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/v/ - Video Games

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We thought of this idea on /v/ to play through random niche and obscure MMOs we vote on. Preferably games that 4chan hasn't already played together so the experience for everyone is the same. The rules are:
>vote on a game
>whichever gets the most votes gets played
>make a dedicated general for the game on /vg/ or /vm/ and play it for 2 weeks
>towards the end of the adventure vote a new game

Current MMO: Requiem: Desiderium Mortis

Previous games:
Phantasy Star Universe
RF Online
Ace Online
Emil Chronicle Online
Fiesta Online


account creation on the warpportal website is wonky, try disabling "enhanced tracking protection" in FireFox if you are getting some error about javascript not being enabled.

if your game is crashing on first startup, check the settings in your launcher and change language from russian to english. leave the resolution setting empty and change it once you're ingame.

/vm/ thread where vote and discuss MMOs:
Requiem jobs:

Archived Requiem forum:
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I'm outside Turba's spawn point (after the tutorial.)
someone give us a class rundown please
rumors are that one class gets a loli transformation thing
>4 races
>2 classes apiece
>each class branches into one of two options (so 8 total)
if I pick the male does that mean I get to be a shota?
Isn't that 16?
ya oop
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kek thought this was one of these threads based on OP image. Well good luck with this thread anyway chums.
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Holy fuck I actually remember playing this back in the day.
turan backwards is almost naruto, so I think the choice is easy
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Is my screen stretched or is she really that wide
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i played this for about 2 hours a few weeks ago
the environment and aesthetic is fantastic but good god is it dead
hope this brings more life to the servers for a while
if you want a naruto MMO, play shinobi story - the WoW custom naruto server
If anyone is having problems with the launcher you need to run it as admin
oh god my dick
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fucking battle high heels
Turan is your Tank/support
Bartuk is Warrior Melee Deeps
Kruxena looks like Ranged/DOT class
Xenoa is your Mage class

Sort of. Each race can go a Phys Dmg route or Mag Dmg route, no matter the race you pick. You could do a mage Bartuk or Melee Xenoa, but it looks like stats are linked to race so...
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Where are the napples
How does it play? Similar to anything?
Could have just asked. We (4chan) played this back when it came out when it was Requiem: Bloodymare.
how did you like it? I'm pretty hyped for the grimdark setting after playing a bunch of cutesy anime MMOs. I don't expect much from the gameplay, but the classes are looking pretty flavorful from eading the descriptions on the site.
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No kidding, I only just ran the game.
It's a completely different game now. I went back and played it many years later and it's not the same game so I couldn't really tell you about it in it's current state. At the time, it was okay as a time killer but somehow after all these years it has managed to find it's place and persist..
So far, WoW but jankier and edgier.
go to character page, click on the sociability tab, click on 'alternate advancement' to turn it green, then kill mobs. youll gain honor instead of exp which you can spend on stat buffs in the same tab under 'learn honor skill'. you get points super fast, apparently you can grind up to honor level in the first area.
the games you retards vote for usually suck dick and this one is no exception but I'll check it out simply because I can get it through Steam
honor level 100*, no idea why it ate my number
we'll play warhammer soon enough, don't worry
game cloeses on its own?
In the launcher settings make sure the language is set to English and that the resolution drop down is blank.PAW4D
Job poll, whatcha playing?

That was my pandemic game I already have multiple max level characters in BiS. I don't want to play that either.
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you can shill for a game you want to play in the /vm/ thread, we're collecting shill posts into a research "database" for future reference
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Thanks doc.
There is a party search function, and it looks like the max raid size is 45. You can find the party search function by dragging picrel to your bar and using it. Make sure to refresh the recruiting page first since it doesn't seem to update automatically.
Remember anons
You get a megaphone you can use once that expires tomorrow

It sends a message to everyone on the server

Now don't go spamming nasty things, silly anon
how do I autoloot
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There's a keybind you can set to loot all nearby items. For me it's H but I spent so long tweaking keybinds, I don't know what's default anymore.
this game kinda sucks
I actually kinda like it. It's like an edgy wow clone
Is there any kind of guild or group chat so we play together?
Alright I'm done with my fap n nap n fap. Do we have a guild yet?
there's huge ass parties that you can use to chat, see here
emergency meeting on discord xisters???
yeah meet me in the usual ERP room, I have my cam on and my fly undone
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spoiler alert
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>this is a male Xenoa
ummm what did they mean by this
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we can grind on each other for profit
I kinda wonder the type of people that play these random WoW-clone F2P MMOs
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help, I'm being groomed
I'm still salty that Requiem wasn't a Ragnarok style sprite game like the original concept

i am even saltier that the original concept art and music was hosted entirely in a flash based homepage and no one preserved it.
i tried but i was too dumb to get it to work :(
I remember playing this decades ago. Or at least another MMO called Requiem that was all about gore and stuff. It was pretty fun for a F2P tab target MMO. It at least had a different setting than generic fantasy elf land.
>wowclone but western and edgy.. good
>wowclone but asian... bad!
I really wish I had enough free time to do this with you guys. I would have loved to play some of the previous ones. Godspeed guys.
>western and edgy
but it's made by Gravity
I'm reading them and warlord and commander sounds good. I'll join up with you guys later once I fix my storage problems
This and Rappelz were my jam back in my teen poorfag years
there's a quest for an extra bag in northeast watchtower
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and another one in Kurt at the bank
You can play the mini games on the weekends.
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guild doko
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im lost
no guild yet, find an anon to add you to the party. you could try region chat to get our attention.
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>ace online still exists
Thank you for reminding me the name, I thought that shitty grindfest was lost forever.
I will be logging on now.
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ace online was a fucking disaster for this project, even on accelerated rates
I'm not surprised, I remember the game being a complete shitshow, but I have been thinking about it lately and couldnt for the life of me remember what it was called so I could give it once more.
when is job advancement?
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Where do I go to hand in the quest for this fellow?
Zakate, next to the portal
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Lewder than Scarlet Blade, and it's only the first day.
>get a free premium dungeon key from a quest
>game crashes in dungeon
>cant go back in

fuck off
I got that key and didn't realize it would time out in an hour. I never got to go in.
it times out in 10 minutes, you basically gotta go in the second you get it.

didnt even get to a boss. got a staff at least.
>Want to play skimpy skinny bimbo dark elf
>Don't want to play necromancer.
>Don't want to play nigress muscle mommy
>Fucking love fire mages and battlemage hybrids.
holy fuck
OK how do i get this outfit
it costs 150 points in the item mall, called 'birthday suit'. you get it for 30 days.
I don't even know how to get points or where the item mall is
it costs money, if youre on steam you can use your steam balance. the item mall is one of the 3 colored circular buttons on the bottom right side of the screen.
I remember this game. Are there still people playing it?
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it's been so long since i last played this, but only as solo player without never seeing end game,i regret that i never had any friends or getting into guild on it, if there was a guild system

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