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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
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Wrong gen!
back to /co/
I think he's sulking over something I said
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based as usual
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Absolutely not!
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They just happen sometimes
>Heavy brush strokes by Yoji Shinkawa, cartoony anime playstation 1 sprites with strong black outline, clementine(mature female, eyes screwed shut, black tied hair, curly whispy bangs, iconic blue clementine's baseball cap with D), black jean jacket with white hooded henley shirt, motherly, wide hips, uncomfortable pitiful expression, holding head with both hands because she has a headache, headache pangs symbols above head, sleeved rolled up to elbows, white background
You can probably just add "plunge" somewhere in there to get them intentionally
Prompt my dude?
Haha just kidding don't blow a gasket
this prompt is giving me sensory overload
could you please remove the unimportant parts
Finally some good gens
>watercolor painting in the style of "chrysalis of torment - angelic parasites feast upon the decaying remnants of youthful purity" by h.r. giger and max ernst with playful anime girl angels. dreamlike. surreal. anime style. full shot. saturated colors.
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>Heavy brush strokes by Yoji Shinkawa, cartoony anime playstation 1 sprites with strong black outline, tanned woman with black hair wearing white tshirt, plunge, holding head with both hands because she has a headache(closed eyes, frown), white background
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>posting gore
>on 4chin
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I like AI but how come the /v/ threads are always the same peach/isabelle sloppa? When Dalle-3 first came out there was a lot of game-like inspiring pics. Now like 3/4th of these images aren't even vidya related or just a pinup of a vidya girl. Why does everything I like have to end this way?
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Shion, I need to be cleaned.
I meant the ORGINAL prompt. Is that so hard to understand?
xenogears sucked and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
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not clickin that
KOS-MOS wasn't in Xenogears
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I kneel
prompt for red girl?
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Not this again...
g'night coffee
now that's based
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Here have 5 bucks, the car wash is around the corner.
someone make the futa edit
Isabellefag is mass reposting his images on /co/ now. Lol.
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don't worry bro
What is that about?
How little you must respect yourself to think tracking this is worth your time.
Christ he's so desperate for attention
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Very pretty! I think the remakes come out soon!
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Yo chopper! Chop me up!
You give it to him, so he literally cannot be desperate for it.
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Lmao clearly not enough of it if the faggot has to venture out to other boards to fish for more (You)s
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That's a very nice Beetle, Goldchaco
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John has been banned
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Hey that kinda looks like Priere... nice upload.
Shame she doesn't get used more, she canonically has thighs that go all the way to next week.
hoping he returns soon
holy based
The discord actually exists?
piss is not allowed
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Elsa's gonna freak
Ginny (female, red skin, orange glowing eyes,short black hair, red horns,pointed tail, wearing black dress shirt with white collar, black pleated skirt, combat boots)
Thank god.
Why did you link a console wars post?
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you might as well be on /co/ as you're retarded enough to give him attention
Now retype this, except this time without sounding on the verge of tears
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It's not
Pauler just comes out like that
>h-heh, d-does my feeding attention whores m-make you angry
That's a good post
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Mission failed
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Based overload, sorry J.
I don't know why Ochaco reminds me of Gloria from Pokemon Sword and Shield
File deleted.
Keep posting that. You're doing god's work
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i knoow. im very excited! hbu?
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Thread tribalism
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I still need to sit down and play Disgaea desu I know very little about it beyond the Horse Wiener.
(mostly NSFW, older gens)
for whatever reason furryV3 seemed to approach the succubus better despite having fewer tags compared to AnimeV3's Danbooru
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Very good!
I am excited too! Next paycheck I might pre-purchase on Steam!
furry model is better bro fucking sad
>Very good!
That's a repost
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I misread this twice.
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Ayo cappy we be trippin ballz an shiet
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>When the thread needed her most
>She vanished...
Thanks, nice ada
I can kinda see it, haven't played sword and shield so I have no idea about her personality
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thank you kind sir
Now I'm going to prompt Ginny having sex with john, raccoon, demon son, ludwig and Impressionist knight
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It's worth it. It gets a lot of reputation of being grindy and absurd but that's mostly the endgame that's optional. The main game is mostly FFT with a few more buttons and a goofier story.
Anyway, when you get to the right part, make sure you re-roll the stage until you can get Legendary Horse Wiener. Important missable.
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What? Get your mind out of the gutter!
im playing other games to forget about it for now. the excitement is too much lol
kakashi husband
Which OC would coco wolf want to have sex with the most? I'm thinking John or Raccgoon
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My biggest problem with Dali-3 is image related.
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You're gaslighting me. You thought the same thing, what other option could there possibly be?
AI hate bro?
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>suddenly MSPaint drawing comic prompt goes full copy-paste
>bad crop lines
>immaculate black lines and text
>Paula image is perfect replica, not unusual but still on-point
I like when it goes full 'I got this bro' and follows through.
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What have you been playing recently? I just finished getting every achievement on Dredge and now I'm playing Diablo 4.
Cute Jill!
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>cat has visible shitty wand tool selection cutouts
very authentic
for what purpose
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Sherry might have been thinking that. Great Jill!
>Dalle 4 will be better
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We used to get away with alot more, blame /aco/ and twitter.
and Taylor Swift
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The resize isn't as authentic but still good.

Yeah it sucks.
I've heard 'blonde president' can work but I haven't tried it.
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True, she fucking nuked everything to the point where we almost didn't even have copywrite material / characters anymore. In another timeline we probably would have became a grok thread or w/e shitty free alternative there is
Can you IMAGINE a world without /aco/ swifties
I remember someone trying to use a style from an artist who had "Adele" in her name, and he couldn't because of that.

Pokémon protagonists have no personality. Her only personality is being Scottish and aggressive, but that's a headcanon.
can you IMAGINE a world?
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You may do as you please.
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That's so dumb. Adele's a fucking name.

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She's a dangerous, insatiable monster whose every breath is ragged with desire, but she does have a type.
Nevermind now I'm gonna prompt Ginny having sex with Gooner, fat Enforcer, futa Pokekids and futa Isabelle
John is lookin good in that wig
Tan John looking badass
Unironically a much better assortment of OCs
Just admit you like futa, m80
bros... john keeps stealing our waifus...
false statement, sakura with strange nails and literally a lucario still untouched.
John has set his gorgeous eyes on them.
Why do they peg HIM and not ME
11 noimg posts in a row....
noimg runs this thread
>Noimg complaining about noimg
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>you didn't expect them
Strange new worlds for Sora
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I wasn't prepared to learn that /co/ is actually vastly superior to /v/ at night.
Why do you think Isabelle hangs out over there?
Finally got out of the WoW prison (light blue aura is contagious)

embrace noimgception
fuck, forgot image
Whatever happened to the furbolg, did they ever become relevant or are they just another forever background race?
It's also in the morning, during the day and in the afternoon.
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Jill, if you're going to get through a zombie apocalypse you might want to consider pants.
you fucking nigger
you made me look
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It's just too hot.
I wasn't even being funny
>Crotch gore
>OCs and related
>Angsty shitposting
>General /v/ antics
Going there was practically eye-bleach. Maybe it's the same thing every day but as someone who never went there it's not even close to what I imagined it'd be like after all the boogeyman stories.
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it's all falling down down down
looks like Succubus (Disgaea) simply needs more of { } those things
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Yeah, the designs of them and Priere are pretty similar.
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ddi you know there's now two tavern simulation games on steam?
Any where I can serve cum to skeletons?
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>page 6

Where did everyone go?!
pillar polishin'
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Not many ideas right now.

Ah yes, batting the eye.
charming the snake, and such
looks like animev3 can manage Priere in particular a lot better than furry at least, though the top might be difficult to pin down barring a tag hidden away somewhere
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I'm on /co/ much nicer
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Fair enough! I usually try random Pokémon when I'm out of ideas!
What vidya?!
Enjoying it over there?!
/v/ is definitely way more active and creative than /co/ but /co/ is way morecomfy
>t. was a v dalle poster from October to Dec and became a cofag in january
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i'm fixing my fallout 4 mod order rn
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Covering the president.

I never had a particular favorite Pokemon.
It was supposed to be Thromnambular from Billy and Mandy, but it ignored the red number on its forehead
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You gotta have a favourite type at least
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plenty of avatarfagging on /co/ though, which is the real issue
I'll admit it's comfier
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>never had a favorite type
that's kinda odd
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her fw she knows she can't pass the speechcheck to convince him she can give him cum
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genning the same character you like is not really avatarfagging since they don't make much OC.
they just do the characters they love

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