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>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>After each game, we alternate lists of MMOs to vote on
>A guild photoshoot will take place every saturday, check thread for pic times
>New adventure starts every other saturday, after the week 2 guild pic

You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.

>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online
Rising Force Online
Ace Online
Emil Chronicle Online ( thread here >>1414707)

>Current game being played
Fiesta Online
thread here >>1412260

>General Info page
https://mmodventure.altervista.orc/general-info-post-2/ (change orc to org, spamfilter is baka)
>Picture gallery
https://mmodventure.altervista.orc/gallery-filter/ (change orc to org, spamfilter is baka)

we are getting together to play minigames and have a laugh on a semi-regular basis, check the thread for times. minigame suggestions welcome, current list can be found on the MMOdventure website

>last thread
Results link for the current poll:
thanks for remaking the thread. I'm not sure if people are still playing Trickster but here's a link to the thread.
Requiem looks jank and fun but I don't want to see warhammer-anon cucked for the 50th time. Are there different game modes in warhammer or is it all essentially team deathmatch?
I won't vote as I know nothing about the games we are voting on BUT I think we should pick a game that allows grouping even if people have different levels
The fact I should reach max level in fiesta before dungeon crawling with the clique is shit
There are dungeon and things like that also
The PvP instances mostly have different objectives. Very few maps with actual TDM, lots of capture points, capture the flag, and bomb carrying. The PvE sucks ass.
>pvp on some slav funserver
Need to redo my vote and put warhammer in dead last
>arbitrary server location critique
>funserver vaguery
Is that you, riggernigger?
there are countless people trying to shill their own game, why does he deserve anything compared to everyone else?
the only reason he is still crying about us not playing it is when he made his own thread he got 0 replies
grand fantasy's classic official server is launching in 30 minutes
imagine if it had won the finals last round
>imagine if it had won the finals last round
I'd imagine it'd be fucked. another RF situation of people being splintered checking out the new server, not to mention the split already from ECO
>only one person wants warhammer
it's so tiresome
I put Warham as number 3 or so.
NTA, but complaining about server location at least makes a bit more sense for a predominantly PvP-type game. Nobody likes getting screwed over due to their ping.
Won't be playing requiem or trannyhammer slop
The server's location is in France.
Trying it out now
A few visual bugs here and there but the game is alright. They didn't turn it into a mobile game, which is good.
Shit tastes. What even did you want to win?
>inb4 dragon ball fag
I wanted to win your heart...
Just vote a game where we can group together and have fun
Or a game with slutmogs
Random crashes, graphical glitches, p2w items, cash shop deals thrown at you every second, captcha every few minutes
Overpriced as fuck too.
Just another cash grab as always. You'd have a better experience in any random private server.
You wouldn't play anything anyway, newfag filth.
Got lv35 in GF.
>the freebies they are giving away are p2w item mall upgrades that carries you up to lv70.
>among these, free above average speed mount, perma stat and, 1 p2w bag (20 slots)
>qol is good, crashed twice, prompts bother you until lv15, item mall is pricey
For future ref. we're better off going with a private server with this one.
Would be awesome to play Ultima Online Outlands with yall, the best thing is the longevity of this server. www.uooutlands.com
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>poll coming down to 2nd choice votes
>even down to 3rd or 4th choice votes?
I don't know what's going to happen anymore
Requiem won
there could be a few holdouts because someone mentioned last thread about waiting last minute for the all the shilling before taking his vote. but Req did have a good shill campaign desu
I really wouldn't mind a PvP game together. You guys are all pretty competent when we fight against each other in mini-games, so it would be fun.
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Made a room, anyone else want to autistically press arrows on their numpad with me?
get the fuck in here, niggers. let's have fun for a bit
Requiem isn't a pvp game and this group will not play a pvp game together (that isn't a minigame.)
>missed pressing buttons
>implying I was talking about Requiem
pvp minigame is different than going on a private server for a 20 year old mmo where ivan and petyr and slavovich hang out for 20 hours a day and have max gear and will hyper fixate on ruining our time to cope with living in a third world eastern european shithole
PvP with normalized stats could be fun.
PvP without normalized stats is complete hell. We've already seen what that looks like with RF, and unfortunately a lot of these older KMMOs follow a similar model of "whoever has the best gear immediately wins."
Correct me if Im wrong but this voting system looks like a race to 1st. You can't wait till the end to snipe an upset. Had 8 people placed Requiem, or any game, as their 1st place at the start the poll would have ended instantly.
the poll looks at the total number of submitted ballots when accounting for the 1st vote victory. we have sent out 18 or 19 tokens, I think, but the poll doesn't really know that, so the graph can shift with more ballots coming in.

10 first votes for one title would lead to a definite majority win with the amount of tokens that were sent out.
I have discovered stone cutting nirvana.
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check out these cool p2w weapon skins
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stealth forcefield skin
>only play shitty moon face MMOs
no thanks
>only plays with other men's dicks
couldn't be me rabbi
you get some potions, a bag (much needed), a mount and like +10-13 atk bonus perm stats
at like level 30 you have like 1500 atk so it is a 1% upgrade or less
how the fuck does that carry you to level 75, especially when the cap is 40?
there are lots of games that give you incredibly overpowered shit at the beginning to rush you to the end but this certainly isn't one of them
especially since you can level to 40 in like 3 hours
>at like level 30 you have like 1500 atk
stopped reading there, you've obviously only played on custom servers.
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Can't believe this is still going. How many people are you still getting at new game launch?
>t. tricksterfag
Grand Fantasia Origins is missing half of its predecessor's content, and many people have complained about it in their steam reviews.
>Pretty sure they have no interest or knowledge on how their own game works. Release with level 40 cap. There is a low amount of content before that. Dungeon limitation is at 2 so you have to quest- more of a personal annoyance, NO PVP so once you hit cap in a few hours you sit in the city with everyone else complaining. Extreme lack of gold due to dungeon limitations. Only nice thing is cheap AP costumes and the nostalgia.
I used to play the original GF. It reached level 100 and adds new class advancements, skills, talents, dungeons, world bosses, and even raids. I didn't realize this version was hard locked to lv40, and that makes it even worse.
>how the fuck does that carry you to level 75, especially when the cap is 40?
On the original GF, those stats were near the bottom of white-tier unimproved lv60 equipment. GF was the type of game where it took 5-8 skills to kill a single enemy, and you had to group up to share quest progress for the more difficult encounters.
ok, and?
even if you were playing that version +10 atk would not carry you to level 75
its completely fucking inconsequential
and half of the things he's complaining about were in the pre-req event that you can't even get anymore since the event ended on the 2nd
as it is it takes me 4-5 skills to kill an enemy and they do half of my hp in the process
thankfully I finally got enough skills to basically kill things in one combo
Basically they beefed up equipment stats on this version to make it faster, that's it. I was comparing my previous knowledge of the game to whatever this is and 1,500 attack is a lot for this level.
>even if you were playing that version +10 atk
It's actually 10% not a flat 10 atk, bad translations and all that. People used to spend a lot of $$$ to buy magic clays to obtain them.
lol, lmao even
Breh... you weren't supposed to equip those yet. The white ultimate stone is a material for the green>blue some ultimate stones goes up to yellow.
oh no my level 6 alt account I use for auctions is ruined
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>Act Fast, Buy Now!
I swear if one of you nerds swipe for this shit I will never forget this
Last two games have had around 30-35, but that number falls off pretty quick. We usually end up with 10 people across timezones. The last game, Emil Chronicles Online, might have been the most popular one.
when is the next game??
this Saturday, after the guild picture. We'll know what game and server we're playing, on the same day.
Just a heads-up:
we need to decide on a way to bring the new game suggestions into the voting lists, preferrably without making the game research progress such a headache that anons won't even bother with it. I'll write up a longer post about that later today.
assuming we're staying with rcv, are we still using two different lists, or can we merge everything together now?
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we could merge everything together, but that would make the list xboxhueg and probably dissuade voters from researching titles.

here's the suggestions that have been put forward so far that I can remember:

>just dump the suggested MMOs into the existing two lists

>remove the most unpopular MMOs (that received no votes or close to no votes in previous polls) from the existing list and replace with new suggestions. put the removed MMOs on the bench

>create a third list

>merge into one list

also suggested at some point:

>reshuffle lists because list 1 is full of stinkers
>rearrange lists so similar titles compete against each other (aka WoW-clone list and RO-clone list)

r8, h8, communic8
How about we play for one week and then vote on whether to extend it for another week?
probably worth reaffirming the goals of the group, especially with the influx of newfriends. Are we still committed to playing everything eventually, including "bad" games? I hope so, I think that's the whole point, but it's worth mentioning since one of the suggestions was to remove the duds.

Next, how seriously are we using the website? If every cycle the game research gets reliably saved then I'd say just have a huge list. That way people have options if they don't feel like playing trash twice in a row. It would also be nice to vote for a game that has a new server opening without worrying about if it's in the current list. Most importantly, it's less work for you. The more complicated the system, the harder it will be to delegate it to someone else if you need to.

>tl;dr: one big list. Use website to keep track of game/server research. Minimum req to add new gam should be proof of 1+ server option.
This sounds fun and comfy, I'll join the next game.
Out of curiosity, how many people are actually actively playing with you?
I only play with myself.
it depends on the game. first day has like 12-25 people showing up, some latecomers and newfriends trickle in during the first week as well.
active players is between 5 and 15 I'd say. ace online population has died out very quickly and fiesta online has reached siesta online status pretty fast as well.
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siesta online lmao
The website seems to have been curated up until sometime in 2021, and a number of links are broken, although that may be due to the actual MMOs themselves dying or being dead.
>remove the most unpopular MMOs (that received no votes or close to no votes in previous polls) from the existing list and replace with new suggestions. put the removed MMOs on the bench
>create a third list
>reshuffle lists because list 1 is full of stinkers
These are the best choices I think.
>rearrange lists so similar titles compete against each other (aka WoW-clone list and RO-clone list)
This one is also fine, but demands more effort being put into curating both(?) lists.

I'd say adding all to one list, shuffling, and splitting into two or three lists being the best choice while demanding the least work, but that's just me.
Yeah. I also played with myself last night.
>I'd say adding all to one list, shuffling, and splitting into two or three lists being the best choice while demanding the least work, but that's just me.
That was my thought as well. Compile, shuffle, split.
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>siesta online
>especially with the influx of newfriends
I think some of them don't even know about the existence of the /vm/ threads. one of the anons that has been playing fiesta with us only learned about them on saturday when I was shilling for the minigame poll.
we should probably cross-link the /vm/ thread a bunch of times once the /v/ threads we've been doing start to fizzle out.

>I think that's the whole point, but it's worth mentioning since one of the suggestions was to remove the duds.
I think the "benching stinkers" suggestion was in the context of keeping the list size manageable with the new additions coming in. I agree that the idea is to eventually play all of the games, even the terrible ones.

>how seriously are we using the website?
shouts out to the two (?) anon that have been adding server research and shillposts to the altervista site. I think it's grown to be a pretty useful resource for the project.

>It would also be nice to vote for a game that has a new server opening without worrying about if it's in the current list.
agreed. if we don't dump all titles into one list, we should definitely cheat any game that has a promising server release coming up into the concurring poll, if the schedule allows it.

>tl;dr: one big list
I'm not strictly opposed to that, but I think that the 60+ titles we have nominated at the moment are just too much for one list. people might just completely ignore most of the lesser known titles instead of doing a brief lookup.
keep in mind RCV has a hard limit of 30 options. not sure if we hit 60 yet with the recs, but some of these games sneed to be benched regardless. benching unpopular games shouldn't affect anything, since they won't win. it's more for managing and making the voting process less of a chore. there's already good candidates from the current poll like 4story which got zero (0) votes from like 15 voters, not even winning a single 8th choice vote
don't do that again
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what did I do
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wtf that wasn't the pic I wanted to post
and a ching chong nip nong to you too, young lady
>benching unpopular games shouldn't affect anything
If we had done that before there's a good chance that Requiem would have been benched, which is currently winning.
hey, fuck you
iirc requiem was always kind of a low middling contender, at least that not the kind of game we should be bopping at least. that is one of the hard parts with deciding games, since someone can find gems in games no ones looked at before and sell us on it
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The poll to decide the next game will close tomorrow. Double check you've voted.
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We're also once again prepping for the next round of voting!

Anons that already participate in this current round of voting don't need to do anything and will receive the next token when the time comes.

Any anon that has not yet applied for a voting token can do so by following this procedure:
>screenshot your stat screen, info window and character, see pic related
>attach this screenshot to an email addressed at mmodventure@proton.me

please be sure to use any email provider that can:
>read mail
>receive mail
>attach jaypegs

The voting process will look as follows:
>receive your unique token link via mail
>cast your vote in two rounds of voting that will be held to determine our next game

So please, if you want to get in on the voting, put on your best cosmetics and submit your verification pic to:
It looks like two games are getting canned:

Digimon Masters Online
>USA only lmao

Chaos Online
>no servers
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>>USA only lmao
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>USA only
Why can't you be me?
>well rounded stats
shit nigga what are you doing?
Asda story, which was on the list from the start never had any servers either lel
are you guys up for minigames this friday? what do you want to play?
Boy, this looks like fun. I wish I wasn't anxious about how I play games.
Out of curiosity, do MUDs count as MMOs in the context of this thread? If you don't know what a Multi-User Dungeon is, it's effectively an MMORPG played over text commands exclusively(through your computer's Telnet client.)
I'd play some MUDs together, but most people aren't ready for shit like that man.
Fair enough. They are fairly intimidating, and basically the ultimate case of "you need to enjoy this game for anything but the graphics."
I'll do some server research tomorrow. Or rather, later today it looks like.
if anyone needs a mail provider to use as a burner, try:
I'd love to play a MUD, but it's not the sort of game that would work with our group. When we're 10/14 days into a game, things tend to slow down. Bring it up then, and we can mess around for a few days. If people had fun and want more, we can go from there.
heads up on Elsword, /vm/ has a general and had generals for it for a long time >>1362120. so we can safely take it off the list
nobody plays it however
it's better not to play games with existing generals. also there's no point in making a new game specific thread if one already exists
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I'm following advice from a 2013 forum post by a guy with an anime profile picture
... yeah, what the fuck am I doing?
I'd be down for it, but I've already said that ingame yesterday
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Suggesting an old but fun MMO to be added to the list/website.
>Neocron Evolution
deus-ex the MMO, made in 2002. You can pick from 4 classes and freely invest in attributes/skills to make a build. There are quite a few skills, you can specialize in specific weapons(melee and ranged options, not only guns.), use drones, mod yourself out with implants and become a cyber-freak, etc. Plenty of soft skills like hacking and crafting as well.

It's an FPSMMO, but there are lots of options to suit different playstyles. If you prefer high-speed twitch shooters, you can do that; if you'd rather just chill and delete things with rockets, magic, etc, that's fine as well - you just have to set your build that way.

There's only the official server, but it's still supported and I'm not sure how they make their money because I couldn't see a cash shop and the game is f2p.
>download and account creation
>gameplay footage
looks fun
I like
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>gameplay footage
Yep, I'm thinking based.
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Poll: https://strawpoll.com/BDyNzzVMqyR

We're gonna play some minigames at 10:00 pm UTC this Friday.

>S4 League

>Tales Runner

>Rumble Fighter: Unleashed


>Dirty Bomb:

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it's almost time
It golfan time
Pangya is our winner in the minigame poll.
Room: MMOdventure
Password: rage
We may need to make two or so rooms.

I fucking deleted golf when I needed to make space for audition, fml
redownloading now
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same, man
see you when the patchers done
>not even a new minigame
Why are 13 voters missing from the finals?
Registration isn't working for me. Go on without me...
works on my machine :^)
Sorry game!
Where the fuck did you dug out that? Looks cool.
Why is it only a 4 player room?
it's just that way. pls make another room for now, we may start a tournament later.
gomenasorry, anon
big room mode kinda sucks, you can't see any of the other players. it's like playing solo, just with a chatroom.
we should do a big room game anways so we can get together. make a MMOdventure2 4 player lobby in the meantime plx
if you guys want to merge, lobby 1 is at hole 5 outta 5 in a bit
were almost done too
tournament room coming up, get in here
Too bad you cant spectate
I got my vote ticket and I don't know what to vote for
Did we have a guild photo this time?
>romanians look that that???
kek banned from chat for 5 mins
dat tomorrow
at what time do we close the poll? pls respond pollnigger
poll always ends right at/before the biweekly new game start time
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We're going to hold the Fiesta guild picture at 9:15PM UTC (2:15PM PDT), Saturday 7th.

We'll start the next game at 11:00PM UTC (4:00PM PDT), Saturday 7th.
I was going to close it today but I think we usually close during the final photoshoot like >>1424057
said. so around 9:15PM UTC
i do agree that the poll should end earlier, at least so we have /any/ idea of what the fuck we're playing
do we want the polls to end tonight? I won't be on until the guild pic tomorrow unless someone else wants to declare the closing
probably not without a forewarning. maybe end it midday tomorrow then end it a day early from now on. m-maybe those 13 missing voters will show up
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who are the 13 voters I thought the list had less than 20
russia doesn't even have nukes
I'd join but 99% of these games have North Korea tier botnets
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>North Korea tier botnets
P-Please elaborate...
Who are you even posting this for? Even the Japanese recognize that the bombs are absolutely necessary.
We're still using purple hearts intended for that Japanese invasion by the ways. We've used over half a million of them.
I didn't get a new token or is this poll the same...?
alright, poll will close around midday tomorrow before the shoot. I'll leave it to the anons in charge to close it
it's the same poll as the finals
the last poll had exactly 20 people who voted. i don't know how many actual tokens were sent out.
>Dream of Mirror Online
who said people still play it? they don't, it was dead as fuck last i checked in a couple years ago.
It was in OP's image. I simply assumed as it was there listed. I personally hadn't had anything to do with the game since the early 2010s.
I forgot I had a ballot so I voted.
this project is somewhat insulated from server population. We usually go in with 2 or 3 full groups worth of people, so we can function whether the game is dead or not. I'm the person who wrote the shill post for domo last thread and I can tell you the subagames/steam version has players trading but not actively playing.
Lads, this is Alle.
Good to see you've all largely been well, and that this unique project has carried on its appeal for those interested in it.

For those unaware, I was the previous project manager of this whole arrangement for close to four months, before to handing things off to two other Anon you're likely familiar with by now if you've been participating in these past few titles.
Prior to the start of my intended three-week break, I gave all assurances that I would indeed return to my post by the end of that given timeframe, and rejoin the project in earnest starting on the 7th of September. I am here now to bring the sorry news that those assurances will not come to pass.
Too much has been thrown at me by life's cruel hand. A roof which needs to be repaired. A family car needing to be replaced. My father in and out of the hospital. This is simply not a point in my life where I am able to spend much of my free time dabbling with niche and unknown MMOs amongst good company, much as I desperately want to do so under the surface.

Once things have become more financial stable for myself and my family again, I'll pick up wherever (You) lads might've left off. Could be a few weeks. Could be a few months. Could be even longer than that. Point being, it'll be a good while before I'm able to make a proper, in-person appearance here again.
Never once did I anticipate so much stress being thrown my way within such a short span, but that's just how life works. Can't do anything but grit and bear with it until you're able to breathe again.

If anyone on the existing volunteer staff for this project needs to get in-touch with me, my e-mail can be found here: mmodventure@gmail.com
I'll try to use what spare time I have to be available for refreshing art assets associated with the project when needs be, et cetera.

Please be well, lads. Make good memories with one another; that's what we're all here for in the end.
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sorry to hear that Alle, hope you can get things straightened out. I'll see you around the thread, and if you have time, the odd minigame.
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That's pretty unfortunate man. I'm going to be looking forward to playing with you again once all that gets sorted out.
a fucking roof
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Both rounds of this poll had 18 tokens sent out. It should all be working correctly and with good attendance according to what I can see.
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>Say "wonder what Alle's up to, hope he's well" last night.
>Wake up to this.
Godspeed you glorious nigger. Hope things go well and that dad makes a healthy return. Dealt with that last bit myself some months ago, know how rough it can be. Sending you my best wishes.
Ah I was going by number of rounds = number of participants. That was the most I could make sense of the voting scheme anyway. My bad.
the wording is a bit confusing. the "round slider" on the site refers to the ballot count process:
>If no candidate reaches 50% of 1st choice votes, the lowest candidate is eliminated, and those votes shift to 2nd or later choices
>This continues round-by-round until a candidate reaches 50% and wins
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hey look, there's housing in fiesta
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>tfw lived in a university house for two years that had a living room ceiling leak when it would rain hard
Of course it wasn't fixed :)
Best of luck Alle, I hope things improve
Damn man, didn't know you had a real family and responsibilities. Some things are way more important. We'll pray for you.
Requiem crashes on start up for me.
I had to change the language from russian to english (it changed to russian after first boot and crash) and leave the resolution window empty to get it to run.
what server
i can' even register at warpportal
just get something about js (and flash...) not being enabled
That worked.

There is only one server?
Start through steam and use that form to register.
Yeah, you can go through steam or playrequiem.
Where is the "x game won" post that I have clearly missed?
alright thanks i'm not doing that see you in two weeks
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I had to disable this option in Firefox to get the warpportal website to work.
Technically its not over. >>1418378 Dragons Nest has come within one vote, so if all 18 tokens haven't been used there is still time for a tiebreak or upset.
disable adblock.
Anons have gotten the game to launch without using Steam. No need to pout.
Thats correct, you dont need Steam at all, the games launcher works fine.
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damn, the mmodventure curse strikes AGAIN. hope things turn for the better soon, we grind again someday...
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Poll's closed. for our next adventure, we're taking an EARLY Halloween expedition in the realm of Reqiuem: Desiderium Mortis

Download it here:
>Official site

>Steam page
We have a little under an hour to begin, right?
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Yeah, we'll begin Requiem at 11:00PM UTC (4:00PM PDT) today.
cool just double checking. i already have it installed and played a little last week but i will of course make a new dude and hang with anons at the starting spot
forgot to post the results again
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I don't know how to remove my UI so I hope someone else got pictures of the jank wedding.
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Game lists have been profesionally reshuffled and all suggested titles have been included for our next vote.

Reminder to get in on the voting process if you haven't already and want to help decide on our next title:
can you throw neocron on there, or is it too late?
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yeah, I added it to list 2.
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>17. Lunia Online
>18. Luna Online
based RNGods preparing to sew confusion
>Endless Online
I loved that game's oekaki boards, would be interested in checking it out these days.
I believe Requiem spits everyone out at the same starting zone so I'm going to hang by the spawn point for newcomers and familiars.
Requiem jobs.

Job poll. Yes, they're race locked.
/v/ thread is up:

>dragon's dogma online
If we can get a group of anons together to play DDO I'll suck off each of you individually
I can't get this game to patch through Steam or their official launcher. It always hangs partway through.

I'm praying for ddo too

it's 3 greater-than alligator mouths, not 2
fuck me, I drank too much black tea for this
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love you retards

migrate to the Reqiuem customer service thread
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last one..
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taking screenshots indoors is even worse than outdoors with this shitty cam
This requiem game just started a cutscene and is not responding.
close ur eyes and listen, it did the same for me on first launch
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>people unironically fell for the dead korean p2w game with no private servers

How do you get shilled this easily
Should've voted Warhammer.

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