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>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.
Recommend me a gear farming class that isn't hunter
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>Have to farm THREE mobster cards if I want to be optimal
>farming shit as star gladiator and miracle procs after around 1 minute of farming
>leave for irl stuff and come back around 6 hours later
>farming for a solid 30 minutes
>no miracle proc hence no warmth of the stars

wtf even makes that shit proc?
Attacks and it's a 0.1% chance to proc.
What kind of weapon do you use with grand cross crusader?.
Stuff with high atk, hopefuly with zipper bear cards
haedongun or whatever its spelled its a good starting option
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What do you think of my stats guys
I need a break from Chemist, what should I make next?
what class?
slow down on the agi, it's almost useless for kniggers
lvl? gear?
just a random hat, mantle and +5 tsurugi
60 agi?
put it all in vit, str or dex instead
you could get a bit of int too, it helps a lot in spamming skills later on
Why is the entire server gearing for outdated meta gear instead of D.mant+ whatever?
>Looked at Ragnarok Eternal Love for the first time
>A bunch of OC donut steel classes
what the fuck is that
Suck my dick Hanyeo
RO is a cursed game they kept trying to recreate the soul of and failing
Gravity has THREE RO games now and people would still rather play the original
I don't know what that is so I'm starting a new character while lighting a blunt rn
Just answer the question.
Another Chemist but you do it right this time!
did anybody actively play Ragnarok Origin? Is it good?
What did I do wrong the first time?
Not enough ERP.
All they have to do is to remaster the game using ToS graphics, unfuck core gameplay issues (looking at you bragi) based on 20 years of player feedback, add an aggro system and make episode quest/lore more coherent and I'll be playing that game for another decade
I know they exist, what is the difference between them? Why would you have 3 iterations of the exact same thing?
is there a go to guide or something for this game? And why are there no job boards? Was that a later addition, or just irrelevant with increased EXP rates?
It's shit unless you spend at least 10$ on it
Priest guide. Added a few more equipments with easy links to RMS and a detailed guide on how to fuck dogs.
I think that's as much as I can give you in the general sense.
Any criticism is welcome though.
so are alchemists strong now?
Excalibur with 2 zipper bears is best in slot currently. Till then you use a hae like >>688026349
I want to make a two handed AGI knight but I’m afraid it will be useless in parties.
A few things I'd add:
>HP Stats
100 total INT is a valid option too for specific setups since it gives you immunity to sleep and there's no slotted sunnies here.
Barehand is sometimes the best option when you have bragi + sunset.
Medusa Card (Stone Curse immunity) is also a good option for PvE, like against AoE Stone Curse, since it allows healing yourself unlike Evil Druid Card.
Giearth gives Earth resistance + Confuse immunity. 100 INT + Giearth + Evil Druid and you're immune to a lot of shit.
Like I mentioned before, Evil Druid for Stone Curse + Freeze immunity.
I'm making the same build. You don't need a meta build to be useful in parties
Anondev, so.. how does Box of Gloom works in your server?
Does anyone need iron for anything?
All you have to do as a Knight in parties is to lure and group up enemies for your wiz to kill
last changes did absolutely nothing
Oh yeah you're right, completely forgot about the first 3 points. I'll add them now, thank you.
Evil Druid card is mentioned under the elemental cards as it technically is changing your element, while the Giearth is dumped into the elemental resists at the end, although you're right that it deserves its own mention for that immunity.
i have literally never played a server with worse autoattack movements
librarian glove or clip? Dragonfly's map is filled with mafias but librarian glove needs lv 80 and can only be equipped by mage
eddga is up
jeez how much dex do i need in order to make meteor storm usable? 50 dex in and it's still taking forever
150 dex
guess i'm not touching it until high wizard
Hey thank you again so much
You really made my life easier with this guide
Niggerdev please update forging, fucking useless branch
I'm glad it was of use to you, that was all I really wanted to achieve with it.
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that's completely wrong
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>Agi knigger user
>not having like 30 base agi on a svd build
I'm totally new to this game and I like playing support classes so you decided to write it at a wonderful time for me.
I also got a zombie prisoner card today.
I really wish I had a guide like this for the classes I play, but it makes me want to just play a Priest instead since I'll know what I'm doing.
>be retard
>put agi on a knight on a server with alarm+anolian
i wish u guys knew how to play this shit game from 2001
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>30 agi for like 00000.1 cast time reduction instead of 1k damage on str or 2k extra hp on vit
sight procs resets your animation lock
Need more people like you thanks for the guide bro
>the cult of dog fuckers trying to lure more players in
And it works. Devilish.
>9x base str
>90 base vit
>30 base agi
>30 base dex
1 base agi to 30 is a total of 86 status points
you can get almost 8 more base vit instead. wow.
how do i play merchant? I dont have enough zeny
you fund it with an alt or you suffer
raise the rates, faget
Thank you. It came out great!
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>sacrificing 8 precious vit points for 30 Le funny auto-attack status
Whats the strongest class in this server? I havent touched RO in forever but back when i played it was biochem for everything you could even afk farm
>animation lock
nigga just walk out of it
what do professors do in partys? do people even need sp on this server with the increased recovery
>bowling bashing slowly
your dex?
set up deluge for wizardCHADS
agi helps knights spam skills, why would you leave it at 1
because zerk pots exist and function as like +70 agi?
Quite a lot actually. Blinding Mist for ranged attacks, Safety Wall for physical, Dispel for mobs that like to buff themselves with AGI UP, Soul Exchange if there's a Champ in the party or there's no Gypsy. Actually quite tanky by itself with Energy Coat and other defensive layers. Can Endow. Can Magic Rod or Spell Breaker.
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>literal children were BB dancing on dialup in 2004
>in 2024, /v/ suggests you proc sight from an alarm card to reset BB animations
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can I make a leave a merchant shop, and play on a different character on the same account?
No. Not on the same account, you have to make a new one to leave it vending on its own. You can send the items via mail though.
I cant do this, I don't hate myself THAT much.
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>watching the rest of the party get run over by the MVP
I have no idea why i even consider monk just to get disappointed every time i want to do a combo one
Hows the combo cards they worth going for?
thief and archer are the only combos that are worth a shit
What cards should i proritize as an agi knight?
Please add ASPD card to weaker monster please, I can't beat MVP or Biolab3 mobs.
Shitty dev from last thread here, any more requests? Area loot was fun.
i didn't miss the job level grind
Hanyeo is my wife.
FTFY bwo
ASPD card is pointless except for doppelganger, even from 189 to 190 aspd it’s like 10% boost on a server where cards can give basic attacks 20% crit damage or 15% crit rate
I married her bro...
u need sex animations after being defeated. Are you capable? Can u do that? If not then NGMI
Post the marriage screenshot.
this game is fucking 22 years old
Capable, can, won't, will add more grass to pront
So what is so bad about letting someone play two accounts?
Does it really "trivialize" the game anymore than having a close friend?
autospell build anon

once I killed a siroma without even a single auto spell happened with a book (the buff is on)
Nobody believes you have some retard logging in every couple minutes to buff you.
post your hanyeo erp logs already
I've been playing since 2004 (not continually) and a lot of this is much harder to do on these garbage emulators. Even most of the pservers back then were running Aegis leaks. I played a hercules server a few years ago that seemed noticeably better than rathena though.
Is it possible to make like a trading forum or list on the website? Really hard to trade in-game
I don't think you can even do dance cancels on this server, at least a few of the ones I've tried just don't work and straight up hard-lock you in place even if you do it perfectly.
is ragnarok comfy in current year? I played it so much as a kid. I don't really remember much.
What's a good class to pick while I level a first character?
I think you're right. Thought I was just getting old.
gunslinger (OP farming class - lmaoNPC weapon version)
hunter (OP farming class - needs dedicated bows though)
rogue (raw zeny generator without gear, stuck in low tier spots till you get gear though)
wizard (requires 0 gear to do advanced content)
crusader (kinda slow and sucky until you get some basic gear; shoots off to the moon once you can Grand Cross efficiently though)
doesn matter, people will only trade within their cliques and outsiders have to overpay 2-3 times if they want an item
>good first class
>especially on a small server where you can't just party up constantly
Yeah I too like sitting on geographers for 99 levels.
nigga just go gh prison lmao
Having to kite with wall is not beginner friendly compared to rest of the shit in that post.
it takes 5 seconds to learn lmao
dev if you read this make first wind not interrupt casting when you get pushed out of range with cicada, it's the only spell that for some reason does not go off at all during the knockback even if you get put out of range
It really isn't rocket science to learn firewalling stings, clocks and alarms
Thanks. How hard is hunter and getting dedicated bows, is it easy enough to buy/farm on my own? I usually like archer type characters in rpgs
As a hunter you can just buy a "hunter bow" from the NPC, that's basically it for a long, long time and allows you to farm other/better bows.
Hunter is extremely easy to farm stuff with once you get a trap called "ankle snare", locking enemies in place.
Most likely you'll want to get an Earthern Bow with a Goblin Card, this lets you oneshot Hill Winds which are decent exp to 99 on as well as a good source of raw zeny.
It's pretty gay to farm though since it requires you to get to lvl 2 of thors (endgame dungeon) and fight mobs there using ankle snare (pretty slow killspeed) so you might be stuck there for days trying to drop the bow. It'll set you up for a lot of content to Beast Strafe however.

You can stick to a NPC bow and 2-shot Hill Winds instead and do this until you feel strong enough to get a real bow (presumably after transing). Probably a slower path overall, but less troublesome.
I made a 4x bow because I didn't realize that was a thing. fml.
there's a lot of options for bows to 1 hit hillwinds you can just get a gakkung 2 or a crossbow 3, goblins are fast enough that it's easier to drop multiple cards then it is to farm an earth bow
fuck off necri
pls subscribe
>goblin in earth bow
>not kaho
i mean mandragora. i'm retarded.
>cucking yourself into one element instead of one race when there's fucking endow scrolls
genius move nigger
What do endow scrolls have to do with that?
>using the combo that has a chance to stone curse for this purpose
>not using wind bow
lol, lmao
bulliebro doesn't know you can endow elemental bows and how much damage beast strafing does
im big noob what does endowing do when you can already use elemental arrows since you're already doing earth damage?
it overrides the element so you get the +25% from bow+arrow combo and still have element efficiency bonus against everything
if you're doing this you may as well do it with the easier to farm bow rather than the one that requires you to go to thor 2
gust bow is not easier to farm
skill issue lol
>20 mobs on a huge map vs 55 on a tiny map
you're just wrong, now stop doubling down you mentally ill freak
Does ASPD do anything for spellcasters?
gust bow is also double the drop rate :)
yes but not really in any meaningful capacity unless you have bragi
i did it, im a high priest.
and you kill knockers more than twice as fast in an hour retard
skill issue innit
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you've been noticed and seen
go along
That is not what I asked nigger
It makes the game autistic as fuck because optimally you should have like 5 characters buffing one.
dog status? fucked?
you better fuckin believe it
How to kill the paper?
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heres my controller that i play RO with
you are retarded
Why are you brown?
i always tank
what class should i pick and is it a retarded choice in this game?
is there even party play / is it necessary?
Crusader and Knight can both do solo farming and tanking if necessary.
can you give me their differences in a nutshell?
But it uses iron defense countering the scissor
Steel body monk is the best tank in the game, 0 damage at all but can tank literally anything.
Lord knight is more of a traditional warrior tank that also does a lot of damage and just has high HP.
Paladin has a skill that literally redirects party members damage to himself, so it basically tanks that way. It can also tank traditionally of course.

All of these classes have really overpowered DPS builds too for farming, and resets are free here so you can just go back and forth when needed.
How is it on controller?
How long will the server last?
thanks bro i'm gonna start off as knight
Enough to not worry.
Can't you read?
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>monks get a single mediocre build
>buff it to the heavens
>taekwon ranker exists
>nerf it
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Any 80+ parties going on right now?
God I wish dev could implement keyboard movement somehow
We're all gonna get carpal tunnel syndrome
Dev should implement tab an optional tab targeting system. I work at a computer all day and my wrists have carpal tunnel, it's hard for me to consistently move and target at the same time.
Why this
>another fucking mvp card drop
meanwhile i kill 3000 mobs and no ting
2 cecils and 1 phreeoni cards just dropped (all in one card that fits in one slot)
It's unchanged from default.

I'd like to try my hand on a remade forging system but I'd have to make a server built entirely around it, doesn't fit with the current version.

Are you sure you didn't lose Line Of Sight? I don't think there's anything special about that skill in the code.

If you have any issues with the skill window, revert your sprite morph. That's what causes it. Go back to your real class and assign points.

Beyond the scope of what is possible. The client's source code is a black box, I can't do anything about that part of the game.
>If you have any issues with the skill window, revert your sprite morph. That's what causes it. Go back to your real class and assign points.
I'm a knight using the knight sprite. But let me fuck with that and see if it works.
>It's unchanged from default.
So, do I get infinite duration AC lv 1 if I use it?.
would it be possible add an npc you feed 5 cards and it spits out a random card from all the pool including mvp cards, would be cool way to eat shit useless cards
dev...... bgs....... please.......
Oh, that's what you meant. No, the game will give you a normal duration Lv1 Buff with a timer. I fixed that exploit after the beta. The infinite timer checks your class and, if you don't have the skill learned, gives you a timer as normal.

No, never.
When are you going to add the rest of the costumes?
You think you're unlucky?
I spent a week killing 50,000 Mavka and didn't get a card
i have a paly where i cant get skills if im in the paly sprite, i have to change to imperial guard in order to sue skill points, also sinx with a sidewinder jur needs to unequip jur in order to level up double attack
I was able to solve the issue with my knight by selecting the knight sprite twice, so maybe try that with your paladin.
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Would it be possible to buff Rogues a bit with this and also increase ASS proc chance?
any chance to enable teleport on einbech/lighthalzen/einbroch/juno? (or at least making them memoable)
>8 Mandragora Gay Ass Whip
>1 four leaf clover

Still no mandragora card. I don't even need it. I just want it go ting!
>Bill hasn't linked the doppel card yet
I can't open mail in Moscovia
There was an event like this pre-Renewal. It took 100 cards to get an old card album.
Dev, seriously, buff Arrow Vulcan. The damage is subpar no matter what you do. Literally half the dps of Musical Strike/Throw Arrow.
Be aware
The early game knight cycle sucks
Like really hard
It's gonna take a while before you can both solo the stuff that you want and be actually capable of doing your job in parties
Can you add morph sprite to first class?
No, memo outside of the city.

Rogues/Stalkers don't need further buffs.

I'll check this.

>Just realized at swordman level 30 that I have to actually update the hotkey for bash else it would keep using the lower level for bash.
Motherfucker I was such a retard I didn't even notice I was only using bash level 2 until now.
Ninja buffs?
Bapho moved back to GH Castle?
>Are you sure you didn't lose Line Of Sight? I don't think there's anything special about that skill in the code.
No, it is easy to reproduce. Use cicada, get an enemy hit you during the cast and have it make you go far enough for the cast to be out of range. It will get canceled. This is the only spell that it happens with but I assume it's just the way it worked in vanilla. Every other spell goes off even if your target is off screen. Either way with the changes to Lightning Jolt it makes it kinda fucking shit to use in pvm when Jolt just goes off even if you fly away to africa as long as you didn't land behind a wall, even with the lower damage.
Invasion event when?
Do the map exp events like in v1. I want to see parties outside of the usual places.
already did
There should be an option to just reset to deafult, aka no forced sprites
You added night mode? That's so cringe.
make it so you can use steal on other players during night mode
Hanyeo I need to cum in your ass right now
Get in line faggot.
Dev, the super novice feature to equip any 1h weapon above level 97 doesn't work. I can't use a poison dagger.
>Beyond the scope of what is possible
Seems very doable and has been done on other servers.
you know what would be great? bg fixes like announcements, less people required, and badges not being cancer
What he really meant was he doesn't have the knowledge to do it. Understandable since it requires exe modifcation.
nigga that's literally just a macro
this would be a good idea, mixing up the usual leveling spots and giving more incentives to party up is good
Any particular reason you don't want to change, or even address the ownership timer on dropped items?
I linked the wrong vid, this one is the one with a sort of tab target
anon, no one wants to play bgs
Hello dev, add lion mask to the animal headgear NPC
dev is it possible to add earth spike to double casting?
so many rad ragnarok online class artwork
What. I do, I didn't even know dev had made changes to them.
What's the minimum amount of players to start a round? Is there a queue command? Broadcasts?
No wonder nobody fucking joins
Actually wait in vanilla I think it’s only level 4 weapons that’s probably why
what happened to the art some anon posted of three players?
which thread was that in, I can't find it
Will I get banned for trading real money for in game items with other players? Because it doesn't say this is against the rules
Those three? They were in yesterday's thread
that's cute, i like these a lot!
Yeah, we have some good arists here. Worth saving them, cute style
I'll try too (it's been a while, I'm not very good).
there wasn't a community for this stuff in the earlier ragna/v/s because... well it was just ratshit
Thieves dual wield right? So if you equip two poison daggers on this server you can have 8 slots for weapon cards? I’m wondering if you can abuse that to make some kind of retarded wizard stalker.
If you want to draw some RO shit, go for gold anon. Doesn't matter if it's professional tier or some doodle. Don't put yourself down, at least you contribute.
>1000 kobold archer quest
>only 10 appear on the map at a time
morroc, 2down,1 west, 1up
wait you don't have to do it on the same map??
She's not actually looking at you as you do it, bro...
wtf is the 1k kobold quest?
a headgear quest
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No one wants to play bgs because bgs are SHIT now. Plenty of people would play if dev made them more accessible.

>What's the minimum amount of players to start a round?
12 people for Tierra
10 people for Flavius
6 for KVM

That's WAY too fucking many people for a server like this. Private servers sometimes even make it so they start with only 2 people per team.

He hasn't implemented any global broadcasts/announcements. He said he was going to last maintenance but just didn't.

Also the rewards are completely fucked up because some of them require tierra medals, some require flavius medals, and some require KVM medals.
There is no fucking way we are going to do a BG that isn't KVM because dev for some reason thought we were going to get 12 people on board to play Tierra, and without broadcasts.
dev has never played a battleground, be patient
Just add woe and guild dungeons
>12 people for Tierra
>10 people for Flavius
It's also funny because tierra gorge sucks and nobody wants to play it in any server, flavius is the way to go
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That dude also got an RSX card yesterday
If you have any issues with the skill window, revert your sprite morph. That's what causes it. Go back to your real class and assign points.

Nigger, he's literally the first job, you can see from the skill tree...you shouldn't be running this server, retard...
Realistically, what's faster to level for healbombing, firelock soldiers or wraiths/evil druids
>make a tkm to farm some shit for my priest
>it's actually fun, pressing the correct kick
>turn to star glad, now it's a brainless rightclicker
It may be stronger but fuck me sideways...
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Restocked my shop and buying shop and added in a +5 vit food, check it out if you got time!
Zombie Prisoners.
firelock soldiers, with pneuma there's zero threat there and they die faster than wraiths and evil druids
wraiths are about the same job exp, druids are worth that much more for the effort
It did worked tho lol.
i have never once managed to get this game to stop rubberbanding
Yeah but nobody will play Flavius anyway because its 10 people minimum here.
I remember when /rog/ played TalisRO and the BGs started with just 1v1, it broadcasted to the entire server then we end up with more people joining mid-game.
That will never happen.
I think zombie prisoners are faster than both but you need to teleport a lot and keep an eye out for hunter flies
Zombie prisoners until you unlock turn undead, then anubis til 99.
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ok, quick sketch
(sorry narue)
Looks cute anon
>I'm not very good
It's nice, it's good! As I said, don't put yourself down, I like it.
that's very cute
the only reason ranker falls off is because it has no weapon
legitimately you give it a weapon called boot [4] that has 10 ATK and it becomes one of the stronger classes
Just let it use books
as much as I love RO, i don't think i can justify a heavy grind for a temp server
all servers are temporary
Why not? If you enjoy it... I have quite a few friends who binge play path of exile for 2 weeks 12h+ per day, every 3-4 months, and after that shit gets deleted. Enjoy the ride, have fun.
>(sorry narue)
Why sorry? That's lovely, anon, thank you
>quick sketch
>better than I could make in a dozen hours
Don't be like this... this is good.
PoE is different because every new league adds a bunch of new stuff while shaking up the meta with rebalances. Most new RO servers add surface level changes that at the end of the day don't mean much.
>Most new RO servers add surface level changes that at the end of the day don't mean much.
and thats good because the game is unironically perfect
A lot of us people are fucking old, we used to do the same shit in diablo 2 and other games. Just resets without any changes, starting from scratch, having fun. Enjoy the ride.
>game is unironically perfect
I wish
I'm a newer player that's losing steam as the game really is just mobfarming for aeons with little to no group play
>with little to no group play
what, the entire endgame is group play
also even if it wasnt, its still perfect
Spending 50-100 hours reaching the part that's fun is far from perfect anon
Grouping is required at endgame but you can group from level 1 and it will ALWAYS be better than soloing.
why are people so cringe in global chat
It was pretty nice during the week, I guess there's a lof of underage during the weekend.
I wish Tree of Savior was a success.
Utsuhoshitpiss wishes he had even 10% of this art skills
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play monk
>12k zeny for one anubis
>im a poorfag
pilk and hadrian need to shut the fuck up for one second
>kikeggy arrives in payon, immediately loots all the shit on the ground like the cockroach-rat hybrid that he is
why is he such a fucking rodent?
Super novice update:
Lvl 71 and 52 Job
No gear except from that that you can buy from npcs
And 120k zeny on my pocket
Flourishing, in my lane.
Tierra is actually fun to play when you CAN get the people for it, but it's dogshit on small playercounts and devolves to just frenzy rushing the enemy's silo
Flavius is never fun and the only way it's even playable is through wintrading as one team holds their guardians on the ledge for the enemy to kill
KVM is fine for basic arena PVP, then you have other custom modes like capture the flag (which is fine if you don't allow multi client), quick-play WoE, KotH, a few modes
Sadly Dev just took the off the shelf BGs and tried to make them work, hopefully he gets a better module in the future
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>go full undead fucker
>50%+ TU chance
>fail 6+ times in a row
>this fucking monk
Flavius is fun man, but I agree CTF and the other custom modes like KotH might be better. I wish Dev actually did something about it instead of waiting more than a week with dead BGs.
At this point you might as well pay a Priest to leech you...
I don't know how to incentivize it because getting pulled out of a map is awkward as you're almost never going to carry PVP gear into a dungeon you're hunting something at.
So the only option is to queue while you're sitting in town, but usually people sitting in town are just AFKing or relaxing before moving on to another grind. It could happen on huge servers, but r/v/ doesn't have that size - and don't get me wrong, I actually really like the size rv is at, it's very comfy without being dead nor being HUEland, but it's not the right size for BGs.
The last issue is with the rewards and I'm actually very, VERY glad dev didn't put huge reward packs in for doing BGs, as I never feel BGs should give better rewards than grinding the actual mats for potions, craftables, etc. Servers that overly juice BGs end up destroying the materials economy instantly and piss everybody off who farmed those items in the past, so not even having them is a good idea. And BG gear is excessively overpowered and we simply don't need that shit, although it's funny that Dev added slotted elemental armors which are fucking broken as hell. Having the option to get low level slotted gear is nice, but because there are three different types of badges at awkward reward levels, it's too clumsily implemented.
Any lower level/new/idk player needs some help? I need to correct my ways after so much dog fucking, the daily good deed.

Also when did Flee rate become so shitty, I remember it being good back in the day? Now vitshit rules the day with agi being too dogwater?
Hehe, am plamt!
OK, fine, I'll try it
Never in my life have I played this
I like playing Support classes. Which one is going to give me an ability to solo some at least?
time is money son
Ever since they made it so having more than 3 mobs attacking you at the same time tanks your Flee.
You're talking about when i dropped all my cards and loot in Payon?
shouldve picked a better class...
>but I agree CTF and the other custom modes like KotH might be better.
Just pay 300$ for the extended bg, is just THAT easy.
The #1 support class is priest. You buff, you heal. But you can still use your heals to hurt undead mobs, aka. heal bombing. Someone wrote a good guide about priests: https://rentry.org/PriestH2B
Other classes can also support, like giving mana, singing/dancing to buff players in a party etc. but priest is _the_ support type.
>I don't know how to incentivize it because getting pulled out of a map is awkward as you're almost never going to carry PVP gear into a dungeon you're hunting something at.
It's still better than physically going to the BG room at least, the menu queue was a good thing to add, credit where its due. I don't think much can be improved.

Broadcasts for when someone entered queue and when BGs start can go a LONG way to help, though.

>It could happen on huge servers, but r/v/ doesn't have that size
I does have the size for BGs but definitely not for consistent 5v5, let alone 6v6. Those need to be lowered to 2v2.

>The last issue is with the rewards and I'm actually very, VERY glad dev didn't put huge reward packs in for doing BGs
I definitely agree with this. The problem I have with the rewards isn't the item choices themselves but the fact that each type of BG is giving you different medals. All BG modes should just give "Battleground Medal" and have all the rewards accessible with them.
Like you can't even restock the BG consumables with flavius and tierra medals, you need KVM medals, lol.
bro just one shot sleepers
newbab here

how do you send mail? are there any quest in the game? I'm seeing board quest in wikis but I don't see them in the game.
what do
Browse to your Ragnarok folder, find and rename dbghelp.dll to dbghelp.dll_old.

Run patcher as Admin after and launch the game
Expand your menu top left.
See that letter looking icon? Click on it.
To right there's a button, write mail.
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click here
validate the name of the character you're sending the stuff beforehand tho
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Don't expect niggerdev to buff actually weak classes like merchants and expanded jobs. Just play Sniper/Sinx like he wants you to.
Is there a chance I can find love of a cute girl(female) in here?
No, but we have some male girls
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Let's just play pretend
i met a real girl in like 2017 when /v/ hosted lunaticRO or whatever the fuck it was called
how is this not eastern trash?
too low level, ill go finger something or make a crit-combo build detour or maybe even farm something with asura we'll see
Acid Bomb is better than those classes for MVPs and the strongest thing in the game in WoE
you brew 3x as many here and can reset to Dex/Luk for free to make all your own stuff
it's from before the era of generic asian f2p mmos and cash shops, alongside maplestory
Stalkerbros how are you holding up?
I'm surprised I don't see more people experimenting with auto spell. It looks retarded.
any parties?
Ask in #global chat m8
No, we only have girls (male)
Yeah, I knew two of them on the previous ragna/v/ iterations. Don't know if they're still playing on this one but the chance is there.
I played with a priest the other day that didn't have male reflexes, very suspect
you either equip bolt/fireball or meteor
that's about it
>dangerous collect now gives 15 balls
>spamming absorb on yourself regens 85 sp per cycle
retarddev i kneel
is this game fun to play with a few friends at the same time or is it more of a solo grinding game?
one would argue that this game is the most fun with a small group because you can do almost all content with it (assuming you have a priest)
Both statements are true
It's going to be really fun if each if you take on a different role.
No way this is real. I refuse to believe it.
Another day without BG fixes.
i'm two more characters away from making every class
i am fucking retarded
Didn't he literally say a few days ago that adding announcements was just a quick fix that didnt even need a patch? What's taking him so long?
he's reworking alche for the third time please wait another week
Mix of both. Usually it's party for EXP and solo for items, but that's not always 100% true.
how do i join a guild
ask someone in one for a spot
in terms of end content
party >>> high gear solo >>>>>>>> solo
in terms of "farming"
high gear solo >> small group party >>>> solo >>>>>>> party
overall experience of everything
small group party >>> high gear solo >>>>> solo/party
I've never once partied in this game, you're wrong
been playing this shit for like 10 years now
Zombies event in 55 minutes, starts at 00:00 server @time.
>can't wear face mask and tail at the same time
>been playing this shit for like 10 years now
>I've never once partied in this game
you're mentally ill so your opinion does not count
pick a sensible resolution
Whats a good prerenewal server that allows multi client with low rates?
how tf do you play star gladiator?
just don't play sg on this server the dev ruined it.
damn. people told me to play sg because sl was ruined

is taekwon just bad here?
knights look really boring to play
Do you still have footage of some of the close calls in the zombie event? I want to see if you still have mine. (Cathy Freeman)
ranker is still good
SL is okay. Still extremely strong solo play. Just annoying to play in a party due to the poor soul link implementation.
bill and 3080 just hate tkm because some random fuck from the 2nd server understood how to play it so now everyone has to suffer.
haha heat go brr
Only agi magic knight is cool.
are you having another
i just have no idea how the fuck anyone would play this game for 10 years and never party
have you ever even done ET or any endgame content
no, I don't even know what that is, most I've done is farm mvp's
Do I abandon the SG? Feels like ass to play, and seems like prospects are dim.
>43 users in event map
>out of 105 users

>5 microseconds late
>excluded from event
how many cards do you need for the magic knight meme? also you're probably better off using a cruasder for autocast meme
star glad is one of the most broken classes in the game but is pretty limited in what it can do, at least normally. with the easy ability to reset your maps and targets, it's very strong. even if not using heat, you have autocast kicks which are pretty good. i think anyone telling you SG sucks is fucking retarded
not retarded, just malicious and underhanded aka a bulliekek
ok retard
If you ask in global, dev would probably warp you in
autokick doesn't have the attack speed or dex to do shit after his changes you brain dead ape.
I just don't get what the stat distribution is supposed to be
counter kick with 190aspd and default demon is more dps than these shit changes.
farmed a full archer set, what's a decent bow to put my cruiser in that isn't a comp[4] with 3x specific mob cards in cause i'd like something generic, is it just an earth bow angle?
Probably Comp with Cruiser and then 3x Skel Worker?

Maybe Gakkung[2] or Arbalest[2] with Cruiser and then Archer Skeleton Card or Skel Worker Card
It's using default values for grace time.
How long do you think it should be?

Only Assassins and Ninjas, Rogues don't get to dual wield.

I recorded every match we did, might make a video later.
one of the elemental bows with endow scrolls
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>doing assassin job change quest
>in the final room with the invisible maze
>get to the end and talk with the guy
>alt tab out to check on something
>his message is now blank
>try and relog to see if that fixes it
>teleported out
>go all the way back and npc says I need necklace of oblivion
I'm cucked forever aren't I
Should I go rogue instead or could the dev fix this
Even just mine as an individual webm would be really nice! Otherwise I will patiently wait for the full vid
ask for one in global im sure people just have them rotting in storage
just been looking at the online calcs and it's insane how shit comp bow is unless you're doing the 80-96% damage card combos, archer skele is really bad, even a 1 slot cruiser gakkung beats a triple archer skele bow
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Why does this guy have so many bananas?
now we have a wizard shortage
you use skeleton worker card, you are also missing the point of archer combo as the 20% boost from it is a seperate boost that stacks multiplicatively with race and property card combos and makes your 4 slot weapon better than for most other classes, if you are not farming different bows for it you are not getting the most out of it.
is the server fun or is it gay and filled with unfunny retard cliques
Trying to fix that.
I haven't noticed these cliques people talk about. Just others joking about it.
way more fun than you'd expect
okay. will i struggle as a new fag? is the knight or crusader class any good? i want to be a tanky motherfucker and being mounted seems cool
i will farm different bows for specific monsties in the future it's just wanting a generic incremental upgrade now to help do those faster, earth bow seems the best from what i've seen so i will go with that for now
It's fun. Obviously you have people playing with friends or whatever but I don't think it's as bad as fags make it out to be. I think the cliques mostly keep to themselves because they know they'll be shat on by everyone else if they show too much faggotry.
Both can be tanky, but if you are looking for a bit more simple and effective, go Knight.

Crusader slaps, but takes a bit more to get down.
Someone gave me a necklace but now I need to get some katars since I couldn't complete the quest. Where would be a good place to go farm some?
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Where do yall play anons
please add chain combo and firewall to the plagiarism npc
>already second job
>can't find any parties
maybe i'll go to a populated server instead desu
where can you get some pussy on this server
Advertise, you fuck.
I'm futa only
It's Christmas!
It's fine, there's a few unfunny edge retards but not much
did at multiple points today, nothing
there's a small clique of some fags multiboxing and being autists but most people are chill
where? even the top rated low rate server has only about 400 people actively playing, the other 700 or so is fucking merchants
Some guy multi boxes in comodo leaving his buff chars there 24/7 btw.
400 is still more than 4x this server's pop
It's at 5 second currently, right? You don't even have to double it, just add another 3 seconds to it. It's not going to break the game.
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one of three
just 6 more level until I can become trans...
>0.09% for each monster
>meaning I have to kill almost 1000 monster just to level up
>and still no card
>Doing archer quest
>OK there are a lot of enemies here that are weak to wind attacks.
>Search for where to find wind arrows
>Literally ONE type of enemy drops wind arrows and it's a) in a completely different zones b) way above my archer's level.
arrow crafting skill
no one wants sages everyone wants wizards
How much is mandragora card?
Thank you, very cute.
Probably at least 1mil?
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the fucking valkyrie experience
what do I need to evolve a pet?
>No card remover
>No warper
I won't play it, I am fine with no healer npc since the regen is X2.
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kino party
fuck you for denying any character but priest(slave) or bard(slave)
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two of three!
i wanna sniff that dancer's panties
these are very cute anon
it was funnier if it's just like a couple dead niggas
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What's my next chase card bros, banked an siroma for whenever I farm out a magician's glove
71/31 prof
do you give those at random?
very cute btw
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last one! and no, once a day i'll hop on in game and run a small event, the winners get a small doodle.
3 mobsters and a paper if you're a sin/stalker
do you do then in payon?
or in global?
the paper doesn't give any crit most of the thief set isn't optimal either
hey dev, resetting skills took the create elemental converter skill from me
dunno how that happened
just do the platinum quest again
global chat, there's no set time for them.
should i be grindan for money to get starter gear, or should i be grinding a certain mob for a chance at good gear? im a newfag and im like a lv 30 swordsman right now
grind level
you can farm for money to get some basic bitch vendor gear but you're more likely better off just killing wolves 2 south of payon for a while
is there fast travel or do i just walk over there
to payon? yes, talk to a kafra and use teleport service
to wolves? kind of, you can use fly wings (tool vendor) to get through maps faster
Hey anon, what does your character look like? I'm up for drawing them
also if you're on ragnav3 put #global in the whisper box (left of main chat box) to type in the global chat so you can ask questions there
ur doing god's work
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that's very kind of you, thank you
bolter or auto spell?
maybe some brooches for more agility
fricco's shoes
whisper card for when you want to wear carded armor
One of my main RO memories was a long ass time ago on a private server, Moscovia had just been released but wasn't fully implemented yet on the server, but some GM randomly teleported me into Les Forest and there wasn't any monsters or anything
Shit was kind of creepy just wandering around in a map i'd never seen before with nothing on it
I really like the spritework for this game. I wish they made a singleplayer version or something.
ragnarok adventure offline
ragnarok DS.
How much content is it missing?
How do I get cards in this game I’m over level 50 and still have only 2 cards for armor.
Also why are there so many player vendors hanging around in payon?
cards have a low enough drop rate that you wont see them without killing the same monster over and over. Being higher level to kill faster is going to be required to farm cards.

Typically people choose a location that the merchants will go to, this is because when someone wants to buy something they can go to one city to browse shops.
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what did i do wrong
Sell me on the server, I've always had an interest to play RO but never actually played it, only that one Porn Server
How are the tanky or supporter/debuffer (possible healer) classes?
>Can't skip the monk job quest at aco job level 50 like normal
best weapon cards for a soon to be super novice? 4 slots specifically, I was thinking of going 3 Wolf + 1 Sidewinder card for that 45+ Atk and 3+ Critical Rate
what are your recommendations?
You used the wrong D3D driver
>only that one Porn Server
Give me the name so I can go play that instead of this shit server

Oh yeah Niggerdev changed that so you have to go through the quest even at j50
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Aight, there you go. Looking forward to your next drawings!
4 turtle general star dust blade
anything less and you're a buckbroken nigger
I have a Star Dust Blade which I bought like 2 weeks ago and it's the weapon I'm going for, turtle general is impossible for me atm, what else bro? thanks
holy cow, thanks a lot!
get that MVP card... NOW
bros not like this....
I see that now, thanks
Sad I couldn't kick the valkyrie
Zergnigger patrol
he stole her from me...
it's over..
whats the main stat for healers? int? im retarded
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i feel like you're lying to me
nigga we ain't joining your friends get benefits RO server fuckoff and stop your shillling.
int increases your heal amount but not by that much, however you do also need int for sp.

Priests do have flexible builds in general and you can do vit/int with some str to carry more consumables for a general priest and a priest that does turn undead with want int/luk/dex for example.

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