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buff vindicta
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Deadlock is: TPS; hobby-grade visual novels; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Deadlock Heroes!
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can a good abrams link me a match ID so I can watch their replay I wanna get better at him
Do neutrals get split evenly between nearby teammates or is it full per each person?
Vindicta needs to be removed from the fucking game, her lore is straight trash and her kit is redundant at best
woah ivy lay off the bodega sandwiches
Yes I just realized that creeps are candles, like for ritual.
what on earth compels you to keep posting this?
Just check the in-game spectate and find a match with Abrams in it.
Jannies don't ban for people spamming the exact same fucking post verbatim with the exact same image and filename nonfuckingstop for multiple threads a day for months at a time even though it is the literal definition of spam
That just looks like a boy.
Full, but after 10 min they're split.
when are they adding drops so there's actual reason to play
thanks for the heals, candlebro
Alpha builds were a mistake. Or people are so used to "beta" games basically just being the completed game but suckered you into paying for early access that they forgot what an unfinished game truly looks like.
but unironically I want drops too.
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>actually hating something I think does not exist at all makes sense
Kill yourself.
It is a mystery.
next patch when? tired of the game as is
we have blue Hellboy, when will we have mauve Goon?
next week thursday
I just want to feel like I get something out of playing.
Having fun is already a coinflip depending if I just get hard countered / play with retards but maybe mobas are just not for me
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Chubvy ritual poster is my greatest ally
I saw a streamer with insane tracking and aim playing this game, and now I'm wondering if I should quit? I didn't jump on csgo wagon so I don't have 800 hours on CSGO. I wish this game was more like TF2 and less like some arena shooter+moba hybrid. E-Sports truly killed multiplayer gaming, everything has to be so "sweaty", there are "meta builds". I remember years playing pre-season 1 LoL with skype frieneds just casually, until first US teams start appearing during season 1-2-3 , and suddenly I'm getting flak for "not last hitting properly", when it used to not be a thing before? Like wtf why does every game have to be ruined with normies
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Damn he cute
These people have always existed in every videogame since the beginning of time. You just never saw them before. Just enjoy the game at your own pace.
are you pretending? you're the normie that's too bad for video games
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What about purple Lobster Johnson?
he looks like something out of harry potter lol
>and now I'm wondering if I should quit?
just play melee, don't worry about csgo """pros""" every game has cheaters
New thread means new joke, anon.
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how many young boys did she fuck and turn into dried corpses?
So I'm a retard who never plays mobas, do I need to just never be on lane as haze. I ate shit as her last night but I feel it was more because I autisticly stick to my lane
get new material faggot
I've been playing games since age of 3, I even got bullied for playing games too much. I don't claim to be the "best gamer", but the gamer DNA runs in my veins. I was playing wolf3d when i was 3-4 yo (killing the good guys, imagining those brown shirts on the floor dead as lego bricks)
Game being beta is a blessing in disguise.
>no loot boxes
>no shitty skins
>no ranked or other faggotry
Just pure gameplay and it's so refreshing.
transfolks leave the thread
>you should let me free farm and not deny, ok?? otherwise youre being a sweaty!
i'm already Tracer
I'm fine if it is about your obsession but just make a new one.
My favorite thing to do in this game is play the Gooper and cancel people's ults with my slime ball.
Another super fun thing to do is to FIST people towards me and have my Bebop buddy obliterate them
I'm a little displeased at the nerfs he's got though, even if I understand why they've done it
funni joke 10/10 thank you anon for being a shining beacon
based helper
No but the issue is that I remember playing a LoL game where I was hitting the minions constantly, instead of only last hitting, and then I got flak for it, despite having been doing that always since day 1/it never was an issue before seasons were introduced to LoL.
Don't mean to brag but...
I am the lash
She killed millions...
I main harry potter what about you guys?
Not really. Culture has changed. Gaming has become more mainstream. When TF2 was released there wasn't this many tryhards, it was just some people playing the new thing.
Everyone needs to be on lane, at least in the first 10 minutes killing creeps is the singular most important thing you can do and it never stops being important really, gotta keep the money flowing
you can go ahead and spam something else now
Please make games quicker.
I got this my first match when my friends invited me to play LoL. Its not really a problem in deadlock.
you continuously fuck up your lane advantage if you are constantly dealing damage to minions, pushing too much leaves your opponent in safer positions constantly
towers are already paper thin and urn+midboss secure entrance to the base, what more do you fucking need?
the biggest redpill Ive found are the boxes on the rooftops, nobody collects them. there are so many you get at least 500 souls plus 4-5 budah statues per rotation. its basically free money on kelvin
Ig I just need to move around more on lane. Hazes weapon just has pretty heavy drop off and my other options early game are just dagger which has hefty cd until lvl 2 I think. Is the idea to get all my 500s and then farm?
harry pocket haters leave the thread
>no ranked
fuck you, I want ranked
I'm tired of a player just leaving because their lane phase went south and this shitty uneven mmr (although they're supposedly addressing the latter already)
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>Like wtf why does every game have to be ruined with normies
youre the normie
Trying to have 6 random people work together in a 3rd person game with 4 lanes and multiple objectives to distract you is too much. I'm not blaming my rando bros, I just mean the design is ass and without direction.
max your 3 first anon, maybe get a value point in dager
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The rooftops are a recent change (one week ago) so people are still not incorporating it into their gameplans even if there's literally glowing brown ropes next to every new roof
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What's the meta playing as Haze? High RoF + bullet dmg sneak up on and quickly rape distracted individuals, or some sort of ult build?

Also for the latter, what the hell does "+1 target hit" mean? I was under the assumption that every target gets hit at the same time as per the RoF +25%, but now they'll receive an additional hit?

I've seen a lot of pro Haze players who get at least 10k souls ahead of everybody, but none of their playstyles or item choices are similar at all. Most of all they rarely put anything into Spirit except QSR on knife, any of the spirit debuffs, or superior range on their ult.
>ritual posting already
its over...
Even in my very first game of Dota I immediately saw the disadvantage of auto attacking creeps. You want to be near your side of the map, not near theirs where you're vulnerable to ganks. You might just be a very slow learner. Other people aren't "sweaty" for recognizing basic mechanics before you.
>You want to be near your side of the map
The objective is to destroy your enemy's side of the map. Its counter intuitive for a new player.
I didn't play dota 1, and by time Dota 2 was out, I think mobas were already "too sweaty". It's possible they were always sweaty, but not for those who didn't play other mobas than LoL. Pre-season 1 LoL was comfy
Not in this game... You have much more freedom if you have the lane and the oppo is trying to survive in their corner. ANd you can hit them for more. Everyone in this game is ranged so it doesnt matter if you push the lane into a tower, you can just keep shooting at them, and they never move behind the tower.
Yeah I do. I use a build that rushes fixate and then a lvl to dagger.
>he wasn't here for Abrams buttpounding everyone in the lobby after the Ritual's completion
it's BEEN over dude, everyone already had sex with Abrams and went home
thanks doc
>The objective is to destroy your enemy's side of the map
it's a genre with heavy strategy, constantly pushing into enemy lines and putting yourself in vulnerable positions for short term gains is retarded. it's not a difficult concept to understand
Lady Geist teaching Haze to act more ladylike and less like a sleep paralysis smoke demon. Haze trying on frilly dresses and pretty shoes. Haze learning to ballroom dance. Haze in a wedding dress at our wedding. Haze is cute and I'm the only one she lets know about it.
>what the hell does "+1 target hit" mean?
before +1 target hit upgrade your ult damage is split equally between all players you hit. so if you are hitting 5 players each one takes 20% damage.
after +1 target hit you get to hit an additional person before damage splitting happens
meaning it goes like this
1 player = 100% damage each
2 players = 100% damage each
3 players = 66% damage each
4 players = 50% damage each
and so on...
No, it's not. It's extremely intuitive as long as you aren't stupid. Being pushed up to the enemy's tower gives you an innate feeling of vulnerability and discomfort. You know you're out of your comfort zone and putting yourself at risk. You may as well be claiming that blocking in a fighting game is "unintuitive" because "the goal of the game is to hit the enemy, why would i block?".
You’re welcome.
league of legends was literally made to be a less interesting dota with all the interactions and synergies removed so it's understandable a retard like you would like it
Haze throwing a sleep dagger at a french harlot trying to steal her life force then dumping her two 60 mag mac-10s into her head and center mass respectively
The item system feels supremely rough to me right now. It feels like they don't know if they want to make items unique or they want them to be stat sticks.
Why is valve so based
How many years did LoL exist without there being Dota 2? Why are you so mad?
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Fatass Ivy image aside the post itself is just poking fun at Randy Pitchford's autistic buzzword salad about Battleborn. I appreciate the meme, personally. However much shit you think Randy deserves to be made fun of for, the real amount is probably 10x as much.
Does disarm work vs her ult? I think not but I also think it should because its just autoattacks.
This is just an alpha right, or a beta? How long until some kind of 1.0? 2025? 26?
were valve fans of jk rowling or something when designing this character?
this nigga wasn't there for riot constantly advertising league on dota forums
Imagine people just looking at tracklock and then going to the forums and complaining that Vindicta is underpowered or Seven is overpowered. Valve is getting useless data from these fucks.
Because they don't want to sift through stupid faggots crying nonfuckingstop on the forums because some dude has a higher win/loss ratio than they do while they're trying to take ACTUAL suggestions on properly balancing the game
no it doesn't
but fire rate slowing debuffs work
As I said, I didn't play Dota 1, so I don't have reason to be on any dota forum
fucking this: >>687877826
Lots of people are saying "game ruined" every Thursday, but right up until the game launches it'll probably be tons of fun.
There's so many ways things can go sideways once Valve introduces monetization.
>people quitting just before the game ends

Are we already trying to MMR pad in a closed alpha?
The only people who played dota 1 were those who were too dogshit for wc3
Do creeps even matter past like 10 minutes? Every game I win or lose players destroy every tower and final boss
>Do creeps even matter past like 10 minutes
tf am i reading
I remember playing some fan mods/maps occasionaly on wc3, but never really dota. I was more of a HL1 mods gamer (sven coop etc)
creeps dont do shit
Where the fuck are all these players coming from, everyone I know stopped playing it.
creeps literally win you the game. you NEED lanes to push dude
Randy Bitchford deserves to never work in Hollywood again after that Concord-tier box office bomb he decided to drop on everyone
you need the creeps to be present to destroy towers
>Chubvy poster posts nonsensical word salad, I assume he is shitting on the game
>Turns out Randy Bitchford said the exact same thing without a hint of irony to advertise Battleborn
lmao. If literally anyone else was in charge Gearbox could have been the first to make a succesful moba shooter.
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>Dr.Dynamo, I'm CIA
You're my wife Haze, actually. And I'm not Dr Dynamo, he's reddit.
Because the subreddit's front page was already spammed with posts claiming Seven is OP because of his pick rate and win rate.
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Hands where I can see them, Anon.
yes but you fucking destroy them ultra quick
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I feel similarly. I really like the game but find myself going back to TF2 after a few rounds. Its very sweaty and you have to be on your shit for at least 30 minutes straight or its all a waste. I just dont have that energy some days.
I can see a match go to shit in TF2 and just start playing around and its still mostly fun for everyone. In 10 minutes ill be on a good team again.
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canon lesbians btw
>Team never pushes out waves
>Always pushed in on us. If we get kills we cannot do anything on map
>Slowly lose in an agonizing fashion

>Always push out waves before looking for fights
>We have full map control
>Deliver urns and take their jungle for free
>Win game handily

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No npc in this game pose any real threat to players. But they can push objectives by themselves with enough numbers and time. At the moment they just serve as a major income for players to make the number go up which is a shame considering you spend the entire game killing these boring idiots that don't even put up a fight.
God, she has such a nice body
i wish black women were real bros
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haze's face does it for me
this chat is deathly, wtf community are you in
imagine if Haze took off a glove and touched your face haha
would her hands till be 100% BLACK?
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>Enemy 5k
>Me 1k
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what do we think /v/? personally I feel yamato would be A tier if her ultimate didn't have a channel to activate, perhaps the final upgrade on her 4 could remove the channel and give her additional uptime.
make your own if you disagree https://tiermaker.com/create/deadlock-tier-list-17174383
>If we get kills we cannot do anything on map
literally just facetank the towers at that point, it's not like they will kill you
IDK about the strategy but I had a match recently where a haze repeatedly pressed 4 and cleared the whole fucking team. That bitch was unstoppable. I should have checked what build they used because it was gg after only 10-15 minutes.
god i hate fps players with no macro
god i hate moba players that don't know how to move their mouse
Yamato can snowball like crazy with full spirit build and her invuln is incredibly annoying
You too can deny anon
Also killing creeps with melee secures all souls instantly
Stop playing slow fire speed/projectile chars. They just don't work with the current souls system.
You will lose all your souls to rapid fire/shotgun fags.
Terrible idea. If you get wiped at the enemy base without pushing up any of the lanes the enemy will zip down and take midboss and super buff the creeps that already inside your base and you will lose.
Reminder that Oathkeeper is in full control, Geist is long gone.
megas in this game are a pushover
>Kelvin that high
>Lady Geist that low
>Paradox that low
>Mo & Krill that low
where does shiva damage come from, spirit?
is the vindicta rush max ult build a meme?
Do we have any hints of how each side of the map will be themed?
why is literally every build that shit then
what am i supposed to do
>random discord tranny headcanon from literal who's interpreting something from nothing
why do you keep posting this
not rush ult
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you're playing with some bad kelvins. lady geist is a bomb bot late game and a push over otherwise. paradox gets ignored and/or run down too easy. mo & krill maybe should be higher but dynamo is just a better pick
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I'm playing solo lane against abrahm using viscious
>standard banter that all heroes do to each other
>omg they must be fucking
Slashfics really rotted their brains.
Haze isn't black. At least not in the same sense that Wraith is black.
>muh tier list
Holy shit, this. I wasn't expecting games to last 30-50 minutes what the fuck.
play Hope Chess and pray your enemy is so fucking retarded they literally line up for your 4
Has anyone on the dev team brought up the last hit/denial system?
Its pretty atrociously balanced right now, probably the biggest shortcoming of the game.
If you ever reach a point where playing the game itself is not reward enough anymore it is time to quit and do something else.
what? every NPC poses a threat to the player
try standing in a creep wave early on, they gonna fuck you up before you can kill them
hard camps will fuck you up unless you spec right
mid boss will fuck you up unless you fight him in a group
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You WILL play third-person Dota and dedicate the next hour of your life to the match.
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This fucking playerbase.
>Lady Geist a pushover
Geist is strong as fuck
>Throws daggers at your entire team to apply escalating exposure
>silences dynamo for 5 seconds with drain life so he cannot press his instant win button
>Throws bomb to chunk half their hp and apply more stacks of exposure
>continue applying daggers
>60k hero damage
yes yes every char but yours is strong and op and broken
Geist is the strongest laner in the game and she can be built all three ways.
True. That's how it is for all multiplayer games. Embrace single player vidya, anon.
NTA but Geist IS my character and she's extremely strong. Her bombs do more than half of somebody's HP late game and her daggers do about 1/4th while also slowing and applying debuffs. It's not uncommon for me to have over 100k damage, usually more than my entire team combined.
would have been paladins if they didnt decide to chase overbutts
Smite 2 lost.
I had 80 minutes match with easy bots...
>you're playing with some bad kelvins
probably, I feel like they always fall off late game even when they're doing a lot mid game, I also could say the same for your geist and for mo & krill, especially given that those two in your screenshot are clearly newbies
>lady geist is a bomb bot late game and a push over otherwise
She's a huge tank that annoys and deal ok damage that has a ult that can kill anyone, also being a good bomb bot is by no means bad in a game where you can just split push your opponent and no one can solo you
I'm not sure what makes her so good tbf, but she's nowhere near that bad, especially with that shield
>but dynamo is just a better pick
wait your Dynamo is up there but it isn't gun Dynamo...?
The way I'm seeing it is a lot of players don't know how to play this game effectively, so advantages often go down the shitter.
Objectives do become easy to melt at a certain point, but this is exploited due to a lack of map awareness from a lot of players who don't know how to moba or are just bad in general. I played assfaggots a lot in the past and it's worth remembering that even in diamond, which is supposedly a high percentile iirc, people are still shitters who lose their advantage. This is particularly accentuated in Deadlock because people are new to it and aren't really communicating either.

tl;dr creeps matter but advantages are lost because most people don't understand the game
>buy to play
What were they THINKING?
that is, in fact, the joke.

oh she's SOMETHING all three ways alright (ugly, old and barren. Ew!)
>the guy spamming about Deadlock the most is a ban evading furry
Doesn't this confirm it's a woke game? Chuds response?
outside of your bot MMR games she's the weakest laner with the worst gun actually
Slice & Dice mostly, build rage with creeps and neutrals if you can before engaging. Then when you have a like 85% rage you can get the drop on a team fight and slice and dice which should fill your rage up, at which point the enemy is primed for execution. Use improved reach and superior cooldown as well as improved spirit. With a maxed out ult you can just chain together executions. Maybe get soul shredder bullets too. If you can add spirit healing and healing booster you get way more tanky when you're in the thick of it.
Is wraith the best carry in the game? She absolutely evaporates the bad players I match into.
yeah the rage timing is something i need to actually attempt to do. up until now its only been, if i have rage in a fight cool
eh, definitely up there but anyone can shitstomp (except paradox LOL)
is kelvin ice beam scale super shit or something, I try to stack spirit, and it still does no damage
Yeah they nerfed how creeps build your rage but you can build it pretty quickly with slice n dice against the other team.
it's never been about the damage with ice beam, it's only good for finishing people off outside of its intended purpose of being a top-tier harassment tool
Hold the alt key and mouse over your abilities anon. The ice beam scaling IS shit. Your biggest scalings are snowball and maxxed out Ice Dome.
is that intended for slice n dice? or is there another reason why it builds it quickly
Dynamo faggots are always sandbagging
thank fucking god that stupid elo site is down
>mikaels went from a complete random to 3k streamer because of a single site
They get boosted because they pressed 4 after 40 minutes of retardation and instantly win.
>woke game
>woke game, valve
no one cares about your e-celebs
he's shitting on the game through the comparison to battleborn
the attached fat ivy picture is ironic as evidenced by the filename
I would say so since it allows you to build up rage really fast if you manage to hit more than a couple enemies with it. The idea with him is to get in and out quick. Shiv is really momentum intensive, timing is crucial.
but but muh trackELO... look bro im top 0.1%... it says im the 583rd best player in the world...
randy got sabotaged/blackmailed or something.. i cease to believe he's a baddie
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