though.
If you can avoid the turret ambush you'll have a good time as Geist agaisnt McGinnis. If you are in the brawling range as Geist you'll dodge her ulti by being close.
Wraith has got swag, the problem is that her coat is so fucking huge it's the only thing the player can see
Vindicta downplayers get the rope
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A Finnish ghost (preferably a spirit from the country’s mythology) with long range freezing attacks. Look based on picrel
Vindicta overplayers deserve to get staked, pecked by crow and assassinated
Ebin :DDDD

I play McGinnis a lot and yeah, she pretty easy to win lanes with because her gun is pretty good and she just has a lot of tools to handle a lot of situations. I guess the only caveat is that her heal/wall are pretty commital, once she uses it in the early game, it takes some time for it to come back.
The main thing I would unironically say is get people to gank her because her mobility is shit so if he ever remotely overextends, it can be a easy punish if you got backup.
If you're stuck with randoms that do not help, I honestly wish you luck.
Love building escalating on Miku
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>>if you like this game you really should give concord a try
the only based ritualposter itt
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>play multiple rounds
>always 0/10/0 at best

How the fuck do you play this I've tried different characters and everything.
I do 0 damage and the enemies obliterate me, I've also used the high rated user builds
Are you retarded?
If you're five seconds into the match, the Paradox will have the first upgrade + mystic burst. It then deals like 210 damage and paradox gets a full headshot burst on you.
>he's alive
I feared we'd not be getting Abrams sex today.
To be frank they are one of the easy hero to play with.
Don't die
Kill the enemies
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I'm sure you can keep them as pets in any case
you are probably losing lane instantly. even if you don't die, if the enemy is farming all the troops and denying your souls, it's the same as feeding
if you have a match ID#, I could take a peek
Do you farm creeps and buy items?
Abrams needs to shave that goatee looks like ass on him and his in-game portrait looks perfectly fine without it
your macro is off, try staying grouped with the team
>character is named abrams
>Is a tank
Bravo volvo
They're elder gods from another dimension that grant wishes to those who serve them.

That one character wants the patron he serves to kill itself.
I'm afraid it might be a case of being too much of a retard to play the game properly. I gotta shoot enemies, shoot minions, deny enemy minions, deny my own minion, buy stuff and more. I think its just too much for my monke brain, I will try again though.

But I appreciate the advice and yeah I do buy items whenever I can.
Laning against Kelvin kinda sucks as Infernus desu.
>1750 souls worth of upgrades
>"it deals 210 damage bro!! insane!!!111"
one item worth 500 souls gets you like 160hp + other stats, which basically cancels out the +dmg of the 20s CD skill she has thats her only way of cc the entirety of the laning stage and is hard to hit
the hero is just absolute garbage with a shitty kit that doesnt feel fully thought through, theyre gonna change her substantially or tune the numbers a lot
He can't kill you. Just push him.
try to focus on shoving your wave. it's easier to lane with your troops under their tower because then they are pressured to farm your troops and their troops are already dead, allowing you to focus on harass and denies.
it's not easy if it's your first moba
>210 damage is a lot
fucking lol that's an infernus tracking you for free
I can kill you as kelvin
When it's unavoidable and followed by 200 damage of headshots in laning phase when you have MAYBE 800 health, yes, it's a lot.
>letting infernus proc his shit in lane
Alright I'm going to stop replying now it's clear you're just utter garbage.
Kelvin does piss damage and has slow as projectiles, Infernus is highly mobile. It's a favorable matchup for the demon migrant.
speaking of kelvin
>rush nade level 3
>spam self heal in lane
its so broken, save all your ability points and just try it, nobody expects it, especially in melee range you get the damage plus the heal
it's a geist bomb at lvl 1, better? also it's not unavoidable lol, how do you let paradox hit it for free ?? you're just utter garbage she literally screams that she's going to shoot you with that for the next 5 seconds
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>Grey Talon 2
This isn't practical, it's just funny
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>Paradox is...LE BAD
you know it's bad when your only argument is that a player carried in your game one time, that's how unique and rare paradox being 1v9 is
I'm not the guy you were arguing with, and that's also my own stats screen.
Everything is viable when you're in Marinara trench mmr
... in high mmr games
Isn't he mid range? Either go back and poke more or get in his face.

I like McGunnis and she usually melts him
This game honestly shows zoomers have not a single ounce of taste in gaming. It's just a worse version of dota with less defined mechanics. The game will die like all the other nu-valve games.
>b-bbut muh peak
it's literally being shilled everywhere
Miku is extremely underrated. She can outdamage a spirit-focused tier 3 Bebop ult. Her gun will get nerfed.
why is lady geist allowed to have 4 ults
ivy is actually the 2nd least picked hero in the game
>it's literally being shilled everywhere
shilling implies a paid sponsorship.
first off, who is doing the shilling and what is your proof?
Once TI starts, your game is DOA. All the big dota streamer will be back at Dota.
Not only. This game has 4 layers of strategy:

1 micro movement and aiming
2 item and ability order, modifying the build on the fly according to battlefield conditions
3 map movement patterns, ganking, farming and objective taking
4 synergy of heroes and builds, team communication
t. Riot marketer projecting
retard again
I'm thinking retard
Zoomers aren't playing this, lol.
>steam continuing to try and push this pile of shit onto us
fuck off. this isnt your dumping grounds for failed games
zoomers are trash at mobas. all my zoomer friends feed
This is just retarded cope. Her winrate was the single highest in the game to jump after 70 games before deadlocktracker got cucked.
High MMR players universally agree she's busted.
ONLY shitters think she's bad.
>all the disarm item and some spell removal was because those heroes turn Shiv into a creep
You're also turning yourself into a creep witth nno useful items.
Deadlock already has like a dozen LoL and a couple of dozen shooter streamers.
don't worry, riotnigger

keep screaming DEI and shills until riot releases their bootleg version of deadlock LMAO
Deadlock acts as a litmus test for LoL paid shills because they can't play it because of a contract clause.
why doesn't he have eyes
Is the inhibitor item not working correctly? Doesn't seem to lower bullet damage by 35%, but something like 10% but spirit seems to work as it should
This guide recommended inhibitor on infernus. Seems really funny to just shut off someone's spirit damage forever and they might not even realize
im having fun with tormentor pulse giving rage and mystic shot giving more rage.
>litmus test

I've had the exact same idea, even though I suspect a couple of them have been allowed one or two streams to make their hypothetical employment contracts at Riot less obvious.
how do theybuild rage? is it based on spirit damage?
And what makes her busted?
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Actually, this genuinely doesn't seem like a bad build if it weren't for how spirit-reliant Grey Talon is
>total of items is 26,500, but you can do without superior stamina, metal skin, or tesla bullets, dropping it down to 17,500
>can replace quicksilver reload with cheaper spirit items or an active since it isn't even clear if it's giving its fire rate bonus
>veil walker, stamina, and kinetic dash help mitigate the lack of movement speed
>veil walker ensures your bullet shield is always up, which makes metal skin redundant, freeing up a green slot
You'd basically just be roaming around the map looking for people to pick off near veils
nah, if you read the ability correctly, damagING gives rage. adding pulse and mysticshot are seperate damage, but its damaing. mystic gives more rage during its shot because its different damage than your bullet and with just pulse always actively damaging targets around you, building rage.
Uncontestable or avoidable harass in lane, long ranged, high duration instant CC on an extremely low cooldown, a spammable wall that dictates teamfights and a strong speedboost (something that's fairly rare) which leads into one of the best ranged nukes in the game.
to add, cold front, slowing hex, even decay(which a lot people build) will give rage
>44% wr
the retard lashes out in anger
The majority of games played are low MMR.
There is a reason Valve haven't buffed the character with the worst winrate in the game, and it's because she's already one of the strongest heroes in high MMR.
Moron, there is Overall winrate and based on matches played. 70+ matches she has huge winrate.
>literally no one but some retarded faggot redditor who thinks anything that is subversive in any way is automatically good
Same people who want to keep eighthead ayy lmao Yamato. Because she's ugly and it's subversive so it's good. There was even a gamingcirclejerk tranny in one of these threads that said he wanted the pajeeta concept art design for Yamato specifically because other people didn't want it, so that makes it good. Contrarians are fucking retarded and try to ruin every game by gaslighting people into thinking something being subversive is automatically good.

Valve is busy bullying esports retards by not allowing other streamers to co-stream the event and not adding any fucking skins for the tournament.

just a big fuck you from valve to the esport niggers who scream how people would rather want skins than give a fuck about them.
>i-i-its only low mmr
>stop the count
stages of grief lvl1: denial
PGL moment
How the fuck do retards like you wind up on 4chan?
Genuinely, why the fuck are you here if you have a mental breakdown at even the lightest of contrarianism?
If you just want to upvote the popular thing and face no dissent, literally any other site on the internet is where you should be.
i doubt it's valve, it's probably some saudis and esports betting websites that have broadcasting rights so they own the entire thing.
She's just like me fr fr
>he says as he slithers in with the other tranny worms from gamingcirclejerk and resetera after finding out about 4chan this summer
Yes. How are you think mindbroken?
literally everybody is streaming it now what are you smoking covid zoomer
>literal tourist claiming anyone else is new
The sooner you swing from the ceiling the better.
>"How are you think mindbroken?"
>the paradox-upplayer is literally retarded

Very general advice for laning
>laning phase, let your troops damage the enemies until they get low enough (they'll flash white) and finish them off and try to shoot the orb that comes out, if you blast them at full HP you'll probably won't have ammo for last hitting orbs/harass, some heroes will be better/worse at last hitting
>deny when possible, you're leaving souls on the table if you do not
>harass is nice, but don't overcommit to it if it distracts you from farming, take reasonable potshots and hit them when you can but your priority is getting farm, the goal of harass early on is to make it riskier for them to go for farm or if they try to gank you
>if you're being hit a lot and it's hard for you to hold lane, that's ok, shit happens, pick up a healing rite and/or extra regen from side shop when you can so you can heal yourself without returning to base and at least maintain some farm, your goal is now just to avoid dying and avoid overcommitting
>if you lost your lane (your guardian went down or it's too dangerous to keep staying in the lane), switch to another lane or farm the neutral/jungle mobs
>if possible, ask for ganks if you have a roamer (or if you are the ganker/roamer, gank other lanes when yours is pushed up to their guardian)

Consider this to be more rule of thumb than ironclad rules, sometimes it's fine to just blast the troops and focus on pushing early or whatever or sometimes they have a LOT of heals to the point where it's too risky/pointless to harass them too much
When are they adding mana
Neck yourself trannygger.
Ok no need to be rude mr!
GOD i wish that was me
holliday has been untouched for weeks while mirage is being actively worked on, meaning holliday is on the backburner and mirage is next
fun fact: you don't have to stay in your assigned lane
you can leave any time you want
look at your fucking minimap
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What's your Design Tier List?

Voice and Gameplay will be separate
>the paradox-upplayer is literally retarded
So you're actually that anti-Vindicta faggot mindbroken by her being bad at high mmr you've latched on Paradox?
>bebop in highest tier
>when he's a copypaste from neon prime, still wearing his samurai pants
>white guy
You got this from reddit?
Can someone check which characters got 2D or 3D portraits? I am unsure about Shiv, Haze, Paradox and Viscous having 2D ones.
Paradox looks good for a thief. Maybe her mask can be changed but that's all.
Have you considered using your eyes?
Of those, only Shiv has a 3D portrait.
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>dynamo and paradox are too similar
I don't see it, you're not just going off the portraits, right?
Viscous is going to look like this soon(tm)
no im the guy wondering why this hero is so incredibly garbage
i like vindicta
Viscous isn't 2D, too.
>their theme
There is only one theme, wokeslop.
You're right

Lash is cool, but looks similar to Warden facial hair wise. There's no lore if they're brothers or not.
Kelvin's design is ass.

Paradox has a nice outfit, She's got a time motif but her mask could use a change.

Design wise, not gameplay. This real?
Are you blind?
You can literally see the brush strokes in the portrait. And it has fucking eyes.
Ugly ass fuck no one likes that, viscous should look like the slime girl in omega strikers
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>Not liking the Fire Nigger
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>The Guardian has fallen
Ye lmao and some heroes do less headshot damage like Haze
I've never known a Jacob that was a good person

They were all assholes or trash people

I don't get this game.
He only likes riot-approved gay dei nigger haha.

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